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International Journal of Academic Research

ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

Data Governance Good Practices and the role of

Chief Information Officer

Deepjyoti Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration,

Assam University, Silchar, Assam

In this paper, summative approach has been show the role of Chief Information Officer
(CIO) in the data governance which is one of the vital aspects of corporate governance.
Nowadays the CIOs duties and responsibilities are more concentrated towards tools
and techniques of the technology. CIOs typically believe business intelligence is
implementing different architectures, Business Intelligence tools, virtualization, cloud
computing etc. CIOs fail to live up to the ‘information’ part of their duties and thus
failing to take into account the human element in information. The various data
management practices and standards has been described in this paper which are
considered as the best practiced data governance which need to be adopted by the CIOs
in today’s ever increasing competitive market.
Keywords: Data Governance, Data Custodian, Data Assets.

Introduction system to help them generate millions in

revenue; we all understand that
It is a very well known fact that the basis
managing accurate and complete data is
of any argument is data. Data is the
of indispensable necessity. Companies do
initial point from which any sound
not realize the value in the data and do
argument will start. Data has always
not know what to do with it once
been neglected, misunderstood and
identified. But nowadays the scenario
underestimated assets in corporate
changed with the emergence of
throughout the world. Initially there
technology and the technocrats. For any
were too many data required to be
data driven initiative data is very critical
processed manually and moreover the
and valuable. Collected data when
internal and external departmental
leveraged properly leads to better insight
processes moved very slowly. Centuries
into operations and performance which in
ago people relied on one another because
turn leads to quick and better decision
they didn’t know how to manage the data
making. Managing data resource saw the
they are exposed to. On the other hand in
rise of Database, data mining, data
today’s generation, almost every single
warehouse etc. Companywide data,
business in the organization is dependent
customer data, stakeholder’s data etc.
on data for their companies to run and
refinement, management, processing,
sustain in the market. It can be as simple
retrieving lead the CIO’s around the
as a database for recordkeeping to
world think only towards the Large Data
something as advanced as a computerized 176
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

centers, Virtualization, cloud computing review primarily the websites on data

etc which are considered as the need of governance.
the hour for both midsized and large
Defining Corporate Data
corporations. While data and information
is now easily available to us, data
governance is something that is one of Corporate Data governance is not a
the primary objectives of Information hardware, software, or manpower
management of the organization. Data solution. It is an organizational strategy
stored and information flow in and out of and methodology for documenting and
the organization need to be governed for implementing business rules and controls
better control of the structure and around your organizations valuable data.
design, storage, movement, security and It is bringing cross-functional teams
quality of information. We forget how together to identify data issues that
necessary data to be accurately impact the company or organization as a
maintained, secured and unmodified is. whole2. Corporate Data governance refers
Data Governance is of concern to any to the overall management of the
individual or group who has an interest availability, usability, integrity and
in how data is created, collected, security of data employed in an
processed and manipulated, stored, made enterprise3. According to The Data
available for use, or retired. Data assets Governance Institute, Data Governance
throughout the organization need to be is "The organizational bodies, rules,
formally managed1 (Pretlow, 2012). decision rights, and accountabilities of
people and information systems as they
perform information-related processes”4.
The purpose of this study is to present a
Linkages between data governance
theoretical review of Data Governance,
and other organizational
how it links with other organizational
governance, its need in the organization
and its good practices. The study has also Any governance program is about finding
been linked to the role of chief how to decide in order to be able to
information officer or the chief data handle future possible complex situations
officer in good data governing. or issues in the most controlled and
efficient way. All governance programs
rather are it corporate governance or
The study is based on a descriptive data governance, are sharing the same
approach to describe the new emerging goals5:
trend of data governance, necessary
I. Enable decision making
actions and standard practices. As such
all information is secondary and achieved II. Reduce operational friction
through studies of relevant literature III. Protect the needs of the
stakeholders 177
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

IV. Train management and staff to organization is not always easy and the
adapt common approaches consequences of an incomplete or
incorrect application might be severe.
V. Build standards and processes
That is why good governance is a must.
VI. Reduce the costs and increase the Missing security often leads to data loss
effectiveness or theft of data especially in huge
VII. Ensure transparency corporations where it is not always
possible to track the access and
Why corporate would need a Data ownership of data. Data governance can
Governance Initiative limit the risk by defining clear ownership
Data can develop new opportunities for and standard practices throughout the
business that is why data governance corporation8. Proactive data governance
controls and reduce the risk around the is necessary to ensure confidentiality,
data. Over the next two years, more than integrity, accessibility, availability, and
25 percent of critical data in Fortune quality of the data. Establishing data
1000 companies will continue to be governance is a critical task for any
flawed, that is, the information will be organization. It requires defining the
inaccurate, incomplete or unnecessarily organizational vision, policies, and
duplicate6 . The demand for trusted practices; gaining support of the
information continues to spiral upward. stakeholders; implementing the program;
States currently own significant data and monitoring its success. By clearly
resources, but turning that data resource outlining policies, standard procedures,
into an information asset that can be responsibilities, and controls surrounding
managed for effective decision making is data activities, a data governance
simply not happening at an enterprise program helps to ensure that information
level. There are effective point solutions is collected, maintained, used, and
within specific agencies but managing disseminated in a way that protects the
information as an enterprise asset will individuals’ rights to privacy,
require effective data governance7. Data confidentiality, and security, while
theft, data loss, data quality are some producing timely and accurate statistical
serious data related issues resulting out data9. According to (Cabrera, 2009),
of lack of data management and Corporate Data Governance has not only
governing. A data governance program the risk limiting and protecting ability of
can help the organization in data quality data but also helps in developing new
management by enforcing data standards opportunities. An organization having
and definitions and coordinating the data data governance program will have surely
quality effort. Data Governance program implemented clear data definitions, roles
participates to find out the correctness of responsibilities as well as accepted by the
application of the legal standards and organization will be easily able to react
regulations followed in the organization. and integrate any business
The process to apply them in an transformation and development and 178
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

