Hydrology Project

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The document discusses the design of a gravity dam in the Butuji area of Arabsiyo, Somaliland. It covers topics such as dam types, site selection, design considerations, and more.

The project involves designing a gravity dam in the Butuji area of Arabsiyo, Somaliland to store water from seasonal rivers and make it available for human consumption.

Dams are structures used to store water from rivers and streams. They are important as they help regulate water supply for uses like drinking, irrigation, power generation etc.






1. Abdisalan Ahmed Farah

2. Farhan Abdi Abdilahi
3. Khalid Abdirahman Hirsi
4. Khalid Yousuf Abdilahi
5. Ridwan Ahmed Abdirahman

Gravity Dam Design In Butuji Area, Arabsiyo, Somaliland

1. Abdisalan Ahmed Farah

2. Farhan Abdi Abdilahi
3. Khalid Abdirahman Hirsi
4. Khalid Yousuf Abdilahi
5. Ridwan Ahmed Abdirahman

Project supervisor: Mohamoud Mohamed Abdulahi (Qawdhan)








We hereby declare that this report, submitted to college of engineering of the

University of Hargeisa as a partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of

Science in civil engineering has not been submitted as an exercise for a degree at any

other university. We also certify that the work described here is entirely our own

except for excerpts and summaries shoes sources are appropriately cited in the


This report may be made available within the university library for the purposes of



5. Abdisalan Ahmed Farah ID NO. 127187

3. Farhan Abdi Abdilahi ID NO. 127205

4. Khalid Abdirahman Hirsi ID NO. 127236
2. Khalid Yousuf Abdilahi ID NO. 127238
1. Ridwan Ahmed Abdirahman ID NO. 127287

Signature ______________________________


This is to certify that this project reported entitled Design of Gravity dam in Butuji

area, Arabsiyo, Somaliland submitted by:

1. Abdisalan Ahmed Farah ID NO. 127187

2. Farhan Abdi Abdilahi ID NO. 127205

3. Khalid Abdirahman Hirsi ID NO. 127236
4. Khalid Yousuf Abdilahi ID NO. 127238
5. Ridwan Ahmed Abdirahman ID NO. 127287
In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Science in civil

engineering of the College Of Engineering, University of Hargeisa during the

academic year 2016-2017 has been accepted.

Supervisor: …………………………………

Signature: ………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………….


In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

First praise is to Allah, the Almighty, on whom ultimately we depend for sustenance

and guidance. Second, our deepest gratitude goes to our beloved parents and families

for their endless love, prayers and encouragement.

Our sincere appreciation goes to our supervisor Eng. Mohamoud Mohamed Abdulahi

(Qawdhan), whose guidance, careful reading and constructive comments was

valuable. His timely and efficient contribution helped me shape this into its final form

and we express our sincerest appreciation for his assistance in any way that we may

have asked.

We would like to express our appreciation to the Dean, College of Engineering, Eng.

Ahmad M. Shirwa and also to the Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Eng.

Mahamoud M. Essa and office staffs for their worthy contribution.

Last but not least, Sincere thanks to all our friends especially Eng. Guleid Hassan

A.Rahman for his efficient contribution.


Many parts of Somaliland still suffer from lack of water and water restricting yet. We

have several Seasonal Rivers in our country that can provide water. Dams are a good

example of structures that are being used to store water and make it available for

human consumption. The aim of this project will be to design a gravity dam to address

the issue of water shortage in Ibrahim Koodbur district. This will be achieved through

methods like determining the appropriate site for the dam using maps and ArcArcGIS

platforms, establishing the amount of water that needs to be stored in the reservoir of

the dam through population projection, hydrological analysis and water systems

engineering, and finally determining the specifications for the dam and related

components using limiting factors from hydrological engineering techniques.

The Proposed site of dam is located in Butuji,Marodijeh Somaliland and the Main

sources of data were SWALIM, MoA, MoWR and HWA. The main findings were The

capacity of the reservoir required was about 27 million cubic meters with a height of

43 meters above the lowest contour at the bottom of the river bed. It was concluded

that the project is viable and though very expensive to implement today, the long term

benefits of this dam outweighed this fact.

The recommendation is that the foundation data must be continuing program from the

time of the assessment investigation to the completion of construction. And also

spillways should be designed for discharging off excess flood water and also

environmental flow.


TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................................ii
CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY..................................................................................iii
APPROVAL SHEET...........................................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................................xii
LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................xiii
APPREVIATIONS AND DEFINATION..........................................................................xiv
CHAPTER 1.........................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement........................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives.....................................................................................................4
1.3.1 Specific objectives..................................................................................4
1.4 Aims of the project.......................................................................................5
1.5 Scope and limitation.....................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2.........................................................................................................................6
2 LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................6
2.1 History of Dams...........................................................................................6
2.2 Types of Dams..............................................................................................7
2.2.1 Based on structure and design................................................................7
2.2.2 Based on function and use......................................................................8
2.2.3 Based on hydraulic design......................................................................9
2.3 Choice of Site and Type of Dam................................................................10

2.3.1 Site Selection........................................................................................10
2.3.2 Selection of type of dam.......................................................................12
2.4 Factors to Consider in Selection of a Suitable Water Source.....................13
2.5 Important of gravity dams for water supply...............................................14
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................16
3 STUDY AREA AND METHODOLOGY........................................................16
3.1 Study area...................................................................................................16
3.1.1 Climate.................................................................................................16 Temperature...................................................................................17 Humidity........................................................................................17
3.1.2 Geology/Lithology...............................................................................18
3.1.3 Landform and Soils..............................................................................19
3.1.4 Land cover............................................................................................20
3.1.5 Land Use...............................................................................................21
3.1.6 Water resource......................................................................................21
3.2 Description of distribution Area.................................................................22
3.3 METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................23
3.3.1 Geographic Information System (ArcGIS)..........................................24
3.3.2 Global Positioning System (GPS)........................................................24
3.3.3 Google Earth.........................................................................................24
3.3.4 Importance of GIS, GPS and Google Earth..........................................25
CHAPTER FOUR..............................................................................................................27
4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION.........................................................................27
4.1 Determining the appropriate site for the dam............................................27
4.1.1 Population Forecasting Methods..........................................................28 Arithmetical increase method........................................................28 Geometrical Increase Method........................................................29 Incremental Increase Method.........................................................29
4.1.2 Population Projection...........................................................................29
4.2 Design demand...........................................................................................30
4.2.1 Demand for commercial, institutional and industrial...........................31
4.2.2 Firefighting water demand...................................................................32

4.3 Losses.........................................................................................................33
4.3.1 Losses for seepage and sedimentation..................................................33
4.3.2 Evaporation losses................................................................................33
4.4 Irrigation and livestock demand in Butuji area..........................................34 Yearly demand in cubic meter.......................................................35
4.5 Runoff computation....................................................................................35
4.6 To determine the specifications for the dam and related components.......36
4.6.1 Limiting height of the low gravity dam................................................36
4.6.2 Dam dimensions...................................................................................36
4.6.3 Computation of stresses........................................................................39
4.7 Dam Stability Analysis...............................................................................41
4.7.1 Overturning...........................................................................................41
4.7.2 Sliding...................................................................................................41
4.7.3 Crushing/compression..........................................................................42
4.7.4 Tension..................................................................................................42
CHAPTER 5.......................................................................................................................43
5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................43
5.1 Conclusion..................................................................................................43
5.2 Recommendations......................................................................................45


