Manual Tank 2016
Manual Tank 2016
Manual Tank 2016
User's Guide
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Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Program Capabilities ............................................................................................................................. 10
TANK Input............................................................................................................................................ 12
Code Updates
Updated the software to support API 620, 12th Edition, Addendum 1 (November 2014).
(CR-TX-10640, CR-TX-16131, CR-TX-16486, CR-TX-16775)
Updated the software to support API 650, 12th Edition, Addendum 2 (January 2016).
Updated the software to support API 653, 5th Edition (November 2014)
Updated the software to support API 2000, 7th Edition (March 2014)
Enhanced TANK to compress and archive files. The software compresses input, output, and
intermediate files into a zip file when you close a file, create a new file when another file is
opened, or save an open file under a new fame. TANK now saves and compresses files
under the new .tk file extension. This new functionality is enabled by default, but it can be
disabled by selecting Do Not Compress the Input Files on the Configuration dialog.
(CR-TX-8905, CR-TX-8906, CR-TX-8907, CR-TX-10596, CR-TX-10908)
Updated TANK by allowing the default structural database selection to display in Structural
Database. Previously, when you selected a default structural database on the
Configuration dialog, the software required you to reselect that database option on the
Supported Cone Roof Data tab. The software has been updated, and the default database
option selected on the Configuration dialog automatically displays in Structural Database
on the Supported Cone Roof Data tab. (CR-TX-10413)
Enhanced TANK to allow you to lock files. You can now lock a file by selecting Lock the
Current Input File on the Tools tab. When the file is opened, a message displays indicating
the file is read-only and cannot by saved or analyzed. If the file needs to be modified, you
can unlock it by selecting Unlock the Current Input File on the Tools tab. This
enhancement reduces the chance of users making accidental changes to files.
Updated TANK by creating new options for users to select a material or edit material
properties. New Database and Edit/View Properties options were added to the material
selection fields throughout the software. When you select Database, the updated Material
Selection dialog box displays. When you select Edit/View Properties, the Material
Properties dialog displays. (CR-TX-12902)
Updated TANK by adding the ability to display insulation on the 3D model. New Insulation
options were added to the right-click menu that allow you to choose how insulation displays
on the 2D and 3D models. (CR-TX-16447)
Updated TANK by adding a .vue file exporter utility. Users can now select Export to VUE
Format on the Tools tab to open the VUE File Exporter utility. This utility allows users to
convert their TANK .tk files into .vue files. Users can then open and review the TANK model
in SmartPlant Review. (CR-TX-16502, CR-TX-16501, CR-TX-16843)
Updated TANK by removing the functionality to append reports. The Append Reports icon
has been removed and all references to it removed from the documentation. (CR-TX-12270)
Enhanced TANK by integrating the TKerck.exe program into the TANK program. As a result
of this enhancement, the time needed to analyze a file has been greatly reduced.
Updated TANK to allow you to edit the value for Maximum Allowable Tensile Stress.
Previously, Maximum Allowable Tensile Stress did not display on the input, the value was
only defined in the material database. The interface has been enhanced and you can now
edit the value on the Material Properties dialog or the General Tank Data tab. This
enhancement grants you more control over the value that is calculated for Maximum
Allowable Compressive Stress for API 620. (CR-TX-10652)
Updated TANK to only require you enter a value for Minimum Yield Strength of Bottom
Plate once. Previously, the software required you to enter the value on the Seismic Data,
Grillage Review, and Appendix M - Cycle Life tabs. The software has been updated to
contain Minimum Yield Strength of Bottom Plate only on the General Tank Data tab, and
the software uses the value in all necessary calculations. (CR-TX-10896)
Enhanced the Nozzle Stiffness Data tab to support API 620 radial nozzle inputs. When you
select 620 in API Design Code on the General Tank Data tab, the API 620 Specific Data
section on the Nozzle Stiffness Data tab populates with inputs that are used to perform
nozzle area replacement analysis. (CR-TX-9529, CR-TX-10144)
Enhanced the Nozzle Stiffness Data tab in TANK to allow you to determine the nozzle
outer diameter based on pipe properties specified in the Seamless Pipe Selection dialog
box. When you click the ellipses in Nozzle Outer Diameter, the Seamless Pipe Selection
dialog box displays, where you can select piping properties for the nozzle, such as Pipe
Schedule and Nominal Pipe Diameter from various piping databases. The value for
Nozzle Outer Diameter is then automatically calculated based on your selections.
(CR-TX-10274, TR-TX-10562)
Updated TANK to include a check box to allow users to include the insulation thickness and
density in the roof weight analysis. When you select Is the Roof Insulated on the General
Roof Specs tab, the software uses the insulation data from the Tank Data tab to account for
the weight of the insulated roof. Roof insulation calculations are only performed for tanks
analyzed per API 620. (CR-TX-16167)
Updated TANK by adding the ability to plot and analyze nozzles on the roof of a tank. Two
new options, Is Nozzle on Roof and Distance from the Center were added to allow users
to plot and analyze nozzles on the roof of a tank. Users can plot nozzles on the 3D model for
both API 650 and API 620 tanks, but nozzle analysis is only performed for tanks designed
per API 620. (CR-TX-16444)
Output Reports
Updated TANK to allow a seismic importance factor greater than 1.5. Previously, if the value
in Importance Factor on the Seismic Data tab was greater than 1.5, the software
encountered a fatal error upon analysis. The software now display a warning on the Error
Checker .LOG File report if the seismic importance factor is greater than 1.5, but allows the
analysis to continue. (CR-TX-12837)
Updated TANK to display a warning message on output reports when certain code rules are
violated. According to API 650, a nozzle that is subjected to external loads must be located
within a specified region of a tank. The software now displays a warning message on the
Nozzle Flexibility & Load Results report when API 650 code rules are violated for nozzle
placement. (CR-TX-10877)
For a complete TANK revision history, see Appendix F - Revision History (on page 148).
TANK is a software tool for the design and analysis of large storage tanks using the API-620,
API-650, and API-653 design codes. TANK incorporates interactive dialogs for user input, input
validation to avoid run time errors, and extensive diagnostics to assist in problem resolution.
This manual provides detailed instructions for the configuration and operation of the program.
Additionally, cell-specific help for guidance and information can be launched by pressing F1. For
installation information, refer to the TANK Installation Guide.
Program Capabilities
TANK incorporates the major considerations of API-650 Section 5 and several of the
Appendices. These include:
Shell course thickness and fluid height computations according to either the variable point
method or the one foot method.
Wind girder computations for the top and up to five intermediate girders.
Minimum metal temperature reporting.
Shell course thickness and fluid height computations according to Appendix A.
Seismic computations according to Appendix E.
Internal pressure considerations according to Appendix F.
Grillage computations according to Appendix I.
Material modifications due to temperature according to Appendix M.
Cycle Life computations according to Appendix M.
Nozzle flexibilities and limiting loads according to Appendix P, including the limiting load
interaction diagrams.
Stainless Steel considerations according to Appendix S.
External pressure computations according to Appendix V.
Duplex Stainless Steel considerations according to Appendix X.
An alternate nozzle stiffness calculation routine according to PVP-1279.
Tank sizing/costing scratch-pad.
A Material Database editor.
TANK also incorporates the following considerations from API-620:
Shell course thickness computations according to Section 5.10.
Maximum compressive stress calculations according to Section 5.5.
Roof analysis according to Section 5.10.
Analysis of nozzles on the roof of a tank.
Vacuum analysis.
TANK also incorporates the following considerations from API-653:
Material modifications according to Section 2.3.
Shell Settlement evaluation according to Appendix B.
Retiring thicknesses and remaining corrosion allowance.
Corroded hydrotest case
Shell thickness evaluations using individual joint efficiencies and “L” locations
Bottom Plate minimum thickness determinations
Hydrotest heights
TANK can also design or analyze a supported cone roof according to the procedures outlined in
Brownell & Young. TANK also incorporates venting computations from API-2000.
TANK relies extensively on data specified in the API codes. This includes the material data from
Table 5.2, and digitized data from Appendix P. Other data tables have also been incorporated
into the program where necessary.
Every effort is made to ensure that TANK is up to date with the current codes.
TANK Input
The first step in the design or analysis of a tank is to generate an input file, which describes the
characteristics of the tank. Each tank requires an input file with a unique job name for each
configuration to be studied. All of the tank particulars and descriptive information are stored in
this input file. The input file name consists of the job name as the prefix, followed by a .tki
Start the input process by selecting File > New or File > Open (and browsing to select an
existing TANK file) and then choosing any option from the Input panel.
TANK separates the input data into logical categories. Each category addresses a specific code
requirement on design task. You must enter tank input data using the General Tank Data
command to save the tank input file. For more information on tank input data commands, see
the Input Panel section in the TANK User's Guide.
As with most software programs, there is an option to save the current state of the input data to
a file. With TANK, you can save the input by using File > Save, or by clicking Save . Save
your input frequently during any extended editing session. When you begin an analysis the
software also saves the data automatically, but it is always best to save the data yourself too.
When you are finished defining the input for your vessel, use the Analyze panel to verify and/or
analyze the job.
For more information, review the other TANK commands in the TANK User's Guide, and then
see Build a Tank (on page 102).
TANK Interface
The main TANK window has a quick access toolbar in the top left corner (indicated with a red 1
in the picture below), which you can customize with the commands that you use the most.
Directly below the quick access toolbar is a series of ribbons (indicated with a red 2) and panels.
Each ribbon tab contains different panels related to that ribbon. For example, on the Home Tab
(on page 14), you can complete commands related to files using the File Panel (on page 15)
(indicated with a red 3), perform edits to tank data using the Edit Panel (on page 15) (indicated
with a red 4), specify title information for the job using the Title Page Panel (on page 16)
(indicated with a red 5), input tank data using the Input Panel (on page 16) (indicated with a red
6), and more.
The TANK panel commands primarily relate to input options, along with some commands for
output review (both text and graphics). The other TANK tabs include commands for software
tools, diagnostic utilities (such as the Material Database Editor), ESL review, and help options.
In This Section
File Tab .......................................................................................... 14
Home Tab ...................................................................................... 14
Tools Tab ....................................................................................... 78
Diagnostics Tab ............................................................................. 94
ESL Tab ......................................................................................... 97
Help Tab ........................................................................................ 100
File Tab
Controls general operations of TANK files.
The File tab contains the following commands:
Home Tab
Displays the most commonly-used commands in TANK. The software displays with the Home
tab active by default.
The Home tab contains the following panels:
Panel Description
Edit Provides commands for basic editing tasks in TANK. For more
information, see Edit Panel (on page 15).
