Sonia Malik - Essential Oil Research - Trends in Biosynthesis, Analytics, Industrial Applications and Biotechnological Production-Springer International Publishing (2019)

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The book discusses essential oils obtained from plants, their properties, factors affecting composition, extraction techniques, and applications in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries.

Essential oils are volatile aromatic compounds extracted from plants. They have several biological properties and are widely used in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries.

The chemical composition of essential oils is influenced by genetic and environmental factors like soil conditions, climate, plant part used, and stage of plant growth.

Sonia Malik Editor

Essential Oil
Trends in Biosynthesis, Analytics,
Industrial Applications and
Biotechnological Production
Essential Oil Research
Sonia Malik

Essential Oil Research

Trends in Biosynthesis, Analytics,
Industrial Applications
and Biotechnological Production
Sonia Malik
ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology and School
of Agriculture, Food and Wine, University of Adelaide
Glen Osmond, SA, Australia
Graduate Program in Health Sciences, Biological and Health Sciences Center
Federal University of Maranhão
São Luís, MA, Brazil

ISBN 978-3-030-16545-1    ISBN 978-3-030-16546-8 (eBook)

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

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Dedicated To my grandparents

Essential oils obtained from plants are gaining tremendous attention due to their sev-
eral biological properties and use in food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries.
Essential oils are extracted from various plant parts by using different techniques.
The chemical composition and quality of essential oils vary depending on several
genetic and environmental factors. By employing diverse biotechnological meth-
ods, it is possible to improve the production of essential oils from plants. All these
issues have been addressed in this book. Fourteen chapters are written by globally
renowned researchers working in the area of essential oils and natural products.
Chapter 1 by Hanif et al. provides the general overview of essential oils, their
chemistry, extraction methods, analyses, biological activities, applications, risks,
and dangers. The chemical composition of essential oils is influenced by biotic,
abiotic, and genetic factors, which are discussed in Chap. 2 by Boaro et al. Chapter
3 by Sakhanokho and Rajasekaran describes the composition and uses of essential
oils from different species of Hedychium, while the essential oils of family
Burseraceae are presented by DeCarlo et  al. in Chap. 4. Chapter 5 by Guha and
Nandi highlights the potential of essential oil of betel leaf in the world food sector,
and Chap. 6 by Desrosiers et al. is focused on essential oils from two different spe-
cies of Artemisia. Activity of essential oils against human oral pathogens has been
detailed in Chap. 7 by Marinković et al. Chapter 8 by Blank et al. is devoted on
chemical diversity and biological activities of essential oils of plants from Northeast
Brazil. Satyal and Setzer discuss about adulteration in essential oils and its analysis
in Chap. 9. Applications of essential oils from pines are presented in Chapter 10 by
Kumar et al. Segura et al. in Chap. 11 address various biotechnological approaches
to improve the yield and quality of essential oil in aromatic plants. The phytochemi-
cal composition, pharmacological activities, and biotechnological production of
essential oils from geranium are summarized in Chap. 12 by Narnoliya et al. Chap.
13 by Banerjee and Roychoudhury presents the potential applications of metabolic
engineering for the enhanced production of aromatic oils in plants. The role of bio-
technology in obtaining essential oils from non-herbaceous plants is documented in
Chap. 14 by Gounaris. Lastly, Chap. 15 by Semenova et  al. aims to describe
Eremothecium strains as essential oil producers.

viii Preface

Through this multi-authored book, efforts have been made to provide recent
developments and techniques for extracting essential oils and various applications
of biotechnological methods for their improved production in plants. This book will
be a valuable reference for biotechnologists, pharmacists, food technologists, and
researchers working in the area of natural plant products and medical and healthcare

Glen Osmond, SA, Australia Sonia Malik

São Luís, MA, Brazil

Since the beginning of my task in selecting the title of this book and bringing it into
the present form, I have always experienced a special source of inspiration, guid-
ance, and shower of blessings from my grandparents and parents. They have left no
stone unturned in shaping my academic career in an exceptional way. I would also
like to acknowledge my brothers and their families for their love and affection.
A heartfelt appreciation goes to my husband, Dr. Surender Kumar Sharma, for
his valuable advice. I would like to extend my special regards to my mother-in-law
and father-in-law for their kind gesture and encouragement.
I owe my thanks to Springer team for their technical support and time-to-time
suggestions. I also acknowledge all the experienced and renowned authors for their


Part I Essential Oils Composition and Why Plants Produce Them

1 Essential Oils��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������    3
Muhammad Asif Hanif, Shafaq Nisar, Ghufrana Samin Khan,
Zahid Mushtaq, and Muhammad Zubair
2 Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical
Composition of Essential Oils in Aromatic Plants from Brazil ����������   19
Carmen Sílvia Fernandes Boaro, Maria Aparecida Ribeiro Vieira,
Felipe Girotto Campos, Gisela Ferreira, Iván De-la-Cruz-Chacón,
and Márcia Ortiz Mayo Marques
3 Hedychium Essential Oils: Composition and Uses��������������������������������   49
Hamidou F. Sakhanokho and Kanniah Rajasekaran
4 The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae����������������������������������������������������   61
Anjanette DeCarlo, Noura S. Dosoky, Prabodh Satyal, Aaron
Sorensen, and William N. Setzer

Part II Uses of Essential Oils in Various Industries

5 Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel
Addition to the World Food Sector��������������������������������������������������������  149
Proshanta Guha and Sujosh Nandi
6 Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra Essential Oils
and Their Therapeutic Potential������������������������������������������������������������  197
Matthew R. Desrosiers, Melissa J. Towler, and Pamela J. Weathers
7 Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens ��������  211
Jelena Marinković, Tatjana Marković, Biljana Miličić,
Marina Soković, Ana Ćirić, and Dejan Marković

xii Contents

8 Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties

of Essential Oils of Plants from Northeast Brazil ��������������������������������  235
Arie Fitzgerald Blank, Maria de Fátima Arrigoni-Blank,
Leandro Bacci, Livio Martins Costa Junior,
and Daniela Aparecida de Castro Nizio

Part III Extraction and Bioanalytical Techniques

9 Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils��������������������������������������������������  261
Prabodh Satyal and William N. Setzer
10 Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications����������������������  275
Gaurav Kumar Silori, Naveen Kushwaha, and Vimal Kumar

Part IV Strategies and Technologies for Essential Oil Production

11 Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential
Oil Yield and Quality in Aromatic Plants:
The Lavandula latifolia (Spike Lavender) Example.
Past and Recommendations for the Future ������������������������������������������  301
Juan Segura, Jesús Muñoz-Bertomeu, Isabel Mendoza-Poudereux,
and Isabel Arrillaga
12 The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects
and Biotechnological Approaches to the Production
of High-­Value Essential Oil from Geranium ����������������������������������������  327
Lokesh Kumar Narnoliya, Jyoti Singh Jadaun, and Sudhir P. Singh
13 Biotechnological Production of Aromatic Oils from Plants ����������������  353
Aditya Banerjee and Aryadeep Roychoudhury
14 The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production
from Non-herbaceous Plants������������������������������������������������������������������  365
Yannis Gounaris
15 Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology
for the Modern Essential Oil Production����������������������������������������������  401
E. F. Semenova, E. V. Presnyakova, A. I. Shpichka,
and V. S. Presnyakova

Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  437

Isabel  Arrillaga  Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Valencia,

Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
ISIC/ERI de Biotecnología y Biomedicina, Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot,
Valencia, Spain
Leandro  Bacci  Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Agronomic
Engineering, Post-Graduate Program in Agriculture and Biodiversity, São Cristóvão,
Sergipe, Brazil
Aditya  Banerjee  Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s
College (Autonomous), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Arie Fitzgerald Blank  Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Agronomic
Engineering, Post-Graduate Program in Agriculture and Biodiversity, São Cristóvão,
Sergipe, Brazil
Carmen Sílvia Fernandes Boaro  Departamento de Botânica, IB, UNESP, Campus
de Botucatu, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
Felipe  Girotto  Campos  Departamento de Botânica, IB, UNESP, Campus de
Botucatu, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
Ana Ćirić  Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Bulevar Despota
Stefana 142, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Iván De-la-Cruz-Chacón  Laboratorio de Fisiología y Química Vegetal, Instituto
de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (UNICACH),
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico
Anjanette DeCarlo  Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
Department of Environmental Studies, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester,

xiv Contributors

Matthew  R.  Desrosiers  Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Worcester

Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA
Daniela Aparecida de Castro Nizio  Federal University of Sergipe, Department of
Agronomic Engineering, Post-Graduate Program in Agriculture and Biodiversity,
São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil
Noura S. Dosoky  Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
dōTERRA International, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Maria de Fátima Arrigoni-Blank  Federal University of Sergipe, Department of
Agronomic Engineering, Post-Graduate Program in Agriculture and Biodiversity,
São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil
Gisela  Ferreira  Departamento de Botânica, IB, UNESP, Campus de Botucatu,
Botucatu, SP, Brazil
Yannis Gounaris  University of Thessaly, Department of Agriculture, New Ionia,
Proshanta Guha  Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute
of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Muhammad  Asif  Hanif  Nano and Biomaterials Lab (NBL), Department of
Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Jyoti  Singh  Jadaun  Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB),
Mohali, India
Livio  Martins  Costa  Junior  Federal University of Maranhão, Biological and
Health Science Center, Department of Pathology, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil
Ghufrana Samin Khan  Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering and
Technology (Lahore), Faisalabad, Pakistan
Vimal  Kumar  Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
Naveen  Kushwaha  Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
Jelena Marinković  “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Mike Petrovića Alasa
12, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Dejan  Marković  Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, School of
Dental Medicine, Dr. Subotića 11, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Tatjana  Marković  Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr. Josif Pančić”,
Tadeuša Koščuška 1, Belgrade, Serbia
Márcia Ortiz Mayo Marques  Centro de Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Instituto
Agronômico (IAC), Campinas, SP, Brazil
Contributors xv

Isabel  Mendoza-Poudereux  Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de

Valencia, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
ISIC/ERI de Biotecnología y Biomedicina, Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot,
Valencia, Spain
Biljana  Miličić  Department for Medical Statistics and Informatics, School of
Dental Medicine, Dr. Subotića 1, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Jesús  Muñoz-Bertomeu  Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de
Valencia, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
Zahid  Mushtaq  Bioactive Molecules Research Lab (BMRL), Department of
Biochemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Sujosh Nandi  Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
Lokesh  Kumar  Narnoliya  Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing
(CIAB), Mohali, India
Shafaq  Nisar  Nano and Biomaterials Lab (NBL), Department of Chemistry,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
E.  V.  Presnyakova  State Commission of the Russian Federation for Selection
Achievements Test and Protection, Moscow, Russia
V.  S.  Presnyakova  Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University,
Moscow, Russia
Kanniah  Rajasekaran  USDA-ARS, Southern Regional Research Center, New
Orleans, LA, USA
Aryadeep  Roychoudhury  Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology, St.
Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Hamidou  F.  Sakhanokho  USDA-ARS, Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural
Laboratory, Poplarville, MS, USA
Prabodh Satyal  Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
dōTERRA International, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville,
Juan  Segura  Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Valencia,
Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
ISIC/ERI de Biotecnología y Biomedicina, Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot,
Valencia, Spain
E. F. Semenova  Penza State University, Penza, Russia
xvi Contributors

William N. Setzer  Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA

Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville,
A. I. Shpichka  Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University, Moscow,
Gaurav Kumar Silori  Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
Sudhir P. Singh  Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Mohali,
Marina  Soković  Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Bulevar
Despota Stefana 142, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Aaron Sorensen  Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
dōTERRA International, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Melissa  J.  Towler  Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA
Maria Aparecida Ribeiro Vieira  Departamento de Botânica, IB, UNESP, Campus
de Botucatu, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
Pamela  J.  Weathers  Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA
Muhammad  Zubair  Department of Chemistry, University of Gujrat, Gujrat,
Part I
Essential Oils Composition and Why
Plants Produce Them
Chapter 1
Essential Oils

Muhammad Asif Hanif, Shafaq Nisar, Ghufrana Samin Khan,

Zahid Mushtaq, and Muhammad Zubair

1.1  Introduction

The attraction of aromatic and medicinal plants grows continuously due to the
increasing demand as well as interest of consumers in these plants for medicinal,
culinary, and other anthropogenic applications. As consumers are increasingly
informed about health, food, and nutrition issues, they are also realizing the poten-
tial and benefits of aromatic and medicinal plants and their metabolites. There are
many secondary metabolites which are produced by these plants; essential oils
(EOs) are among them. Composition of essential oils is very complex. Individual
components present in essential oils have valuable applications in various fields like
agriculture, environment, and human health. Essential oils are found as effective
complements to synthetic compounds which are used in the chemical industry.
The  term essential oil dates back to the sixteenth century and derives from the
drug Quinta Essentia, named by Paracelsus von Hohenheim of Switzerland
(Brenner 1993). Essential oils (EOs) get their name because of their flammable
characteristics. According to French Agency for Normalization: Agence Française

M. A. Hanif (*) · S. Nisar

Nano and Biomaterials Lab (NBL), Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad, Pakistan
G. S. Khan
Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering and Technology (Lahore),
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Z. Mushtaq
Bioactive Molecules Research Lab (BMRL), Department of Biochemistry,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
M. Zubair
Department of Chemistry, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 3

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
4 M. A. Hanif et al.

de Normalisation (AFNOR), essential oils can be defined as (NF T 75-006):

“The essential oil is the product obtained from a vegetable raw material, either by
steam distillation or by mechanical processes from the epicarp of Citrus, or ‘dry’
EOs are insoluble in inorganic solvents (water) while soluble in organic solvents
(ether, alcohol, fixed oils). They are volatile liquids, having a characteristic odor and
density less than unity, except vetiver, sassafras, and cinnamon. They are exten-
sively used in perfumery, aromatherapy, and cosmetics industry. Aromatherapy is a
therapeutic technique which includes inhalations, massage, or baths by using essen-
tial oils (volatile oils). Essential oils (EOs) also serve as chemical signals that allow
the plant to control and regulate its environment (ecological role): repel predators,
attract insects for pollination, inhibit seed germination, and communicate between
different plants. Furthermore, EOs also possesses insecticidal, deterrent, and anti-
fungal activities. Essential oils are present in different parts of aromatic plants such
as in flowers (pink, orange, lavender, flower bud in case of clove and bracts in case
of ylang-ylang), leaves (in case of mint, eucalyptus, bay leaf, thyme, sage, savory,
pine needles), rhizomes (sweet flag and ginger), roots (vetiver), seeds (coriander
and carvi), fruits (anise, fennel, and citrus epicarps), and wood and bark (in sandal-
wood, cinnamon, and rosewood).

1.2  History of Essential Oils

It is challenging to find when first essential oil was extracted; actually ancient writ-
ings which tell about the medicinal distilled waters don’t exactly describe the pro-
cedure used. The very first document describes the distillation process dating back
to the ninth century when the Arabs brought essential oils (EOs) into Europe. In the
sixteenth century, the concept of essential oils and fatty oils, as well as methods for
the separation of essences from the aromatic waters, became well known. At that
time, EOs were commercialized with industrial, therapeutic, and cosmetic objec-
tives. By the end of the nineteenth century, chemists managed to isolate, separate,
and reproduce the active molecules of essential oils in perfumery, therapy, and other

1.3  Sources of Essential Oils

Leaves Peel Flowers Seeds

Basil Oregano Bergamot Chamomile Lavender Almond
Bay leaf Patchouli Grape fruit Clary sage Manuka Anise
Cinnamon Peppermint Lemon Clove Marjoram Celery
Eucalyptus Pine Lime Geranium Orange Cumin
Lemon grass Rosemary Orange Hyssop Rose Nutmeg oil
1  Essential Oils 5

Melaleuca Spearmint Tangerine Jasmine Ylang-ylang

Wintergreen Tea tree
Wood Bark Berries Resins Rhizome
Camphor Rosewood Cassia Allspice Frankincense Ginger
Cedar Sandalwood Cinnamon Juniper Myrrh

1.4  Chemistry of Essential Oils

There are more than 200 components present in the mixture of pure essential oils.
Normally, these mixtures contain phenylpropanic derivatives or terpenes (have min-
imal structural and chemical differences) (Rao and Pandey 2007). They can be cat-
egorized into two classes:
• Volatile fraction: Volatile fraction has 90–95% of total oil weight. It contains
monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and their oxygenated derivatives. Aliphatic alco-
hols, esters, and aldehydes may also be present in volatile fraction.
• Nonvolatile residue: Nonvolatile residue is 1–10% of total essential oil in weight.
It contains fatty acids, hydrocarbons, sterols, waxes, flavonoids, and

1.4.1  Hydrocarbon

Essential oils contain chemical compounds that have carbon and hydrogen as their
building blocks. Isoprene is the major basic hydrocarbon unit found in essential oils.
Chemical structure of isoprene is as given below:

1.4.2  Terpenes

Terpenes are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and antiviral in nature.

Terpenes can be classified as sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, and diterpenes. Two,
three, and four isoprene units are joined head to tail and form monoterpenes, sesqui-
terpene, and diterpenes, respectively. Here are some examples of general monoter-
penes: pinene, limonene, camphene, piperine, etc.
6 M. A. Hanif et al.

1.4.3  Alcohols

Alcohols are antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, and germicidal in nature. Naturally,

alcohols may present in free form or in combined form with other terpenes or esters.
Terpenes along with hydroxyl group are called alcohols. Monoterpene combined
with hydroxyl group is called termed as monoterpenol. In the body or skin, alcohols
are safe to use as they show very low or completely no toxic reactions. Examples of
some common alcohols present in essential oils are as follows: linalool in lavender
and ylang-ylang, nerol in neroli, and geraniol in rose and geranium.

1.4.4  Aldehydes

Aldehydes are anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, sed-

ative, and disinfectant. The presence of aldehydes in essential oils has great medici-
nal importance as they are effective in the treatment of candida and in many other
fungal infections. Examples of some common aldehydes present in essential oils are
citral in lemon, citronellal in lemon balm, citrus eucalyptus, and lemongrass.

1.4.5  Acids

Acids are anti-inflammatory in nature. In essential oils, organic acids are present in
very small quantity in free form. Plant acids act as components or buffer systems to
control acidity. For example, benzoic and cinnamic acids are present in benzoin.

1.4.6  Esters

Esters present in essential oil have soothing and balancing effects. Esters are effec-
tive antimicrobial agents due to the presence of alcohol in their structure. In medical
field, esters are characterized as sedative and antifungal, with balancing action on
nervous system. Some common esters present in essential oils are linalyl acetate in
the lavender and bergamot and geranyl formate in the geranium.

1.4.7  Ketones

Ketones are cell proliferant, anti-catarrhal, vulnerary, and expectorant in nature.

Essential oils (EOs) have ketones and are considered to be beneficial for promoting
wound healing and also for encouraging scar tissue formation. Ketones are
1  Essential Oils 7

generally (not always) toxic in nature. The most toxic ketone is thujone that is found
in sage, mugwort, tansy wormwood, and thuja oils. Other toxic ketones found in
EOs are pinocamphone in hyssops and pulegone in pennyroyal. Some nontoxic
ketones are fenchone in fennel essential oil, jasmone in jasmine essential oil, men-
thone in peppermint oil, and carvone in spearmint.

1.4.8  Lactones

Lactones are antiphlogistic, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, and expectorant in nature.

Lactones are particularly effective due to their anti-inflammatory action. Lactones
have the ability to reduce prostaglandin synthesis and show expectorant actions
stronger than that of ketones (Rao and Pandey 2007).

1.5  Methods of Extracting Essential Oils

1.5.1  Maceration

Maceration in fact produces more of “infused oil” rather than that of “essential oil.”
In this technique, plant material is soaked in the vegetable oil and then heated and
strained at a point on which produced product can be used for the massage

1.5.2  Cold Pressing

Cold pressing is a technique used for the extraction of essential oils from the citrus
rinds like lemon, orange, bergamot, and grapefruit. This method encompasses the
simple rind pressing followed by the separation of rinds from the fruit, chopping,
and then pressing. As a result, a watery mixture is produced that contains both
essential oil and liquid present in the source material. These are separated from each
other by using appropriate method. It is significant to note that essential oils pro-
duced from this method have short shelf life as compared to other methods.

1.5.3  Solvent Extraction

In solvent extraction, essential oil is extracted from plant material using a suitable
solvent. Generally, hydrocarbons are added as solvent into the plant material for the
extraction of essential oils. After the addition of solvent into the plant material, the
8 M. A. Hanif et al.

produced solution is filtered and then concentrated by the process of distillation. Oil
is extracted from the concentrate by the addition of pure alcohol which is then
evaporated, and oil is left behind. The main drawback of using this method is that
solvent residue left behind may cause allergies and also affect the immune system.

1.5.4  Enfleurage

Enfleurage is the traditional and intensive method for the extraction of essential oils
from the flowers. In this process, fat is layered over the flower petal for the extrac-
tion purpose. After the absorbance of essential oils by fat from the flower petals,
alcohol is used for the separation and extraction of essential oils from fat. At the end
of the process, pure essential oil is collected by evaporating the alcohol.

1.5.5  Hydrodistillation

Hydrodistillation has become obsolete for the essential oil extraction process. The
use of hydrodistillation in the developed countries is limited due to the production
of essential oils with burnt smell. As in this process, material is overheated which
causes the burning of aromatic compounds that result in the production of desired
product (essential oils) with burnt smell. This process seems to be effective for pow-
ders such as groundwood, spice powders, etc. and for tough materials such as nuts,
wood, or roots.

1.5.6  CO2 and Supercritical CO2 Extraction

This method of extraction is involved in the most modern technologies. Carbon

dioxide (CO2) and supercritical CO2 extraction processes use CO2 as “solvent” that
carries essential oils away from the desired plant materials. In CO2 extraction pro-
cess, CO2 is used at very high pressure. First of all CO2 is chilled between tempera-
tures of 35 and 55 °F and then pumped at pressure of 1000 psi through plant material.
The carbon dioxide in this condition is condensed to a liquid. In supercritical CO2
extraction (SCO2) process, CO2 is heated at temperature of 87 °F and at pressure of
8000 psi and pumped through plant materials. At these conditions, CO2 is compared
to dense fog or vapor. Pressure of the reaction media is released that results in the
removal of carbon dioxide in gaseous form by leaving the essential oil behind.
Hence essential oils get separated from the CO2. Essential oils obtained through this
process contain an essence closer to the essence of the original plant material
(Reverchon 1997).
1  Essential Oils 9

1.5.7  Turbo Distillation Extraction

Turbo distillation process is appropriate for the extraction of coarse and hard plant
material like roots, seeds, and bark. In this process, plant material is soaked into the
water, and then steam is circulated through the plant material and mixture of water.
Throughout the process, same water is recycled through the plant material. This
method allows essential oil at a faster rate from the hard-to-extract plant materials.

1.5.8  Steam Distillation

Most commonly used technique for the extraction of the essential oil from the plant
material is called distillation. In this type of distillation, flowers or plants are placed
on screen, and steam passed through the material. Later steam is condensed to pro-
duce water and essential oil. At the end, this mixture of essential oil and water is
separated (Cassel et al. 2009).

1.6  Analysis of Essential Oils

Qualification and quantification of produced EOs are necessary to ensure its good
quality. Different classical as well as modern analytical techniques are used for the
analysis of produced EOs.

1.6.1  Classical Analytical Techniques

The earliest analytical techniques used for the examination of essential oils (EOs)
were generally focused on the quality aspects that concern only two main proper-
ties, i.e., purity and identity (Marques et al. 2009). Titrimetry and gravimetry are
classical analytical techniques that are used for the analysis of essential oils
(Marques et al. 2009; Guenther 2013). Specific gravity (SG) method is frequently
used for the investigation of physicochemical properties of EOs. Furthermore, clas-
sical methodologies have been also widely used for the analysis of chemical proper-
ties of essential oils (Guenther 2013).

1.6.2  Modern Analytical Techniques

Most of the analytical methods applied for the analysis of EOs are based on the
chromatographic procedures that help in the component identification as well as its
separation. However, other methods are also required for the confirmation to get
10 M. A. Hanif et al.

reliable identification and avoid equivocated characterization. In the past, research-

ers were devoted to develop an appropriate method in order to get deeper knowledge
regarding the profiles of volatile constituents present in essential oils. However, the
complexity of essential oils’ structure made this analytical task troublesome. The
number of known components present in essential oils has drastically increased
with the improvement in instrumental analytical chemistry. In gas chromatographic
(GC) analysis, the sample constituents are vaporized and eluted with the help of gas
mobile phase while in case of liquid chromatographic (LC) analysis, the constitu-
ents of the sample are eluted by liquid mobile phase. In general, the GC is used for
the analysis of volatile constituents present in the essential oils, and LC is used for
the analysis of nonvolatile constituents present in the essential oils. Chromatography
gives both qualitative and quantitative information regarding the analyzed sample
(Zellner et al. 2010).

1.7  Biological Activities of Essential Oils

1.7.1  Antibacterial Activity

Essential oils show remarkable antimicrobial properties. Main feature of EOs is

their hydrophobicity that allows EOs to partition into lipids of bacterial cell mem-
brane due to which bacterial structure is disrupted and made more permeable
(Sikkema et al. 1994). Hence, different ions and many other cellular molecules from
the bacterial cell are leaked (Gustafson et  al. 1998; Cox et  al. 2000; Carson and
Riley 1995; Ultee et al. 2002). However, certain amounts of ions and other cellular
molecules from the bacterial cells can be endured without any loss of viability, but
greater loss of cellular contents and ions can lead to bacterial cell death (Denyer
1991). Commonly, phenolic compounds present in the essential oils like eugenol,
thymol, and carvacrol are responsible for the antibacterial activities of essential oils
(Dorman and Deans 2000; Knobloch et  al. 1986). These compounds can cause
coagulation of cell contents and disruption of cytoplasmic membrane/electron flow/
driving force of the proton/active transport (Denyer 1991; Pauli 2001).

1.7.2  Antioxidant Activity

Essential oils exhibit excellent antioxidant properties. The antioxidant potential of

essential oils depends on the composition of essential oils. Phenolic compounds and
other secondary metabolites present in essential oils (containing conjugated double
bonds) generally show significant antioxidant properties (Koh et  al. 2002). The
essential oils obtained from nutmeg, thyme, cinnamon, mint, basil, clove, oregano,
1  Essential Oils 11

and parsley are characterized by most vital antioxidant properties (Aruoma 1998).
Most active compounds which show antioxidant properties are carvacrol and thy-
mol. Activity of these compounds is related to their phenolic structure. Due to the
redox properties of the phenolic compounds, they play a vital role in neutralization
of free radicals and also in decomposition of peroxides (Burt 2004). The antioxidant
activity of EOs is also due to other compounds present in essential oils like alcohols,
ketones, aldehydes, ethers, and monoterpenes. Common examples of these com-
pounds are linalool, geranial/neral, 1,8-cineole, isomenthone, menthone, citronellal,
α-terpinolene, α-terpinene, and β-terpinene (Aruoma 1998).

1.7.3  Anti-Inflammatory Activity

Inflammation is an ordinary protective response which is induced by the infection

or any tissue injury and functions to fight with invaders like microorganisms or
nonself cells present within the body and to remove damaged or dead host cells. As
a result, oxidative burst, release of cytokines, increase in permeability of endothelial
lining cells, and incursions of blood leukocytes into interstitium occur. Furthermore,
inflammation also stimulates the metabolism of arachidonic acid and the activity of
various enzymes (nitric oxide synthases, oxygenases, peroxidases). Essential oils
are used as anti-inflammation agents for the treatment of inflammatory diseases like
arthritis, allergies, or rheumatism (Maruyama et  al. 2005). The active anti-­
inflammation compounds present in essential oils act as inhibitors for the release of
the histamine or reducer for the production of any inflammation mediators. For
example, 1,8-cineole—important constituent of many essential oils—acts as an
inhibitor for leukotrienes (LTB4) and prostaglandin (PGE2) (Yoon et  al. 2000).
Anti-inflammatory activities of EOs are not only due to the antioxidant activities of
essential oils but also due to the interactions between EOs and signaling cascades
(including regulatory transcription factors and cytokines) and due to the expression
of the pro-inflammatory genes.

1.7.4  Cancer Chemoprotective Activity

Essential oils show potential activity for the treatment of cancer. Essential oils con-
tain anticancer natural products (Edris 2007) which play a vital role in the preven-
tion and recovery from cancer. There are certain foods like turmeric and garlic
which are considered to be good sources of the anticancer agents (Edris 2007).
Essential oil obtained from garlic has sulfur compounds like diallyl trisulfide, dial-
lyl sulfide, and diallyl disulfide which show preventive effect against cancer (Milner
2001, 2006).
12 M. A. Hanif et al.

1.7.5  Cytotoxicity

There are no specific cellular ligands found in essential oils due to their complex
chemical composition (Carson and Riley 1995). As lipophilic mixtures, EOs have
an ability to degrade cell membrane layers of phospholipids, fatty acids, and poly-
saccharides. Furthermore, EOs may coagulate cytoplasm (Lambert et al. 2001) and
also damage proteins and lipids present in cytoplasm (Ultee et al. 2002; Burt 2004).
Damage to the wall and the cell membrane can lead to the leakage of macromole-
cules and lysis (Turina et al. 2006). Increase in the membrane permeability leads to
the death of the cell by the process of necrosis and apoptosis (Oussalah et al. 2006;
Novgorodov and Gudz 1996).

1.7.6  Allelopathic Activity

According to the International Allelopathy Society (IAS), allelopathy is defined as

“The science that studies any process involving secondary metabolites produced by
plants, algae, bacteria and fungi that influences the growth and development of agri-
cultural and biological systems.” Allelopathic interactions are derived from the sec-
ondary metabolite production by plants and many other microorganisms. The main
function of secondary metabolites is to establish a wide range of defense system for
plant and microorganisms. The secondary metabolites that show allelopathic activi-
ties are termed as allelochemicals (Moon et  al. 2006). Bioactive terpenoids are
found to have a significant part in defensive mechanisms and also in the agricultural
field (Rim and Jee 2006).

1.7.7  Repellent and Insecticidal Activity

Essential oils have various structurally diverse chemical compounds with a variety
of repellent and insecticidal mechanisms. There are several factors that affect the
commercialization of essential oils. These include biological activity, intellectual
property value, product quality, regulatory requirements, and product performance
(Ahmed and Eapen 1986). The EOs have toxic effect for both granary insects and
flying insects. Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) and Gaultheria (Ericaceae) oils showed very
high toxic effect to kill insects (Mateeva and Karov 1983). Generally, EOs can be
ingested, inhaled, or absorbed by the skin of insects. EOs also show fumigant toxic-
ity (Regnault-Roger and Hamraoui 1995). For example, Anopheles funestus
(Culicidae: Diptera), Pediculus capitis (Pediculidae: Anoplura), Periplaneta orien-
talis (Dictyoptera: Blattidae), and Cimex lectularius (Cimicidae: Hemiptera) are
killed by the use of essential oils obtained from Eucalyptus saligna (Myrtaceae)
within 2–30 min.
1  Essential Oils 13

1.8  Applications of Essential Oils

1.8.1  Pharmacology and Medicinal Uses

Essential oils have an important part in the medical field due to their extraordinary
medicinal properties. Several EOs show fungicidal, antidepressant, antibacterial,
stimulating, and relaxant effect and can be used as an effective therapeutic agent. As
essential oils exhibited remarkable therapeutic properties, that is why these oils are
used effectively for the treatment of several infections caused by either pathogenic
or nonpathogenic diseases. Pathogenic diseases caused by virus, fungi, and bacteria
can be treated with the use of respective essential oils. Nonpathogenic diseases are
also treated with the appropriate use of essential oils. For example, essential oil
obtained from garlic significantly showed lowering in serum cholesterol and triglyc-
erides (TGs) by raising the level of lipoproteins (high density) in patients with coro-
nary heart diseases (Bordia 1981). Some EOs possess hypotensive activity and are
used for the treatment of hypertension. EOs and their individual aroma constituents
showed anti-cancerous properties and are used in the treatment of breast cancer,
tumors, leukemia, glioma, and many others. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon elements
present in EOs in very small amounts are effective for the treatment of glioma
(malignant human tumors) (DeAngelis 2001). Antiangiogenic therapy is considered
to be one of the most promising methodologies to control cancer.

1.8.2  Uses in Veterinary Medicine

There are various EOs like citronella oil which are used as insecticides or as insect
repellents and in veterinary applications. After the ban on the usage of antibiotics in
the feed of animals, EOs have emerged as a potential alternative to antibiotics used
in the feed of animals. EOs used in veterinary field are categorized into the follow-
ing classes:
1 . Essential oils which attract animals
2. Essential oils which repel animals
3. Antiparasitic, pest repellent, and insecticidal essential oils
4. Essential oils used in the feed of animals
5. Essential oils used for the treatment of animal disease/s
Essential oils are used in the feed of animals as an enhancer for pancreatic and gas-
tric juice production, stimulant for the production of saliva, appetite stimulant, and
antioxidant and antimicrobial for the improvement of broiler performance. EOs due
to their effective nature should be used in minute quantities in animal nutrition.
Otherwise, they can cause reduction in feed intake, accumulation in the animal tis-
sues, and disturbance in gastrointestinal microflora. Taste and odor of EOs may
contribute to the refusal of feed by the animals, but encapsulation of EOs is the
14 M. A. Hanif et al.

solution of this problem (Baser and Franz 2010). Generally, essential oils used in
the treatment of the human diseases are also recommended for the treatment of
animal diseases.

1.8.3  Aromatherapy

For many, the word “aromatherapy” originally became related to the idea of the
holistic use of EOs for promoting the health and well-being. With the passage of
time, the psychophysiological effects of EOs have been explored continuously. The
use of EOs to aid sedation and to reduce anxiety is also discussed in aromatherapy.
More significantly, practice of the aromatherapy is firmly related with inhalation of
EOs in small doses and their applications to the skin in highly diluted form as a part
of aromatherapy massage. Aromatherapy is among the complementary therapies
which are used for the treatment of many diseases with the use of EOs as major
therapeutic agents. Inhalation, baths, and local applications are the major approaches
used in “aromatherapy” that utilize EOs to penetrate into the surface of the human
skin with the marked aura. After the entrance of EOs in system, they re-modulated
themselves and work in a friendly manner at affected area or at malfunction site.
Aromatherapy uses several combinations and permutation to get relief from several
ailments like indigestion, depression, insomnia, headache, respiratory problems,
muscular pain, urine-associated complications, swollen joints, skin ailments, etc.
The use of EOs is found to be more favorable when other facets of life and diet are
made due consideration.

1.8.4  Agricultural Uses

Essential oils have a number of applications in sustainable agriculture due to their

antibacterial activity against food-spoiling bacteria and food-borne pathogens. EOs
are stated to have insecticidal properties basically as larvicidal, ovicidal, antifeed-
ant, repellence, and growth inhibitor (Isman et al. 1990; Regnault-Roger 1997; Dale
and Saradamma 1981).

1.8.5  Industrial Uses

The use of essential oils (EOs) at industrial level is a very promising area for the
development of any country. The quick development of flavor and fragrance indus-
try in the nineteenth century was largely based on the EOs and related other natural
products. In 1876, Haarman and Reimer started to synthesize vanillin (synthetic
aroma chemicals) and then anisaldehyde, coumarin, terpineol, and heliotropin.
1  Essential Oils 15

Even though aroma chemicals made revolution in flavors and fragrances with top
discoveries in the twentieth century, for several decades both fragrances and flavors
were synthesized with elements of natural origin, nearly all of which were EOs.

1.9  Essential Oil and Health Fitness

Essential oils have the ability to promote wellness when they are used as a part of
healthy lifestyle. Independently, EOs have various benefits for human body. When
the use of EOs is combined with the physical activities and proper eating manner,
they helped the user to feel better overall. The beauty of EOs is that they may be
tailored to any type of workout by the alternation in the application methods and EO
types to fit the preference and needs of the users. During routine exercise (heavy
lifting, dusty hiking trail, intense cardio and recreational sports), EOs can be used to
keep the body at peak performance. Essential oils are also a healthy part of weight
loss program when their use is combined with the healthy eating and consistent

1.10  Risks and Dangers of Essential Oils

Essential oils (EOs) have very concentrated properties of the plant or herb from
which they are derived. A very small amount of the EOs often have the qualities of
several cups of herbal tea from the same plant. As an example, one drop of pepper-
mint EO is comparable to 26–28 cups of the peppermint tea. This is not to say EOs
shouldn’t be used, but these oils should be utilized with great care and in safe
amounts. However, there are several essential oils which are not safe to use inter-
nally, and others should really be used with great caution. As EOs are the equivalent
to 10–50 cups of herbal tea (depends on the used herb) or 20× the suggested dose of
herbal tincture of the exact same herb, they need to only be taken internally in cir-
cumstances where they are completely needed and with great care. However, there
are many warnings about the safe utilization of EOs. EOs are excellent natural rem-
edies when used in a proper way.


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Burt S (2004) Essential oils: their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods—a
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Carson C, Riley T (1995) Antimicrobial activity of the major components of the essential oil of
Melaleuca alternifolia. J Appl Bacteriol 78:264–269
Cassel E, Vargas R, Martinez N, Lorenzo D, Dellacassa E (2009) Steam distillation modeling for
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1  Essential Oils 17

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essential oils. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London, pp 151–184
Chapter 2
Factors Influencing the Production
and Chemical Composition of Essential
Oils in Aromatic Plants from Brazil

Carmen Sílvia Fernandes Boaro, Maria Aparecida Ribeiro Vieira,
Felipe Girotto Campos, Gisela Ferreira, Iván De-la-Cruz-Chacón,
and Márcia Ortiz Mayo Marques

2.1  Introduction

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions occurring in plant cells. Specific

enzymes provide direction to these reactions, called metabolic routes, which are
primarily aimed to obtain nutrients for the cell, such as energy (ATP), reducing
power (NADPH), and biosynthesis of compounds essential for their survival,
including macromolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins (Taiz and
Zeiger 2010).
The processes essential to plants are called primary metabolism, which is char-
acterized by large production, wide distribution, and essential functions. The spe-
cialized metabolism (Buchanan et al. 2015), on the other hand, is characterized by
the biosynthesis of molecules with structural diversity and complexity, produced in
a small scale with restricted distribution and specificity, having an adaptive role in
the medium, defense against herbivores and microorganisms, protection against
UV rays, attraction of pollinators, and seed-dispersing animals (Lima et al. 2014;
Wink 2016).
The specialized metabolites often present interesting biological activities of
great relevance in the pharmaceutical, food, agronomic, and perfume industries
(Facanali et al. 2015; Matos-Rocha et al. 2016; Simões et al. 2017).

C. S. F. Boaro (*) · M. A. R. Vieira · F. G. Campos · G. Ferreira

Departamento de Botânica, IB, UNESP, Campus de Botucatu, Botucatu, SP, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
I. De-la-Cruz-Chacón
Laboratorio de Fisiología y Química Vegetal, Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de
Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (UNICACH), Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico
e-mail: [email protected]
M. O. M. Marques
Centro de Recursos Genéticos Vegetais, Instituto Agronômico (IAC), Campinas, SP, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 19

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
20 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

The production of specialized metabolites is the result of complex interactions

between biosynthesis, transport, storage, and degradation, being influenced by
genetic or epigenetic factors, ontogeny (state of development), and environment. In
several plant species, the biosynthesis site is restricted to one organ, while the prod-
ucts are accumulated in any plant or in different organs, by means of an intercellular
transport system (Gobbo-Neto and Lopes 2007; Rehman and Hanif 2016;
Nagegowda 2010; Chezem and Clay 2016; Chacón et al. 2013).
The specialized metabolites originate from the intermediates acetyl-CoA, shikimic
acid, mevalonic acid, and methylerythritol phosphate (Dewick 2009).
Essential oils are constituted by volatile substances belonging to specialized
metabolism, which may be extracted from root, stem, leaf, fruit, flower, and plant
seeds (Marques et al. 2012). The main classes of metabolites in essential oils are
monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropanoids. The monoterpenes and ses-
quiterpenes are derived from the union of isoprene (C5) units. The isoprene unit is
formed from two biosynthetic routes: (i) the intermediate route from mevalonic acid
(MVA), which occurs in cytosol and is responsible for the formation of sesquiter-
penes (C15), and (ii) the alternative route of methylerythritol-4-phosphate (MEP),
also known as the independent route or deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate, which occurs
in chloroplasts, leading to monoterpenes (C10). Mevalonic acid (MVA) is formed by
the union of three molecules of acetyl-coenzyme A and methylerythritol-4-­
phosphate (MEP) by intermediates of the glycolytic route, pyruvic acid, and glycer-
aldehyde-3-phosphate (Dewick 2009; Taiz and Zeiger 2010). Phenylpropanoids are
produced from the shikimate pathway and derived from cinnamic acid. The deami-
nation of the phenylalanine by the enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL)
originates cinnamic acid, which is hydroxylated by the enzyme cinnamate 4-hydrox-
ylase to form p-coumaric acid. Trans-cinnamic and p-coumaric acids and their
derivatives are called phenylpropanoids (Dewick 2009; Taiz and Zeiger 2010).
Essential oils are biosynthesized and accumulated in specialized structures, such
as osmophores, glandular trichomes, idioblasts, ducts, and cavities. These structures
have a variety of shapes, sizes, and compositions and may be found in vegetative
and reproductive organs of plants (Langenheim 2003; Antunes et al. 2004; Marin
et al. 2006; Dickison 2000; Schilmiller et al. 2008).
The biological activities of essential oils and/or their isolated substances have
shown promising results, with the possibility of being a source of raw material for
pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries (Amdouni et al. 2016; Ferraz et al.
2013; Silva et al. 2015; Singh and Sharma 2015). However, for the conservation and
sustainable exploitation of these genetic resources, studies are needed on the chemi-
cal and genetic diversity of species, aiming to obtain information in elaborating
strategies for conservation and sustainable use, contributing to the quality of com-
mercial products (Allendorf et al. 2010; De Queiroz et al. 2017; Oliveira et al. 2012;
Zucchi 2009).
In plants, essential oils play important roles in the adaptation to the environment
(Kroymann 2011; Meldau et  al. 2012), defense against pathogens (Goggin
2007),  herbivores (De Vries et  al. 2017), interactions with pollinators and
­mycorrhizal fungi, signaling among plants, and protection against abiotic stresses,
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 21

such as light, water, temperature, nutrients, types of soils, pH, and altitude, among
others (Amdouni et al. 2016; Morshedloo et al. 2017; Verpoorte 2000).
Some plants when  attack by herbivores, release mixtures of volatile com-
pounds, which attract organisms that feed on the parasites, thereby reducing the
damage and benefiting the plant (Degenhardt et  al. 2009; Duarte et  al. 2010;
Jamieson et al. 2017).
Biotic factors, related to plant species, and abiotic factors, related to the environ-
ment, influence the production and chemical composition of essential oils (Aslam
et al. 2017; Shao et al. 2007; Silvas et al. 2013).
Among the many species distributed in several families with medicinal and aro-
matic potentials, we will highlight in this chapter some belonging to the families
Lamiaceae (Mentha x piperita L., Ocimum selloi Benth, reclassified as Ocimum
carnosum (Spreng.) Link & Otto ex Benth, Ocimum basilicum L., Origanum vul-
gare L., and Thymus vulgaris L.), Asteraceae (Lychnophora ericoides Mart.,
Lychnophora pinaster Mart., and Baccharis dracunculifolia DC), and Boraginaceae
Varronia curassavica Jacq (synonym: Cordia verbenaceae DC) (Bueno 2004;
Scavroni et al. 2005; Valmorbida et al. 2006; De Fazio 2007; David 2007; Vasques
2007; De Fazio 2011; Carboni 2013; Facanali et  al. 2015; Búfalo 2015; Bolina
2015; Búfalo et al. 2016; Haber 2008; Isobe 2012; Silva 2013; Vieira et al. 2014;
Silva 2016; Belini 2015).