adapt in very low costs. In case of merger characteristics or objectives as cited by

and acquisition also a mature data (Seiner, 2009) are to make and
governance program will be of lots of administer the public policy and affairs of
benefit because any party having the data, to exercise sovereign authority of
good data governance program can justify data, to control the speed or magnitude of
the company’s value and worth. A CDI data, to control the speed or magnitude of
institute report (Zornes, 2006)10 on Data data, data regulation, control the actions
governance says that with an operational or behaviour of data, to keep under
corporate data governance program, control and to restrain data, to exercise a
businesses are more likely to benefit deciding or determining influence of data,
from: to exercise political authority of data.
 Uniform communications with Data Governance failures at the
customers, suppliers, and channels initial stage
due to the veracity and accuracy of
Data governance helps you control
key master data.
valuable data and information assets and
 Common understanding of business assists you in making more effective use
policies and processes across LOBs of the assets. The realization of data as a
and with business partners/channels valuable and manageable organizational
asset is one of the main business benefits
 Rapid cross-business implementation
of a data governance initiative. But some
of new application solutions requiring
data governance initiative fails at the
shared access to master data
early stage. If these mistakes are carried
 Singular definition and location of out than whole of the data governance
master data and related policies to program will lead to a premature data
enable transparency and audit ability work. Reasons of such data governance
essential to regulatory compliance failures as cited by (Godel, 2010) 12are:
 Continuous data quality  Not keeping faith in the data
improvement as data quality governance program and not
processes are embedded upstream believing that data governance
rather than downstream. program can solve the data
problems. Giving less value to the
Characteristics or objectives of good
program by considering it as nice
Data governance practices
thing to be done but not important.
Any good governance has eight
characteristics. It is participatory,  Absence of full support of the higher
consensus oriented, accountable, level management executives is one
transparent, responsive, effective and of the leading reasons for data
efficient, equitable and inclusive and governance failure. The
management should not be allowed
follows the rule of law (Gisselquist,
2012).11 Specifically Data governance to focus on the cost of data 179
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

governance program but on the gain because there may be cultural

to be achieved from implementation barriers, lack of sustained senior
of data governance program. business sponsorship, lack of
demonstrated success, small as well
 Not having any metrics about the
as large, expecting change in few
performance and current status
months, under estimating the
causes a definite failure. The
amount of work to be done, planning
participants in the data governance
too much and not doing the work,
should know where they are going
lack of sustained line and business
 Starting data governance program commitment, No metrics, and no
with ineligible staff will lead the data data governance program staff/office.
governance to a failure. If an
Role of Chief Information Officer/
organization requires Data
Chief Data Officer/ Data Stewards in
Governance program and does not
data Governance
have the right resources, this is a
good reason to fail. Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a job
title commonly given to the person in an
 Client type approach should be
enterprise responsible for the
avoided, otherwise data governance
information technology and computer
program is sure to fail. Approach
systems that support enterprise goals.14
should not be only customization.
The senior IT manager or CIO is
 Loss of momentum leads to data responsible for the key IT initiatives of a
governance failure. The momentum company. The CIO focuses on strategic
should not be slowed down after issues and the overall effectiveness of the
successfully completing projects IT organization. The senior IT manager
within the data governance program, or CIO is responsible for the key IT
rather it should be increased. initiatives of a company. The CIO focuses
According to (Nevala & Dyché), some on strategic issues and the overall
of the mistakes of data governance effectiveness of the IT organization.15
are like failing to define data Data Stewardship, as defined by (Seiner
governance, failing to design data R. , 2007)16 involves "formalization of
governance, prematurely launching accountability for the management of the
a council, treating data governance data assets. Data stewards have been
as a project, prematurely pitching around for a while. The traditional data
data governance with no defined stewards were responsible for collecting
procedure to validate, prioritize or data, and converting it into a format
resolve the ever-increasing flood of suitable for the servers to consume it,
identified business problems whose and keeping the data for the systems they
root causes could be attributed to are stewarding up to date in the
data issues. (Smith, 2009)13 cites that database.”
a data governance program fails 180
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

