Strength and Limitations of Early Warning Score
Strength and Limitations of Early Warning Score
Strength and Limitations of Early Warning Score
Downey, CL, Tahir, W, Randell, R et al. (2 more authors) (2017) Strengths and limitations of
Early Warning Scores: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. International Journal
of Nursing Studies, 76. pp. 106-119. ISSN 0020-7489
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Strengths and limitations of Early Warning Scores: a
systematic review and narrative synthesis
CL Downey1, W Tahir1, R Randell2, JM Brown3, DG Jayne1
Correspondence to:
Miss Candice L Downey
Level 7, Clinical Sciences Building
St James’s University Hospital
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0113 2065281
Fax: 0113 2065281
This article is an original work, has not been published before, and is not being
considered for publication elsewhere in its final form, in either printed or
electronic media. It is not based on any previous communication to a society or
Conflicts of Interest:
There are no known conflicts of interest associated with this review and there has
been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its
Sources of support:
This review is independent research arising from a Doctoral Research Fellowship
(Candice Downey, DRF-2016-09-03) supported by the National Institute for Health
Research. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and not
necessarily those of the NHS, the National Institute for Health Research, Health
Education England or the Department of Health. DGJ received funding support
through an NIHR Research Professorship.
Early warning scores are widely used to identify deteriorating patients. Whilst their
ability to predict clinical outcomes has been extensively reviewed, there has been no
attempt to summarise the overall strengths and limitations of these scores for
patients, staff and systems. This review aims to address this gap in the literature to
guide improvements for the optimization of patient safety.
A systematic review was conducted of MEDLINE®, PubMed, CINAHL and The
Cochrane Library in September 2016. The citations and reference lists of selected
studies were reviewed for completeness. Studies were included if they evaluated
vital signs monitoring in adult human subjects. Studies regarding the paediatric
population were excluded, as were studies describing the development or validation
of monitoring models. A narrative synthesis of qualitative, quantitative and mixed-
methods studies was undertaken.
232 studies met the inclusion criteria. Twelve themes were identified from synthesis
of the data: Strengths of early warning scores included their prediction value,
influence on clinical outcomes, cross-specialty application, international relevance,
interaction with other variables, impact on communication and opportunity for
automation. Limitations included their sensitivity, the need for practitioner
engagement, the need for reaction to escalation and the need for clinical judgment,
and the intermittent nature of recording.
Early warning scores are known to have good predictive value for patient
deterioration and have been shown to improve patient outcomes across a variety of
specialties and international settings. This is partly due to their facilitation of
communication between healthcare workers.
There is evidence that the prediction value of generic early warning scores suffers in
comparison to specialty-specific scores, and that their sensitivity can be improved by
the addition of other variables. They are also prone to inaccurate recording and user
error, which can be partly overcome by automation.
Early warning scores provide the right language and environment for the timely
escalation of patient care. They are limited by their intermittent and user-dependent
nature, which can be partially overcome by automation and new continuous
monitoring technologies, although clinical judgment remains paramount.
Contribution of Paper
The early warning score system is predicated on the idea that derangements in
simple physiological observations can identify hospital inpatients at high risk of
deterioration.1 Prodromal warning signs such as increased respiratory rate or
decreased blood pressure precede critical illness,2 and early recognition of these
events presents an opportunity for decreasing mortality.3 The early warning score
system allows the user to record and respond to multiple parameters simultaneously,
so that subtle changes in vital signs can be used to initiate early emergency
management of the patient to reverse the abnormal physiological decline or prompt
admission to a critical care area.2
Early warning scores have been widely adopted internationally, and different
versions exist. A number of reviews have examined the impact of early warning
scores on patient outcomes; however, there exists no formal literature review
regarding the overall strengths and limitations of early warning scores for patients,
staff and systems. This review aims to address this knowledge gap and provide an
overview of current systems, highlighting the benefits and identifying areas for future
Study design
A systematic review methodology was adopted for the study, employing the
principles and methods provided by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
guidelines and following the PRISMA statement. A narrative synthesis approach was
chosen to synthesise the diverse range of selected studies in a structured manner,
following the European Social Research Council Guidance on the Conduct of
Narrative Synthesis in Systematic Reviews.4
Search strategy
A systematic review of the scientific literature was performed by CD. MEDLINE®,
PubMed, CINAHL and The Cochrane Library databases were searched for articles
published from the dates of inception of the databases (the earliest being 1947) to
September 2016. For on-going trials, Current Controlled Trials and
were searched.
In order to extract all available data regarding early warning score systems, the
search strategy was kept necessarily broad. The search strategy was devised with
the help of a Research Support Advisor at the Leeds University Library, using both
MeSH and/or keyword search terms according to the database.
