How To Be Happy Damn It

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A cynic’s guide to spiritual happiness

To create the first and only self-help book that merges Psychology,
Biology, Eastern Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Quantum Physics and the
Zen of Bazooka Joe that’s guaranteed to perk up even the most cynical

You think about 60,000 thoughts a day. It’s up to you to make sure that
you don’t use up 59,999 of them with negative, cynical thinking.
So next time, before you start to think something negative, just think
about that … and this: Your brain has 100 billion cells – and each of
these little babies is connected to at least 20,000 other cells. The
variety of potential combinations of all these is more multitudinous than
the number of molecules existing in the entire universe! So, if you have
that many different combinations of brain cells to choose from, why not
try a new combo today?

You are born into this world an innocent.

You are noble and pure.
Then suddenly…

You are spanked. Really hard. This is unfair. You have
done nothing wrong. You know that for a fact.

You haven’t had time to do anything – period.
You are only 3 ½ seconds old.
You haven’t had time to catch your breath, let alone time to covet a
neighbor or furtively screen calls on your answering machine. You don’t
even have an answering machine yet. You don’t even have people to avoid
yet – you are that spanking new.

Which brings us back to that spanking.

Why you?
Why all the pain?
Although you’re only 3 ½ seconds old, you have just been taught a
big life lesson.


Pain exists.
Life can hurt.
Like a lot.
Even when you’re good, you can get whacked.
Without apology.
Without explanation.

Well, at least we got right away.

It’s not until later, that you finally learn…


That pain back in LIFE LESSON #1 was for your benefit.
You were being taught to breath, invited to suck down a yummy
oxygen/nitrogen cocktail. That painful whack was necessary for your

Of course, had you been told this at that time, you still would
not have understood with your naïve lil’ baby mind.

And so it goes for much of the pain in your life. Often you
need to evolve a bit more before you can understand a bit more.

By now you know:

You live in a world of 1,000,001 interpretations.

By now you know:

You must resist staying stuck on merely 1.
Which brings you to …


Life is more mystery than misery.
In time, insights take form. You relate that expression:
“No pain, no gain.”
Only you feel it’s more like:
“No pain, no Rogaine.”
Growth can come from places you thought were dead, barren and
Which leads you to …
You always have a choice of emotional responses to life.

Happiness is not about what happens to you, how you choose to respond
to what happens. That’s why it’s called happiness not happen ness –
though it could be called hope-ness. You must always leave room for hope
that all has happened for good cause.
Or to quote the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer:

“Life may be compared to a piece of embroidery of which, during the first

half of our time, we get a sight of the right side, and during the second
half, of the wrong side. The wrong side is not as pretty… but it is more
instructive; it shows the way in which the threads have been worked
together [to make a pattern].”

You feel this Arty guy’s got it pretty right. What he says reminds
you of a tip your gardener friend told you…

“Some plants are only meant to last for a certain season or a certain
time, (said your garden friend). If you try to make them live longer, you
will be a bad gardener.”

You were struck by how the same goes for people and jobs, how sometimes it
seems people and jobs – and/or problems in general – are brought into your
life for certain reasons, to stay around for a certain time, to teach you
certain things.
Of this you are certain.
For instance they’ve taught you …


Judge a tree by its fruit. And ditto for people.
You can always tell who someone is by the circumstances they grow. The apple
doesn’t fall far from the tree – and neither does the bad banana.

But now you know … to avoid bad banana people.

And you especially know it’s fruitless to ask bad banana people for
advice. For instance, don’t ask career-less people for career advice … or
relationship-less people for relationship advice.
Which brings you to …


Never go shopping for kiwis in a shoe store.
Some people just don’t have what you need. So why waste time, banging on
their doors, ringing their bells, demanding service?
When you think about the kiwi-less people in your life, you’re reminded of yet
another wise thing your gardener friend told you – this time about a dying purple
plant you once had in your home. You had been keeping this purple plant in
direct sunlight, feeding it plenty of water, spoiling it silly. However, rather
than blossom at your touch, it was perishing. When you asked your gardener
friend about it, he chuckled and explained: “This breed of plant thrives best in
darkness – with very little water.” You were surprised. You had thought that
all plants craved lots of water and lots of sunlight. Now you know: some need
less to live on, some crave being left alone. And the same goes for people.
Which brings you to …


You - and those you’ve befriended/worked with/slept with – each of you – just
like plants- comes with your own unique feeding manual. You each have your own
needs and speeds for growth. You must read each person’s instruction manual
carefully – then proceed with caution!
Which brings you to …


You - and those you have befriended/worked with/slept with – each of you
has your own “human nature” because you are “a thing of nature” – just
like a plant.

And just like a plant, you too are governed by the same laws of nature.

