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J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57

DOI 10.1007/s10832-016-0024-3

Dielectric properties of pure and Mn-doped CaCu3Ti4O12

ceramics over a wide temperature range
ChunChang Wang 1 & Wei Ni 1 & Da Zhang 1 & Xiaohong Sun 1 & Jing Wang 1 & Haibo Li 1 &
Nan Zhang 1

Received: 4 November 2015 / Accepted: 1 March 2016 / Published online: 8 March 2016
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract The effect of manganese doping on the dielectric 1 Introduction

properties of CaCu3Ti4-xMnxO12 (x = 0, 0.02, 0.04) were in-
vestigated over a broad temperature range (93–723 K) in the Since the discovery of colossal dielectric constant (CDC) ef-
frequency range from 100 Hz to 10 MHz. Two dielectric re- fect in CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramics in 2000, a burst of
laxations and two dielectric anomalies were observed. The research activities on this effect has been stimulated [1]. The
low-temperature relaxation appearing in the temperature range characteristic feature for CDC behavior is that there exists a
below 200 K is the characteristic relaxation for CaCu3Ti4O12. dielectric constant (ε ′) sigmoidal between two dielectric pla-
This relaxation was attributed to the polaron relaxation due to teaus accompanied by a Debye-like peak in the corresponding
electron hopping between Ti3+ and Ti4+ states. Due to the dielectric loss. Although the extrinsic origin of Maxwell–
negative factors of notable decreases in the Ti3+/Ti4+ and Wagner relaxation resulting from spatial inhomogeneity, con-
Cu3+/Cu2+ ratios and the concentration of oxygen vacancies tact effect, and internal barrier layer capacitor is generally
as revealed by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, Mn-doping accepted to be the cause of the CDC behavior of CCTO, an
was found to gradually destroy rather than move this relaxa- intrinsic relaxation mechanism for the CDC effect is still ac-
tion to a higher temperature. The high-temperature relaxation tive [2–5]. For example, earlier researches on CCTO sug-
occurring around room temperature was found to be a gested that the local dipoles induced by Ti displacement could
Maxwell-Wagner relaxation caused by grain boundaries. Our be responsible for the high permittivity [6, 7]. Recent re-
results confirm that the colossal dielectric behavior in the test- searches revealed that the mixed-valent structure (e.g., Ti3+/
ed samples results from both polaron and Maxwell-Wagner Ti4+, Fe2+/Fe3+, Cu+/Cu2+, Mn3+/Mn4+, and so on) correlated
relaxations, but is predominated by the latter relaxation. The with oxygen vacancies is a common feature for CDC mate-
low-temperature anomaly behaves as a phase-transition-like rials [8–17]. This feature further leads to the two characteristic
behavior. It was argued to be created by oxygen vacancies natures for CDC behavior: on one hand, the electrons created
transition from static disorder to dynamic disorder. The high- by the ionization of the oxygen vacancies can hop between the
temperature anomaly is an artificial effect caused by negative mixed-valent ions giving rise to the polaronic nature of the
capacitance. relaxation for the behavior [16]; on the other hand, electron-
ordering on the mixed-valent ions yields the nature similar to
electronic ferroelectricity for the behavior [9]. These natures
Keywords CCTO . Dielectric properties . High-temperature . make the CDC behavior very sensitive to sintering conditions,
Artificial effect post-sintering annealing treatments, and element doping ef-
fects, as these facts can affect either the concentration of oxy-
* ChunChang Wang
gen vacancies, or the ratio of mixed-valent ions, or both
[email protected] [18–23].
Among different dopants, Mn is seriously harmful to the
CDC behavior. It was reported that a low doping level of 2 %
Laboratory of Dielectric Functional Materials, School of Physics & substitution of Mn for the multivalent cations Cu or Ti can
Material Science, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China completely eliminate the CDC behavior [20, 21]. The effect of
J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57 47

