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Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Date February 2003

Automatic Ticket
Gates at Stations

This document mandates the
requirements for the installation of
automatic ticket gates at stations, and
for carrying out modifications to
existing automatic ticket gates.

Submitted by

This document is the property of

Railway Safety. It shall not be
reproduced in whole or in part without
Laura Beales the written permission of the Controller,
Standards Project Manager Railway Group Standards,
Railway Safety.
Authorised by
Published by:
Railway Safety
Evergreen House
160 Euston Road
London NW1 2DX

Anne Blakeney © Copyright 2003 Railway Safety

Acting Controller, Railway Group Standards
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Railway Group Standard

Issue One
Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations Date February 2003
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Section Description Page

Part A
A1 Issue record 2
A2 Implementation of this document 2
A3 Scope of Railway Group Standards 2
A4 Responsibilities 2
A5 Health and safety responsibilities 2
A6 Technical content 2
A7 Supply 2

Part B
B1 Purpose 3
B2 Application of this document 3
B3 Definitions 4
B4 Safety validation of proposal 5
B5 Risk assessment 5
B6 Overcrowding and congestion 6
B7 People unable to use ATGs 7
B8 Provision for emergencies 7
B9 Personal injury 8
B10 Interfaces 8
B11 Unauthorised access 9
B12 Installation, commissioning and initial passenger uncertainty 9
B13 Monitoring of ATGs 9
B14 Maintenance of ATGs 10
B15 Changes in passenger numbers 10
B16 Railway Safety Case requirements 10

References 12

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Issue One
Date February 2003 Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
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Part A
A1 Issue record
Issue Date Comments
One 01 February 2003 Original Document

This document will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete


A2 Implementation of
this document
The publication date of this document is 01 February 2003.

This document comes into force on 05 April 2003.

The dates by which compliance with the requirements of this document is to be

achieved are set out in Part B2. Where those dates are later than the date on
which this document comes into force, this is to give Railway Group members
additional time to plan and commence implementation so as to achieve full
compliance by the dates set out in Part B2.

A3 Scope of Railway
Group Standards
The overall scope of Railway Group Standards is set out in Appendix A of
GA/RT6001. The specific scope of this document is set out in Part B2.

A4 Responsibilities
Railway Group Standards are mandatory on all members of the Railway Group*
and apply to all relevant activities that fall into the scope of each individual’s
Railway Safety Case. If any of those activities are performed by a contractor, the
contractor’s obligation in respect of Railway Group Standards is determined by
the terms of the contract between the respective parties. Where a contractor is
a duty holder of a Railway Safety Case then Railway Group Standards apply
directly to the activities described in the Safety Case.

* The Railway Group comprises Railtrack PLC, Railway Safety, and the train
and station operators who hold Railway Safety Cases for operation on or related
to infrastructure controlled by Railtrack PLC.

Railtrack PLC is known as Railtrack.

A5 Health and safety

In issuing this document, Railway Safety makes no warranties, express or
implied, that compliance with all or any documents published by Railway Safety
is sufficient on its own to ensure safe systems of work or operation. Each user is
reminded of its own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and its
individual duties under health and safety legislation.

A6 Technical content
The technical content of this document has been approved by:
Kevin Sutton, Safety Case Manager, Railway Safety
Jon Taylor, Principal Track and Structures Engineer, Railway Safety
Richard Evans, Principal, Operations, Railway Safety
Enquiries should be directed to Railway Safety – Tel: 020 7904 7518

A7 Supply
Controlled and uncontrolled copies of this document may be obtained from the
Industry Safety Liaison Dept, Railway Safety, Evergreen House,
160 Euston Road, London NW1 2DX.

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Issue One
Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations Date February 2003
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Part B
B1 Purpose
This document mandates the requirements for the installation of automatic ticket
gates (ATGs) at stations, and for carrying out modifications to existing automatic
ticket gates.

B2 Application of this
B2.1 To whom the requirements apply
This document contains requirements that are applicable to duty holders of the
station operator category of Railway Safety Case.

Under the Railways (Safety Case) Regulations 2000, the duty holder at a station
(as defined in those Regulations) is responsible for ensuring that the
requirements of Railway Group Standards are complied with. At a station,
contractual arrangements (including a lease) do not of themselves relieve the
duty holder of his obligations under those Regulations.

B2.2 Compliance requirements

The requirements of this document are mandatory for new ATG installations and
for modifications to existing ATG installations for which Approval in Principle has
been given on or after 05 April 2003.

