Final Report Geotech Hydro BCMP
Final Report Geotech Hydro BCMP
Final Report Geotech Hydro BCMP
mitted to:
PT. Baramega
Citra Mulia
a Persada
Gedung Equity To ower Lt. 47 SCBD
Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav. 52-533 Lot.9 Jakartta 12190 - In
Prepaared by:
Septrri Welly
or Geotechnical Engineerr
ber 2011
3.1 Geotechnical Investigation 3
3.2 Hydrogeology Investigation 3
5.1 Geology 4
5.2 Topography and Hydrogeology 4
5.3 Subsurface Condition 4
5.4 Rock Type 6
5.5 Rock Strength 7
5.6 Geology Strength Index (GSI) 8
5.7 Fracturing 8
5.8 Bedding Shear 9
5.9 Faulting 9
5.10 Groundwater 9
5.11 Hydrology 10
PT. Baramega Citra Mulia Persada (BCMP) was assigned PT. MLD/DHV Indonesia (MLD/DHVI)
to conduct geotechnical and hydrogeology study at BCMP Mine site project as a group of
PT. Jhonlin Baratama which is administratively located in Tanah Bambu, South Kalimantan
Province. This work was authorized based on DHV proposal no MLD/MPM-IGU/BU-
Min/proj.Opp/11/03.018. The site location is presented on Figure.1.
This final report outlines the result of geotechnical and hydrologeology study in purpose to provide
input for mine design criteria and parameter.
The following terms and abbreviations are using through this report as follow:
BCMP PT. Baramega Citra Mulia Persada
MLD/DHVI PT. Mitra Lingkungan Dutaconsult / DHV Indonesia
HQ Diameter of tube diamond coring
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
GSI Geology Strength Index
OB Over Burden
FoS Factor of Safety
Mbgl meter below ground level
mASL meter above sea level
GPS Global positioning system
The geotechnical and the hydrogeology investigation field work would be carried out as integrated
program which was performed from 30 March 2011 to 14 April 2011. All the coordinate of the site
investigation has been picked up by using hand held GPS. We propose to pick up all coordinates of
test location after field work completion.
An experienced Geotechnical Engineer was supervised six geotechnical drilling holes (GT-BCMP-
01 until GT-BCMP-06 The site location of field work and lay out of investigation is presented on
BCMP were engaged PT.DJPM as drilling contractor. Boreholes were advance by combination
between rotary continuous coring and open holes method using drilling rigs Jacro.
Hydrogeology investigation comprises of six (6) standpipes piezometer installation with following
permeability test (falling head test) in six (6) geotechnical holes, groundwater measurement in six
geotechnical holes, stream flow measurement and stream profile estimation in one river location
that located in vicinity of concession area.
Groundwater level monitoring at all borehole, are presented in Appendix C. Stream flow
measurement are presented in Appendix D. Detailed design construction of monitoring well is
presented in Appendix E. Aquifer test (slug test) at all boreholes is presented on Appendix F.
Laboratory testing was carried out on selected samples recovered from drilling. Rock mechanic
laboratory of Institute technology of Bandung (ITB) was selected by MLD/DHVI to conduct the
laboratory testing. The lab test comprises:
UCS testing
UCS testing is a part of laboratory testing in order to measure the rock strength.
Direct shear testing
Direct shear testing is obtaining effective stress parameter for intact samples of rock.
Physical Properties testing
Physical Properties testing is obtaining physical properties for intact samples of rock
5.1 Geology
In general, all the formation comprises of Claystone, Siltstone and Sandstone material. The
geology structures are within syncline and anticline was found at southwest and northwest. The site
investigation indicates bedding dip angles at BCMP site mine area are approximately 10 – 14
degrees although the surrounding area has steeper dipping strata (between 30 – 45 degrees).
The site investigations are placed on the flat area in south to east block side and hilly terrain in
west to north of the concession area. The topography is rounded but with locally steep slopes
adjacent to the smaller streams where these have become incised. Some of this area have many
ex-pit that covered by water. The concession is bounded by palm oil plantation on the west and
east side.
The BCMP mine site area has no major rivers in close vicinity area. The small river runs through
south to north direction.
