Tutoring Class - Quiz 2: (Track 14)

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_______ / 100 points

A [Track 14] Listen to the phone conversation between Anita and her brother Dennis.
Write T (true) or F (false).
1. Anita doesn’t like very hot weather. _______
2. Dennis thinks summers in San Francisco are nice. _______
3. Dennis’s new home doesn’t have a yard. _______
4. Anita would like to visit her brother’s family in December. _______
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B [Track 15] Listen to a man ask Cheryl some questions about her lifestyle.
Circle the correct answers to complete his notes.

B _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

C Look at the picture. Circle the correct answers to complete the description.
Ben is thin / middle-aged.
He is short and medium height / overweight.
His hair is gray and wavy / straight, and
he has a long / tall beard.

C _______ / 4 points (1 point each)

Four Corners 2 Units 1-6 Test
D Complete the paragraph with the correct verbs from the box.

do make play take

My roommates and I love rainy days! We usually stay home

and ______________ some popcorn, and then we watch TV.

After lunch, I usually ______________ a nap. In the evenings,
my roommates like to ______________ board games, but
I prefer to read a book or ______________ a crossword.
D _______ / 4 points (1 point each)

E Complete the chart. Which room usually has these things? Write the
words from the box in the correct columns.

armchair bed dresser sofa

bathtub dishwasher shower stove

kitchen living room bathroom bedroom

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

E _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

F Look at the example. Complete the sentences with it or them and the
correct verbs from the box.

 hang up pick up put away take out wipe off

1. I put your clean clothes on your bed. Can you hang them up , please?
2. The kitchen counter is a mess! Can you , please?
3. The dishes are on the table. Can you , please?
4. The garbage is in a bag in the kitchen. Can you , please?
5. Your magazines are on the floor. Can you , please?

F _______ / 4 points (1 point each)

G Cross out the word that doesn’t belong in each list.
1. personality: confident creative serious elderly
2. parts of the body: shoulder ankle fever wrist
3. health problems: fashion cough cold flu
4. weather: windy sunny wavy cloudy
G _______ / 4 points (1 point each)

Four Corners 2 Units 1-6 Test 2

H Complete the conversation with the correct words and phrases from the box.

Are you I am I would love we’re playing

Do you I do it is plays Would you

Emma: Hi! I’m in your gym class. Is your name Maria?

Maria: Yes, _____________________. _____________________ Emma?

1 2
Emma: Yes, _____________________. Our gym class is great, isn’t it?
And they have so many sports here. _____________________ play
any sports?

Maria: Yes, _____________________. My favorite is golf. What about you?

Emma: Oh, I _____________________ golf! My friend Rita
_____________________ golf, too, and _____________________
7 8
tomorrow. _____________________ like to play with us?
Maria: Yes, _____________________. Thanks!
H _______ / 10 points (1 point each)

I Circle the correct answers to complete each conversation.

1. A: Does it snow a lot of / a lot in Moscow in the winter?

B: Yes, it snows really / quite a bit.


2. A: How much / many closets are there in your apartment?


B: There are a little / a few closets, but they’re not very big.

3. A: How often / well does it rain here in the summer?


B: It doesn’t rain somewhat / at all.


4. A: Is it very / a lot warm here in the winter?


B: No, it’s pretty / very much cold.

I _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

Four Corners 2 Units 1-6 Test 3

J Circle the correct answers to complete the conversation.
A: What do you do / are you doing tonight?

B: I stay / I’m staying home. I want to see / seeing a documentary about healthy diets.
2 3

A: Really? I don’t enjoy to watch / watching documentaries. Anyway,


I go / I’m going to the gym later.


B: Again? How often do you go / are you going there?


A: Quite a bit. I dislike to sit / sitting at home after work, and I’d like / I like lifting weights.
7 8

B: Sounds interesting. I’d like trying / to try that some time.


A: Well, how about tonight? Record / Recording the documentary, and come with me!
J _______ / 10 points (1 point each)

K Check () the correct answer to complete each conversation.

1. A: What’s she like? 3. A: What do you like?
B: _______ B: _______
a.  She likes music and literature. a.  Yes, I like sports.
b.  Yes, all of her friends like her. b.  I love art and fashion.
c.  She’s funny, kind, and generous. c.  I’m pretty creative.

2. A: What does your father look like? 4. A: Would you like to play chess?
B: _______ B: _______
a.  He’s tall and thin with blond hair. a.  Yes, I would.
b.  Well, he doesn’t like technology. b.  No, I don’t.
c.  He’s shy and very hardworking. c.  Yes, I like you.
K _______ / 4 points (1 point each)
L Number the lines of the conversations in the correct order.
1. ____ I think that reality shows are really boring.
____ Oh, I don’t think so. They’re pretty funny sometimes.
____ What type of shows? Could you say that again?
____ Yes. Reality shows. They’re boring.

2. ____ No, I don’t feel so good.

____ Could you open the window, please?
____ Oh, sorry. Take it easy, OK?
____ Sure. No problem. Are you OK?
L _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

Four Corners 2 Units 1-6 Test 4

M Read the magazine article. Check () the correct answer for each question.

only only Evie and

Who . . . ? Evie Juliana Juliana
1. is quiet   
2. is a parent   
3. tells interesting stories   
4. likes to travel   
5. is interested in technology   
M _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

Four Corners 2 Units 1-6 Test 5

N Read the email. Check () the correct answer to complete each sentence.

1. Jessica _______ every weekday. 4. Her favorite TV show is a _______.

a.  gets up late a.  reality show
b.  walks in the park b.  sitcom
c.  rides her bike to work c.  soap opera
2. Her living room has a lot of _______. 5. She doesn’t write about _______.
a.  tables a.  the people at work
b.  light b.  her healthy habits
c.  closets c.  her weekend routine
3. In the evenings, she usually _______.
a.  works late
b.  goes out with friends
c.  stays home
N _______ / 10 points (2 points each)

Four Corners 2 Units 1-6 Test 6

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