Mn doping was believed to greatly reduce the Schottky barrier controller with a heating rate of 2 K/min. The ac measuring
height at the grain boundary [24]. However, Kim and coau- signal was 100 mV rms.
thors reported that the Mn doping plays significant role in
adjusting the ratio of Cu/Ca [25]. Based on the above point
that the CDC behavior is related to the mixed-valent ions, it is 3 Results and discussion
naturally to suggest that Mn doping might result in a great
reduction in the ratio of mixed-valent ions, thereby destructing 3.1 Structure and microstructure characterization
the CDC behavior. However, as clued by the results reported
in Ref. [26] that the dielectric constant sigmoidal of the 1 % Figure 1 presents XRD patterns of CCTO, CCTMO-2 and
Mn-doped sample appears around 350 K, which is much CCTMO-4. The diffraction patterns for the three samples are
higher than ~50 K for the pure sample. This fact strongly identified to be single cubic perovskite structure. The lattice
implies that, instead of disappearance, the CDC behavior for constants of samples were calculated with Jade 5.0 software
Mn-doped samples might move toward a higher temperature and found to be 7.3835(1), 7.3815(2), and 7.3784(9) Å for
above room temperature. Truly, the polaron relaxation due to CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively. These re-
electrons hopping between Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions was reported sults indicate that the small amount substitution of Mn4+ for
to occur at temperatures higher than room temperature [27]. Ti4+ does not change the cubic perovskite but causes a small
Therefore, the role of the Mn-doping effects is still unclear. decrease in lattice parameter as the ionic radius of Mn4+ is
We, herein, present a comparative study on the CDC be- smaller than that of Ti4+. To clearly indicate the lattice change,
havior of the pure and Mn-doped CCTO ceramics over a inset (d) shows the enlarged view of the (220) peak, from
broad temperature range of 93–723 K aiming at deeply under- which we can see that the peak shifts to higher two theta
standing the role of the Mn-doping effects and the physical values with increasing doping level. This fact demonstrates
origin of the CDC behavior. that the doping leads to the reduction in lattice parameter.
The insets (a)-(d) of Fig. 1 show the SEM images of ce-
ramic surfaces for the pure and doped samples. The samples
show dense and uniform microstructure. The relative density
2 Experimental details of all samples is more than 90 % of the theoretical value.
Although the density is not high enough for electroceramics,
The nominally pure and doped CCTO ceramics by substitut- previous reports indicate that the density has no obvious in-
ing 2 and 4 at.% Mn at Ti sites (abbreviated as CCTO, fluence on the dielectric properties [28–30]. It can be seen that
CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively) were prepared Mn doping is beneficial for grain growth. The average grain
using the conventional solid-state reaction method. High- size was found to be around 6–8, 7–9, and 11–13 μm for
purity (99.99 %) CaCO3, CuO, TiO2, and MnO2 were thor- CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively.
oughly mixed and calcined at 950 °C in air for 5 h and 1100 °C
for 10 h with intermediate grinding. The resultant materials 3.2 Dielectric properties of the three samples
were reground, then pressed into pellets of 12 mm in diameter
and 1–2 mm in thickness under a pressure of 20 MPa, and Figure 2 shows the comparison of the temperature depen-
finally sintered at 1100 °C for 10 h. Phase purity of the sintered dences of the real part of the complex permittivity, ε ′ (T),
pellets was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and the dielectric loss tangent, tan δ(T), for the three samples
on a MXP18AHF diffractometer (Mac Science Co. Ltd, recorded at 300 Hz, 2 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, and 1 MHz. In
Yokohama, Japan) with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å). general, three temperature regions can be classified (I, II, and
Microstructure and grain size of the sintered pellets were stud- III, as indicated in Fig. 2). It’s clearly seen that a dielectric
ied by a field-emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) plateau exists in all samples in the temperature region I (93–
(Model S-4 800, Hitachi Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan). X-ray pho- 300 K). The values of the dielectric plateau were obtained to
toemission spectroscopy (XPS) experiments were carried out be 1.0 × 104, 3.0 × 103, and 1.0 × 102 for CCTO, CCTMO-2,
on a Thermo ESCALAB 250 with Al Kα radiation and CCTMO-4, respectively. The plateau for samples CCTO
(hν = 1486.6 eV). For dielectric characterization, pellets were and CCTMO-2 was found to be followed by a rapid decrease
printed with silver paste on both sides and then fired at 600 °C in ε ′ (T) at the lowest temperatures accompanied by a peak in
for 2 h in order to remove the polymeric component. The the corresponding curve of tan δ(T). This fact indicates that a
temperature-dependent dielectric properties were obtained thermally activated relaxation (termed as R1 hereafter) exists
using a Wayne Kerr 6500B precise impedance analyzer with in CCTO and CCTMO-2 samples. This relaxation is the char-
the sample mounted in a holder placed inside a PST-2000HL acteristic relaxation leading to the CDC behavior for CCTO.
dielectric measuring system. The temperature variations were However, the plateau for the heavily doped sample CCTMO-4
automatically controlled using a Stanford temperature develops to be a frequency-independent decline. This is the
48 J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57

obvious influence on the position of R1. However, no relaxa-

tion peaks were found in CCTMO-4 in the dielectric loss
tangent curves in the temperature region I. The curves behave
as frequency-independent decline in the temperature below
150 K and drastically increase in the range of 150–300 K.
This is because that the incipient ferroelectric behavior is go-
ing to be replaced by the relaxation behavior due to hoping
motion of oxygen vacancies, which will contribute to both
conductivity and dielectric permittivity. The absence of R1
in CCTMO-4 strongly implies that the characteristic relaxa-
tion disappears rather than moving to higher temperatures.
In the temperature region II (300–600 K), two stepwise
increases (SIs) in dielectric constant in CCTO can be seen.
The first SI is accompanied by a set of humps in the corre-
sponding curves of tan δ(T) spectra. The position of the hump
Fig. 1 XRD patens of CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4 ceramics.
shifts to high frequency with increasing temperature, indicat-
Inset shows the SEM micrographs of (a) CCTO, (b) CCTMO-2, (c)
CCTMO-4, and (d) the enlarged view of the (220) reflection peaks ing that the SI presents another thermally activated dielectric
relaxation in the temperature range around room temperature.
This relaxation was designated as R2. R2 can be observed in
typical feature for incipient ferroelectric behavior and can be Mn-doped samples and the humps develop to be well defined
ascribed to the incipient ferroelectricity as reported by Li and peaks with their positions shifting to lower temperatures. The
coauthors [31]. This behavior is characterized by increasing second SI, however, leads to a dielectric anomaly, i.e., a di-
dielectric permittivity on cooling due to the softening of the electric peak in ε ′ (T). The low-temperature wing of the peak
lowest frequency polar optical phonon. It is worth noting that is accompanied by a set of tan δ(T) peaks. The positions of
the position of R1 in CCTMO-2 keeps almost the same as that tan δ(T) peaks hardly change with increasing measuring fre-
of the pure sample. This fact indicates that Mn-doping has no quency. This feature resembles the dielectric behavior caused

