Install Oracle Express Server

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The document provides an overview and instructions for installing and configuring Oracle Express Server.

The document is about installing and configuring Oracle Express Server for Sun SPARC Solaris.

Components mentioned include the client side, services, service directory, SQL modules, Web Agent, and daemons like xsdaemon.

Oracle® Express Server

Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris

Release 6.3.1

April 2000
Part No. A81031-01
Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris, Release 6.3.1

Part No. A81031-01

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Send Us Your Comments ................................................................................................................. vii

Preface............................................................................................................................................................ ix
Related Documentation......................................................................................................................... x
Conventions ............................................................................................................................... ............ xii

1 Introducing Oracle Express Server

System Overview ................................................................................................................................ 1-1
The Client Side.................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Understanding Services..................................................................................................................... 1-4
Understanding the Express Service Environment........................................................................ 1-5
Understanding Installations and Instances ................................................................................... 1-7
Understanding Connections and Sessions .................................................................................... 1-8

2 Pre-Installation
Getting Ready for Installation ......................................................................................................... 2-1
Viewing Additional Documentation .............................................................................................. 2-2
Identifying the Products That You Want to Install ...................................................................... 2-3
Choosing an Oracle Home ................................................................................................................ 2-5
Setting Up Express Server’s User Accounts................................................................................... 2-7
Upgrading Express Databases.......................................................................................................... 2-9
Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions .................................................................... 2-10

3 Installation
Basic Installation ............................................................................................................................... .. 3-1
Choices in a Custom Installation ..................................................................................................... 3-8
Communications ............................................................................................................................... .. 3-9
Optional Express Products .............................................................................................................. 3-11
Managing the Service Environment.............................................................................................. 3-12
Upgrading........................................................................................................................................... 3-14
Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site ..................................................................... 3-15
Providing Documentation to the User Community ................................................................... 3-18

4 Administering Express Server

Running Express Instance Manager................................................................................................ 4-2
Managing Express Agent................................................................................................................... 4-6
Navigating in Express Instance Manager....................................................................................... 4-7
Starting a Service ................................................................................................................................ 4-9
Stopping or Pausing a Service........................................................................................................ 4-12
Changing Configuration Parameter Settings .............................................................................. 4-13
Modifying the Module List............................................................................................................. 4-17
Modifying Express Server User Identities ................................................................................... 4-21
Managing Express Sessions ............................................................................................................ 4-23
Viewing Status Messages ................................................................................................................ 4-24
Creating New Services ..................................................................................................................... 4-27
Choosing a Service Discovery Mode ............................................................................................ 4-29
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager ................................................................................................. 4-30

5 Setting Up Batch Jobs

Tools for Running Batch Jobs ........................................................................................................... 5-2
Introduction to the Command-Line Utilities................................................................................. 5-3
Targeting an Express Service ............................................................................................................ 5-4
Using the Command-Line Service Manager.................................................................................. 5-6
Using the Command Processor ........................................................................................................ 5-9
Scheduling Jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager.......................................................................... 5-11
Using a Persistent Session............................................................................................................... 5-14
Using Batch Manager ....................................................................................................................... 5-15

6 Security
Restricting Access to Your Data ....................................................................................................... 6-2
Creating a Secure Express Server Instance .................................................................................... 6-2
Identities Used by Express Server ................................................................................................... 6-3
Establishing a Client’s Identity........................................................................................................ 6-4
Establishing the Session Identity .................................................................................................... 6-5
Establishing the File Owner ............................................................................................................. 6-7
Controlling Access to Files................................................................................................................ 6-8
Establishing the Base File Mode.................................................................................................... 6-11
Modifying Access Rights to Existing Files .................................................................................. 6-13
Limiting Access to the Operating System.................................................................................... 6-14

7 Managing Express Databases

Understanding Express Database Files .......................................................................................... 7-1
Accessing Databases .......................................................................................................................... 7-3
Setting Search Paths ........................................................................................................................... 7-5
Managing Temporary Files ............................................................................................................... 7-7
Managing Extension Files ................................................................................................................. 7-9

8 Monitoring Performance
Basic Tuning Guidelines ................................................................................................................... 8-1
Simulating Test Sessions................................................................................................................... 8-3
Monitoring Performance ................................................................................................................... 8-4
Tuning Performance-Related Parameters....................................................................................... 8-7
Understanding Database Paging ..................................................................................................... 8-8
How the Paging Manager Reclaims Cache Memory ................................................................. 8-10

9 Supporting Access to Relational Databases

Choosing a Connection Method ...................................................................................................... 9-1
Setting Up a Connection.................................................................................................................... 9-3
Configuring Express Server.............................................................................................................. 9-6
Setting Environment Variables ........................................................................................................ 9-8
Setting Up Oracle Communications ............................................................................................... 9-9
Selecting and Installing an ODBC Driver ................................................................................... 9-11

Providing ODBC Support ............................................................................................................... 9-14
Defining ODBC Data Sources........................................................................................................ 9-15
Testing Your Configuration............................................................................................................. 9-19

10 Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation

Understanding Character Sets........................................................................................................ 10-1
When to Configure Your System ................................................................................................... 10-3
How to Configure Your System ..................................................................................................... 10-5
Determining the Character Sets ..................................................................................................... 10-7
Creating Translation Tables ............................................................................................................ 10-8
Instructing Express to Use the Tables ......................................................................................... 10-15
Sample Translation Tables ............................................................................................................ 10-18


Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris, Release
Part No. A81031-01

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What this manual is about

The Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
describes how to install, configure, and administer Oracle® Express Server
(hereinafter referred to as “Express Server”) on Unix platforms.

Intended audience
This manual is intended for system administrators.

Structure of this document

The Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris is
structured as follows:
■ Chapter 1 explains basic concepts.
■ Chapter 2 describes the steps you need to perform before installing Express
■ Chapter 3 explains how to install Express Server.
■ Chapter 4 explains how to use Oracle Express Instance Manager (hereinafter
referred to as “Express Instance Manager”) to administer Express services.
■ Chapter 5 explains how to use various tools to set up batch jobs within Express
■ Chapter 6 explains how to implement security.
■ Chapter 7 explains how to administer Express database files.
■ Chapter 8 provides information on performance tuning and monitoring.

■ Chapter 9 explains how to configure your system to access data stored in
relational databases.
■ Chapter 10 explains how to configure your system to translate to and from
other single-byte character sets.

Related Documentation

This manual is part of a documentation set that also includes the following books:
■ Oracle Express Database Administration Guide — Describes the structure of
Express data and explains how to create and maintain Express databases. The
guide also explains how to configure Express databases for use with client
■ Oracle Express Programmer’s Guide to the Express Language — Explains the
programming environment for Express, the structure of Express data, the
Express language, and how to write Express programs. The guide also
illustrates programming strategies for accessing and working with data.
■ Oracle Express SNAPI Guide — Explains how to use SNAPI to connect to Oracle
Express Server or Personal Express and obtain Express data. The guide also
provides installation instructions and setup information.
■ Oracle Express Web Products Installation Guide — Explains how to install and
configure the server-side components of Oracle Express Web Agent and Oracle
Express Web Publisher.
■ Oracle Express Web Agent User’s Guide — Explains how to create an Express
application that generates and manipulates dynamic views of Express data for
display by Web browsers.
■ Oracle Express Web Agent Guide to Add-In Views— Explains how a programmer
can design and implement add-in views, which are custom view types that are
not delivered with Oracle Express Web Agent.
■ Oracle Express Relational Access Manager User’s Guide — Explains how to use
Oracle Express Relational Access Manager to enable Express applications to
access and display data from a relational database. The guide also explains
fundamental concepts pertaining to data warehouse design and optimization.

Help files
The documentation set for Express Server also includes the following Help files:
■ Oracle Express Instance Manager Help — Provides online Help for managing
Oracle Express Server, including starting, stopping, and managing Express
services, selecting Express modules and configuring runtime settings for
Express services, and monitoring individual Express client sessions.
■ Express Language Help — Provides online Help for the commands, functions,
options, and programs that make up the Express language.
■ Oracle Express Administrator Help — Provides online Help for creating
Express databases and configuring Express databases for use with client
■ Express Web Agent Help — Provides online Help for Express Web Agent
programs, objects, and properties, which are used to generate and manipulate
dynamic views of Express data for display by Web browsers.
■ Oracle Express Relational Access Administrator Help — Provides online Help
for defining an Express data model, building a supporting data warehouse
schema, mapping the data model to the schema, and maintaining a
corresponding Express database.
■ Relational Access Manager – Query Statistics Help — Provides online Help for
reporting statistics about runtime query activity in the data warehouse as a
means of evaluating the performance of an Oracle Express Relational Access
Manager system.


Text conventions
You will find the following text conventions in this document.

Convention Usage
Boldface text Indicates menu items, command buttons, options, field names,
and hyperlinks.
Bold text is also used for notes and other secondary information
in tables (for example, Result).
Fixed-width text Indicates folder names, file names, operating system
commands, and URLs. Also indicates examples and anything
that you must type exactly as it appears.
For example: If you are asked to type show eversion, you
would type all the characters exactly as shown in the
fixed-width font.
Italic text Indicates variables, including variable text. Variable text is used
when dialog boxes or their components are unlabeled or have
labels that change dynamically based on their current context.
The wording of variable text does not exactly match what you
see on your screen.
Italic type is also used for emphasis, for new terms, and for titles
of documents.
Underlined text Indicates a default value in descriptions of Express language
UPPERCASE text Indicates Express commands and objects and acronyms.

Mouse usage
Always use the left mouse button unless you are specifically instructed to use the
right mouse button.
The term “left mouse button” refers to the dominant button. If you have
reconfigured your mouse to reverse the functions of the left and right buttons, then
you will need to use the reverse button when you follow the procedures in this

Formats for key combinations and sequences
Key combinations and key sequences appear in the following formats.

IF you see the format . . . THEN . . .

Key1+Key2, press and hold down the first key while you press the second
For example: “Press Alt+Tab” means to press and hold down
the Alt key while you press the Tab key.
Key1, Key2, press and release the keys one after the other.
For example: “Press Alt, F, O” means to press and release the
Alt key, press and release the F key, then press and release
the O key.

Introducing Oracle Express Server

Chapter summary
This chapter explains basic system concepts that apply to Oracle® Express Server 6
(hereinafter referred to as “Express Server”). All subsequent chapters in this manual
assume that you understand these basic concepts.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ System Overview
■ The Client Side
■ Understanding Services
■ Understanding the Express Service Environment
■ Understanding Installations and Instances
■ Understanding Connections and Sessions

System Overview

Online analytical processing

Express Server uses state-of-the-art server technology for the online analytical
processing (OLAP) of multidimensional data. Express Server features the Express
language, which is used by client applications to store, process, retrieve, and
navigate data accessed through the server.

Introducing Oracle Express Server 1-1

The Client Side

Modular architecture
Express Server is implemented as a collection of dynamically linked, shareable
libraries that are known as modules. Some of these modules are required for any
working instance of Express Server. Others support optional features and are
required only if you want to support those features.

Express services
Each instance of Express Server runs as a service. On Unix systems, Express services
have their own service control environment.

Express language
The Express language is sometimes called an SPL (Stored Procedure Language).
Express language programs are equivalent to the stored procedures of a Relational
Database Management System (RDBMS). The Express language is documented in
the Express Language Help and the Oracle Express Programmer’s Guide to the Express

Industry-standard transport protocols

Express Server uses only industry-standard, connection-oriented, client/server
communications protocols.

The Client Side

User interface to the server

Express Server 6 does not have its own user interface. Instead, user access to
Express OLAP technology is available through a variety of Web browser and
Windows client applications.

Command processing
Client applications send scripts of Express language code to the server. Express
Server processes this code and returns the results to the client. The results can
include Express data. Client applications might or might not provide user access to
the Express language.

1-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
The Client Side

Express Server clients

The following types of client applications can provide access to Express Server:
■ Oracle’s OLAP client applications
■ Custom applications created by a user or a third party
■ Personal Express 5 or 6
■ Other instances of Express Server 6

Oracle’s OLAP client applications

Oracle Corporation provides a number of applications that run as clients of Express
Server. Through their graphical user interfaces, these applications enable the user to
perform a wide variety of OLAP-based tasks.
Some examples of Oracle Express client applications are listed in the following

Oracle Express Client

Application Description
Oracle Express Used to create Express databases and configure them for
Administrator use with client applications, especially Oracle Express
Analyzer and Oracle Express Objects.
Oracle Express Analyzer Used to create simple applications (called briefings) that are
used by analysts for ad-hoc query and analysis of Express
Oracle Express Objects Used to create OLAP applications and briefings that use
Express data.
Oracle Express Relational Used to create and manage OLAP applications that access,
Access Administrator manipulate, and display data stored in relational database
management systems (RDBMS).
Oracle Express Spreadsheet Used to access Express data in Microsoft Excel.
Oracle Express Web Used to make briefings that contain tables and graphs of
Publisher Express data available for use on the Web.
Oracle Financial Analyzer Used for reporting, analyzing, and modeling financial data.
Oracle Sales Analyzer Used for reporting, analyzing, and modeling sales,
marketing, and production data.

Introducing Oracle Express Server 1-3

Understanding Services

Understanding Services

What is a service?
A computer service provides a basic capability to a community of users. A service is
defined by:
■ The type of capability it offers
■ A set of configuration parameters
Configuration parameters distinguish one service from another that offers the same
A print service exemplifies the concept of a service. A print service allows users to
send documents to be printed. Print services are distinguished from each other by
such parameters as format (Postscript, PCL, and so on), accessibility (which users
are allowed to use a printer), and other characteristics, such as physical location.
System administrators create and control services. An administrator can start and
stop a service, and can change its parameters. An administrator can also configure a
service to start automatically when a computer is booted.

Express Server as a service

Each Express Server instance is a service that provides users with access to a set of
databases or applications through interfaces such as SNAPI or Express Web Agent.
Express services are distinguished from one another by configuration parameters,
such as security requirements and access to databases.

Managing Express services

Oracle Express Instance Manager (hereinafter referred to as “Express Instance
Manager”) is a graphical tool for managing instances of Express Server. You use it
to configure, start, and stop instances; define additional instances; and monitor
client sessions.
You can also manage your Express services in a batch environment, using the
Command-Line Service Manager and the Express Command Processor.

1-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Understanding the Express Service Environment

Express services on Unix

Unix does not have a built-in concept of a service. Each Unix service must provide
its own administration facilities. On Unix, the Express service environment
provides these and other facilities.

Understanding the Express Service Environment

Express services on Unix

Since Unix does not have built-in facilities for managing services, Express Server
provides its own service control mechanisms. These mechanisms are implemented
by the Express service environment, which is part of every Express Server
installation on Unix.

One service environment per host

There can be one and only one Express service environment on a given host. All
Express services run within this environment. When the Express service
environment is not active, no Express services are offered on that host. If you are
running Express services from release and Express services based on your
new 6.3 installation, then they all run within the same 6.3 service environment.

Components of the environment

The Express service environment consists of the following:
■ A master daemon and several supporting daemons
■ The oes.key configuration file
■ Scripts for initialization, startup, and shutdown of the service environment
■ Administrative RPC interfaces

The daemons
The primary components of the Express service environment are several Unix
processes that are always running. These daemon processes implement the service
control management of Express Server instances. They support the activities you
initiate from Express Instance Manager: the starting, stopping, creating, destroying,
and configuring of Express services.

Introducing Oracle Express Server 1-5

Understanding the Express Service Environment

Most of the daemons run under the root identity and handle specific functions that
must be performed by the root user.

Master daemon
The Express service environment master daemon, xsdaemon, serves as the anchor
point for the Express service environment. The master daemon is installed on all
Unix platforms and runs as root.
The master daemon performs the following functions:
■ Sets up the rest of the service environment
■ Starts supporting daemons/processes
■ Starts Express Server instances that are configured to start automatically
■ Starts manual Express Server instances when requested
■ Provides interprocess connections between supporting processes
■ Intercepts and handles errors and abnormal terminations from Express Server
instances and supporting processes
■ Provides for the graceful termination of running Express Server instances,
supporting processes, and interprocess communications during environment
■ Provides support for Oracle Express Instance Manager

Authentication daemon
The Express service environment authentication daemon, xsauthn, allows Express
services to authenticate clients in a shadow password file. The authentication
daemon runs as root.

Authorization daemon
The Express service environment authorization daemon, xsauthz, sets the access
permissions to files created by Express Server so that both the user who created the
file and the identity under which Express Server runs have the necessary access
rights. The authorization daemon runs as root.

1-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Understanding Installations and Instances

Performance monitor daemon

The optional Express service environment performance monitoring daemon,
xsdpmon, allows Express sessions to export performance information to the
Windows NT Performance Monitor. The performance monitor daemon runs as root.

Agent daemon
The Express service environment agent daemon, xsagent, acts as the intermediary
between Express services, the oes.key configuration file, and Express Instance
Manager. The configuration agent daemon runs as the Installation User.

Understanding Installations and Instances

An Express service is an instance of Express Server that is derived from a given
Express Server installation. Each Express service has its own module list and its
own configuration settings.

Default services
The default Express service is defined by the installation process. It uses the
identifiers that are normally expected by Express clients. For example, most Express
applications by default try to connect to an Express service on port 12287. Only one
service can have this identifier, and it is the default for all SNAPI clients.

Additional Express services

You can use Express Instance Manager to configure additional instances of Express
Server on the same computer. Each additional instance has a unique identity.
You can also use Express Instance Manager to edit the module list and
configuration settings for each service. Although Express services may be
configured differently, they use almost all of the same disk files.

Introducing Oracle Express Server 1-7

Understanding Connections and Sessions

Understanding Connections and Sessions

What is a connection?
A connection is a conversation between a client process and an instance of Express
Server. The connection may be managed by SNAPI, XCA, or Express Web Agent.

What is a session?
Whether a client connection is initiated through SNAPI, XCA, or the Web, Express
Server identifies a session for its interaction with that client. The session provides a
logical context in which Express Server executes Express language code.
A session usually exists within the context of a client/server connection. Ordinarily,
each client’s session is private. That is, Express Server ensures that it is not affected
by the activities of other clients. For example, one client might want two decimal
places displayed in all reports while another might require four, so Express Server
ensures that each session has its own setting for the number of decimal places.

Session sharing
In some circumstances, two related clients might need to work within the same
session. To make this possible, Express Server may be configured to support the
sharing of sessions. When an Express service is configured to support session
sharing, its clients can call an Express language function to make their sessions

1-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris

Chapter summary
This chapter describes the decisions that you need to make before installation, and
how to set up your system so that the installation is successful.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Getting Ready for Installation
■ Viewing Additional Documentation
■ Identifying the Products That You Want to Install
■ Choosing an Oracle Home
■ Setting Up Express Server’s User Accounts
■ Upgrading Express Databases
■ Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions

Getting Ready for Installation

Computer configuration
The product release notes specify both the minimum and the recommended
configuration. Verify that your computer meets or exceeds these hardware
requirements and is running under a supported operating system. Running Express
Server on outdated and underpowered computer hardware will result in poor

Pre-Installation 2-1
Viewing Additional Documentation

performance. For further information about recommended hardware

configurations, refer to the Oracle Express Database Design and Performance Guide.

Pre-installation checklist
You must perform the following tasks, as described in this chapter, before installing.

Task Instructions
Identify Oracle home. The owner of Oracle home is “Choosing an Oracle Home” on
the Installation user, under whose identity you will page 2-5
install Express Server. You also need to perform some
installation steps under the “root” or “super user”
identity, so be sure you know the password.
Create accounts for the various roles that Express “Setting Up Express Server’s User
Server plays: the DBA role, Initialize role, and Default Accounts” on page 2-7
Upgrade existing Express databases. “Upgrading Express Databases” on
page 2-9
Stop any existing Express services. “Stopping the service
environment” on page 2-10

Viewing Additional Documentation

Finding documentation
Instructions for viewing documentation on the installation CD are available in the
readme.txt file on the Oracle OLAP Express Server CD.

Product release notes

Be sure to read the release notes before installing Express Server. They provide
information such as the following:
■ Hardware and software requirements
■ Features that are new to this release
■ Known problems in this release

2-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Identifying the Products That You Want to Install

Installing Acrobat Reader

Manuals are provided as Acrobat PDF files. To read these manuals, you must use an
Acrobat Reader. You can download the Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe
Web site at

Procedure: Viewing the documentation

Follow these steps to view the online documentation
1. Load the Oracle OLAP Express Server CD in your CD-ROM drive and view the
DOC subdirectory.
2. To see a list of all available documents, open the file named contents.pdf.
Result: The Acrobat Reader starts up.
Tip: You can open this file from a Windows system using a network connection.
3. Click the name of the manual you want to view.
Tips: If you need help using the features of Acrobat Reader, use the Help menu.
If you want a hardcopy reference, you can easily print an entire manual from
Acrobat Reader.

Identifying the Products That You Want to Install

Products on the Express Server CD

Express Server is one of several products that can be installed from the Oracle
OLAP Express Server CD:
■ Oracle Express Server — The Oracle Express Server choice installs Express
Server and dependent software products. Installation instructions are provided
in this guide.
■ Oracle Express Instance Manager — Express Instance Manager is the
Java-based administrative tool for managing Express services. There are several
different ways of running Express Instance Manager:
■ From the desktop
■ From within Oracle Enterprise Manager
■ From a browser

Pre-Installation 2-3
Identifying the Products That You Want to Install

Express Instance Manager is installed as part of the Oracle Express Server

Package, so that you can run it from the desktop of the computer where you
have installed Express Server. After performing additional installation
procedures, you can run Express Instance Manager from a remote computer or
using one of the other methods.
■ Oracle Web Listener Components Package — This package installs the software
needed to configure a Web listener on a separate machine from the one running
Express Web Agent. You do not need to install this package on the same
machine where you installed Oracle Express Server, because the Oracle Express
Server package also installs listener support.
For installation instructions, refer to the Oracle Express Web Products Installation
■ Oracle SNAPI Client — SNAPI is the Structured N-Dimensional Application
Programming Interface that Express applications use to communicate with
Express services. The server support is an optional component of Express
Server; client support must be installed on each machine where Express client
applications will run. (Client products such as Oracle Express Administrator
and Oracle Express Objects install SNAPI client automatically.) The Express
Connection Utility is installed along with SNAPI Client, and you can use it to
test communications with Express Server.
A Typical installation is adequate to run Express applications; a Complete
installation is only necessary for developing Express applications. For further
information, refer to the Oracle Express SNAPI Guide.

Software dependencies
The following table identifies software that is required for a software package on
the Server CD to work.

IF you install . . . THEN you also need to install . . .

Oracle Express Server, Oracle Application Server 4.x first, if you are installing
optional support for Express Web Agent and you want
the installation to configure an Oracle listener on the
same machine where Express Server is running.
Otherwise, there are no dependencies.
Oracle Express Instance Oracle Enterprise Manager first, if you want to integrate
Manager, these two products.

2-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Choosing an Oracle Home

IF you install . . . THEN you also need to install . . .

Oracle SNAPI Client, no prerequisite software.
Web Listener Components Oracle Application Server 4.x first, if you want the
Package, installation to automatically configure a Web listener for
use with Express Web Agent.

Choosing an Oracle Home

Definition: Oracle home

Oracle home is the system context in which Oracle products run. This context
consists of the directory location where the products are installed, the
corresponding system path setup, and where applicable, the program groups
associated with the products installed in that home, and the services running from
that home.

Multiple Oracle homes

Oracle Universal Installer supports the installation of several active Oracle homes
on the same machine. You can have different Oracle products running from
different Oracle homes concurrently.
Express Server 6.3 and later must be installed in a different Oracle home from
previous releases, because it is installed with the Oracle Universal Installer instead
of Oracle Installer (orainst). However, Express Server is designed to be a single
Oracle home product, thus you cannot install multiple copies of the same version of
Express Server in different Oracle homes. You can, however, install different
versions of Express Server in different Oracle homes.
Express Server is tested to run with a particular version of Oracle8 client software,
such as Oracle 8.0.4. A critical factor in whether you install different versions of
Express Server in the same or different Oracle homes is whether they run against
the same version of Oracle8 client software. If they do not, then they must be
installed in different Oracle homes. An attempt to install one version of Oracle8
client software over an earlier version may cause run-time problems.
Products installed in one home will not conflict or interact with products installed
in another home. You can update software in any home at any time, as long as all
applications, services, and processes installed in that home directory are shut down.
Processes from other Oracle homes can still be running. However, you must shut

Pre-Installation 2-5
Choosing an Oracle Home

down the Express service environment before installing Express Server, even if its
components are installed in a different Oracle home.

Existing Oracle homes

If you have previously installed Oracle products on your machine, Oracle Universal
Installer provides you with a list of existing Oracle homes. You can choose an
Oracle home from this list or create a new one. The list is created from the following
■ All Oracle homes previously created by Oracle Universal Installer.
■ All Oracle homes identified in the /var/opt/oratab file. You cannot install
Express Server in one of these Oracle homes.
■ The Oracle home identified by the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.
When you begin installation of Express Server, Oracle Universal Installer prompts
you to specify the location of Oracle home. You can accept the default path, which is
the current primary Oracle home, or you can specify a different path. If you specify
an existing Oracle home that is inappropriate for Express Server (such as one for
16-bit products), then Oracle Universal Installer will not accept your choice.

Identifying the primary Oracle home

For Express Server to work correctly, its Oracle home must be identified as the
primary Oracle home. The value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
identifies the primary Oracle home.

Sharing an Oracle home with other products

Your choice of an existing Oracle home or a new one is largely a matter of personal
choice. However, Oracle Corporation makes the following recommendations.