2.2  Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Medicinal and aromatic plants are plant species that have one or a group of sub-
stances that have biological activities, such as insecticidal, larvicidal, anticancer,
antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiemetic, antimalarial, carminative,
stimulant, antispasmodic, antiulcer, antimicrobial and antirheumatic, among others
(Park et al. 2009; Abdelwahab et al. 2010; Rana et al. 2011; Stojkovic et al. 2011;
Millezi et al. 2012; Millezi et al. 2013; Oliveira et al. 2012; Oliveira et al. 2013;
Aznar et  al. 2015). Many species that exhibit intense odor due to the release of
volatile substances are classified as aromatic plants and may not be medicinal.
Since ancient times, medicinal and aromatic plants have been used as culinary
spices to enhancing the organoleptic properties of foods (Bozin et al. 2006); as natu-
ral medicines, especially due to their antimicrobial properties (Dorman and Deans
2000); and as an alternative to the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture (Antunes
and Cavaco 2010).
The family Lamiaceae has approximately 245 genera and 7886 species. Among
these, 46 genera and 525 species have been identified in Brazil (Harley et al. 2015).
Many of these genera were brought by the colonizers and acclimated easily, being
grown in gardens and vegetable gardens, such as Mentha (mint), Ocimum (alfavaca),
Origanum (oregano), Rosmarinus (rosemary), and Salvia (salvia) (Joly 1993).
Mentha x piperita L., known as peppermint and mint, is widely grown and con-
tains essential oils used in the pharmaceutical, alcoholic beverage, food, and cos-
22 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

metic industries (Gupta 1991; Munsi 1992). Among the mints, Mentha x piperita L.
presents the higher content of menthol (Loewenfeld and Back 1980), a substance
with important biological activities (Table 2.1). It is an annual or perennial aromatic
plant, semi-erect, and about 30 cm high. Its branches range from dark green to
purplish purple, and its leaves are elliptic-acuminate, jagged, and pubescent
(Goutham 1980; Simões and Spitzer 2000; Lorenzi and Matos 2008).

Table 2.1  Biological activity of essential oil or its volatile substances isolated from aromatic
Popular Substance/ Biological
Scientific name name essential oil activity(ies) Reference(s)
Mentha x Mint Menthol Analgesic, Stengel et al. (2007);
piperita antifungal, Edris and Farrag (2003);
antibacterial, and Trombetta et al. (2005);
anticancer Monteith et al. (2007);
Kim et al. (2012); Wang
et al. (2012); Li et al.
Essential oil Antifungal, Carreto (2010); Kumar
larvicidal, and et al. (2011); Sousa et al.
antispasmodic (2010)
Mentha x Creeping Essential oil and Antischistosomal Matos-Rocha et al.
villosa mint rotundifolone (2013), (2017)
Ocimum selloi Basil Essential oil Anticancer Cola et al. (2003)
Ocimum Sweet Essential oil Antibacterial Valeriano et al. (2012)
basilicum basil
Ocimum Sweet Essential oil Antifungal Saggiorato et al. (2012)
basilicum basil
Origanum Oregano Essential oil Antibacterial Cattelan (2015)
Thymus Thyme Thymol Antibacterial and Giordani et al. (2004);
vulgaris antifungal Klaric et al. (2007)
Lychnophora Arnica Essential oil and Anti-inflammatory Pavarini et al. (2013)
ericoides ortho-acetoxy- and analgesic
Essential oil Acaricidal Baldin et al. (2010)
Lychnophora Arnica Essential oil Antibacterial Queiroz (2012)
Baccharis Rosemary Essential oil Antiviral Sforcin et al. (2012)
Varronia Erva trans- Anti-inflammatory Fernandes et al. (2007)
curassavica baleeira Caryophyllene
Psidium Brazilian Essential oil Antioxidant, Nascimento et al. (2017)
guineense guava antiproliferative,
Turnera Chanana Essential oil Antibacterial Fernandes et al. (2014)
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 23

Ocimum selloi Benth, reclassified as Ocimum carnosum (Spreng.) Link & Otto
ex Benth, a native species occurring in the southeastern and southern regions of
Brazil, is herbaceous, perennial, and up to 1.20 m tall and blossoms throughout the
year. The inflorescence is a terminal spike with purple flowers (Morhy 1973). It is
popularly known in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo as paregoric
elixir, in Minas Gerais as anis and alfavaquinha, and in São Paulo as atroveran
(Martins et al. 1997). The species is used in popular medicine as a digestive and for
treatment of gastritis, vomiting, cough, and bronchitis. Pre-clinical tests (Vanderlinde
et al. 1994) refer to its antidiarrheal, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory properties
(Table 2.1).
Ocimum basilicum L. known as basil, alfavaca, great basil, and Saint-Joseph’s
wort is cultivated in many countries, representing a source of raw material (extracts
and essential oils) for the industries that produce cosmetics, perfumes, pesticides,
pharmaceuticals, and food (Umerie et al. 1998; Keita et al. 2001; Pascual-Villalobos
and Ballesta-Acosta 2003; Prasad et al. 1986; Hussain et al. 2008). In popular medi-
cine, the species is used due to its carminative, stimulating, and antispasmodic prop-
erties (Marotti et al. 1996). Basil is an annual herb, used in culinary preparations in
Mediterranean countries (Sifola and Barbieri 2006), native to India and other
regions of Asia (Klimankova et  al. 2008), presenting purple or white flowers.
According to the aroma, basil may be classified as sweet, lemon, cinnamon, cam-
phor, anise, and clove (Blank et al. 2004). Basil plants are also used for ornamental,
medicinal, and aromatic purposes, its essential oil being valued in the international
market due to the high content of the compound linalool (Blank et al. 2004). Its
leaves are used dry or fresh, such as flavoring in foods, confectionery, and beverages
(Kopsell et al. 2005).
Some of the essential oil components, such as eucalyptol, linalool, and camphor,
are known to have biological activity (Morris et  al. 1979), such as antibacterial
(Elgayyar et al. 2001) and insecticidal (Bowers and Nishida 1980).
Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) is native to the mountainous regions of Southern
Europe and grown in Brazil as a spice used in culinary. The plant is used in home
medicine, and its essential oil is used in the composition of food flavorings and
perfumes (Lorenzi and Matos 2008). Studies of the subspecies Origanum vulgare L.
ssp. vulgare, very widespread in Italy (Ietswaart 1980), describe essential oils ger-
macrene D, β-ocimene, β-caryophyllene, and sabinene as essential substances
(Mockute et al. 2001; Mockute et al. 2003), whose biological activities are shown in
Table 2.1.
Thymus vulgaris L., a shrub that grows up to 50 cm high, has white or purple
flowers and is an aromatic species, which has a slightly bitter taste and is popu-
larly known as thyme or common thyme. Infusion of leaves and floral buds are
used in popular medicine. Flowers and dried plants are used as tonic, emmena-
gogue, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antiparasitic, sleep inducer and relief of head-
ache (Naghibi et al. 2005; Figueiredo et al. 2008). The major substances of its
essential oil are thymol, p-cymene, carvacrol, 1,8-cineole, borneol, and linalool.
Thymol is a phenolic monoterpene that has several pharmacological properties
(Table  2.1), including antibacterial and antifungal properties (Giordani et  al.
24 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

2004; Klaric et  al. 2007, Braga et  al. 2007; Ahmad et  al. 2011; Sienkiewicz
et al. 2012).
Asteraceae, the largest family of eudicotyledons, presents 1911 genera, with
3293 species (Nakajima et al. 2015). In Brazil, its species represent the equivalent
of 10% of vascular plants. They are commonly found in open fields, being uncom-
mon in humid tropical forests (Funk et al. 2005). They have high adaptability to the
most diverse habitats and climatic conditions, and their sizes vary from sub-shrubs,
annual, or perennial grass to shrub or liana. Inflorescence of a flower head type and
fruit of cypsela type, also called achene, are its main characteristics (Funk et  al.
2005; Canceli et al. 2007; Heiden et al. 2007; Souza and Lorenzi 2008).
Lychnophora ericoides Mart. and Lychnophora pinaster Mart. are endemic aro-
matic and medicinal species in Brazil, presenting near-morphological characteris-
tics, making it difficult to distinguish between them (Semir 1991; Semir et al. 2011).
Due to the polymorphism and overlays of characters, Coile and Jones (1981) syn-
onymized L. pinaster and L. ericoides. L. pinaster shows polymorphism in the size,
diameter of the branches, shape, length, and width of the leaves. Although L. pinas-
ter usually presents smaller individuals, with sub-bush size and thinner branches, it
may also present individuals with similar dimensions to L. ericoides, who show a
generally larger size and more robust branches. The species present medicinal
potential, being used in popular medicine as anti-inflammatory and analgesic
(Table 2.1).
Lychnophora ericoides, popularly known as arnica, false arnica, or candle, blos-
soms and fruits throughout the year, with reproductive periods that may vary
among populations. L. ericoides occurs in sites with altitudes between 950 m and
1800 m, in the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás. In the Minas Gerais it is distrib-
uted along of the Serra do Espinhaço, Planalto de Diamantina, Furnas, Serra da
Canastra and in some places in southeast of state. In Goiás occurs in Cristalina city,
Chapada dos Veadeiros, Serra Dourada, Serra dos Pireneus, and Serras near Brasília
(Semir et al. 2011).
Lychnophora pinaster Mart., also popularly known as arnica, may be found in
rocky, dirty, and clean fields (Rodrigues 1988). In addition, it also occurs in canga
fields, between blocks of rocks or on top of small hills exposed to intense sunshine,
and in xeric environments, where winters are humid and cold and summers are dry
and warm (Semir 1991). The species is common in southeast of Serra do Espinhaço,
in the state of Minas Gerais, southeast region of Brazil (Flora do Brasil 2020).
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC, also known as rosemary, field rosemary, and field
broom, occurs in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and in the high valleys of
Bolivia, reaching up to 3280 m in altitude (Cassel et al. 2000). Woody shrub, mea-
suring up to 4.0 m high, presents rapid growth and occurs in southeast, central-west,
and southern regions of Brazil (Nakajima et al. 2015). The origin of one of its popu-
lar names is due to the fact that the species has been very used in the making of
rustic brooms. It is also used as an ornamental plant, being important for the local
population for its use in home medicine to mainly combat gastric disorders, physi-
cal fatigue, inappetence, febrile affections, and organic weakness (Carneiro and
Fernandes 1996; Mors et al. 2000). The essential oil extracted from the field rosemary
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 25

leaves is valued in the fragrance industry (Molt and Trka 1983), due to the high
content of trans-nerolidol (Table 2.1), and is also the main botanical source for the
production of green propolis in southeast Brazil (Park et  al. 2004). The species
should be highlighted in the regeneration of natural vegetation after disturbances,
such as fire (Tabarelli and Mantovani 1999; Galindez et al. 2009).
The family Boraginaceae presents 4 subfamilies, namely Ehretioideae,
Cordioideae, Helitropioideae, and Boraginoideae (Miller and Gottschling 2007),
130 genera, and 2500 species (Al-Shehbaz 1991), distributed in tropical, subtropi-
cal, and temperate regions, being rare in the temperate zones of the Northern
Hemisphere (Al-Shehbaz 1991). It was from this family the production of the first
Brazilian commercial herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory activity (Table 2.1)
from the essential oil of Varronia curassavica Jacq (synonymy: Cordia verbenaceae
DC), medicinal plant native to Brazil, which occurs in coastal regions (Vaz et al.
2006; Passos et al. 2007), from Amazon region (Akisue et al. 1983) to Rio Grande
do Sul (Montanari Jr 2000).
It is popularly known as erva baleeira, salicina, catinga-de-barão, cordia, erva-­
balieira, balieira-cambará, erva-preta, maria-milagrosa, maria-preta, catinga-­
preta, maria-rezadeira, camarinha, camaramoneira-do-brejo, and pimenteira
(Montanari Jr 2000; Carvalho Júnior et al. 2004; Lorenzi and Matos 2008). Other
botanical synonyms are Cordia curassavica, Cordia salicina DC., Cordia cylindro-
stachya, Lithocardium fresenii, Lithocardium salicinum, and Lithocardium verba-
ceum (Carvalho Júnior et al. 2004). The aerial part of the species has a strong and
persistent odor (Passos et al. 2007). Standing bush, very branched, with the end of
the hanging branches and stems covered by fibrous bark, the plant reaches between
1.5 m and 2.5 m high. It has simple, alternating, coriaceous, aromatic leaves that are
5 to 9 cm in length (Lorenzi and Matos 2008). It is commonly used in the form of
alcoholic extracts, decoctions, and infusions due to its antiulcer, antimicrobial,
­anti-­inflammatory, antirheumatic, analgesic, and tonic properties (Akisue et  al.
1983; Vaz et al. 2006; Medeiros et al. 2007; Passos et al. 2007).
The medicinal property of the species is due to the presence of α-humulene in its
essential oil, a sesquiterpene substance that presents anti-inflammatory action
(Montanari Jr 2000).

2.3  Essential Oils: Methods of Extraction and Identification

Excluding the extraction of essential oils from citrus fruits, the main methods of
extraction of essential oils are steam distillation and hydrodistillation, which con-
sist of the vaporization of essential oil, which is drawn together with steam into a
condenser, where it is cooled, returns to the liquid phase, and is stored in a separa-
tor vessel.
 In the process steam distillation, the steam is generated either in a boiler sepa-
rated from the vegetal material. The water vapor stream generated is passaged in
matriz vegetal and the mixture of water and essential oils is condenses and collected
26 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

in a recipiente for separation of phases. In the hydrodistillation method, the vegetal

material is submerged in boiling water during the entire extraction process (Guenther
1948; Lawrence 1995; Marques et al. 2013).
The analysis of essential oil ingredients is performed by gas chromatography
with flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and by gas chromatography-mass spec-
trometry (GC/MS). The identification of the substances is performed by comparing
the retention time (RT) and composite mass spectra with the mass spectra described
in the literature (Adams 2017) and commercial pattern matching.
In case of substances not reported in the literature, the substances are isolated by
different chromatographic techniques (column chromatography, preparative thin-­
layer chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography) and identified
by  the hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) and carbon 13 nuclear
magnetic resonance (13C-NMR), one (1D) and two dimensions (2D).

2.4  I nfluence of Genetic, Epigenetic, Abiotic, and Biotic

Factors on the Production and Chemical Composition
of Essential Oils

The quantitative diversity, expressed by yield, and the qualitative diversity, related
to the chemical composition of essential oils, may be influenced by genetic and
epigenetic (Gupta et  al. 2016; Pandotra et  al. 2013; Trapp and Croteau 2001;
Richards 2006; Bird 2007) and abiotic factors, including mineral nutrition, water,
light, temperature, and soil types, and biotic factors, such as attacks of pathogens,
pests, and herbivores. All these factors may act and increase or decrease both the
yield and the chemical composition of essential oils. In addition, the factors must be
considered together, characterizing the seasonality, potential causes of stresses that
may influence the primary metabolism, and, consequently, the specialized metabo-
lism (Amdouni et al. 2016; Figueiredo et al. 2007; Gouinguené and Turlings 2002;
Kamanula et al. 2017; Lima et al. 2014; Ormeno and Fernandez 2012).
In this chapter, we will emphasize some of these factors that interfere with the
production and chemical composition of essential oils.

2.4.1  Genetic Diversity

According to Frankham et al. (2008), genetic diversity represents differences in

the DNA sequence and may be expressed in the amino acid sequence of proteins
encoded by the locus, leading to a variation of alleles and genotypes present in a
population, species, or groups of species. Populations evolve through selection,
mutation, migration (gene flow), and drift. Evolution at its simplest level involves
any change in the frequency of an allele due to mutation, migration (gene flow),
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 27

selection, or drift. The patterns of genetic diversity in populations are the result
of a variety of forces that act to eliminate or increase and disperse new mutant
alleles and chromosome rearrangements between individuals and populations
(Frankham et al. 2008).
The concern with the loss of variability and the extinction of species with poten-
tial biological activity, due to extractivism and deforestation among other causes,
has generated demand for works that allow the study of these species in order to
preserve them (Karp et al. 1997).
The study of population genetics allows the knowledge of the distribution, struc-
ture, and genetic diversity between and within populations, making possible the
choice of efficient strategies for the conservation of the biodiversity of the species.
In this context, molecular markers are important tools for the calculation of
population estimations (Allendorf et al. 2010; Haber 2008; Primack and Rodrigues
2001; Silva et al. 2013), allowing the evaluation of gene flow. These markers may
be simple sequence repeats (SSRs), random amplification of polymorphic DNA
(RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), and single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNP) (Ferreira 2001; Milach 1998; Cho et  al. 1999). In the
sequence, we will present studies involving population genetics and the essential
oils of native aromatic and medicinal species of the families Asteraceae
(Lychnophora pinaster Mart., Baccharis dracunculifolia DC.) and Lamiaceae
(Ocimum selloi Benth).
Haber (2008) characterized the chemical composition of essential oil and genetic
diversity of four native populations of Lychnophora pinaster collected in Cerrado in
the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from different geographical regions: Carrancas
city (populations: ERE and ERE1), Lavras (population: ANT) and between the cit-
ies of Lavras and Ingaí (population: PBO). The author noted hight genetic diversity
within populations (90.5%) and only 9.43% between them. The populations ERE,
ERE1 and PBO presented a similar chemical profile, the major substance being
methyl trans-cinnamate with a relative average abundance per population of 59.1%,
77.1%, and 79.7%, respectively. These populations differed from the population
ANT, whose main constituent was cedr-8(15)-en-9-alpha-ol (27.9%), with the pres-
ence of methyl trans-cinnamate, with a significantly lower content (12.5%) than
that observed for the other populations.The divergence in the chemical profile of
essential oil of the population ANT is a result of the response of the genotypes to
the environmental variations between the collection and cultivated regions.
Silva (2016) evaluated the characterization of genetic diversity patterns and pop-
ulation structure of seven other natural populations of Lychnophora pinaster, using
a microsatellite marker (SSR), being a population of occurrence in the southeast
region of the state of Minas Gerais, called Ouro Branco (OB), whose soil is rich in
iron ore, and six populations in the south region, called Poço Bonito (PB), Serra do
Sofá (SS), Serra da Arnica (SA), Serra do Salto (SSa), Serra Branca (SB), and Areia
Branca (AB), a region whose soil is rich in aluminum. The author carried out a
chemical characterization of the essential oils of the leaves of the populations
Ouro Branco (OB), Areia Branca (AB), and Serra do Salto (SSa). The results
revealed the existence of genetic diversity within and between populations, with
28 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

special divergence in genetic diversity among the population of the southeast region
(Ouro Branco) in relation to those occurring in the southern regions PB, SS, AS,
SSa, SB, and AB. The chemical composition of the essential oils between the popu-
lations was divergent. The essential oils of populations of southern regions pre-
sented methyl trans-cinnamate (phenylpropanoid), as the most abundant substance
(about 70% of essential oil), while in the essential oil of southeast region (OB), the
presence of metabolites belonging to the phenylpropanoid class was not detected,
with a greater abundance of sesquiterpenes (about 60% of essential oil). The
observed divergence in the chemical composition of essential oils may be attributed
to the genetic divergence and environmental conditions of the sites of occurrence of
L. pinaster.
Vieira et al. (2014) evaluated the structure and genetic diversity of native popula-
tions of Lychnophora collected in the State Minas Gerais, with microsatellite
marker (SSR). Three populations of Lychnophora ericoides were collected in the
cities of São Roque de Minas (population P1) and Capitólio (populations P2 and
P3). The geographic distance between the populations of L. ericoides was 80 km
between P1 and P2, 40 km between P2 and P3, and 120 km between P1 and P3. The
populations of L. ericoides showed a greater genetic diversity within than between
populations (62% and 37%, respectively) and showed that the populations have a
genetic structure (FST = 0,324), indicating a low gene flow among the populations
evaluated. The author carried out the chemical characterization of essential oils of
the leaves of the populations of São Roque de Minas (P1) and Capitólio (P2), with
distance at 80 km and with altitude at 1118 m and 933 m, respectively (Vieira et al.
2017). Sesquiterpenes were the main chemical class identified in the essential oil of
population P1 (São Roque de Minas), with the majority being spathulenol (mean
value of the population, 5.6%), γ-eudesmol (9.2%), epi-α-cadinol (8.6%),
α-muurolol (17.0%), and α-eudesmol (16.3%). On the other hand, essential oil of
population P2 (Capitólio) presented monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, the main
substances being α-pinene (mean value, 4.6%), limonene (5.6%), terpinen-4-ol
(9.3%), β-atlantol (18.8%), and ortho-acetoxy-bisabolol (21.4%). The divergence
in the chemical composition of essential oils among the populations of L. ericoides
may be associated with the modulation of the biosynthesis of the specialized metab-
olites due to the interaction genotype-environment of the different regions of the
species occurrence.
The characterization of the chemical composition of essential oils and genetic
diversity using RAPD marker was made with three native populations of Ocimum
selloi occurring in contrasting climatic and altitude regions – the populations were
collected in the cities of Iporanga (PQ; altitude, 192  m), Piquete (VR; altitude,
908 m) in the state of São Paulo, and Adrianópolis (ADR; altitude, 247 m) in the
state of Paraná. The region VR was classified as Cwa (Köppen) with an average
temperature of 21.3  °C, annual rainfall of 1672.5  mm, and dry and cold winter
(average temperature of 11 °C), distinct from the two other regions (PQ and ADR)
classified as Af (Köppen), with a mean temperature of 23.6 °C, annual rainfall of
2033.8 mm, and winter with average temperature of 20 °C, without dry season. The
populations presented genetic divergence as a function of the geographical region,
with a lower diversity between the populations ADR and PQ, whose regions are
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 29

geographically close, probably due to the occurrence of gene flow among the
accessions. The major substances of the population Piquete (PQ) were germacrene D,
elemicin, trans-α-bergamotene, and bicyclogermacrene. For the populations
Adrianópolis and Iporanga, the major substances were elemicin, β-selinene, and
β-4-copaen-α-ol. The results showed that the chemical composition of essential oils
was influenced by geographical region and genetic factor (Facanali et al. 2015).
Belini (2015) evaluated the genetic diversity through a microsatellite marker
(SSR) and the chemical composition of the essential oils of the native populations
of Baccharis dracunculifolia DC., which occurs in regions with an altitudinal gradi-
ent in Brazil. The populations were collected in the cities of Campos do Jordão
(population J; altitude, 1620  m), Ubatuba (population U; altitude, 2  m), and
Campinas (population C; altitude, 680  m).  The population Campos do Jordão
(greatest altitude) presented greater genetic diversity when compared to the other
populations. All populations presented trans-nerolidol as the major substance in
essential oil, ranging from 21.6% to 40.8%. Despite this, the population Campos do
Jordão diverged from the others as to the relative proportions of the substances in the
essential oil. The results suggest the influence of the altitudinal gradient on the
genetic and chemical diversity.

2.4.2  Mineral Nutrition

Plants are autotrophic organisms that remove CO2 from the atmosphere and water
and mineral nutrients from the soil. The mineral nutrients are absorbed by plants
mainly by the root system in the inorganic ion form. The acquisition of nutrients by
plants may result from the contribution of fungi (mycorrhizal) and nitrogen-fixing
bacteria. The absorbed ions are transported to the various parts of the plant, where
they are assimilated and used in important biological functions. Mineral nutrition is
the study of how plants absorb, transport, assimilate, and utilize the ions, called
essential elements, without which the plants may not complete their life cycle.
These essential mineral elements are usually classified as macro- or micronutrients,
according to their relative concentration in the tissue or according to the concentra-
tion required for proper growth of the plant. In general, the concentrations of the
macronutrients (N, P, K, Si, Ca, Mg, and S) are higher than those of the micronutri-
ents (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo, B, Cl, and Ni) (Marschner 2012).
Inadequate supply of an essential element (excess or deficiency) results in nutri-
tional disorder. These disorders are related to the physiological actions of the ele-
ment in the normal functioning of the plant. Thus, mineral nutrition influences the
primary and specialized metabolism (Marschner 2012).
Related to primary metabolism, Ye et  al. (2014) reports that mineral nutrition
plays a key role in photosynthesis since plants require macro- and micronutrients at
some stage of the photosynthetic process (Marschner 2012; Maathuis 2009). Related
to specialized metabolism, several studies have shown that macro- and micronutri-
ents play an influence on the production and profile of volatile substances (Farzadfar
et al. 2017; Pal et al. 2016).
30 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

Our studies, conducted with different plant species, have revealed the influence
of macronutrients on plant growth and development, on gas exchange, and, as a
consequence, on the yield and chemical composition of essential oils produced by
them. Some of these studies are highlighted below.
Bueno (2004) evaluated the development, yield, and chemical composition of
essential oils extracted from the leaves of Thymus vulgaris (thyme) grown in nutri-
ent solution containing different levels of phosphorus (15.5, 31.0, and 46.5 mg.L−1).
The physiological indexes, length, and fresh mass of the aerial part, dry matter of
the root, aerial and total part, aerial part/root relation, and absolute and relative
growth rate were evaluated 62, 83, 104, 125, and 146 days after sowing, while the
yield and chemical composition were determined 65, 95, and 125 days after sowing.
The plants cultivated with the highest level of phosphorus in all crops presented, in
general, greater length, fresh and dry mass of the aerial part, dry mass of the root,
total dry mass, and yield of essential oil. The essential oil of thyme presented 29
substances, and thymol, which has great economic importance, was the main sub-
stance in plants grown with 31.0  mg.L−1 of phosphorus. Plants cultivated in
46.5 mg.L−1 of this nutrient presented higher carvacrol content, showing that the
yield and quality of essential oil of thyme were influenced by an abiotic factor,
represented in this study by phosphorus.
Menthol is the most abundant component of essential oil of adult mint leaves.
The quality and commercial value of essential oils are determined by the balance
between the quantities of their constituents. In general, in mint, quality oils contain
higher amounts of menthol, intermediate amounts of menthone, and low levels of
pulegone and menthofuran. In conditions of abiotic stress, including light, tempera-
ture, and relative humidity, plants of Mentha x piperita L. exhibit accumulation of
pulegone and menthofuran (Brun et  al. 1991; Voirin et  al. 1990; Mahmoud and
Croteau 2002). The metabolites and intermediate reactions are of great importance
because they are the main determinants of the final production of menthol and its
by-products (Bertea et al. 2001).
The evaluation of the plant development and yield and composition of essential
oil of Mentha x piperita L. leaves grown in nutrient solution with nitrogen levels
(abiotic factor that influences the essential oil) equal to 210 mg.L−1 (complete dose
of N), 263 mg.L−1 (complete dose plus 25% of N), and 315 mg.L−1 (complete dose
plus 50% of N) showed that the plants cultivated with lower nitrogen level
(210/105 mg.L−1) presented higher leaf area and total dry mass, which resulted in
higher photosynthetic efficiency and better yield and quality of essential oil, which
presented higher amount of menthol (Leal 2001).
Mentha x piperita was also grown in nutrient solution containing magnesium
levels equal to 48.6  mg.L−1 (complete dose), 24.3  mg.L−1 (reduction of 50%),
12.1 mg.L−1 (reduction of 75%), and 2.4 mg.L−1 (reduction of 95%). Plant develop-
ment and the essential oil yield were evaluated 21, 49, 63, 77, and 92 days after
transplanting the seedlings to the nutrient solution. The gas exchanges were per-
formed 9, 34, 91, and 109 days after transplanting the seedlings. Plants cultivated
with a reduction of 50% in magnesium compared to the full-level treatment, equal
to 24.3  mg.L−1, presented satisfactory results. Reduction of magnesium to lower
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 31

levels (12.1 and 2.4 mg.L−1), mainly from 77 days after transplantation, impaired
development, gas exchange, and essential oil yield. It should be noted that 2.4 mg.
L−1 of magnesium caused an increase in the essential oil yield before 63 days after
transplantation, which may have occurred due to the low concentration of the min-
eral and consequent stress. In addition to the magnesium level, the harvesting period
also influenced the essential oil yield (Vasques 2007).
David et al. (2007) evaluated the development and the yield of essential oil of
Mentha x piperita L., grown in complete nutrient solution No. 2 of Hoagland and
Arnon (1950) and in the same solution with decrease and increase of 50% of phos-
phorus. The results showed that the variations in phosphorus levels interfered with
the development of Mentha x piperita L. Although the plants showed behavioral
variation for many of the evaluated variables, when submitted to the different levels
of phosphorus, they adapted to this condition, which may be confirmed by the rela-
tive growth rate, which reflects growth. However, those cultivated with the lowest
level of phosphorus, indicative of stress due to the low concentration of this nutrient,
presented higher essential oil yield 60  days after planting, a condition that once
again may be indicative of stress due to low phosphorus concentration. The sub-
stances identified in essential oils in descending order of their contents were men-
thofuran, menthol, menthol acetate, menthone, 1,8-cineole, pulegone, limonene,
β-pinene, isomenthol, α-pinene, and myrcene. The highest contents of menthone
and menthofuran were obtained in cultivated plants at phosphorus levels of 23 and
46.5 mg.L−1, respectively. The highest yield and content of menthol, menthyl ace-
tate, and pulegone were obtained in plants grown at the lowest phosphorus level,
equal to 7.5 mg.L−1 until the first harvest, 60 days after planting (David 2004, 2007;
David, Boaro, and Marques 2006). Phosphorus as an abiotic factor interfered with
the essential oil in mint plants.
Plant development, yield, and chemical composition of Mentha x piperita essen-
tial oil grown in a nutrient solution with N/P/K/Mg variation in different treatments
(50% of N, P, K, and 25% of Mg, containing 94.0/15.5/107.5/12.15 mg.L−1; 50% of
N, P, K, and Mg, containing 94.0/15.5/107.5/24.3 mg.L−1; 65% of N, 50% of P, 25%
of K, and 100% of Mg, containing 124.0/15.5/53.6/48.6 mg.L−1; and with complete
solution containing 189.0/31.0/214.5/48.6 mg.L−1 of N/P/K/Mg) were evaluated 20,
35, 50, 65, and 85 days after transplanting (DAT) the seedlings for nutrient solution.
Higher net assimilation rate (NAR) was verified in plants grown in the complete
nutrient solution up to 35 DAT and lower specific leaf area (SLA) at the beginning
of the cycle. The relative growth rate, in general, was the same in the plants grown
with the different treatments. The highest essential oil yield was obtained in the
plants grown in 65% of N, 50% of P, 25% of K, and 100% of Mg. The major sub-
stances identified in the essential oil were menthol, menthone, menthofuran, neom-
enthol, and menthyl acetate at 69 DAT, not differing among treatments, being,
therefore, the best time for extracting essential oil. The results allow us to conclude
that plants grown with 65% of N, 50% of P, 25% of K, and 100% of Mg showed a
trend of higher mass production, essential oil yield, and menthol content, indicating
that the cultivation of Mentha x piperita L. with these nutrient levels and harvest
season was adequate (David 2007). This study demonstrated that the influence of
32 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

abiotic factors when considering mineral nutrition should take into account the
relationship between nutrients for the fertilization of the species in the production
and chemical composition of the essential oil.
Valmorbida et al. (2006) evaluated the influence of potassium level on the yield
and chemical composition of essential oils extracted from the leaves of Mentha x
piperita L. The plants were cultivated until the 21st day in a nutrient solution of
Hoagland and Arnon (1950) diluted in 50%, passing the complete solution after this
date. The treatments were as follows: T1, complete nutrient solution; T2, nutrient
solution with reduction of 50%; and T3, nutrient solution with reduction of 75%,
harvested at 60, 105, and 120 days after transplantation. Changes in potassium lev-
els and harvesting times did not influence the yield and menthone content, while the
relative percentage of menthol was influenced by potassium levels and harvest
times, with lower content at 120 DAT at the concentration of 58.50/117.00 mg.L−1
(T2, nutrient solution with reduction of 50%).
According to De Fazio (2007, 2011), calcium has been extensively studied, and
the metabolism of this macronutrient needs to be better evaluated since this element
acts as a specialized messenger in routes of signal transduction in plant cells, and,
due to variations in its cellular concentration, acts through modulating proteins and
its target molecules, regulating several cellular processes, from the control of ionic
transport to gene expression.
In this context, there are doubts about the effect of calcium on plant develop-
ment, gas exchange, and the route of production of essential oils, especially yield
and chemical composition.
De Fazio (2007) evaluated the development, yield, and chemical composition of
the essential oil of Mentha x piperita L. grown in a nutrient solution No. 2 of
Hoagland and Arnon (1950) containing 160  mg.L−1 of calcium and in the same
solution with its reduction to 50%, 80 mg.L−1 and 90%, 16 mg.L−1 and subjected to
leaf spraying with 100, 200, and 400 mg.L−1 of ethephon, where they remained until
the harvesting dates, which were performed at 46, 76, 106, and 136 DAT of seed-
lings to the nutrient solution. The length of the aerial part; leaf area; dry matter of
leaf blades, petiole, stems and roots; leaf area ratio (LAR); specific leaf area (SLA);
absolute growth rate (AGR); net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth rate
(RGR) and essential oil yield were influenced by the decrease of the calcium level
and by ethephon using. Plants grown with 160 mg.L−1 of calcium showed higher
essential oil yield. Ethephon used in the dosages of 200 and 400 mg.L−1, associated
with all levels of calcium and, mainly, lower and equal to 16 mg.L−1, decreased all
evaluated variables, impairing the development of mint and the yield of its essential
oil, mainly from 106 DAT. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that the
influence of the calcium level associated with different doses of ethephon in the
development and production of essential oil of mint plants may have occurred due
to the relationship between the cellular concentration of this ion and ethylene bio-
synthesis, considering the participation of calcium in the activity of 1-­aminocyclop
ropane-­ 1-carboxylic acid synthase and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid
enzymes, which play an important role in ethylene biosynthesis (Kende 1993).
However, future studies should be carried out to confirm this hypothesis.
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 33

De Fazio (2011) evaluated the influence of the variation of calcium levels in

physiological indexes, gas exchange, and yield and chemical composition of the oil
of Mentha x piperita cultivated in nutrient solution. Using a nutrient solution No. 2
of Hoagland and Arnon, containing 160 mg.L−1 of calcium and modified to supply
200, 120, 80, and 40 mg.L−1, experiments were carried out and evaluated at 45, 65,
85, 105, and 140 DAT of seedlings into the culture solution. The physiological
indexes showed that the increase of calcium was beneficial for leaf area develop-
ment and dry matter production. There was a discrete influence of this element on
the yield and chemical composition of essential oil, which also varied with the
development of the species. Mint essential oil in quantity and quality may be
obtained when plants are grown with 40 and 80 mg.L−1 of calcium. Plants grown
with 40 mg.L−1 should be harvested at 65 DAT and those at 80 mg.L−1 at 65 or 85
DAT when they had quality oil, high menthol content, menthone intermediate, and
reduced menthofuran + neomenthol.
Carboni (2013) studied the variation of the nutrient solution of Hoagland and
Arnon (1950) through the concentration of minerals that constitute it (nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, manganese,
iron, molybdenum, nickel, zinc, and copper). The evaluated nutrient solutions were
equal to 100% (complete), 75%, 50%, and 25% and in them the plants of Origanum
vulgare L. ssp. Vulgare grown presented stimulation or inhibition of development.
Plants grown in solutions with higher concentrations of nutrients presented lower
productivity, as evaluated by carbon assimilation in the photosynthesis process.
These plants presented an increase in their antioxidant potential. The major sub-
stances of essential oil, with the exception of germacrene D, were influenced by the
concentration of the nutrient solution and the harvesting period during the develop-
ment of the species. The sesquiterpene contents tended to increase in plants grown
in more concentrated solutions (100% and 75%), suggesting possible stress caused
by the increase of nutrients in the nutrient solution. Although lower concentrations
have decreased the productivity (photosynthesis), they stimulated the production of
essential oil (specialized metabolism) in oregano plants.
The cultivation with organic and conventional fertilization system of sweet basil
(Ocimum basilicum) in a greenhouse with two nitrogen doses (150 and 250 kg.ha−1)
showed that plants grown with conventional fertilizer at the dose of 250  kg.ha−1
presented a higher fresh mass, causing no change in the yield and chemical compo-
sition of essential oil, which presented linalool as major substance (Búfalo 2015).  Biosolids and Plant Growth

Biosolids are solid wastes produced by biological treatment of sewage sludge to

reduce pathogenic organisms, which may be directly used in agricultural soils, as
fertilizer or conditioner, aiming to give an adequate destination for these wastes. Its
use allows taking advantage of the minerals and organic matter present in the sew-
age sludge, which may be beneficial to the soil structure and fertility and, conse-
quently, to the growth of the plant species (Melo and Marques 2000; Tsutiya 2000).
34 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

When considering the possibility of agricultural use of industrial and urban wastes for
the cultivation of plant species, the contents of heavy metals should be evaluated.
In addition, in Brazil, the application of biosolids in agricultural areas depends on
the prior consent of the governmental body responsible for local environmental
control  – Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental (CETESB) is the
agency of the state of São Paulo responsible for the standards and licensing of use.
Considering only the development of peppermint in the presence of biosolids,
but not discussing the possibility of producing aromatic species in this substrate,
Scavroni et al. (2005) evaluated the effects of biosolid concentrations (0, 28, 56, and
112 ton.ha−1) from the Barueri Sewage Treatment Plant, state of São Paulo, on the
yield and chemical composition of essential oils extracted from Mentha x piperita
leaves at different stages of development. The treatments influenced discreetly the
essential oil yield, increasing when the plants were cultivated with 28 ton.ha−1, a
condition that did not result in better quality, and the presence of biosolids favored
the formation of menthofuran. Menthyl acetate was the major substance in all treat-
ments and menthol was the second largest substance observed (42.3%) at 90 DAT in
plants cultivated without biosolids. With the development of the plants, there was a
decrease of menthol and menthone. It is recommended to harvest mint at 90 DAP, at
which point the menthol level was higher. Although the cultivation with 28 ton.ha−1
is within the limits allowed by the legislation, this condition, which increased the oil
yield, did not improve its quality. Thus, the biosolids of the Barueri Plant are not
recommended for the cultivation of mint.

