33 BPI V BPI Employees Union

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BPI EMPLOYEES UNION-DAVAO CHAPTER- Respondent UNION (UNION) is the exclusive bargaining agent of BPI’s rank and file employees
FEDERATION OF UNIONS IN BPI UNIBANK in Davao City. The former FEBTC rank-and-file employees in Davao City did not belong to any
labor union at the time of the merger. Prior to the effectivity of the merger, UNION invited said
FEBTC employees to a meeting regarding the Union Shop Clause of the existing CBA between
G.R. No. 93468 December 29, 1994 BPI and the UNION. The parties both advert to certain provisions of the existing CBA. Relevantly,
Section 2 of the CBA provides that “New employees falling within the bargaining unit xxx who
NATURE Right to Self-Organization may hereafter be regularly employed by the Bank shall, within thirty (30) days after they become
Petitioner BPI regular employees, join the Union as a condition of their continued employment. It is
Defendant BPI EMPLOYEES UNION-DAVAO CHAPTER-FEDERATION OF UNIONS IN BPI understood that membership in good standing in the Union is a condition of their continued
UNIBANK employment with the Bank.”
Ponente Leonardo De Castro, J.
After the meeting called by the UNION, some of the former FEBTC employees joined the union,
while others refused. Later, however, some of those who initially joined retracted their
membership. UNION then sent notices to the former FEBTC employees who refused to join, as
DOCTRINE. well as those who retracted their membership and called them to a hearing regarding the matter.
When these former FEBTC employees refused to attend the hearing, the president of the Union
All employees in the bargaining unit covered by a Union Shop Clause in their CBA requested BPI to implement the Union Shop Clause of the CBA and to terminate their
with management are subject to its terms. However, under law and jurisprudence, employment.
the following kinds of employees are exempted from its coverage, namely,
employees who at the time the union shop agreement takes effect are bona fide After two months of management inaction on the request, UNION informed BPI of its decision
members of a religious organization which prohibits its members from joining labor to refer the issue of the implementation of the Union Shop Clause of the CBA to the Grievance
unions on religious grounds; employees already in the service and already members Committee. However, the issue remained unresolved at this level and so it was subsequently
of a union other than the majority at the time the union shop agreement took effect; submitted for voluntary arbitration by the parties. Voluntary Arbitrator ruled in favor of BPI. The
confidential employees who are excluded from the rank and file bargaining unit; Voluntary Arbitrator said that the employees form part of the assets and liabilities that were
and employees excluded from the union shop by express terms of the agreement. transferred to the surviving corporation. UNION filed MR, but the voluntary arbitrator denied
the same. It appealed to the CA and the CA reversed and set aside the decision of the voluntary
When certain employees are obliged to join a particular union as a requisite for arbitrator, ruling in favor of. Hence, this petition by BPI.
continued employment, as in the case of Union Security Clauses, this condition is a
valid restriction of the freedom or right not to join any labor organization because
it is in favor of unionism. This Court, on occasion, has even held that a union security ISSUES:
clause in a CBA is not a restriction of the right of freedom of association guaranteed 1. Whether a corporation may invoke its merger with another corporation as a valid
by the Constitution. Moreover, a closed shop agreement is an agreement whereby ground to exempt its absorbed employees from the coverage of a union shop clause
an employer binds himself to hire only members of the contracting union who must contained in its existing CBA with its own certified labor union?
continue to remain members in good standing to keep their jobs. It is "the most 2. Whether the former FEBTC employees that were absorbed by petitioner BPI upon the
prized achievement of unionism." It adds membership and compulsory dues. By merger between FEBTC and BPI should be covered by the Union Shop Clause found in
holding out to loyal members a promise of employment in the closed shop, it wields the existing CBA between petitioner BPI and respondent UNION?
group solidarity.
1. No. It is the policy of the State to promote unionism to enable the workers to negotiate
FACTS: with management on the same level and with more persuasiveness than if they were
Petitioner BPI was to merge with Far East Bank and Trust Co. (FEBTC), with BPI as the surviving to individually and independently bargain for the improvement of their respective
corporation. The BSP approved the Articles of Merger and SEC approved the Article and Plan of conditions—the purpose of a union shop or other union security arrangement is to
Merger. Pursuant to the Article and Plan of Merger, all the assets and liabilities of FEBTC were guarantee the continued existence of the union through enforced membership for the
transferred to and absorbed by BPI as the surviving corporation. FEBTC employees, including benefit of the workers.
those in its different branches across the country, were hired by BPI as its own employees, with
