Resell Hero: The Quick Start Guide To Making Money Reselling Web Hosting
Resell Hero: The Quick Start Guide To Making Money Reselling Web Hosting
Resell Hero: The Quick Start Guide To Making Money Reselling Web Hosting
Table Of Contents
Part 1. Why Reseller Web Hosting
• Inbound Marketing
• Outbound Marketing
• Social Media
• Hiring Team Members
• Expansion And Growth
• Networking And Connections
Dear Entrepreneur,
Welcome to Resell Hero! Chances are, you possibly know me from my blog or my web
hosting company
If not, I would like to welcome you. What I intend to accomplish with this guide is to
give you an in-depth understanding of the web hosting industry and how you can make
money by re-selling hosting to those in need of an online presence.
This guide has been designed for those that intend on launching their own web hosting
company as well as those that already own web development, ad agencies, or other
companies that wish to offer web hosting to their clients.
You see, I consider web hosting, the "water" of the Internet. Every blog, every company,
every application needs it to get started. Therefore you're only limited to your own
imagination, creativity, and of course budget (haha).
The good thing about reselling, you don’t have to have thousands of dollars to get
started. Personally, I got started selling web hosting back in 2002, with only a couple
hundred dollars. Since then, it’s been an unbelievable journey, which I believe, is one of
the most stable ways to make money online. With the rise of the cloud, reselling has
never been easier!
I've made millions of dollars online and now I will be bringing this information to you in
the The Quick Start Guide To Making Money Selling Web Hosting to get you
on the fast track to simplify web hosting.
Regardless of your experience level working on the Internet, you will benefit from this
guide. It’s my goal you’ll use this material to develop your business and create a stable,
reliable, and secure environment for your customers.
Reseller Web Hosting is the practice of reselling web hosting space to sub-clients. As a
Reseller, you purchase large blocks of disk space, bandwidth, and server resources and
then divide it up into individual packages to resell to other clients for a recurring fee (i.e.
monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.).
The average small business just looking to get a simple WordPress website online with
their name, address, and basic contact info takes up an average of 500 MB of disk
space and around the same amount in bandwidth tops. Because of this, they only
expect to pay a couple dollars a month in web hosting.
As a Reseller, you're able to purchase these larger blocks of disk space and
bandwidth starting at around $20 a month. Therefore it only takes about five or so
clients at $5 a month to cover your expenses.
With returns this large, it doesn't take long to start developing a very profitable
business. Consider this example:
While $10/month in profit doesn't seem glamorous, the ROI is incredible. It then
becomes a numbers game to scale the business upward.
The majority of Resellers tailor their services to certain niches where they offer the
hosting in addition to their primary revenue stream. For example, a design agency may
charge a client $800 - $2,000 to develop a website with a monthly maintenance fee of
$25 - 50. Included in this fee would be their web hosting, monthly updates, email
management, etc.
Since web hosting is the "water" of the Internet - it becomes a very valuable commodity
needed by even the simplest of websites.
If you already have a customer-base it's a very easy add-on since you already have their
trust. If you don't have a customer-base, your only limited by your imagination to the
type of clients you can target.
Benefits Of Reselling
Being a reseller gives you the ability to own and operate the business without the
headache of having to own, lease, or even managed servers.
When you purchase your Reseller Web Hosting package from a reputable company, they
handle all of the server updates/upgrades, security hardening, and the good ones
(like Name Hero ;)) , also back up your customer's data.
Billing is super easy with automation tools such as WHMCS. In parts to come, I'm going
to explain exactly how you can easily implement this piece of software, and let it handle
all of your subscriptions for you automatically.
Level 1 support can often be a major turnoff to many resellers just getting started, but in
all honestly, it's not that bad.
The majority of support tickets normally stem from when a customer first comes
onboard. If they're already your client (rather your a web developer or similar agency)
the customer already has your trust and just has simple questions on how to set
everything up.
Most of these issues can be easily answered with good documentation. I recommend all
of our resellers to go through the sign-up / account creation process just like they're a
customer. While they'r doing this, I recommend they record it using Screenflow, and
also create a Word document with step-by-step instructions. The easier you make this,
the less support issues you're going to have.