Table 4-1 Population projection....................................................................................30

Table 4-2 Domestic demand.........................................................................................30

Table 4-3 Demand for commercial, institutional and industrial...................................31

Table 4-4 empirical formulae of firefighting................................................................32

Table 4-5 Firefighting water demand............................................................................32

Table 4-6 Losses for seepage and sedimentation..........................................................32

Table 4-7 Irrigation and livestock demand...................................................................34

Table 4-8 Summary of water demand per day calculation...........................................34

Table 4-9 Yearly demand .............................................................................................35


Figure 3-1 Rainfall distribution of study area..............................................................16

Figure 3-2 Relative humidity of study area..................................................................18

Figure 4-1 Location of of the study area......................................................................27

Figure 4-2Dimensions of the dam................................................................................38


1. Asl – Above See Level

2. DEM – Digital Elevation Model

3. EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment

4. ArcGIS – Geographic Information Systems

5. HWA – Hargeisa water agency

6. M – Meter

7. M3 – cubic meters

8. Mm3 – million cubic meters

9. MoA – Ministry of agriculture

10. MoA – Ministry of Agriculture

11. MoWR – Ministry of Water Resource

12. SWALIM – Somalia Water and Land Information Management

13. WHO – World Health Organisation



1.1 Background

Water is a vital human need. Without clean, drinkable water there will certainly be a

great deal of hardship, sickness and misery. Whether water is a right or a privilege it is

important for a country to provide its people with clean water. The social and

economic benefits are not debatable.

Today the most influential issue that Africa faces is water scarcity. Water scarcity

affects all who inhabit the region. Africa is the second-largest and most-populous

region, as well as the second driest continent in the world, after Australia. Millions of

Africans still suffer from water shortages throughout the year because of water

scarcity. Water scarcity in Africa is bigger that we imagine it to be. Of the estimated

800 million people who live on the African continent, more than 300 million live in

water-scarce environments. In fact, more than 60% (34 out of the 55) of the countries

(globally), in which the basic human water requirements are not met, are located in

Africa. (Gleick, 1996; 2002)

East-Africa is the home to hundreds of millions of people who suffer from water

scarcity issues Women and children in Africa walk for miles to obtain water from

streams and ponds that often contain disease-causing organisms, such as those that
Cause cholera, typhoid fever, and infant diarrhea. Lack of access to clean water is one

of the biggest causes of poverty in East Africa[CITATION wat17 \l 1033 ]

Somaliland is one of the driest countries in the world and with a skew rainfall pattern.

It makes managing the water resources a difficult task. As the population and the

economy grow, the need for fresh water will also increase.

Availability of water in Hargeisa is generally scarce. Due to the shortage of water

supply and inappropriate water pumping, transmission and storage facilities, water is

supplied to the city residents on alternate days. Often on days when water is supplied,

it is only available for a few hours. In some parts of the city, low pressure does not

allow to be supplied, while some new settlements are located above the elevation of

the reservoirs. In some parts water supply schedule falls on mid and late night

resulting in long sleepless hours for accessing water.

The construction of dams ranks with the earliest and most fundamental of civil

engineering activities. All great civilizations have been identified with the

construction of storage reservoirs appropriate to their needs, in the earliest occasions

to fulfil irrigation demands arising through the development and growth of organized

agriculture. Operating within restrictions imposed by local circumstance, particularly

climate and environment, the economic power of successive civilizations was related

to proficiency in water engineering. Prosperity, health and material progress became

gradually linked to the ability to store and direct water.

In Somaliland context the first gravity dam project has implemented in this year this

project which is the first of its kind of this magnitude in the country covers an area of

800 m and will carry 500, 00 cubic meters of water and more of these type of dams

With reservoirs are needed in Somaliland seasonal rivers. This will contribute the

consistent supply of fresh water to the cities and to boom agriculture.(MoWR,2017)

The site of this project (Butuji Dam) locates at a strategic area where major seasonal

rivers and several streams converge. The dam, once completed will not only serve the

boosting of city’s water supply alone, but will greatly fledge both irrigation and the

agricultural industry in its environs.

There is a great need for such a design and construction of artificial hydraulic

structures to aid towards satisfaction of the basic need. Dams and reservoirs are

normally constructed to collect, store and manage water supply so as to sustain the

population in that area. Other benefits such as, flood control, soil erosion,

environmental management, hydroelectric power generation, navigation, recreation

and irrigation are provided by dams. Initial cost of concrete dams are often high but

the maintenance cost thereafter are minimal and of low cost, while the area is served

with a long lasting and sustainable structure.

1.2 Problem statement

The people in Hargeisa city are facing a major water shortage problem. Due to the

increase of population that currently estimated at over 900,000 inhabitants, with an

estimated growth rate of 4.2% per year. If the present trend continues, the inhabitants

will be about 1.35 million in 2020, and in 2030 the population will reach about two

million according to the national development plan.

The existing water distribution system was designed during the seventies when the

population of Hargeisa was less than 180,000. Only 40% of present water supply of the

town is from the Geed Deeble Well Field, through a piped system managed

By the Hargeisa Water Agency (HWA), the rest comes from other sources outside the

control of the HWA and is supplied by means of privately owned trucks.

The current underground water alone is not sufficient to satisfy the water demand of

Hargeisa city. On the other hand, the desalinization of brackish or saline waters is

absolutely out of the question for the simple reason that it is economically

unsustainable in Somaliland.(HWA,2015) Therefore, the only feasible alternative

available is surface water. In Somaliland, there are no perennial rivers or natural lakes;

the only way to secure a supply of surface water is to create artificial dams.

In order to solve the current and future water supply problems of Hargeisa, we decided to

participate in our knowledge about hydraulic structure to design Butuji dam. The dam will

be sited on the dry drainage of Arabsiyo catchment or Biji catchment.

1.3 Objectives

The overall objective is to design sustainable gravity dam in Maroodi-jeex region to

overcome water scarcity problems in Hargeisa city

1.3.1 Specific objectives

 Site selection study.

 To establish the amount of water that needs to be stored in the reservoir

of the dam.

 To design the dam components.

1.4 Aims of the project

 To increase water supply system to Hargeisa city.

 To store water during the rainy season.

 To distribute the water for both livestock and irrigational purpose.

 To contribute water table recharge.

1.5 Scope and limitation.

This project will mainly outlines the gravity dam design in Butuji area putting more

emphasis on hydrological analysis of the dam, design process, establishment of the

geological aspects of the site using the available literature and preparation of

engineering drawings.

There are some activities which are significant in the design of a dam which will not

be undertaken during this project. These include;

1. Geological investigations by deep drilling and core sampling and design of an

appropriate dam instrumentation and monitoring program.

2. Design of water treatment plan



2.1 History of Dams

The history of dam building dates back to antiquity and is bound up with the earlier

civilizations of the Middle East and the Far East. Countless small dams, invariably simple

embankment structures, were constructed for irrigation purposes. The dam built at Sadd-

el-Kafara, Egypt, around 2600 BC, is generally accepted as the oldest known dam of real

significance. Constructed with an earth fill central zone flanked by rock shoulders and

with rubble masonry face protection, Sadd-el-Kafara was completed to a height of 14 m.