Fig. 2 Temperature dependence 10 A1 A2 10

of ε ′ and tan δ for pure and Mn-

doped samples: (a) and (d) 10
5 10
CCTO, (b) and (e) CCTMO-2, R1 1
and (c) and (f) CCTMO-4 10
4 R2
10 Ι ΙΙ ΙΙΙ 10

(a) (d) 104

TC=482K 10


4 10
R1 R2 0
(b) (e)
10 A2

4 300Hz R3
2kHz R2 10

100kHz 10
1MHz -1

(c) (f) 10 -2

100 200 300 400 500 600 700100 200 300 400 500 600 700
T (K) T (K)
J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57 49

by phase transition. The transition temperature Tc was found to 1000/T (K )
be 510 K for CCTO. A careful examination reveals that the 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
dielectric anomaly is composed of two peaks. They are named R1(CCTO)
linear fitting
as A1 and A2 in the order of ascending temperature, hereafter. 6 R1(CCTMO-2)
linear fitting 6
In CCTMO-2 the A1 and A2 peaks can be distinctly identified R2(CCTMO-2)
and the two peaks shift to lower temperatures when compared linear fitting
5 R2(CCTMO-4)

logƒ (Hz)

logƒ (Hz)
with the pure sample. The phase transition temperature was linear fitting 5
R3 (CCTMO-4)
found to be 482 K. Whiles in CCTMO-4 A1 and A2 peaks linear fitting
further shift to lower temperatures. To our surprise, instead of 4 4
the phase-transition-like peaks in tan δ(T), a set of relaxation-
like peaks (R3) were found. We shall come back to this
3 3
relaxation-like feature below.
In temperature region III (600–723 K), ε ′ (T) curves for all
samples were found to monotonically decrease with increas- 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2
ing temperature. The curves of tan δ(T) almost exponentially 1000/T (K )

increase with temperature. This feature indicates that the con- Fig. 3 The Arrhenius plots for R1, R2, and R3
ductivity contribution may dominate the dielectric properties
in this region. rectangle area in Fig. 4(a) and (b). From which another notable
Since the relaxation parameter analysis is favorable for peak corresponding to R2 can be seen in a wide frequency
better understanding the mechanisms of the observed rela- range. It is worthy of noting that the peak intensity of R1 is
tions, we, therefore, focus on the calculation of the relaxation observed to decrease with the increasing of Mn doping level
parameters for each relaxation. The dielectric peaks of R1 in and finally vanished as the level rises to 4 at.% as shown in
the samples of CCTO and CCTMO-2, R2 and R3 in the sam- Fig. 4(c). On the contrary, the intensity of R2 increases with
ple of CCTMO-4 are well developed in the tan δ(T) spectra the increasing of Mn doping level and in sample CCTM-4,
measured with high frequencies. According to the peak posi-
only R2 can be observed. These results indicate that both R1
tion (Tp) and the measuring frequency ( f ), the relaxation pa- and R2 are affected by the Mn doping.
rameters can be obtained in terms of the Arrhenius relation In order to describe the relaxations and dielectric anomalies
  clearly, we discuss them separately in the following parts. We
f ¼ f 0 exp −Ea =k B T p ð1Þ first focus on the characteristic relaxation observed in the tem-
perature region I.
where f0 is the pre-exponential factor, Ea is the activation
energy for the relaxation, and kB is the Boltzmann constant.
Figure 3 presents the Arrhenius plots for R1, R2 and R3 ob- 3.3 Dielectric relaxation in the temperature region I
served in the three samples. The values of the activation ener-
gy and pre-exponential factor deduced from linear fittings The small activation energy Ea = 0.096 eV for R1 is compa-
were listed in Table 1. The activation energy value 0.096 eV rable with the typical activation energy of 0.1 eV for the lo-
of R1 is consistent with the value ~ 100 meV reported in liter- calized electrons hopping between multivalent Ti3+ and Ti4+
ature [32–34]. On the other hand, the activation energy values ions [17, 36]. This leads us to suppose that R1 might be con-
of R2 (0.58 eV in CCTMO-2 and 0.65 eV in CCTMO-4) and cerned with polar arrangement of electrons on the mixed va-
R3 (0.68 eV) are also consistent with the reported value about lence Ti3+/Ti4+ in CCTO ceramic. It was proposed that the
0.60 eV [23, 32]. existence of Ti3+ in the sintered CCTO ceramics was either
To further obtain detailed information about these relaxa- caused by oxygen loss during the high-temperature sintering
tions, the activation energy was also deduced from the fre- process [8] or nonstoichiometry [37]. Electrons released by
quency dependence of the electric modulus M *, which is de- oxygen vacancies will be captured by Ti4+ to generate Ti3+
fined as M * = M ′ + jM ″ = 1/ε *. It shares the same dielectric in the form of Ti4+ + e ↔ Ti3+. Polaron relaxation occurs due
mechanism with ε * but greatly lessens the background and to the electron hopping between Ti3+ and Ti4+ states and the
becomes a Bgood^ dielectric function in revealing the electrons actually act as polarons. A characteristic feature for
background-merged relaxation [35]. Fig. 4 displays the spec- the polaron relaxation is that the Arrhenius plot would be
troscopic plots of the imaginary part of the electric modulus deviation from the linear relationship [38]. This feature is
for the three samples at temperatures varying from 173 to confirmed taking CCTMO-2 as an illustration by the
473 K with a step of 20 K. A notable modulus peak was Arrhenius plots with the data obtained either from M ″ ( f ) or
observed in the high frequency range which can be identified from ε ″ ( f ) or tan δ( f ). The deviation leads to two Arrhenius
to be R1. The insets display the enlarged part of the dashed segments, as shown in Fig. 5. From these plots, the values of
50 J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57