If you notice our blog at NameHero, you will see we have many text and video
tutorials that walk through many of our account setups. These have dramatically
decreased the number of support tickets we receive on a daily basis. Whenever I see a
repeat issue, I make it a point to record a video, and make a blog post.
With server management, security, and leasing costs factored into your monthly reseller
hosting fee, the benefits to being a reseller are tremendous. As long as you're working
with a reputable company, you stand the chance to make astronomical returns, with not
a ton of day-to-day overhead tasks.
It's important to determine who your target audience is before starting up your reseller
web hosting business. If you plan on making this an "add-on" to your current business,
then this question is easy. However, if you're looking to break into the hosting industry
from the start - this is something you need to take a little more serious.
When I first got into web hosting back in 2002, my target audience was "anyone that
needs web hosting." Very quickly, I learned this was not a good plan.
Unless you have a clear-cut path of how you're going to compete with a multi-billion
dollar company like GoDaddy (who dumps millions for one Superbowl commercial) you
need to start with a smaller audience, cater to them, and build as the success comes.
For example, one of our major target audiences here at NameHero is reseller
web hosts! We're looking to provide our resellers with the most reliable, high
performing infrastructure in the industry, combined with the best training on how to get
started. By lasering our focus to this audience, it allows us the ability to connect with
our customers on a more personal level and be able to cater to their exact needs.
Its important however to pick an audience that is large enough to sustain your
goals. For example, you wouldn't want to only target a market that was too small to be
realistically profitable. Especially if you live in a small town, you may find it beneficial
to start offering web hosting to local customers, but eventually you're going to want to
expand beyond that.
When I'm thinking of these micro-niches to target, I often think about ones that
are reachable in multiple countries. Therefore I'm able to leverage a lot more than just
one or two local markets.
I've already mentioned one of our target audiences is reseller web hosts. Another one of
our micro-niches (yes you can have more than one) is affiliate marketers. We developed
our entire Managed Server line especially for those who engage in high-volume affiliate
marketing. We learned as much as we could about the industry and developed servers
that are quick and easy for them to setup, all while giving them the power, reliability,
and security needed for their business.
Establishing A Business
If you're really serious about starting a web hosting company, then you need to make
sure to take the legal steps necessary to protect your personal assets.
When I got my start working online in the late 90s, the first thing I did, was have my
lawyer form a corporation. Here in the United States, small businesses have to pay
some pretty hefty taxes. By creating your own legal corporation, you're able to open a
separate bank account just for your business, and easily keep track of your revenues and
You NEVER want to mix your personal finances with your business. Not only is this an
accounting nightmare, it is a very big legal liability.
While we never want to think of bad things happening, sometimes they do. If an
unfortunate situation comes about such as a lawsuit, you could be held personally
responsible if you're not operating through a corporation. That means your car, your
home, and your personal bank account(s) could be subject to satisfying a court order.
With the rise of cheap legal referral services such as LegalZoom, spend the extra
hundred or two it costs, and get things done the right way. I suggest EVERYONE that is
wanting to enter this as a real business to first consult with a lawyer and/or an
accountant to make sure things are setup the right way from the beginning.
Decisions, decisions, decisions! This is the "name of the game" when running your own
business. As a business owner, you will find yourself constantly making decisions. If
you don't consider yourself a good decision maker, this is something I highly suggest
you spend time to work on. Sometimes you may not always make the "right" decision
but as long as you make the "best decision" for that given time, you'll turn out just fine.
I'm going to make things really easy for those of you just setting up your first account. If
you are brand-new to the industry and just getting started, start with the smallest
package available.
As with any business, it's very important not to bury yourself in costs early on. Start
small, grow big. It's a simple formula!
Now, if you already have an established business such as a web design agency, you want
to take a little more time with this.
You want to consider your current client base, and examine how large of an organization
they each are, as well as how much traffic they receive.