2.4.3  Water Stress and Aromatic Species

Water stress in plant species is an abiotic factor which influences the physiological
processes, changes the metabolic homeostasis, and imposes adjustment of the meta-
bolic routes (Shulaev et  al. 2008; Ciarmiello et  al. 2011). Water limitation has a
negative effect on plant growth and development; however, moderate water defi-
ciencies in some medicinal, aromatic, or spice species may result in the accumula-
tion of bioactive substances due to the adverse condition. Under these conditions,
the plant continues to perform photosynthesis, but its growth decreases and the
excess photoassimilates produced are redirected to specialized metabolism
(Marchese and Figueira 2005). Moreover, the detrimental effects of the stress may
be compensated by the plants through several mechanisms that operate at different
time scales, depending on the nature of the stress and the physiological processes
that are affected (Lambers et al. 1998). In this way, evaluating and understanding
the metabolic responses of medicinal species under the influence of water suppres-
sion may provide important information on the management of these plants under
adverse conditions and enable the higher production of target substances.
Búfalo et al. (2016) evaluated the influence of osmotic stress by applying two
concentrations of polyethylene glycol (50 g.L−1 and 100 g.L−1 of PEG) over a short
period of time in the anatomy and leaf ultrastructure in the physiological pattern of
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 35

M. x piperita and in the essential oil profile. The results indicated that the responses
to osmotic stress were dose-dependent, since the plants submitted to 50  g.L−1 of
PEG maintained the structural aspects and metabolic functions similar to the control
treatment plants (0 g.L−1 of PEG), without changes in structural characteristics and
gas exchange. The increased activity of antioxidant enzymes reduced the presence
of free radicals and protected the membranes, including those of chloroplasts and
mitochondria. The osmotic stress caused by 100  g.L−1 of PEG inhibited the gas
exchange, reduced the yield of essential oil, and caused a change in its composition,
with a decrease of menthone and increase of menthofuran.
Bolina (2015) evaluated the physiological, chemical, and biochemical responses
of micropropagated plants of Varronia curassavica Jacq. (erva baleeira) in function
of the suppression of irrigation. The treatments were represented by the control
(daily irrigated) and by three levels of water deficiency, all expressed by water
potential in the leaf xylem (Ψw): T1, control (Ψw~ −0.3 MPa), T2 (Ψw~ −1.0 MPa),
T3 (Ψw~ −1.7 MPa), and T4 (Ψw~ −2.5 MPa). The results showed a reduction in
plant height, leaf area and yield of fresh leaf, and stem and total mass, due to water
suppression. The gaseous exchanges were similar between treatments. The relative
water content decreased linearly in relation to the different levels of water potential,
presenting a reduction of about 80%. The lower water potential (−2.5 MPa) pro-
vided a higher yield of essential oil (0.18%). The potential of −1.7 MPa led to the
limit of activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase and the greater accumulation
of proline. The suppression of irrigation led to an increase in the essential oil of V.
curassavica. There was no quantitative difference in essential oils between treat-
ments, except for γ-(E)-bisabolene. The relative proportions of the active principles
(E)-caryophyllene (25.2%) and α-humulene (4.4%) did not differ between

2.4.4  Allelopathy and Aromatic Species

Allelopathy may be defined as the science that studies the processes involving spe-
cialized metabolites produced by living organisms that have influence in inhibiting
or stimulating the growth and development. Allelopathic substances synthesized by
routes of specialized metabolism and released to the environment are called allelo-
chemicals (Rice 1984) and may influence the development and establishment of
agricultural crops and plant communities (Torres et al. 1996; Reigosa et al. 2013). 
Considering the concentration and structure of the molecules, the use of allelo-
pathic extracts in the cultivation of medicinal plants may provide different and
advantageous responses in their development and in the yield and composition of
the essential oil produced. The interaction of the molecules with the routes of the
specialized metabolism may explain the effects of allelochemicals in the develop-
ment of different species and elucidate the chemical-ecological mechanisms of
the plant-plant interaction. On the other hand, nutritional conditions combined
with allelopathic effects may shape the chemical profile of the substances of the
36 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

specialized metabolism, changing the concentration of the substances or driving

the metabolic routes, with consequent modification of the final product naturally
synthesized in these routes.
Leonurus sibiricus L. is known for the production of terpenoids and phenolic
substances that exert allelopathic effects. Búfalo (2015) investigated the effects of the
methanolic extract of L. sibiricus (25, 50, and 100 mg.L−1) on the chemical composi-
tion of the essential oils of Mentha × piperita L. grown in the nutrient solution.
Menthol was the main component of essential oil in all treatments. The relative rela-
tion of menthol and menthyl acetate was divergent in plants grown with 25 mg.L−1
of methanolic extract, where menthol was higher. Methyl acetate was higher when
the plants were cultured in the presence of 50 and 100 mg.L−1 of methanolic extract
of L. sibiricus.

2.4.5  Seasonality and Edaphoclimatic Factors

The seasonality and the edaphoclimatic factors (light, water, temperature, and soil)
that characterize it may influence physiological and biochemical processes and/or
metabolic routes, interfering with the synthesis of important specialized compounds,
such as terpenes (Shao et al. 2001; Gobbo-Neto and Lopes 2007).
The period of the year in which a substance of specialized metabolism is identi-
fied is of great importance since it depends on the quantity and nature of these
substances, not constant during the year. There are many reports of variations of
classes of specialized metabolites, such as essential oils, due to seasonality and
edaphoclimatic factors.
Isobe (2012) evaluated the influence of seasonality, summer and winter, on the
yield and chemical composition of essential oils of three native populations of
Lychnophora pinaster Mart., collected in the cities of Carrancas (population Areia
Branca), Lavras (population Poço Bonito), and Itumirim (population Serra do Sofá),
state of Minas Gerais. The two evaluated periods did not influence the average yield
of essential oils within the three populations. Regardless of the season, the major
substances in the leaves of essential oils of the three populations of L. pinaster were
methyl trans-cinnamate and trans-caryophyllene, which presented different relative
proportions between the populations. During summer, essential oils presented a
higher relative proportion of methyl trans-cinnamate, and during winter the highest
relative proportion was trans-caryophyllene for all populations.
Silva (2013) evaluated the influence of seasonality (summer, autumn, winter, and
spring) on the yield and chemical composition of essential oils of the leaves from
three native populations of Lychnophora pinaster  – two collected in the city of
Carrancas (MG), named Serra Branca and Serra do Salto, and one in the city of
Ingaí (MG), named Serra da Arnica. The average yield of essential oil of the popu-
lations Serra Branca and Serra do Salto was not influenced by seasonality, and the
population of Serra do Salto showed a higher average yield (0.43% vs. 0.61%) in all
seasons during the year. The average yield of essential oil of the population Serra da
2  Factors Influencing the Production and Chemical Composition of Essential Oils… 37

Arnica was influenced by seasonality, and the highest yield occurred in winter
(0.79%). The major substances of essential oil in the three populations were methyl
trans-cinnamate and trans-caryophyllene, and their relative proportions varied with
seasonality. In Serra Branca, trans-caryophyllene presented the highest relative
proportion during spring, in Serra da Arnica during autumn, and in Serra do Salto
during summer (14.2%), which did not differ from autumn (12.3%).
It should be emphasized that the sites where the above-registered populations
were evaluated have different edaphoclimatic conditions, which, although not con-
sidered in the studies, interact with seasonality and interfere with essential oils.

2.5  B
 iological Activity of the Essential Oil and Isolated

The species Mentha x piperita L.; Ocimum selloi Benth, reclassified as Ocimum
carnosum (Spreng.) Link and Otto ex Benth; Ocimum basilicum L.; Origanum vul-
gare L.; Thymus vulgaris L.; Lychnophora ericoides Mart.; Lychnophora pinaster
Mart;, Baccharis dracunculifolia DC; and Varronia curassavica Jacq (synonym:
Cordia verbenacea DC) were also evaluated by other authors, who evaluated the
biological activities of their oils or chemical substances, and were isolated and
observed their antibacterial, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiviral, anticancer, larvici-
dal, antifungal, and acaricidal actions, as presented in Table 2.1.
Besides these, other studies conducted may be identified in the specialized
The biological activity of essential oils of several species and isolated substances
has been described in the literature. The essential oil from Mentha x villosa Hudson
and the substance rotundifolone showed larvicidal activity (Lima et  al. 2014).
Essential oil of Croton heliotropiifolius, Kunth revealed antibacterial activity
(Araújo et al. 2017; Alencar Filho et al. 2017) and essential oil of Schinus molle an
insecticidal activity (López et al. 2014).
Lima et al. (2014) evaluated the larvicidal activity of essential oil of Mentha x
villosa and its major substance, rotundifolone (70%), against Aedes aegypti larvae.
The essential oil had excellent larvicidal activity (LC50 = 45.0 ppm), while rotundi-
folone presented moderate larvicidal activity (LC50 = 62.5 ppm).
Essential oils of 11 species of Piper collected in Mata Atlântica, state of São
Paulo, were evaluated for antimicrobial activity. Essential oils of most species
showed up to 30% inhibitory activity against pathogenic in vitro bacteria (E. coli,
S. epidermidis, S. aureus, and C. xerosis) in relation to commercial antibiotics. In
these essential oils, the proportion of substances bicyclogermacrene and γ-muurolene
were positively associated with inhibition of E. coli, whereas the proportions of
limonene and cis-β-ocimene inhibited Staphylococcus aureus, and those of ger-
macrene D and trans-caryophyllene were associated with inhibitory activity against
all evaluated pathogens. The results demonstrated a chemical diversity of Piper’s
38 C. S. F. Boaro et al.

essential oils and their potential as new antibacterial agents for several industrial
applications (Perigo et al. 2016).
Essential oils extracted from the leaves of Duguetia gardneriana and Duguetia
moricandiana were tested for antimicrobial activity against 11 pathogenic microor-
ganisms using the standard gel diffusion method. The major substances identified in
this essential oil of D. gardneriana leaves were germacrene D (28.1%), viridiflorene
(24.0%), β-pinene (12.6%), α-pinene (9.1%), and β-caryophyllene (5.6%) and of
D. moricandiana leaves were germacrene D (44.3%), α-pinene (13.0%), viridiflo-
rene (9.3%), β-pinene (9.2%), and β-caryophyllene (6.8%). Essential oil of D. gard-
neriana showed activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Candida guilliermondii,
and essential oil of D. moricandiana showed higher activity against Staphylococcus
aureus and Candida albicans (Almeida et al. 2010).

2.6  Conclusions

The studies show that variations occur in the chemical compositions of essential oils
of plant species cultivated or grown under conditions whose abiotic factors vary. In
addition, the studies show a genetic and chemical diversity of essential oils among
populations of native species of natural occurrence in different regions of Brazil.

Acknowledgments  The authors thank Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
(FAPESP), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), and
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) for financial support for
research and scholarship.


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Chapter 3
Hedychium Essential Oils: Composition
and Uses

Hamidou F. Sakhanokho and Kanniah Rajasekaran

3.1  Introduction

Hedychium species are perennial monocotyledonous plants belonging to the

Zingiberaceae family, which consists of 52 genera and close to 2000 species known
for their various uses, including in medicine, cosmetics, fragrance, ornamental,
paper, and food industries. The genus Hedychium, often referred to as “butterfly
ginger,” “garland lily,” or “ginger lily,” is one of the most popular genera of the
Zingiberaceae family because of its attractive foliage, diverse and showy flowers,
and sweet fragrance. Currently, there is little consensus on the number of Hedychium
species, which is estimated to vary from 50 to 80, and more species continue to be
discovered and described (Ding et al. 2018). The word “Hedychium” is from Greek
and derived from “hedys” and “chion” meaning “sweet” and “snow,” respectively
(Branney 2005). All Hedychium species, except H. peregrinum – an endemic species
to Madagascar – are native to Central and Southeastern Asia, with centers of origin
and diversity in Southern China and Northeastern India (Branney 2005; Sarangthem
et al. 2013). Hedychium species are widely cultivated for their perfume essences.
The scents range from the rich gardenia-like fragrance of H. coronarium to scents
reminiscent of citrus, clove, and even coconut (Wood 1999). Hedychium rhizomes
and aerial stems contain a starch similar to arrowroot which is a useful raw material
for manufacturing paper (Mukherjee 1970). Because of their attractive foliage,
diverse and showy flowers, and sweet fragrance, Hedychium species are increasing
in popularity as ornamental plants (Fig. 3.1).

H. F. Sakhanokho
USDA-ARS, Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Laboratory, Poplarville, MS, USA
K. Rajasekaran (*)
USDA-ARS, Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans, LA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection 49

in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply 2019
S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
50 H. F. Sakhanokho and K. Rajasekaran

Fig. 3.1  Hedychium species are used for multiple purposes, one of which is their ornamental
value. Hedychium species are gaining popularity as ornamental plants because of their attractive
foliage, diverse and showy flowers, and sweet fragrance. (a) Hedychium “Kinkaku”; (b) Hedychium
“Dr. Moy”; (c) Hedychium “Betty Ho”; (d) H. anguistifolium; (e) H. coronarium; (f) H. coccineum;
(g) Hedychium “Daniel Weeks”; (h) H. gardnerianum; (i) H. longicornutum; (j) Hedychium
“Orange Brush”

In addition to the beneficial traits mentioned above, Hedychium spices, like many
members of Zingiberaceae, are widely used in ethnomedicine to treat various
ailments including nausea, asthma, flu, diarrhea, snake bites, and leishmaniasis
(Chen et al. 2008; Valadeau et al. 2009; Tushar et al. 2010; Tiuman et al. 2011).
Further, the essential oils extracted from various Hedychium plant parts have shown
antimicrobial activities in various studies, so they offer the potential to be used as
safer alternatives to synthetic antibiotics, antifungals, and insecticides. For example,
essential oils in the leaves and flowers of H. gardnerianum have been found to have
antimicrobial activity against certain bacteria, namely, Staphylococcus aureus and
S. epidermis (Medeiros et  al. 2003), while Gopanraj et  al. (2005) reported
antibacterial activity of the essential oil from the rhizomes of H. larsenii against
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Others have reported antifungal,
insecticidal, and antioxidant properties of essential oils from various Hedychium
species (Rajasekaran et al. 2012; Sakhanokho et al. 2013; Ray et al. 2018).

3.2  Chemical Constituents of Hedychium Essential Oils

Essential oils can be defined as a mixture of volatile and natural substances, charac-
terized by a strong odor and produced by aromatic plants as secondary metabolites
(Sá et al. 2013). Increasingly, plant essential oils are recognized as important sources
of biopesticides, against which insects and microbes do not acquire induced resis-
tance and have limited toxic effects on human or animal health and non-target
organisms (AlShebly et  al. 2017). The antimicrobial properties of Hedychium
essential oils, in particular, have been well documented, and their use as “biocides”
is gaining popularity (Sakhanokho et al. 2013). Listed in Table 3.1 are Hedychium
3  Hedychium Essential Oils: Composition and Uses 51

Table 3.1  Major chemical constituents of Hedychium essential oils

Compound percentage (w/w)
Taxa Major compound Leaves Flowers Rhizomes Stems Reference
Hedychium Caryophyllene 43.9 1.1 Rodrigues et al.
coronarium 1,8-Cineole 0.7 31.7 (2013)
Hedychium 1,8-Cineole – 40.2 Lechat-Vahirua
coronarium β-Pinene – 24.8 et al. (1993)
Hedychium 1,8-Cineole 76 Weyerstahl
acuminatum et al. (1995)
Hedychium (E)-Nerolidol 44.4 Gurib-Fakim
coccineum trans-Sesquisabinene 24.2 et al. (2002)
Hedychium Linalool 35.0 Gurib-Fakim
flavesens 1,8-Cineole 15.3 et al. (2002)
β-Pinene 14.7
α-Terpineol 14.5
α-Pinene 5.3
Hedychium α-Muurolol 16.8 Gurib-Fakim
coronarium α-Terpineol 15.9 et al. (2002)
1,8-Cineole 11.2
Hedychium Terpinen-4-ol 40.5 Ahmad et al.
cylindricum Sabinene 9.9 (2004)
p-Cymene 8.5
Limonene 6
β-Pinene 5.6
γ-Yerpinene 4.5
α-Terpineol 2.2
Hedychium β-Pinene 42.74 Ray et al.
coronarium Eucalyptol 40.59 (2018)
Linalool 45.11
Coronarin-E 39.56
α-Pinene 16.60
p-Cymene 8.89
γ-Terpinene 5.82
10-Epi-γ-eudesmol 4.86
Hedychium Bomyl acetate 31.32 Ray et al.
greenii α-Pinene 14.49 (2017a, b)
Camphene 12.81
Limonene 10.55
Hedychium β-Pinene 25.24 Ray et al.
gracile γ-Terpinene 24.62 (2017a, b)
Terpinen-4-ol 14.87
1,8-Cineole 7.51
52 H. F. Sakhanokho and K. Rajasekaran

Table 3.1 (continued)
Compound percentage (w/w)
Taxa Major compound Leaves Flowers Rhizomes Stems Reference
Hedychium Linalool 29.3 Prakash et al.
coronarium Limonene 20.3 (2010)
trans-Meta-­ 12.9
γ-Terpinene 8.9
10-Epi-γ-eudismol 3.8
Hedychium 1,8-Cineole 17.6 Prakash et al.
spicatum α-Eudesmol 17 (2010)
10-Epi-γ-eudismol 9.7
δ-Cadinene 7.5
Eugenol 6.9
Germacrene D-4-ol 6.8
γ-Cadinene 5.4
Hedychium β-Pinene 33.9 23.0 Ho (2011)
coronarium α-Pinene 14.7
1,8-Cineole 13.3 37.3
r-Elemene 11.0
Carotol 9.1
α-Terpineol 10.4
α-Pinene 9.9
Hedychium β-Pinene 46.9 41.5 Miranda et al.
coronarium 1,8-Cineole 23.6 (2014)
α-Pinene 19.2 13.1
β-Caryophyllene 13.2
Hedychium α-Pinene 52.5 5.0 Van Thanh
stenopetalum β-Pinene 31.8 et al. (2014)
Linalool 45.2
(E)-Nerolidol 8.7
Hedychium β-Pinene 20.0 23.6 Van Thanh
coronarium Linalool 15.8 et al. (2014)
1,8-Cineole 10.7
α-Pinene 10.1
α-Terpineol 8.6
α-Humulene 17.1
β-Caryophyllene 13.0
Hedychium β-Pinene 22.5 21.8 11.2 Van Thanh
flavum α-Humulene 15.7 18.9 et al. (2014)
β-Caryophyllene 10.4 11.8
Linalool 17.5
1,8-Cineole 13.5
3  Hedychium Essential Oils: Composition and Uses 53

Table 3.1 (continued)
Compound percentage (w/w)
Taxa Major compound Leaves Flowers Rhizomes Stems Reference
Hedychium (E)-Nerolidol 15.9 Van Thanh
ellipticum β-Pinene 11.8 11.0 et al. (2014)
Bomyl acetate 9.2
1,8-Cineole 40.8
α-Pinene 18.3
Hedychium 1,8-Cineole 37.7 Abdo et al.
malayanum β-Pinene 35.2 (2015)
α-Pinene 10.9
Hedychium β-Pinene 18.3 Thomas and
forrestii β-Linalool 17.8 Mani (2016)
1,8-Cineole 12.0
4-Terpineol 5.5
Hedychium Linalool 83.01 Kumar et al.
aurantiacum Limonene 4.81 (2017)
α-Terpinene 2.69
trans-Linalool oxide 1.55
cis-Linalool oxide 1.53
Hedychium Linalool 45.6 Thomas and
matthewiii β-Pinene 6.5 Mani (2018)
Camphene 3.3
α-Pinene 2.5
Hedychium α-Fenchyl acetate 45.85 Hartati et al.
roxburghii Alloaromadendrene 8.83 (2015)
β-Maaliene 4.88
Spathulenol 4.42
Hedychium (+)-Linalool 80.6 Pant et al.
aurantiacum (1992)
Hedychium β-Caryophyllene 43.0 Dos Santos
coronarium Caryophyllene oxide 12.1 et al. (2010)
β-Pinene 11.6 16.7
1,8-Cineole 34.8
α-Terpineol 13.1
Hedychium 1,8-Cineole 30.84 Semwal et al.
spicatum β-Eudesmol 14.50 (2015)
β-Pinene 9.24
Limonene 6.42
Linalool 5.29
Hedychium 1,8-Cineole 42 Sakhanokho
“Dr. Moy” et al. (2013)
Hedychium Linalool 56 Sakhanokho
forrestii et al. (2013)
54 H. F. Sakhanokho and K. Rajasekaran

Table 3.1 (continued)
Compound percentage (w/w)
Taxa Major compound Leaves Flowers Rhizomes Stems Reference
Hedychium α-Pinene 17 Sakhanokho
“Tai Emperor” et al. (2013)
Hedychium β-Pinene 31 Sakhanokho
bousigonianum et al. (2013)
Hedychium (E)-Nerolidol 20 Sakhanokho
“Dave Case” et al. (2013)
Hedychium α-Cadinol 26.22 Medeiros et al.
gardnerianum α-Pinene 18.37 (2003)
β-Pinene 14.53
Hedychium Linalool 62.26 Gopanraj et al.
larsenii 1,8-Cineole 14.41 (2005)
Hedychium ar-Curcumene 28.6 AlShebly et al.
larsenii epi-β-Bisabolol 10.3 (2017)

taxa along with the major constituents of their essential oils, but this list is far from
being exhaustive. In addition to published chemical constituents as cited in Table 3.1,
other minor chemical compounds were also identified but not listed here. Plant parts
used for essential oil extraction include leaves, stems (pseudo-­stems), flowers, roots,
and rhizomes (Arruda et  al. 2012; Sakhanokho et  al. 2013; Verma and Padalia
2010). The rhizomes appear to be the plant material most often used for Hedychium
essential oil extraction. This is most likely because once Hedychium plants are
grown and well established, their rhizomes offer readily available vegetal parts
throughout the year. Among the taxa listed in Table 3.1 are the variegated Hedychium
cultivar “Dr. Moy” (Fig. 3.1b), H. coronarium (Fig. 3.1e), H. coccineum (Fig. 3.1f),
and H. gardnerianum (Fig. 3.1h).
Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes constitute the main compounds as reported in
most of the studies on Hedychium essential oils (Table 3.1). This is particularly true
for essential oil studies in H. coronarium where the monoterpene 1,8-cineole is
ubiquitous and found in both rhizomes and leaves. In an essential oil study involving
19 Hedychium genotypes, the compound 1,8-cineole was, by far, the most ubiquitous
constituent of the oils being found in 16 out of the 19 Hedychium genotypes. In 13
of those genotypes, 1,8-cineol was the dominant constituent (Sakhanokho et  al.
2013). Other monoterpene compounds found by the same authors included linalool
(<0.1–56%), α-pinene (3–17%), and β-pinene (4–31%) followed by sesquiterpene
constituents such as (E)-nerolidol (0.1–20%). Further, Abdo et al. (2015) reported
that 99% of the essential oil compounds found in Hedychium malayanum rhizomes
were monoterpenes, including 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, and α-pinene. Similarly,
Gopanraj et  al. (2005) found that 99% of the essential oils found in Hedychium
larsenii were monoterpenes, with linalool and 1,8-cineole as major constituents.
Recently, however, AlShebly et al. (2017) found that, instead of monoterpene com-
pounds, the major compounds found in essential oils of the same species, H. larsenii,
were the sesquiterpene compounds ar-curcume (28.6%) and epi-β-bisabolol (10.3%).
3  Hedychium Essential Oils: Composition and Uses 55

Differences in oil constituents of the same Hedychium species have been reported
before (Verma and Padalia 2010; Ray et al. 2018), and these differences are attrib-
uted to various factors. Chemical composition of the essential oil of the same plant
species can vary depending on factors such as genotype, season, vegetal parts, and
environment. For example, Zheljazkov et al. (2008) reported differences in oil con-
stituents of the same cultivars of two other species, Ocimum basillicum L. and O.
sanctum L., grown in two different locations and attributed these differences to dif-
ferent environmental conditions such as temperature, soil characteristics, and pro-
duction system at the two locations of their study. Ray et  al. (2018) studied the
chemical diversity, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities of the essential oils
from various Indian populations of Hedychium coronarium and found that
geographic origin greatly influenced not only the chemical composition of essential
oils but also their associated bioactivities. Furthermore, production of a particular
type of oil is highly influenced by the physiology of plant, which undergoes, for
example, crucial changes during the transition from the vegetative stage to flowering
(Sangwan et al. 2001; Argyropoulou et al. 2007).

3.3  Antimicrobial Activities

The antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oils of various Hedychium

species have been investigated (Medeiros et  al. 2003; Verma and Padalia 2010;
Rajasekaran et al. 2012; Sakhanokho et al. 2013; Ray et al. 2018; Table 3.2). As
stated earlier, sesquiterpenes and, particularly, monoterpenes are the major
components of Hedychium essential oils. The mechanism of action of monoterpenes
is possible breakdown of cytoplasm and organelle members exposed to volatile oils,
and this loss of membrane integrity results in leakage of intracellular materials and
antimicrobial activity of essential oils (Trombetta et al. 2005; Nazzoro et al. 2013).
Essential oils are generally more effective against Gram-positive bacteria than
Gram-negative bacteria because of the differing structures of the cell walls of the
two types of bacteria, and the structure of the Gram-positive bacteria cell wall
allows hydrophobic molecules to easily penetrate the cells and act on both the cell
wall and within the cytoplasm (Trombetta et al. 2005). In a study of the antimicrobial
activity of essential oil of Hedychium larsenii on three Gram-positive and seven
Gram-negative bacteria, Gopanraj et al. (2005) found moderate antibacterial activity
of the oil against all the bacteria except the Gram-positive Klebsiella pneumoniae
(Table  3.2). However, other studies such as those reported by Rajasekaran et  al.
(2012) and Ray et  al. (2018) showed more effective antibacterial and antifungal
effect of Hedychium essential oils.
The effectiveness of essential oils depends on several factors, including the per-
centage and composition of the chemical constituents, as well as the interaction
between these constituents; and these interactions may lead to an additive, indifferent
synergistic, or antagonistic effect (Marino et  al. 2001; Delaquis et  al. 2002; Ray
et al. 2018). Several studies have shown that essential oils as a whole have a more
56 H. F. Sakhanokho and K. Rajasekaran

Table 3.2  Antimicrobial and insecticidal activities of Hedychium essential oils

Taxa Organism Efficacya Reference
Hedychium spicatum Staphylococcus aureus + Semwal et al.
Bacillus subtilis + (2015)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Escherichia coli +
Hedychium coronarium Staphylococcus aureus + Chimnoi et al.
Bacillus subtilis + (2008)
Escherichia coli +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Salmonella typhi +
Hedychium spicatum Pseudomonas vulgaris + Prakash et al.
Staphylococcus aureus + (2010)
Salmonella typhi +
Escherichia coli +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Hedychium coronarium Pseudomonas vulgaris + Prakash et al.
Staphylococcus aureus + (2010)
Salmonella typhi +
Escherichia coli +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Hedychium spicatum Aspergillus niger − Pawar and Thaker
Hedychium gardnerianum Staphylococcus aureus +
Staphylococcus epidermis +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa −
Hedychium coronarium Staphylococcus aureus + Ray et al. (2018)
Bacillus subtilis +
Enterococcus faecalis +
Escherichia coli +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Aspergillus niger +
Aspergillus flavus +
Candida albicans +
Fusarium oxysporum +
Hedychium larsenii Early third instars of Anopheles + AlShebly et al.
stephensi (2017)
Early third instars of Aedes +
Early third instars of Culex +
3  Hedychium Essential Oils: Composition and Uses 57

Table 3.2 (continued)
Taxa Organism Efficacya Reference
Hedychium larsenii Bacillus cereus + Gopanraj et al.
Bacillus subtilis + (2005)
Staphylococcus aureus +
Escherichia coli +
Klebsiella pneumoniae −
Proteus vulgaris +
Pseudomonas aeruginosa +
Pseudomonas fluorescens +
Salmonella typhii +
Serratia marcescens +
Hedychium spicatum Pediculus humanus capitis + Jadhav et al. (2007)
Pthirus pubis +
Pediculus humanus +
Hedychium forrestii Stephanitis pyrioides + Sakhanokho et al.
Hedychium elatum Stephanitis pyrioides +
Hedychium bousigonianum Stephanitis pyrioides +
Hedychium “Tai Golden Stephanitis pyrioides −
Hedychium bousigonianum First instar larvae of Aedes aegypti + Sakhanokho et al.
Hedychium coccineum First instar larvae of Aedes aegypti +
Hedychium “Kinkaku” First instar larvae of Aedes aegypti +
Hedychium “Tai Golden First instar larvae of Aedes aegypti +
Hedychium forrestii Colletotrichum gloeosporioides − Sakhanokho et al.
Colletotrichum fragariae − (2013)
Colletotrichum acutatum −
Hedychium elatum Colletotrichum gloeosporioides −
Colletotrichum fragariae −
Colletotrichum acutatum −
Hedychium gardnerianum Staphylococcus aureus + Medeiros et al.
Staphylococcus epidermis + (2003)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa −
Hedychium forrestii Aspergillus flavus + Rajasekaran et al.
Fusarium verticillioides + (2012)
Hedychium elatum Aspergillus flavus + Rajasekaran et al.
Fusarium verticillioides + (2012)
Hedychium “Tai Monarch” Aspergillus flavus + Rajasekaran et al.
Fusarium verticillioides + (2012)
The + sign indicates the essential oil compound is effective or partially effective against the
targeted organism; the − sign signifies that the essential oil compound has no effect on the targeted
58 H. F. Sakhanokho and K. Rajasekaran

potent antimicrobial activity than the individual main components mixed together,
proving the significant role played by the minor compounds in the antimicrobial
effectiveness of essential oils (Marino et al. 2001; Delaquis et al. 2002; Gill et al.
2002; Mourey and Canillac 2002; Ait-Ouazzou et al. 2012).

3.4  Conclusions

Hedychium species are multiple-purpose plants that are generally grown as orna-
mental plants, but they are also used for their industrial (perfumery, manufacturing
paper) and medicinal (antimicrobial and oxidant properties) properties. In addition,
Hedychium extracts are widely used in traditional medicine to treat a multitude of
ailments. Furthermore, Hedychium essential oils have been shown to inhibit fungal
growth and aflatoxin secretion, so they can potentially be used in formulations of
plant-based preservatives for improvement of stored foods.


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Chapter 4
The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Anjanette DeCarlo, Noura S. Dosoky, Prabodh Satyal, Aaron Sorensen,

and William N. Setzer


DCM Dichloromethane
HD Hydrodistillation
IC50 Median inhibitory concentration
LC50 Median lethal concentration
LD50 Median lethal dose
MeOH Methanol
MIC Minimum inhibitory concentration
MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
SAFE Solvent-assisted flavor evaporation
SC CO2 Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
SD Steam distillation
SPME Solid-phase micro extraction

A. DeCarlo
Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
Department of Environmental Studies, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
N. S. Dosoky · P. Satyal · A. Sorensen
Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
dōTERRA International, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
W. N. Setzer (*)
Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 61

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
62 A. DeCarlo et al.

4.1  Introduction: Overview of the Burseraceae

The Burseraceae is a family of angiosperms in the order Sapindales and comprises

about 18 genera and 640 species of aromatic resinous trees and shrubs (Mabberley
2008). This pan-tropical family is characterized by smooth, flakey, aromatic bark
and the presence of resin ducts in the bark and leaves (Daly et al. 2010). The resins
are generally composed of nonvolatile triterpenoids, lignans, and coumarins, along
with volatile components, monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids, making up the
essential oils (EOs) (Khalid 1983; Hanuš et  al. 2005; Rüdiger et  al. 2007;
Moussaieff and Mechoulam 2009; Murthy et al. 2016). The Burseraceae is divided
into three tribes: Bursereae, which includes the genera Bursera, Boswellia, and
Commiphora; Canarieae, with Canarium, Dacryodes, Haplolobus, Santiria, and
Trattinnickia; and Protieae, including Crepidospermum, Protium, and Tetragastris
(Weeks et al. 2005).
The most celebrated Old World resins of the Burseraceae are frankincense
(Boswellia spp.), myrrh [Commiphora myrrha (T. Nees) Engl.] (Tucker 1986), and
balm of Gilead [Commiphora gileadensis (L.) C. Chr.] (Ben Yehoshua et al. 2015),
used in biblical times as incense, as perfumes, for embalming, and as medicines.
Important New World members of the family are the sources of copal and breu
(mainly Protium spp.) (Rüdiger et  al. 2007). Other ethnobotanically important
Neotropical Burseraceae include tabonuco (Dacryodes excelsa) (Lugo and
Wadsworth 1990) and gumbo limbo [Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg.] (Eldridge 1975;
Higgs 1978).

4.2  Tribe Bursereae

4.2.1  The Genus Bursera

The genus Bursera comprises around 100 species of deciduous aromatic trees and
shrubs distributed from southern United States through Peru (Espinosa et al. 2006;
Mabberley 2008; De-Nova et al. 2011; Gigliarelli et al. 2015). Bursera species have
played a prominent role in the ethnomedicine throughout their ranges (Morton
1981; Duke et al. 2009). Members of Bursera produce oleoresins and essential oils
that not only serve as protection of the plants against herbivory and infection but can
also be attributed to the numerous medicinal properties of this genus, including
antimicrobial, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic (Noguera et  al.
2004; Murthy et  al. 2016). The resins, known as “copal,” have been burned as
incense since pre-Columbian times. Bursera resins are also used for making
ointments, treating scorpion bites, relieving cold symptoms, and as a remedy for
headaches (Peters et  al. 2003). The essential oil compositions and biological
activities of Bursera species are summarized in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Bursera essential oils
Bursera speciesa Collection site Essential oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
B. aloexylon (Schiede ex Guerrero, Mexico Bark (SD) Linalool (49.3%), α-terpineol – Zúñiga et al. (2005)
Schltdl.) Engl. [syn. (20.2%), linalyl anthranilate
Bursera linanoe (La (14.5%), neryl acetate
Llave) Rzed., Calderón & (5.1%)
Medina] Zapotitlan, Puebla, Leaf (DCM extract) Linalyl acetate (92.2%) – Becerra and Noge
Mexico (2010)
Tucson, Arizona Leaf (DCM extract) (R)-(−)-Linalyl acetate – Noge et al. (2010)
(greenhouse) (57.6%), (S)-(−)-germacrene
D (39.3%)
Campinas, SP Brazil Leaf (HD) Linalool (96.7%) Antibacterial, broth Queiroga et al.
microdilution assay (2007)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

(Rhodococcus equi, MIC

600 μg mL−1;
Staphylococcus epidermidis,
MIC = 150 μg mL−1)
B. aptera Ramírez Puebla, Mexico Bark (SD) Limonene (94.6%), Anti-inflammatory (mouse Zúñiga et al. (2005)
kaur-16-ene (5.4%) ear edema, 10.0% inhibition
with a dose of 2.5 μg ear−1)
B. aromatica Proctor Trelawny, Jamaica Bark (HD) Nonane (5.2%), α-copaene – Junor et al. (2010b)
(23.7%), β-caryophyllene
(12.8%), δ-cadinene
(21.5%), viridiflorol (11.8%)
Trelawny, Jamaica Fruit (HD) Nonane (23.7%), β-pinene – Junor et al. (2010b)
(7.0%), limonene (8.0%),
α-copaene (14.0%),
β-caryophyllene (6.8%),
caryophyllene oxide (5.2%),
viridiflorol (7.9%)
Table 4.1 (continued)

Bursera speciesa Collection site Essential oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Trelawny, Jamaica Leaf (HD) Nonane (14.7%), α-copaene – Junor et al. (2010b)
(15.8%), β-caryophyllene
(21.7%), δ-cadinene
(11.3%), viridiflorol (5.9%)
B. bipinnata (DC.) Engl. Commercial Oleoresin (HD) α-Copaene (14.5%), – Case et al. (2003)
β-bourbonene (6.1%),
β-caryophyllene (8.5%),
germacrene D (13.8%),
spathulenol (5.1%)
B. chemapodicta Rzed. & Guerrero, Mexico Leaf (SPME) Heptane (22.5%), 2-heptanol – Evans and Becerra
Evangelina Ortiz (26.4%), 2-heptyl acetate (2006)
Guerrero, Mexico Twig (SPME) Heptane (19.4%), nonane – Evans and Becerra
(6.0%), 4-methyl-3-hexyl (2006)
acetate (15%), 2-heptyl
acetate (51.0%)
B. copallifera (DC) Tucson, Arizona Leaf (DCM extract) β-Caryophyllene (9.6%), – Noge and Becerra
Bullock (greenhouse) α-humulene (12.5%), (2009)
germacrene D (56.2%),
bicyclogermacrene (6.2%)
B. delpechiana Poisson, Bangalore, India Leaf (DCM extract) Linalyl acetate (90.3%) – Becerra and Noge
Henri Louis ex Engl. [syn (2010)
B. citronella McVaugh &
B. excelsa (Kunth) Engl. Tucson, Arizona Leaf (DCM extract) β-Caryophyllene (15.0%), – Noge and Becerra
(greenhouse) germacrene D (50.5%), (2009)
bicyclogermacrene (8.8%)
A. DeCarlo et al.
B. fagaroides var. purpusii Tucson, Arizona Leaf (DCM extract) α-Pinene (67.8%), β-pinene – Noge and Becerra
(Brandegee) McVaugh & (greenhouse) (5.7%), germacrene D (2009)
Rzed. (15.1%)
B. glabrifolia (Kunth) Guerrero, Mexico Bark (SD) α-Thujene (7.4%), limonene – (Zúñiga et al. (2005)
Engl. (13.4%), terpinen-4-ol
(34.5%), α-terpineol
(31.6%), verbenone (7.5%)
B. grandifolia (Schltdl.) Guerrero, Mexico Bark (SD) α-Thujene (23.5%), Anti-inflammatory (mouse Zúñiga et al. (2005)
Engl. limonene (64.0%) ear edema, 2.0% inhibition
with a dose of 2.5 μg ear−1)
B. graveolens (Kunth) Limones, Ecuador Fruit (HD) α-Phellandrene (37.6%), Acaricidal (Rhipicephalus Rey-Valeirón et al.
Triana & Planch. limonene (49.9%), (Boophilus) microplus (2017)
menthofuran (6.1%) larvae, IC50 0.87%)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Havana, Cuba Leaf (HD) Limonene (26.5%), Antiprotozoal (Leishmania Monzote et al.
(E)-β-ocimene (13.0%), amazonensis amastigotes, (2012)
menthofuran (5.1%), IC50 36.7 μg mL−1)
β-elemene (14.1%)
San José de Ancon, Stem (HD) Viridiflorol (70.8%), – Manzano Santana
Ecuador α-cadinol (5.5%) et al. (2009)
Piura, Peru Wood (SD) Limonene (9.1%), – Yukawa et al. (2006)
α-terpineol (8.1%),
β-bisabolene (5.7%)
Puerto Lopez, Wood (SD) Limonene (58.6%), – Young et al. (2007)
Ecuador menthofuran (6.6%),
α-terpineol (10.9%)
Commercial (Young Wood (HD) Limonene (67%), α-terpineol – Satyal (unpublished)
Living Essential (10%)
Oils, Lehi, Utah)
Commercial (Santoil Oleoresin (HD) Limonene (41%), – Satyal (unpublished)
S.A., Quito, menthofuran (35%),
Ecuador) germacrene D (16%)

Table 4.1 (continued)

Bursera speciesa Collection site Essential oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
B. hollickii Fawc. & St. Andrew, Jamaica Bark (HD) α-Pinene (34.8%), β-pinene Insecticidal (Cylas Junor et al. (2008b)
Rendle (10.6%), terpinolene formicarius elegantulus,
(13.4%), α-terpineol (8.9%) LD50 = 11 μg g−1 insect)
St. Andrew, Jamaica Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (49.8%), β-pinene Insecticidal (Cylas Junor et al. (2008b)
(11.0%), α-terpineol (5.7%) formicarius elegantulus,
LD50 = 59 μg g−1 insect)
B. lancifolia (Schltdl.) Guerrero, Mexico Bark (SD) Limonene (14.5%), Anti-inflammatory (mouse Zúñiga et al. (2005)
Engl. terpinen-4-ol (7.3%), ear edema, 16.6% inhibition
α-terpineol (15.2%) elemol with a dose of 2.5 μg ear−1)
(6.0%), agarospirol (6.1%),
β-eudesmol (14.4%),
(5.6%), docosane (18.0%)
B. lunanii (Spreng.) St. Andrew, Jamaica Bark (HD) α-Pinene (51.2%), – Junor et al. (2010a)
C.D. Adams & Dandy ex α-terpineol (6.5%)
St. Andrew, Jamaica Fruit (HD) trans-Pinocarveol (7.0%), – Junor et al. (2010a)
trans-verbenol (13.6%),
myrtenal (8.7%), verbenone
(14.7%), caryophyllene
oxide (5.6%)
Trelawny, Jamaica Fruit (HD) – Antibacterial, disk diffusion Junor et al. (2007)
assay (Escherichia coli,
Staphylococcus aureus,
St. Andrew, Jamaica Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (42.7%), – Junor et al. (2010a)
β-caryophyllene (14.2%),
caryophyllene oxide (12.2%)
A. DeCarlo et al.
B. microphylla A. Gray South Mountain Oleoresin (HD) δ-3-Carene (0.1–8.3%), – Tucker et al. (2009)
Park, Arizona myrcene (0.4–14.4%),
β-caryophyllene (35.7–
72.9%), caryophyllene oxide
B. mirandae C.A. Toledo Tucson, Arizona Leaf (DCM extract) α-Pinene (6.6%), – Noge and Becerra
(greenhouse) α-phellandrene (15.0%), (2009)
β-caryophyllene (14.4%),
germacrene D (36.6%)
B. morelensis Ramirez Puebla, Mexico Bark (SD) α-Thujene (14.9%), – Zúñiga et al. (2005)
limonene (56.5%), terpinen-
4-ol (8.4%), α-terpineol
(7.2%), carvotanacetone
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Cañada ragion, Aerial parts (HD) α-Pinene (8.3%), Anti-inflammatory (rat paw Carrera-Martinez
Teotitlán de Flores α-phellandrene (51.9%), edema, 86.8% inhibition et al. (2014)
Magón, Oaxaca, p-cymene (5.0%), with dose of 0.5 mg kg−1)
Mexico β-phellandrene (10.8%),
β-caryophyllene (5.6%)
San Rafael, Stems and bark α-Pinene (5.8%), Antibacterial, broth Canales-Martinez
Coxcatlan, Mexico (HD) α-phellandrene (32.7%), microdilution assay et al. (2017)
o-cymene (8.7%), (Streptococcus pneumoniae,
β-phellandrene (14.8%), MIC 125 μg mL−1; Vibrio
β-caryophyllene (7.5%) cholerae, MIC
125 μg mL−1; Escherichia
coli, MIC 125 μg mL−1)
B. rupicola León de la Tucson, Arizona Leaf (DCM extract) α-Thujene (5.3%), α-pinene – Noge and Becerra
Luz (greenhouse) (10.3%), β-pinene (21.9%), (2009)
β-caryophyllene (18.3%),
germacrene D (31.9%)
Table 4.1 (continued)

