The Efficiency of Corn Starch and Banana Peels As Bioplastics
The Efficiency of Corn Starch and Banana Peels As Bioplastics
The Efficiency of Corn Starch and Banana Peels As Bioplastics
Submitted by:
ABROGUEÑA Alexa (Results and Discussion)
AUXTERO Derrick Kean A. (Abstract and Conclusion)
BELIDA Jerlie (Introduction & Research Questions)
BONANI Angelyne I. (RRL & Methods)
UY Randee Allanah Belle (Results and Discussion)
Submitted to:
Ms. Nancy P. Cocamas
14 October 2019
Plastics are one of the major pollutants in our environment. This study takes a look at two
biodegradable materials, corn starch and banana peels, as an alternative source for the production
of bioplastics.The bioplastics produced from both corn starch and banana peels were found to be
comparable to those commercially produced from fossil fuels. In terms of tensile strength, water
solubility and durability, corn starch was discovered to be more efficient compared to banana
peels. Several studies were also taken into account when determining the differences between the
key characteristics of corn starch and banana peels.
Keywords: Bioplastics, Corn Starch, Banana Peels, Biodegradable polymers
IV. Conclusion
Numerous studies have concluded the Banana starch performs very poorly
effective use of both corn starch and banana in terms of texture quality and water
starch as bioplastics. This is mainly due to the solubility. Bioplastics made purely from
various characteristics that both these banana peels resulted to grainy and rough
materials share with commercial plastics that products. Its inferior water solubility may be
come from fossil fuels. Corn starch and attributed to the looseness of its particles
banana peel extract both contain long chains which cause it to detach and break apart.
of carbon molecules making them a suitable
source of bioplastic. Additionally, they are References
free of chemicals and are easily compostable
making them incredibly eco-friendly. Corn Achinas, S., Krooneman, J., & Euverink, G.
starch and banana starch are also great for J.
large scale industrial production because of W. (2019). Enhanced Biogas
their abundance as a common household or
Production from the Anaerobic
industrial waste.
Between these two biodegradable Batch Treatment of Banana Peels.
materials, corn starch is objectively more Engineering. doi:
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solubility. This claim is supported by several Hilwatulisan. (2019). Extraction of
studies which showed sufficient data Pectin from Banana Peels (Musa
confirming the superiority of corn starch
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among the aforementioned characteristics.
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Bioresource Technology, 99(16),
I. Introduction entirely or partly plastic materials. Plastics are
widely used for various applications because
The use of plastics has increased
they are inexpensive, readily available, durable
significantly in the recent past. The world is
and versatile. Even though plastics have
already full of plastics. Practically, everything
undeniable positive effects on people’s lives
that people see and use in their daily lives is
and industry, it still has several disadvantages. Also, the researchers seek to find out whether
It has toxic effects and cannot be destroyed corn starch is more efficient as a bioplastic than
quickly and naturally by destructive microbes banana peel starch.
in the soil. It also contributes to the
Research Questions
accumulation of waste, pollution and
environmental damage. Because of this, many This study aims to find out the efficacy
scientists invented biodegradable polymers as of bioplastics made from banana peel starch
a substitute for petrochemical based polymers and corn starch.
(Maulida, Siagian & Tarigan, 2016). This Specifically, this study sought answers
biodegradable polymers or bioplastics are more to the following questions:
robust and flexible and can mimic the
mechanical strength of the conventional 1.What characterize corn starch and
plastic. Its uniqueness is that it does not banana peel starch as bioplastics?
disintegrate into micro plastic that could harm 2. What are the manifestations of
the environment. It also dissolves in water production efficacy of both the corn
releasing toxic chemicals. The production of starch and banana peel starch?
bioplastics is simple and they are widely used 3. What makes corn starch more
for packaging applications. efficient than banana starch in terms
Starch is one of the major sources in the of tensil strength, durability and
development of bioplastic. Approximately water solubility?