If you're just developing for small to medium sized local businesses, you most likely
want to pick our Entrepreneur or Corporate packages. Since it's most likely a lot of
your customers are also going to purchase your web hosting (since they already have
your trust) you want to make sure you have ample resources to accommodate their
If you're already making good profits, you want to be able to freely re-invest into your
business with a service that's going to help expand your profits (I always like to invest at
least 30 - 40% of my monthly profits for growth anyways).
Our Corporate packages come with one free SSL certificate and dedicated IP
address. If you already know you're going to be receiving business as soon as you
announce you're live, it would be in your best interest to purchase this. On average, a
reliable SSL certificate is going to cost you around $30 a year with an IP ranging around
the same. It only makes sense to purchase a package with all of this included so you
have all the necessary items to get started.
Step 3: Add Account Extras (If not going with the Corporate plan, you may want to add
each of these)
Please note: Follow these instructions if you bought your name from us. If not you
can transfer it to us or ask your registrar.
• Enter ns1 and the corresponding IP address from Step 8 above. Then click save:
Step 10: Change The Nameservers Of Your Domain To Match Your The Private Ones:
• Select Use custom nameservers and enter the private ones you
registered. Click Change Nameservers to save:
Please note: Changing your nameservers may take up to 24 hours to fully propagate
across the Internet. If you're in the USA, normally they're active within a couple of
That's it! Your Reseller Web Hosting account has been setup and is ready to use!
An Introduction To cPanel/Web Host Manager
If you've ever purchased web hosting in the past, it's likely you're already familiar
with cPanel. This is one of the most-widely used web-based control panels in the
hosting industry today. Companies that don't use this often find themselves at a
tremendous disadvantage, as a lot of customers are already familiar with it.
Back in the late nineties/early 2000s, it became the "cool thing" to develop your own
control panel. Web Hosting companies invested millions hiring researchers, developers,
and project managers to develop the most "user friendly" control panel. Unfortunately,
while they dumped all their resources into this, other companies began to quickly
implement cPanel and Web Host Manager.
This led to those companies being able to spend their extra profits on more marketing
and advertising, taking over the industry as a whole. Therefore once the "other"
companies were finished with their fancy control panels, they found themselves without
a lot of their original customers.
I would say that 9 out of every 10 customers that come to us here at NameHero are
already somewhat familiar with cPanel. We even have lots of migration requests each
week to help customers move from non-cPanel web hosts. They want the flexibility it
offers, they like the interface, and it has became a "must have" tool in this industry.
While most everyone is familiar with cPanel, some are not familiar with Web Host
Basically you should look at Web Host Manager like cPanel's father. A website
cannot have it's own cPanel unless it's first setup through Web Host Manager. Web
Host Manager is the "master control panel" that provisions and sets up all the "sub
control panels" or cPanels.
When you purchase a reseller hosting account from us here at NameHero, you
automatically receive a "master" Web Host Manager account that is unique to your
You will use this tool to setup all of your customers, and if you want to automate your
billing, you will use automated billing software such as WHMCS to set this up for you.
How To Install & Setup Automated Provisioning
Over the years, a number of different automated billing systems have came on the
market for web hosting companies. However, the one that stands above the rest
WHMCS is a piece of software that you purchase and install on your main hosting
website. You can then input your reseller hosting account details into it and it will
automate the billing/account creation process for you.
This is what we use here at! Just like control panels in the late
nineties/early 2000s, having your own CRM (customer relationship management)
software was a big thing amongst the web hosting industry.
Some companies spend millions of dollars to develop their own control panels while
others streamline the process with a known winner.
When I originally built NameHero I considered this. Since I didn't have any fancy pants
investors, I launched NameHero with $50,000 of my own personal capital. I didn't
have millions, much less hundreds of thousands of dollars to dedicate to development. I
wanted to spend the majority of my budget on high quality servers and advertising!
That's what I suggest you do as well. Who really cares if your order process looks the
same as "the others." Your customers are NOT going to notice the difference and the
main thing they're going to hold you to, is how well their website performs!
Once you have your WHMCS license in hand, it only takes about an hour to install it (or
5 minutes using our auto-installer). If you have the extra cash to spend, their team will
even do it for you.
