A Step Down Transformerless Single Switch Integerated Buck and Buck-Boost Converter

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International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE)

Vol. 5, No. 3, December 2016, pp. 144~150

ISSN: 2252-8792  144

A Step down Transformerless Single Switch Integerated Buck

and Buck-Boost Converter

P.Maithili, C.Tharani, J.Nivedha, D.Soundarrajan

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Kumaraguru College of Technology, India.

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper presents about the designing of the controller for integrated Buck
Buck-Boost converter for maintaining the constant DC output voltage. This
Received Sep 23, 2016 constant output voltage can be used for low voltage application. The absence
Revised Oct 20, 2016 of transformer includes the advantages of losses is less, efficient power factor
Accepted Nov 8, 2016 and high efficiency. It provides the simple control structure with the positive
constant output voltage .It operates on the closed loop with the designing of
the PI controller for a MOSFET switch to provide the gate pulse. Whatever
Keyword: may be the input voltage it will produce the constant output voltage. The
converter is successfully done by using MAT Lab/Simulink and verified the
Buck Buck-Boost converter, error reducing to negligible values.
MOSFET switch,
PI controller,
LC filter
Copyright © 2016 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department,
Kumaraguru College of Technology,
Email: [email protected].

The conversion of electric power from one form to another is done by converter. Various converters
such as AC-DC converter (Controlled rectifiers), AC-AC converter (Voltage controllers), DC-AC converter
(Inverter) and DC-DC converter (DC chopper) are used in power electronic circuits. With very few
expectations, the distribution of power is in AC format .But the power supply in AC mains will introduce
harmonic current in the utility side .This harmonics will cause severe problems to the system .Also the need
for the DC power is mandatory for the industries This leads to the advancements of AC-DC converters .The
major requirement for AC-AC converter is that it should have low input current distortion from electric
power utility. Hence PFC is the major research part in Power Electronics Domain. In order to achieve high
power factor, low THD and good output voltage regulation active PFC is employed rather than passive PFC.
Active PFC is categorized into two stage approach and single stage approach. Because of high cost, low
power density low conversion efficiency and complex control particularly in low power application the two
stage approach is not implemented. To overcome the disadvantages single stage PFC topology is proposed.
SS converter topology has drawn much attention because of its cost effectiveness, compact in size
and simple control mechanism. Most common SS converter topologies are buck, boost and buck-boost
topologies, If the boost type topology is used in high line application ,the intermediate bus voltage is greater
than input line voltage which can easily operate beyond 450V.But for low voltage application below 48V it
will create stress on the components because of high intermediate bus voltage followed by a DC-DC
converter for the output voltage regulation and also it cannot be able to limit the input inrush current and
hence there should be provided with short circuit protection on the output. If buck-boost PFC is employed
which leads to the negative polarity in the output terminal. With the simple step down DC-DC conversion
(buck or buck-boost converter) which leads to the narrow duty cycle. This will cause many difficulties in
circuit performance and efficiency.

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IJAPE ISSN: 2252-8792  145

Hence high step down transformer is employed. But usage of high step down transformer which
leads to very high leakage inductance which causes high spike in the switch. For protection of the switch the
snubber circuit should be included which increase the cost of the circuit. However most commonly used
converter have complicated gate control because of usage of two switches. In the converter to increase the
step down ratio based on the buck converter to eliminate the usage of intermediate capacitor is employed by
using resonant technique.
In this paper, buck converter is used as PFC cell and Buck-Boost converter is used as DC-DC cell.
This proposed integrated buck buck –boost converter is able to produce less intermediate bus voltage .Hence
by designing the PI controller the voltage can be kept at constant value for the various input values.
This converter is able to achieve:
 In the absence of the transformer it has Low intermediate bus voltage and constant output voltage.
 Implementation of single switch which reduces the complexity of gate control in the circuit.
 The converter will produce the positive output voltage.
 The power is processed only once which leads to the high conversion efficiency.
 Inrush surge current protection is done by connecting the switch in series connection with the

The switching control technique of the proposed buck-boost ac-dc converter is simplified for the
switches to drive. The output voltage of the converter is also regulated by PI controller. As a result, the
proposed converter is operated with high efficiency for the low voltage application.


The proposed circuit is shown in Fig.1 merges the buck converter and the buck boost converter
where buck converter is used as PFC cell and buck-boost converter is used as DC-DC cell. The circuit
consists of integrated buck buck-boost
Converters, filter, MOSFET switch.

Figure 1. Proposed Integrated Buck Buck-Boost Converter

It is considered that signal to the gate in the switches is complicated one .In this proposed converter it has
single MOSFET switch so complexity of the gate signal is reduced . Its consists of a series connected switch-
diode pair with a resonant capacitor, which is operated to a loss-less snubber capacitor.