It’s like this:

We all come from the same Big Bubbling Pot of World Primordial Nature
Stew. Because of this, you are governed – along with your Pot Mates (like
plants and flowers and bananas) – under the same laws of …
Primordial Nature.
These laws include the ever popular:

Spring Law
Summer Law
Fall Law
Winter Law
You have tried your best to break these four laws … but they’ve been more
successful at breaking you.

For instance, at some point in your year (every year) it seems life
hits a “winter phase” of coldness and darkness with very little
growth and fertility – a phase that gets you thinking:

Oh no.
That’s it, my life is over.
Everything good is gone.

The world sucks.

Only to find that … whaddayaknow …

your winter phase ends and the Spring Law arrives to spring you
free in a phase filled with renewal and growth and brightness.
Then comes your summer phase, followed by your fall phase,
followed by winter, spring, summer, etc … etc …
Which brings you to …



Which reminds you of a good symbolic fable …


“Dope On a Rope”
This criminal had committed a crime. (Because hey, that’s what
criminals do. That’s their job.) Anyway, he was sent to the king for
his punishment. The king told him he had a choice. He could be hung
by a rope or take the punishment behind the big dark scary steel door.
The criminal quickly decided on the rope. As the noose was being
slipped on him, he asked, out of curiosity, “What’s behind that door?”
The king laughed and said, “You know, it’s funny, I offer all you guys
the same choice, and nearly all of you pick the rope.” “So,” said the
criminal, “what’s behind the door? Obviously, I won’t tell anyone,”
he said pointing to the noose around his neck. The king paused then
answered, “Freedom, but it seems most people are so afraid of the
unknown that they immediately take the rope.

You know. You relate.

All too often fear stops you from going where you need to go.
Which brings you to …


Fear works with Interfear – stopping you from getting what you
really want/need.

All too often you have to be at the end of your rope to be

tempted to move through your fear … and go for the unfamiliar,
the unknown, to change.
Which brings you to …


If you keep doing what you’ve always been doing, then you’ll
keep getting what you’ve always been getting.
You must courageously break the habit of your habits, or every year you
will be doomed to live out: “Same #$%&! Different Outfit.” The style
of your clothes may change, but the style of your circumstances won’t.
Which reminds you of a story …

“The Elephant Truly Never Forgets”
The first trick the elephant trainer teaches an elephant is not to
escape. When the elephant is still but a baby, the trainer chains the
infant’s leg to a huge log, so when/if the elephant tries to escape,
the log proves stronger and he gives up. Eventually the elephant
becomes so used to its captivity, that even when it has grown huge and
strong, all the trainer has to do is merely tie the chain around the
elephant’s leg to anything – even a tiny little twig – and the
elephant won’t even try to escape.
It has become a prisoner of its past.
This elephant and its twig remind you of you and your childhood. Though you
believe childhood habits can be broken. You say: childhood shmildhood. In fact,
you often feel yours was more of a “shmildhood.” And your parents were more
often like “shmarents.”

But, so what?
That was then. This is now. Time has passed. You can let go.
Move on … Can’t you?
Yes, you can …
Step back from that twig!
The trick is: you must first see it’s only a silly lil’ twig.
Which brings you to …


In order to see the path to what you want, you must first see clearly what
is holding you back.

You must remove these blinders you’ve been wearing since “shmildhood” and
take a long look both inside and around you.

But … at first you feel it’s safer – healthier – for these blinders to
remain on. So much so, you confuse these blinders for Band-Aids. Band-
Aids that can heal you. But you are wrong . These Pseudo Band-Aids won’t
heal you.

Unfortunately you are also afraid to remove these Pseudo Band-
Aids because you believe it will hurt a lot to remove them –
which is true. But this pain won’t last for long – and it
(ironically) will be your true and only path to healing.
Which brings you to …


If you want to change your life, you must first be ready to see and feel
some painful truths …

Like …
Boy, have I been leading the life of an idiot – that’s only a teeny lil’
twig. In fact, I pit the I into Idiot …

And who wants to see that.

Not you.
You like to see yourself as 100% Superman, with 0% Clark Kent.

Your problem? You are both.

But in your version of this Superman/Clark Kent story, you walk around in
your Superman outfit … and meanwhile, you in your secret identity, you are
really the fearful, wimpy Clark Kent.

You’ve foolishly tried to increase your super power status by improving

upon your tights – making them flashier, ritzier – and on occasion
flinging your cape in other people’s faces. Meanwhile, it’s your weak
Clark Kent secret self that needs the bolstering.