The search strategy for PubMed is detailed below and further details are provided in
Supplementary Material.
1. “Warning scor*”[tiab] including ("warning score" OR "warning score
calculation" OR "warning score levels" OR "warning score system" OR
"warning score systems" OR "warning score value" OR "warning scores" OR
"warning scoring" OR "warning scoring system" OR "warning scoring
2. “Monitoring,Physiologic/”[Mesh]
3. #1 AND #2
4. #3 NOT ("Adolescent"[Mesh] OR "Child"[Mesh] OR "Infant"[Mesh])
In addition, citations and reference lists of selected studies were reviewed to identify
any missed papers.
The search identified 825 papers (285 Medline, 359 PubMed, 176 CINAHL and 5
Cochrane). Duplicates were eliminated. 232 papers met the inclusion criteria. A
flow diagram of the search process is shown in Figure 1.
There was 100% inter-rater agreement between CD and WT.
Themes identified included: prediction value; influence on clinical outcomes;
interaction with other variables; cross-specialty application; international relevance;
impact on communication; opportunity for automation; sensitivity; need for
practitioner engagement, reaction to escalation and clinical judgment; and
intermittent nature of recording. Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of the most
relevant articles within each theme, grouped into ‘Strengths’ and ‘Limitations’. A full
list of selected articles is provided in Supplementary Materials.
Prediction value
Early warning scores have consistently been found to accurately predict adverse
outcomes in a number of different populations. Despite being developed for general
medical hospital admissions, a recent retrospective study of 35 174 surgical
admissions found that NEWS discriminated deterioration in non-elective surgical
patients at least as well as in non-elective medical patients 9.
Theme (Strengths) Publications Setting Methodology Participants Early w arning Outcom e Findings
identified score m easure/s
w ithin theme
Prediction value Kovacs et al. Hospital Real-time Medical and surgical NEWS via Cardiac arrest, High prediction rates for death and ICU
(2016) 9 inpatients at observational admissions (n=87 VitalPAC death and admission; low er for cardiac arrest
a single study 399) unanticipated ICU
NHS Trust admission
Churpek et al. Hospital Nested case- Ward patients w ho MEWS Maximum MEWS, By 48 h prior to cardiac arrest, the MEWS w as
(2012) 10 inpatients at control study experienced cardiac individual higher in cases (P = 0.005) than controls
a single arrest (n=88) component vital
centre signs and other
and matched
controls (n=352)
Lee, Choi General Retrospective General w ard MEWS ICU transfer MEWS is an effective predictor of ICU transfer
(2014) 11 w ards at a observational patients w ith severe w ith optimum cutoff value 6
single study sepsis or septic
centre shock (n=100)
MEWS=>6 is an independent predictor of
Reini et al. A tertiary Prospective Patients admitted to MEWS Mortality, length of mortality and length of ICU stay, but not
(2012) 13 care observational ICU (n=518) stay, readmission to readmission.
general ICU study ICU
in a single
Alraw i et al. Acute Real-time Acute medical MEWS In-patient mortality at Admission MEWS of 4-5 w as associated with
(2013) 14 Medical observational admissions from 7 days 12 times the odds of death; MEWS >6 had 21
Assessmen study nursing homes times the odds of death compared w ith those
t Unit at a (n=314) w ith a score of <1.
Armagan et al. Emergency Prospective Patients presenting MEWS Death, hospital Patients w ith MEWS>4 w ere 35 times more
(2008) 15 Department observational to the Emergency admission, intensive likely to die in ED and 14 times more likely to
(ED) at a study Department (n=309) care unit (ICU) die in hospital than those presenting w ith a
single admission low -risk score. Those with MEWS =>5 w ere
centre 1.95 times more likely to be admitted to ICU
Stark et al. Surgical Retrospective All surgical patients MEWS Death Maximum MEWS remained associated w ith
(2015) 17 w ards at a observational w ho experienced a death after multivariate analysis
single study “Code Blue” event
university (n=85)
All patients In-hospital mortality ,
Cei et al. 64-bedded Prospective, consecutively MEWS a combined outcome The risk of death w as incremental among all
(2009) 18 medical single centre, admitted over a of death and transfer the MEWS categories, as w ell as the risk of
w ard in a cohort study seven-month period to a higher level of the combined outcome of death and transfer.
public, non- (n=1107) care, length of stay The difference between length of stay was
teaching non-significant.
