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Review of Related Literature:

In order to arrive with a more specific ideas and information about the feasibility of petroleum jelly and
black dye as a shoe polish, the researcher used the black dye and the ingredients in making petroleum
jelly to state some related literature and studies to further understand the topic.

Petroleum jelly is made by the waxy petroleum material that formed on oil rigs and distilling it. The
lighter and thinner oil-based products make up petroleum jelly, also known as white petrolatum or
simply as petrolatum. Robert Chesebrough is the chemist who devised and patented this process (U.S.
Patent 127,568) in 1872. Basically, the crude material undergoes vacuum distillation. The still residue is
then filtered through bone char to yield petroleum jelly.

The word "petroleum" means "rock oil" or "oil from the earth" (EIA, 2005 ).

Mankind has known petroleum or crude oil since the dawn of civilisation. It was used in ancient Persia
and Burma, particularly as fuel for lamps. Burning of the natural gas (escaping from petroleum
underground) gave the ‘perpetual fire’ at Baba Gurgur in Iraq (Arene and Kitwood, 1979 ).

Nelson (1954) wrote on two plausible schools of thought on the origin and formation of petroleum.
The older one, "the organic matter theory", suggests that petroleum was formed from the
decomposition of dead marine organisms, like plankton. Compounds (e.g., fats) which are very similar to
hydrocarbons and even traces of certain hydrocarbons themselves, are present in virtually all forms of
plant and animal life. The theory is supported by the finding that very recent marine deposits (10,000 to
15,000 years old) contain hydrocarbon and asphaltic material. Besides, there is a similarity between the
molecular structures of some of the minor constituents of crude oil and those of compounds found in
living organisms. Again, it is hard to see where else the carbon content of petroleum could have come
from other than biological material, if indeed its origin is geologically fairly recent.

Also, supporting this view, Arene and Kitwood (1979) submit that petroleum is crude oil that occurs
naturally in sedimentary rocks. It had collected into small pools from seepage from underground.
Aligning with this claim, EIA (2005) states that petroleum was formed from the remains of animals and
plants that lived millions of years ago in a marine (water) environment before the dinosaurs. About 300-
400 million years ago, tiny sea plants and animals died and were buried on the ocean floor. Over time,
layers of silt and sand covered them. About 50-100 million years ago, the remains were buried deeper
and deeper and covered by layers of mud. The enormous heat and pressure from these layers turned
the remains into crude oil and gas. Today, drilling down through the layers of silt, sand and rock help to
reach the rock formations that contain crude oil and gas deposits.

The challenge for the theory is accounting for the enormity of petroleum deposits. For such a vast
amount of petroleum to be formed, the marine organisms would have to be abundant over several
million years. Another challenge is accounting for the accumulation of the oil in large deposits. For this
to happen, the dispersed droplets of crude oil must have migrated a very long distance. But, it is
doubtful whether a mechanism within the conditions and time-span favoured this.

The more recent school of thought, "atmospheric chemical reaction theory", submits that petroleum is
very much older than the existence of life on the earth. The earth is over 5,000 million years old and at
the point when it was a hot molten mass, consisting mainly of Hydrogen (H) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2),
chemical reactions between them formed a great range of hydrocarbons which rose to the atmosphere
as vapour clouds similar to those suspected to surround the planet Venus today:

As cooling of the earth proceeded, condensation led to a ‘petroleum-rain’ that lasted 2,000 million
years. Many valleys and basins collected the oil with its sediments. Much latter, water-rain came, on
which the oil floats.

The problem of accounting for enormous size of the earth’s crude oil deposits is common to both

