Workzone The Project Management Starter Guide

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The Project Management

Starter Guide:

for Non-Project
Chapter 1
What ’s Proje c t Ma n a ge m e n t?
And are you secretly a project manager?
J ust because your business card doesn’t say Project Manager
doesn’t mean you aren’t one.

Take this quick survey. At your job, do you ever:

oo Organize a team of people around a set of tasks?

oo Find yourself responsible for getting a certain job done,

whether it be by yourself or with a team?

oo Create timelines and budgets?

oo Create plans for a project, oversee the completion of the

project, and then find yourself looking back on the project
and exploring what went right and what went wrong?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you’re a project

manager—even if it’s not part of your job title.

The Project Management Starter Guide 3

What Does the Secret Project
Manager Look Like?

The Secret Project Manager probably didn’t go to business school.

She probably didn’t get a management degree. The Secret Project
Manager might be an engineer, a computer science graduate, a
marketer, an advertiser or an editorial manager.

She or he is any person that leads a team of people towards

a certain goal—and really, that could be anyone. They find
themselves accountable to stakeholders, gives status updates on
projects to higher-ups, or oversees budgets and resources for a
team of people.

The Project Management Starter Guide 4

Congratulations, You’re a Project Manager!
(And You’re Going to Be Just Fine)

Congrats on your newfound title of Project Manager! Have we

scared you? Does it sound all fancy and nebulous? The good news
it’s that it’s not. The good news is that we’ve created this guide just
for YOU, the project manager who doesn’t know she’s a project
manager yet—and you’re going to be just fine.

Whether you’re the Marketing Project Manager, Engineering

Project Manager, IT Project Manager, or PM of any other kind,
we’ve got your back. We’ll cover all the basics you need to
succeed in your role, including: what a project is, the skills you
need to make things run smoothly, and the 5 phases of a project—
including getting things kicked off right and wrapping everything
up at the end.

And by the end of it? You’ll be a pro.

The Project Management Starter Guide 5

What Is a Project?

Ah, our first lesson. We did say we were going to keep things
simple and straightforward, didn’t we? Did we? Well, we are.
This guide is for those of you who haven’t even ever used
the words “project management” at work, so we’re going to
start from the bottom and work our way up.

Here’s our definition of a project.

A project is a set of tasks grouped together with a

common goal in mind that: 1) has a clear start and
finish; 2) creates something new (even if it already
exists elsewhere); 3) has boundaries (such as project
scope and specifications); 4) and has someone in
charge or someone personally invested in the outcome.

Whew! What a mouthful. Let’s break it down.

The Project Management Starter Guide 6

1 A Project Has a Beginning and End

What do we mean by that? Basically, a project has a scope, or a

clear start, finish, and summary of everything that needs to get
done in between.

It’s not going to go on forever or even for a long period of

time spanning, say, a few years (unless you’re in research or
architecture—then it might!). If it did go on for years at a time,
it’d more likely be called a program, which is a group of projects
with a common goal that are usually recurring and similar in
scope, but just spread out over time.

But we won’t get into that now. All you need to know is that a
project needs a start date and an end date and an overview
of what needs to happen in between. Clear boundaries like
these—even if there isn’t really a deadline by which the tasks
need to be done—give us a nice, neat structure to work within
that makes it easy to set time-bound goals and get stuff done.

2 A Project Creates Something New

You’re doing it now because you haven’t done it already.

That’s not to say, if you’re an advertiser, you’ve never

created a mockup for an ad before. But maybe you’ve never It’s not the first advertising mockup to ever be created, but it is new
created a mockup from this photo shoot, with this kind of information that you want your audience to see. Because you wouldn’t
copy, and for this month’s magazine of, say, Women’s Health. spend more time and resources building the same ad twice, would
You’ve built mockups, but not like this. you? Of course not.

The Project Management Starter Guide 7

3 A Project Has Boundaries

Just like that beginning and end we talked about earlier. But let’s
emphasize the scope again here. The scope isn’t just about start
and end dates. It’s also about:

oo All the deadlines for the tasks in between (“milestones”)

oo What resources will be involved (what money and from where,

whose labor hours)

oo What the tangible deliverables of the outcome are

If you don’t get these down first, your project could end up out
of control and off the rails, sucking up time and resources like a
destructive and unruly Godzilla.

4 A Project Has Someone In Charge

Who asked you to do this project? Your immediate supervisor?
Your cofounder? Or did you decide yourself that this project needs
to get done?
• Even if “Project Manager” isn’t in your job
title, you could still be one Whatever the case, there needs to be someone in charge,
someone the project leaders can hold themselves and their team
• A project is a set of tasks grouped together accountable to. Someone somewhere is personally invested in this
by a common goal project, and we’re going to make them proud. (Even if the person
is ourselves!).
• A project has boundaries, creates
something new, and has someone in charge

The Project Management Starter Guide 8

Chapter 2
The Skill s Yo u Ne e d t o Su c c e e d
Do You Have What it Takes?
Usually project management isn’t about just doing one thing right, but succeeding in lots of little areas to motivate others, keep
tasks moving and managing all the unknowns for the project to reach fruition.