Title Page Provides commands that let you add descriptive information
about the tank to your job. For more information, see Title Page
Panel (on page 16).
Scratchpad Provides scratchpads for your tank, where you can compute
data that you later enter in the tank input boxes. For more
information, see Scratchpad Panel (on page 72).
Units Provides commands for changing units used in the tank job. For
more information, see Units Panel (on page 77).
2D Plot Provides commands for plotting out various tank details using
the graphics processor in 2D View. For more information, see
2D Plot Panel (on page 77) and View the Graphics Output (on
page 124).
File Panel
The Home > File panel consists of the standard program options for creating new TANK jobs,
opening existing jobs, and saving jobs.
The commands associated with this panel include:
System Folder - Opens the system folder for TANK. Log files, report header information,
and other software information is saved in this folder.
Edit Panel
The Home > Edit panel includes commands that let you perform common editing tasks to your
tank data.
The commands associated with this panel include:
Cut - Cuts selected elements from the document and pastes them to the Clipboard. The
selected elements replace the previous contents of the Clipboard.
Copy - Copies selected elements to the Clipboard. The selected elements replace the
previous contents of the Clipboard.
Paste - Inserts the Clipboard contents into the file. The command is not available if the
Clipboard is empty.
Title Page - Displays the Title Page dialog box. Enter a text description. Use of this dialog
box is optional, but is highly recommended.
Default Title Page - Restores the default title page, located in the file TITLE.HED.
The title page can contain 60 lines of 75 characters. You can scroll down to view any additional
lines. Use standard editing functions to enter information in this dialog box.
Input Panel
The Home > Input panel contains all of the input commands necessary to define a TANK job.
Each command defines a type of data.
The commands associated with this panel include:
General Tank Data - Opens the General Tank Data dialog box. Data must be provided on
this dialog box for every tank analyzed. This information consists of the diameter, the
number of courses, the course height, course thickness, course material, fluid depth, fluid
specific gravity, temperature, pressure, external loads, and the needed code. For more
information, see General Tank Data (on page 17).
Seismic Data Specifications - Opens the Seismic Data Specifications dialog box, where
you can describe the seismic parameters associated with the tank location. The
computations that use this data are found in API-650 Appendix E or API-620 Appendix L.
This is dialog box is an optional input, depending on the tank. For more information, see
Seismic Data Specifications (on page 31).
Nozzle Stiffness - Opens the Nozzle Stiffness dialog box, which allows you to specify up
to fifteen low nozzles on the tank. The computations that use this data are found in API-650
Appendix P. This dialog box is an optional input, depending on the tank. For more
information, see Nozzle Stiffnesses (on page 33).
External Pressure - Opens the Appendix V External Pressure dialog box, where you can
enter data that determines the external pressure capacity of the tank. For more information,
see External Pressure (on page 43).
Inspection Data - Opens the API-653 Service Measurement Data dialog box. For more
information, see Inspection Data (on page 44).
Roof Specification - Opens the Roof Specification Parameters dialog box, where you
can enter roof descriptive parameters. The computations that use this data are found in
API-650 Appendix F and in the text by Brownell & Young. This dialog box is an optional
input, depending on the tank. For more information, see Roof Specifications (on page 48).
Grillage Review - Opens the Grillage Review dialog box, where you can specify the
grillage parameters. The specifics of this computation are found in API-650 Appendix I,
Section I.7. This dialog box is an optional input, depending on the tank. For more
information, see Grillage Review (on page 67).
Cycle Life - Opens the Appendix M Cycle Life Data specification used in the procedures
outlined in API-650 Appendix M to determine the allowed number of “fill-empty” cycles the
tank can undergo without a detailed stress analysis. This dialog is an optional input,
depending on the tank. For more information, see Cycle Life (on page 68).
Shell Settlement - Opens the Shell Settlement Data dialog box used in the procedures
outlined in API-653 Appendix B to determine the maximum and allowed out-of-plane
settlement of the tank shell. This dialog box is an optional input, depending on the tank. For
more information, see Shell Settlement (on page 69).
Venting Requirements - Opens the API-2000 Venting Data dialog box used to determine
the necessary venting for in-breathing, out-breathing, and fire. For more information, see
Venting Requirements (on page 70).
API-650, Appendix F, limits the design pressure to 2.5 psi / 17.2 kPa.
API-620, Section 5.3, limits the design pressure to 15 psi / 103.4 kPa.
Tank Nominal Diameter [D]
Defines the diameter of the tank.
According to API-650, the software assumes the tank diameter is the centerline
diameter of the bottom shell course plates.
Tank Shell Height [HTK]
Defines the total height of the tank shell. This value should be the sum of the individual
course heights, and is used in the wind load computations.
Design Liquid Level [H]
Defines the height of the design liquid level. This is the height from the tank bottom to the
top of the shell, or to the bottom of any overflow device.
Bottom Plate Thickness [Tb]
Defines the thickness of the bottom plate.
Liquid Specific Gravity [G]
Defines the specific gravity of the fluid.
This value is used only in the Design case. The software automatically uses a
specific gravity of 1.0 for the Hydrotest case.
Weight of Attachments/Structures
Defines the total weight of the attachments and structures on the roof and shell which
should be considered to resist uplift and in the maximum allowed pressure computation.
Distance Down to Top Wind Girder
Defines the distance from the top of the tank shell to the location of the top wind girder.
If the top wind girder is at the top of the shell, type 0.
If the top wind girder is below the top of the tank, such as for a walk-way, type the actual
If you specify a value of greater than 0.01, the software shows the wind girder
on the 3D model. The software displays intermediate wind girders, when applicable,
after analysis on the model and in the Wind, Material, Thickness & Weights report.
Joint Efficiency (API 620, API 650 App A or 653 [E]
According to Appendix A.3.4, the joint efficiency should be either 0.85 or 0.70. API-653
Section 2.3.3 also uses this value of joint efficiency. No other computations use this value,
so the default of 1.0 can be left alone for variable point and one foot API-650 calculations.
According to API-620, the joint efficiency ranges from 0.35 to 1.0. Use Table 5-2 to
determine the appropriate joint efficiency value for your tank design.
API-653 2nd Edition provides Table 2-1 for weld joint efficiencies if the original E value is
unknown. This table is reproduced as follows:
(b) Full fillet weld with at least 25% intermittent full fillet opposite side:
k = percent of intermittent weld expressed in decimal form.
(c) Single butt-welded joints with a back-up bar were permitted from the
years of 1936 to 1940 and 1948 to 1954.
Wind Velocity
Defines the wind velocity acting on the tank. You should follow Section The
standard is a 120 mile per hour (53.6 m/sec) wind but may be increased to account for
additional tank height, wind gust, internal pressure, or open-top tanks.
Several configuration settings control how the wind pressure is computed and applied to the
tank. These configuration settings are as follows:
Roof Projection in Wind Moment - Turns on and off wind loads on the roof.
10% Plus 5psf in Wind Moment - Defines the basic wind moment definition according
to Section 5.9.7.
Section 5.11 Wind Pressure - Defines the wind pressure to be used for Section 5.11
Internal Pressure Combination Factor [Fp]
Defines the ratio of the normal operating pressure to the design pressure. The value of Fp is
used in Appendix R and Section 5.11 of the API 650 Code.
The minimum value of Fp is 0.4. Values lower than 0.4 are automatically set to 0.4.
The maximum value of Fp is 1.0. Values higher than 1 are automatically set to 1.
If your tank has zero internal design pressure, enter a value of 0.4 for Fp.
Default Shell Course Material
Defines the default material name for all individual shell courses.
Click the ellipsis to the right of the box to display the Database option or View
Properties option.
Click Database to display the Material Selection Dialog Box (on page 25) dialog box.
From the dialog box, you can select any valid material from the active database. Click Tools
> Configuration > Database Definitions (on page 83) to select or change the active
material database file.
Click View Properties to display the Material Properties Dialog Box (on page 23) dialog
box. The material data specified on the dialog box pertains to the entire tank. If the material
varies over the shell courses, you must specify the change on the Shell Courses Tab (on
page 25).
Number of Shell Courses
Defines the number of shell courses in the tank. Use this box to check the shell course input
and control the shell course generation, if necessary.
Insulation Thickness
Defines the thickness of the insulation on the tank shell. The insulation is assumed to extend
from the bottom of course #1 to the top of the last (top) course.
Insulation Density
Defines the density of the tank insulation.
Plate Length
Defines the length of the plate for the tank.
The software uses this input for the 3D plot only.
Course Offset
Defines the offset distance of the weld between the plates.
The software uses this input for the 3D plot only.
The following graphic explains the course offset in relation to the plate length.
the maximum allowed pressure in Section F.4.2 includes a wind moment term. A later code
interpretation makes the use of this wind moment term optional.
To include the wind moment term, select this check box. Clear this check box to ignore the
wind moment term (as in the 8th Edition).
Minimum Yield Strength of Bottom Plate
Defines the minimum yield strength of the bottom plate.
External Pressure Combination Factor [Fpe]
Defines the ratio of the normal operating external pressure to the design external pressure.
The value of Fpe is used in Appendix R and Section 5.11 of the API 650 Code.
The minimum value of Fpe is 0.4. Values lower than 0.4 are automatically set to 0.4.
The maximum value of Fpe is 1.0. Values higher than 1 are automatically set to 1.
If your tank has zero external design pressure, enter 0.4 for Fpe.
Entire Shell Course Evaluation
Defines whether the shell thickness calculation is for the entire shell course according to
API-653 Section This selection uses equation, which deducts one foot
from the fluid height.
For a list of the materials and their corresponding standards, see Appendix C (see "Appendix C -
List of Materials" on page 143).
Material Name
Type the name of the material. The software contains a database of materials taken from
various standards.
A list of the available materials and their corresponding standards can be found in Appendix
C (see "Appendix C - List of Materials" on page 143).
Design Stress [Sd or Sts]
Type the yield stress for the material at the operating temperature.
Hydro Test Stress [St]
Type the allowable stress to use during the hydro test condition.
Minimum Yield Strength
Enter the yield stress as a function of temperature.
Minimum Tensile Stress
Type the tensile strength designated in the material specification.
Maximum Allowable Tensile Stress
Type the maximum allowable tensile stress of the material.
Maximum Thickness
Type the thickness limit for which the stresses apply.
Material Grade
Type the grade of the material. This specification is taken from the material's corresponding
Material Group
Type the group of the material. This specification is taken from the material's corresponding
The design and test stress values for the specified material are normally acquired from the
Material Database. Initially, all courses acquire the same material, as specified on the Tank
Data tab. However, as necessary, specific shell courses may be assigned a different
material, or the material for specific courses may be manually modified by the user. If any
modifications are made to the default material on the Tank Data tab, all the shell courses
subsequently reacquire the default material specifications.
