Criminology Liscensure Exam Reviewer On CLJ
Criminology Liscensure Exam Reviewer On CLJ
Criminology Liscensure Exam Reviewer On CLJ
INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only the answer for each item by
shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
8. After drinking one (1) case of San Miguel Beer and taking two plates of "pulutan", Binoy, a Filipino Seaman,
stabbed to death Sio My, a Singaporean Seaman aboard M/V Princess of the Pacific, an overseas vessel which
was sailing in the South China Sea. The vessel although Panamanian registered, is owned by Lucio Sy, a rich
Filipino Businessman. When M/V Princess of the Pacific reached a Philippine port at Cebu City, the captain of the
vessel turned over the assailant to the Philippine authorities. An information for homicide was filed against Binoy
at Regional Trial Court of Cebu City. He moved to quash the information for lack of Jurisdiction. If you were the
judge, will you grant the motion? Why?
a) Yes, the motion to quash the information must be granted since it is owned by a Filipino and
therefore jurisdiction has been acquired;
b) Yes, the motion to quash the information must be granted. The Philippine Court has no jurisdiction
over crime committed since it was committed on the high seas or outside Philippine territory and on
board a vessel not registered in the Philippines,
c) No, the Philippine court acquires jurisdiction since the first port of destination is but part of
Philippine Territory
d) No, the motion should be denied as someone has to be penalized for the commission of the crime.
9. Corpus Delicti means
a) The object of the crime
b) The origin of the crime
c) The body of the crime
d) The subject of the crime
a) The act performed would be an offense against person or chastity:
b) Act was done with evil intent;
c) Its accomplishment was inherently impossible, or the means employed was either inadequate or
d) That the act performed should not constitute a violation of another provision of RPC.
11. Crimes which cannot be in frustrated stage
a) Rape, Bribery, Adultery, Physical Injury
b) Rape, Theft, Corruption of Public Official
c) None of the above
d) All of the above
12. All are requirements of a valid extra-judicial adinission of guilt during a custodial investigation except:
a) It must be voluntary
b) It must be made with the assistance of a counsel provided by the law enforcer
c)It must be express
d) It must be in writing
13. Once the information is filed with the court and the judge proceeds with his primordial task of evaluation the
evidence on record he may;
a) Issue a warrant of arrest, if he finds probable cause
b) Immediately dismiss the case if the evidence on record clearly fails to establish probable cause;
c) Order the prosecutor to submit additional evidence in case he doubts the existence of probable cause;
d) All of the above
14. It is a writ issued directly by a judge to a law-enforcement officer, cspecially for the arrest of the person who has
been held in contempt, has disobeyed a subpoena, or has failed to appear for a hearing or a trial.
a) Bench Warrant
b) Alias Warrant
c) Warrant of Arrest
d) All of the above
15. When a warrant of arrest was duly issued, it shall be the first duty of the arresting officer to,
a)Execute the warrant and make the report within the prescriptive period of the crime,
b) Make the arrest and together with the accused, report to the judge who issued the warrant
c) Arrest the accused and bring him to the nearest police station or jail without unnecessary delay
d) Explain to the accused the nature of the crime he has committed and the possible imposable penalty,
16. Carla, 4 years old, was kidnapped by Enrique, the tricycle driver paid by her parents to bring and fetch her to and
fromschool. Enrique wrote a ransom note demanding P500,000 from Carla's parents in exchange for Carla's
freedom. Enrique bsent the ransom note by mail. However, before the ransom note was received by Carla's
parent, Enrique's hideout was discovered and he was arrested. Considering that the ransom note was not
received by Carla's parent, the investigating prosecutor merely filed a case of "Impossible crime to commit
kidnapping against Enrique. Is the prosecutor correct?
a) Yes, the ransom note when sent, was beyond his control and therefore renders the situation one that
is inherently impossible considering that the ransom is one of the essential element of kidnapping
b) No, the prosecutor is not correct in filling the case. Impossible crimes are limited only to acts which
when performed would be crimes against persons or property,
c) Yes, the investigating prosecutor is correct. All the requisite of Impossible Crime is present,
d) No, the investigating prosecutor is incorrect because the proper felony to be filed must be illegal
17. A, B and all armed, robbed a bank and when they were about to get out of the bank, policemen came and
ordered them to surrender but they fired on the police pfficer who fired back and shot it out with them. Suppose
a bank employee was killed and the bullet which killed him came from the firearm of the police officer, with
what crime shall you charge A,B, C and D?
