Oracle9i Client: Installation and Administration Guide Release 2 ( For Stratus Contiuum 600 and 1200 Series

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Oracle9i Client

Installation and Administration Guide Release 2 ( for

Stratus Contiuum 600 and 1200 Series

December 2003
Oracle9i Client Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 2 ( for Stratus Contiuum 600 and 1200

Copyright © 2001, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Contributing Authors: Caroline Johnston, Sharad Lal, Tom Mallory, Binoy Sukumaran

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they
are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected
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dealing with any third party.

Send Us Your Comments ....................................................................................................................... vii

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix

1 Pre-Installation Requirements
Hardware Requirements......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Disk Space Requirements....................................................................................................................... 1-2
Operating System Requirements .......................................................................................................... 1-2
Product-Specific Requirements ............................................................................................................. 1-2
Precompilers and Tools ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
Network and System Management Products ................................................................................ 1-3
Character Sets............................................................................................................................................ 1-3
Oracle9i NCHAR Datatypes ............................................................................................................ 1-3
AL24UTFFSS Character Set ............................................................................................................. 1-3

2 Installation
Installation Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 2-1
Additional Information........................................................................................................................... 2-2
Relinking Information ....................................................................................................................... 2-2

3 Post-Installation
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the root User............................................................................... 3-1
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the oracle User ........................................................................... 3-2
Additional Oracle Product Installation and Configuration............................................................. 3-3
Configuring Oracle Precompilers .................................................................................................... 3-3

4 Administering SQL*Plus
Administering Command-Line SQL*Plus .......................................................................................... 4-1
Using Setup Files................................................................................................................................ 4-1
Using the Site Profile File........................................................................................................... 4-1
Using the User Profile File......................................................................................................... 4-1
Using the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE Table ............................................................................... 4-2
Using EMP and DEPT Tables........................................................................................................... 4-2
Creating Demonstration Tables Manually .............................................................................. 4-2

Deleting Demonstration Tables ................................................................................................ 4-2
SQL*Plus Command-Line Help ....................................................................................................... 4-3
Installing the SQL*Plus Command-Line Help............................................................................... 4-3
Removing the SQL*Plus Command-Line Help ............................................................................. 4-3
Using Command-Line SQL*Plus .......................................................................................................... 4-4
Using a System Editor from SQL*Plus............................................................................................ 4-4
Running Operating System Commands from SQL*Plus ............................................................. 4-4
Interrupting SQL*Plus....................................................................................................................... 4-5
Using the SPOOL Command............................................................................................................ 4-5
SQL*Plus Restrictions ............................................................................................................................. 4-5
Resizing Windows ............................................................................................................................. 4-5
Return Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 4-5
Hiding Your Password...................................................................................................................... 4-5

5 Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface

Overview of Oracle Precompilers ......................................................................................................... 5-1
Precompiler Files................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Precompiler README Files ............................................................................................................. 5-2
Issues Common to All Precompilers ............................................................................................... 5-2
Uppercase to Lowercase Conversion....................................................................................... 5-2
Vendor Debugger Programs ..................................................................................................... 5-2
Value of IRECLEN and ORECLEN .......................................................................................... 5-2
Static Linking ...................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Pro*C Precompiler.................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Known Issue with Pro*C................................................................................................................... 5-2
Pro*C Demonstration Programs ...................................................................................................... 5-3
Pro*C User Program .......................................................................................................................... 5-3
Pro*COBOL Precompilers ...................................................................................................................... 5-4
Known Issue with Pro*COBOL........................................................................................................ 5-4
Oracle Call Interface ............................................................................................................................... 5-5
OCI Demonstration Programs.......................................................................................................... 5-5
OCI User Programs............................................................................................................................ 5-5
Custom Make Files................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Using Signal Handlers ............................................................................................................................ 5-6

6 Configuring Oracle Net Services

Location of Oracle Net Services Configuration Files ........................................................................ 6-1
Oracle Protocol Support .......................................................................................................................... 6-2
TCP/IP Protocol Support.................................................................................................................. 6-2

A Oracle9i Components
Oracle9i Client Components ................................................................................................................. A-1
Runtime Edition ................................................................................................................................ A-1
Administrator Edition ...................................................................................................................... A-1

Product Descriptions .............................................................................................................................. A-1


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle9i Client Installation and Configuration Guide, Release 2 ( for Stra-
tus Contiuum 600 and 1200 Series

Oracle welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this
publication. Your input is an important part of the information used for revision.
■ Did you find any errors?
■ Is the information clearly presented?
■ Do you need more information? If so, where?
■ Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?
■ What features did you like most about this manual?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, please indicate
the title and part number of the documentation and the chapter, section, and page
number (if available). You can send comments to us in the following ways:
■ Postal service:
Oracle Corporation
Oracle9i Documentation
500 Oracle Parkway
Redwood Shores, CA 94065

If you would like a reply, please give your name, address, telephone number, and
electronic mail address (optional).
If you have problems with the software, please contact your local Oracle Support


This guide and the Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for UNIX
Systems provide instructions for installing and configuring Oracle9i Client release 2
( on Stratus Continuum systems.

This document is intended for anyone responsible for installing Oracle9i Client release
2 ( on UNIX systems.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
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time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to
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customers. For additional information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation JAWS, a Windows screen reader,

may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions
for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line;
however, JAWS may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation This documentation

may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does
not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding
the accessibility of these Web sites.

Typographic Conventions
The following typographic conventions are used in this guide:

Convention Description
monospace Monospace type indicates UNIX commands, directory names,
usernames, pathnames, and filenames.
italics Italic type indicates a variable, including variable portions of
filenames. It is also used for emphasis and for book titles.
UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate Structured Query Language (SQL)
reserved words, initialization parameters, and environment
<cr> This string indicates a newline character.

Command Syntax
UNIX command syntax appears in monospace font and assumes the use of the
Bourne shell. The "$" character at the beginning of UNIX command examples is the
default UNIX command prompt. Do not enter it as part of the command.