Reports of boreholes are provided in Appendix A. Summaries of the subsurface condition for each
area are provided in Table 2.
In general, ro
ock layer wa
as found in mine
m area comprise
c of Claystone, S
Siltstone and
d Coal. The
maller propoortion of San
ndstone andd Carbonace
eous Mudsto one is also founded in subsurfacee
ondition of mine area.
he proportion
Th ns of the diffe
erent rock types are illusttrated in Cha
art 1.
Chart 2: Overall
O Rock
k Type Distrribution
Interpretation of logging data from all geotechnica al boreholes designates that the rockk strength iss
assified low strength and
cla d medium strrength. The very
v low strength and hig
gh strength were
w found in
mall proportio
on. The overrall rock stren
ngth is shown on Chart. 3
It should be noted that the material strengths discussed above are usually measured across the
rock layering (ie, bedding dip) direction of the rock material. However, these materials (and the rock
mass itself) demonstrate an extremely high level of strength anisotropy – and this must be taken
into consideration during stability analyses (and to a degree, excavation, assessment).
Geology strength index (GSI) interpreted based on core observation for every geotechnical drilling
hole. Core observation comprises of roughness, number of set, weathering and fracture frequency.
In general, geology strength index is approximate 40 – 70 and 10 – 20 in shear zone. The core
sample condition from drilling hole is very influence to the interpretation of GSI. In this case, some
sample was core loss. We determine GSI based on engineering judgment.
The summary of laboratory test results indicate that generally the UCS strength measured in the
laboratory are consistent relatively with visually estimated strengths; however sometimes the
laboratory strength were less than the field observed strengths. This is most likely related to stress
relief which occurs as the sample is taken from depth and the confining pressures reduced to zero.
Also, some samples failed along slickensided joints, thus giving a low value of strength which does
not necessarily occur insitu.
These strength issues were take into account when assigning parameters for stability analyses by
applying un uplift factor to some laboratory measured strengths.
The most prominent rock types (claystone, siltstone and sandstone) have a similar strength range;
low to medium.
Table 4 shows the strength range for each material type – as measured in the laboratory test
considered to be valid.
Material Type
Sandstone 3.03 – 3.54
Claystone 0.3 – 1.55
Siltstone 0.66 – 2.63
Coal 2.78 – 4.10
The rock mass strength (which controls stability) is not only dependant on rock material
strength and type, but also on the frequency and nature of fracturing within the rock mass.
5.7 Fracturing
Fracturing within the rock mass appears to be low; in the order of 1 to 4 fractures per meter. The
fractures mainly comprise partings parallel to the rock layering (bedding partings) but are also
associated with two main joint sets that are orthogonal to bedding. There is some evidence to
suggest that the joint sets are parallel with the cleating in the coal. The overall average fracture is
shown on chart. 5. These higher fractured zones have not been included in the Chart 5.
5.9 Fa
In addition to failure
f g due to rockk mass strength, faulting can lead to failure mech
being hanisms thatt
ovver-ride the mass
m strength parameteers altogether and these mechanismss need to be e considered
eparately. Ho owever, no faults are re eported from
m geology model. This a aspect must be carefullyy
monitored during mining by constant fa ace mappingg, and regular reviews.
5.10 Groundwate
Sttandpipe pie
ezometers installed in bo orehole indic
cated ground
dwater levelss are ranging from nearr
urface (less than
t 1m deptth) to 18.35 m depth grou
und surface.
he ground wa ater measure
ement is provided on App pendix C.
Volume of water entering the pit area planned depends on catchment areas that related directly to
the pit as well as rate of rainfall. Based on field observation and analysis of existing topographic
maps, general surface water that comes into the pit will be quite large compared to the input of
We recommend to manage the surface water with appropriate drainage and pumped out from the
6.1 Excavatability
Excavation conditions are controlled by the strength of rock mass; which is the function of the
strength of the intact rock and the amount and condition of fracturing.
Using the empirical relationship proposed by Franklin et al (1971) and the results of UCS testing
and combined with the fracturing apparent from the geotechnical drilling, a substantial part of the
rock mass is classified as rippable; as shown on Chart 6.
Chart 6: Excavatability
Excavation characteristics more sensitive to material strength where fracture frequency is low.