a) Reckless Imprudence resulting to homicide
b) Robbery and Homicide
c)Robbery with Homicide
d) Homicide
18. The constitutional proscription against warrantless searches and seizure admits of certain legal and judicial
exceptions such as:
a)Warrantless search incidental to lawful arrest; seizure of evidence in plain view, search of moving
b) Search by virtue of warrant which have lasted for 30 days
c) Consented warrantiess search, custom search, stop and frisk; exigent and emergency circunstance;
d) A and C
` e) All of the above
19. This statement is true about Special Penal Law
a) The stages of execution are generally not considered
b)The degree of participation is generally not considered
c) Good faith is not a valid defense under SPL
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
20. What crimes under RPC are by nature Mala Prohibita?
a)Technical Malversation
b) Inciting to War and Giving motives for reprisal
c) A and B
d) None of the Above
21. the violation of Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act may not be committed by whom?
a) A man whom he had one night stand only
b) A man who just promised to give support to her child even if he is not the biological father
c) Former husband
d) Former boyfriend
e) A man whom she had intimate text mate
22. It refers to acts that make or attempt to make a woman financially dependent which includes withdrawal of
financial support or preventing the victim from engaging in any legitimate profession, occupation, business or
activity, except in cases wherein the other spouse/partner objects on valid, serious, and moral grounds under the
family code.
a) Economic Abuse
b) Physical Abuse
c) Sexual Abuse
d) Psychological Abuse
e) Spiritual Abuse
23. For the defense of Physical impossibility as Alibi to prosper, the accused must establish what?
a) His testimony will be corroborated by testimony of other witness
b) The accused must establish by positive, clear and satisfactory proof that it was physically impossible
for the accused to have been at the scene of the crime at the time of its commission, and not merely
that the accused was somewhere else;
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
24. It is an admission, verbal or written, made by the party in the course of proceedings in the same case, does not
require prool. It may be contradicted only by showing that it was made through palpable mistake or that no such
was made.
a) Judicial Confession
b) Judicial Admission
c) Extra Judicial Confession
d) Extra Judicial Admission
25. What is a Bill of Attainder?
a) It is a law which makes criminal an act done before the passage of law and which was innocent when
dope, and punishes such act;
b) A law which aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was, when committed,
c) A legislative act which inflicts punishment without the benefit of judicial trial:
d) Deprives a person accused of a crime some lawful protection to which he has become entitled, such
as protection of amnesty.
26. Members of Diplomatic Corps of a country who enjoy absolute criminal immunity except:
a)Consul General
b)Sovereigns and other Chief of State
c) Ambassadors
d) Minister Plenipotentiary and Minister Residents
e) Attaches
27. Imprudence means
a) Deficiency of action
b) Deficiency of perception
c) Lack of foresight
d) Lack of skills.
28. Is one who while advanced in age has a mental development comparable that of children between 2 and 7 years
a) Insane
b) Imbecile
d) Mental Retardation
29. Dion and Talia were spouses. Dion always come home drunk since he lost his job couple of months ago. Talia had
gotten used to verbal abuse from Dion. One night, in addition to the usual verbal abuse, Dion beat up Talia. The
next morning. Dion saw the injury that he had inflicted upon Talia and promised her that he would stop drinking
and never beat her again However, Dion did not make good on his promise. Just one week after, he started
drinking again. Talia once more endured verbal abuse. Afraid that he may beat her up again, Talia stabbed Dion
with a kitchen knife, while he was out from imbibing too much alcohol. Talia was charged with the crime of
Parricide. May Talia invoke the defense of Battered Woman Syndrome to free herself from criminal liability?