Convention Description
backslash \ A backslash indicates a command that is too long to fit on a single line.
Enter the line as displayed (with a backslash) or enter it on a single line
without a backslash:
dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6 of=/dev/rst0 bs=10b \
braces { } Braces indicate required items: .DEFINE {macro1}
brackets [ ] Brackets indicate optional items: cvtcrt termname [outfile]
ellipses ... Ellipses indicate an arbitrary number of similar items:
CHKVAL fieldname value1 value2 ... valueN
italics Italic type indicates a variable. Substitute a value for the variable:
vertical line | A vertical line indicates a choice within braces or brackets:
SIZE filesize [K|M]

Related Documentation
If you are unfamiliar with the concepts or terminology associated with relational
database management systems, then refer to Oracle9i Database Concepts before
beginning your installation. Use the Installation Checklist in Appendix C to ensure
that you have the required information and that you have completed the necessary
pre-installation steps for a successful installation.
Information on system administration and tuning for a production database system is
provided in these documents:
■ Oracle9i Database Administrator’s Guide
■ Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide
■ Oracle9i Database Performance Guide and Reference
Information on upgrading from a previous version of the Oracle Server is provided in
Oracle9i Database Migration.
Information on installing Oracle Workflow is provided in the Oracle Workflow Server
Installation Notes and Oracle Workflow Client Installation Notes (Release 2.6.2).

Oracle Services and Support
The Oracle corporate Web page is located at:

Oracle offers a wide range of services from this Web site to help facilitate corporate
system solutions, including Oracle Education courses, Oracle Consulting services, and
Oracle Support Services. In addition, Oracle provides free trial software, updates on
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Oracle Support Services

Technical Support registration and worldwide contact information is available at:

At the Oracle support site, templates are available to help you prepare information
about your problem before you call so that you may be helped more quickly. You must
also provide your CSI (Customer Support Identifier) or SAC (Support Access Code)
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OracleMetaLink is an Oracle Web service that provides technical information. Members
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automatically of new information. OracleMetaLink offers a variety of services to assist
in setting up and administrating Oracle products, including procedures, scripts,
commentary, and tuning and configuration best-practices bulletins. In addition, it
offers forums for information sharing among Oracle customers, and direct
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Use your CSI or SAC number to register.

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For U.S.A. customers, Oracle Store is at:

Links to Stores in other countries are provided at this site.

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Oracle Technology Network
Register with the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at:

OTN delivers technical papers, code samples, product documentation, an Oracle

on-line community and self-service developer support. It also offers the Oracle key
developer products to enable rapid development and deployment of applications built
on Oracle technology.

Pre-Installation Requirements

This chapter describes pre-installation steps required for an Oracle9i Client release 2
( software installation. Verify that your system meets the hardware, disk
space, operating system, and other requirements for installing the Oracle9i Client
release 2 (
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Hardware Requirements
■ Disk Space Requirements
■ Operating System Requirements
■ Product-Specific Requirements
■ Character Sets

Hardware Requirements
To install the Oracle9i Client release 2 ( included with this release, your
system must meet the minimum hardware requirements listed in the following table:

Hardware Requirements
Memory A minimum of 256 MB is required to install Oracle9i Client
Swap space Disk space equal to the system’s physical memory, or 1GB,
whichever is greater
Tape drive A DDS or DLT tape drive
CPU Stratus Continuum Series module with HP-PA8x00 class CPU
Network adapter Ethernet adapter
Free disk blocks At least 100,000 free disk blocks on the installation disk for the
base installation, and 350,000 free disk blocks if all the
demonstration and sample programs are built.

Random Access Memory

To determine the amount of random access memory installed on your system, enter
the following command:

Pre-Installation Requirements 1-1

Disk Space Requirements

Swap Space
To determine the amount of swap space currently configured in your system, enter the

Disk Space Requirements

The disk space requirements for the Oracle9i client software is 2.0 GB.

Note: This is an approximate value that might vary slightly at

installation time.

Operating System Requirements

This section lists the Oracle9i operating system requirements.
■ Operating system version:
– Stratus VOS 14.6.1 ag or later.
■ S115 Streams TCP.
■ S579 Open software.
■ S877 and S878 GNU tools and library. This software is required to be installed for
Oracle support purposes. The user is not required to use this software to build
their applications, but it is required to use the Oracle make files.
■ S456 ANSI C compiler and S031 C runtime library, if the C precompiler or OCI
interface will be used.
■ S020 COBOL compiler and S021 COBOL runtime library, if the COBOL
precompiler will be used.
■ S279 POSIX library, if the C or COBOL precompilers, or the OCI interface will be
■ Operating system patches:
– None.
Use the following command to determine the current operating system version:
uname -a

Product-Specific Requirements
This section provides product-specific system configuration requirements. Make these
additional system configuration changes to use the optional Oracle products.

Precompilers and Tools

Table 1–1 lists the restrictions and requirements for precompilers and tools.

1-2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Character Sets

Table 1–1 Precompilers and Tools Restrictions and Requirements

Product Name Platform Restrictions and Requirements
Pro*C/C++, Continuum 600 and ■ S456 VOS standard C compiler 1200 Series
■ S031 C Runtime
Pro*COBOL, Continuum 600 and ■ S020 COBOL compiler
1.8.77 1200 Series
■ S021 COBOL Runtime
Pro*COBOL, Continuum 600 and ■ S020 COBOL compiler 1200 Series
■ S021 COBOL Runtime

Network and System Management Products

All network products require the underlying software and operating system libraries
for the supported network. The network software must be installed and running prior
to installing the Oracle Net products.

See Also: Your operating system and third-party vendor

networking product documentation for more information on
network and system management products.

Character Sets
This section provides information on restrictions and updates to character sets.

Oracle9i NCHAR Datatypes

Oracle9i Client release 2 ( limits the SQL NCHAR datatypes to the Unicode
character set encoding (UTF8 and AL16UTF16). Alternative this release no longer
supports character sets such as the fixed-width Asian character set JA16SJISFIXED in
To migrate existing NCHAR, NVARCHAR, and NCLOB columns, export and import
NCHAR columns, complete the following steps:
1. Export all SQL NCHAR columns from Oracle8i.
2. Drop the SQL NCHAR columns.
3. Migrate the database to Oracle9i.
4. Import the SQL NCHAR columns in to Oracle9i.