An oil is a substance that is in a viscous liquid state ("oily") at ambient temperatures or slightly
warmer, and is both hydrophobic (immiscible with water) and lipophilic (miscible with other
oils, literally). This general definition includes compound classes with otherwise unrelated
chemical structures, properties, and uses, including vegetable oils, petrochemical oils, and
volatile essential oils. Oil is a nonpolar substance.
Cooking oil is purified fat of plant origin, which is liquid at room temperature.
Some of the many different kinds of edible vegetable oils include: olive oil, palm oil, soybean
oil, canola oil, pumpkin seed oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, grape seed oil,
sesame oil, argan oil and rice bran oil. Many other kinds of vegetable oils are also used for
The generic term "vegetable oil" when used to label a cooking oil product refers to a blend of a
variety of oils often based on palm, corn, soybean or sunflower oils.
Shoe polish (or boot polish), usually a waxy paste or a cream, is a consumer product used to
shine, waterproof, and restore the appearance of leather shoes or boots, thereby extending the
footwear's life. In some regions—including New Zealand—"Nugget" is used as a common term
for solid waxy shoe polish, as opposed to liquid shoe polishes.
Various substances have been used as shoe polish for hundreds of years, starting with natural
substances such as wax and tallow. Modern polish formulae were introduced early in the 20th
century and some products from that era are still in use today. Today, shoe polish is usually
made from a mix of natural and synthetic materials, including naphtha, turpentine, dyes, and
gum arabic, using straightforward chemical engineering processes. Shoe polish can be toxic,
and, if misused, can stain skin.

Dyes A dye can generally be described as a coloured substance that has an affinity to the substrate to
which it is being applied. The dye is usually used as an aqueous solution and may require a mordant to
improve the fastness of the dye on the fiber. Dyes are used for colouring the fabrics. Dyes are molecules
which absorb and reflect light at specific wavelengths to give human eyes the sense of colour.
Synthetic dyes

The first man-made organic dye, mauveine, was discovered by William Henry Perkin in 1856. Many
thousands of dyes have since been prepared and because of vastly improved properties imparted upon
the dyed materials quickly replaced the traditional natural dyes (Buchanan and Rita 1995).

A dye, whether it is from a natural or synthetic origin, is used, not only to just colour the surface of
fibers, but it must also become a part of the fiber. After dyeing, the fabric should not be affected during
the washing process, dry cleaning with organic solvents etc and also the dye should give fastness to
light, heat and bleaching.

The global consumption of textiles is estimated at around 30 million tonnes, which is expected to grow
at the rate of 3% per annum. Moreover, such a huge amount of required textile materials cannot be
dyed with natural 13 dyes alone. Hence, the use of eco-safe synthetic dyes is also essential (Samanta
and Agarwal 2009).

The global market for textile dye stuffs is dominated by the disperse (35%), and reactive (28%) dyestuff
ranges, together with acid (12%), direct (7%), Vat and indigo (8%), Sulphur (6%) and azoic and other
dyestuffs (4%) (Lan Holme 2008).

Synthetic dyes used in the textile industry are broadly classified as follows:

1. Basic dyes

2. Direct dyes

3. Vat dyes

4. Reactive dyes

5. Azoic dyes

6. Sulphur dyes

7. Mordant dyes

8. Acid dyes

9. Disperse dye

10. Oxidation dyes

11 Mineral and pigment dyes

1. Basic and modified basic dyes Mauveine, the first to be discovered by Perkin, was a basic dye and
most of the dyes which followed, including magenta, malachite green and crystal violet, were of the
same type. Basic dyes dye wool and silk from a dye bath containing acid, but they dye cotton fibers only
in the presence of a 14 mordant usually a metallic salt that increases affinity of the fabric for the dye.
Basic dyes include the most brilliant of all the synthetic dyes known, but unfortunately they have very
poor light and wash fastness (Pellew 1998).
2. Direct dyes These are soluble in water and have direct affinity for all cellulose fibers. Some will also
dye silk and wool. As these dyes, when dyed without additives, do not exhaust well, an addition of salt is
required to improve the yield of the dye and to obtain deeper shades. Generally, the wash fastness of
these dyes is inferior, but there are a number of after treatments available to improve the wash fastness
of the dyeing. Direct dyes dye all cellulosic fibers, including viscose rayon, and most of them also dye
wool and silk (Buchanan and Rita 1995).

3. Vat dyes Indigo, probably the oldest dye known to man is one of the most important members of this
group (Barker 2004). These dyes, which are insoluble in water, can be converted into alkali soluble leuco
compounds (colourless), when reduced with sodium hydrosulphite. After introducing into the fabrics,
the dye will be oxidized on exposure to air and will become insoluble in water again (Shenai 1999).
Previously, the reduction process of the dye was carried out in wooden vats, hence the name vat dyes.
These dyes are used to colour cotton fibers. Indigo (plant source : Indigofera tinctoria) is a good example
for vat dye which is water insoluble and blue in colour when reduced, convert into indigo white which is
colourless and water soluble. 15

4. Reactive dyes This is a new class of dye introduced in the market in 1956. They react chemically with
the fiber being dyed, and if correctly applied, it cannot be removed by washing or boiling. The main
feature of the dyestuff is its low affinity to cellulose. Therefore, large amount of salt is required to force
its deposition on the fabric. After this has been achieved, addition of alkali causes the deposited dyes to
react with the fiber. Only a successfully concluded reaction guarantees a fast dyeing. Basically there are
two types of reactive dyes: the cold dyeing and hot dyeing types (Shenai 1997).