2. Click on your hosting package
3. Login to cPanel
4. Scroll down to Softaculous
5. Click Install on WHMCS (under top scripts)
6. Fill out the text fields that suit your needs (examples in video)
7. Click Install
If you're just now starting your own web hosting business, then you're going to need to
build out your website where customers can see what you offer and signup for your
Unlike the early days of the Internet, you no longer have to pay a web developer or even
understand how to code HTML to get this done. All you need to be able to do is install
WordPress (which we offer a one click install through cPanel), install a nice theme, and
customize it to fit your needs.
Install WordPress
Unless you've been living under a rock, it's likely you already know what WordPress
is. It's the most-used content management system (CMS) on the Internet today. It
powers nearly 20% of all websites on the Internet today!
About a decade ago, if you used WordPress, it was most likely for your blog. They've
steamrolled passed that, now offering a platform for everyone around the globe, to be
able to create, design, and manage their own website.
For most of you, this is going to be on your root domain (i.e.
If you've purchased with us here at NameHero, your website will automatically be added
to Web Host Manager. To install WordPress:
Once the auto-installer finishes it'll provide you with your admin URL, username, and
password. Login to that area to begin building your website.
At this point, I normally recommend customers to find a nice web hosting templates.
Personally, I recommend going over to and searching for WordPress
web hosting themes. While these may cost a small amount ($50 or so for premium)
they're much better than paying a developer hundreds of dollars.
Once you purchase your theme, it will come with instructions on how to install it and
configure for your web hosting website.
Note: It's important to have WHMCS installed in a "sub" directory or domain so your
website and billing website will operate separately. While some WordPress themes will
offer a "WHMCS Bridge" I recommend keeping the two pieces of software operating
independently so future upgrades don't mess up active settings.
Web Hosting packages are what you're going to be offering your customers. You will
want to take some time to decide how much you want to charge them based on your
target audience.
First, you want to consider how many resources they're going to be using. If you're
primarily hosting a lot of local websites that don't care too much about getting a lot of
traffic, using lots of email space, etc. then you can offer them very cost-effective
packages for under $5 or so a month.
However, if your customers require resources to handle more than 100 visitors or so a
day along with multiple email accounts, you probably want to charge a bit more. On
average, web developers will start around $20 - $50 a month and include sometime of
monthly management fee. This includes minor site updates, SEO tweaks, email account
setup, etc.
With all of this, you should consider the reseller web hosting package that you have
purchased. If you already have a client-base and have went with our Corporate
plan at NameHero, it's most-likely you're going to be able to charge more right out of
the gate since you already have your customer's trust.
If you're just getting started, you're going to have to examine the niche you're targeting a
be a bit more competitive. For example, if you're targeting individuals that want to start
their own blog where they can discuss their "hobbies" or other interests, you would want
to charge around the $10/month range.
Once you have decided your pricing, it's super easy to add these packages to Web Host
3. Click on your reseller hosting package
4. Click Login to WHM
5. Click 'Add a Package' on the left sidebar
6. Give the package a name (i.e. Starter, Basic, Full, etc.)
7. Define a disk and bandwidth quota (important: if you want to offer your
customers "unlimited" disk space and/or bandwidth, it is possible to "oversell"
your resources at NameHero, but you need to define a value. You should input a
number such as 999,999,9999 rather than choosing 'Unlimited' because how
WHM is designed.
8. Fill out the other values based on your needs and click Add
Once your package has been added to Web Host Manager you're all set to begin adding
your customers. If you're using an automated solution such as WHMCS you can input
these values into that system and it will automatically provision accounts after
successful payment (if you configure it that way). If not, you can simply add the
accounts manually inside of Web Host Manager and select the package during this
Selling Domains
Everyone that needs a website needs a domain name. The two go together better than
peanut butter and jelly!
Because of this, each NameHero reseller account, automatically comes with an eNom
domain reseller account. Basically eNom is one of the biggest domain name registrars
and is who we use to register domains at NameHero. To get access to your free account
you just need to submit a ticket after signing up to NameHero and let our team know
you're wanting to set this up. Immediately, they'll collect all the details they need and
get it online for you.
