Marshall Vs Superpave

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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: G

Industrial Engineering
Volume 14 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2014
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA)
Online ISSN: 2249-4596 & Print ISSN: 0975-5861

Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for

Asphalt Paving Mixtures (Comparative Study)
By Bara' Al-Mistarehi
University of Stuttgart Geschwister-Scholl, Germany
Abstract- Over 98% of paved highways in Jordan have a surface course where asphalt cement is
used as the binder agent. The prevalence of these pavements is constructed with hot-mix
asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete is a mixture of binder and aggregate under specified volume
parameters. Based on empirical evidence, the volume of air used in the mix design process is
four percent. Under the performance grade specifications of the Superior Performing Asphalt
Pavement (Super Pave) method of mix design the base grade of binder is selected based on the
range of pavement temperatures expected for pavements service conditions (McLeod et al.
1956). Aggregates used in asphalt concrete in Jordan are mainly crushed limestone. The asphalt
used is mainly the (60/70) penetration grade. The performance of asphalt surface roads is
directly affected by the quality of the asphalt concrete. Several methods have been developed for
determining the quantities of aggregate and asphalt cement used in the asphalt concrete such
as Marshall, Hveem and SuperPave System (Foeter et al. 2009). This paper aims to compare
between Marshall, Hveem and SuperPave System to show the difference between them.
Keywords: superpave system, marshall mix design, binder, asphalt pavement, asphalt concrete.
GJRE-G Classification : FOR Code: 290502p

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© 2014. Bara' Al-Mistarehi. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
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Superpave System Versus Marshall Design
Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)
Bara' Al-Mistarehi

Abstract- Over 98% of paved highways in Jordan have a developing new methods to specify, test and design

surface course where asphalt cement is used as the binder asphalt materials and pavements. This lasted until 1993
agent. The prevalence of these pavements is constructed with when the Federal Highway Administration, FHWA,

hot-mix asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete is a mixture of began implementing the SHRP research program. The
binder and aggregate under specified volume parameters.
Superpave design method, that was a direct result of
Based on empirical evidence, the volume of air used in the mix
design process is four percent. Under the performance grade the SHRP research, is becoming the standard for 45
specifications of the Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement bituminous pavement design (FHWA 2006).
SHRP researches recognized that the Marshall

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

(Super Pave) method of mix design the base grade of binder
is selected based on the range of pavement temperatures method of mix design had been used for many years
expected for pavements service conditions (McLeod et al. and those pavements have performed well, however,
1956). Aggregates used in asphalt concrete in Jordan are with increased traffic and heavier axle loads, it was
mainly crushed limestone. The asphalt used is mainly the decided that an improved method of design was
(60/70) penetration grade. The performance of asphalt surface needed. The Supepave mix design method was
roads is directly affected by the quality of the asphalt concrete.
developed to fill this need. The SHRP researches
Several methods have been developed for determining the
quantities of aggregate and asphalt cement used in the envisioned a Superpave design system implemented at
asphalt concrete such as Marshall, Hveem and SuperPave three levels. The level one method relied totally on
System (Foeter et al. 2009). This paper aims to compare volumetric analysis to determine mix proportions. The
between Marshall, Hveem and SuperPave System to show the other levels of Superpave analyses require complex
difference between them. equipment and have not been implemented. There is
Keywords: superpave system, marshall mix design, ongoing research to refine Superpave with respect to
binder, asphalt pavement, asphalt concrete. quantifying the effects of aggregate size, type and
gradation on the mixture and correlating these data with
I. Introduction
pavement performance. In addition, research is being