Table 1 Relaxation parameters

for R1, R2, and R3 found in the Sample R1 R2 R3
temperature dependence of loss
tangent for CCTO, CCTMO-2, Ea (eV) f0 (Hz) Ea (eV) f0 (Hz) Ea (eV) f0 (Hz)
and CCTMO-4
CCTO 0.096 2.6 × 108 — — — —
CCTMO-2 0.096 1.4 × 109 0.58 9.8 × 1011 — —
CCTMO-4 — — 0.65 6.4 × 1010 0.68 8.9 × 1010

activation energy for the low- and high-T segments are de- where f0 is the eigenfrequency and T0 is a constant related to
duced to be around 80 meV and 0.11 eV, respectively. In the the activation energy. In the low-temperature range, the car-
polaronic scenario, the hopping for localized carriers in the riers are in a strictly localized state, then Mott’s VRH sets in,
high-temperature range is a nearest-neighbor hopping process, leading to the distinct deviation for the Arrhenius behavior
which obeys the Arrhenius-like law as described by Eq. 1. [38]. This VRH behavior in CCTO had been firstly confirmed
Mott first pointed out that the most frequent hopping process by Zhang at el [8]. In our present sample, the VRH relation
in the low temperature range would be a variable-range- truly gives a very good straight line as shown in Fig. 5 with the
hopping process (VRH) instead of the nearest-neighbor hop- top-right ordinate, which yields f0 = 4.73 × 1016 Hz and T0 =
ping process [39]. The VRH follows the relation 7.33 × 107 K. These values agree well with those reported in
h  1=4 i Refs. 8 and 35, giving concrete evidence for the polaronic
f ¼ f 0 exp − T 0 =T p ð2Þ nature of R1.
To further corroborate the polaronic nature of R1, we resort
to the dielectric functions of loss tangent and electric modulus.
The polaron relaxation is known to be described by Debye’s
8 theory [40]. Thus, the loss tangent and electric modulus will
(a) 0.06 CCTO pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
R1 attain their maxima of ðtanδÞmax ¼ ðεs −ε∞ Þ =2 εs ε∞ and
Μ″ (×10 )


6 R2
(M ″)max = (εs − ε∞)/2εsε∞ at the frequency of f tanδ ¼ εs =ε∞
Μ″ (×10 )

4 0.02
=2πτ and fM ″ = (εs/ε∞)/2πτ, respectively. Where εs and ε∞ are
the static and high-frequency dielectric constants, and τ is the
2 0.00 nc relaxation time which is proportional to exp(−Q/kBT), Q is the
3 4 5 6 rea
10 10 10 10 sin
g polaron hopping energy. The polaronic scenario predicates
ƒ (Hz)
0 that the peak positions and intensities in the spectroscopic
(b) 0.15 CCTMO-2 R1
Μ″ (×10 )

1/4 -1/4
100/T (K )
Μ″ (×10 )

24 26 28 30 32

0.00 Ti data obtained from tanδ
2 10
4 5
10 10
6 nc data obtained from ε″
ƒ (Hz)
sin 7 data obtained from Μ″
Linear fitting
logƒ (Hz)

(c) CCTMO-4
Μ″ (×10 )

ncreas 4
2 Ti R1 in
0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2 3 4 5 6 7 -1
10 10 10 10 10 10 1000/T (K )
ƒ (Hz) Fig. 5 The Arrhenius plot (left and bottom axes) of R1 found in
Fig. 4 Frequency dependence of M ″ at temperatures from 113 to 473 K CCTMO-2 with the date obtained form tan δ, ε ″, and M ″. The VRH
with an interval 20 K for three samples: (a) CCTO, (b) CCTMO-2, and plot (left and top axes) of R1 with the same data obtained form tan δ.
(c) CCTMO-4 The solid lines are linear fitting results
J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57 51

