Done Bsbldr501 Task 1

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Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Reflect on your emotional intelligence

Submission details
The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for

Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge needed to identify the impact ofyour own
emotions on others in the simulated workplace.

Assessment description
For this assessment task, you will identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses,
reflect on actual workplace behaviour and use self-reflection and others’ feedback to
improve emotional intelligence. Students will submit a written reflection and supporting
documentation (outlined in specifications) as evidence of competence.

Gather content for, plan, write and submit a reflection on your own emotional intelligence
in accordance with quality specifications:
1. Use at least one appropriate tool or methods to identify your own emotional
strengths and weaknesses. Options include, for example:
a. personal SWOT analysis
b. workplace 360°evaluation
c. online emotional intelligence test
Note:Keep evidence(for example, worksheets and screenshots) to submit with your
reflection as evidence.
2. Identify at least three instances where you have felt stressed or experienced a
negative emotional state at work.For each instance, consider the precise context,
causes and your response.
3. Identify at least two causes or triggers of your own personal emotional states at
work. Identify how you can use awareness of such triggers to control your
responses and achieve positive outcomes, especially with respect to your impact on
others and their work performance.

Choice Business College

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Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

4. Identify at least one instance of modelling workplace behaviours that demonstrate

management of emotions as an example for others to follow.
5. Identify three actions you will take to improve your own emotional intelligence on
the basis of self-reflection or feedback from others. Reflect on emotional
intelligence principles and strategies to justify your proposed actions.
6. Submit your written reflection and supporting documentation in accordance with
specifications set out below.

You must provide:
● a written reflection

● supporting documentation, such as worksheets, emails or screenshots to provide

evidence of measures used to gather information on your own emotional

Your assessor will be looking for the following quality specifications as demonstrated in
your written reflection:
● your reflection on personal attributes, consideration of the impact on others and
modification of your approach to support your development
● identification of the impact of your own emotions on others by identifying your
emotional strengths and weaknesses, stressors, emotional states and triggers and
gathering feedback from others
● description and examples of your modelling behaviours that demonstrate
management of emotions
● knowledge of emotional intelligence principles and strategies

● knowledge of the relationship between emotionally effective people and the

attainment of business objectives.

Choice Business College

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Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessment 1
 Identify your own emotional strengths and weaknesses

Understanding who you are as a person and the strength and weaknesses you possess
can make it easier for you to identify the areas you need to work on to become a more
effective leader. You may need help with communication skills or assistance with
effective management of your employees — both of which can make you more
efficient as a boss.
My emotional strengths are:
1. I am trustworthy as I like to build the trust factor in order to strengthen the working
2. I used to listen each and every matter of my subordinates and team mates before
taking any decision
3. I used to manage all the misunderstandings by breaking down the issue and separate
the personal interest for an effective solution
My emotional Weakness
1. When my ideas or opinions are neglected by my immediate senior, I used to get
2. During frustration, sometimes I lost my mental control and behave negatively with
the subordinates

 Identify your personal stressors within your work

All the following issues have been identified as potential stressors at workplaces. A
risk management approach will identify which ones exist in your own workplace and
what causes them. They include:

 Organization culture
 Bad management practices
 Job content and demands
 Physical work environment
 Relationships at work
 Change management
 Lack of support
 Role conflict
 Trauma.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Personal stressors are the situation in the workplace which maximize the stress and
that affect the level of productivity in the organization.

Personal stressors related to the workplace are as follows:

1. I lack in devoting time to the work activities which hamper the daily work process.
2. Handling excess projects back to back.
3. The work responsibilities are excessive.

 Identify your own emotional states affected by your

Emotional states are the signs which are emotionally attached due to the personal
Workplace stress refers to the adverse reactions or responses that occur when the
demands of a job do not match the resources, needs or abilities of the employee.
While some level of stress is expected in the workplace, unnecessary or excessive
stress has the potential to hinder a person’s productivity or ability to perform in their
Stressors are events or situations occurring in the workplace that trigger the stress
response in an individual or team. Workplace stressors can cause physical, chemical
or mental responses inside the body, affecting mental function and performance.
As a manager, it is your duty to identify and alleviate any potential workplace
stressors that could be detrimental to your health or job performance or to the
effectiveness of your team.
The emotional states due to the personal stressors are as follows:
1. Lack in the self-confidence due to the mismanagement of the activities
2. Creating disappointment and depression which maximizes the negative thoughts
and lean toward irritation and misunderstanding between
3. Sometimes motivation fails due to the excessive work pressure like in accuracy in
4. Behavioural changes are also included which is nervousness, improper diet and
increase in the frequency of smoking due concentration issue occur lead to mistakes in
work, in result further mistakes and again same cycle.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

 Identify and describe the actions you can take to

improve your emotional intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the capability to address the personal emotions and also
of the team mates in order to manage and organise the work process effectively. The
identified emotional intelligence shown below:
Self-Awareness: It is the consciousness of the people to control their emotions and
move normally for achieving the target. People having high self-awareness can control
their emotion and respond positively to the situation
Self-regulation: It is the process to regulate the emotion by behaving in a different
way. People with high self-regulation used to seat in a comfort zone due to the
effective regulations of their emotional outburst like anger, jealousness etc.
Motivation: Self-motivation is very much important to remain encouraged and
positive all the time. Highly motivated people can accomplish the task effectively at
any diverse situation
Empathy: Empathy is to understand the opinions or feedbacks of other individuals
associated in the same work process and as a result misunderstandings get reduced.
Social Skills: The people having the skills to work in a team, open minded can
manage the disputes and build strong relationships.

 The actions that can be taken to improve my Emotional

Intelligence are as follows:
1. I need to observe my behavior towards other individual and need to evaluate all the
factors before judging any situations.

2. Self-evaluation is necessary where I can identify my strength and weakness.

Accordingly I can take measures to improve the weakness

3. I need to face the extreme stressful situation in the workplace in order to understand
my reaction.

4. I need to undertake responsibility for any actions I have taken. Apologizing or

complimenting other can be done in order to maintain a positive relationship.

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Assessment Task 1 BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

 Provide evidence of gaining feedback from others

I have taken feedback from my:-

 Team members

 Immediate seniors

 Subordinate at my workplace.

The questions asked and comments received are as follows:

 In the diverse situation or during the time of excessive pressure what is my
1: Sometimes I unorganized the task which creates blunder in the group
2: During the excessive pressure I seem to be stressed and mentally frustrated which
creates impact in the work quality
3: I used to behave negatively sometimes which hurts them

 How I used to manage the task during extreme pressure?

1: Delegating the task effectively among the members
2: By coordinating and delegating the task effectively
3: Dividing the duties as per the specialization

 How I used to behave in the workplace during group task (only to team
1: I used to hear all the opinions from the members and then initiate the task by
involving all the members which creates appositive working relationship in our team.

 Do I prefer the opinions from the subordinates? (Only to subordinates)

1: I used to conduct meeting and asked all the subordinates to share their views for
any decisions which motivate them highly.

Choice Business College

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