1a Assessment Task Lesson Plans

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Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

LESSON PLAN 1 (English)

Topic Area: Connotation, imagery and symbol: Religion

Class: Year 8 (Stage 4) Time: 60 minutes

A student:
› effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and
composing texts in different media and technologies EN4-2A
A student:
› selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes,
audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning EN5-3B
A student:
› identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts EN4-8D

 Class must be assigned to Computer room for this lesson, unless school
provides technological devices for research activity.
 Whiteboard/markers
 Worksheets/activities (see attached, 30 copies of each, allows 5 spare):
- ‘Religion Terms’
- ‘3, 2, 1’

Time Organisation Teaching/ learning activities
0-5 Mark roll Students are to come in and settle in to class.
Teacher is to call out the Roll.
5-10 Introduce topic of Introduce topic of religion. Teacher starts discussion
Religion, which will and encourages students to engage.
be based on the
topic area of Ask following question:
Connotation, What comes to your mind when you think of Religion?
imagery and
symbol. See what knowledge students already know by starting
discussion and asking students what they think religion
means to them. Ask students if anyone would like to
share their thoughts and opinions on this topic.
Respond positively to all student answers; however,
ensure that all beliefs, especially religious, must always
be respected and that any disrespect will not be
10-30 Mind Teacher encourages students to voice their opinion
map/Brainstorming regarding mind map
ideas Create mind map on the board with ‘Religion’ as centre

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

word. Ask students to copy this into their workbooks.

Give students a few minutes (2-3) to write whatever
comes to their mind when thinking about religion.
After a few minutes, go around the classroom asking
students if they can share what they have written in
their workbooks. No student is to have the same
answer, so that it allows a variety of ideas.
Students are to copy final mind map on board, in their
If these words are not already on the board after
students have given response, add them. Explain to
students that these words will be included in the next
activity, where they will complete a work sheet to
further gain a deeper understanding on the meanings
behind these terms.

Religion/Symbolic term(s) must be added on board:

 Christianity > Jesus > Holy Bible > Rosary Beads
 Islam > Muhammad > Qur’an > Crescent Moon
> Hands of Fatimah/Hamsa (Bird)
 Hinduism > Bhakti > Hinduism bible (Shruti)
 Judaism > YHWH (tetragrammaton/God of
Israel) > Hebrew Bible (Tanakh or Mikra)
 Jehovah’s Witness > Jehovah > New World
Translation of the Holy Scriptures
 Buddhism > Buddha > Tripitaka
 No Religion/Atheist > Big bang theory

30-45 Research Activity Hand out worksheet, explain to students that they
Worksheet: have 10 minutes to complete the following ‘Religion
Religious Terms Terms’ worksheet. Tell them that they are able to use
computers to complete this activity.
At 5 minutes, remind students they have 5 minutes
After 10 minutes, encourage students to put their
hands up and share their answers. Go through entire
worksheet to ensure every question has been
answered, and provide answers if necessary.
45-55 Check Ask students to complete ‘3, 2, 1’ worksheet:
Understanding Explain to students that they must write 3 things they
Activity: found out; 2 interesting things; and 1 question they still
3,2,1/Teacher have (hand out worksheet)
Evaluation After 5 minutes, go around the class asking students to
share what they have written. Answer all questions
students may have so that they can grasp a better in
depth understanding.
55-60 Discuss/allocate Ask students if possible, to bring in any religious items

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

homework they may have at home for the next lesson. Ensure
teacher will be bringing items along to next lesson
anyway, but anything they have is also welcome. Give
students positive feedback on behaviour and lesson.
Homework Students to bring any religious items for next lesson

Evaluation/ Extension
Teacher assesses students’ ability to brainstorm ideas and understand what they
already know on the topic. This allows teacher to understand what information will
be new to students, and know what they will be learning. Students will do research
worksheet to gain a better understanding, where they have to write definitions in
their own words, not directly off the internet so that they learn to effectively use
skills, strategies and knowledge to respond this worksheet (outcome 2). Students will
also select and use language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a
range of purposes, describing and explaining their effects on meaning by defining
terms on worksheet (outcome 3). By doing this, they are identifying, considering and
appreciating cultural expression and gaining an in depth understanding of the topic
area connotation, imagery and symbol, by focusing on Religion (outcome 8). 3,2,1
worksheet evaluates how student is learning, what they find interesting, what they
found out, and questions they have, so that teacher can understand where they are
at with understanding the content.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

Religion Terms
10 Minute Activity.