Bursera speciesa Collection site Essential oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
B. serrata Wall. ex Colebr. Lucknow, India Leaf (HD) Linalool (53.4%), α-terpineol – Sharma et al. (1996)
B. simaruba (L.) Sarg. Monteverde, Costa Bark (HD) α-Thujene (11.9%), – Setzer (2014)
Rica α-phellandrene (29.1%),
o-cymene (13.1%),
β-caryophyllene (19.3%)
St. Andrew, Jamaica Bark (HD) α-Pinene (32.1%), β-pinene – Junor et al. (2008a,
(13.5%), p-mentha-1(7),8- b)
diene (5.6%), viridiflorol
Costa Rica Fruit (HD) α-Terpinene (26.2%), – Rosales-Ovares and
δ-terpinene (20.4%), Cicció-Alberti
α-pinene (18.2%), p-cymene (2002)
Trelawny, Jamaica Fruit (HD) – Antibacterial, disk diffusion Junor et al. (2007)
assay (Staphylococcus
aureus, MRSA)
St. Andrew, Jamaica Fruit (HD) α-Pinene (27.6%), sabinene – Junor et al. (2008a)
(8.1%), β-pinene (24.1%),
terpinen-4-ol (13.3%)
Monteverde, Costa Leaf (HD) α-Phellandrene (6.3%), – Setzer (2014)
Rica o-cymene (65.2%),
germacrene D (5.3%)
St. Andrew, Jamaica Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (10.2%), myrcene – Junor et al. (2008a)
(5.2%), β-elemene (5.6%),
β-caryophyllene (9.0%),
γ-muurolene (6.2%),
A. DeCarlo et al.
Fouillole, Pointe-à- Leaf (HD) Limonene (46.7%), Cytotoxic (A-549 human Sylvestre et al.
Pître, Guadeloupe β-caryophyllene (14.7%), adenocarcinomic alveolar (2007)
α-humulene (13.3%), basal epithelial cells, IC50
germacrene D (7.6%) 42 μg mL−1; DLD-1 human
colon adenocarcinoma cells,
IC50 48 μg mL−1).
α-Humulene is the active
agent (IC50 62 μM and
71 μM on A-549 and
DLD-1 cells, respectively)
Trelawny, Jamaica Stem (HD) – Antibacterial, disk diffusion Junor et al. (2007)
assay (Staphylococcus
aureus, MRSA)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

B. submoniliformis Engl. Puebla, Mexico Bark (SD) cis-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol – Zúñiga et al. (2005)
(6.9%), cuminol (5.4%),
docosane (8.0%)
B. tomentosa (Jacq.) Cabudare, Lara, Bark (HD) Nonane (6.4%), (Z)-β- – Moreno et al.
Triana & Planch. Venezuela ocimene (7.3%), (2010b)
bicyclogermacrene (6.6%),
spathulenol (11.4%),
globulol (8.9%), τ-cadinol
Cabudare, Lara, Fruit (HD) Nonane (28.2%), (Z)-β- Antibacterial, disk diffusion Moreno et al.
Venezuela ocimene (47.6%), undecane assay (Staphylococcus (2010a)
(5.5%), germacrene D aureus, MIC 80 μg mL−1;
(11.1%) Enterococcus faecalis, MIC
120 μg mL−1;
Staphylococcus typhi, MIC
100 μg mL−1)
Table 4.1 (continued)

Bursera speciesa Collection site Essential oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
B. velutina Bullock Guerrero, Mexico Bark (SD) Limonene (15.7%), – Zúñiga et al. (2005)
α-terpineol (10.7%),
trans-carveol (5.5%),
carvone (5.7%), spathulenol
(12.5%), β-eudesmol
Altamirano, Leaf (DCM extract) α-Phellandrene (28.8%), – Noge et al. (2011)
Guerrero, Mexico β-phellandrene (11.0%),
2-phenylethanol (29.5%),
phytol (5.3%)
There is apparently some confusion regarding synonymous Bursera taxa (B. aloexylon, B. linanoe, B. delpechiana, B. citronella); the synonyms reported in
this table are based on those reported by the Missouri Botanical Garden (Missouri Botanical Garden 2017)
A. DeCarlo et al.
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 71

Bursera aloexylon (Schiede ex Schltdl.) Engl. is now considered to be synony-

mous with B. linanoe (La Llave) Rzed., Calderón & Medina (Missouri Botanical
Garden 2017) and is likely the same species as the Indian lavender, B. delpechiana
Poisson, Henri Louis ex Engl. (Becerra and Noge 2010). However, B. delpechiana
is considered to be synonymous with B. citronella McVaugh & Rzed. (Missouri
Botanical Garden 2017). Nevertheless, B. aloexylon (B. linanoe) and B. delpechi-
ana (B. citronella) are both rich in either linalool (Zúñiga et al. 2005; Queiroga et al.
2007) or linalyl acetate (Becerra and Noge 2010; Noge et al. 2010).
Bursera graveolens (Kunth) Triana & Planch., “palo santo,” is native to the
Yucatan, Central America, and Colombia south to Peru and Venezuela (Morton
1981). The wood has a strong woody odor and has been used by indigenous people
of South America for incense. The sesquiterpenoids junenol, jinkoheremol, valeri-
anol, and 6,10-epoxy-7(14)-isodaucene have been determined to be the odiferous
woody components by gas chromatography–olfactometry (Yukawa et al. 2006). The
resin of the tree has been used medicinally to treat pain and for rheumatism (Yukawa
et  al. 2004; Young et  al. 2007). A decoction of the bark is taken as a sudorific
(Yucatan) and as a remedy for stomachache (Peru); in Costa Rica and Cuba, an
alcohol infusion of the bark is used as a liniment for rheumatism; a poultice of the
bark is used in Peru as an analgesic (Morton 1981; Duke et al. 2009). The high per-
centage of viridiflorol in the stem bark of B. graveolens (Manzano Santana et al.
2009) may be responsible for the analgesic effect of the extract; viridiflorol has
shown antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities (Trevizan et  al. 2016).
Interestingly, viridiflorol is also an effective inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase
(Miyazawa et al. 1998), so B. graveolens bark essential oil may be helpful in treat-
ing Alzheimer’s disease (Nordberg and Svensson 1998).
Bursera microphylla A.  Gray, “torote blanco,” is distributed in the Sonoran
Desert of Mexico. In Seri traditional medicine, the plant is steeped in alcohol to
make a tincture to treat sore gums, cold sores, and abscessed teeth; a decoction of
the stems and leaves is taken to relieve painful urination and to treat symptoms of
bronchitis, while the resin is used to treat venereal diseases (Adorisio et al. 2017).
The oleoresin essential oil of B. microphylla is rich in β-caryophyllene and caryo-
phyllene oxide (Tucker et al. 2009). β-Caryophyllene has shown numerous biologi-
cal activities, including antinociceptive and anesthetic activities (Ghelardini et al.
2001; Bakır et al. 2008; Katsuyama et al. 2013; Paula-Freire et al. 2014). This ses-
quiterpene is also an important clinical drug for treatment of bronchitis (Xie et al.
2008). Interestingly, β-caryophyllene has been shown to be a selective cannabinoid
receptor type 2 (CB2) agonist (Gertsch et al. 2008), which probably mediates many
of the pharmacological effects. The biological properties of β-caryophyllene likely
account for the traditional uses of B. microphylla.
Bursera morelensis Ramírez, “aceitillo,” is endemic to Mexico. The bark infusion
is used by inhabitants of San Rafael, Coxcatlan, Puebla, and Mexico, to treat skin
infections and to aid wound healing (Canales-Martinez et al. 2017). The antibacterial
properties of the essential oil, rich in α- and β-phellandrene (see Table 4.1), likely
contribute to the traditional uses of this tree. α-Phellandrene has shown antimicrobial
properties (İşcan et al. 2012).
72 A. DeCarlo et al.

Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg., “gumbo limbo,” “indio desnudo,” ranges from
south Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Bahamas throughout the West Indies and
Central America from southern Mexico to Colombia (Morton 1981). The bark,
gum, and leaves of this tree are used as traditional medicines throughout its range
(Morton 1981; Duke et al. 2009). For example, the plant is used in Belize to treat
wounds, insect bites, and skin sores (Arvigo and Balick 1993), leaves are used as a
bath by the Yucatec Maya to treat fever (Ankli et al. 1999), a leaf decoction is taken
in Cuba as a carminative (Beyra et al. 2004), and the leaf decoction is used in the
Bahamas to treat poisonwood (Metopium toxiferum) dermatitis (Higgs 1978). The
tree is commonly used as living fence posts in Costa Rica (Budowski and Russo
1993). There is wide variation in the essential oils of B. simaruba, depending not
only on the plant tissue but also the geographical origin of the plant (see Table 4.1).
Thus, for example, the leaf essential oil from Monteverde, Costa Rica, was
dominated by o-cymene (65.2%) (Setzer 2014), but the leaf oil from Fouillole,
Pointe-à-Pître, Guadeloupe, was rich in limonene (46.7%) (Sylvestre et al. 2007).
The leaf oil from St. Andrew, Jamaica, on the other hand, had α-pinene (10.2%),
β-caryophyllene (9.0%), and trans-cadina-1(6),4-diene (9.7%), as major components
(Junor et al. 2008a, b). Similarly, the bark essential oil from Costa Rica had abundant
α-phellandrene (29.1%) and β-caryophyllene (19.3%) (Setzer 2014), while the bark
oil from Jamaica showed α- and β-pinenes as major components (32.1% and 13.5%,
respectively) (Junor et al. 2008a, b). Clearly the geographical location plays a role
in the chemistry of these essential oils and must affect the biological activities and
likely affects the traditional uses as well.
Bursera tomentosa (Jacq.) Triana & Planch., “bálsamo de incienso,” is native to
the Lesser Antilles, Central America, northern Venezuela, and Colombia (Morton
1981; Moreno et al. 2010a, b). In northern South America, a decoction of the bark
is used to treat sciatica, pulmonary complaints, asthma, epilepsy, and venereal
diseases; the oleoresin is applied to ulcers and wounds (Morton 1981).

4.2.2  The Genus Boswellia

The genus Boswellia (Burseraceae) is a group of deciduous resiniferous trees and

shrubs distributed across Africa, Arabia, and India that is characterized by papery
bark and compound leaves. The genus comprises approximately 17 species,
although the exact number is in dispute, with multiple revisions removing species
from the Boswellia (Thulin 1999; Thulin et  al. 2008) and questioning whether
species should be considered legitimate or are hybrids or differential growth forms
(Thulin and Warfa 1987; Thulin 1999; Woolley et al. 2012; Miller 2015; Eslamieh
2017). Perhaps unsurprisingly, even relatively, recent papers report the number of
species as diversely as 15–43 species (Weeks et  al. 2005; Camarda et  al. 2007;
Al-Harrasi and Al-Saidi 2008; Mertens et  al. 2009; Roy et  al. 2016; Missouri
Botanical Garden 2017). The genus is best known for producing an aromatic
terpenoid gum-oleoresin known as frankincense. The resins serve to protect the
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 73

trees from infection, herbivory, and insect attack, but they have been prominent
aspects of human ethnobotanical medicine and religious practice throughout their
ranges for millennia (Langenheim 2003; Pichersky and Raguso 2018). Frankincense
features prominently in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese traditional medi-
cine, as well as having been used locally for oral hygiene, dressing wounds, calm-
ing/psychoactive effects, and anti-inflammatory treatment, among a variety of other
uses (Getahon 1976; Michie and Cooper 1991; Thulin 1999; Burkill 2000; Mies
et al. 2000; Frawley and Lad 2001; Dannaway 2010; Price et al. 2016; Acıduman
et al. 2017).
In modern times the resins and essential oils are still used in religious ceremonies
and are appreciated for their antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and psy-
choactive properties yielded by 300+ chemical constituents (Mertens et al. 2009;
Moussaieff and Mechoulam 2009). The resin is also of considerable modern interest
as the basis for cancer therapies (Roy et al. 2016). The most extensive studies on
components of frankincense have focused on the boswellic acids contained in the
resin. These boswellic acids have been shown to have effective anti-inflammatory
properties. Similar studies have shown the components of frankincense resin to
have a sedative activity, significantly reduce inflammation markers, induce apopto-
sis in human leukemia and prostate cells, and improve arthritis and many pharma-
cological therapies (Moussaieff and Mechoulam 2009). Recent studies have
provided scientific justification regarding the analgesic effects of frankincense
extracts and essential oils. This research concludes that frankincense is as effective
as the commercially available painkillers when comparing their analgesic properties
and bioactivity (Al-Harrasi et al. 2014). The essential oil compositions and biologi-
cal activities of each Boswellia species are summarized in Table 4.2.
Resins excreted from the wounds of the Boswellia species, often called oliba-
num, incense, or perhaps most commonly known as frankincense, have been traded
in the Arabic and African regions for more than 5000 years (Sultana et al. 2013;
Pickenhagen 2017). Frankincense has been used in numerous religious and cultural
ceremonies throughout the documented trade history of this traditionally important
commodity, and these uses of frankincense continue today. Frankincense was
burned in Assyria and Egypt as early as 3000 BC (Pickenhagen 2017). Chemical
analyses of archaeological samples taken from Egyptian tombs confirm the identity
of frankincense (Archier and Vieillescazes 2000; Mathe et  al. 2004); between
2500 BC and 600 BC, frankincense was a major object of trade between Egypt and
the mysterious Land of Punt, likely located in the Horn of Africa (Kitchen 1971;
Phillips 1997). Following the decline of Punt, the center of trade shifted to Arabian
trade routes (B. sacra) and the Axumite Empire (B. papyrifera) (Butzer 1981; Hull
2008). Frankincense was considered the “scent of the gods” and was widely used in
wealthy households (Pickenhagen 2017). The same was true of Greece and Rome,
where it became hugely popular (Groom 1981). Frankincense also appears as a
component of medical and religious practice throughout the Middle East and in
Chinese medicine.
Boswellia sacra Flueck. is native to southern Oman, Yemen, Somaliland, and
Somalia (Thulin and Warfa 1987). The African populations are frequently referred
Table 4.2  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Boswellia essential oils

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
B. ameero Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Campholenal (13.4%), cosmene Inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (IC50 Ali et al.
Balf. f. Yemen (HD) (34.9%), 3,4-dimethylstyrene 217 μg mL−1) (2008)
(17.3%), α-terpineol (12.4%),
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (37.5%), α-pinene – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (20.5%), sabinene (6.8%), p-cymene (2017)
extract) (6.0%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (26.4%), α-pinene (7.2%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH terpinen-4-ol (26.1%), (E)-β- (2017)
extract) farnesene (6.1%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (41.6%), terpinen-4-ol – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (14.1%), (E)-β-farnesene (8.9%), (2017)
extract) cembrene (9.2%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (72.1%), sabinene (6.1%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (E)-β-farnesene (5.0%), cembrene (2017)
extract) (5.2%)
B. bullata Soqotra Island, Oleoresin β-Caryophyllene (7.2%), (E)-β- – Maděra et al.
Thulin Yemen (MeOH farnesene (7.5%), δ-cadinene (8.6%), (2017)
extract) guaiol (8.4%), α-cadinol (6.9%)
B. carteri Banaras Hindu Bark (HD) δ-3-Carene (5.6%), 2-phenylethanol Antifungal (Aspergillus niger, IC50 Prakash et al.
Birdw. University, Varanasi, (12.3%), benzyl acetate (13.4%), 616 μg mL−1; Alternaria alternata, IC50 (2014)
India limonene (9.5%), citronellol (8.0%) 354 μg mL−1; Cladosporium cladosporioides,
IC50 848 μg mL−1; Curvularia lunata,
IC50 < 250 μg mL−1; Fusarium oxysporum,
IC50 < 250 μg mL−1)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Commercial (drug Oleoresin Octanol (12.7%), octyl acetate Antibacterial, disk diffusion assay Abdel Wahab
market in Cairo, (HD) (60.0%)a (Staphylococcus aureus, Sarcina lutea, et al. (1987)
Egypt; from Mycobacterium phlei)
Not reported Oleoresin – Spasmogenic effect on guinea pig ileum Lis-Balchin
(HD) smooth muscle and Hart
Commercial Oleoresin – Weakly antimicrobial (Staphylococcus aureus, Hammer et al.
(Sunspirit Oils Pty (HD) MIC 5000 μg mL−1; Candida albicans, MIC (1999)
Ltd., Byron Bay, 5000 μg mL−1)
NSW, Australia)
Ethiopia Oleoresin α-Pinene, 1,8-cineole, (E)-β-ocimene, – Basar et al.
(HD) octanol, linalool, octyl acetate, (2001)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

(E)-nerolidol (percentages not

Commercial Oleoresin Limonene (7.6%), octyl acetate Immunostimulant (T-lymphocyte proliferation) Mikhaeil et al.
(market in Cairo, (HD) (13.4%), biformene (5.7%), activity (2003)
Egypt) 4-acetoxy-2,6,11-cembratriene-8-ol
Ethiopia Oleoresin α-Pinene (10.9%), octanol (11.9%), – Basar (2005)
(HD) octyl acetate (39.3%), verticilla-
4(20),7,11-triene (6.0%)a
Commercial Oleoresin – Mosquito repellent (Aedes aegypti, Anopheles Amer and
(Spinnrad, (HD) stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus), 20% Mehlhorn
Germany; from essential oil (2006)
Commercial Oleoresin Octyl acetate (45.2%), (3E)-cembrene  – Marongiu et al.
(Binardi, (HD) A (5.5%), phyllocladene (13.2%), (2006)
Bagnacavallo- incensole (6.1%), incensole acetate
Ravenna, Italy) (13.0%)a

Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Commercial Oleoresin  – Nematicidal (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, LC50 Choi et al.
(Kyungdong (HD) 2100 μg mL−1) (2007)
medical market,
Seoul, Korea)
Commercial (White Oleoresin α-Thujene (7.3%), α-pinene (15.1%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Camarda et al.
Lotus Aromatics (HD) myrcene (8.2%), p-cymene (6.2%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 3.52– (2007)
Ltd., Port Angeles, limonene (18.2%), α-cedrene (6.1%) 54.6 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus epidermidis,
WA, USA; from MIC 17.6 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC
Somalia) 54.6 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC
6.6 μg mL−1); antifungal (Candida albicans,
MIC 6.16 μg mL−1; Candida tropicalis, MIC
6.16 μg mL−1)b
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (17.0%), myrcene (6.8%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) p-cymene (6.2%), limonene (14.9%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 5000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (7.0%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 12000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (8.3%), α-pinene (22.8%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) myrcene (5.5%), limonene (14.9%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (8.0%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 1500 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 12800 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (30.1%), myrcene (6.0%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) limonene (20.4%), β-caryophyllene (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) (6.9%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 6600 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (7.9%), α-pinene (27.6%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) myrcene (6.8%), limonene (14.6%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (5.6%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 2000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 12000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (7.7%), α-pinene (40.4%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

(“various herbal (HD) myrcene (8.8%), p-cymene (5.3%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) limonene (15.8%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 3000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (52.4%), sabinene (5.6%) Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 16000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) Bacillus cereus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (22.3%), limonene (11.9%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) β-caryophyllene (7.8%) (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 10400 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) Bacillus cereus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 5300 μg mL−1)
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (12.0%), α-pinene Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) (23.6%), limonene (18.3%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (6.3%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 8300 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 4000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
B. carteri Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (5.3%), α-pinene (12.0%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
Birdw. (“various herbal (HD) myrcene (9.9%), limonene (12.7%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 10400 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (10.5%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 5300 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Terpinene (7.9%), p-cymene – Yang et al.
(Skinmate, Puchon, (HD) (11.8%)c, γ-terpinene (16.9%), (2010)
Gyeonggido, Korea) p-menth-2-en-1-ol (34.5%)
Ethiopia Oleoresin Octyl acetate (34.7%), Cytotoxic (MCF-7, IC50 40.7 μg mL−1; Chen et al.
(HD) nardoeudesmol C (5.6%), nerolidol HepG2, IC50 57.0 μg mL−1; HeLa, IC50 (2013)
isobutyrate (18.3%) 55.5 μg mL−1; HS-1, IC50 39.7 μg mL−1; A459,
IC50 60.3 μg mL−1)
Commercial (Young Oleoresin – Cytotoxic (J82 human bladder tumor cells, IC50 Dozmorov
Living Essential (HD) 910 μg mL−1) et al. (2014)
Oils; from Somalia)
Commercial (herbal Oleoresin α-Pinene (23.0%), limonene (10.9%), Weak anticandidal activity (Candida albicans, Nikolić et al.
pharmacy, (HD) β-caryophyllene (8.3%), δ-cadinene MIC 1250 μg mL−1) (2016)
Rotterdam, (5.8%), caryophyllene oxide (11.1%)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (12.0%), α-pinene Weak anticandidal activity (Candida albicans, Nikolić et al.
(Sensient Essential (HD) (31.8%), sabinene (5.4%), p-cymene MIC 2500 μg mL−1) (2016)
Oils, Bremen, (6.0%), limonene (17.9%),
Germany) β-caryophyllene (5.4%)
Commercial Oleoresin Dihydrocitronellyl acetate (55.6%), – Dounchaly
(Tehran market) (HD) α-santonin (9.0%) et al. (2016)
Commercial (Ameo, Oleoresin p-Cymene (10.0%), limonene – Setzer
Zija International) (HD) (22.4%), α-copaene (5.8%), (unpublished)
β-caryophyllene (22.2%), δ-cadinene
Commercial (Scents Oleoresin α-Pinene (23.2%), limonene (22.4%), – Hamm et al.
of the Earth, Sun (headspace β-caryophyllene (6.9%) (2005)
City, USA; from SPME)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Commercial (Scents Oleoresin α-Pinene (6.3%), limonene (10.2%), – Hamm et al.
of the Earth, Sun (headspace β-caryophyllene (66.9%), α-humulene (2005)
City, USA; from SPME) (5.2%), 1(10,5-germacradien-4-ol
Aden) (5.7%), caryophyllene oxide (13.1%)
B. dalzielii Gombi, Adamawa Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (45.7%), γ-terpinene – Kubmarawa
Hutch. state, Nigeria (11.5%) et al. (2006)
Ségbana region, Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (15.2%), myrcene (5.7%), Enzyme inhibition (acetylcholinesterase, IC50 Kohoude et al.
Benin δ-3-carene (27.7%), p-cymene 67.1 μg mL−1; 5-lipoxygenase, IC50 (2017)
(9.5%), β-phellandrene (8.5%), 70.0 μg mL−1)
isolongifolene (6.2%)
B. Soqotra Island, Bark (HD) α-Thujene (9.3%), α-pinene (8.3%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Mothana et al.
dioscoridis Yemen camphor (5.5%), β-caryophyllene (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 3620 μg mL−1; (2011)
Thulin (5.5%), caryophyllene oxide (5.0%) Bacillus subtilis, MIC 3620 μg mL−1)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (56.6%), α-pinene (8.3%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH sabinene (10.0%), myrcene (6.0%), (2017)
extract) terpinen-4-ol (14.0%)

Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (60.3%), terpinen-4-ol – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (26.5%) (2017)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (69.5%), α-pinene – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (10.5%), sabinene (7.4%), β-pinene (2017)
extract) (6.0%)
B. elongata Soqotra Island, Bark (HD) Verticilla-4(20),7,11-triene (8.2%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Mothana et al.
Balf. f. Yemen incensole (14.8%), incensole acetate (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 4310 μg mL−1; (2011)
(7.4%) Bacillus subtilis, MIC 4310 μg mL−1)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin β-Caryophyllene (39.1%), methyl – Ali et al.
Yemen (HD) cycloundecanecarboxylate (7.9%)d, (2008)
verticillol (52.4%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (59.1%), (E)-β-farnesene – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (5.9%), cembrene (13.1%) (2017)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Pinene (34.3%), β-pinene (12.5%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH p-cymene (6.4%), terpinen-4-ol (2017)
extract) (15.8%), (E)-β-farnesene (7.7%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (49.2%), myrcene (9.4%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH terpinen-4-ol (13.1%) (2017)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (16.2%), sabinene – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (16.1%), cembrene (28.5%) (2017)
B. frereana Commercial (Willy Oleoresin α-Thujene (8.1%), α-pinene (38.0%), – Basar (2005)
Birdw. Benecke GmbH, (HD) p-cymene (11.0%), β-caryophyllene
Hamburg, Germany) (5.3%)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (64.7%), sabinene (7.0%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) p-cymene (5.4%) (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) Bacillus cereus, MIC 3000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 6000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (19.9%), α-pinene Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) (24.7%), p-cymene (12.3%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (5.3%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 1500 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 4000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 6000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (33.1%), sabinene (5.1%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

(“various herbal (HD) p-cymene (16.9%), β-caryophyllene (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 12000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) (6.9%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 6600 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 4000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 12800 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 12000 μg mL−1)
Commercial (Scents Oleoresin α-Thujene (9.8%), α-pinene (12.4%), – (Hamm et al.
of the Earth, Sun (headspace p-cymene (7.8%) (2005)
City, USA; from SPME)
B. nana Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (57.6%), α-pinene (5.9%), – Maděra et al.
Hepper Yemen (MeOH sabinene (10.4%), β-pinene (10.2%) (2017)
B. neglecta Dibluk, Sidamo Oleoresin α-Pinene (16.7%), α-thujene (19.2%), – Başer et al.
S. Moore province, Ethiopia (HD) p-cymene (9.5%), terpinen-4-ol (2003)
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Ethiopia Oleoresin α-Thujene (21.3%), α-pinene – Basar (2005)
(HD) (21.3%), p-cymene (11.8%),
terpinen-4-ol (5.3%)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (43.4%), β-pinene (13.1%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) p-cymene (8.6%), terpinen-4-ol (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) (12.5%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 2000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 6600 μg mL−1)
Borena region, Oleoresin – Antibacterial, broth dilution assay de Rapper
southern Ethiopia (HD) (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC et al. (2012)
1300 μg mL−1); antifungal (Candida albicans,
MIC 1800 μg mL−1; Cryptococcus neoformans,
MIC 1300 μg mL−1)
Dubuluk, Borana Oleoresin α-Thujene (16.5%), α-pinene – Bekana et al.
zone, Oromiya (HD) (42.0%), terpinen-4-ol (28.2%) (2014)
region Ethiopia
Mega, Borana zone, Oleoresin α-Thujene (13.0%), α-pinene – Bekana et al.
Oromiya region, (HD) (32.6%), p-cymene (5.1%), terpinen- (2014)
Ethiopia 4-ol (29.9%)
Wachile, Borana Oleoresin α-Thujene (12.7%), α-pinene – Bekana et al.
zone, Oromiya (HD) (50.7%), terpinen-4-ol (17.5%), (2014)
region, Ethiopia verbenone (6.6%)
B. Metema, north Oleoresin Limonene (6.5%), octanol (8.0%), – Dekebo et al.
papyrifera Ethiopia (HD) octyl acetate (56.0%) (1999)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Commercial (White Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.2%), sabinene (6.0%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Camarda et al.
Lotus Aromatics (HD) octanol (17.8%), octyl acetate (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 22.6– (2007)
Ltd., Port Angeles, (63.5%) 27.0 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus epidermidis,
WA, USA; from MIC 22.6 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC
Ethiopia) 27.0 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC
27.0 μg mL−1); antifungal (Candida albicans,
MIC 6.09 μg mL−1; Candida tropicalis, MIC
6.09 μg mL−1)b
Northern Ethiopia Oleoresin – Antibacterial, broth dilution assay de Rapper
(HD) (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 1500 μg mL−1; et al. (2012)
Bacillus cereus, MIC 1600 μg mL−1;
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC 1500 μg mL−1);
antifungal (Candida albicans, MIC
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

1400 μg mL−1; Cryptococcus neoformans, MIC

1400 μg mL−1)
Metema, Amhara Oleoresin Octyl acetate (65.7%) – Bekana et al.
region, Ethiopia (HD) (2014)
B. Humera, Tigray Oleoresin Octanol (8.8%), octyl acetate (60.4%) – Bekana et al.
papyrifera regional state, (HD) (2014)
Hochst. Ethiopia
Metekel, Oleoresin Octyl acetate (57.1%) – Bekana et al.
Benishangul-Gomuz (HD) (2014)
regional state,
Commercial (White Oleoresin Octanol (17.8%), octyl acetate Anti-biofilm activity (Staphylococcus Schillaci et al.
Lotus Aromatics (HD) (63.5%) epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, (2008)
Ltd., Port Angeles, IC50 < 750 μg mL−1)b
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Commercial (Scents Oleoresin Octanol (13.9%), octyl acetate – Hamm et al.
of the Earth, Sun (headspace (64.6%), incensole acetate (10.8%) (2005)
City, USA; from SPME)
B. pirottae Gibe Valley, Oleoresin Terpinen-4-ol (14.6%), trans- – Başer et al.
Chiov. Ethiopia (HD) verbenol (15.5%) (2003)
B. Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (55.3%), p-cymene – Maděra et al.
popoviana Yemen (MeOH (9.0%), terpinen-4-ol (6.4%), (2017)
Hepper extract) cembrene (12.8%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (29.9%), p-cymene – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (10.9%), terpinen-4-ol (8.0%) (2017)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (51.5%), p-cymene – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (9.0%), terpinen-4-ol (7.0%), (2017)
extract) (E)-β-farnesene (9.2%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (67.3%), cembrene (6.3%) – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (2017)
B. rivae Bulagere, Ogaden Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.3%), δ-3-carene (9.6%), – Başer et al.
Engl. Region, Ethiopia (HD) limonene (14.8%), trans-verbenol (2003)
Ethiopia Oleoresin α-Pinene (16.7%), δ-3-carene – Basar (2005)
(HD) (17.3%), limonene (21.1%)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Commercial (White Oleoresin α-Pinene (13.3%), δ-3-carene Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Camarda et al.
Lotus Aromatics (HD) (15.7%), p-cymene (7.1%), limonene (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 13.3– (2007)
Ltd., Port Angeles, (28.0%), trans-verbenol (5.8%) 54.8 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus epidermidis,
WA, USA; from MIC 23.0 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC
Ethiopia) 3.53 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC
54.8 μg mL−1); antifungal (Candida albicans,
MIC 2.65 μg mL−1; Candida tropicalis, MIC
27.4 μg mL−1)b
Ogaden region, Oleoresin – Antibacterial, broth dilution assay de Rapper
southeastern (HD) (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC et al. (2012)
Ethiopia 1000 μg mL−1); antifungal (Cryptococcus
neoformans, MIC 800 μg mL−1)
Filtu district, Oleoresin α-Pinene (37.3%), o-cymene (5.6%), – Bekana et al.
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Somalia regional (HD) δ-3-carene (6.7%), p-cymene (9.8%), (2014)

state, Ethiopia limonene (9.7%)
Chereti district, Oleoresin α-Pinene (32.5%), δ-3-carene (6.2%), – Bekana et al.
Somalia regional (HD) p-cymene (21.1%), limonene (19.6%) (2014)
state, Ethiopia
Dolo Odo district, Oleoresin α-Thujene (10.0%), α-pinene – Bekana et al.
Somalia regional (HD) (66.2%), p-cymene (5.7%) (2014)
state, Ethiopia
B. rivae Commercial (White Oleoresin α-Pinene (13.3%), δ-3-carene Anti-biofilm activity (Candida albicans, IC50 Schillaci et al.
Engl. Lotus Aromatics (HD) (15.7%), p-cymene (7.1%), limonene 13,900 μg mL−1)b (2008)
Ltd., Port Angeles, (28.0%), trans-verbenol (5.8%)
B. sacra Dhofar region, Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.3%), myrcene (6.9%), – Al-Harrasi and
Flueck. Oman (HD) α-thujene (6.6%), (E)-β-ocimene Al-Saidi
(32.3%), sabinene (5.2%), limonene (2008)
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (22.5%), myrcene (5.5%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) sabinene (6.9%), p-cymene (5.9%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) limonene (11.2%), β-caryophyllene Bacillus cereus, MIC 3000 μg mL−1;
(7.6%) Escherichia coli, MIC 4000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (11.2%), α-pinene Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) (18.3%), limonene (13.1%), (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 8000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) β-caryophyllene (7.2%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 2000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 3000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 8000 μg mL−1)
Hasik area, Oman Oleoresin α-Pinene (59.4–65.5%), myrcene Cytotoxic to breast tumor cells (MCF10-2A, Suhail et al.
(HD) (5.4–7.5%), limonene (8.4–9.0%) IC50 1470 μg mL−1; T47D IC50 690 μg mL−1; (2011)
MCF7, IC50 556 μg mL−1; MDA-MB-231 IC50
769 μg mL−1)
Hasik area, Oman Oleoresin α-Pinene (59.4–78.5%), myrcene Cytotoxic to pancreatic tumor cells (MIA Ni et al. (2012)
(HD) (2.6–5.4%), limonene (5.6–9.0%) MaCa-2, IC50 833 μg mL−1; Panc-28, IC50
813 μg mL−1; DANG, IC50 641 μg mL−1;
BxPC-3, IC50 741 μg mL−1)
B. sacra Dhofar region, “Hoojri” α-Pinene (76.0%) Antibacterial to Gram-positive organisms Al-Saidi et al.
Flueck. Oman oleoresin (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, (2012)
(HD) Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 5000 μg mL−1);
inactive to Gram-negative bacteria
Dhofar region, “Shaabi” α-Pinene (68.5%) Antibacterial to Gram-positive organisms Al-Saidi et al.
Oman oleoresin (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, (2012)
(HD) Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 5000 μg mL−1);
inactive to Gram-negative bacteria
A. DeCarlo et al.
Dhofar region, “Najdi” α-Pinene (46.8%), myrcene (8.9%), Antibacterial to Gram-positive organisms Al-Saidi et al.
Oman oleoresin limonene (15.9%) (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, (2012)
(HD) Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 5000 μg mL−1);
inactive to Gram-negative bacteria
Dhofar region, “Shathari” α-Pinene (64.7%), limonene (8.1%) Antibacterial to Gram-positive organisms Al-Saidi et al.
Oman oleoresin (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, (2012)
(HD) Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 5000 μg mL−1);
inactive to Gram-negative bacteria
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (11.4%), myrcene (8.0%), – Niebler and
(J. Ertelt, (SAFE limonene (12.8%) Buettner
AureliaSan, distillation) (2015)
Bisingen, Germany;
from Oman)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (14.2%), myrcene (7.6%), – Niebler and

(Anandam GmbH, (SAFE p-cymene (6.5%), limonene (10.9%) Buettner
Hamburg, Germany; distillation) (2015)
from Oman)
B. sacra Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (24.3%), myrcene (6.6%), – Niebler and
Flueck. (J. Ertelt, (SAFE p-cymene (5.2%), limonene (18.9%) Buettner
AureliaSan, distillation) (2015)
Bisingen, Germany;
from Somalia)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (12.6%), myrcene (7.1%), – Niebler and
(J. Ertelt, (SAFE limonene (12.8%) Buettner
AureliaSan, distillation) (2015)
Bisingen, Germany;
from Somalia)
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (24.1%), p-cymene (7.0%), – Niebler and
(J. Ertelt, (SAFE limonene (11.3%) Buettner
AureliaSan, distillation) (2015)
Bisingen, Germany;
from Somalia)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (13.8%), myrcene (5.4%), – Niebler and
(C.E. Roeper, (SAFE p-cymene (9.7%), limonene (10.4%) Buettner
Hamburg, Germany; distillation) (2015)
from Somalia)
Salalah, Oman Oleoresin α-Pinene (61.6%) – Hakkim et al.
(hexane (2015)
Commercial Oleoresin – Rotundone (woody, coniferous) and mustakone Niebler et al.
(Premaveral Life (HD) (spicy, woody) identified as highly potent (2016)
GmbH, Mittelberg, odorants
Germany; from
Commercial (Scents Oleoresin α-Pinene (13.9%), myrcene (5.2%), – Hamm et al.
of the Earth, Sun (headspace p-cymene (5.5%), limonene (6.9%), (2005)
City, USA; from SPME)
B. serrata Sokoto state, Bark (HD) α-Pinene (73.3%) – Kasali et al.
Roxb. ex Nigeria (2002)
Commercial (Willy Oleoresin α-Thujene (12.0%), α-pinene (8.0%), – Basar (2005)
Benecke GmbH, (HD) myrcene (38.0%), estragole (11.6%)
Hamburg, Germany)
A. DeCarlo et al.
Jabalpur area, Oleoresin α-Thujene (22.7%), tetrahydrolinalool – Singh et al.
Madhya Pradesh, (HD) (10.6%)e, benzyl tiglate (5.5%), (2007)
India epi-cubenol (5.2%), 10-epi-γ-
eudesmol (5.3%)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (47.4%), δ-3-carene – Singh et al.
(market in Amritsar, (HD) (9.6%), tetrahydrolinalool (7.0%)e, (2007)
Punjab India) epi-cubenol (9.1%)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (26.2%), δ-3-carene – Singh et al.
(market in Khari (HD) (7.9%), limonene (6.3%), (2007)
Baoli, New Delhi, tetrahydrolinalool (8.8%)e,
India) α-terpineol (5.8%)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (11.2%), α-thujene (29.5%), – Singh et al.
(market in Karol (HD) (2007)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

δ-3-carene (7.6%), limonene (8.5%),

Bagh, New Delhi, tetrahydrolinalool (7.8%)e
Commercial (White Oleoresin α-Thujene (29.7%), sabinene (7.4%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Camarda et al.
Lotus Aromatics (HD) δ-3-carene (7.5%), p-cymene (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 53.2– (2007)
Ltd., Port Angeles, (12.5%), estragole (6.7%) 107 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus epidermidis,
WA, USA; from MIC 89.2 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC
India) 107.2 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MIC
12.9 μg mL−1); antifungal (Candida albicans,
MIC 12.9 μg mL−1; Candida tropicalis, MIC
12.9 μg mL−1)b
B. serrata Commercial Oleoresin Sabinene (19.1%), terpinen-4-ol Cytotoxic (HepG2 human hepatocellular Ahmed et al.
Roxb. ex (Egyptian herbal (HD) (14.6%), cis-carveol (6.3%), carcinoma cells, IC50 5.5 μg mL−1; HCT 116 (2015)
Colebr. store, Cairo, Egypt) α-terpinyl acetate (13.0%), elemicin human colon cancer cells, IC50 6.2 μg mL−1)
(7.1%), β-copaen-4α-ol (10.2%),
germacrene D (12.6%)
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (43.5%), α-pinene (7.2%), Antimicrobial, disk diffusion assay Sadhasivam
(Konark Herbals (HD) sabinene (7.8%), p-cymene (8.7%), (Propionibacterium acnes, Malassezia furfur, et al. (2016)
and Health Care) thujol (7.2%) Malassezia globosa, Trichophyton rubrum,
Trichophyton mentagrophytes)
Shivpuri forest area, Oleoresin α-Thujene (22.5%), α-pinene Antibacterial (Klebsiella pneumoniae, MIC Gupta et al.
Madhya Pradesh, (HD) (10.9%), myrcene (8.9%), α-terpineol 18.8 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC (2017)
India (7.8%), terpinyl isobutyrate (5.1%), 300 μg mL−1; Salmonella typhi MIC
eudesmol (11.5%) 37.5 μg mL−1; Streptococcus mutans, MIC
300 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa MIC
37.5 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
37.5 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (61.4%), sabinene (5.5%) Antibacterial (Klebsiella pneumoniae, MIC Gupta et al.
(market, Mandsaur (HD) 150 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC (2017)
district, Madhya 150 μg mL−1; Salmonella typhi MIC
Pradesh, India 150 μg mL−1; Streptococcus mutans, MIC
150 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa MIC
37.5 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
37.5 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (63.6%), α-pinene (5.5%), Antibacterial (Klebsiella pneumoniae, MIC Gupta et al.
(market, Mandsaur (HD) sabinene (5.9%) 37.5 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC (2017)
district, Madhya 300 μg mL−1; Salmonella typhi MIC
Pradesh, India 300 μg mL−1; Streptococcus mutans, MIC
300 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa MIC
75 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
75 μg mL−1)
A. DeCarlo et al.
B. serrata Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (65.6%), α-pinene (8.1%), Antibacterial (Klebsiella pneumoniae, MIC Gupta et al.
Roxb. ex (market, Neemuch (HD) sabinene (5.1%) 75 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC (2017)
Colebr. district, Madhya 300 μg mL−1; Salmonella typhi MIC
Pradesh, India) 150 μg mL−1; Streptococcus mutans, MIC
300 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa MIC
150 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
37.5 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (69.8%) Antibacterial (Klebsiella pneumoniae, MIC Gupta et al.
(market, Neemuch (HD) 300 μg mL−1; Escherichia coli, MIC (2017)
district, Madhya 300 μg mL−1; Salmonella typhi MIC
Pradesh, India) 300 μg mL−1; Streptococcus mutans, MIC
300 μg mL−1; Pseudomonas aeruginosa MIC
300 μg mL−1; Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

300 μg mL−1)
Commercial (Scents Oleoresin α-Thujene (11.7%), myrcene (7.0%), – Hamm et al.
of the Earth, Sun (headspace kessane (8.0), incensole (6.9) (2005)
City, USA; from SPME)
B. socotrana Soqotra Island, Oleoresin p-Cymene (7.1%), 2-thujen-4-ol Inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase (IC50 Ali et al.
Balf. f. Yemen (HD) (31.3%), (E)-2,3-epoxycarene 141 μg mL−1) (2008)
Soqotra Island, Bark (HD) α-Thujene (7.6%), p-cymene Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Mothana et al.
Yemen (13.0%), camphor (11.6%), terpinen- (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 1870 μg mL−1; (2011)
4-ol (6.1%), 2′-hydroxy-5′- Bacillus subtilis, MIC 1870 μg mL−1)
methoxyacetophenone (16.3%)
Table 4.2 (continued)

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Pinene (55.2%), myrcene (11.4%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH limonene (8.0%), terpinen-4-ol (2017)
extract) (6.8%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (46.0%), α-pinene (5.4%), – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH myrcene (18.5%), p-cymene (7.1%), (2017)
extract) terpinen-4-ol (15.8%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Pinene (92.4%) – Maděra et al.
Yemen (MeOH (2017)
B. thurifera Commercial Oleoresin α-Thujene (5.8%), α-pinene (41.2%), Antibacterial, agar diffusion assay (Beneckea Baratta et al.
Roxb. ex (Lothian Herbs, (HD) p-cymene (5.6%), limonene (16.7%), natriegens, Citrobacter freundii, Salmonella (1998)
Fleming Edinburgh, UK) trans-sabinene hydrate (10.8%) pullorum); antifungal (Aspergillus niger)
Commercial Oleoresin α-Pinene (28.0%), myrcene (5.6%), Antibacterial, broth dilution assay Van Vuuren
(“various herbal (HD) limonene (14.6%), β-caryophyllene (Staphylococcus aureus, MIC 10000 μg mL−1; et al. (2010)
shops”) (5.8%) Bacillus cereus, MIC 4000 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC 6000 μg mL−1; Proteus
vulgaris, MIC 2000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC 6000 μg mL−1)
The high concentrations of octanol and octyl acetate in this sample suggest that the plant may be B. papyrifera rather than B. carteri
It is likely that the MIC determinations have incorrect units, reported as μg mL−1 rather than mg mL−1 (see Schillaci et al. 2008), and that may account for the
large discrepancies in antimicrobial activities
This compound was reported as 1-ethyl-3,5-dimethylbenzene, but it is probably incorrect; 1-ethyl-3,5-dimethylbenzene is not a natural product and not listed
in the Dictionary of Natural Products (Dictionary of Natural Products 2017)
This component is likely incorrect; methyl cycloundecane carboxylate is not known to be a natural product and is not listed in the Dictionary of Natural
Products (Dictionary of Natural Products 2017)
This component is likely incorrect; dihydrolinalool is not known to be a natural product and is not listed in the Dictionary of Natural Products (Dictionary of
Natural Products 2017)
A. DeCarlo et al.
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 93

to as Boswellia carteri and occasionally Boswellia bhau-dajiana, Boswellia undo-

crenulata, and Boswellia thurifera, due both to historical placement as separate
species and to some differences in growth form. However, while there may be some
differences in the resin chemotypes produced in the African versus Arabian
populations (Woolley et al. 2012), it is generally recognized as a single species. The
resin contains nonvolatiles like boswellic acid and incensole, while the essential oil
is primarily composed of α-pinene, α-thujene, limonene, sabinene, myrcene,
β-caryophyllene, and p-cymene (Hamm et al. 2005; Camarda et al. 2007; Al-Harrasi
and Al-Saidi 2008; Suhail et al. 2011; Woolley et al. 2012; Niebler and Buettner
2015). However, chemotypes in the literature vary widely, with (E)-β-ocimene-,
methoxydecane-, and octyl acetate-dominant chemotypes reported (Basar 2005;
Marongiu et  al. 2006; Al-Harrasi and Al-Saidi 2008; Satyal and Pappas 2016).
Much of this may be due to differential geography, environment, and tree
management, although some variation is likely due to misidentification of the source
trees and lack of testing resins directly collected from identified trees (Basar 2005;
Marongiu et al. 2006). The resin has been traded for thousands of years throughout
Egypt, the Middle East, and Europe, originally via Egyptian, Axumite, and then
Nabatean trade routes (Tyldesley 1998; Hull 2008). It has been suggested that the
psychoactive properties of the resin may have contributed to religiosity in ancient
Judea and other places (Dannaway 2010). The resin was used throughout the ancient
world to dress wounds, treat inflammation, for oral health, and as a perfume and
deodorizer (Groom 1981; Hameed 1983; Price et al. 2016; Acıduman et al. 2017).
Frankincense was also used, along with myrrh, in ancient Egypt to embalm bodies
(Groom 1981). Whether the source of Egyptian frankincense was B. papyrifera or
B. sacra (or both) is still debated; however there is some evidence that B. sacra was
used (Archier and Vieillescazes 2000; Hamm et al. 2005).
Boswellia frereana Birdw. is endemic to Somalia, distributed from the mid-
Somaliland coast to the tip of Cape Guardafui (Thulin and Warfa 1987). The trees
inhabit primarily lowland coastal areas, although they are occasionally found as
high as 1000 m (Thulin 1999). The oil is primarily composed of α-thujene, α-pinene,
sabinene, p-cymene, and dimers of phellandrene (Basar 2005; Hamm et al. 2005;
Niebler and Buettner 2015). The resin has traditionally been sold as chewing gum
or decoration to Arab states; due to the large tears of resin the trees produce, it is
considered the best variety of frankincense in Arabia (Thulin 1999).
Boswellia papyrifera Hochst. grows primarily in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan. B.
papyrifera is notable for the particularly high levels of incensole and incensole
acetate, psychoactive components, which occur in the resin (Hamm et  al. 2005;
Niebler and Buettner 2015). The oil is dominated by octyl acetate and to a much
lesser degree octanol (Dekebo et al. 1999; Camarda et al. 2007; Bekana et al. 2014).
The species is likely one of those traded to ancient Egypt by the Land of Punt, given
the likely location of Punt in the Eritrea-Somalia corridor (Kitchen 1971; Phillips
1997). Traditionally the leaves and roots have been used medically to treat
lymphadenopathy, while the bark is chewed to settle the stomach (Fichtl and Addi
1994; Gebrehiwot et al. 2003). Resin is burned to keep away mosquitoes, as well as
chewed to quench thirst (Gebremedhin 1997).
94 A. DeCarlo et al.