5. Azoic dyes The word 'Azoic' is the distinguishing name given to insoluble azo dyes that are not applied
directly as dyes, but are actually produced within the fiber itself. This is done with impregnating the fiber
with one component of the dye, followed by treatment in another component, thus forming the dye
within the fiber (Shenai 1997). The formation of this insoluble dye within the fabric makes it very fast to
washing. The deposition of the free pigment on the surface of the dyed fabric produces poor rub
fastness, but once the loose pigment is removed by boiling the fabric in soap, the dyeing becomes one
of the fastest available.

6. Sulphur dyes The first Sulphur dye was discovered in France in 1873, and further work done by
Raymond Videl enabled the manufacture of ‘Videl black’. Its outstanding fastness to light, washing and
boiling far surpassed any cotton black known at that time. The general disadvantage of the Sulphur dyes
is that they produce dull shades and lack red colour. The main advantage lays in their cheapness, ease of
application and good wash-fastness (Shenai1997). In 16 their normal state Sulphur dyes are insoluble in
water, but they are readily soluble in the solution of Sodium Sulphide. In this form they have high
affinity to all the cellulose fibers.

7. Mordant dyes As the name suggests, these dyes require a mordant. This improves the fastness of the
dye on the fiber such as water, light and perspiration fastness (Barker 2004). The choice of mordant is
very important as different mordants can change the final colour significantly. Most natural dyes are
mordant dyes and there is, therefore, a large literature base describing dyeing techniques (Shenai 1997).
The most important mordant dyes are the synthetic mordant dyes (chrome dyes) used for wool. These
comprise some 30% of dyes used for wool and they are especially useful for black and navy shades. The
mordant potassium dichromate is applied as an after-treatment.
8. Acid dyes Water soluble anionic dyes are applied to fibers such as silk, wool, nylon and modified
acrylic fibers from neutral to acid dye baths. Attachment to the fiber is attributed, at least partly, to salt
formation between anionic groups in the dyes and cationic groups in the fiber. Acid dyes are not
substantive to cellulosic fibers (Barker 2004).

9. Disperse dyes The introduction of a new regenerated cellulose acetate fiber in 1920 led to the
necessity of developing an entirely new range of dyes. It was found that cellulose acetate (or Celanese)
fiber had hardly any affinity for water-soluble dyes. So a new dyeing principle was introduced. Dyeing
with water dispersed coloured organic substances. These finely coloured particles 17 are applied in
aqueous dispersion to the acetate material and actually dissolved in the fibers (Buchanan and Rita

10. Oxidation dyes These are not dyestuffs in the same sense as other soluble or disperse dyes, but
because of their exceptional fastness to light and washing they are of great importance. The most
important member of this group is produced by oxidation of aniline and it is used much in the dyeing of
fur and leather goods (Buchanan and Rita 1995).

11. Mineral and pigment dyes Although it is preferable to use water soluble dyes in textile dyeing for
two reasons, ease of application and greater softness of the fabric, there are two processes where
pigment colouration is used (Shenai 1997). (a) Mineral khaki Cotton army equipment, where it is used
because of its cheapness and because it also renders fabric resistant to rotting and attack by insects in
damp conditions. (b) Synthetic resin printing The introduction of heat setting synthetic resins has
opened new fields in textile printing. Mineral and organic pigments, as used in paint manufacture, can
now be applied to any fabric and rendered wash fast after heat treatment.