Please complete the following worksheet so that you grasp an in depth

understanding of the following terms. If you have any troubles, please do
not hesitate to ask your teacher.

Using a technological device such as a computer, laptop or iPad, research

the following terms, and define these in your own words.

Christianity: __________________________________________________________
Jesus: _______________________________________________________________
Holy Bible: ___________________________________________________________
Rosary Beads: ________________________________________________________

Islam: _______________________________________________________________
Muhammad: _________________________________________________________
Qur’an: ______________________________________________________________
Hands of Fatima/Hamsa (bird): __________________________________________

Hinduism: ___________________________________________________________
Bhakti: ______________________________________________________________
Shruti: ______________________________________________________________

Judaism: _____________________________________________________________
YHWH: ______________________________________________________________
Tanahk or Mikra: ______________________________________________________

Jehovah’s Witness: ____________________________________________________

Jehovah: _____________________________________________________________
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: ______________________________

Buddhism: ___________________________________________________________
Buddha: _____________________________________________________________
Tripitaka: ____________________________________________________________

No Religion/Atheist: ___________________________________________________
Big Bang Theory: ______________________________________________________

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

After researching these terms, from memory, can you match the religion
to the symbols by drawing connecting lines? Go ahead and try!






Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262


10 Minute Activity.

Please complete the following worksheet so that you grasp an in depth

understanding of the following terms. If you have any troubles, please do not
hesitate to ask your teacher.

Define the following, in your own words.

Christianity: The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ
Jesus: The central figure of the Christian religion
Holy Bible: Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments
Rosary Beads: Form of prayer (rosary)

Islam: Religion of Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through

Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah
Muhammad: Prophet and founder of Islam
Qur’an: Islamic sacred book
Hands of Fatima/Hamsa (bird): Fatima, daughter of the prophet Muhhamad, this
symbol is used as a sign of protection that also represents blessings, power and
strength, and is seen as deflecting the evil eye.

Hinduism: A major religious and cultural traditional of South Asia, which developed
from vedic religion
Bhakti: Devotional worship directed to one supreme deity, usually Vishnu or Shiva
Shruti: Means ‘what is heard’ in Hinduism, the most-revered body of sacred
literature, considered to be the product of divine revelation

Judaism: The monotheistic religion of the Jews

YHWH: Tetragrammation, the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters as
YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah
Tanahk or Mikra: The Jewish scriptures comprising the books of law, the prophets,
and collected writings

Jehovah’s Witness: Christian denomination with many beliefs that stand out from
mainstream Christianity
Jehovah: A form of the Hebrew name of God used in some translations of the Bible.
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: Version of the Christian Holy Bible for
those who follow the Jehovah’s Witness religious teachings

Buddhism: World’s fourth largest religion

Buddha: A title given to the founder of Buddhism, actual name is Siddartha

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

Tripitaka: Buddhists do not have a bible; they follow teachings or scriptures taught
through the Tripitaka which translates to ‘three baskets’ and refers to the teachings
of Buddhism

No Religion/Atheist: A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God

or gods
Big Bang Theory: The rapid expansion of matter from a state of extremely high
density and temperature which according to current cosmological theories, marked
the origin of the universe

After researching these terms, from memory, can you match the religion to the
symbols? Go ahead and try!






Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

3, 2, 1!