their status and tenure recognized and salaries and benefits maintained. All employees in the bargaining unit covered by a Union Shop Clause in their CBA with
management are subject to its terms. However, under law and jurisprudence, the following
kinds of employees are exempted from its coverage, namely, (1) employees who at the time the
union shop agreement takes effect are bona fide members of a religious organization which has repeatedly held that the right to abstain from joining a labor organization is subordinate to
prohibits its members from joining labor unions on religious grounds; (2) employees already in the policy of encouraging unionism as an instrument of social justice.
the service and already members of a union other than the majority at the time the union shop
agreement took effect; (3) confidential employees who are excluded from the rank and file
bargaining unit; and (4) employees excluded from the union shop by express terms of the
The dissenting opinion of Justice Brion dovetails with Justice Carpio’s view only in their
When certain employees are obliged to join a particular union as a requisite for continued restrictive interpretation of who are "new employees" under the CBA. To our dissenting
employment, as in the case of Union Security Clauses, this condition is a valid restriction of the colleagues, the phrase "new employees" (who are covered by the union shop clause) should
freedom or right not to join any labor organization because it is in favor of unionism. This Court, only include new employees who were hired as probationary during the life of the CBA and were
on occasion, has even held that a union security clause in a CBA is not a restriction of the right later granted regular status. They propose that the former FEBTC employees who were deemed
of freedom of association guaranteed by the Constitution. Moreover, a closed shop agreement regular employees from the beginning of their employment with BPI should be treated as a
is an agreement whereby an employer binds himself to hire only members of the contracting special class of employees and be excluded from the union shop clause.
union who must continue to remain members in good standing to keep their jobs. It is “the most
prized achievement of unionism.” Also in the dissenting opinion of Justice Carpio, he maintains that one of the dire consequences
to the former FEBTC employees who refuse to join the union is the forfeiture of their retirement
In legal parlance, human beings are never embraced in the term “assets and liabilities”; The benefits. This is clearly not the case precisely because BPI expressly recognized under the merger
Corporation Code does not mandate the absorption of the employees of the non-surviving the length of service of the absorbed employees with FEBTC. Should some refuse to become
corporation by the surviving corporation in the case of a merger. members of the union, they may still opt to retire if they are qualified under the law, the
applicable retirement plan, or the CBA, based on their combined length of service with FEBTC
The Court believes that it is contrary to public policy to declare the former employees of the and BPI. Certainly, there is nothing in the union shop clause that should be read as to curtail an
absorbed bank as forming part of the assets or liabilities that were transferred and absorbed by employee’s eligibility to apply for retirement if qualified under the law, the existing retirement
the other bank in the Articles of Merger—assets and liabilities, in this instance, should be plan, or the CBA as the case may be.
deemed to refer only to property rights and obligations of the absorbed bank and do not include
the employment contracts of its personnel; The employees of the absorbed bank retained the
prerogative to allow themselves to be absorbed or not, otherwise, that would be tantamount to
involuntary servitude.

The Court should not uphold an interpretation of the term “new employee” based on the
general and extraneous provisions of the Corporation Code on merger that would defeat, rather
than fulfill, the purpose of the union shop clause—the provision of the Article 248(e) of the Labor
Code in point mandates that nothing in the said Code or any other law should stop the parties
from requiring membership in a recognized collective bargaining agent as a condition of


effect or consequence of BPI’s so-called “absorption” of former Far East Bank and
Trust Company (FEBTC) employees should be limited to what they actually agreed to,
i.e. recognition of the FEBTC employees’ years of service, salary rate and other
benefits with their previous employer—the effect should not be stretched so far as
to exempt former FEBTC employees from the existing CBA (CBA) terms, company
policies and rules which apply to employees similarly situated.

The rationale for upholding the validity of union shop clauses in a CBA (CBA), even if they impinge
upon the individual employee’s right or freedom of association, is not to protect the union for
the union’s sake—a strong and effective union presumably benefits all employees in the
bargaining unit since such a union would be in a better position to demand improved benefits
and conditions of work from the employer. In the hierarchy of constitutional values, this Court

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