Christensen et Emergency Retrospective A random sample of Bispebjerg Early Admission to ICU A BEWS > 5 is associated w ith a significantly
al. (2011) 19 Department observational emergency patients Warning Score and death w ithin 48 increased risk of ICU admission and death
(ED) at a study (n=300) (BEWS) hours of arrival at w ithin 48 hours of arrival.
single the ED
Admission rates to
Peris et al. Surgical Retrospective Emergency surgical MEWS before and ICU and HDU After MEWS introduction, HDU admissions
(2012) 20 unit at a cohort study patients admitted after surgical (Patients w ith a significantly increased and ICU admissions
single before MEWS procedure MEWS 3 or 4 w ere significantly decreased. Mortality rate did not
centre introduction transferred to HDU, differ.
(controls, n=604) patients w ith MEWS
and after MEWS >= 5 w ere admitted
to ICU), mortality.
(intervention group,
Influence on clinical Bokhari et al. ICU at a Retrospective Patients w ith Unspecified Survival to ICU Survival to ICU discharge increased from 44%
outcomes (2010) 23 single cohort study haematological discharge to 53% after the introduction of the
university malignancies intervention.
hospital admitted to ICU
before (n=27) and
after (n=105) use of
an early w arning
score and a critical
care outreach
nursing team
Moon et al. Single Retrospective Adult hospital MEWS Incidence of cardiac CCOS and MEWS w ere associated with
(2011) 24 tertiary audit admissions before arrest calls, in- significant reductions in the incidence of
referral (n=213 117) and hospital mortality, cardiac arrest calls (0.4% to 0.2%) and deaths
centre after (n=235 516) ICU admissions after per hospital admission (1.4% to 1.2%). Also
the introduction of cardiopulmonary reduced w ere the proportion of patients
MEWS charts and a resuscitation (CPR), admitted to ICU after CPR (3% to 2%) and
critical care outreach deaths after CPR their in-hospital mortality (52% to 42%).
service (CCOS)
Adult patients
Bunkenborg et Medical and Prospective, non- admitted w ith >=24 MEWS Incidence of The adjusted unexpected patient mortality rate
al. (2014) 25 surgical randomised, hours length of unexpected patient w as significantly lower after the intervention
w ards at an before-and-after hospital stay before death (17 versus 61 per 100 adjusted patient years).
urban study (n=1870) and after
university (n=2234) the
hospital introduction of early
w arning scoring.
Adult patients
Drow er et al. Single Retrospective admitted before Adult Deterioration Incidence of in- The rate of cardiac arrests per 1000
(2013) 26 tertiary before-and-after (n=21 806) and after Detection System hospital adult admissions w as 4.67 before and 2.91 after the
teaching study (n=22 378) the (ADDS) cardiac arrests introduction of the intervention.
hospital introduction of an
early w arning score
Interaction w ith Heitz et al. Single Retrospective Patients admitted to MEWSMax All-cause mortality The inclusion of additional variables (mode of
other variables (2010) 63 tertiary observational hospital from the and higher care transport to ED, need for intravenous
hospital study Emergency utilization w ithin 24 antibiotics in ED, length of stay in the ED,
Department (n=280) hours gender) slightly improved the predictive ability
of MEWS.
Perera et al. Single Prospective Consecutive MEWS HDU/ICU admission, Combining MEWS w ith biochemical
(2011) 64 tertiary observational admissions to the cardio-respiratory parameters (C-reactive protein, albumin, w hite
hospital study Acute Medical Unit emergency/resuscita cell count, platelet count and haemoglobin)
(n=250) tion and death improved the sensitivity of prediction w hen
compared to MEWS alone.
Alraw i et al. Acute Real-time Acute medical MEWS In-patient mortality at Patients w ith a MEWS >6 had 21 times the
(2013) 14 Medical observational admissions from 7 days odds of death compared w ith those w ith a
Assessmen study nursing homes score of <1. An estimated glomerular filtration
t Unit at a (n=314) rate (eGFR) <30 ml/min/m2 w as associated
single w ith a 5-fold increase in the odds of death
centre w ithin 1 w eek2, compared w ith eGFR > 60
ml/min/m2. C-reactive protein (CRP) >100 mg/l
w as also associated with a 2.5 times higher
odds of death.