From today’s lesson, please answer the following:

3 things I found out today:

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________

2 interesting things I learned from today:

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________

1 question I still have (if you have more than one question, feel free to add this

1. __________________________________________________

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

LESSON PLAN 2 (English)

Topic Area: Connotation, imagery and symbol: Religion

Class: Year 8 (Stage 4) Time: 60 minutes

A student:
› responds to and composes texts for understanding, interpretation, critical analysis, imaginative
expression and pleasure EN4-1A
A student:
› effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and
composing texts in different media and technologies EN4-2A
A student:
› thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments
to respond to and compose texts EN4-5C
A student:
› demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their broadening world and their
relationships within it EN4-7D

 Scissors
 Projector to view YouTube video
 Technological device to connect to projector to view YouTube video (laptop,
computer, iPhone, iPad)
 Religious items (all are welcome, but following are essential for teacher to
- Christian Holy Bible
- Rosary beads
- Islamic Qur’an
- Small Buddha statue
- Hands of Fatima

 Worksheets/activities (see attached, 30 copies of each, allows 5 spare):

- Colour Cards
- Youtube Clip Questions

 Worksheets from last week for anyone that was absent

- ‘Religion Terms’
- ‘3, 2, 1’

Time Organisation Teaching/ learning activities
0-5 Mark roll Students are to come in and settle in to class.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

Teacher is to call out the Roll.

5-15 Colour Cards Hand out attached Colour Cards worksheet and ask
Activity students to cut out the cards and explain that they will be
used throughout the lesson whenever asked, or whenever
they feel necessary.
15-30 Recap from Recap last lesson, ask students what they remember from
last lesson, last lesson. If they struggle, ask to get out ‘Religion Terms’
explain research worksheet to refer to in their workbook where
religious items they should have glued it in. If anyone was absent last
teacher has lesson, ask them to pair up with student next to them to
brought to grasp an idea of the content and definitions.
class Also remind students that it was asked for them to bring in
any religious items they may have. Be positive and excited
to see what students have brought to share.
Before allowing students to share, first teacher must show
class what they have brought.

The following items must be brought to class:

 Christian Holy Bible
 Rosary beads
 Islamic Qur’an
 Small Buddha statue
 Hands of Fatima
 (whatever other religious items teacher may have;
all are welcome)

Pass items around class for students to look at, and ask if
any student would like to explain what any of the items are
(test knowledge learned from last lesson as they should
know what these items are) also further explain what each
item is if they are unsure
30-40 Teacher asks Students who have brought religious items are encouraged
students to to stand up in front of the class and explain what they have
share with brought to class and what it means to them. Remind
class what students again that all beliefs, especially religious must be
religious items respected and any disrespect will not be tolerated.
they have
brought to

40-45 Colour Cards Ask students to show colour cards on how they have taken
the last bit of content/information learned. If any students
put up a red or orange card, assist them in a better
understanding so that the entire class can move on as a
whole and no children are left confused.
45-55 Youtube video Have students watch following youtube video:

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

Allow time for video to be watched twice.

Explain to students that they will complete a worksheet
from watching this video so that they can grasp an
understanding of religion discrimination. Have students
watch the video, but notify them that there is enough time
for the video to be watched twice so they do not need to
rush writing answers.
Watch video once > allow 2 minutes afterwards for
students to write on worksheet.
Watch video a second time > allow 2 minutes afterwards for
students to complete worksheet and share answers with
55-60 Colour Ask students to show colour cards on how they have taken
Cards/Discuss the last bit of content/information learned. If any students
homework put up a red or orange card, assist them in a better
understanding so that the entire class can move on as a
whole and no children are left confused.
If any students were absent last lesson, give them a
‘Religion Terms’ research worksheet for them to do as
homework and bring completed to the next lesson. Give
students positive feedback on behaviour and lesson.
Homework For students absent last lesson to complete ‘Religion Terms’

Evaluation/ Extension
Students learn to about religion discrimination from YouTube video and are able to
answer a worksheet with questions regarding this so that they can gain a better
understanding. They learn to respond to this text by understanding and critically
analysing it (outcome 1), as well as using a wide range of skills, strategies and
knowledge to be able to respond to this text (outcome 2). By doing this, they are
thinking imaginatively and critically about information, ideas and arguments to
respond to this text which allows them to demonstrate an understanding of how
texts, such as the YouTube video, can express aspects of their broadening world and
their relationships within it. Colour cards are important to evaluate how students are
learning, allows teacher to assist each individual student with any struggles as each
student has the ability to raise a card.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

COLOUR CARDS: Please cut out the following and use for this the lesson.