The dam breached, probably in consequence of flood overtopping, after a relatively short

period of service[CITATION Nov071 \t \l 1033 ].

A dam is the cornerstone in the development and management of water resources

development of a river basin. The multipurpose dam is a very important project for

developing countries, because the population receives domestic and economic benefits

from a single investment. Most of the dams are single-purpose dams, but there is now a

growing number of multipurpose dams. Using the most recent publication of the World

Register of Dams, irrigation is by far the most common purpose of dams. Among the

single purpose dams, 48 % are for irrigation, 17% for hydropower

(production of electricity), 3% for water supply, 10% for flood control, 5% for

recreation and less than 1% for navigation and fish farming [ CITATION Con06 \l

1033 ]

The Gravity dam is the most durable type of dam and it requires little maintenance. A

gravity dam is defined as a structure that is so proportioned that it derives its stability

form its own weight to resist the external forces. Concrete gravity dams are greatly

preferred and their construction is common. Therefore, we believe it will best achieve

an acceptable balance between

In Somaliland the first gravity dam named Humbowayne was built in 2017 to provide

a source of water for near residence and to recharge the water table of the area because

there is a bore holes in Humboweyne in which the near future will provide a water for

the Hargeisa city also this dam improves the standards of living in urban centers.

2.2 Types of Dams

According to US Army Corps of Engineers (1995) the types of dams are classified based

on structure, function and hydraulic design as follows:

2.2.1 Based on structure and design

Concrete dams – Use of mass concrete in dam constructed started due to the ease of

construction and to suit complex designs, like having a spillway within the dam body.

Mass concrete can be strengthened by the use if additives like slag, pulverized fuel ash

in order to reduce temperature induced problems or avoid undesirable cracking and

total cost of the project. Types of concrete dams include:

i) Arch dams – these types of dams have considerable upstream curvature in plan and

rely on an arching action on the abutments through which of the water loads is passed

onto the walls of the river valley

ii) Buttress dams – these types of dams consist of a continuous upstream face

supported at regular intervals by buttress walls and the downstream side.

iii) Gravity dams – A gravity dam is one which depends entirely on its own weight

for stability. It may be constructed of masonry or of concrete.

2) Embankment dams - These are dams constructed of natural materials excavated or

obtained from the vicinity of a dam site. The two main types of embankment dams


i) Earth-filled dams – This dam uses compacted soil for constructing the bulk of the

dam. It is constructed primarily by selecting engineering soils compacted uniformly

and intensively in thin layers at a controlled moisture content. This dam may be

homogeneous where only one type of soil is available and the dam height is low or

may be zoned where more than one type of soil material is used.

ii) Rockfill Dams: A rockfill dam is built of rock fragments and boulders of large size.

An impervious membrane is placed on the rockfill on the upstream side to reduce the

seepage through the dam. The membrane is usually made of cement concrete or

asphaltic concrete.

2.2.2 Based on function and use

Storage dams: They are constructed to store water during the rainy season when there

is a large flow in the river. Many small dams impound the spring runoff for later use in

dry summers. Storage dams may also provide a water supply, or improved habitat for

fish and wildlife. They may store water for hydroelectric power generation, irrigation

or for a flood control project. Storage dams are the most common type of dams and in

general the dam means a storage dam unless qualified otherwise.

Diversion dams: A diversion dam is constructed for the purpose of diverting water of

the river into an off-taking canal (or a conduit). They provide sufficient pressure for

pushing water into ditches, canals, or other conveyance systems. The diversion dam is

a sort of storage weir which also diverts water and has a small storage. Sometimes, the

terms weirs and diversion dams are used synonymously.

Detention dams: Detention dams are constructed for flood control. A detention dam

retards the flow in the river on its downstream during floods by storing some flood

water. Thus the effect of sudden floods is reduced to some extent. The water retained

in the reservoir is later released gradually at a controlled rate according to the carrying

capacity of the channel downstream of the detention dam. Thus the area downstream

of the dam is protected against flood.

Debris dams: A debris dam is constructed to retain debris such as sand, gravel, and

drift wood flowing in the river with water. The water after passing over a debris dam

is relatively clear.

Coffer dams: It is an enclosure constructed around the construction site to exclude

water so that the construction can be done in dry. A coffer dam is thus a temporary

dam constructed for facilitating construction. These structure are usually constructed

on the upstream of the main dam to divert water into a diversion tunnel (or channel)

during the construction of the dam.

2.2.3 Based on hydraulic design.

(i) Overflow dams: An overflow dam is designed to act as an overflow structure. The

surplus water which cannot be retained in the reservoir is permitted to pass over the

crest of the overflow dam which acts as a spillway. The overflow dam is made of a

material such as masonry or cement concrete which does not erode by the action of

overflowing water.

(ii) Non-overflow dams: A non-overflow dam is designed such that there is no flow

over it. Excess water is not allowed to flow over the top of the dam and a separate

spillway away from the body of the dam is provided to dispose of the excess flood


2.3 Choice of Site and Type of Dam

During early stages of planning and design, the selection of the site and type of dam

should be carefully considered. A dam is a huge structure requiring a lot of funds.

Extreme care shall be taken while selecting the site of a dam. A wrong decision may

lead to excessive cost and difficulties in construction and maintenance.

2.3.1 Site Selection

During the feasibility studies, the preliminary site selection will be dependent on the

project purposes. Purposes applicable to dam construction include navigation, flood

dam-age reduction, hydroelectric power generation, fish and wildlife enhancement,

water quality, water supply, and recreation. The feasibility study will establish the

most suitable and economical location and type of structure. Investigations will be

performed on hydrology and meteorology, relocations, foundation and site geology,

construction materials, appurtenant features, environmental considerations, and

diversion methods. (Chen, 2003)

Some factors include;

(1) Sound Bedrock Foundation - It is important that the bedrock have adequate shear

strength and bearing capacity to meet the necessary stability requirements. When the

dam crosses a major fault or shear zone, special design features (joints, monolith

lengths, concrete zones, etc.) should be incorporated in the design to accommodate the

anticipated movement. All special features should be designed based on analytical

techniques and testing simulating the fault movement. The foundation permeability

and the extent and cost of foundation grouting, drainage, or other seepage and uplift

control measures should be investigated. The reservoir’s suitability from the aspect of

possible landslides needs to be thoroughly evaluated to assure that pool fluctuations

and earthquakes would not result in any mass sliding into the pool after the project is


(2) Topography - an important factor in the selection and location of a concrete dam

and its appurtenant structures. Construction as a site with a narrow canyon profile on

sound bedrock close to the surface is preferable, as this location would minimize the

concrete material requirements and the associated costs.

(3) Flood and Discharge Structures - The criteria set forth for the spillway, and the

other project appurtenances will play an important role in site selection. When the

catchment area is large and floods are likely to be high, it may be advantageous to

combine the dam and spillway functions and build an overspill dam. The relationship

and adaptability of these features to the project alignment will need evaluation along

with associated costs.

(4) Consideration are the relocation of existing facilities and utilities that lie within

the reservoir and in the path of the dam. Included in these are rail-roads, powerlines,

highways, towns, etc. Extensive and costly relocations should be avoided.