IF your machine has an existing

installation of . . . THEN install Express Server in . . .
any Oracle product installed using a separate Oracle home for products installed
Oracle Installer (orainst), using Oracle Universal Installer.
Oracle8 or Oracle7, a separate Oracle home from the RDBMS.
Important: If you install into the RDBMS’s Oracle
home, then some of its common support files may
be overwritten by the Express Server installation,
which may disable your RDBMS installation.

2-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Setting Up Express Server’s User Accounts

IF your machine has an existing

installation of . . . THEN install Express Server in . . .
Oracle Application Server 4.x, a separate Oracle home, because Oracle
Application Server uses Oracle Installer
Oracle Enterprise Manager, the same Oracle home, if possible, if you want to
integrate these products. Otherwise, you must do
a separate installation of Express Instance
Manager in the same Oracle home as Oracle
Enterprise Manager.

OLAP home
OLAP home is the path under Oracle home where OLAP products are installed on
the host. During installation of Express Server, Installer identifies OLAP home as
the olap subdirectory of Oracle home.

Environment–variable descriptions
The Oracle–specific environment variables defined during installation are listed in
the following table.

Environment Variable Typical Value

ORACLE_HOME home/oracle

Setting Up Express Server’s User Accounts

Required user accounts

Set up the following user accounts on your Unix system.

User User Name Description

Installation user oracle Oracle home, and the identity of the
installation and xsagent (Required)
DBA user oesdba Identity of Express Server (Required)
Initialize user oesinit Identity of the Persistent Session (Optional)
Default user oesguest Identity of anonymous sessions (Optional)

Pre-Installation 2-7
Setting Up Express Server’s User Accounts

Installation user
To install any Express products, you must log into your Unix system as the
Installation user. The Installation user owns all the installed files. The home
directory of the Installation user is typically, but does not have to be, Oracle home
for Express Server.
The oes.key file, which is the repository for all parameter settings for Express
services, is owned by the Installation user. The xsagent daemon, which accesses
the oes.key file on behalf of the Express Agent and Express Server, runs as the
Installation user.

DBA user
Each Express service runs as the DBA user. All files created by Express services will
be owned, at least initially, by the DBA user for that service.
The DBA user must have full access to all directories in which the Express service
will create databases and other files.

Initialize user
The optional Persistent Session runs as the Initialize user. A Persistent Session is a
special session that is active as long as the Express service is running. It is a
mechanism for periodically executing scripts of Express language commands.
The Initialize user must have the file system and shell privileges that are needed for
the Express language commands that are executed by the Persistent Session.

Default user
Anonymous sessions run as the Default user. An anonymous session is one for
which the client does not provide a user name and password. The default security
for Express Server allows anonymous sessions, but more stringent security schemes
that are available in Express Server do not allow them.
The Default user must have the file system and shell privileges that are needed by
anonymous Express sessions. Typically, the access rights of the Default user are

2-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Upgrading Express Databases

Upgrading Express Databases

Who needs to upgrade?

Oracle Corporation recommends that you export your databases as part of an
upgrade to Release 6.3.1. This routine database maintenance procedure can result in
noticeable performance improvements. The process of exporting and importing
database objects reclaims space used by deleted dimension values and cleans up
segmentation in multidimensional variables. Composites are optimized when they
are imported into Express Server 6.3, and this optimization results in faster
If you plan to allow your new Express Server installation to access databases
created in versions of Express prior to 6.0, you must create EIF files from those
databases and import them in Express Server Release 6.3.1.

Character set translation

Express Server 6 uses the ANSI character set. Earlier versions of Express use the
OEM character set. If you are upgrading a database from OEM that contains
characters in the upper 128, you may need to set up a translation table before
exporting to an EIF file. Refer to Chapter 10 for information about setting up
translation tables for single-byte character sets.

Procedure: Exporting and importing data

Follow these steps to export Express objects from an old release and import them
into a Release 6.3.1 database:
1. Use the EXPORT command in the older Express installation to create EIF files
for your databases.
2. After installing Express Server Release 6.3.1, copy the EIF file to a directory that
is accessible to this service.
3. Use the IMPORT command in Express Server Release 6.3.1 to copy the objects
and data into a new database.
4. After you have imported the EIF files, recompile all the compilable objects in
your database.
Important: Significant changes occurred in the Express language between
versions 5 and 6. You might need to modify code in version 5 databases before
you can recompile them in version 6.

Pre-Installation 2-9
Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions

Related information
For the syntax of the EXPORT and IMPORT commands, search for them in Express
Language Help.

Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions

Who needs to deinstall?

You only need to deinstall previous versions of Express Server and related products
if you no longer want to use them. Products for Release 6.3.1 must be installed in a
different Oracle home than 6.2.x.x and earlier, because of the difference in
installation programs.
You can continue to run earlier versions on the same machine with Release 6.3.1, as
long as you have configured each service with unique identifiers. Refer to “Why
run multiple services?” on page 4-27.
Instructions for deinstalling current software versions are provided in “Procedure:
Deinstalling Express products” on page 3-5.

Oracle Universal Installer

Express Server Release 6.3.1, along with all of the other products on the server CD,
are installed by Oracle Universal Installer. This is a different installation program
than the one used to install 6.2.x.x and earlier versions of Express Server. They were
installed using Oracle Installer (orainst).
You cannot use the Oracle Universal Installer to deinstall products that were
installed by the Oracle Installer. You must use Oracle Installer to deinstall them. You
can run it either from the old installation CD or, if you installed it on your computer,
from the installation directory.

Stopping the service environment

Before you can deinstall a 6.2.x.x or earlier version of Express Server or any of its
dependent products, you must shut down the Express service environment, as
1. Log in as root.
2. Go to the $OLAP_HOME/bin directory.

2-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions

3. Run with the following command:

./express stop

Deinstalling using Oracle Installer

To remove Express Server 6.2 and earlier releases from your computer, start Oracle
Installer (orainst) and begin the same procedure you would use for an
installation. Complete all the installation steps until you see the Software Asset
Manager dialog box. In the Software Asset Manager, select the item you wish to
deinstall and choose Remove.
Important: Do not attempt to deinstall by simply deleting directories.
Deinstalling performs tasks such as:
■ Unregisters the item with Installer, so that the item will no longer be displayed
with the installed products list
■ Removes all of the information for this installation from the oes.key
configuration file
■ Deletes most of the program files

Retained files and directories

Deinstalling does not delete the installation directory. Moreover, any files that have
been created in esextend or estemp are not removed, and the subdirectories
remain. In general, you must manually delete any files or subdirectories that were
created either by a user or Express Server after installation.

Pre-Installation 2-11
Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions

2-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris

Chapter summary
This chapter explains how to install Express Server and its administration tools and

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Basic Installation
■ Optional Express Products
■ Choices in a Custom Installation
■ Communications
■ Managing the Service Environment
■ Upgrading
■ Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site
■ Providing Documentation to the User Community

Basic Installation

Procedure: Getting Started

To start your installation, follow these steps:
1. Perform all of the prerequisites identified in “Getting Ready for Installation” on
page 2-1. Be sure to stop all instances of Express Server, following the

Installation 3-1
Basic Installation

instructions in “Procedure: Deinstalling Express products” on page 3-5 or

“Deinstalling 6.2.x.x and Earlier Software Versions” on page 2-10. Deinstall any
product that you plan to reinstall. (However, you do not need to deinstall other
versions of a product.)
2. Use the Installation User ID, which you set up in Chapter 2, to log into the
computer where you want to install Express Server. You must be running
OpenWindows or another X-Windows system.
3. Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive and run the runInstaller
program from the root directory.
Result: You see the Installer’s Welcome page.
Troubleshooting tip: If you see an Xlib or “Failed to connect to Server” error,
issue the following commands, then try again:
setenv DISPLAY machine_name:0.0
xhost +
4. On the Welcome page, click Next.
Result: You see the File Locations page.
5. Under Destination, identify the Oracle home directory where you want to
install Express products. Refer to “Choosing an Oracle Home” on page 2-5.
Then click Next.
Result: You see the Available Products Page.
6. Follow the installation instructions for the product you wish to install.

Procedure: Installing Express Server

To install Express Server, follow this procedure:
1. Follow the steps in “Procedure: Getting Started” on page 3-1.
Result: You see the Available Products Page.
2. Select Oracle Express Server, then click Next.
Result: You see the Installation Types page.
3. Choose the type of installation that provides the software components that you
want. Then click Next.
Tip: For help making a selection, refer to “Choosing an installation type” on
page 3-6.

3-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Basic Installation

Result: The results vary depending on your installation choice and previously
installed software.
4. If you chose a Custom installation, you see the Available Product Components
Scroll through the list and select the components that you want to install. For
descriptions of these products, refer to “Choices in a Custom Installation” on
page 3-8.
To select language support:
a. Click the Product Languages button.
Result: You see the Language Selection dialog box.
b. Select a language.
c. Click OK.
5. If Oracle Application Server 4.x is detected on your computer, you see the
Application Server Configuration page.
Refer to the Oracle Express Web Products Installation Guide for installation
6. If the Installer detects an existing installation of Express Server in a different
Oracle home, you see the Oracle Express Server Base Components page. To
allow older installations to continue operating, select Yes.
The older Express service environment will be disabled, but the new Express
service environment, which runs in the current Oracle home, will have the
configuration settings for both old and new Express services.
7. Review the Summary page to verify that the installation includes the
components that you wish to install. Then click Install.
Result: You will be prompted to run the script in Oracle home.
8. To run the script:
a. Open a new command window.
b. Log in as root with a command such as this:
su -
c. Change directories to Oracle home with a command such as this:
cd /home/oracle

Installation 3-3
Basic Installation

d. Run the script:

e. Respond to the prompts according to your personal preferences.
f. Return to the Installer and continue.
9. For a Complete installation, you see the Configuration Tools page next.
Then you see the End of Installation page.
10. Either click Next Install to install another product or Exit.

Tip: You may want to follow a Typical, Minimum, or Complete install with a
Custom install, if your installation requires additional optional modules. Check
the table in “Installation of optional modules” on page 3-6.

Procedure: Installing Oracle Express Instance Manager

Express Instance Manager is installed automatically along with Express Server,
regardless of the installation type. You only need to install it separately when you
want to manage Express services from Oracle Enterprise Manager or from a remote
To run Express Instance Manager from a browser, you must install an Express
Instance Manager Web site, as described in “Installing an Express Instance Manager
Web Site” on page 3-15.
Follow these steps to install Express Instance Manager as a separate standalone
1. Follow the steps in “Procedure: Getting Started” on page 3-1. Be sure to select
the same Oracle home directory as Oracle Enterprise Manager if you want to
integrate these two products.
Result: You see the Available Products Page.
2. Select Oracle Express Instance Manager, then click Next.
Result: You see the Installation Types page.
3. Choose an installation type, then click Next.
Result: You see the Summary page.
4. Click Install.
Result: Express Instance Manager is installed on your computer. You see the
End of Installation page.

3-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Basic Installation

5. Either click Next Install to install another product or Exit.

6. When you finish installing Express products, follow the instructions in
“Managing the Service Environment” on page 3-12.

Procedure: Deinstalling Express products

Follow these steps to deinstall a product:
1. Stop the product and its related services. Follow these steps in the order shown
to stop Express services:
a. Stop Express Server using Instance Manager.
b. Stop Express Agent with an express stop command, as described in
“Procedure: Starting and stopping the service environment” on page 3-13.
c. If Visibroker Smart Agent is running, stop it by issuing a Unix kill TERM
d. Stop the Name Factory, if it is running, by issuing a Unix kill TERM
2. On the Welcome page in Installer, click Deinstall Products.
Result: You see the Inventory page.
3. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the Oracle home for the product you wish to
Result: You see an expanded list of products for that Oracle home.
4. Select one or more products to deinstall, then click Remove.
Result: You see the Confirmation page.
5. Check over the list of products. To deinstall them, click Yes.

Installing support for a second language

Oracle Universal Installer uses the language setting of your computer’s Windows
operating system to determine the language support that it installs. If it detects a
language that is not supported by the product, it installs the English version.
You can change this behavior by picking the language that you want installed from
the list of supported languages. Support for English is always installed. This option
is available in a Custom installation.

Installation 3-5
Basic Installation

Choosing an installation type

You can choose from several installation types for Express Server, as shown in the
following table.

IF your Express Server installation . . . THEN perform a . . .

will access data stored in Oracle8 or Oracle7, Typical installation.
will access data stored in a third-party relational Complete installation.
will not access relational data, Minimum installation.
requires optional features or a different selection Custom installation.
of features than those bundled together in the
other installation types, or additional language

Installation of optional modules

The following table identifies the optional modules that are installed with each type
of installation. You can add modules by performing a custom installation at any
time after performing the installation type that most closely matches your needs.
Similarly, you can remove unnecessary modules at any time after installation by
following the instructions in “Modifying the Module List” on page 4-17. For
descriptions of these modules, refer to “Optional modules” on page 3-9 or search
for the modules by name in Express Instance Manager Help.

Module Minimum Typical Complete

CORBA Session Manager yes yes yes
External Call Support no yes yes
ODBC (xsodbc) no no yes
Oracle Call (xsoci) no yes yes
Performance Monitor no no no
Persistent Session (xspsess) yes yes yes
Remote Operations (xsromgr) yes yes yes
Shell Command (xsshell) no yes yes
SNAPI Engine (xssnsr) yes yes yes

3-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Basic Installation

Module Minimum Typical Complete

SNAPI Remote Operations yes yes yes
SQL (xssqlout) no yes yes
Test Engine Facility (xsteng) no no yes
Web Agent (xswasr) no yes yes
Web Agent Remote Operations no yes yes
XCA (xscxca) yes yes yes

Installing the command-line administration utilities

The Command-Line Service Manager (oesmgr) and the Express Command
Processor (oescmd) are installed with Express Server.
Although these utilities can be used interactively, they are provided for batch
management of Express Server. For further information, refer to Chapter 5.

Installer components
Oracle Universal Installer is installed automatically on your computer. The Oracle
Home Selector is installed also, which is useful for changing the default Oracle

Location of installation files

The following table identifies the location of files.

Directory Subdirectory Contents

$ORACLE_HOME bin Service environment daemons
olap oes.key, express.prm, and the
oesxxx subdirectory
$ORACLE_HOME/olap btmxxx Batch Manager support files
osnxxx Oracle SNAPI client
ramxxx Relational Access Manager

Installation 3-7
Choices in a Custom Installation

Directory Subdirectory Contents

$ORACLE_HOME/olap/ common Support files for Relational Access
oesxxx Manager and Oracle Sales Analyzer
eim Express Instance Manager
esextend Express extension files
estemp Express temporary files
log Express log files
owaxxx Support files for Express Web Agent
owpxxx Support files for Express Web Publisher
service Express modules and sample databases.
The oecxx subdirectory contains the
client support files.
tools Command-line administrative tools, the
Web listener configuration files, and
various other tools.

Choices in a Custom Installation

Types of choices
When you perform a custom installation, you make selections from a list of
available product components. These components are organized into the following
■ Optional Express Server modules, as described in “Optional modules” on page
■ Oracle Express Server Configurations, as described in “Communication
configurations” on page 3-9.
■ Optional Express Products, as described in “Optional Express Products” on
page 3-11.
■ Installer Components, which include the Home Selector.

3-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris

Optional modules
The optional modules offered during Express Server custom installation are
described in the following table.

Module Description
Oracle Express Shell Enables users to execute operating system commands from
Command within Express Server.
Oracle Express Initial Enables Express Server to support automatic execution of
Session Express scripts on startup, shutdown, or at periodic intervals.
Also called the Persistent Session.
Oracle Express Test Enables multi-session testing of Express Server using an input
Engine Facility file of Express commands.
Oracle Express SQL Enables users to execute SQL commands from within Express
Server. It must be used with Oracle Express Call Interface or
Oracle Express Database Connection modules.
Oracle Express Database Used with the Express SQL module, enables communication
Connection with ODBC data sources.
Oracle Express Call Used with the Express SQL module, enables communication
Interface with Oracle relational databases such as Oracle8.
Oracle Express External Enables Express sessions to invoke functions defined in
Call Support external libraries.
Oracle Express Exports counter objects that can be used to monitor Express
Performance Monitor services in the Windows NT Performance Monitor.


Communication configurations
Express Server supports several types of communications. Your installation must
include one or more of them, depending upon the communication requirements of
your client applications.

Installation 3-9

The following table provides brief descriptions of your communication options.

Protocol Description
Oracle SNAPI Server Provides the server-side component of client-server
communications for Express applications such as Oracle
Sales Analyzer.
Oracle SNAPI Server Remote Extends SNAPI Server support to Unix platforms.
Oracle Express Communications Provides peer-to-peer communications between two
Architecture instances of Express.
Oracle Express Web Agent Enables Express Web applications to communicate with
Server Express Server.
Oracle Express Web Agent Extends Web support to Unix platforms.
Remote Operations

Oracle SNAPI Server

SNAPI, the “Structured N-Dimensional Application Programming Interface,” is
implemented as a set of C functions that are packaged in Unix shared objects (SOs).
SNAPI uses Remote Procedures Calls (RPC) to enable client applications to interact
with Express Server.
SNAPI is part of the client component of your installation. You install SNAPI on the
computers where your client applications will run.
The Oracle OLAP client applications that are not Web-based use SNAPI to interact
with Express Server. You can also develop your own custom client applications
with SNAPI.

Oracle Express Communications Architecture

XCA, the “Express Communications Architecture,” uses socket communications to
support connections between Express processes. XCA supports connections that are
initiated from Personal Express 5 or 6 or from other instances of Express Server 6.
Express Server can initiate XCA connections to Express Server 5 on Unix or
OpenVMS platforms as well as to other instances of Express Server 6.

Oracle Express Web Agent

Oracle Express Web Agent (hereinafter referred to as “Express Web Agent”) enables
the development of Express applications that can be run using a Web browser.

3-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Optional Express Products

Users of these applications can access Express multidimensional data from any
computer platform, without installing additional client software.
Express Web Agent is used by Oracle Express Web Publisher and the Web
components of other Express applications.
In order to run Express Web Agent applications, you must have a Web listener
installed and configured according to the instructions in the Oracle Express Web
Products Installation Guide.

Optional Express Products

The various installation options for Express Server differ primarily in the optional
components that are installed along with Express Server and Express Instance
Manager. Using the following descriptions, you can decide which of these
components you need to install.

Software dependencies
The following table identifies the dependencies among the Express components.
You can install components individually in a custom installation.

IF you install . . . THEN you also need to install . . .

Oracle Express Relational Access Manager Oracle Express Batch Manager Support Files
Support Files, and Oracle Express SQL support.
Oracle Express Client Support Files, no additional required components.
Oracle Express Batch Manager Support Oracle Express Relational Access Manager
Files, and Oracle Express SQL support.
Oracle Express Web Agent, Client Support Files.
Oracle Express Web Publisher, Client Support Files and Express Web Agent.

Express client support files

The Express client support files are required to support connections from Express
applications such as Oracle Express Objects, Express Analyzer, and Administrator.

Installation 3-11
Managing the Service Environment

Express Web Agent

Express Web Agent is required to support Web communication from any Express
Note: Express Web Agent installation is documented in Oracle Express Web Products
Installation Guide.

Express Web Publisher Support files

Express Web Publisher Support files are required for Express Web Publisher client
applications to run.
Note: Express Web Publisher server-side installation is documented in Oracle
Express Web Products Installation Guide.

Relational Access Manager

Relational Access Manager provides server-side support for accessing relational
data through Express. Oracle Express Relational Access Administrator is a client
product and provides a graphical tool for building and maintaining the Express
databases used by Relational Access Manager. For information about Relational
Access Manager, refer to the Oracle Express Relational Access Manager User’s Guide.

Oracle Express Batch Manager

Batch Manager provides the server-side support for using Relational Access
Administrator to create, monitor, and control batch processing. For information
about Batch Manager, refer to the Oracle Express Relational Access Manager User’s

Managing the Service Environment

The script controls the Express service environment. If you run it
without arguments to the command, like you did when first installing Express
Server, you can reset various options. Or, you can stop and start the Express service
environment using existing options.

3-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Managing the Service Environment

Procedure: Starting and stopping the service environment

To initialize the service environment, follow these steps:
1. Log in as root and go to the bin subdirectory of $OLAP_HOME.
2. Type ./express start to initialize the service environment.
Type ./express stop to stop the service environment.

Syntax of the express program

The following is the syntax of the express program:
./express [keyword] [service]
keyword is either start or stop.
service is the case-sensitive name of the Express service that you want to manage,
such as ExpSrv631.

Changing the port number

Express Instance Manager uses 6789 as the default port number for the Discover
Nodes dialog. You can change this port assignment if another process is using this
To specify a different port number, edit and search for the following
Add the -e portno parameter so the line looks like the following example, in
which 6666 is the new port number:
$OLAP_HOME/bin/xsdaemon -e6666

Running Visibroker Smart Agent

If you want Express Instance Manager to be able to locate Express Server using
Name Factory mode, edit express.prm, which is located in OLAP home, and set
For information about Name Factory mode, refer to “Choosing a Service Discovery
Mode” on page 4-29.

Installation 3-13


Upgrading your 6.2–based installations

If you have 6.2–based databases and services on your host, you can migrate them to
Release 6.3.1.
In migrating to Release 6.3.1, you will need to do tasks such as:
■ Use Express Instance Manager to create and configure new services. You can
copy the old services for use in Release 6.3.1.
■ Test the new services.
■ Remove old services when they are not needed any longer.
■ Recreate the database aliases that Express Server uses to communicate with a

Service identifiers
All versions of Express Server use the same default identifiers. If you are running
more than one version of Express Server on a host (such as the current production
version plus the newly installed 6.3 version) you must decide which service will use
the default identifiers. This is the service that client applications will connect to
You must modify all other services to use different identifiers. Problems will result
if you try running multiple versions of Express Server using the same identifiers.
All versions of Express Server and Personal Express, including versions of Express
earlier than 6.0, use 6543 as the default port for XCA connections. You cannot
change the port number for Express 5.x. Therefore, if you want to continue to
support Release 5, then you must configure all Release 6 services on that host to use
different XCA port numbers.

Service environment version check

Once you have upgraded to Release 6.3.1, you can verify the version of the Express
service environment by doing either of the following:
■ Start the master daemon by issuing a xsdaemon -v command. The -v switch
returns the build number of the service environment.

3-14 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site

■ Log into the service in Express Instance Manager and look at the State page of
the Instance sheet. It shows the build number of Express Agent.

What about oes.key?

If you have a pre-existing installation, you already have the oes.key configuration
file in $OLAP_HOME. This file holds the parameter settings for your pre-existing
Express services.
The new installation adds settings for the new default service (such as ExpSrv631),
but it will not change any existing settings in oes.key.

What about express.prm?

The environment variables used by Express services are set by a Shell script named
$OLAP_HOME/express.prm. This script is run by the startup script for the Express
service environment ( The express.prm script assures that the
environment variables needed by Express services are set correctly.
If you have a pre-existing express.prm file, then the Express Server Release 6.3.1
installation renames it express.prm.old and creates a new express.prm file. If
you need to retrieve your old environment variables, then you can copy them from

Database aliases
Express Server reads only the database aliases defined in its own Oracle home,
therefore it cannot read the database aliases created for versions of Express Server
earlier than Release 6.3. To recreate your database aliases, use the Net8 Easy
Configuration Utility that is installed in the same Oracle home as your new version
of Express Server.

Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site

One of several ways that you can run Express Instance Manager is through a Web
browser. To make this method available, you must create a Web site so that Express
Instance Manager files are available to the Web listener.
After you have created this Web site, you can run Express Instance Manager from
any machine where the browser has been configured properly, without installing

Installation 3-15
Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site

the Express Instance Manager files locally on each machine. Instructions for
configuring a browser and viewing the Web site are provided in “Starting Express
Instance Manager in a browser” on page 4-3.

Diagram: Running Express Instance Manager in a browser

Using a browser, the Administrator issues a URL to the Web server where an
Express Instance Manager Web site has been installed. The Web server displays the
pages of Express Instance Manager and uses the Discover Nodes facility to make a
connection to the specified Express service.
The following diagram illustrates these connections. Lines with arrows indicate
communications links. Dashed lines indicate that the software can be distributed
across multiple machines.

HTTP Web Server

Web Browser





3-16 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site

Supported Web servers

The following Web servers are supported:
Oracle Application Server 4.0.7 and later versions on Solaris and Windows NT
Apache 1.3.x on Solaris
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 on Windows NT
Xitami 2.3 and later versions on Solaris and Windows NT

To follow the instructions for installing an Express Instance Manager Web site, you
must fulfill the following prerequisites:
■ You must have administrative rights to the Web server.
■ You must know where to set up a Web site that is accessible to the Web server.
■ You must know how to configure the Web server.

Procedure: Installing an Express Instance Manager Web Site

Follow these steps to install an Express Instance Manager Web site:
1. Copy from the eim_webstage directory on the CD to
the computer where the Web listener is installed.
2. Extract all of the files from, using a utility such as unzip.
Tips: An eim_webstage directory will be created automatically when the files
are extracted.
If the eim_webstage directory is located in the Web server’s WWW root
directory, then you might not have to configure the Web listener as described in
the next step. Consult the documentation for your Web server for further
information about mapping directories.
3. Configure your Web listener so that the alias /eim_webstage is mapped to the
eim_webstage directory.
Tip: For Oracle Application Server, set the flag to NR.
4. If you are using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), you must set up
Access and Application Settings permissions on the Java plug-in property sheet,
as follows:
a. Open the IIS Management Console and right-click the Java plug-in folder
under the eim_webstage directory.

Installation 3-17
Providing Documentation to the User Community

b. Choose Properties.
Result: You see the Properties page.
c. Set Access Permissions to Read.
d. Set Applications Settings Permissions to None.
5. Configure your browser as described in “Starting Express Instance Manager in
a browser” on page 4-3.

