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RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


Nowadays, attendance in schools and colleges is based on paper. Sometimes this
process causes errors and takes more time.

This project uses RFID technology for making a note of every student entering in a
classroom and also calculates the time resides in a class.

In this system every student is allotted with an RFID tag. The attendance can be done
by placing card near RFID reader.

Every organization whether it be an educational institution or business organization, it

has to maintain a proper record of attendance of students or employees for effective
functioning of organization. Designing an efficient attendance management system for
students to maintain the records with ease and accuracy is an important key behind
motivating this project. Nowadays attendance is taken on paper and records are
maintained where someone keeps all the records and does all the calculations at the
end of the month due to which it takes time and students have to wait till month end
to know their attendance. This system would improve accuracy of attendance records
because it will remove all the hassles of roll calling and will save valuable time of the
students as well as teachers.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


Fig 1.1 Block diagram



The AT89S52 Microcontroller is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit

Microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device
is manufactured BY Atmel, with the industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and Pin-
out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or
by a conventional non-volatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

CPU with in-system programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is
a powerful Microcontroller which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution
to many embedded control applications.

Fig 1.2 Pin diagram of microcontroller

The AT89S52 Microcontroller provides the following standard features.

• 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory

• Three-level Program Memory Lock
• 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM
• 32 Programmable I/O Lines
• Three 16-bit Timer/Counters and Watchdog Timer

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

• Full Duplex UART Serial Channel and Flexible ISP Programming (Byte and Page
• Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
• Interrupt Recovery from Power-down Mode

Radio-Frequency Identification(RFID):
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically
identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored
information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating
radio waves. Active tags have a local power source (such as a battery) and may
operate hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tags don't
need to be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the
tracked object. RFID is one method of automatic identification and data capture

RFID tags are used in many industries. For example, an RFID tag attached to an
automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the
assembly line; RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses;
and implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets enables positive
identification of animals.

A radio-frequency identification system uses tags, or labels attached to the objects to

be identified. Two-way radio transmitter-receivers called interrogators or readers send a
signal to the tag and read its response.

RFID tags can be either passive, active or battery-assisted passive. An active tag has
an on-board battery and periodically transmits its ID signal. A battery-assisted
passive (BAP) has a small battery on board and is activated when in the presence of

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

an RFID reader. A passive tag is cheaper and smaller because it has no battery;
instead, the tag uses the radio energy transmitted by the reader. However, to operate
a passive tag, it must be illuminated with a power level roughly a thousand times
stronger than for signal transmission. That makes a difference in interference and in
exposure to radiation.

Tags may either be read-only, having a factory-assigned serial number that is used as
a key into a database, or may be read/write, where object-specific data can be
written into the tag by the system user. Field programmable tags may be write-once,
read-multiple; "blank" tags may be written with an electronic product code by the

The RFID tag can be affixed to an object and used to track and manage inventory,
assets, people, etc. For example, it can be affixed to cars, computer equipment,
books, mobile phones, etc.

RFID offers advantages over manual systems or use of bar codes. The tag can be
read if passed near a reader, even if it is covered by the object or not visible. The tag
can be read inside a case, carton, box or other container, and unlike barcodes, RFID
tags can be read hundreds at a time. Bar codes can only be read one at a time using
current devices.

RFID can be used in a variety of applications,]such as:

Electronic key for RFID based lock system

● Access management
● Tracking of goods
● Tracking of persons and animals
● Toll collection and contactless payment
● Machine readable travel documents
● Smartdust (for massively distributed sensor networks)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

● Airport baggage tracking logistics

● Timing sporting events
● Tracking and billing processes

Fig 1.3 RFID

Features of Radio-Frequency Identification:

● Able to Read and Write data without direct contact.

● By "combining an item with its information", a highly pliable and reliable system
configuration becomes possible.
● With the adoption of space transmission technology and protocols, highly reliable
communication is made possible.
● Reading and writing is possible without line of sight, using electric and
electromagnetic wave transmission.
● Can simultaneously access information of multiple RF tags.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


It is known as electronic display module and it finds a wide range of applications. A 16

X 2 LCD Display is better and preferred over seven segment and other multi segment
devices. The reasons being:

➢ LCDs are economical

➢Easily programmable

➢ Have no limitation of displaying special and even custom characters.