(5) Availability of materials: The dam requires a large quantity of material for its

construction. Suitable type of material in sufficient quantity should be available at or

near the dam site to reduce the cost.

(6) Accessibility: The site should be easily accessible. It should be preferably well-

connected by a road or a railway line. This would facilitate transportation of labour,

materials and machinery.

(7) Economic Criteria - The method or scheme of diverting flows around or through

the dam site during construction is an important consideration to the economy of the

dam. A concrete gravity dam offers major advantages and potential cost savings by

providing the option of diversion through alternate construction blocks, and lowers

risk and delay if overtopping should occur.

2.3.2 Selection of type of dam

Selection of the most suitable type of dam for a particular site requires a lot of

judgment and experience. It is only in exceptional cases that the most suitable type is

obvious. Preliminary designs and estimates are usually required for several types of

dams before making the final selection on economic basis. Some factors to consider as

given by Pierre, Degoutte & Lautrin include:

Topography and valley shape. The choice or the type of dam for a particular site

depends to a large extent on the topography and the valley shape. The following are

the general guidelines.

(i) If the valley is narrow, V-shaped and has sound rock in bed and abutments, an

arch dam is generally the most suitale type.

(ii) If the valley is moderately wide, V-shaped and has sound rock in bed, a gravity

dam or a buttress dam may be quite suitable. For a low rolling plain country, with a

fairly wide valley and alluvial soil or boulders in the bed, an earth dam or a rockfill

dam may be quite suitable.

2.4 Factors to Consider in Selection of a Suitable Water Source

Careful considerations are needed in selecting an appropriate source for community

water supply. Some pertinent considerations as discussed by WHO (2008) include:

Water committees – Water committees are set up in many areas to manage water

supply systems. Care must be taken to ensure all groups in the community are

represented and can make their concerns heard and understood.

Water quality – This must also be at an acceptable level and treatment methods suited

to the community concerns.

Yield versus demand - The yield must be adequate. If a more convenient supply is to

be developed, then consideration must be given to the potential increase in demand

and to the possible migration of outsiders into the community, especially in areas

where water is scares.

Socio- political and cultural considerations – If the water supply is not culturally

appropriate and causes security difficulties or restricts access for certain groups the

benefits of the new system will be compromised.

Operation and maintenance – Care must be taken when identifying personnel both to

undertake training and to be responsible for operation and maintenance.

4Technical Requirements – The source that is developed must be technically feasible,

and the operation and maintenance requirements for the source abstraction and supply

system must be appropriate to the resource available.

Economic considerations – One must ensure funds are available for both the

construction and the operation and maintenance of the system over the longer term.

Legal and management requirements – Ownership of the land and the legal

requirements of obtaining permission to abstract also need to be considered when

selecting a source. Sources on private land may cause access problems for certain

groups which may not be apparent at the onset.

Impacts of development – There will be impacts on the people who use the water, on

animals and on the environment. These impacts may be positive or negative and may

be related to health, economic status or time. If a surface water source is used, there

may be impacts on remote users and also if the wastewater enters surface water

sources, there may be similar impacts. These impacts include, loss of vegetation,

erosion or draining of an aquifer.

Recommendations are made to minimize seepage of water into underlying rock. There

is need to asses an improvement that will be implemented to ensure it will have

positive cutoff of water percolation. In previous projects, the bottom of the reservoir

has been sealed with a layer of impermeable clay or synthetic liner.

2.5 Important of gravity dams for water supply

It has been stressed how essential water is for our civilization. It is important to

remember that of the total rainfall falling on the earth most fall on the sea and large

portion of that which falls on earth ends up as runoff. Only 2 percent of the total ins

infiltrated to replenish the groundwater. Properly, designed and constructed and

maintained dams to store water contribute significantly toward fulfilling our water

supply requirements. To accommodate the variations in the hydrologic cycle, dams

and reservoirs are needed to store water and then provide more consistent supplies

during shortages



3.1 Study area

3.1.1 Climate

The region lies at the extremity of the sub-Saharan semi-arid zone commonly referred to

as the Sahel, which traverses the continent from Senegal to Somalia. The climate of the

study area is Semi-arid conditions prevail at higher altitudes of the Al Mountains and

south of Gebiley. Mean annual rainfall ranges from 400-500 mm (see in figure 3.1)

[CITATION SWA07 \t \l 1033 ].

Figure 3-1 Rainfall distribution of study area (SWALIM)

The study area lies entirely between the two subtropical anticyclone belts, in which the

main weather patterns are controlled by the passage of the seasonal monsoon winds.

Rainfall in the area is thus bimodal. The northeast monsoon brings the primary Gu rains

between March to June. The Gu is followed by a hot, dry period called Xagaa (June-July).

Short rains locally known as Deyr also occur between August and October followed by

cool long dry Jilaal period between November-February[CITATION SWA07 \t \l 1033 ]. Temperature

Temperatures in the area are influenced by altitude and the strength and temperatures of

the seasonal winds. Temperatures decrease with increasing altitude. In the higher altitudes

of the Al Mountains and Plateau areas temperatures vary considerably.

Seasonally, with mean annual temperatures between 20-24°C, while the coastal region

has mean annual temperatures between 28-32°C[CITATION SWA09 \t \l 1033 ]. Humidity

Relative humidity of the highlands is mostly around 40%, except during rainy periods

when it may reach 80%. High temperatures in the coastal areas combine with a high

relative humidity of more than 70% to create an exceedingly hot, humid environment.

The major winds in the study area occur during the Xagaa dry season, particularly (June

to July) and in Jilaal (December to February). Hot, calm weather occurs between the

monsoons (part or whole of April and part or the whole of September). In the northwest

the winds are strongest everywhere during the southwest monsoon. Average wind speed

varies from 8-10 m/s, but during a large part of the year strong winds of up to 17 m/s

occur, causing frequent dust-devils all over the coastal plains and plateaus.

The study area is subject to high potential evapotranspiration (PET), with an annual

average of between 2000 and 3000 mm. Annual rainfall is far below potential

evapotranspiration and a large water deficit exists during most of the year, throughout the

region. Rainfall is not always sufficient for successful crop production[CITATION

SWA07 \t \l 1033 ].

Figure 3-2 Relative humidity of study area (SWALIM)

3.1.2 Geology/Lithology

The study area is covered by rocks dating from Pre-Cambrian to Recent, comprising

sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks. The tectonic arrangement of rock

outcroppings in the region is complex and severely affected by many different systems of

faults and fractures, oriented mainly parallel to the coast (WNW-ESE).

The region it is covered by Jurassic limestone and Miocene bio-limestone, Pleistocene

basalts, and recent alluvial and Aeolian deposits. Igneous rocks are mostly basalts and

rhyolites, and metamorphic rocks include a wide range of schist’s, ortogneiss, quartzite,

migmatites, marble, calcosilicate and paragneiss, intruded by granite, diorite and gabbro.

Pleistocene basalt outcrops and other volcanic outcrops occur dispersed along the

northern escarpment and coastal plain.[ CITATION SWA07 \l 1033 ].

3.1.3 Landform and Soils

From a geomorphological point of view, the study area can be divided into three


(1) Piedmonts and the Coastal Plain.

(2) Mountainous and Hilland.