Otherwise, all you’ll ever be is a wimp in fancy tights who can’t fly.
Which reminds you of another story …


“Which Came First: The Eagle or the Egg?”
A little boy was wondering in the forest and came upon an eagle’s
nest. He plucked an egg, brought it back to his farm, and giggling
to himself, slid it under a mama-to-be chicken. Soon after, this
chicken’s eggs were hatched, and there among the chicklets was a
female eaglette. This little eaglette grew up with her chicken
peers, learning all sorts of chicken habits: how to walk like a
chicken, squawk like a chicken, eat like a chicken. This eagle did
it all. However, no matter how passionately she put her all into
her chicken existence, she always felt something was missing. She
didn’t know what, but she felt an inner emptiness. One day she
looked up in the sky and saw a beautiful bird, soaring freely among
the clouds. She felt this pang of awe mixed with a weird sense of
connection. She longed to be up there flying, too. Suddenly she
had this flash of insight. She flapped her wings and to her
surprise, took off. That’s when she realized that all along there
was more to her than mere chickenhood. She was meant to fly – as
well as cash in on some pretty nifty eagle perks.

You relate.
Often you feel you are an eagle living the life of a mere
- Or working with a chicken.
- Or sleeping with a chicken.

Although you know: eagles are fearless. Chickens live up to their name
“chicken” – and live by fear.

And you know: an eagle’s first step to living the life of an eagle is to
face all fears.

And an eagle’s first and #1 fear is: “What will my chicken friends think
if I start to live differently?”
Which brings you to …


You must declare your own Independence Day, then your own Independence
Year, than your own Independence Life. The purpose of your life is to
find the purpose of your life.
This means: you must listen to your heart, listen to your belly, listen
to NPR – but you must stop listening to your shmarents and shmriends.
(After all, just look at their crazy fruit trees!)

You realize: being who you want to be, and doing what you want to do, is
self-respect. But that’s not all, folks. It’s also one of your Pot of
Primordial Stew Club Membership Duties. Something even your Pot Mate
the flower knows to wisely cash in on. A flower instinctively goes
toward the light. It doesn’t spend time worrying if people will mistake
it for a weed or if it’s taking too much sun. It wisely and simply
follows its primal flower gut instincts to attain its highest level of

Conversely, you – and your busy, busy brain – have been programmed
to think, think, think – and so you have been ignoring your hearts
instincts. Just like that eagle in its chicken days.

It’s when the eagle finally followed its heart that her life
finally began to soar.
Which brings you to …


You must unlearn.
To get what you want, you must be open not only to learning – but un-
learning. You must sign up for un-lessons – where you un-learn learned
fear, guilt, anger, jealousy, insecurity – and that’s just for starters.

In other words, before you write your to-do list of what you want, you
have to write your to un-do list and your to-don’t list. So you get a
piece of paper and you write down the following six categories: money,
love, sex, family, power, happiness. Next to each of these categories
you write down your negative views – your fears, your guilts, your
insecurities – that you must un-learn and un-feel.






For instance, you ask yourself what negative views you have about money.
Like: Do you believe all rich people are superficial jerks – hence if
you become rich you too might become a superficial jerk? Do you suffer
from Keeping Down with the Joneses syndrome? Do you feel guilty about
surpassing your friends – and/or parents – in wealth? If so, you must
un-learn and un-feel these negative ideas and negative emotions … And
you find that when you trade in these negative beliefs and emotions for
positive ones, you start getting more in harmony and receiving money.
You start seeing money everywhere.

Even in the word harmony, which suddenly now looks to you like harmoney.

Ok …
Let’s say you are capable of finding these negative emotions…
but unsure how to truly loose them once you’ve found them.
What then?

How can you truly make sure you un-learn and un-feel all your
The answer: play a little game called
“Find the Meaning in Life’s Past Meannesses.”
In part ONE of this game, you “Return to the Scene of the Crime” and
playact detective. You track down your most bad, dark, depressing –
grumble/grumble/ grumble – childhood (and even recent) memories that
lead you to your original negative beliefs and emotions.

In part TWO of this game, you “Return to the Scene of the Sublime.” Now
you must playact Hollywood screenwriter and find the meaning in your
suffering. You must rewrite these events so you see them as something
positive – just like a Hollywood screenwriter generously allows his
fictional movie character to eventually – cluck! Oh yeah! – see the
fortune in their misfortune by story’s end!
Which brings you to …


This is the secret to happiness – in 3 words:
1. rationalize
2. rationalize
3. rationalize
you find it’s helpful to lie to yourself about your past pain … and all
the rotten things that have happened to you. And it’s only fair – since
everyone else is lying to you too anyway. Just kidding. Sort of.
Well, achem, remember this is a cynic’s guide to spiritual happiness.

You decide to see … equals.

Your enemies = your teachers.
Your failure = your wisdom.
Your mistakes = your lucky discoveries.
Your conflicts = your growth opportunities.
Your undesired endings = your desired beginnings.
Your grape of wrath = your raisons d’etre.
Your painful feelings = your proud proof that you are dealing with your
feelings – head on!