A 16 X 2 LCD means there are two lines and each line can display 16 characters. In 5 X
7 pixels matrix each character is displayed in LCD. It consists of two registers, namely
Command and Data. In LCD there are many predefined functions like initializing it,
clearing its screen, setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. in LCD command
is instruction given to do pre defined task. All the data displayed on the LCD are stored
by data register. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the
LCD. It required +5V power supply.


A voltage regulator is designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. A

voltage regulator may be a simple feed forward design or may include negative
feedback control loops. It may use an electromechanical mechanism or electronic
components. Depending on the design, it may be used to regulate one or more AC or
DC voltages.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT




Fig 2.1 Circuit schematic

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


The main components of the project are 8051 based microcontroller, 16×2 LCD, and
RFID reader module. First we’ll see the basic connections with respect to the
microcontroller. Here, we’ll need to connect a crystal, a reset circuit and external access.

To use the on-chip oscillator, an 11.0592 MHz quartz crystal is connected to pins 18
(XTAL2) and 19 (XTAL1) of the microcontroller. Two 33pF ceramic capacitors are
connected from the crystal to ground.

The reset on the 8051 microcontroller is active high i.e. upon applying a high pulse to
RST pin, the microcontroller will reset. A 10KΩ resistor is connected from the RST
(Pin 9) of the microcontroller to ground.

A 10µF electrolytic capacitor is connected between the positive supply and RST pin. A
push button is connected across the capacitor.

The External Access pin (Pin 31) is connected to positive supply using a 10KΩ
resistor. This completes the basic connections with respect to microcontroller.

Now we’ll connect the LCD to microcontroller. To adjust the contrast of the display, a
pot is connected to contrast adjust pin i.e. Pin 3 of LCD.

First, connect the three control pins of the LCD i.e. RS, RW and E to P3.6, GND and
P3.7. Then connect the 8 data pins of the LCD display to PORT1 pins of the

After connecting the display, now we are going to connect the RFID reader module.
Connect the TX pin of RFID Reader to RXD pin i.e. P3.0 of the microcontroller.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

Similarly, connect the RX pin of RFID Reader to TXD pin i.e. P3.1 of the
microcontroller.Finally, a button is connected to P3.3 (IN) to view the attendance

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT



The aim of this project is to design an RFID Technology based Attendance System
using 8051 microcontroller, in which the attendance of students or employees is
automatically recorded with the swipe of a card. The working of the project is
explained here.

When this circuit is powered ON, initially the microcontroller will display the message
as Swipe the card on the LCD display. When the RFID reader detects the ID card, it
will send the unique card no to the microcontroller via serial terminal.

With the help of suitable programming, we need to compare the received card no.
with the numbers that are already stored in the microcontroller or any database.

Once, if any of these numbers are match with the received card no., then the
corresponding name stored in that no. is displayed on the LCD display and also the
attendance for the name stored in the corresponding number is marked.

By pressing the button, the attendance recording will be closed and the details are
displayed on the LCD repeatedly until the microcontroller has been reset.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


1. #include<reg51.h>
2. #include<string.h>
4. //0000 to 7FFF
6. sbit RS = P0^7;
7. sbit EN = P0^6;
9. sbit SDA = P1^0;
10. sbit SCL = P1^1;
11. sbit RELAY = P1^2;
13. code unsigned char RFID_1[] = "34006C9C04C0"; //34006C9C04+NULL
14. code unsigned char RFID_2[] = "34006C549C90";
15. code unsigned char RFID_3[] = "1300F8FAC1D0";
16. code unsigned char RFID_4[] = "34006CD5AD20";
17. code unsigned char RFID_5[] = "420061231E1E";
19. code unsigned char name_1[] = "SANJAY JAIN";
20. code unsigned char name_2[] = "SHEKHAT HARSH";
21. code unsigned char name_3[] = "DHOLARIYA RAKSHIT";
22. code unsigned char name_4[] = "DIVYANG SINGH ";
23. code unsigned char name_5[] = "NAKUL JAIN";
25. unsigned char rs[15];
27. unsigned int no_of_records;
29. void delay()
30. {
31. int j;
32. for(j=0;j<500;j++);
33. }
35. void long_delay()
36. {
37. unsigned int j;
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

