Vlplus 252 Influences Hattie Ranking Dec 2017
Vlplus 252 Influences Hattie Ranking Dec 2017
Vlplus 252 Influences Hattie Ranking Dec 2017
[email protected]:[
programs for teachers
Non-standard dialect use -0.29 Engaged vs disengaged fathers 0.20 Principals/school leaders 0.32
Piagetian programs 1.28
Comprehension programs 0.47
Intact (two-parent) families 0.23 School climate 0.32
findings from 1,400
Prior ability 0.94
Drama/arts programs 0.38
Other family structure 0.16 School resourcing meta-analyses of 80,000
Prior achievement 0.55
Exposure to reading 0.43
Home environment External accountability systems 0.31 studies involving 300
Music programs 0.37
Relating creativity to achievement 0.40 Corporal punishment in the home -0.33 Finances 0.21 million students, into what
producing ← Phonics instruction 0.70
finip%¥ised works best in education.
Relations of high school to 0.60 Early years’ interventions 0.44 Types of school
university achievement
→ real,ewa? Repeated reading programs 0.75
work 4 Home visiting 0.29 Charter schools 0.09
Relations of high school achievement to 0.38 Second/third chance programs 0.53
Moving between schools -0.34 Religious schools 0.24
career performance
Sentence combining programs 0.15
Parental autonomy support 0.15 Single-sex schools 0.08
Self-reported grades 1.33
Spelling programs 0.58
Parental involvement 0.50 Summer school 0.23
Working memory strength 0.57
Visual-perception programs 0.55 Key for rating
Parental military deployment -0.16 Summer vacation effect -0.02
Beliefs, attitudes and dispositions
Vocabulary programs 0.62
Positive family/home dynamics 0.52 School compositional effects Potential to considerably
Attitude to content domains 0.35
Whole language 0.06
Television -0.18 College halls of residence 0.05 accelerate student achievement
Concentration/persistence/ engagement 0.56
q .s n #e g as Ii s on &
Family resources Desegregation 0.28
Grit/incremental vs. entity thinking 0.25 Potential to accelerate
Math and sciences
Family on welfare/state aid -0.12 Diverse student body 0.10
Mindfulness 0.29 student achievement
Manipulative materials on math 0.30
Non-immigrant background 0.01 Middle schools’ interventions 0.08
Morning vs. evening → important 0
Mathematics programs 0.59 Likely to have positive impact
Parental employment 0.03 Out-of-school curricula experiences 0.26
and skills Perceived task value 0.46
Lack of stress 0.17
present to present Juvenile delinquent programs 0.12
motioned into
Mastery goals 0.06
poison Motivation 0.42
Motivation/character programs
Outdoor/adventure programs
beaten Performance goals g-0.01
ledge .
Perceptual-motor programs 0.08
present Breastfeeding 0.04 addressed .
Help seeking 0.72 Interactive video methods 0.54
Tracking/streaming 0.12 Teacher verbal ability 0.22 Goal commitment 0.40
Self-regulation strategies 0.52 Mobile phones 0.37
Within class grouping 0.18 Teacher-student interactions Learning goals vs. no goals 0.68
Self-verbalization and 0.55 One-on-one laptops 0.16
School curricula for gifted students Student rating of quality of teaching 0.50 Learning hierarchies-based 0.19
approach Online and digital tools 0.29
Ability grouping for gifted students 0.30 Teachers not labeling students 0.61 Strategy monitoring 0.58
Planning and prediction 0.76 Programmed instruction 0.23
Acceleration programs 0.68 Teacher-student relationships 0.52 Transfer strategies 0.86
Setting standards for self-judgement 0.62 Technology in distance education 0.01
Enrichment programs 0.53 Teacher education Student-focused interventions
Strategies emphasizing success criteria Technology in mathematics 0.33
Classroom influences Initial teacher training programs 0.12 Aptitude/treatment interactions 0.19
Mastery learning 0.57 Technology in other subjects 0.55
Background music 0.10 Micro-teaching/video review 0.88 Individualized instruction 0.23
of lessons Worked examples 0.37 Technology in reading/literacy 0.29
Behavioral intervention programs 0.62 Matching style of learning 0.31
Professional development 0.41 Strategies emphasizing feedback Technology in science 0.23
Classroom management 0.35 Student-centered teaching 0.36
programs Classroom discussion 0.82 Technology in small groups 0.21
Cognitive behavioral programs 0.29 Student control over learning 0.02
Teacher subject matter knowledge 0.11 Different types of testing 0.12 Technology in writing 0.42
Decreasing disruptive behavior 0.34 Strategies emphasizing student perspectives
Feedback 0.70 Technology with college students 0.42
Mentoring 0.12 influences were present in learning
all highlighted teaching Peer tutoring 0.53
Providing formative evaluation 0.48 Technology with 0.44
Positive peer influences 0.53 the course of elementary students
during Questioning 0.48
Strong classroom cohesion 0.44 FURTHER Volunteer tutors 0.26
Technology with high 0.30
RESARCH Response to intervention 1.29
Students feeling disliked -0.19
- Learning strategies
Teaching/instructional strategies
school students
Deliberate practice 0.79 Technology with learning 0.57
Adjunct aids 0.32 needs students
Effort 0.77
Collaborative learning 0.34 Use of PowerPoint 0.26
Imagery 0.45
Key for rating
The Visible Learning Interleaved practice 0.21
Competitive vs. 0.24 Visual/audio-visual methods 0.22
individualistic learning
Potential to considerably research synthesises Mnemonics 0.76
Cooperative learning 0.40
Web-based learning 0.18
Implementations using out-of-school learning
accelerate student achievement findings from 1,400 Note taking 0.50
Cooperative vs. competitive learning 0.53
After-school programs 0.40
Potential to accelerate meta-analyses of 80,000 Outlining and transforming 0.66
Cooperative vs. 0.55
- Distance education 0.13
Practice testing 0.54 individualistic learning
student achievement studies involving 300
Home-school programs 0.16
Record keeping 0.52 Direct instruction 0.60
Likely to have positive impact million students, into what Homework 0.29
Rehearsal and memorization 0.73 Discovery-based teaching 0.21
on student achievement works best in education. Spaced vs. mass practice 0.60 Explicit teaching strategies 0.57
Service learning 0.58
Co- or team teaching 0.19
Study skills 0.46
Inquiry-based teaching 0.40
Likely to have a negative impact Interventions for students with 0.77
Summarization 0.79
on student achievement Jigsaw method 1.20 learning needs
Teaching test taking and coaching 0.30
Philosophy in schools 0.43 Student support programs – 0.21
ES Effect size calculated using Time on task 0.49
Problem-based learning 0.26 college
Cohen’s d -
Underlining and highlighting 0.50
Problem-solving teaching 0.68 Teaching creative thinking 0.34
The Visible Learningplus program materials are licensed from the Visible Learning Limited Partnership and Cognition Education Group
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