AL24UTFFSS Character Set

Oracle9i Client release 2 ( does not support the Unicode character set
AL24UTFFSS introduced in Oracle7. This character set is based on the Unicode
standard 1.1, which is now obsolete.
Oracle9i Client release 2 ( supports the Unicode database character sets
AL32UTF8 and UTF8. These database character sets include the Unicode
enhancements based on the Unicode standard 3.0.
To migrate the existing AL24UTFFSS database, upgrade your database character set to
UTF8 before upgrading to Oracle9i. Oracle recommends that you use the Character Set
Scanner for data analysis before attempting to migrate your existing database
character set.

Pre-Installation Requirements 1-3

Character Sets

1-4 Installation and Configuration Guide


This chapter describes how to install Oracle9i Client release 2 ( products on
your system. Review and complete the tasks listed in Chapter 1, "Pre-Installation
Requirements" before beginning the installation. This chapter contains the following
■ Installation Instructions
■ Additional Information

Installation Instructions
The following instructions describe how to install Oracle9i Client release 2 (
on the system.
1. Insert the Oracle9i Client release 2 ( distribution tape into a tape drive on
the module.
2. Log in to the module using an account with the appropriate access to create the
Oracle9i directory structure in the appropriate directory. For example, to install
Oracle9i on the master disk in the system directory, log in using an account in the
SysAdmin group. You must log in with the -privileged option no matter what
account is used to log in.
3. Create the Oracle home directory. Oracle9i can be installed on any disk or
directory. For example, to install Oracle9i on the master disk in a system directory
named Oracle9i, use the following command:
create_dir (master_disk) >system>Oracle9i

4. Change to the directory that was created in step 3. For example, if using the
Oracle9i directory, then enter the following command:
change_current_dir (master_disk)>system>Oracle9i

5. Attach a port to the tape drive using the attach_port command. For example, if
the port is t, and drive name is #mt1.0, then enter the following command:
attach_port t #mt1.0

6. Mount the tape for read-only access using the mount_tape command. For
example, if the port is t, then enter the following command:
mount_tape t -access_rights readonly

A system prompt may appear asking if the tape is correct.

Installation 2-1
Additional Information

7. Extract the Oracle9i distribution into the current directory using the restore
command. For example, if the port is t, then enter the following command:
restore t -restore_acls

If the system prompts "What tape is to be used?", then enter the volume id shown
in the output from the mount_tape command in step 6.
This step may take 45 minutes or more to complete. No error messages should be
generated during the process.
8. Detach the tape port to unload the tape. For example, if the port is t, then enter
the following command:
detach_port t

9. Create a link as follows, if it does not already exist:

link (master_disk)>system>gnu_library>bin (master_disk)>bin

This link allows the Oracle make files to invoke the bash shell as /bin/sh.
10. Add the Oracle execution (binary) directory to the command library paths. For
example, the following command adds the Oracle execution directory to the
library path:
add_library_path command (master_disk)>system>Oracle9i>bin

You may want to make this a default library path for the module.

Additional Information
The following information is specific for Stratus Contiuum 600 and 1200 Series
installations of Oracle9i:
■ Any references in the Oracle documentation to the make command must be
substituted with the gmake command.
■ Some Oracle header files contain names that are longer than the 32-character VOS
limit. This can cause the binder to report missing symbols due to truncated names.
The header file $ORACLE_HOME/vos/long_name_xlate_table.h has been
supplied to correct the problem. Include the file in the ANSI C compilation with
the -include compiler directive.
The source file and ANSI options may not occur after the -include header
file specification.

Relinking Information
The following relinking information is specific for Stratus Contiuum 600 and 1200
Series installations of Oracle9i:

Note: You must use the Oracle make files to re-link any of the
Oracle9i Client binaries and demonstrations. This requires you be in

■ Before re-linking any Oracle utilities, the VOS object library paths must include at
least the following object libraries in the order shown:

2-2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Additional Information


■ To relink SQL*Plus, use the following command:

cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/lib
gmake -f install

■ To relink tnsping, use the following commands:

cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib
gmake -f install

■ To relink the precompilers, use the following commands:

cd $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/lib

– For Pro*C:
gmake -f relink EXECNAME=proc

– For Pro*COBOL:
gmake -f relink EXENAME=procob

– For Pro*COBOL 18:

gmake -f relink EXENAME=procob18

Installation 2-3
Additional Information

2-4 Installation and Configuration Guide


After completing installation, you must perform certain post-installation steps and
configure the Oracle9i database. This chapter describes the required steps as well as
some optional ones.
■ Configuration Tasks to Perform as the root User
■ Configuration Tasks to Perform as the oracle User
■ Additional Oracle Product Installation and Configuration

Note: This chapter describes basic configuration only. See the

Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for UNIX
Systems and the product administration and tuning guides for more
sophisticated configuration and tuning information.

Configuration Tasks to Perform as the root User

Log in as the root user and verify database file security. To prevent unauthorized
access to secure data, you must protect your files. The file privileges and
recommended ownership are as follows:
■ The oracle account should have read, write, and execute privileges for all files
and directories in the Oracle9i installation.
■ No user other than the oracle user should have write access on any files or
directories in the Oracle9i installation.
Table 3–1 summarizes the directory and file permissions for different types of files.

Note: These permissions are the default values and should not be

Table 3–1 Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files

Directories/Files Permissions Comments
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ 755 The oracle user should have read, write and
execute privileges and all users should have
read and execute privileges to this directory.
All other executables 755 The oracle user should have read, write and
execute privileges and all users should have
read and execute privileges to this directory.

Post-Installation 3-1
Configuration Tasks to Perform as the oracle User

Table 3–1 (Cont.) Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files

Directories/Files Permissions Comments
$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ 755 The oracle user should have read, write and
execute privileges and all other users should
have read and execute privileges to this
All files under 644 The oracle user should have read, write and
$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ execute privileges and the other users should
have read-only privileges to these files.
Product subdirectories such as 751 The oracle user and ORAINVENTORY
$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus group have restricted access to log files.The
or other users have execute privileges.
Files in 644 The oracle user should have read and write
$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus privileges and the other users should have
or read-only privileges to these files.
$ORACLE_HOME/network 777 The oracle user and members of the
/trace ORAINVENTORY group have access to trace
files when 730 is used in the production
or environment. 777 allows broad access to view
and create trace files during development.
All files under product admin 644 SQL scripts should typically be run as the SYS
directories, like user.
/admin and

Configuration Tasks to Perform as the oracle User

Perform the following task as the oracle user:
Set the following environment variables in the.profile or.login file of the oracle
user before using Oracle9i products. The settings that you use here should correspond
to the settings used during installation as described in "Set Environment Variables" on
page 2-36. The syntax for setting environment variables is as follows:
For the Bourne or Korn shell:
variable_name=value; export variable_name

For the VOS command line:

set variable_name=value

Table 3–2 describes the Environment Variable Settings.

