Academic Emergency Medicine - 2020 - Ebell - Accuracy of Signs and Symptoms For The Diagnosis of Community Acquired
Academic Emergency Medicine - 2020 - Ebell - Accuracy of Signs and Symptoms For The Diagnosis of Community Acquired
Academic Emergency Medicine - 2020 - Ebell - Accuracy of Signs and Symptoms For The Diagnosis of Community Acquired
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Background: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is an important source of morbidity and mortality.
However, overtreatment of acute cough illness with antibiotics is an important problem, so improved diagnosis of
CAP could help reduce inappropriate antibiotic use.
Methods: This was a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies of patients with clinically suspected
pneumonia or acute cough that used imaging as the reference standard. All studies were reviewed in parallel by
two researchers and quality was assessed using the QUADAS-2 criteria. Summary measures of accuracy
included sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, the diagnostic odds ratio, and the area under the receiver
operating characteristic curve (AUROCC) and were calculated using bivariate meta-analysis.
Results: We identified 17 studies, of which 12 were judged to be at low risk of bias and the remainder at
moderate risk of bias. The prevalence of CAP was 10% in nine primary care studies and was 20% in seven
emergency department studies. The probability of CAP is increased most by an abnormal overall clinical
impression suggesting CAP (positive likelihood ratio [LR+] = 6.32, 95% CI = 3.58 to 10.5), egophony (LR+ = 6.17,
95% CI = 1.34 to 18.0), dullness to percussion (LR+ = 2.62, 95% CI = 1.14 to 5.30), and measured temperature
(LR+ = 2.52, 95% CI = 2.02 to 3.20), while it is decreased most by the absence of abnormal vital signs (LR =
0.25, 95% CI = 0.11 to 0.48). The overall clinical impression also had the highest AUROCC at 0.741.
Conclusions: While most individual signs and symptoms were unhelpful, selected signs and symptoms are of
value for diagnosing CAP. Teaching and performing these high value elements of the physical examination should
be prioritized, with the goal of better targeting chest radiographs and ultimately antibiotics.
From the 1University of Georgia and 2; and Department of Epidemiology, Athens, GA.
Received January 16, 2020; revision received March 4, 2020; accepted March 8, 2020.
*Order of authorship among three participating doctoral students and their contribution should be considered equal.
The authors have no relevant financial information or potential conflicts to disclose.
Author contributions: ME conceived and designed the study, participated in data abstraction, performed the primary analysis, and wrote the initial
draft of the manuscript; CC, MB, XC, and MK all participated in abstraction of data for the meta-analysis; MB and CC duplicated the primary anal-
ysis by ME to confirm its accuracy; and all authors reviewed and approved the final manuscript.
Supervising Editor: Shahriar Zehtabchi, MD.
Address for correspondence and reprints: Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS; e-mail: [email protected].
In previous meta-analyses, we have shown that Studies were excluded if they enrolled patients
normal vital signs and a normal lung examination because they had dyspnea or sepsis rather than sus-
effectively rule out CAP in patients with acute pected CAP. They were also excluded if patients were
cough,5 that the overall clinical impression is moder- in a specialized population such as only patients in
ately accurate for the diagnosis of CAP in adult,6 skilled nursing facilities, immunosuppressed patients,
and that C-reactive protein (CRP) is the preferred or patients with chronic lung disease. Studies of venti-
biomarker for the diagnosis of CAP in outpatients.7 lator or hospital-acquired pneumonia and studies of
However, there has been no recent meta-analysis of the diagnosis of a specific pathogen were excluded,
the accuracy of individual signs and symptoms for although studies limited to older adults were included.
the diagnosis of CAP in adults, with the most recent Studies were excluded if they used a case–control
published in 2007.8,9 In addition, previous meta-anal- design (i.e., recruited patients with known CAP and
yses did not use modern methods for the assessment healthy controls or matched patients with and without
of the quality of studies or to perform synthesis of radiographic pneumonia).