Boswellia serrata Roxb. grows primarily in India where it is extensively tapped

and propagated (Gupta et  al. 2017). Boswellia serrata is the primary source of
commercially extracted boswellic acid, and while it is commonly distilled into
essential oil, the oil is typically considered less desirable than B. sacra due to its
high levels of α-thujene and estragole (methyl chavicol), with lower levels of
α-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, p-cymene, limonene, β-bourbonene, methyl eugenol,
and kessane (Camarda et al. 2007; Singh et al. 2007; Gupta et al. 2017). It is used
extensively in Ayurvedic medicine for arthritis, asthma, Crohn’s Disease, and a
variety of inflammatory ailments (Frawley and Lad 2001).
Other species have been investigated to a lesser degree, partially due to more
limited commercial interest. Boswellia neglecta S. Moore inhabits arid areas across
Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda (Eslamieh 2017). The resin oil
typically contains a mixture of α-pinene (20–50%), α-thujene (10–20%), and
terpinen-4-ol (5–30%) (Başer et  al. 2003; Basar 2005; Van Vuuren et  al. 2010;
Bekana et al. 2014). Boswellia rivae Engl. is found in the same areas, and its resin
oil is composed of limonene (10–30%), δ-3-carene (5–15%), p-cymene (5–20%),
and α-pinene (5–30%) (Başer et al. 2003; Basar 2005; Camarda et al. 2007; Schillaci
et al. 2008; Bekana et al. 2014). There has been only limited work on the remaining
species, including Boswellia ameero, B. bullata, B. dalzielii, B. dioscoridis, B.
elongata, B. nana, B. ovalifoliolata, B. pirottae, B. popoviana, and B. socotrana
(Başer et al. 2003; Kubmarawa et al. 2006; Ali et al. 2008; Mothana et al. 2011;
Lebaka et al. 2015; Kohoude et al. 2017; Benelli et al. 2017; Maděra et al. 2017).
There are no published studies, to our knowledge, on three species: Boswellia glo-
bosa, B. microphylla, and B. ogadensis.  Traditional Uses of Boswellia

Historical uses of frankincense from a medicinal perspective are varied and numer-
ous. Some of the ailments treated by frankincense included coughing, vomiting,
gastrointestinal issues, ulcers, arthritis, and other various inflammatory diseases,
just to name a few of the traditional remedies of frankincense (Ammon 2008).
Oral Uses  Frankincense resin has been chewed as a gum in many places. In the
Arab states, the resin of Boswellia frereana, endemic to Somalia/Somaliland, is
particularly prized. Somalis also chew the resin locally (Thulin 1999). In Soqotra,
the resin from several species is chewed locally for oral hygiene due to its antiseptic
qualities (Mies et al. 2000). In Egypt, fumigation with both frankincense and myrrh
was believed to treat toothaches (Acıduman et al. 2017). Boswellia papyrifera resin
is chewed in Ethiopia to quench thirst, while the bark is chewed to settle stomach
issues (Gebremedhin 1997; Gebrehiwot et al. 2003).

Treatment of Wounds  Frankincense resin has been sprinkled over open wounds,
particularly those on the head, to prevent hemorrhaging (Price et al. 2016). Taken
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 95

with leek juice, it was thought to have a similar effect internally (Michie and Cooper
1991). It is also used in Kenya to dress wounds (Moussaieff and Mechoulam 2009).

Psychoactive Effects  Sources from both the Middle East and Ethiopia mention the
resin’s calming effect, leading to it being used as a tranquilizer (Getahon 1976;
Epstein 1990). The psychoactive properties of the resin were well known:
frankincense was key to many religious ceremonies, likely acting as an entheogen
and mild narcotic (Dannaway 2010). Ibn Sina (Avicenna, Persia) mentions it as
being beneficial for amnesia and amentia (Hameed 1983). Indian Ayurvedic
medicine also acknowledges its impact on the nervous system (Frawley and Lad

Inflammatory Conditions  Frankincense is used in Chinese traditional medicine

for inflammatory diseases, to control pain and swelling (Shen and Lou 2008), while
Ibn Sina discussed its use in inflammation as well (Hameed 1983). Frankincense is
used extensively for inflammatory conditions in the Ayurvedic system, including for
Crohn’s disease, arthritis, and asthma (Frawley and Lad 2001).

Assorted Other Medicinal Uses  Boswellia have been used for a variety of other
ailments as well. Boswellia dalzielii bark in West Africa is used for rheumatism,
septic sores, venereal diseases, and gastrointestinal issues (Burkill 2000; Evans
2009). Frankincense is used as a cancer/antitumoral therapy in Chinese traditional
medicine (Shen and Lou 2008), for leprosy (Tucker 1986), as well as to reduce fever
in Ethiopia (Fichtl and Addi 1994). In Egypt, frankincense was highly prized as a
fumigant and deodorizer. It was used in embalming bodies, as was its sister resin,
myrrh (Pickenhagen 2017).  Ecology of Boswellia

The 19 species of Boswellia are broadly distributed across the lower elevation
(0–1500 m) frost-free tropics of Africa, Arabia, and the Indian subcontinent. Most
species inhabit arid environments, but a small number (B. dalzielii, B. serrata, B.
ovalifoliolata) require larger amounts of water and are found in the humid tropics;
however, many arid tropical specialists inhabit areas with significant levels of mist
or oceanic fog, which likely provides a large degree of their total water intake
(Somalia/Somaliland, Oman, Soqotra) (Thulin and Warfa 1987; Attorre et al. 2011;
Eslamieh 2017).
While many Boswellia are capable of growing on a variety of substrates, a subset
of the genus is specifically lithophilic, dwelling primarily on rocks and most often
cliffs. The most specialized cliff-dwellers are found in Soqotra (B. nana, B. bullatta,
B. dioscordis, B. popoviana). Soqotra represents a particularly interesting case, as at
least seven species of Boswellia have evolved in a relatively small area, four of
which specialize on cliffs and three of which are found in flat areas (Mies et  al.
2000; Miller and Morris 2004). The reasons for this divergence in specialization are
96 A. DeCarlo et al.

not well understood. Other species, such as B. sacra and B. frereana in Somalia and
B. papyrifera in Ethiopia/Eritrea, may grow on either soil or on rock, flat, or cliff
areas (Thulin and Warfa 1987; Thulin 1999; Eshete et al. 2005). Boswellia sacra in
Somalia and B. frereana especially seem to specialize on jagged rocks, germinating
in small crevices filled with water and detritus and then forming swollen, disk-
shaped base to “sucker” themselves onto the rock (Thulin and Warfa 1987).
Boswellia trees are often reported as growing on limestone, while this may certainly
be true, in Somalia/Somaliland and Oman, they seem to prefer a layer of volcanic
rock overlying the limestone (DeCarlo, pers. obs.).
Members of the genus rarely exceed 10–12 m in height, even under ideal condi-
tions, although the growth form is highly dependent on the environment, and some
species occasionally reach up to 20 m (Thulin and Warfa 1987; Lemenih and Kassa
2011; Eslamieh 2017). Boswellia sacra, for instance, is highly variable morphologi-
cally throughout Somalia and Arabia; a Somali coastal population was observed to
have distinct trunks, swollen bases, barely undulating leaves, and panicle inflores-
cences. By contrast, a population in the interior featured a non-swollen base from
which the trees branched directly, distinctly undulating leaves and racemes. This
has led to multiple species being described, but the presence of varying intermedi-
ates between extremes has led to classification as a single species (Thulin and Warfa
1987). Boswellia also hybridize readily, leading to further confusion about species
distinctions (Eslamieh 2017).
Like the majority of the Burseraceae, Boswellia trees have resin canals in their
inner bark that contain a complex terpenoid gum-oleoresin known commercially as
frankincense. The gum-oleoresin protects the trees from both disease and boring
insects, which are a major cause of mortality (Langenheim 2003; Eshete 2011;
Tolera et al. 2013).
The trees are deciduous; some species flower without leaves, while others flower
while in leaf (Thulin and Warfa 1987; Mies et al. 2000; Lemenih and Kassa 2011).
The variation in floral coloration across species suggests possible variation in
pollination syndrome. However, this has been poorly studied. Boswellia papyrifera,
B. sacra, B. serrata, and B. ovalifoliolata appear to be pollinated primarily by bees
and to a lesser extent by wasps, ants, flies, and butterflies (Sunnichan et al. 2005;
Lippi et al. 2011; Raju et al. 2012). Boswellia ovalifoliolata may also be facultatively
ornithophilous, and B. ameero on Soqotra Island seems to specifically attract
sunbirds (Mies et al. 2000; Raju et al. 2012). Boswellia trees are anemochorous,
producing large sets of winged seeds. Fruits are non-fleshy, sometimes dehiscent
pods with three to five seeds (Thulin and Warfa 1987; Raju et al. 2012; Eslamieh
Many Boswellia populations that have been assessed in recent years show some
degree of threat and/or decline (Farah 2008; Attorre et  al. 2011; Alaamri 2012;
Groenendijk et  al. 2012). Declines are caused by a variety of factors, frequently
including uncontrolled ungulate grazing particularly by livestock such as goats
which kills seedlings and in several cases has completely blocked natural
regeneration of the trees (Attorre et al. 2011; Groenendijk et al. 2012). High levels
of tapping for resin deplete tree resources resulting in less reproductive effort;
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 97

fewer fruits, flowers, and seeds; reduced germination success; and overall reduction
in foliage production, annual carbon gain, and carbon stock (Rijkers et  al. 2006;
Mengistu 2011; Eshete et  al. 2012; Mengistu et  al. 2012). Tapping also opens
wounds and depletes the amount of resin available to fight off microbial and
arthropod attack, possibly increasing mortality from natural enemies. Fire, cutting
for wood, and land clearing for other activities further increase adult mortality
(Groenendijk et al. 2012). Climate change may also pose a significant threat, though
this has not been well-investigated.
Due to the anthropogenic nature of the threats, cliff-dwelling Boswellia seem to
do better than species in flat areas (Attorre et  al. 2011), with less grazing and a
higher level of regeneration. In species in which some individuals are located on
cliffs and others in flat areas, cliff-dwelling populations may act as genetic reserves,
with limited tapping and grazing, and higher regeneration (Attorre et  al. 2011;
Eshete et al. 2012; DeCarlo, pers. obs.).  Chemical Ecology of Boswellia

Plants produce secondary metabolic chemical compounds for a variety of reasons:

defense against pathogens, discouragement of herbivory, signals to conspecifics,
etc. (Pichersky and Raguso 2018). The specific chemicals involved are determined
both by evolutionary history (biosynthetic pathways available) and the use of the
compound. In other words, the chemicals should be adaptive to the specific needs,
such as local pathogens.
Boswellia chemical ecology is not well understood. All Boswellia produce a
wide variety of terpenes, approximately 340 so far identified, most isolated from the
trees’ resin (Mertens et al. 2009). Most species show some combination of α-thujene,
α-pinene, myrcene, sabinene, p-cymene, limonene, δ-3-carene, and β-caryophyllene,
in quantities that vary both inter- and intraspecifically. By contrast, B. papyrifera
shows a unique chemotype, dominated by octyl acetate (Başer et al. 2003; Hamm
et al. 2005; Camarda et al. 2007; Bekana et al. 2014; Niebler and Buettner 2016). As
B. papyrifera is sympatric with several other Boswellia species, the differential
chemistry is curious – although it shows similar antimicrobial properties as other
Boswellia resins (Camarda et al. 2007; Mertens et al. 2009).
There is considerable intraspecific variation in chemotypes as well, perhaps most
apparent in  Boswellia sacra. Boswellia sacra shows several distinct chemotypes,
even within similar geographic areas (Gollis mountains, Somalia/Somaliland, for
instance). Chemotypes include α-pinene dominant, α-thujene dominant, limonene
dominant, and (E)-β-ocimene dominant (Al-Harrasi and Al-Saidi 2008; Mertens
et al. 2009; DeCarlo, pers. obs.). An octyl acetate chemotype has been reported as
coming from B. sacra in Ethiopia; however this is geographically and chemically
more likely a misidentification of B. papyrifera (Basar 2005; Marongiu et al. 2006;
Eslamieh 2017). In addition, a very unusual methoxydecane chemotype has been
recently reported from Somalia, in which the oil is composed of two-thirds
methoxydecane (Satyal and Pappas 2016). The appearance of this new chemotype
98 A. DeCarlo et al.

may be related to hybridization or long-term stress due to harvesting and/or

environmental conditions.
The reason for the diversity of phytochemicals has been a topic of debate for
many years. Although efforts have been made to elucidate the function of individual
compounds, this is difficult considering the coexisting diversity (Berenbaum and
Zangerl 2008; Pichersky and Raguso 2018). A possible explanation is that functional
effects arise out of the interactive effects of the diverse compounds (Moussaieff and
Mechoulam 2009). Another explanation is that the majority of the compounds are
vestiges of an evolutionary arms race between plants and herbivores, and it is the
most recently evolved compounds that are adaptive (Ehrlich and Raven 1964;
Becerra et al. 2009; Pichersky and Raguso 2018). This argument may have some
merit considering that although Boswellia resin may have hundreds of compounds,
typically only a few appear in large amounts.
While a small number of compounds may be efficacious for any one purpose,
maintaining chemical diversity may be adaptive by providing ready resources to
deal with an array of natural enemies (Firn and Jones 2003; Richards et al. 2015).
This is supported by the fact that B. serrata, B. sacra, and B. rivae contain most of
the same compounds, although in different levels, and the three oils deal best with
different microbial pathogens. For instance, B. serrata and B. carteri were far more
effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa than B. rivae, but the latter was far more
effective against Escherichia coli than the former (Camarda et al. 2007). Thus, the
varying chemotypes may represent adaptation to local threats. This variation
manifests on both broad and fine spatial scales: Even trees adjacent to each other
may present unique chemotypes (DeCarlo, pers. obs.), suggesting that adaptation is
both general and in response to contact with specific pathogens.

4.2.3  The Genus Commiphora

The genus Commiphora comprises between 150 and 200 species of resiniferous
shrubs or trees characterized by peeling bark, soft wood, small leaves, production of
aromatic gum-oleoresin, and a tendency toward pachycauly (Thulin 1999; Mahr
2012). Commiphora species are broadly distributed across tropical and subtropical
areas of sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, Arabia, across to Iran, Pakistan, and
India. A single species, C. leptophloeos, is found in southeastern Brazil (Mahr
2012). Commiphora produce aromatic gum-oleoresins, the most common of which
are known as myrrh and opopanax (Tucker 1986; Thulin and Claeson 1991). The
resin has been used religiously and medicinally throughout the ancient world
including ancient Greece, Egypt, China, and in the Middle East (Hanuš et al. 2005;
Pickenhagen 2017). The resin functions as protection for the trees by sealing wounds
and aiding in defense against invasive insects, disease, herbivory, and infection
(Langenheim 2003; Pichersky and Raguso 2018). It has been traditionally utilized
to treat gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory disease, fractures, obesity, blood
stagnation, and as an analgesic (Shen et al. 2012). Today it is a valuable commodity
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 99

for its use in aromatherapy and as a perfume additive (Shen et  al. 2012). The
essential oil compositions and biological activities of the Commiphora species are
summarized in Table 4.3.
Commiphora myrrha (T.  Nees) Engl./Commiphora molmol (Engl.) Engl. ex
Tschirch predominantly grow in the dry forests of Africa, India, and the Arabian
Peninsula (Eslamieh 2016). The resin oil chemistry is variable but often contains
furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (940%), lindestrene (6–15%), curzerene (15–40%), and
sometimes 2-acetoxyfuranodiene (6–10%) (Başer et  al. 2003; Morteza-Semnani
and Saeedi 2003; Marongiu et al. 2005; Hanuš et al. 2008; Nikolić et al. 2016). The
resin has traditionally been used for controlling inflammation and pain, as well as
treatment of blood stagnation, dermatological care, and treatment of trauma (Shen
and Lou 2008; Shen et al. 2012). The resin has been shown to have antimicrobial,
antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects (Hammer et al. 1999; Ali 2007;
Shen and Lou 2008; Shen et al. 2012; Adam and Selim 2013).
Commiphora mukul (Hook. ex Stocks) Engl. [syn. Commiphora wightii (Arn.)
Bhandari] grows predominantly in India and Pakistan (Eslamieh 2016). The oil
contains curzerene, furanoeudesma-1,3-diene, lindestrene, and curzerenone (Saeed
and Sabir 2004). It is predominantly used in Indian and Arabian traditional medi-
cine for its anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and antibacterial properties, as well
as for atherosclerosis (Sarup et al. 2015; Ur Rehman et al. 2017). It has also been
noted to treat bone fractures, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and lipid disorders
(Shen et al. 2012).
Commiphora guidotii Chiov., a source of opopanax, is endemic to Ethiopia and
Somalia (Gebrehiwot et al. 2015) where it grows on rocky slopes between 70 and
800 m (Thulin and Claeson 1991). The essential oil contains α-santalene (15–20%),
(E)-β-ocimene (6–30%), and (Z)-α-bisabolene (20–30%) as major constituents
(Craveiro et al. 1983; Başer et al. 2003; Gebrehiwot et al. 2015; Yeo et al. 2016).
In Somalian traditional medicine, it is mostly used to treat stomach ailments,
wounds, and diarrhea (Shen et al. 2012). In Ethiopia, the resin is sometimes fed to
cattle to improve dairy production (Gebrehiwot et al. 2015).
Commiphora africana (A. Rich.) Engl. is widely distributed across sub-Saharan
Africa. The oil consists of bisabolone, β-sesquiphellandrene, curcumenes, and
α-oxobisabolene (Ayédoun et  al. 1998; Avlessi et  al. 2005). In many African
countries, the plant is used for cancer treatment, malaria, and inflammatory disease
(Compaoré et al. 2016). It is also commonly used in Nigeria for removing tapeworms
from the body and Uganda for treating wounds (Shen et al. 2012).  Traditional Uses of Commiphora

Commiphora exudates have been used for their therapeutic, religious, and medici-
nal values throughout the ancient world, including Rome, Greece, China, Babylon,
and India for at least 3000 years (Shen et al. 2012; Pickenhagen 2017). Commiphora
products are also used locally where they occur for a variety of medicinal purposes.
Myrrh was a highly valuable commodity in the ancient world, where it was used
Table 4.3  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Commiphora essential oils

Commiphora Essential
species Collection site oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of EO Reference
C. africana Abomey-Calavi, Leaf (HD) (Z)-γ-Bisabolene (10.0%), α-oxobisabolene – Ayédoun et al.
(A. Rich.) Engl. Benin (61.6%) (1998)
Bohicon, Benin Leaf (HD) ar-Curcumene (8.2%), γ-curcumene (6.7%), – Avlessi et al. (2005)
β-bisabolene (5.2%), β-sesquiphellandrene
(19.1%), (6S,7R)-bisabolone (38.4%)
C. erythraea Engl. Commercial Oleoresin 1(10),4-Furanodien-6-one (21.5%), – Marcotullio et al.
(Agarsu Liben (HD) 1,10(15)-furanogermacradien-6-one (14.3%), (2009)
Cooperative) 3R-methoxy-4S-furanogermacra-1E,10(15)-
dien-6-one (7.4%)
Commercial Oleoresin Camphene (8.2%), β-elemene (8.2%), Antifungal (Alternaria Fraternale et al.
(Agarsu Liben (HD) α-gurjunene (6.0%), 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one solani, MIC (2011)
Cooperative) (9.0%) 3000 μg mL−1; Fusarium
culmorum, MIC
5500 μg mL−1;
Phytophtora cryptogea,
MIC 5500 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin β-Elemene (5.4%), 1(10),4-furanodien-6-one – Fraternale et al.
(Agarsu Liben (SD) (20.6%), 1,10(15)-furanogermacradien-6-one (2011)
Cooperative) (10.4%)
C. gileadensis (L.) Makkah, Saudi Aerial parts Terpinen-4-ol (8.5%), δ-cadinene (5.0%), Cytotoxic (SK-Mel, IC50 Al-Massarany et al.
C. Chr. [syn. C. Arabia (HD) α-calacorene (9.4%) 97 μg mL−1; KB, IC50 (2007)
opobalsamum (L.) 70 μg mL−1; BT-549, IC50
Engl.] 48 μg mL−1; SK-OV3,
IC50 82 μg mL−1)
Ein Gedi Botanical Aerial parts α-Pinene (7.2%), sabinene (21.1%), Cytotoxic (BS-24-1 Amiel et al. (2012)
Garden, Israel (HD) β-caryophyllene (20.1%), germacrene D mouse lymphoma cells,
(19.6%), terpinen-4-ol (5.3%) MoFir human B
A. DeCarlo et al.
Almog, Dead Sea, Aerial parts α-Pinene (18.4%), sabinene (29.1%), β-pinene – Dudai et al. (2017)
Israel (HD) (8.2%), p-cymene (6.4%), γ-terpinene (5.9%),
terpinen-4-ol (6.9%)
Ein Gedi Botanical Fruit (HD) α-Pinene (15.9%), sabinene (35.9%), β-pinene – Dudai et al. (2017)
Garden, Israel (18.0%), p-cymene (5.3%), limonene (6.2%),
terpinen-4-ol (5.3%)
C. gileadensis (L.) Ein Gedi Botanical Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (11.2%), sabinene (15.8%), β-pinene – Dudai et al. (2017)
C. Chr. [syn. C. Garden, Israel (5.8%), p-cymene (8.4%), γ-terpinene (5.8%),
opobalsamum (L.) terpinen-4-ol (18.5%)
Ein Gedi Botanical Stem (HD) α-Pinene (15.4%), sabinene (28.5%), β-pinene – Dudai et al. (2017)
Garden, Israel (7.5%), γ-terpinene (8.1%), terpinen-4-ol
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

C. guidottii Chiov. South-eastern Oleoresin α-Santalene (major), β-santalene, epi-β- – Craveiro et al.
Somalia (SD) santalene, β-bergamotene, (E)-β-farnesene, (1983)
α-bisabolene (major), β-bisabolene, furanodiene
(major) (percentages not reported)
Bulagere, Ogaden Oleoresin (E)-β-Ocimene (33.0%), α-santalene (15.8%), – Başer et al. (2003)
region, Ethiopia (HD) β-trans-bergamotene (6.6%), α-cis-bisabolene
Table 4.3 (continued)

Commiphora Essential
species Collection site oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of EO Reference
Ogaden region, Oleoresin (E)-β-Ocimene (6.7%), α-santalene (19.5%), Antibacterial (Bacillus Gebrehiwot et al.
eastern Ethiopia (SD) α-trans-bergamotene (9.3%), curcerene pubilus, MIC 50 μg mL−1; (2015)
(11.4%), furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (18.6%), Bacillus subtilis, MIC
isofuranodiene (6.8%) 100 μg mL−1; Escherichia
coli, MIC 25 μg mL−1;
Salmonella typhi, MIC
10 μg mL−1; Shigella
boydii, MIC 50 μg mL−1;
Shigella dysenteriae,
MIC 50 μg mL−1;
Shigella flexneri, MIC
50 μg mL−1; Shigella
soneii, MIC 50 μg mL−1;
Staphylococcus aureus,
MIC 25 μg mL−1; Vibrio
cholerae, MIC
10 μg mL−1). Antifungal
(Aspergillus niger, MIC
1000 μg mL−1; Candida
albicans, MIC
400 μg mL−1; Penicillium
funiculosum, MIC
1000 μg mL−1;
Penicillium notatum, MIC
1000 μg mL−1)
A. DeCarlo et al.
C. guidottii Chiov. Commercial Oleoresin (E)-β-Ocimene (11.5%), α-santalene (21.9%), β-Bisabolene cytotoxic Yeo et al. (2016)
(Sigma-Aldrich) (SD) trans-α-bergamotene (9.0%), (Z)-α-bisabolene (human breast tumor cell
(27%), β-bisabolene (5.1%) lines, MCF7, IC50
66.9 μg mL−1; MCF10A,
IC50 114 μg mL−1;
MDA-MB-231, IC50
98.4 μg mL−1; SKBR3,
IC50 70.6 μg mL−1;
BT474, IC50
74.3 μg mL−1);
cytotoxicity due to
induction of apoptosis
C. habessinica Hujarriyah district, Oleoresin β-Elemene (32.1%), α-selinene (18.9%), – Awadh Ali et al.
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

(O. Berg) Engl. Taiz province, (HD) cadina-1,4-diene (7.5%) (2009)

C. holtziana ssp. Marsabit district, Oleoresin δ-Elemene (16.7%), β-bourbonene (20.8%), Acarine (Rhipicephalus Birkett et al. (2008)
holtziana Engl. northern Kenya (hexane calarene (5.7%), (+)-germacrene D (11.6%) microplus, Dermanyssus
extract) gallinae) repellent
C. kua Vollesen Isolo district, Kenya Oleoresin α-Thujene (22.4%), α-pinene (44.3%), sabinene – Manguro et al.
(SD) (5.2%), β-pinene (10.0%), p-cymene (28.7%), (1996)
limonene (5.4%)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin δ-Cadinene (17.0%), γ-cadinene (22.5%), Antifungal, disk diffusion Awadh Ali et al.
Yemen (HD) α-cadinol (33.0%) assay (Cladosporium (2008)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin δ-Cadinene (10.0%), α-cadinol (35.2%), – Maděra et al. (2017)
Yemen (MeOH α-eudesmol (12.3%)
Table 4.3 (continued)

Commiphora Essential
species Collection site oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of EO Reference
C. leptophloeos Catimbau National Leaf (HD) α-Phellandrene (26.3%), β-phellandrene Oviposition deterrent Da Silva et al.
(Mart.) J.B. Gillett Park, Pernambuco (12.9%), β-caryophyllene (18.0%), α-humulene (Aedes aegypti, 59% (2015)
state, Brazil (5.5%), germacrene D (6.0%) reduction at 25 μg mL−1);
larvicidal (Aedes aegypti,
LC50 99.4 μg mL−1);
activity due to
β-caryophyllene and
C. molmol (Engl.) Shiraz, Fars Oleoresin β-Elemene (8.4%), curzerene (40.1%), – Morteza-Semnani
Engl. ex Tschirch province, Iran (HD) furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (15.0%), and Saeedi (2003)
(syn. C. myrrha var. acetoxyfuranodiene (6.5%)
molmol Engl.)
Commercial (market Oleoresin – Antifungal, disk diffusion Ali (2007)
in Baghdad, Iraq) (HD) assay (Aspergillus niger,
Aspergillus flavus)
C. molmol (Engl.) Commercial Oleoresin Limonene (12.3%), benzyl alcohol (5.6%), Larvicidal (Culex pipiens, Habeeb et al. (2009)
Engl. ex Tschirch (El-Captain (HD) carvone (21.1%) LC50 0.99 μL mL−1)
(syn. C. myrrha var. Company, Egypt
molmol Engl.)
Commercial (market Oleoresin – Antibacterial (Bacillus Adam and Selim
in Al Jouf, Saudi (HD) cereus, MIC (2013)
Arabia) 250 μg mL−1; Bacillus
subtilis, MIC
250 μg mL−1;
Staphylococcus aureus,
MIC 100 μg mL−1;
Escherichia coli, MIC
250 μg mL−1; Klebsiella
A. DeCarlo et al.

pneumoniae, MIC
50 μg mL−1)
Commercial (Tamar Oleoresin Isofuranogermacrene (6.7%), furanoeudesma- – Hanuš et al. (2008)
Ltd., Israel) (EtOH 1.3-diene (9.0%), 2-acetoxyfuranodiene (9.8%)
Commercial (Pamir Oleoresin Isofuranogermacrene (17.9%), furanoeudesma- – Hanuš et al. (2008)
Ltd., Israel) (EtOH 1.3-diene (20.6%), lindestrene (6.2%),
extract) 2-methoxyfuranodiene (7.3%),
2-acetoxyfuranodiene (8.8%)
C. myrrha (T. Nees) Commercial (Améo, Oleoresin α-Pinene (6.8%), neryl acetate (6.3%), – Setzer
Engl. Zija International) (HD) curzerene (16.1%), furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (unpublished)
(18.1%), lindestrene (6.9%)
Somaliland Oleoresin β-Elemene (20.2%), curzerene (23.7%), – Satyal
(HD) furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (24.6%), lindestrene (unpublished)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

Commercial Oleoresin – Antibacterial Hammer et al.

(Sunspirit Oils Pty. (SD) (Enterococcus faecalis, (1999)
Ltd., Australia) MIC 2500 μg mL−1;
Staphylococcus aureus,
MIC 5000 μg mL−1)
Bulagere, Ogaden Oleoresin β-Elemene (8.7%), furanodiene (19.7%), – Başer et al. (2003)
region, Ethiopia (HD) furanoeudesma-1,3-diene (34.0%), lindestrene
Ethiopia Oleoresin Curzerene (17.5%, 14.7%), furanoeudesma-1,3- – Marongiu et al.
(HD, SD) diene (38.6%, 33.5%), lindestrene (14.4%, (2005)
Table 4.3 (continued)

Commiphora Essential
species Collection site oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of EO Reference
C. myrrha (T. Nees) Commercial (Harraz Oleoresin Analysis in doubt Antimicrobial (Bacillus Mohamed et al.
Engl. Herbs Co., Cairo, (HD) circulans, MIC (2014)
Egypt) 600 μg mL−1; Bacillus
subtilis, MIC
200 μg mL−1; Escherichia
coli, MIC 100 μg mL−1;
aeruginosa, MIC
200 μg mL−1;
Streptococcus faecalis,
MIC 100 μg mL−1;
cerevisiae, MIC
100 μg mL−1)
Commercial Oleoresin Curzerene (34.7%), furanoeudesma-1,3-diene Weakly antifungal Nikolić et al. (2016)
(Sensient Essential (HD) (32.8%), lindestrene (10.2%) (Candida albicans, MIC
Oils, Germany) 2500 μg mL−1)
C. ornifolia Soqotra Island, Bark (HD) endo-Fenchol (15.5%), camphor (27.3%), Antibacterial, broth Mothana et al.
J.B. Gillett Yemen caryophyllene oxide (6.5%), thunbergol (6.4%) dilution assay (Bacillus (2010)
subtilis, MIC
400 μg mL−1;
Staphylococcus aureus,
MIC 810 μg mL−1)
Soqotra Island, Oleoresin α-Thujene (14.5%), terpinen-4-ol (10.6%), – Maděra et al. (2017)
Yemen (MeOH β-caryophyllene (8.2%), α-humulene (24.8%)
C. parvifolia Engl. Soqotra Island, Bark (HD) Camphor (9.1%), caryophyllene oxide (14.2%), – Mothana et al.
Yemen β-eudesmol (7.7%), bulnesol (5.7%), palmitic (2010)
A. DeCarlo et al.

acid (18.4%), phytol (5.8%)

Soqotra Island, Oleoresin Limonene (10.9%), α-ylangene (7.8%), – Maděra et al. (2017)
Yemen (MeOH α-copaene (9.2%), phytol (15.7%)
C. planifrons Engl. Soqotra Island, Oleoresin δ-3-Carene (9.3%), p-cymene (13.5%), – Maděra et al. (2017)
Yemen (MeOH cis-verbenol (8.8%), terpinen-4-ol (20.4%),
extract) α-eudesmol (7.0%)
C. pyracanthoides Ethiopia Oleoresin Analysis in doubt Cytotoxic (MCF-7, IC50 Chen et al. (2013)
Engl. (HD) 19.8 μg mL−1; HepG2,
IC50 39.2 μg mL−1; HeLa,
IC50 34.3 μg mL−1; HS-1,
IC50 22.7 μg mL−1; A459,
IC50 41.4 μg mL−1)
C. socotrana (Balf. Soqotra Island, Oleoresin p-Cymene (6.7%), limonene (5.5%), viridiflorol – Maděra et al. (2017)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

f.) Engl. Yemen (MeOH (8.8%), α-eudesmol (35.4%)

C. tenuis Vollesen Filtu, Sidamo Oleoresin α-Thujene (8.9%), α-pinene (60.8%), sabinene Antibacterial, broth Asres et al. (1998)
region, Ethiopia (SD) (6.3%), β-pinene (8.8%), limonene (5.5%) dilution assay
(Staphylococcus aureus,
MIC 500 μg mL−1;
500 μg mL−1)
108 A. DeCarlo et al.

by wealthy families as an odorant and cosmetic (Groom 1981; Pickenhagen 2017).

Myrrh, along with frankincense, was traded from the ancient Land of Punt, likely
located in the Horn of Africa, to the Egyptian Empire from 2500 BC to 600 BC
(Kitchen 1971; Phillips 1997). After 600 BC the primary trade routes shifted to
Arabia (Hull 2008). In modern times, synthetic sources have replaced myrrh in
some aromatic applications; however the resin is still used extensively in tradi-
tional medicine, especially in China (Northrup et al. 2005; Shen and Lou 2008).
The most predominant pharmacological uses are as follows: anti-infection; anti-
skin inflammation; painkiller; anti-sore; treat worm infestation, coughs, and
wounds; and as a traditional cancer therapy (Lemenih and Teketay 2003; Singh
et al. 2003; Reddy et al. 2009; Annu et al. 2010; Shen et al. 2012; Gebrehiwot
et al. 2015).
Oral Uses  Commiphora resin can be used in the treatment of infections such as
oral ulcers (El Ashry et al. 2003). It also has long been used to treat symptoms
of skin fungal infections, mouth ulcers, and gum diseases in traditional medi-
cine in Iran (Mahboubi and Kashani 2016) and India (El Ashry et al. 2003). In
some traditional Arab medicinal practices, the resinous exudates are used as a
mouthwash (Ageel et al. 1987). In India, it is used to treat mouth ulcers, gingi-
vitis, and skin infections (Karnick 1995; Frawley and Lad 2001; Lemenih and
Teketay 2003).

Treatment of Wounds  Myrrh can be applied to wounds and lesions due to its anti-
septic properties (El Ashry et al. 2003; Walsh et al. 2010; Gebrehiwot et al. 2015).
In India, a paste of the resin is applied to cracks in the feet (Reddy et al. 2009).
Commiphora guidottii resin is applied topically to wounds in Somalia (Thulin and
Claeson 1991), while C. erythraea, C. kua, and C. habessinica are used by the
Borana people of southern Ethiopia for burns, wounds on cattle, and killing cattle
ticks (Gemedo-Dalle et al. 2005). Commiphora holtziana is likewise used for ecto-
parasites in Kenya (Birkett et al. 2008).

Antitumoral Uses  Commiphora resin has long been used in Arabian traditional
medicine to treat tumors of the liver, stomach, breast, and head (Ageel et al. 1987;
El Ashry et al. 2003; Amin and Mousa 2007; Evans 2009).

Treatment of Infections  A decoction of the roots of C. marlothii is drunk daily to

treat sexually transmitted infections in Zimbabwe (Chigora et al. 2007). Commiphora
africana is used as a treatment for elephantiasis in Ethiopia (Tadesse and Demissew
1992). Commiphora resin is used in Arab traditional practice as an antiseptic and
general antimicrobial, as well as to address stomach and bronchial complaints
(Ageel et al. 1987; Brown 2001; Evans 2009; Iwu 2014).

Inflammatory Conditions  Myrrh and frankincense are often prescribed together

in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and
blood stagnation (Chen et al. 2013). This is due to their capability of breaking up
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 109

congealed blood and promoting blood circulation (Shen et al. 2012). In India, the
leaves of C. caudata are used to reduce inflammation and pain (Annu et al. 2010),
while the resin is used throughout Eastern Africa and Arabia for inflammation and
rheumatism (Iwu 2014). The traditional uses of myrrh to treat inflammation are
supported by in vivo anti-inflammatory screening of myrrh resin extracts in mice
(Su et al. 2011).

Assorted Other Uses  Commiphora resin and oil have been and are currently used
for a myriad of other uses. In India, it is used to alleviate pain from bone fractures,
cardiovascular disease, stomach aches, and the common cold (Shen et al. 2012). In
Iran, myrrh is also used to protect women who are in labor against infection
(Mahboubi and Kashani 2016). In the ancient cultures surrounding the Fertile
Crescent, myrrh was primarily used for ointment, perfumes, and the embalming of
Egyptian mummies (Northrup et  al. 2005). Commiphora are also used to treat
diarrhea and stomach ailments in Somalia (Thulin and Claeson 1991) and by Bapedi
healers in South Africa (Semenya and Maroyi 2012).

4.2.4  The Genus Aucoumea

Aucoumea is a monotypic genus represented only by A. klaineana Pierre (Gabon

mahogany), an important timber tree (Thulin et  al. 2008). The oleoresin of this
species is rich in tirucallane and oleanane triterpenoids (Tessier et al. 1982; Liang
et  al. 1988b). The essential oils derived from the oleoresin of A. klaineana are
dominated by monoterpene hydrocarbons and show only weak antibacterial activity
(see Table 4.4).