Caution: Do not define environment variables with names that

are identical to those used for Oracle processes such as CKPT, PMON,
and DBWR.

3-2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Additional Oracle Product Installation and Configuration

Table 3–2 Environment Variable Settings

Environment Variable Recommended Setting
variable must be set before an Oracle utility or user application
can be used. The directory referenced by the variable must be
POSIX format. For example, if Oracle9i is installed in
(master_disk)>system>Oracle9i, then enter the
following command:
The following is also an acceptable command:
However, the following is not acceptable:
PATH Verify (master_disk)>system>gnu_library>bin is in
the default command library path list. If it is not, then it
should be added to the list. This is required for Oracle
See Also: Chapter 2, "Pre-Installation Requirements" for more
information on other PATH requirements.
TNS_ADMIN TNS_ADMIN specifies the directory containing the Oracle Net
Services configuration files.
Oracle Net Services configuration files are typically, but not
always located in the $ORACLE_HOME/admin/network
directory. Depending on the file, Oracle Net uses a different
search order to locate the file.
The search order for the sqlnet.ora and ldap.ora files is as
1. The directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment
variable, if set
2. The $ORACLE_HOME/admin/network directory
TWO_TASK Set the TWO_TASK variable to the default connect identifier to
use in the connect string. The default connect identifier does
not need to be specified in the connect string. For example, if
the TWO_TASK environment variable is set to sales, you can
connect to a database using the CONNECT
username/password command rather than the CONNECT
username/password@sales command.
See Also: Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Reference and
Oracle9i Administrator’s Reference Release 2 ( for UNIX
Systems for more information on connect identifiers.

Additional Oracle Product Installation and Configuration

This section provides additional information on configuring Oracle Precompilers.

Configuring Oracle Precompilers

All precompiler configuration files are located in the
$ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin directory. Table 3–3 describes the Oracle

Post-Installation 3-3
Additional Oracle Product Installation and Configuration

Note: You cannot use Oracle Precompilers independently of

Oracle9i to convert embedded PL/SQL.

Table 3–3 Oracle Precompilers

Precompilers Configuration Files See Also
Pro*C/C++ pcscfg.cfg Programmer’s Guide to the Pro*C/C++
This file installs without Precompiler for more information on
content and can be configuring the pcscfg.cfg file.
configured with any text
editor according to the
site-specific requirements.
Pro*COBOL pcbcfg.cfg Pro*COBOL Programmer’s Guide for
This file installs without more information on configuring the
content and can be pcbcfg.cfg file.
configured with any text
editor according to the
site-specific requirements.
Pro*COBOL18 pcccob.cfg Pro*COBOL Programmer’s Guide for
This file installs without more information on configuring the
content and can be pcccob.cfg file.
configured with any text
editor according to the
site-specific requirements.

3-4 Installation and Configuration Guide

Administering SQL*Plus

This chapter describes how to use and administer SQL*Plus on Oracle9i Client. It
contains the following sections:
■ Administering Command-Line SQL*Plus
■ Using Command-Line SQL*Plus
■ SQL*Plus Restrictions

See Also: SQL*Plus Users Guide and Reference for more

information on and SQL*Plus.

Administering Command-Line SQL*Plus

This section describes how to administer command-line SQL*Plus. In the examples in
this section, SQL*Plus uses the value of the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
wherever a question mark (?) appears.
This section includes the following topics:
■ Using Setup Files
■ Using EMP and DEPT Tables
■ SQL*Plus Command-Line Help
■ Installing the SQL*Plus Command-Line Help
■ Removing the SQL*Plus Command-Line Help

Using Setup Files

When you start SQL*Plus, it executes the glogin.sql site profile set-up file and then
executes the login.sql user profile set-up file.

Using the Site Profile File

The global site profile file is $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql. If a site
profile already exists at this location, it is overwritten when you install SQL*Plus. If
SQL*Plus is removed, the site profile file is deleted.

Using the User Profile File

The user profile file is login.sql. SQL*Plus looks for this file in the current directory,
and then in the directories you specify using the SQLPATH environment variable. Set

Administering SQL*Plus 4-1

Administering Command-Line SQL*Plus

this environment variable to a colon-separated list of directories. SQL*Plus searches

these directories for the login.sql file in the order they are listed.
The options set in the login.sql file override those set in the glogin.sql file.

See Also: SQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference for more information
on profile files.


Oracle9i provides the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table that you can use to disable the
SQL and SQL*Plus commands that you specify.
To create the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table, run the $ORACLE_
HOME/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql script in the SYSTEM schema:

For example, enter the following commands, where SYSTEM_PASSWORD is the

password of the SYSTEM user:
SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/pupbld.sql

You can also recreate the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table manually in the SYSTEM
schema using the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/pupbld shell script. This script prompts for
the SYSTEM password. If you need to run the pupbld script without interaction, set
the SYSTEM_PASS environment variable to the SYSTEM username and password. For
example, enter the following command where SYSTEM_PASSWORD is the password of
the SYSTEM user:

Using EMP and DEPT Tables

This section describes how to manually create and delete the EMP and DEPT
demonstration tables.

Creating Demonstration Tables Manually

Use the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql SQL script to create the
EMP and DEPT demonstration tables. In SQL*Plus, you can use any username to run
the demobld.sql script to create the demonstration tables in a schema. For example,
$ sqlplus SCOTT/TIGER
SQL> @?/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql

You can also use the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/demobld shell script to run the
demobld.sql script, as follows:
$ demobld SCOTT TIGER

Deleting Demonstration Tables

Use the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demodrop.sql script to drop the EMP
and DEPT demonstration tables. In SQL*Plus, you can use any username to drop the
demonstration tables from the user’s schema. For example, enter:
$ sqlplus SCOTT/TIGER

4-2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Administering Command-Line SQL*Plus

SQL> @?/sqlplus/demo/demodrop.sql

You can also use the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/demodrop shell script to run the
demodrop.sql script, as follows:
$ demodrop SCOTT TIGER

SQL*Plus Command-Line Help

This section describes how to install and remove the SQL*Plus command-line help.