I need help


I understand

I’m a little confused

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

In regards to the YouTube video, please complete the following worksheet

regarding religion discrimination.

1. Would you agree or disagree that this clip shows religion discrimination?
Please explain why.

2. What factor do you think contributed to why this girl had difficulties
throughout school?

3. As well as the Jewish Religion, what other Religion does this girl state suffered
from hate? Can you please explain why?

4. What type of food does this girl refer different religion to? Can you explain
why this is important?

5. What are your thoughts on this video? Please write a sentence or two and
share this with the class.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262


In regards to the YouTube video, please complete the following worksheet regarding
religion discrimination.

1. Would you agree or disagree that this clip shows religion discrimination?
Please explain why.
Students opinion, does show religion discrimination though

2. What factor do you think contributed to why this girl had difficulties
throughout school?
She was a different religion to the majority who were catholic and went to

3. As well as the Jewish Religion, what other Religion does this girl state suffered
from hate? Can you please explain why?
Muslims because when middle east was taught in school it was taught they
were terrorists and bad and this religion was hated with people thinking they
had connections with people who caused 9/11

4. What type of food does this girl refer different religion to? Can you explain
why this is important?
Ice cream. Important because not everyone likes the same ice cream and
that’s okay. Not everyone has the same religion, and that is completely okay.
Everyone is different.

5. What are your thoughts on this video? Please write a sentence or two and
share this with the class.
Student’s own response.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

LESSON PLAN 3 (English)

Topic Area: Connotation, imagery and symbol: Religion

Class: Year 8 (Stage 4) Time: 60 minutes

A student:
› effectively uses a widening range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for responding to and
composing texts in different media and technologies EN4-2A
A student:
› selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes,
audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning EN5-3B
A student:
› thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information, ideas and arguments
to respond to and compose texts EN4-5C
A student:
› demonstrates understanding of how texts can express aspects of their broadening world and their
relationships within it EN4-7D
A student:
› identifies, considers and appreciates cultural expression in texts EN4-8D

 Newspapers/Magazines/Resources on religion (students were also asked to
bring any magazines and materials they like, so 10 of each will be more than
 Spare paper for students to create their advertisement
 Coloured markers and pencils
 Scissors, at least half of the class ratio, so 12-13 scissors
 Glue
 Worksheet/Activities:
- Colour cards

Time Organisation Teaching/ learning activities
0-5 Mark roll Students are to come in and settle in to class.
Teacher is to call out the Roll.
5-20 Recap from last lesson, Recap last lesson, ask students what they
explain religious items remember from last lesson. Briefly go over YouTube
teacher has brought to video looked at last lesson, and that today, each
class student will be creating a piece of work to show
that all religions should be respected.

Also remind students that it was asked for them to

bring in any materials they may have to do this task,

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

and it is welcomed for them to use them (go

around room to make sure all materials brought are
Be positive and excited to see that students have
brought materials to create their advertisement.

Pass items around class for students to look at, and

ask if any student would like to explain what any of
the items are (test knowledge learned from last
lesson as they should know what these items are)
also further explain what each item is if they are
20-35 Teacher asks students Hand out spare paper to class and explain that
to share with class when addressed, they will come up the front to
what religious items collect one material (newspaper, magazine, etc) to
they have brought to cut apart and use for their work. Explain to
class students that they are welcome to walk around the
class and swap materials with others if needed.
Remind students halfway through the 15 minute
activity when they have 5 minutes left.
35-45 Sharing works Have students share each of their works, go around
the classroom and carefully understand each
students work, allowing them to feel special that
their work is meaningful.
45-55 Student Ask students following question:
assessment/Evaluation What have you learned about Religion
discrimination and what are your thoughts?