For carbon steels from Table 3-2, the software fills in the Sd and St values. For stainless
steels, the value used for Sd is unknown until run-time. Therefore, for stainless materials,
the allowable versus temperature table displays in the right-most grid columns of this dialog.
For stainless materials, the value of Sd (on this dialog) is shown as zero. The actual value
used in the calculations is reported in the output.
Defines the height for the current shell course in the specified units. The sum of all shell
course heights should equal the tank shell height entered previously.
If it is constant, the shell course height does not need to be specified for any course
after the first course.
If this cell is left blank, the software duplicates the shell course height to all required
Specifies the thickness for the current shell course. If the purpose of this job is to design the
shell course thickness, then enter a good starting value (see API-650 If this cell is
left blank for the first course, the software sets the thickness according to API-650 Table
If it is constant, the shell course height does not need to be specified for any course
after the first course.
If this cell is left blank, the software duplicates the shell course height to all required
Corrosion Allowance
Defines the corrosion allowance to be considered in the thickness evaluations for shell
If it is constant, the shell course height does not need to be specified for any course
after the first course.
If this cell is left blank, the software duplicates the shell course height to all required
Displays the material name that you selected for the shell course on the Tank Data tab.
To edit or view the material properties for the selected shell course, click the ellipsis to
the right of the box. Then, select Edit Properties to open the Material Properties Dialog
Box (on page 23) dialog box.
To change the material for the selected shell course, click the ellipsis to the right of the
blank box. Then, select Database to open the Material Selection Dialog Box (on page 25)
dialog box, from which you can click to select a new material.
Design Stress, Sd
Represents the allowable design stress, referred to as Sd in the API code. This value is
automatically registered by the software if the material was selected from the database.
If necessary, the value of design allowable stress obtained from the database may be
overridden by typing in a different value.
For stainless steels, this value is displayed as zero, since a temperature versus
allowable table is used instead.
Hydro Test Stress, St
Represents the allowable test stress, referred to as St in the API code. This value is
automatically registered by the software if the material was selected from the database.
If necessary, the value of test allowable stress obtained from the database may be
overridden by typing in a different value.
SSD1 through SSD5
Represents the allowable stress for a stainless steel according to API-650 Appendix S,
Table S-2. These values are used during the computation phase of the solution to determine
the actual Sd value.
For stainless steels, these values are interpolated during the solution phase. For this
reason, the value of Sd (at the left) is displayed as 0.
0.5000 13
0.6250 11
0.7500 10
0.8750 9
1.0000 8
1.1250 7
1.2500 7
1.3750 6
1.5000 6
1.7500 5
2.0000 4.5
2.2500 4.5
2.5000 4
2.7500 4
3.0000 4
3.2500 4
3.5000 4
3.7500 4
4.0000 4
diameter value.
Anchor Bolt Corrosion Allowance
Defines the value of the corrosion allowance to be considered when sizing the anchor bolts.
Previous versions of API-650, Section F.7.4, required a corrosion allowance of at
least 0.25 inches.
specified otherwise by the purchaser. API recommends that this value not exceed 1.5.
Table E.5 - Importance Factor (I) and Seismic Use Group Classification
Seismic Use Group I
I 1.0
II 1.25
III 1.5
Nozzle Stiffnesses
Home tab: Input > Nozzle Stiffness
Allows you to specify up to fifteen low tank nozzles. The data specification can include external
piping loads from a pipe stress analysis, if available.
When you select 650 as the API Design Code in General Tank Data (on page 17), the
software uses the data acquired from this dialog box to implement the rules of API 650,
Appendix P.
When you select 620 as the API Design Code in General Tank Data (on page 17), an
additional API 620 Specific Data section displays, and the the software uses the data
acquired from this dialog box to implement the rules of API 620.
When the tank temperature value in General Tank Data (on page 17) is changed, the
software updates the Modulus of Elasticity and Expansion Coefficient values
automatically. These values are obtained by interpolating the data provided in Table P-1 of
API 650.
If you check Use PVP-1279, TANK uses an alternate method to compute the nozzle
stiffnesses. This alternate procedure is detailed in PVP-1279 and is valid for smaller tanks.
Nozzle Designation / Number
Defines a descriptive tag or number of the current nozzle. This cell is restricted to four
characters and can contain letters and/or digits. Example entries for this cell are:
70 29.5E6 -
The value of elastic modulus is automatically defined by the software when you change the
design temperature on the general spreadsheet. You can change this value, if necessary.
If the bottom shell course is specified as Stainless Steel, then the modulus value for Table
P-1 is not used. Instead, the modulus value is obtained from Table S-6:
100. 28.0E6
200. 27.4E6
300. 26.6E6
400. 26.1E6
500. 25.2E6
Expansion Coefficient
Defines the value of the thermal expansion coefficient. These values should be taken from
API-650 Table P-1and are reproduced as follows:
70. 29.5E6 -
20. 203000 -
The value of expansion coefficient is automatically defined by the software (using internal,
English, units) when you change the design temperature on the general spreadsheet. You
can change this value, if necessary.
Reinforcement on Shell or Nozzle?
Indicates where the nozzle reinforcement is located. This entry is used to interpolate among
the charts in API-650 Appendix P. If reinforcing on the shell is indicated, Appendix P makes
the following assumptions:
The reinforcing pad thickness is equal to the shell thickness.
The pad diameter is twice the nozzle diameter.
These assumptions are implicit in the curves presented in Appendix P and are automatically
considered by the software.
Nozzle Repad Thickness
Defines the thickness of the nozzle reinforcing pad, when it exists and when the software
must consider it in calculations. If you specify a pad thickness in this box, the software uses
the value to increase the thickness of the tank shell in all Appendix P calculations.
Specifying a repad thickness in this box can duplicate assumptions made
by Appendix P, and it is not advised in most circumstances.
Appendix P of API-650 does not specify how to handle reinforcing pads.
References used when developing Appendix P indicate that when selecting the curves for
reinforcing on the shell, you should automatically assume the nozzle has a pad with a
thickness equal to the shell thickness.
Nozzle Weight
Defines the weight of this nozzle. The value is used in all weight computations involving the
Applied External Radial Force
Defines the value of any applied radial force, acting on the nozzle. The value is used in
plotting the interaction diagram of Appendix P.
Applied External Circumferential Moment
Defines the value of any applied external circumferential moment acting on the nozzle. The
value is used in plotting the interaction diagram of Appendix P.
Applied External Longitudinal Moment
Defines the value of any applied external longitudinal moment acting on the nozzle. The
value is used in plotting the interaction diagram of Appendix P.
Radial Layout Angle
Defines the angle at which the nozzle is to be placed radially in the tank shell.
The software uses this input for the 3D plot only.
Nozzle Inside Projection
Defines the length of the nozzle projecting inside of the tank.
The software uses this input for the 3D plot only.
Nozzle Outside Projection
Defines the length of the nozzle projecting outside of the tank.
The software uses this input for the 3D plot only.
Use PVP-1279 for Stiffness
Allows TANK to utilize an alternate method to compute nozzle stiffnesses. This alternate
method is based on PVP (Pressure Vessel and Piping) paper 1279 - Stiffness Coefficients
for Nozzles in API-650 Tanks, by Lengsfeld, Bardia, Taagepera, Hathaitham, LaBounty, and
This alternate method is based on the finite element analysis of a number of tanks, resulting
in alternate curves and equations for the determination of tank nozzle stiffnesses.
Nozzle Thickness for PVP-1279
Displays a value defined in PVP-1279, but not actually used in the computations.
Repad Outer Diameter for PVP-1279
Defines the outside diameter of the nozzle reinforcing pad, if any. This value is used to
determine the vertical distance from the nozzle centerline to the point where the tank bottom
has no influence on nozzle stiffness.
Nozzle on Roof
Indicates that the nozzle is on the tank roof. The software only performs calculations for
nozzles on a roof for API-620 analysis.
Enter the total depth of the groove weld. Most groove welds between the nozzle and the
tank are full penetration welds. The depth of the weld is the same as the depth of the
component (that is, the thickness of the nozzle). If the nozzle is attached with a partial
penetration weld, or just a fillet weld, enter the depth of the partial penetration or a zero,
respectively, in this field.
Weld Leg Size for Fillet Between Nozzle and Shell Inner Surface
Enter the size of one leg of the fillet weld between the inward nozzle and the inside shell.
Enter the diameter of the pad. The diameter of the pad is the length along the vessel shell,
not the projected diameter around the nozzle.
External Pressure
Home tab: Input > External Pressure
Allows you to enter optional parameters necessary to evaluate the external pressure capacity of
the tank.
Inspection Data
Home tab: Input > Inspection Data
Specifies additional measurement data obtained from tank inspections. This measurement data
can be used to implement the shell and bottom checks discussed in API-653 Sections,, and The data for the service measurement analysis is organized on separate
Bottom, Post 3rd Ed. Tab (on page 44)
Bottom, Pre 3rd Edition Tab (on page 45)
Manual Shell Course Specification Tab (on page 46)
Minimum Remaining Thickness from Bottom Side of Corrosion after Repairs (RTbc)
Defines the value of the minimum remaining thickness from the bottom side corrosion, after
repairs, according to API-653 Section
Minimum Remaining Thickness from Internal Corrosion after Repairs (RTip)
Defines the value of the minimum remaining thickness from internal corrosion, after repairs,
according to API-653 Section
Anticipated In-Service Period of Operation (Or)
Defines the value of the anticipated in-service period of operation (normally 10 years),
according to API-653 Section
Maximum Rate of Corrosion Not Repaired on the Top Side (StPr)
Defines the value of the maximum internal pitting rate, on a yearly basis. If the tank bottom
is internally lined (per API RP 652), this value should be specified as 0.0, according to
API-653 Section
Maximum Underside Pitting Rate (UPr)
Defines the value of the maximum rate of corrosion, on a yearly basis. If the tank bottom is
cathodically protected (per API RP 651), this value should be specified as 0.0, according to
API-653 Section
is internally lined (per API RP 652), this value should be specified as 0.0, according to
API-653 Section
Maximum Rate of Corrosion on the Bottom Side (UPr)
Defines the value of the maximum rate of corrosion, on a yearly basis. If the tank bottom is
cathodically protected (per API RP 651), this value should be specified as 0.0, according to
API-653 Section
Anticipated In-Service Period of Operation (Or)
Defines the value of the anticipated in-service period of operation (normally 10 years),
according to API-653 Section
If the joint efficiency is left blank, the value specified on the General Tank Data
dialog box is used. Similarly, if the L location is left blank, the fluid height will be determined from
the bottom of the course. If the t1 or t2 values are left blank, they default to the user-specified
thickness on the General Tank Data dialog box.