See Also: SQL*Plus User’s Guide and Reference for more information
on the SQL*Plus command-line help.

Installing the SQL*Plus Command-Line Help

There are three ways to install the SQL*Plus command-line help:
■ Perform an installation that installs a starter database.
When you copy a starter database with pre-built datafiles as part of an installation,
SQL*Plus automatically installs the SQL*Plus command-line help in the SYSTEM
■ Install the command-line help manually in the SYSTEM schema using the
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/helpins shell script.
The helpins script prompts for the SYSTEM password. If you need to run this
script without interaction, set the SYSTEM_PASS environment variable to the
SYSTEM username and password. For example, enter the following command
where SYSTEM_PASSWORD is the password of the SYSTEM user:

■ Install the command-line help manually in the SYSTEM schema using the
$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/help/helpbld.sql script.
For example, enter the following commands, where SYSTEM_PASSWORD is the
password of the SYSTEM user:
SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/help/helpbld.sql ?/sqlplus/admin/help helpus.sql

Note: Both the helpins shell script and the helpbld.sql script
drop existing command-line help tables before creating new tables.

Removing the SQL*Plus Command-Line Help

To manually drop the SQL*Plus command-line help tables from the SYSTEM schema,
run the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/help/helpdrop.sql script. For
example, enter the following commands, where SYSTEM_PASSWORD is the password
of the SYSTEM user:
SQL> @?/sqlplus/admin/help/helpdrop.sql

Administering SQL*Plus 4-3

Using Command-Line SQL*Plus

Using Command-Line SQL*Plus

This section describes how to use command-line SQL*Plus. It includes the following
■ Using a System Editor from SQL*Plus
■ Running Operating System Commands from SQL*Plus
■ Interrupting SQL*Plus
■ Using the SPOOL Command

Using a System Editor from SQL*Plus

If you enter an ED or EDIT command at the SQL*Plus prompt, the system starts an
operating system editor, such as ed, emacs, ned, or vi. The PATH variable must
include the directory where the editor executable is located.
When you start the editor, the current SQL buffer is placed in the editor. When you exit
the editor, the changed SQL buffer is returned to SQL*Plus.
You can specify which editor starts by defining the SQL*Plus _EDITOR variable. You
can define this variable in the glogin.sql site profile, the login.sql user profile,
or define it during the SQL*Plus session. For example, to set the default editor to vi,

If you do not set the _EDITOR variable, the value of either the EDITOR or the VISUAL
environment variable is used. If both environment variables are set, the value of the
EDITOR variable is used. When _EDITOR, EDITOR, and VISUAL are not specified,
the default editor is ed.
If you start the editor, SQL*Plus uses the afiedt.buf temporary file to pass text to
the editor. You can use the SET EDITFILE command to specify a different filename. For
example, enter:
SQL> SET EDITFILE /tmp/myfile.sql

SQL*Plus does not delete the temporary file.

Running Operating System Commands from SQL*Plus

Using the HOST command or an exclamation mark (!) as the first character after the
SQL*Plus prompt causes subsequent characters to be passed to a sub-shell. The SHELL
environment variable sets the shell used to execute operating system commands. The
default shell is the Bourne shell (/bin/sh). If the shell cannot be executed, an error
message is displayed.
To return to SQL*Plus, enter the exit command.
For example, to execute one command, enter:
SQL>! command

In the preceding example, command represents the operating system command that
you want to execute.
To execute multiple operating system commands from SQL*Plus, enter the HOST or !
command then press Return. SQL*Plus returns you to the operating system prompt.

4-4 Installation and Configuration Guide

SQL*Plus Restrictions

Interrupting SQL*Plus
While running SQL*Plus, you can stop the scrolling record display and terminate a
SQL statement by pressing Ctrl+c.

Using the SPOOL Command

The default file extension of files generated by the SPOOL command is .lst. To
change this extension, specify a spool file containing a period (.). For example, enter:
SQL> SPOOL query.txt

SQL*Plus Restrictions
This section describes SQL*Plus restrictions. It includes the following topics:
■ Resizing Windows
■ Return Codes
■ Hiding Your Password

Resizing Windows
The default values for the SQL*Plus LINESIZE and PAGESIZE system variables do not
automatically adjust for window size.

Return Codes
UNIX return codes use only one byte, which is not enough space to return an Oracle
error code. The range for a return code is 0 to 255.

Hiding Your Password

If you set the SYSTEM_PASS environment variable to the username and password of
the SYSTEM user, the output from the ps command might display this information. To
prevent unauthorized access, enter the SYSTEM password only when prompted by
If you want to automatically run a script, consider using an authentication method
that does not require you to store a password, for example, externally authenticated
logins to Oracle9i. If you have a low security environment, you might consider using
UNIX pipes in script files to pass a password to SQL*Plus, for example:

Alternatively, enter the following lines at the command prompt:

$ sqlplus <<EOF

In the preceding examples, SYSTEM_PASSWORD is the password of the SYSTEM user.

Administering SQL*Plus 4-5

SQL*Plus Restrictions

4-6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle
Call Interface

This chapter describes Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface. It contains
the following sections:
■ Overview of Oracle Precompilers
■ Pro*C Precompiler
■ Pro*COBOL Precompilers
■ Oracle Call Interface
■ Custom Make Files
■ Using Signal Handlers

Overview of Oracle Precompilers

Oracle precompilers are application-development tools used to combine SQL
statements for an Oracle database with programs written in a high-level language.
Oracle precompilers are compatible with ANSI SQL and are used to develop open,
customized applications that run with Oracle9i or any other ANSI SQL database
management system.
To build any of the precompiler samples (C or COBOL) using the Oracle make files, do
the following:
1. Verify TWO_TASK is set to the server name.
2. Verify the account scott/tiger exists and the demo tables are installed on the server
to which you will connect.
3. Run the following commands to setup the database:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/sql
sqlplus scott/tiger @calldemo.sql
sqlplus scott/tiger @sample11.sql
sqlplus scott/tiger @cv_demo.sql

Precompiler Files
Configuration files for the Oracle precompilers are located in the $ORACLE_
HOME/precomp/admin directory. The name of the configuration file for the
Pro*C/C++ precompiler is pcscfg.cfg.
The executable file for the precompiler is proc.

Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface 5-1

Pro*C Precompiler

Precompiler README Files

Table 5–1 lists the location of the precompiler README files. The README files
describe changes made to the precompiler since the last release.

Table 5–1 Location of Precompiler README Files

Precompiler README File
Pro*C/C++ release $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/doc/proc2/readme.doc
Pro*COBOL release $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/doc/procob2/readme.doc
Pro*COBOL release $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/doc/pro1x/readme.txt

Issues Common to All Precompilers

The following issues are common to all precompilers.

Uppercase to Lowercase Conversion

In languages other than C, the compiler converts an uppercase function or
subprogram name to lowercase. This can cause a “No such user exists” error
message. If you receive this error message, verify that the function or subprogram
name in your option file matches the case used in the IAPXTB table.

Vendor Debugger Programs

Precompilers and vendor-supplied debuggers can be incompatible. Oracle does not
guarantee that a program run using a debugger will perform the same way when it is
run without the debugger.


The IRECLEN and ORECLEN parameters do not have maximum values.

Static Linking
You can statically link Oracle libraries with precompiler and OCI applications. With
static linking, the libraries and objects of the whole application are linked together into
a single executable program.

Pro*C Precompiler
Before you use the Pro*C/C++ precompiler, verify that the correct version of the
operating system compiler is properly installed.

Known Issue with Pro*C

The following is a known issue and its workaround:

char_map gives extra control character on Stratus.

Set char_map to CHARZ or STRING. CHARZ is the default in Oracle9i.

5-2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Pro*C Precompiler

Pro*C Demonstration Programs

Demonstration programs are provided to show the features of the Pro*C/C++
precompiler. There are three types of demonstration programs: C, C++, and Object
programs. Object programs demonstrate the new Oracle9i Object features. All of the
demonstration programs are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc
The programs assume that the demonstration tables created by the $ORACLE_
HOME/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql script exist in the SCOTT schema with the
password TIGER.
Use the make file, located in the $ORACLE_
HOME/precomp/demo/proc/ directory, to create the demonstration programs. For
example, to precompile, compile, and link the sample1 demonstration program, enter
the following command:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc
gmake -f samples

To create all of the C demonstration programs for Pro*C, enter:

$ gmake -f samples

To create all of the Object demonstration programs for Pro*C, enter:

$ gmake -f object_samples

Some demonstration programs require you to run a SQL script, located in the
$ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/sql directory. If you do not run the script, a
message displays requesting you to run it. To build a demonstration program and run
the corresponding SQL script, include the make macro argument RUNSQL=run on the
command line. For example, to create the calldemo demonstration program and run
the required $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/sql/calldemo.sql script, enter:
$ gmake -f calldemo RUNSQL=run

To create all of the Object demonstration programs and run all corresponding required
SQL scripts, enter:
$ gmake -f object_samples RUNSQL=run

Pro*C User Program

You can use the $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc/ make file to
create user programs. The syntax for creating a program with the
make file is:
$ gmake -f target OBJS="objfile1 objfile2 ..." EXE=exename

In the preceding example:

■ target is the make file target that you want to use
■ objfilen is the object file to link the program
■ exename is the executable program
For example, to create the program myprog from the Pro*C source file myprog.pc,
enter one of the following commands, depending on the source and the type of
executable you want to create.

Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface 5-3

Pro*COBOL Precompilers

■ For C source, dynamically linked with the client shared library, enter:
$ gmake -f build OBJS=myprog.o EXE=myprog

■ For C source, statically linked, enter:

$ gmake -f build_static OBJS=myprog.o EXE=myprog

■ To build the Pro*C examples in the native VOS environment, do the following:
1. Copy $ORACLE_HOME/vos/ to $ORACLE_
2. Copy the file $ORACLE_HOME/vos/c_precomp_template.bind to
3. Edit $ORACLE_HOME/vos/c_precomp.bind replacing the occurrences of
MASTER_DISK and ORACLE_HOME according to the instructions in the file.
4. Change the current directory to ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc.
5. Ensure ORACLE_HOME and TWO_TASK are set correctly.
6. Ensure ORACLE_HOME/bin is in the command library paths.
7. Ensure the account scott/tiger exists and the demo tables are installed on the
8. Run This will install the SQL*Plus scripts,
pre-compile, compile, and bind all the available Pro*C samples.

Pro*COBOL Precompilers
To build the Pro*COBOL examples using the Oracle make files, do the following:
1. Copy the file $ORACLE_HOME/vos/cobol_precomp_template.bind to
2. Edit $ORACLE_HOME/vos/cobol_precomp.bind replacing the occurrences of
MASTER_DISK and ORACLE_HOME according to the instructions in the file.
– For Pro*COBOL 18:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/procob
gmake -f samples

– For Pro*COBOL (Pro*COBOL 2):

cd $ORACLE_HOME/procomp/demo/procob2
gmake -f samples.

Known Issue with Pro*COBOL

The following is a known issue and its workaround:

Datatype S9(N)binary does not work for small integers.

Use either COMP or integer.

5-4 Installation and Configuration Guide

Custom Make Files

Oracle Call Interface

Before you use the Oracle Call Interface (OCI), verify that the correct version of Pro*C
is installed.
To rebuild the OCI examples using the Oracle make files, use the following
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo
gmake -f demos

OCI Demonstration Programs

Demonstration programs are provided that show the features of the OCI. These
demonstration programs are based on C. All of the demonstration programs are
located in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo directory. All programs should be linked
Many of the demonstration programs assume that the demonstration tables created by
the $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/demo/demobld.sql script exist in the SCOTT
schema with the password TIGER.
Use the make file, located in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo
directory, to create the demonstration programs. For example, to compile and link the
cdemo1 demonstration program, enter the following command:
$ gmake -f cdemo1

To create all of the C demonstration programs for OCI, enter:

$ gmake -f demos

OCI User Programs

You can use the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/ make file to create
user programs. The syntax for creating a user program with the
make file is:
$ gmake -f target OBJS="objfile1 objfile2 ..." EXE=exename