he purpose of any asphalt mix design method is to conducted to develop tests for quantifying the asphalt
determine the optimum proportions of aggregate concrete mechanical properties (Cominsky 1990).
and asphalt cement to be used in an asphalt The Superpave mix design process starts with
pavement mix. Two empirical mix designs methods are aggregate evaluation. Aggregate characteristics are
traditionally used. These are Marshall and Hveem identified as either source properties or consensus
methods. Superpave method developed by the properties. Source properties are defined by the
Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP), is being purchasing agency. The WVDOH Marshall requirements
considered for full implementation as a design method. in table 2.1 are used as the Superpave source property
The main advantage of Superpave over currently used specifications, with the exception that flat and elongated
mix design methods is that it is performance-based property is treated as a consensus property. Consensus
method that implies a direct relationship between aggregate properties were defined by theSuperpave
Laboratory analysis and field performance after researches to ensure mixes made with the aggregate
construction. Other design methods are empirical and have good performance characteristics. The researcher
therefore cannot accurately predict how a pavement will envisioned that all agencies using Superpave would
perform after construction (Anderson et al. 2007). adopt these specifications without modification for local
II. Overview of the Superpave conditions (McLeod et al. 1956). The consensus
aggregate properties are given in table 2.2.
Method (1987-2012) WVDOH has implemented these specifications,
Starting in 1987 (35), the Strategic Highway but has augmented them with requirements for skid-
Research Program (SHRP) conducted research into resistant aggregates. The consensus aggregates
properties are;-
Author: M.Sc., Institute of Engineering Geodesy, University of Stuttgart
Geschwister-Scholl, Stuttgart, Germany. a) Coarse aggregate angularity
e-mail: [email protected] b) Coarse aggregate flat and elongated
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Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)

c) Fine aggregate angularity

d) Sand equivalency.
Table 2.1 : WVDOH Aggregate Requirements for the Marshall Mix Design Method8

Coarse Aggregate
Gravel and Crushed Stone Clean hard durable rock free from adherent
Thin or elongated particles (4:1)ratio 5% max
Shale 1% max
Coal and other lightweight materials 1.5% max
Friable particles 0.25% max

Percent water (LA abrasion) 40% max

Soundness 12% max

Additional Gravel and Crushed Particle

Bituminous Base I Min 80% one fractured face
All other asphalt concrete Min 80% two fractured faces
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

Fine Aggregate
Must meet requirements of ASTM D 1073, except

Table 2.2 : Superpave Consensus Aggregate Properties8

Mineral Filler
Must meet requirements of ASTM D 242 except for gradation and must be free of harmful
organic compounds
Course Aggregate Fine Aggregate Sand Equivalency Flat and Elongated
Design Level Angularity Angularity (% min) (% min)
(% min) (% min)
Light Traffic 55%- - 40% -
Medium Traffic 75%- 40% 40% 10%
Heavy Traffic 85/80 45% 45% 10%

Superpave Consensus Aggregate Properties test method was available prior to the development of
are shown as following: Superpave, but was not a requirement for asphalt
concrete mix design.
a) Coarse Aggregate Angularity (CAA)
The purpose of the test is the test is to ensure
Coarse aggregate angularity is evaluated by the
the fine aggregates have sufficient angularity and texture
percent weight of aggregates with one and more than
one fractured face. The test is performed on materials to produce a rut resistant mix (McLeod et al. 1956).
retained on the (4.75)mm sieve. This is somewhat c) Sand Equivalency Test(SE)
different than the WVDOH Marshall requirements that The sand equivalency test is used to evaluate
specifies the minimum percent of material with two the clay content of materials passing the (4.75)mm
fractured faces. sieve. This test was implemented by some states prior
Coarse aggregate flat and elongated is to Superpave, but is a new requirement for the WVDOH
evaluated by the percent mass of aggregates whose (McLeod et al. 1956).
ratio of longest dimension to smallest dimension is
greater than (5). Superpave limits the amount of flat and d) Flat and Elongated Particles Test
elongated particles to less than (10%). The WVDOH It is conducted according to the test method
Marshall specification limits flat and elongated particles outlined in ASTM D4791. The particle is considered a flat
to (5%) based on a (4:1) ratio (McLeod et al. 1956). and elongated particle if the ratio of the maximum to
minimum dimension of the particle is (5:1) or more.
b) Fine Aggregate Angularity(FAA) As a result CAA, FAA, elongated particles, and
Fine aggregate angularity, FAA, is evaluated SE affect pavement resistance to rutting, fatigue
using the Uncompacted Void Content procedure, cracking, and low-temperature cracking, and also affect
AASHTO T304 – 96 (AASHTO, 2000). The test is production and laydown (McLeod et al. 1956). Table 2.3
performed on material passing the (2.36)mm sieve. This shows criteria of Superpave system.
© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)
Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)

