Poverty: Poverty Is Not A Consequence of Limited Global Resources, But Political and Economic

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Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and
essentials for a minimum standard of living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is so
low that basic human needs can't be met.

Poverty represents poor quality of life, illiteracy, malnutrition, lack of basic needs, low human resource
development, etc. It is a biggest challenge to the developing country especially in Pakistan. It is a
phenomenon in which a section of people in the society cannot fulfill their basic necessities of life

Poverty is not a consequence of limited global resources, but political and economic
injustice. However, the poorest people are almost always at greatest risk from
environmental damage, climate change and competition for resources. The effects of
unsustainable population hit the poorest first, and hardest.
Pakistan is a poor country. Its economy is facing variations now a day. When Pakistan become it has
very low resources and capital, so the processes of progress were very slow. Unfortunately the politicians
of Pakistan were all not well aware of modern global system and the progress processes and the needs
of country. Due to bad policies today Pakistan is facing a lot of problems. The continuous failure of
policies leads the people of country to miserable conditions. The major problem in the country is poverty
which is becoming the cause of crime and social disorder.

In Pakistan, 24.3% of the population lives below the national poverty line in 2015. In Pakistan, the proportion of
employed population below $1.90 purchasing power parity a day in 2015 is 3.9%

The World Bank defines poverty in absolute terms. The bank defines extreme poverty as living
on less than US$1.90 per day> (PPP),

Social Definition
1- Not have enough to eat
2- Not have proper shelter
3- No access to
i. education
ii. healthy environment
iii. protection of their live
iv. clean water,
v. nutrition

Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, UN Under-Secretary-General 2000-2010

“ We cannot confront the massive challenges of poverty, hunger, disease and
environmental destruction unless we address issues of population and reproductive

Eradication/Alleviation on International Level:

UN- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a bold commitment to finish what we started, and
end poverty in all forms and dimensions by 2030. ... Ending poverty is one of 17 Global Goals that
make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. An integrated approach is crucial for progress
across multiple goals

United Nations Statistics Division has assigned the task of monitoring & reporting of SDGs to
the National Statistical organizations globally, therefore Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is
the central Statistical organization for monitoring of SDGs with the network of 34 regional /field
offices all over Pakistan.

1- Wrong Policies of Governament..
2- Heavy taxes on household items
3- Inability of a human being to effectively contribute to the society,
It also means that a person does not have enough food or clothing for a family, does not have
access to hospital or a school, does not own a land on which he can grow food, does not have a
job to earn one’s living and does not have access to money, poverty refer to powerlessness,
uncertainty, and excepting of individuals from contribution in society.

4- Corruption
Another cause of poverty is corruption. People use wrong way to get money by using fair and
unfair means. Officials waste their time has low efficiency. Only one relationship that is exists in
society is money. One has to pay a heavy cost to get his right. Law and order conditions are out
of control and institutions are failed to provide justice to a common man. Justice can be bought by
money only. But government is unable to control such type of things. In this whole scenario some
corrupt people has been occupying the properties and common man is living in miserable
5- Population big families
6- unemployment
7- Illetracy
Another cause of poverty is literacy, in Pakistan rate is very low. Most of people do not have any
concept about the current earning sources. Most of people are unable to adopt technology for
their business needs, that’s why business does not meet international standards and results as
decrease in revenue that leads the society to poor economic conditions.
8- Privatization

Another cause of poverty is Privatization, Government is unable to manage the departments and
country has low backup and moneys. So that why for the requirements of country, some
companies run by government are sold to foreign investors. The commodities or services
provided by the companies are becoming costly. For example if government sold a gas plant then
prices for gas in country rises.
9- Materialism
Greediness in our society social bonding are gradually becomes thinner and thinner. A race of
material object has been started even no one tried to understand the problems of others.
Everyone is gradually changing from human to selfishness, they only know about his needs and
they have no concept about the limitations of others. People of the society are not ready to help
each other. All people of country have lost his trust on others which effect our social and
economic system which cause of poverty.
10- public dishonesty
As the moral and culture point of view the main cause for poverty is the public dishonesty and
irresponsible behavior of people. Everyone is trying to get rich by using unfair means. A shop
keeper is ready to get whole money from the pocket of customer. People doing jobs are not
performing their duties well. In society the man measured brave or respectful those who do not
pay taxes or always violate the laws. This irresponsible behavior always increases and produces
loss for county.
11- Large scale import
12- Feudalism
13- Unequal distribution of wealth.
14- Less charity programs.
15- The gender discriminatory
practices in Pakistani society also shape the distribution of poverty in the country. Traditional gender roles in Pakistan
define the woman's place as in the home and not in the workplace, and define the man as the breadwinner.
Consequently, the society invests far less in women than men. [15] Women in Pakistan suffer from poverty of opportunities
throughout their lives. Female literacy in Pakistan is 71.8% compared to Male literacy at 82.5%.