(3) Plateau (both dissected and normal).

The middle mountain range and the southern plateau are locally known as Oogo. There

are three main ephemeral river systems (Togga Durdur, Togga Biji and Togga Waheen)

that drain from the plateau and traverse the mountain range in the direction of the Red Sea

and from the southern side of the same mountain to the southern highlands, respectively.

(1) Piedmonts and the Coastal Plain. A small northern section of the study area is coastal

plain (locally called Guban) extending from the Red Sea over a gently sloping plain with

elevations ranging from sea level to 600 m, southwards up to the foot of the mountains. It

is characterized by debris and colluvia carried by several togga crossing the plain to the

sea, the beds of which are very wide and subject to flash floods during the rainy season.

(2) Mountainous and Hilland. In the middle of the study area are the Al Mountains (Golis

Mountains), oriented almost E-W parallel to the coast, with a very rugged topography

rising to more than 1500 m asl. Both sides of the mountains, towards the sea and southern

hinterland, are drained by numerous streams of varying sizes.

(3) Plateau. The large, gently undulating and almost flat highlands and plateaus south of

the Al Mountains have an altitude from 1 500-1 900 m asl and are cut by several streams

(variously called togga, tug or wadi).

According to the Sogreah soil survey report, patterns of soil distribution closely follow

regional geomorphology. On the high plateaus soils were mapped as predominantly deep

and heavy textured Vertisols. Mountainous and Hilland areas were mapped as rocky or

covered by shallow Entisols and some Aridisols. Soils in the Piedmont areas were classed

as Entisols and Aridisols. A large part of the region is covered by Rocky soils that were

mapped separately as a non-soil component[CITATION SWA07 \t \l 1033 ].

3.1.4 Land cover

The land cover of the study area is comprised mostly of natural vegetation. Land cover

classes include Open Shrubs, Open Trees and Open to Closed Herbaceous. Closed trees

are not common. Other cover types include Urban and Associated Areas

(Settlement/Towns and Airport), Bare Areas (Bare Soils and Sandy areas) and Natural

Water bodies.

The main woody species in the study area include Acacia nubica, A tortilis, A bussei, A.

Senegal, Aloe spp., Croton gilletti, Hypoestes hildebrandtii, Acalypha fruticosa, Grewia

tenax and Balanites aegyptiaca. Common herbaceous species are Cenchrus ciliaris,

Cynodon dactylon, Sporobolus marginatus, Tragus racemosus and Aristida

adscensionis[CITATION SWA07 \t \l 1033 ].

3.1.5 Land Use

The main land use in the study area is extensive grazing (pastoralism). Other land uses

include rainfed agriculture, irrigated orchards along the alluvial plains, and wood

collection. Rainfed agriculture is found in what is considered as the “sorghum belt” of

Somaliland. It is practiced in combination with pastoralism and wood collection. This

land use class is the economic basis of households in the study area. Cultivation of

irrigated orchards is a cash-oriented activity in the area and involves the growing of fruit

trees such as citrus, guava, papaya and mango. Supplementary water for irrigation is

obtained from wells, dams and other water bodies.[CITATION SWA07 \t \l 1033 ]

3.1.6 Water resource

The butuji area lies on the Biji catchment, situated in Somaliland, covers the areas drained

by the small wadis and toggas that originate from the gently sloping plateau and passes

through the mountain range extending in an east-west direction before reaching the

coastal region to flow into the Biji catchment. The drainage area covered by these small

seasonal streams, collectively known as the Biji catchment, is about 3815 km2. The
drainage area is spread over Maroodi-jeex region. The drainage area lies roughly between

42o 42’ and 51o 22’ east of the Prime Meridian and between 9o 28’ and 12o 1’ north of

the Equator. The most important town lying within the drainage Gebiley.[CITATION

SWA07 \t \l 1033 ]

No perennial river of any importance exists in the basin. Much of the surface water of the

Gulf of Aden basin is ephemeral and commonly appearing as seasonal ponds (balleh).

Streams that flow permanently generally lie on the impervious rock of the highlands,

coastal area. Streams also occur in toggas as spates which transport large amount of

sediments. The wadis and toggas, the seasonal streams, where drainage networks are

developed, have surface runoff only after heavy rainfall. After intense rainfall, these small

streams can carry high floods and debris. The surface runoff lasts from a few hours to a

few days.[CITATION SWA09 \t \l 1033 ]

3.2 Description of distribution Area

Hargeisa capital city of Somaliland consist of five main districts Koodbur, 26 June, Ga’an

libah, Mohamud Haybe and Ahmed Dhagah. Koodbur district which is the distribution

area, is one of the biggest and largest population district. It is located north-east of the

part of city. it is neighbour with 26 June, separated by main road passes Iskoyska xero

awr up to the 150 street. (See appendix B. Koodbur Boundary). This district in mixed in

residential area and commercial area. In this district there so number of mosque, private

and public schools, governmental offices and market centers. The existing distribution

system of water in Koodbur district is same as to the other districts in city.

It gets water form Chinese reservoir through the 8" diameter pipe (See appendix C). The

district consist 31 sub areas with 6411 house hold connect and ArcGIStered by Hargeisa

Water Agency for more detail (See Appendix D )[ CITATION HWA16 \l 1033 ].


Google Earth.
digital topographic maps.
determining the Thereafter, a site visiting.
appropriate site for
the dam.

1. Papulation size.
2. Digital Topographic Maps.
3. Digitized Shape Files.
Data Collection 4. Climatic data.
5. Land use, land cover.

1. Carry out GIS Analysis methods.

2. Evaluate the river morphology.
3. Water demand computation.
Data Analysis 4. Determination of available reservoir volume.
approach. 5. Required reservoir storage volume.

1. determining the specifications for the dam.

2. Dam stability analysis.
Design 3. Engineering Drawings of the final dams design.

3.3.1 Geographic Information System (ArcGIS)

A geographic information system (ArcGIS) is a system designed to capture, store,

manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. ArcGIS

applications are tools that allow users to create interactive queries (user-created searches),

analyze spatial information, edit data in maps, and present the results of all these

operations. ArcGIS is a broad term that can refer to a number of different technologies,

processes, and methods. It is attached to many operations and has many applications

related to engineering, planning, management, transport/logistics, insurance,

telecommunications, and business[ CITATION Cha07 \l 1033 ]. For that reason, ArcGIS

can be the foundation for many location-enabled services that rely on analysis and

visualization of the study area[ CITATION Cha07 \l 1033 ].

3.3.2 Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System consists of 24 satellites, that circle the globe once every

12 hours, to provide worldwide position, time and velocity information. GPS makes it

possible to precisely identify locations on the earth by measuring distance from the

satellites. GPS allows you to record or create locations from places on the earth and help

you navigate to and from those places[ CITATION McM13 \l 1033 ].

3.3.3 Google Earth

Google Earth is a computer program that renders a simulacrum of the Earth based

on satellite imagery. It maps the Earth by the superimposition of images obtained

from satellite imagery, aerial photography and geographic information system (GIS) onto

a 3D globe. Google Earth displays satellite images of varying resolution of the Earth's

surface, allowing users to see things like cities and houses looking perpendicularly down

or at an oblique angle [ CITATION Ste09 \l 1033 ]

3.3.4 Importance of GIS, GPS and Google Earth

An advanced information system like GIS, GPS and Google Earth play a vital role and

serves as a complete platform in every phase of dam development. Each and every phase

of dam life-cycle is greatly affected and enhanced by the enrollment of tools as follows.