In the preceding example:

■ target is the make file target that you want to use
■ objfilen is the object file to link the program
■ exename is the executable program
For example, to create the myprog program from the C/C++ source myprog.c, enter
the following command:
■ For C source, statically linked, enter:
$ gmake -f build_static OBJS=myprog.o EXE=myprog

Custom Make Files

Oracle recommends that you use the provided make files to
create user programs as described in the specific product sections of this chapter. If

Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface 5-5

Using Signal Handlers

you modify the provided make file, or if you choose to use a custom-written make file,
the following restrictions apply:
■ Do not modify the order of the Oracle libraries. Oracle libraries are included on the
link line more than once so that all of the symbols are resolved during linking.
The order of the Oracle libraries is essential for the following reasons:
– Oracle libraries are mutually referential. Functions in library A call functions
in library B, and functions in library B call functions in library A.
– The Stratus VOS linkers are two-pass linkers.
■ If you add your own library to the link line, add it to the beginning or to the end of
the link line. Do not place user libraries between the Oracle libraries.
■ If you choose to use a make utility such as nmake or GNU make, be aware of how
macro and suffix processing differs from the make utility provided with the
platform. Oracle make files are tested and are supported with the make utility for
your platform.
■ Oracle library names and the contents of Oracle libraries are subject to change
between releases. Always use the make file that ships with
the current release as a guide to determine the required libraries.

Using Signal Handlers

Oracle9i uses signals for two-task communication. Signals are installed in a user
process when you connect to the database and are removed when you disconnect.
Table 5–2 describes the signals that Oracle9i uses for two-task communication.

Table 5–2 Signals for Two-Task Communication

Signal Description
SIGINT Two-task drivers use SIGINT to detect user interrupt requests. The Oracle
process does not catch SIGINT; the user process catches it.
SIGIO Oracle Net protocols use SIGIO to indicate incoming networking events.
SIGURG Oracle Net TCP/IP drivers use SIGURG to send out-of-band breaks from the
user process to the Oracle process.

The listed signals affect all precompiler applications. You can have more than one
signal handle for SIGINT. For SIGINT, use osnsui() and osncui() to register and
delete signal-catching routines.
You can also install as many signal handlers as you want for other signals. If you are
not connected to the Oracle process, you can have multiple signal handlers.
Example 5–1 shows how to set up a signal routine and a catching routine.

Example 5–1 Signal Routine and Catching Routine

/* user side interrupt set */
word osnsui( /*_ word *handlp, void (*astp), char * ctx, _*/)
** osnsui: Operating System dependent Network Set User-side Interrupt. Add an
** interrupt handling procedure astp. Whenever a user interrupt(such as a ^C)
** occurs, call astp with argument ctx. Put in *handlp handle for this
** handler so that it may be cleared with osncui. Note that there may be many
** handlers; each should be cleared using osncui. An error code is returned if

5-6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Using Signal Handlers

** an error occurs.

/* user side interrupt clear */

word osncui( /*_ word handle _*/ );
** osncui: Operating System dependent Clear User-side Interrupt. Clear the
** specified handler. The argument is the handle obtained from osnsui. An error
** code is returned if an error occurs.

Example 5–2 shows how to use the osnsui() and the osncui() routines in an application

Example 5–2 osnsui() and osncui() Routine Template

** User interrupt handler template.
void sig_handler()

main(argc, argv)
int arc;
char **argv;

int handle, err;


/* set up my user interrupt handler */

if (err = osnsui(&handle, sig_handler, (char *) 0))

/* if the return value is non-zero, an error has occurred
Take appropriate action for the error. */


/* clear my interrupt handler */

if (err = osncui(handle))
/* if the return value is non-zero, an error has occurred
Take appropriate action for the error. */

Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface 5-7

Using Signal Handlers

5-8 Installation and Configuration Guide

Configuring Oracle Net Services

This chapter describes how to configure Oracle Net Services on Stratus systems. It
contains the following sections:
■ Location of Oracle Net Services Configuration Files
■ Oracle Protocol Support

See Also: Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide for more

information on Oracle networking.

Location of Oracle Net Services Configuration Files

Oracle Net Services configuration files are typically, but not always, located in the
$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory. Depending on the file, Oracle Net uses a
different search order to locate the file.
The search order for the sqlnet.ora and ldap.ora files is as follows:
1. The directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable, if set
2. The $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory
The search order for the cman.ora, listener.ora, and tnsnames.ora files is as
1. The directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable, if set
2. The /etc directory.
3. The $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory
For some system-level configuration files, users may have a corresponding user-level
configuration file (stored in the user’s home directory). The settings in the user-level
file override the settings in the system-level file. The following table lists the
system-level configuration files and the corresponding user-level configuration files:

System-Level Configuration File User-Level Configuration File

sqlnet.ora $HOME/.sqlnet.ora
tnsnames.ora $HOME/.tnsnames.ora

Sample Configuration Files

The $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/samples directory contains samples of the
cman.ora, listener.ora, names.ora, sqlnet.ora, and tnsnames.ora
configuration files.

Configuring Oracle Net Services 6-1

Oracle Protocol Support

Oracle Protocol Support

Oracle protocol support is a component of Oracle Net. It includes TCP/IP protocol
The TCP/IP protocol support has an address specification that is used in Oracle Net
Services configuration files and in the DISPATCHER initialization parameter in the
initsid.ora file. The following section describes the address specifications for each
of the protocol supports.

See Also: Oracle9i Net Services Administrator’s Guide for more

information on Oracle protocol support.

TCP/IP Protocol Support

TCP/IP is the standard communication protocol used for client/server
communication over a network. The TCP/IP protocol support enables communication
between client programs and the Oracle9i server, whether they are installed on the
same or different systems. If the TCP/IP protocol is installed on your system, the
TCP/IP protocol support is installed and linked to all client tools and to Oracle9i.
The TCP/IP protocol support requires an address specification in the following

The following table describes the parameters used in this address specification:

Parameter Description
PROTOCOL The protocol support to be used. The value is TCP. It is not case
HOST The host name or the host IP address.
PORT The TCP/IP port. Specify the port as either a number or the alias
name mapped to the port in the /STCPservices file. Oracle
recommends a value of 1521.