1 Master the Schedule 4 Manage Risk

Yep, time management. Even if there are no real, hard deadlines, As a project manager, you’ve got to be able to strike that fine
make some. Create your team’s schedule and stick to it. balance between being risk averse but also being willing to
take the right risks where it counts.

2 Delegate How will you know what the right risk is? You won’t—that’s the
nature of risk. But the mental soundness to dissect the pros
Another word for it? Prioritize. Because even though you
and cons of risk without getting all frazzled about it will take
sometimes want to do every task yourself to make sure it’s
you far as a PM.
done right, we just don’t have time for that.

3 Get Organized 5 Lead & Facilitate

You know the drill. A tidy desk is a tidy mind. A clear-cut project Managing meetings, checking in on team members,
plan aids in success. handling ideas and complaints, and facilitating discussion.
All of it. Oh—and it doesn’t hurt to care about them as
Use a project management tool to keep all the information that’ll people, too. Compassion, communication, conviction—it’s all
go along with your project organized. (More on PM tools later.) part of being a good leader.

The Project Management Starter Guide 10

6 Negotiate & Beat the Budget 8 Think Critically

Going over budget is not an option. You’re emotionally invested in this, sure. But sometimes you’re
going to have to think over things like you’re not. Objective
Well, it is an option, but the good project manager does thinking will get you far when you need to take a step back
whatever she can to avoid it. Kicking off with a budget and see the forest for the trees.
plan will help this in the beginning; negotiating and getting
creative with resources will help during the rest. (More on
budget talk later.)
9 Be Tech Savvy
Technology is having us communicate, lead, manage, and
7 Be Quick, Be Flexible track more efficiently than ever before. Use it. Get comfortable
with it and make sure your team does, too. The right tech tools
A calm swiftness when making confident decisions is the in your toolbox can help your team move mountains.
mark of good management.

Be quick and sound in your decision-making; be flexible

when things go wrong. Because they will. So be the rock
your team can lean on.

The Project Management Starter Guide 11

10 Communicate Well (& Often)

Which isn’t just about talking to your team. It’s also

listening, coaching, negotiating, resolving conflicts, and
giving feedback.

11 Stay Calm, Stay Sane

Keep in touch with your sense of humor—your sanity will
thank you for it. Stay levelheaded, stay objective, and
don’t take failure personally. Your mind will be in a much
clearer state to lead that way. • It takes a mixture of many traits to
succeed as a PM

• Manage time, risk, tasks, and your


• Be organized, quick, and flexible

• Communicate

• Get comfy with technology

• Stay objective, calm, and sane

The Project Management Starter Guide 12

Chapter 3
The Ph a se s of a Pr o je c t
The Plan, from
Start to Finish

N ow we’re getting into the meaty stuff.

The next few sections will go over each of the 5 phases of a

project in depth, so get cozy as we dive in.

The Project Management Starter Guide 14

1 Start

Many PMs call this Initiation. Here’s where we figure out the
big why of our project.

What’s the purpose? To gather a certain number of leads? To

sell a certain number of products? To completely revamp your
social media presence?

Identify the high-level reasons for your project and the hurdles
you might face along the way. Address these goals, fears, and
frustrations. We’re going to lay it all out on the table in Phase 1.

2 Create a Project Plan

Next, we’re going to take all that stuff we addressed in Phase 1
and put it in writing (or a project management system).

It’ll need to answer questions like:

oo What’s our budget?

oo What tasks do we need to do to accomplish our goals?
oo What do we do when we get off track?
oo What’s the process for making changes and corrections?

We need a detailed plan like this so your team feels supported

by a strong foundation, an easy-to-reference road map.
We’ll cover goals, scope, tasks, scheduling, dependencies,
milestones, and deliverables.

The Project Management Starter Guide 15

3 Execute the Plan • Phase 1 kicks off the project with
purpose and direction
Where the rubber meets the road. Your team must be invested in
the project, so it’s time to rally. In this phase, we’ll assign tasks and • Phase 2 is all about planning the
milestones, address dependencies, and get clear on deliverables. project
We’ll get started on the right foot by communicating clearly.
• Phases 3 and 4 will be about
A good PM strikes a fine balance between hands-off and hands-on, project execution and
sitting back to let their team do their thing while stepping in when maintenance
• Phase 5 closes out the project with
approval from stakeholders and a
4 Watch the Plan look back on how things went
Ah, the best laid plans. Things will go wrong, that’s no question. The
question is: how will we handle it when they do go wrong?

In Phase 4 we’ll talk about dealing with challenges and changing course.
We’ll talk about adjusting milestones, the budget, and resources to do
whatever we can to keep the project on track.

5 Close the Project

And raise a glass.

But first, let’s talk about let’s make sure our stakeholders are happy with
the results. Let’s talk about performance reviews, for team members
and project leaders. Let’s talk about what went wrong and what went
right so we can take these lessons with us to the next project.

The Project Management Starter Guide 16

Chapter 4
Start i n g Yo u r Pr o je c t
Phase 1 of 5

Y ou wouldn’t embark on a journey without a reason or map. But

if you start a project without a plan or purpose, that’s essentially
what you’re doing.

But we can’t sit down and write a plan until we know what we
want. Until we get the big why clear in our minds. Let’s talk about
discovering that why and getting tabs of what resources we have
to accomplish it.

