European Standards For Asphalts

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The key takeaways are that new European Standards have replaced British Standards for asphalt mixtures and testing. A guidance document was also published to help with applying the standards in the UK context given differences in climate, traffic, etc.

The new European Standards comprise the EN 13108 family for product specifications and the EN 12697 family for testing standards. They replace parts of BS 4987 and BS 594. The standards describe mixtures and test methods while the guidance document helps with practical application in the UK.

The guidance document PD 6691 provides national guidance on using EN 13108 in the UK as the standards alone would be difficult to apply properly given differences between countries. It aims to ensure appropriate mixtures are selected to meet UK performance needs.


n the UK, the new European

Standards for asphalts came
into force on 1 January 2008
and the previous standards,
BS 4987 and BS 594, were
withdrawn from use in
December 2007.This paper gives
an overview of the main
requirements of the new

European Standards
standards and, in particular, the
differences compared with the
previous standards.While the
asphalt mixtures themselves do
not change, the descriptions and

for Asphalt
the methodology leading up to
their manufacture, supply and
conformity differ from those
previously applicable.
The new European Standards
for asphalt comprise two families
of standards:
the EN 13108 family of
product and associated
An introduction to the new European Standards and PD document, and
the EN 12697 family of their application in the UK
testing standards.
These ENs (the UK versions of By John B-Bullock, Aggregate Industries (technical Manager - Yeoman Asphalt)
the ENs are designated BS EN
and are published by BSI) replace
the current Part 1 of BS 49871, their practical use without issues such as climate, traffic
which addresses coated national guidance for individual density and road safety demand
macadams, and Part 1 of BS 5942, countries would be almost specific properties and
which deals with hot-rolled impossible and would inevitably performance criteria to be
asphalts. Additionally, the BS EN lead to the selection of selected and applied within the
12697 series of testing standards inappropriate mixture UK.
will, at the same time, replace the compositions, resulting in Development of the ENs
majority of those parts of BS 598 performance levels that would be started after the issue of the
where an equivalent European unacceptable to clients, Construction Products Directive
test Standard exists. A list of the producers and laying contractors. (CPD) in December 1988 with
mixture standards is shown in To address this, the UK has the work on harmonizing the
table 1 with the testing standards published a national guidance standards commencing in 1989.
listed in table 2. document (designated Published The first EN construction
European Standards (ENs) are Document or PD) to address standard published was that for
drafted using a similar process to the applicability of the new EN cement in 2000.The bitumen
that used by the British Standards 13108 series in the UK. standard EN 125913 was
Institution. However, as a result The guidance document PD published later the same year.The
of their wide applicability across 6691, Asphalt - Guidance on the European Standards for
the 27 member states of Europe use of BS EN 13108 Bituminous aggregates were published in
that have agreed to adopt the Mixtures - Material specifications 2002 and implemented in January
European Standards for asphalt, is particularly important as 2004. It has taken until this year