measures of test accuracy.10,11 We therefore set out
to perform an updated meta-analysis using modern Search Strategy
methods to answer the question: what is the accuracy This study is the second of three planned systematic
of signs and symptoms for the diagnosis of CAP in reviews (biomarkers to diagnose CAP, signs and symp-
adults. toms to diagnose CAP, and biomarkers for prognosis
in CAP) that used a single search strategy. The search
of the Medline database using the PubMed front-end
was built around the concepts of “signs, symptoms,
This was a meta-analysis of previously published stud- and biomarkers”; “community-acquired pneumonia”;
ies of the accuracy of signs and symptoms for the diag- and “accuracy or prognosis” linked by Boolean AND
nosis of CAP. The study was registered with the joins and is shown in Data Supplement S1,
PROSPERO database (#CRD42018108036) and fol- Appendix S2. The limits “has abstract,” “human,”
lowed PRISMA guidance regarding conduct and and adult age ranges were applied to the search. In
reporting of a diagnostic meta-analysis (please see the addition, the reference lists of included studies were
Data Supplement S1, Appendix S1, available as sup- reviewed for additional articles, as were two older sys-
porting information in the online version of this tematic reviews identified by our search.8,9
paper, which is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.c
om/doi/10.1111/acem.13965/full, for the PRISMA Data Abstraction
checklist). All abstracts were reviewed for inclusion by the lead
author (MHE) and by one of four graduate students
Inclusion Criteria in epidemiology (CC, MK, MB, or XC). For any
Studies were included if they recruited a prospective abstract deemed potentially of interest, the full article
cohort of adolescents or adults presenting with symp- was obtained and reviewed by the lead author and
toms of respiratory infection or clinically suspected one other reviewer. Studies meeting inclusion and
pneumonia (including when it was based on the exclusion criteria were reviewed in parallel by the
physician ordering a CXR for respiratory symptoms) lead author and a graduate student who each
in the outpatient setting. The outpatient setting could abstracted variables describing study characteristics,
include primary care, urgent care, and the ED. Stud- study quality, and test accuracy data (true positives,
ies had to report sufficient information to calculate true negatives, false negatives, and false positives).
sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of CAP Discrepancies were resolved through consensus dis-
for at least one sign or symptom (including vital cussion.
signs). No limits were set for country, year, or lan-
guage. The reference standard had to be imaging (ra- Assessment of Study Quality
diography or CT) and had to have been performed The QUADAS-2 tool was adapted for our study and
in all participants or in all patients at high risk for definitions for low, unclear, and high risk of bias pre-
pneumonia and a random sample of low-risk specified for each domain.10 The full adapted tool is
patients, to avoid verification bias. shown in Data Supplement S1, Appendix S3.
CI 3.58-10.5; negative likelihood ratio [LR ] = 0.54, Regarding patient-reported symptoms, subjective fever
95% CI = 0.46 to 0.64). It had the highest LR + of and chills, the absence of coryza and rhinorrhea, dysp-
any finding and also had the highest AUROCC at nea, and chest pain significantly increased the likeli-
0.741 (Figure 2) with no clear pattern regarding accu- hood of CAP when present (LR+ = 1.21 to 1.47) and
racy for patients enrolled in studies because they pre- reduce the likelihood of CAP when absent (LR =
sented with acute RTI compared with those recruited 0.68 to 0.86). Cough had little discriminatory value,
because they had been referred for a CXR. but this is likely because cough was usually required
The only element of the medical history significantly as an entrance criterion for the studies.
associated with the likelihood of CAP based on the Egophony when present significantly increases the
likelihood ratios was chronic obstructive pulmonary likelihood of CAP when present (LR+ = 6.17, 95%
disease as a comorbidity (LR+ = 2.37, 95% CI = 1.21 CI = 1.34 to 18.0), although the sensitivity is quite
to 4.33; LR = 0.88, 95% CI = 0.78 to 0.97). low and the CI broad. Other signs significantly
Table 1
Characteristics of Included Studies, Stratified by Setting (Primary Care or Other Outpatient Versus ED)
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • July 2020, Vol. 27, No. 7 • 547
breath sounds, any abnormal lung founds, the pres-
ence of rhonchi, and toxic or ill-appearance (LR+ =
1.46 to 2.62). As with symptoms, the absence of a
increasing it.
Abnormal vital signs were also associated with an
Reference Standard (Prevalence
41 years Virginia
Nebraska, and
Mean 54 years
Mean 53 years
to 38.0°C (0.637).
Another measure of overall diagnostic accuracy or
discrimination is the diagnostic odds ratio (DOR).