plots of loss tangent (ftan δ, (tan δ)max) and electric modulus Gaussian–Lorentzian curve fitting, which indicates the co-
(fM, (M ″)max) obey the following relations existence of Ti3+ (457.8 eV) and Ti4+ (458.4 eV) states.
According to the peak area, the ratio of Ti3+/Ti4+ was found
ð f tanδ Þ2 = f M ″ ∞expð−W H =k B T Þ ð3Þ to be 0.935, 0.8825, and 0.623 for CCTO, CCTMO-2, and
  CCTMO-4, respectively. It is seen that Mn-doping can effec-
T ðtanÞ2 max =M ″∞exp −E g =2k B T ð4Þ
tively decreases creases the Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio. It is seen that the
where WH and Eg are the hopping and formation energy of a ratio of the pure sample is around 1:1, which is slightly de-
polaron, respectively [41]. Two linear relations should be ob- creased in the 2 at. % Mn-doped sample. Therefore, CDC
served for the plots of log((f t a n δ ) 2 /f M ) vs 1/T and behavior can be observed in both samples but with somewhat
log(T(tan δ)2max/M ″) vs 1/T. The frequency dependences of reduction in magnitude in the 2 at. % Mn-doped sample (see
tan δ( f ) and M ″ ( f ) for CCTO at several temperatures are Fig. 2). Further increasing the Mn doping level to 4 at. %
presented in Figs. 6(a) and 4(a), respectively. From these fig- produces a remarkable decrease in the Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio, resulting
ures, the maxima of (tan δ)max and (M ″)max and their corre- in the disappearance of the CDC behavior in CCTMO-4 sam-
sponding frequencies of ftan δ and fM ″ can be easily deduced. ple. This result indicates that the effect of Mn-doping is to
Figure 6(b) displays the Arrhenius plots according to Eqs. (3) suppress the Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio. This effect can be understood
and (4). Two perfect straight lines were obtained as expected, based on the fact that electrons released by oxygen vacancies
from which, W H and Eg/2 are obtained to be 0.09 and will be captured by Ti4+ to generate Ti3+ in the form of Ti4+ + e
0.002 eV, respectively. For a small polaron, the activation ↔ Ti3+. Dipolar effect occurs due to the electron hopping
energy for the conduction equals Econ = WH + Eg/2 [41]. The between Ti3+ and Ti4+ states and the electrons actually act as
sum of WH and Eg/2 yields 0.092 eV, which is very close to the polarons. When Mn4+ ions occupy the sites of Ti4+, the elec-
relaxation activation energy for R1 (0.089 eV). This result is trons are much more easily captured by Mn4+ due to the ionic
in line with the polaron model as the hopping process of small radius of Mn4+ (0.54 Å) is smaller than the ionic radius of Ti4+
polaron not only yields bulk conduction but also gives rise to (0.64 Å). Therefore, less Ti3+ ions were formed.
dielectric relaxation with both aspects showing close values of The above finding seems to demonstrate that the character-
activation energy. This finding substantially confirms the istic relaxation of CCTO (R1) is related to the hopping of
polaronic nature of R1. electrons between Ti3+ and Ti4+ ions. However, caution
The key issue is why Mn doping can effectively suppress should be made when come to this conclusion, because there
the CDC behavior? A heuristic hint to answer this question is are two polyvalent cations (Cu and Ti) in CCTO. A low Ti3+/
that the ratio of the polyvalent ions is critical for the CDC Ti4+ ratio of 0.45 was found in CaCu3(Ti0.9Sn0.1)4O12, but the
behavior [39]. Experimental evidences on Fe-based perov- room temperature dielectric permittivity values of the sample
skites have showed that when the ratio of Fe2+/Fe3+ is around were very high (> 104) over a frequency from 102 to 105 Hz
1:1, it is favorable for the CDC behavior [11]; when the ratio is [44]. This fact indicates that the ratio of Ti3+/Ti4+ alone is
far from 1:1 (e.g., 1:3, 1:4), it is harmful for the behavior [42, insufficient to describe the CDC behavior in CCTO. Other
43]. To test this point, we perform XPS measurements. sources of intrinsic factor, such as the presence of Cu + and
Figure 7(a, b), and, (c) show the XPS spectra of Ti 2p3/2 region Cu3+ or other, may also result in the colossal dielectric re-
of CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively. The Ti sponse in Mn-doped CCTO [44, 45]. To investigate the oxi-
2p3/2 peak can be separated into two distinctive peaks by dation states of Cu, Fig. 7d, e and f display the XPS spectra of
Cu 2p3/2 region of CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, re-
100 CCTO R1 (a) spectively. By using Gaussian–Lorentzian fitting, the 2p3/2
T increasing peak for Cu can be divided into two peaks: the first peak

1 locating at around 933.67 eV corresponds to Cu2+ [45]; the

0.1 second peak appearing at around 935.32 eV is related to Cu3+
2 3 4 5 6 7 [46]. It is surprised that no Cu1+ signal is detected as this
10 10 10 10 10 10
ƒ (Hz) signal have been extensively reported in literature [44–46].
5.0 5.8
The ratio of Cu3+/Cu2+ was found to be 1.460, 0.681, and
log[(ƒtanδ) /ƒM"]

log[T*(tanδmax) /M"max]

(b) 5.7

0.676 for CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively.