Providing Documentation to the User Community

Online manuals
Users connecting to Express Server should have access to the online manuals on the
installation CD, particularly those concerned with the Express language and
application development. The manuals are provided as Acrobat PDF files and are
located in the doc subdirectory of the Oracle Express Server CD.
You can make these manuals available to users by copying the DOC directory from
the installation CD to a central directory on the server host to which all users have
access. You can provide the Acrobat Reader as well, or tell users how to download it
from the Web. Users can then copy the documentation to their client workstations.

Online Help
The doc subdirectory of the Oracle Express Server CD also contains the following
Help files:
■ Express Language Help (explang.hlp)
■ Express Web Agent Help (xwagent.hlp)
You can provide users with access to these Help files in the same way that you
provide access to the PDF files. Users can copy the Help files to their client
workstations. They can use the Microsoft Help viewer provided with Windows NT,
Windows 98, or Windows 95 to access these Help systems.

Related information
For more detailed instructions, refer to “Viewing Additional Documentation” on
page 2-2.

3-18 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Administering Express Server

Chapter summary
This chapter explains how to start, stop, and configure existing Express services,
and create additional services using Oracle Express Instance Manager.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Running Express Instance Manager
■ Navigating in Express Instance Manager
■ Starting a Service
■ Stopping or Pausing a Service
■ Changing Configuration Parameter Settings
■ Modifying the Module List
■ Modifying Express Server User Identities
■ Managing Express Sessions
■ Viewing Status Messages
■ Creating New Services
■ Choosing a Service Discovery Mode
■ Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Administering Express Server 4-1

Running Express Instance Manager

Running Express Instance Manager

Express Instance Manager is the primary tool for administering Express Server.
Using Express Instance Manager, you can:
■ Start and stop Express services
■ Add and remove optional modules from an Express service
■ Change the configuration parameters that control the behavior of an Express
■ Create new Express services and remove existing services
■ Change the user identities under which Express Server runs
■ View system log files that record status messages from Express Server
Express Instance Manager is a Java tool that uses CORBA and socket
communications. Services running on computers throughout the network register
with CORBA, and then they are accessible as local services. Users must be able to
provide the required credentials before accessing any information about a particular

Related information
For information about administering Express services in batch mode, refer to
Chapter 5.

Modes of operation
The following table identifies the different ways of running Express Instance

Method Location of Instructions

Desktop “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager from the
desktop” on page 4-3
Browser “Starting Express Instance Manager in a browser” on page 4-3
Oracle Enterprise “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager From Oracle
Manager Enterprise Manager” on page 4-31

4-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Running Express Instance Manager

Service discovery
Express Instance Manager has two modes for discovering Express services:
■ Manual mode — Express Instance Manager provides a Discover Nodes dialog
box in which you can identify a specific Express service. You may see this
dialog box at startup, or you can choose Discover Nodes from the Service menu
after Express Instance Manager starts.
■ Name factory mode — Express services are registered in the Visigenic Name
Factory, and Express Instance Manager locates a name factory using the
Visibroker Smart Agent. When you start Express Instance Manager, you
automatically see all of the Express services that have registered with that name
Express Instance Manager uses Name Factory mode if it is available; otherwise, it
uses manual mode. Manual mode is always available and is the normal mode of
Express Agent must be running on the computer where the Express service that you
want to manage is installed. The master daemon in its default configuration runs
Express Agent. Express Agent provides all administrative services to Express
Instance Manager.
For information about controlling the mode that Express Instance Manager runs in,
refer to “Choosing a Service Discovery Mode” on page 4-29.

Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager from the desktop

Follow these steps to start Express Instance Manager from the graphical desktop.
1. Log into the computer where you installed Express Instance Manager. Your
account must comply with the following requirements:
■ Be on the same network as the instance of Express Server that you want to
■ Have execute privileges for programs in Oracle home.
■ Be running OpenWindows or another X-Window system.
2. Run $ORACLE_HOME/olap/oes630/eim/

Starting Express Instance Manager in a browser

If you want to run Express Instance Manager without installing it on a particular
computer, you can run it from a browser. You must have installed an Express

Administering Express Server 4-3

Running Express Instance Manager

Instance Manager Web site first, as described in “Installing an Express Instance

Manager Web Site” on page 3-15.

Supported browsers
The following browsers are supported for use with Express Instance Manager on
Windows NT, Windows 98, and Windows 95:
Netscape Navigator 4.0.5 and later
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x

Configuring the browser

The browser must be installed with a plug-in before it will work with Express
Instance Manager. To install the plug-in, open your browser and issue the following
URL, where hostname is the name of the computer running the Web server:
Follow the online instructions for installing the Oracle JInitiator plug-in.

Running Express Instance Manager

To run Express Instance Manager, issue the following URL, where hostname is the
name of the computer running the Web server:
You will probably want to save a bookmark for this site.

Express Instance Manager properties

Express Instance Manager has several properties that affects the way it runs. These
properties are stored in a text file named, which is created and
maintained by Express Instance Manager in the OLAP home directory. You can edit
this file using a text editor. Enter only one setting on a line and use an equal sign (=)

4-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Running Express Instance Manager

to separate the property name from its value. The following table describes the
various properties.

Property Value
DebugLevel= The following keywords control the level of detail of the debug
statements when DebugToLogFile=true:
■ PROD — Production
■ DBG — Debug
■ VDBG — Verbose debug
DebugToLogFile= A value of true or false, which controls whether debug
statements are written to the log file.
DiscoverOnStartup= A value of true or false, which controls whether the Discover
dialog box appears when Express Instance Manager starts up
and cannot connect to a name factory.
GeneralTimeOut= The number of milliseconds allowed for any general operation,
including user interface operations, performed in Express
Instance Manager before timing out. The default value is 40000
ms (40 seconds). Only numeric values are acceptable. Any
non-numeric characters will invalidate the setting.
NodeList= A list of host names separated by commas (,) or new-line
characters (\n). Express services on these hosts will be listed in
Express Instance Manager.
SocketTimeOut= The number of milliseconds allowed for any socket operation
performed in Express Instance Manager before timing out. The
default value is 20000 ms (20 seconds). Only numeric values are
acceptable. Any non-numeric characters will invalidate the

The following is a sample configuration file.

#Wed Sep 22 11:00:41 EDT 1999

Administering Express Server 4-5

Managing Express Agent

Using Express Instance Manager Help

Express Instance Manager Help provides detailed information about all
configuration parameters, modules, and administrative tasks that can be performed
using this tool. You will find it helpful to devote some time to exploring this Help
1. From the Help menu, choose Contents.
2. Click on the plus icons to expand the table of contents.

Related information
For more information about Express Instance Manager Help, search for the
following topic: “Using Express Express Instance Manager Help.”

Managing Express Agent

What is Express Agent?

Express Agent is the back end for Express Instance Manager. It actually performs
the tasks that you specify in Instance Manager, such as starting and stopping
Express Server or changing its configuration settings. It also returns information
from the operating system, such as the success or failure of a startup attempt.

Express Agent startup parameters

You can define a system variable named OES_EA_STARTUP and provide settings
that alter the information that Express Agent provides to Express Instance Manager.
Express Agent runs on the same computer as Express Server, so be sure to define
OES_EA_STARTUP on that computer. These settings affect the information
provided to all instances of Express Instance Manager, regardless of where they are
running or in what mode.

4-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Navigating in Express Instance Manager

The following table identifies the settings. Separate multiple values with
semicolons. For information about defining and setting system variables, refer to
the documentation for your operating system.

Setting Description
-IORPort=portno Specifies the port number used by Express Instance Manager for
the Discover Nodes dialog. The default port is 6789 and can be
changed if another process is using this port.
-LogOutput=level Controls the amount of information provided in the logs to the
following levels:
■ PROD — Production
■ DBG — Debugging
■ VDBG — Verbose debugging
-NoNameServices Prevents Express services from being discovered in Name
Factory mode. For additional information, refer to “Choosing a
Service Discovery Mode” on page 4-29.

Navigating in Express Instance Manager

Figure: Main Window

The following figure identifies the components of the Express Instance Manager
main window with an expanded list of items in the Navigator. You can adjust the

Administering Express Server 4-7

Navigating in Express Instance Manager

width of the Navigator by dragging its right edge. The page that is displayed on the
right side of the window adjusts automatically to fit the available space.

Expanding and collapsing the lists

You can expand and collapse the view of items in the Navigator by clicking on the
plus and minus icons.
When you first open Express Instance Manager, the items are completely collapsed
so that you see only the Network label. By clicking on the plus icon to the left of the
Network label, you can expand the list to show the list of services.
Typically, you see only Express services. However, you can manage all services
registered with Windows NT if Express Agent on that computer is configured to
provide this information. For configuration instructions, refer to “Managing Express
Agent” on page 4-6.
Tip: If a service that you want to see does not appear in the expanded list, then from
the Service menu, choose Discover Nodes.

Selecting an existing service

An individual Express service is identified by the computer and service name, such
as DOCLAB1.ExpSrv630, as shown in “Figure: Main Window” on page 4-7. When
you click the plus icon for a particular service, you see a dialog box requesting your

4-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Starting a Service

user name and password. If you cannot provide valid login credentials for that
computer, you cannot access any information about an Express service.
After you have identified yourself, you can expand and collapse the setting lists for
that service without providing your credentials again.
When you select a list item for a particular service, the sheet to the right of the
Navigator changes. For example, when you select Instance, you see the Instance
sheet. It consists of two pages, the State page and the Properties page. You can
switch between the two by clicking on the tabs at the top of the sheet.

Related information
For further information, search for the following topics in Express Instance Manager
“Discovering Services”
“Exiting Express Instance Manager”
“Selecting a Service to Configure”

Starting a Service

Procedure: Starting an Express service

Follow these steps to start an instance of Express Server:
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager
from the desktop” on page 4-3.
If you have installed Express Instance Manager to run in a browser or in Oracle
Enterprise Manager, start Express Instance Manager from those environments.
2. Navigate to the service that you want to start.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Navigating in Express Instance Manager” on
page 4-7.
3. Make whatever changes you want in these areas:
■ The module list, as described in “Modifying the Module List” on page 4-17

Administering Express Server 4-9

Starting a Service

■ The parameter settings, as described in “Changing Configuration

Parameter Settings” on page 4-13
Important: The default paging parameters are optimized for a two-processor
system. If you are running Express Server on a single-processor computer, refer
to “Understanding Database Paging” on page 8-8.
4. Click Instance.
Result: You see the State page of the Instance sheet.
5. Select Service Start, then choose Apply.
Result: Express Instance Manager will start the selected instance of Express
Tip: For information about startup parameters, click Help.

Figure: State page of the Instance sheet

The following figure shows the page in Express Instance Manager that you use to
start (or stop) the selected Express service.

4-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Starting a Service

Troubleshooting Tips
Express Server sends messages to system log files to help you diagnose any
problems. You can access these log files through Express Instance Manager. For
information about viewing these files, refer to “Viewing Status Messages” on page
Failure to start is typically caused by a problem in the parameter settings. The
following are some of the most common causes:
■ The paging parameters are set inappropriately for the computer’s processors.
For information about changing these settings, refer to “Understanding
Database Paging” on page 8-8.
■ More than one instance of Express Server is configured with 16-bit SNAPI. You
must remove the Direct Call module from at least one of them. (This problem
applies only to earlier versions of Express Server. 16-bit SNAPI is not supported
in Release 6.3.1.)
■ The first directory specified in the ServerDBPath setting (an I/O Management
parameter) does not contain express.db. Modify this setting so that the
Express Server service subdirectory is first.
■ The ServerDBPath setting specifies an invalid directory. Check your changes to
this setting for typographical errors or other mistakes.
■ The password for the DBA role as specified in Express Instance Manager is
different from the password recognized by the operating system for the DBA
user account.
■ The current primary Oracle home is not the Express Server installation
directory. If you changed Oracle home after installing Express Server, you must
change it back. After starting Express Server, you can change the primary
Oracle home as necessary.

Express Connection Utility

If you are unable to connect to Express Server using Express applications, you can
use the Express Connection Utility to verify that Express Server is running and can
be contacted through a particular communications channel.
The Express Connection Utility is a command processor that can simulate
individual connection events or Express Server operations. It is provided only as a
diagnostic tool.

Administering Express Server 4-11

Stopping or Pausing a Service

The Express Connection Utility is in a file named expcnc32.exe, and is installed

with SNAPI client on Windows systems.
If you are unable to correct the problem with the information provided by this
utility, call Oracle OLAP Technical Support for assistance.

Related information
For information about starting instances of Express Server, search Express Instance
Manager Help for the following topics:
“Customizing Express Server Initialization”
“Express Server Startup Parameters”
“Logging Into and Out of a Service”
“Starting a Service”

Stopping or Pausing a Service

Procedure: Stopping or pausing Express Server

Follow these steps to stop or pause an instance of Express Server:
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager
from the desktop” on page 4-3.
2. Navigate to the service that you want to stop.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Navigating in Express Instance Manager” on
page 4-7.
3. Click Instance.
Result: You see the State page of the Instance sheet.
4. Select Shutdown Normal, Shutdown Abort, or Pause, then choose Apply.
Note: For a description of these options, choose Help or refer to “Handling
current transactions on shutdown” on page 4-13.
Result: Express Instance Manager will change the state of the selected instance
of Express Server.

4-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Changing Configuration Parameter Settings

Handling current transactions on shutdown

When you stop an Express service, you need to specify how to handle transactions
that are in progress. A transaction is a single exchange between a client and an
Express service. You can choose whether you want to interrupt current transactions
(Shutdown Abort) or wait for current transactions to complete (Shutdown Normal).
When you pause an Express service, the current transactions always complete
before the pause goes into effect.
Note: The number of transactions in a session does not necessarily equal the
number of Express commands that have been executed in the server. More than one
Express command can be executed during a single transaction.

Related information
For information about stopping instances of Express Server, search Express Instance
Manager Help for the following topics:
“Customizing Express Server Termination”
“Stopping a Service”
For information about shutdown options, click Help on the State page, as shown in
“Figure: State page of the Instance sheet” on page 4-10.

Changing Configuration Parameter Settings

What are configuration parameters?

The configuration parameters control and define the behavior of an Express service
in many ways. For example, you can specify the search path for database files, the
level of security that is required for client access, the service identifier for SNAPI
and Web clients, the port number for XCA clients, and so forth.

Which settings do I change?

Default values are provided for all required parameters. You only need to change
the settings that you have identified as inappropriate for your installation.
Tip: If you want your installation to be configured like an existing service, choose
Copy from the Service menu to copy the service’s configuration settings and
module list.

Administering Express Server 4-13

Changing Configuration Parameter Settings

The following are some common reasons for changing the default settings:
■ You want to add directories to Express Server’s search path so that client
applications do not need to specify the full path for Express databases. The
search path is particularly critical for locating the databases for Web
applications. You need to change the setting of ServerDBPath.
■ Express Server is running on a single-processor computer, but the default
paging settings are optimized for a dual-processor computer. You should
change the settings of FreePageHighCount and FreePageLowCount, as
described in “Understanding Database Paging” on page 8-8.
■ You want to improve performance. You should modify the settings described in
“Understanding Database Paging” on page 8-8.
■ You want to tighten security, because the default settings provide only a
minimum level of security. You must modify the settings described in
Chapter 6.
■ Some of the Express database files are quite large, so you need to identify
additional disk drives where Express can create temporary files and extension
files (described in Chapter 7). You must modify the settings for
SessionTempFilePath and ExtensionFilePath.
■ You want to run more than one instance of Express Server on a single computer.
Only one instance can run under the default identifiers, so you must modify the
identifiers for the additional instances. The following are some reasons for
running multiple instances:
■ You want to run a beta version of Express Server in addition to a released
version on the same computer.
■ You want to configure two instances of the same version to provide
appropriate services to two different user groups.
■ You want to run Express Server and Personal Express on the same
Important: Express client applications use the default identifiers to make a
connection to Express Server unless they are configured to do otherwise. If you
configure an Express service with non-default identifiers, you must inform
everyone in the target user community of the change so that they can include
the new identifiers in their connection descriptions.
■ You want to provide support for additional languages. You must specify the
localization settings, as described in Chapter 10.

4-14 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Changing Configuration Parameter Settings

■ If the Express service will support shell operations, then you might need to
modify the ShellPath parameter. The default path is usr/bin/sh.

Procedure: Changing a parameter setting

Follow these steps to change the setting of a configuration parameter:
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager
from the desktop” on page 4-3.
2. Navigate to the service whose parameters you want to change.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Navigating in Express Instance Manager” on
page 4-7.
3. Click the plus icon next to Parameters.
Result: You see the expanded list of categories.
4. Select a category.
Result: You see the sheet that lists the parameters grouped under that category.
5. Follow the instructions provided in Express Instance Manager Help for
changing the parameters.
6. Be sure to stop and restart the modified service so that the changes will take
Tip: Use Help to find out the category of a particular setting.

Administering Express Server 4-15

Changing Configuration Parameter Settings

Figure: General page of the Security sheet

The following figure shows the page in Express Instance Manager that you use to
control the level of security.

Locating configuration parameters

Use the following table to help identify the location of the configuration parameters
that you want to modify.

THEN use the parameters

IF you want to . . . under . . .
tune the performance of the Express Paging DatabasePagingManagement.
Manager, which manages a shared cache of
database pages in memory,
control Express Server’s handling of exceptions that ExceptionManagement.
might occur within Express sessions,
specify the location of files that are used by Express I/O Management.
Server, or control input and output activity,
specify service identifiers that are used for SNAPI, Identifiers.
Express Web Agent, or XCA connections,
identify additional character sets, Locale.
control how Express Server will manage memory, MemoryManagement.

4-16 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Modifying the Module List

THEN use the parameters

IF you want to . . . under . . .
specify the security requirements of an Express Security.
control how long the Express service can take to ServerInitialization.
start up before timing out,
control how long the Express service can take to do ServerTermination.
a Shutdown Abort before timing out,
specify session-specific behavior and the processing SessionManagement.
of SPL scripts,
control the behavior of Web products, including WebAgent.
Web security,

Related information
If you want information about a specific parameter, then search Express Instance
Manager Help for that parameter by name.
If you want help changing the parameter settings, then search Express Instance
Manager Help for the topic “Changing a Configuration Parameter.”

Modifying the Module List

What is a module list?

Express Server is implemented as a collection of dynamically linked, shareable
libraries that are known as modules. Some of these modules are required for any
working instance of Express Server. Others support optional features and are
required only if you want to support those features.
The module list identifies a set of modules, as well as the order in which the modules
will be loaded when the Express instance starts running. The module list
determines whether or not a module is loaded in a particular instance of Express
Tip: If you want your installation to be configured like an existing service, choose
Copy from the Service menu to copy the service’s configuration settings and
module list.

Administering Express Server 4-17

Modifying the Module List

Adding modules
Choices that you make during installation determine whether or not a module is
installed on your computer. If a module has been installed but is not currently
included in the module list, you can simply add it to the list using Express Instance
If you did not install support for an option that you now want to provide, then you
need to rerun the installer and add that support in a custom installation.

Removing modules
The module list should contain all the modules that are needed to provide the
necessary level of support for your client applications. However, you can
unnecessarily slow performance by loading modules that provide unused features.
For example, if an Express service does not need to support ODBC or XCA, you can
remove the ODBC and XCA modules from the module list. Check the list provided
in “Installation of optional modules” on page 3-6, or check the list of modules
provided in Express Instance Manager, to see if there are modules that should be
Before removing a module, make sure that you know exactly what features it
provides and whether another module is dependent on it. Multiple modules
provide support for SNAPI, Express Web Agent, and SQL. You may be able to
remove a module that extends one of these communication options in a way that
your installation does not need. However, if you remove the wrong module, you
may completely disable that option.
Unless disk space is scarce, you do not need to delete module files. You can simply
remove them from the module list. Then, if you want to restore that functionality
later on, you can add the module back onto the list.

Module dependencies
The following table identifies dependencies among communications modules.

IF you are providing THEN your module list

support for . . . must include . . . AND you can remove . . .
SQL connections to Oracle8 SQL (xssqlout) and Oracle ODBC (xsodbc).
databases, Call (xsoci),
SQL connections to SQL (xssqlout) and ODBC Oracle Call (xsoci).
third-party relational (xsodbc),

4-18 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Modifying the Module List

IF you are providing THEN your module list

support for . . . must include . . . AND you can remove . . .
SQL connections to both SQL (xssqlout), Oracle none.
Oracle8 and third-party Call (xsoci), and ODBC
relational databases, (xsodbc),
SNAPI connections in which SNAPI Engine (xssnsr) and SNAPI RPC (xssnrp).
either Express Server or the SNAPI Remote Operations
SNAPI client or both are on (xssnrr),
a Unix system,
Web connections in which Web Agent (xswasr) and Web Agent RPC (xswarp).
either Express Server or the Web Agent Remote
Web listener are on a Unix Operations (xswarr),

Related information
For more information about SQL configurations, refer to Chapter 9.
For more information about SNAPI configurations, refer to the Oracle Express
SNAPI Guide.
For more information about Web configurations, refer to the Oracle Express Web
Products Installation Guide.

Procedure: Modifying the module list

Follow these steps to modify the module list:
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager
from the desktop” on page 4-3.
2. Navigate to the service whose module list you want to change.
Tip: Follow the instructions on “Navigating in Express Instance Manager” on
page 4-7.
3. Click Modules.
Result: You see the General page of the Modules sheet.
4. Follow the instructions provided in Express Instance Manager Help for adding
and removing modules.
5. Be sure to stop and restart the modified service so that your changes take effect.

Administering Express Server 4-19

Modifying the Module List

Figure: General page of the Modules sheet

The following figure shows the page in Express Instance Manager that you use to
modify the modules list of the selected instance of Express Server. The check marks
identify required modules.

Related information
For more information about a specific module, search Express Instance Manager
Help for the module by name. Or, in Express Instance Manager, display the General
page for modules. Select a module from the list, click Properties, and then click
For more information about managing the module list, search Express Instance
Manager Help for the following topics:
“Adding a New Module”
“Removing a Module”
“Viewing Module Properties”

4-20 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Modifying Express Server User Identities

Modifying Express Server User Identities

Express Server takes the identity of a user to perform up to three roles: the DBA
Role, the Initialize Role, and the Default Role. These roles require different access
permissions; therefore, Express Server uses a different user identity for each role.
These “users” are defined by the operating system’s administrative facilities the
same way as any other user accounts. On Unix systems, you must manually set up
these accounts prior to installation.
Using Express Instance Manager, you can change the credentials that Express
Server offers to the operating system to use these identities. These credentials must
correspond to a valid user name and password.

Default user identities

The default user identities are listed in the following table. The default passwords
are the same as the user names.

User Name Description

DBA User oesdba Identity of Express Server (required)
Initialize User oesinit Identity of the Persistent Session (optional)
Default User oesguest Identity of anonymous sessions (optional)

Procedure: Modifying a role

To modify a role, follow these steps.
1. Create or change the user name and password using operating system utilities.
2. Open Express Instance Manager.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager
from the desktop” on page 4-3.
3. Navigate to the service whose roles you want to modify.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Navigating in Express Instance Manager” on
page 4-7.
4. Click the plus icon next to Roles.

Administering Express Server 4-21

Modifying Express Server User Identities

Result: You see the expanded list of roles.

5. Select the role you wish to modify.
Result: You see the General page for that role.
6. Follow the instructions provided in the Express Instance Manager Help for
changing the credentials.

Figure: Modifying a role

The following figure shows the page that you use to change the credentials of the
DBA role.

Related information
For more information about roles, search for the following topics in Express
Instance Manager Help:
“DBA Role Sheet: General Page”
“Default Role Sheet: General Page”
“Initialize Role Sheet: General Page”

4-22 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Managing Express Sessions

Managing Express Sessions

Terminating user sessions

Users who are running client applications against Express Server do not have a
means of aborting their sessions with the server. Users must contact their system
administrator to terminate their Express sessions if this becomes necessary.
As the system administrator, you can use Express Instance Manager to terminate
Express sessions. The CORBA Session Manager module must be in the module list
for this feature to be available.

Procedure: Terminating a session

To terminate a session, follow these steps.
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager
from the desktop” on page 4-3.
2. Navigate to the service with a session that you want to end.
Tip: Follow the instructions in “Navigating in Express Instance Manager” on
page 4-7.
3. Click the plus icon next to Sessions.
Result: You see the expanded list of connection types.
Tip: If you do not see Sessions in the list, then you need to add the CORBA
Session Manager to the module list.
4. Click the plus icon next to the type of connection used by the session you want
to end. If you are uncertain about the type of connection, click the icon next to
Result: You see the list of active sessions that are using the selected type of
5. Follow the instructions provided in Express Instance Manager Help for
terminating a session.

Administering Express Server 4-23

Viewing Status Messages

Figure: Terminating a session

The following figure shows the page you use to view session information and
terminate a session.

Related information
For more information, search for the following topics in Express Instance Manager
“Remove Sessions from ServiceName Dialog Box”
“Sessions Sheet: General Page”
“Terminating a Session”
“Viewing Session Information”

Viewing Status Messages

Express Server sends information to several log files to help you monitor operations
and troubleshoot any problems. Most of these files are available through Express
Instance Manager. You can change the level of detail of these log files by changing
the configuration of either Express Instance Manager or Express Agent. Refer to

4-24 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Viewing Status Messages

“Express Instance Manager properties” on page 4-4 or “Express Agent startup

parameters” on page 4-6.
Express Server, the Express service environment daemons, and Express Agent
record events in the following log files.