38. for(j=0;j<65000;j++);
39. }
41. void idelay()
42. {
43. unsigned int j;
44. for(j=0;j<10000;j++);
45. }
47. void lcd_command(char lc)
48. {
49. P2 = lc;
50. RS = 0;
51. EN = 1;
52. delay();
53. EN = 0;
54. }
56. void lcd_data(char ld)
57. {
58. P2 = ld;
59. RS = 1;
60. EN = 1;
61. delay();
62. EN = 0;
63. }
65. void lcd_init()
66. {
67. lcd_command(0x38);
68. lcd_command(0x0E);
69. lcd_command(0x01);
70. }
72. void serial_init()
73. {
74. TMOD = 0x20;
75. SCON = 0x50;
76. TH1 = 0xFD;
77. TR1 = 1;
78. }
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

80. void transmit(unsigned char tx)
81. {
82. SBUF = tx;
83. while(TI==0);
84. TI = 0;
85. }
87. void send_string(unsigned char *str)
88. {
89. int j;
90. for(j=0;str[j]!='\0';j++)
91. transmit(str[j]);
92. }
94. unsigned char receive()
95. {
96. char rx;
97. while(RI==0);
98. RI = 0;
99. rx = SBUF;
100. return(rx);
101. }
103. void lcd_string(char add,char *str)
104. {
105. int j;
106. lcd_command(add);
107. for(j=0;str[j]!='\0';j++)
108. lcd_data(str[j]);
109. }
111. void start()
112. {
113. SDA = 1;
114. SCL = 1;
115. SDA = 0;
116. }
118. void stop()
119. {
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

120. SDA = 0;
121. SCL = 1;
122. SDA = 1;
123. }
125. void write(unsigned char w)
126. {
127. int j;
128. SCL = 0;
129. for(j=0;j<8;j++)
130. {
131. if((w & 0x80)==0)
132. SDA = 0;
133. else
134. SDA = 1;
135. SCL = 1;
136. SCL = 0;
137. ww = w << 1;
138. }
139. SCL = 1;
140. SCL = 0;
141. }
143. unsigned char read()
144. {
145. int j;
146. unsigned char r = 0x00;
147. SDA = 1;
149. for(j=0;j<8;j++)
150. {
151. SCL = 1;
152. rr = r << 1;
153. if(SDA == 1)
154. rr = r | 0x01;
155. SCL = 0;
156. }
157. return(r);
158. }
160. void ack()
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

161. {
162. SDA = 0;
163. SCL = 1;
164. SCL = 0;
165. }
167. void nack()
168. {
169. SDA = 1;
170. SCL = 1;
171. SCL = 0;
172. }
174. void rtc_read()
175. {
176. unsigned char ss,mm,hh,day,mn,date,yr;
177. start();
178. write(0xD0);
179. write(0x00);
180. stop();
181. start();
182. write(0xD1);
183. ss = read();
184. ack();
185. mm = read();
186. ack();
187. hh = read();
188. ack();
189. day = read();
190. ack();
191. date = read();
192. ack();
193. mn = read();
194. ack();
195. yr = read();
196. nack();
197. stop();
199. rs[0] = hh/0x10 + 48;
200. rs[1] = hh%0x10 + 48;
201. rs[2] = ':';
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

202. rs[3] = mm/0x10 + 48;

203. rs[4] = mm%0x10 + 48;
204. rs[5] = ',';
205. rs[6] = date/0x10 + 48;
206. rs[7] = date%0x10 + 48;
207. rs[8] = '/';
208. rs[9] = mn/0x10 + 48;
209. rs[10] = mn%0x10 + 48;
210. rs[11] = '/';
211. rs[12] = yr/0x10 + 48;
212. rs[13] = yr%0x10 + 48;
213. rs[14] = '\0';
214. }
216. void rtc_init()
217. {
218. start();
219. write(0xD0);
220. write(0x00);
221. write(0x00);
222. write(0x00);
223. write(0x13);
224. write(0x05);
225. write(0x12);
226. write(0x04);
227. write(0x12);
228. stop();
230. }
232. void write_records(unsigned char *str);
233. void read_records();
235. void main()
236. {
237. unsigned char rec_data[13],i,t;
239. RELAY = 0;
241. lcd_init();
242. serial_init();
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