Planning: In planning its major contribution is to give us with an organized set of data

which can help professionals to combat complex scenarios relating to the selection of site,

environmental impact, study of ecosystem, etc.

Data Collection: Precise and accurate data is the core driving factor of any successful

project. ArcGIS is equipped with almost all those tools and functions that enables user to

have access to the required data within a reasonable time.

Analysis: Analysis is one of the major and most influential phases of infrastructure life

cycle. Analysis guides us about the validity or correctness of design or we can say that

analysis is a method which supports our design. Some of the analyses that can be

performed by ArcGIS are:

Soil analysis, Site feasibility analysis, Environment impact analysis, Volume or Area

analysis of catchment and River or canals pattern analysis.

Construction: It is the stage when all layout plans and paper work design come into

existence in the real world. These tools help the professionals to understand the site

conditions that affect the schedule baseline and cost baseline. To keep the construction

within budget and schedule ArcGIS guides us about how to utilize our resources on site


Operations: Operations are controlled by modeling of site data and compared by the

baselines prepared in planning phase. Modeling of site may be in the form of raster

images or CAD drawings. These can help us to keep track of timely operations of




4.1 Determining the appropriate site for the dam.

Using GPS and with help of Google earth an area with coordinates latitude 9°46'16.59"

and longitude 43°51'0.36" (see in Appendix F) was found to be appropriate for these

reasons: -

The area had a narrow gorge opening upstream from analysis of hydrological studies

using ArcGIS. This can be viewed in figure .

Figure 4-3 Location of of the study area
The area is also reported to having a strong rock foundation which favored the

construction of a gravity dam. This can be seen in a report by HWA as cited in the


The place was also easily accessible by road which eased the transportation of material

for the construction of the dam.

The soils in the area were also identified as a soil of low porosity therefore minimizing

seepage losses. [CITATION HWA15 \t \l 1033 ]

4.1.1 Population Forecasting Methods

In this design the following are some of the standard methods by which the forecasting

population is done:

- Arithmetical increase method

- Geometrical increase method

- Incremental increase method Arithmetical increase method

This method is based up on the assumption that the population increases at a constant

rate. Thus the formula of this method can be written as:

𝑃𝑛 = (𝑝𝑛+𝑛�) …………………………………………………………… (1)


Pn= forecasted population after n decades

Po= present population

n= No. of decade between now and future

x= average population increase Geometrical Increase Method

This method is based on the assumption that the percentage increase in population from

decade to decade remains constant. In this method the average percentage of growth of

last few decades is determined; the population forecasting is done on the basis that

percentage increase per decade will be the same.

The population at the end of ‘n’ decades is calculated by: Incremental Increase Method

In this method, the per decade growth rate is not assumed to be constant but it

continuously increasing or decreasing depending up on whether the average incremental

increases in the past data is positive or negative. So the formula is:

𝑝 𝑛=𝑝 �+𝑛�+12⁄(𝑛+1)𝑦 …………………………………………………………… (3)


Pn= forecasted population after n decades

Po= present population

n= No. of decade between now and future

x= average population increase

y = average of incremental increase

4.1.2 Population Projection

Up on all of the methods of population forecasting, the Geometric method is used to

estimate the future population of the district, since this method is good for the district of

unlimited scope of future expansion like Ibrahim Koodbur district.

The growth rate would be 3.5 %[ CITATION HWA16 \l 1033 ]. Taking intervals of ten

years, with in twenty five ears of life time the future population of the district would be as

indicated the following table.

Pn=𝑃o(1+ )t

3. 5 1
𝑃2026=176428( 1+ ) = 182602.98

3. 5 1
𝑃2036=248869( 1+ ) = 195608.88

3. 5
𝑃2041=351055 ( 1+ )0.55 = 199002.593

Table 4-1 Population projection

Year 2016 2026 2036 2041

Growth % ----- 3.50% 3.50% 3.50%

Population 176428 182602.98 195608.88 199002.6

4.2 Design demand

This is the quantity of water required for the uses for which a Butuji dam design

project has to be designed. The data required will include water consumption rate and the

population to be served.

Therefore; 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑃𝑒� 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 � 𝑃�𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖�𝑛

Yearly Demand = 𝑃𝑒� 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 � 𝑃�𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖�𝑛 � 365

𝑃n = 𝑃� (1+�100)/𝑡 …………………………………………………………… (2)


Pn= Future Population after n year

Po = the base line population where it is 176428 in year of 2016.

r = is an assumption of population growth rate as percentage

t =Years of population forecasting Domestic demand

It includes the quantity of water required in the houses for drinking, bathing, washing

hands and face, flushing toilets, washing clothes, floors, utensils, etc.

Table 4-2 Domestic demand

Per capital Total demand in Total demand in

Years Population
demand/day (l/day) (m3/day)
2026 182602.98 40 7304119.2 7304

2036 195608.88 50 9780444 9780
2041 199002.6 50 9950130 9950

4.2.1 Demand for commercial, institutional and industrial

In generally institutional and commercial demand is includes universities, commercial

buildings and commercial centers including office buildings, warehouses, stores, hotels,

health centers, schools, mosques , cinema houses, all this comes under this category.

In terms of Ibrahim Koodbur. We have taking as percentage of total domestic demand that

have been analyses. See this table below:

Table 4-3 Demand for domestic, commercial, institutional and industrial

Demand 2026 2036 2041
demand 7304 9780 9950
5% 365 489 498
15% 1096 1467 1493
10% 730 978 995
fire demand 4877 1780233 5057
Total demand
per day 14373 1792948 17992
in (M3/ )
Total Yearly 65442593
5246038 6567034
demand 9

4.2.2 Firefighting water demand

Fires generally break in thickly populated localities and in industrial area and cause

serious damages of properties and sometime life of people are lost. Fire demand is treated

as a function of population and some of the empirical formulae commonly used for

calculating demand as follows

Table 4-4 empirical formulae of firefighting

No Name Formula

1 Freeman P
Q=1136.5( +10 )
2 Knuckling Q= 3182 √ P
3 National board for fire Q= 4637( √ P )(1-0.01* √ P )
So in our project we will use the national board for fire formula demand because it is

applicable to Somaliland

Table 4-5 Firefighting water demand

Fire demand in Fire demand in Fire demand

Years Population
(l/min) (m3/day) (m3/year)
2026 182603 54193 4877 1780233

2036 195609 55783 5020 1832465

2041 199003 56186 5057 1845697
Total 5458396
4.3 Losses

4.3.1 Losses for seepage and sedimentation

Uncounted or Losses like seepages and sedimentation will be assumed 20% of total

demand per year so we will take this assumption.