3.5 The presence of Cu3+ indicates that Cu vacancies appear at
3.0 grain-boundary layers [47, 48]. The Cu-poor as well as Ca- or
6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
Ti-rich at the outmost layers of grains were considered to be
1000/T (K )
the origin of the internal barrier-layer (IBL) structure [49].
Fig. 6 a Frequency dependence of tan δ for CCTO at temperatures from
113 to 473 K with an interval 20 K. b The plots of log((ftan δ)2/fM) vs 1/T
Obviously, Mn-doping greatly suppresses the ratio of Cu3+/
(left) and log(T(tan δ)2max/M ″) vs 1/T (right). The solid lines are linear Cu2+. In other words, the doping is harmful for the formation
fitting results of the IBL structure. According to the internal barrier-layer
52 J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57

Fig. 7 XPS spectra of Ti-2p (a– Ti2p3/2 Cu2p3/2 O1s

c), Cu-2p (d–f), and O-1 s (g–i)
for CCTO (top panels), CCTMO-
2 (middle panels), and CCTMO-4
(bottom panels)
(a) (d) (g)

Intensity (a.u.)
(b) (e) (h)

4+ 3+
Ti Cu
3+ 2+ Oa
Ti Cu Ob

(c) (f) (i)

454 456 458 460 462 930 932 934 936 938 526 528 530 532 534

B.E.(eV) B.E.(eV) B.E.(eV)

capacitance model [4], Mn-doping is unfavorable for the CDC 2.1 × 1011, 1.7 × 1011 Hz, respectively. R2 can be ruled out to
behavior. be a polaron relation due to electron hopping between
Based on the polaron scenario, the relaxation R1 depends Mn3+and Mn4+ ions, because the activation value is much
not only on the ratio of Ti3+/Ti4+, but also on the concentration larger than ~0.40 eV required for such relaxation [27]. These
of electrons. Mn-doping can effectively change the ratios of values are consistent with those obtained from tan δ(T) and
polyvalent ions, it can be expected to change the concentration agree well with values of E a = 0.59 eV and f 0 =
of oxygen vacancies for sake of charge compensation. To 1/5.619 × 10−12 = 1.78 × 1011 Hz for the Maxwell-Wagner
clarify this point, Fig. 7(g, h and i) compare the O1s XPS (MW) relaxation [51]. This fact strongly implies that R2 might
spectra of CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively. be a MW relaxation.
The spectra can be fitted with two Gaussian peaks which are In order to gain more information about the relaxation R2,
denoted as Oa and Ob peaks. The Oa peak with a low binding the frequency dependence of the real part of the complex
energy of 529.281–529.398 eV is ascribed to the O2− in the permittivity, ε ′ ( f ), for the three samples was measured at
CCTO lattice sites, while the Ob peak showing a high binding temperatures varying from 173 to 473 K with a step of 20
energy of 530.560–530.630 eV is related to the oxygen vacan- K. As shown in Fig. 9(a), the CDC behavior of CCTO results
cies [50]. The area of Ob/Oa was calculated to be 3.533, from two thermally activated relaxations. For a thermally ac-
1.326, and 1.175 for CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, re- tivated relaxation, the high (low)-frequency relaxation in the
spectively. This finding indicates that Mn-doping notably de- frequency spectra corresponds to the low (high)-temperature
creases the concentration of oxygen vacancies, which in turn, relaxation in the temperature spectra. So, the relaxation occur-
decreases the concentration of electrons. This factor is also ring in the high-frequency region (region I, as indicated in the
adverse to the CDC behavior. figure) is corresponding to R1, while the relaxation appearing
In summary, the characteristic relaxation of CCTO (R1) is a
polaron relaxation caused by the hopping motions of electrons Linear fitting
Ea=0.61 eV
between Ti3+ and Ti4+ ions. Mn-doping leads to the notable 6 R2 (CCTMO-2)
Linear fitting
decreases in the ratios of Ti3+/Ti4+ and Cu3+/Cu2+ and the R2 (CCTMO-4)
Linear fitting
concentration of oxygen vacancies. All of these effects have
logƒ (Hz)

negative impacts on the CDC behavior.
4 Ea=0.58 eV
Ea=0.55 eV
3.4 Dielectric relaxations and anomalies
in the temperature region II

Figure 8 displays the Arrhenius plots of R2 with data obtained 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4
from M ″ ( f ) for the three samples. The activation energy and 1000/T (K )

pre-exponential factor for CCTO, CCTMO-2, CCTMO-4 Fig. 8 Arrhenius plots of R2 for CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4.
were calculated to be 0.55, 0.58, 0.61 eV, and 1.2 × 1011, The solid lines are linear fitting results
J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57 53

CCTO (a) (a) T=393K

473 K 4k

-Z'' (Ω)
dc bias
3 113 K I 2k 0V 1V
2V 3V
II: MW contribution 5
I: Polaron contribution 2.25×10 Hz
10 0
0 2k 4k 6k 8k 10k
CCTMO-2 (b)
Z' (Ω)
473 K
ΙΙ 60k 4
(b) grain

2 Bulk

Z' (Ω)

Relaxation R2
I 2
113 K

2.25×10 Hz
-4 -3 -2 -1 0
2 20k 10 10 10 10 10
10 -Z"/f (Ω/Hz)
CCTMO-4 (c)
Relaxation R1 2.25×10 Hz

3 0
10 10
6 7
473 K
ΙΙ ƒ (Hz)