243. rtc_init();
244. idelay();
245. start();
246. write(0xA0);
247. write(0x7F);
248. write(0xFF);
249. stop();
250. start();
251. write(0xA1);
252. no_of_records = read();
253. nack();
254. stop();
256. // no_of_records = 0;
258. while(1)
259. {
260. start:
261. lcd_command(0x01);
262. lcd_string(0x80,"RFID ATTENDANCE");
263. lcd_string(0xC5,"SYSTEM");
265. j = 0;
266. while(1)
267. {
268. if(RI==1)
269. {
270. RI = 0;
271. t = receive();
272. if(t == '+')
273. {
274. read_records();
275. goto start;
276. }
277. else
278. {
279. rec_data[j] = t;
280. for(j=1;j<12;j++)
281. rec_data[j] = receive();
282. rec_data[j] = '\0';
283. break;
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

284. }
285. }
286. }
288. j = strcmp(RFID_1,rec_data); //match => j = 0
290. lcd_command(0x01);
292. if(j==0)
293. {
294. RELAY = 1;
295. lcd_string(0x80,name_1);
296. rtc_read();
297. lcd_string(0xC0,rs);
298. long_delay();
299. write_records(name_1);
300. RELAY = 0;
301. goto start;
302. }
304. //
305. j = strcmp(RFID_2,rec_data); //match => j = 0
307. if(j==0)
308. {
309. RELAY = 1;
310. lcd_string(0x80,name_2);
311. rtc_read();
312. lcd_string(0xC0,rs);
313. long_delay();
314. write_records(name_2);
315. RELAY = 0;
316. goto start;
317. }
319. //
320. j = strcmp(RFID_3,rec_data); //match => j = 0
322. if(j==0)
323. {
324. RELAY = 1;
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

325. lcd_string(0x80,name_3);
326. rtc_read();
327. lcd_string(0xC0,rs);
328. long_delay();
329. write_records(name_3);
330. RELAY = 0;
331. goto start;
332. }
334. j = strcmp(RFID_4,rec_data); //match => j = 0
336. if(j==0)
337. {
338. RELAY = 1;
339. lcd_string(0x80,name_4);
340. rtc_read();
341. lcd_string(0xC0,rs);
342. long_delay();
343. write_records(name_4);
344. RELAY = 0;
345. goto start;
346. }
348. j = strcmp(RFID_5,rec_data); //match => j = 0
350. if(j==0)
351. {
352. RELAY = 1;
353. lcd_string(0x80,name_5);
354. no_of_records = 0;
355. start();
356. write(0xA0);
357. write(0x7F);
358. write(0xFF);
359. write(0x00);
360. stop();
361. lcd_string(0xC0,"MEMORY CLEARED");
362. long_delay();
363. RELAY = 0;
364. goto start;
365. }
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

366. lcd_string(0x80,"ERROR");
367. lcd_string(0xC0,rec_data);
368. long_delay();
369. }

Chapter 5:
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


Fig 5.1 Flow Chart

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


The simulation and testing of the project has been done. The Multiuser SMS based
Wireless Electronic Notice Board is giving results as per the desired expectations.

Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over

time. The software that has been used for programming the microcontroller AT89S52
is Code Vision AVR software. Good coding software is one which can show the
simulation results of the coding also in it. Thus, the desired microcontroller coding can
be checked in software called Proteus. Here, we have used Code Vision AVR software
for testing and simulation purpose. To start, we programmed the microcontroller
AT89S52 for controlling the devices and tested it by making the circuit on the
breadboard. Hence, we have to develop a model representing the key characteristics of
the Multiuser SMS Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT



Simple evaluation can take place via what we wanted out of RFID based
attendance system and what we illustrate you are the same thing. We showed how
simple automation can be introduced from a small scale to large industries,
manufacturing sectors, technical areas etc. Our project has the mixture of
electronics & communication and this blend is useful to achieve automation in a
developmental manner. Evaluation and judgment is only possible when you will
seek the working model having communication standards like GSM and electronic
componentslike Relays, LCDs, GSM modem, smart phone, Transistors, Diodes,
and LEDs etc. LCD shows regular messages time to time based on given
inputrespectively. In this project in future we can add a multimedia camera to see
what is going insidethe home by sitting in office or somewhere. With Home
Automation, the consumer can selectand watch cameras live from an Internet
source to their home or business. Security cameras
can be controlled, allowing the user to observe activity around a house or
business right from a Monitor or touch panel. Security systems can include motion
sensors that will detect any kind of unauthorized movement and notify the user
through the security system or via cell phone. This category also includes control
and distribution of security cameras (see surveillance).