Understand all student’s thoughts and opinions on

this topic, give positive feedback that you are proud
for all their works that show all religions should be
respected and discrimination is not on.
55-60 Discuss homework If any students were absent last lesson, give them a
‘Religion Terms’ research worksheet for them to do
as homework and bring completed to the next
Homework For students absent last lesson to complete
‘Religion Terms’ worksheet

Evaluation/ Extension

Students are able to construct a piece of work to show that all Religions should be
respected, regardless of what the beliefs entail. This allows students to respond to
the texts shown throughout the last three lessons with a range of processes such as
skills, strategies and knowledge (outcome 2) so that audiences (the class) can
understand what they are describing and explaining (religion discrimination in
appropriate piece of work they created) (outcome 3). By creating this work, they are

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

thinking imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information,

ideas and arguments as they respond to texts, such as the YouTube video (outcome
5). This allows students to demonstrate their understanding of how texts can express
aspects of their broadening world and their relationships within it (outcome 8). As a
result, all students are identifying, considering and appreciating cultural expression in
texts, such as the YouTube video (outcome 8).

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262


The three lesson plans that I have constructed focus on the topic area selected from

the English Textual Concepts website, with the textual concept being connotation,

imagery and symbol ("Connotation, imagery and symbol", 2018). This concept

explains how words and images are able to signify more than what they denote,

which can allow students to extend beyond their everyday literal meanings to further

understand and experience one thing in terms of another. This concept is important

as connotation, imagery and symbol enhance a text by making words and images

mean more than just one thing. These three aspects allow students to construct

creative and critical thought, which is a crucial part of learning. Because of this,

teaching English through textual concept is achieved, as my lesson plans include

worksheets and texts that reveal symbols that students are able to critically analyse

and attain more than one meaning from one text (Boas & Gazis, 2016). From this

concept, I have decided to focus on the topic of Religion as I feel it is a controversial

topic that will create a great class discussion, allowing students to grasp an in depth

understanding of every other students’ point of view on Religion. Religion is topic

that should be respected, and religion discrimination should be understood by

students so that this does not happen between students, and later in these students’

lives. Religion discrimination is unfair and allowing students to understand this

through the textual concept of connotation, imagery and symbol is a fun learning

process as many interesting religious items can be involved throughout the lesson

plan, which is what I have done, as it engages students to want to learn. Various

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

activities have been constructed to allow students to want to engage. Throughout all

three lesson plans, the outcomes from the English K-10 Syllabus for stage 4, which is

years 7-8, which are coherently covered, include outcomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 (NSW,

2018). The year I focus on however, is year 8.

My first lesson plan involves a topic introduction with a quick explanation of religion

discrimination and that it should not be tolerated. It is important that the teacher

states it will not be accepted in the classroom either as everyone’s beliefs should be

respected. Although not every single religion is covered, the mainstream one’s are

such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Jehovah’s Witness

(Barnes, 2012). The first lesson plan gives students the ability to brainstorm ideas

and understand what they already know on the topic, which allows deep knowledge

and deep understanding as teacher is provided with key words and definitions.

Because not every single religion is covered, it is encouraged that students are asked

to share any information or questions they have regarding religion, so that an in

depth understanding can be achieved, and no religion discrimination takes place.

This further allows great metalanguage due to the fact that students learn important

key terms on this topic in regards to connotation, imagery and symbol. This also

allows a quality learning environment as students engage and have social support

from the teacher. Therefore, the first lesson plan allows students to grasp an in depth

understanding of religion, religion terminology, and religion discrimination with a

variety of connotation, imagery and symbols which are all provided by the teacher

throughout the lesson with relevant worksheets attached to the lesson plan.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

In lesson plan 2, content covered involves a recap of lesson 1, as the two are

integrated. Lesson 2 allows students to recap terminology learned from lesson 1, as it

assists them in understanding the terms used in the short YouTube clip they are

assigned to watch and answer questions on with the worksheet provided by the

teacher. The worksheet provided allows students to engage with the clip and identify,

discuss and reflect on the ideas and information provided from the YouTube clip. This