Hence somewhat higher materials strength evident with depth may lead to some problem ripping
area where fracture frequency is low.
Given the propose scale of mining, it is likely to consider blasting for utilised. A Powder Factor
(ANFO) of between 0.15 Kg/m3 and 0.2 Kg/m3 is typical of most coal mines and this is probably an
appropriate value to assume for the feasibility level study.
Stability analyses have been carried out using the results of the field and laboratory testing to
provide a basis for high wall slope design.
Groundwater pressure distribution was represented as a surface located to intersect the toe of the
slope and a point 20% of the high wall height below the crest. It will be necessary to check this
assumption during mining using piezometers installed behind the low wall or high wall; and
then revise the analyses if necessary, or carry out depressurization works.
We would strongly recommend that groundwater pressures are measured in future high
wall and low wall in order to check analyses assumptions.
Based on the seismic zonation of this area, forces due to seismic events have not been considered
in our high wall analyses.
The analyses were carried out in order to solve for a factor of safety of 1.3, which is considered to
be an appropriate value for selection at the FS stage.
The analyses are provided in Appendix H. The results indicate an acceptably high factor of safety
against high wall instability for 46 degree of overall slope up to 70 meter height.
It is beyond the scope of this report to determine the likelihood of instability to a more precise level,
although general comments are provided below:
The coal seams are also occasionally underlain by relatively impermeable carbonaceous
claystone. Based on these conditions, we believe that the probability of low wall instability occurring
as mining proceeds down-dip is high.
However, we have provided a preliminary mitigation plan for risks associated with low wall
However, we have provided a preliminary mitigation plan for risks associated with low wall
1. Based on the analysis results indicate an acceptably high factor of safety against low wall
instability for 25 degree of overall slope up to 70 meter height.
2. Mining should never undercut the bedding.
3. During mining, the water pressures within the low wall should be monitored using piezometers.
4. The water pressures should be compared against the remaining overburden pressures in order
to ensure that lift-off cannot occur.
5. If water pressures are too high, then dewatering drilling or pumping must be carried out to a
level where stability can be ensured
The analyses described above are for mechanisms of instability that occur through the rock mass.
It must be noted that faulting and other large structure (while not determined to date from geology
model) can lead to mechanisms of instability that are not represented by the analyses described
above. Therefore, as mining proceeds, it will be important that regular geotechnical face mapping is
carried out as part of the mining operation in order that faults are identified and then assessed in
terms of whether they pose a threat to stability.
The all slope stability analysis for low wall and high wall are analyzed by using hand held GPS data
due to no topography data available. It is recommended to complete all the topography data for the
next mining stage.
There has not been any investigation carried out for waste dumps; however the following
comments are a general on indication of common issues based on practical experience.
Waste dumps can become unstable when over-steepened, when built too high, or when built over
low strength foundation materials. The stability depends on current and future waste material
strength, as well as the strength of foundation materials.
Commonly achieved overall slope angles are of the order 10° to 15° for similar waste dumps in coal
mines – provided care is taken to prevent surface water ponding at any time during dump
construction. This requires careful planning to ensure that during each day of active dumping, the
surface is graded to prevent ponding.
Berm to berm slopes will form at the natural angle of repose of the dump material (generally about
26°, but may need to be flatter to comply with mine closure requirements), and berm widths will
need to be fixed to suit the overall target slope for whatever berm to berm height is adopted. A
maximum berm to berm vertical height of 10m is suggested.
Using the above approach, the achievable dump height will depend on the strength of the
foundation materials.
Our professional services have been performed, our findings derived, and our recommendations
prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and standards.
This report is only based on our current understanding of the site condition. The nature of
subsurface conditions may vary between tested locations and from the assumptions discussed.
Variations between the tested locations may not become evident until mining staged commenced.
The statements presented in this document are intended to advise you of what your realistic
expectations of this report, and to present you with recommendations on how to minimize the risks
associated with the project. The document is not intended to reduce the level of responsibility
accepted by MLD/DHV Indonesia, but rather to ensure that all parties who may rely on this report
are aware of the responsibilities each assumes in so doing.
MLD/DHVI is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions, or recommendations of others based
on these data.