Cross specialty Silcock et al. Emergency Retrospective Unselected NEWS 48 hour and 30 day All three of the primary endpoints and the
application (2015) 48 ambulances cohort study prehospital patients mortality, ICU combined endpoint w ere associated with
transporting (n=1684) admission, higher NEWS scores.
patients to
a single
PMEWS scoring could have diverted 79
Challen and Single Retrospective, Patients presenting Physiological social Hospital admission patients safely from the emergency
Walter (2010) tertiary cohort study w ith ‘shortness of score (PMEWS) and need for department to alternative care providers.
hospital breath’ or ‘difficulty physiologically
breathing’ stabilizing treatment
transported to the
ED by emergency in the emergency
medical services department
Essam et al. Ambulance Retrospective Patients attended by MEWS Percentage of MEWS had a minimal effect on transportation
(2015) 50 service at a before-and-after 19 volunteer patients transported or revisit rates. Scores w ere frequently not
single NHS study paramedics to hospital or treated calculated or recorded, or incorrectly
Trust (n=1932) at home and calculated.
revisited in 7 days
Single Acute medical
International Opio et al. resource- Retrospective patients admitted to VitalPAC Early Death w ithin 24 The discrimination of ViEWS in a resource
relevance (2013) 55 poor observational hospital (n=844) Warning Score hours of admission poor sub-Saharan Africa hospital is the same
hospital in study (ViEWS) as in the developed w orld
Asiimw e et al. resource- Retrospective Patients admitted to MEWS Probability of in- MEWS >=5 predicted mortality and
(2015) 56 poor cohort study hospital w ith sepsis hospital death complemented a novel prognostic index
hospital in (n=317)
Baker et al. Single Prospective, Patients admitted to NEWS In-hospital mortality NEWS >=7 w as associated with 2.5 times the
(2015) 57 centre in observational ICU (n=269) odds of death.
Tanzania cohort study
Burch et al. Single Prospective, Medical patients MEWS Risks of hospital The proportion of patients admitted and those
(2008) 59 public observational presenting to the admission and in- w ho died in hospital increased significantly as
hospital in study emergency hospital death the MEWS score increased.
South department (n=790)
Kyriakos et al. Single Delphi study for Validation study MEWS Parameters and cut A MEWS for developing countries should
(2014) 60 hospital in the development points for the Cape record at least seven parameters.
South of the Cape Tow n Tow n MEWS chart Parameters and cut points differed from those
Africa MEWS chart in MEWS used in developed countries.
Rosedale et Single Prospective Patients presenting South African Outcome in the ED SATS w as superior to the MEWS as a triage
al. (2011) 61 government cross-sectional to ED (n=589) Triage Score (death, hospital scoring system (4.4% vs 15.1% under-triage
hospital in study (SATS) vs MEWS admission or rate).
rural South discharge)
Wheeler et al. Single A prospective Adults admitted to MEWS vs HOTEL Mortality w ithin three MEWS and HOTEL lacked sensitivity and
(2013) 62 resource- cohort study medical w ards score days of admission specificity within the local population.
poor (n=302) (Hypotension,
hospital in Oxygen saturation,
Malaw i Temperature, ECG
abnormality, Loss
of independence)
Impact on Andrews and Single Interview s and 44 staff from one Generic early Staff opinion on the The Early Warning Score improves
communication Waterman university observations as surgical and one w arning score effectiveness of communication, empow ers nurses and
(2005) 65 hospital part of a general medical based on MEWS early w arning scores increases their confidence when reporting
grounded-theory w ard (30 nurses, 7 in detecting physiological deterioration to doctors.
approach doctors and 7 health physiological
care support deterioration
w orkers)
Neary et al. Single Questionnaire Convenience NEWS Staff opinion NEWS ‘empow ers nurses to more easily seek
(2015) 68 university study sample of 40 staff regarding the senior medical assistance’ and ‘avoids conflict’
hospital from general surgical strengths and pitfalls
w ards (27 doctors, after NEWS w as
13 nurses) introduced into
Opportunity for Prytherch et Single Classroom study 21 nurses w orking VitalPAC vs a Speed and accuracy Incorrect entries/omissions decreased from
automation al. (2006) 71 university on the medical paper-based of data entry, 29% to 10% using the VitalPAC method.
hospital assessment unit, generic early number of Few er incorrect clinical actions were indicated
inputting data from w arning score hypothetical clinical (14% to 5%) and mean time taken for
fictitious patients actions indicated participants to calculate and chart the early
either via pen and w arning score was 1.6-times faster with
paper (n=84), or into VitalPAC.
a handheld personal
digital assistant
Mohammed et Tw o NHS Classroom study 26 nurses from tw o VitalPAC vs a Accuracy and Accuracy improved with the use of the hand-
al. (2009) 72 Trusts surgical assessment paper-based efficiency of early held computers. The mean time to derive an
w ards, inputting data generic early w arning score early w arning score reduced from 37.9
from fictitious w arning score calculations seconds to 35.1 seconds.
patients via pen and
paper (n=260), or
into a handheld
personal digital
assistant (n=260).