And there’s a freebee bonus benefit to doing the above …

You begin to be less judgmental about your:

Rage, fear, pain, conflicts, and disappointments …
Not only for what has been happened in the past but also when
it comes to your present and future.
Which brings you to …


You must celebrate Non-Judgment Day, then Non-Judgment Year, then Non-
Judgment Life.
You find that when you look at life and people through the eyes of non-
judgment, you attain a special x-ray vision that allows you to see past
the bad – and straight through to the good.
Which leads you to …


You must relax and enjoy the ride.
You find it helps to remind yourself: You’re not the only one on this
bumpy, curvy, frenetic ride called life. You’re not being singled out
by the fates to suffer, to feel pain, to be disappointed. Everyone on
this planet experiences major disappointments and pain.

Every member of the Fortune 500 Club could also be eligible

for membership in the Misfortune 500 Club.

The only difference between these two clubs is: those very successful
people who are members of the Fortune 500 Club know that when/if you
fall on your face, you must use the leverage to bounce back higher.
Which brings you to …


You must not live in denial that disappointment and failure
and pain and conflict and darkness and evil exist – they are
out there.
Every silver lining always has its cloud.
This is world of duality: of good and bad, yin and yang, decaffeinated
and caffeinated. So you must always be prepared!
It’s like this:
If you didn’t accept that Good Humor Trucks existed, then you’d risk getting
run over by one someday. Well, the same goes with those “Bad Humor” Trucks
that are dangerously careening around out there. You also know that just
because Bad Humor Trucks exist, it does not mean you must walk around
constantly looking for fleets of them – or else you’ll never be able to get
anywhere – and you’ll miss out on the now.
Which brings you to …


You must have Great Non-Expectations.
It’s self-defeating living in a tense future tense, second-guessing,
third-guessing, 158th-guessing life.
You accept: you live in a world of uncertainty. This uncertainty
ingredient is what makes for that hot and inimitable entrée called
“The Future” – otherwise all would be permanently frozen in time.
You realize uncertainty affects everyone and everything on this planet –
right down to teeny-weeny electrons. You’ve heard even your Local
Quantum Physicist cannot predict the future of pet laboratory electrons
when they are let loose in some experiments. Sometimes these electrons
live the life of a wave, sometimes a particle – one never knows, which
can be very unsettling.
You realize that even a smart Quantum Physicist can’t predict the future
of an electron – one of the teeniest particles found in the vast
universe – then you are no better of trying to lay down bets on that
bigger and lumpier chunk of the universe called “Your Life.”

So you resign your membership at that Frequent Flier Club

into the future. And you ban those rousing Frequent Flier
Club Cheerleading Chants, like:
1. “I’m worried that …”
2. “I can’t until …”
3. “Someday I will …”
4. “What if …”
5. “I’ll have another scotch on the rocks …”
Which brings you to …


You must remember:
You are here now … no, no, NOW …
No, now!
You are a human being and not a human was or a human will be.

So you try to spend more time being present – and less time
being busy. Though granted, things have gotten a heck more
hectic since you were born. You now even have an answering
machine. (You now even have people to avoid on this answering
You also know that sometimes you can get so outrageously busy that you
could pass by a troll standing on the street corner waving a million
bucks at you … and you might not even notice.


It doesn’t matter how fast you get there, if you’re heading in
the wrong direction.
So … you must slow down and see where you are going, buddy!
Though you think instead of calling it “slowing down” it should be called
“slowing up,” because when you take your time … you save time.

“Slowing Up” (a quickie explanation):

It means you do not live in the past (with old habits), nor in the
future (with not-so-great expectations), but here, in the moment – where
the true you – and your true power – and the true answers to your
problems – can all be found.

Which reminds you of yet another little story.


“I’m Dancing as Slowly as I Can”

You remember back to a dance class you took at your gym. The
teacher showed you this complicated dance that you were expected to
learn by hour’s end. You remember thinking: “Yeah right, lady.”
But then she slowed down the music – played it at a much slower
tempo – so you could see the steps weren’t so mind-boggling – or
feet boggling. And sure enough within 60 minutes you were a regular
Fred Astaire.

You know the same approach works for the complicated fancy
footwork it takes to switch out of a bad relationship or a bad
career. At first glance it looks like so much effort. Then
when you relax you see what the Buddhists see … the 1,000-
miles journey begins with one step.
It’s like how in the movies, folks like Clint or Sylvester or
Sigourney know to remain cool and calm even when their futures look
bleak and doomed. Although these people are often called “action
heroes,” masters of the art of staying still within – of being
fully, deeply present.

The Buddhists call this mindfulness.

Though in many ways it’s like mind-unfullness because it is all about

entering into an empty-mind state, void of worries and fears and
insecurities … a state that can be best achieved through regular
Which brings you to …


When you practice regular meditation, you find you are able to see so
much more.