4.3  Tribe Canarieae

4.3.1  The Genus Canarium

The word Canarium is derived from the Malay word “Kanari.” There are 77 species
of the Canarium genus, mostly found in tropical Asia and the Pacific, but two
species are found in tropical Africa (Mabberley 2008). Members of the Canarium
genus represent medium to large trees up to 40–50 m in height or, rarely, shrubs
(Mogana and Wiart 2011), and they are important sources of timber, food, oils, and
traditional medicines (Thomson and Evans 2006).
Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. ranges in equatorial forest regions in tropical
Africa and is used in various traditional medicinal practices (Tcheghebe et al. 2016).
The leaves are used as stimulant, against malarial fever, postpartum pain, constipa-
tion, and diarrhea (Tcheghebe et al. 2016). Traditionally, the stem bark decoction is
Table 4.4  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Aucoumea klaineana essential oils

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (>5%) Bioactivity of essential oil Reference
A. klaineana Libreville, Gabon Oleoresin (HD) α-Pinene (20.6%), α-phellandrene – Liang et al. (1988a)
Pierre (11.2%), p-cymene (30.2%),
limonene (5.4%), α-terpineol (5.2%)
Sebang Oleoresin (HD) δ-3-Carene (72.3%), terpinolene – Koudou et al. (2009)
Herbarium, (6.3%)
Libreville, Gabon
Lolodorf, Oleoresin (HD) α-Pinene (29.3%), α-phellandrene – Dongmo et al. (2010)
Cameroon (30.9%), p-cymene (9.2%),
1,8-cineole (9.0%)
Mekuê forest, Oleoresin (HD) – Antibacterial, disk diffusion assay Obame et al. (2014)
Mebane Endama, (Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli,
Oyem, Gabon Staphylococcus aureus, MIC
10,000 μg mL−1)
Lolodorf, Oleoresin (HD) α-Pinene (29.3%), α-phellandrene Not antifungal (Aspergillus spp.) Ambindei et al.
Cameroon (30.9%), p-cymene (9.2%), (2014)
1,8-cineole (9.0%)
N’Toum, Estuaire Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.9%), δ-3-carene (8.6%), – Medzegue et al.
province, Gabon (headspace) α-phellandrene (63.4%), limonene (2013)
(6.1%), β-phellandrene (5.9%),
p-cymene (5.4%)
Cocobeach, Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.8%), δ-3-carene (40.1%), – Medzegue et al.
Estuaire province, (headspace) α-phellandrene (12.9%), limonene (2013)
Gabon (16.5%), p-cymene (10.3%)
Bokoué, Estuaire Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.3%), δ-3-carene (8.1%), – Medzegue et al.
province, Gabon (headspace) limonene (24.1%), p-cymene (2013)
(42.5%), α-terpineol (7.2%)
Bokoué, Estuaire Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.4%), δ-3-carene (12.8%), – Medzegue et al.
province, Gabon (headspace) α-phellandrene (19.6%), limonene (2013)
A. DeCarlo et al.

(31.9%), p-cymene (9.9%),

α-terpineol (11.9%)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 111

used as a remedy for roundworms, colic, stomach pains, postpartum pains, dysen-
tery, and gonorrhea (Tcheghebe et  al. 2016). Sore throat is treated from a drink
made from burnt seed of C. schweinfurthii (Tcheghebe et al. 2016). Decoctions of
the tree bark are used in the Ivory Coast against cough, to treat chest pain in Sierra
Leone, venereal diseases in Cameroon, and remedies for abscesses and dysentery in
Nigeria (Dongmo et al. 2010). In the Congo and the Central African Republic, the
plant is used as a stimulant, emollient, and as a treatment for rheumatism (Bouquet
1969). Scientifically, extracts from the tree have demonstrated several biological
activities, including antimalarial, antineoplastic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidia-
betic, analgesic, nephroprotective, anthelmintic, and termiticidal activities
(Tcheghebe et al. 2016). The oleoresin produced by C. schweinfurthii has an odor
reminiscent of lavender, and it is used as incense in Uganda (Nagawa et al. 2015).
The essential oil (EO) from the oleoresin has shown significant analgesic effects in
mouse models of pain (acetic acid-induced writhing and hot plate test) (Koudou
et al. 2005). The resin oil was tested for anti-termitic activity against Macrotermes
bellicosus and was found to be remarkably active, and its major components were
also tested to confirm its anti-termitic property (Nagawa et al. 2015). The resin oil
has also shown antifungal activity against several Aspergillus species (Ambindei
et al. 2014).
A popular commercial essential oil, “elemi,” obtained from the oleoresin of
Canarium luzonicum (Blume) A. Gray (Villanueva et al. 1993), is used as an expec-
torant in addition to treatment of stomach disorders (Rajagopal 2014). Traditionally
the dried powdered oleoresin from Canarium strictum Roxb., known in India as
black dammer resin, is used to treat skin diseases, hernia, syphilis, asthma, rheuma-
tism, and fevers. The resin has shown anti-inflammatory activities (Ragunathan and
Senthamarai 2013). Canarium bengalenese Roxb. is locally called “tram hong” in
Vietnam, and its bark and leaves are used externally in rheumatic swellings (Thang
et  al. 2004). The chemical compositions and biological activities of Canarium
essential oils are summarized in Table 4.5.

4.3.2  The Genus Dacryodes

The genus Dacryodes comprises about 70 species of evergreen, perennial trees

distributed in America, South and Central Africa, and Southeast Asia (Onana
2008). Members of Dacryodes species have been used in folk medicine for their
antioxidant, antibacterial, antiplasmodial, and anticarcinogenic properties for
treating malaria, anemia, headache, fever, and skin diseases (Ajibesin et al. 2008;
Kong et al. 2011; Dike et al. 2012; Mvitu-Muaka et al. 2012; Fonkeng et al. 2015).
The stem bark secretes an aromatic oleoresin when injured. The edible fruits con-
tain large amounts of vitamins, amino acids, lipids, and proteins (Tee et al. 2017).
The essential oil compositions and biological activities of Dacryodes species are
summarized in Table 4.6.
Table 4.5  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Canarium essential oils

Canarium Bioactivity of essential

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) oil Reference
C. album Leenh. Ha Giang, Vietnam Oleoresin β-Pinene (33.3%), α-terpinene (14.1%), – Giang et al. (2006)
(HD) terpinen-4-ol (11.9%)
C. bengalense Thanh Nho village, Nghe Leaf (HD) Sabinene (15.9%), γ-terpinene, – Thang et al. (2004)
Roxb. An province, Vietnam β-caryophyllene (17.5%), “epi-
bicyclosesquiterpene”a (10.4%),
γ-elemene (7.3%)
C. luzonicum Alabat Island, Quezon Oleoresin Sabinene (5.7%), α-phellandrene (17.6%), – Villanueva et al. (1993)
(Blume) A. Gray province, Philippines (HD) limonene (56.0%), elemol (6.3%)
Commercial (Sensient Oleoresin α-Phellandrene (6.0%), limonene Weakly antifungal Nikolić et al. (2016)
Essential Oils, Germany) (HD) (45.6%), elemol (21.7%) (Candida albicans,
MIC 2500 μg mL−1)
Commercial (Bontoux, Oleoresin α-Phellandrene (13%), limonene (56%), – Satyal (unpublished)
France) (HD) elemol (11%)
C. parvum Bến En National Park, Bark (HD) α-Pinene (6.1%), α-phellandrene (6.2%), – Thang et al. (2014)
Leenh. Thanh Hóa province, limonene (6.3%), (E)-β-ocimene (7.7%),
Vietnam α-copaene (20.5%), β-caryophyllene
(30.5%), α-humulene (5.3%)
Bến En National Park, Leaf (HD) (Z)-β-Ocimene (11.9%), (E)-β-ocimene – Thang et al. (2014)
Thanh Hóa province, (12.9%), allo-ocimene (6.8%),
Vietnam β-caryophyllene (18.7%), α-humulene
(8.4%), germacrene D (8.8%)
Bến En National Park, Oleoresin α-Copaene (9.8%), β-elemene (8.6%), – Thang et al. (2014)
Thanh Hóa province, (HD) α-humulene (8.1%), germacrene D
Vietnam (23.2%), α-amorphene (14.9%), valerenol
C. pimela Rongxian County, Yulin, Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (9.2%), eremophila-1(10),11- – Li et al. (2015)
K.D. Koenig Guangxi, China diene (11.7%), α-selinene (10.3%),
γ-muurolene (9.7%), cadina-1,4-diene
A. DeCarlo et al.

C. schweinfurthii Boukoko, Central African Oleoresin n-Octanol (9.5%), octyl acetate (60.0%), Antinociceptive, mouse Koudou et al. (2005)
Engl. Republic (HD) (E)-nerolidol (14.0%) (acetic acid-induced
writhing, ED50
1.6 mL kg−1; hot plate
ED50 1.4 mL kg−1)
C. schweinfurthii Boukoko, Central African Oleoresin – Antibacterial, broth Obame et al. (2007b)
Engl. Republic (HD) dilution assay (Listeria
Staphylococcus aureus,
camorum, MIC
2500 μg mL−1),
antifungal (Candida
albicans, MIC
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae

2500 μg mL−1)
Lolodorf, Cameroon Oleoresin p-Cymene (9.8%), limonene (42.7%), Inhibitor of Dongmo et al. (2010)
(HD) α-terpineol (34.4%) 5-lipoxygenase (IC50
62.6 μg mL−1)
Mbouda, Cameroon Oleoresin p-Cymene (9.8%), limonene (42.7%), – Dongmo et al. (2010)
(HD) α-terpineol (34.4%)
Côte d’Ivoire Root (HD) δ-2-Carene (14.5%), limonene (20.0%), – Affouet et al. (2012)
terpinolene (42.6%)
Gabon Oleoresin α-Pinene (10.7%), sabinene (19.2%), – Engonga et al. (2012)
(HD) limonene (52.1%)
Lolodorf, Cameroon Oleoresin p-Cymene (9.8%), limonene (42.7%), Weakly antifungal, Ambindei et al. (2014)
(HD) α-terpineol (34.4%) disk diffusion assay
(Aspergillus flavus,
MIC 1800 μg mL−1;
Aspergillus niger, MIC
2800 μg mL−1;
Aspergillus fumigatus,

MIC 1300 μg mL−1)
Table 4.5 (continued)

Canarium Bioactivity of essential

species Collection site Essential oil Major components (> 5%) oil Reference
Sango Bay, Uganda Oleoresin α-Thujene (14.0%), α-phellandrene Termiticidal Nagawa et al. (2015)
(HD) (17.9%), γ-terpinene (34.5%), p-cymene (Macrotermes
(8.5%), β-phellandrene (12.9%) bellicosus, LC50
1.12 mg g−1 after 48 h)
C. strictum Rayriath garden Thrissur, Oleoresin – Anti-inflammatory, Ragunathan and
Roxb. Kerala state, India (HD) mouse paw edema test Senthamarai (2013)
(79% reduction with
10 mg kg−1 after 3 h)
C. tramdenum Pù Mát National Park, Bark (HD) α-Pinene (12.3%), α-phellandrene – Thang et al. (2014)
C.D. Dai & Nghệ An province, (21.7%), limonene (25.7%),
Yakovlev Vietnam β-caryophyllene (10.9%), γ-elemene
Pù Mát National Park, Leaf (HD) α-Pinene (9.4%), α-phellandrene (15.9%), – Thang et al. (2014)
Nghệ An province, limonene (11.8%), β-caryophyllene
Vietnam (16.8%), γ-elemene (13.1%), phytol
C. tramdenum Pù Mát National Park, Oleoresin δ-Elemene (14.6%), β-bourbonene – Thang et al. (2014)
C.D. Dai & Nghệ An province, (HD) (6.8%), γ-elemene (6.8%), germacrene D
Yakovlev Vietnam (6.5%), guaiol (6.1%), bulnesol (16.0%)
C. zeylanicum Royal Botanical Gardens, Oleoresin α-Pinene, α-phellandrene, β-phellandrene, – Bandaranayake (1980)
(Retz.) Blume Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (HD) limonene, α-terpineol, carvone
(percentages not reported)
epi-Bicyclosesquiterpene is not found in the Dictionary of Natural Products (Dictionary of Natural Products 2017) nor the Adams database (Adams 2007)
A. DeCarlo et al.
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 115

Table 4.6  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Dacryodes essential oils
Dacryodes Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (> 5%) essential oil Reference
D. Sebang Oleoresin α-Pinene (13.2%), Antibacterial, broth Obame
buettneri Herbarium, (HD) β-pinene (42.0%), microdilution assay et al.
(Engl.) Libreville, p-cymene (19.0%), (Shigella (2007a)
H.J. Lam Gabon terpinen-4-ol dysenteriae, MIC
(27.3%) 2500 μg mL−1)
Gabon Fruit (HD) α-Pinene (29.2%), – Cravo
β-pinene (7.7%), et al.
limonene (24.3%), (1992)
α-copaene (5.2%),
germacrene D
D. edulis University of Fruit (HD) α-Pinene (8.8%), – Onocha
(G. Don) Ibadan, myrcene (45.3%), et al.
H.J. Lam Nigeria α-terpineol + (1999)
germacrene D
University of Leaf (HD) β-Caryophyllene – Onocha
Ibadan, (26.4%), germacrene et al.
Nigeria D (7.5%), palmitic (1999)
acid (12.7%)
University of Bark (HD) α-Thujene + – Onocha
Ibadan, α-pinene (25.2%), et al.
Nigeria limonene (12.5%), (1999)
γ-terpinene (8.6%),
University of Root (HD) α-Pinene (7.3%), – Onocha
Ibadan, β-pinene (8.7%), et al.
Nigeria α-phellandrene (1999)
(26.5%), limonene
(6.6%), p-cymene
Ngaoundere, Fruit α-Pinene (60.3%), – Jirovetz
Cameroon (headspace β-pinene (8.2%), et al.
SPME) myrcene (15.0%) (2003)
Ngaoundere, Fruit (HD) α-Pinene (22.3%), – Jirovetz
Cameroon β-pinene (13.7%), et al.
α-phellandrene (2003)
(10.8%), limonene
(7.2%), (2E,4E)-
decadienal (6.7%)
116 A. DeCarlo et al.

Table 4.6 (continued)
Dacryodes Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (> 5%) essential oil Reference
Ngaoundere, Seed (HD) α-Pinene (21.5%), – Jirovetz
Cameroon β-pinene (19.7%), et al.
α-phellandrene (2003)
(12.1%), limonene
Sebang Oleoresin α-Pinene (17.5%), Weakly Obame
Herbarium, (HD) sabinene (21.8%), antibacterial (MIC et al.
Libreville, p-cymene (11.3%), ≥1%) (2008)
Gabon limonene (5.7%),
γ-terpinene (5.8%),
Etoug-Ebe, Leaf (HD) trans-Carveol Weakly Riwom
Yaoundé, (11.8%), elemol antibacterial et al.
Cameroon (29.2%), spathulenol (Bacillus cereus, (2015)
(6.3%), Salmonella typhi,
caryophyllene oxide Staphylococcus
(5.1%), ishwarone aureus, Shigella
(15.3%) sp., Escherichia
coli, MIC
18.8 mg mL−1)
D. edulis Etoug-Ebe, Bark (HD) α-Thujene (14.9%), Weakly Riwom
(G. Don) Yaoundé, β-phellandrene antibacterial et al.
H.J. Lam Cameroon (8.7%), p-cymene (Bacillus cereus, (2015)
(35.1%), trans- Salmonella typhi,
carveol (22.6%), Staphylococcus
β-elemene (5.2%) aureus, Shigella
sp., Escherichia
coli, MIC
50 mg mL−1)
Etoug-Ebe, Oleoresin α-Thujene (28.6%), Weakly Riwom
Yaoundé, (HD) α-phellandrene antibacterial et al.
Cameroon (27.1%), (Bacillus cereus, (2015)
β-phellandrene Salmonella typhi,
(10.2%), p-cymene Staphylococcus
(30.3%) aureus, Shigella
sp., Escherichia
coli, MIC
200 mg mL−1)
D. Gabon Fruit (HD) Limonene (6.9%), – Cravo
igaganga α-copaene (15.5%), et al.
Aubrév. & β-elemene (6.5%), (1992)
Pellegr. β-caryophyllene
(8.3%), α-humulene
(13.8%), germacrene
D (8.1%)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 117

Dacryodes buettneri (Engl.) H.J. Lam, “ozigo,” “assia,” is widely distributed in

the equatorial forest region from Gabon to Equatorial Guinea. D. buettneri is tradi-
tionally used to treat jaundice, fever, malaria, constipation, microbial infections, and
diarrhea. The resin of D. buettneri is used as an antimicrobial agent and astringent
(Obame et al. 2007a). The antibacterial and antioxidant properties of the essential
oil are attributed to its major components (Table 4.6).
Dacryodes edulis (G. Don) H.J. Lam (syn. Pachylobus edulis G. Don, Pachylobus
saphu Engl.) “safou,” “African pear,” is native to the humid tropical forests of
Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, and Ghana. Due to its antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-
diabetic, and anticarcinogenic activities, various parts of the plant are used to treat
several diseases (Agbor et  al. 2007; Atawodi et  al. 2009; Atawodi 2011; Mvitu-
Muaka et al. 2012; Zofou et al. 2013; Erukainure et al. 2017). The essential oils
extracted from various parts of D. edulis are dominated by mono- and sesquiter-
penes (Onocha et  al. 1999). The bark decoction is orally taken to treat leprosy,
headaches, fever, and malaria and topically when mixed with palm oil to relieve
pain and stiffness and treat parasitic skin diseases (Tee et al. 2014). It is also used as
a gargle or mouthwash. The resin is used topically to treat parasitic skin diseases
and wounds (Ajibesin et al. 2008; Obame et al. 2008). In Nigeria, the resin is burned
as lamp oil for lighting and to avoid evil spirits (Omonhinmin 2012). The leaves are
used as antiemetic when chewed with kola nut, while the leaf sap is used as an ear-
drop. In southwest Cameroon, the leaves are used as plasters to treat snakebites.
A decoction of the leaves is taken orally to manage hypertension or used to prepare
vapor baths for treating fever and headache (Omonhinmin 2012). The fruit is usu-
ally consumed raw, boiled, or roasted (Jirovetz et al. 2003). In some African nations,
the fruit extract is used to treat wounds, parasitic skin diseases, sickle cell anemia,
dysentery, and fever (Kalenda et al. 2002; Mpiana et al. 2007). Recently, the hexane
extract of D. edulis fruit was proven to have antidiabetic and hypolipidemic activi-
ties (Okolo et al. 2016).
Dacryodes hexandra (Ham.) Griseb. (syn. D. excelsa Vahl), “tabonuco,” is abun-
dant in the West Indies and the subtropical wet forests of Puerto Rico. Because of
being sticky, the oleoresin of D. hexandra is used as a polish to varnish wood or
other materials (More 1899; Tee et al. 2014).
Dacryodes klaineana (Pierre) H.J. Lam (syn. Aucoumea klaineana Pierre), “eben
ekpo,” “African cherry fruit,” is found in the humid tropical forests of West and
Central Africa. Boiled roots of D. klaineana are used to treat skin diseases (Ajibesin
et  al. 2008; Tee et  al. 2014). The oleoresin contains tirucallane triterpenes and a
monoterpene-rich volatile oil. It has been used as an immunostimulant, for treating
sores, and as incense (Liang et al. 1988a, b).
Dacryodes rostrata (Blume) H.J.  Lam, “kembayau,” “kedondong kerut,”
“pinanasan,” and “palaspas,” is found in Indochina, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia,
Sumatra, Borneo, and the Philippines. The fruit is very nutritious (rich in vitamins,
minerals, amino acids, lipids, and proteins) and rich in antioxidants (Kong et  al.
2011). D. rostrata fruits are often consumed boiled or preserved in salt or soy sauce
118 A. DeCarlo et al.

to be used as appetizers. Due to its high nutritional value, consuming D. rostrata

fruit can prevent malnutrition (Hoe and Siong 1999; Kong et al. 2011; Tee et al.
2014). The fruit oil proved to be hepatoprotective and reversed lipid peroxidation in
paracetamol-induced toxicity (Tee et al. 2017).

4.3.3  The Genus Santiria

The genus Santiria consists of about 24 species of tall resiniferous trees distributed
in the Old World tropics (Mabberley 2008). Santiria trimera (Oliv.) Aubrév. (syn.
Pachylobus trimerus (Oliv.) Guillaumin), “Krio,” is a very large dioecious tree
found in the tropical rainforests of West Africa (from Sierra Leone to Nigeria, and
extending to Zaïre) (Bikanga et al. 2010). S. trimeria is one of the important medici-
nal species in this area for its antiseptic properties. The tree bark has a balsamic
odor and yields an oleoresin. In Gabon, the bark is used traditionally for wound
healing and for treating infectious diseases, while in São Tomé and Príncipe islands,
it is used for the treatment of pulmonary problems including tuberculosis and vene-
real diseases (Martins et al. 2003; Bikanga et al. 2010). The powdered bark is used
to treat yaws and to treat children’s whooping cough when mixed with palm oil and
salt. The bark is also employed as a purgative and vermifuge. A decoction of the
bark is used in vapor baths to treat fever and eczema. S. trimera bark extract con-
tains more than 60% terpenes with antimicrobial properties and is considered a
good source of lanostane derivatives including 20(R),24(E)-6β-acetoxy-3-oxo-9β-
lanosta-7,24-dien-26-oic acid and 6β-acetoxy-3,23-dioxo-9β-20β-lanost-7,24-dien-
26-oic acid (da Silva et al. 1990). The bark essential oils are rich in monoterpenoids.
A sample from Fraternidade, São Tomé and Príncipe, was dominated by α-pinene
(66.6%) and β-pinene (20.0%) (Martins et al. 2003), while a bark essential oil from
Franceville, Gabon, showed α-pinene (51.5%), β-pinene (5.8%), terpinen-4-ol
(8.5%), and α-terpineol (16.2%) (Bikanga et al. 2010). The leaf essential oil from
Gabon was dominated by the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons β-caryophyllene (14.9%)
and α-humulene (34.6%), along with α-pinene (9.4%) and humulene epoxide II
(5.6%) (Bikanga et al. 2010). Both leaf essential oil and bark oil possess weak anti-
microbial effects with the bark oil being more active (Martins et al. 2003; Bikanga
et al. 2010). In addition to its medicinal uses, the wood of S. trimeria is used in
Gabon for carving and for the production of personal items, musical instruments,
and toys.

4.3.4  The Genus Trattinnickia

There are around 18 species of Trattinnickia found in Central America and northern
South America (Daly 1999; Mabberley 2008; Daly and Melo 2017). Like other
members of the family, Trattinnickia produces oleoresins rich in tirucallane, ursane,
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 119

and oleanane triterpenoids (Lima et al. 2004). The Tembé people of the Amazon use
the resins (breu) from Protium and Trattinnickia to make ceremonial smoke or as
medicine for treatment of skin infections and parasites and to relieve nasal conges-
tion (Plowden et al. 2002). The resin of T. aspera (Standl.) Swart is apparently used
by white-nosed coatis (Nasua narica) in Panama to rub into their own fur and/or
that of conspecifics (Gompper and Hoylman 1993).
Very little research has been published on the essential oil compositions or
biological activities of Trattinnickia. The hydrodistilled essential oil from the
oleoresin of T. rhoifolia Willd., collected from the Adolfo Ducke Biological
Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil, has been analyzed. The major components in the resin
oil were the monoterpenoids α-pinene (23–25%), α-phellandrene (4.3–8.1%),
α-terpinene (4.3–5.8%), p-cymene (40–49%), β-phellandrene (7.6–8.7%), trans-
dihydro-α-terpineol (4.2–6.4%), and α-terpineol (1.7–5.4%) (Ramos et al. 2003).
The essential oils from T. rhoifolia branches, on the other hand, were dominated by
sesquiterpenoids, α-cubebene (12.4%), α-copaene (16.4%), β-caryophyllene
(29.6%), cis-calamenene (5.3%), δ-cadinene (15.1%), and 1-epi-cubenol (5.1%)
(de Carvalho et al. 2009).

4.4  Tribe Protieae

4.4.1  The Genus Protium

The genus Protium is the largest genus of Burseraceae in the Neotropics, with about
150 species (Mabberley 2008). Some Protium species are found in Madagascar and
Malaysia (Mabberley 2008). The important characteristic feature of Protium spe-
cies, like their Old World counterparts Boswellia and Commiphora, is the abun-
dance of aromatic resinous exudates from wounds in the bark. The resins of Protium
species are known as “copal” in Spanish (Stacey et  al. 2006) and “breu” in
Portuguese (Siani et al. 2017). Protium oleoresins have been characterized based on
their age and color as well as volatile and nonvolatile chemical constituents (Siani
et al. 2012; da Silva et al. 2013; Siani et al. 2017). Throughout their ranges, Protium
species have been used by native peoples to treat various diseases and conditions,
including wounds, skin infections, toothache, headache, pain, rheumatism, and
coughs and colds (Morton 1981; Schultes and Raffauf 1990; Rüdiger et al. 2007;
Lago et al. 2016). For example, native people of the Unini River communities in the
Amazon forest biome burn the oleoresin of P. amazonicum (Cuatrec.) Daly and
inhale the smoke to relieve headache and anxiety, while the oleoresin of P. decan-
drum (Aubl.) Marchand is used to treat skin problems such as boils and wounds
(Santos et al. 2012; Lago et al. 2016). The Yucatan Mayas used the resin of P. copal
Engl. as a styptic on infections, wounds, and sores (Morton 1981; Duke et al. 2009).
The resins of Protium species are also used as varnishes and calking and burned as
incense (Morton 1981; Duke et al. 2009).
120 A. DeCarlo et al.

Protium heptaphyllum (Aubl.) Marchand is native to the warm regions of northern

Colombia, northern Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Frensh Guiana, Suriname, and
Paraguay (Morton 1981; Missouri Botanical Garden 2017). In Venezuela, the resin
of P. heptaphyllum is applied on tumors and ringworm; the resin is placed behind the
ears to relieve headache, toothache, and rheumatism; and the resin is placed in the
cavity of an aching tooth (Morton 1981). In Colombia, the resin is used to treat
pimples, ulcers, swellings, syphilis, and headache (Morton 1981). The Chocó people
of western Colombia use the resin as calking material as well as for extracting botfly
maggots (Duke 1970). The Kubeo people of northwestern Amazonia use the resin
to clear nasal passages due to heavy colds (Schultes and Raffauf 1990). People of
the Usina São José community of the Atlantic Forest of Pernambuco, Brazil, use
P. heptaphyllum to treat toothache and headache (Gazzaneo et al. 2005).
There has been much work on the volatile chemistry of P. heptaphyllum.
However, there seems to be much variation in essential oil composition depending
on geographical location (see Table 4.7). Although P. heptaphyllum fruit essential
oils are dominated by monoterpenoids, the fruit oil from Crato, Ceara state, Brazil,
was rich in α-pinene (71.2%) with a lesser quantity of limonene (5.2%) (Bandeira
et  al. 2001), while that from Timon, Maranhão state, Brazil, was dominated by
limonene (92.7%) but only 0.2% α-pinene (Citó et al. 2006). In complete contrast,
the fruit oil from Tamandaré Beach, Pernambuco state, Brazil, showed α-terpinene
(47.6%) and α-terpinyl acetate (5.0%) as the major components but only 1.1%
α-pinene and no detectable limonene (Pontes et al. 2007a). The leaf essential oils of
P. heptaphyllum are generally dominated by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including
β-caryophyllene, α-copaene, and germacrane sesquiterpenoids (Table 4.7).

Table 4.7  Chemical compositions and biological activities of Protium essential oils
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
P. altsonii Erepecuru Aged p-Cymene (16.3%), – da Silva
Sandwith River, oleoresin γ-gurjunene (5.2%), et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), γ-cadinene (9.5%) (2016)
Brazil “black
Adolfo Oleoresin α-Pinene (11.0%), – Zoghbi
Ducke Forest (HD) p-cymene (31.5%), et al.
Reserve, p-menthene (13.1%), (2005)
Amazonas, trans-dihydro-α-
Brazil terpineol (25.8%)
P. Quito, Fresh (−)-δ-3-Carene Antifungal Satyal
amazonicum Ecuador oleoresin (47.9%), limonene (Cryptococcus et al.
(Cuatrec.) (HD) (5.1%), α-terpineol neoformans, MIC (2017)
Daly (5.5%) 156 μg mL−1;
albicans, MIC
313 μg mL−1)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 121

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
P. apiculatum Porto Alegre Oleoresin p-Menthane (12.2%), – Silva
Swart Farm, (hexane p-cymene (36.3%) et al.
Amazonas extract) (2009)
state, Brazil
P. bahianum Guadalupe, Fruit α-Pinene (34.0%), Acaricidal Pontes
Daly Pernambuco, (HD) β-pinene (10.3%), (Tetranychus et al.
Brazil γ-terpinene (7.3%), urticae, LC50 (2010)
dillapiole (10.6%) 9.07 mL L−1 of
air after 24 h)
Guadalupe Leaf α-Pinene (7.8%), Acaricidal Pontes
Biological (HD) β-cubebene (16.5%), (Tetranychus et al.
Reserve, aromadendrene urticae, LC50 (2010)
Pernambuco, (20.3%), cis-β- 3.54 mL L−1 of
Brazil guaiene (9.9%), air after 24 h)
α-cadinene (10.1%)
Guadalupe Fresh Tricyclene (11.4%), Acaricidal Pontes
Biological oleoresin β-pinene (6.6%), (Tetranychus et al.
Reserve, (HD) α-phellandrene urticae, LC50 (2007b)
Pernambuco, (14.0%), p-cymene 9.08 μL L−1 of air
Brazil (18.3%), after 48 h)
(9.1%), terpinen-4-ol
Guadalupe Aged (E)-β-Santalol acetate Acaricidal Pontes
Biological oleoresin (83.1%) (Tetranychus et al.
Reserve, (HD) urticae, LC50 (2007b)
Pernambuco, 7.45 μL L−1 of air
Brazil after 72 h)
P. Cocorná, Fruit α-Pinene (2.3–9.5%),  – Carvajal
colombianum Colombia (HD) sabinene (51.8– et al.
Cuatrec. 70.6%), α-terpinene (2016)
γ-terpinene (4.2–
7.4%), terpinen-4-ol
San Luis, Fruit α-Thujene (9.4– Antifungal Carvajal
Colombia (HD) 20.4%), α-pinene (Fusarium et al.
(17.5–25.5%), oxysporum, MIC (2016)
sabinene (7.7–15.0%), 625 μg mL−1)
β-pinene (4.0–5.0%),
limonene (21.5–
32.7%), p-mentha-
122 A. DeCarlo et al.

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
P. Adolpho Leaf α-Copaene (19.6%), – de
crassipetalum Ducke Forest (HD) β-caryophyllene Carvalho
Cuatrec. Reserve, (16.4%), spathulenol et al.
Amazonas, (13.9%), τ-cadinol (2013)
Brazil (5.5%)
Adolpho Stem α-Copaene (15.2%), – de
Ducke Forest (HD) β-caryophyllene Carvalho
Reserve, (10.1%), trans-α- et al.
Amazonas, bergamotene (6.2%), (2013)
Brazil (E)-β-farnesene
(9.2%), ar-curcumene
(10.2%), β-bisabolene
(5.3%), δ-cadinene
(6.3%), khusimone
P. decandrum Museu Aerial α-Pinene (78.6%), – Zoghbi
(Aubl.) Paraense parts β-pinene (5.1%), et al.
Marchand Emílio (HD) limonene (7.3%) (2005)
Belém, Pará,
Adolfo Leaf Terpinen-4-ol – de
Ducke Forest (HD) (33.0%), Carvalho
Reserve, β-caryophyllene et al.
Amazonas, (22.8%) (2010)
Adolfo Stem Terpinen-4-ol – de
Ducke Forest (HD) (13.2%), trans-α- Carvalho
Reserve, bergamotene (22.0%), et al.
Amazonas, caryophyllene oxide (2010)
Brazil (10.5%)
Adolfo Aged cis-α-Bergamotene – de
Ducke Forest oleoresin (6.5%), Carvalho
Reserve, (HD) β-caryophyllene et al.
Amazonas, (5.9%), trans-α- (2010)
Brazil bergamotene (47.7%),
(5.5%), ar-curcumene
Erepecuru Aged δ-3-Carene + – da Silva
River, oleoresin iso-sylvestrene et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), (40.9%), p-cymene (2016)
Brazil “black (13.4%), limonene +
breu” β-phellandrene
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 123

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
Erepecuru Aged α-Pinene (19.0%), – da Silva
River, oleoresin α-phellandrene et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), (21.0%), p-cymene (2016)
Brazil “white (32.4%), limonene +
breu” β-phellandrene
P. elegans Adolfo Leaf β-Caryophyllene – de
Engl. Ducke Forest (HD) (35.9%), α-humulene Carvalho
Reserve, (12.6%), β-selinene et al.
Amazonas, (5.9%), caryophyllene (2009)
Brazil oxide (27.1%)
Adolfo Stem β-Caryophyllene – de
Ducke Forest (HD) (6.8%), caryophyllene Carvalho
Reserve, oxide (55.8%) et al.
Amazonas, (2009)
P. Porto Alegre Oleoresin α-Pinene (20.9%), – Silva
grandifolium Farm, (hexane p-cymene (55.8%), et al.
Engl. Amazonas extract) α-cubebene (14.6%) (2009)
state, Brazil
P. hebetatum Porto Alegre Oleoresin α-Pinene (12.2%), – Silva
Daly Farm, (hexane p-cymene (14.2%), et al.
Amazonas extract) α-cubebene (14.4%) (2009)
state, Brazil
P. Crato, Ceara, Fruit α-Pinene (71.2%), – Bandeira
heptaphyllum Brazil (HD) β-pinene (8.6%), et al.
(Aubl.) limonene (5.2%) (2001)
Timon, Fruit (Z)-β-Ocimene – Citó et al.
Maranhão (HD) (5.0%), limonene (2006)
state, Brazil (92.7%)
Tamandaré Fruit α-Terpinene (47.6%), Acaricidal Pontes
Beach, (HD) α-terpinyl acetate (Tetranychus et al.
Pernambuco, (5.0%) urticae, LC50 (2007a)
Brazil 6.85 μL L−1 of air
after 72 h)
Crato, Ceara, Leaf Myrcene (18.6%), – Bandeira
Brazil (HD) β-caryophyllene et al.
(18.6%), α-humulene (2001)
124 A. DeCarlo et al.

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
Timon, Leaf (E)-β-Ocimene – Citó et al.
Maranhão (HD) (15.7%), α-copaene (2006)
state, Brazil (5.2%),
(32.1%), viridiflorene
(14.6%), germacrene
B (16.7%)
Manaus, Leaf Terpinolene (15.5%), – Zoghbi
Amazonas, (SD) β-elemene (22.1%), et al.
Brazil β-caryophyllene (1995)
(11.1%), α-humulene
Tamandaré Leaf α-Copaene (7.3%), Acaricidal Pontes
Beach, (HD) 9-epi-(E)- (Tetranychus et al.
Pernambuco, caryophyllene urticae, LC50 (2007a)
Brazil (21.4%), trans- 10.0 μL L−1 of air
isolongifolanone after 72 h)
(10.3%), 14-hydroxy-
Manaus, Stem Terpinolene (40.3%), – Zoghbi
Amazonas, (SD) β-elemene (9.0%) et al.
Brazil (1995)
Valença, Aerial α-Pinene (40.3%), Gastroprotection Araujo
Bahia state, parts α-phellandrene (Wistar rat, ED50 et al.
Brazil (SD) (10.3%), δ-3-carene 23.6 mg kg−1) (2011)
(5.8%), p-cymene
(9.6%), m-mentha-
1,8-diene (8.9%),
diene (12.1%)
Timon, Oleoresin α-Phellandrene Anti- Amaral
Maranhão (HD) (10.0%), (E)-β- inflammatory et al.
state, Brazil ocimene (11.8%), (Wistar rat paw (2009)
p-cymene (10.8%), edema, ED50
limonene (50.0%), 75.1 mg kg−1)
1,8-cineole (10.9%)
Guriri, São Oleoresin Tricyclene (11.1%), Antibacterial Pinto
Mateus, (HD) p-cymene (26.7%), (Streptococcus et al.
Espírito terpinolene (35.8%), mutans, MIC (2015)
Santo, Brazil p-cymen-8-ol (10.1%) 0.13 μg mL−1)
Teresina, PI, Oleoresin δ-3-Carene (5.1%), Vasorelaxant (rat Mobin
Brazil (HD) p-cymene (17.0%), upper mesenteric et al.
limonene (34.5%), artery ring, IC50 (2017)
1,8-cineole (20.6%), 316 μg mL−1)
α-terpineol (9.8%)
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 125

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
Timon, MA, Oleoresin α-Phellandrene – Mobin
Brazil (HD) (7.0%), p-cymene et al.
(26.9%), limonene (2017)
(28.9%), α-terpineol
Timon, Oleoresin α-Phellandrene Antinociceptive Rao et al.
Maranhão (HD) (10.4%), α-terpinene (capsaicin mouse (2007)
state, Brazil (13.7%), 1,8-cineole paw assay,
(58.7%), γ-terpineol 50 mg kg−1; rat
(7.7%) tail flick assay,
100 mg kg−1)
Porto Alegre Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.6%), – Silva
Farm, (hexane p-cymene (26.4%), et al.
Amazonas extract) terpinolene (20.3%), (2009)
state, Brazil α-cubebene (5.6%),
apiole (16.2%)
Crato, Ceara, Fresh α-Pinene (10.5%), – Bandeira
Brazil oleoresin α-phellandrene et al.
(HD) (16.7%), p-cymene (2001)
(6.0%), limonene
(16.9%), terpinolene
Reserva da Fresh α-Terpinene (18.0%), – Siani
Campina, oleoresin p-cymene (36.0%), et al.
Amazonas, (HD) γ-terpinene (12.0%) (1999)
Restinga of Fresh α-Pinene (27.0%), Cytotoxic (SP2/0 Siani
Carapebus, oleoresin sabinene (11.0%), murine et al.
Atlantic (HD) myrcene (35.0%), plasmocytoma (2011)
Forest, Rio β-caryophyllene cell line)
de Janeiro, (7.2%)
Crato, Ceara, Fresh α-Pinene (10.5%), Antimicrobial Bandeira
Brazil oleoresin α-phellandrene (Candida et al.
(HD) (16.7%), p-cymene albicans, MIC (2006)
(6.0%), limonene 1.25 μg mL−1;
(16.9%), terpinolene Klebsiella
(28.5%) pneumoniae, MIC
5.0 μg mL−1;
Proteus mirabilis,
10.0 μg mL−1;
marcescens, MIC
5.0 μg mL−1;
aureus, MIC
1.25 μg mL−1)
126 A. DeCarlo et al.

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
Restinga of Freshly α-Pinene (8.7%), Cytotoxic Siani
Carapebus, tapped α-terpinene (6.6%), (Neuro-2a murine et al.
Atlantic oleoresin p-cymene (16.0%), neuroblastoma, (2011)
Forest, Rio (HD) limonene (5.5%), SP2/0 murine
de Janeiro, terpinolene (28.0%), plasmocytoma,
Brazil p-cymen-8-ol (5.6%) J774 murine
macrophage cell
Reserva da Aged p-Cymene (11.0%), – Siani
Campina, oleoresin terpinolene (15.0%), et al.
Amazonas, (HD) p-cymenene (5.3%), (1999)
Brazil p-cymen-8-ol
(11.0%), dillapiole
Erepecuru Aged δ-3-Carene + – da Silva
River, oleoresin iso-sylvestrene et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), (69.0%), p-cymene (2016)
Brazil “black (6.4%), limonene +
breu” β-phellandrene (5.7%)
Erepecuru Aged δ-3-Carene + – da Silva
River, oleoresin iso-sylvestrene et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), (79.5%) (2016)
Brazil “black
Erepecuru Aged δ-3-Carene + – da Silva
River, oleoresin iso-sylvestrene et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), (56.4%), p-cymene (2016)
Brazil “black (14.0%), limonene +
breu” β-phellandrene (6.8%)
Erepecuru Aged δ-3-Carene + – da Silva
River, oleoresin iso-sylvestrene et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), (14.7%), p-cymene (2016)
Brazil “black (33.0%)
P. Cruzeiro do Oleoresin α-Phellandrene – Marques
heptaphyllum Sul, Acre (HD) (7.4%), p-cymene et al.
subs. state, Brazil (39.9%), dihydro-4- (2010)
heptaphyllum carene (11.7%),
(Aubl.) tetradecane (13.4%)
P. Adolpho Leaf α-Copaene (11.8%), – de
heptaphyllum Ducke Forest (HD) β-caryophyllene Carvalho
subs. ulei Reserve, (16.9%), germacrene et al.
(Swart) Daly Amazonas, D (7.7%), δ-cadinene (2013)
Brazil (5.4%), germacrene B
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 127

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection EssentialMajor components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
Cruzeiro do OleoresinLimonene (11.9%), – Marques
Sul, Acre (HD) terpinolene (42.3%), et al.
state, Brazil p-cymen-8-ol (13.6%) (2010)
P. icicariba Carapebus, Leaf α-Terpinene – Siani
(DC.) Rio de (HD) (1.9–5.8%), et al.
Marchand Janeiro, terpinolene (4.4– (2004)
Brazil 12%), α-copaene
(7.5–12%), γ-elemene
germacrene D
δ-cadinene (5.6–
8.3%), germacrene B
Carapebus, Fruit α-Terpinene – Siani
Rio de (HD) (21–30%), p-cymene et al.
Janeiro state, (2.2–7.9%), (2004)
Brazil γ-terpinene (9.8–
12%), terpinolene
(33–35%), terpinen-
4-ol (3.9–6.1%)
Carapebus, Oleoresin α-Pinene (5.6– – Siani
Rio de (HD) 7.7%), p-cymene et al.
Janeiro, (20–40%), limonene (2004)
Brazil (5.8–8.0%),
P. neglectum Maturin, Fresh p-Cymene (5.2%), Antibacterial, Suárez
Swart Monagas oleoresin durenol (15.6%), disk diffusion et al.
state, (HD) α-terpineol (6.9%), assay (Bacillus (2007)
Venezuela piperitenone (25.4%), subtilis,
thymol (17.5%), Staphylococcus
methyl eugenol aureus)
P. occultum Erepecuru Aged α-Pinene (8.0%), – da Silva
Daly River, oleoresin p-cymene (10.4%), et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), limonene + (2016)
Brazil “white β-phellandrene
breu” (41.1%), α-terpineol
128 A. DeCarlo et al.

