1DriversRegistrationforConstructiveFraudandDemand NOT WHITE
1DriversRegistrationforConstructiveFraudandDemand NOT WHITE
1DriversRegistrationforConstructiveFraudandDemand NOT WHITE
By: ……………………..……….…….…………….…….….…………….…
Roderick Oh, sua potestas esse2 Secured Party
(not an Accommodation Party)
c/o: 33 Oak Street
Harrington Park, New Jersey [ 07640-1107 ] u s of A
1 The term “certify” means that the “Served Party” will provide a sworn statement, which includes the following: 1) that the agents of UNITED STATES
(Inc.) and agents of STATE OF NEW JERSEY (Inc.) have, in good faith, provided Full Disclosure that their quasi-government of “NEW JERSEY”
is not a lawful government under the doctrines of International Law or the de jure Constitution for the United States of America; 2) that the alleged
STATE OF NEW JERSEY (DUNS number 80-665-6963) is in fact a quasi-political subdivision, a private sub-corporation of the “UNITED STATES”,
Inc., and is a non-American foreign state corporation; 3) that any American that participates in any election is deemed to be a “citizen” of the United States,
i.e., U.S. person or Federal citizen, and is deemed to be subject to the jurisdiction of said quasi-political subdivision; 4) that any such American
(participating in elections) descends to the inferior status and standing of a mere “citizen” / subject of (and subordinate to) the United States Congress, de
facto (since A. D. 1859) , and/or the UNITED STATES, Inc.
2 sua potestas esse – having full Power and Authority over one’s own dominions.