If you're using an automated billing system such as WHMCS we already have a complete
video tutorial on how to configure and set this up for your business.
It's important that you price domains to where you're going to make a profit. Even
though you get a free domain reseller-account there is a cost involved in every domain
registration (to cover ICANN and other fees). I always recommend making your
"retail" prices 20% more than what you're paying. Depending on when you signup
for your account, this equals out to a couple dollars of profit per domain.
While you're not going to get rich "reselling domains" you will gain something much
more valuable than money - and that's a customer's trust. Once you have them trusting
you enough to where they register their domains, it's highly likely they'll also buy other
services from you such as web hosting.
In our first year of business at NameHero we registered over 100,000 domains! While
this wasn't a ton of profit, it was one of the catalyst behind our massive growth,
as we gained trust amongst thousands of companies, entrepreneurs, and other
individuals that needed a domain.
The web hosting industry is fierce with competition. I still wakeup each day and feel like
I'm putting on my "battle armor" to see how I'm going to compete against multi-billion
dollar corporations.
One of the simplest ways to making a lot more profit is by up-selling your customers.
Now forget what you know about "forced" up-selling or even "annoying" product
You want to up-sell your customers something of high value that gives them a major
benefit to purchase from you.
Any email or mail sent to the "cloaked" or masked address, will automatically forward to
them. We sell this service for an additional $2.98/year.
I highly recommend that every web host comes up with some type of unique product up-
sell to offer their customers. This allows you to offer your web hosting at a lower rate
and make-up the difference with a service that is little to no cost to you.
Those of you that use WHMCS can easily add product add-ons that are displayed
throughout the checkout process. Your imagination is your best friend here, think long
and hard about what you could additionally offer your customers.
When running a business, especially selling recurring subscriptions it's very important
to keep good accounting records. I can't begin to describe the number of times I've dealt
with customer issues wondering if they've paid, why their account was suspended,
etc. By keeping good accounting records you take all the guesswork out of this.
My first suggestion would be to use an automated system such as WHMCS to keep track
of all of this. This software will automatically provision accounts that have successfully
paid and will also suspend those who are late on payment. When they catch-up on their
bills, it'll also un-suspend them, saving you much valuable time. Without this at
NameHero, I would lose my mind.
I also suggest using a good piece of accounting software to track all of your outflows (or
expenses). Over the last five year's I've successfully used Quickbooks online to track
over $20,000,000 in revenue! My "old school" accountant once told me that when I got
this big I'd have to have more sophisticated software, but I believe that was his way of
up-selling my account. It works perfectly!
Using a cloud-based solution like Quickbooks online, you're easily able to sync most
bank accounts, PayPal, and other merchant accounts to keep track of all of your
business activity. If you're like me and spend five minutes each morning updating it,
you always have critical business financial reports at your finger-tips such as balance
sheets, profit and loss, etc.
I mention all of this now because it's MUCH easier to start this from the beginning than
to get a couple of months behind and start it. Since you're going to be running your own
business, you are in complete control of your finances, so accurate tracking ensures you
know where every single penny goes. If you get nothing else from what I say, please take
this piece of advice!
Accounting aside, the business-end of things is also very important. You need to
constantly be evaluating areas you're spending money as well as making money to find
pockets of optimization.
While recurring billing is an excellent source of income for your business it can also be
an easy way to blow lots of money by subscribing to services that you don't always
realize. Make sure you spend some time each month to analyze your financial reports
and "cut the fat" where you can save some money. When you're selling web hosting
accounts for $10/month, money going out can mean several customer's revenue, so you
want to stay on top of it!
Also, you're going to want to make sure you meet regularly with good accountants
and/or lawyers. Sometimes in business you're able to take advantage of tax-savings
depending on where you live. I know here in the United States, several states have
what's called an "angel tax credit" for tech businesses. If you qualify, they'll basically cut
you a check at the end of a year for a portion of what you invested. This is an excellent
way to leverage additional capital that your competition may not be aware of!