Vat dyes are one of the important classes in the synthetic dyes. These dyes are characterised by their
insolubility in water. They are applied to the fabric in a reduced, soluble form, which has affinity for the
substrate, and after the reduced dye has been absorbed, the fabric is taken out from the dye bath and
left in the air or immersed in solution of a mild oxidising agent to reproduce the dyeing column. In
general, vat dyes are fast to washing, to light etc. Until early times of the present century, the only vat
dyes known were those related to indigo (Epp and Diane 1995). But due to the constant research work
in the field, a new class, anthraquinone dyes, was found and it is of much prominence these days. Indigo
was first a naturally cultivated dye which was principally grown in our country. History of vat dye
Indigo is thought to be the oldest dye. It was found in mummy clothes over 5,000 years ago and in the
garments of Tutankhamen. For centuries, European dyers used the woad plant to achieve blues, and
woad growers fought the influx of this cheaper, deeper blue dye. In 1598, indigo was prohibited in
France and parts of Germany, and dyers had to swear, often 19 on the pain of death, that they would
not use indigo. By the 17th century, indigo was a chief trade article of both the Dutch and British East
India Companies. In 1744, indigo arrived in South Carolina, from where it travelled to other states
including New York (Balfour Paul 1999). Baeyer's research was backed by BASF and Hoechst, who were
in competition to achieve artificial indigo. The laboratory work was assisted by Baeyer’s constitutional
formula of 1860 for indigo. The structure became available in 1883, another triumph for Baeyer, then at
the University of Munich. In 1905, Baeyer won the Nobel Prize for his work with organic dyes. Indigo dye
can be purchased in both its natural and synthetic forms and it is still popular in the dyer’s garden (Peter
Morris and Anthony Travis 1992). Its primary uses are in cosmetics as a laboratory indicator, and as the
dye that makes blue jeans blue. Fox and Pierce (1990) traced the history of indigo from its origin to
modern application techniques. A brief history of the synthesis and use of vat dyes from BASF was given
(Nahr and Ruppert 1992), including modern developments such as cottestren dyes, palanil T and
indanthrene T dyes for dyeing cotton / polyester blends. Reducing agents for dyeing with indanthrene
dyes were discussed in that work. Dyeing methods were indicated. Problems of environmental
protection and the pollutant content of dyeing effluents were considered. It was claimed that vat dyes
were safe, clean, and that they cause few effluent treatment problems. The history of indigo was traced
(Schmidt 1997). Upto 1897 it was derived from plants (Indigofera tinctoria), 4/5 th of which was grown
in Bengal. In 1897 BASF introduced the 1st synthetically manufactured indigo in the market. In 1926 the
company produced the Heumann-Pfleger process to replace the others which had been employed
hitherto. Developments and the state of art were explained. Hyde (2005) presented in his paper that the
indigo 20 has been used in dyeing textiles and colouring other articles for over 3000 years. It is unique in
that it has retained its importance upto the present day, despite the introduction of more sophisticated
dyestuffs having higher performance. Bilgrami (2007) investigated that the indigo tradition has
continued to flourish in countries such as Japan. It has an impact on the social, economic and cultural
aspects of the country. A perfect balance between the grower, the producer and the user has been
achieved through indigo’s importance and integration. One such designer is Jurgen Lehr, who exclusively
uses natural fiber and strongly believes in natural dyes. The study of Chen et al (2008), 750g of Taiwan
plant baphica canthus cusia, indigofera tinctoria and polygonum tinctoria, with two reducing agents -
60g of sodium hydrosulphite and 12g of thio urea dioxide were used to dye the cotton fabric for 60-90
seconds, 1-15 times repeatedly. As for washing fastness test when Indigofera tinctoria was reduced with
sodium hydrosulphite, the test was rated as grade 3-4. For other specimens, they were just grade 3.
The study employed the experimental method using the questionnaires as its
main instrument. It was conducted to make an alternative shoe polish for those
students and professionals that are using leather black shoes. The study population
consist of 20 students and professionals that are using a leather black shoes in their
everyday life.


The product was created on February 24, 2019 at Homestead, Bambang, Nueva
Vizcaya. The researchers conducted some survey coming from the professionals that
works in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya and the students of Saint Catherine’s School.


The researchers have chosen 20 respondents, 10 respondents from the students

of Saint Catherine’s School and 10 respondents from the professionals working in
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya that uses leather black shoes.


 Petroleum Jelly
 Black Dye
 Spatula
 Casserole
 Container
 Spoon
1. Prepare all the material needed.

2. Heat the casserole.

3. Put the petroleum jelly and stir to melt.
4. If the petroleum jelly already melt, put the powdered black dye then mix it.

5. Turn of the gasoline and transfer it in a container.

6. Let it cool down and wait until it forms like a wax.

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