The Project Management Starter Guide 18

State Your Case
Your business case, that is. You’re going to use up company
resources for this project, so why do you want to do it in the first
place? Why is it worth it? What’s your case? First we’ll figure that
out; from there we’ll be able to materialize some objectives.

Your purpose, your case, your big why—it’s all essentially the same
thing here. You’ll probably have a what followed by a greater why.
It could look like this:

oo Design and submit an ad (what) to run in Women’s Health

Magazine; to increase brand awareness (why) among a certain
type of potential customer

oo Create an app (what) that will share company information; to

position your company and department as helpful and service-

oo Completely redesign your company’s website (what); to show

your customers you’re tech savvy (why), to make sure they have
a pleasant experience on your website (another why), to foster
positive brand association in your readers’ minds (another why!)

Or it could be something totally different. As long as you’ve got the

big what and why(s), you’re good to go so far.

The Project Management Starter Guide 19

Gather Materials
While we’re on this first step, go ahead and gather any materials You’ll want to ask for:
you can get your hands on that might have anything to do with the
project so far. oo The Statement of Work (SOW) - the document your deal closer
likely used in the closing process to nail down specifics about goals
and deliverables
If it’s a project resulting from a recent sale by an account manager
in your company, get as much information as you can from that oo A draft schedule - it’s likely they’ve talked deadlines already, so use
this as a starting point to bang out your project schedule
deal closer. They’ve done a bit of footwork so far in the selling
process, so let’s use what they’ve got already. oo A draft budget - to quote the customer, your deal closer likely had
to come up with some kind of draft budget. We’ll talk about using
this more below.

oo Any other information you can get on the client/biggest

stakeholder - what are their likes and dislikes? Does your deal
closer have any notes on their quirks, pet peeves, style, or
expectations? Do they have any wireframes, mockups or sketches
you can have?

If there’s not a deal closer in the picture, find the most

knowledgeable person instead, which could be the customer (if
you’re working with them directly) or your supervisor. The biggest
stakeholder—that’s your guy.

Gather allllll this stuff. We’ll be using it below and referencing it

throughout the project. (This is where that Stay Organized trait we
talked about comes in handy!)

The Project Management Starter Guide 20

Goals Let’s try this instead.

Now we’ll be able to come up with our goals, which should be We will create an ad campaign consisting of 4 different ads to be
S.M.A.R.T.—specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. used on the Women’s Health website so we can increase brand
awareness, educate readers about the importance of taking
The measurable part is what a lot of people have trouble with. multivitamins, and increase online traffic by 20% in 2017.
Make sure your goal is quantifiable, which means you can reword
the goal in the form of a question and give a definite yes or no Ah, much better. You’ll notice there’s one what and a few whys,
answer on whether or not your team achieved it. and that not all of your whys will be measurable. But there needs
to be at least one—here, it’s to increase traffic by 20%, which is
Let’s take an example. something you can give a definite yes or no on at the end of the
project when you’re asked if you’ve hit your goals.
If we are wanting to create an ad campaign specifically targeted
towards readers of Women’s Health, and we’re selling a Next you’ll break down your goals into small parts and figure out
multivitamin for women, a not-so-S.M.A.R.T. goal might look like this: what tasks need to be done to check off each part, but we’ll talk
about this more in Chapter 5.
We will create an ad to run on the Women’s Health website
so we can gain lots of new customers.

What’s the problem? Well, it could be more specific in describing

the purpose of the ad. It’s not measurable, that’s for sure. “Lots of
new customers?” You can’t ask yourself, at the end of the project,
“Did we gain lots of new customers?” with a yes or a no. We need

The Project Management Starter Guide 21

Address Restraints
• First you’ll state your business case,
There’s 3 big kinds of restraints we need to be worried about: your project’s big purpose
budget restraints, resource restraints, and time restraints. You
should have gathered all this information from your deal closer, • You’ll need to gather materials from
customer, or supervisor already. stakeholders

We’re going to hammer out this stuff more later, but for now, the • You’ll also need to set S.M.A.R.T. goals
biggest thing we need to worry about is this:
• Before diving in, address budget,
At a glance, and with the given budget, resource, and time resource, and time constraints and
restraints, is this project doable? Are our goals attainable? make sure they’re reasonable and
Because if not, we’ve got some negotiating and re-planning
ahead. Don’t kick off your project in a bad place by trying to tackle
something with, say, half the resources you’ll need, or half the time
you’ll need.

Take a look at how much funds are available, how many labor
hours you can afford, and what the deadline for the project is. If it
all looks doable, great—we’re moving on to the next step.

If it’s just too unrealistic, it’s time to have a talk with your supervisor,
customer, or deal closer. What’s a reasonable budget, and how do
we get it? Will we have to make sacrifices to use less resources? Will
we have to narrow our scope to match our abilities and resources?

Figure this out now and you’ll get to keep your sanity later.

The Project Management Starter Guide 22

Chapter 5
Creat i n g a Pr o je c t Pl a n
Phase 2 of 5

L et’s create a plan first, because as good project managers

(even though we’re still learning!) we know that a plan is important.
Even if we don’t always follow

the plan to a tee, even if things get off track, and even if we have
to adjust midcourse—having a plan to act as home base will help
manage the risk inherent in starting a new project.