Findings with the highest DOR for the diagnosis of
had been ordered
Saldıas, 200735
Tape, 199118
Table 2
Overview of Study Quality
*Because this study used different data collection procedures in Virginia, quality is assessed separately for that state.
studies were more specific than the primary care stud- any abnormal lung founds, the presence of rhonchi,
ies (Data Supplement S1, Appendix S5). and toxic or ill appearance were significantly associated
with the presence or absence of CAP. However, the
likelihood ratios were all between 0.5 and 2.0 for
these findings, so they have little impact on the diag-
The history and physical examination is a critical com- nostic likelihood of CAP and were especially unhelpful
ponent of the evaluation of patients with acute cough. when negative. On the other hand, physician integra-
However, many individual signs and symptoms have tion of individual signs and symptoms has much
limited value (especially when absent), and knowledge higher diagnostic accuracy. This has been previously
of the signs and symptoms most predictive of CAP shown—that the overall clinical impression can
can help physicians focus their evaluation. Based on approximate the accuracy of a clinical prediction
the DOR, a measure of overall discrimination, the fol- rule.20
lowing elements of the clinical examination are most The summary ROC curve for overall clinical
useful: the overall clinical impression, the presence of impression shows data consistent with a threshold
egophony, any abnormal vital sign, any abnormal lung effect for studies including any patient with acute RTI.
finding, tachypnea, and the presence of measured For those who were only included if a CXR was
fever. Based on the comparison of subjective with ordered, specificity was consistent but sensitivity var-
objective temperature, one concludes that the absence ied, perhaps due to differences in the threshold for
of subjective fever helps rule out CAP, while the pres- ordering the test. Review of the summary ROC curve
ence of measured fever tends to rule it in (Figure 2). for fever (Figure 3) revealed that subjective fever was
However, the converse (absence of measured fever or more sensitive (63% vs. 34%) but less specific (55%
presence of subjective fever) is less helpful diagnosti- vs. 87%) than measured temperature> 37.7 to 38.0°C
cally. for the diagnosis of CAP.
The LR + and LR– for a number of signs and The symptom of dyspnea showed a pattern of diag-
symptoms that are often acquired as part of the history nostic accuracy by setting, being more sensitive in pri-
and physical examination such as dullness to percus- mary care and more specific in the ED. This may
sion, confusion, crackles, decreased breath sounds, reflect different implicit cutoffs, with primary care
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • July 2020, Vol. 27, No. 7 • 549
Table 3
Diagnostic accuracy for individual elements of the medical history and physical examination
Studies Sensitivity Specificity odds ratio
Sign or symptom (patients) (95% CI) (95% CI) LR+ (95% CI) LR (95% CI) (95% CI) AUROCC
Overall clinical 7 (5081) 0.50 (0.39-0.61) 0.92 (0.84-0.96) 6.32 (3.58-10.5) 0.54 (0.46-0.64) 11.5 (6.7-18.5) 0.741
Medical history
Chronic obstructive 3 (748) 0.19 (0.13-0.27) 0.91 (0.86-0.95) 2.37 (1.21-4.33) 0.88 (0.78-0.97) 2.74 (1.24-5.51)
pulmonary disease
Previous pneumonia 3 (1245) 0.13 (0.02-0.47) 0.90 (0.63-0.98) 1.32 (0.81-2.00) 0.96 (0.81-1.02) 1.39 (0.79-2.21)
Any comorbidity 3 (3904) 0.44 (0.33-0.55) 0.63 (0.50-0.75) 1.19 (0.99-1.48) 0.90 (0.80-1.01) 1.34 (0.98-1.80)
Alcohol use disorder 3 (988) 0.06 (0.02-0.23) 0.96 (0.93-0.98) NC NC NC
Smoking (current) 4 (3425) 0.32 (0.13-0.59) 0.69 (0.54-0.81) 1.06 (0.53-1.78) 0.97 (0.66-1.22) 1.18 (0.44-2.73)
Male sex 4 (3539) 0.46 (0.39-0.54) 0.57 (0.52-0.61) 1.08 (0.93-1.23) 0.94 (0.83-1.06) 1.15 (0.88-1.47)