The following shows a sample TCP/IP protocol address:


6-2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Oracle9i Components

This appendix describes the products included with Oracle9i:

■ Oracle9i Client Components
■ Product Descriptions

Oracle9i Client Components

The following sections provide information on the Oracle9i Client components.

Runtime Edition
The following alphabetically lists the components available with each installation type
of the Oracle9i Client Runtime top-level component. Refer to the release notes for your
platform for updates on component availability.
■ SQL*Plus
■ Oracle Net

Administrator Edition
Oracle9i Client Administrator includes the components in the Oracle9i Client Runtime,
and the following components. Refer to the release notes for your platform for updates
on component availability.
■ Oracle Call Interface
■ Oracle Net, including Oracle Protocol Support
■ Pro*C/C++
■ Pro*COBOL 1.8.77

Product Descriptions
The following table, Table A–1, provides descriptions and release numbers for
products available for installation. Some products described are automatically
installed with other products. Refer to the release notes for your platform for updates
on component availability.

Oracle9i Components A-1

Product Descriptions

Table A–1 Product Descriptions

For more
Product Release Description information, see...
Oracle Call Oracle Call Interface is an Application Programming Oracle Call Interface
Interface Interface (API) for accessing an Oracle database Programmer’s Guide
from a C or C++ program.
Oracle Net Services Oracle Net Services provides products that enable Oracle Net
client connections to databases across a network. A Administrator’s Guide
client-side application sends a request to Oracle Net
Services to be transported across the network to the
Oracle Net Services installs TCP/IP and Named
Pro*C/C++ Pro*C/C++ takes SQL statements embedded in C Pro*C/C++
and C++ programs and converts them to standard C Precompiler
code. When you precompile this code, the result is a Programmer’s Guide
C or C++ program that you can compile and use to
build applications that access an Oracle database.
Note: This product requires a separate license as a
part of Oracle Programmer.
Pro*COBOL 1.8.77 Pro*COBOL takes SQL statements embedded in a Pro*COBOL
COBOL program and converts them to standard Precompiler
COBOL code. When you precompile this code, the Programmer’s Guide
result is a COBOL program you can compile and use
to build applications that access an Oracle database.
Note: This product requires a separate license as a
part of Oracle Programmer.
SQL*Plus SQL*Plus is a command line interface that enables SQL*Plus User’s
you to use SQL and PL/SQL database languages Guide and Reference
with an Oracle database.
TCP/IP Protocol TCP/IP Protocol Support enables client/server Oracle Net
Support conversation over a network using TCP/IP and Administrator’s Guide
Oracle Net. This combination of Oracle products
enables an Oracle application on a client to
communicate with remote Oracle databases through
TCP/IP (if the Oracle database is running on a host
system that supports network communication using

A-2 Installation and Configuration Guide


administering command line SQL, 4-1 initialization files, 3-2
Oracle Internet Directory, 0-x
Oracle Workflow, 0-x
C post-installation tasks, 3-1
Pro*C/C++, 5-2 pre-installation tasks, 1-1
catching routine, 5-6 installation types
example, 5-6 with Oracle9i Client, A-1
configuration files interrupting SQL*Plus, 4-5
Oracle Net, 6-1 ireclen, 5-2
Oracle Net Services, 6-1
precompiler, 5-1
login files, 3-2
login.sql file, 4-1
debugger programs, 5-2
demonstration programs
oracle call interface, 5-5
Pro*C/C++, 5-3 multiple signal handlers, 5-6
demonstration tables
creating manually, 4-2
deleting, 4-2
directories OCI. See Oracle Call Interface
permissions, 3-1 Oracle Call Interface
documentation defined, A-2
on administration and tuning, 0-x installation types available with
on migrating and upgrading from previous oracle call interface, 5-5
release, 0-x demonstration programs, 5-5
related, 0-x Oracle Net Client
installation types available with, A-1
Oracle Net configuration files, 6-1
E Oracle Net Services
environment variables defined, A-2
TNS_ADMIN, 6-1 protocol support, 6-2
protocols, 6-2
Oracle Net Services configuration files, 6-1
oracle precompiler and OCI linking and makefiles
files custom makefiles, 5-5
login files, 3-2 Oracle Precompilers, post-installation tasks, 3-3
permissions, 3-1 Oracle Protocol Support, A-1
profile, 3-2 oracle user
post-installation tasks, 3-2
G Oracle9i Client top-level component, installation
types available with, A-1
glogin.sql file, 4-1 oreclen, 5-2

P editor, 4-4
installation types available with, A-1
post-installation tasks interrupting, 4-5
Oracle Precompilers, 3-3
precompiler configuration files, 5-1
restrictions, 4-5
precompilers running operating system commands, 4-4
overview, 5-1
setup files, 4-1
requirements, 1-2
site profile, 4-1
signals, 5-6 SPOOL command, 4-5
uppercase to lowercase conversion, 5-2
system editor, 4-4
value of ireclen and oreclen, 5-2
user profile, 4-1
vendor debugger programs, 5-2 using command line SQL*Plus, 4-4
system editor
demonstration programs, 5-3
SQL*Plus, 4-4
described, A-2
installation types available with, A-1
make files, 5-3 T
signals, 5-6 TCP/IP protocol support
using, 5-2 defined, A-2
Pro*COBOL tools
described, A-2 requirements, 1-2
installation types available with, A-1
requirements for, 1-3
profile files, 3-2 user interrupt handler, 5-6
protocol support user profile
TCP/IP, defined, A-2 SQL*Plus, 4-1
protocols, 6-2 using command line SQL*Plus, 4-4

related documentation, 0-x
precompilers, 1-2
Pro*COBOL, 1-3
tools, 1-2
restrictions (SQL*Plus), 4-5
resizing windows, 4-5
return codes, 4-5
root user
post-installation tasks, 3-1
running operating system commands, 4-4

setup files
SQL*Plus, 4-1
SIGINT two-task signal, 5-6
SIGIO two-task signal, 5-6
signal handlers
using, 5-6
signal routine, 5-6
example, 5-6
SIGURG two-task signal, 5-6
SPOOL command
SQL*Plus, 4-5
using, 4-5
command line help, 4-3
default editor, 4-4
described, A-2


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