Table 4-6 Losses for seepage and sedimentation

2026 2036 2041
Total demand per
5246038 654425939 6567034
Loses for seepage
and sedimentation 1049207.552 130885187.9 1313406.766
Total 7880440.594
4.3.2 Evaporation losses

The amount of water lost through evaporation from the reservoir is obtained from pan

evaporation data given below and using the formula below:

Table 4-7 Pan Evaporation of Hargiesa and Gabilay

Pan evaporation of Gabilay and Hargiesa

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Hargeis 17 229. 22 275. 275. 226. 167. 2720.
a 7 182 4 5 235.6 276 9 9 255 3 195 4 2
Gebelle 10 94. 116. 11 111. 105. 109. 108. 104. 105. 1301.
y 2 6 2 5 120.8 2 4 3 5 108 7 7 5
Average pan evaporation
2000 mm/year
Source: HWA

mm mm
𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒�𝑣�𝑖� 𝐸𝑣𝑎𝑝��𝑎𝑡𝑖�𝑛 ( ) = 0.7 � 𝑝𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑝��𝑎𝑡𝑖�𝑛 ………… (4)
year year

= 0.7 � 2000mm/year = 1400 mm/year

m m
𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑒�𝑣�𝑖� 𝐸𝑣𝑎𝑝��𝑎𝑡𝑖�𝑛 ( )=𝑅.𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑝��𝑎𝑡𝑖�𝑛 ( )� 𝑅.𝐴�𝑒𝑎 (𝑚2) …..…
year year


= 1.4 � 4143000 = 5800200

4.4 Irrigation and livestock demand in Butuji area

It was found that at least each small scale farmer owned a portion of land of a size of 2

hectare (MoA, 2016). The reservoir will supply water at least 30 small scale farms in the

area. The Net Irrigation Requirement to fulfil the water needs for lemon, tomato and

maize which are the main crops grown in the small farms within the area. Also we will

add the livestock demand and we will take an assumption of 4% of the total domestic


Table 4-8 Irrigation and livestock demand

Years 2026 2036 2041

Total demand
5246038 654425939 6567034
per year
Irrigation and
livestock 209842 26177037.6 262681
demand 4%
Total 6829715
4.5 Yearly demand in cubic meter

Table 4-9 summary of Yearly demand

Types of Demands
2026 2036 2041
Yearly demand (Domestic,
Commercial, Industrial and Institutional) 5246038 654425939 6567034
Loses for seepage and sedimentation
1049208 130885188 1313407
Irrigation (4%) 209842 26177037.57 262681
Evaporation 5800200 5800200 5800200
Ultimate demand 12305287 817288365 13943322

A factor of safety has to be multiplied by this final value so as to cater for unaccounted

for water demand and losses. In this case, a safety factor of 1.5 was used. The resulting

total water demand will therefore be:

13943322×�.� = 20914982.92 � 3/𝒚𝒆𝒂� ≅ 20.91 Mm3/year

4.6 Runoff computation

This is an important component of runoff as it enables the computation of the gross

amount of water that can be obtained from a catchment. Rational Method can be used to

determine the runoff depth:

Rational Method. A rational approach is to obtain the yield of a catchment by using

suitable runoff coefficient.

Yield = CAP ………………………………………………………………………...…



A = area of catchment

P = precipitation

C = runoff coefficient

According to HWA report the mean runoff coefficient equal to 12.0 % of rainfall making

comparison to similar regions where there are measured data and area of the catchment of

both Togga Laas Xadhaadh and Togga Daaso Casays Catchment Area that covers butuji

dam catchment is equal 811.8 sqkm.

The average of mean rainfall of Gabilay and Hargeisa is equal 456.53 mm/year (see

appendix E)

Yield = CAP

Yield = 0.12∗811.8∗456.53=44.5 Mm3 / year

4.7 To determine the specifications for the dam and related components.

4.7.1 Limiting height of the low gravity dam

f cu 2.5 x 106
= =8.33 x 10 6
3.0 3.0
8.333 ×10
H= =249.8 m ≅ 250 m
9810(2.5+ 1)

4.7.2 Dam dimensions

1. Hydraulic height (H)

It is defined as the vertical difference between the maximum designed water level and the

lowest point in the original streambed. The height was found to be 43 𝑚 through contour


2. Freeboard (FB)

The margin between the maximum reservoir level and top of the dam is known as

freeboard. This must be provided in order to avoid the possibility of water spilling

ove~ the dam top due to wave action. This can also help as a safety for unforeseen

floods, higher than the designed flood.

𝐹� = 1.33h� �r 5%� 𝐹� 𝑠ℎ�𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑛�𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 0.9 ≅ 1 𝑚

0.05 × 43 𝑚 = 2.15 𝑚 ≅ 2.5m

3. Structural height (Ht)

Structural height of the dam is defined as the vertical distance from the lowest point of the

excavated foundation to the top of the dam.

�t= � + 𝐹� …………………………………………………………………...…


�t= 43 + 2.5 = 45.5m

4. Top width (Tw)

��= 0.14�𝑡 �� �. 55 H 0.5 ……………………………………………………...

… (8)

��= 0.14 × 45.5 = 6.4 𝑚 and 0.55 × 430.5= 3.6m

𝑊𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒�𝑒𝑓��𝑒 𝑎𝑑�𝑝𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑔�𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒� for safety so TW = 6.4m

5. Base width (b)

Base width is the width of a dam measured horizontally between upstream and

downstream faces and normal to the axis or centerline crest of the dam considering the

stress criterion and a unit uplift coefficient. Value of coefficient of uplift pressure

intensity, c is considered as 1 [ CITATION CHO98 \l 1033 ]

B= ……………………………………………………….………...
√ ( ρ−C )
… (9)

B= = 36m
√ (2.4−1 )

C= Value of coefficient of uplift pressure intensity

P= Concrete unit weight 2.4t/m2

Figure 4-4Dimensions of the dam

4.7.3 Computation of stresses

Some of the assumptions made included:

a. Pressures considered are dam weight, water uplift and Hydraulic pressure.

b. Tail water is nil.

Force (t) Lever Arm (m) Moment about toe (t.m)

Weight = Volume x  concrete
𝑊 1= 6.5�45.5�1�2.4 709.8 3.25+29.5 = 23246
𝑊2=1/2�43�29.5�1�2.4 1522.2 32.75 29987.3
2/3*29.5 = 19.7

WT1=W1+W2 2232 𝛴�1=53233.3

Uplift (U)
1 774 2/3 * 36 = 24 -18576
𝑈 = ∗36∗43
Water Pressure
wh2 924.5 1/3 *43 = 14.3 -13220.4
𝑃�= = ½ * 1 *432
WT2= U+PW 1698.5 𝛴�2 = -31796.4
Considering 1m length of the dam and w=1t/m2

Over turning moment Σ�O = 31796.4 t.m

Resisting Moment Σ�r = 53233.3 t.m

Σ�t = Σ�r - Σ�O = 53233.3– 31796.4 = 21437t.m

V = W - U = 2232 – 774 = 1458t

�̅ = the location of the resultant force by determining its distance from the toe,

ΣM 21437
�̅= ¿ = 14.7m
V 1458


- �̅ = 36/2 – 14.1 = 3.3

Vertical stress of toe and heal

v 6e 1518 6∗3.9
PnToe =
(1+ )
1+ (36 )
=69.5 t/m2

v 6e 1518 6∗3.8
PnHeal =
(1− )
1− (
36 )
=14.75 t /¿ m2

Major principle stress 

For  to be maximum, p' should be zero, i.e. When there is no tail water; then in such a

case  =pn*sec2α

Since a sec2α is always more than 1, it follows, that  will be more than Pn· This

value of normal stress, which is ·the maximum produced anywhere in the body of

the dam, must be calculated and should not be allowed to exceed the maximum

allowable compressive stress of dam material.