Fig. 10 a Nyquist plot of the CCTO measured at 393 K under different

dc biases. b Frequency dependence of dielectric constant for CCTO at
2 393 K. The inset shows an alternative representation of Z ′ vs Z ″/f for the
impedance data under zero dc bias presented in Fig. 10(a)
113 K
2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10
ƒ (Hz) the dielectric responses from the contacts, grain boundaries, and
Fig. 9 Frequency dependence of ε ′ for (a) CCTO, (b) CCTMO-2, and bulk grains even with relatively small differences [54]. In the
(c) CCTMO-4 in the temperature range of 113–473 K with ΔT = 20 K inset of Fig. 10(b), the data without dc bias were replotted in the
representation of Z ′ versus − Z ″/f. Two linear segments with a
afterward (region II) is corresponding to R2. The value of the boundary frequency f =2.25 × 105 Hz can be identified. The
dielectric plateau in region I is found to be notably decreased low- and high-frequency regions can be ascribed to the dielec-
in CCTMO-2 sample (please note the logarithmic scale of tric responses from the grain-boundary and bulk, respectively.
ε ′ ( f )) and disappears completely in CCTMO-4 sample. The boundary frequency was also indicated in the Nyquist plot,
These results are consistent with those of observed in Fig. 2, which clearly shows that the grain-boundary response contrib-
and confirm that the multi-relaxation mechanism, i.e., the cou- utes the main body of the Nyquist plot.
pling of a polaron relaxation and a MW relaxation is respon- The spectroscopic plot of ε ′ ( f ) recorded at 393 K in
sible for the CDC behavior [52]. In this scenario, R2 should be Fig. 9(a) was replotted in the main panel of Fig. 10(b). The
a MW relaxation. boundary frequency was also indicated in this figure. From
The MW nature for R2 can be convinced by further imped- this figure, we can see that the boundary frequency distinctly
ance analysis. We take the data of CCTO recorded at 393 K as separates R1 and R2, both behave as a rapid decrease in
an example. Figure 10(a) displays the Nyquist plot measured ε ′ ( f )). Therefore, relaxation R2 is a MW relaxation caused
under different dc biases by illustrating − Z ″ versus Z ′, where by grain boundary.
Z ′ and Z ″ are the real and imaginary parts of the complex Based on the above results, let’s come back to Fig. 9. It is
impedance Z*. The Nyquist plot displays a semicircle. It is obvious that the CDC behavior found in CCTO and CCTMO-
clearly seen that the low-frequency part of the semicircle can 2 results from both polaron and MW contributions. In CCTO,
be remarkably depressed by the dc bias, whereas the high- the polaron and MW contributions are 1.0 × 104 and 2.6 × 104,
frequency part is almost bias-independent. This fact indicates respectively. In CCTMO-2, these values are found to be
the Nyquist plot contains overlapped semicircles with the low- 3.0 × 103 and 3.4 × 104. While in CCTMO-4, only the MW
frequency part corresponding to the interfacial response and the contribution of ~1.6 × 103 is found. These findings demon-
high-frequency one corresponding to the bulk response [53]. To strate (1) the multi-relaxation mechanism for the CDC behav-
separate the different contributions, the representation of Z ′ ior in CCTO systems and (2) the CDC behavior is mainly
versus − Z ″/f is known as an effective method to distinguish contributed by the MW contribution. Meanwhile, Mn-
54 J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57