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
P. opacum Erepecuru Aged p-Cymene (6.6%), – da Silva
Swart River, oleoresin α-neo-clovene (5.3%), et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), α-neo-callitropsene (2016)
Brazil “black (7.3%), γ-cadinene
breu” (14.4%),
P. Porto Alegre Oleoresin α-Pinene (10.8%), – Silva
paniculatum Farm, (hexane p-cymene (6.4%), et al.
Engl. Amazonas extract) β-caryophyllene (2009)
state, Brazil (6.8%)
P. Museu Aerial α-Pinene (31.7%), – Zoghbi
pilosissimum Paraense parts α-phellandrene et al.
Engl. Emílio (HD) (24.1%), p-cymene (2005)
Goeldi, (31.2%)
Belém, Pará,
Adolpho Leaf α-Copaene (11.6%), – de
Ducke Forest (HD) β-caryophyllene Carvalho
Reserve, (12.6%), et al.
Amazonas, β-sesquiphellandrene (2013)
Brazil (24.3%), (E)-nerolidol
Adolpho Stem Caryophyllene oxide – de
Ducke Forest (HD) (9.8%), selin-11-en- Carvalho
Reserve, 4α-ol (56.5%) et al.
Amazonas, (2013)
P. Adolpho Stem β-Caryophyllene – de
polybotryum Ducke Forest (HD) (15.0%), Carvalho
(Turcz.) Engl. Reserve, caryophyllene oxide et al.
Amazonas, (11.9%), khusimone (2013)
Brazil (35.9%)
P. Museu Aerial Sabinene (56.3%), – Zoghbi
spruceanum Paraense parts γ-terpinene (6.3%), et al.
(Benth.) Engl. Emílio (HD) terpinen-4-ol (12.2%), (2005)
Goeldi, β-caryophyllene
Belém, Pará, (10.9%)
P. strumosum Adolfo Oleoresin α-Pinene (6.3%), – Zoghbi
Daly Ducke Forest (HD) limonene (75.5%), et al.
Reserve, α-terpineol (7.7%) (2005)
Porto Alegre Oleoresin p-Cymene (26.1%), – Silva
Farm, (hexane limonene (14.7%) et al.
Amazonas extract) (2009)
state, Brazil
4  The Essential Oils of the Burseraceae 129

Table 4.7 (continued)
Protium Collection Essential Major components Bioactivity of
species site oil (>5%) essential oil Reference
Erepecuru Aged α-Pinene (57.7%), – da Silva
River, oleoresin β-pinene (9.3%), et al.
Oriximiná, (HD), p-cymene (9.2%), (2016)
Brazil “white limonene +
breu” β-phellandrene
P. Manaus, Oleoresin α-Pinene (8.5%), – Zoghbi
subserratum Amazonas, (hexane α-phellandrene et al.
(Engl.) Engl. Brazil extract) (20.8%), (1998)
P. Manaus, Leaf Limonene (24.2%), – Zoghbi
unifoliolatum Amazonas, (SD) α-copaene (6.2%), et al.
Engl. Brazil β-caryophyllene (1993)
(37.5%), α-humulene

Protium heptaphyllum oleoresin essential oils show very different chemical

compositions, depending on geographical location, subspecies, as well as color
and age of the resin (Table 4.7). In addition to evaporation of volatile resin com-
ponents, some of the components can also undergo oxidation upon exposure to
atmospheric oxygen (Hausen et  al. 1999; Sawamura et  al. 2004; Turek and
Stintzing 2012).
The chemical compositions along with the many biological activities of P. hep-
taphyllum oleoresin essential oils generally corroborate the traditional medicinal
uses of this resin. For example, the presence of monoterpenoids such as limonene,
myrcene, α-pinene, p-cymene, and 1,8-cineole in P. heptaphyllum resin oils likely
contributes to the decongestant use of P. heptaphyllum resin by the Kubeo people
(see above) (Lis-Balchin 2010; Djilani and Dicko 2012; Ferrara 2016). The oleo-
resin essential oils of P. heptaphyllum have also shown antimicrobial (Bandeira
et al. 2006; Suárez et al. 2007; Pinto et al. 2015), antinociceptive (Rao et al. 2007),
and vasorelaxant (Mobin et al. 2017) properties.

4.5  Summary and Conclusions

This is a comprehensive review of the composition of essential oils of the Burseraceae

family and the uses of oils and isolates from the various species found in this
aromatic plant family. In addition to including only those oils from botanically
authenticated sources of the oils, we have included commercial samples whose
130 A. DeCarlo et al.

source origins may or may not be correct. Nevertheless, they were included for a
completeness of this review. It is hoped that this review will become a reference
source for future studies on oils from this fascinating plant family.

Acknowledgments  This work was carried out as part of the activities of the Aromatic Plant
Research Center (APRC, The authors are grateful to dōTERRA
International ( for financial support of the APRC. A careful editing
of the chapter by Brian M. Lawrence is acknowledged by the authors.

Conflicts of Interest  The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funding sponsor, dōTERRA
International, played no role in preparation or in the decision to publish this review.


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Part II
Uses of Essential Oils in Various Industries
Chapter 5
Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.):
A Novel Addition to the World Food Sector

Proshanta Guha and Sujosh Nandi

5.1  Introduction

Essential oils are also called volatile oils or ethereal oils (Guenther 1948), but the
term is a misnomer. This is because it apprises some substances which are neither
essential nor oil in relation to food sector, wherein an oil is supposed to be a mixture
of mixed fatty acids. That apart, unlike essential fatty acids, the essential oils are not
required for maintaining good health or sound mind. They are not indispensable for
the producer organisms as well because the organisms can survive and complete
their life cycle without any such oils. Though not strictly necessary, rather optional,
the essential oils can help the producer organisms in various ways such as protection
from competitors, pathogens, insects, etc. It can also help the plants in various other
ways such as reduction in transpiration losses, communication with other plants and
microbes, and attraction of the pollinating agents like insects, birds, etc., when pres-
ent in the plants. In the true sense, the word essential relates to essence that means
concentrated scent, and the word has its roots in the Latin word essentia-ae which
means perfumes (Bevilacqua et al. 2018). Therefore, any original volatile substance
which has any distinct odour or scent can be termed as essential substance.
Further, the second part of the term essential oil is the oil for which no proper
definition exists though in food sectors it represents merely a mixture of mixed fatty
acids. However, oil can ordinarily be identified by some of its principal properties
such as liquid at room temperature, lighter than water, slippery to touch, ability to
produce a greasy mark on white paper, inflammability, immiscibility in water,
saponification, hydrophobicity, solubility in organic solvents, lipophilicity, etc. For
example, edible oils (olive oil, coconut oil, mustard oil, sesame oil, etc.), but inclusion

P. Guha (*) · S. Nandi

Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, West Bengal, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 149

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
150 P. Guha and S. Nandi

of fuel oils (kerosene oil; petroleum, petra+oleum meaning rock oil; diesel oil; etc.),
mineral oil (liquid paraffins), lubricant oil (motor oils), etc., in the domain of oils
could make it very confusing, but still, the meaning of oil in common sense is well
understood in the realm of food production, processing, and consumption.
In the above context, the essential oils are called oils perhaps due to the fact that
they possess some of the above-mentioned empirical properties. Therefore, the sim-
plest definition of essential oil could be reduced to merely a pure scented oil or vola-
tile scented oil of direct biological origin. However, some authors have defined
essential oil as any oily and aromatic volatile liquid that can be harvested from any
part of the plant (Burt 2004; Speranza and Corbo 2010; Böhme et al. 2014). The
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), on the other hand, defined
essential oil as—“product obtained from natural raw material, either by distillation
with water and steam, or from the epicarp of citrus fruits by mechanical processing,
or by dry distillation” (quoted by Sadgrove and Jones 2015).
There are about 17,500 aromatic plants (Regnault-Roger et al. 2012) belonging
to approximately 60 families (Raut and Karuppayil 2014) producing about 3000
different essential oils, but only 300 essential oils are commercially available for
different uses such as perfumes, dentistry, agriculture, food preservation, house-
keeping, natural remedies, aromatherapy, and so on (Van de Braak and Leijten
1999; Speranza and Corbo 2010). These oils consist mainly of hydrocarbons includ-
ing some functional compounds. The number of such compounds may be as high as
300 in a single essential oil (Sandra and Bicchi 1987) though mostly restricted to
20–30 detectable compounds with the help of latest scientific technologies like
LC-MS, GC-MS, GC × GC-MS, DART-MS, NMR, and so on.
It is a common belief that essential oils are secondary metabolites of the plants
or their specific parts such as flowers (rose), buds (clove), seeds (cardamom), bark
(cinnamon), wood (sandal), peels (orange), roots (vetiver), leaf (betel leaf), etc.
However, it cannot be conclusively said that the essential oils originate only in the
plants. This is because there are many other producers of essential oils like animals
and microorganisms. The animal sources include musk deer which belong to the
family Moschidae that encompasses seven species including Moschus leucogaster,
commonly known as white-bellied musk deer or Himalayan musk deer in India
(TNEB 1974; Wikipedia 2018a). In these species, some strong odoriferous sub-
stance, muscone or 3-methylcyclopentadecanone (Fig. 5.1), is produced in the naval

Fig. 5.1  Molecular structure, formula, and weight of muscone and civetone (Rana 2015)
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 151

gland of the adult male deer which is supposed to attract its female counterparts.
The gland, when fully grown and functional, makes the deer insane probably in
search of the source of the highly attractive fragrance, and ultimately, it dies due to
accidents by crashing against some trees, hard objects, or in any other ways. The
odoriferous substance is so strong that a grain of musk can distinctly provide fra-
grance to millions of cubic feet of air without any perceptible loss of weight (Kraft
2004). This scent is not only most penetrating but also most persistent among all the
known substances which emit odour. In India, some of the rich and wealthy persons,
kings, and emperors only could afford this musk for various purposes, such as cos-
metics, medicines, and aphrodisiac. Obviously, it was one of the most expensive
cosmetic articles in the history. Even in the present day also, it is still in use, though
rarely, for religious purposes in the Lord Shiva temples, for instance, Lord
Pashupatinath Temple in Nepal. However, use of this substance is coming down to
an end since the musk deer  is facing extinction. Therefore, they are enlisted as
endangered species, and now finding a live specimen in India or Nepal is extremely
difficult. Similar is the case with another endangered animal commonly known as
civet. This carnivorous mammal looks like a big cat and is mostly found in Asia,
Europe, and Africa. There are about 15–20 species of civet which are grouped into
10–12 genera under Viverridae family (Rafferty 2012). Both the male and female
civets produce an oil-like substance in their perineal gland (pouches below the tail)
with a strong musky odour which is highly valued as fragrance and a stabilizing
agent for perfumes. When pure, the odour is strong and putrid, but once diluted it
becomes pleasant with sweet odour. The African civet (Civettictis civetta) is reared
in Africa for obtaining civet oil which contains about 2.5–3.4% civetone or
9-­cycloheptadecen-1-one (Fig. 5.1) as the major odoriferous ingredient. The molec-
ular structure, formula, and weight of muscone and civetone are given in Fig. 5.1.
Apart from the animals, some microorganisms are also capable of producing
attractive odoriferous substances from which scent is manufactured. It may be a
matter of debate if such scented materials may be termed essential oil or not, but
they also originate in the lower plants (Barnett 2015). Such odoriferous substance is
extracted in Kannauj situated in the Uttar Pradesh province of India, where it is
termed as Mitti Attar meaning earthy fragrant material. Here, Mitti means earth and
Attar means concentrated odoriferous liquid in Indian language (Hindi). This earthy
smell is supposed to be due to a by-product produced by a typical bacteria or acti-
nomyces. The by-product is called geosmin (Wikipedia 2018b, c). This attar is
stored in a special leather bag called Kuppi for retaining its original fragrance.
The essential oils can be classified into various ways such as quality of aroma,
time taken for evaporation or persistence of odour, etc. The classification based on
the quality of aroma puts the fragrant and flavouring substances into different cate-
gories, such as citrus, earthy, floral, herbaceous, camphorous, medicinal, minty,
oriental, spicy, woody, etc. On the other hand, the oils, when classified on the basis
of time taken for evaporation or persistence, are categorized into three groups, such
as top note (1–2 h), middle note (2–4 h), and base note (a few days). However, in the
current scenario, the essential oils are designated directly by the name of the source
material such as rose oil, sandalwood oil, mint oil, betel leaf oil, etc.
152 P. Guha and S. Nandi

5.2  O
 rigin, Taxonomy, and Nomenclature of Betel
Leaf (Piper betle L.)

History of betel leaf chewing dates back to the antiquity. However, both the archae-
ologists and anthropologists could trace it to only 7000 BC (Pradhan et al. 2013)
and the Malay Archipelago is generally recognized as the place of origin of the crop
(de Candolle 1884; Burkill 1966; Chattopadhyay and Maity 1967).
Betel vine (Fig.  5.2) is a perennial root climber which belongs to the family
Piperaceae (Guenther 1952), the black pepper family that includes several herbs,
shrubs, small trees, and hanging vines (Ferreres et al. 2014). The family Piperaceae
has 10 genera and 2000 species, of which 30 are found in India and 18  in Sri
Lanka, and 3 are endemic (Chakraborty and Shah 2011; Gupta and Singh 2016).
The taxonomic position of betel vine in the plant kingdom is given below (Pradhan
et al. 2013):
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida

Fig. 5.2  Betel leaf

(Tamluk Mitha variety)
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 153

Order: Piperales
Family: Piperaceae
Genus: Piper
Species: betle
Binomial Name: Piper betle L.
Synonyms: Chavica betle (L.) Miquel; Piper pinguispicum C.  DC. and Koord
(MHMC 2015); Piper peepuloides Wall, Piper chavya Ham (Periyanayagam
et al. 2011)
The betel vine is also known by various other names in various countries of the
world. A list of some of the important vernacular names of the vine in different
countries of the World and also in India is given in Tables 5.1 and 5.2,
In India, betel leaf is known by more than 150 names in various local languages,
such as Nagavalli, Nagarvel, Saptaseera, Sompatra, Tamalapaku, Tambul, Tambuli,
Vaksha Patra, Vetrilai, Voojangalata, and so on in different parts of the country
(CSIR 1969; Guha and Jain 1997). However, Paan is the most popular name of betel
leaf in all parts of India and adjacent countries such as Nepal, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh. There are about 100–150 varieties of betel leaf in the world, of which
40 are found in India and 30 in West Bengal (Maity 1989; Samanta 1994; Guha and
Jain 1997; Ravindran et al. 2002). However, on the basis of morphology and micro-
metrical traits, all these varieties can be grouped into six different categories,
namely, Bangla, Desawari, Kapoori, Khasi, Sanchi (or Chhaanchi), and Mitha
(Rawat et al. 1989).

Table 5.1  Common names of betel leaf in different languages in different countries
S. S.
no. Language (country) Name no. Language (country) Name
1 Afrikaans (Africa) Betel blad 12 Khmer (Cambodia) Sloek phne I
2 Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Tambol 13 Lao/Laotian (Laos) Mark
3 Burmese (Myanmar) Kwm rwat 14 Latin (Malta) Piperis
4 Chamorro (Guam) Papulu 15 Malay (Indonesia, Daun sirih
5 Dhivehi (Maldives) Foah 16 Persian (Iran) Burg-e-­tanbol
6 English (Europe, USA) Betel leaf 17 Sinhalese (Sri Lanka) Bulath
7 French (France) Feuille de betel 18 Spanish (Spain) Hoja de betel
8 Filipino (Philippines) Sirang dahon 19 Tetum (East Timor) Malus, Malu
9 German (Germany) Betel blatt 20 Thai (Thailand) Phlu, Bai
10 Javanese (parts Sirih, Suruh, 21 Tok Pisin (Papua New Buai
Of Indonesia) Bodeh Guinea)
11 Kapampangan Bulung samat 22 Vietnam (Vietnamese) Trau
154 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Table 5.2  Common names of betel leaf in different Indian languagesa

S. No. Language Common name
1 Assamese Paan
2 Bengali Paan
3 Gujarati Nagarbael
4 Hindi Paan
5 Malayalam Vetta, Vettila
6 Marathi Nagbael. Vidyache paan
7 Kashmiri Paan wathur
8 Oriya Pano
9 Panjabi Paan
10 Sanskrit Nagavallari, Nagini, Nagavallika,Tambool, Saptashira, Mukhbhushan,
11 Tamil Vetrilai
12 Telugu Nagballi, Tamalapaku
13 Urdu Gillauri
14 Konkani Kasar
15 Kannada Veeleyada yele, Tambulika, Tambuladhikara, Tambuladayini,
The meaning of the word “Paan” is well understood in almost all the languages in India

Importance and widespreadness of betel leaf can be comprehended from the fact
that it has specific synonyms in almost all languages of the world (Table 5.2). This
indicates that the betel leaf is known in almost all parts of the world where it is
either cultivated or used for different purposes after import. This practically proves
that betel leaf is obviously growing more and more popular with passage of time,
obviously due to its aromatic, medicinal, stimulant, and other beneficial attributes
contributed mostly by the essential oil present in the leaves (Guha 1997; Khanra
1997). That apart, intercontinental migration of the Asian population has also con-
tributed towards dissemination of knowledge and information about the leaves.

5.3  Morphology of Betel Leaf

Betel leaf (Fig. 5.3) is a heart-shaped dorsiventral green leaf. However, the leaves
may attain various shades of green with yellow tinge or very dark green with black-
ish hue. The vine has weak cylindrical stem with green colour which becomes semi-­
woody when old with earthy or mixed brown or yellow colour. The stem may have
many other shades of colour such as green with parallel red lines when young.
From each node of the stem, adventitious roots develop which enable the vine to
climb up along the host plants or the inert support (Fig. 5.2). This way, the vines
may grow 15–50 feet or more in a year with profuse branching which are removed
from time to time for improving quality of the leaves. Some varieties called Gaach
Paan or “Tree-betel vine” may grow beyond even 50 feet along the support which
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 155

Fig. 5.3  Betel vine plants

is mainly a living areca nut tree (Areca catechu L.). The leaves are petiolated, gla-
brous, and alternate. The length of the leaves may range from 5 to 20 cm and width
may range from 3 to 15 cm, which may vary beyond these ranges due to edapho-­
climatic, management, and genetic factors. The leaves have one main rib (midrib)
and 4–8 additional ribs which emerge from the base (petiolar side) and converge
towards the apex. The leaf apex is acute or acuminate, and the leaf margin is entire.
The stout petiole may attain a length of 10–50% of the leaf blade. The male and
female flowers are separate on dioecious plants, and both are spiky, dense, cylindri-
cal, and off-white in colour measuring from 3 to 10 cm in length or more but with-
out any sepals or petals. Fruits are rarely produced under Indian agroclimatic

5.4  Agrotechnology of Betel Vine

The vine is a tropical shade-loving plant. It requires hot and humid climate.
Temperature may range from 15 to 40 °C, relative humidity from 40% to 80%, and
rainfall from 2250 to 4750 mm resembling to the ecological conditions of a tropical
forest. A well-drained fertile sandy or sandy loam or sandy clay soil with pH range
156 P. Guha and S. Nandi

of 5.6–8.2 is suitable for its cultivation. Normally, the male plants are raised for
harvesting the fresh leaves (CSIR 1969; Guha and Jain 1997). However, in low
rainfall or hot and dry areas, this crop can be cultivated with assured irrigation and
shade net technology. Otherwise also, most of the cultivated varieties except Gaach
Paan are vegetatively propagated inside a hut-like structure called Boroj or Bareja
or Bouroj, which is traditionally constructed with materials like bamboo, banana
leaves, straw, jute sticks, dry grasses, and even iron rods in recent times providing a
shady and humid environment in side. It is a voracious feeder of nutrients and water
and also requires huge investment in terms of pesticides since it is highly suscepti-
ble to insect pests and diseases. The nutritional requirement of the crop may be as
high as 600, 300, and 250  kg NPK/ha per year, and the crop requires irrigation
weekly and fortnightly during summer and winter, respectively, or sooner or later
depending upon soil and agroclimatic conditions. The initial cost of cultivation, as
was calculated during 2006, was about ₹1–2 lakh/ha at the minimum during the first
year which came down to ₹0.5–0.6 lakh/ha during the subsequent years (Guha
2006). The current values of these figures may range from four to six times higher.
However, the betel vine is cultivated in small fields, as small as 0.04 ha, which is
sufficient for providing proper employment and sufficient income for maintaining a
small family of five members in rural India (Jana 1995; SDAMM 1996).
In India, it is cultivated on 40,000–55,000 ha of land with a production worth of
₹7000–10,000 million (Rawat et al. 1989; Guha 2006; Das et al. 2016b) amounting
to about 0.20 million tons of betel leaf annually which is the highest known figure
in the world. On the other hand, two reports indicate that the crop is also cultivated
in Bangladesh with an area production of about 12,660 ha and about 0.06 million
tons (Rawat et al. 1989) and 18,247 ha and 0.10 million tons (Islam et al. 2015).
However, consolidated global area production data is not available. Therefore, com-
pilation of this requires joint efforts by all concerned governments, scientists, farm-
ers, traders, exporters, and the importers as well, but the scanty data available so far
indicate that India exports betel leaves to many Asian, African, Australian, American,
and European countries including Afghanistan, Canada, France, Germany, UAE,
UK, USA, etc. (Singh et al. 1990; Jana 1996) and earned about $4 million during
2013–2014 (TOI 2014).

5.5  Economic Importance of Betel Leaf

The economic potentiality of the crop can be judged by the data given in the previ-
ous section (Agrotechnology of Betel Vine). Further, the potentiality of this crop
can also be judged by the fact that about 15–20 million people consume betel leaves
on a regular basis in India alone (Jana 1996) besides over two billion consumers in
other countries of the world (Jeng et al. 2002). The leaves are also used as a mark of
respect and in auspicious occasions in social, cultural, and religious events regularly
in India and many other Asian countries (Guha 2006; Sengupta and Banik 2013;
Mohanto et al. 2017). Further, it is estimated that about 20 million people derived
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 157

their livelihood, directly or indirectly, partly or fully, from production, processing,

handling, and marketing of betel leaf in India (Jana 1996). The economic potential-
ity of the crop can also be adequately judged by the fact that it can be explored for
several pharmaceutical, medicinal, and cottage industries (Guha 2012). This is
because the plant or its oil is useful in numerous medical conditions and for the
treatment of a large number of common, acute, chronic, incurable, and even fatal
diseases such as bad breath, cold cough, ring worm, asthma, leukaemia, etc. That
apart, the crop can also be explored for many other industries like that in the food
sectors which is discussed under the subsection of food product development.

5.6  Biochemical Composition of Betel Leaf

Guha (2006) reported the biochemical composition of the leaves from different
sources including his own work as shown in Table 5.3.
However, previously, Gopalan et al. (1984) have reported 12 analytical data out
of 21 parameters presented in Table 5.3 which are slightly different but within the
range of reported data shown in the above table. In addition, Sarma et al. (2018)
reported that the leaves also contained vitamin E in the range of 3.20–3.69 mg/100 g

Table 5.3 Nutritional S. No. Constituents Approximate composition

composition of fresh betel
1 Water 85–90%
2 Protein 3–3.5%
3 Fat 0.4–1.0%
4 Minerals 2.3–3.3%
5 Fibre 2.3%
6 Chlorophyll 0.01–0.25%
7 Carbohydrate 0.5–6.10%
8 Nicotinic acid 0.63–0.89 mg/100 g
9 Vitamin C 0.005–0.01%
10 Vitamin A 1.9–2.9 mg/100 g
11 Thiamine 10–70 μg/100 g
12 Riboflavin 1.9–30 μg/100 g
13 Tannin 0.1–1.3%
14 Nitrogen 2.0–7.0%
15 Phosphorus 0.05–0.6%
16 Potassium 1.1–4.6%
17 Calcium 0.2–0.5%
18 Iron 0.005–0.007%
19 Iodine 3.4 μg/100 g
20 Essential oil 0.08–0.2%
21 Energy 44 kcal/100 g
Guha (2006) Source:
158 P. Guha and S. Nandi

of the dried leaves and Periyanayagam et al. (2012) reported that leaves contained
11.73% (w/w) ash. The above information proves that the leaves are very nutritive
and contain substantial amount of vitamins and minerals, and therefore, six leaves
with a little bit of slaked lime is said to be comparable to about 300 ml of cow milk
particularly for the vitamin and mineral nutrition (Guha 2006). The calcium content
of betel leaf gets further elevated when slaked lime is added to it as one of the ingre-
dients of a betel quid before consumption in India and other Asian countries. It is
also interesting to note that the leaves contain potassium nitrate ranging from 0.26%
to 0.42% on dry weight basis (CSIR 1969). This may be one of the reasons for use
of betel leaf extracts in food preparations for augmenting sensory qualities of the
native dishes in some countries like India and Bangladesh. This compound is also
supposed to be good for the teeth because it relives toothache due to hypersensitiv-
ity of the damaged or diseased teeth (caries) to a great extent. This information has
been commercially exploited by some toothpaste manufacturing companies who are
marketing toothpaste which soothes the sensitive teeth.

5.7  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

The origin of betel leaf though relates to the antiquity, but essential oil of betel leaf
came into major public domain only when Guenther (1952) published some scien-
tific details of the oil. However, commercialization of essential oil of betel leaf
started in a massive way in India after the recent advent of the betel leaf oil extractor
designed and developed at IIT Kharagpur, India (Guha 2006). Shukla (2015)
reported that about 120 million kg of essential oils are produced globally from
nearly 300 crops which worth about $4 billion, including 4% production from India
amounting to about 21%–22% of the total revenue (Devi et al. 2015). However, no
such data relating to essential oil of betel leaf is available in the public domain till
today, but still, India holds a great promise for production, utilization, and export of
essential oil of betel leaf because the world’s largest quantity and finest quality
(organoleptically superior) leaves are produced in India, particularly in the East and
West Medinipur districts of West Bengal province of India. This promise becomes
more obvious when 10–70% of the leaves are wasted every year in India (Rao and
Narasimham 1977; Guha and Jain 1997; Guha 2006), amounting to a minimum of
₹900 million every year in monetary terms which could be converted into oil, a
measure of generating wealth from waste. In any case, even today, at least 10% of
the total production remains unsold or sold at a throwaway price at any point of
time, and essential oil may be extracted from these surplus leaves (Guha 2006), be
it dried (Hemalatha 2017); fresh, stale, or dechlorophylled; or even partially decayed
and rejected for consumption (Guha 2008). That apart, at least 25% of the leaves are
rejected during curing or bleaching of the leaves in the cottage industries in India.
Moreover, frequently, a large number of the export consignments are destroyed by
incineration mainly due to contamination of Salmonella spp. for avoiding public
health hazards. All these rejected leaves can also be utilized for generating wealth
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 159

by extraction of essential oil. Such extracted oil would carry the pertinent fragrance
and flavour of the source plants or varieties numbering over 100, but all these oils
could be grouped into six different categories as mentioned previously ranging from
Bangla to Sanchi.

5.8  Methods of Extraction of Essential Oil from Betel Leaf

Essential oil from betel leaf may be extracted by the common methods employed
for any other essential oil-bearing crops, such as expression, percolation, macera-
tion, enfleurage, solvent extraction, distillation, supercritical fluid extraction, phy-
tonic extraction (using 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), etc. Among these methods,
distillation has become more popular due to several inherent advantages, and as a
result, several types of distillation techniques have been attempted, such as hydro-­
distillation, steam distillation, microwave-assisted hydro-distillation, ultrasound-­
assisted hydro-distillation, vacuum distillation, and so on. Among these,
hydro-distillation has become the most popular method because of its simplicity,
easy repair and maintenance, cheapness, and purity of the extracted oil. Mostly, the
Clevenger’s apparatus is used for extraction of essential oil from betel leaf, but it
takes a long time (3–8 h) (Jantan et al. 1994; Arambewela et al. 2005; Arambewela
et al. 2006; Guha 2010; Periyanayagam et al. 2011; Saxena et al. 2014; Das et al.
2016a; Preethy et  al. 2017). This is mainly because of the near-water density of
essential oil of betel leaf (0.958–1.057  g/cc, Gildemeister and Hoffmann 1929)
which makes this oil extremely difficult to separate from water present in the
receiver tube of the Clevenger’s apparatus. In contrast, in cases of other crops, the
oils either float above or sink below the water column facilitating separation and
collection of essential oils from water. That apart, very rapid emulsifying ability of
betel oil with water to form a milky emulsion further makes the process of distilla-
tion very difficult. This essential oil does not separate out easily from the milky
emulsion, and therefore, redistillation may be required. Thus, it takes a long time for
completion of the entire process. Over and above, distillation with the Clevenger’s
apparatus has several inherent drawbacks with respect to essential oil of betel leaf,
such as slow extraction process, poor cooling efficiency, escapement of uncon-
densed oil vapour, etc. (Guha 1998, 1999; Guha 2003).
Therefore, suitable modifications were made in the Clevenger’s apparatus, and
the betel leaf oil extractor (modified Clevenger’s apparatus) was designed, devel-
oped, and patented (Indian Patent number 202600, dated 2.3.2007). The compara-
tive designs of both the above-mentioned apparatuses are shown in Figs. 5.4 and
5.5, respectively, and the material and process flowchart for extraction of essential
oil from betel leaf is shown in Fig. 5.6. This extractor saved time and energy to the
extent of 43.85% and 29.80%, respectively, besides increasing the oil yield by
16.20% compared to the Clevenger’s apparatus. The efficiency of the betel leaf oil
extractor could be further enhanced by insulating the heat-radiating portions of the
apparatus by using cheap, readily available, and efficient insulating materials such
160 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Fig. 5.4  Schematic diagram of Clevenger’s apparatus. (Reproduced from Guha 2010)

as asbestos ropes and also by using cold water (15 °C) as cooling agent. Further, the
fuel requirement can also be reduced substantially if the by-product (i.e. the de-­
oiled exhausted leaves) are used as fuel after drying the leaves (Guha 2010). This
would further economize the extraction process particularly in the large installa-
tions in the rural areas. This extractor consumed about 2.1 kWh of electrical energy
in about 2.5 h time for each charge (Guha 2007a, b). Therefore, it is possible to carry
out multiple charging in a single day which will also substantially reduce the cost of
production. Further, when the density of the betel oil obtained from any particular
variety is exactly the same as that of water, then it becomes extremely difficult to
separate out the oil from water. In those cases, 15% saline water may be used to
separate out betel oil from water with the help of a separating funnel (Guha 2010).
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 161

Fig. 5.5  Schematic diagram of Betel leaf oil extractor. (Reproduced from Guha 2010)

However, this extractor was envisaged to be affordable to the betel leaf growers
since the cost of fabrication of the extractor was calculated to be ₹10,000 and
₹20,000 for 10 and 20  L sizes, respectively (Guha 2007a). This could be easily
maintained by the small farmers and would also be sufficient for processing of sur-
plus leaves in any average-sized Boroj (~0.02 ha) on a daily or weekly basis.
In an attempt to further improve the efficiency of the extraction process and to
increase the yield of essential oil, Amaresh et  al. (2017) explored extraction of
essential oil from betel leaves with the help of microwave (2.45  GHz)-assisted
hydro-distillation using modified Clevenger’s apparatus (MAHD). In this attempt,
the extraction process was completed within about 50 minutes compared to about
3.5  h required by the conventional hydro-distillation method using Clevenger’s
apparatus (CHD). The power level and leaf-to-water ratio for maximum oil yield
was 500 W and 0.33 for MAHD, whereas it was 500 W and 0.2 for CHD. The total
power consumed by MAHD was 0.4 kWh, whereas it was 0.7 kWh for CHD. In
both the cases, oil yields were about 1.46% on dry weight basis from Mitha variety
of betel leaf. Thus, there was substantial saving of time (about 76%) and energy
(about 43%) by using MAHD compared to CHD. Moreover, there was no difference
162 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Fig. 5.6  Process and material flow chart for extraction of essential oil from betel leaves of
Ramnagar Mitha variety with the betel leaf oil extractor. (Reproduced from Guha 2010)

in the quality of the essential oil extracted by both the methods, as in both the cases,
15 compounds were detected by GC-MS analysis and the major compounds identi-
fied were 4-allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene, caryophyllene, chavibetol, chavicol, and
estragole, whereas anethole, camphene, ả-cardinol, cubenol, eucalyptol, globulol,
linalool, and ô-muurolene were also present in trace amount. The physical proper-
ties of the oils extracted by both the methods were also almost the same except that
the oil extracted by CHD was yellow in colour, whereas it was colourless to yellow
in case of MAHD. Further, the antioxidant activity of both the oils was also almost
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 163

the same and was not statistically different. Obviously, microwave-assisted irradia-
tion did not interfere with the radical scavenging activity of the extracted essential
oils. This is also confirmed from the fact that the compositions of both the oils were
also the same, and these common constituents contributed to the radical scavenging
activity in the same way.
In another study, to further improve the efficiency of the extraction process and
also to increase the yield of essential oil, Hans (2017) attempted extraction of essen-
tial oil from betel leaves by ultrasound-assisted hydro-distillation (UAHD). This
method involves application of high-intensity and high-frequency sound waves.
Ultrasound is produced by electrical equipment that vibrates with extremely high
frequency. Crystals of some materials such as quartz vibrate very fast when electric-
ity passes through it. As the crystal vibrates, it pushes and pulls air around it produc-
ing ultrasound waves (>20 kHz). This vibration passes through the medium which
is water in this case. As a result, the intermolecular forces are not able to hold the
molecular structure leading to breakdown of the bonds among the water molecules,
and cavitation process takes place. Thus, bubbles are formed and imploded in an
incomprehensively fast manner leading to very high and low pressure points. This
damages the plant cell walls and sucks the contents (including oil) into the sur-
rounding medium and also generates heat. Thus, it facilitates much quicker extrac-
tion of essential oil. In this study, a Toshniwal ultrasound bath (US bath) of 2 L size
with maximum power level of 100 W was used, producing a high-frequency sound
waves of 37 ± 3 kHz. About 200 g of de-petiolated betel leaves were placed in the
US bath for different duration of 30, 60, 90, and 180  minutes with leaf-to-water
ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 as a measure of pre-treatment. Subsequently, these leaves
were hydro-distilled to obtain essential oil. The highest oil yield of 0.25% (db) was
obtained with a pre-treatment of 90 minutes and leaf-to-water ratio of 1:2. On the
other hand, the highest oil yield of 0.20% (db) was obtained in all the leaf-to-water
ratios with CHD. However, by decreasing the pre-treatment duration from 90 min-
utes to 60 or 30 minutes, the oil yields were decreased. The subsequent distillation
time, however, was reduced to 1.5 h as compared to 4 h required for CHD due to
ultrasound pre-treatment. This was due to the fact that the ultrasonication damaged
and ruptured the cell structures of the leaves including the epidermal layer which
was confirmed by observation with scanning electron microscope. Such damage
facilitated enhanced migration of the oil micro-globules from the cells to the outside
medium, i.e. water, by the process of cavitation. The CHD consumed 0.67 kWh of
electrical energy, while the UAHD consumed 0.46 kWh for completion of the
extraction process including pre-treatment and subsequent hydro-distillation. This
clearly shows that there was 31% saving of energy in UAHD compared to CHD.
However, UAHD can be proved to be much more advantageous compared to CHD
if the power level of the US bath can be increased beyond 100 W to a suitably higher
level which remains open for further investigation.
It is also possible to employ solvent extraction method for obtaining essential
oil from betel leaf. The different solvents tried were hexane, methanol, ethanol,
acetone, etc. Hexane when used in combination with Soxhlet apparatus and rotary
vacuum evaporator also yielded about the same amount of essential oil as with
164 P. Guha and S. Nandi

CHD, but it contained chlorophyll and all other components that were soluble in
organic solvents, such as wax, fat, vitamin, etc. Therefore, the solvent-extracted
essential oil had a green colour and was not pure in nature, rather a mixture, though
flavour and fragrance were comparable to those extracted by distillation methods.
This method may be costlier than CHD due to inclusion of cost of the solvent.
Therefore, it is not recommended for commercial purpose unless properly

5.9  Yield of Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

Crop yield is a very wide term and hence, sometimes becomes confusing unless
defined properly for a particular objective. Yield of essential oil can be defined in
terms of unit oil produced (volume or mass) per ha or oil produced per unit weight
of raw material. The most common unit of expression of essential oil yield is per-
cent of volume of oil per unit mass of raw material (% v/w). However, moisture
percentage of the raw materials plays an important role in calculating yield; hence,
it is expressed as fresh weight basis (wet basis, wb) or dry weight basis (db) and
rarely on air dry basis (adb) of the raw materials. When neither the fresh nor the dry
weights are available, the moisture content of the raw materials is required to be
mentioned along with the oil yield. This is more so because except a few, all the
essential oils are very costly, for example, 1 litre of rose oil may cost as high as ₹5
lakh, and that of pure sandal wood oil may cost more than ₹50 lakh depending upon
the quality of the products. However, db is the most commonly understood form of
expression when it is not mentioned otherwise.
Yield of any crop may take the highest or the lowest value depending upon sev-
eral factors like genetic factor besides soil, climate, and management factors which
interact intricately, sometimes even incomprehensively. Like any other crop, yield,
composition, and quality of essential oil-bearing crops also vary due to several fac-
tors that may also include age of the plant, age of the leaves or plant parts, time of
harvest, method of extraction, process parameters, duration of extraction, nature of
solvent used, pre-treatment of the raw materials, duration of storage of the raw
materials before extraction, etc. However, yield of essential oil of betel leaf gener-
ally varies widely from 0.09% to 0.80% on fresh weight basis (Sankar et al. 1996;
Periyanayagam et al. 2011). This depends mainly on the variety of the leaves and
the local conditions where the vines are grown like any other crop. The local condi-
tions of East and West Medinipur districts of West Bengal province of India are
most suitable for luxuriant growth of betel vines. The world’s highest yield and fin-
est quality leaves are found in these areas. From these areas, leaves of five promi-
nent commercial varieties were collected and then oil was extracted by betel leaf oil
extractor in about 2.5 h (Guha 2007a). The oil yields were 0.8%, 1.7%, 1.7%, 2.0%,
and 2.0% for Sanchi, Sada Bangla, Kali Bangla, Ramnagar Mitha, and Tamluk
Mitha varieties, respectively, on dry weight basis. Sharma et  al. (1996) also col-
lected 84 types of betel vines from different parts of India and grew them at National
Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow, India. After examination of the
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 165

quality of the extracted essential oils, these varieties were categorized into five dis-
tinguished flavour groups, namely Mitha, Sanchi, Bangla, Desawari, and Kapoori.
The oil yields of the corresponding groups were approximately 0.25%, 0.18%,
0.16%, 0.14%, and 0.11%, respectively, on fresh weight basis. In another attempt,
from the same institute, NBRI, Lucknow, Rawat et al. (1989) extracted essential oil
from five varieties of betel leaf, namely Mitha, Sanchi, Bangla, Desawari, and
Kapoori and found that the oil yields were 0.85%, 0.19%, 0.16%, 0.12%, and
0.10%, respectively, on fresh weight basis. The yields of both the studies were com-
parable except that of Mitha which may be attributed to the difference in locality
wherefrom the original cuttings were collected for growing the vines. Both the vari-
eties though were named as Mitha, but their exact identity could have been different,
as there are several Mitha varieties mentioned in the literature such as Mitha cum
Bangla, Mitha Calcutta (Sankar et al. 1996), Tamulk Mitha (Guha 2006; Basak and
Guha 2015), Ramnagar Mitha (Guha 2007a), etc.
Das et al. (2016a) extracted essential oil from eight landraces of betel leaf col-
lected from coastal areas of Odisha (India). The essential oil yields varied from
0.10% to 0.42%. The highest yield was obtained from Chandrakala (0.42%) fol-
lowed by Godi Bangla (0.37%), Balia (0.35%), Desibangla (0.32%), Maghai
(0.30%), Dandabalunga (0.20%), Nahua (0.15%), and Karpada local (0.15%).
Surprisingly, contrary to the above, Rayaguru et  al. (2007) reported that Godi
Bangla variety from Odisha yielded 9.52% essential oil on dry weight basis, which
is beyond the range found in the contemporary literature and, therefore, needs
Sankar et al. (1996) also collected 13 different cultivars of betel vines from dif-
ferent regions of India and raised them at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. The
mature leaves were used for the extraction of essential oil by the Clevenger’s appa-
ratus, and the oil yields ranged from 0.09% to 0.51% on fresh weight basis. The
minimum oil yield was obtained from Tellaku of Utukur variety (0.09%), whereas
the maximum oil yield was obtained from Mitha Calcutta (0.51%) followed by
Godi Bangla (0.47%), Maghi (0.39%), Mitha cum Bangla (0.33%), Gaach Paan
(0.31%), Kakair (0.26%), Karapaku (0.23%), Pachaikodi (0.20%), Bangla (0.16%),
Kariele (0.18%), Tellaku of Punnur (0.13%), and Tellaku of Chennur (0.11%) vari-
eties, in order.
Preethy et al. (2017) extracted essential oils from five varieties of Indian betel
leaves pertaining to Kerala, namely, Muvattupuzha local, Karinadan, Puthukodi,
Nadan, and Chelan and the corresponding oil yields were 0.57%, 0.52%, 0.50%,
0.47%, and 0.45%, respectively, on fresh weight basis. These yields were positively
correlated to pungency of the leaves which was established from the fact that
Muvattupuzha local with 0.57% oil was the most pungent variety, whereas Chelan
with 0.45% oil was the least pungent variety. In another study, Muhammed (2007)
extracted essential oils from three varieties of betel leaves from Kerala, namely,
Nadan, Selan, and Kuzikkodi, and obtained oil yields of 1% on fresh weight basis in
all the three varieties which was higher than that obtained in the previous study for
the first two varieties and the reason behind it remains open for explanation.
However, oil yields from these three Keralian varieties were comparatively much
higher than those from all other varieties of betel leaf reported so far, except that
166 P. Guha and S. Nandi

reported by Dastane et al. (1958) and Jantan et al. (1994) who obtained 4.20% and
5.10% oil on dry basis, respectively. However, Dastane et al. (op. cit.) reported that
the oil yield increased due to curing treatment of the leaves which is explained in the
foregoing lines.
The CSIR (1969) reviewed oil yields of different varieties of betel leaves, namely,
Calcutta, Gorakhpuri, Saugor, and Ramtek (bleached) and found oil yields as
1.20%, 0.70%, 0.70%, and 2.60%, respectively. It may be noted that oil yield
increased due to curing (bleaching) of the leaves in Ramtek variety. Similar results
were also obtained by Dastane et al. (1958) who obtained 4.20% oil yield from the
bleached leaves in contrast to 1.23% from the fresh leaves of the same variety. Such
increase in oil yield may be explained by the corresponding decrease in other com-
ponents during bleaching such as nonreducing sugar  decreased from 1.30%  to
0.29%, starch 3.10% to 1.44%, tannin 2.05% to 1.8%, and ether extract 15.7% to
13.5% which cumulatively decreased the total weight of the leaves and, conse-
quently, increased oil yield proportionately compared to the fresh leaves. However,
the phenomenon is not well understood and needs further investigation for elabora-
tion of the results. It is also pertinent to mention here that bleaching of betel leaves
is synonymous with curing. It is a process by which the green leaves of some par-
ticular variety, e.g. Bangla or Maghi, are treated with smoke at moderately high
temperature (36°–45 °C) and pressure (stacking weight loads of baskets full of betel
leaves placed one above the other in rotation). This smoke treatment is given for
30–36 h in a closed chamber and repeated for 4–5 cycles. In absence of light (dark
conditions) and presence of heat and smoke (mainly CO and CO2), the leaves gradu-
ally loose chlorophyll and become light yellow or whitish in colour (Sengupta 1996;
Guha and Jain 1997) known as cured leaves or bleached leaves or Banarasi leaves
with greater organoleptic properties (Guha 2009; Sadhukhan and Guha 2011)
together with a longer shelf life.
The oil yields from other Indian varieties of betel leaf popular in Tamil Nadu
were 0.31% wb (Vellaikodi, Sugumaran et  al. 2011), 0.80% adb (Sirugamani-1,
Periyanayagam et al. 2011), and 1.30% adb (Pachaikodi, Vasantha-Srinivasan et al.
2017). Similarly, the oil yields of betel leaf varieties popular in Lucknow area of
Uttar Pradesh province of India, such as Bangladesi and Desawari, were 0.12%
(wb) and 0.15% (wb), respectively (Saxena et  al. 2014). Similarly, essential oil
yields of foreign varieties of betel leaves also match with the Indian counterparts,
such as the Philippines (1.44%, Caburian and Osi 2010), Sri Lanka (0.84–1.12% db,
Arambewela et  al. 2005, 3.30% w/w adb, Arambewela et  al. 2006), and Nepal
(0.10%, Satyal and Setzer 2012), but a report from Malaysia shows a pretty high
value (5.10% db, Jantan et al. 1994). However, one of the earliest reports on essen-
tial oil of betel leaf was published by Guenther during 1958 who reported that the
yields ranged from 0.60% to 1.80%, highest being in the young leaves which are
more pungent than the older leaves. Similar finding was also reported by Pradhan
et al. (2013) and Bhalerao et al. (2013). It may be true that the younger leaves may
contain higher amount of essential oil, but there may be about fivefold (or more)
difference between the fresh weights of the young and fully matured leaves, and
because of this reason, the older leaves are used for extraction of essential oil from
betel leaf on commercial scale.
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 167

5.10  Storage of Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

After the process of extraction is complete, the apparatus is allowed to be cooled

down, and the oil is taken out from the apparatus into a nonreactive coloured bottle
preferably made of glass. Traces of water in the collected oil, if any, are removed by
sufficient amount of anhydrous sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate. The bottle is
then sealed with an air tight lid and stored in dark at around 4 °C, and in this way, the
oil can be stored for more than 3 years without any appreciable loss of aromatic prop-
erties (Jantan et al. 1994; Guha 2007a, 2010; Periyanayagam et al. 2011; Vasantha-
Srinivasan et al. 2016; Das et al. 2016a; Preethy et al. 2017). On the contrary, the oil
can also be stored at room temperature for more than 3 years, but there would be some
losses of volatile components without significant loss of perceptible aroma (Guha
2007a). However, this loss needs to be scientifically investigated and quantified.

