Meetings Etiquettes
Meetings Etiquettes
Meetings Etiquettes
Ugh, Meetings
Mention an upcoming meeting to most employees and it may appear as if
you asked them to clean the office toilets. How often have you heard
variations of the following?
"Aw, another waste of time."
"Great. Another interruption. Now I'll have to stay late for sure."
"They never say anything worthwhile."
"I'll just take my work with me into the meeting."
"Meetings are like soap operas; you can miss six months of them and still
get the idea of what's going on."
"Time to listen to the boss drone on again."
Meetings Do Matter!
Meetings are a place not only to get information, but also where people
make judgments about each other. Meetings are your stage to present
yourself in a positive light. Don't miss out on that opportunity. It could make
or break your career!
In the rest of this lesson you'll get tips for getting more from meetings, as
well as making a good impression while you're there.
Where to Sit
Avoid sitting at either end of the table.
Don't sit next to the chairperson or senior officer. That chair may be
reserved for his or her aide or secretary.
If you're not familiar with the seating arrangements, ask if it's okay to sit
What Not to Do
Don't fiddle -- leave paperclips unbent and don't bounce them.
Don't doodle on a notepad. (People will start trying to see what you're
doing. And this draws attention to the fact that you're not paying attention.)
Don't chew gum or pop mints or candy into your mouth.
PLEASE don't chew ice cubes!!!
Don't ask for coffee or other refreshments unless they are being offered.
If food and drinks are offered, clear your plate as soon as possible.
Avoid letting your mind wander, no matter how boring the meeting may
Speak Up!
There is nothing more aggravating in a meeting than not being able to hear
the person who is speaking. Speaking too softly conveys that you believe
what you're saying really has no merit. If you don't think it's important, why
should the rest of the group?
Some other tips for speaking at meetings:
Don't stand up, unless people routinely stand while speaking at such
meetings or unless you're asked to stand up.
Take a second to frame your thoughts. You don't have to start blurting out
something the second you're called upon to speak.
BLT -- Put the ‘bottom line on top’. Say the most important thing first.
Be brief.
Don't ramble.
Don't repeat yourself.
Use positive language.
Never begin with an apology, e.g., "This might not work, but. . . ."
Avoid confrontational language such as, "That idea won't work," or
"That's completely irrelevant to the issue."
Use "we." Whenever referring to your department, company, team, or a
project group, always use the pronoun "we." If things are going well, it
shows you're a real team player by sharing the glory. If things are going
poorly, it takes the focus off you and spreads the responsibility around.
Whatever you say, say it with authority. Use a confident tone.
2. Ramblers
Good grief! We've all been in meetings where the speaker just can't seem to
get to the point. To move them along:
Acknowledge the question, then use a CLOSED-ENDED (can only be
answered with a yes or no) question to refocus the participant to the topic at
EXAMPLE: "I liked your question, Mr. Saqib, about how this new
marketing plan will impact the workload of the telesales center. Are you
concerned about increased call volume or the added paperwork that the
center will have to process with the anticipated increase in orders?"
3. Hecklers
Simply put, these are the rude people at the meeting. There's no other way to
say it. You have several choices when managing a heckler:
Ignore them.
Redirect them by asking a question appropriate to the topic.
Defer the problem to the group ("What does everyone else think about
Invite the person to a hallway discussion.
4. Challengers
There's one in every crowd. You know who they are. They're usually sitting
in the back of the room, arms folded, hanging on your every word. Then,
when the moment is right, they fire their verbal salvos at you. They'll raise
their hand, and in their most authoritative voice say something like, "Isn't it
true that . . . "
Challengers could have several purposes: (1) to reduce your credibility or (2)
to increase their prestige in the eyes of the group. Either way, a challenger
usually has a pretty fragile ego, so handle with care.
One option to handle a challenger is to say one of the following:
"Help me understand what you mean, or where, specifically, you think
this program will fail."
"That's certainly one option. It's not the one we're recommending now,
and I would be interested in hearing the benefits to your option. Could you
write that up for me and put it on my desk? Then, I'll put that on the agenda
for the next meeting."
5. Non-Participants
These are the people who sit there and say nothing. You don't know if
they're on your side, if they think everything you're saying is bogus, or if
they're just sleep-deprived.
To get a non-participant to participate, the best strategy is to ask them a
question to get them involved. A simple "What do you think?" may be
enough to initiate an interaction.