QM January 2008 17

Asphalt Technology
Table 1. European asphalt mixture standards standards. protocols applicable to what is
The ENs relate to the product called type testing, proof of
BS EN 13108-1 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
in the back of the lorry, but in conformity prior to supply, will
Asphalt Concrete
the UK some properties are be utilized.
BS EN 13108-2 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
installation trial dependent (the The grading and binder
Asphalt Concrete for very thin layers
protocols for the trials are content for the asphalt products
BS EN 13108-3 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
annexes within the new BS are based on the principle of
Soft Asphalt
594987, which addresses the selecting specific target values
BS EN 13108-4 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
issues covered in Part 2 of both and then applying the production
Hot Rolled Asphalt
BS 4987 and BS 594 and is control tolerances to these
BS EN 13108-5 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
Stone Mastic Asphalt
discussed below). However, there individual target values.This
will still be requirements written concept was first introduced in
BS EN 13108-6 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
Mastic Asphalt
into contracts including, for BS 4987 and BS 594 in 2005 as a
example, proof of adequate lead in to the new standards but
BS EN 13108-7 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
Porous Asphalt compaction, and the same only against the 2mm sieve.The
BS EN 13108-8 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications. Table 2. BS EN 12697 Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for
Reclaimed Asphalt
hot asphalt
BS EN 13108-20 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
BS EN 12697-1 Soluble binder content
Type Testing
BS EN 12697-2 Determination of particle size distribution
BS EN 13108-21 Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications.
Factory Production Control BS EN 12697-3 Bitumen recovery. Rotary evaporator
BS EN 12697-4 Bitumen recovery. Fractionating column
BS EN 12697-5 Determination of the maximum density
to reach a point where the
asphalt standards can be BS EN 12697-6 Determination of bulk density of bituminous specimens
implemented, some 18 years after BS EN 12697-7 Determination of the bulk density of bituminous specimens by
gamma rays
work commenced.
BS EN 12697-8 Determination of void characteristics of bituminous specimens
The principle involves the
harmonization of individual BS EN 12697-9 Determination of the reference density
European countries BS EN 12697-10 Compactability
specifications and test methods. BS EN 12697-11 Determination of the affinity between aggregate and bitumen
While there are currently BS EN 12697-12 Determination of the water sensitivity of bituminous specimens
27 countries represented and BS EN 12697-13 Temperature measurement
bound to implement the ENs, in BS EN 12697-14 Water content
1989 there were only 12.Their BS EN 12697-15 Determination of the segregation sensitivity
implementation will remove the BS EN 12697-16 Abrasion by studded tyres
geographical barriers to trade BS EN 12697-17 Particle loss of porous asphalt specimen
within Europe and introduce a BS EN 12697-18 Binder drainage
common approach to testing and BS EN 12697-19 Permeability of specimen
performance assessment. BS EN 12697-20 Indentation using cube or Marshall specimens
BS EN 12697-21 Indentation using plate specimens
Key differences BS EN 12697-22 Wheel tracking
between the old BS EN 12697-23 Determination of the indirect tensile strength of bituminous
British Standards specimens
and the new BS EN 12697-24 Resistance to fatigue
European BS EN 12697-25 Cyclic compression test
Standards for BS EN 12697-26 Stiffness
asphalts BS EN 12697-27 Sampling
BS EN 12697-28 Preparation of samples for determining binder content, water
It is very important to note that content and grading
the new standards have greater BS EN 12697-29 Determination of the dimensions of a bituminous specimen
authority and legal standing BS EN 12697-30 Specimen preparation by impact compactor
than the previous British
BS EN 12697-31 Specimen preparation by gyratory compactor
Standards, therefore requiring
BS EN 12697-32 Laboratory compaction of bituminous mixtures by vibratory
particular attention to the detail compactor
of product certification through BS EN 12697-33 Specimen prepared by roller compactor
CE marking. BS EN 12697-34 Marshall test
The British Standards left
BS EN 12697-35 Laboratory mixing
compliance to be a requirement
BS EN 12697-36 Determination of the thickness of a bituminous pavement
of the contract, whether directly
BS EN 12697-37 Hot-sand test for the adhesivity of binder on pre-coated
with the customer/user of the
chippings for HRA
road or pavement, or through
BS EN 12697-38 Test equipment and calibration
other contractual supply
BS EN 12697-39 Binder content by ignition
arrangements including Sector
BS EN 12697-40 In-situ drainability
Scheme 14, whereas the
BS EN 12697-41 Resistance to de-icing fluids
European Standards bring
BS EN 12697-42 Amount of coarse foreign matter in reclaimed asphalt
product compliance and
BS EN 12697-43 Resistance to fuel
conformity into the materials