Table (2.3) : Criteria of Superpave System9


<100 >100 <100 >100

< 0.3 55/- -/- - - 40 -

0.3-to<3 75/- 50/- 40 40 40


3-to<10 85/80 60/- 45 40 45
10-to<30 95/90 80/75 45 40 45

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

>30 100 100 45 45 50

The Coarse and fine aggregate shall be defined in table 2.4. Gradation testing shall be
combined in such proportions to produce an asphalt conducted in accordance with AASTHO T-11 (-0.075
mixture meeting all the requirements defined in this mm (NO.200) wash) and T-27.
specification and shall conform to the gradation as
Table 2.4 : Aggregate Gradation Broad Bands10
Sieve Size Superpave Mixture (Percent Passing)
SP- 9.5(3/8'') SP-12.5 (1/2'') SP -19.0 (3/4'')
Nominal size Nominal size Nominal size
Gradation A B C
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
25.0 (1'') - - - - 100 -
19.0 (3/4'') - - 100 - 90 100
12.5 (1/2'') 100 - 90 100 - 90
9.5 (3/8'') 90 100 - 90 - -
4.75 (#4) - 90 - - - -
2.36 (#8) 32 67 28 58 23 49
0.075 (#200) 2 8 2 8 2 7

The Superpave gradation specifications bands

represent a minor revision as compared to the Marshall
requirements. However, the concept of a restricted zone
in the aggregate gradation was added to the Superpave
specification to control the amount of fine material of
certain sizes used in pavement mixtures. The restricted
zone was introduced to limit the potential for tender
mixes. The restricted zone has been removed from the
WVDOH Superpave specification, in accordance with
national recommendations. The gradation requirements
for the 9.5 mm, 12.5 mm, and 19.5 mm mixes are shown
in table 2.5 below.

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Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)

Table 2.5 : Recommended Aggregate Gradation Restricted Zone10

Sieve Boundaries of Restricted Zone Superpave Mixture

(Percent Passing)
SP- 9.5(3/8'') SP-12.5 (1/2'') SP -19.0 (3/4'')
Nominal size Nominal size Nominal size
mm (inch) Min Max Min Max Min Max
2.36 (#8) 47.2 47.2 39.1 39.1 34.6 34.6
1.18 mm 31.6 36.6 25.6 31.6 22.3 28.3
0.60 mm 23.5 27.5 19.1 23.1 16.7 20.7

0.30 mm 18.7 18.7 15.5 15.5 13.7 13.7


48 The Superpave process requires identifying a has prepared a Superpave Mix design workshop that
design aggregate structure using stockpile blends, covers the details of the analysis process as
which meet both the gradation and consensus presentedin the following in figure 2.1 below (Harmon, et
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

aggregate properties. The recommended practice is to al., 2002).

select three blends. The Federal Highway Administration

Figure 2.1 : Analysis Superpave Process of three blends10

The required asphalt content for each blend is Where Gse:-effective speaific gravity of aggregate blend
estimated by using general steps to estimate trial (initial) Gsb:-Bluk specific gravity of aggregate blend
binder content as following:- Gsa:-apparent specific gravity of aggregate blend
1-Estimate Gse 2-Estimate Vba
Gse=Gsb+0.8*(Gsa-Gsb) (2.1)

Vba=(Ps(1-Va))/((Pb/Gb)+(Ps/Gse))*((1/Gsb)-(1/Gse)) ( 2.2)
Where Vba:-Volume of absorbed binder
Vbe=0.176-0.067 log (Sn) (2.3)
Va:-Volume of air voids, (assumed 4%)
Pb:- Percent of binder (assumed 5%) Where Vbe= Volume of effective binder (by volume of
Ps:- Percent of aggregate (assumed 95%) mix)
Gb:-Specific gravity of binder Sn= Nominal maximum sieve size of aggregate blend
3-Estimate Vbe
4- Estimate Pbi:-
Pbi= 100*((Gb(Vbe+Vba))/(Gb(Vbe+Vba))+Ws) (2.4)
Where Pbi= Percent of binder by mass of mix Superpave samples are compacted using the
For each aggregate blend, two samples are gyratory compactor developed during the SHRP
prepared for compaction and two samples are prepared research. The number of the revolutions of the gyratory
for determining the maximum theoretical specific gravity. compactor regulates the amount of compaction effort.

© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)

Three levels of compaction effort are used in the immediately after construction. The maximum density
Superpave procedure; initial; design and maximum, Ni, level simulates the density of the asphalt after 5 to 10
Nd, and Nmax, respectively. The initial level is reflective years of service (Cominsky 1990). The number of
of the ability of the mixture to consolidate under low gyration depends on the design situation as presented
forces and is used to identify "tender" mixes. The design in Table 2.6.
level compaction simulates the density of the mix
Table 2.6 : Number of Gyrations at Specific Traffic Levels8
Traffic Level
<0.3 0.3 to 3 3 to 30 >30

Ni 6 7 8 9
Nd 50 75 115 125

Nmax 75 100 160 205

The bulk specific gravity is measured for the Dust Ratio= (PD/Pbe) (2.7) 49
compacted samples. This is used with the measured
The adjusted volumetric parameters are
maximum specific gravity for the volumetric analysis.

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

compared to the Superpave acceptance criteria shown
The Superpave method uses the same equations as the
in Table2.7. The aggregate blend that produces the best
Marshall methods for voids in the total mix, voids in the
compliance with the criteria is selected as the design
mineral aggregate and voids filled with asphalt. The
aggregate structure for determining the design binder
Superpave method defines the dust to binder ratio as
content. (Harmon, et al., 2002). If none of the aggregate
the percent aggregate passing the (0.075) mm sieve
blends produce a design aggregate structure with
divided by the percent effective binder. The percent
acceptable volumetric characteristics, a new aggregate
effective binder content is the difference between the
blend and subsequent testing must be selected and
total binder content and the absorbed binder as three
evaluated. Table 2.8 shows example of blend (3), and
following equations:-
figure 2.8 shows % of AirVoid, % VFA, and %VMA
Pba=100((GseGsb)/(GsbGse))*b (2.5) respectively v.s % of Asphalt Binder8
Pbe= Pb- (Pba/100)*Ps (2.6)

Table 2.7 : Superpave Mix Design Criteria 9

ESAL)( % Gmm Dust
millons Nini Ndes Nmax VMA VFA Air Void Ratio

<0.3 <91.5 70-80

<1 <90.5 65-78
<3 <90.5 <98.0 NA 65-78 0.6-1.2
<10 <89.0 96.0 65-75 4%
<30 <89.0 65-75
>30 <89.0 65-75

For example for IH-Intermediate Course, Blend (3)

Table 2.8 : Example of Blend (3)8

% AC % Air Voids %VMA %VFA

4.2 5.5 13.4 59.3

4.7 3.9 13.2 70.1

5.2 3.0 13.4 77.9
5.7 1.9 13.6 86.2

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Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)
2014 Year


Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I


Figure 2.8 : (a) % of AirVoid, (b) % VFA , (c) % VMA respectively v.s % of Asphalt Binder8
Finally, the moisture susceptibility of the mixture mechanical shaker for you , after that make the graded
is evaluated, Six samples are prepared at the design of aggregate to get the mix of aggregate that meets
aggregate structure and optimum binder content. Three specification.
samples are conditioned. The tensile strength of all
samples is measured (Huber et al. 2007). b) Mixing Asphalt with aggregate
Put the asphalt cement in an oven for (2 hr),
III. Overview of the Marshall Method then put aggregate mixture in container, and make
(kandhal et al. 1985) check if the aggregate to be with compliance to
specifications then heated to (110º), after that add the
a) Seieving the aggregate asphalt to aggregate in a pan and mixed through until all
Put all sieves above each other in familiar order, aggregate mixed with asphalt.
then put the sample on the sieves and shaking use the

© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)

c) Compaction IV. Conclusion and Summary of the

Mould painted with oil to prevent the adhersion
Comparative Study
between the specimen and the mold, then put the
mould at the bottom of compaction in the right position • The review of the literature demonstrates the
and filter paper was put on the bottom of the mould, availability of analytical and experimental
then put the mixture of aggregate and asphalt in the methodologies that may be potentially improve the
mould and put a new filter paper on the top of the mix design. Such methods rely on the volumetric
mould, then check fastness of mould and rise the analysis for establishing the optimum asphalt
hummer to max height. After that release hummer to fall content.
vertically (50) times on the mould for each faces. After a • The Voids in the mineral aggregate criteria are
week, weight the specimen in air and dry weight, then critical since they initially establish the volume of the
immersed the specimen in water for (3-5) min then effective binder in the mix.