a) Yes, what have transpired are suficient grounds to invoke Battered Woman Syndrome. The victim
need not wait to suffer another physical abuse to use it to justify her act;
b)No a single act of battery or physical bacm resulting to physical or psychological or emotional distress
on the part of Talia is not sufficient to avail of the benefit of the justifying circumstance of Battered
Woman Syndrome
c)She cannot avail of Battered Woman Syndrome as Justifying Circumstance since it is only mitigating
d) The defense of Battered woman syndrome can be invoked if the woman with a dating relationship #
with the victim is subjected to cumulative abuse or battery involving the infliction of physical ham
resulting to physical or psychological distress
30. Who is not person in authority?
a) Chief PNP
b) Lawyer
d) Barrio Captian
31. When is dwelling may not be considered as aggravating circumstance?
a) Although the offender fired the shot from the outside of the house, as long as the victim is inside;
b) Even if the killing took place outside the dwelling so long as the commission began inside the dwelling,
c) When adultery is committed in the dwelling of the husband, even if it is also the dwelling of the wife it
is still aggravating,
d) In robbery with violence against persons robbery with homicide, abduction or illegal detention
e)If both the offender and the offended party are occupants of the same dwelling
32. One who at the time of his trial for one crime, shall have been previously convicted by final judgment of another
crime embraced in the same title of RPC.
a) Reiteracion
b) Recidivist
c) Quasi-Recidivist
d) Habitual Delinquent
33. The penalty attached to the crime subsequently committed should be higher or at least equal to the penalty that
he has already served
a) Reiteracion
b) Recidivist
c) Quasi-Recidivist
d) Habitual Delinquent
34. When the person within a period of 10 years from the date of his release or last conviction of the crimes of
serious physical injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or falsification is found guilty of any of the said crime a third time
or oftener:
a) Reiteracion
c) Quasi-recidivist
d) Habitual Delinquent
35. Any person who shall commit a felony after having been convicted of by final judgment, before beginning to
serve such sentence, or while serving the same shall be punished by maximum period of the penalty prescribed
by law for the new felony;
a) Reiteracion
b) Recidivist
d)Habitual Delinquent
36. Is a circumstance pertaining to the moral order, which adds disgrace and obloquy to the material injury caused
by the crime.
b) Cruelty
c) Treachery
d) Bestiality
37. It is a sworn statement charging a person with an offense, subscribed the offended party, any peace officer of
public officer charged with the enforcement of law violated
a) Information
b). Affidavit
c) Complaint
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
38. As a general rule, venue of the crime is a critical averment in the complaint or infornation as it confers
jurisdiction. However, there are exceptions to this rule. The exception does not include:
a) Felonics under Art 2 of RPC
b) Continuing Offenses
c) Muliny
e) In exceptional cases, to ensure fair and impartial inquiry.
39. In prosecuting adultery or concubinage:
a) Only offended spouse can be complainant
b)both guilty parties, must be included in the complaint
c)Both A and B
d) Neither A or B
40. It is an inquiry or proceeding to determine if there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a
crime cognizable by RTC has been committed and that the responded is probably guilty thereof, and should be
held for trial.
a) Preliminary Investigation
b) Custodial Lovestigation
c) Inquest
d) Arraignment
41. It consist of writing or any material containing letters, words, numbers, figurès, symbols or other modes of
written expression offered as proof of their content.
a) Testimonial Evidence
b) Documentary Evidence
c) Autoptic Evidence
d) Circumstantial Evidence
42. Involves intellectual trickery and cunning on the part of the accused. It is employed as a scheme in the execution
of the crime(e.g. accused pretended to be members of the constabulary, accused in order to perpetrate rape,
used chocolates containing drugs)
a) Disguise
b) Fraud
c) Craft
d. None of the Above
43. Involves insidious words or machinations used to induce victim to act in a manner which would enable the
offender to carry out his design
a) Disguise
b) Fraud
c) Craft
d) None of the Above
44. Any act resorting to any device to conceal identity. Purpose of concealing identity is a must
a) Disguise
b) Fraud
c) Craft
d) None of the Above
45. Agravating Circumstance which cannot be found in Revised Penal Code
a) Organized or Syndicated Group
b) Use of Dangerous Drugs o
c) Use of Unlicensed Firearms
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
62. In a crime of murder, no one has witnessed its commission except for Jojo. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the
name of the culprit and would only recognize him through his tattoo in left side of his neck. In filing the
complaint before the Asst. City Prosecutor, who shall be indicted as the accused?