Effects of poverty:
1- Malnutrition

The most common effect of poverty is malnutrition and this effect is particularly seen in children of poor
families. People living in poverty they have no access for highly nutritious foods. The healthiest foods are
usually the most expensive, that’s why family on a very small budget is much more likely to purchase food
that is less nutritious, simply people can afford. In other hand people in poverty are malnourished
because they do not eat sufficient of anything. For some people around the world, quality food is a

2- health effects

One of the most severe effects of poverty is the health effects that are always present that lead from
disease to life expectancy to medicine. Diseases are very common in poor people living due to poverty

because they lack the resources to maintain a healthy living environment. They are almost always lacking
in nutritious foods, which decreases their bodies’ ability to fight against diseases. Hygiene conditions are
commonly very low, increasing the rate of contracting a disease. Sometimes these diseases can be
minor, but other times they can be life-threatening. In general, people living in poverty cannot afford
appropriate medicines to treat these illnesses.

3- Frustration
Poor families experience much more stress than middle-class families. Besides financial
uncertainty, these families are more likely to be exposed to series of negative events and “bad
luck,” including illness, depression, eviction, job loss,
4- criminal victimization,

5- High crime rates

6- Illetracy

7- Homelessness

Homelessness, or extreme poverty, carries with it a particularly strong set of risks for families,
especially children. Homeless children are less likely to receive proper nutrition and
immunization. They experience more health problems. Homeless women experience higher rates
of low-birth-weight babies, miscarriages, and infant mortality, probably due to not having access
to adequate prenatal care for their babies. Homeless families experience even greater life stress
than other families, including increased, family relationships, and friendships. Effects of poverty in
8- Child Labour

Remedial measures to alleviate Poverty

1- Elimination of discriminatory policies

2- Merit should be the upshot strategy in all walks of life 
3- Equal distribution of resources 
4- Establishment of justice and equality 
5- equipment with new scientific equipments in order to increase the yield. 
6- Replacement of the traditional agricultural 
7- Promote industrialization 
8- Provision of job opportunities 
9- Prevalence of education 
10- Establishing more and more technical institute in order to get people well skilled. 
11- Dumping extremism and feudalism 
12- Giving more feasibilities and concessions to the foreign investors 
13- Developing investment friendly environment 
14- Controlling of inflation and other economic indicators and regulators. 
15- Low taxes on house hold items.

Government efforts to reduce poverty

Pakistan does not have any general or universal social protection system that covers all of its population.
It does not even have an umbrella institution that would extend social protection and social safety nets to
the poor. However, a number of programs targeted at improving governance and responsibility of public
institutions to be able to better respond to the needs of the poor, assisting them economically by creating
income and employment opportunities, and improving their access to basic services are being
implemented by the government, NGOs, and the private sector. Each of these sectors operates in a
distinct manner as discussed in this section

1- Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) was founded in 1997 by the government to help poor
through loans
2- The Zakat and Ushr Department was established in 1980, which was based on Islamic traditions
in which rich people should pay a specific amount at the rate of 2.5% on their wealth to the
poor. Zakat is imposed on different assets such as saving bank accounts, fixed deposits saving
certificates, mutual funds, government securities on which return is paid and life insurance
3- Pakistan Bait‐ul‐Mal (PBM) was set up as an autonomous corporate body in 1992

4- Social security schemes 1967 for employees

5- Workers Welfare Fund Scheme and the Worker’s Children Education Ordinance 1970

6- Role of NGOs and civil society

7- Benazir income support program (BISP) launched in july 2008

Good Governance in Pakistan

1. Introduction

2. Definition of Governance

3. Governance in Pakistan.

4. Failures of Governance in Pakistan

5. Causes of failures:

1- Political commotion
2. No democratic setup
3. Military intrusion
4. Feudal indulgence
5. Massive Corruption
6. Constitutional crises
7. Institutional clashes
8. Mismanagement of resources
9. Lack of Accountability
10. Over Exploitation of funds
11. Restrictions on media
12. Ethnic conflicts
13. Secterianism
14. Extremism

6 Essentials of Good Governance

1. Public Participation
2. National Integration
3. Political stability
4. Constitutional supremacy
5. Institutional supremacy
6. Unrestricted media
7. No military intervention
8. Socio economic development
9. Independent judiciary