As and when the concept of data someone who is not only a

governance will get broadened in this technocrat. He or she should have a
information age, the roles of data combination of business, technical
stewards, data officer or chief and diplomatic skills.
information officer will change and
 Ensure Visibility of Data Governance
separated drastically.
Council: The chief information
The roles of each of chief information officer or the data officer leads the
officer, data stewards or the chief data Data governance council.
officer depend on the type of Management commitment should be
organization. In smaller sized companies kept consistent and effective
the roles of different levels of regarding the level of the data
management coincide with each other, quality and hence raising the
management hierarchy is small; amount visibility and importance of
of task specialisation is less, the role of corporate data.
Chief information officer, chief data
 Information volume: The officer
officer, and chief data stewards’ role
should be able to figure out a way to
overlaps. CIO, data stewards or the chief
deal with the huge amount of data
data officer may be the same person. But
collected throughout the enterprise
as and when organization starts growing,
and also how to process in quick
becomes large and hierarchy oriented,
time and react to it.
amount of task specialisation increases
and the job descriptions also differ. In  Effective supplier management:
this case to be named Data steward will Today’s organization is largely
be more appropriate who manages the dependent on suppliers and thus
data in terms of integrated, consistent huge data is generated from the
definitions, structures, calculations, suppliers. The data generated in
derivations, and so on. these downstream are not always
error free thus there should be some
The Chief Data Officer will face a
provisions for getting correct data.
number of challenges as he or she tries to
establish the quality systems for the  Privacy Policy: Investment should be
organization (Seiner R. , 2007) . A good made as regards to research work to
data governance practices includes discover new ways of decoding
challenge navigating attributes of the sensitive data but retaining its
chief information officer or the data statistical value.
officer. (Seiner R. , 2007) highlights the
 Policies and Procedures: In order to
skills required by chief information
establish a good data governance
system, the CIO or the CDO have to
 Unique skills and personality: The take initiative to transform the
chief data officer or the chief organization from reactive mode to
information officer should not be proactive mode. 181
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

According to the book written by manage other assets (financial, physical

(Berson & Dubov, 2007)17on Master Data and human) but overlook the immense
Management and Customer Data value inherent in their data. Other
Integration for the Global Enterprise ,the business benefits include a reduction in
duties of chief information officer or data data redundancy, improved business
steward as Data stewards must help decisions due to accurate data from the
create and actively participate in recognized source of record, shorter time
processes that would allow the to compile data for business decision-
establishment of business-context- making as well as increased user trust in
defined, measurable data quality goals. data stored within the organization's
Regardless of whether a data steward databases. In the next five years, it is
works for a business team or acts as a envisioned that some companies would in
"virtual" member of the team, a data fact get forced to remove some
steward has to be very closely aligned responsibilities from the chief
with the information technology group. information officer, creating a new role of
Data steward would be most effective if chief data officer to manage the their
he or she can operate as close to the point data and ensure its security due to the
of data acquisition as technically possible. separation of duties required by
Finally, and in accordance with data legislation.
governance principles, data stewards
have to be accountable for improving the
data quality of the information domain
they oversee. Pretlow, M. (2012). Data Governance.
Retrieved July 2014, from
Effective data governance makes
organizations more efficient by saving ile/Medinah12OracleDataGovernance.pdf
money, allowing re-use of data, and 2
supporting enterprise analytics. However,
data governance requires more than just 3
Rouse, M. (2007). data governance
a few members of the IT staff with a (DG). Retrieved July 2014, from
project plan. It requires participation and
commitment of IT and business m/definition/data-governance
management, as well as senior-level
executive sponsorship and active
consultation with stakeholders of governance/
interest. The correctly built data 5
Cabrera, C. (2009). Data Governance
governance program enables organization
defined & why it is crucial to the
to effectively manage data assets due to
organisation. Retrieved July 2014, from
assigned responsibilities and rules of the Elements experience and expertise:
engagement. Most enterprises carefully 182
International Journal of Academic Research
ISSN: 2348-7666 Vol.1 Issue.3, September, 2014

13 Smith, M. A. (2009). “Houston, We
detail.asp?ResourceId=6 Have A Problem” – Why Data Governance
Programs Fail. EIMI , 3 (7).
Gartner, S. M. (2007). 'Dirty Data' is a
Business Problem, Not an IT Problem,
Says Gartner. Retrieved July 2014, from
Gartner.: hnology/a/CIO.htm
733 Seiner, R. (2007). Chief Data Steward
or Chief Data Officer: Another C-Level
Sweden, E. (2008). Data Governance – Acronym? (D. Malakar, Editor) Retrieved
Managing Information As An Enterprise July 2014, from THE DATA
Cabrera, C. (2009). Data Governance
defined & why it is crucial to the
organisation. Retrieved July 2014, from 17
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Elements experience and expertise: Data Management and Customer Data
Integration for the Global Enterprise.
PTAC. (2011).
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Zornes, A. (2006). Corporate Data
Governance Best Practices. Burlingame,
CA : The CDI Institute.
Gisselquist, R. M. (2012). Good
Governance as a Concept, and. UNU-
WIDER. Helsinki, Finland: UNU-WIDER.
Godel, J. H. (2010). How Data
Governance Programs fail even before
they start. Retrieved July 2014, from c-
sharpcorner: http://www.c-
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