What Is School Records Management?

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Institute of Graduate Studies

Arellano St., Dagupan City


School Records management

What is school records management?

School records are documented evidence of what a school does? School records contain data
and information about various aspects of a schooll’s operations,including data about its
students,teachers,classes, facilities and finances.The main purpose of a SRMS is to systematically
record,store and update the school’s records.
It is used to support evidence-based management of he school.School managers
regularly make decisions about their school’s operations.To make good decisions,school
managers need infomationthat is up -to-date and accurate.A SRMS helps school managers to
systematically collect,store and analyse information about their school so they have relevant and
reliable information readily available to support decisions they make in running the school.
The School Management
A School Records Management System typically involves the following eight activities:
1.Creation- beginning a new record and starting to record and starting to data and
information,for example creating a student record card for a new student.
2. Storage- keeping the records in an oraganized manner so they can be accessed by authorized
people but kept secure from unauthorized access,loss or damaged.
3. Update- adding new information to a record or modifying existing information in a record.
4. Retrieval- searching for, locating and extracting records from storage.
5. Use- applying information from the records to help make management and policy decisions.
6. Appraisal and retention- determining whether and how long a record should be:
- retained for active use
- archived:or
- dispose of
7. Archiving- storing inactive records so they can be later retrieved for use.
8. Disposal- discarding,deleting or destroying a record.

What does a school records management system records?

School records should give priority to recording data and information about the following
aspects of schools:
1. Students- personal and family characteristics,previous educational experience,current
grade,attendance,academic performance,dehaviour,achievementslfaults,outcomes( e.g.
promotion to next grade,repeating grade,drop-out,transfer,or graduation)
2. Teachers- personal characteristic,past education,qualification,pre-service and in-service
teacher training received,years of service,employment status,subject
specialization,classlsubject taught,teaching load, special skills,
attendance,performance,behavior, achievents/faults.
3. Finance- school budget and income by source,expenditure by type,financial balance.
4. Physical facilities- quantity and conditions of school buildings,classrooms,
furniture,equipment and other physical facilities: and new constructions:rate of
5. Teaching/learning materials- quantity and conditions by type of material,new
acquisitions, rate of utilization.
6. Learning achievement and outcomes- results of tests,examinations and assessments (
regarding academic,behavioural and other student attributes)
7. Extra-curricular and co-curricular activities- type of activities, schedules, staff involved,
number of participants, results, impact.
8. School and community interactions – school management board meetings, parent-
teacher association activities, school and community activities.

Based on good practices in school management and the need to monitor progress
toward EFA goals, the following records are essential for SRMS in schools:

1. Student record card

2. Class attendance sheet
3. Textbook record sheet
4. Student performance summary
5. Teacher record
6. Teacher performance evaluation report
7. Inventory of physical facilities
8. Inventory of furniture/equipment
9. Inventory of teaching/learning resource materials
10. Financial summary

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