YouTube clip is significant as it refers to background knowledge, cultural knowledge,

knowledge integration and connectedness which are all important aspects in a

classroom which allow students to gain a great understanding of the content as they

critically analyse the text provided and learn to respond using a wide range of skills,

strategies and knowledge. This YouTube clip explains Religion discrimination and why

it is important that all Religions are respected. Students are to share their answers

with the class which allows students to engage with the class openly as it is positively

welcomed. Throughout this lesson, colour cards, which are explained in the lesson

plan, allow students to stop at any time and raise a card if they are struggling with

understanding the content which allows every student to feel that they can openly

address any misunderstandings they have and the teacher will positively, willingly

assist them in attaining a better understanding.

In lesson plan 3, students are involved in a creative activity that allows them to

construct a piece of work showing that religion discrimination should not be

tolerated. They are to share this to the class and express their ideas and why they

chose to construct what they did. In regards to the English K-10 syllabus, having

students create a piece of work to show their understanding of Religion

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

discrimination allows them to use language to shape and make meaning according to

purpose, audience and context as they think in ways that are imaginative, creative,

interpretive and critical. They learn to express themselves with others and their

world, and do this by communicating through speaking, listening, reading, writing,

viewing and representing.

In all three lesson plans, English is achieved through the textual concept connotation,

imagery and symbol as this is addressed through the topic of religion discrimination

where the impact of religion on each individual is highlighted, and how individuals

face hate due to their religious beliefs, due to the way certain religions are

represented by people and media. Religion discrimination is something that should

not be tolerated. General capabilities are covered such as critical and creative

thinking, ethical understanding, information and communication technology

capability, intercultural understanding, literacy, and person and social capability.

Teaching these are crucial as it allows students to grasp an understanding of English

in regards to connotation, imagery, and symbol, as well as understand religion

discrimination which results to students respecting one another. It is important that

all three lesson plans follow through with one another as they all integrate and need

each other to make sense to the students. Lesson plan 2 and 3 would not be able to

be taught without lesson plan 1, as lesson plan 1 provides the crucial knowledge

needed to understand the other two lesson plans. These lesson plans show

appropriate pedagogy regarding English and have high quality resources for students

to be able to grasp the understanding of the textual concept being taught. The lesson

plans integrate relevant outcomes as explained above, and teachers are able to

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

provide sophisticated and reflect high levels of creativity due to the lesson 3 plan

where students are able to create their own piece of work regarding religion

discrimination (NSW, 2018). Lesson plans allow diverse students to understand

content due to the diverse content regarding religion being learned, which related to

connotation, imagery and symbol. Lesson plans involve ICT, as well as literacy which

are relevant to the English K-10 Syllabus for stage 4.

Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262


Barnes, P. (2012). Debates in religious education. New York, NY: Routledge.

bhakti - Bing. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.bing.com/images/search?


Boas, E., & Gazis, S. (2016). The artful English teacher.

Brackney, W. (2005). The Christian tradition. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

Connotation, imagery and symbol. (2018). Retrieved from

BUDDHA - Bing. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.bing.com/images/search?


Coward, H. (2005). The hindu tradition. Westport (Conn.): Praeger.

Gannon, S., Howie, M., & Sawyer, W. (2010). Charged with meaning. Putney,
N.S.W.: Phoenix Education.

Gershon, M. (2013). More secondary starters and plenaries. London:


Florida, R. (2005). The buddhist tradition. Westport (Conn.): Praeger.

Hanges, J., Idinopulos, T., & Wilson, B. (2006). Comparing religions. Leiden:

hands of fatima - Bing. (2018). Retrieved from


Secondary Curriculum 1A Gabriella Talarico: 17992262

Haas, P. (2005). The Jewish tradition. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

holy bible - Bing. (2018). Retrieved from


Jalongo, M., Rieg, S., & Helterbran, V. (2007). Planning for learning. New
York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.

judaism - Bing. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.bing.com/images/search?


Muddathir, A. (2005). The islamic tradition. Westport (Conn.):


NSW, B. (2018). English K–10. Retrieved from



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