Debre Markos University Technology College Mechanical Engineering Department

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Exam Date: 17-Jun-2019 Time Allowed: 3 hrs

Examiners: Addisu D. & K. Ramachandra Manohar Total Marks Allocated: 50

 You can start from any question.
 Show all your steps clearly.
 Draw diagrams and sketches clearly
 State your assumptions clearly if any.
 Any form of cheating is strictly prohibited and will result in automatic dismissal from the
exam room and an “F” grade in the course.

Name: _____________________________ ID.No.________________ Sec._______

For Examiner’s use only

Q# Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Total (50%)
Fluid Mechanics Final-exam 17/06/2019

1. Consider the incompressible, two-dimensional flow of a non-viscous fluid between the

boundaries shown in Fig. 1. The velocity potential for this flow field is

Where ϕ has the units of m2/s when x and y are in meter. (15 Marks)
a) Is the continuity equation satisfied?
b) Is the flow irrotational?
c) Determine the corresponding stream function.
d) Determine the pressure difference between points A and B if the fluid is water and
elevation changes are negligible.

Fig. 1

2. The thrust F of a propeller is generally thought to be a function of its diameter D and

angular velocity ω, the forward speed V, and the density ρ and viscosity μ of the fluid.
Showing all your work, use dimensional analysis to find the functional relationship
between these parameters. (10 Marks)

3. An oil of specific gravity 0.92 and viscosity 0.03 poise is to be transported at the rate of
2500 liters/sec through a 1.2 m diameter pipe. Tests were conducted on a 12 cm diameter
pipe using water at 20oC. If the viscosity water at 20oC is 0.01 poise, find: (5 Marks)
i. Velocity of flow in the model;
ii. Rate of flow in the model

DMU, Mechanical Engineering Department 1

Fluid Mechanics Final-exam 17/06/2019

4. Suppose you buy a 1.5-m wide, 2-m long sheet of plywood and put it on your roof rack.
(See Fig. 2 below.) You drive home at 25 km/h. Assuming the board is perfectly aligned
with the airflow, (a) how thick is the boundary layer at the end of the board? (b) estimate
the drag force on the top sheet of plywood.
For air take ρ = 1.2 kg/m3 and µ = 1.8x10−5 kg/m⋅s. (10 marks)

Fig. 2
5. Oil with ρ = 876 kg/m3 and μ = 0.24 kg/m·s is flowing steadily in a 50-m-long and 5-cm-
diameter horizontal pipe at a rate of 9 L/s. Determine (a) the pressure drop, (b) the head
loss, and (c) the pumping power requirement to overcome this pressure drop.
(10 Marks)

DMU, Mechanical Engineering Department 2

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