Station operators who have installed ATGs at any of their operated stations, and
brought them into use prior to 05 April 2003 are not required to change their
Railway Safety Case to meet the requirements of section B16.2 until:

a) an existing ATG installation is to be modified, or

b) a new ATG scheme is to be installed at any of the duty holder’s operated


When Approval in Principle is given before 05 April 2003, but the ATG
installation (or ATG modification) has not yet been brought into service, the
design shall be reviewed and, where reasonably practicable, brought into line
with the requirements of this document. Where it is not reasonably practicable
to do so, the situation shall be regularised by means of a non-compliance or
derogation (see section B2.2.1).

B2.2.1 General compliance requirements

After the compliance date, or after the date by which compliance is achieved (if
earlier), station operators shall not deviate from the requirements set out in this

Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the

requirements set out in this document, authorisation not to comply shall be
sought in accordance with GA/RT6001, GA/RT6004 or GA/RT6006.

B2.3 Related requirements in other documents

GC/RT5161 sets out requirements for the design and maintenance of stations.

GE/RT8005 sets out requirements to control the use of materials at operational

premises so that the materials do not introduce an unacceptable risk from fire.
ATGs fall within the scope of GE/RT8005.

GC/RT5201 sets out requirements in respect of lineside security.

B2.4 Supporting documents

GI/GN7515 gives guidance to station operators on complying with the
requirements within this document. In particular, it provides guidance on:

a) the assessment of the risks identified in section B5.1

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Issue One
Date February 2003 Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
Page 4 of 12

b) how to comply with the requirements identified in sections B6 to B15

c) developing arrangements for monitoring ATGs and auxiliary gates during

operation as required by section B13.1

d) the change management arrangements that need to be set out in a station

operator’s Railway Safety Case (RSC) for installing new or modifying
existing ATGs at a station as required by section B16.1

e) non-mandatory control measures that should be considered for controlling

any residual risk identified in the assessment required by section B5.1.

B3 Definitions
An unplanned, uncontrolled and unintended event, giving rise to death, ill health,
injury or other loss.

Automatic ticket gate

A power operated gate between the paid and un-paid areas of a station, which
opens to permit an authorised station user to pass through when a valid ticket or
gate pass is either inserted into the gate or is scanned by a reader on the gate.
Abbreviated to ATG.

Auxiliary gate
A wide gate facility installed as part of the gateline which is provided for
authorised station users who are unable to use the ATGs (for example due to
disability, the carrying of large items, being accompanied by children or dogs or
being in possession of an incompatible ticket) and designed so that it is either:

a) released by the person responsible for monitoring the ATGs to enable it to

be opened and closed manually, or

b) operated in the same manner as defined above for an Automatic Ticket

Gate (ATG).

Duty holder
The Railway Group member having responsibilities under their Railway Safety

An unplanned and uncontrolled event which under different circumstances may
have resulted in an accident.

Modifications to ATGs
Modifications to ATGs include:

a) a change in the number of ATGs or auxiliary gates provided

b) repositioning or removal of the ATGs

c) a change in the arrangements for monitoring the ATGs

d) a change in the relative position of existing or planned station facilities or

passenger information equipment and/or notices within the vicinity of the

e) introduction of Smartcard technology or other changes to software.

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Issue One
Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations Date February 2003
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Monitoring of ATGs
Monitoring of ATGs includes:

a) observing passengers as they pass through ATGs

b) taking appropriate action to assist passengers to pass through the ATGs or

auxiliary gate(s)

c) opening, closing or re-configuring the direction of ATGs in response to

changing passenger flows

d) taking appropriate action to open ATGs in the event of an emergency either

on the station or at the ATGs

e) taking appropriate action when faults occur with the ATGs or auxiliary

Station control unit (SCU)

A facility provided to enable individual ATGs to be configured and tested.

Technical approval
Technical approval signifies that, based on a systematic safety review, a
professionally competent person or body is satisfied that:

a) the safety requirements of the remit, including the feasibility and

suitability of the design for the installation of new ATGs or modification
of existing ATGs have been established and/or met

b) appropriate standards and/or design criteria have been used

c) competent persons have used reasonable professional care in

designing and/or executing the new ATG installation or ATG
modification scheme

d) the safety of railway operations and safe interworking have not been

Worst case scenarios

For the purpose of this document, worst case scenarios include unplanned
events such as train service disruptions; excessive numbers of passengers due
to unforeseen circumstances or unplanned closure of adjoining stations; known
planned events such as sporting occasions, fairs, carnivals, demonstrations; or
planned engineering work requiring replacement road transport.