18 QM January 2008

Asphalt Technology
specification tolerances for prefixed by an abbreviation which and SMA) are covered and these
grading and binder content are identifies the mixture type, the take account of the requirements
not included in the individual principal ones being: AC (asphalt associated with UK climate,
product standards; they sit within concrete), HRA (hot-rolled traffic and safety issues.
EN 13108-21 and, of course, PD asphalt) and SMA (stone-mastic Importantly, it also contains
6691. asphalt). More details on mixture stand-alone example
Target binder contents are designations are given below. specifications for the most
adjusted according to the relative commonly used asphalts from BS
density of the aggregate The national 4987, BS 594 and from the
combination used, thereby guidance Specification for Highway Works
ensuring that the more critical document for for SMA and EME2.
aspect of the binder volume of asphalt mixtures The UK will continue to follow
the mixture is fully taken account PD 6691 the empirically-based recipe
of in the design of the mixture. approach to mixtures with,
Within PD 6691 the example This is the indispensable initially, few ancillary property
specifications found in the document for engineers, tests; the principal tests being
annexes already take the nature specifiers, contractors and voids content and, where
of the aggregate into account suppliers, ie for all those involved necessary, wheel-tracking and
and, therefore, state the actual in asphalt in the UK. It facilitates stiffness. Some of the EN test
binder contents that should be the selection of the appropriate methods will change, eg wheel-
found on analysis. asphalt mixture for the majority tracking, where the method used
In terms of product of paving applications and must is dependant on the material
conformity, binder and filler be read and understood before being tested and a different
contents are not adjusted to attempting to grasp the contents format is used for reporting the
allow for any sampling bias.While of the individual standards in the results of AC and SMA. As a
this is particularly relevant to the BS EN 13108 series.Without the result, testing against the new BS
larger 32mm lean binder content advice given in PD 6691 it would EN test method will be carried
mixtures, in respect of all be almost impossible to specify out alongside testing undertaken
mixtures it increases the asphalt mixtures capable of in accordance with BS 598-1109.
importance of ensuring that handling and performing in an This will continue until sufficient
representative samples are taken equivalent manner to the data are available to correlate the
from the material, whether it be mixtures used previously. results from the two methods,
in the lorry, a heap or even from PD 6691 principally covers BS which, in time, will permit the
the laid mat, for contractual audit EN 13108-1 Asphalt Concrete, BS specification of limits applicable
testing. EN 13108-4 Hot Rolled Asphalt to the new EN methods.
There are provisions for the and BS EN 13108-5 Stone Mastic The more fundamental
use of reclaimed asphalt in each Asphalt, with limited reference to approach to mixture design will
of the asphalt product standards BS EN 13108-2 Asphalt Concrete take a number of years to be
and reclaimed asphalt is formally for Thin Layers, which is covered introduced and can only be
recognized as an ingredient and primarily through BBA/HAPAS considered once the required
covered under EN 13108-8, certification. PD 6691 does not experience with the new
where it is identified and cover BS EN 13108-3 Soft European Standard tests and how
categorized according to any Asphalt, which is principally used they relate to performance in the
contaminants and the properties in the Nordic countries, BS EN pavement has been gained.
of the binder. 13108-7 Porous Asphalt or BS As previously stated, target
EME2 (Enrob Module EN 13108-6 Mastic Asphalt.While binder contents are adjusted
lev), the very stiff and resilient the use of porous asphalt on according to the relative density
base and binder course material motorways and trunk roads is of the aggregate combination
that has now replaced HMB35 now limited in the UK, guidance used to ensure the binder
and which utilizes approximately can still be sought from the volume relationship for the
5.5% of a very hard 15/20 or Specification for Highway Works. mixture is maintained. However,
20/25 pen binder, is now officially For mastic asphalt, contact in the UK allowance has always
covered by a national standard in should be made with the Mastic been made for another key
addition to its inclusion in the Asphalt Council7 and for asphalt attribute of the aggregate its
Specification for Highway specifically to be used on microtexture. Accordingly, target
Works4,5. SMA (stone-mastic airfields, reference should be binder contents in PD 6691 are
asphalt), which again was not made to the series of Defence recommended depending on the
covered under a British Standard Estates Standards8. type and nature of aggregate
specification, is now addressed by For ease of use, the format of used. For CE marking purposes,
EN 13108-5 (SMAs also feature PD 6691 has been made very the binder content by mass used
in a number of proprietary similar to that of BS 4987 and BS in the manufacture of the asphalt
BBA/HAPAS-certified mixtures6 594.While it provides guidance is back-calculated to ensure that
for use in a number of motorway on the use and selection of it is declared in the correct
and trunk road applications). asphalt mixtures, full details of format, in line with the
All mixtures supplied in the specification requirements for requirements of the EN.This
compliance with one of the EN each of the principle mixture binder content is quoted as Bmin
13108 product standards are types used in the UK (AC, HRA on the CE mark and is likely to