a) The information should be filed before Regional Trial Court with the accused named as John Doc provided
that the true identity of the accused shall be known on or before arraignment,
b) The information should be filed before Regional Trial Court with the accused named as John Doe provided
that the true identity of the accused before promulgation of judgment;
c) The information should be filed before Regional Trial Court with the accused named as John Doe provided
that the true identity of the accused before the prosecution rests it's case;
d) The information should be filed before Regional Trial Court with the accused named as John Doe provided
that the true identity of the accused before promulgation of judgment;
e) The information should be filed before Regional Trial Court with the accused named as John Doe provided
that the true identity of the accused before perfection of an appeal,
63. Allan, Allen, Alden and Allwin came into agreement to rape Alona within the house premises of the latter. They
sneaked at the backdoor and entered the house by breaking the doorknob. They saw Alona wearing only panty
and bra while sleeping. Driven by lust, Alden and Allwin immediately succeeded in raping Alona while Allen was
in the other room and Allan waiting outside serving as lookout. When they were all about to leave, Allen is no
where to be found. The group did not know that after Alden and Allwin, Allen also raped Alona. Allen was the
only one apprehended by law enforcers. If you were to be asked for what crime should Allen be held liable?
a) Allen should be held liable only for I count of rape. He would only be responsible for his personal acts:
b)Allen should be held liable for 3 counts of rapo. If there is conspiracy to commit rape, each conspirator is
responsible not only for the rape committed personally by him but also for the rape committed by the other
as well,
c) Allen cannot be indicted for any felony as there was no witness to testify about his criminal liability on the
alleged rape of Alona;
d) None of the above
64. Bert wanted to kill the Solomon brothers namely Joshua and Josh. He went to his friend, Jessie, to barrow a gun
and the same acceded to his request. Bert told Jessie that he would kill Joshua but killed Josh instead. Jessie
committed what crime?
a) Jessie committed Homicide
b) Jessic is liable as accomplice to homicide
c) Jessie is liable as accessory to homicide
d) Jessie committed no crime.
65. Senior Superintendent Mariano being the Chief-of-Police in the city of Silay Negros Occidental ordered the
purchase of several computers to be used as several Police community precints within the whole city. The
purchase was not made thru public bidding and the computers were purchased from the store of his first cousin,
Marianito. Mario, claiming that the transaction was anomalous, wanted to file a case against Senior
Superintendent Mariano. Where should the information be filed?
a) Regional Trial Court of the Silay City, Negros Occidental;
b) Provincial Prosecutor of Silay City, Negros Occidental
c)Office of the Ombudsman at Negros Occidental
d) Sandiganbayan
e) None of the Above
66. Rose is married 10 Noni who is working as a seaman. Nomi leamed that every time he is out of the country. Rose
would meet with Charlie and have sexual intercourse even if Noni knows that Rosc is married to Noni. .Noni and
Charlie are best friends and treat each other as family. Feeling hurt and belittled, Noni wanted to send Rose to
prison cell for her blatant infidelity and ingratitude but wanted to dispense Charlie from any liability. If Noni
finally decide to file a criminal case against Rose, what crime would it be and can Charlie be spared from the
a)Adultery, but the offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution without including the guilty
parties if both are alive, hence, Charlie must be included;
b)Adultery, but in order to spare Charlie, Noni must execute a written pardon forgiving Charlie so that
he will not be included in the case,
c) Adultery, but in order to spare Charlie, Noni must let the criminal action prescribe before filing
the case.
d) Adultery, and both of them must be indicted but Charlie has to file for probation
67. On their way home, after the "salubong" of birthday celebrated by Sarah and Becky who are secret lovers, rode
their respective motorcycles. While traversing the main road of the street, an old man suddenly crossed the road
and hit by Becky, Sarah, who was ahead of Becky, went back to look for Becky and saw her with the old man who
was lying on the road. Immediately Sarah called for an ambulance to bring the Old man to the nearest hospital.