E (Joint Efficiency)
Defines the value of the joint efficiency to be used in the thickness computations of this shell
L (Location Above Course Bottom)
Defines the value that locates the bottom of the L region, above the bottom of this course.
Where L is the critical length, the maximum vertical length over which the hoop stresses are
assumed to "average out" around local discontinuities. In subsequent thickness
computations, the fluid height to the design liquid level is measured from the bottom of L.
t1 (Lowest Average Thickness)
Defines the average thickness in the L region. If this value is left blank, it defaults to the
thickness defined in the General Tank Data (on page 17) dialog box.
t2 (Minimum Thickness)
Defines the least thickness in any area of corrosion, exclusive of pits. If this value is left
blank, it defaults to the thickness defined in the General Tank Data (on page 17) dialog box.
Use specified shell "L" values?
Indicates whether the specified location L is used in subsequent thickness calculations.
If you select this check box, the software uses the user-specified values of the location
of L to be used in determining the height to the maximum design liquid level. When this
box is checked, the height value is computed according to API-653 Section
If you clear this check box, the software ignores the user input values of the location of L
in subsequent computations. The thickness computations use a height value measured
from the bottom of each course, which produces more conservative (thicker)
Use specified shell "E" values?
Indicates whether the specified values of individual course joint efficiencies is used in
subsequent computations.
If you select this check box, the software uses the individual joint efficiencies for each
course in any subsequent computations. This may be useful if additional inspections
and radiography are performed.
If you clear this check box, the software ignores the specified values of individual course
joint efficiencies. Instead, the computations are made using the joint efficiency specified
on the General Tank Data dialog box.
Use specified shell "t1/t2" values?
Indicates whether the software uses the specified values of individual course thicknesses of
t1 and t2 in subsequent computations.
If you select this check box, the software performs the thickness checks per API-653 Values of t1 or t2 left blank will assume the thickness specified on the General
Tank Data dialog box.
If you clear this check box, the software does not perform the thickness checks of
Bottom Shell Course as Constructed
Defines the original thickness of the bottom shell course. This value is used to determine the
minimum thickness of the annular base plate, per API-653 Table 2- 3.
Roof Specifications
Home tab: Input > Roof Specifications
Allows you to specify the roof parameters. This dialog box is optional for tank input.
The Roof Specification Parameters dialog box is divided into three tabs:
General Roof Specs Tab - Specifies the overall geometry of the roof. Whenever a tank has
a roof to be designed, values for the top half of this dialog must be defined. For more
information, see General Roof Specs Tab (on page 48).
Supported Cone Roof Data Tab - Defines the data necessary for supported cone roof
design. For more information, see Supported Cone Roof Data Tab (on page 54).
Girder Rings Tab - Specifies the location of each girder ring and how many girders make
up the ring. For more information, see Girder Rings Tab (on page 64).
Specifies the roof type of the tank. You can choose from:
Supported Cone - The roof is supported by rafters, girders, and columns. For
supported cone roofs, the software designs the rafters, columns, and girders.
Rafter-Supported Cone - The roof is supported by rafters only. For rafter-supported
cone roofs, the software designs the rafters.
The Cone, Dome, and Umbrella roof types are considered solely for their weight
effects on the shell.
Angle Between Roof & Horizontal
Defines the angle between the roof and a horizontal plane at the roof/shell junction.
Net Area at Roof/Shell Junction
Defines the area resisting the compressive force. For more information, refer to API-650
Figure F-2.
Thickness of Roof Plate
Defines the nominal thickness of the roof plates. This value should include the corrosion
allowance, if any.
Roof Plate Corrosion Allowance
Defines the corrosion allowance to be considered when determining the weight of the roof
plates for Appendix F and overturning computations. This value is subtracted from the
nominal roof plate thickness.
Roof Live Load
Defines the value to be used in computing the load supported by the roof plates. According
to API-650, this value must be at least 20 pounds per square foot. The dead load of
the roof is computed by the software and combined with the live load to determine the total
roof load.
Ground Snow Load
Defines the total weight of any snow on the roof to be considered in API-650 Appendix E
computations for seismic checks.
If the supported cone roof design procedures are implemented, the software
determines the load applied to the roof internally. This value will not be used.
Dome/Umbrella Roof Spherical Radius
Defines the total spherical radius for a dome or umbrella type of roof. If you do not specify
this value, the software uses the tank inner radius as the default value.
Is the Roof Insulated
Indicates the tank includes insulation on the roof. The software uses the values from
Insulation Thickness and Insulation Density on the Tank Data tab to account for the
weight of the insulated roof.
Roof Joint Efficiency
Defines the joint efficiency used to determine the required thickness of the roof for internal
pressure loading.
1993 UK Library
For the structural and roof plate materials, click to bring up the context menu
which allows selection from the Material Database.
Structural Database
Specifies the structural database for use in the supported cone roof design module.
Database files are supplied by Intergraph CAS, Inc. and support U.S. as well as
international shape libraries. The database selected on the Configuration dialog serves as
the default supported cone roof option for.
Shape libraries are available for the following countries and regions:
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States of America (AISC)
Preferred Rafter Type
Specifies the preferred section type for the roof rafters. The roof rafter locations are shown
in the figure below. The specific section types depend on the active structural database. For
more information, see Roof Section Types and Structural Databases.
in the figure below. The specific section types depend on the active structural database. For
more information, see Roof Section Types and Structural Databases.
The following tables show the various structural databases and valid roof section types.
1993 UK Library
To change the roof plate material, click the ellipsis to the right of the blank box. Then,
select Database to open the Material Selection Dialog Box (on page 25) dialog box, from
which you can click to select a new material.
Roof Plate Allowable Design Stress
Defines the value used as the allowable design stress for the roof plates. This value is
automatically populated when you specify the Roof Plate Material.
Structural Member Material
Defines a material for the structural members.
To edit or view the material properties for the selected structural member, click the ellipsis
to the right of the box. Then, select Edit Properties to open the Material Properties
Dialog Box (on page 23) dialog box.
To change the material for the structural member, click the ellipsis to the right of the
blank box. Then, select Database to open the Material Selection Dialog Box (on page 25)
dialog box, from which you can click to select a new material.
Structural Member Allowable Design Stress
Defines the value used as the allowable design stress for the structural members. This value
is automatically populated when you specify the Structural Member Material. For
compliance with API-650 Section, this value should not exceed 20000 psi (137895
Maximum Allowed Rafter Length
Defines the maximum length allowed for the rafters. This value is used to determine the radii
to the various girder rings. Typical values for this cell are 20.0 to 24.0 feet (6.1 to 7.3
Maximum Allowed Girder Length
Defines the maximum length allowed for the girders. This value is used to determine how
many girders are required for each girder ring. Typical values for this cell are 24.0 to 30.0
feet /7.3 to 9.1 meters.
Center Column Cap Plate Diameter
Defines the diameter of the center column cap plate. If this box is left blank, TANK uses a
value of zero.
Roof Section Types and Structural Databases
The following tables show the various structural databases and valid roof section types.
1993 UK Library
The location of each girder ring, and the number of girders that are in each ring are specified in
the grid. This value is optional.
Radius to Girder Ring
Defines the radial distance from the center of the tank to each girder ring. If the location of
one girder ring is specified, the distance to all girder rings must be defined.
Number of Girders in Ring
Defines the number of girders in each ring. If the number of girders in any one ring is
specified, the number of girders in all rings must also be specified. This value is optional.
Roof Section Types and Structural Databases
The following tables show the various structural databases and valid roof section types.
1993 UK Library
Grillage Review
Home tab: Input > Grillage Review
Allows you to define the needed values when a tank must rest on a lattice of grillage. From this
dialog box, you can specify for the software to compute either the grillage spacing or the
required nominal thickness of the bottom plate.
The data acquired from this dialog is used in the computations of API-650 Appendix I,
Section 7.
Modulus of Elasticity of Bottom Plate
Defines the value of the elastic modulus to be used for the bottom plate.
Corrosion Allowance Added to Bottom Plate
Defines the corrosion allowance to be added to the bottom plate thickness. If left blank, this
value defaults to zero.
Maximum Allowed Spacing
Defines the maximum allowed spacing (center-to-center between adjacent or radial grillage
members). This value is optional.
Cycle Life
Home tab: Input > Cycle Life
Allows you to specify the data necessary to evaluate the anticipated number of "full - empty"
cycles the tank is permitted to cycle through without a detailed stress analysis. This dialog box is
optional for tank input.
Fill Height
Defines the difference in filling height between the full level of the tank and the low level of
the tank.
Defines the difference between the minimum ambient temperature and the tank's maximum
operating temperature.
Factor B
Defines the foundation factor. This value is:
2.0 for tanks on earth foundations
4.0 for tanks on earth foundations with a concrete ring-wall
Factor C
Defines the factor to account for the radial restraint of the tank's shell-to-bottom junction with
respect to free thermal expansion. The value for C ranges from a minimum of 0.25 to a
maximum of 1.0. The actual design value of C is established considering the tank's
operating and warm-up procedure and heat transfer to the subgrade. The value of C is 0.85
if not specified.
Factor K
Defines the stress concentration factor for the bottom plate at the toe of the inside
shell-to-bottom fillet weld.
K = 4.0 for shell-to-bottom fillet welds and lap-welded bottom plates.
K = 2.0 for butt-welded annular plates where the shell-to-bottom fillet welds have been
inspected by 100% magnetic particle examination.
The magnetic particle examination is performed on the root pass at every 1/2
inch / 13mm of deposited weld metal while the weld is being made and on the completed
weld. The examination is performed before hydrostatic testing.
Shell Settlement
Home tab: Input > Shell Settlement
Allows you to define the measured settlement of up to 40 points around the tank shell
The data from this dialog is used to implement the requirements of API-653,
Appendix B.
Elastic Modulus for Allowed Settlement
Defines the value of the elastic modulus the software uses in the computation of the allowed
shell settlement, in API-653 Section B.3.2. If this value is left blank, the software uses a
default of 29.5E6 psi / 203000 MPa.
Angle Between Measurements
Defines the distance (in degrees) between adjacent settlement measurement points. This
value must be less than 45-degrees. API-653 Appendix B.1.3 requires at least eight points
around the circumference of the tank. This limits the entry in this field to a maximum of 45
degrees. Additional data points will reduce the magnitude of this angle.
The software performs all computations using all of the specified measurement points. If the
number of measurement points is so great as to cause the spacing to fall below 15 feet /
4.6m, use every other point when generating the input.
