Sets and Subsets: Some Example of Sets

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Sets and Subsets

German mathematician G. Cantor introduced the concept of sets. He had defined a set as a
collection of definite and distinguishable objects selected by the means of certain rules or

Set theory forms the basis of several other fields of study like counting theory, relations, graph
theory and finite state machines. In this chapter, we will cover the different aspects of Set Theory.

A set is an unordered collection of different elements. A set can be written explicitly by listing its
elements using set bracket. If the order of the elements is changed or any element of a set is
repeated, it does not make any changes in the set.

Some Example of Sets

 A set of all positive integers

 A set of all the planets in the solar system
 A set of all the states in India
 A set of all the lowercase letters of the alphabet

Representation of a Set

Sets can be represented in two ways

 Roster or Tabular Form - The set is represented by listing all the elements comprising it. The
elements are enclosed within braces and separated by commas.
 Set Builder Notation - The set is defined by specifying a property that elements of the set
have in common.

Types of Sets

Sets can be classified into many types. Some of which are finite, infinite, subset, universal, proper,
singleton set, etc.

Finite Set - A set which contains a definite number of elements is called a finite set.

Infinite Set - A set which contains infinite number of elements is called an infinite set.

Subset - A Set X is a subset of set Y (Written as X⊆Y) if every element of X is an element of set Y.

Proper Subset - The term “proper subset” can be defined as “subset of but not equal to”. A Set X is a
proper subset of set Y (Written as X⊂Y) if every element of X is an element of set Y and |X|<|Y|.

Universal Set - It is a collection of all elements in a particular context or application. All the sets in
that context or application are essentially subsets of this universal set. Universal sets are
represented as U.

Empty Set or Null Set - An empty set contains no elements. It is denoted by ∅. As the number of
elements in an empty set is finite, empty set is a finite set. The cardinality of empty set or null set is

Singleton Set or Unit Set - Singleton set or unit set contains only one element. A singleton set is
denoted by {s}.

Equal Set - If two sets contain the same elements they are said to be equal.
Equivalent Set - If the cardinalities of two sets are same, they are called equivalent sets.

Overlapping Set - Two sets that have at least one common element are called overlapping sets.

Disjoint Set - Two sets A and B are called disjoint sets if they do not have even one element in

Venn Diagrams

Venn diagram, invented in 1880 by John Venn, is a schematic diagram that shows all possible logical
relations between different mathematical sets.

Set Operations

Set Operations include Set Union, Set Intersection, Set Difference, Complement of Set, and Cartesian

Set Union - The union of sets A and B (denoted by A∪B) is the set of elements which are in A, in B, or
in both A and B.

Set Intersection - The intersection of sets A and B (denoted by A∩B) is the set of elements which are
in both A and B
Set Difference/ Relative Complement - The set difference of sets A and B (denoted by A–B) is the set
of elements which are only in A but not in B.

Complement of a Set - The complement of a set A (denoted by A′) is the set of elements which are
not in set A

Cartesian Product / Cross Product - The Cartesian product of n number of sets A1,A2,…An denoted
as A1×A2⋯×An can be defined as all possible ordered pairs (x1,x2,…xn) where

Power Set - Power set of a set S is the set of all subsets of S including the empty set. The cardinality
of a power set of a set S of cardinality n is 2n. Power set is denoted as P(S).

Partitioning of a Set - Partition of a set, say S, is a collection of n disjoint subsets, say P1,P2,…Pn that
satisfies the following three condition.
The algebra of sets

The algebra of sets is the development of the fundamental properties of set operations and set
relations. These properties provide insight into the fundamental nature of sets. They also have
practical considerations.

Just like expressions and calculations in ordinary arithmetic, expressions and calculations involving
sets can be quite complex. It is helpful to have systematic procedures available for manipulating and
evaluating such expressions and performing such computations.

The fundamental laws of set algebra

The binary operations of set union and intersection satisfy many identities. Several of these
identities or "laws" have well established names. Three pairs of laws, are stated, without proof, in
the following proposition.

PROPOSITION 1: For any sets A, B, and C, the following identities hold:

commutative laws:

A ∪B = B ∪ A

A∩B = B∩A

associative laws:

(A ∪B )∪ C = A ∪ (B ∪ C )

(A ∩ B ) ∩ C = A ∩ (B ∩ C )

distributive laws:

A ∪ (B ∩C ) = (A ∪ B ) ∩ (A ∪ C )

A ∩ (B ∪C ) = (A ∩ B ) ∪ (A ∩ C )

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