doping effectively suppresses the polaron contribution; but may favor the thermally assisted mechanism of conduction,
enhances the MW contribution at lower doping level and de- therefore, enhancing the transition. On the other hand, the
stroys the MW contribution at higher doping level. The reason appearance of oxygen vacancies is the requirement of electric
for the former case is that Mn-doping decreases the ratio of neutrality. The side effect induced by a vacancy is that the
Ti3+/Ti4+. Whereas for the latter case, the changes of both adjacent ions around the vacancy will move inward yielding
Cu3+/Cu2+ ratio and oxygen vacancies concentration may af- lattice distortion. Mn-doping further enhances the distortion as
fect the IBL structure at the grain boundaries. revealed by the XRD analysis (see Fig. 1). This is energetical-
We now turn our attention to R3. In Fig. 9, one notes that ly detrimental to the formation of oxygen vacancies as already
the dielectric constant below about 1 kHz for all samples first confirmed by the XPS result. Therefore, excessive doping is
increases and then decreases with the temperature increasing. unfavorable for the transition. Based on the above discussion,
This result demonstrates that the free-carrier effect at high A1 can be reasonably ascribed to the distribution state transi-
enough temperatures. Since the free carriers have no contribu- tion for oxygen vacancies.
tion to ε ′ (T), when more and more relaxing species become As to the dielectric anomaly A2, it is seen that A2 appears
free ones, a great reduction in ε ′ ( f ) and even a negative- in the temperature range where tan δ(T) sharply increases with
capacitance effect leading to the appearance of a dielectric temperature. It is well-known that there are two sources con-
anomaly. The anomaly initially occurs at low frequencies tributing to the dielectric permittivity: dielectric polarization
and gradually moves to high frequencies [55]. To our surprise, and conductivity. Strictly localized carriers give rise to polar-
the spectroscopic plots of ε ′ ( f ) well describe the evolution of ization effect under an applied electric field. This effect dom-
R1 and R2, but without no signals of R3 even in the temper- inates the dielectric properties in the low temperature range. In
ature range where R3 can be clearly identified in ε ′ (T). The the medium temperature range, the carriers become weakly
absence of R3 in the frequency spectra illustrates that it is a localized, they can contribute to both conductivity and polar-
non-relaxational process, because for the non-relaxational ization via hoping motion. The dielectric properties in this
peak in the temperature spectra there is no correspondence range can be described by the famous law of universal dielec-
in the frequency spectra [56]. The non-relaxational process tric response [65]. In high enough temperature range, the car-
is widely reported to be related to a phase transition process riers becomes free carriers giving rise to dc conductivity,
[55, 56]. Therefore, R3 is virtually associated with the phase- which has contribution to the imaginary part of the permittiv-
transition-like dielectric anomaly observed in CCTO and ity depending on the concentration of the free carriers and
CCTMO-2 samples. frequently following a thermally activated behavior. Hence,
In the temperature between 300 and 600 K, a relaxor-like this kind of contribution to the imaginary (real) part of the
dielectric anomaly was frequently reported in CCTO by dif- permittivity increases (decreases) significantly with increasing
ferent authors [19, 57–62]. Our recent results demonstrated temperature. It is, therefore, expected that there exists a critical
that the anomaly in CCTO results from the co-contribution temperature, beyond which the conductivity contribution sur-
from dipolar and MW relaxations caused by oxygen vacancies passes the polarization contribution and dominates the behav-
[51]. The anomaly A1 in the present samples was accompa- ior of the dielectric loss in the high temperature range.
nied by a set of phase-transition-like peaks in tan δ(T) curves. Meanwhile, this makes the ceramic sample highly leaky. Li
This feature indicates that A1 does not belong to the relaxor- et al. pointed out that, in this case, the inductive effect of the
like anomaly. Previous work showed that the phase-transition- measuring system becomes evident [66]. This will lead to
like anomaly is neither symmetry breaking nor endothermic/ negative capacitance effect, giving rise to a dielectric anomaly
exothermic. It is related to the redistribution of oxygen vacan- in ε ′ (T). The negative capacitance is confirmed as shown in
cies from the static disordered state to the dynamic disorder Fig. 11 by measuring the temperature dependence of the ca-
state [56, 63]. This kind of phase transition is virtually related pacitance to higher temperatures. Therefore, the anomaly A2
to the ionic conduction mechanism changing from the ther- is an artificial effect caused by negative capacitance.
mally activated behavior in the lower temperature range to the
thermally assisted behavior in the higher temperature range
[64]. The latter is a collective behavior, therein the lattice 3.5 Dielectric behavior in the temperature region III
distortions induced by two neighboring oxygen vacancies
are overlapped. Thus, the transition depends not only on the As aforementioned, the conductivity contribution may domi-
concentration of oxygen vacancies but also on the doping nate the dielectric properties in this region. The contribution
level. A small amount of the doping level can notably enhance from dc conductivity takes the form
this transition, but excessive doping would destroy this tran- ε″ðω; T Þ ¼ σdc =ωε0 ¼ σ0 expð−E con =k B T Þ=ωε0 ð5Þ
sition [57]. As shown in Fig. 2(b) and (c), with the amount of
Mn doping level increase, the transition is first enhanced in where σdc is the dc conductivity, ε0 is the vacuum permittivity,
CCTMO-2 and then decreased in CCTMO-4. Mn-doping σ0 is the pre-exponential factor, and Econ is the activation
J Electroceram (2016) 36:46–57 55

100 ƒ=300Hz CCTO The dielectric properties of samples were investigated as func-
CCTMO-2 tions of temperature (93–723 K) and frequency ranging from
80 100 Hz to 10 MHz. Two dielectric relaxations and two anom-
alies were found. Our results reveal that:
Cp (nF)

40 1. The low-temperature relaxation appearing below 200 K is

a polaron relaxation due to electrons hoping between Ti3+
20 and Ti 4+ states. The high-temperature relaxation
0 appearing around room temperature is a MW relaxation
caused by grain boundary response.
-20 2. The effects of Mn doping were found to remarkably de-
crease the ratios of Ti3+/Ti4+ and Cu3+/Cu2+, and the con-
400 500 600 700 800 centration of oxygen vacancies. Therefore, Mn doping is
T (K) harmful for the CDC behavior.
Fig. 11 Temperature dependence of capacitance recorded at 300 Hz for 3. Our results confirm the multi-relaxation mechanism for
CCTO, CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4 measured to higher temperatures up the CDC behavior in CCTO and the CDC behavior is
to 873 K mainly dominated by the MW contribution.
4. The high-temperature anomaly was caused by the redis-
tribution for oxygen vacancies from the static disordered
energy for conductivity. Thus, a linear relationship will be state to the dynamic disorder state. Whereas the high-
obtained if log ε ″ is plotted as a function of the reciprocal of temperature anomaly was caused by the negative capaci-
temperature. This inference is convinced in Fig. 12, therein the tive effect.
plots of log ε ″ vs 1000/T at the selected frequencies for all
samples show linear lines in the high-temperature range. The Acknowledgments The authors thank financial support from National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 11404002, 11404003,
slopes of these lines yield the values of Econ, which were
and 51402001) and Co-operative Innovation Research Center for Weak
calculated to be 0.53, 0.54, and 0.61 eV for CCTO, Signal-Detecting Materials and Devices Integration of Anhui University
CCTMO-2, and CCTMO-4, respectively. Hence, the dielec- (Grant No 01001795).
tric behavior in the temperature region III is mainly controlled
by the conductivity.

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