The code limits the spacing between these measurement points (around the
circumference of the tank) to 32 feet / 9.8 m. Prior to API-653 2nd Edition
Addendum 2, this limit was 30 feet / 9.1m.
Too many points may lead to an overly conservative determination of the
out-of-plane deflection limit. Addendum 3 to the 9th Edition of API-653 suggests
computing the deflection limit using points spaced at approximately 30 foot / 9.1m
intervals. Additional details on this subject can be found in Out of Plane Settlement
of Cylindrical Tanks by Erdmann and Yeigh, Hydrocarbon Engineering, May 1999
and the text by Phil Meyers, Above Ground Storage Tanks.
Defines the elevation of the shell bottom at this measurement point on the circumference of
the tank.
Venting Requirements
The Venting Requirements dialog box (accessed by selecting Home > Input > Venting
Requirements ) lets you specify the flow rates for emptying and filling the tank, the
environmental factors, and liquid characteristics. The computations performed here are in
accordance with API-2000 6th Edition. Most of the information from this edition can be found in
Annex A. This dialog box is optional for tank input.
Emptying Rate
Defines the maximum emptying rate (volume per hour) of liquid from the tank. For more
information, see API-2000 Section
Filling Rate
Defines the maximum filling rate (volume per hour) of liquid from the tank. For more
information, see API-2000 Section
Liquid Flash Point
Defines the temperature of the liquid's flash point.
Boiling Point
English Units:
Configuration Conductance (BTU/hr ft2 Insulation Thickness F Factor
F) (in)
Metric Units:
Configuration Conductance (Watts/m2 Insulation Thickness F Factor
K) (cm)
Scratchpad Panel
The Home > Scratchpad panel lets you quickly access any available scratchpads for tank input,
as well as transfer existing scratchpad calculations to your input file. Scratchpads let you
compute data that you later enter in the tank input.
The software does not save the data you enter on a scratchpad. The scratchpad
merely serves as an area to perform calculations.
The commands associated with this panel include:
Tank Sizing/Cost Scratchpad - Opens the Tank Sizing/Costing Scratchpad dialog box.
This scratchpad allows the user to estimate tank sizes and plate costs for a range of tank
dimensions. For more information, see Tank Sizing/Costing Scratchpad (on page 72).
Scratchpad Calculator - Launches the computation engine for the Tank Sizing/Costing
Scratchpad dialog box. You must have values entered in all of the Scratchpad Input Data
boxes for the software to activate the calculator.
Transfer Scratchpad Results - Transfers the minimum cost tank (results) from the
scratchpad to the General Tank Data dialog box. This serves as a good starting point for a
tank design.
cost estimates as many times as necessary. After exiting the scratchpad, you have the option of
transferring the diameter, height, and course thicknesses to the General Tank Data dialog for
subsequent computations by clicking Transfer scratchpad results . No other data on the
scratchpad is saved.
A minimum amount of user-specified data is required, consisting of the tank volume,
the fluid specific gravity, the plate allowable stress, the unit cost of plate, and the height and
diameter ranges.
After you specify the necessary data, click Scratchpad Calculator to initiate the
computations. TANK activates this calculator as soon as you define data in the Tank
Sizing/Costing Scratchpad dialog box.
The scratchpad computes a total of eight tanks: four for a diameter range, and four for a height
range. The results of each range are presented in a list box below the input definition.
For each tank evaluated, the necessary diameter (or height) is presented, as well as the
thickness required for each shell course. The height of the top course is also reported, all other
courses being equal to the specified input value. The results of the costing are presented last
and consist of the shell weight and cost estimate. The shell weight is based on the computed
thicknesses and the plate density specified in the configuration file. The cost is the product of
the unit price and the plate weight.
If necessary, the input data can be altered, and new estimates re-calculated as often as needed.
When you get the needed calculation results, you can print a report by selecting File >
Preview/Print. You can also transfer the results for the minimum cost tank to the General Tank
Data (on page 17) by selecting Home > Scratchpad > Transfer scratchpad results .
After the scratchpad calculations have been performed, the Dynamic Sizing Tool
becomes active. This sizing tool, located to the right of the output display, contains two slider
bars. Moving the slider bars with the mouse changes the corresponding dimension of the tank,
as well as updates the right most column of numerical data in the table.
Analyze Panel
The Home > Analyze panel commands let you analyze and error check tank data, change the
time stamp on reports, create the files necessary to display the 3D model in a PDF, and review
The commands associated with this panel include:
Error Check/Analyze (F12) - Starts the error checker, and if the input passes the error
checker, automatically generates the output report. For more information, see Error
Checking. You can also press F12 to start the error checker.
Time Stamp - Specifies the time and date stamp for report headers. If you do not click the
Time Stamp, TANK uses the current time and date by default.
Create 3D PDF Files - Instructs TANK to create or update the 3D PDF files during an
analysis run. For more information see, Create 3D PDF Files (on page 77).
Review Reports (F11) - Opens the latest reports generated on the current TANK job. You
can also press F11 to open the latest reports.
Units Panel
The Home > Units panel lets you change the units for the current TANK job. Select the unit of
measure you want from the Units box. The software updates the currently open job to the units
you selected.
You can also change the units for the current job by selecting Tools > Configuration
and selecting a new Units File value in the Database Definitions configuration settings.
2D Plot Panel
The Home > 2D Plot panel provides commands that let you use the graphics processor to
model tank sketches, plot shell settlement data, create nozzle interaction diagrams, and plot
supported cone roof sketches. For more information on graphics processing, see View the
Graphics Output (on page 124).
The 2D Plot panel is inactive until you add TANK data and shell courses to your TANK job
and analyze or save the job. Once you save the job, the software activates the 2D Plot
You must add a cone roof to your job or TANK does not plot the information.
You must have the 2D View selected below the model for the 2D Plot panel options.
The commands associated with this panel include:
Plot Tank Elevation - Produces the basic tank sketch. For more information, see Plot Tank
Elevations (on page 129).
Plot Settlement - Plots the shell settlement data. For more information, see Plot Shell
Settlements (on page 129).
Plot Nozzle - Plots the first nozzle interaction diagram. For more information, see Plot
Nozzle Specifications (on page 130).
Plot Cone Roof - Plots the supported cone roof sketch. For more information, see
Supported Cone Roof Sketches (on page 132).
Tools Tab
Contains miscellaneous commands for program configuration, custom units systems, the
Material Database Editor, a batch stream processor, and a text file review option.
The commands associated with this tab include:
Configuration - Defines computation settings and database parameters for the software.
For more information, see Configuration (on page 78).
Lock/Unlock the Current Input File - Protects the current input file from having
modifications made to it. For more information, see Lock/Unlock the Current Input File.
Make Unit - Displays existing units file settings for review or lets you create a new unit file.
Material Database Editor - Starts a processor which can be used to add materials to the
current TANK database. For more information, see Material Database Editor (on page 86).
Batch Processor - Displays a dialog where a number of jobs can be selected for
subsequent analysis.
File Review - Starts Notepad to review a selected data file. The file is created by a prior
analysis. There are three files which can be reviewed in this manner: the error check log
file, the batch log file, and the solution message file.
Export to VUE Format - Starts the VUE File Exporter Utility that you can use to convert
TANK input files in VUE format, which can be used in Intergraph Smart 3D and SmartPlant
Review. For more information, see VUE File Exporter Utility.
Calculator - Displays a calculator that you can use to perform mathematical computations.
Tools tab: Configuration
Sets up the software computations and databases.
The software locates an existing setup file to use as a starting template. TANK searches for an
existing configuration file in the current directory. If a configuration file is not found in the current
directory, TANK uses the configuration file from the product installation folder.
Corroded Nozzles?
Indicates whether the flexibility computations of API-650 Appendix P considers corrosion.
By default, TANK does not consider corrosion in flexibility computations.
If you select this check box, TANK uses the corrosion of the first shell course to modify the
thickness used in the Appendix P computations for the design case only.
Database Definitions
Specifies the data files the software references for units, structural shapes and materials.
Click Tools > Configuration and review the Database Definitions configuration settings. You
can collapse this configuration section by clicking the arrow to the left of the name.
This configuration section contains the following options:
Material File
Specifies the material file that TANK uses. The software scans the installation directory to
determine the options shown in this configuration setting. Only valid Intergraph CAS, Inc.
supplied material files display in this list.
Units File
Indicates the units file that TANK uses. The software scans the current directory, followed by
the installation directory, to determine the options shown in this configuration setting. TANK
ignores any duplicate files found in the installation directory. The software accepts a
maximum of ten unit files as options in this setting.
You can generate additional custom unit files if necessary by selecting Tools > Make Unit.
This box specifies which unit file the software uses to generate all subsequent new input
files and all output reviews.
Structural Database
Specifies the structural database for use in the supported cone roof design module.
Database files are supplied by Intergraph CAS, Inc. and support U.S. as well as
international shape libraries. The database selected on the Configuration dialog serves as
the default supported cone roof option for.
Shape libraries are available for the following countries and regions:
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States of America (AISC)
Use Tools tab > Configuration to specify the units file to use at startup.
Use Tools tab > Make Unit to select a new units file. The data in your job file is
immediately converted to the new units.
If you select a defined Constant, the software changes User Unit to the correct unit. If
you select a defined User Unit, the software changes Constant to the correct value.
If you type your own value for Constant and User Unit, you must manually ensure that
the combination provides the needed conversion.
Open an existing units file for editing.
Saves the units file.
2. Click Open .
The Open dialog box displays.
3. Select an existing .fil units file and click Open.
4. Change unit types as needed by doing one of the following:
Select defined values for Constant or User Unit.
Type values for or Constant and User Unit.
File Tab (Material Database Editor) ............................................... 89
Home Tab (Material Database Editor) ........................................... 89
File Panel (Material Database Editor) ............................................ 90
Material Panel (Material Database Editor) ..................................... 90
Help Panel (Material Database Editor) .......................................... 93
Save - Saves the custom material to the Material Database Editor. When you save a
material, TANK saves the data into the secondary material database, or umat.bin. You
must then merge the material into the installed material database for it to display in
TANK input.
Print - Prints the current material record. Click the down arrow to set up the print
properties for printing the material record.
Add New Material - Adds the custom material to the Material Database Editor
secondary database, umat.bin. You must save and merge the secondary material
database into the installed Material Database for the new material to appear in TANK
input. For more information, see Add a New Material (on page 91).
Edit Other Material - Edits existing material properties to a custom material. You must
save and merge the edited material, for the changes to appear in TANK input. You
cannot change material properties for any of the installed materials. For more
information, see Edit a Material (on page 91).