B4 Safety validation of
B4 Safety validation of proposal
A station operator installing new ATGs or modifying existing ATGs at a station
shall have a procedure in place for the safety validation of the ATG change
proposal. This procedure shall include the arrangements for carrying out a risk
assessment (see section B5) and for obtaining technical approval as set out in
the station operator’s Railway Safety Case (see section B16.2).

GE/GN8658 provides guidance on the safety validation of change.

B5 Risk assessment
B5.1 Risks to be assessed
A station operator proposing to introduce new ATGs or modify existing ATGs at a
station shall, as part of the safety validation (see section B4), carry out and
document a risk assessment to demonstrate that the risk to passengers using
the station has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable. The risk
assessment shall, as a minimum, address the following:

a) general overcrowding and local congestion, under all normal operating

conditions and worst case scenarios (see sections B6 and B7)

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Issue One
Date February 2003 Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
Page 6 of 12

b) emergencies (see section B8)

c) personal injury to those using ATGs (see section B9)

d) the interface with other station facilities (see section B10)

e) the activities of adjacent infrastructure controllers and station operators as

well as utilities, emergency services and other outside parties who use the
station (see section B10)

f) unauthorised access (see section B11)

g) installation, commissioning and initial passenger uncertainty (see section


h) monitoring of the ATGs (see section B13).

Further guidance on carrying out the risk assessment is contained in


B5.2 Control measures

Notwithstanding the findings of the risk assessment, this Railway Group
Standard mandates a number of risk control measures on the station operator.
Guidance Note GI/GN7515 provides guidance on a number of non-mandatory
control measures for the station operator to consider in light of the findings of
risk assessment.

B6 Overcrowding and
B6.1 Requirements for pedestrian flow analysis
Station operators shall undertake a pedestrian flow analysis to establish the
following, under both normal peak passenger flows and worst case scenarios:

a) the number and layout of ATGs required in order to avoid unnecessary

general overcrowding and local congestion at the station

b) the effect of the ATGs on passenger flows including cross flows and pinch

The relative position of surrounding passageways, over bridges, subways,

station platforms, escalators, stairways and lifts, retail outlets and other points of
access or egress shall be taken into account in the pedestrian flow analysis.

B6.2 Requirements for ticket logic

The ticket logic for ATGs installed at a station shall encompass known journey
permutations that can reasonably be expected to be made from, to or through
the station.

B6.3 Requirements for the station control unit

A station control unit (SCU) shall be provided to enable ATGs to be configured to
suit the varying passenger flows that are experienced at different times of the
day and week.

The SCU shall allow each individual ATG to be tested without affecting the
normal operation of the other ATGs in an array.

B6.4 Requirements for ATG display

A customer-orientated display shall be provided on each ATG to indicate to
passengers whether the ATG is available for entry or exit. The display shall also
indicate whether the ticket has been accepted or rejected.

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Issue One
Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations Date February 2003
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B7 People unable to
use ATGs
The station operator shall assess the number of passengers who are not able to
use the ATGs at the station and establish the number and location of auxiliary
gates to be provided to avoid unnecessary general overcrowding and local
congestion at the ATGs and auxiliary gate(s).

The assessment of the number of people unable to use the ATGs shall take into

a) passengers in wheel chairs or electric scooters, and other passengers with

impaired mobility

b) passengers with prams, pushchairs, bicycles, platform luggage trolleys and

baggage too large to pass through the ATGs

c) passengers with young children

d) passengers with dogs (or other large pets)

e) passengers who have an incompatible valid ticket

f) passengers who have no valid ticket.

B8 Provision for
B8.1 Effect of ATGs on managing emergencies
The station operator shall assess the effect the installation of new ATGs or
modification to existing ATGs has on managing emergencies at the station
(including at the ATGs). Where necessary, additional or amended measures
shall be introduced to ensure that the ability to manage emergencies remains

The station operator shall ensure that the installation of new ATGs or
modification to existing ATGs does not increase the time that it would take to
carry out an emergency evacuation of the station.

The station operator shall ensure that the station incident response plans
(including those for crowd control) are reviewed and revised as necessary to
reflect the installation of new ATGs or the modification of existing ATGs. The
review shall include provision for the use of ATGs to control access to station
areas affected by general overcrowding and local congestion.

B8.2 Requirements for emergency open facility

An emergency open facility shall be provided to enable all ATGs and auxiliary
gate(s) to be opened in a single action. The emergency open facility shall be
placed in the optimum location for use by the person(s) monitoring the ATGs
(see section B13).