Smoking (ever) 3 (1434) 0.50 (0.30-0.69) 0.52 (0.36-0.67) 1.03 (0.78-1.28) 0.97 (0.75-1.18) 1.09 (0.66-1.70)
Pleuritic chest pain 3 (1245) 0.32 (0.26-0.39) 0.87 (0.65-0.96) 2.76 (0.97-7.133) 0.81 (0.70-1.02) 3.56 (0.95-9.77)
Fever (subjective) 8 (4907) 0.63 (0.50-0.74) 0.55 (0.38-0.71) 1.47 (1.26-1.71) 0.68 (0.58-0.80) 2.10 (1.48-2.87) 0.623
Chills 7 (2453) 0.55 (0.43-0.67) 0.62 (0.50-0.72) 1.44 (1.26-1.65) 0.73 (0.63-0.83) 2.00 (1.58-2.49) 0.610
Coryza and 4 (1106) 0.60 (0.40-0.77) 0.57 (0.22-0.66) 1.43 (1.11-2.00) 0.71 (0.56-0.86) 2.07 (1.31-3.13)
rhinorrhea absent
Sputum (bloody) 4 (1582) 0.13 (0.06-0.27) 0.90 (0.84-0.94) 1.33 (0.80-2.06) 0.96 (0.84-1.02) 1.41 (0.78-2.47)
Dyspnea 10 (5626) 0.63 (0.48-0.75) 0.51 (0.31-0.71) 1.30 (1.07-1.65) 0.75 (0.66-0.85) 1.75 (1.28-2.34) 0.598
Sore throat absent 3 (782) 0.60 (0.49-0.70) 0.52 (0.28-0.75) 1.29 (0.75-1.77) 0.81 (0.57-1.34) 1.78 (0.65-3.83)
Chest pain 8 (5031) 0.51 (0.33-0.69) 0.58 (0.37-0.76) 1.21 (1.05-1.42) 0.86 (0.78-0.94) 1.41 (1.13-1.74) 0.549
Headache 3 (1188) 0.65 (0.46-0.81) 0.42 (0.21-0.65) 1.19 (0.93-1.49) 0.85 (0.67-1.08) 1.35 (0.90-1.94)
Sputum (any) 6 (4441) 0.71 (0.60-0.81) 0.35 (0.21-0.51) 1.11 (0.96-1.32) 0.84 (0.63-1.11) 1.37 (0.87-2.07)
Myalgias 3 (1424) 0.49 (0.41-0.56) 0.57 (0.45-0.68) 1.10 (0.91-1.45) 0.92 (0.77-1.10) 1.26 (0.82-1.86)
Sputum (purulent) 3 (1365) 0.52 (0.35-0.70) 0.52 (0.39-0.65) 1.09 (0.90-1.26) 0.92 (0.73-1.08) 1.21 (0.83-1.71)
Cough 7 (1866) 0.88 (0.82-0.93) 0.16 (0.07-0.34) 1.07 (0.97-1.27) 0.77 (0.41-1.37) 1.57 (0.71-3.01)
Egophony 3 (1116) 0.05 (0.03-0.10) 0.99 (0.95-0.99) 6.17 (1.34-18.0) 0.96 (0.93-0.99) 6.46 (1.36-18.9)
Dullness to 7 (1932) 0.14 (0.10-0.19) 0.94 (0.88-0.97) 2.62 (1.14-5.30) 0.92 (0.87-0.98) 2.89 (1.17-5.90) NC
Confusion 4 (1596) 0.11 (0.08-0.15) 0.95 (0.92-0.97) 2.15 (1.36-3.34) 0.94 (0.90-0.98) 2.29 (1.39-3.63)
Crackles 12 (5898) 0.42 (0.32-0.52) 0.79 (0.68-0.86) 2.00 (1.54-2.58) 0.74 (0.66-0.82 2.70 (1.95-3.63) 0.611
Decreased 6 (4322) 0.25 (0.20-0.32) 0.87 (0.78-0.92) 1.96 (1.23-3.02) 0.87 (0.79-0.95) 2.29 (1.31-3.73)
breath sounds
Abnormal lung 8 (2875) 0.60 (0.40-0.78) 0.67 (0.42-0.85) 1.90 (1.26-2.91) 0.61 (0.47-0.75) 3.18 (1.83-2.08) 0.669
exam (any finding)
Rhonchi 5 (2375) 0.23 (0.16-0.32) 0.87 (0.78-0.92) 1.76 (1.26-2.41) 0.89 (0.83-0.95) 1.99 (1.35-2.81)
Toxic or ill 5 (4162) 0.42 (0.22-0.65) 0.70 (0.43-0.88) 1.46 (1.08-2.15) 0.83 (0.71-0.94) 1.77 (1.17-2.64)
Pleural rub 5 (1885) 0.07 (0.04-0.11) 0.97 (0.91-0.992) 3.02 (0.74-8.02) 0.96 (0.91-1.02) 3.20 (0.72-8.81)
Wheeze (any) 8 (2519) 0.25 (0.19-0.32) 0.75 (0.68-0.92) 1.00 (0.82-1.22) 1.00 (0.94-1.07) 1.00 (0.77-1.30)
Vital signs
Temp>=37.7-38.0 10 (5490) 0.34 (0.25-0.56) 0.87 (0.79-0.92) 2.52 (2.02-3.20) 0.77 (0.70-0.83) 3.30 (2.60-4.16) 0.637
O2 saturation < 95% 3 (1089) 0.36 (0.22-0.53) 0.83 (0.78-0.87) 2.12 (1.47-2.71) 0.77 (0.61-0.92) 2.83 (1.61-4.39)
Heart rate> 100 bpm 8 (5172) 0.33 (0.23-0.44) 0.84 (0.74-0.90) 2.04 (1.59-2.62) 0.80 (0.73-0.86) 2.55 (1.93-3.31) 0.606
Respiratory 3 (3638) 0.53 (0.25-0.79) 0.84 (0.44-0.91) 2.02 (1.34-3.02) 0.65 (0.45-0.84) 3.14 (2.08-4.51)
rate> 20-25 bpm
Any abnormal 3 (604) 0.93 (0.74-0.98) 0.30 (0.12-0.59) 1.37 (1.10-1.84) 0.25 (0.11-0.48) 6.01 (3.03-10.6)
vital sign
Where the positive likelihood ratio (LR+), negative likelihood ratio (LR ) or diagnostic odds ratio differed significantly from 1.0, the value is
shown in bold face.
NC, not calculable from data; AUROCC = area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2. Summary receiver operating characteristic curve for the Figure 3. Summary receiver operating characteristic curve for sub-
overall clinical impression. CXR = chest radiograph; RTI = respira- jective fever versus measured temperature> 37.7 to 38.0°C
tory tract infection
physicians using a lower threshold for diagnosing CAP 95% CI = 1.1 to 1.8; LR = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.11
