Departmental Purchasing Icq PDF

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Departmental Purchasing Questionnaire

Internal Control Questionnaire

Question Yes No

Accounting for expenditures is a critical activity in any university.

Universities have unique requirements relating to purchasing due to
budgetary reporting needs, the various fund types, and statutory compliance
requirements related to disbursing public monies. Internal control must be
established to ensure that procurement practices are consistent with sound
business practices and legal requirements. Controls must also provide
reasonable assurance that transactions are properly authorized, accurately
classified, recorded on a timely basis and at correct amounts.


Are departmental employees familiar with all current purchasing (PUR) and
financial (FIN) policies, including bidding requirements, contract authority,
conflict of interest and acceptance of gifts from current/potential vendors?

Are all expenditures of university funds reasonable, necessary, directly related

to the goals of the department/university, and in compliance with applicable

Does supporting documentation adequately identify what was purchased and

how the purchase was relevant to department (serves public purpose)?

Do procedures exist to ensure that all goods received are adequate in quantity
and quality to fulfill the department’s requirements for the specific purchase?

Are the persons responsible for receiving and inspecting goods received
separate from those responsible for requisitioning goods or initiating
accounting transactions?

Are all departmental employees aware of specialized and/or contractual

purchases that should be coordinated through the Purchasing department (i.e.
furniture, emergency procurements, etc.)?

Are contracts signed by appropriate employee within the established contract

authorities as set forth in ASU policy PUR 202?
Are procedures in place to prevent multiple purchases that are intended to
circumvent bid or approval limitations?

Are there procedures in place to ensure that the best possible price is obtained
for purchases that are not subject to competitive bidding requirements?

Have procedures been developed to determine, prior to placing the requisition,

whether the purchase is appropriate for the account to be charged?

Do procedures exist to ensure that the leasing of capital equipment does not
exceed the cost of purchasing and maintaining similar equipment per ASU
policy PUR 602-01? Note: All capital leases $100,000 or greater must go
through the Plant Fund/Debt Service Accounting area of Financial Services.

Are written contracts used for all professional services?

Are fuel charges for departmental vehicles that have been centrally billed (i.e.
Voyager card) compared to transaction logs and gas station receipts to ensure
amounts are accurate, reasonable, and/or legitimate?

Are departmental telephone bills and monthly statements for university-issued

cellular phones/blackberries reviewed for personal calls in accordance with

Purchasing Cards (p-cards)

Are p-cards kept in a locked drawer or safe with limited access, or carried by
the authorized user at all times?

Are statements and correspondence including p-card numbers kept secure as

well? Note: This includes electronic and paper correspondence. Whenever
possible, only the last four digits of the p-card should be indicated.

Is all supporting documentation (receipts, emails, Business Meals Form, etc.)

kept with the monthly statement? Note: Documentation would include the
itemized phone bills for university-issued phones/blackberries that are paid via
the p-card, as well as a copy of the ATO-approved Travel Authorization Form
for airfare/conference registration payments on the p-card.

Is the p-card reconciliation worksheet completed, signed by both the

cardholder and p-card manager (or designated reviewer) and filed with each
monthly statement?

Do the receipts and other supporting documentation adequately identify what

was purchased and how the purchase was relevant to department/public good?
Are all purchases made in compliance with university policies governing
expenditure of university funds (complies with FIN, PUR and P-Card User’s

Are the cardholders/p-card managers familiar with procedures to dispute

unauthorized p-card purchases?

Is PaymentNet reviewed frequently to ensure that only authorized transactions

are occurring, and that they are being posted to the correct expenditure codes?

Is all documentation related to p-card transactions maintained on file for at

least five years from the month purchased?

If use of the card is delegated to individuals other than the cardholder, is a

Delegation of Use form utilized, keeping a copy with the monthly transaction

Note: If answer to any question is “not sure”, further research by the department may be
warranted to determine answer and applicability.

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