The Project Management Starter Guide 24

The Buy-In
Lots of projects fail. Know what kind of project fails less often? The
kind where team members take ownership of the project.

Encourage ownership by:

oo Listening to your team members and making them feel heard and

oo Delegating tasks clearly and specifically so each team member

knows exactly what they’re responsible for

oo Facilitating discussion and understanding between departments/

project parties that might feel at odds with one another (i.e. in our
Women’s Health ad campaign example, we’d need to smooth out
any artistic vision conflicts between our campaign manager and

oo Making support processes clear so your team members know

exactly what to do when a problem arises

oo Being adaptable and giving your team the tools and room they
need to succeed

Remember in Chapter 2 when we talking about being a good

leader? That’s what facilitating ownership is all about.

The Project Management Starter Guide 25

The Big Stuff in
Your Plan
Your plan should answer questions like:

oo What’s our goal?

oo What’s our budget?

oo What tasks are needed to complete the project?

oo When will we finish the project?

oo How will we handle edits or changes?

oo How will we track progress and evaluate results?

But when answering these questions, keep in mind that there’s a

certain set of characteristics that all good project plans have, like:

oo They’re results-oriented - remember our discussion about

measurable goals?

oo They’re vertical, not horizontal - Good project plans flow vertically,

meaning many people can be working on many different tasks at once.
Even if your tasks are dependent on one another, find things within the
project that others could be doing.

oo They don’t last forever - because after a while, things start to drag
on and morale becomes a problem. Stay sharp and motivated with a
project plan lasting no longer than a year—or if you can, 100 days or less.

The Project Management Starter Guide 26

The Work Breakdown

Ah, the ol’ WBS. We’re really getting into project management lingo
now. What is it? Why don’t we just ask The Project Management Body
of Knowledge, the classic guide on project management:

The Work Breakdown Structure is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical

decomposition of work to be executed by the project team.

Without the fancy wording, we can just say it’s a list of tasks, which team
member those tasks are assigned to, dependencies among those tasks,
and the deliverables that will be the outcome of each completed task.

As long as it includes this info, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. But

project management software makes tackling the WBS super easy.

The Project Management Starter Guide 27

The Meetings
Let’s schedule all those meetings now. Now?! Yes, now. All of them? Yes,
all of them.

Use your list of milestones and deadlines (you know, the info from the Big
Stuff in Your Plan) to get create a schedule for your team meetings now.
That way you’ll all be held accountable and know exactly when you need
to be ready to come together and talk progress and next steps.

Schedule a kick off meeting for the beginning, a performance review

meeting at the end, and check-in meetings to correspond with important
milestones in between.

Let’s get the channels of communication straight. How will information
flow? What’s the process for handling concerns, complaints, new ideas,
changes, or edits?

A team member should know exactly who to get in touch with, and
through what channel, as soon as she realizes she needs to speak up
about something. An opendoor policy is a must for successful projects.

The Project Management Starter Guide 28

The Schedule Resource
Not just for our meetings, but for—well, everything. We’re talking
deadlines here, folks.

Speaking of labor hours. We’ll need to allocate all our resources,

It may feel like a big scary word, but having a motivating yet
which means we’ll need to figure out:
attainable schedule makes it a little less scary. Group your tasks
into milestones and set hard deadlines for each of these. Budget oo How to budget our time
your team’s labor hours and make sure these estimates match up
oo Where will labor hours go?
with estimated task duration.
oo Whose labor hours will go towards what tasks?
Basically, make sure effort required of team members equals the oo How much of the budget will be allocated towards the cost
duration of project. of labor?

oo How to budget the rest of our funds (excluding labor hours)

oo Where will labor hours go?
oo Whose labor hours will go towards what tasks?
oo How much of the budget will be allocated towards the cost
of labor?

oo How to get anything else we need

oo What resources do we already have at our disposal?
oo Do we have everything we need to hit our goals?
oo What if we don’t? Do we need to renegotiate the budget or
stakeholder expectations?

The Project Management Starter Guide 29

It’s a lot, I know. There’s a lot of math, money, and
human capital involved—another great reason to
use a template or project management software
when planning your project.

However you do it—by spreadsheets, by software,

• Get your team to buy in to the project and take ownership
by hand on pen and paper—just do it. Extra time
spent here can help make things much clearer
• In your project plan, answer the important questions and
down the road.
keep the characteristics of good project plans in mind

• Break things down into tasks with the WBS

• Lay out your team’s schedule and get clear on channels of


• Budget all of your resources (labor, time, funds)

The Project Management Starter Guide 30

Chapter 6
Ex e c u t i n g t h e Pl a n
Phase 3 of 5

N ow we’re really getting into the good stuff.

On one hand, now’s the time you can relax a bit, because you’ve
done all the hard, up-front work like figuring out what needs to be
done and assigning those tasks to your team. A lot of times, just
getting started is the scariest part. But having a plan takes a lot of
the guesswork out of it and should make you and your team feel a
lot more comfortable.

But at the same time, you can’t relax too much, because you’ve still
got a team to lead and a project to keep an eye on. It’s a fine balance
to strike between stepping back and letting your team do their thing,
while at the same time, making sure everything stays on track.