to achieve a higher sensitivity, so appropriate patients to 0.48). Thus, normal vital signs provide reassurance
can be referred to the ED for further evaluation. that CAP is less likely, and we showed in a previous
While guidelines recommend a CXR to confirm the systematic review that the combination of normal vital
diagnosis of CAP before initiating therapy,21 not all signs and normal lung examination has a negative
patients with acute cough should receive a CXR. Also, likelihood ratio of 0.1 for CAP.5 The combination of
CXRs may not be readily available outside of the ED normal vital signs and a normal lung examination
setting or in low resource settings. The presence of an would reduce the likelihood of CAP to approximately
overall clinical impression suggesting CAP (LR+ = 0.5% given a prevalence of 5%, 1% given a prevalence
6.3, 95% CI = 3.6 to 10.5), egophony (LR+ = 6.2, of 10%, and 2% given a prevalence of 20%, obviating
95% CI = 1.3 to 18.0), dullness to percussion the need for a chest x-ray in most patients. On the
(LR+ = 2.6, 95% CI = 1.1 to 5.3), and measured other hand, an abnormal overall clinical impression or
fever (LR+ = 2.5, 95% CI = 2.0 to 3.2) were all mod- the presence of egophony would increase the likeli-
erately useful for increasing the likelihood of CAP and hood of CAP to 25% given a prevalence of 5%, 36%
could prompt a clinician to order a radiograph in a given a prevalence of 10%, and 56% given a probabil-
patient with acute cough. Only a single clinical finding ity of 20%, situations in which a chest x-ray (and pos-
had a LR– less than 0.5 (absence of any abnormal sibly empiric therapy) would be appropriate for most
vital sign), while the past medical history and comor- patients. The excellent test characteristics of the overall
bidities were of relatively little diagnostic value. clinical impression mean that experienced ED and pri-
Combinations of symptoms were not generally stud- mary care physicians can trust their overall judgment
ied, other than any abnormal lung finding (LR+ = of the likelihood of pneumonia and value it is a diag-
1.9, 95% CI = 1.3 to 2.9; LR = 0.61, 95% CI = nostic test. It is also an important message for physi-
0.47 to 0.75) and any abnormal vital sign (LR+ = 1.4, cians that we should not rely too much on the
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • July 2020, Vol. 27, No. 7 • 551
absence of individual physical findings such as egoph- clinicians rather than trainees. How to best teach this
ony, dullness to percussion, crackles, decreased breath skill of “clinical gestalt,” how many exposures to
sounds, or rhonchi, which all have summary estimates patients with acute respiratory illness are needed to
of the LR– between 0.74 and 0.96. develop it, and how to best integrate it with other
Knowing how to best use signs and symptoms can information remain to be determined. The same ques-
help physicians avoid inappropriate antibiotic use. tions apply to egophony, which had the highest
Those with normal vitals and a normal lung examina- LR + but which not all physicians may be comfortable
tion (in the absence of other bacterial infections such eliciting. We also concluded that patients with normal
as streptococcal pharyngitis or acute otitis media, lung findings and normal vital signs are very unlikely
which are easily ruled out) should not receive antibi- to have CAP (LR = 0.1).5 Finally, CRP is moder-
otics. Knowing that the likelihood of CAP is extremely ately accurate for the diagnosis of CAP (AUROCC =
low can bolster the confidence of physicians not to 0.82; M.H. Ebell, submitted for publication) and has
prescribe an antibiotic. For those at increased risk of also been shown to be a tool that can reduce inappro-
CAP based on the overall clinical impression or the priate antibiotic use.24–26
presence of one or more signs, a negative CXR can
again provide confidence not to prescribe antibiotics.