Log File Name

Express Server OESEvent.log
Express Server Agent ExpressAgent.log
Express Server Config Agent xsagent.log
Express Server XSDAEMON xsdaemon.log
Express Server XSAUTH xsauth.log
Express Server XSDPMON xsdpmon.log

Express Server event log

The Express service environment records events related to the startup and
shutdown of the Express service in the event log. For each event, the log file
displays the following information:
■ The ID of the thread in which the event occurred
■ The class of the event
■ The date and time of the event
■ The name of the Express Server module affected by the event
■ Message text
Tip: If you are not able to start up an Express service, then view its event log for
information that may help you diagnose the problem.

Related configuration parameters

Two configuration parameters affect the event log:
■ EventLogPath — This setting identifies the path where OESEvent.log is
written. Each Express service must have its own unique log path.
■ OverWriteEventLog — This setting controls whether OESEvent.log is cleared
when a service restarts or whether it retains all of the information from startup
to shutdown from previous executions of the service.

Administering Express Server 4-25

Viewing Status Messages

Sample event messages

The following table lists a few of the more important messages.

Message Description
main() entered. Indicates that the Express Server service has begun
Express Server KERNEL - Indicates that the Express Server service is
Application event log initialized for initializing and writing messages to the event log.
Express Server KERNEL.
Express Server KERNEL - Thread Indicates that the Express Server service is
waiting for service done event. initialized and ready to process client connections.
Express Server KERNEL - Service Indicates that the Express Server kernel has started
done event satisfied. shutdown operations.
Express Server KERNEL - Service Indicates that the Express Server kernel has
done event signaled. concluded shutdown operations.

Express Server Agent

The Express Server Agent (more commonly called the “Express Agent”) records
activities such as binding services to name spaces.

Express Server Config Agent

The configuration agent records its startup time. View this log to ensure that you
have a working interface to oes.key, where the Express Server configuration
settings are stored.

Express Server XSDAEMON

The master daemon records its activities, which include the startup and
initialization of the other supporting daemons. View this log file to determine the
state of the Express service environment.

Express Server XSAUTH

The authentication and authorization daemons record their activities, which include
responding to login requests and requests for file access. View this log file to obtain
a record of login requests, successful logins, and user requests for resources,
especially files.

4-26 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Creating New Services

In some specific cases of authentication and authorization failure, a log file named
xsbufdump.log is created. In this event, you should contact your Oracle technical
service representative.

Express Server XSDPMON

The performance monitoring daemon records its activities in xsdpmon.log. These
activities include setting up the necessary network interfaces for a connection
between the Windows NT Performance Monitor and the Express service
View xsdpmon.log to troubleshoot problems tracking your Express services in the
Windows NT Performance Monitor.

Related information
For more information about log files, search for these topics in Express Instance
Manager Help:
“EventLogPath Setting”
“OverWriteEventLog Setting”
“Viewing Event Logs”

Creating New Services

Why run multiple services?

The installation process defines one service. You can modify the configuration of
this service by adding or removing modules and changing the parameter settings.
The configuration of a particular service is the same for every client session. Thus, if
different clients need different parameter settings, you need to provide them with
different services.
You may want to define separate services that are either customized for different
users or provide different levels of security. The additional services will use the
same modules as the original service.

Administering Express Server 4-27

Creating New Services

Choosing a tool
Express Instance Manager provides two methods for creating a new service:
■ Create creates a new service with default configuration parameters. Initially, no
modules are on the module list. You must add the required modules, as well as
any optional modules, before you can start the service.
■ Create Like creates a new service with parameter settings and a modules list
that duplicates an existing service. This existing service can be either the same
version or a different version of Express Server.

Procedure: Creating a new service

Follow these steps to create a new service.
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
2. Log onto the target computer and the source computer.
This step is optional, but it can prevent network problems. If you omit this step
now, you will be prompted for your credentials later.
3. To create a new instance using default settings for all parameters and loading
no modules, click the Create icon.
To create a new instance with the same configuration as an existing service,
click the Create Like icon.
Result: You see the Create Service or the Create Service Like dialog box.
4. Provide the information requested in the dialog box. Click Help for a
description of the dialog box components.
5. Although Express Instance Manager configures the new instance to require a
minimum amount of additional configuration, you should check some settings
for the new service, particularly if copying across platforms (such as Unix to
■ Check the setting for ServerDBPath and other path names on the I/O
Management page.
■ Make a note of the settings on the Identifiers page, since users will need
these values to connect to the new service.
■ Verify that the roles are set to valid user names and passwords. Re-enter
them to prevent problems starting the new instance.

4-28 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Choosing a Service Discovery Mode

■ Check the value of WakeUpSPLScript. Only one service can run the batch
file for Batch Manager, since it opens a database with write access.
■ If you used Create, you must add all of the required modules and whatever
optional modules provide features that you want. Refer to Express Instance
Manager Help for a list of required and optional modules.

Related information
For further information about creating new services, search Express Instance
Manager Help for the following topics:
“Copying a Service”
“Copying Service Settings”
“Creating a Service”

Choosing a Service Discovery Mode

Two modes
Express Instance Manager has two modes of operation, as described in “Service
discovery” on page 4-3:
■ Manual mode
■ Name Factory mode
If you, like most administrators, manage just a few Express services, Manual mode
is the most convenient. It is available for all methods of running Express Instance
If you manage a large number of Express services, you may find Name Factory
mode to be more convenient. However, you might find that the list of services
displayed in Express Instance Manager varies from one session to the next. This can
occur when services are installed on several subnets, or when multiple name
factories exist on the network.

Using manual mode

Manual mode is always available, either alone or as an alternative to Name Factory
If you wish to use Manual mode exclusively, you may be able to do so simply by
not starting Visigenic Smart Agent on your computer. However, if there are

Administering Express Server 4-29

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

computers on your network that are using this software, Express Instance Manager
may automatically locate a name factory on startup.
To prevent use of Name Factory mode, set the system variable OES_EA_STARTUP to
-NoNameServices, as described in “Express Agent startup parameters” on page

Using Name Factory mode

Name Factory mode is available in Express Instance Manager only when Visibroker
Smart Agent is running on at least one computer on the subnet.

Providing support for Name Factory mode

Follow these steps is you want to open a name factory on the Unix system where
you installed Express Server:
1. Using the Installation User identity, log into the account where Express Server is
2. Use a text editor to edit the express.prm file so that the value of
3. Log in as root and go to the bin subdirectory of $OLAP_HOME.
4. Run
5. Run

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

What is Oracle Enterprise Manager?

Oracle Enterprise Manager is a Windows application that provides system
administration facilities for Oracle products. You can use Oracle Enterprise
Manager to administer the complete Oracle environment, including systems,
databases, networks, and applications.

Oracle Enterprise Manager integration

When Express Instance Manager and Oracle Enterprise Manager Client are installed
in the same Oracle home directory, you can run Express Instance Manager from
within Oracle Enterprise Manager. To obtain this integration, you might need to

4-30 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

install a standalone version of Express Instance Manager in the existing Oracle

home directory where Oracle Enterprise Manager Client has already been installed.

Oracle Enterprise Manager features

Among the DBA facilities offered by Oracle Enterprise Manager are:
■ The Navigator — Displays a graphical tree view of network nodes and services.
With the Navigator you can view and manipulate the objects that are contained
in each node and service, and see relationships among the objects.
■ The Map System — Allows you to create customized graphical views of the
network environment. Maps show relationships between nodes and services in
a different way than the tree view. You can arrange objects by geographic
location, by function, by organization, or by other type of relationship. You can
create, modify, and save as many of these maps of your network environment
as you want.
■ The Job Scheduling System — Allows you to automate standard and repetitive
tasks, such as running a SQL script or an operating system program. Intelligent
Agents on managed nodes execute the jobs submitted from the Console, and
communicate job status. You can use the Job system to create and manage jobs,
schedule jobs to run at specific times or intervals, and view information about
the jobs.
■ The Event Management System — You can use the Event Management System
to automatically monitor the network for problems, such as loss of service or
lack of storage. Problems like these are referred to as “events.” When an event
occurs, Oracle Enterprise Manager notifies the administrator on call for the
service. In certain cases, the Event Management System can also run a
predefined “Fixit” job to correct the problem.

Procedure: Starting Express Instance Manager From Oracle Enterprise Manager

Follow these steps to start Oracle Express Instance Manager from within Oracle
Enterprise Manager.
1. Start up Oracle Enterprise Manager and log in.
Result: You see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
2. From the Tools menu, choose Express Server Applications.

Administering Express Server 4-31

Using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Click on the Express icon:

Result: You see a menu of available Express applications.

3. Choose Oracle Express Instance Manager.
Result: Express Instance Manager runs in its own window.

Related information
For more information about Oracle Enterprise Manager, see Oracle Enterprise
Manager Help.

4-32 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Setting Up Batch Jobs

Chapter summary
This chapter introduces facilities you can use to set up batch jobs that manage
Express services and execute Express language commands.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Tools for Running Batch Jobs
■ Introduction to the Command-Line Utilities
■ Targeting an Express Service
■ Using the Command-Line Service Manager
■ Using the Command Processor
■ Scheduling Jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager
■ Using a Persistent Session
■ Using Batch Manager

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-1

Tools for Running Batch Jobs

Tools for Running Batch Jobs

You may want to schedule Express services to start or stop at specific times or run
scripts of Express language commands at specific times. To do this, you can use one
or more of the following administrative facilities:
■ Oracle Express Server Command-Line Service Manager
■ Oracle Express Server Express Command Processor
■ Oracle Enterprise Manager
■ Persistent Session
■ Oracle Express Batch Manager (hereinafter referred to as “Batch Manager”)
These tools, which are summarized below, are explained in detail in subsequent
sections of this chapter.

Command-Line Service Manager

The oesmgr utility is a command-line program that supports most of the same
features that are available through Express Instance Manager. With oesmgr, you
can do the following:
■ View a list of Express services that are available on a given host.
■ Obtain the status of an Express service.
■ Start, stop, or pause an Express service.
■ View the event log for an Express service, and set the event log path.

Express Command Processor

The oescmd utility is a command-line program that supports the same general
functionality as the Express Connection Utility. The oescmd utility takes Express
language commands as input, transmits them to an Express service for execution,
and returns the result.

Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager is a Windows-based system administration tool for
Oracle products. You can use the job management feature of Oracle Enterprise

5-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Introduction to the Command-Line Utilities

Manager to schedule jobs that invoke the administrative utilities oesmgr and

Persistent Session
The Persistent Session, an optional feature of Express Server, is a special session that
is active as long as the Express service is running. Within the Persistent Session, you
can schedule scripts of Express language commands to run at startup and
termination of the Express service, and at periodic intervals while the service is
Note: The Persistent Session is sometimes called the Initial Session.

Batch Manager
Batch Manager is a graphical utility that runs on a Windows desktop. You can use it
to create, monitor, and control batch processes within Express Server. It is available
on the Express Client CD.

Introduction to the Command-Line Utilities

The Express Server command-line administration utilities, oesmgr and oescmd,
are operating system commands. They can be invoked from within scripts and from
the Unix command line.
You can schedule and launch scripts that contain oesmgr and oescmd commands
using the following facilities:
■ The Unix cron facility
■ The job-scheduling facility within Oracle Enterprise Manager

File location
The oesmgr and oescmd programs are installed during the installation of Express
Server. The following are sample path names:

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-3

Targeting an Express Service

Redirecting output
The oesmgr and oescmd utilities write text output to stdout and stderr, which
are typically defined as the screen. This implementation allows you to redirect
output to a file, pipe it to another program, or capture and interpret output in a
If the output consists of multiple lines of text, then the end-of-line character will be
represented in the native format. On Unix, the end-of-line character is LF.
All text output from oesmgr and oescmd is in English US ASCII format. All text
output returned from Express is in the language (character set) used by that Express
Server instance.

Targeting an Express Service

Default services
The command-line utilities connect to the local default instance of Express Server
unless you target another instance by specifying its binding string in the command

Binding strings
A binding string uniquely identifies a process on a network. It has the following
general format.
The components that you specify in the binding string vary, depending on the
location of the service and the service identifier.

5-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Targeting an Express Service

Binding string component descriptions

The following table provides descriptions of binding string components.

Component Description
uuid Identifies a particular instance of Express Server. The UUID is specified
in the ServerObjectID configuration setting.
transport Describes the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) transport used to
communicate with Express Server.
hostname Identifies the computer where the instance of Express Server is running.
endpoint An IP port number for Oracle Remote Operations.

Transport descriptions
You can specify the following value for the transport component of the binding

Transport Description
ora_ro_tcp Oracle Remote Operations RPC, used for Unix-to-Unix and
Unix-to-Windows connections.

Binding string components per platform

The following table identifies when the parts of a binding string are used.

Component Unix
uuid No
transport Yes
hostname Yes
endpoint oescmd: Yes
oesmgr: No

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-5

Using the Command-Line Service Manager

Using the Command-Line Service Manager

You can run the Command-Line Service Manager interactively or as a batch
command processor. By using it interactively, you can access its online Help
facilities, which provide you with the information you need to formulate complete
and syntactically correct commands. After you know the exact syntax of the
commands you want to use, you can issue them in a batch environment.

Procedure: Running the Command-line Service Manager

Follow these steps to run oesmgr interactively:
1. Access a command prompt.
2. To see how to access the various types of Help, just type oesmgr.
Result: The following text will be displayed.
Express Service Manager, version: 6.x.x.x,
Copyright (c) 1999 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Usage: oesmgr[options][command1[; command2[; commandn]]]

For additional help, refer to the commands below:

oesmgr help options: Display list of available options
oesmgr help commands: Display list of available commands
oesmgr help <option>: Display help on a particular option
oesmgr help <command>: Display help on a particular command
3. To run the utility interactively, use the -s option.
oesmgr -s
Result: The utility displays a command prompt (→).
4. Type in service-management commands. Enter one command per line, or
delineate multiple commands with semicolons.
Tip: As you can see from the Usage line in step 2, input to oesmgr consists of a
series of options followed by one or more service-management commands.
5. Type quit to exit.

5-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Using the Command-Line Service Manager

Command-line syntax
To manage Express services in batch mode, specify the full operation in a single
command. The input to oesmgr consists of a series of options followed by one or
more commands.
oesmgr [-v] [-b target] [-u userID] [-p password] [-i] [-h] [-t timeout] [-s]
command1; command2...

Description of options
The command-line options target a specific Express service and specify command
runtime characteristics, such as redirection of input and error handling. The
oesmgr command-line options are described briefly in the following table. For
more detailed explanations, use the oesmgr Help facility.

Option Parameter Description

-b binding string Targets an Express service to be sent commands. Without
this option, the local default service is targeted.
-h options Displays Help.
option name
command name
-i Ignores errors processing. Without this option, oesmgr
terminates when an error occurs.
-p password Specifies the password for the user ID.
-s Processes commands from stdin.
-t timeout Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that is allowed
for each operation.
-u user ID Specifies a user name for authentication on a remote Unix
host. It must be accompanied by a password.
-v Executes in verbose mode.

Description of commands
The oesmgr service-management commands specify the type of service
management you want to perform, such as stopping, starting, and pausing the

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-7

Using the Command-Line Service Manager

service. The oesmgr commands are described briefly in the following table. For
more detailed explanations, use the oesmgr Help facility.

Command Parameters Description

continue service_name Restarts a paused service.
listservices Lists the available services.
pause service_name Pauses a service.
setlog service_name path_name Specifies the event log path.
setstartupmode auto service_name Sets a service’s startup mode.
manual service_name
disable service_name
start service_name [startup_parameters] Starts a service.
status service_name Displays the current status of a
stop [immediate] service_name Stops a running service. Without
the immediate parameter, the
service continues to run until all
processes have ended.
viewlog service_name Displays the event log for the

Handling errors
The oesmgr utility returns a status code that indicates whether or not it
successfully completed execution. You can write a batch program that traps the
status code and proceeds conditionally, based on the type of error, rather than
simply terminating.
The error messages are sent to stdout, which is typically the screen, but you can
redirect this output to a log file for later analysis.
Tip: Use -i option if you want oesmgr to ignore errors rather than terminating.
The following table identifies oesmgr error codes.

Status Code Status Message

0 Processing completed successfully
101 Specified services does not exist

5-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Using the Command Processor

Status Code Status Message

102 Command timed out
103 Bad command or help request
104 Cannot get current host name
105 Connect to service environment failed
106 Generic ‘command failed’
107 Syntax error or unsupported command
108 No network present

Using the Command Processor

You can use the Express Command Processor either interactively or in batch mode
to execute Express language commands.

Procedure: Running the Command Processor

Follow these steps to run the Command Processor interactively:
1. Access a command prompt.
2. To connect interactively to the default local instance of Express Server, just type
the following command:
oescmd -i
Result: The utility displays a command prompt (→).
Note: The -i option prevents the Command Processor from terminating as the
result of an error.
3. Enter Express language commands one per line, or separate multiple
commands with semicolons.
4. Type Ctrl+d to exit.

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-9

Using the Command Processor

Command-line syntax
To process Express commands in batch mode, specify the full operation in a single
command. The input to oescmd consists of a series of options followed by one or
more Express language commands, as shown by the following syntax.
oescmd [-b target] [-u userID -p password] [-i]
[Express_command1; Express_command2 ...]

Descriptions of options
Use the oescmd command-line options to target a specific Express service and to
specify runtime characteristics, such as redirection of input and error handling.
The oescmd command-line options are described in the following table.

Option Parameter Description

-b binding string Targets an Express service in which to execute commands.
-i Ignores processing errors. If you do not specify -i, then
oescmd terminates when an error occurs.
-p password Specifies a password for the user ID.
-u user ID Specifies a user name for authentication on a remote Unix
host. It must be accompanied by a password.

Handling errors
The oescmd utility returns a status code that indicates whether or not it
successfully completed execution. You can write a batch program that traps the
status code and proceeds conditionally, based on the type of error, rather than
simply terminating.
The error messages are sent to stdout, which is typically the screen, but you can
redirect this output to a log file for later analysis.
Tip: Use -i option if you want oescmd to ignore errors rather than terminating.
The following table identifies oescmd error codes.

Status Code Status Message

0 Processing completed successfully
1 Invalid option specification
2 Failed to connect to the specified Express service

5-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Scheduling Jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager

Status Code Status Message

3 Invalid user ID or password
201 Cannot load service provider dynamic library
202 Failed to initialize SNAPI
203 Processing was interrupted on the host
204 Processing completed with errors on the host
205 Processing completed with system errors on the host
206 Unable to obtain the necessary memory on the host
300 Processing completed with unknown error

Express language commands

The oescmd utility interprets the backslash (\) as an escape character, and a
double-backslash (\\) as a backslash.

Related information
For information about the Express language, refer to Express Language Help and
the Oracle Express Programmer’s Guide to the Express Language.

Scheduling Jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager

You can set up jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager that invoke the Express Server
command-line administration utilities oesmgr and oescmd.
These jobs can invoke the utilities on either Unix or Windows NT. When running on
Unix, the utilities can target Express services on other Unix platforms.

General requirements
You can schedule jobs that use oesmgr and oescmd in Oracle Enterprise Manager,
provided that you have met the following general requirements:
■ There is a working installation of Oracle Enterprise Manager on your Windows
NT machine.

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-11

Scheduling Jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager

■ Express Instance Manager is installed with Oracle Enterprise Manager

Integration on your Windows NT machine.

Unix requirement
If the utilities will run on a Unix host, then you must create a shell script for them.
Within the script, set the library path so that the utilities can find the shared
libraries that they require.
The libraries required by oesmgr and oescmd on Unix are listed in the following

Utility Shared Library Requirement

oesmgr $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libncro
oescmd $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libsnlr

Creating the shell script

The shell script should perform the following actions.
1. Invoke the shell.
2. Add $ORACLE_HOME/lib to the value of the library search path environment
Tip: The library search path environment variable on Solaris is
3. Export the library search path environment variable.
4. Invoke oesmgr or oescmd as follows:
■ Specify the fully qualified path for the utility ($OLAP_HOME/bin).
■ Specify the —b, —u, and —p options for the binding string, user name, and
■ Specify other options and keywords depending on the desired action.

Sample shell script

Below is a sample shell script that sets the library path within the Korn shell. The
script invokes oesmgr on host olapsun, specifying a user name of guest and a

5-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Scheduling Jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager

password of docguest. The oesmgr utility will return the status of an Express
service named ExpSrv630.
/home/oracle/olap/bin/oesmgr -b olapsun -u guest
-p docguest status ExpSrv630

Procedure: Scheduling a job in Oracle Enterprise Manager

To define a batch job to manage an Express service or execute Express commands,
follow these steps:
1. From the main menu of Oracle Enterprise Manager, choose Job.
2. Choose Create Job.
3. In the General tab of the Create Job dialog box:
■ Specify a name and description for the job.
■ Choose Node for the Destination Type. (Note that Express Server and
Express Server Connections will appear in this list. Do not choose them.
They are used by the Oracle Enterprise Manager Navigator to launch
Express Instance Manager.)
■ Select a host name from the Available Destinations box and drag it to the
Selected Destinations box.
4. In the Tasks tab of the Create Job dialog box, select Run OS Command from the
Available Tasks box and use the arrow box to copy it to the Selected Tasks box.
5. In the Parameters tab of the Create Job dialog box, specify the shell script that
invokes oesmgr, oescmd, or both, with their full path names and
command-line parameters.
6. In the Schedule tab of the Create job dialog box, schedule the job to run at the
desired time(s).
7. Save the job.
8. Choose Submit to submit the job to the Oracle Enterprise Manager job

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-13

Using a Persistent Session

Using a Persistent Session

Using a Persistent Session, you can schedule scripts of Express language commands
to run upon startup and termination of the Express service and at periodic intervals
while the service is active.

Enabling a Persistent Session

Support for Persistent Sessions is an optional feature of Express Server. If you did
not install it, you must reinstall Express Server with this option.
If support for Persistent Sessions has been disabled, you must do the following in
Express Instance Manager:
■ Add the Persistent Session module to the module list.
■ Identify an Initialize User.
Important: The Initialize User must have sufficient file system and shell privileges
to execute the Express commands in the script files.

Identifying the script files

The script files that are executed by the Persistent Session are identified by the
following Express parameters:
■ StartupSPLScript setting
■ ShutdownSPLScript setting
■ WakeUpSPLScript setting

Periodic execution of a script

You may want an Express service to check periodically for the presence of new data
in a given file and load any new data into an Express database. To do this, you can
create the appropriate script of Express commands and identify it in the
WakeUpSPLScript setting.
Use the WakeUpMilliseconds setting to specify the interval that should elapse
between executions of the wakeup script.

5-14 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Using Batch Manager

Event logs
Events generated by the Persistent Session’s startup and shutdown scripts are
recorded in the service event log OESevent.log.
You can specify whether or not Express Server will record events generated by the
wakeup script in the event log. If you are using the WakeUpMilliseconds setting to
execute your wakeup script frequently, then you should ensure that the
SPLScriptLogging setting is set to NO. Otherwise, the event log will quickly be
filled with script-related events.

Stopping the execution of scripts

To stop execution of the script files, change the settings for StartupSPLScript,
ShutdownSPLScript, and WakeUpSPLScript, and restart Express Server.

Related information
For more information about the Persistent Session, search for the following topics in
Express Instance Manager Help:
“Express Server Startup Parameters”
“Persistent Session Module”
“Running Scripts Periodically”
“ShutdownSPLScript Setting”
“SPLScriptLogging Setting”
“StartupSPLScript Setting”
“Viewing Event Logs”
“WakeUpMilliseconds Setting”
“WakeupSPLScript Setting”

Using Batch Manager

You can use Batch Manager to formulate and schedule batch jobs within Express
Server. Batch Manager can run as a standalone client product, or integrated into
Oracle Express Administrator or Relational Access Administrator. All of these
products that can be installed from the Oracle OLAP Express Client CD.

Setting Up Batch Jobs 5-15

Using Batch Manager

You can use Batch Manager to schedule and launch the following types of jobs:
■ Build a database or perform a series of commands by running a script file of
Express commands.
■ Build databases for Oracle Sales Analyzer with the data loader.
■ Build a database with Relational Access Manager.
■ Attach a database and use an Express command to manipulate the data in that
■ Run a data-reader program that has been defined within Oracle Express
■ Enter specifications to run a data rollup program that has been defined within
Express Administrator.
Batch Manager does not require a continuous connection to Express Server.

Batch Manager capabilities

Batch Manager allows you to do the following:
■ Define batch jobs for specified instances of Express Server.
■ Launch a job immediately, later, at a scheduled time, or after another job has
finished running.
■ Launch a job that will automatically restart, at intervals you specify, until a
specific date and time, or indefinitely.
■ Identify the priority of a job, so that Batch Manager will schedule it accordingly.
■ Monitor the status of all jobs on the server.
■ Specify the creation of a log file to record the output of a particular job.
■ Monitor the build process of a particular job by viewing checkpoints.

Related information
For more information, see Batch Manager Help.

5-16 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris

Chapter summary
This chapter explains how to control client access to Express services and files
created by Express services, particularly databases.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Restricting Access to Your Data
■ Creating a Secure Express Server Instance
■ Identities Used by Express Server
■ Establishing a Client’s Identity
■ Establishing the Session Identity
■ Establishing the File Owner
■ Controlling Access to Files
■ Establishing the Base File Mode
■ Modifying Access Rights to Existing Files
■ Limiting Access to the Operating System

Security 6-1
Restricting Access to Your Data

Restricting Access to Your Data

What level of security?

Security is frequently a consideration for corporate databases. You want to protect
your databases against intruders who might tamper with them. You also want to
make sure that confidential data, such as personnel records, is kept confidential and
cannot be accessed by the casual user.
When you deploy an application on a network server, you need to evaluate the
consequences of a security violation: How much damage could an unauthorized but
skilled user do to your system? And how sensitive is the data being accessed?
At the same time, you must keep in mind that some security measures degrade
performance, while others present inconveniences to your users. For this reason,
you should carefully weigh the benefits of each security measure to make sure that
the resulting system is adequately, but not excessively, secure.