QM January 2008 21

Asphalt Technology
be a different figure to the actual SMA 10 surf 40/60 PSV65. that the mixture composition and
binder content used in the It should be noted that performance do not change
manufacture of the asphalt, which individual asphalt producers may significantly when transferring the
is known as Bact and is the binder add further information to the specification of the asphalts to
content against which product product designation/description. the new EN Standards.The
conformity is adjudged. In most cases, the description of contents of the annexes are:
With regard to the use of proprietary asphalts will be Annex A:The importance of
reclaimed asphalt, it is classified in unchanged. example mixture specifications;
terms of its content of foreign Product conformity Annex B: Asphalt Concrete;
matter and the properties of its (Attestation of Conformity) is Annex C: Hot Rolled Asphalt
binder. Recommended maximum evidenced by CE marking, which (including PCC); and Annex D:
limits for its use in mixtures are is similar to a product conformity Stone Mastic Asphalt
10% for surface course and 50% certificate and works on similar The fundamental differences
for bases and binder courses. principles to those applicable to between specifying the grading
Where more than 10% and 20% the ENs for aggregates. However, using the European Standards and
of reclaimed asphalt is used in it is anticipated that the CE the UK method contained in BS
surface courses or bases and marking for asphalt will be more 4987 and BS 594, and other
binder courses, respectively, the rigidly applied and more widely documents, is easier to
recovered binder from the used in the UK. understand by way of an
mixture is evaluated by PD 6691 contains four very example.Table 3 identifies the
penetration testing.Thus, there is important annexes which provide process for selecting target
little difference from the current detailed information and guidance gradings and binder content from
requirements given in the on the mixture specifications. the target grading ranges and
Specification for Highway Works. These annexes occupy some applying the FPC tolerance using
In the UK the normative two-thirds of the document and 32mm asphalt concrete dense
product designations of the are the key reference areas for binder course as an example.
asphalt concretes have been the selection of appropriate Readers should note the use of a
further expanded to permit target gradings and binder comma, which replaces the
identification of the full grading contents for the type of mixture decimal point traditionally used in
range of the mixtures used.These that is required.The use of the the UK.
descriptions will be familiar to tables in the annexes ensures For the purposes of
the users of BS 4987 materials
Table 3. Example of a declared specification (AC 32 HDM
dense (dense)
dense bin 40/60)
open (open graded)
close (close graded) Target
med (medium graded) Declared
Test sieve composition Tolerances Conformity
fine (fine graded). mm Annex B from Table 8 specification
The terms HDM (heavy-duty Table B.11
macadam) and HMB (high- 40 100 100 2 + 0 98-100
modulus base) will also continue
31,5 99-100 99 9 + 5 90-100
to be used to differentiate
between the mixtures providing 20 80-86 82 9 73-91
improved performance 6,3 52 52 9 43-61
characteristics in use. 2 27-33 28 7 21-35
Additionally, the PSV of the 0,250 11-15 12 5 7-17
aggregate can be added to the 0,063 8 8 3 5,0-11,0
designation for surface course Binder
and binder courses exposed to (Limestone 4,0 4,0 0,6 3,4-4,6
traffic in their early life.This is Aggregate)
not a mandatory requirement
within the ENs but must be Notes
considered a safeguard from the 1. Test sieves from the appropriate table in Annex B, together with the
appropriate binder content as allowed in BS EN 13108-1 are included in the
customers perspective ensuring
that appropriate skid-resistant 2. The target grading ranges and binder content limiting values have been taken
mixtures are supplied.To identify from the relevant table in Annex B.
design mixtures from recipe 3. The specific target grading values and target binder content are selected from
mixtures, as applicable to HRA the values in the column headed Target composition Annex B.Where the
and AC dense mixtures, the latter column contains only a single value, as is the case for the percentage
designation des will be used. passing the 6,3mm sieve, only this value can be selected.Where a range is
Examples of these product shown, eg 2733 for the percentage passing the 2mm sieve, any value between
27 and 33 can be selected as the target grading value.
designations are:
4. The values shown in the column headed Tolerances from Table 8 are the
AC 32 HDM base 40/60 tolerances taken from PD 6691 (BS EN 13108-21) to be applied to the
AC 10 close surf 100/150 individual target grading values and the target binder content and used to
PSV60 formulate the compliance specification.
HRA 35/14F surf 40/60 des 5. The conformity specification is similar to the equivalent specification that
PSV50 would be found within BS 4987.