At stations where more than one gateline is provided, the risk assessment shall
determine whether an emergency open facility shall be provided for specific
gateline(s) in addition to the facility provided to open all ATGs and auxiliary gates
in every gateline.

The circuit for the emergency open facility shall be segregated from the normal
gate opening mechanism.

The emergency open facility shall be tested daily.

B8.3 Requirements for associated security gates

A facility shall be provided to enable staff, contractor and tenant entrances and
exits on the station, which are fitted with security gates or doors as part of the
ATG installation and which form part of evacuation routes from the station, to be
opened/released immediately in the event of a need to evacuate the station.

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Issue One
Date February 2003 Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
Page 8 of 12

B8.4 Requirements for integrating the ATGs and auxiliary gates with the
fire alarm
At stations where a fire alarm system is installed, all ATGs shall be designed to
open automatically, and manually operated auxiliary gates designed to release
automatically, if the general evacuation stage of the fire alarm system is
activated. All gates shall then remain open/released until the fire alarm system
is reset and the person(s) responsible for monitoring the operation of the ATGs
is permitted to reactivate them.

B8.5 Requirements in the event of a power failure

In the event of a power failure, all of the ATGs in an array shall be designed to
open automatically, and manually operated auxiliary gates designed to release
automatically. All gates shall then remain open/released until the person(s)
responsible for monitoring the operation of the ATGs is permitted to reactivate

B8.6 Requirements for emergency use of ATGs and auxiliary gates

In the event of an emergency, ATGs and auxiliary gates shall be designed to
enable a passenger to ‘push-through’ the gate without causing injury.

B8.7 Access for emergency vehicles

The station operator shall ensure that provision for access by the emergency
services (including any vehicular access if applicable at the station concerned) to
platforms and other affected areas of the station is maintained.

B9 Personal injury
The station operator shall ensure that the:

a) design of the ATGs enables passengers to pass through them without injury
(including injury caused by electric shock)

b) ATGs are designed to open in the event of equipment failure

c) manually operated auxiliary gates are designed to release in the event of

equipment failure

d) ATG equipment is configured such that the contact forces exerted by the
gates do not cause injury to passengers.

A single action release facility shall be provided to enable the person monitoring
the ATGs to release an individual ATG without affecting the operation of the
remaining ATGs in the array.

B10 Interfaces
B10.1 Interfaces with other station facilities
The station operator shall take into account the relative position of existing and
planned passenger information equipment and/or notices, and other passenger
facilities at the station, in determining the optimum location for ATGs.

GC/RT5161 sets out general requirements for:

a) the location of supports and barriers (which includes ATGs) relative to the
platform edge

b) the location of structures at terminal stations (which includes gateline control

centres and excess fares offices).

B10.2 Interface with other station users

The station operator shall take into account the activities of adjacent
infrastructure controllers and station operators, as well as utilities and other
outside parties, in locating ATGs and shall make provision to manage the
interface with these parties after the ATGs have been installed. This shall
include maintaining provision for vehicular or equipment access/egress between
the ‘paid’ and ‘unpaid’ sides of the gateline if the risk assessment determines
that such provision is required.

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Issue One
Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations Date February 2003
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For requirements relating to the interface with emergency services see section

B10.3 Interface with other infrastructure

The station operator shall take into account any other infrastructure whose
structural integrity could be affected by the installation of new ATGs, or
modification of existing ATGs.

B11 Unauthorised
The station operator shall ensure that the likelihood of unauthorised access to
the station and/or lineside is not increased following the installation of new ATGs
or the modification to existing ATGs.

GC/RT5161 and GC/RT5201 mandate requirements for deterring unauthorised


B12 Installation,
commissioning and
initial passenger
B12.1 Installation and commissioning of ATGs
The station operator shall ensure that the installation and commissioning of
ATGs are carried out at times that do not inhibit passenger flows through the
station or increase general overcrowding and/or local congestion at the station.

The station operator shall comply with the arrangements set out in their RSC for
carrying out maintenance and renewals at stations, and for the management of
contractors on stations during installation and commissioning of ATGs.

During the commissioning period when the ATGs are not being tested they shall
be left in the open position, except when they are located in a station area not
currently used by passengers.

