Fundamentals of Machine Design

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ME186: Fundamentals of Machine Design

Teaching Scheme Credits Marks Distribution

Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
L T P C Marks
3 0 2 5 70 30 30 20 150
Course Content:
Sr. Teaching
No. Hrs.

1 Design consideration of Machine Parts: 04

Definition and understanding of various types of design, Design

procedure, Selection of materials, Properties and I.S. coding of
various materials, Factor of safety, Types of stresses, Theories of
Failures: Distortion energy (Von Mises), Maximum shear stress,
Maximum principal stress, Coulomb-Mohr theory, Selection and
Use of theories of failures, Stress concentration and methods of
relieving stresses, Eccentric loading.

2 Short and Long Columns: 04

Compressive axial loading of columns and struts, Slenderness ratio,

Compressive stress and buckling of members, Effect of end
conditions; Euler’s Formula, Applications, Validity and limitations;
Rankine’s formula, Johnson’s equation; Eccentric loading of long

3 Design Of Joints: 16

(a) Design of Riveted Joints and Welded Joints: Types of riveted

joints, Rivet materials, Terminology, Types of failure, strength
and efficiency of joint, Caulking and Fullering, Longitudinal and
Circumferential lap joint, Eccentrically loaded riveted joint,
Types of welded joints, Stresses in welded joints, Design for
various loading conditions in torsion, shear, or direct load,
Eccentrically loaded welded joints

(b) Design of Threaded Joints: Basic types of screw fastening, Cap

and Set screw, Bolt of Uniform strength, locking devices,
Terminology of Screw thread, Designation of screw threads as
per IS:4218, Bolted Joint: Simple and Eccentric loading, Torque
requirement for bolt tightening, Elastic analysis of bolted joints.

(c) Miscellaneous Joints: Design of Cotter joints, Knuckle joint and

Turn buckle.
4 Power Screws: 04

Types of power screw threads, Design of screw with different types

of threads used in practice, Design of nuts, Design of C-clamp,
Design of screw jack, Design of toggle jack.

5 Design of Shaft: 05

Design of solid and hollow shaft for transmission of torque, bending

moment and axial forces, Design of shaft for rigidity and stiffness.

6 Keys and Couplings: 04

Design of different types of keys, Concept of rigid and flexible

couplings, Design of Rigid couplings, Design of Flexible couplings.

7 Levers: 03

General procedure for design of levers, Design of lever for safety

valve, Design of bell crank lever, Design of rocker arm for exhaust
valves, Design of foot lever.

8 Limits, Fits and Tolerances:

Introduction, Basic definitions, Maximum Metal Condition, Least
Metal Condition, Linear and angular tolerances, Tolerance grades,
Fundamental deviations, Types of fits and its basis, Types of gauges.

Introduction to GD & T:

Basic terminology of GD & T, Different tolerance characteristics,

symbols and tolerance modifiers, Different aspects of datum,
Parameters of surface texture and qualifications, Roughness and
Machining symbols indication on drawings, Surface Lay Indication.

Total Hrs. 40
Reference Books:
1. V B Bhandari, “Design of Machine Elements”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co.
2. Farazdak Haideri, “Design of Machine Elements”, Nirali Prakashan.
3. P C Sharma and D K Agrawal, “Machine Design”, S.K. Kataria & Sons.
4. S G Kulkarni, “Machine Design - Solved Problems”, Tata McGraw Hill publishing Co.
5. William Orthein, “Machine Component Design (Vol. I & II)”, M/s. Jaico publishing.
6. P C Gope, “Machine Design: Fundamentals and Applications”, PHI.
7. R C Juvinall, “Fundamentals of Machine Component Design”, Wiley.
8. Shigley, “Machine Design”, Tata McGraw hill publishing Co.
9. R L Norton, “Machine Design: An Integrated Approach”, Pearson
10. Sham Tickoo, “AutoCAD”, and CENGAGE learning Indian Edition.
11. IS SP 46, 2003.

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