Let’s talk about what you should be doing to make sure things go
smoothly during execution.

The Project Management Starter Guide 32

Managing Your Team
For a lot of project managers, it’s not about managing projects,
Listening & Being Open to New Ideas
really. In the grander scheme of things, it’s all about managing
people. Keep these management tips in mind when you kick off I know we’ve talked a lot about the importance of a project plan,
your project. WBS, Statement of Work, and all these other handy reference
documents. But remember this: these guidelines are not set in stone.

Setting & Managing Expectations Things change. People have new ideas. And if a team member
has a new idea that doesn’t exactly jive with the current project
We’ve talked about setting up the right channels and processes
plan but may help make things run a bit more smoothly, it’s worth
for communication, but here’s where you need to walk the walk.
a listen. (Unless it means a creep in scope, which we’ll talk about
Setting and managing expectations about communication among
more below.)
your team is a huge part of being a good leader.

For the sake of efficiency, stick to agreed-upon communication

processes yourself and urge your team to do the same. And if
you ever find yourself or perhaps your team straying from proper
communication channels, don’t sweat it too much—just remember,
an open-door policy is the best communications strategy. As long
as we’re communicating, we’re golden.

The Project Management Starter Guide 33

Being Compassionate & Caring
About Humans
I say “care about humans” because “care about your teammates”
is not quite the message I’m trying to get across. They’re your
teammates, yes, but they’re humans first.

These guys and ladies have families, personal goals, personal

problems, good days, and bad days. Sometimes they spill coffee
on themselves on the way to work and have a case of the
Mondays. Sometimes they didn’t realize they put their pants on
backwards until they got to work that day. (Don’t ask me how I did
this and please don’t tell me I’m the only one.)

Care about the humans first. Because I want you to succeed in

your project, I really do—but I also want you to remember this: no
matter what, it’s just work. It’s just work. And the connections you
have with the humans you live and work with every day will always
be more important than work.

Really care about them and they’ll feel it. Do this and the good
work will come.

The Project Management Starter Guide 34

Reporting With Your Team
Let’s talk about meetings and I’ll try not to get heated. Because if Please don’t make your team suffer slow deaths by meetings.
you’ve ever sat through a meeting that just seems to drag on and That’s what the cutoff time is for; we know we need to move along
on or that has no real agenda you’ll understand where my rage is with our discussion when Jim is falling asleep because he’s hungry
coming from here. and bored because our meeting has romped around wildly straight
through lunch time and we’re all so cranky we’re not even paying
attention anymore.
Meetings Are Reporting Mechanisms,
Not Torture Devices Get things under control with an agenda that should include:

Here’s what you need to make your meeting successful. It’s only 2 oo Clear objectives - the stuff that must get done in this meeting
things. Just 2 things, and I promise you, it’ll be nice and effective
oo Talking points - a list of things you need to address with your team
and breezy.
oo Reporting schedule - a portion of the meeting set aside specifically
for a progress report from each teammate
It’s very simple. For every meeting you have with your team:
oo Next step instructions - ask your team: are we ready to start the
oo You absolutely must have an agenda that comes with a set of clear next section/milestone?
objectives for the meeting, and...
oo The start and end times - so we stay on track (all hail timeboxing)
oo You really, really, really should have an end time for your meeting.
oo Open floor time/questions - to encourage open communication
and for addressing concerns

Because the more efficiently we get through this meeting stuff, the
more time your team has to spend on the nitty gritty.

The Project Management Starter Guide 35

When The Schedule Changes
What happens if, during these progress report meetings, you Whatever you decide to do, take a few deep breaths first. Act
realize some parts won’t be finished on time? calmly, rationally, but also swiftly; most of the time, things’ll turn out
okay if you can get through this speed bump.
The other thing that’s so important about that open-door policy
we keep talking about is that, hopefully, it’ll encourage your team Note this instance of late work and put it in your back pocket; at
members to come forward with information on late work so you the end of the project we’ll need to address problems like these
can find out about it as soon as possible. and figure out why they happened in the first place.

That should be another communication policy with your team:

If a portion of work is going to be late, I need to know about
it as soon as possible.

That’ll give us more time to figure out what to do. Here are our options:

oo Revisit the project plan and see if you can cut out some slack
anywhere else to compensate

oo Get team members who are ahead of schedule to help speed up

progress on the late or soon-to-be-late task

oo Roll up your sleeves and do whatever you can to get the task done

oo Hire outside help to speed things along if you’ve got the room in
your budget

oo As a last resort, talk to stakeholders, brief them on the situation, and

ask if you can adjust the project timeline

The Project Management Starter Guide 36

Using Project Management Software to
Eliminate Hassle
Some people use Excel spreadsheets for managing a project, Whatever tool you choose, make sure you’ll be able to:
which—considering all the things you need to keep track of—can
be really complicated and bulky. Math and numbers people have oo See dependencies (Gantt chart functionality is perfect for this)
Excel; thankfully, we have project management tools.
oo Stay on top of resource allocations

Project management software does everything a spreadsheet oo Track budgets

can do and more, and it does it in a waaaay more user-friendly
oo See what everyone is working on
way, too. Even Microsoft doesn’t seem to want you using Excel for
project management; they have their own Microsoft Project for that. oo Gather and save reports

oo Edit and track changes on files

But there’s a ton of options out there so be sure to do some
research first. oo Use comments and notifications for staying in touch (this makes
figuring out standard communication channels much easier!)