Meditation works like one of those shake-up-snow-dome thingies – it

helps the flaky stuff in your mind settle down, so you can see more
clearly what you truly need and want.

So once a day you just sit, stop, become a human still life.

Do nothing.
Be nothing.
Except breath. You become at one with your breath. You breathe. In
and out. In and out. In and out. You shhhhhh and ignore the shhhhh*t.
You’ve found that once you’ve opened your eyes from meditation, that’s
when you see stuff like …

Whaddayaknow …
That chain around your leg is attached to a teeny-weeny twig.

Whaddayaknow …
You are really an eagle who longs to soar in the sky. All you have to
do is flap!
Which brings you to …


When you become calm and serene on the inside, the world
becomes more calm and serene on the outside.
You find that when you meditate more, you make better choices more –
find better people more – and better opportunities more. So much so …
it feels like magic!

Some may call this good fortune “synchronicity.” Some may call it
“luck.” Some may call it “intuition.” Some may call it Ralph.
(Admittedly very few people, though.” Some may call it “tapping into
the collective unconscious.”

But you’re a rational person, so you prefer to call it what scientists

call it:
The invisible energies of chaos theory at work.
Which brings you to …


You must understand that there is chaos in this world – as well as order
in all chaos. In the same way there’s order in a seemingly chaotic
subway station, there’s order in all the chaos of life around you. The
trick is to try to see the order in your chaos, and to accept that …
nothing in this universe is random.

Both form and formlessness are connected within the same vibrating
field all around you. All molecules are energy – and all energy is
in motion at varying speeds – all around you, at all times.

Some molecules vibrate at slower speeds – and those vibrating at

very slow speeds are what you presently perceive as the material
world. And those molecules vibrating at hyper-fast speeds are the
invisible energy of your thoughts.

Thoughts, too, have
In other words:
The only difference between you and this book are the configuration
and speed of your molecules.
Otherwise, you and this book are made of the same stuff, vibrating
in the same interconnected field.
OK, it’s Metaphor Time …

“Field Goals”
You are like a tiny fish surrounded by a field of water but unable
to see this water. What’s going on in this field around you sends
out waves that affect you. Likewise, what you do – and think –
sends out waves into this field around you. This includes your
negative thoughts – which can create distracting tidal waves that
block you from seeing how to best get to your goal.

The explanation:
You are like a tiny fish surrounded and connected to the energy
field that originated from that pot of Bubbling Primordial Stew.
You – yes, lil’ ol’ you – are connected to all the infinite
knowledge found in this original macro Primordial Stew ocean.
The explanation of the explanation: If you shift your awareness from
the ordinary – which can be done through meditation as well as basic
relaxation – you can sense this infinite, invisible, vibrating, all-
knowing energy that is within you and around you, and can tap into that
stuff that some call intuition, some call synchronicity, some call
The explanation of the explanation of the explanation: When you are calm
within, you can better see the order in the chaos – almost as if you have been
given a secret map of this chaos that shows you the paths you need to take to
get where you need to go!

This infinite, invisible, vibrating, all-knowing energy is what dogs tap
into when they sense an earthquake coming.

And what moms tap into when they sense that their distant baby is in

And what you tap into when you think of a person and then they call you
moments later.

PART 4 to 1,000,000,000
And what you tap into when you meet the very type of person that you
have in your head that you’ve been needing to meet – in business and/or
love etc., etc.

Once and for all …

All is one.
You know: all of this sounds

You also know: it explains a lot of the weird, freaky,

psychedelic, man things that have happened to you.
Which brings you to …


You must show more respect for the invisible world, because
often what you don’t see is what you get.

Just look at odorless gas.

Well, that is if you could look at odorless gas. It is invisible, yet
it has the power to change your life …
i.e. kill you.

And look at television.

It is merely a box with wires. Yet when invisible energy passes through
it, it too has the power to change your life …
i.e. kill your taste level.

And look at the harmonic resonance – which you can look at, on any two
guitars. When an “E” string is plucked on one, it will resonate on the
other. You believe harmonic resonance works with people, too. When
you speak openly from your heart, the hearts of others seem to open.
This is because you are helping the people around you to vibrate at your
same higher harmonic level. You’ve heard this called “companion
energy.” And you believe that in the same way the invisible germs of a
cold can be contagious, or the invisible oxygen dynamics of a yawn can
be contagious, the invisible energy of thoughts are contagious.

Your Local Quantum Physicist has even documented how the brain
has electrical energy that gives off varying vibrations
depending upon thoughts and mood. Because like energy
attracts like energy, it makes sense that positivity might
indeed attract positive results – even “positive, lucky

You believe that this may also explain why the rich get
richer, why misery loves company, and why whenever you’ve
already got a paramour it’s way easier to get a paramour.