Schmidt et al. Tw o large Retrospective, Patients admitted to VitalPAC vs a Mortality During VitalPAC implementation, crude
(2015) 73 acute observational adult medical, paper-based mortality fell from 7.75% to 6.42% in one
teaching study surgical and generic early hospital, and from 7.57% to 6.15% at the
hospitals orthopaedic w ards w arning score second.
before (n=49 730)
and after (n=55 917)
the implementation
of an electronic
surveillance system
Bellomo et al. Ten Before-and-after Patients admitted to IntelliVue electronic Frequency of rapid The intervention w as associated with an
(2012) 74 hospitals in controlled trial 12 general w ards automated advisory response team calls, increased proportion of calls secondary to
the United before (n= 9617) vital signs monitors survival to hospital abnormal respiratory vital signs (from 21% to
States, and after (n=8688) discharge or to 90 31%). Survival increased from 86% to 92%.
Europe, after deployment of days for rapid Median length of stay and time to record
and electronic automated response team call observations were also significantly reduced.
Australia advisory vital signs patients; overall type
monitors and number of
serious adverse
events and length of
hospital stay
The Central Hospital length of Length of stay reduced from 9.7 days to 6.9
Jones et al. Single Historically- Consecutive patients Manchester stay, compliance days. Clinical attendance to patients w ith
(2011) 77 university controlled cohort admitted to the University w ith the early EWS 3, 4 or 5 increased from 29% at baseline
teaching study medical assessment Hospitals NHS w arning score to 78% w ith automated alerts. For patients w ith
hospital unit and one general Foundation Trust protocol, cardiac EWS >5, clinical attendance increased from
medical w ard before Early Warning arrest incidence, 67% at baseline to 96%.
(n=705) and after Score critical care
(CMFT EWS) utilisation and
(n=776) the
hospital mortality
implementation of an
automated alert
Theme (Limitations) Publications Setting Methodology Participants Early Outcom e Findings
identified w arning m easure/s
w ithin theme score
Sensitivity and Shuk-Ngor et al. Single tertiary Prospective ED patients aw aiting MEWS Change in ED MEWS had a 100% sensitivity and a
specificity, including (2015) 79 university observational study admission to medicine, management, p 98.3% specificity in detecting patient
comparisons to teaching general surgery, adverse events deterioration, w hile there w as also a
specialty-specific hospital neurosurgery or clinical w ithin 24 hours high sensitivity and a high specificity
scores oncology. (active (100% and 97.8%) in the comparison
Intervention group: MEWS resuscitation, group.
monitoring (n= 269) ICU admission,
Control group: 4 hourly cardiac arrest
observations with no and death)
protocolised escalation
plan (n=275)
Barlow et al. Tw o hospitals: Retrospective Patients w ith community- Standardised Mortality The sensitivity and specificity of
(2007) 80 a 1000-bed analysis of data acquired pneumonia early w arning CURB65 w ere 71% and 69%
teaching prospectively (CAP) (n=419) score (SEWS) respectively. The sensitivity and
hospital and a collected for a vs CURB65 (a specificity of SEWS w ere 52% and 67%
500-bed district different study pneumonia- respectively.
general hospital specific risk
Bayer et al. Single tertiary Retrospective Consecutive patients MEWS vs Sepsis The sensitivity and specificity of
(2015) 81 hospital observational admitted to the Prehospital PRESEP w ere 85% and 86%
analysis emergency department Early Sepsis respectively. The sensitivity and
(n=375) including those Detection specificity of MEWS w ere 74% and 75%
w ith sepsis (n=93), severe (PRESEP) respectively.
sepsis (n=60) and septic score
shock (n=12)
Bulut et al. Three university Prospective, General medical and MEWS vs In-hospital REMS w as a better predictor of both in-
(2014) 82 teaching observational cohort surgical patients admitted Rapid mortality and hospital mortality and escalation of care
hospitals study to the ED (n=2000) Emergency escalation of that MEWS.
Medicine care
Score (REMS)
Lobo et al. Single acute Cross-sectional audit Medical admissions w ith NEWS vs Change in NEWS had a low positive predictive
(2014) 86 hospital NEWS score >=7 (n=87) CREWS clinical value (35.4%) to detect clinical
(Chronic management deterioration. Application of the
Respiratory (indicating CREWS score in chronic hypoxaemic
Early Warning clinical patients safely low ered the trigger
Score) deterioration) threshold.