Web access
If you are planning to deploy Express Web applications, you probably want to take
extra security precautions. Refer to the Oracle Express Web Products Installation Guide
for a discussion of security issues specific to the Web.

Operating system security

Your operating system has many security features that allow you to prevent access
by unauthorized users and control access by authorized users. This chapter explores
some of these features.
For a full discussion of Unix security features, refer to the documentation for your
operating system.

Creating a Secure Express Server Instance

Levels of security and authentication

Express Server employs many of the security features of the operating system and
provides various levels of security and authentication. The available levels of
security depend on the type of communication: SNAPI, XCA, or Web. These levels
are discussed in this chapter.

6-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Identities Used by Express Server

The most stringent security measures can be implemented only when Express
Server is being accessed exclusively by SNAPI clients.

Using multiple instances

If you want to impose higher levels of security on SNAPI clients than other clients,
then you can create separate instances of Express Server. Multiple instances of
Express Server use the same disk files, but are defined as unique services. They can
be configured using different modules and configuration settings.
Alternatively, you might want to install Express Server on different machines for
use by different clients, depending on your network configuration, the amount of
traffic that you expect, and your security requirements.

Related information
For information about configuring multiple instances of Express Server, refer to
“Creating New Services” on page 4-27.

Identities Used by Express Server

Changing the default identities

In order to run, Express Server requires up to three user accounts. Prior to
installation, you must set up these accounts using default user names and
passwords, and grant them appropriate access rights.
To make your system more secure, you can make the following changes:
■ Change the passwords of these accounts.
■ Restrict the access rights of the Default User or disable access by the Default
■ Create new user names and passwords with the appropriate access rights.
You must make these changes both at the operating system level, using operating
system tools, and in the Express Server configuration, using Express Instance
Manager. Express Server must be able to validate its User Role settings in the user
database maintained by the operating system.
Important: Whenever you set the access rights for identities used by Express Server,
you must be careful not to eliminate rights that are required for them to function

Security 6-3
Establishing a Client’s Identity

Access rights of the Default User

The identity of the Default User is defined in the Default Role parameter setting.
However, the access rights that are granted to the Default User are defined by the
operating system.
You should verify that the permissions that are granted to the Default User are
minimal. Most users require only read access to Express databases and HTML files.
On Unix, all directories and files with access rights that are granted to the “world”
are potentially available to the Default User.

Related information
For information about Express user identities, search for the following topics in
Express Instance Manager Help:
“Defining User Roles in Express”
“DBA Role Sheet: General Page”
“Default Role Sheet: General Page”
“Initialize Role Sheet: General Page”
“Working With User Roles in Express”

Establishing a Client’s Identity

What is authentication?
Authentication is the process whereby an Express service determines the identity of a
The Express service establishes a connection only if it can identify a valid user
account that conforms to the security requirements for that service.

Access rights controlled by authentication

Express Server uses the client’s user ID to do the following:
■ Decide whether to give the client access to Express Server.
■ Control access to operating system resources such as disk files, including
Express databases.
■ Provide a value that can be used to control Express security. The client’s user ID
is returned by the Express SYSINFO(USER) function. This value can be used

6-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Establishing the Session Identity

with PERMIT commands in Express security applications. There is also a

SYSINFO(GROUP) function, which returns the groups of which the user is a

Establishing the Session Identity

You can configure Express Server so that users must identify themselves with a user
name and password before initiating a session. Express Server attempts to
authenticate the information that the user supplies with the user database that is
maintained by the operating system.
Express Server can be configured with several levels of authentication, ranging from
open access to authentication upon each exchange of packets. It is configured
initially with open access. You can change the settings that affect security by
specifying values for the settings on the Security page of Express Instance Manager.

Access requirements
Under the default security settings of Express Server, individual users do not need
to supply their own credentials. If a client provides authentication credentials,
Express Server uses them; if not, the client session operates under the identity of the
Default User. The client session has all of the access rights that are granted to that
user ID and the groups to which that user ID belongs, regardless of whether the
user ID is his or her own or that of the Default User.
Access is denied to a user who supplies:
■ A user name that is not in the user database
■ An incorrect password
A user who attempts to log in without offering credentials is either given access as
the Default User or rejected, depending on the RequiredSecurityLevel configuration

Security 6-5
Establishing the Session Identity

The RequiredSecurityLevel Setting

The following table identifies the values of the RequiredSecurityLevel parameter,
which you can set using Express Instance Manager.

Level Description
NONE Clients do not need to provide an identity, as long as a Default User has been
defined on the host computer. A client who does not specify a user ID and
password automatically assumes the identity of the Default User.
If a client specifies a Windows NT domain user ID or a host user ID, Express
Server uses the ID to establish an identity for the client.
This level provides the least security.
You must define a Default User in Express Instance Manager.
HOST Clients must explicitly identify themselves with a valid user ID and password
(and optionally an NT domain name). The ID can be a host user ID that is set
up on the computer running Express Server, or it can be a Windows NT
domain user ID.
This level is fairly secure.
You do not need to define a Default User.

Validating an ID
All Express Server sessions are initiated under a user identification that is known to
the operating system. On Unix, the user ID is defined on the host machine or

Password encryption
Express Server can be configured to require that passwords be encrypted, which
improves security but precludes connections by clients that do not encrypt
passwords. The following table shows the availability of password encryption for
different types of client communications.

Client Communications Password Encryption

SNAPI Always
XCA Optional (not available in Release
4.8 and earlier)
Web Not available

6-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Establishing the File Owner

Shadow password files

Unix stores information about users in a database known as the password file.
Because the password file contains information that is needed by many programs,
the password file is readable by everyone.
Most Unix implementations therefore enhance security through the use of a shadow
password file. Sensitive information such as encrypted passwords are stored in the
shadow password file rather than the normal password file.
The shadow password file is accessible only by the super user. Only processes
running as root can authenticate users. Express services use the authentication
daemon xsauthn to authenticate users in the shadow password file. The
authentication daemon runs as root, whereas Express services run as a DBA User.

Related information
Search for the following topics in Express Instance Manager Help:
“EncryptStoredPasswords Setting”
“RequirePasswordEncryption Setting”
“RequiredSecurityLevel Setting”
“RequiredAuthenticationLevel Setting”

Establishing the File Owner

Default owner
Express Server instances, running as a DBA User, create databases and other types
of files. Since Unix files are created under the ownership of the controlling process
ID, the DBA User would normally own all the files that are created by Express.
However, Express services can be configured to use either the session identity or the
DBA identity as the file owner. By default, the file owner is the session identity. The
specified user owns all the files that are created during sessions with this Express

Security 6-7
Controlling Access to Files

FileOwner Parameter
The following table identifies the settings for the FileOwner configuration
parameter, which you can set using Express Instance Manager.

THEN the files that are created by

IF FileOwner is . . . Express are owned by the . . .
CLIENT, Session User.
DBA, DBA User.

Enforcing disk quotas

Most Unix systems support quotas, which are used to restrict the amount of disk
space that is available to each user. You can enforce disk quotas for users of Express
services by setting FileOwner to CLIENT. When files are created during an Express
session, the disk space used is charged against the quota for the Session User (the

Controlling Access to Files

What is authorization?
Authorization is the process whereby Express services regulate clients’ access to files,
such as databases and EIF files, and to database objects, such as variables and
Express sessions need to interact with the file system. At the minimum, they need to
be able to read from Express databases. They may also need to perform tasks such
as creating and updating databases, exporting and importing EIF files, writing to
log files, and reading data from external file formats.

Session-level authorization
You can control clients’ access to files and other resources on the host by restricting
the access rights associated with their session identity. The permissions associated
with the session identity govern access to files of all types: files created by Express
(databases, EIF files, log files), and external files (files accessed via such Express
features as data reader or SHELL commands).
Ensure that the Default User, as well as any other account that will be used as a
login account, has the necessary level of access rights. For example, the Default User

6-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Controlling Access to Files

might only require read access to one directory containing Express databases.
Another user account might require write access to a specific directory where
sessions will create new databases.

Express-level authorization
The Express language supports its own security mechanisms. Express security
applications, which execute within the context of Express sessions, can establish
access criteria for Express databases and database objects.
Express security applications use the following features of the Express language:
■ PERMIT commands — Control access to databases and database objects
■ PERMIT_READ and PERMIT_WRITE programs — Specify permission when a
database is attached
■ SYSINFO function — Returns the session identity or its groups (USER and
GROUP keywords) so that permissions can be based on the user’s identity.

Individual and group access rights

You will need to create user IDs for client users. Consider organizing them into
groups to simplify the administration of access rights.

Definition: Access Control Lists

An Access Control List (ACL) is a structure that can be associated with a file. An ACL
is conceptually an extension to the file mode. ACLs store additional access criteria
for the file. Within the ACL, read, write, and execute permission can be specified for
individual users and groups.
All Unix files have file modes. When ACLs are supported, the process that creates
the file can specify that it have an ACL as well. ACLs can be modified by the file
Important: When ACLs are supported, Express Server creates an associated ACL
every time it creates a file.

Why use ACLs?

The owner of an Express database or file is either the DBA User or the user who
created the file, depending on the FileOwner setting. However, both of these users
must have access to the database.

Security 6-9
Controlling Access to Files

Because Express Server runs under the identity of the DBA User, and Unix uses the
process user ID to control access to files, the DBA user must have access to any file
that Express may need to open. At the same time, each session has a user ID and
Express uses the session user ID to control access files, so that each session user
must have access to any files that the session may need to open. When Express
creates a file, it ensures that the file has permissions that allow it to be reopened by
the session user who created it. To do this, Express must grant access to two users:
the DBA user and the session user.
With ACLs, Express can grant access rights to a specific user who is not the owner.
Without ACLs, Express can only grant access rights to a group of users. This can be
a security breach since it allows everyone in a group to access data that might be
intended for access by a single user.
The following table shows how access rights are granted so that both the DBA User
and the user who created the file have access rights.

IF the AcceptACLs AND the FILEOWNER THEN Express grants access

setting is . . . setting is . . . rights to the . . .
YES, DBA, session user.
NO, DBA, primary group of the user who
created the file.
NO, CLIENT, primary group of the DBA user.

Desupporting ACLs
Solaris systems support ACLs and by default Express Server will use ACLs to
regulate access. However, you can control whether ACLs are used by setting the
AcceptACLs parameter in Express Instance Manager.

Troubleshooting tip: The authorization daemon

Express Server calls the authorization daemon, xsauthz, whenever it creates a new
file. The authorization daemon ensures that both the DBA User and the Session
User will have access to the file.
If access rights are not set appropriately, check to make sure that xsauthz is
running properly.

6-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Establishing the Base File Mode

Access to remote files

If an Express Server instance will create files (databases, output files, EIF files, etc.)
on a remote file system, then root access must be enabled across NFS. You must
ensure that the computer where the files will reside allows this root access to the
Express Server host computer.
ACLs do not work predictably and reliably across NFS. For example, an AIX file
system mounted onto a Solaris file system may or may not support ACLs, even
though both Solaris and AIX support ACLs. Even a Solaris file system mounted
onto another Solaris file system may not support ACLs.

Establishing the Base File Mode

File-level authorization
Access to a file depends not only on the identity of the process that is seeking
access, but also on the mode of the file itself. In Unix systems, all files have an
associated file mode that specifies how different categories of users can access the
The file mode specifies access rights for the file’s owner, the file’s associated group,
and for all other users.

File modes
Each Unix file has a mode that governs access to the file. The mode specifies read,
write, and execute permission for the file’s owner, for members of the file’s group,
and for anyone else (the “world”).
The mode is generally represented as a three-digit octal number, with a distinct
digit for the owner, the group, and the world. Each octal digit represents three
binary digits (bits). Each bit specifies an access type: read, write, or execute.

What is the file mode of Express databases?

Express Server enforces a base minimum file mode for all files that are created
during sessions with Express services. This minimum file mode applies most
notably to Express databases. However, it equally applies to EIF files, log files,
output files, and any other files that Express creates.

Security 6-11
Establishing the Base File Mode

In Express Instance Manager, you can configure Express services to extend

additional access rights to the group and world. However, you cannot remove the
base file mode permissions that are enforced internally by Express Server.

Base file mode with ACLs

When ACLs are being used, the base file mode for databases and other files created
by Express is 600.
This means that the file’s owner always has read and write permission. However,
no access rights are specified for the group or the world. It is appropriate for
Express services where databases will essentially be local to each session.

Base file mode without ACLs

When ACLs are not being used, the base file mode for databases and other files
created by Express is 660.
Since both the DBA user and the client cannot both own the file, access rights equal
to those of the owner are granted to the primary group of the non-owner. When the
file owner is the DBA, the client’s primary group is given read/write access by
making it the group owner of the file. Similarly, when the file owner is the client,
DBA user’s primary group is given read/write access by making it the group owner
of the file. However, no access rights are specified for the world.

Extending access rights

In many cases, you may need to extend the access permissions beyond those
guaranteed by the base file mode. You can specify additional permissions for the
owner, group, and world by changing the DefaultMode setting in Express Instance
Manager. You cannot restrict access rights.

6-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Modifying Access Rights to Existing Files

The following table shows how the same DefaultMode setting produces different
access rights, depending on whether or not ACLs are enabled.

IF you change THEN Express creates files with a file

DefaultMode to . . . AND ACLs are . . . mode of . . .
044 or 644, enabled, so the base 644, which grants read-only access rights
mode is 600, to both the group and the world.
Note: A more secure alternative is to keep
the base mode at 600 and add permissions
with ACLs.
044 or 644, disabled, so the base 664, which grants read-only access rights
mode is 660, to the world. The group owner must have
read/write permission, so the access rights
of the group are not restricted.

Related information
For more information about the “DefaultMode” setting, search Express Instance
Manager Help.
For more information about file mode settings, refer to the Unix man page for

Modifying Access Rights to Existing Files

Once Express Server has created a database, or any type of file, there is no
mechanism within Express Server or Express Instance Manager to modify the file’s
associated access rights. If you need to change the permissions associated with a file
created by Express Server, then you must use Unix commands.

Unix commands for modifying file permissions

Which Unix command you use depends on whether or not the file has an associated

IF the file . . . THEN use the . . .

has an ACL, setfacl command.
does not have an ACL, chmod command.

Security 6-13
Limiting Access to the Operating System

Important: If you specify a chmod command for a file that has an ACL, the results
may be unexpected. The chmod command does not work properly on files that have

Determining which files have ACLs

You can see which files in a given directory have ACLs by doing a long directory
listing (ls -l). If a file has an ACL, then a plus sign + will be displayed
immediately after the file mode setting.
You can use the Express language function FILEQUERY to determine if ACLs are
supported and if a specified file has an ACL. (See Express Language Help for more

FILEQUERY keyword Description

HASACL Does the specified file have an ACL?
CANACL Are ACLs supported on the system in which the file resides
or will reside?

Related information
For more information about ACLs, refer to the man pages for chmod, setfacl and

Limiting Access to the Operating System

Shell and External Call module

Express Server supports shell commands and calls to functions defined in external
libraries. Both of these features may present a security risk for some installations.
If you do not want users to be able to execute operating system commands from
within their Express Server sessions, you can do one of the following:
■ Install Express Server without support for these features.
■ Disable these features in the configuration of individual Express services.

6-14 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Limiting Access to the Operating System

Procedure: Disabling support for Shell and External Call

You can install Express Server without support for the Express SHELL and DEFINE
EXTCALL commands, or you can simply disable support for them by performing
the following steps in Express Instance Manager:
1. Open Express Instance Manager.
2. Log into the service that you want to change.
3. Set the AllowShellOut parameter to NO.
4. Remove the xsextcal module from the module list. If you wish, you can also
remove the xsshell module from the module list, although you already
effectively disabled the SHELL command in Step 3.

Related information
For more information about the Express SHELL, DEFINE EXTCALL, and EXTARGS
commands, search for these topics in Express Language Help.

Security 6-15
Limiting Access to the Operating System

6-16 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Managing Express Databases

Chapter summary
This chapter describes how Express databases are implemented within the file
system. It also explains how to set the database search path and tune the use of
database extension files and temporary files.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Understanding Express Database Files
■ Accessing Databases
■ Setting Search Paths
■ Managing Temporary Files
■ Managing Extension Files

Understanding Express Database Files

The basic organizational unit of Express is the database. An Express database is a
cache in which clients create and store the objects that support multidimensional
analysis. Express objects include dimensions, variables, relations, models, and
programs. An Express program is equivalent to a stored procedure.

Managing Express Databases 7-1

Understanding Express Database Files

Internal organization
The internal organization of Express databases is controlled by Express
applications. These applications use Express language commands to create new
databases and create and manipulate objects within databases.

External organization
Externally, Express databases are controlled by the operating system’s file system.
Depending on its size and on whether or not it is currently in use, an Express
database might consist of one or several files.

Types of files
Express Server manages databases by creating and using the following types of

File Type File Name Description

main database file dbname.db The file that is created on disk when
an Express session executes a
database dbname.00x When the main database file grows
extension files to its maximum size, Express creates
a database extension file. Express
can create multiple extension files as
database EXPTEMP_xxxxxxx.db Express creates an EXPTEMP file and
temporary files uses it for temporary storage for a
single session.
database GLOBTEMP_xxxxxxxx.db Express creates one global
temporary files temporary file that it uses for
cross-session sharing.

Database file size

The maximum size of any of the component files of a database is 2 gigabytes. You
can create a database with a smaller maximum size by specifying the FILESIZE
keyword with the DATABASE command.
Be sure to distinguish file size from database size; a database can be made up of
many files.

7-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Accessing Databases

The database list

Each session that is active within an Express Server instance can have multiple
databases attached. The Express command DATABASE LIST returns the list of
databases that are attached within the session. Sample output of a DATABASE LIST
command is shown below.
test R/W UNCHANGED /home/oracle/test.db
demo R/O UNCHANGED /home/oracle/olap/oes630/service/demo.db
express R/O UNCHANGED /home/oracle/olap/oes630/service/express.db
(1 other users reading)

Related information
For more information, see the following:
■ Oracle Express Programmer’s Guide to the Express Language
■ Oracle Express Database Administration Guide
■ The “DATABASE command” topic in Express Language Help

Accessing Databases

Which databases a session can attach depends on several factors, including:
■ The access rights of the Session User
■ The access rights of the DBA User
■ The permissions that are associated with the directory in which a database
■ The file mode and access control list for the database
■ Whether the Session User or DBA User is the owner of a database
■ Whether or not the database is currently attached in another session and, if so,
how it is attached

Database file owner

Express services run as the DBA User. However, files created by Express may be
owned by the Session User if the FileOwner parameter setting is set to “CLIENT.”

Managing Express Databases 7-3

Accessing Databases

Although the Session User may be designated as the file owner, the DBA is always
the initial file owner when the file is first created, before the authorization daemon
changes the ownership.

Important: Access rights of the DBA

Even if the Session User is file owner, the DBA User must have full read, write, and
execute access to all directories where Express will create files.
Use the tools provided by the operating system to give the DBA User sufficient
access rights to all of these directories, as well as any other directories where
Express databases will be accessed, created, or modified.

Database sharing
In order for two separate instances of Express Server to have the same database
open simultaneously, the database file must be flagged as read–only at the
operating system level.
When attaching a database, a session can request one of the following attach modes.

Attach Mode Description

Read-only You request read-only access to the database (default). If read-only access
is granted, your changes will be visible only within the session and will
not be saved when the database is detached.
While you have read-only access, other users can also have read-only
access and one other user can have read/write access.
Read/write You request read/write access to the database. If read/write access is
granted, your changes will be saved in response to an UPDATE
While you have read/write access, other users can have simultaneous
read-only access. The readers can only see the changes made by the
writer if they detach and reattach the database.
Exclusive You request exclusive read/write access to the database. If exclusive
access is granted, your changes will be saved in response to an UPDATE
While you have exclusive access, there can be no other simultaneous
readers or writers.

7-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Setting Search Paths

Database wait time

The DefaultDBWaitTime parameter specifies the length of time, in seconds, that
Express will wait for a database to become available.
Users can set the Express language option DBWAITTIME to override the default
wait time for their session.

Related information
For more information about database access rights, search for the following topics
in Express Instance Manager Help:
“FileOwner Setting”

Setting Search Paths

Specifying the working directory

In general, Express Server looks for and creates databases in the current working
directory for the session.
The current working directory is the home directory specified in the User Profile for
the Session User. If the session identity does not have a home directory, then the
working directory is the first directory specified by the ServerDBPath parameter.
Individual sessions can use the Express CHDIR command to change the default
working directory for the session. When a session specifies its own working
directory, it can create database files in non-default locations without specifying a
full path name.

Default and session-specific search paths

Database files can reside in any directory on any host that is accessible to the
Express service. The service must be properly configured and the DBA and Session
Users must have the appropriate rights to ensure access to the required databases.
The three types of database files (main file, extension files, and temporary files)
reside in three separate directories. You can change the database search paths used
by an Express service by modifying the appropriate settings on the I/O
Management sheet of Express Instance Manager. Individual sessions may specify

Managing Express Databases 7-5

Setting Search Paths

their own search paths for main database files and extension files by setting the
appropriate Express language options.
The following table summarizes the configuration settings that set the default paths
for all sessions and the Express language commands for overriding these defaults.

File Type Search Path for Service Search Path for Session
Main database file ServerDBPath setting DBSEARCHPATH option
Database extension files ExtensionFilePath setting DBEXTENDPATH option
EXPTEMP files SessionTempFilePath setting DBTEMPPATH option
GLOBTEMP files GlobalTempDBPath setting NA

Required database paths

The express.db file must reside in a directory specified by ServerDBPath. If it
does not, the service will not start up.
You must ensure that the databases required by client applications are specified in
the default search paths for the Express service. If a database does not reside in a
location specified by the database search path, then a session must access it by
specifying the full path name, when the application permits this. Note that Web
applications cannot locate databases unless they are in the default search path.

Related information
For more information, search Express Instance Manager Help for the following
“ExtensionFile Path Setting”
“GlobalTempFilePath Setting”
“ServerDBPath Setting”
“SessionTempFilePath Setting”
Search Express Language Help for the following topics:

7-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Managing Temporary Files

Managing Temporary Files

Express Instance Manager provides several settings that you can use to control how
an Express service will handle temporary database files.

Extension files for temporary databases

When an EXPTEMP database grows beyond its maximum allowable size
(2 gigabytes), Express Server creates an extension file. Express services create
extension files for EXPTEMP databases in the directories that you specify for
If Express sessions might create very large temporary files, then you should be sure
to specify additional paths in the path list for SessionTempFilePath. The additional
paths should identify different disks, which can be used if the first disk becomes
full. Additional paths can also be set on a session-by-session basis using the Express
When multiple paths are specified in SessionTempFilePath, Express uses the first
path for the first session, the second path for the second session, and so forth.

Controlling the growth of temporary files

Whenever an EXPTEMP database file needs to grow in size, Express increases its size
by the number of pages specified in the TempFileExtendSize setting. By default,
Express increases database files in 10-page increments.
Individual sessions can override the value of TempFileExtendSize by specifying the
DATABASE command with the EXTENDSIZE keyword.

Caching temporary files

You can configure Express services to cache unused EXPTEMP databases. This may
optimize the performance of an Express service that supports many transient
The TempFileMinimumCount setting specifies the number of unused EXPTEMP files
that Express Server will cache for reuse by future sessions.
If you do not specify a value for TempFileMinimumCount, then Express deletes the
EXPTEMP databases upon normal termination of the session.

Managing Express Databases 7-7

Managing Temporary Files

If you specify a non-zero value for TempFileMinimumCount, then Express will

cache up to that number of unused EXPTEMP databases after their sessions are
closed. When Express Server caches an EXPTEMP file, it reduces its size to the value
of the TempFileInitialSize setting.

Cleaning up leftover temporary files

By default, Express Server deletes the EXPTEMP databases upon normal termination
of the session, depending on the value of the TempFileMinimumCount setting.
You can use the InvisibleEXPTEMP setting to cause EXPTEMP files to be deleted
automatically in the event of abnormal termination.
By default, Express Server deletes the EXPTEMP databases upon normal termination
of the session (depending on the value of the TempFileMinimumCount) setting.
However, unless InvisibleEXPTEMP is enabled, EXPTEMP databases may remain on
disk in cases of abnormal termination.
When the InvisibleEXPTEMP setting is enabled (the default), Express virtually
removes its EXPTEMP databases from the file system during the process of session
initialization. This makes the EXPTEMP database invisible, but it is automatically
deleted upon abnormal termination.
When InvisibleEXPTEMP is disabled, Express does not remove the EXPTEMP
database from the file system. This makes the EXPTEMP database visible, and you
can view its size. However, it remains on disk after an abnormal termination.

Recovering from a system failure

If the system fails while Express has a database attached read/write, then that
database cannot be reopened on another machine until Express opens and closes it
on the same machine that failed. This is because the locking mechanism utilizes a
record of the opener’s host name.

File owner of EXPTEMP files

EXPTEMP files are owned by the DBA User.

Related information
For more information, see Express Instance Manager Help and the “DATABASE
Command” topic in Express Language Help.

7-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Managing Extension Files

Managing Extension Files

Maximum file size

Express creates a database extension file when a database file reaches its maximum
size. The maximum size of a database file is 2 gigabytes minus 4 kilobytes. Sessions
can specify the FILESIZE keyword with the DATABASE command to create
databases with a smaller maximum size.
If, for any reason, Express cannot create an extension file, then it becomes unable to
do routine tasks such as saving changes made to the database.
Extension files are particularly useful for extremely large databases. They enable
different parts of a database to be located on separate physical drives, allowing for
simultaneous access.