And this is also why fear attracts fear. Like your fear of
not being able to fall asleep always seems to attract the
problem of your not being able to fall asleep. Ditto for your
fear of falling in love. Ditto for your fear of being too
Which brings you to …


Worry and doubt can actually be prayers and visualizations –
and self-fulfilling programming – for things you do not want.

Self-fulfilling programming

The world is your mirror.

Everything is created twice. What you have running in the programming
of your mind eventually manifests itself in the outer world.

So if you want to change your outer world, you must first change your
internal mental programming. When you try to change the external world
first, it’s like trying to change the picture on a TV screen by rubbing
that picture with a cloth. You can rub, and rub, and rub – but it’s
futile, baby.

However … when you change your mental programming – who you are thinking
you are and what you are thinking you deserve – you find the world
around you changes simultaneously.
Which brings you to …


Chaos Theory affects you daily – from the turbulence of today’s
weather to the complicated beating of your heart, to all sorts of assorted
areas of your life. The theory states that there is order and pattern where
you might think there is only randomness and unpredictability. One of the most
talked about principles of Chaos Theory – The Butterfly Effect – goes so far as
to say that even the tiniest action can set off a chain of larger reactions –
like the mere fluttering of a butterfly’s wings in New York can transform storm
systems in Tibet next month.

And the tiniest actions can also create reactions within your brain, heart, and
body. Your Local Neurologist has even documented how the “action” of the mere
twitch of a smile can set of the “reaction” of a stream of happy endorphins
throughout your body. It seems the smile forces certain facial muscles to
contract, which decreases the flow of blood in nearby vessels, which cools the
body, which lowers the temperature of the brain stem, which then produces more
of a neurotransmitter called serotonin – which then put you in a perkier mood.

Plus your Local Neurologist has also documented how a person who is happy is
better able to retrieve happy thoughts/ideas from their brain because these
information bits are simmering at similar temperatures.
Which leads you to …


There’s great power in: I Think Therefore I Have.
For all four reasons – psychological, biological, logical, and
that other “fuzzy universal spirit (Ralph) zone” – you
recognize that positive thinking is a powerful force in
achieving your goals.

So, you decide to follow

A Positive Thought Diet Program:
You start your day by reminding yourself how you are the type of
person who attracts the thing/quality/love you want. You end your
day by looking for the positive things you’ve brought towards you
(in a similar way to when you are waiting in a long movie line, you
look at how far you’ve come, rather than the hopelessly long line
ahead). And … speaking of waiting time … you use yours (waiting
for movies, elevators, buses, call-waiting) to repeat positive
thinking mantras.
You make a list of all the mind: “A man becomes what he
reasons why you’re worthy to get thinks about most of the time.”
this thing/quality/love you want (In other words, you can fall
– and fully convince yourself of prey to the ol’ “I think …
it. therefore I am depressed.”)

You clip photos from magazines Whenever you’re feeling pissed

of your goal, and keep them off or pissed on, you grab for a
nearby for an emotional boost. positive thought and use it as
an emotional jack to get your
You remind yourself of all the spirit up and running smoothly.
other times you’ve gotten the Plus, you jump-start positive
thing/quality/love you want – endorphins by reading something
which means you can do it yet funny – or seeing a funny movie.
Or … you write a list of 10
Then … you do ditto for how funny interpretations of that
others have achieved their something bad in your life.
goals. Or … you retrain your mind not
to focus on this bad thing at
You transform any negative all, but rather on the 9 great
jealousy into positive things happening.
inspiration – as proof that what Or … if you only have one great
you want can be gotten! thing happening, you refocus on
this, knowing even if it’s a
You exercise and eat healthy tiny positive thing – a little
foods so as to keep your mental teeny-weeny ember of positivity
attitude up and perky. – if you fan this ember it will
You recognize that mind and body
are one – except during PMS, You know this Positive Thought
when mind and body are about 2 Diet Program will shape up your
½. life if followed – as long as
it’s followed regularly.
You keep in mind what Ralph
Waldo Emerson said about the
Which brings you to …


You cannot expect to see results from your Positive Thought
Diet Program unless you follow it consistently and over time.
You recognize that:

You must not give up your faith.
Believing is seeing.
Which reminds you of an old joke …


A man was drowning in the ocean, hoping maybe God might save him.
Soon, a small boat rowed up and offered to help him, but he, still
testing to see if God would save him, sent the boat away. Next a
big yacht came by and offered to help him, but he sent the yacht
away, again testing to see if God would save him. Next a helicopter
flew by and offered to throw down a ladder, but the man sent this
helicopter away, still holding out for God to save him. Soon after,
he drowned. When this man got up to heaven, he asked God why He
didn’t save him? God explained, “Who do you think sent the boat,
the yacht, and the helicopter?”