Need for practitioner Simmes et al. Single university Retrospective before- Surgical patients before Generic early Incidence of Introduction of an RRS resulted in a
engagement (2012) 41 medical centre after study (n= 1376) and after w arning score cardiac arrests 50% reduction in cardiac arrest rates
(n=2410) the introduction and unexpected and/or unexpected death. How ever, in
of a rapid response deaths 16% (15/91 events) activation was
system (RRS) w hich delayed for one or tw o days.
includes an early w arning
Clifton et al. Single large Retrospective Post-surgical patients Generic Incidence of Missed alerts w ere common in
(2015) 102 university database analysis (n=200) paper-based errors in incomplete observation sets (15.1% vs
teaching early w arning observation sets 7.6%) and w hen a patient first became
hospital score unstable. Incorrect observation sets are
highly predictive of the next observation
Niegsch et al. Single teaching Prospective, Hospitalised patients on MEWS Adherence to 58% of patients had been observed and
(2013) 105 hospital observational study 12 w ards (n=132) early w arning managed correctly. 77% had all MEWS
score guidelines elements recorded. 38% of patients
w ith abnormal MEWS w ere correctly
escalated by nursing staf f.
Peterson et al. Single large Observational study Inpatients w ho suffered an NEWS-based Compliance w ith The escalation protocol w as followed in
(2014) 107 tertiary centre of prospectively adverse event early w arning escalation 13% of ICU admissions, 31% of cardiac
collected data (unexpected death, score protocol in the arrests and 13% of unexpected deaths.
cardiac arrest or 24 hours Senior staff were involved in 53% and
unanticipated ICU preceding the 36% of cases of ICU admission and
admission) (n=144) event cardiac arrest, respectively.
Need for reaction to Cherry and Single acute Mixed methods study Acute Medical Unit MEWS Attitudes of The colour of the nurse’s uniform,
escalation Jones (2015) 103 Trust using questionnaires nursing staff (n=9) nursing staff show ing seniority, has an effect on a
and focus groups tow ards an early medic's attitude to review a patient w ith
w arning score a high MEWS score.
Day (2003) 112 Single acute Prospective audit Calls for medical Derby Response times The average response time to calls
general hospital assistance triggered by Modified Early to early w arning from SDU staff was 46·1 minutes
the early w arning score on Warning scores (guidelines suggest 30 minutes).
the surgical ‘step dow n System
unit’ (SDU) (n=45) (DMEWS)
Beckett et al. Single large Prospective Patients requiring medical Standardised Response times The median response time w as 5
(2009) 113 teaching observational study review overnight on 18 Early Warning to early w arning minutes for
hospital w ards (n=136) and 4 Score scores overnight SEWS>4 and 10 minutes if SEWS<4
critical care areas (n=159) (SEWS)
Need for clinical Martin (2015) 115 Single large Grounded theory Midw ives w orking on the Modified early Midw ives’ Midw ives experienced the tool as a
judgment tertiary teaching study using semi- labour w ard (n=6) obstetric experiences of threat to autonomy, undermining clinical
hospital structured interviews w arning score using the early judgement and w ere concerned about
(MEOWS) w arning score task orientation among junior
Neary et al. Single university Questionnaire study Convenience sample of NEWS Staff opinion Staff felt the NEWS did not correlate
(2015) 68 hospital 40 staff from general regarding the w ell clinically w ith patients w ithin the
surgical w ards (27 strengths and first 24 hours post-operatively.
doctors, 13 nurses) pitfalls after
NEWS w as
introduced into
Intermittent nature of Taenzer et al. Single large Comparative study Patients from 3 surgical Unspecified Accuracy of Manually recorded data w ere on
recording (2014) 117 tertiary hospital betw een oxygen units and 2 medical units manual vital intermittent, average 6.5% higher and did not reflect
saturation recordings w ho suffered an adverse signs chart manual SpO2 the high-risk patients’ physiological
using automatic evert (n=36) matched data collection state as w ell as continuous automated
continuous controls (n=176). 16 of sampling
monitoring and these patients w ere
intermittent manual classified as having
monitoring ‘prolonged desaturations.’
Table 2: Summary of relevant articles within each ‘Limitations’ theme
Early warning scores have been found to be excellent predictors of cardiac arrest 10,
ICU transfer11 and death on ICU12, as well as 30-day mortality and length of stay on
In nursing home residents admitted to hospital, MEWS was found to be an important
predictor of 7-day mortality.14 Patients with a MEWS of 4-5 on admission had 12
times the odds of death, and those with a score of >6 had 21 times the odds of
death, compared with those with a score of <1.