Nothing will sink a web hosting company faster than crappy customer
service/support. Over the years, I've watched a lot of the "big names" sell out, and have
their business reputation go to hell almost overnight. You have to stay on top of this!
A customer testimonial is worth 100 new customers! A legitimate pissed customer (not
including haters/trolls) has the exact opposite effect!
You can do all the marketing in the world to bring people into your business, but if the
majority is not happy, you will not succeed. Even if you're unsure of the answer to a
customer's problem, be responsive. Always let them know you're diligently working
towards a resolution to their issue.
we're working on getting them fixed up. Good communication can save you a lot of
headaches against negative customer feedback and will also help build your business. It
only takes one happy customer to refer their friend and you've doubled your ROI on that
individual. That's one of our secrets to massive growth!
If you're not a technical guru, don't worry! You can still be a reseller! All of our reseller
customers have the option of asking our support team to solve issues for their end-
users. Unlike other companies out there, we WANT your business to succeed. Every
morning we say in our meetings, "we're only as successful as our customers" and we
believe that with everything! If you business is successful - we'll be successful. If you're
not successful - you're not going to be purchasing reseller hosting from us for long!
Phone and live chat support aren't for everyone, so that's cool if you don't offer it. We
didn't for a long time and were plenty successful. However, a support helpdesk is a
must. When a customer has a problem, it's important you're able to track their account
and have a record of their issues, so it will help you with future issues.
Those of you that implement WHMCS, it comes with a nice helpdesk module. There are
also a number of other companies that will integrate nicely with it, but just make sure
you're using something. It is an impossible task to try and manage every support issue
via email. Questions get lost, contacts get jumbled, and your customer service will be
highly unproductive.
I don't care if your business is dog watching, you should operate based off a budget! If
you drunkenly spend every dollar that comes in, you're going to be in for a world of hurt.
When you start making money from your hosting customers, you want to save as much
as humanly possible. Sure, you will need to re-invest into more space, ads, business
supplies, but you don't want to be quick to run off to the new car dealership or mall to
buy that new wrist-watch.
You should have a budget set each month on what you plan on spending on your reseller
hosting account, website software, employees, etc. This should be well in proportion to
the amount you're making on your customers. Obviously if you spend more than you
bring in, there is a time-limit to how long you can do that.
While the start-up process is brutal trying to earn enough to capitalize your company,
once you do start to become profitable, you want to make sure you re-invest a portion of
this. Here at NameHero we re-invest our profits into new equipment, more staff, and
advertising. Without constantly investing back into the business, we just "maintain"
which is not a long-term business plan that can be sustainable.
When people hear my story about earning over $20MM since college they wonder why I
don't have a bigger home than I do, or why I don't have that big fancy watch, but they
don't know what is to come. Real wealth is stealth and throughout my experience, those
that like to "flaunt" really aren't earning the money you may think.
Budget and re-invest and you'll be around for decades to come. Spend and spend will be
the death of your company.
Rather you already have a client-base and are offering web hosting as an up-sell to your
primary service or you're a brand-new web host - marketing and advertising plays a
critical role to your long term success.
You can have the very best company with the best products, services, and customer
support, but if no one knows about it - you basically have squat. By far the easiest and
most cost-effective way to get the word out about your company is do to so through
Inbound Marketing.
Inbound marketing refers to marketing activities that bring visitors in, rather than
marketers having to go out to get prospects' attention. Inbound marketing earns the
attention of customers, makes the company easy to be found, and draws customers to
the website by producing interesting content.
To get started, you need to identify your target audience, and product content that is
going to bring them in. The fact you're reading this text right now proves Inbound
marketing works wonders. It's how I've made 99% of my wealth.
Despite what your goals are for your company, you should be connecting with your
audience on a daily basis. The rise of social networks has made this a piece of
cake! Using just Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIN you can instantly connect with plenty
of people to get your business off the ground and profitable. But first, you must identify
those you are trying to reach, and product valuable, useful content that is going to draw
them in.
One blog post a day is 365 new opportunities a year to connect with your
audience. Add a couple YouTube videos in there demonstrating your services, you'll
have a loyal following in no-time!