YOU KNOW: You’re being sent boats, yachts, and helicopters all the
time. You just have to jump on board. Actually, this is also the
divine principle behind the ordinary story of a girl ultimately marrying
the boy next door – how/why/when she finally notices he’s right next
IN OTHER WORDS: If you want to find a loving, sexy, communicative soul
mate, you have to first believe in the existence of such a creature, so
you can recognize this creature when it walks by – and not to give up on
your search.
AND IN SOME MORE WORDS: If you believe a building exists, then even
if you get lost on your way to finding it, you’ll keep driving because
you know it exists. And you know what you’re looking for.
Which brings you to …


Your faith determines your destiny. So you must make sure
your faith remains stronger than your mood.
You must resist the temptation of giving up when your hoped-for goal
doesn’t seem to be showing up! Which reminds you of a quote from that
underappreciated Zen Philosopher, Bazooka Joe: “Your success is limited
only by your desire.” You realize: Joe is right – and pretty deep for a
bubble gum guy. In fact, Bazooka Joe has given you another juicy piece
of philosophy you often find yourself chewing on …


“Never compromise your dreams,” Bazooka Joe has said.
Joe’s quote reminds you of another famous quote: “The greatest enemy of
the great is good.” And what is “the good”? Another way of saying “the
choice you accept because you are afraid of pursuing – or have given up
on pursuing – a great choice.”
Which reminds you of an old Groucho Marx joke …


Groucho Marx was talking to a friend about marrying an unattractive
mate, because a beautiful one can leave you. His friend reminds him:
“An ugly one could leave you too.” Grouch agrees, but explains,
“Yeah, but if they do, who cares?”

You hear that joke and you know: you don’t want to be a Groucho
Marxist when it comes to compromise.
You want to resist setting for second best, or third best, or 127th best,
when your #1 choice seems scary or slow in coming.

You see: if you cowardly settle for only the 5s life gives you (in
lovers, friends, jobs, shoes, etc.), then you won’t live a 10 life.
Even if you gather a million 5s (i.e. a million 5-level lovers), because
you’ll still be creating a median of a 5 life. Not the 10 life you
want. Not the satisfying life you want.

You realize: this is also why sometimes after you get a 5 something –
you do not want that 5 something – because it is the wrong something –
selected by the fearful, insecure 5-esque something inside you – that
perky 5-esque phantom of your 5-dom past, who holds you back with those
convictions that life can only come in 5-osity flavor.

You know: you must let go of those 5s.

Which brings you to …


When you let go of unnecessary attachments, you pick up speed
in heading towards your true goals.
For this reason, it’s always better to have a short bad relationship
than a long bad relationship. Or a short unsatisfying career versus a
long unsatisfying career.

The sooner the eagle flies the coop, the sooner the high-flying eagle
livin’ begins. Though you also know it’s scary to let go.

What if you fall?

What if you don’t have eagle wings after all – and cannot fly?
Which brings you to …


You must live your life using the same philosophy a mountain
climber uses to climb a mountain: “Never look down. Keep
looking forward and upward.”
You’ve read: Most people are not risk averse – but loss averse.

They spend too much time looking at all the dangers that can happen if
they let go.
Not you.

You consciously decide to stay focused on what you have to gain by

letting go of that unsatisfying job or messed-up relationship.

But you also know that … it’s hard to let go. It takes great emotional
strength and endurance to climb up to another level.

You also know, the more you climb upward, the stronger you will get
because you will be building up your emotional muscles over time.
Which brings you to …


Letting go and climbing up to higher life levels, means building
new emotional muscles. And just like with all muscle growth, you
will always feel the pain before you see the growth.
You’ve felt this pain first hand – and first heart. Like the last time
you broke up with an unsatisfying paramour … in hope of finding a highly
satisfying paramour. It was not until much later that you realized this
pain did lead to your emotional growth.

It just took time, dammit.

Pain = lucky
So you remind yourself to remind yourself that next time you feel
emotional pain that you are lucky. You are getting stronger. Things
are improving – although you might not see it right away. It’s like
when your home was being painted and it looked its utmost worst. Total
chaos. However, underneath this chaos was renovation in motion. And
because you were aware that this painting action was leading to a more
beautiful home, you could relax, breathe easily, accepting the chaos
around you. Same goes with your life.

Its messy areas are simply areas under construction.

Which brings you to …


Everything has its process.
You must respect this process.
Just like with the painting process, your life improvement process can’t
be rushed.

Which reminds you of something very deep and wise your painter told you
as he headed out the door midday for pizza: “You can’t paint over a wet
coat,” he said. “You gotta wait for it to dry, otherwise you keep
painting and painting and you get nowhere, you know?”

Which leads you to …
Often doing less, gets you more.