50% of the bioplastics used commercially are BONANI Angelyne I.
prepared from starch (Marichelvam Jawaid &
Asim, 2019). Starch is often used in the form of
Review of Related Literature
biodegradable films in a variety of applications
as they are renewable, abundant and Much attention has been focused on
inexpensive materials. Bananas and corns are research to replace petroleum-based
just some of the many raw materials that can be commodity plastics with biodegradable
used to produce starch-based bioplastics for materials offering competitive mechanical
they are both particularly high in starch. In the properties (Adhikari et al., 2016). Common
dry flesh and peel of a green banana, 69.5% and types of bioplastics that decompose are mostly
22.6% are their starch content respectively. For made of starch, sometimes in combination with
one cup of corn kernels, it contains 18.2% of vegetable oil or animal fat to substitute for the
starch and a whole maize grain has starch polymers made from petroleum (Song,
content between 68 and 74%. Murphy, Narayan & Davies, 2009). Starch is
Utilization of the banana peel and corn one of the major sources in the development of
for the production of starch based bioplastic bioplastic. Starch consists of a long chain of
can help reduce the environmental damages two glucose units joined together, namely
that are caused by conventional plastics. The branched polymerized amylopectin and
goal of this study is to find out the efficacy of amylose, which gives its granular structure.
banana peel and corn starch as bioplastics. According to Prasad (2014), the amylose
content is responsible for the plastic formation biopolymer for bioplastics have been widely
in starch. Moreover, starch can behave like a explored. In a study conducted by Asim et. al.,
thermoplastic in the presence of plasticizer, (2019), they have proven that corn-based
with application of heat and mechanical thermoplastic starch can be an alternative
treatment (Ahmmad et. al., 2014). packaging material. In addition, they found out
One of the most common waste forms that glycerol, citric acid, and gelatin are best
of starch is the banana peels. Banana peels plasticizers in preparing the thermoplastic
consists of high sources of starch, which is starch (TPS) film of the corn. Furthermore,
about 18.5% (Astuiti & Erprihana, 2014). As numerous studies also showed the durability or
banana peels ripen, the glucose level increases. the tensile strength of corn as bioplastics.
However, if the peels are too ripe, the starch Muscat et. al., (2019), studied the performance
will be converted into glucose while the least of low amylose and high amylose starches to
ripened peels, becomes too firm but still high form films. Starch films were plasticized using
in starch molecules (Soltani et. al., 2010). glycerol and xylitol. They have found out that
Therefore, banana peels can be suggested as a an increase in the concentration of plasticizers
suitable source for the manufacturing of would lead to an increase in the tensile strength.
bioplastics. Furthermore, another study Moreover, they also concluded that tensile
conducted by Khanna & Kanoujiya (2019), strength is observed in films with high amylose
proved that the starch in the content. Corn starch has been found to have a
high amylose content (Novianti, 2019). Thus, it
would be a good alternative for packaging
Production of Plastic
Step 1: 25gm of banana paste is
placed in a beaker
Step 2: 3ml of (0.5 N) HCl is added
to this mixture and stirred using glass
rod. Step 3: 2ml Plasticizer (Glycerol)
is added and stirred.
Step 4: 0.5 N NaOH is added
according to pH desired, after a desired
residence time.
Step 5: The mixture is spread on a
ceramic tile and this is put in the oven Final bioplastic film after drying.
at 1200 C and is baked.
Corn Starch Extraction
Step 6: The tile is allowed to cool and The following steps detail extracting
the film is scraped off the surface the starch from corn by the manual method.
First, 100 g corn was washed and boiled with
water for an hour. More corn was ground in a
mortar with 100 mL purified water. The
mixture was filtered and the remaining solid
mass was put into the mortar. Repeat the
procedure five times to obtain more starch. The
blend was allowed to settle in the beaker for 5
min. Then, 100 mL of purified water was added
and was agitated softly. The water was
removed after repeating the above process 3–4
times and the starch, white in color, was
obtained, as shown in Figure 1. About 40 g of
starch was obtained from 100 g of corn.