22 QM January 2008

Asphalt Technology
monitoring quality and checking Table 4. Conformity specification alternative format (AC
on the deviation of the results 32 HDM dense bin 40/60)
from the declared target values
Test sieve Conformity
used for type testing, the mm specification
compliance specification is better
40 100
reported as the declared target
31,5 99-9 + 5
values with the tolerances
20 82 9
alongside in a similar format to
that shown in table 4. 6,3 52 9
To convert the Bact target 2 28 7
values within PD 6691 back to 0,250 12 5
the regulatory Bmin value 0,063 8 3
required by the BS EN Standard, Binder 4,0 0,6
the following formula is used: (Limestone Aggregate)

to prove mix conformity with the compliance specification for

Bmin declared = b x Bact
EN/PD requirements at the conformity assessment.
selected target composition.The The documented FPC
where b is the mean particle
protocols identified in this requirements to manufacture the
density of the aggregate mixture
section and used as part of the product are followed. It is
in Mg/m3, determined in
type testing procedure are found noteworthy that these are
accordance with BS EN 1097-6,
in BS 594987. narrower in scope than those
with the resultant binder content
The type test record is contained in BS EN 9001 as
being declared to the nearest
completed and includes: customer-related issues and
a declaration of the types continuous improvement are not
Thus, if the mean particle
and sources of constituent covered in EN 13108-21. Industry
density of the aggregate in a
materials Sector Scheme 1410 refers to EN
mixture is 2,730Mg/m3, the
test data proving conformity 13108-21 and expands on the
binder content for CE marking
of the constituents with the FPC requirements.The FPC
purposes (Bmin) would be
relevant requirements system, including the additional
calculated from the selected
a declaration of the target requirements of Sector
target binder content (Bact) used
composition of the mixture Scheme14, is currently third
to manufacture the mixture using
test data showing party assessed by registered
the above formula as follows:
conformity of the mixture notified bodies (NoBos).
with any specified The Sector Scheme
Bmin declared = 2,730 4,0% Bact
performance requirements. 14 requirements are considered
It is important to note that in addition to those from the
= 4,2%
type testing is mixture specific ENs and the FPC procedures are
(4,12 rounded to
and does not have to be followed to check conformity of
the nearest 0,2%)
repeated where the same type, the product supplied. Conformity
The process for the approval
source and proportion of is checked against the single
of CE-marked asphalt mixtures
constituents are used on another result criteria within PD 6691
on contracts is formalized
plant. However, certain type tests (EN 13108-21).The mean
through type testing disciplines
will not have to be repeated deviation from target is a new
covered by EN 13108-20 and the
where the change in a concept in the UK and is
factory product control covered
constituent leads to a result determined as a check on
by EN 13108-21.The asphalt
which will be better than that product consistency to ensure
industry is identifying this process
obtained with the original production results do not
using the acronym CE MAP,
constituent. wander too far from the target
which stands for the CE Marking
For example, a mixture values proposed under type
and Approval Process.
containing 100/150 pen for testing.
The CE MAP - The wheel-tracking would be assumed In place of the Q level
to comply if the binder grade was previously used in the UK, a
methodology for
changed to 40/60 pen, providing system to determine the OCL
type testing and no other mixture constituents (operating compliance level) is
factory production nor any mixture proportions used.This is determined from the
control were altered. last 32 results (Q level utilized
Section 13 of PD 6691 details the Under the requirements for the last 30 results). However, the
requirements for the Evaluation factory production control OCL is also marked down by a
of Conformity and the covered in EN 13108-21, the type failure in mean deviation.The
obligations of the asphalt testing procedure for an asphalt OCL determines the sample
producer.Target grading values mixture has to be repeated at rates for groups of mixtures and
and the target binder content are intervals not exceeding five years. linked to this are recommended
selected from the tables in The EN 13108-21 factory minimum test frequencies
annexes B, C or D in PD 6691 product control (FPC) tolerances identified within Sector Scheme
and type testing is carried out in are applied to the target 14. CE marking is carried out by
accordance with BS EN 13108-20 composition to formulate the self-certification with the CE