Delete Current Material - Deletes the existing material from the Material Database
Editor secondary database, umat.bin. You must merge the secondary material database
with the installed Material Database for the deleted material to be removed in the TANK
input. For more information, see Delete a Material (on page 92).
Copy Material - Makes a copy of the current material properties so you can create a
new material with similar properties. For more information, see Copy a Material (on page
Merge Material - Merges the custom material with the installed material database. Once
you merge custom materials, you can see them in the TANK input. For more information,
see Merge Custom Materials with the TANK Material Database (on page 93).
Next Material - Displays the next available custom material in the database.
Database Status - Opens the Tank Material Database Status dialog box, which shows
specifics about, umat.bin, or the custom material database. For more information, see
Material Database Editor Dialog Box.
7. Click Merge Material to merge changes back with the TANK material database installed
with the product.
Edit a Material
Revises a custom material from the Material Database Editor.
Any custom materials that you add can be edited or deleted later from the custom
material secondary database, umat.bin. Changes you make to custom materials must be
merged back with the TANK material database to display (or be removed) as options in TANK
To edit a material in the database:
1. Click Edit Other Material .
2. Select the material to edit, and then click OK.
3. Edit the values as needed.
4. Click Save to save your changes to umat.bin.
5. Click Merge Material to merge changes back with the TANK material database installed
with the product.
Delete a Material
Removes a material from the Material Database Editor.
Any custom materials that you delete are removed from the custom material
secondary database, umat.bin. You must merge back with the TANK material database to
remove the materials as options from the TANK input.
To delete a material in the database:
1. Select the material to delete.
You can also use Previous Material and Next Material to scroll through
and select the material to delete.
2. Click Delete Current Material .
3. Click Save to save your changes to umat.bin.
4. Click Merge Material to merge changes back with the TANK material database installed
with the product.
Copy a Material
Creates a new material in the database using the properties of another material as a starting
Any custom materials that you copy to create new materials are added to the custom
material secondary database, umat.bin. You must merge back with the TANK material database
for the new materials to display as options in the TANK input.
To copy a material in the database:
1. Select Edit > Copy a Material .
2. Select the material to copy, and then click OK.
You can only copy from existing current materials. You cannot copy from any of
the materials installed with TANK.
3. Type a new name for the material.
4. Edit the other values as needed.
5. Click Save to save your changes to the custom material database, umat.bin.
6. Click Merge Material to merge changes back with the TANK material database installed
with the product.
3. Click Merge Material to merge changes back with the TANK material database installed
with the product.
The merged materials appear (or no longer appear in the case of a deleted material) in the
TANK input materials boxes.
About - Displays specifics about this version of the TANK Material Database
Help Topics - Starts the HTML help system, and gives you access to all of the
help topics for the Material Database Editor, in a hierarchical structure. In some
instances, there may be links from one topic to another, providing added
information on a topic if all of the links are followed. Additionally, the help
system includes tables and graphics, where appropriate. In order for the HTML
help system to function, Microsoft's Internet Explorer must be installed on the
Diagnostics Tab
Provides a number of tools to verify the integrity of the software and determine reasons for
possible program difficulties.
The commands associated with this tab include:
CRC Check - Performs a CRC (cyclic redundancy check) on all of the software modules
and data files in the program directory. For more information, see CRC Check (on page 95).
Program Scanner - Scans each of the program modules and reports its internal version
number. For more information, see Program Scanner (on page 95).
Error Review - Allows you to review the explanation for a particular error number. For more
information, see Error Review (on page 96).
CRC Check
Performs a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) on all of the software modules and data files in the
program directory.
The computed CRC value for each file is compared against the one computed by the software. If
the values do not match, then the file has been corrupted in some manner. Corruption could
indicate bad distribution media, bad sectors on the hard disk where the software was installed,
or a virus infection. If a CRC Check error occurs, the offending file must be replaced for
successful program operation.
Program Scanner
Scans each of the TANK program modules and report the internal version number for each. Use
this utility to determine if the current installation is up-to-date. The Program Scanner also
detects out-of-date modules and improper program installations.
This utility displays the information in the ICAS Programmer Scanner dialog box, as shown in
the following figure. This dialog box displays the information sorted alphabetically by
program/module name by default. However, you can click on any of the column titles to re-sort
the display according to the selected column.
Error Review
Displays the explanation for a particular error number. If a fatal error occurs, the software
attempts to open and run this module automatically. However, if you need an explanation for a
particular error at a later time, you can access this module manually by selecting Diagnostics >
Error Review .
Enter the error number and click Display Error Message for more details.
Provides access to various functions which allow reporting and modification of the data stored
on the External Software Lock (ESL). The ESL is a physical key that is required to access the
software. If there is an access problem with the ESL, most of the main menu items are disabled.
However, all commands on the ESL tab are active (as well as those on the Diagnostics tab).
The commands associated with this tab include:
View ESL - Displays memory registers that contain information such as version details,
client name, ID number, time stamp details, and more. For more information, see Access
Registry Details through the ESL (on page 98).
Access Codes - Generates ESL access codes that you can send to Intergraph CAS
support. Email or fax these numeric codes to Intergraph CAS support when requesting
modifications to your TANK ESL information.
Authorization Codes - Opens the Remote ESL Code Update dialog box, where you
can enter the authorization codes sent to you by Intergraph CAS support. Each needed
change to the ESL requires one set of four numeric codes. Each set of four codes you
receive, should be entered in a single horizontal row on the grid.
Check Drivers- Check the status on the local device driver. The software displays the
device driver information in a dialog box for your review.
Admin Control Center - Opens the Sentinel Admin Control Center where you can
manage access to software licenses and features, as well as diagnose licensing issues.
For more information on ESL or HASP, see Section 2, Licensing, in the TANK Installation Guide.
For more information on ESL, see Section 2, Licensing, in the TANK Installation Guide.
Click Log File to create a .TXT file of the information, which you can send to Intergraph CAS,
Inc. via fax or e-mail. The actual file name will be “ESLxxxxx.TXT”, where “xxxxx” is the ID
number of the ESL. The software saves the file in the product directory.
Occasionally, some of this date may require updating in the field. These updates encompass
changes requested by the client, usually to extend limits, reset a date, or change the client
name. The first two options of the ESL menu facilitate this task.
Phone Update
Starts an interactive procedure, generates data, and accepts instructions from you. This
interactive procedure requires the assistance of Intergraph CAS, Inc. personnel, to interact
with you by phone.
Generate Fax Codes
Displays a dialog box with three numeric codes. Send these codes to Intergraph CAS, Inc.
(either by fax or e-mail) with a request for the ESL data to be modified. This option is similar
to the phone update option, except that it does not require the interaction of Intergraph CAS,
Inc. personnel.
Receive and Enter Fax Codes
Displays a grid on which you can specify each set of four numeric codes, as generated by
the Intergraph CAS, Inc. support staff. Each needed change to the ESL requires one set of
four numeric codes. Each set of four codes should be entered on a single horizontal row in
the grid. When all codes have been entered, click OK to enable the changes to the ESL.
Use this option when you receive the reauthorization codes from Intergraph CAS, Inc.
Help Tab
Contains a number of informational options, including how to access help information for using
TANK and contacting support.
The commands associated with this tab include:
Help Topics - Starts the HTML help system giving you access to all help topics in a
hierarchical structure. Appropriate links, tables, and graphics are included. In order for
the HTML help system to function, Microsoft's Internet Explorer must be installed on the
You can also press F1 to display the help system during a data input session when
additional information is required. After you have started the HTML help system, you can
browse any other topic simply by navigating through the left pane. Additionally, the
Search tab can be used to scan for a particular word or phrase. The TANK User's Guide
is provided in online HTML format. The entire manual can be reviewed from this
View User's Guide - Opens the TANK User's Guide in a PDF reader. This document is
maintained in PDF format and is installed with the software. You must have a PDF
reader installed on your computer to view this file.
Quick Start - Opens the TANK Quick Start Guide in a PDF reader. This document is
maintained in PDF format and is installed with the software. You must have a PDF
reader installed on your computer to view this file.
Register TANK - Starts automatically after program installation and after the first time
you open the software. After the first time, this command must be used to bring up the
registration form. After completing this form, click Send to transmit the data on the form
to Intergraph CAS, Inc..
Check for Updates - Provides access to the Intergraph CAS, Inc. web site to determine
if there is a newer update to the version of TANK currently in use. This option saves you
from navigating through the Intergraph CAS, Inc. web site to determine if an update is
available. This option should be launched at least once a month to ensure the software
remains current. An Internet connection is required to use this option.
Build a Tank
In this section, you will learn the typical TANK workflow by analyzing a simple tank. The tank
has six shell courses ten feet high arranged like this:
Diameter: 40 feet
Roof: 15° slope from horizontal, 0.4375 inch thick
Material: A-516 Grade 60
Corrosion: Nil
Wind Speed: 125 m.p.h.
In This Section
Input Data ...................................................................................... 102
Check the Input for Errors .............................................................. 106
Analyze the Tank ........................................................................... 108
Generate Output Reports .............................................................. 111
View the Graphics Output .............................................................. 124
Input Data
In this section you will be defining the inputs for the tank.
Starting TANK ................................................................................ 103
Define the Tank Data ..................................................................... 103
Define the Shell Courses ............................................................... 104
Define the Roof Specifications....................................................... 105
Starting TANK
First you must start TANK and save a project file.
1. Click Start > All Programs> Intergraph CAS > TANK > TANK. You may also have a
TANK icon on your desktop that you can use to start TANK.
The main TANK window displays.
1. Select Home > Input > General Tank Data, or click General Tank Data in the Input
TANK opens the dialog box to the Tank Data tab.
6. Click Save .
Now that you've input the TANK data, you can check the input for errors.
2. Review the error checking and analysis options. For more information, see Use the Output
Processor (on page 111).
a. If the Error Checker does not find errors, the software performs the analysis. The
software color-codes any special notes or warnings found during analysis in the
generated reports to make them easy to find. Review these color-coded items to verify
the job.
b. If the Error Checker finds errors in the TANK input, the software does not analyze the
job and TANK opens the Error Check Summary Report.
3. Resolve any errors that are preventing the software from analyzing your TANK input. For
more information, see Complete the Error Check Phase (on page 107).
1. Review the Report List for all warnings and errors. Warnings and notes are color-coded in
the Report List to make them easy to find.
2. Print, save, or export the error report. For more information, see Use the Output Processor
(on page 111).
3. Resolve all errors in the TANK input. When you have finished your review of the Error
Checker .LOG File report, exit out of the Output Processor.
4. Re-run the Error Checker to verify that all errors have been resolved and TANK can
continue to the analysis phase.