It also wouldn’t hurt to have:

oo App integrations like Google Drive, Slack, and SalesForce

oo A reliable support team you can turn to when technical issues arise

oo Image markup for easy collaborative sketching/instructional


oo Smart to-do lists that give a focused, cross-project view of the day’s work

oo Project templates and project intake forms so you don’t have to

reinvent the wheel every time

The Project Management Starter Guide 37

Managing Scope & Avoiding Scope Creep
Scope creep is kind of like a scary clown hiding in the woods picture of what needs to be done. And it doesn’t hurt to do a bit of
behind your house. You won’t know he’s there right away and often contingency planning, either.
by the time you see him it’s too late.
If you’re already in the middle of a case of scope creep, you have a
All scary scope creep wants to do is steal resources from your few options for getting back on track. Start with addressing why the
budget and suck the souls out of your team. scope creep is happening, then from there:

Your greatest defense against scope creep is a solid project oo If the scope creep is the result of a team member getting a little
overzealous about showcasing their abilities with this project, help
management tool. In non-clown terms, one might say: bring them back down to earth by encouraging them to “play” on
their own time or after this project is done and gently urging them
to get back to the necessities
Scope creep refers to any expanding or changing of the
project’s scope that occurs after the starting point of the oo If the scope creep is a result of the client tacking on more work to
project, almost always requiring more resources and labor the project, kindly remind them about any contracts or SOWs you’ve
hours than originally planned. both signed, which should clearly outline the scope of work, and
assure them that you’ll be happy to take on more work with them
on a new contract once this project is finished
Remember when we talked about your purpose and goals in Phase
1: Starting Your Project (in Chapter 4)? Basically, work that falls oo If scope creep is the result of a misunderstanding during the
planning phase of the project (i.e. you didn’t realize how long a
outside this purpose—any work that wasn’t originally discussed certain task would take, or that completing a task might rely on
in the planning of tasks and milestones and that isn’t absolutely another task you didn’t originally include in the scope of work)
consult with your team on how you might be able to pick up the
necessary to achieve the original goal—is work that’s considered
slack and still meet contract requirements, or explain the situation
scope creep. And scope creep is no good. to your client and ask if you can adjust contract terms like scope
and payment
You can avoid scope creep from the beginning by making sure
I know, it stinks. No one wants scope creep. But the sooner you
your plan is detailed enough that you’re able to get a realistic
spot it, the sooner you’ll be able to mitigate the damage done by
scope creep.

The Project Management Starter Guide 38

• Being a good PM means taking a step back and letting your team do their thing, but also making sure the project
is running smoothly

• A big part of managing your team is setting expectations, listening to new ideas, and showing compassion

• Meeting agendas and an open-door policy about tardiness are musts for efficient reporting among your team

• Using project management software can take a lot of hassle out of reporting

• Scope creep is when a project goes off the rails and doesn’t align with the work outlined in the project plan, but keep
an eye out for it and its effects can be mitigated

The Project Management Starter Guide 39

Chapter 7
Wat c h i n g t h e Pl a n
Phase 4 of 5

A nother cue that you’re secretly a project manager? You’ll often

find that once a project gets going, your workload changes from
planning to almost purely managing. Your task load shifts from
being concrete and practical to-dos that need to be crossed off to
this big, nebulous thing that is taking care of your team while they
have their turn at the task-driven work.

Hopefully you’re not assigned too many project tasks yourself so

you can focus all your attention on watching the plan unfold and
managing your team.

That’s why most of what we need to cover here has to do with

communication and expectations, whether it has to do with your
team or elsewhere.

The Project Management Starter Guide 41

Here’s another way project management software makes your life
way easier. With a good PM app, you’ll be able to:

oo Schedule meetings, notify your team about them, and upload

meeting agendas and post-meeting summaries

oo Save and edit documents all in one convenient place

oo Chat with your team and leave comments and feedback on tasks

oo Know the status of every task, getting an accurate snapshot of

progress at any point in time

oo Review work and notify a task owner of a task’s approval status (i.e.
is a task completed to satisfaction or does it need changes?)

See what we mean when we say you should use a project

management solution?

It’s kind of a lot to get a handle on, and relying on a lot of different
tools at once (that weren’t made for project management in the first
place) like Word, Excel, emailing, and pen and paper is just asking
for a panic attack.

What’s the #1 reasons projects fail? Lack of communication. So

if you get any one takeaway from this whole guide, let it be this:
communicate. Do whatever it takes to communicate in a way that’s
best for you and your team, whether that involves trying new PM
software or not.
The Project Management Starter Guide 42
Risk, Resource, &
Non-Team Member
We’ve talked about managing our team as a whole; now let’s talk
about managing everything (and everyone) else.