6 A - Attributes of Good Governance

– General Public Welfare and State’s Health
– Health, Education, Standard of Living
– Provision of fundamental rights
– Provision of Basic Necessities

7. Good governance and Islam

8. Distinction between Good governance and bad Governance

9 Parameter of good governance

1- Responsibility
2- Accountability
3- Rule of law

4- Legitimacy
5- open administrative system
6- Good relationship between ruler and ruled

10 - Definition of bad governance

1- Arbitrary policies of ruler
2- Irresponsible attitude
3- No rule of law
4- Unjust legal system
5- Closed administrative system

11 - Impacts of good Governance

Individual Life
Social life
Political life
Economic life

12. Good Governance and democracy

13- Conclusion.

Pakistan is not a failed state but a badly governed one. Good governance is the inevitable element of a state the absence of
which deteriorates the public welfare. With measured reforms and institutionalization, governance can be made better in the

Good governance or its absence is a central theme in Pakistan. For the state to perform effectively, good
governance is needed at all levels. The existence of massive corruption, institutional clashes,
constitutional crisis, lack of accountability, poor law and order conditions, is ample evidence of poor
governance in the country.

Since independence, Pakistan has been beset by political instability and unrest which has created a
black hole in the country’s economic development and progress. Good governance cannot be
established the presence of political disorder and power-hungry politicians.

After independence Pakistan took long seven years to draft a Constitution. It also created barriers in the
path of governance. A charter provides a framework for policies. Decisions have been taken in order to
view constitutional boundaries.

Good governance has got great importance in our state as the problems of corruption, red
tapism and inefficiency crept in the internal structure of our country. Today good governance
not only occupies central place in our state but also regarded as crucial element in building
nation. Nation cannot flourish in the absence of good governance. It is the need of an hour.
Without the presence of good governance, no country can play pivotal role in the orb. It is
regarded as the soul of country. Governance is very pertinent in every sphere of life, whether it
is house or office, good governance is needed to perform effectively. It provides strong
foundation for the developmental process

Governance is more than mere management. It is not only about decision making, policy
formulating, priority settings but also implementation or results.

Good governance has been defined as, “Good Governance related to effective management”. It
is anchored on legitimacy and creditability.
According to World Bank Report of 1989, A public service that is efficient, a judicial system that
is reliable, and administration that is accountable to public”.
Similarly another report was presented by World Bank in 1992, According to this report; good
governance includes public sector management, accountability, legal framework, information
and transparency.
Pakistan as an independent state got recognition on 14 august 1947.Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad
Ali Jinnah was the dynamic personality who came forward for the cause of Muslims. Muslims
were deprived of their due rights. This mighty man had burnt the midnight oil and converted the
dream of Allama Iqbal into reality. Praiseworthy performance of Quaid-e-azam laid the
foundation of Pakistan. Unfortunately, Pakistan suffered badly in the early years of
establishment. It faced millions of problems.
These issues are summarized as follows; Political disturbance, No democratic setup, military
intrusion, massive corruption, feudal dispensation, institutional clashes, constitutional crises,
escalating inflation, mismanagement of resources, lack of accountability, no rule of law,
deteriorating law and order condition, over exploitation of funds, secreterism, ethnic conflict,
extremism and international conspiracies. All these issues are the main reason of failure of
Governance in Pakistan. These issues are so interconnected that it is very difficult to eliminate
them. They are eating the roots of Pakistan.
Now let’s have a cursory look on the details of the above mentioned causes which are spreading
like cankerous inside Pakistan.
Political commotion plays very negative role in every state. No country in this orb, can survive
easily in political turmoil. Political instability is the root cause of all evils. Since Independence,
Pakistan has been facing the threat of political hubbub. It created a big gap in the economic
development and progress. It gives platform for several others problems. The condition of
Pakistan is not commendable. It faces bundles of threats because of political
instability.Governement should play effective role to curb this menace. Several miscreants are
taking benefits from this self created political instability. For the survival of their own existence,
politicians are trapping in the nets of trouble makers. Good governance cannot establish in the
presence of political commotion. Politicians have become power greedy. Lust for power has
tightly closed the curtain of brain. They cannot have the potentials to comprehend the
shrewdness of trouble makers. They are habitual of perks, privileges and power.
No democratic set is present in Pakistan. It further aggravated the deteriorating condition. It has
created unstable environment around the whole country. No one is satisfied and happy since
independence. Absence of democratic setup gives birth to multitudes of problems. This gigantic
problem is creating turmoil.
Constitutional catastrophe was the biggest problem of Pakistan. After independence Pakistan
took long seven years to draft constitution. It also laid barriers in the path of governance.