QM January 2008 25

Asphalt Technology
marks being subject to compaction are detailed. An area entitled Revised MCHW
examination by the notified not previously covered which is specification 900 series.
bodies. now included is the sampling and IAN 102/07 introduces the
To ensure that clients and testing for type testing the changes taking effect from
customers are made fully aware asphalt through the use of trial 1 January 2008 focusing on
of the supply specification, it is strips.This is detailed within a product description changes, the
likely that the majority of asphalt series of very important introduction of reclaimed asphalt
suppliers will provide an informative annexes, a number of and, of course, the implications of
additional product information which cover protocols previously initial type testing, factory
sheet for each of their mixtures, found within the Specification for production control and CE
which will show the types and Highway Works, as indicated by marking.The IAN also identifies
sourcing of all the ingredients the SHW clause references in and details the transitional
along with the compliance brackets. arrangements on contracts and
specification and any ancillary The annexes are: explains that CE mark
test data. Annex A: Details delivery and certification from all suppliers
rolling temperatures for a full will not necessarily be available
BS 594987 range of mixtures including SMA from January due to the
Asphalt for roads Annex B: Details the rates of assessment work needing to be
and other paved spread including the range of carried out by the notified bodies
areas Asphalt Concretes, Hot Rolled before certification can be issued
specification for Asphalts, Stone Mastic Asphalt by suppliers.
and EME2 The significant changes to
transport, laying
Annex C: Details the procedure the 900 series are covered in
and compaction for the determination of IAN 101/07 with references
and design DBM/HDM/HMB design voids to PD6691 in respect to all the
protocols (SHW 929) key areas of the changes,
This new standard replaces Parts Annex D: Details the procedure including the important
2 of BS 498711 and BS 59412 and for the determination of product designation/description
covers all the EN 13108 asphalt DBM/HDM/HMB deformation changes.
mixtures found in PD 6691. It has resistance (SHW 952) However, further important
been produced for UK use Annex E: Details of the EME2 changes have been brought in
because there is no European design procedure and the by the Highways Agency since
Standard that addresses the properties testing (extracted 1 January concerning the
issues of transport, laying and from TRL 636) durability of base and binder
compaction. In a similar format Annex F: Details of the course layers.These have arisen
to Parts 2 of BS 4987 and BS procedure for the determination from joint collaborative work and
594, it must be considered as the of performance HRA properties have been fully supported by the
baseline document for all hot (SHW 943) asphalt industry in full
asphalt pavement applications. It Annex G: Details of the recognition of the early-life
details minimum and maximum procedure for the determination failures and the resultant
compacted thicknesses along of SMA binder course properties significant costs arising from
with the accuracy of finish (SHW 937) water ingress to the lower layers
required for each of the Annex H: Details of the of flexible asphalt pavements.
pavement layers, and it provides procedure for the determination Within clause 903, in summary,
improved clarity on laying, the of the HRA surface course design the following are the
formation of joints and all the (including the requirements of BS most significant additional
other key issues associated with 598-107) requirements to the base
site preparation. Annex I: Calibration and and binder course layers to
Readers should note that, at operation of indirect density enhance those of the new BS
the same time as the full gauges including both nuclear and 594987.
implementation of the European other indirect gauges. A detailed method
Standards for Asphalt, the statement is required for
Highways Agency have had to Changes to the each contract covering
amend their documents and Highways Agency laying and compaction of
have produced two Interim Specification for each of the layers along
Advice Notes covering the Highway Works with details of longitudinal
European Standards for asphalt and transverse joint
During November 2007 two
and the amended 900 series. formation.
Interim Advice Notes (IANs)
These are covered in summary Full interlayer bonding
were published by the Highways
below. required between all flexible
Agency covering the introduction
The application of pre-coated pavement layers.
of the European Standards for
chippings to hot-rolled asphalt All longitudinal joints will
Asphalt: IAN 102/0713, entitled
surface course is detailed along be outside defined wheel-
The introduction of BSEN
with the rates of spread and the track zones and offset by
standards for bituminous
measurement of texture depth. 300m from any parallel
mixtures site supervision
As previously, the importance and joints in the underlying layer.
aspects, and IAN 101/0714,
the requirements for achieving Additional, and specifically for

