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SYSTEM SUCCESS FACTORS: Case Study of Municipal

Title Success Factors Evaluation of Information Security Management Systems

: A Case Study on Organizational
City Government in Iran

Journals African Journal of Business Management

Volume & Number Vol. 6 (14), pp. 4982-4989
Year 11 April, 2012
Author 1. Mehdi Kazemi
2. Hamid Khajouei
3. Hashem Nasrabadi
Reviewers M. Yamin
date 27 November 2015
Background The dependence of human survival increasingly tow i
to the presence of information technology menunt ut we
to survive amid global competition. O rganisasi
as an entity that embodies human activity in areas not terlep
as of
needs and demands the use of technology as tool
to improve its performance.
Organizations need technology to manage the information that goes
into the body of the organization so that information
They can be used for a basis for taking n
decisions, and make it as grounding untu
plan ahead. So that information can be managed properly and terjada neatly,
then already
Becomes must for organizations have system
management information is reliable so orgnaisasi dap at
well run and able to provide dukunga n
strong for the achievement of these goals.
However, technological developments information
more rapid and occur increase convergence
information and communication (ICT), and this can dilih at from
the presence of media and the Internet as a tool in Use
as a tool out of the flow of information from and k e
organization. The era of openness of the Internet and media lai n his
make a good profit and the company's organization nonprofit
be vulnerable in terms of security, so that the organic US-
organizations are making efforts to establish an information security
management system in response to the ce patnya
acceleration information that can lead to organic care

no longer have the privacy that keep the organization from

interruption or duplication by competitors through kel emahan-
the weakness of the information security management system at their disposal,
even the abuse of functions organized by the staff in the organic environment

On the basis of this background, the research this

analyzing what factors are most tin ggi

affect the information security management system pa da
city ​government organizations in Iran. As in this research

Researchers refer to the model proposed by AbuZineh (2006) he shared in 7

groups mod el,
namely: (1) Support the Top Management, (2) Kebijaka n
Security Information / ISP, (3) Responsibility pekerjaa n, (4)
Employee motivation, (5) Training and Kesadar an, (6)
Conformity With Standards Security Information
International, and (7) Use of Consultancy da Outside ri

Organization for Security Information

Research purposes The purpose of this study is to identify factor

The most dominant influence on the success in implementing
management system security
information on the organization

Subjects Research Subjects of research conducted in 17 offices pemerint ahan

Cities in Iran

Object of research 35 people who work in related departments in ka ntor


Research methods Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sensus untuk mengumpulkan

data dan semua orang-orang yang didata diinvestigasi, ukuran sample terdiri
dari semua ang gota
komunitas statistik (35 anggota). Kuisioner menjadi sumber
utama informasi dalam penelitian ini, kuisioner ini memiliki 7
bagian dan 21 pertanyaan. Setiap bagian terdiri dar i3
pertanyaan dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini menggunaka n lima
tingkatan dalam likert. Setiap hipotesis, ada 3 per tanyaan.
Untuk menyesuaikan kuesioner (Myranvary, 2008; Bagh eri,
2010; Salhyan, 2009).

Isi pertanyaan telah direvisi beberapa waktu setela h

berkonsultasi dengan para ahli. Setalah verifikasi akhir,
kemudian digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Un tuk
men-cek realibility data yang dikumpulkan, 10 perta nyaan
diajukan pada pre-test, setelah mengumpulkan dan
menggunakan data dari kuisioner, Cronbach’s alpha
cultivate coefficient through SPSS software. Kues ioner
Cronbach's alpha coefficient indicates the number 0.92 4th
indicated that high on my reliabilitu isioner
this so it is acceptable. From questionnaire
distributed and collected back, visible level
a high response because 100% of questionnaires dikembalik an
as a form of such a high response.

Research result The results showed that the ranks Top Management Support
first which is very
affect the Information Security Management System. While the sequence
the lowest occupied by a factor
The use of Consulting Services Organization Affairs untu k
Information security ,
Order second after the Top Management Support is an Information
Security Policy - information Security
Policy ( ISP), selanjutnyua third occupied by the Training and Awareness
Program, followed in order fourth
Job responsibilities, fifth Compliance with the factor
International Standard, and sixth Staff motivation in
implementing an Information Security Management System within the

Conclusion Based on this research, organizations that want to strengthen the

information security management system must obtain his strong support of the
Top Management, because if there is no management dukungn Pun

then there is no plan that can work diimplement asikan

for Top Management to execute sem ua
programs that exist within the organization, while employees and
staff are operational melaksan workers will
all task orders given by Manaj er.
Likewise, the top management as decision
policy should be able to publish the policy-kebij ak an
which leads to the objectives of security systems informa si
within the organization so that policies in i
the cornerstone acts of employees and staff d natural
running the organization's activities.
The factors that most small to be included in consideration of the
information security system is a dalah
external involvement. It is very plausible, because
however, the security information is a very valuable asset that should not be
delegated to anyone, let alone of
outside the company, this will
very vulnerable leaked to outsiders who may disrupt the organization's
information security. And from several studies, it is acknowledged that the
factor this

very considered and always be on order

Last and is undervalued in every penel itian that
carried out in some places.

Suggestion Researchers in this study suggested that in future studies can be

examined more deep
on factors outside involvement, for mempe roleh
A more detailed answer and certainly, the question tent ang,
Why Uses of Outer Perusah Consulting Services aan
Low-value, not the top priority d ari results
analysis has been conducted by researchers and investigators previously.

Might need to be involved factors others can

increase the amount of value derived factor
Outside Consultant usage of this company that at the time and the types of
organization / perusa haan
particular, this factor is precisely the value priorit as more
The most high or even higher.

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