In the Emergency Department (ED), an early warning score can be used as a triage
instrument. One prospective study examined the MEWS of 309 patients presenting
to a Turkish ED and found that patients with a MEWS of 5 or more were 1.95 times
more likely to be admitted to ICU than those with a MEWS < 5, and 35 times more
likely to die in the ED and 14 times more likely to die in hospital.15
A group in Amsterdam retrospectively analysed the MEWS of 204 medical and
surgical patients who had experienced a ‘severe adverse event,’ including
cardiopulmonary arrest, unplanned ICU admission, emergency surgery or
unexpected death. Eighty one percent of patients had an MEWS value of 3 or more
at least once during the 48 hours before their event.16 Similarly, in an exclusively
surgical population, MEWS has been found to predict the risk of death after
cardiopulmonary arrest.17
An Italian prospective single-centre cohort study concluded that MEWS, even when
calculated once on admission, is a ‘simple but highly useful tool to predict in-hospital
outcome,’ in terms of mortality, critical care admission and length of hospital stay. 18
Similar results have been published from Denmark.19
The prediction value of early warning scores is important. They have been found to
prevent ICU admissions by aiding decision making for anaesthetists,20 and can be
used to help capacity planning by predicting the number of days a patient will spend
in hospital.21 However, they cannot be used in isolation nor can they replace clinical
observation chart and an algorithm for bedside management.25 The adjusted
unexpected patient mortality rate was significantly lower after the intervention (17
versus 61 per 100 adjusted patient years). In a New Zealand tertiary hospital, the
introduction of an early warning score system in addition to an existing cardiac arrest
team decreased the incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrests from an average of 8.5
per month to 5.5 per month.26
International relevance
A number of studies have shown that early warning scores can be used in countries
with limited healthcare resources, such as Uganda,55,56, Tanzania57, 58 and South
Africa.59,60,61 However, disease and population differences may strongly influence the
performance of early warning scores. A Malawi study showed that MEWS had only a
58.8% sensitivity and 56.2% specificity for mortality within three days. The authors
advised local validation and impact assessment before the adoption of early warning
scores adoption in resource-limited settings.62
There is good correlation between early warning scores and other risk indicators. A
study of an early warning score in the ED63 found that adding specialty-specific
parameters (such as mode of transport to hospital) to the score provided more
accurate prediction of their risk. Alrawi has described how CRP and eGFR levels on
admission can be used in conjunction with MEWS to allow decision making on the
appropriate level of care at the point of hospital admission.14 A Sri Lankan study
showed that adding biochemical parameters to the early warning score improved the
sensitivity of predicted length of hospital stay and adverse outcomes.64
Impact on communication
A qualitative study in 2005 interviewed 30 nurses, 7 doctors and 7 health care
support workers with regard to the detection of physiological deterioration.65
Participants reported that quantifiable evidence is the most effective means of
referring patients to doctors, and that early warning scores achieve this by packaging
individual vital signs together, providing a ‘precise, concise and unambiguous means
of communicating deterioration, and confidence in using medical language.’ This
sentiment is echoed in other publications. Early warning scores help to facilitate
nurses’ communication with doctors 66 by providing ‘ammunition’ when referring
patients.67 A questionnaire study of surgical ward staff found that NEWS ‘empowers
nurses to more easily seek senior medical assistance’ and ‘avoids conflict.’68
Several technologies could provide the basis of a solution. Bonnici et al. suggest the
use of unobtrusive wearable monitors that track the patient's physiology
A number of studies have investigated the use of automated clinical alerts in an
attempt to deliver timely clinical responses to acutely deteriorating patients. An
historically-controlled study from 2011 found that automatic alerts significantly
improved clinical attendance to unstable general medical patients.77 However, the
potential of these technologies depends strongly on implementation, with poor-quality
deployment likely to worsen patient care.76
are highly user-dependent. A retrospective study of surgical patients before and
after the implementation of a rapid response system found that early warning score
recordings were ‘frequently incomplete.’41
Indeed, a number of studies into the implementation of early warning scores have
highlighted poor compliance as an issue.93,94, 95, 68, 96-100 101 User error can occur in
recording vital signs, calculating the score and escalating appropriately.
In the Amsterdam study, the authors retrospectively analysed the MEWS of patients
who had experienced a severe adverse event, and found that, even when the MEWS
was 3 or more, respiratory rate, diuresis, and oxygen saturation were documented in
only 30% to 66% of assessments.16 This is concerning, as missed alerts are
particularly common in incomplete observation sets.102
Even when observations are complete, the aggregate scores can be
miscalculated.103, 104 This is important, as Austen et al.5 found that calculation errors
were eleven times more likely to result in under-scoring than over-scoring, resulting
in the potential failure to recognise deteriorating patients. In addition, Clifton et al.
found that incorrect scores are highly predictive of the next observation set,
suggesting that clinical staff detect patient status in advance of the EWS system ‘by
using information not currently encoded within it.’102
Crucial to the success of early warning systems is the escalation of abnormal scores.
