NCM 105 - ND

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NCM 105 – ND Scope: covers diff fields

FNRI – DOST- Food & nutrition research 1. Basic/fundamental nutri- study of

institute physiologic needs in specific nutrients
2. Nutri in growth & development or child &
NDAP- Nutritionist-Dietitians Association of the
maternal nutri- study of nutri principles &
app throughout life cycle; concentrated
Organic Compounds- w/ H, O2, & C; must be on vulnerable groups—infancy,
broken down childhood, pregnancy & lactation
3. Dietetic/Therapeutic nutri- adequacy to
Inorganic compounds- water & minerals; in meet needs under normal & pathological
smallest form except water conditions
BMR- Basal metabolic rate 4. Clinical/Medical Nutri- study of effects on
body when there is low or excess intake;
DBW- Desirable body weight special fields—human, animal & plant
RDA- Recommended dietary allowance nutria
5. Other areas of specialization- interrelated
Kcal- Kilogram calories w/ health allied field
Food- any organic/inorganic that nourish the Characteristics of nutrients:
body by building, repairing tissue, supplying
heat & energy & regulating bodily processes Accdg to fx:

Nutrition- study of food in relation to health & 1. Body building- structural components of
how body uses it; concerned w/ quality, quantity body, forms tissues (ex. H2O, protein,
& how food is received & utilized; process by w/c fat, carbs, minerals)
food is taken & used (digestion, absorption, 2. Furnish energy- yield energy, carbs, fats
transportation, metabolism); know relationship & protein
w/ basic needs 3. Regulate body processes- all 6 major
group of nutrients
Function of Nutri- maintain life by allowing a) Carbs, fats, protein- major organic
growth & optimum health nutrients broken down to supply
Nutri as a science applied to Nursing care: energy
b) Vit, minerals, H2O- no need to be
1. Prevents diseases or illnesses broken down; regulate circulation,
2. Adapting food patterns based on indi respiration, digestion & elimination
nutria needs & w/in framework of cultural,
economic, psychological situation & style Accdg to chemical nature:
3. Awareness on need in disease states to 1. Organic substance- carbon containing
modify nutri factors or therapeutic compounds except carbonate & cyanide
purposes (protein, lipids, carbs, vit)
Nutrients: chemicals in food 2. Inorganic substances- non-carbon
(minerals & water)
Role of Nutrients:
Accdg to essentiality: physiological role in body;
1. Provide heat & energy concentration of nutrient is not related to its
2. Build & repair tissue importance (ex. 5mg is as impt as 50mg of Vit.
3. Regulate bodily processes C of 59mg of protein)
1. Dietary essentials- essential or 7. Regulator of intestinal peristalsis &
indispensable & should be supplied in provider of bulk
diet; body does not synthesize it
p.17 Classification of Carbohydrates
2. Semi-essentials- reduces need for
nutrient or partially spares it (ex. Cysteine Simple carbs- in fruits, milk & vegetables
can reduce the need for methionine but
can’t completely replace it biochemically) Simple sugars- cake, candy provide energy but
lack vitamins, minerals, & fiber
3. Non-dietary essentials/dispensable- can
be synthesized as long as the materials
in the body are adequate
Accdg to concentration:
1. Macronutrients- in large amts in body
 H2O- 2/3 of body
 Fat- 1/5 or 20%
 Protein- 1/5 or 20%
2. Micronutrients- vits & trace minerals
Qualities of good food
 Nourishes or nutritious
 Has satiety value
 Prepared under sanitary conditions,
aesthetically & scientifically
 Free from toxic agents
 Palatability satisfies consumer
 Offers variety & planned w/in
socioeconomic context
Nutrients & functions:
Carbs- big group of org compounds prominent
in plant kingdom w/ C, H, O2
1. Chief source of energy- glucose &
intermediate products, major fuel used by
2. Cheap & main energy source- low cost &
widely distributed around the world
3. Protein sparer- save or spare protein for
body building
4. Regulator of fat metabolism- prevent
accumulation of ketone bodies & acidosis
5. Sole energy source for brain & nerve
tissue- prevent irreversible damage of
6. Storage form of energy as glycogen
(immediate source of energy)

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