Is more … more or less.
Getting what you want does not always mean hard work and struggle.
Often, it’s when you relax and stop resisting that what you want can't
resist you. The Taoists advise about this: “Be careful not to turn over
a fish too many times or it shall fall apart.” However, the Taoists
also believe in duality, meaning – the opposite of this is also true.
Which brings you to …


You must create your own good luck. You must be pro-active –
and even pre-active.
You must know when it’s time to stop sitting around all relaxed, waiting
for things to just happen to you – and instead stand up and take life by
the shirt collar – and not be afraid to wrinkle that shirt collar. You
alone decide on your own the level of love and money and happiness you
attract to yourself.

Or as Roseanne once said: “The thing women have got to learn is that
nobody gives you power. You just take it.” You know Roseanne is right.
Whether you be a man or you be a woman – you are your own waiter in this
café called Life. You decide what to serve yourself – the cheeseburgers
of existence or the caviar and champagne treatment.

And although the aforementioned champagne was metaphysical champagne,

you also know what you need to know when it comes to indulging in that
real good materialistic champagne stuff.
Which brings you to …


Money will never bring you true happiness – however, happiness
will bring you true money.
Expensive champagne will never be the panacea for extensive emotional
pain. However, if you are happy doing what you are doing, then that’s
when the money will surely come.

And you also know that when the money does come (as it will) that …


You need balance baby.
It’s called the weekend – and not the “weakened.”
It’s not “he who dies with the most toys wins.” It’s “he who has the
most time to play with his toys and the most fun playing with them who
wins.” In other words: all work and no play means a life of all ego and
no spirit.

True success is not about making lots of moola so you can get yourself
expensive toys for your ego – nor is it about getting yourself a cute,
sexy person for your ego. True success is about satisfying your spirit
with spirit things. For instance, your ego looks at a cute, sexy person
and says, “Yum, yum. I want that person.” But your spirit is smarter.
It looks at loving, joyous couples and thinks, “Mmmm, I want that joy,
that happiness, that love.”

Your spirit wisely knows: it’s not a mate’s superficial qualities that
ultimately makes you happy, but the dynamic this mate and you have
together – and the blissful feelings this mate can give you in your true
(and eagle) heart. Which reminds you of a lesson you learned reading
The Little Prince: “It is only the heart that one can see rightly; what
is most important is invisible to the eye.” And with this in mind – and
heart – you decide to let this wise spirit of yours do all your life
shopping. And with this in mind – and heart – you also decide: next
time a paramour’s not gonzo, then you’re gone-zo. Because you now know:
a paramour without love is merely an empty container. And who wants an
empty container? The container is not the sustainer. You must not
confuse the bottle for the juice. The bottle might satisfy your ego,
but only the juice can feed your heart.
Which brings you to …


Prozak Shmozak. Love Is the Drug.
Love is what you’re always looking for in all the things
you’re looking for.
Even your yearning for sex is really a dyslexic search for love.



Love is the #1 marketing strategy, used as a promise in ad campaigns for

products from cars to toothpaste to floor-wax.

And all this Love-mania reminds you of a Zen saying: “Basically the
archer aims at himself.”

If you are not a happy person inside you, then nothing outside you will
ever make you happy and able to feel love.

This makes sense because you already know from Lesson #27 how the world
is your mirror.

It thereby makes sense that if you can increase how happy and loving you
feel about yourself on the inside, the more happiness and love you will
see and attract from the world around you to you.

Soon the simplest things around you can bring you happiness and
loving feelings – like the way a beam of light shines on a flashy
sports-car – instead of the sports-car itself.
Or the sight of a perfect flower –
Or an imperfect flower.
Which brings you to …


Just like there’s sexual attraction, there’s love attraction. When
you feel the love energy inside you, other people feel it coming
off of you – and find themselves wildly – and oddly – attracted to
You’ve witnessed this yourself – how whenever you’re in love you seem to
attract more love to you – as well as other positive stuff. Yes, love is a
boomerang, baby. What you have and give away is what you get back. Love
energy attracts love energy – for the reasons you learned back in Life Lesson
#26. It’s all about “harmonic resonance” working its energies on those around
you. And so with a fierce heart you work at attaining and maintaining this
unconditional self-love for yourself and life within your fierce heart – and
when you do, you see how life just loves the bupkiss out of you right back –
and big time.

Love energy
Which brings you to …


There’s a difference between knowing and doing.
You know all of what is in this book is true – and should be followed.
Knowledge and ideas are not enough. You must truly live these life
lessons daily.

You must seize the day …

And seize the night …
And seize the 3 o’clock coffee break.

You get the idea.

Seize it all.
What you seize is what you get.
Which all means …


Live now, procrastinate later.

What are you waiting for?

Start following this book now.

And we mean now, dammit.

Come on. We mean it.
Close the damn book already!


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