Research Connection: Problem

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Research Connection

Read a research or study related to teaching/learning styles or multiple

intelligences. Fill out the matrix below.
Problem Research Methodology

This study aims to examine the Research Design

relationship between learners’ learning The research study employed a
styles and multiple intelligence types and quantitative research design. The survey method
was taken up as the main methodology, which is
gender in order to increase learners’
one of the most common methods of collecting
language learning in the foreign language data on attitudes and opinions from a relatively
context. It is hoped that it will provide large number of participants.
contribution to the field. To reach this goal, Research Sample
this study seeks to find answers to the The data were collected from the
following question: students of a state school in the winter term of
2015-2016 Education Year. The participants
RQ1: What are the most preferred learning included 88 secondary students of 5th,6th,7th,8th
styles of the participants? Are there any grades. They were 45 females and 43 males.
gender differences? Research Instrument and Procedure
The data were gathered by means of the
RQ2: What are the most preferred types of two instruments: the Perceptual Learning Style
multiple intelligences of the participants? Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ) to identify the
Are there any gender differences? participants’ perceptual learning style preferences
and the Multiple Intelligence Inventory (MII) to
RQ3: What is the relationship between determine the intelligence type of participants.
students’ types of multiple intelligences and The data gathered from the students
were analyzed by using the Statistical Package
learning styles?
for the Social Sciences 20.

An Investigation between Multiple Intelligences and Learning


Sener,S., & Cokcaliskan, A. (2018). An investigation between multiple intelligences and

learning styles. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(2). doi:10.11114/jets.v6i2.2643

Findings Conclusions/Recommendations
Firstly, learning styles of the students The results showed that the students had
were determined. It was observed that the almost all these types of learning styles. Mostly
students had almost all these types of learning they were found to be tactile and auditory
styles. Mostly they were found to be tactile and learners, and three intelligence groups:
auditory learners. Secondly, the learning styles Naturalistic, Visual and Kinesthetic intelligences
and gender differences were determined and it types received the highest score. The participants
was found that male and female students enjoy of the students were adolescents and they lived
from varying types of learning styles by varying in a village.
degrees. Tactile, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
learning types of the females’ have higher mean This study gives a perspective on future
scores than males. It is also found out that implications of being aware of multiple
Naturalistic, Visual, and Kinesthetic types intelligences and learning styles on designing
received the highest score. lessons, materials and learning environment.
The main objective of this study was to Teachers can take steps to improve their
determine the relationship between students’ students’ learning styles and intelligence through
learning styles and their types of multiple different techniques. They can, for instance,
intelligence. It was revealed that most of the employ easier tasks and practices so that
intelligence types and learning styles had a students can be more satisfied with their
moderate positive correlation. educational attainment.
Assessment Tasks

1. In your own words, describe the different learning/thinking styles and multiple

Learning/Thinking Styles
• Visual Learning- The learners learned the best through using their sense of sight like in
images and other visual aids. They give focus on the teachers’ body language and are able
to understand situations. Learners like this prefer sitting in front of the class.
• Auditory Learning- The learners using this style favor processing information through
listening and interpreting. Auditory learners used to read aloud in the classroom.
• Kinesthetic Learning- This style takes place wherein students learn best when they carry
out physical activities and gain knowledge from interaction with the physical world.
• Tactile Learning – This type of learners learn best by touching and doing. They prefer
touching things to learn about them and often underline what they need, take notes during
listening and keep their hands busy in many ways.
• Individual Learning- Individual learners are those people who like privacy and are
independent and introspective. Learners with individual preference often can focus on the
issues well, be aware of their own thinking and analyze in different way what they think and
• Group Learning- These individuals are good at communicating well with people both in
verbal and non-verbal. These group shared focus on learning how to learn and prefer
mentoring and counseling others.