26 QM January 2008

Asphalt Technology
the base and binder course Specification for constituent 16, For the quality assurance of
layers: materials and for mixtures, BS the production of asphalt mixes,
Compaction will be 4987-1:2005, BSI, London. March 2004, Sector Scheme
2. BRITISH STANDARDS Advisory Committee, Feltham,
measured within 100m of
INSTITUTION: Hot-rolled asphalt Middlesex.
the joints in each of the for roads and other paved areas, 11. BRITISH STANDARDS
layers with the voids content Specification for constituent INSTITUTION: Coated macadam
being not more than 2% materials and asphalt mixtures, BS for roads and other paved areas,
higher than that required 594-1:2005, BSI, London. Specification for transport, laying
for the layer in the contract. 3. BRITISH STANDARDS and compaction, BS 4987-2:2003,
All joints will be overbanded INSTITUTION: Bitumen and BSI, London.
with a bitumen sealant to a bituminous binders, Specifications 12. BRITISH STANDARDS
for paving grade bitumens, BS EN INSTITUTION: Hot rolled asphalt
width of 75mm either side
12591:2000, BSI, London. for roads and other paved areas,
of the joint. 4. HIGHWAYS AGENCY et al: Specification for transport, laying
The same sealant will be Manual of Contract Documents and compaction, BS 594-2:2003,
applied to the whole of any for Highway Works,Vols 0-6, BSI, London.
freestanding edge on the various dates,The Stationery 13. HIGHWAYS AGENCY: Interim
outside of the finished Office, London. Advice Note 102/07 The
pavement on the high side of 5. http://www.standardsforhighways. introduction of BSEN standards
the camber and on the low for bituminous mixtures
6. site supervision aspects, Nov
side when specified in App
html 2007. Available for download
7/1. 7. http://www.masticasphaltcouncil. from:
These changes in clause 903 do
involve significant additional costs 8. http://www.defence ans/index.htm
and are therefore not mandatory 14. HIGHWAYS AGENCY: Interim
for contracts that have already d/airfields.php Advice Note 101/07, Revised
been priced, awarded or were 9. BRITISH STANDARDS MCHW specification 900 series,
under construction before INSTITUTION: Bituminous Nov 2007. Available for download
mixtures for roads and other from:
1 January 2008.
paved areas, Methods of test for
the determination of texture ans/index.htm
depth, BS 598-110:2004, BSI,
INSTITUTION: Coated macadam 10. UKAS: National Highways Sector
(asphalt concrete) for roads Scheme for Quality Management
and other paved areas Part 1: in Highway Works, Sector Scheme

QM January 2008 27

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