Location of extension files

Express creates the first extension file in the first path listed for the
ExtensionFilePath setting. It creates the second extension file in the second path
listed, and so forth. If it creates more extension files than paths are listed, then it
circles back to the first path and goes through the list again.
If you want to force Express to completely fill the first path before going to the
second, and so forth, make duplicate entries in the ExtensionFilePath setting (for
example, path1;path1;path2;path2;path3.

Extension files and multiple sessions

The location where Express will create database extension files is established for
each Express service by the ExtensionFilePath setting.
Extension files are named with the main database name followed by an extension of
001, then 002, and so on. If more than one session is likely to create databases large
enough to require extension files, then there is a possibility that the extension files
from one session might interfere with the extension files from another session. This
could happen only in the unlikely case that both sessions use the same database
name. Although this scenario is unlikely, it is prudent for Express clients that use
very large databases to either set the DBEXTENDPATH option or run against
separate instances of Express Server.

Managing Express Databases 7-9

Managing Extension Files

File owner of database extension files

Database extension files have the same owner as the main database file.

Related information
For more information, see Express Instance Manager Help and the “DATABASE
command” topic in Express Language Help.

7-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Monitoring Performance

Chapter summary
This chapter provides information about performance monitoring and tuning.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Basic Tuning Guidelines
■ Simulating Test Sessions
■ Monitoring Performance
■ Tuning Performance-Related Parameters
■ Understanding Database Paging
■ How the Paging Manager Reclaims Cache Memory

Basic Tuning Guidelines

What is tuning?
Express Server has numerous user-settable parameters that affect the way that it
behaves. The optimal settings for some of these parameters is dependent on the
hardware configuration of the computer. The default settings might be right for
most hardware configurations, but will not be right for all of them.
If you are satisfied with the performance of Express Server, then you can assume
that the default settings are appropriate for your system. If you are not satisfied,
then you should investigate whether the settings can be optimized for your system.

Monitoring Performance 8-1

Basic Tuning Guidelines

Performance is also strongly affected by these other factors:

■ Database design — The design of a database can dramatically affect all aspects
of maintenance and use. Refer to the Oracle Express Database Administration
Guide for design guidelines.
■ Number of users — The demand for computer resources may be greater than
the capabilities of your system hardware. If upgrading is not an option, you can
use Express configuration parameters to limit the number of simultaneous

When is tuning required?

For most installations, tuning is an optional step. However, in the following cases,
adjusting the paging parameters is either mandatory or highly recommended:
■ If you are running Express Server on a single-processor computer, you should
adjust the paging parameters. The default values are optimized for
multi-processor computers.
■ If you cannot start Express Server, the default values for the paging parameters
may be the source of the problem.
In both of these cases, you should carefully read “Understanding Database Paging”
on page 8-8 before making any changes to these critical settings.

Make changes with caution

A conservative approach to tuning is to put Express Server into use with the default
settings and adjust them only after you have identified a particular area that needs
improvement. By using the various performance monitoring tools that are available,
you can pinpoint the cause of any perceived problem.
Keep in mind, however, that Express Server will attempt to use half of physical
memory in order to run at peak performance. This can have a detrimental impact on
other processes, such as Oracle8, and multiple instances of Express Server. You may
need to lower the value of PageBufferCount to prevent crashing the machine.
Be sure to check the Help topic for each parameter so that you know the effects of
your changes. Some settings must maintain a particular relationship with other
settings. Remember that making inappropriate changes can degrade performance
instead of improving it.

8-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Simulating Test Sessions

Performance monitoring tools

A primary mechanism for monitoring the performance of your Express services is
the Windows NT Performance Monitor.
To test the impact of multiple sessions on an Express service, you can use the
Express Test Engine. The Test Engine enables you to create any number of sessions,
with each one running a script of Express commands. You can use the Performance
Monitor to gauge the impact of this simulated usage on your resources.
To monitor host system resources such as processor usage, use Unix utilities.

Simulating Test Sessions

The Express Test Engine

You can use the Express Test Engine to simulate different numbers of sessions and
types of operations that are performed in each session. You can then use the
Performance Monitor and any other tools available to you to evaluate the effect
these sessions have on performance.
When you run the Test Engine, it creates the number of sessions that you specify
and numbers each one, starting with zero. In each session, the Test Engine executes
the Express language commands stored in a text file, or script.

Installing Test Engine support

In order for Express Server to support the Test Engine, Express Server must be
installed with this optional feature. Otherwise, you must reinstall it.
If you installed Test Engine support but removed it at some point, you must add the
Test Engine module to the module list.

The Test Engine script

You can use any text editor to create a script of Express language commands that
you want the Test Engine to execute. Within this script, you can use a special
variable that represents the session number. This variable is the pound sign (#).
The Test Engine replaces every instance of the # character in the script with the
number of the test session. For instance, if you are testing an Express service with 10
sessions, # can have a value between 0 and 9. The first session to execute the script
will use 0, the second will use 1, and so on. If the Test Engine input file contained

Monitoring Performance 8-3

Monitoring Performance

the command OUTFILE TEST.#, then 10 separate output files would result, named
TEST.0, TEST.1, and so forth.

Procedure: Running the Test Engine

To run the Test Engine, perform the following steps.
1. Open Express Instance Manager and expand the parameters for the Express
service that you wish to test.
2. In the I/O Management parameters, specify the name of the Test Engine input
file in the TestEngineScript setting.
3. Click Instance so that you see the State page.
4. Specify the Test Engine as the last startup parameter for the service, using the
following syntax.
-testfac -tx ....
Be sure to include the “-” characters. With the -t argument, specify an integer
value for x. This value indicates the number of sessions to be generated. For
example, specify the following parameter to create 10 sessions.
-testfac -t10
5. Start up the Express service.

Monitoring Performance

Windows NT Performance Monitor

When enabled with performance monitoring support, Express services export
several counter objects that can be used by the Windows NT Performance Monitor.
Using the Performance Monitor, you can generate reports, graphs, and log files with
data from the Express Server counter objects. You can also use the Performance
Monitor to generate an alert when a counter object has a particular value.

Acquiring Performance Monitor support

In order for Express Server to support the Performance Monitor, Express Server
must be installed with this optional feature. Otherwise, you must reinstall it.
If you installed Performance Monitor support but removed it at some point, you
must add the Performance Monitor module to the module list.

8-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Monitoring Performance

IPC Shared Memory and Semaphores

The Unix Interprocess Communication (IPC) package enables a Unix system to
export Express performance information to Windows NT systems on the same
network. It uses the resources Shared Memory and Semaphores.
You can verify that IPC is installed by typing the following command at the Unix
shell prompt.
When Express Server terminates normally, it releases the IPC resources. If Express
Server terminates abnormally, then the IPC resources are not released.
You can release IPC resources manually by executing the following commands at
the Unix shell prompt.

Resource Command
Shared Memory ipcrm - m
Semaphores ipcrm - s

For more information, see the man pages for ipcs and ipcrm.

Procedure: Creating a performance chart

The following procedure explains how to create a basic chart that monitors the
counter objects from an Express service.
1. Start the Performance Monitor in the Windows NT Administrative Tools
program group. You will see the main window of the Performance Monitor.
2. From the View menu, select Chart.
3. From the Edit menu, select Add To Chart to see the Add to Chart dialog box.
4. The Computer box shows the name of the local machine. To monitor an Express
service running on a different machine, click on the ellipses box (...) to the right.
Result: You see the Select Computer box, where you can select a name from the
5. In the Object box, select Oracle Express Server.
6. If you have installed multiple instances of Express Server, then select the one
you want to monitor in the Instance box.

Monitoring Performance 8-5

Monitoring Performance

7. In the Counter box, you will see a list of Express Server counters. Select a
counter, and choose Add. You can add as many counters to the chart as you
8. Choose Done to return to the main window.
9. To save your chart definition, follow these steps.
a. From the File menu, choose Save Chart Settings As to display the
Performance Monitor - Save dialog box.
b. In the File Name box, type a name for the chart.
c. Select the drive and directory where you want to save the chart.
d. Choose OK to return to the main window.
10. From the File menu, choose Exit.

Performance counters
Performance counters are updated upon completion of a transaction with the
Express service. A Test Engine script is treated as a single transaction: Sending the
script, executing it, and receiving the results.Following are descriptions of the
Express Server counters.

Counter Description Value

PagingHitCount The number of times the Express service finds that a Integer value
database page that it needs is already in memory.
PagingMissCount The number of times the Express service needs to go Integer value
to disk to get a database page.
A miss indicates that either the page is being
referenced for the first time, or the page has been
swapped out of memory. Misses do not necessarily
indicate a problem, and some operations, such as
data loads, might incur a very high number of
However, you can try changing the following
configuration parameters to see if they lower the
number of missed pages:
■ Increase the value of PageBufferCount.
■ Decrease the value of FreePageHighCount and

8-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Tuning Performance-Related Parameters

Counter Description Value

Paused Whether Express Server is in a paused state. This 0 or 1
counter can be used to configure an alert that Express
1= paused
Server is paused or not paused.
0= not paused
Sessions The number of sessions that are currently active. 0 to
Note: If there is a Persistent Session associated with
Express Server, it counts as one session.
Started Whether the Express service is running. This counter 0 or 1
can be used to configure an alert that the Express
1= running
service is either running or stopped.
0= stopped
Workspace The number of client applications that have an active 0 to
Transactions RPC connection and an active transaction in progress MaxSessions
with Express Server through SNAPI or Express Web

Related information
For more information about Windows NT Performance Monitor, see Windows NT
Performance Monitor Help, especially the following topics:
“Working with Alerts”
“Working with Charts”
“Working with Log Files”
“Working with Reports”

Tuning Performance-Related Parameters

There are numerous configuration parameters that affect performance. The
following information provides a brief introduction to them.

SessionManagement parameters
Check the following parameters:
■ ThreadPoolMax — Affects the number of threads available for SNAPI and Web

Monitoring Performance 8-7

Understanding Database Paging

■ ThreadPoolMin — Affects the number of threads available for SNAPI and Web
■ MaxSessions — The maximum number of simultaneous sessions
■ XCAQueueDepth — The maximum number of simultaneous requests for XCA

I/O Management parameters

Check the MaxIOStreams parameter. MaxIOStreams specifies the total number of
communications links and files that can be open at one time.
Other I/O Management parameters control the handling of databases and
temporary files.

WebAgent parameter
Check the MaxWebSessions parameter. MaxWebSessions specifies the maximum
number of simultaneous Web sessions.

Understanding Database Paging

The Paging Manager and the page pool

A page is a unit of storage for Express databases. A page is 4K on 32-bit platforms
and 8K on 64-bit platforms. The Paging Manager, a module that is required for all
Express services, manages a shared cache of database pages in memory known as
the page pool.
The Paging Manager reads database pages on disk into the page pool when they are
needed by an Express session, writes pages back to disk, and maintains a reserve of
free page buffers in the page pool.
Within the page pool, the same database page can be accessed by several sessions.
However, only one session can have write access to the page at one time.
Additionally, before one session can access the changes that are made in another
session, the session that made the changes must save the pages and the other
session must detach and reattach to the changed database.

8-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Understanding Database Paging

Tuning the Paging Manager

You can tune the behavior of the Paging Manager by modifying the
DatabasePagingManagement parameters. The parameters are interrelated; check
their Help topics to ensure that any values that you specify maintain the
appropriate relationship with the other parameters.
By tuning the Paging Manager, you may be able to improve the performance of
Express Server. The values you provide for the paging settings will depend on a
number of factors, such as:
■ Hardware configuration
■ Logical and physical memory
■ The number of Express services and other applications running on the host
■ The number and types of client applications that will typically run against this
instance of Express Server

Page pool size

The PageBufferCount parameter determines the amount of memory that is allocated
for the page pool when an Express service starts up.
The initial size of the page pool is platform dependent. When the value of
PageBufferCount is NA, this default is in effect. You can check the event log
oesevent.log to determine the actual value assigned to PageBufferCount on
You can override the default cache size by changing the value of PageBufferCount.
This value is specified as a number of pages.
Important: Setting PageBufferCount too low can cause performance problems.
Setting PageBufferCount too high can cause operational problems, such as the
inability of one or more instances of Express Server to initialize, the inability of
additional Express applications to connect to the server, and client application
errors (such as segmentation violations) when attempting a SQL connection to an
Oracle RDBMS.

Related information
For further information about the default setting of PageBufferCount and its
relationship with other parameters, search Express Instance Manager Help for the
topic “PageBufferCount Setting.”

Monitoring Performance 8-9

How the Paging Manager Reclaims Cache Memory

How the Paging Manager Reclaims Cache Memory

Two threads
The Paging Manager uses the services of two optional, dedicated threads to reclaim
cache memory:
■ The collector thread maintains a reserve of free page buffers in the page pool.
■ The ModifiedPageWriter thread flushes modified pages to disk.

The collector thread

The collector thread creates free page buffers by releasing the least-recently used
pages from the page pool. The collector wakes up when the number of free page
buffers falls to the number that is specified by the FreePageLowCount parameter.
Once awakened, the collector continues to create free page buffers until the reserve
is back up to the number that is specified by the FreePageHighCount parameter.
The Collector thread can have the effect of shrinking the size of the data cache.
Depending on the application, this result can improve or degrade performance.

When does a collector thread improve performance?

A collector thread improves performance for an instance of Express Server that is
used to load data and build databases. For this type of use, set
CollectorThreadCount to 1 so that the FreePageHighCount and FreePageLowCount
settings are enabled.
A collector thread may degrade performance for an instance of Express Server that
is used for querying and runtime use by Express applications. For this type of use,
set CollectorThreadCount to 0 so that the FreePageHighCount and
FreePageLowCount settings are disabled.

Adjusting the behavior of the Collector

When the Collector thread is enabled, you can adjust it performance by changing
the values of the FreePageLowCount and FreePageHighCount settings. When their
values are NA, the defaults are in effect.
■ FreePageHighCount — Determines the maximum number of free pages in the
service cache. The default value is appropriate for multiple-CPU systems. If you

8-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
How the Paging Manager Reclaims Cache Memory

have a single-CPU system, then you should change FreePageHighCount to 250

■ FreePageLowCount — Determines the minimum number of free pages in the
service cache. The default value is appropriate for multiple-CPU systems. If you
have a single-CPU system, then you should change FreePageLowCount to 100

Related information
For further information about changing these parameters, search Express Instance
Manager Help for the following topics:
“CollectorThreadCount Setting”
“FreePageHighCount Setting”

The Modified Page Writer thread

By default, the Paging Manager writes modified database pages to disk only at
update time. However, Express offers the option of writing modifications
immediately to disk by using a Modified Page Writer thread.
If Express uses a Modified Page Writer thread, then the following occurs:
■ When modified pages are owned with read/write access by a session, Express
writes them to the database.
Note: Unless you explicitly save the changes, Express discards them when the
database is detached or the connection with Express closes. You can explicitly
save the changes by using the Express language UPDATE command or by
indicating that you want the changes saved when you detach the database.
■ When modified pages are owned with read-only access, Express writes them to
the temporary database file EXPTEMP. Read-only modified pages remain in
EXPTEMP until they are read back into the cache or the session ends.

Specifying the use of a Modified Page Writer thread

By specifying that you want Express to use a Modified Page Writer thread, you can
reduce the time that is required for database updates and the time that is required
for the Collector thread to reach the FreePageHighCount threshold.
To specify that you want Express to use a Modified Page Writer thread, specify a
non-zero value for the ModifiedPageWriterSleep parameter. The value that you

Monitoring Performance 8-11

How the Paging Manager Reclaims Cache Memory

specify determines the time (in milliseconds) that the Modified Page Writer thread
sleeps after writing a modified database page to disk. When the Modified Page
Writer thread wakes up, it writes another page to disk.

Managing database pages within generations

The GPSBtreeMax and GPSBTreeMiss settings control the way the Paging Manager
keeps track of database pages within generations. A generation refers to the state of a
database between updates. Each UPDATE command from an Express session
creates a new generation. Sessions that attach the same database between updates
share the same generation.
By default, these settings specify the use of generational btrees as the method of
accessing shared database pages within generations. Generational btrees offer the
advantage of speed, but they use a great deal of memory. You will need to evaluate
the relative time-to-memory trade-off for your installation. In cases where many
clients are connected to an Express service and performing multiple updates over a
long period of time, you might not want to use generational btrees, or you might
want to limit their size.

Related information
For more information about updating and concurrent access to Express databases,
refer to the following:
■ Oracle Express Programmer’s Guide to the Express Language
■ The topics “UPDATE command” and “DATABASE command” in Express
Language Help

8-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Supporting Access to Relational Databases

Chapter summary
This chapter describes the software components and configuration settings you
need to establish a connection between Express Server and a relational database.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Choosing a Connection Method
■ Setting Up a Connection
■ Configuring Express Server
■ Setting Environment Variables
■ Setting Up Oracle Communications
■ Selecting and Installing an ODBC Driver
■ Providing ODBC Support
■ Defining ODBC Data Sources
■ Testing Your Configuration

Choosing a Connection Method

Connection options
Express Server supports two types of connections to relational databases:

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-1

Choosing a Connection Method


Definition: OCI
The Direct Oracle Call Interface (OCI) is an application programming interface
(API) that allows applications such as Express Server to issue SQL statements to an
Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS). The OCI gives Express
Server the ability to perform the full range of operations that are possible with
relational systems such as Oracle8.

Definition: ODBC
ODBC is Microsoft’s Open Database Connectivity interface. It is a Windows
convention for accessing files and databases.

Availability of options
The connection you can use depends on the type of relational database you wish to

IF you are accessing . . . THEN you can use . . .

an Oracle database such as Oracle8 or Oracle7, OCI or ODBC.
a third-party database, ODBC only.

For connections to Oracle relational databases, OCI offers substantial benefits over
ODBC, because you have access to the special features of Oracle, without the
restrictions that are imposed by an ODBC driver. In addition, a direct connection is
always faster and more reliable.

Limitations of ODBC
Because the ODBC convention supports only standard SQL, ODBC drivers do not
support the nonstandard, special features that might be available in a particular
RDBMS. In addition, Express imposes further restrictions with an ODBC
connection, because of the differences among the various RDBMS. For example,
Express does not support multiple-statement transaction processing through an
ODBC connection; all changes are committed immediately.

9-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Setting Up a Connection

Related information
For information on accessing relational data from within Express, see the Express
Language Help system and the Oracle Express Programmer’s Guide to the Express
Relational Access Manager is an OLAP client application that you can use with
Express Server. Relational Access Manager enables Express Server to access,
manipulate, and display data that is stored in a relational database. For more
information, see the Relational Access Manager Help system and the Oracle Express
Relational Access Manager User’s Guide.

Setting Up a Connection

Once you have identified the type of connection that you need to set up, you must
install and configure the various components that make up that connection.

Express Server installation

In order for Express Server to support connections to relational databases, you must
install it with support for OCI, ODBC, or both.
When you install OCI support, the Oracle RDBMS Required Support Files will be
installed along with OCI support.
When you install ODBC support, the MERANT ODBC drivers for Unix will be
installed also.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-3

Setting Up a Connection

Diagram: OCI configuration

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the various components
of an OCI connection. Express Server and the Oracle relational database can be on
the same machine or two different machines with a network connection.

Express Server

SQL Out Module


OCI Module

Net8 Client Net8 Server

Communications Communications

9-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Setting Up a Connection

Diagram: ODBC configuration

The next diagram illustrates the relationship between the various components of an
ODBC connection. Express Server and the relational database can be on the same
machine or two different machines with a network connection.

Express Server Third Party


SQL Out Module

ODBC Module

ODBC Administrator

ODBC Driver

RDBMS Client RDBMS Server

Communications Communications
Interface Interface

Procedure: Implementing a connection

Use the following procedure to establish a connection between Express Server and a
relational database.
1. Verify that Express Server is configured to provide the type of SQL connection
that you need, either OCI or ODBC.
2. Install the communications interface that is provided for your relational
database on the server where Express Server is installed.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-5

Configuring Express Server

Note: For Oracle relational databases, the communications interface is named

Net8. Information about Net8 is provided in the topic, “Setting Up Oracle
Communications” on page 9-9.
If you are using a different RDBMS, then refer to its documentation about a
communications interface.
3. Configure the communications interface with the information that is needed to
access your relational database.
Note: For Oracle relational databases, this information is called a “database
4. If you are accessing a non-Oracle relational database, then establish an ODBC
connection as follows.
a. Install the ODBC Administrator and an appropriate ODBC driver on the
same computer where your SQL-enabled instance of Express Server is
b. Define an ODBC data source.
5. Follow the directions provided with your Express client application for
connecting to the relational database, using the communications setup that you
established in the previous steps.
Important: Relational Access Administrator and Express Administrator require
separate ODBC connections to the relational database in addition to the Express
Server connection. Refer to the installation instructions for those products.

Configuring Express Server

Requirements for SQL support

SQL support is an optional feature of Express Server. You must make sure that your
instance of Express Server has been configured for the type of SQL connection that
you plan to use, either ODBC or OCI.

9-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Configuring Express Server

Verification methods
You can verify the configuration in the following ways:
■ Open an interactive session with Express Server and issue the following
show sql.dbmslist
This variable identifies the available types of SQL support.
■ Open an interactive session with Express Server and issue the following
show eversion
Check the resulting list of modules.
■ Open Instance Manager and examine the list of modules for your instance of
Express Server.

Required modules
Express Server must have the following modules in its module list.

IF you are using . . . THEN Express Server must be configured with . . .

OCI, ■ SQL Out module xssqlout
■ Direct Oracle Call Interface module xsoci
ODBC, ■ SQL Out module xssqlout
■ ODBC module xsodbc

Related information
For information about the SQL.DBMSLIST and EVERSION options, search the
Express Language Help system for these topics.
For information about configuring Express Server, search the Instance Manager
Help system for the following topic: “Providing SQL Support.”

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-7

Setting Environment Variables

Setting Environment Variables

Startup scripts
The environment variables that are used by Express are set by a Shell script named
$OLAP_HOME/express.prm. This script is run by the startup script for Express
Server. The express.prm script ensures that whenever Express Server is running,
the environment variables are set correctly.

OCI requirements
The following environment variables must be set for Express to establish OCI
connections to an Oracle relational database.

Environment Variable Setting

ORACLE_HOME The Oracle home directory that was identified during the
installation of Express Server. Refer to the note below for
additional information.
ORA_NLS33 The directory path where the Required Support Files installed
with Express Server are located.
TWO_TASK The database alias of the Oracle8 or Oracle7 service that you
want to be the default for users if they do not specify a service
in their Express SQL CONNECT command.
ORACLE_SID The database alias of the Oracle8 or Oracle7 service that is
running on the same system as Express. This value is used to
identify the default service only if TWO_TASK is not set.

Note: If you have installed a number of different Oracle products, then your system
might have more than one directory defined as ORACLE_HOME. Ensure that
$ORACLE_HOME is defined in express.prm as the Oracle home directory of
Express Server. Additional information about multiple Oracle homes is located in
“Choosing an Oracle Home” on page 2-5.

Variable settings required by MERANT drivers

The MERANT ODBC drivers require several environment variable settings in order
to work. The environment variables that are required by all MERANT drivers are
set automatically. However, you might need to set additional environment variables
for the specific type of relational database you want to access.

9-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Setting Up Oracle Communications

RDBMS-specific variables
For information about additional environment variables that must be set for your
relational database, refer to MERANT DataDirect ODBC Drivers Help in the chapter
on the particular driver you are configuring. The MERANT manual is provided as
an Acrobat file on the installation disk for Express Server. It is also installed with
the ODBC drivers as $OLAP_HOME/odbc/doc/odbchelp.pdf.
For example, the “Sybase Drivers” chapter describes the appropriate setting for the
SYBASE environment variable.

General-use environment variable settings

The following table identifies the environment variables and settings that are
required by all MERANT ODBC drivers. In an actual installation, $ODBCHOME is
replaced by the real path.

Environment Variable Setting

IV_GLS_REGISTRY $ODBCHOME/gls/cm3/registry

Library path setting

You must also modify the library search path, which on Solaris is stored in the

Setting Up Oracle Communications

To communicate with an Oracle relational database, you must set up a Net8
Net8 is the communications software that is used by Oracle relational database
management systems. It is provided on the installation media with Oracle relational
server and client products.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-9

Setting Up Oracle Communications

If you are accessing a non-Oracle relational database, then you will need to perform
equivalent procedures to the ones described here, using the communications
interface that is provided for that product.

Net8 requirements
You must have installed Net8 on the same machine where Express Server is
installed. Typical and Complete installations of Express Server include Net8.
Express Server uses this installation of Net8 client, regardless of whether there are
other versions installed on your computer.
Net8 has both a server component and a client component. The Net8 client installed
with Express Server should be able to run with whatever version of the server
component is installed on your Oracle8 or Oracle7 host computer. Do not install
another version of Net8 client in the Oracle home used by Express Server, because
you will get unpredictable results.

Definition: Database alias

Express Server must have access to the following information about the target
Oracle relational database:
■ Communications protocol
■ Host name
■ Database instance
This collection of information is given a name at the time it is defined so that you
can refer to it easily. This name is the database alias, also called the connect string or
server name.
For example, if you want to connect to an Oracle8 database on a separate Unix
machine, then you might use a previously defined database alias named
UnixSalesDB that specifies tcp protocol, Unix3 host, and orcl database

Defining a database alias

Typically, the system administrator for your server machine will define all database
aliases. This information is stored in a file named tnsnames.ora. This file might
be located in a directory such as /home/oracle/network/admin.

