This document outlines the marking criteria for coursework essays for the MA in Translation Studies program at Cardiff School of Modern Languages. It provides detailed descriptions of the level of work required to achieve marks in the Distinction, Merit, Pass, and Fail ranges. Distinctions require outstanding or exceptional work, while passes require adequate or fair work. Fails are earned for limited, poor, or insufficient attempts that demonstrate misunderstanding of concepts and materials. Plagiarized or blank submissions receive a mark of 0%.
This document outlines the marking criteria for coursework essays for the MA in Translation Studies program at Cardiff School of Modern Languages. It provides detailed descriptions of the level of work required to achieve marks in the Distinction, Merit, Pass, and Fail ranges. Distinctions require outstanding or exceptional work, while passes require adequate or fair work. Fails are earned for limited, poor, or insufficient attempts that demonstrate misunderstanding of concepts and materials. Plagiarized or blank submissions receive a mark of 0%.
Original Description:
Cardiff University of Modern Languages
Taught postgraduate marking criteria coursework essay
This document outlines the marking criteria for coursework essays for the MA in Translation Studies program at Cardiff School of Modern Languages. It provides detailed descriptions of the level of work required to achieve marks in the Distinction, Merit, Pass, and Fail ranges. Distinctions require outstanding or exceptional work, while passes require adequate or fair work. Fails are earned for limited, poor, or insufficient attempts that demonstrate misunderstanding of concepts and materials. Plagiarized or blank submissions receive a mark of 0%.
This document outlines the marking criteria for coursework essays for the MA in Translation Studies program at Cardiff School of Modern Languages. It provides detailed descriptions of the level of work required to achieve marks in the Distinction, Merit, Pass, and Fail ranges. Distinctions require outstanding or exceptional work, while passes require adequate or fair work. Fails are earned for limited, poor, or insufficient attempts that demonstrate misunderstanding of concepts and materials. Plagiarized or blank submissions receive a mark of 0%.
These generic marking criteria are used to mark coursework on taught
postgraduate modules on the MA in Translation Studies programme in Cardiff School of Modern Languages (MLANG). In each case the primary judgment concerning marks is made on the grounds of academic persuasiveness and quality of argument. Other criteria are supplemental and serve to distinguish marks within a class. All marks awarded by examiners are provisional, until confirmed by the Exam Board. The pass mark for the MA in Translation Studies is 50, with a Merit being marked at 60 or more and a Distinction being marked at 70 or more. 1
Distinction: Mark Range 70-100%
Criteria for marks in the distinction range 90-100%: Outstanding Work is worthy of publication or dissemination as appropriate to the field. Exceptional in-depth knowledge across specialised and applied areas of relevant literature, available information, and conceptual issues. The work is written to the very highest standards, presents a cutting-edge synthesis of appropriate available information, and is extremely coherently structured. Where group work is involved there is evidence of a truly exceptional individual contribution. Outstanding evidence of acquisition of relevant skills and their application at every level. Exceptional and essentially flawless presentation, including referencing
Criteria for marks in the distinction range 80-89%: Superior
Evidence of high level of originality and independent thinking, as appropriate to the task. Outstanding knowledge of relevant literature, available information, and conceptual issues appropriate to the field. The work is extremely well written, presents an outstanding synthesis of appropriate available information, and is very coherently structured. Where group work is involved there is evidence of an outstanding individual contribution. Outstanding evidence of acquisition of relevant skills and their application. Superb presentation, including referencing
Criteria for marks in the distinction range 70-79%: Excellent
Evidence of originality and independent thinking, as appropriate to the task. Commanding knowledge of relevant literature, available information, and conceptual issues appropriate to the field. The work is very well written, presents an excellent synthesis of appropriate available information, and is coherently structured. Where group work is involved there is evidence of an excellent individual contribution. Excellent evidence of acquisition of relevant skills and their application. Excellent presentation, including referencing
Merit: Mark Range 60-69% Criteria for merit 60-69%: Good Very good knowledge of relevant literature, available information, and conceptual issues appropriate to the field. The work is well written, draws valid conclusions, presents a very good synthesis of appropriate available information, and is clearly structured. Where group work is involved there is evidence of a productive individual contribution. Very good evidence of acquisition of relevant skills. Very good presentation, including referencing.
Pass: Mark Range 50-59%
Criteria for a Pass in the range 50-59%: Fair Adequate understanding of relevant literature, available information, and conceptual issues appropriate to the field 2 Adequate synthesis of available information. Work is coherent and adequately structured. Where group work is involved, there is evidence of a positive individual contribution. Evidence of acquisition of relevant skills. Good presentation, including referencing
Fail: Marks in the range <50
Criteria for a mark in the fail range 40-49%: Narrow Fail Demonstrates clear but limited attempt to become acquainted with relevant source material and draw relevant conclusions and/or draws conclusions that do not all follow logically from the work undertaken. Work is not fully coherent, poorly structured, and indicates that key concepts are generally not understood. Little evidence of acquisition of relevant skills. Where group work is involved, there is inadequate individual contribution to the relevant task. Poor presentation, poor referencing
Criteria for a mark in the fail range 30-39%: Clear Fail
Makes little attempt to become acquainted with relevant source material. Does not draw conclusions or makes unsupported assertions. Work is not coherent, very poorly structured, and indicates that key concepts are not understood. Very little evidence of the acquisition of key skills. Where group work is involved there is very poor individual contribution to the relevant task. Very weak presentation, little or no referencing.
Criteria for a mark in the fail range 20-29%: Insufficient
Shows no grasp of relevant issues or source material Fails to articulate a relevant line of argument and demonstrations gross misconceptions or misapplications Work is disorganised and indicates a complete failure to understand relevant concepts Little evidence of the acquisition of any relevant skills Where group work is involved there is a complete failure to contribute meaningfully to the relevant task. Deeply flawed and fragmented presentation, with no meaningful referencing.
Criteria for a mark in the fail range 10-19%: Weak Shows no evidence of any reading around the topic or even a basic familiarity with materials covered in class Fails to articulate even the most basic line of argument and demonstrates a large number of gross misconceptions or misapplications Work is confused, overly brief and indicates no understanding of relevant concepts No evidence of the acquisition of any relevant skills Where group work is involved there is a total failure to add value, even superficially, to the relevant task. Deeply flawed, fragmented and incomplete presentation, where errors predominate and there is no referencing.
Criteria for a mark in the fail range 0-9%: Poor
Shows fundamental ignorance and/ or misunderstanding of the literature, context 3 and relevant concepts. Possible plagiarism Fails to conclude or to complete the essay Work is confused throughout and indicates no understanding of basic relevant concepts No evidence of the acquisition of any relevant skills Where group work is involved there is a total failure to make even the most negligible contribution. Totally unsatisfactory, replete with fundamental errors and where there is no referencing.
Criteria for a mark of 0%
A plagiarised essay, blank return or non-submission