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Name of Dosage Mechani Indicatio Contraindic Adverse Nursing

Drug / sm of n ation Effect Responsibi
Freque Action lities
Generic Dosage Acts Stimulat Contraindic CNS: Assess:
Name: : directly ion, ated in Seizures, •I&O ratio
Oxytocin 10units on inductio patients Tetanic •Intensity,
myofibril n of with contractions length and
Freque s, labor, hypersensit CV: duration of
ncy: thereby missed ivity, serum Hypo/Hyperte contraction
Brand Once a producin or toxemia, nsion, •Blood
Name: day g uterine incompl cephalopel Tachycardia, pressure
Pitocin contracti ete vic Bradycardia, and
Route: ons, abortion disproportio Increase changes
IVF via stimulate ; n, fatal pulse that may
IM s milk postpart distress, GI: indicate
Classifica ejection um prolapsed Nausea, hemorrhag
tion: by bleeding umbilical Vomiting, e
Oxytocic breast; cord, active Anorexia,
agents vasoacti genital Constipation Evaluate:
ve herpes INTEG: •Therapeut
antidiure Rash ic
tic effect SYST: response,
Water stimulation
intoxication of of labor,
mother control of

Name of Dosage/ Mechani Indicatio Contraindic Adverse Nursing

Drug Frequency/ sm of n ation Effect Responsib
Timing/ Action ilities
Generic •800mcg It binds Medicati Contraindic Misopros •The nurse
Name: sublingually to on ations tol’s must
Misoprost 3-hrly or smooth abortion, include adverse instruct the
ol vaginally/bu muscle medical pelvic effects patient to
ccally every cells in manage infection or are dose take
3-12hrs (2-3 the ment of sepsis, depende medication
doses) uterine miscarria hemodyna nt and as directed
lining to ge, mic include for the
increase induction instability or cervical course of
Brand the of labor, shock, softening therapy.
Name: strength cervical allergy to and •Inform the
Cytotec and ripening misoprostol, dilation, patient that
frequen before known uterine diarrhea
cy of surgical bleeding contracti may occur.
contracti procedur disorder, ons, Health
ons as es, and concurrent nausea, care
well as the anticoagula vomiting, profession
Classificati degrade treatmen nt therapy, diarrhea, al should
on: collagen t of and fever, be notified
Gastrointe and postpart confirmed and if diarrhea
stinal reduce um or chills. persists for
agents cervical suspected more than
tone. ectopic or 1week.
molar •Advise
pregnancy. patient to
and foods
that may
cause an
increase in

Name of Dosage Mechani Indicatio Contraindic Adverse Nursing

Drug / sm of n ation Effect Responsibil
Freque Action ities
Generic •One Acts Postpart •Contraindi Hyper or •Be alert
Name: tablet, directly um cated in hypertens for adverse
Methylergon 0.2 mg, on the hemorrh patients ion, reactions
ovine 3 or 4 smooth age and with nausea, and drug
maleate times muscle uterine hypertensio vomiting, interactions
daily in of the sub- n, toxemia, headache .
the uterus involutio pregnancy. , chest •This drug
Brand puerperi and n. pain, leg should be
Name: um for a increase Preventi cramps, used
Methergine maximu s the on and dizziness, extremely
m of 1 tone, treatmen diarrhea, carefully
week. rate, and t of nasal because of
amplitud postpart congestio its
Classificatio e of um and n, foul vasoconstri
n: rhythmic post- taste ctor action
Ergot contracti abortion IV use may
alkaloid ons. hemorrh induce
age sudden
cause hypertensio
by n and
uterine cerebrovas
sub- cular
involutio accidents.

Name of Dosage/ Mechanis Indication Contraindica Advers Nursing

Drug Frequen m of tion e Effect Responsibil
cy/ Action ities
Generic •250 It used to Indicated •Contraindic •Severe Before:
Name: mcg IM; treat for the ated in nausea, •Check
Carbopros THEN postpartu treatment patients with vomitin doctors
t repeat m uterine of hypersensiti g, or order
trometha PRN hemorrha postpartu vity diarrhe •Apply
mine q1.5- ge due to m •Acute a; or. patients
3.5hr atony hemorrhag pelvic Increas right of drug
OR when e due to inflammator ed high administrati
Brand other uterine y disease. blood on
Name: methods atony •Patients pressur
Hemabate of which has with active e, During:
managem not cardiac, severe •Administer
ent have responded pulmonary, headac through IM
not been to renal or he,
Classificat effective. convention hepatic blurred After:
ion: al methods disease. vision, •Encourage
Abortifacie of buzzing patient to
nt managem in your report side
ent. ears, effects
anxiety, •Allow to
confusi notify if
on, there is
chest rashes or
pain. superinfecti
ons or

Name of Dosage/ Mechani Indicatio Contraindica Advers Nursing

Drug Frequenc sm of n tion e Effect Responsibili
y/ Timing/ Action ties
Generic •10 mg Increase It is •Patients •Fever, •Monitor
Name: intravagin s in the indicated with known nausea, signs of
Dinoprosto ally q12hr amplitud for the hypersensiti vomitin allergic
ne e and initiation vity to g, reactions
frequenc and/or prostaglandi diarrhe and
y of continuat ns. a, anaphylaxis
Brand uterine ion of •Patients in abdomi , including
Name: contracti cervical whom there nal or pulmonary
Cervidil ons ripening is clinical stomac symptoms
reduces in suspicion or h pain, like
cervical pregnant definite back tightness in
tone, women evidence of pain, or the throat
Classificati which at or fetal distress a and chest,
on: produces near where feeling wheezing,
Abortifacie cervical term in delivery is of cough,
nt, Vaginal dilation. whom not warmth dyspnea or
Preparatio there is a imminent. in the skin
ns, Other medical •Patients vaginal reactions.
or with area. •Instruct
obstetric unexplained patient to
al vaginal notify
indication bleeding physician or
for the during this nursing staff
induction pregnancy. immediately
of labor. if these
•Be alert for
signs of

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