If the summary report shows that errors were found, you must correct the errors
before TANK can begin the analysis.
This dialog box displays the current job name, the major solution steps to the analysis, and
which solution steps are required by the current input data. As each solution step is entered, an
asterisk displays next to the item to show the current progress. There is no user interaction or
input during the solution phase. The analysis/solution phase consists of implementing the rules
and equations found in the API-650 and API-653 codes. A brief overview of this phase can be
found in the Solution Overview (on page 109) section.
Solution Overview
The major steps performed in the solution phase are discussed in this section. Refer to codes
API-650 and API-653 for additional details.
1. Wind effect - The specified wind speed is used to determine the applied wind pressure, the
velocity factory, and the overturning moment. These values are used later in the
computations for the wind girders and Appendix F considerations.
2. Allowable stresses for both the design and test cases - The material control routine
includes considerations for reductions due to temperature from Appendix M and if necessary
Appendix S and API-653 Section 2 requirements. The allowables for each shell course are
determined individually based on the specified course materials.
3. Required shell course thicknesses - This thickness is based on the specified design
method, either one-foot, variable point, or Appendix A. The appropriate sections of the code
are implemented using the material properties to determine the thicknesses for each course
for the design and test cases. Each thickness computation is then followed by a check of
API-650 Section to insure that the minimum thickness requirements of the code are
met. If the input indicates that the software is to operate in analysis mode to rate an existing
tank, the design and test thicknesses just computed are replaced with the users input
thicknesses for subsequent computations. A note to this effect appears in the output below
the thickness table when required.
4. Allowed fluid heights - This procedure involves the use of the same code sections used in
the thickness determination. In the case of the variable point method, this is an iterative
5. Shell weight and center of gravity - The weight/center of gravity routine compares the
computed shell weight with that specified by the user, and selects the maximum of the two
for subsequent computations in Appendix E.
6. Overturning stability - This value is checked according to Section 5.11.
7. Wind girder requirements - The number of girders, their section moduli, and their locations
are determined according to API-650 Section 5.9. Wind girder detail and size is then
selected from API-650 Table 5-22.
This concludes the general computations performed for each tank input data set. All subsequent
computations are optional depending on user specification.
Roof Data - If the roof data has been specified, the software evaluates, analyzes, or
designs the roof. Roof evaluation involves weight summations, required thicknesses and net
areas according to API-650 Sections 5.10.5 or 5.10.6. The analysis or design of a supported
cone roof applies the procedures outlined in Brownell & Young. Following the roof design,
the Section 5.10.3 checks are implemented.
API-650 Appendix F requirements - After the actual roof computations are completed, the
API-650 Appendix F requirements are evaluated.
Also note that the roof weights computed from a design are used in subsequent (seismic)
Seismic requirements of API-650 Appendix E - The guidelines of this appendix are
applied to the tank in three conditions: design, test, and empty.
Nozzle flexibility calculations as outlined in API-650 Appendix P - This appendix also
offers guidelines on the maximum allowed nozzle loads. The software determines the
flexibilities and limiting loads on up to fifteen nozzles for all three sets of shell course
thicknesses (design, test, and user input).
Grillage computations - These computations conform to the rules of API-650 Appendix I,
Section 7.
Settlement limits as set forth in API-653 Appendix B - These computations use an
iterative procedure to determine the optimum cosine curve which most closely represents
the user's measured values of shell settlement. After the cosine curve is known, the
out-of-plane settlement and out-of-plane deflection can be determined.
Service/maintenance computations - These computations are based on API-653 Section
API-2000 Venting calculations.
After all sizing, roof, and seismic computations have been completed, the evaluation for the
permitted cycle life according to Appendix M, Section M.4 begins.
Following the cycle life calculations, the bolting requirements are checked. This procedure
evaluates each of the load cases defined in Section 5.12 and determines, if necessary, the
required number of bolts and the bolt size. A second pass is then made to determine the
governing condition and to report a single bolt size and quantity, with the corresponding stress
for each load case.
Each entry in the Report List displays a different report. Multiple reports can be selected or
removed from the selection by using the CTRL key in combination with a left mouse click. The
Output Processor displays the first report selected in the viewing pane to the right. For more
information, see Use the Output Processor (on page 111).
To abort the error check phase and return to the main menu, click File > Exit.
The following commands appear on the Home tab for the Output Processor.
File Panel
Open - Opens an existing report, which means you are switching the output to a different
job. This option opens the standard File Open dialog box that shows only those jobs who
have been analyzed and have output files.
Print - Prints the selected report. Click the down arrow to see the following addition print
Print to File - Prints the selected report to a text file and saves it where you indicate.
Print to File Then Run Word - Prints the selected report to a text file and then opens it in
Microsoft Word.
When you send reports to Microsoft Word, if a file named header.doc exists in
the TANK system folder, the software reads its contents uses them in the page header
when TANK exports the report to Word. Therefore, you can set up a header file with the
company logo and address details, should you want those to appear on your reports.
Edit Panel
Delete - Deletes the selected report from the Report List and the generated output.
Select - Selects reports or the text within reports, depending on what you select in
drop-down options.
Select All Report Text - Selects all the text in the currently active report.
Select All Reports - Selects all the reports listed in the Report List in the Output
Help Panel
About - Specifies details about the program, version information, and the copyright.
View Panel
Highlight - Lets you enter search terms or values for the selected report. Press F3 to
move to the next instance of the search term. You must click on each report in the
Report List search and highlight text.
Toggle Status Bar - Turns the display of the status bar at the bottom of the Output
Processor on or off.
Toggle Options Pane - Turns the display of the Options tab on the left pane of the
Output Processor on or off.
Toggle Reports List - Turns the display of the Report List tab on the left pane of the
Output Processor on or off.
Reset Pane Layout - Resets the layout of the Output Processor to the default display
settings. You must exit out of the processor and then open it again, to see the reset
PDF Header
TANK contains a default header that displays when you generate output reports or print a model
of the vessel to PDF. This header contains the Intergraph and TANK trademarks, but you can
customize it to include your company name and logo, or you can create your own custom
header from scratch.
You can create your own custom header using a program like Microsoft Word or Adobe ®
Acrobat®, or you can customize the default header by making modifications to the
OutputHeader.docx file located in the System folder. To access the OutputHeader.docx file, click
Edit Header in the Preview/Print pane of the Output Processor menu. After you have
completed your header, save the document in PDF format and replace the current
OutputHeader.pdf file in the System folder.
If the output report text or tank image displays on top of the header, you can start the
text lower on the page by adjusting the page margins using the Page Setup dialog. You can
access the dialog by clicking File > Page Setup from the Output Processor.
Job Title Page ................................................................................ 114
User Input Data .............................................................................. 114
Error Checker LOG File ................................................................. 115
Solution Module TXT File .............................................................. 115
Wind, Material, Thickness & Weights ............................................ 116
Roof Evaluation/Design & Appendix F .......................................... 117
Seismic Analysis Results ............................................................... 120
Nozzle Flexibility & Load Results .................................................. 120
API-653 Settlement Evaluation ...................................................... 121
API-2000 6th Ed. Venting Calcs .................................................... 121
API-650 Bolting Report .................................................................. 122
API-650 Cycle Life Output ............................................................. 122
API-650 App V External Pressure ................................................. 123
The final section of this report presents a weight summary of the various tank components.
If a supported cone roof was designed or analyzed, the resulting structural member sizes and
loads are reported next. This information begins with the number of girder rings, the radius to
each girder ring, and the number and length of the girders in each ring. This report is shown
Also shown above are the rafter details. This information includes the number of rafters in each
rafter ring, the spacing on the outer girders, the number of rafters resting on the outer girders,
the spacing on the inner girders, the number of rafters resting on the inner girders, and the rafter
length. Note that at the center of the tank, and at the shell, the number of rafters per girder is
reported as zero.
The next section of the (supported cone roof) report details the rafter and girder sizing
parameters. This information includes the unit load on the member, the selected cross section,
the required section modulus, and the actual section modulus. This information is provided for
each rafter and girder ring, and is shown below.
The next section of the (supported cone roof) report details the column sizing parameters. This
information begins with the column load, height, allowable compressive stress, and required
radius of gyration. This is followed by the selected cross section, the actual compressive stress,
and the actual radii of gyration. This information is shown below.
Following the column sizing details is the summary of the checks made according to Section
5.10.3. These checks determine the acceptability of the structural elements based on allowable
stresses and unbraced lengths.
Following these checks is a weight summary of the supported cone roof components.
Following the roof design/analysis report are the results of the Appendix F computations. This
information begins with the uplift force due to internal pressure and the resisting force due to
tank weight.
This information is followed by the maximum design pressure limited by uplift, the maximum
pressure at the roof/shell junction, and the compression ring failure pressure. All pressures are
reported in the user’s units for pressure and in “inches of water”, an API unit.
The last section of the roof report shows the required area of the roof/shell junction as per
Section F.5, and either 5.10.5 or 5.10.6.
Options Tab
The Options tab in the Output Processor defines report options, such as page numbers and
font settings.
Paging Options
Starting Page
Overrides the starting page number for this group of reports. Use this function when you
have to combine multiple reports into a single report and need the page numbers to be
sequential throughout.
Ending Page
Overrides the ending page number for this group of reports. If this value is zero and the
Starting Page value is greater than zero, then the software does not display the ending
page number.
Page Numbers
Select to print page numbers in the report header.
Page Headings
Select to print the page heading on each page.
Page Heading
Defines the text font for the heading text.
Major Level
Defines the font for the text in the main report sections.
Minor Level
Defines the font for the text in the minor report divisions.
Normal Text
Define the text font for the report data.
The software defaults the view displayed when you open a job to the view you most
recently used.
The following sections explain the 3D and 2D views and the options available from each view.
3D View
Select 3D View at the bottom of the graphics model of an analyzed tank to view the actual tank
geometry in three dimensions.
This section describes the 3D view and context menu options available on this view
The software displays the 3D model, upon input. However, certain elements do not appear
until you analyze the tank.
You can view and save output in 2D view by clicking 2D View at the bottom of the graphics
You can quickly view basic details about tank elements by pressing CTRL and hovering over the
In addition to showing the outer surfaces, you can also view the 3D model in different shading
modes, such as flat shaded and Gourard. The software also supports operations, such as
panning, zooming, and model rotation.
Right-click anywhere on the 3D view to display the context menu. The toolbar for performing
some basic operations appears on the right side view. For more information, see 3D Graphics
Options - Activates the Plot Properties dialog with which you can
customize the colors of elements in the display.