B12.2 Arrangements for introduction of the ATGs

The station operator shall ensure that action is taken to minimise passenger
uncertainty in the period immediately after bringing ATGs into service. This
action shall include:

a) the provision of advance publicity related to the ATG installation or


b) the provision of additional staff for a period determined by the station


B13 Monitoring of ATGs

B13.1 Provision for monitoring ATGs and auxiliary gates during operation
The station operator shall ensure that ATGs and auxiliary gate(s) are monitored
at all times while they are in operation from the station at which they are

The station operator shall determine the method of monitoring the ATGs.

The station operator shall determine and document the minimum number of
persons required to monitor the ATGs and auxiliary gate(s) in use at any one
time in order to ensure that passengers can use the gates safely.

The risk assessment shall examine the extent to which the minimum number of
persons required can vary depending on passenger flow rates experienced at
different times of the day/days of the week.

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Issue One
Date February 2003 Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
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If, at any time, it is not possible to monitor an array of ATGs and auxiliary gate(s),
or to provide the minimum number of persons required to monitor that array, they
shall be left in the open position.

Station operators shall ensure that there are arrangements in place to record:

a) any incidents, accidents or gate failures that occur, and

b) instances of excessive general overcrowding or local congestion requiring

specific action to ensure the safety of passengers.

B13.2 Requirements for competency and training for persons monitoring

ATGs and auxiliary gates
The station operator shall ensure that persons who have responsibility for
monitoring ATGs and auxiliary gates are subject to a documented competency
management system which includes, as a minimum:

a) competence criteria and a mechanism for reviewing the criteria

b) training, assessment, certification and reassessment arrangements

c) performance monitoring

d) records.

B14 Maintenance of
B14.1 Maintenance of ATGs and auxiliary gates
The station operator shall draw up and implement a planned inspection and
preventative maintenance procedure for the ATGs and auxiliary gate(s)
(including a cleaning regime).

B14.2 Rectification of faults

The station operator shall establish a fault reporting, response, rectification and
monitoring procedure.

B15 Annual re-

assessment of ATGs
B15.1 Re-assessment of the number of ATGs
The station operator shall carry out an annual re-assessment of the ATG
installation at the station to determine whether the number of ATGs and auxiliary
gates(s) installed remains sufficient.

A re-assessment shall also be carried out by the station operator if:

a) an increase in overcrowding or congestion between assessments indicates

a need to undertake a re-evaluation of the number of ATGs provided, or

b) an investigation following an incident, accident or other emergency

recommends a similar re-evaluation

Where the number of gates is found to be insufficient, action shall be taken to

rectify the situation within a timescale that has been justified by a risk

B16 Railway Safety

Case requirements
B16.1 Material change to Railway Safety Case (RSC)
On the first occasion that ATGs are to be installed at one of the duty holder’s
operated stations, the installation shall be treated as a material change to the
station operator’s RSC. Details of the arrangements to be incorporated within
the RSC are set out in sections B16.2 and B16.3.

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Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations Date February 2003
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On subsequent occasions that ATGs are to be installed or modified at one of the

duty holder’s operated stations, it is permissible for the installation or
modification to be treated as a non-material change to the station operator’s
RSC. However, the RSC shall be updated to incorporate the arrangement set
out in section B16.3 a).

B16.2 Change management arrangements

Station operators shall set out within their RSC the change management
arrangements for the introduction of new ATGs and for the modification to
existing ATGs including the method for obtaining technical approval.

B16.3 Risk control arrangements

Station operators shall incorporate within their RSC the arrangements for the

a) The method of monitoring applied at each ATG array and auxiliary gate(s) at
each station. This includes details where the method of monitoring varies at
different times of the day or on different days of the week (see B13.1).

b) The principal components of the competency management system for those

responsible for monitoring ATGs and auxiliary gates (B13.2).

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Issue One
Date February 2003 Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
Page 12 of 12

Railway Group Standards and other Railway Group Documents

GA/RT6001 Railway Group Standards Change Procedures

GA/RT6004 Temporary Non-Compliance with Railway Group Standards
GA/RT6006 Derogations from Railway Group Standards
GC/RT5161 Station Design and Maintenance Requirements (to be superseded by GI/RT7014
and GI/RT7016)
GC/RT5201 Lineside Security
GI/GN7515 Guidance on Automatic Ticket Gates at Stations
GE/RT8005 Fire Safety of Materials at Operational Premises
GE/GN8658 Guidance on the Safety Validation of Change

The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards and the Railway Group Standards
CD-ROM give the current issue number and status of documents published by
Railway Safety.

Other Reference Material

Railways and other Transport Systems (Approval of Works, Plant and

Equipment) Regulations 1994

Strategic Railway Authority (SRA) Guidance on the application of the Disability

Discrimination Act at Stations


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