Knowing that the old man was stable, Sarah went home to Becky. The next day, the old man died due to heart
attack while in the hospital. Becky was apprehended by the police. An inquest was conducted pending the filing
of information. What is the best remedy for Becky?
a) File Motion for Bail
b) File Petition for Bail
c) File Petition for the conduci Preliminary investigation
d. A and C
e)B and C
68. JD a hired Assassin, while hiding from behind door, shot JM and when about to leave the scene, saw the watch of
JM, and took the same before finally exiting. What crime/s was/were committed?
a) Robbery with Homicide
b)Robbery and Homicide
c) Murder and Theft
d) Murder
e)None of the above
69. Where six (6) accused entered the house of the offended party, brandishing firearms and knives and after
ransacking the house of money and jewellery, brought the offended party out of the house to a grassy place
where she was ordered to undress and although she was able to run away, was chased and caught and ther after
Raped by all of the accused. What crime was committed?
a)Robbery and rape
b) Robbery with rape
c) Robbery
d) Rape
70. Ms. Che Fiona sold her car to Dizzy in the amount of 450,000. Dizzy gave 300.000 cash and issued ar check in the
amount of 150,000 dated the day after the sale. When the check was brought to the issuing bank for its
encashment, it bounced for being a closed account. What crime was committed?
a) Violation of BP22
b) Violation of Art 315
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A or B
71. All are mode of Total extinction of Criminal Liability except:
a) Death of Convict
b) Prescription of Penalty
c) Marriage of the offender to the offended woman under Art 344
d) Amnesty
e) Service of Sentence
72. Josefa and Jose are living together as husband and wife for 10 years without the blessings of marriage. Jose was
keeping his grudges against Josefa but can't keep it anymore so He killed Josefa while she was sleeping. What
crime was committed by Jose?
a) Parricide
b) Murder
c) Homicide
d) None of the Above
73. What crime is committed if A, an illegitimate son of B, killed the legitimate father of the latter.
a) Parricide
b) Murder
d) None of the above
74. What crime is committed if A, who legally adopted X, who enjoys the rights and privileges of a legitimate child,
killed the adopted?
a) Parricide
b) Murder
d) Infanticide
75. Liezel is 8 months pregnant with her child with Mart her boyfriend. Liezel would normally sneak in to Mart's
cellphone and start quarrels because of extreme jealousy. In one of their quarrels, Liezel continuously slap Mart
which provoked the latter to push her hard and hit the wall. Due to the impact, Liezel bled and the day after, lost
the child What crime has been committed?
a) Reckless imprudence resulting to homicide
b) Homicide.
c) Murder
d)Unintentional Abortion
76. Any person who shall promote or facilitate the prostitution of persons underage to satisfy the best of another
shall be guilty
a)White Slave Trade
b) Corruption of Minors
c) Qualified Seduction
d) Consented abduction
77. Alex was known a drug pusher in their place but nobody wants to complain about him since his b ly is intential
especially his father. In a buy bust operation, he was caught selling bulls of marijua and share. POI was offered
300.000 by Alex and the same was accepted by the law enforcer. In return, Alex was set free and everything was
forgotten. What crime was committed?
a) Direct Bribery
b) Corruption of Public Official
c)Qualified Bribery
d) A and B
e) B and C
78. Kar Berto is a leader of a sparrow unit of NPA. In one of their offensive operation, they attacked a detachment
unit. They were able to kill 18 soldiers while they were sleeping. They also burned the barracks and took valuable
possession including guns and ammunition Ka Berto is liable for,
a) Murder and Arson
b) Rebellion
d) A and C
e) All of the above
79. Preliminary investigation is mandatory when the imposable penalty for the commission of a crime is,
a) 6 years 2 months and 1 day
b)6 months and 1 day
c) 4 years, 2 months and 1 day
d) 4 years, 6 months and 1 day
80. What is the purpose of the conduct of inquest in Inflagtrante Delicto?
a) It is a proceeding to determine if there was irregularity in the issuance of warrant of arrest;
b) It is a proceeding conducted to determine the legality or validity of an arrest;
c) It is a proceeding to determine the basis of the arrest;
d) It is a proceeding to determine who qualifies for bail.