Hmm. What can we say about managing risk? It’s a tricky
topic that’s been the center of countless books, seminars and
management studies. While we can’t get too far into how to
manage risk, we can point you in the right direction. In the meantime, some best practices for risk management are:

oo If you’re looking for a traditional textbook guide on managing risk, oo To identify and discuss risks early on in the project
try The Fundamentals of Risk Management.
oo Explore pros and cons of taking the risk and not taking the risk
oo If you’re looking for more modern takes on risk, try skimming The
Essentials of Risk Management, Eat People, or The Innovation oo Depending on the type of risk, you can use data and statistics to
Playbook. evaluate your risks on a logical level

oo If you’re an extreme introvert and consider yourself prone to oo Use both objective and subjective thinking when it comes to
staying in your comfort zone (when it comes to leading your team
figuring out what risks to take (use your head and your gut)
or making big decisions), check out Riskology, a project out to
teach leadership and risktaking to introverts.
oo Track risks and outcomes so you’ll be able to bring this knowledge
with you to the next project (which is much easier to do with project
management software)

The Project Management Starter Guide 43

Budgets & Timelines Personnel & Stakeholders
Managing stakeholder expectations is just as important as
Managing your budget and timeline is a lot like risk in that:
managing your team. Whether that stakeholder is a customer,
oo You should be on the lookout so you can identify problems as account manager, investor, or your supervisor, there’s a few things
soon as you can you can do to manage their expectations about a project and keep
everyone on the same page.
oo You should use both objective and subjective thinking to
determine whether or not you’re really on track or if you need to
correct course oo Engage stakeholders - by staying in touch about project progress
and listening to what they have to say
oo Project management software makes all this tracking and adjusting
way easier oo Be transparent with stakeholders - by making sure the SOW and
project plan is easily accessible

It all comes down to this: watch, communicate, course correct. oo Address concerns from stakeholders - politely, calmly, and as soon
That should be the PM’s credo when it comes to managing as they arise, so you can ensure your project is in line with their
budgets, risk, and timelines. expectations and address any disparities if it’s not

oo Avoid overhyping deliverables - since a huge part of managing

expectations is under-promising and over-delivering, so don’t
promise your stakeholders a level of quality you’re not 100%
confident you’ll be able to deliver

Have we said it enough yet? If the marketer’s slogan is location,

location, location, ours is communication, communication,
communication. It’s a mouthful, but no one said it’d be easy.

The Project Management Starter Guide 44

Team & Role Management
Let’s get a little more specific about managing the people who
The Team & Their Roles
do the work, drilling down by tasks and roles. So now we’re
not so much talking about the big bird’s-eye stuff we discussed Division of labor and delegation is a wonderful thing and almost
in Chapter 6 like caring about your team as humans as we’re always helps a project get done more efficiently. Keep an eye on
talking about managing on a task-by-task scale. the roles your team members are filling and make sure they’re
matching up with the tasks they’ve been assigned.

The Project Leader & Her Role Clear up any confusion about team member roles and task scope
as soon as you can so everyone knows exactly what they need to
You know the allegorical phrase that says anything with
do to take responsibility for their portion of the project.
two heads a monster? I tend to disagree, but in project
management situations, it might be a good philosophy to keep
in mind.

Here’s what I mean. Who is your executive sponsor for this

project? Who is the real head honcho, the project leader? Is
it you or someone else? Whoever it is, make sure you know
which person has the final say in task approval. • Ongoing communication is necessary and especially
simple with a project management app
This is called role management—or knowing whose opinion
counts where. Use lots of heads to make the project happen,
• You’ve got to be able to balance managing risk, your
sure—but only one head can make the final decisions.
budget and timeline, and stakeholder expectations

• Part of managing your team is figuring out who gets

the final say in what situation and making sure your
team members are acting within their assigned roles

The Project Management Starter Guide 45

Chapter 8
Cl o si n g t h e Pr o je c t
Phase 5 of 5

A t this point, we’ll either be popping bottles in celebration

or emptying bottles with despair. Let’s hope it’s the first one. No
matter how successful (or not-sosuccessful) your project turns out,
it’s time to close things out with a look back.

The Project Management Starter Guide 47

Closing Out Tasks
Here are a few things you’ll need to do before wrapping it all up.

Customer Issues
These tasks are ones that’ll make sure your customer is all set to
benefit from the fruits of your labor. This might include tasks like:

oo Complete all deliverables

oo Install and test deliverables

oo Prepare any manual/how-to materials

oo Agree on level of follow-up support

oo Verify customer satisfaction

But you won’t always need all of these steps. For our Women’s
Health website ad, for instance, it might just be getting the ad
tested on the Women’s Health website and collecting reports on

The Project Management Starter Guide 48

Organizational Issues Personnel Issues
This stuff’s a bit more internal. This is where we’ll do most of our How did our team perform and where will they go next? That’s
reflecting on how all the parts of the project came together. what this section’s about.

oo Summarize learnings – communicate to the organization oo Recognize/reward team performance

oo Prepare final technical reports oo Write performance evaluations for project team
oo Evaluate project performance oo Assist in reassignment of project personnel
oo Conduct final review with management
For our Women’s Health ad, it might look like this: 1) Recognize
oo Prepare project historical files and archive Wendy’s hard work in making sure the ad got turned in on time
even though the team fell behind schedule and she had to pick
We’ll study the financials from our project, evaluate the ad’s up the slack; 2) evaluate performance of all team members; and
performance, and file this information neatly away so we can refer 3) help employees and supervisors figure out where to go next.
it to it later when similar projects pop up.