But sec2α = 1+tan2 α = 1+(45.5/36)2 = 2.6

 =pn*sec2α = 69.5 * 2.6 =180.7t/m2

180.7<250 ok.

4.8 Dam Stability Analysis

4.8.1 Overturning

If the resultant of all the- forces acting on a dam at any of its sections, passes

outside the toe, the dam shall rotate and overturn about the toe. Practically, such a

condition shall not arise, as the dam will fail much earlier by compression. The ratio of

the righting moments about toe (anti clockwise) to the overturning moments about toe

(clock-wise) is called the factor of safety against overturning. Its value, generally

greater than 1.5.

Righting moments, R.M = 53233.3t.m

O.M = 18576+13220.4= 31796.4 t.m

ΣRM 53233.3t .m
FS =
FS =
31796.4 t . m
= 1.67 > 1.5 Ok

Thus dam safe against overturning

4.8.2 Sliding

Sliding (or shear failure) will occur when the net horizontal force above any plane in

the dam or at the base of the dame exceeds the· frictional resistance developed at

that level. Factor of safety against sliding (F.S.S) should be greater than 1

μ∗ΣV 0.7∗1458
F.S.S = = = 1.15 > 1 ok
ΣH 924.5

F.S.S = 1.15 > 1 therefore dam is safe against Sliding

4.8.3 Crushing/compression

A dam may fail by the failure of its materials, i.e. the compressive stresses produced

may exceed the allowable stresses, and the dam-material may get crushed.

𝑃 𝑛𝑡�𝑒=69.5T⁄m2 = 6.8x105N/m2

𝑓𝑐𝑢= 25 �/𝑚𝑚2=25 � 106 �/𝑚2

Maximum allowable compressive strength should be less than the specified compressive

strength of concrete divided by 3 for usual load combinations.

25 x 106 N /m2
Thus 𝑓= = 8.333 � 106 �/𝑚2

𝑃𝑛𝑡�𝑒<𝑓 𝑡h𝑒�𝑒𝑓��𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑚 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡 𝑐�𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔

4.8.4 Tension

Masonry and concrete gravity dams are usually designed in such a way that no tension

is developed anywhere, because these materials cannot withstand sustained tensile

stresses. If subjected to such stresses, these materials may finally crack.

For no tension the eccentricity 𝑒 should be less than 𝑏/6 or the resultant should always lie

within the middle third.

b 36
= =6
6 6

e = 3.3

𝑒< 6 𝑡ℎ𝑒�𝑒𝑓��𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑚 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒



5.1 Conclusion

Field Investigations: - The data collection begins with an appraisal and continues on a

more detailed basis through the design phase. Data are also collected continuously during

construction to correlate with previously obtained information and to evaluate the need

for possible design changes.

Aggregate production: - Huge quantities of aggregate would be required for the

construction of a massive structure like a concrete gravity dam the acceptability of the

natural aggregate is to be judged upon the physical and the chemical properties of the

material and the accessibility, proximity to site and economic workability of the deposit.

A suitable quarry has to be identified in the neighborhood that can supply continuous

source of aggregates.

Concrete mixing, placing, consolidation and curing: - The concrete must be durable and

resistant to weathering, chemical attack, and erosion. The structure must be relatively free

of surface and structural cracks. Because of increasing environmental demands, the final

completed structure must be pleasing in appearance. And, last but not least, the
construction processes and procedures should reflect an economical design and use of

Manpower, and construction effort. In order for dam concrete to satisfy the performance

requirements the placement should be carry out probably in accordance with the

construction method assumed at the mixture design stage.

Batching and Mixing: - Naturally, Concrete is not a homogeneous material. An approach

to a “homogeneous” concrete is made by careful and constant control of batching and

mixing operations which will result in a concrete of uniform quality throughout the

structure. Because of its effect on strength, the amount of water in the mix must be

carefully controlled. This control should start in the supplies of aggregate where an effort

must be made to obtain a uniform and stable moisture content. Water should be added to

the mix by some method which will assure that the correct amount of water is added to

each batch.

Type II cement is normally used by the Bureau of Reclamation in mass concrete dams.

Limitations on the heat of hydration of this cement are specified when determined

necessary to minimize cracking in the concrete structure. Use of a type II cement will

generally reduce the heat of hydration to an acceptable level, particularly since type II

cement is usually used in conjunction with other methods of heat reduction

For laying concrete over the rock foundations, it has to be ensured that the surface is

clean and free from mud, dirt, oil, organic deposits, or other foreign material which may

prevent a tight bond between rock and concrete. Prior to placement of concrete of the next

lift, the surface of the previously placed concrete has to be thoroughly cleaned by the use

of high velocity jet of water and air as well as by wet-sand blasting. Further immediately

before the concrete placing of the next lift begins, a 12.5 mm thick layer of mortar should

be applied to permit proper bond between the concrete of the lower lift.

Maintenances: - Dam shall be maintained throughout the service life so that the structural

performance requirement for the concrete dam is satisfied. The maintenances of a dam

concrete should be planned in appropriately by taking the characteristics of concrete dam,

site conditions and so on in to consideration and it should be executed in accordance with

the plan.

5.2 Recommendations

Before this design is actually implemented it is recommended that the following should

be done:

 The design could be completed by collection, study, and evaluation of foundation data

must be continuing program from the time of the assessment investigation to the

completion of construction. And also spillways should be designed for discharging off

excess flood water and also environmental flow.

 -Design of a suitable water intake structure to allow for efficient abstraction of water

from the reservoir.

 A water treatment plant should be designed for improving the water quality before it

is used by humans and animals.

 A bill of quantities for the entire project should be established.


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Source: Hargeisa Water Agency


Source: Hargiesa Water Agency


Sub- Ibraihim
Areas 26-Jun Kodbuur Ga'an Libax M. Haybe A. Dhagax
No. No. No. No. No.
Households Households Households Households Households
1 165 126 75 123 220
2 274 189 77 258 235
3 156 166 84 218 210
4 314 308 107 115 254
5 77 64 336 208 144
6 106 214 330 316 169
7 78 273 74 168 66
8 176 199 174 38 53
9 300 257 260 267 167
10 186 65 192 13 169
11 278 202 326 56 54
12 178 6 243 241 20
13 548 33 304 270 27
14 161 159 210 76 21
15 304 440 299 14 66
16 505 337 491 73
17 294 61 146 54
18 403 188 514
19 240 390 255
20 177 86
21 154 335 184
22 168 231 203
23 308 164 475
24 280 75 250
25 296 213 173
26 265 654 55
27 302 227 31
28 378 232 17
29 289 265
30 309 121
31 251 217
32 184
33 177
34 248
35 281
TOTAL 8810 6411 5971 2381 2002



Year Gabilay Hargeisa Mean Rainfall

2010 536.5 541.5 539
2011 434.5 398.5 416.5
2012 511.5 456.5 484
2013 461.5 576 518.75
21014 411 423.5 417.25
2015 392 244.5 318.25
2016 572 432 502
Total Rainfall 474.14 438.92 456.53

Mean rainfall chart

600 539 518.75 502

416.5 417.25
ra infal l




2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017





Source: SWALIM






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