Getting Your Link
Getting Your Link
Getting Your Link
Conclusion: If there’s a product you want to affiliate for, you better be willing to buy it.
Getting Your Affiliate Link (Choosing Products)
A lot of you may be asking “What products should I become an affiliate for?”
#1 and #2 are NON-NEGOTIABLE. Don’t affiliate for products that lack that criteria. (The only exception is
becoming an affiliate for a NEW product created by an already-credible creator).
You can be a successful affiliate marketer without #3-#4, but they WILL make selling easier if you can find
products that work.
Getting Your Affiliate Link (Choosing Products) cont..
1.) Great testimonials/case studies: A product with great testimonials and case studies makes an
affiliate’s job EASY. Why? Because social proof SELLS.
a.) Also (as long as you get permission from the creator), you have the ability to screenshot course testimonials and use
them in your promotions (only if you don’t act as if the results are your own)..
2.) Sell something that is already selling: Being an affiliate for a product that is already selling is one
of the easiest ways to start making money. Never think to yourself “What if it’s too saturated???” This
is nonsense. If a product is selling like crazy, go get a damn piece of it.
3.) Creators with a larger following: Being an affiliate for a creator with a large following gives you
these advantages:
a.) If they Retweet your promo, you have a higher chance of sales
b.) When the creator runs a promo, you have a higher chance of selling as long as you’ve got plenty people “cookied”.. The
reason for this is that many people who click on YOUR link are followers of the creator themselves (meaning they’ll see
the promotion they are running on THEIR timeline).
4.) Stay within your niche: Your followers on Twitter are following you for a reason. If you’re a fitness
account, focus on selling fitness-related products. It’s difficult to sell products outside your niche. Is it
impossible? No. But you most know how to frame your promotions in a way that keep your brand
Products I Recommend:
Personally, I’ve only bought/used
“Create 24/7” by The Art Of Purpose (Personal Favorite)
products 1-6.
“The Molina Letter” by JK Molina (Easiest to Sell)
Each of these products are
“Cold Email Mastery” by Cold Email Wizard (Highest Commission) quality, they have great
“Modern Money” by Dan Koe (Great Value) testimonials, and have sales
pages that convert well.
“Stock Market Insiders” by Investor’s Theory
“Products for Profit” by Joe Hart Products 7-10 are products I have
not personally used but are known
“Cyber Money” by Chris Johnson
to be fantastic. The authors have
“Index Fund Investing 101” by The Wealth Dad large followings and the products
sell very well. I just wanted to offer
“Utopia” by Wiz of Ecom you a few more options.
Disclaimer: The links above are my referral links. If you decide to purchase, I will receive a commission.
Messaging the Creator
After you’ve decided which products you want to affiliate for, you’ll have to contact the creators
and have them add you as an affiliate.
1.) DM them on Twitter. (If their DMs are closed move to option #2)
2.) Send them an email.
b. If (after multiple tries), you’re still receiving no response, consider commenting on one of the
creator’s tweets in a polite manner asking if they could check their DMs.
Sharing Your Link
After a creator adds you as an affiliate, you’ll get an
email from Gumroad that looks like this:
The link inside the red box is the link you want to
promote. You know it’s the right link when it has the
“a” in the middle.
Open Settings -> Goto General -> Keyboard -> Text Replacement and add a new
shortcut by: Pasting your affiliate link in the “phrase” column and typing whatever
you want your shortcut to be for that link. (I use “c247” for Create 24/7).
Link Shortcuts (My Example)
- Fewer sales
- Very little trust from your audience
- Massive fines from the government
The next slide will go over the 4 Guidelines to Ethical Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing Ethics
1. Disclosing your affiliate relationship
a. When posting a link that you receive a commission from, you MUST indicate that the link you
are using is an “affiliate link” or a “referral link”. It is illegal not to. If you happen to be unlucky,
you will find yourself responsible for paying a hefty fine from the government. This is straight
from Google:
4. Never lie
a. This rule goes along with rule #3. There are TONS of phony people/accounts on this side of
Twitter and eventually, everyone figures out who they are. That being said, NEVER lie about
results, testimonials, what a product offers, how something helped you and never make false
Next Steps
The next module describes the strategy I use on a daily basis to make an endless
amount of affiliate sales.