Improving Campaign Conversion With Journey Maps

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The key takeaways are that journey maps can help marketers develop laser-focused, audience-tuned campaigns that drive higher conversion rates.

Journey maps can help marketers design campaigns from the customer's perspective to ensure the right messages and offers are delivered at the right times through the right channels.

Journey-based campaigns can result in 100+% increases in engagement, 2x increases in pipeline velocity, and 30% increases in revenue pipelines.



Improving Campaign Conversion
with Journey Maps

Driving increased campaign conversion is the top priority for marketers across all industries and
company size. Most marketers rely on campaign elements that performed well historically and
input from peers. Campaign conversion improves when the buyer receives the right message and
offer at the right time through the right channels. Journey Maps provide the necessary detailed
framework to define laser-focused, audience-centric campaigns.

This How-To Guide has been designed to help you improve the conversion rate of marketing
campaigns by aligning tactics and calls-to-action to customer journeys.

Benefits Of Journey-Based Campaigns

The benefits of using customer journey maps as guiding frameworks for your demand generation
and nurture campaigns are three-fold:
100+% increase in opens and click-throughs from adapting offers and subject lines to
specific journey steps.
2X increase in pipeline velocity by aligning content and calls-to-action to journey tollgates.
30% increase in revenue pipeline attributable to marketing campaigns.

Why Traditional Campaigns Don’t Convert

Journey maps are powerful tools to help marketers develop laser-focused, audience-tuned demand
generation and nurture campaigns that drive conversion. Today, most campaigns are designed
from the “inside-out” based what has worked in the past, “gut feel,” and/or the path that marketers
would like, or think, buyers take. Multiple teams have input into campaigns design based on
their own perspective of the buyer and the buying and selling process. The result is frequently
one-size-fits-all campaigns that are then tailored for specific segments by including some key
segment-specific phrases. It’s no wonder that campaigns do not convert and produce leads that
do not meet the needs or expectaions of Sales.

By developing your Campaigns from journey maps, Marketing can improve, attract, engage and
conversion rates and as well as build stronger brand preference. There are three hallmarks of
journey-based campaigns:

1. Sequence of integrated campaign elements across omni-channels mirror journey steps -

increasing lead velocity.

2. Offers, Calls-to-Action and Content align to journey tollgates - increasing conversion.

3. Messaging, language and tone reflect the target segment and buyer role - increasing relevance.


Developing a Journey Map
Customer Journey Maps are detailed definitions of all the actions that buyers take and the interactions
they have with the company – from the initiating business problem trigger event through a completed
purchase and beyond to solution adoption and expansion.

The map identifies all the activities and content as well as the channels, physical and digital, buyers
use at each step. Journey maps are frequently defined by industry, revenue tier (F100, F1000, SMB,
SOHO, etc.), and geography.

The latter is important because cultural differences will result in different journey maps for the same
industry and buyer-personas; there is no one-size-fits-all global journey map. That being said, every
company will have no more than four or five journey maps that address all their market segments.

While the actual format of Journey Maps vary based on the group developing them, there are
three constants:

1. Maps should be created through the lens of the buyer, not the seller.

2. Maps document, in detail, every action, decision and interaction the buyer takes across all
touch points and channels over the relationship’s lifetime.

3. Every piece of content, regardless of source (vendor, competitor, analyst, peer, etc.), the buyer
sought at each step, is documented.

Each action, decision and interaction mapped should include, at a minimum, the following information:

Description of the action

A detailed definition of each piece of content sought
Through which specific physical-virtual channel(s)
The buyer’s expectation(s) and feelings
The desired outcome(s) of the action
Who was involved in the action (Persona-roles).

The key is to develop actionable Journey Maps through the lens of the buyer, meaning it should be
vendor agnostic and include all the buyer’s actions especially those that do not involve any vendor.

The most expedient way to achieve this is through qualitative or ethnographic research. Quanti-
tative tools, such as surveys, cannot discover the ‘why’ behind buyer’s actions; only ethnographic
research can do that.


Six Steps to Campaign Planning
To develop an integrated campaign from journeys detailed, complete segment-specific journey
maps that cover the steps beginning with the Trigger Event through the actual purchase. A word
of caution to those tempted (or advised) to short-cut the process by substituting generic or partial
journey maps in lieu of conducting their own: It shouldn’t be a surprise that conversion rates for
campaigns based on generic or fragmented maps do not achieve target or best-in-class bench-
marks; there is no substitute for knowing your buyer.

There are 6 steps in planning a journey-based campaign:

1. Identify specific tollgates the buyer must address before they can proceed to the next step.

2. Conduct a gap analysis to identify where your current campaign strategy doesn’t match the

3. Define high value content, irrespective of source, the buyer seeks at each step.

4. Identify those journey steps where you can reach buyers with out- and/or in-bound marketing

5. Define the integrated campaign elements and align them to the journey map.

6. Highlight where the interaction can hyper-personalized and assess data requirements.

Step 4 of the process is depicted in the example below. The visual depicts a snapshot of a journey
and shows, at a high level, the specific journey steps where a buyer can be reached by marketing.
This is a framework that is used to develop and align integrated campaigns.

3rd party White Competitor Social

Buyer Activity Videos Tools
research Papers Comparison Graph

Google looking for 3rd

party research on need

Research various
approaches and pros/cons

Inquiries with
industry analysts

Web Research including

various vendor solutions

List of all vendors


Research and evaluate

various vendor solutions

Develop vendor

Business requirements &

1st short list of vendors


Basing campaigns on journey maps is an ‘‘outside-in’’ approach to meeting customer and prospect
expectations. This method is more effective because it eliminates the guesswork that currently
plagues most marketing departments as they make decisions and tradeoffs in their campaign plans.

It also gives Marketing a clear roadmap of how to align activities and investments to meet and influ-
ence buyers expectations by delivering the right action, at the right time, through the right channel.

The next step, Step 5, defines the campaign elements across multiple channels and aligns them
to the journey framework. The example below shows how a high level waterfall campaign aligned
to the above journey framework. Done correctly, early stage campaigns will more rapidly build
brand awareness and preference, which drives conversion in subsequent journey stages.

Buyers expect personalized marketing and sales interactions. Marketing’s opportunity is to

develop an appropriate balance between automation and hyper-personalization. Journeys enable
you to more quickly and relevantly understand a buyer’s action and know how to respond with a
personalized experience.

The example below marks which campaign elements should be personalized to meet buyer

3rd party White Competitor Social

Buyer Activity Videos Tools
research Papers Comparison Graph

Google looking for 3rd

party research on need Targeted Advertising

Research various
approaches and pros/cons 3rd-Party Research Studies

Inquiries with
industry analysts
Partner Authored Best Practices
Web Research including
various vendor solutions
Personalized Sites with
List of all vendors Webinar & Video
Blogger Infographic of
Research and evaluate Vendors in Buyers' Industry
various vendor solutions

Develop vendor
Targeted Vendor Comparisons

Business requirements &

1st short list of vendors Peer Customer Videos


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