Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology Student: EGAO, Vanessa Jones C. - Section:260

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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology Student: EGAO, Vanessa Jones C.




Brand Name: Methergine_______________ Generic Name: Methylergonovine Maleate Drug Classification: Adrenergic Antagonist (Sympatholytic); Ergot Alkaloid; Oxytocic

Dosage, Route & Frequency Adverse

Drug-Drug & Drug-Food Contraindicatio Side Effects
Drug Action Indications Reactions (By
Recommended Prescribed Interactions ns (By System)
Ergot alkaloid that induces rapid, sustained tetanic Drug: PARENTERAL Routine management after Hypersensitivity to GI: nausea, GI: Nausea,
uterine contraction that shortens third stage of SYMPATHOMIMETICS, other ERGOT delivery of placenta and for ergot vomiting, stomach vomiting (especial
Postpartum labor and reduces blood loss. ALKALOIDS, TRIPTANS add to postpartum atony, preparations; to pain, diarrhea, ly with IV
Hemorrhage pressor effects and carry risk of subinvolution, and induce labor; use unpleasant taste in doses). CV: Sever
Adult: PO 0.2–0.4 Administered after delivery of the placenta. It hypertension; amprenavir, delavir hemorrhage. With full obstetric prior to delivery of mouth e hypertensive
mg q6–12h until minimizes the risk of postpartal hemorrhage. dine, efavirenz, indinavir, nelfinavir supervision, may be used placenta; episodes,
danger of atony , ritonavir, and saquinavir may during second stage of labor threatened INTEG: increased bradycardia. Bod
passes (2–7 Absorption: Readily absorbed from GI decrease metabolism spontaneous sweating, skin rash, y as a
d) IM/IV 0.2 mg q2– tract. Onset: 5–15 min PO; 2–5 min IM; immediate of ergot derivatives. abortion; Whole: Allergic
4h (max: 5 doses) IV. Duration: 3 or more h PO; 3 h IM; 45 min prolonged use; phenomena
IV. Distribution: Distributed into breast uterine sepsis; including shock,
milk. Metabolism: Slowly metabolized in hypertension; ergotism.
liver. Elimination: Excreted mainly in feces, small toxemia; lactation.
amount in urine. Half-Life: 0.5–2 h.

Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)

Assessment Intervention:
 Monitor vital signs (particularly BP) and uterine response during and after parenteral administration of  Report severe cramping for increased bleeding.
methylergonovine until partum period is stabilized (about 1–2 h).  Report any of the following: Cold or numb fingers or toes, nausea or vomiting, chest or
 Notify physician if BP suddenly increases or if there are frequent periods of uterine relaxation. muscle pain.
 Assess skin and mucous membranes for signs of petechiae, bruising, hematoma formation, or oozing of blood.  Do not breast feed while taking this drug
 Educate the at-risk patient about precautionary measures to prevent tissue trauma or
Nursing Diagnosis: disruption of the normal clotting mechanisms.
 Risk for Bleeding  Educate the patient and family members about signs of bleeding that need to be
reported to a health care provider.
 After 2 days of nursing intervention, the client does not experience bleeding as evidenced by normal blood pressure, Evaluation:
stable hematocrit and hemoglobin levels and desired ranges for coagulation profiles.  After 2 days of nursing intervention, the client did not experience bleeding as
evidenced by normal blood pressure, stable hematocrit and hemoglobin levels and
desired ranges for coagulation profiles.

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