A Danish study found that only 38% of patients with abnormal MEWS were correctly
escalated by nursing staff,105 a finding echoed throughout the literature.106 Poor
compliance with the escalation protocol is commonly found when serious adverse
events occur.107
In particular, there have been concerns raised about compliance with early warning
scores overnight 108, 109 and at weekends 110 when, arguably, these scores could be of
most use. As such, a number of competency frameworks and audit systems have
been introduced, which show significant benefits in terms of patient safety.111
making when faced with a deteriorating patient.’114 Indeed, a study amongst
midwives found that this group experienced early warning scores as a ‘threat to
autonomy, undermining clinical judgement’ 115 and highlighted their concerns about
the delegation of vital signs monitoring to support staff, opposing holistic care.
To counteract this, some studies have suggested adding a measure of biological
capacity to the early warning score, such as mobility or frailty.116 However, it might
be simpler to acknowledge that early warning scores cannot replace clinical
judgement. 22 Neary et al.68 found that NEWS correlated poorly with the patient’s
clinical status within the first 24 hours post-operatively, and suggested that ‘nursing
acumen’ should dictate escalation parameters in certain scenarios.
This systematic review and narrative synthesis was conducted to explore the
literature regarding the strengths and limitations of early warning score vital signs
monitoring systems, for both patients and clinical teams. To our knowledge, this is
the first literature review to systematically assess the extent of the evidence around
these tools.
Early warning scores have become ubiquitous with the recognition of the
deteriorating patient. This review confirms that early warning scores have excellent
predictive value and have been found to influence patient outcomes in the inpatient
setting. However, it is important to recognize that they are more effective in certain
patient groups, and care must be taken in the elderly, pregnant, paediatric, palliative
and head-injured populations. Specialist tools should continue to be used in these
Early warning scores are also used in a number of ways outside their original remit.
Studies investigating the use of early warning scores as a pre-hospital triage tool
show conflicting results. This can also be attributed to the mixed patient population
in pre-hospital care. Whilst some papers report that the universal language of early
warning scores improves communication between healthcare professionals, this is
not always reflected in the reaction to the escalation. Training may improve staff
engagement and the response to poor scores.
Limitations in the design of this review are acknowledged. The search criteria were
intentionally broad to capture a wide range of studies and optimize the
generalizability of the findings. This is a heterogeneous area of investigation and, by
including a range of early warning scores, settings and outcome measures, some of
the subtleties of individual systems may have been lost. In addition, the use of key
word searching can result in the omission of important papers. However, the search
strategy was checked for completeness by combining it with more specific term s
(such as EWS, MEWS) and this did not produce any additional references. Citations
and reference lists were also checked to optimise the search strategy.
The inclusion of a number of study types outside of randomised controlled trials
precluded traditional meta-analysis. Selected articles included qualitative,
quantitative and mixed-methods studies, alongside grey literature. The value of
other study designs in complex interventions is well recognised, but the wide range
sources necessitated the adoption of a narrative synthesis approach, which has
several limitations. Appraisal of quality is difficult with such variety of study design,
and data extraction relies heavily on the reviewers’ interpretation of the literature,
which may introduce bias. However, a narrative approach allows the synthesis of
diverse literature into common themes relevant to the research question.
Two interventions could improve the success of early warning scores to the benefit of
patients. Firstly, the introduction of automated early warning score systems can
minimize the risk of user error. Using a handheld computer device to document vital
signs can highlight erroneous data, improve accuracy of calculations and prompt
escalation. Scores can also be accessed remotely, which aids communication
between healthcare professionals. A number of UK NHS hospitals have begun to
adopt such systems.
In addition, new remote monitoring technologies, aided by wireless data
transmission, have the potential to overcome the intermittent nature of current early
warning score systems. A number of devices are emerging that promise to convey
the advantages of continuous vital signs monitoring to general ward patients. Whilst
it seems intuitive that continuous monitoring is safer than intermittent observations,
no large controlled trials have yet been conducted and this remains an exciting area
for future development.
This review has shown that early warning scores are successful in predicting and
improving patient outcomes across a range of settings and populations. The most
important advantage of early warning scores is that they are easy to use and
interpret, and so provide a common language across healthcare providers and
specialties. However, inaccurate recordings or inappropriate reactions to abnormal
scores can undermine the benefits of these systems.
Harnessing their strengths and recognizing their limitations can improve early
warning scores to the benefit of patients and healthcare professionals alike.
However, it is important to highlight the recurrent theme from the literature: whilst
early warning score systems are a useful tool, they can never replace clinical
judgment and experience in the management of the unwell patient.
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