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


In conclusion, the objective to build an attendance system based on RFID with an

automatic door unit was successfully achieved. In terms of performance and efficiency,
this project has provided a convenient method of attendance marking compared to the
traditional method of attendace system (this is paper attendace). By using databases,
the data is more organized. This system is also a user-friendly system as data
manipulation and retrieval can be done via the interface, making it a universal
attendance system. Thus, it can be implemented in either academic institutions or

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT



Every good engineering design innovation has limitations and the limitations of this
design would be improved upon in future by considering however some
improvements that can be made on this project to increase its reliability and
effectiveness. Some of these improvements are listed below:

• An IP camera can be integrated into this system to monitor the actions like
buddy-punchingwherein a person cheats by scanning for another person.2.

• Also, a GSM can be incorporated into the system for sending messages to
students to confirm their presence or absence after a lecture class.3.

• Finally, Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) active RFID tags (that is 3m to 9ft) can
be used ratherthan High Frequency (HF) active RFID tags (that is 1m to 3ft)
for better performance andflexibility of users.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT



Our proposal was to achieve automation in an example form. We succeeded in our
goals of doing it. We are able to mark tbe attendace of the students in the
database.At the receiver side the entire circuit is built in such a way that our
messages are received to power on / off the extension board. Scope of RFID based
attendance system using GSM is that it can be used at homes to regulate electricity,
home appliances, to monitor and provide security of the office, industry etc. The
possibilities are endless in RFID based attendance system using GSM. We tried to
enhance the extension board by simply adding a digital visitor counter to
our extension board. RFID based attendance system using GSMcan be built with
the help of Bluetooth, GSM, or providing RTC and DTMF. As we said the
possibilities are endless.Different technologies can be used to achieve automation
but each technology has its own mark of presence. Like ways we used GSM modem
because it is related to communication and is usedthroughout the country.
Bluetooth and DTMF are simpler to implement that is why we employedGSM
modem in our model. Automation is a household term nowadays and can be used
inhomes, hospitals, office environments, industries, high security zones, malls,
restaurants, hotels,universities, campuses, schools, workshops, manufacturing
sectors, roadway regulation etc.RFID based attendance system using GSM is the
demand of the hour. We have built a prototype.A lot more can be seen in the future
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

if we utilize automation towards automation protocol. Greatinterest will be seen

when mechanical, civil, IT, computers, electronics etc will merge
towards building HAP i.e. Home Automation Protocol. From our cell phones we
will be able to view our house or office environment on the screen, additional
security will be provided via HAP. The evolution of HAP is near and brighter
than ever.


1. Enhanced storage capacity.

2. Easy Tracking.

3. Monitors attendance.

4. Not very much costly.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


As discussed earlier, this system can be used for many applications. So, this system can
be modified in a number of ways as required. Inbuilt GPS in the system can also be
considered as a long term but achievable and target able output. This will increase the
reliability of the system. Another feature which could be added to the system is Face
detection which can avoid chances of cheating.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT



The objective to build an RFID based attendance system was successfully

achieved. In terms of performance and efficiency, this project has provided
a convenient method of attendance marking compared to the traditional
method of attendance system. By using databases, the data is more
organized. This system is also a user friendly system as data manipulation
and retrieval can be done via the interface, making it a universal attendance
system. Thus, it can be implemented in either an academic institution or in

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

Presentation Slides

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT

Impact on Society

The proposal of “RFID Based Attendance System” is very useful to our society. By
introducing the concept of wireless technology in the field of communication we can
make our communication more efficient and faster.

This idea mainly aims at reducing the paper work and error or mistakes done by the
teachers while taking attendance. This model can be used very efficiently in
establishments like at public transport places like roadside, it is cost efficient system
and very easy to handle.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal
RFID Based Attendance System using IOT


The project RFID Based Attendance System is not only environment friendly but also
fulfils long term requirements. This project is eco friendly, does not produce much of
e- waste. These conserving resources saves time and labour of teachers and facilties
who used to check attendance manually . This also provides more efficient, fast and
satisfactorily service. There is no radiation hazard in testing procedure and hence no
disruption of work is there with its wireless radiation.

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Bhopal

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