81. A warrant of arrest was issued against Julio for violation of Art 315 of RPC PO2 Petmalu was tasked to served the
warrant but unable to apprehend Julio since the latter was nowhere to be found. 9 months have lapsed until
finally Julio's whereabouts was found. What should PO2 Petmalu do in order to legally arrest Julio?
a) Proceed with the arrest since there has already been warrant of arrest already issued,
b) Proceed with the arrest after the old warrant of arrest is found
c)Proceed with the arrest after securing alias warrant from the court +
d) Proceed with the arrest after securing new warrant of arrest
e) Do not proceed with the arrest
82. It is a stage in a criminal proceeding where the accused is informed of the charge of accusation against him and
he is given opportunity to plead or obtain from him his answer or plea to the accusation in the information.
a) Custodial Investigation
b) Preliminary investigation
d) Pre-trial
83. It is a special pleading that can be filed by the defendant before entering his plea. It is a pleading that
hypothetically admits the truth of the facts spelled out in the complaint or information at the same time sets up
a matter, which if duly proved, would preclude further proceedings. It is formerly called demurer.
a) Motion to quash
b) Motion to dismiss
c) Demurrer to Evidence
d)) Tender of Excluded Evidence
84. Instances wherein another prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes the offense charged in the
former complaint or information will not constitute double jeopardy, except:
a) Where the graver offense develop due to facts which supervened after or arose from the same act or
Omission constituting the former charge;
b) Where the facts constituting the graver charge becomes known or were discovered only after the former
complaints or information was filed;
c) Where the plea of guilty to the lesser offense was made without the consent of the prosecutor and of
the offended party:
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
85. Petis accused of concubinage. In order to prove his illicit and secret affairs with whom so special to him, all his
messages in his phone was screenshot and printed. This includes all the pictures they shared together with his
special someone, I was offered as evidence to prove his infidelity. You were asked by Pot what would be his best
remedy to counter it. What will be your advise?
a) Tell him that the evidence is objcctionable on the ground of relevance;
b) Tell him that the evidence is objectionable on the ground of competence;
c) Tell him that the evidence is objectionable on the ground of materiality:
d) All of the above,
e) None of the above
86. Let us suppose that a search warrant was irregularly issued against Pol to seize the above-mentioned printed
materials to be offered as evidence. What remedy is available in favour of Pot:
a) File Motion to quash search warrant
b) File Motion to Suppress as evidence the objects illegally taken
c)File motion to quash information
d) Both A and B
e) Both A and C
87. Depressed of what is happening in his life, Pot went on midnight walk to reflect on what his next move to protect
his special someone and to keep their secret relationship. He was walking even in the darkness. He was seen by a
roving police mobile headed by SPO3 Jonard and was immediately apprehended. He was then brought to the
police station and was kept there for 4 days. No information was file against him Was there any felony
a) SPO3 Jonard is liable for violation of Art. 125 Delay in the delivery of detained person to proper
judicial authority
b) SPO3 Jonard is liable for violation of Art 124. Arbitrary Detention
c) Both A and B
d) Neither A or B
88. Renz is a motorcycle rider. He would normally visit Lobel in her house. One night, in his way home, he lost his
driver's license. Concerned about Renz, Lobel made an affidavit of loss and imitate the signature of Renz. She
signed both the affidavit and a special power of attorney. Through a fixer, she was able to secure the duplicate
copy of license of Renz from LTO. What crime has been committed by Lobel?
a) Forgery
b) Falsification'of Public Document
c) Estafa
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
89. On several occasion Gen. Utakung Go misappropriated the funds of PNP for procurement of its supplies. He
misappropriated the sum of 20M on the month of November 2016, 30M on January 2017 and 15M on April
2017. Instead of using the said funds for the benefit of policemen, he used the funds to invest in numerous
paintings of famous artists. What crime he has committed?
90. All are true about mental incapacity of a witness except:
a) Persons medically sane may be considered as legally insane if at the time they are to be presented as
witness, they are incapable of testifying truthfully or of being aware of the obligation to testify.
Included here are drunks, those under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or suffering from some
temporary mental disability
` b) Deaf mutes are not disqualified so long as they are able to communicate in some manner which can
be understood and, in case of the use of sign-language, the interpretation thereof can be verified.
c) Sanity is presumed, it is the opponent who must prove this ground.