Outbound Marketing
If you head over to Google Adwords and bid on "web hosting" you're going to find
yourself paying astronomical CPCs (cost per click). Companies that have millions of
dollars in investment capital can stand to spend $5,000 - $10,000 a day as long as
they're bringing in new customers.
Those like me who are boot-strapping their companies would go bankrupt quickly. Even
if I leveraged all of the capital I've ever made online, there is no way I would be able to
compete with multi-billon dollar companies like GoDaddy. That's why I always suggest
the inbound marketing route first, and then add in some more traditional outbound
marketing as you can afford to do so. But don't get crazy with it!
One outbound marketing method that you will find works very well with inbound
marketing is through re-targeting. Using both Google and Facebook you can easily
implement a pixel into your pages that tags visitors that visit your website. Even if that
don't buy anything but go to a website the serves Google ads or over to Facebook to
check their newsfeed, they're going to see your banner.
If you produce valuable and useful content, they're going to already remember you, so
by seeing your logo over on sites they already trust, they're going to be more receptive to
buy your product or service. We freaking crush re-targeting over here at
NameHero! After reading this, I want you to pay special attention to your Facebook
newsfeed or your favorite news website. You're going to see us everywhere!
Besides re-targeting, I wouldn't worry too much about buying "traditional" ads on
Google or Facebook. I would rather see you focus on websites in your niche where you
are more likely to connect with customers interested in your web hosting.
Let's face it - we're not going to compete with the GoDaddy budgets, but they're also not
going to work as hard on producing useful content. No way they're going to pay people
the amount it would take to garner such content.
That's what I love most about working on the Internet. You have the ability to out-smart
and out-work billion dollar companies!
Social Media
When I got started working online in 1998 there was no Facebook. There was no
YouTube. Hell, there was no Google!
I got started sending traffic to my websites by domain type-in traffic and inbound
marketing by placing articles on other similar websites with my link! I would have
KILLED to have a social network!
Within the next hour you can setup profiles at Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
YouTube for your business. I know there are even more than this, but with these FOUR,
you have the ability to generate enough business to keep you busy for the rest of your
career. You just have to be creative!
When you setup your social profiles, don't go on a spamming frenzy posting like a
drunken sailor. As one great salesman once said, "people hate to be sold too, but they
love to buy." This is so true!
If you can genuinely connect with people and form relationships with them, the sale is
the easy part! But if you're always cramming the sale down their throat, you're going to
shoot yourself in the foot before you have the opportunity to make the sale.
Start by adding people you know that maybe interested in your web hosting
service. This maybe the local banker you know from when you got your car or
home. Perhaps there is a local butcher you buy your meat from. Start with this
audience and start posting inspiring, helpful posts and see what you get a reaction on.
My Facebook account is a complete marketing ploy but I hardly ever share a link to
NameHero. Instead, I engage with my followers by asking intriguing questions or
something that is going to elicit a response. If I can get them to consistently see and
remember my name, eventually they'll research my companies and I can make the sale.
LinkedIn makes it even easier. If you click on your connections page you'll notice that
LinkedIn allows you to send them a pre-typed congratulation or happy birthday
message. Do that every day! Even though you're not directly marketing to those
individuals, they're going to appreciate the thought, and may decide to check out your
company! If you're connecting with relevant connections, then you already know they
are going to need web hosting eventually.
This is where re-targeting comes into a very important piece of the puzzle. When your
connections eventually do decide to check out your website, even if they don't buy,
they're going to consistently see your ads on relevant websites and you will become their
"go to" brand.
With all this said, you can still cross-post your blog posts and coupon specials, just try
not to cram it down their throat. Personally, I'm much more aggressive on my company
pages than I am my personal. I don't want people to throw my personal account into the
"annoying MLM salesman" category, so I'm very careful with that. In general, people
expect companies to be pushy, so it is what it is.
None-the-less social media provides an excellent, free, medium for you to connect with
customers. Spend an hour or two a day working it (not dazing off into ADHD paradise)
but understanding your connections and marketing to them without hard-selling. You'll
be surprised at how hard this will pay off.