To analyze the behavior of the proposed converter, the following assumptions are made:
(i) All components in the circuit is kept ideal.
(ii) The input voltage Vin () =Vpeak (sin) from which Vpeak=peak voltage;=phase angle.
(iii) The capacitors Cb and Co are considered as constant DC sources without ripples because these
capacitors are sufficiently large.
(iv) The magnitude of the input voltage is kept constant within the switching period because (fs>f) where
fs=switching frequency; f=line frequency.
A Step down Transformerless Single Switch Integerated Buck and Buck-Boost Converter (P.Maithili)
146  ISSN: 2252-8792

In the proposed converter (L1,S1,D1,C0,Cb) are considered as buck PFC cell and (L2,S1,D2,D3,C0,Cb)
are considered as buck-boost DC-DC cell. There is no current flows in the inductor L1,L2 at each switching
cycle because .Both the cells are conducted in DCM(Discontinuous conduction mode).
The operation of the proposed converter over one switching cycle is divided into two modes of
operation due to the characteristics of buck PFC cell.

A.Mode 1[Vin()<Vb+Vo]:
In this buck PFC becomes inactive when the input voltage V in() is less than the sum of intermediate
bus voltage and output voltage. So the buck PFC does not shape the line current.Hence, only buck – boost
DC/DC cell deliver the supply to the load. In the half line period, two dead angle zones are present so there is
no input current is drawn .In this mode there are three stages available. . Fig 2a, 2b, 2c represents the circuit
diagram. Fig 3a represents the corresponding waveform

Stage 1(d1Ts):In this stage when S1 switch is turned ON, Inductor L2 gets charging linearly by intermediate
bus voltage Vb.D2 diode is conducting. Capacitor Co delivers the power to load. Fig 2a represents the circuit
Stage 2(d2Ts): In this stage when S1 switch is turned OFF, Diode D2 is conducting. The charge stored in the
inductor L2 is released to capacitor C0 and load. Fig 2b represents the circuit diagram.
Stage 3(d3Ts): In this stage iL2 is totally discharged and only C0 sustain the load current. . Fig 2f represents
the circuit diagram.

B.Mode 2[Vin()>Vb+Vo]:
In this mode the input voltage is greater than the sum of intermediate bus voltage and output
voltage. There are four stages available in this mode. . Fig 2c, 2d, 2e and 2f represent the circuit diagram. Fig
3a represents the corresponding waveform.

Stage 1(d1Ts): In this stage switch S2 is turned ON .Here the inductors L1 and L2 are charged by (Vin ()-Vb-
Vo).D2 diode is conducting. The capacitor Cb gets charged linearly. . Fig 2c represents the circuit diagram.
Stage 2(D2Ts): In this stage switch S1 is turned OFF. Current stored in the inductor iL2 is discharges linearly to
Cb and C0 capacitors through D0,so input power is connected directly to the load .The current is released to
load when L2 released to C0.When L2 gets fully discharged this stage ends. Fig 2d represents the circuit
Stage 3(d3Ts): In this stage the inductor L1 continues to deliver the current to the load and C0 until the current
reaches to 0.
Figure 2e represents the circuit diagram.
Stage 4(d4Ts): In this stage C0 delivers the power output to the load. Figure 2f represents the circuit diagram.

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IJAPE ISSN: 2252-8792  147

Figure 2. Circuit representation the corresponding proposed buck buck-boost converter.

Figure 3. Key wave form of Mode A operation

A Step down Transformerless Single Switch Integerated Buck and Buck-Boost Converter (P.Maithili)
148  ISSN: 2252-8792

The new proposed Buck Buck-Boost converter is simulated by the following specification based on
the design consideration .The simulated circuit has the input voltage which is varied from 90 V rms to 200

A. Input and output voltage:

Figure 4 (a). Infers the input ac source voltage of 90 Figure 4 (b). Infers the constant dc output
V. voltage of 19V.

Figure 4 (c). infers the ac source input voltage of Figure 4(d). Infers the constant dc output
120V. voltage of 19V.

IJAPE Vol. 5, No. 3, December 2016 : 144 – 150

IJAPE ISSN: 2252-8792  149

Figure 4 (e). infers the ac source input

voltage of 150V Figure 4 (f). Infers the constant dc output
Voltage of 19V.

Figure 4(g). infers the ac input source voltage of Figure 4 (h). infers the constant dc output voltage of
200V. 19V.

The proposed converter has been experimentally verified and results have shown good agreements
with the predicted values. Owing the absence of transformer the demagnetizing circuit the associated circuit
dealing with leakage inductance and cost of the proposed circuit are reduced compared with isolated counter
parts. This paper concludes that the voltage can be reduced efficiently for low voltage applications by using
the power electronics devices rather than using the transformer where the losses can be reduced. Efficiency
can be increased by maintaining the constant output voltage without harmonics.

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