9-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Selecting and Installing an ODBC Driver

You can use the Oracle Net8 Easy Configuration utility to modify tnsnames.ora.
Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the Easy Configuration utility instead
of editing tnsnames.ora directly.
If you have another installation of Net8 and want to use previously defined
database aliases, then copy tnsnames.ora to the Oracle home used by Express
Server. Then, be sure to use the version of the Oracle Net8 Easy Configuration
utility located in the Oracle home for Express Server.
For information about Oracle home, refer to “Choosing an Oracle Home” on page

Accessing default and non-default databases

Express Server uses a database alias to connect to an Oracle relational database. You
do not need to specify the database alias if you want to connect to the default
database on the same machine as Express Server.
To connect to a database other than the default database, you must specify the
database alias.

IF you are using . . . THEN specify the database alias in the . . .

OCI, Express SQL CONNECT statement or application-specific
dialog box.
ODBC, definition of the ODBC data source.

Selecting and Installing an ODBC Driver

Your satisfaction with your ODBC connection is greatly influenced by your choice
of driver. Some drivers are supplied by the database vendor, while others are
supplied by third-party vendors. Different vendors might provide drivers for the
same relational database management system that offer very different levels of
speed, reliability, and conformance with ODBC conventions.

Recommended drivers
ODBC support in Express Server is developed and tested using MERANT
DataDirect ODBC drivers. Remember that you should use an OCI connection
instead of ODBC when you are connecting to an Oracle relational database.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-11

Selecting and Installing an ODBC Driver

Installing ODBC drivers

An ODBC driver must be installed on the computer on which Express Server is
running. Express Server cannot use drivers that are installed on a client PC.
For Unix, you install the MERANT drivers automatically along with Express Server
when you specify ODBC support.
If you want to use different drivers, then contact the vendor for installation

Requirements for selecting a driver

The following information is provided in the event that you want to use a driver
that is not specifically recommended for use with Express Server. It will alert you to
the issues surrounding your selection.
ODBC drivers for use with Express Server 6 must have been compiled with ODBC
2.5 or later. Earlier versions of ODBC for Windows systems cannot define SYSTEM
data sources, which are required by Express Server.
You can measure the level of support that is provided by a driver by its tier and
conformance level. For specific information about a particular driver, refer to its

Multiple- and single-tier drivers

Different types of relational databases can support multiple-tier or single-tier
■ Multiple-tier drivers — An ODBC driver for a true RDBMS (such as Oracle8,
Sybase, and Informix) is called a multiple-tier driver because it passes the SQL
commands to the RDBMS for processing. You should be able to issue any
standard SQL statement from Express to the RDBMS.
■ Single-tier drivers — A spreadsheet program like Excel does not use SQL
internally, so its driver must translate SQL statements into file operations. This
type of single-tier driver is often limited in the types of operations it can do. For
example, a single-tier driver can execute SQL statements for reading data from
a spreadsheet, but it might not be able to write data to the spreadsheet.

9-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Selecting and Installing an ODBC Driver

Levels of conformance
Different drivers for the same relational database can vary significantly in their level
of conformance with the ODBC conventions. There are two areas in which the level
of conformance can be measured:
■ ODBC SQL grammar and data types
Within these two areas, the level of conformance can impose restrictions on the
types of SQL statements and syntax that you can use in communicating with a
relational database. When evaluating the suitability of a particular driver, you must
look at the driver’s conformance level in both areas.

Express product requirements

The ODBC driver that you install on your server platform must have an adequate
level of conformance for all Express client applications that are used at your
installation. Express client products lose functionality, and might not work at all, if
communications with the relational database are hindered by an ODBC driver with
an inadequate compliance level.
The following table identifies the minimum required compliance levels for Express

Product ODBC API SQL Grammar

Oracle Express Objects Level 1 Core
Oracle Sales Analyzer Level 1 Core
Oracle Express Administrator Level 2 Core
Relational Access Administrator Level 1 Core
Relational Access Manager Level 1 Core

Related information
For more information about ODBC, refer to the Microsoft ODBC Programmer’s
Reference and SDK Guide.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-13

Providing ODBC Support

Providing ODBC Support

Steps for installation and configuration

On a Unix system, you must install and configure ODBC drivers in the following
1. Install the ODBC drivers during installation of Express Server.
2. Set the appropriate environment variables.
3. Define your data sources in the odbc.ini file.

Installing ODBC drivers on Unix

When you install Express Server, you have the option of installing ODBC support.
If you choose this option, then MERANT DataDirect ODBC drivers, driver manager,
and supporting files are automatically installed in your $OLAP_HOME/odbc
The MERANT drivers have been “branded” for use only with Express Server. You
cannot use them with any other application.

Supported databases
Drivers are provided for the following types of databases:
SQL Server

Oracle ODBC drivers

If you are connecting to an Oracle relational database, then be sure to use an OCI
connection instead of ODBC. The Oracle ODBC driver is simply part of the
MERANT driver package.

9-14 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Defining ODBC Data Sources

However, if some peculiarity in your installation requires you to use an ODBC

driver, then you must take the following steps.
1. Copy for Oracle8 or for Oracle7 from
$OLAP_HOME/odbc/lib to $ORACLE_HOME/lib.
Note: Refer to the information in this chapter about OLAP_HOME and
2. Change the access rights of this file by using a command such as the following.
chmod 755

Defining ODBC Data Sources

Using the initialization file

If you have used ODBC before on a Windows platform, then you are familiar with
ODBC Administrator, which you use to define a data source. There is no equivalent
ODBC Administrator on Unix. Instead, you define a data source by editing the
following initialization file.
This file is provided as a template, with the initialization information for each type
of ODBC driver. You must substitute site-specific information for the template’s
place holders for data sources that you are supporting, and delete information
about data sources that you are not supporting.

Requirements for editing odbc.ini

To edit odbc.ini, you must be logged in as the owner of the $ORACLE_HOME
If you are changing odbc.ini for a “production” installation, then you should take
care when editing the file so that you are not editing it when users are trying to
connect to an ODBC data source. You can do either of the following:
■ Stop Express Server.
■ Edit a copy of odbc.ini, then rename it as odbc.ini when you are done.
Then the file is only in a state of flux for the moment when you are renaming it,
not for the entire editing session.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-15

Defining ODBC Data Sources

Before editing odbc.ini for the first time, make a backup copy using a command
such as this one.
cp odbc.ini odbc.bak
You can modify odbc.ini using any text editor, such as vi or emacs.

Structure of odbc.ini
The odbc.ini file initially contains the following section labels. Note that in this
sample file, there is a label for each type of data source. When you are through
editing the file, there should be a label for each defined data source.
[ODBC Data Sources]

Summary of changes to odbc.ini

To properly configure your ODBC data sources, you must do the following:
■ Edit [ODBC Data Sources] and one or more sections that correspond to the data
sources you want to support.
■ Delete sections for unsupported data sources.
Instructions and examples for performing these steps follow.

Editing the [ODBC Data Sources] section of odbc.ini

The [ODBC Data Sources] section provides the list of ODBC data sources that
Express Server returns in response to a show odbc.sourcelist command. You
must delete the settings for unsupported data sources, so that only configured data
sources appear in the list.

9-16 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Defining ODBC Data Sources

The following is an example of how this section initially looks.

[ODBC Data Sources]
[dBase=MERANT 3.60 dBase Driver]
[Sybase=MERANT 3.60 Sybase Driver]
[Sybase11=MERANT 3.60 Sybase 11 Driver]
[Oracle7=MERANT 3.60 Oracle 7 Driver]
[Oracle8=MERANT 3.60 Oracle 8 Driver]
[Informix=MERANT 3.60 Informix Driver]
[OpenIngres=MERANT 3.60 OpenIngres 1.2 Driver]
[OpenIngres20=MERANT 3.60 OpenIngres 2.0 Driver]
[DB2=MERANT 3.60 DB2 Driver]
[UDB2=MERANT 3.60 UDB DB2 Driver]
[Text=MERANT 3.60 Text Driver]
[MS_SQLServer7=MERANT SQLServer driver]
Names in the [ODBC Data Sources] section must exactly match the section labels
that follow in the file. For example, instead of Sybase, you could have a data
source named Sybase10. You would change Sybase to Sybase10 both in the
[ODBC Data Sources] section and in the section label.
When creating your own data source name, be sure that it does not contain the
following characters:
Any text after the equal sign (=) trailing the data source name is ignored, so you can
add comments on these lines if you desire.
For example, if you are configuring ODBC drivers only for access to Sybase
databases, then you might edit this section so it looks like this.
[ODBC Data Sources]
Sybase11=Sybase11 on ThisMachine
Sybase10=Sybase10 on OurOtherMachine

Editing a database-specific section of odbc.ini

To define a particular data source, you must edit the section of odbc.ini that
corresponds to the database you want to access. Each database has its own roster of
settings that are required for gaining access.
The following is an example of the initial [Sybase] section.

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-17

Defining ODBC Data Sources

Be sure that each section label matches an entry in the [ODBC Data Sources] section.
For example, if you created entries in that section for Sybase11 and Sybase10, you
make entries as shown here.
Description=Sybase10 on OurOtherMachine
Description=Sybase11 on ThisMachine
Do not change the Driver setting. During installation, ODBCHOME is defined in the
file so that its value accurately identifies the location of the driver. (ODBCHOME is
defined as $ORACLE_HOME/odbc.)
All of the other settings are provided only as examples of the values you might
provide. For information about providing the correct values for these settings, refer
to MERANT DataDirect ODBC Drivers Help under the chapter on the particular
driver you are configuring.
Note: Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not provide values for the
LogonID and Password settings. Providing this information in a text file
compromises the security of your relational database. In most cases, Express Server
requires this information at connect time, regardless of whether or not it is provided
in odbc.ini.

9-18 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Testing Your Configuration

Deleting unconfigured sections of odbc.ini

You can delete sections of odbc.ini for unsupported databases. For example, if
you are only configuring Sybase10 and Sybase11 data sources, then your file only
needs the following sections.
[ODBC Data Sources]

Testing Your Configuration

To make sure that your communications are set up correctly, you must open
communications with the relational database. Express does not test the
configuration until it receives a SQL CONNECT command.
You can use the facilities of the Express client software you are using or issue
Express commands, as shown in the following examples. Refer to the SQL
command entry in the Express Language Help system for additional syntax options.

Example: OCI connection

The following are sample Express commands that you might use to connect to an
Oracle8 database. In this example, “scott” is the user ID and “tiger” is the password
for access to Oracle8.
sql.dbms = ’oracle’
sqlmessages = yes
sql connect ’scott’ identified by ’tiger’

Example: ODBC connection

The following are sample Express commands that you might use to connect to a
Sybase database. In this example, “mary” is the user ID and “sunshine” is the
password for access to Sybase.
sql.dbms = ’odbc’
sqlmessages = yes
odbc.source = ’Sybase11’
sql connect mary identified by sunshine

Supporting Access to Relational Databases 9-19

Testing Your Configuration

9-20 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Supporting Single-Byte Character

Chapter summary
This chapter explains how to configure Express services to translate single-byte
character data between formats that are used by external data sources and the
format that is used internally by Express.

List of topics
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Understanding Character Sets
■ When to Configure Your System
■ How to Configure Your System
■ Determining the Character Sets
■ Creating Translation Tables
■ Instructing Express to Use the Tables
■ Sample Translation Tables

Understanding Character Sets

Character sets and code pages

A character set is an ordered set of characters in which a numeric index (called a
code point value) is associated with each character that is needed to represent a

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-1

Understanding Character Sets

language or set of languages. Computer systems use character sets to define an

internal format for representing data.
The composition of a given character set depends on the language and operating
environment. For example, French character sets contain accented characters that
are not available in Czech character sets. Moreover, the French character set for
Windows differs from the French character set for Unix.
The character set that is specific to a language and operating system is sometimes
called a code page.

ASCII character sets

ASCII and EBCDIC are two general types of character sets. Many of the same
characters are represented in ASCII and EBCDIC, but in different locations within
the table.
Two common types of ASCII character sets are OEM and ANSI. There are
approximately 10 different ANSI code pages.

High ASCII characters

In the ASCII character set, the decimal codes between 32 and 127 are relatively
standard. However, in most ASCII code pages, characters with codes above 127 are
non-standard. Foreign characters, such as the British pound sterling symbol and the
German umlaut, are typically represented in this range. ASCII characters with codes
above 127 are often called high ASCII characters.

Code page identifiers

System-specific character sets, or code pages, are identified with numbers. For
example, OEM code page 437 corresponds to “MS-DOS Latin U.S.” and OEM code
page 850 corresponds to “MS-DOS Latin 1.”

10-2 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
When to Configure Your System

When to Configure Your System

Whether or not you need to configure Express services for single-byte character
translation depends on how the services will be used. For each Express service, you
will need to consider such questions as:
■ Will clients connect using SNAPI, XCA, or the Web?
■ On what platforms will clients run?
■ Will clients load data into Express from relational databases? Where will the
relational databases reside?
■ Will clients load data into Express from files? Where will the files reside?

Internal character set

Express Server uses an ANSI character set. The specific ANSI code page that is used
by your Express Server installation depends on the host platform and the language
of the installation.

External character set

When Express Server reads data from an external data source, that data might be
based on a different character set than the one being used by Express.
Similarly, Express Server might write data based on its own internal character set to
an external data source that uses a different character set.

When translation is needed

Different internal and external character sets can cause problems with displaying
Data display problems are apt to occur in situations where the mechanism you use
for viewing Express data is not the same mechanism that was used for loading the
data into Express.
For example, if you load data into Express Server from an Oracle RDBMS, and then
use a client product such as Oracle Express Analyzer to view the data, then you
might see several meaningless characters in the output. Characters such as pound
sterling characters in the RDBMS might be displayed as boxes or question marks in

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-3

When to Configure Your System

Express Analyzer. When you start up the Oracle RDBMS and view the original
data, the Pound Sterling characters are properly displayed.
This situation does not signal loss of data or database corruption. Rather, it is a
symptom of different internal and external character sets.

When translation is not needed

If you use the same mechanism for loading and displaying Express data, then
differences between external and internal code pages do not cause a problem, and
you do not need to perform any special configuration.
For example, Personal Express running on Windows 98 and Express Server running
on Solaris use different character sets. However, if these two processes are partner
sessions in an XCA dialog, and Personal Express loads data into Express Server and
displays the data on the Windows desktop, then the data should be displayed
You also do not need to perform any special configuration when you use the
CHARSET option to specify the character set that Express should use when
translating multi-byte characters for your session. For more information on using
the CHARSET option, see the topic for the option in Express Language Help.

Single-byte character data

If your system is based on single-byte character data, rather than on multibyte
character data, then you can configure your Express services to perform the proper
translation between character sets. Proper translation enables Express data to
display according to its original format.
Note: Character translation is not an issue for most DBCS languages, because the
conflict in code pages happens less frequently.

10-4 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
How to Configure Your System

How to Configure Your System

I/O mechanisms in Express

Express services can use the following input/output mechanisms to transfer data to
and from external data sources.

I/O Description Data
File I/O Express commands, such as FILEREAD, INFILE File
EIF operations Express IMPORT and EXPORT commands EIF file
XCA XCA communications Partner
SNAPI SNAPI communications Windows
SQL Express SQL command RDBMS

Translation tables and I/O mechanisms

You can configure Express services to use a pair of translation tables for all
single-byte data that is exchanged using a given I/O mechanism. The pair consists
of one translation table for inbound data and one translation table for outbound
The translation table pairs for each I/O mechanism are specified in the Locale sheet
of Instance Manager.

I/O Mechanism Translation Tables Specified in

File I/O (FILEREAD, INFILE, and so on) DefaultFileTranslateTable
EIF operations (IMPORT, EXPORT) DefaultEIFTranslateTable
XCA DefaultXCATranslateTable
SNAPI DefaultSNAPITranslateTable
SQL DefaultSQLTranslateTable

Additionally, you can specify translation tables for upper- and lowercase letters in
the DefaultCaseTranslateTable setting.

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-5

How to Configure Your System

Note: With the single exception of the DefaultCharacterSet setting, all the settings in
the Locale sheet of Instance Manager are for specifying single-byte character
translation tables. The DefaultCharacterSet setting is for systems based on multibyte
characters only.

Building the tables

No translation tables are provided with Express Server. You will need to design and
build the translation tables that are required by the various client applications using
Express services.
Once you have set up the tables and configured an Express service to use them, the
translation process will operate transparently to the end-user.
Later in this chapter, you will find sample translation tables that you may adapt for
your own purposes.

Overview: Basic Steps

The following list identifies the basic steps for configuring an Express service to
support single-byte character translation. These steps are described in detail in the
sections that follow.
1. Determine how the user community will use this service.
2. Identify the internal character set that is being used by Express Server.
3. Identify the external character set that will be generally used for each type of
I/O activity.
4. Design a pair of translation tables for each type of I/O activity.
5. With a tool such as Administrator, use Express language commands to create
the translation tables within express.db.
6. Identify the translation tables in the settings in the Locale sheet of Instance
7. Determine if your user community will require additional tables (other than the
defaults you have just created and specified).
8. Create additional tables as needed. Notify the user community of their
identifiers, so that they can specify them with Express language commands.

10-6 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Determining the Character Sets

Determining the Character Sets

Internal and external character set

Incoming data must be translated from its external form into the internal form that
is used by Express Server. Outgoing data must be translated from the internal form
that is used by Express Server to the appropriate external form.
■ The internal character set is the one used by Express Server.
■ The external character set is the one used by the outside source or destination.
For example, when Express Server reads data from a text file, the external
character set is the one that is used by the operating system in which the file
was created.

Procedure: Determine the internal character set

Express Server uses the ANSI character set that is specific to your Unix platform. To
determine which ANSI character set is being used by Express Server, you should
consult your system documentation.
If you cannot locate this information in the documentation, then use the following
1. Using a tool such as Administrator, create an Express program that displays a
list of characters. A sample program is shown below.
2. Run the program, using the OUTFILE command to send the output of the
program to a text file.
3. To see the ANSI version of the characters, view the text file in an ANSI viewer,
such as Windows Notepad.

Program that displays a list of characters

The following Express program displays the characters from 32 to 255.
variable _i integer
variable _hexdigit text
variable _hexvalue text
_hexdigit = ’0123456789ABCDEF’
_i = 32
while _i lt 256

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-7

Creating Translation Tables

_hexvalue = extchars(_hexdigit, intpart(_i / 16) + 1, 1)
_hexvalue = joinchars(_hexvalue, extchars(_hexdigit, -
rem(_i, 16) + 1, 1))
show joinchars(’glyph for byte value \\x’ _hexvalue -
’ = ’ convert(_i byte))
_i = _i + 1

Determine the external character set

Express Server has five input and output mechanisms that translate between the
internal and external character sets. The following table identifies the external
character set for each mechanism.

I/O Type External Character set

File I/O Character set used by the operating system that created the file.
EIF operations Character set used by the Express process that created the EIF file.
XCA Character set used by the partner session.
SNAPI Character set used by the Windows client system.
SQL Character set used by the RDBMS.

Creating Translation Tables

What is a translation table?

A translation table is a table with 256 cells. Express uses a translation table to locate
incoming characters within its own internal character set. Express uses another
translation table to locate outgoing characters within the external character set.
For each character in the source character set, Express looks in the corresponding
location in the translation table. At that location is an index into the destination
character set.
For incoming data, the source is the external character set, and the destination is the
internal character set. For outgoing data, the source is the internal character set, and
the destination is the external character set.

10-8 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Creating Translation Tables

What is a pair of translation tables?

You must create a pair of translation tables for each I/O mechanism that requires
single-byte character translation.
The first translation table tells Express how to convert inbound data from the
external character set to the internal character set. The second translation table tells
Express how to convert outbound data from the internal character set to the
external character set.

Where are translation tables stored?

You store each pair of translation tables in the _XLTABLE variable of the
express.db file.
The _XLTABLE variable is dimensioned by the _XLTID dimension. Before creating
each pair of tables, choose a unique identifier for them. Specify that identifier as a
new value of the _XLTID dimension.
The identifier in the _XLTID dimension is the same identifier you specify for the
parameter settings in the Locale sheet of Instance Manager. For example, if the
OEMANSI value in the _XLTID dimension identifies a pair of tables for converting
data to and from files, then you would specify OEMANSI as the value of the
DefaultFileTranslateTable setting.

How are translation tables organized?

Each dimensioned value of the _XLTABLE variable consists of a two-line TEXT
value. Each line is 256 bytes long.
The first line is the table that Express will use to translate inbound data, and the
second line is the table that Express will use to translate outbound data.

Translation tables for upper- and lowercase conversion

You can specify a pair of translation tables to convert letters between upper- and
In this situation, the first table specifies the lowercase to uppercase conversion, and
the second table specifies the uppercase to lowercase conversion.

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-9

Creating Translation Tables

Example: Translation table commands

The following Express commands show how to store a pair of translation tables
called OEMANSI.
maintain _xltid add ’OEMANSI’
_xltable(_xltid ’OEMANSI’) = joinlines(-
This pair of translation tables was created on an American PC running US Windows
NT Version 4.0. The pair has the following characteristics:
■ The external character set is OEM.

10-10 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Creating Translation Tables

■ The internal character set is ANSI.

■ The first translation table tells Express what characters to use when accepting
incoming characters (from OEM to ANSI). This is an inbound table in which
each cell holds an index into the internal character set.
■ The second translation table tells Express what characters to use when creating
output characters (from ANSI to OEM). This is an outbound table in which each
cell holds an index into the external character set.

Procedure: Writing translation tables

The following procedure describes how to create the contents of the translation
1. Obtain hard-copy listings of the internal and external character sets for this type
of I/O activity.
2. Manually label the external character set as “external,” and label the internal
character set as “internal.”
3. On two blank sheets of paper, create empty grids that contain 17 rows and 17
columns each.
4. Label the grid for the incoming data as the “inbound translation table,” and
label the grid for the outgoing data as the “outbound translation table.”
5. For each of the blank tables, write the characters 0–9 and A–F along the top row
and down the first column. The following figure shows a portion of one of the

6. In the external character set, locate the character in the first cell and note its
hexadecimal position, which always begins with the letter “x,” such as x00.

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-11

Creating Translation Tables

The following figure shows the at symbol (@) at position x00 in the external
character set.

7. In the internal character set, locate the corresponding character and note its
hexadecimal position, such as xE1.
The following figure shows the at symbol (@) at position xE1 in the internal
character set.

8. In the inbound translation table, find the cell that corresponds to the position
you noted in Step 6 and write the position from Step 7. For example, in cell 00 of
the inbound table, write xE1.

10-12 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Creating Translation Tables

The following figure illustrates this correspondence.

9. In the outbound translation table, find the cell that corresponds to the position
you noted in Step 7 and write the position from Step 6. For example, in cell E1
of the outbound table, write x00.
The following figure illustrates this correspondence.

10. Repeat Steps 6 through 9 for each character in the external character set.

Tips: For some characters in the external character set, you might not find
exactly the same character in the internal character set. In such cases, select a
character in the internal character set that can be a substitute for the character in
the external character set.
Generally, the outbound table should be an exact “inverse” of the inbound
table, so that characters that are brought into Express and then are written out
again are unchanged by this “round-trip.”

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-13

Creating Translation Tables

Procedure: Storing translation tables in Express

The following procedure shows how you could enter the tables you have written by
hand into express.db. This procedure uses the sample identifier “XFRENCH” for
the translation tables.
1. Using a tool such as Administrator, create a personal database (mydb.db).
Within the database, define an Express program (myprog).
2. Within the program, specify the command that assigns the values of your two
translation tables to the _XLTABLE variable. Specify the inbound table first.
_xltable(_xltid ’XFRENCH’) = joinlines(-
’\x00\x01\x02\x03 . . .
’\x00\x01\x02\x03 . . .
3. Exit Administrator.
4. In a text editor, create the following script of Express commands.
maintain _xltid add ‘xfrench’
dtb attach mydb
Save these commands in a text file (myfile).
5. Stop the Express service.
6. Make a backup copy of express.db.
7. Using operating system commands, make theexpress.dbfile read/write.
8. In Instance Manager, click Instance for this service, then select the State tab.
Specify the following startup parameters.
rw express infile myfile
9. Start the Express service.

10-14 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Instructing Express to Use the Tables

10. Use Administrator or the Connection Utility to validate the values of _XLTID
11. Stop the Express service.

12. Using operating system commands, make the express.db file read-only.

13. Restart the Express service.

Instructing Express to Use the Tables

Defining multiple translation tables

You can define any number of translation table pairs and store them in
express.db. Express can use any one of the following mechanisms to determine
which, if any, of these tables to use for a given I/O activity:
■ Service-specific default — The tables that are specified for this I/O type in the
service configuration.
■ Session-specific default — The tables that are specified in the session for this
I/O type.
■ Command-specific default — The tables that are specified in an individual
Express command.

The system defaults

Once you have defined your translation tables and stored them in Express, you can
store the table identifiers in the Locale parameters of Instance Manager.
These tables become the default translation tables for the service.

The _XLTID options

Individual Express sessions can set options in the Express language to override the
system defaults during the session. The initial value of each option is derived from
its corresponding setting in Instance Manager.

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-15

Instructing Express to Use the Tables

The Express options and parameter settings are listed below.

Express Option Parameter Setting

_XLTCASE DefaultCaseTranslateTable
_XLTEIF DefaultEIFTranslateTable
_XLTFILE DefaultFileTranslateTable
_XLTAPI DefaultSNAPITranslateTable
_XLTSQL DefaultSQLTranslateTable
_XLTXCA DefaultXCATranslateTable

Express language commands

Three Express language commands have arguments that specify the name of a pair
of translation tables to use with that command. Tables that are specified in this way
are used for the specific activity that is controlled by the command; they
temporarily override any _XLT options that might be in effect for the session, which
in turn override any system defaults that are specified in the service configuration.
The Express language commands that can specify their own translation tables are
listed below.