Constitution provides framework for policies. Decisions have been taken in order to view
constitutional boundaries. No decision has been taken outside the framework of
constition.Violation of constitution is considered as crime. Violator would be granted severe
Military intrusion is also considered disastrous for the democratic set up. It puts adverse impact
on the decision making process. It negated the image of Pakistan. In the initial years of Pakistan
establishment, corrupt politicians usurped the right of innocent people. This paved the way for
military to rule the newly born state. Constant four military rules devastated the democratic set
Feudal dispensation in the early years of establishment created a big gap in the development
process. Massive corruption had been viewed. Wealthy feudal class joined hand with politicians.
They started eating the treasure of people. Corrupt bureaucrats were also engaged in cleaning
the wealth of people. This is the reason of failure of governance in Pakistan.
In the presence of institutional clashes, governance cannot establish its foothold. Recent clash
between executive and judiciary has created disturbance around the whole country. Negative
image has portrayed around the whole orb. Good governance needs a pleasant environment to
establish its foundation
Mismanagement of resources is another mighty problem for good governance.Governemnet
should formulate effective measures to solve this gigantic issue.
Lack of accountability has been creating tension since independence. Improper usage of funds is
increasing the rate of inflation. Pakistan is also under debt trap. It is all happening due to
absence of accountability. Corruption can easily be removed with proper channel of
accountability. Check and balance is very essential for the maintenance of funds. Over
exploitation of resources and funds is creating havoc. It gives birth to food insecurity and
dissatisfaction among the masses.
Deteriorating law and order condition of Pakistan are adding fuel to fire. It creates an
environment of fear and insecurity.
Sectarianism, extremism and ethnic rivalry all are against the norms of good governance. These
curses should be removed from Pakistan.
International conspiracies have become the norm of the day. Presences of Pakistan in these
conspiracies have become the fashion. It also put worse impact on good governance.
Now let’s have a glance on the essentials of good governance. Good governance can easily
flourish in the presence of followings; Public participation, national cohesion, national
integration, constitutional supremacy, institutional supremacy, strong foundation, independent
judiciary, free media ,socioeconomic development, and so on.
Presence of public participation plays very effective role in the establishment of good
governance. It revolves around decision making process. Public support and cooperation
possesses great importance in good governance. It paves the way for good governance.
National cohesion and integration is very necessary for the establishment of good governance.
When people joined hands together no power can defeat them. So in this regard national
integration is very pertinent.
Constitutional supremacy is very important in this regard. It provides framework for policy

On the same lines institutional supremacy is also very much important. This clash is erupted in
the absence of mutual consensus. Negotiation is a better way to curb this clash.
Socio economic development provides strong foundation to governance. It includes the
followings; controlled population, massive employment opportunities, proper education system,
Effective rule of law, improved law and order condition, powerful system of accountability,
removal of corruption and so on.
Now let’s have look on the concept of good governance by Islam. Islam is the religion of peace
and prosperity. For the sake of prosperity and peace, it gives the message of equality, justice,
responsibility, proper check and balance and so on.
Now the question arises here, what is the difference between good governance and bad
governance? The answer clearly reflects the distinction. Good governance totally revolves
around legitimacy, responsibility, rule of law, and opens administrative system whereas bad
governance indicates towards arbitrary policy making, no rule of law, irresponsibility, unjust
legal system, restrained relation between ruler and ruled.
Here another question arises, what are the impacts of good governance? It puts positive impacts
on individual life, social life, political life, and economic life. It spreads the environment of peace
and prosperity. Individual feels secure, when all his/her basic necessities of life would be
fulfilled. It removes the feeling of self deprivation and insecurity. When individuals feel secure,
ultimately, whole society feels secure. Society is made up of groups and groups are formed from
individuals. Groups formed nation. When nation is satisfied, it ultimately brings gratification
around the whole country. All are interconnected and intertwinted.It ultimately brings
satisfaction in political and economic spheres.
Now let’s have cursory look on good governance and democracy. Both democracy and good
governance are interconnected. According to Abraham Lincoln; democracy is for the people by
the people and through the people. Active participation of people have been required in the
decision making process.
Thus, good governance is regarded as the heart of every country. It brings management .It is
essential for the process of functioning. It boosts the development process. It gives foam to
socio economic foundation. It creates an environment of perfection. Necessities of people are
fulfilled in an organized manner.
According to Etounge Manguella, “Good Governance implies presence of rule of law, safeguard
of human right, existence of honest government, accountability, transparency, predictability and


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