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
91. Kisses and Reginald were married in the year 2010. They got separated in 2012. During the 2 years of being
together, Kisses suffered physical battery. Even if they have parted their ways, Reginald would continue to harass
her thru text and calls calling her a whore. Kisses file a case against Reginald for violation of R.A. 9262. May
Kisses stand as witness against Reginald?
a) No. During the marriage neither spouse (i.e. the witness spouse) may testify for or against the other
(i.e. the Party spouse) without the consent of the affected spouse (i.e. the party spouse).
b) No, by reason of Identity of Interest: hence compelling a person to testify against the spouse is
tantamount to compelling the witness to testify against himself.
c) Yes, under the rule that a spouse may testify if one Spouse is a party to a case, whether civil or
criminal, singly or with other third persons;
d) Yes because the marriage is subsisting at the time one is called to testify against the other in that it
has not been dissolved by death or by law. Thus the prohibition is not perpetual
92. Atty. Lelan Cruz is a brilliant lawyer and famous for his well-celebrated list of clients in New York City. He studied
lay in Ateneo de Manila but went to US to make further his knowledge and thereat, took the state Bar Exam.
While on a visit, Mr Libongco had a drinking spree with Atty. Cruz and confessed that he committed the crime of
concubinage against his wife. A week after Mr. Libonco went back to the Philippines. To his surprise, information
was filed against him for concubinage More so. Atty. Cruz, will testify against him about what he had confessed.
May Ally, Cruz testify against him?
a) Yes, Atty. Lelan Cruz may testify. This situation is not covered by Lawyer-client relationship. The term
"Lawyer refers to a member of the Philippine Bar in good standing acting in such a capacity, whether
in active practice or not:
b) Yes, Atty. Cruz may testify since at the time he confessed Atty. Cruz was not officially hired as lawyer
of Mr. Libongco, hence no lawyer-client relationship,
c) No, it is covered by the privilege communication. There exist judiciary relationship already which must
be given paramount consideration
d) A and B
e) All of the above
93. A minister or priest cannot, without the consent of the person making the confession, be examined as to any
confession made to or any advice given by him in his professional character in the course of discipline enjoined
by the church to which the minister or priest belongs. All are true regarding this rule except;
a) This is often referred to as the "Seal of the Confessional". A priest or minister or similar religious
person can be compelled to testify and divulge matters which were revealed to him by way of a
b) The term "priest or minister" should not be given a restrictive meaning but should include any
religious personality of the same or similar stature as a priest or minister.
c) The revelation of wrong doings must therefore be penitential in that the purpose is to seek spiritual
absolution, spiritual assistance, or healing of the soul. If the purpose is otherwise, then it is not
privileged, as when all that the person was to unburden himself from guilty feelings.
d) The confession was made in obedience to some supposed duty or obligation
94. All are exception to hearsay rule except:
a) Deadman's Statute
b) Dying Declaration
c) Res Gestae
d) Common Reputation
e) Comunercial list
95. This is proposition, the ultimate fact of the general statement. This is what to be proved.
a) Factum Probans
b) Factum Probandum
c)Factum Probihitum
d) Factum Probanduer
96. As a general rule, leading questions are not allowed during direct examination. However, by way of exception,
leading questions are allowed when;
a)During cross-examinations
d)Concerning preliminary matters such as the name of the witness, his address and gender;
c) If there is difficulty in getting a direct and intelligible answer from a witness who is a deaf-mute, of
feeble-mind,ignorant or child of tender age.
d) All of the Above
e) None of the above
a) Act 3815 known as the Revised Penal Code
b) Special Penal Law Passed by Congress
c) Presidential Decrees Issued by Ferdinand Marcos
d) Executive Orders issued by Cory Aquino (E.0 62 November 7, 1986
e) None of the above
98. The law is binding to all persons who reside in the Philippines
a)Principle of Generality
b) Principle of Territoriality
c) Principle of Prospectivity
d) Principle of Fairness
99. Acts or omission punishable by revised Penal code
a) Crime
b) Felony
c) Misdemeanor
d) Infarction
100. Means the mental capacity of a minor between 15 to 18 years of age to fully appreciate the
consequences of his unlawful acts and the mental capacity to understand the difference between right and
a) Intellect
b) Discernment
c) Decision
d) Judgment