Command Argument Purpose

COMSET XLTTABLE Specifies a pair of translation tables to be used during an
XCA dialog.
FILESET XLTTABLE Specifies a pair of translation tables to be used when
reading from or writing to a given file.
INFILE XLTTABLE Specifies a pair of translation tables to be used when
reading from a given infile.

Which settings or commands should I use?

The table below shows which translation tables can be used for various I/O
activities within Express. Each Express session uses the translation tables that are
specified by the _XLT options. By default, the _XLT options identify the tables that
the service is configured to use. However, users can reset the _XLT options to
identify different translation tables for this session. If an individual Express
command specifies its own translation tables, then Express uses it instead of the
default tables for the session.

10-16 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Instructing Express to Use the Tables

The following table shows how translation tables may be specified for various I/O
activities within Express.

Express I/O Service Default Default Command
SQL DefaultSQLTranslateTable _XLTSQL
SNAPI DefaultSNAPITranslateTable _XLTAPI
EIF Pipeline in XCA DefaultEIFTranslateTable _XLTEIF COMSET
Text file in XCA DefaultFileTranslateTable _XLTFILE
Input from XCA DefaultXCATranslateTable _XLTXCA COMSET
Input from XCA DefaultXCATranslateTable _XLTXCA COMSET
so on
EIF files with IMPORT DefaultEIFTranslateTable _XLTEIF
DIF or PRN files with DefaultFileTranslateTable _XLTFILE
DIF files with EXPORT DefaultFileTranslateTable _XLTFILE

Note: The Express IMPORT and EXPORT commands never use translation tables
when used with the following types of worksheet files: WKS, WK1, WRK, or WR1.

Related information
For more information about identifying translation tables for Express Server, search
the Instance Manager Help system for parameters on the Locale sheet.
For more information about identifying translation tables for individual Express
sessions, see the Express Language Help system.

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-17

Sample Translation Tables

Sample Translation Tables

The sample translation table pairs provided in this section are not intended as
complete solutions. You may refer to them as models and adapt them as needed.

This pair of tables is the reverse of OEMANSI (shown earlier in this chapter).
if not isvalue(_xltid ’ANSIOEM’)
then maintain _xltid add ’ANSIOEM’
_xltable(_xltid ’ANSIOEM’) = joinlines(-
joinchars( -
joinchars( -

10-18 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Sample Translation Tables

if not isvalue(_xltid ’THIN2PND’)
then maintain _xltid add ’THIN2PND’
_xltable(_xltid ’THIN2PND’) = joinlines(-
joinchars( -
joinchars( -

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-19

Sample Translation Tables

This is an invisible map. It simply puts the character 65 to 65, 66 to 66, and so on. It
is not useful in itself, but it might be handy as a template for creating other tables.

if not isvalue(_xltid ’STRAIGHT’)

then maintain _xltid add ’STRAIGHT’
_xltable(_xltid ’STRAIGHT’) = joinlines(-
joinchars( -
’\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F’ -
’\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F’ -
’\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2A\x2B\x2C\x2D\x2E\x2F’ -
’\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3A\x3B\x3C\x3D\x3E\x3F’ -
’\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F’ -
’\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5A\x5B\x5C\x5D\x5E\x5F’ -
’\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6A\x6B\x6C\x6D\x6E\x6F’ -
’\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7A\x7B\x7C\x7D\x7E\x7F’ -
’\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8A\x8B\x8C\x8D\x8E\x8F’ -
’\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9A\x9B\x9C\x9D\x9E\x9F’ -
’\xA0\xA1\xA2\xA3\xA4\xA5\xA6\xA7\xA8\xA9\xAA\xAB\xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF’ -
’\xB0\xB1\xB2\xB3\xB4\xB5\xB6\xB7\xB8\xB9\xBA\xBB\xBC\xBD\xBE\xBF’ -
’\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF’ -
’\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD7\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF’ -
’\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF’ -
’\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF’ -
) joinchars (-
’\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F’ -
’\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F’ -
’\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2A\x2B\x2C\x2D\x2E\x2F’ -
’\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3A\x3B\x3C\x3D\x3E\x3F’ -
’\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F’ -
’\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5A\x5B\x5C\x5D\x5E\x5F’ -
’\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6A\x6B\x6C\x6D\x6E\x6F’ -
’\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7A\x7B\x7C\x7D\x7E\x7F’ -
’\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8A\x8B\x8C\x8D\x8E\x8F’ -
’\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9A\x9B\x9C\x9D\x9E\x9F’ -
’\xA0\xA1\xA2\xA3\xA4\xA5\xA6\xA7\xA8\xA9\xAA\xAB\xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF’ -
’\xB0\xB1\xB2\xB3\xB4\xB5\xB6\xB7\xB8\xB9\xBA\xBB\xBC\xBD\xBE\xBF’ -
’\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF’ -
’\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD7\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF’ -
’\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF’ -
’\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF’ -

10-20 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Sample Translation Tables

These translation tables are similar to STRAIGHT, but they map both the internal
character codes 9C and A3 to external character code 9C.

if not isvalue(_xltid ’THIK2PND’)

then maintain _xltid add ’THIK2PND’
_xltable(_xltid ’THIK2PND’) = joinlines(-
joinchars( -
’\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F’ -
’\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F’ -
’\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2A\x2B\x2C\x2D\x2E\x2F’ -
’\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3A\x3B\x3C\x3D\x3E\x3F’ -
’\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F’ -
’\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5A\x5B\x5C\x5D\x5E\x5F’ -
’\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6A\x6B\x6C\x6D\x6E\x6F’ -
’\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7A\x7B\x7C\x7D\x7E\x7F’ -
’\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8A\x8B\x8C\x8D\x8E\x8F’ -
’\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9A\x9B\x9C\x9D\x9E\x9F’ -
’\xA0\xA1\xA2\xA3\xA4\xA5\xA6\xA7\xA8\xA9\xAA\xAB\xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF’ -
’\xB0\xB1\xB2\xB3\xB4\xB5\xB6\xB7\xB8\xB9\xBA\xBB\xBC\xBD\xBE\xBF’ -
’\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF’ -
’\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD7\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF’ -
’\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF’ -
’\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF’ -
) joinchars (-
’\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F’ -
’\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F’ -
’\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2A\x2B\x2C\x2D\x2E\x2F’ -
’\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3A\x3B\x3C\x3D\x3E\x3F’ -
’\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4A\x4B\x4C\x4D\x4E\x4F’ -
’\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5A\x5B\x5C\x5D\x5E\x5F’ -
’\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6A\x6B\x6C\x6D\x6E\x6F’ -
’\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7A\x7B\x7C\x7D\x7E\x7F’ -
’\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8A\x8B\x8C\x8D\x8E\x8F’ -
’\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9A\x9B\x9C\x9D\x9E\x9F’ -
’\xA0\xA1\xA2\x9C\xA4\xA5\xA6\xA7\xA8\xA9\xAA\xAB\xAC\xAD\xAE\xAF’ -
’\xB0\xB1\xB2\xB3\xB4\xB5\xB6\xB7\xB8\xB9\xBA\xBB\xBC\xBD\xBE\xBF’ -
’\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC6\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF’ -
’\xD0\xD1\xD2\xD3\xD4\xD5\xD6\xD7\xD8\xD9\xDA\xDB\xDC\xDD\xDE\xDF’ -
’\xE0\xE1\xE2\xE3\xE4\xE5\xE6\xE7\xE8\xE9\xEA\xEB\xEC\xED\xEE\xEF’ -
’\xF0\xF1\xF2\xF3\xF4\xF5\xF6\xF7\xF8\xF9\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF’ -

Supporting Single-Byte Character Translation 10-21

Sample Translation Tables

10-22 Oracle Express Server Installation and Configuration Guide for Sun SPARC Solaris
Symbols B
_XLTABLE variable, 10-9 backslash characters, 5-11
_XLTAPI option, 10-16 batch jobs, 5-2, 5-11, 5-14, 5-16
_XLTCASE option, 10-16 Batch Manager, 3-7, 3-11, 3-12, 5-16
_XLTEIF option, 10-16 bin directory, 3-7, 4-30
_XLTFILE option, 10-16 binding strings, 5-4 to 5-5
_XLTID dimension, 10-9 browsers
_XLTSQL option, 10-16 Instance Manager interface, 3-16
_XLTXCA option, 10-16 supported by Instance Manager, 4-4
btmxxx directory, 3-7
access rights
DBA User, 2-8, 7-4 cache, 8-8
file owner, 6-9, 7-4 Call Interface module, 3-9
ACLs (Access Control Lists), 6-9 to 6-11 character sets
Acrobat Reader, 2-2 ANSI, 10-2
administration utilities ASCII, 10-2
See also Command-Line Service Manager, Express configuration, 4-16
Command Processor, Instance Manager single-byte, 10-2, 10-4
file location, 3-8 translation, 10-3, 10-7
installing, 3-7 translation tables, 10-5, 10-6
ANSI character set, 10-2, 10-3 CHDIR command, 7-5
Application Event Log, 4-26 chmod command, 6-14
ASCII character set, 10-2 client support files, 3-8, 3-11
authentication, 6-4 clients, 1-3
authentication daemon, 1-6, 4-26, 6-7 See also Express clients
authorization code pages. See character sets
defined, 6-8 collector thread, 8-10
file-level, 6-11 CollectorThreadCount setting, 8-10
within Express, 6-9 command-line administration utilities. See
authorization daemon, 1-6, 4-26, 6-10, 7-4 administration utilities
Command-Line Service Manager

description, 5-2 DATABASE CREATE command, 7-2
file location, 3-8 database files
installing, 3-7 See also extension files, temporary files
libraries, 5-12 location, 7-5
running interactively, 5-6 owner, 7-4
syntax, 5-7 to 5-8 remote, 6-11
targeting a service, 5-4 to 5-5 search paths, 7-5
commands size, 7-2, 7-7
operating system, 4-15 types, 7-2
common directory, 3-8 database list, 7-3
communications transports databases
installing support, 3-9 defined, 7-1
specifying in a binding string, 5-5 files composing, 7-2
verifying, 4-11 pages, 8-9
complete installation, 3-6 paging performance, 8-6, 8-8
composites, 2-9 performance, 2-9
computer configuration, 2-1 sharing, 7-4
COMSET command, 10-16 upgrading, 2-9
configuration DBA User, 2-7, 2-8, 4-21, 6-7, 6-12
hardware requirements, 2-1 DBEXTENDPATH option, 7-6, 7-9
optional modules list, 3-9 DBSEARCHPATH option, 7-6
configuration agent, 1-7, 4-26 DBTEMPPATH option, 7-6
configuration parameters DBWAITTIME option, 7-5
changing, 4-13 to 4-17 Default User
database paging, 8-9 access rights, 2-8, 6-8
default settings, 4-14 defined, 2-7, 2-8
for improved performance, 8-7 to 8-12 password, 4-21
locating by task, 4-16 session identity, 6-6
connect string (SQL), 9-10 DefaultCaseTranslateTable setting, 10-16
connection options (SQL), 9-2 DefaultEIFTranslateTable setting, 10-5, 10-16
connections, 1-8 DefaultFileTranslateTable setting, 10-5, 10-16
See also SNAPI, XCA, Express Web Agent DefaultMode setting, 6-12
Corba Session Manager, 4-23 DefaultSNAPITranslateTable setting, 10-5, 10-16
crash recovery, 7-8 DefaultSQLTranslateTable setting, 10-5, 10-16
custom installation, 3-6, 3-8 to 3-12 DefaultXCATranslateTable setting, 10-5, 10-16
deinstalling, 2-10 to 2-11, 3-5
among components, 3-11
daemons, 3-7 among software products, 2-4
database access directory structure, 3-7
attach modes, 7-4 Discover Nodes option, 4-3
concurrent users, 8-8 disk assignments, 4-14
file modes, 6-12 to 6-13, 7-3 documentation, 2-2 to 2-3, 3-18, 4-6
database aliases, 3-15, 9-10
Database Connection module, 3-9

E targeting a service, 5-4 to 5-5
troubleshooting with event logs, 4-25
EBCDIC character set, 10-2 Express Server clients. See clients
EIF files, 2-9, 10-7
Express service environment
EIF operations, 10-5
components, 1-5
eim directory, 3-8 daemons, 1-5, 3-7 file, 3-17
initializing, 3-13 script, 4-3
log files, 4-25
environment variables, 9-8 managing, 3-12 to 3-13
escape characters, 5-11
overview, 1-5 to 1-7
esextend directory, 3-8
stopping, 2-10
estemp directory, 3-8 version check, 3-14
event log, 4-25, 5-15, 8-9
Express services
event messages, 4-26
creating, 4-27
EventLogPath setting, 4-25 default identifiers, 1-7
exception handling, 4-16
defined, 1-7
EXPORT command, 2-9
implemented in Unix, 1-5 to 1-7
Express Agent, 3-15, 4-3, 4-26 locating in Instance Manager, 4-29
Express Batch Manager. See Batch Manager
multiple instances, 4-14
Express Command Processor
targeting, 5-4 to 5-5
file location, 3-8 viewing lists, 4-8
installing, 3-7
Express SPL. See Express language
libraries, 5-12
Express Web Agent
running interactively, 5-9 configuration, 4-17
scheduling jobs in Oracle Enterprise described, 3-11, 3-12
Manager, 5-11
file location, 3-8
syntax, 5-10 Help system, 3-18
targeting a service, 5-4 to 5-5 installation dependencies, 2-4, 3-11
Express Connection Utility, 4-11
modules, 4-19
Express Instance Manager. See Instance Manager Express Web Publisher, 1-3, 3-8, 3-11, 3-12
Express language script, 4-30
command processing, 4-11
express.db database, 4-11, 7-6, 10-9
defined, 1-2 express.prm script, 3-15, 4-30, 9-8
Help system, 3-18 express.prm.old script, 3-15
scripts, 8-3 script, 2-11, 3-13, 3-15
security, 6-9 EXPTEMP database, 7-2, 7-7
Express modules. See specific modules EXTCALL objects, 3-9, 6-14
Express scripts. See scripts
extension files, 7-5, 7-9
Express Server location, 3-8
deinstalling, 2-10 removing, 2-11
installing, 3-2
ExtensionFilePath setting, 7-6, 7-9
sessions, 1-8 External Call Support module, 3-9
starting, 4-9 external function calls, 6-14
stopping, 2-11, 4-12

F installation
file locations, 3-7
failed connection error, 3-2 Oracle home, 2-5
failure to start, 4-11
prerequisites, 2-2
file I/O, 10-5
product choices, 2-3
file modes, 6-11, 6-12 user accounts, 4-21
See also access rights
installation options
FileOwner setting, 7-3
custom choices, 3-8
FILEQUERY function, 6-14 dependencies among products, 2-4
described, 3-6
disk assignments, 4-14
Oracle8 support files, 9-3
location, 3-7, 4-16 product descriptions, 2-3
FILESET command, 10-16
SQL support, 3-9, 9-3
FreePageHighCount setting, 8-6
installation procedures
FreePageLowCount setting, 8-6 administration utilities, 3-7
Express Server, 3-2
G Instance Manager, 3-4
starting Installer, 3-1
GLOBTEMP databases, 7-2
installation user, 2-7, 2-8
GPSBtreeMax setting, 8-12
GPSBTreeMiss setting, 8-12
incompatibilities, 2-10
installing, 3-7
H Oracle home support, 2-5
hardware requirements, 2-1 running, 3-1
help systems, 3-18, 4-6 Instance Manager
HOST security level, 6-6 basic usage, 4-2 to 4-9
described, 4-2
diagram of browser access, 3-16
I file location, 3-8
identifiers for services, 4-16 installation options, 2-3
identities installing, 3-4
default, 4-21 installing Web site support, 3-15 to 3-18
Web user, 6-5 navigation, 4-7
impersonation, 4-21 service discovery, 4-3, 4-29
IMPORT command, 2-9 starting from a browser, 4-3
INFILE command, 10-16 starting from Oracle Enterprise Manager, 4-31
Initial Session module, 3-9 starting from X Windows, 4-3
Initial Session. See Persistent Session startup properties, 4-4
initialization, 4-17 instances. See Express services
Initialize User Intersolv ODBC drivers, 9-3, 9-8
See also Persistent Session InvisibleEXPTEMP setting, 7-8
access rights, 2-8 I/O mechanisms, 10-5
default identity, 4-21 IV_GLS_LCDIR environment variable (SQL), 9-9
defined, 2-7 IV_GLS_REGISTRY environment variable
required privileges, 5-14 (SQL), 9-9

Java plug-ins, 3-17, 4-4 name factory mode, 3-13, 4-3, 4-30
JInitiator, 4-4 Net8 communications, 3-15, 9-9
job scheduling, 5-11 Netscape Navigator, 4-4
network transports, 5-5
node lists, 4-5
kernel messages, 4-26
L configuration diagram, 9-4
library search path, 9-9 definition, 9-2
localization, 4-16 installing support, 3-9, 9-3
log directory, 3-8 ODBC
log files, 3-8, 4-5, 4-7, 4-25 configuration diagram, 9-5
login identities, 6-5 definition, 9-2
installing support, 3-9, 9-3
M restrictions, 9-2
ODBC drivers
main database file, 7-2, 7-5 conformance levels, 9-13
malfunction recovery, 7-8 definition of tiers, 9-12
manual mode, 4-3, 4-29 environment variables, 9-8
manuals, 3-18 installation, 9-14
master daemon, 1-5, 1-6, 3-14, 4-3, 4-26 supported, 9-11
MaxIOStreams setting, 8-8 ODBCHOME environment variable, 9-9
MaxSessions setting, 8-8 ODBCINI environment variable, 9-9
MaxWebSessions setting, 8-8 oecxx directory, 3-8
memory management, 4-16 OES_EA_STARTUP system variable, 4-6, 4-30
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 4-4 OES_VBAGENT environment variable, 3-13
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), 3-17 OES_VBAGENT system variable, 4-30
minimum installation, 3-6 oescmd. See Express Command Processor
ModifiedPageWriter thread, 8-10 oesevent.log file, 4-25, 5-15, 8-9
ModifiedPageWriterSleep setting, 8-10, 8-12 oes.key configuration file, 1-5, 1-7, 2-8, 3-15, 4-26
module lists, 4-17 to 4-20 oesmgr. See Command-Line Service Manager
modules OLAP clients. See clients
defined, 1-2, 4-17 olap directory, 3-7
ODBC, 9-6 OLAP home, 3-7, 3-15
optional, 3-9, 9-6 OLAP_HOME environment variable, 2-7
SNAPI, 4-19 Open Database Connectivity. See ODBC
SQL, 4-18, 9-6 OpenWindows graphical interface, 3-2
Web Agent, 4-19 operating system commands, 4-15
multiple services, 4-27 optimization, 2-9, 4-18
ORA_NLS33 environment variable, 9-8
Oracle Application Server, 2-7, 3-3, 3-17

Oracle Enterprise Manager configuration settings, 8-7
defined, 4-30 database paging, 8-8 to 8-12
integrating Instance Manager, 2-4, 2-7, 4-30 module list, 4-18
setting up batch jobs, 5-2, 5-13 monitoring, 8-3, 8-4
Oracle Express Administrator, 1-3 tuning, 4-16
Oracle Express Analyzer, 1-3 Performance Monitor
Oracle Express Batch Manager. See Batch Manager counters, 8-6
Oracle Express Instance Manager. See Instance installing support, 3-9
Manager procedure for using, 8-5
Oracle Express modules. See specific modules using, 8-4 to 8-7
Oracle Express Objects, 1-3 performance monitor daemon, 1-7
Oracle Express Spreadsheet Add-In, 1-3 Performance Monitor module, 3-9
Oracle Express Web Agent, 3-11 permissions. See access rights
Oracle Express Web Publisher. See Express Web PERMIT command, 6-5, 6-9
Publisher Persistent Session, 2-8, 4-21, 5-3, 5-14 to 5-15, 8-7
Oracle Financial Analyzer, 1-3 Persistent Session User. See Initialize User
Oracle home, 2-5 to 2-6, 3-7 Personal Express, 1-3, 3-10, 4-14
Oracle Personal Express. See Personal Express port numbers, 3-13, 3-14, 4-7
Oracle Sales Analyzer, 1-3 pre-installation checklist, 2-2
Oracle SNAPI Client. See SNAPI processor configuration, 4-14
Oracle Universal Installer. See Installer product descriptions, 2-3
Oracle Web Listener Components Package. See Web product release notes, 2-2
Listener Components Package
ORACLE_HOME environment variable, 2-7, 9-8
ORACLE_SID environment variable, 9-8
Oracle8. See relational database access ramxxx directory, 3-7
orainst. See Installer RDBMS. See relational database access
oratab file, 2-6 Relational Access Manager, 1-3, 3-7, 3-8, 3-11, 3-12,
osnxxx directory, 3-7 9-3
OUI. See Installer relational database access, 9-1 to 9-19
OverWriteEventLog setting, 4-25 installing support, 2-6
owaxxx directory, 3-8 release notes, 2-2
owpxxx directory, 3-8 remote administration utilities. See Instance
Remote Operations, 3-10
P Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol, 3-10
page pool, 8-8 removing products, 3-5
PageBufferCount setting, 8-6 RequiredSecurityLevel setting, 6-5
Paging Manager, 8-8, 8-10 roles, 4-21 to 4-22
paging performance, 4-16 script, 3-3, 3-13, 4-30
parameters. See configuration parameters runInstaller program, 3-2
password encryption, 6-6
passwords, 4-11
PDF reader, 2-2

S SHELL command
installing support, 3-9
schedules for jobs, 5-11 security considerations, 6-14
Shell Command module, 3-9
in applications, 1-2
ShellPath setting, 4-15
periodic execution, 5-14 shutdown options, 4-13
running in Oracle Enterprise Manager, 5-11
shutdown parameters, 4-17
scheduling, 4-17
ShutdownSPLScript setting, 5-14
starting, 5-3 SNAPI
stopping initialization, 5-15
described, 10-5
search paths
file location, 3-7
databases, 7-5 installation options, 2-4
library, 9-9
installing support, 3-10
modifying, 4-14
modules, 4-19
security remote operations, 3-10
configuration settings, 4-17, 6-5
socket communications, 3-10, 4-5
Express language support, 6-9
software dependencies, 3-11
Express Server features, 6-2 SPL. See Express language
host identity, 6-6
SPLScriptLogging setting, 5-15
levels of, 6-4
operating system, 6-2 modules, 4-18
ServerDBPath setting, 4-11, 7-5, 7-6
SQL access, 9-1 to 9-19
ServerObjectID setting, 5-5
connecting, 9-5
service directory, 3-8, 4-11 database aliases, 3-15
service discovery, 4-7, 4-29 environment variables, 9-8
service discovery modes, 4-3, 4-5
Express configuration requirements, 9-6
service environment. See Express service installing support, 3-9
environment localization issues, 10-5
service identifiers, 3-14, 4-14, 4-16
paging issues, 8-9
services software dependencies, 3-11
See also Express services SQL module, 3-9
defined, 1-4
SQL*Net. See Net8 communications
listing for Instance Manager, 4-5 startup failure, 4-11
Session User, 6-7, 6-8, 6-12 startup parameters, 4-17
StartupSPLScript setting, 5-14
configuration parameters, 4-17 status messages, 4-24 to 4-27
current number of, 8-7 SYSINFO function, 6-5, 6-9
defined, 1-8
system messages, 4-26
Persistent Session, 5-3, 5-14 to 5-15 system recovery, 7-8
sharing, 1-8 system requirements, 2-2
terminating problem, 4-23
working directory, 7-5
SessionTempFilePath setting, 7-6, 7-7 T
shadow password file, 6-7 TempFileExtendSize setting, 7-7
TempFileMinimumCount setting, 7-7

temporary files W
described, 7-2
location, 3-8, 7-5 WakeUpMilliseconds setting, 5-14, 5-15
WakeUpSPLScript setting, 5-14
managing, 7-7
Web access. See Express Web Agent
removing, 2-11
termination Web Agent. See Express Web Agent
Web communications, 4-17
controlling, 4-17
Web Listener Components Package, 2-4
procedure, 4-12
session, 4-23 Web listener configuration, 3-3
Web listener configuration files, 3-8
Test Engine
Web Publisher. See Express Web Publisher
installing support, 3-9
running, 8-3 to 8-4 Web servers, 3-17
Windows NT
Test Engine Facility module, 3-9
Performance Monitor. See Performance Monitor
ThreadPoolMin setting, 8-8
timeout delay, 4-5
tnsnames.ora configuration file, 9-10 X
tools directory, 3-8
XCA (Express Communications
transactions, 4-13
Architecture), 3-10, 10-5
translation tables, 10-5 to 10-6, 10-8 to 10-21
XCAQueueDepth setting, 8-8
transports, 5-5
Xlib error, 3-2
xsagent daemon, 1-7
log files, 4-24
xsagent.log file, 4-25
startup, 4-11
xsauth.log file, 4-25
TWO_TASK environment variable, 9-8
xsauthn daemon, 1-6
typical installation, 3-6
xsauthz daemon, 1-6
xsbufdump.log file, 4-27
U xsdaemon master daemon, 1-5, 3-14
uninstalling. See deinstalling xsdaemon.log file, 4-25
xsdpmon daemon, 1-7
xsdpmon.log file, 4-25
Express databases, 2-9
general issues, 3-14 X-Windows graphical interface, 3-2
user accounts, 2-7 to 2-8
user identities, 6-5
user roles, 4-21 to 4-22
UUID. See service identifiers

Visibroker Smart Agent, 3-13
Visigenic Smart Agent, 4-29


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