The Good Citizenship Value of Concern For The Family and Future Generations

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The Good Citizenship Value of Concern for the Family and

Future Generations

“From the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female’ and said ‘for this
reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and
the two shall become one flesh’. So they are no longer two but one flesh.
Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”
Matthew 19:4-7

Activity Processing Points

1. What do you think are the biggest sources of danger our families face
2. What are some values/strengths of the Filipino family that will allow it to
survive amidst challenging circumstances ?
3. Have you developed a strong personal conviction and resolve to value the
well-being and unity of your family in the midst of growing threats against

Deepening Points
 Our family is threatened daily by many issues that tend to destroy its
sanctity, unity and harmony.
 We should be vigilant and possess the resolve to always value our family
as our most precious gift after our own lives.
 A family is strengthened by the love, understanding and mutual respect
among its members.
 A family is the best place of refuge, strength, inspiration, example and
source of love for today’s youth at risk and couples whose values and
virtues are challenged daily by the ways of the world of covetousness
and materialism.
 Giving due respect to our elders and caring for them is a testament of our
enduring value of respect for our family as a people and confirms our
love and deference to the people from whose lives and labor we owe
our own;
 Our family is worth more than any worldly gain
 Make it a point to spend “quality time” with your family as this will unite you
more closely and bind you in understanding and love.
 The family can survive the challenges of the times only if it is earned with
sound principles and values that promote love and life: Responsible
 The family is constantly challenged by the demands, trends and ills of the
world, every person should strive to defend and preserve it.
 The family is a person’s best refuge, source of love and good values in a
world constantly assailed by immorality, violence, and materialism;
 Every member of the family has a role to play, the duty and right to give
and receive love and respect;
 The strength of the family lies in its values and the commitment of its
members to responsibility, hard work and morality.

Personal Resolution

My family is my great source of strength and inspiration and I understand

that in the midst of a harsh world, it is constantly confronted with things that tend
to destroy its values and sense of unity. I also know that my family is fragile. An
uncaring and unloving parent or an irresponsible child can easily destroy it; the
temptations presented by a world obsessed with material gratification and
convenience can just as easily obliterate its values and virtues; and that my own
complacency and indecision to be a better family member can lead to the
destruction of unity, harmony and the prospect of prosperity for my family. I shall
make it a point to spend quality time with my family, enjoying the beauty of the
love, unity and faith that bind us as we face the challenges of the world together.

I hereby make a personal promise to be a loving and responsible family

member and work towards strengthening the bonds that unite my family. As a
parent, I shall strive to be a paragon of good values worthy of any children’s
emulation. I shall work hard to assure them of a good future and arm them with a
strong sense of moral conviction so that they may grow to be persons of worth
and integrity. As a child, I shall strive to be responsible in my studies and in my
role as a member of my family. I shall give my elders due respect and appreciate
their sacrifices by exhibiting hard work in my tasks. I shall be prudent in my ways
and discerning when I face the realities of the world. I shall honor my parents
and elders in their old age and continue to be inspired by their example. As a
person, I shall be an advocate of life and a vanguard of its preservation. I shall
resist any proposal or intent that potentially undermines the sanctity and value of
the family.

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