Eventually, you're going to have the need to hire help if you want to be able to sustain
growth. While it's always a challenge to give up control or a piece of your profits, you
have to consider what will happen if you don't.
In the web hosting industry, customer service and support has got to be your number
one priority. There are enough companies that plague this industry with false promises,
long hold times, and wreck-less support times. Unfortunately this automatically puts a
"bad taste" in many customer's mouth so you have to work just as hard to fight it.
Once you start to sustain a lot of growth, you're going to want to begin delegating some
of your more monotonous tasks to others. For example, if you find yourself spending
most of your days just answering support tickets or responding to live chats, you may
need to find a representative to help.
While no one is going to know your business like you do, communication is key. As long
as people have someone who is willing to make an effort, it looks a whole helluva a lot
better than being ignored.
Start small. Hire someone to do a couple of tasks a day part-time. As you analyze their
performance, assign them more duties, and get feedback from your customers.
Take it from me, good help is very hard to find. But once you find it, treat them well and
be honest. Reward them for their hard work and keep them motivated by sending them
small tokens of appreciation. For example, if they go a month with exceptional
performance, send them a $25 Amazon gift card. While this maybe small, it's the
thought that counts. Most companies don't even congratulate their employees, so even
the smallest thing, may have a large impact.
Expansion And Growth
Eventually, you're going to start running out of space on your reseller hosting package. I
recommend as you start approaching 50 - 60% of your usage to consider your upgrade
At NameHero we have multiple reseller nodes, so you may wish to purchase another
package on another node, to diversify a bit. While we boast 99.9% monthly network
uptime, there is always that 0.1% chance. I've never been one to keep all my eggs in one
basket, so this may also benefit you.
If you're really cranking out the accounts it may make more sense to purchase one of our
Managed Servers. These high-powered machines have unreal dedicated performance
and will give you the ability to offer reseller space as well! This will allow you to really
send your business to the "next level" by offering a full arsenal of web hosting products.
When you reach that $20K+ a month level - we have several enterprise solutions that
aren't listed on our website. Have the full functionality of our cloud without all of the
expense! Reach out to me personally at [email protected] and I can go over the
different solutions we offer.
I say this often, but I personally want to see your business be super-successful. While
expansion and growth can be exciting, it can be as equally challenging if you don't have
the proper infrastructure in place. Web hosting aside, I'm also available to "point you in
the right direction" when it comes to essential business management and operation
tasks. Make sure to use this to your advantage!
While most of our resellers don't disclose their numbers to me, I did receive an email a
couple weeks ago from one individual that is making over $8,000 a month in profit
reselling our services. They expressed their gratitude for our server uptime and high
performance cloud for making their business exceptionally successful. Stories like this
are worth more to me than any dollar I can make. I hope to see you all achieve this same
level of success!
Networking And Connections
Some of my biggest business deals have been made through my networking and
communication skills.
It's one thing to sit behind your computer and work all day, but it's a whole other to get
out from behind the screen and start networking face-t0-face.
If you're serious about taking your web hosting business to the next level, you need to
start attending some conferences! Hostingcon Global is probably one of the most well-
known so make it appoint to attend at least once a year. You'll be amazed at the number
of opportunities that come up just getting in the same city as thousands of other web
hosting "nerds."
The majority of my "big deals" have been made in restaurants, at bars, and even on
airplanes! Always be ready for when the opportunity presents itself. You never know
who you could be sitting beside, so it's important to always conduct yourself in a
professional manner.
Aside from Hostingcon Global, there are a number of other smaller conferences and
micro meet-ups that happen all over the United States. Make it a point to visit web
hosting forums such as Web Hosting Talk to see where everyone else is going. I even
found a local WordPress group on LinkedIn where I was able to garner over $1,000 a
month in business!
In conclusion, it's very important to meet others in your industry. The old saying, "it's
not how much you know, but who you know" couldn't be more true than it is in
business. Networking presents unique opportunities that aren't available to everyone,
so you want to take advantage of them as often as you can. Get out there - get known -
and make good deals!