weight the saturated surface dry (after dying the
specimen with clothes).immersed the samples in water • However, the current VMA criteria used by Marshall

for (30)min and weighted it in water. and Superpave were derived for mixes with
questionable assumptions concerning the type of
d) Stability and Flow test aggregate. 51
Zero flow water to increase (4 inch) diameter • (CAA, FAA, Flat and elongated particles, and SE)
cylinder in the testing head, the specimen is immersed affect pavement resistance to rutting, fatigue

Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

in water path at 60Cº for (30 min), then placed the cracking, and low-temperature cracking, and also
specimen under the test head at constant rate, after that affect production and laydown.
record the load of failure and strain at the point of failure
from the results make the calculations. • There are several Differences between Super pave
System v.s Marshall Mix Design for Asphalt Paving
e) Gmm Test Mixtures as shown in table 4.1 below.
Specimen resulted from stability test were
damaged by separating aggregate from each other
Table 4.1 : Mix Design Differences between Super pave System v.s Marshall Mix Design
for Asphalt Paving Mixtures

Superpave Mix Design Marshall Mix Design

Tests in Mineral Aggregate like(CAA, FAA, SE, and F&E Tests in Mineral Aggregate like(CAA, FAA, SE, and F&E
particles)are considered in the SP particles)are not considered in the Marshall test
Trial (Intial) binder content is done in the SP to take an idea Trial (Intial) binder content is not done in the Marshall test
about binder content before compaction
Levels of compaction in Super pave System with respect to Levels of compaction in Marshall System depends on Type of
(N design) which depends on:- traffic as following:
1-Average Design high air Temperture 1-Light (ESALs<10000)---Level of compaction= 35.
2- Design ESALs 2-Median (10000<ESALs<1000000)---Level of compaction=
3- Heavy (ESALs>1000000)---Level of compaction= 75.
The Concept of Nmax which is used to compact the test The Concept of Nmax & N init are not exist in Marshall test.
specimen &Nini that is used to estimates Compactibility of
The Concept (%Gmm-corrected) which is used to collect all The Concept (%Gmm-corrected) is not exist in Marshall test.
the data analysis to select the design binder content.
Nominal Maximum Aggregate size(NMS) (mm)which The Concept of Nominal Maximum Aggregate size (NMS) is not
respected to sieve size larger than the first sieve to retain exist in Marshall test.
more than (10%) and it is important to select gradation
criteria of mix & make check on VMA% according to (NMS)
The Concept of Dust Ratio which represents ratio between The Concept of Dust Ratio is not exist in Marshall test.
aggregate content passing (0.075) mm sieve to effective
binder content.
%G mm @Nmax & % Gmm @ Ninit that are exist in SP %G mm @Nmax & % Gmm @ Ninit that are exist in SPnot
Evalution of moisture Sensitivity of design mixture and Evalution of moisture Sensitivity of design mixture and
determine tensile strength ratio which should not less than determine tensile strength ratio are not exist in Marshall test.

© 20 14 Global Journals Inc. (US)

Superpave System Versus Marshall Design Procedure for Asphalt Paving Mixtures
(Comparative Study)

Performance Grade binder (PG-binder) which required for Performance Grade binder (PG-binder) are not exist in
any project. Marshall test.
LTPP& Sharp algorithms program are used in the Super ave LTPP& Sharp algorithms program are not used in the Marshall
to calculate T high &T low and to estimate (PG) to the project test.
according to known reliability.
Super pave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) which is defined to Super pave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) is not used in the
make compact to mix to select design aggregate structure. Marshall test.
Control point / Restricted zone (FHWA 0.45 power chart) Control point / Restricted zone (FHWA 0.45 power chart) which
which is used to determine design aggregate structure, are not exist in the Marshall test.
determine if the aggregate is Finer or Coarse with respect to
max density line and evaluate (NMS).

Dimensions of Gyratory are (150)mm diameter which is more The Diameter of specimen in the Marshall test is (102mm)

than the diameter of Marshall test specimen & number of which is less than the diameter of Gyratory in Super pave test.
Gyration per min in Super pave= (30)
References Références Referencias 11. Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and other
Hot Mix Types, The Asphalt Institute, MS-2, Sixth
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( G ) Volume XIV Issue V Version I

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the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
Vol. 54, 2005.
8. McGennis, R.B.; Anderson, R.M.; Kennedy, T.W.;
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© 2014 Global Journals Inc. (US)

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