Administrative/Other Issues
Now we’re closing the books and wrapping it all up neatly.
oo Dispose of leftover project material
oo Close down temporary site operations
oo Submit final invoices
oo Forward all final payments
oo Close out project charge codes and work orders

For our ad, it might just be submitting the final invoices and
collecting payment.

The Project Management Starter Guide 49

Take Some Time
to Reflect
Work through this reflection process by yourself and then with your team.

Ask yourself and your team questions like:

oo What went right? What went wrong?

oo Where did we overestimate? Underestimate? What assumptions

led to these incorrect estimations? How can we avoid making the
same assumptions in the future?

oo Did we go over our budget? Or did we stay under? What tasks

used up more of the budget than planned and why? How did we
have to handle going over-budget (i.e. what sacrifices had to be
made and where)?

The Project Management Starter Guide 50

Use This Info to Create a Review Document
Talking it out is nice and cathartic, but in order for this to be an
experience we can learn from and use on our next project, we
need to record and track this feedback just like everything else
we’ve been tracking so far.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but you really should create a

Project Review Document that’ll address:

oo Successes - what are 3-5 specific things that went right and who
was responsible?

oo Challenges - what are 3-5 specific things that wrong and where did
we fall short?

oo What can we do better next time? - in clear and specific terms on

what to do differently in the future
• Work your way through a closing-out
oo Did we reach our goals? - did we fulfill our project’s purpose? Or
did we miss the mark? task list so you make sure you’re ending
your project neatly and thoroughly
This is just as important as all your other project management files,
so it should be professionally written and filed away just like all • Take some time to reflect and talk out
your other important PM materials. the issues that arose during your project
Thinking these things out and getting them down on paper is
• Create a review document that
also a great way to be transparent with your stakeholders about
addresses and dissects these problems
the success of your project. It shows them that you’re personally
so you’ll be able to use this knowledge
invested enough to take a moment and examine your own
on future projects
performance. Even if you didn’t accomplish your goal 100%, a
thorough and honest performance review says a lot about your
strength as a project manager.

The Project Management Starter Guide 51

Chapter 9
What We’ve Le ar n e d
Starting, finishing, and everything in between.
Whew! Now we’re really done. No more reporting and reviewing
You kicked things off by talking about
and reflecting and all that tough brain work. Grab the champagne.
Pat your team on the back.
the traits you need to be successful.

Take them all out for a blooming onion. Do whatever it is you do In Chapter 2, we talked about leadership, communication, risk-
to say thanks, because no matter how the project turned out, I’m savviness, organization, collaboration, and negotiations. All the
willing to bet you and your team worked your tushies off. -ations, basically.

Before we sign off, let’s review, shall we? Just to make sure we’ve We outlined the phases of a project,
covered all things project management from start to finish.
then we dove in.
First, we talked about how you might In Chapter 3, we laid out a roadmap of project phases. In Chapter
not realize you’re a project manager, 4, we talked about all the things you need before starting your
but probably are. project like:

oo A Statement of Work
In Chapter 1, we talked about what project management is and oo Info on restraints (Budget, Time, Labor hours)
how to know whether or not—regardless of what’s on your
oo Any information you can get on the biggest stakeholders
business card—you’re actually a project manager.
oo A clear purpose or business case
We talked about criteria for a project, like having sets of tasks
grouped around a common goal, having project boundaries, and
having someone in charge.

The Project Management Starter Guide 53

Then we used all this stuff to write our And then we made it.
project plan.
In Chapter 8, we came out the other side with more knowledge
In Chapter 5, we talked about what you need to include in your and experience than before. We talked about this project, what
project plan and how to get team member buy-in. We talked about the went well, and what didn’t. We might have cried, but that’s beside
characteristics of a great project plan, which almost always includes: the point. We made it.

oo A meeting schedule We also drew up our Project Review Document, because we’re real
oo Answers to commonly asked questions like “what do we do if project managers now and we know that’s the right thing to do.
problems arise?”

oo Guidelines and processes for efficient communication And then we REALLY made it.
oo Labor hour estimates for project tasks
And here we are—the conclusion. Now we’ve really made it, as in
oo A breakdown of how we’ll use our resources and budget no more brainstorming and correcting and reviewing (and hopefully
no more crying). Let’s celebrate what we’ve done and forgive
ourselves and our team for where we went wrong.
Then we actually STARTED our project.
Let’s just be glad we got through it okay. Because now we’re real
In Chapter 6, we executed. We talked about managing your team, project managers, and however our project went, we learned
reporting with your team, using project management software to take something. And as long as we keep on learning from project after
the hassle out of communication, and avoiding scope creep. project, we’ll keep growing and hone our confidence, knowing that
no matter what problems arise in a project, we’ll come out on the
other side okay.
And then we kept going.
We kept a watchful eye over our project in Chapter 7. We kept on
communicating, managing risk, and managing stakeholder expectations.
We made adjustments on the budget or schedule as needed.

The Project Management Starter Guide 54

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