Visibility - Select and clear the different options to display and hide that
element in the 3D graphics view. For example, you might want to hide
the roof to get a better view inside of the tank shell. The elements are
not deleted from the model, just hidden.
Render Mode - Select how you want the surfaces and edges to display
on the model. Choose between Flat Shaded (shows objects with
shaded surfaces and outlined edges) or Gouraud Shaded (shows the
objects with shaded surfaces and smooth edges).
View Perspective - Specifies that the view should display the tank using
perspective rendering. Perspective rendering is characterized by:
The size of objects appears smaller as their distance from the
observer increases.
The size of object dimensions along the line of sight is smaller
relative to the dimensions across the line of sight.
3D Graphics Toolbar
The 3D graphics toolbar controls how your model displays in the 3D View. By default, this
toolbar displays vertically on the right side of the graphics window. You can toggle the 3D
graphics toolbar off and on using the quick access toolbar customization command (black
drop-arrow) in the top left-corner of the main window.
Pre-defined Views - Changes the current view to front, back, top, bottom,
left, right view or a standard isometric view.
Zoom Extents - Resizes the model so that it fits in the current window.
Zoom Window - Use the mouse to draw a window around the portion of
the model that you want to zoom in on. This is a rubber band zoom.
Alternately, spin the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Orbit - Rotates the model in any direction using the mouse. Click the right
mouse button and move the mouse to rotate the model.
Zoom Camera - Zooms in or out. Click this button, then press the left
mouse button and move the mouse diagonally across the screen to zoom
in or out. Alternately, spin the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Select by Window - Selects details that are inside a fence that you define.
Insert Cutting Plane - Inserts a cutting plane when you click this button
and then click anywhere in the window. You can then rotate the cutting
plane after it has been initiated. The rotating plane exposes the various
layers of the vessel. The visibility of the cutting plane can then be turned
off after the view is set. To restore the model, right- click in the 3D window
and choose Delete Cutting Plane.
Show Nozzle List - Displays list of nozzles in a list box. The list allows a
nozzle to be located in the model for editing.
This toolbar option is not available in the TANK product.
Options - Element and detail colors are supported using the Options
selection. After being set, the software recalls them in subsequent
sessions. This option is also available when you right-click on the model
window and select Properties. The Options dialog box displays as shown
below. If any of the colors are changed, click Apply to update the new
color selections.
2D View
Click Home > 2D Plot and select 2D View at the bottom of the graphics model to view the 2D
View of the graphic output. This section describes the 2D view options and the graphics
produced for subsequent printing or capturing.
The software disables the 2D Plot panel in the following situations:
You must run the analysis on the job before you can view the graphics output.
You must select 2D View for the graphics output below the model.
Plot Menu
The Home > 2D Plot panel provides commands that let you use the graphics processor to
model tank sketches, plot shell settlement data, create nozzle interaction diagrams, and plot
supported cone roof sketches. For more information on graphics processing, see View the
Graphics Output (on page 124).
The 2D Plot panel is inactive until you add TANK data and shell courses to your TANK job
and analyze or save the job. Once you save the job, the software activates the 2D Plot
You must add a cone roof to your job or TANK does not plot the information.
You must have the 2D View selected below the model for the 2D Plot panel options.
The commands associated with this panel include:
Plot Tank Elevation - Produces the basic tank sketch. For more information, see Plot Tank
Elevations (on page 129).
Plot Settlement - Plots the shell settlement data. For more information, see Plot Shell
Settlements (on page 129).
Plot Nozzle - Plots the first nozzle interaction diagram. For more information, see Plot
Nozzle Specifications (on page 130).
Plot Cone Roof - Plots the supported cone roof sketch. For more information, see
Supported Cone Roof Sketches (on page 132).
Use Plot Settlement > Spline All Data for Display to spline the plot data. Splining the data
smooths the plot points into curves and makes for better presentations.
The settlement plot uses two Y-axes. The far left Y-axis is for the out-of-plane deflection curve.
The Y-axis closest to the curves is for the measured and optimum cosine curves. These axes
and their associated curves are shown in different colors for better visualization.
The settlement plot positions the curves on an X-axis showing the relative angular position
around the tank circumference from the point of maximum settlement. The settlement plot also
includes a secondary X-axis which shows the location of the actual measurement points.
Use Plot Nozzle > Circumferential to display the nozzle plot from the circumferential
The resulting nozzle plot shows the interaction point as an asterisk. The location of this point is
determined on the plot using the input values of applied piping loads. If piping loads are not
specified, the interaction point plots at the origin.
For the nozzle to meet the criteria of API-650 Appendix P, the interaction point must
plot inside the diagram.
The following examples show nozzle plot diagrams from the longitudinal and the circumferential
Cone Roof Sketch Example
This section discusses several example jobs that illustrate the proper definition of input data and
presents solutions to some of the examples found in the code. The example jobs are delivered
to C:\ProgramData\Intergraph CAS\TANK\5.00\Examples.
In This Section
Example Problem APP_K .............................................................. 133
Example Problem O_WC............................................................... 133
Example Problem A_WC ............................................................... 133
Example Problem KOCZWARA..................................................... 134
Example Problem B&Y .................................................................. 134
Example Problem SSTEST1 ......................................................... 134
Example Problem TEST1 .............................................................. 134
Example Problem SSC1 ................................................................ 134
Example Problem APP_P .............................................................. 134
Example Problem EXTERN01 ....................................................... 134
Example Problem SEIS01 ............................................................. 135
In This Appendix
Main Set ......................................................................................... 136
Help & Error Processing Set .......................................................... 137
English Text Set ............................................................................. 138
API Data Set .................................................................................. 138
Examples Data Set ........................................................................ 139
Main Set
APIOUT.EXE Output preprocessor
SI Units File
MM Units File
In This Appendix
* ASTM Standards ..........................................................................143
* CSA Standards ............................................................................144
* National Standards .......................................................................144
* ISO 630 ........................................................................................144
* Stainless Steels (Temperature Dependent) .................................144
* Duplex Stainless Steels (Temperature Dependent) ....................145
* Unknown For API-653 ..................................................................145
* ASTM Standards
* CSA Standards
G40.21 38W
G40.21 38WT
G40.21 44W
G40.21 44WT
G40.21 50W
G40.21 50WT
* National Standards
* ISO 630
E-275t,C C
E-275,C C
E-275t,D D
E-275,D D
E-355,C C
E-355t,C C
E-355m,C C
E-355,D D
E-355t,D D
E-355m,D D
In This Appendix
Version 7.00 Changes (12/14) ....................................................... 148
Version 6.00 Changes (12/13) ....................................................... 149
Version 5.00 Changes (4/13) ......................................................... 149
Version 4.00 Changes (3/12) ......................................................... 150
Version 3.30 Changes (9/10) ......................................................... 150
Version 3.20 Changes (9/09) ......................................................... 150
Version 3.10 Changes (9/08) ......................................................... 150
Version 3.00 Changes (11/07) ....................................................... 150
Version 2.55 Changes (10/05) ....................................................... 151
Version 2.50 Changes (3/04) ......................................................... 151
Version 2.40 Changes (7/02) ......................................................... 151
Version 2.30 Changes (2/02) ......................................................... 151
Version 2.20 Changes (9/00) ......................................................... 152
Version 2.10 Changes (5/00) ......................................................... 152
Version 1.60 / 2.00 Changes (1/99) ............................................... 152
Version 1.51 Changes (9/97) ......................................................... 153
Version 1.50 Changes (5/97) ......................................................... 153
Version 1.40 Changes (9/96) ......................................................... 154
Version 1.31 Changes (2/96) ......................................................... 154
Version 1.30 Changes (8/95) ......................................................... 154
Version 1.20 Changes (11/94) ....................................................... 155
Version 1.10 Changes (6/94) ......................................................... 155
API-650 Changes:
The material database has been updated to reflect the changes to Table 3-2. This involved
removing both A442 materials.
Appendix F no longer forces a redesign utilizing Appendix A.
Appendix I changed the equation for the maximum deflection by raising a term in the
denominator to the 3rd power.
Section 3.4.2 has been incorporated, which insures that the bottom plate diameter is at least
D + 2 inches.
A modification has been made to the implementation of Section 3.5.2, to include the bottom
shell course thickness.
Allowances have been made to enable metric jobs to utilize 6 mm plate as the minimum
thickness instead of 0.25 inch plate.
API-653 Changes:
The equations for determining the allowable stress have been modified as per the recent
Incorporated a recent Code Interpretation stating that the Appendix M reduction factor
should be applied to both terms in the allowable stress determination.
Modified the basic thickness equation in accordance with the recent addendum (it no longer
subtracts 1 foot from the fluid height).
Incorporated the new computations for the allowed hydrotest height.
Modified the allowed settlement measurement points from 30 ft to 32 ft around the
circumference, in accordance with the recent addendum.
The maximum area for frangible joints as per API-650 is reported.
Top angle sizing per API-650 Section has been added.
Wind girder size selection per API-650 Table 3-22 has been added.
Theoretical height of sloshing wave (for Seismic events) determined as per
API-620 L.8.1.
The weight of the bottom and annular base plates is now determined and included in the
weight summary. Additionally the weights for operating, test, and empty conditions are
API-653 service/maintenance considerations added by allowing individual shell course joint
efficiencies and critical length locations to be specified.
API-653 minimum thickness of bottom plate per added.
Several “network specific” enhancements have been made to the program. This includes
changes to the file manager to recognize discontiguous disk drives, a network hardware
lock, and a segregation of program and system files.
A new loader is available to provide diagnostic capabilities from the Main Menu.
The configuration program has been modified to track user changes, which enables the
program to warn the user when an ESC is attempted without saving the data file.
A batch stream processor has been added to enable the processing of multiple jobs.
The input and output modules support a “pop-up” calculator for on-screen computations.
The calculator supports the basic four math operations, trigonometric functions, squares,
and square roots.
Several new configuration directives have been added. These new directives allow the
specification of the default wind pressure for Section 3.11, and the setting of the default
output report generation parameters.
An additional "English" units file is provided. This units file, MPH.FIL defines the wind speed
in units of miles per hour.
Input Data • 102 registration • 100
input file • 12 Report List Tab • 113
Input Menu • 12 roof • 48
Input Panel • 16 roof data • 48
Inspection Data • 44 roof evaluation • 117
Introduction • 10 Roof Evaluation/Design & Appendix F • 117
roof sketch • 132
J Roof Specifications • 48
Job Title Page • 114
units • 17, 111, 140
Units File Dialog Box • 85
units files • 78, 83
Units Panel • 77
Use the Output Processor • 111
User Input Data • 114
Utilities menu • 108
venting calculations • 109
Venting Data • 12, 70
Venting Requirements • 70