Multiple Intelligences

• Verbal – linguistic Intelligence: (Word Smart) This intelligence is mainly concerned with the
ability to comprehend and compose language efficaciously both written or spoken. Poets,
writers, linguists, journalists, language teachers, etc. are the example of people who have the
verbal-linguistic intelligence.
• Logical/mathematical intelligence:(Number/Logic Smart)Students who have this type of
intelligence are good at exploring patterns and relationships, problem solving, and reasoning.
People who work in the scientific and mathematical fields are supposed to have this type of
• Visual/Spatial intelligence: (Picture Smart) This type of intelligence is described as the
ability of perceiving, modifying and creating images. Artists, designers, architects, sculptors
have highly this type of intelligence.
• Musical intelligence: (Music Smart) This type of intelligence is the ability to identify pitch,
rhythm, and emotional side of sound. It is exemplified by musicians, singers, composers, and
people who are interested in music.
• Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence: (Body Smart) This type of intelligence refers to use the
body for expression. Athletes, professional dancers, mechanics, physical education
instructors are in this group.
• Intrapersonal intelligence: (Self Smart) This intelligence requires the ability to have self-
knowledge and recognize people’s similarities and differences among them. It involves the
ability to understand yourself, and to interpret and appreciate your own feelings, emotions,
desires, strengths, and motivations.
• Interpersonal intelligence:(People Smart) This intelligence suggests that learners learn
through interaction with others. Teachers, therapists, salespersons, political leaders have
high interpersonal intelligence. interpersonal intelligent people are friendly and participate in
social activities. These people prefer cooperative learning, exchanging information, and
studying in groups.
• Naturalistic intelligence: (Nature Smart) This type of intelligence is the ability to live
harmony with nature and classify nature around with people. Some occupations need a well-
developed form of this intelligence, like astronomers, biologists, and zoologists.
• Existential intelligence: (Spirit Smart) This intelligence suggests the ability to question
about the existence of human, death, the meaning of life and the reason for why are we living.

2. What is/are your thinking/learning styles? What are your dominant multiple intelligences?

! As a student, in order to easily process information with the various lessons I

encountered and to comprehend it easily, I usually incorporate my own learning style which
best suits for me. The styles I used to manifest are the tactile and individual learning wherein I
can conclude that it is best for me to learn in these ways the fact that I somehow like to isolate
myself and give solemnity whenever I encouraged myself to study. I also like to take notes
while listening and keeping my hands busy while learning. These ways made me become more
aware that everyone has their own thinking style in which we shouldn’t judge their ways of
learning. Meanwhile, the most dominant multiple intelligences that i possessed are the musical,
visual/spatial and naturalistic intelligence. These three intelligences somehow are eminent in
me since I love to incline myself with music, sketching and I love the way how nature’s beauty
mesmerizes myself and gives me inner serenity.

3. Choose a particular learning style and intelligence of students. Plan learning activities
that match with the particular learning styles and multiple intelligences of students.

! Students which are strong in visual learning and spatial intelligence process
information through pictures and images. They have excellent visual skills and excellent
fine motor skills. Students with this style and intelligence use eyes and hands to make
artistic or creatively designed projects. They can build with Legos, read maps, and put
together 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles. Below are learning activities that can be integrated in
planning and teaching Spatial/Visual intelligence learners.
• Taking photographs for assignments and classroom newsletters.
• Using clay or play dough to make objects or represent concepts from content-area
• Using pictorial models such as flow charts, visual maps, Venn diagrams, and timelines to
connect new material to known information.
• Taking notes using concept mapping, mind mapping, and clustering.
• Using puppets to act out and reinforce concepts learned in class.
• Illustrating poems for the class poetry book by drawing or using computer software.
• Using virtual-reality system software.
5-minute non-stop writing

From the Module on Thinking/Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences, I realized that
every individual possesses the strength to administer certain learning strategies that will help
him/her set his/her realistic goals and develops flexibility and adaptability of thinking. Students,
especially, exhibit various learning styles and multiple intelligences to process information that
they receive. Thus, we should not judge everyone for we are unique; we possessed certain
intelligence that dictates our ability to cope up and process every information that we’ll receive.
Having dominant intelligences also connects to what type of learning style a person will utilize.
Therefore, if we were going to be a facilitator in the future, being enclosed in a diverse group of
people in a classroom is a challenging one because we have to handle them by manifesting
such teaching strategies that is based with their intelligences and learning styles, the fact that
these types of intelligence may be present in one class.

Furthermore, through conceptualizing and reading researches, I have come to self-

actualized where I can now freely accept myself that I have weaknesses in some points. I
should not get upset if I do not excel in certain topics instead, will integrate myself more with the
abilities that I have.

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