By targeting CXR, we also avoid its overuse.
An open question is the degree of statistical inde- Strengths of the current study include a comprehen-
pendence of individual signs, symptom, vital signs, sive literature search, the generally good methodologic
and the CRP. In a previous study by van Vugt and quality of included studies, and the use of contempo-
colleagues,22 the presence of crackles, diminished rary bivariate meta-analysis. Limitations include hetero-
vesicular breathing, tachycardia, fever, the absence of geneity in clinical settings and countries, differences in
rhinorrhea, and elevated CRP were all independent the inclusion criteria, and a failure to define what is
predictors of CAP, suggesting that CRP provides diag- abnormal for a sign or symptom. In addition, some
nostic value in addition to that of the physical exami- signs and symptoms such as the overall clinical
nation. impression had likelihood ratios with relatively wide
Van Vugt et al.22 also identified several clinical pre- CIs (LR+ = 6.3, 95% CI = 3.6 to 10.5). While there
diction rules for the diagnosis of CAP, but none per- was a fairly broad range of prevalence of CAP in the
formed particularly well as measured by the included studies, this should not impact sensitivity,
AUROCC either in the study population in van Vugt specificity, or LRs, which are characteristics of the test.
et al. or in a small validation study by Graffelman Finally, all studies used chest radiography as the refer-
et al.23 Van Vugt and colleagues22 have proposed their ence standard, which is imperfect. In one study of
own clinical prediction rule based on the largest study 2,251 patients who received both CXR and CT, 97%
to date, but it has yet to be prospectively validated. It of patients had pneumonia diagnosed on both studies,
would also be worth exploring novel modeling strate- and only 3% had pneumonia only seen on CT.27
gies such as artificial neural networks or fast and fru-
gal trees, as well as a two-stage process for clinical
diagnosis. For example, those with normal vital signs
and normal examination can be excluded at stage 1, In conclusion, while the history and physical examina-
in stage 2 a clinical prediction rule used to identify tion is important, only a few key signs and symptoms
those at high risk for CAP who should all undergo significantly change the underlying likelihood of com-
CXR, and in a moderate-risk group where clinicians munity-acquired pneumonia. The probability of com-
would use their judgement and other sources of infor- munity-acquired pneumonia is appreciably increased
mation. by an overall clinical impression suggesting commu-
In the past 2 years, our group has now performed nity-acquired pneumonia, egophony, dullness to per-
a set of four related systematic reviews on the diagno- cussion, and measured temperature, while it is
sis of CAP. We conclude that the overall clinical significantly decreased by the absence of abnormal
impression is a valuable diagnostic tool, with accuracy vital signs or (from a previous study) the combination
similar to that of clinical prediction rules.6 Most of of abnormal vital signs and a normal lung examina-
the studies in that review included experienced tion.5 Clinical education should focus on teaching
high-value elements of the examination such as egoph- 11. Reitsma JB, Glas AS, Rutjes AW, Scholten RJ, Bossuyt
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cient clinical examples of acute cough to hone the and specificity produces informative summary mea-
overall clinical impression. Future research should be sures in diagnostic reviews. J Clin Epidemiol
performed to validate promising clinical prediction
12. Melbye H, Straume B, Aasebo U, Brox J. The diagnosis
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value of history, physical examination and some blood
novel approaches to the development and validation tests. Scand J Prim Heal Care 1988;6:111–7.
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