5.11  Physical Properties of Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

Essential oil of betel leaf is a slightly viscous, greasy, and slippery liquid at room
temperature (Guha 2003). The oil is though colourless immediately after extraction
in most of the cases, but it may vary from faint yellow to yellowish brown (Guenther
1952; Guha 2003). Such difference in colour may be attributed to genetic or varietal,
environmental, edaphic, managerial, processing, and other factors. However, the
colourless oil samples may turn to slightly yellowish after a few hours and dark cof-
fee colour after a few years. It may also turn into dark yellow or orange on exposure
to light or heat (Caburian and Osi 2010), but its aromatic properties remain almost
unaltered during the period of storage. However, the oil possesses a sharp burning
taste (Chakraborty and Shah 2011), burning flavour, and odour reminiscent of creo-
sote and tea (Guenther 1952). On the other hand, Guha (2007a) reported that the oil
extracted from Mitha variety had a pleasant sweet and spicy fragrance, while the
Bangla variety had pungent and spicy fragrance, and the Sanchi variety had the most
intense spicy-pungent odour. Sankar et  al. (1996) also reported that fennel
(Foeniculum vulgare Mill)-like aroma and sweet taste in the Mitha Calcutta cultivar
was due to the presence of anethole (54.93%), while the characteristic clove-like
aroma and pungency of the Bangla group of varieties was due to the high concentra-
tion of eugenol (45.30%–57.30%) in the oil. Rawat et al. (1989) also reported that
the essential oil extracted from different varieties of betel leaf was light to dark yel-
low in colour with some kind of spicy fragrance. More specifically, the oil extracted
from Mitha variety was yellowish brown in colour with a fennel-like odour and
sweet taste, while the oil of Kapoori had yellow colour with a greenish tinge and an
aromatic flavour, but the oil of Bangla variety had a clove-like spicy odour and a
sharp pungent taste. However, colour of the essential oil extracted by CHD from
Nepalese variety had a pale yellow colour (Satyal and Setzer 2012), but the oil
extracted from Sirugamani-1 variety had a golden yellow colour with aromatic odour
besides pungent taste and refractive index of 1.505 (Periyanayagam et al. 2011).
168 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Dubey and Tripathi (1987) reported some of the important physical properties of
the oil extracted from unspecified varieties of betel leaf, such as specific gravity
(1.04), refractive index (1.52), acid value (2.50), saponification value (140.25), ester
value (137.75), pH (3.35), and solubility (soluble in organic solvents such as ace-
tone, hexane, benzene, butanol, methanol, and solvent ether). In addition, Guha
(2003) reported that the freezing point of the oil of Sada Bangla variety was very
low and ranged from 0 to −5 °C. Gildemeister and Hoffmann (1929) also studied
the properties of essential oils extracted from a large number of varieties of betel
leaf and found that the specific gravity of the oils varied from 0.958 to 1.057. On the
other hand, Arambewela et al. (2005) reported that the specific gravity of five Sri
Lankan varieties of betel leaf ranged from 1.03 to 1.05 only, but in a subsequent
study, Sugumaran et  al. (2011) found that specific gravity of essential oil of
Vellaikodi variety was 1.0010 only. Caburian and Osi (2010) also studied physical
properties of the oil and published the results which are more or less the same as
above. In all the cases, the specific gravity of essential oil of betel leaf is mentioned
to be equal or nearly equal to that of water. However, current literatures lack infor-
mation about emulsifying ability of essential oil of betel leaf except a little that was
provided by Guha (2010) who stated that this oil formed milky emulsion very rap-
idly with water. This phenomenon hinders extraction and separation of oil from
aqueous medium in hydro-distillation or steam distillation process. However, such
striking ability of formation of emulsion may lead to formation of micro- and nano-­
emulsions, whereby useful physical, chemical, and biological properties of the oil
may be augmented by many folds, for example, the antimicrobial efficacy of the oil
may be significantly enhanced (Basak and Guha 2017a; Roy and Guha 2018), and
the latter authors along with Basak (2017) are also attempting to enhance bioavail-
ability of the active components of the oil by encapsulation, active packaging, fumi-
gation (vapour phase delivery system), etc., and studies in this direction are in
progress. This is expected to evolve more appropriate and economically viable uti-
lization strategy in future.
Sharma et al. (1996) concluded that the particular flavours of Bangla, Desawari,
Kapoori, Mitha, and Sanchi cultivars could be attributed, respectively, to the pres-
ence of high concentration of phenolics, phenolic ether, and terpenes in combina-
tion with isoeugenol, anethole, and phenolic ethers such as safrole.

5.12  B
 iochemical Composition and other relevant details 
of Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

It is a widely accepted fact that there are over 100 varieties of betel leaf (Peter 2004;
Guha 2006), but according to Ravindran et  al. (2002), it accounts to about 150.
Among them, some varieties have different names in different geographical loca-
tions, for example, Bangla variety is variously known as Godi Bangla, Simurali
Bangla (Ramamurthi and Rani 2012), Calcutta Bangla (Dhongle and Kogje 2013),
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 169

Sada Bangla, Kali Bangla, Ramtek Bangla, Desi Bangla, Desi Paan, Bangla Deshi
(Saxena et al. 2014), and so on in different parts of India, and their exact identity
remains mostly doubtful. That apart, plants grown asexually from cuttings (for pre-
serving their genetic makeup) also change their morphological and other character-
istics so significantly that they achieve a completely new identity and, hence, known
by different names in different geographical locations with different agro-climatic
conditions. Such changes in the vine can also occur like any other crops merely due
to different management practices, particularly that pertaining to agronomy or hor-
ticulture. Therefore, identification of a particular variety becomes a very difficult
task. In view of that, several workers have tried to identify a specific variety with the
help of biochemical composition of essential oil extracted from the leaves of that
particular variety, treating it as a bio-marker. Some scientists have also tried to iden-
tify the actual active ingredients, i.e. the biochemical compounds responsible for
specific characteristics of any particular variety, such as particular taste or aroma,
antimicrobial activity, insecticidal properties, or medicinal effects. Some scientists
have also tried to examine the toxic effects of any particular variety by detecting
presence of possible harmful biochemical compounds in the plant or in the oil.
Further, in search of commercially valuable biochemical compounds, such as euge-
nol acetate, hydroxychavicol, or chlorogenic acid, some scientists took up studies
on biochemical composition of essential oil of betel leaf with the help of advanced
technologies such as GC-MS, LC-MS, co-GLC, co-TLC, and NMR technologies,
while some others had taken up such studies purely in pursuit of their academic
It is a matter of common understanding that essential oil is not a pure substance
in the sense that it is not consisted of just one biochemical compound, rather, it is a
mixture of several compounds, which may go up to 300 in betel leaf oil, but it is
generally restricted to 20–30 compounds (Sandra and Bicchi 1987), though 40–50
compounds are also not very infrequent (Basak and Guha 2015). However, if merely
any one of these compounds is removed partly or totally, then the oil may not retain
its original aroma or other characteristics. All these organic compounds can be
grouped into about nine classes for the sake of convenience (Table  5.4), such as
monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, oxides, phenols, phenolic
ether, esters, besides others like ketone as reported by Das et al. (2016a). Examples
of some of the biochemical compounds pertaining to essential oil of betel leaf clus-
tered in these groups are also shown in Table 5.4. Additionally, the organoleptic,
functional, and biological properties of some of the important compounds are given
in Table  5.5, while relevant synonyms are given in Table  5.6, and the molecular
structures of some of the prominent compounds with molecular formula and molec-
ular weight are shown in Fig. 5.7.
The earliest report on the examination of essential oil of betel leaf by Guenther
(1952) showed that chemical composition of betel oil varied with origin of the leaf and
the oils contained up to 55% phenols, mostly chavibetol and sometimes chavicol.
Garg and Jain (1996) identified 21 constituents in the essential oil extracted from
Sagar Bangla cultivar which was rich in chavicol (48%).
Table 5.4  Classification of biochemical compounds present in the essential oil of betel leaf

S. Phenolic
no. Monoterpenes Sesquiterpenes Alcohols Aldehydes Acids Oxides Phenols ethers Esters
1 α-Thujeneb,c γ-Cadineneb,c Linaloolb,c Decanal (capric Hexadeconoic 1,8-cineolb,c Eugenolb,c,e Methyl Eugenol
aldehyde)b,c acidb,c eugenolb,c,e acetateb,c
2 Campheneb,c Δ-cadineneb,c,e α-Terpineolb,c Decanal (laural Terpinyl Caryophyllene Iso-eugenolb,c Methyl Methyl
aldehyde)b,c acetatec oxideb,c chavicolb benzoateb
3 Sabineneb,c α-Cadineneb,c Terpinol-1-olb,c Stearaldehydeb,c Chlorogenic Chavicolb,c,e Anetholeb,c Methyl
acidd salicylatee
4 Trans-sabinene β-Salineneb,c α-Costolb n-Decanole Chavibetolb,c,e Safroleb,c Chavibetol
hydratee acetatee
5 β-Myrceneb,c β-Slemeneb,c,f Δ-Cardinolb,c Hydroxy-­ Allylpyrocatecol
chavicola diacetatee
6 Trans-β-­ γ-Elemeneb,c 3,7,11,15-tetra-­
ocimeneb,c methyl-2-
7 Bornyleneb,c Cis-­ Geraniolb,c
8 β-Pineneb,c Trans-­ α-Cardinole
9 Trans-β-­ Aromadendreneb,c τ-Muurolole
10 γ-Terpenineb,c α-Cubebeneb,c α-Selinenolf
11 Terpinoleneb,c β-Cubebeneb,c
12 Allo-ocimeneb,c α-Humulenee
13 α-Terpeneneb,c γ-Muurolenee
14 β-Phellandreneb,c Germacrene Df
15 Limoneneb,c Lepidozenef
P. Guha and S. Nandi
16 p-cymeneb,c
17 2,6,6-Trimethyl-­
18 α-Pineneb,c
Amonkar et al. (1986)
Rawat et al. (1989)
Sharma et al. (1996)
Guha (2006)
Satyal and Setzer (2012)
Periyanayagam et al. (2011)
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food…
172 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Table 5.5  Organoleptic, functional, and biological properties of major components of essential oil
of betel leaf
S. Name of the Organoleptic Functional and biological
no. compounds properties properties References
1 Eugenol Pleasant, Anti-inflammatory, Rai et al. (2011); Foo
spicy, antimicrobial, analgesic, et al. (2015); Das et al.
clove-like antioxidant, antiviral, (2016b); Kudva et al.
odour anti-carcinogenic, (2018); HMDB (2018c)
antidepressant, antiseptic,
anaesthetic in dentistry,
anti-mutagenic, insecticidal,
2 Chavibetol Spicy odour Noncentral analgesic, NCBI (2018); Das et al.
anti-pyretic, anti-­ (2016b)
inflammatory, antibacterial,
3 Hydroxy-­ Light smell of Anti-carcinogenic, Nagabhushan et al.
Chavicol creosote anti-nitrosation, (1989); Sharma et al.
antimutagenic, anti-­ (2009); Rathee et al.
inflammatory, antioxidant, (2006); Chakraborty et al.
antibacterial, antiplatelet, (2012); Vikash et al.
antithrombotic, xanthine (2012); Bhalerao et al.
oxidase inhibitory, and (2013); Kumar et al.
gastric ulcer-healing activity (2015); Abdullah et al.
(2016); Singh et al.
4 β-Caryophyllene Spiciness of Anti-inflammatory, Calleja et al. (2013);
black pepper, anti-carcinogenic, pain Cheng et al. (2014);
woody-spicy, relief, primary therapeutic Mahmoud et al. (2014);
dry, clove-like against atherosclerosis and Bahi et al. (2014);Chang
aroma osteoporosis, prevents et al. (2013); Gertsch
diabetes, endometriosis et al. (2008)
cerebral ischaemia, anxiety
and depression, liver
fibrosis, and Alzheimer-like
5 Methyl eugenol Clove-like Used in aroma therapy and GOC (2010); Joshi
aroma massage oil, anti-­ (2013); Das et al. (2016b)
inflammatory, cytotoxic
against human cell line,
insecticidal activity, used as
fragrance ingredients in
perfumes, toiletries, and
6 Cubebene Citrus type Anti-inflammatory, Lee et al. (2012); HMDB
antiseptic, antioxidant, (2018b); Zahin et al.
immunomodulatory (2018)
activities, neuroprotection
against glutamate-induced
oxidative injury, used as
surfactant and emulsifier
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 173

Table 5.5 (continued)
S. Name of the Organoleptic Functional and biological
no. compounds properties properties References
7 Estragole Odour Antimutagenic, antifungal EU (2001); Chang et al.
reminiscent of against some bacteria, (2009); Zielińska and
anise, sweet flavouring agent, food Matkowski (2014); PF
taste additive (2018)
8 Anethole Sweet Antimicrobial, antifungal, Balasubramanyam and
anise-like anthelmintic, insecticidal, Rawat (1990); Marinov
flavour, 13 anti-inflammatory, and Valcheva-Kuzmanova
times sweeter antinociceptive, (2015)
than sugar gastroprotective and
secretolytic, expectorant,
spasmolytic, estrogenic,
sedative, flavouring agent in
food industry
9 Iso-eugenol Floral odour Antimicrobial, antioxidant, Atsumi et al. (2005);
reminiscent of anti-inflammatory, Khan (2014); Hyldgaard
carnation flavouring agent et al. (2015)
innonalcoholic drinks,
baked foods, and chewing
10 Safrole Spicy odour Anti-inflammatory, Nagabhushan et al.
detoxifying agent, (1989); Parise-Filho et al.
antioxidant, antimicrobial, (2011); Da Silveira et al.
antimutagenic, (2014); Madrid et al.
immunosuppressive, (2014); Das et al.
beverage and candy (2016b); Marko (2017)
preparation but carcinogenic
to rat (not to humans)
11 α-Copaene Woody flavour Antimicrobial, Brito et al. (2005)
antioxidant, antigenotoxic,
and anticytotoxic activities
12 Chavicol Phenolic Antimicrobial, antioxidant, Nagori et al. (2011);
odour antiseptic Murakami et al. (2015);
HMDB (2018a)

Thahn et al. (2002) described a new chemotype of betel leaf from Hue area of
Vietnam that contained isoeugenol (72%) as the chief component which was fol-
lowed by isoeugenol acetate (12%). Therefore, the variety may be named isoeuge-
nol chemotype of Piper betle.
Sharma et al. (1981) examined essential oil extracted from Kapoori variety of
betel leaf and found that terpinyl acetate (21.98%) and eugenol (15.83%) were the
prominent ingredients.
Sugumaran et al. (2011) examined essential oil obtained from Vellaikodi variety
of betel leaf which is popular in Tamil Nadu (India) and identified a total of 65 com-
pounds. The major compound was safrole (25.67%) which was followed by eugenol
174 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Table 5.6  Names and synonyms of prominent compounds found in the essential oil of betel leaf
S. Name of the CAS
no. compounds no. Synonyms
1 Eugenol 97-53-­
4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenol; p-Allylguaiacol; p-eugenol;
0 eugenic acid
2 Eugenyl acetate 93-28-­
Acetyleugenol; 4-Allyl-2-methoxyphenyl acetate; phenol,
7 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-, acetate; Aceto eugenol;
3 Chavibetol 501-­ m-eugenol; 5-Allyl-2-methoxyphenol;
19-­9 3-Allyl-6-methoxyphenol
4 Hydroxy-chavicol 1126-­ 4-Allylpyrocatechol, 4-Allylbenzene-1,2-diol;
61-­0 4-Allylcatechol; Desmethyleugenol
5 β-Caryophyllene 87-44-­ 8-Methylene-4,11,11-(trimethyl)bicyclo (7.2.0) undec-4-ene
6 Methyl eugenol 93-15-­ Eugenol methyl ether; 4-Allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene;
2 benzene, 1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-
7 α-Cubebene 1769-­ 3,7-Dimethyl-4-(propan-2-yl)-3a,3b,4,5,6,7-­
14-­8 hexahydro-­1 h-cyclopenta[1,3]cyclopropa[1,2]benzene
8 Estragole 140-­ 4-Allylanisole, methyl chavicol; tarragon; anisole, p-allyl-;
67-­0 Chavicol, O-methyl-; p-Allylanisole; p-Methoxyallylbenzene
9 Anethole 4180-­ 4-Propenylanisole, Isoestragole, (E)-1-Methoxy-4-(1-­
23-­8 propenyl)benzene
10 Iso-eugenol 97-54-­ 2-Methoxy-4-propenylphenol, 4-Propenylguaiacol;
1 2-Methoxy-4-(1-propenyl)phenol
11 Safrole 94-59-­ 4 allyl 1,2 methylenedioxybenzene; 1,3-Benzodioxole,
7 5-(2-propenyl)-; Shikomol; 4-Allylpyrocatechol
formaldehyde acetal
12 α-Copaene 3856-­ Copaene; Tricyclo[,7]dec-3-ene,1,3-dimethyl-8-(1-­
25-­5 methylethyl)-, stereoisomer
13 Chavicol 501-­ 4-Allylphenol; p-Hydroxyallylbenzene;
92-­8 4-(2-propenyl)-phenol
14 Isoxylic acid 610-­ Benzoic acid, 2,5-dimethyl-; 2-Carboxy-1,4-­
72-­0 dimethylbenzene; 2,5-Dimethylbenzoic acid
15 β-Sitosterol 83-46-­ Cupreol; Quebrachol; α-Dihydrofucosterol; β-Sitosterin;
5 Angelicin; Triastonal; 5-Cholesten-24β-ethyl-3β-ol

(18.27%) and eugenol acetate (8.00%). Another report from Mysore (India) also
showed high safrole content (39.74%) in the oil obtained from a local variety
(Ramalakshmi et al. 2002).
Basak and Guha (2015) characterized the chemical compounds present in Tamluk
Mitha variety of East Medinipur district of West Bengal (India) and identified 46
different compounds, among which prominent compounds were chavibetol
(22.00%), estragole (15.80%), β-cubebene (13.60%), chavicol (11.80%), and caryo-
phyllene (11.30%). The compositional study showed that the natural sweetening
compound anethole was totally absent in this variety. Therefore, it may be possible
that estragole contributed (Table 5.5) the peculiar sweet aroma and taste to this vari-
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 175

Fig. 5.7  Molecular structure, formula and weight of major compounds of essential oil of different
varieties of betel leaf
176 P. Guha and S. Nandi

ety. Rawat et al. (1989) found that essential oil of Mitha variety contained anethole
(19.31%) and cis-caryophyllene (10.64%), whereas the oil of Sanchi variety con-
tained stearaldehyde (2.69%) which was not present in any other variety examined
together, namely, Bangla, Mitha, Desawari, and Kapoori. Therefore, presence of
stearaldehyde may be used as a biomarker for identification of Sanchi cultivar.
Mohottalage et al. (2007) reported that Sri Lankan betel leaf oil contained safrole
(52.70%) as the major constituent which was followed by allylpyrocatechol diace-
tate (15.40%), eugenol (6.40%) and eugenol acetate (5.85%).
Prakash et al. (2010) identified 32 compounds from essential oil of Maghi variety
of betel leaf from Varanasi (India). The major constituent was eugenol (63.39%)
which was followed by acetyl eugenol (14.05%), while the other components cumu-
latively contributed less than three percent.
Karak et al. (2018) analysed essential oils from seven varieties of betel leaf from
West Bengal, India. They identified 45 constituents in total, which included 14
monoterpenes, 23 sesquiterpenes, and 8 phenyl propanes. In Bangla, Bagerhati,
Manikdanga, and Ghanagate varieties, the prominent components were eugenol
acetate (31.46–43.97%) and eugenol (13.13–33.06%), whereas in Mitha variety, it
was chavicol (23.85%), while in Chhaanchi variety, safrole (42.77%) was the chief
ingredient. In absence of a large proportion of anethole in Mitha variety, the sweet
fragrance was probably contributed by the presence of estragole (Basak and Guha
2015) since it is also reported to possess similar organoleptic characteristics
(Table 5.5).
Sugumaran et al. (2011) extracted essential oil from Sirugamani variety of betel
leaf and found 67 compounds, among which the major compound was safrole
(32.79%) followed by eugenol (16.17%), eugenol acetate (8.01%), τ-gurjunene
(4.14%), and sabinene (3.43%). On the other hand, Periyanayagam et  al. (2011)
extracted essential oil from a similarly named betel leaf variety of Tamil Nadu
(India), i.e. Sirugamani-1, and found that the oil was constituted of 59 biochemical
compounds. The major compound was germacrene-D (16.07%) followed by lepi-
dozene (14.99%), β-caryophyllene (9.86%), 1,3,4-eugenol (7.17%), β-elemene
(5.75%), γ-murrolene (3.18%), α-seleninol (3.07%), β-cadinene (2.82%), and cineol
(2.80%). By comparing the composition of the above two varieties, it may be con-
cluded that similarity in the varietal names does not ensure similarity in composition
of essential oils of the varieties. This also indicates that the nomenclature of the betel
leaf varieties has not been scientifically accomplished. Therefore, research work in
this area becomes essential for proper identification of the varieties of betel leaf.
Saxena et  al. (2014) identified 25 and 35 components in the essential oils of
Bangladeshi and Desawari varieties of betel leaf representing only 85.40% and
86.11% of the oil, respectively. The prominent components identified were eugenol,
α-celinene, α- farnesene, p-celinene, methyl eugenol, and germacrene-D in both the
varieties, but safrole and isosafrole were present only in Desawari variety. Safrole is
commonly thought to be a potential carcinogenic agent, but that is a misconception.
This is because safrole is quickly metabolized in human body into di-­hydroxychavicol
and eugenol, which are excreted along with urine (Chang et al. 2002).
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 177

Preethy et al. (2017) extracted essential oils from five varieties of betel leaves
available in Malappuram district of Kerala (India). They identified a maximum of
56 compounds in total. In all the varieties, hydroxychavicol (39.50–45.50%) was
the principal compound followed by eugenol (11.00–20.80%) though other com-
pounds like methyl isoeugenol (0.10%–1.50%), methyl eugenol (0–0.80%), and
isoeugenol (0.80–1.00%) were also present. The names of the varieties, percentage
of hydroxychavicol, and number of compounds therein were as follows: Karinadan
(45.50%, 39), Pathukodi (45.30%, 55), Nadan (44.60%, 56), Muvattupuzha local
(41.10%, 55), and Chelan (39.50%, 56).
Das et al. (2016a) studied essential oils of eight landraces of betel leaf collected
from coastal areas of Odisha (India) and identified 50 compounds in total, among
which eugenol was the chief ingredient in all the landraces; however, its percentage
varied, such as in Chandrakala (34.61%), Karpada local (39.84%), Godibangla
(44.04%), Nahua (44.96%), Balia (45.85%), Desibangla (46.47%), Dandabalunga
(55.49%), and Maghai (71.87%). From this work of Das et al. (op. cit.), it may be
concluded that all these varieties possess clove-like pungency which increased with
increasing proportion of eugenol in these varieties. Therefore, these results may
serve as an excellent example of increasing order of organoleptic properties, i.e.
clove-like pleasant pungency, which may be introduced in different products requir-
ing appropriate amount of pungency. For example, a new product, a lozenge, for
soothing throat problems (Vijay 2015), for infants should have minimum pungency,
but for the elderly, the maximum amount of pungency may be introduced. This is
because senses in the infants are very acute, whereas it becomes gradually blunt
with age in the elderly.
Sankar et  al. (1996) examined essential oil from 13 cultivars of betel vines of
Andhra Pradesh (India) and found that in most of the varieties, eugenol (45.33–
57.39%) was the chief ingredient present in different proportions as shown in paren-
theses of the foregoing lines. The varieties included Karapaku (57.39%), Pachaikodi
(56.09%), Bangla (54.66%), Kariele (50.89%), Maghai (50.77%), Kakair (47.20%),
Gaachi Paan (47.13%), Mitha cum Bangla (45.33%), and Godi Bangla (45.10%).
However, in some varieties, anethole (54.93%) was the chief ingredient as in Mitha
Calcutta variety, wherein proportion of eugenol (20.27%) was the second most abun-
dant component next to anethole. On the other hand, terpinyl acetate, in different
proportions, as shown in the parentheses, was the chief ingredient in some other
varieties, such as Tellaku of Pannur (48.76%), Tellaku of Utukur (37.43%), and
Tellaku of Chennur (34.21%). However, these three varieties also contained eugenol
to the extent of 17.00%, 23.16%, and 18.42%, respectively. In all these 13 varieties,
methyl eugenol and α-terpineol were also present in the proportions ranging from
5.11% to 0.07%. Based on the chemical constituents of betel leaf oils, all these 13
cultivars can be classified into four groups, namely, Bangla, Mitha, Sanchi, and
Kapoori. However, this grouping is not complete, since there are some overlapping.
Muhammed (2007) extracted essential oil from three varieties of betel leaf of
Keralian (India) origin, namely, Nadan, Kuzhikkodi, and Selan, and identified 40,
43, and 38 compounds, respectively. The major compound in Nadan variety was
178 P. Guha and S. Nandi

safrole (38.10%) which was followed by eugenol (20.60%) and 4-allyl-1,2-­

diacetoxybenzene (9.70%). Similarly, the major component of Kuzhikkodi variety
was safrole (35.60%) which was followed by eugenol (16.20%). On the other hand,
the major constituent of Selan variety was eugenol (58.00%) which was followed by
eugenol acetate (4.80%) and 4-allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene (3.80%).
Sharma et al. (1996) carried out chemical analysis of essential oils of 84 types of
betel leaf. They identified 45 compounds including 15 monoterpenes, 10 sesquiter-
penes, and 20 oxygenated derivatives including alcohols, aldehydes, acids, phenols,
and phenolic derivatives. These 84 cultivars were categorized into five major flavour
groups, namely, Bangla, Desawari, Kapoori, Mitha, and Sanchi. Among these, the
oil of the Bangla group was constituted of five components, namely, eugenol
(63.56%), eugenol acetate (18.68%), methyl eugenol (6.90%), isoeugenol (5.20%),
and chavicol (1.07%), whereas essential oil of Desawari was constituted of 24 com-
pounds, among which safrole (45.30%) was the major compound followed by euge-
nol (20.47%). However, essential oil of Kapoori variety was constituted of 26
compounds, among which eugenol (33.22%) was the major compound followed by
terpenyl acetate (11.00%), isoeugenol (10.59%), laural aldehyde (7.10%), and
eugenol acetate (6.45%). On the other hand, essential oil of Sanchi variety was
­constituted of 23 compounds, among which eugenol (25.90%) was the chief ingre-
dient followed by safrole (22.75%), terpenyl acetate (8.70%), caryophyllene
(7.78%), and β-salinene (6.36%). Lastly, essential oil of Mitha variety was consti-
tuted of 17 compounds, of which anethole (32.20%) was the chief ingredient fol-
lowed by eugenol (18.92%), caryophyllene (10.64%), and γ-cadinene (9.44%).
Satyal and Setzer (2012) reported that the major component of Nepalese betel
leaf was chavibetol (80.50%) which was followed by chavibetol acetate (11.70%)
and allyl-pyrocatechol diacetate (6.20%), whereas four more compounds, namely,
chavicol, eugenol, methyl eugenol, and (E)-caryophyllene, were also present in a
very low concentration (0.40% each), while another seven compounds were present
only as traces, namely, trans-sabinene hydrate, Δ-cadinene, α-humulene,
γ-muurolene, α-cardinol, τ-muurolol, and methyl salicylate. Similar report avail-
able from Malaysia also reveals that essential oil of Piper betle contained 15 com-
pounds, among which chavibetol (69.00%) was the chief ingredient followed by
eugenol acetate (8.3%), chavicol (6.0%), β-carryophyllene (2.4%), and γ-cadinene
(1.6%) (Jantan et al. 1994).
In view of the current review of literature, particularly Satyal and Setzer (2012)
and Dwivedi and Tripathi (2014) related to chemotypic classification of betel leaf
varieties based on composition of essential oils collected from various parts of the
world and connected dominant characteristics, they can be categorized into eight
different chemotypes as shown in Table  5.7. However, this categorization is not
complete because there is some overlapping which needs to be studied well in future
for more accurate categorization. The categorization should be based on the rare
biochemical compound or by the highest concentration of specific biochemical
compound produced by a particular variety which is not comparable to any other
variety and, hence, specific to only one variety. Here, the trace compounds may also
play a significant role.
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 179

Table 5.7  Classification of different varieties of betel leaf into the major chemotypic groups
S. Chemotypic Name of variety and percentage of chief
no. group components References
1 Chavicol Sagar Bangla (48%) Garg and Jain (1996)
Mitha (23.85%) Karak et al. (2018)
2 Germacrene-D Sirugamani-1 (16.07%) Periyanayagam et al.
3 Isoeugenol Vietnamese variety (72%) Thahn et al. (2002)
4 Chavibetol Betel leaf from the Philippines (53.10%) Rimando et al. (1986)
Malaysian variety (69.0%) Jantan et al. (1994)
Nepal variety (80.50%) Satyal and Setzer (2012)
5 Eugenol Bangla (63.56%) Rawat et al. (1989)
Kapoori (33.22%)
6 Anethole Mitha (19.30%) Rawat et al. (1989)
7 Safrole Sri Lankan variety (52.70%) Mohottalage et al.
Taiwanese (inflorescence) varieties (28%) Dwivedi and Tripathi
Desawari (45.34%) Rawat et al. (1989)
Sanchi (22.75%)
Chhaanchi or Sanchi (42.77%) Karak et al. (2018)
8 Eugenol acetate Kali Bangla (22.16%) Karak et al. (2018)
Manikdanga (44.03%)
Bangla (35.77%)
Ghanagete (43.97%)
Bagerhati (31.46%)

5.13  Uses of Betel Leaf and its Essential Oil

This edible leaf has achieved an esteemed position in human society right from the
dawn of civilization, particularly in most of the Asian countries (Khoshoo 1981;
Samanta 1994; Jana 1996; Sharma et al. 1996; Guha 2006), and also in different
other countries of the world among the Asian immigrants. The leaves are tradition-
ally used for chewing in their natural raw condition along with many taste-­enhancing
ingredients like sliced areca nuts, Kattha (thick paste of wood extract of Acacia
catechu L.), slaked lime, etc., for obtaining mainly refreshing, stimulating, mood-­
elevating, digestive, and aphrodisiac effects (CSIR 1969; Garg and Jain 1996; Guha
1997, 2006, Chu 2001). These beneficial effects may be attributed mainly to the
essential oil present in the leaves (Guha 1997; Khanra 1997) which is constituted of
a large number of biochemical compounds with distinct bioactivity (Pradhan et al.
2013; Basak and Guha 2015; Roy and Guha 2018). Such useful properties of the oil
indicate a promising industrial future for manufacturing of a large number of cos-
metics, medicines, pharmaceuticals (Guha 1997, 2000, 2002), insecticides (Tabacchi
180 P. Guha and S. Nandi

and Guerin 2007; Vasantha-srinivasan et al. 2017), fungicides (Ansari et al. 2017),
food preservatives (Basak 2018a, b, c; Basak and Guha 2017a), food flavouring
agents (Roy and Guha 2015), and food products, such as paan masala (spiced and
processed betel leaf), cold drinks, gutkha (non-tobacco-based chewable mouth
freshener), chocolates (Guha 1997, 2000), suji halwa (Bhagath and Guha 2014),
chili bo (Wendy et al. 2014), cupcake (Roy and Guha 2015), and many other novel
The distinct bioactivities of essential oil of betel leaf which are most relevant to
the food sector are antioxidant and antimicrobial activities which are discussed in
the foregoing paragraphs.

5.14  Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

The antioxidants in relation to food are the substances which minimize, delay, or
prevent oxidation of the target molecules (Halliwell and Gutteridge 1995; Halliwell
2007) like lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides (Duan and Kasper
2011). The concentration of the antioxidants is normally very low compared to that
of the target molecules. The examples of common (nonenzymatic) antioxidants are
quercetin, vitamin E (α-tocopherol), vitamin C, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, sele-
nium, polyphenols, carotenoids, etc.
Oxidation of components of food changes the physical, biochemical, nutritional,
and organoleptic properties of the food articles and make it unacceptable and, hence,
renders it unfit for human consumption. Oxidation is caused by the free radicals,
and it is one of the most prominent ways of spoilage of food that reduces the shelf
life of the food articles. The free radicals are ions, atoms, or molecules with unpaired
electrons which make them highly reactive and thereby unstable. These radicals
may originate from elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur, which produce
reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and reactive sul-
phur species (RSS), respectively. Free radicals have a variety of chemical mecha-
nisms such as electron donation, reduction of radicals, electron acceptance,
oxidation of radicals, hydrogen abstraction, addition reaction, self-annihilation, and
so on (Slater 1984). These mechanisms are disrupted by nonenzymatic antioxidants,
while the antioxidant enzymes (e.g. catalase) destroy the free radicals by various
other ways like metabolization, neutralization, catalytic break down, etc. in pres-
ence of some co-factors like copper, zinc, manganese, etc. When these mechanisms
are disrupted or the free radicals are destroyed, shelf life of the food articles is
enhanced. For these purposes, synthetic antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytolu-
ene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), propyl gallate (PG), and tert-­
butylhydroxyquinone (TBHQ) are used in a large scale in the commercial food
products. Unfortunately, all these synthetic antioxidants have one or more adverse
effects (Kahl and Kappus 1993; Lorenzo et al. 2018), many of which have not been
explored or disclosed in order to protect commercial interest. Therefore, some other
potential natural antioxidants like essential oils are being explored as an alternative
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 181

to the synthetic chemicals. Such antioxidant properties are also reported with respect
to essential oil of betel leaf (Arambewela et al. 2006; Suppakul et al. 2006; Prakash
et al. 2010; Das et al. 2016a). Several components of the leaf and its essential oil,
such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, terpenes and its derivatives, phenols and
its derivatives, etc., are reported to be the active ingredients contributing to such
antioxidant property (Guha 2006; Rathee et al. 2006; Swapna et al. 2012; Nagababu
et al. 2014; Bhargava et al. 2015; Chauhan et al. 2016; Chitnis 2017; Sarma et al.
2018). Therefore, it may be concluded that there is a general agreement among the
scientists that betel leaf and its oil possess strong antioxidant activity. Consequently,
several workers have attempted to explore antioxidant capability of the essential oil
of betel leaf for extending shelf life of several food products like apple juice (Basak
2018a), tomato paste (Basak 2018b), ghee (Gupta and Guha 2018), and several
other products. That apart, manufacturing of some novel products can be taken up
like food supplements and pharmaceuticals for treatment of cancer (Shukla et al.
2018; Kudva et al. 2018).
Another distinct bioactivity of essential oil of betel leaf, which is also very much
relevant to the food sector, is the antimicrobial activity which is discussed in the
foregoing paragraph.

5.15  Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil of Betel Leaf

We need food for mitigating hunger and for obtaining nutrition, and also for various
other purposes like treatment of illness, convalescence, fun, pass time, social enter-
tainment of guest, etc. Therefore, continuous supply of food is needed, for which it
has to be stored for a long time that requires enhancement of shelf life. However, the
microbes pose a serious threat to this. They not only spoil the food items but also
release microbial toxins into the food which cause several types of diseases and
even death. Therefore, attempts have been made to stop or minimize the harmful
microbial growth to an acceptable limit in food by various means including incor-
poration of antimicrobial agents in the food or in the packaging materials. Some of
the most common synthetic antimicrobial agents and their permissible limits are as
follows: benomyl (<100 μg/kg/day body weight, EHC 1993; Malhotra et al. 2015),
benzoic acid (<1000  ppm, FSSAI 2011), chlorotetracycline (<5  ppm, Sivasankar
2003), imazalil (<61  μg/kg/day, EPA 2005; Malhotra et  al. 2015), natamycin
(<500  ppm, HMDB 2011), nisin (<12.5  ppm, FSSAI 2011), oxytetracycline
(<5 ppm, Sivasankar 2003), paraben (<10 ppm of body weight per day, EFSA 2004;
Anand and Sati 2013), etc. These and many more antimicrobial agents are used dur-
ing production of primary food or its processing, packaging, and storage to make
the food articles safe for human consumption. These compounds though effective
may pose several side effects ranging from simple ailments to incurable chronic
diseases like cancer (EPA 2005; HMDB 2011; Anand and Sati 2013) which ulti-
mately leads to painful unnatural death. That apart, many of the synthetic preserva-
tives have pollutive effect and undesirably long persistence conducive to development
182 P. Guha and S. Nandi

of resistant strains requiring progessively higher doses for controlling the

microbes with lapse of time. Therefore, several hundreds of synthetic compounds
are discarded every year (Dubey and Tripathi 1987). Moreover, continuous increase
in public demand for minimally processed food with extended shelf life (Suppakul
et al. 2006) and green consumerism are compelling the manufacturers to find out
safe alternatives, such as nontoxic natural essential oils derived from the plants
which are generally recognized as safe (Burt 2004; Burdock and Carabin 2004;
Gutierrez et al. 2009).
There is a general agreement among the research workers that betel leaf pos-
sesses significant antimicrobial activity against a large number of microorganisms
including both fungus and bacteria; the gram-positive bacteria being more suscep-
tible than the gram-negative bacteria (Sugumaran et al. 2011; Agarwal et al. 2012;
Pradhan et  al. 2013; Bhargava et  al. 2015; Chauhan et  al. 2016). Prakash et  al.
(2010) reported that essential oil of betel leaf has a special merit in terms of antifun-
gal and aflatoxins suppressive characteristics, which are the most desirable charac-
teristics of an ideal food preservative for extending shelf life of edible commodities
during storage and processing.
Mazumder et al. (2016) reviewed effect of different solvent extracts of betel leaf
and found that it was effective against a wide range of microorganisms. However,
there have been more works for exploring the antimicrobial activity of solvent
extracts of betel leaf than its oil. The bioactive compounds responsible for such
antimicrobial activity in the extracts are actually derived from the components of
essential oil present in the leaves. Therefore, when oil is extracted from these leaves,
the same is reasonably expected to be more powerful in its antimicrobial functions
than the extracts at relatively lower doses since the concentration of the active ingre-
dients is more in the oil compared to the leaf extracts. This is more so when the oil
is reported to be thermo- and baro-stable, capable of withstanding high temperature
(100 °C for 1 h) and subsequent autoclaving (121 °C at 15 psi for 20 minutes) treat-
ments (Rath and Mohapatra 2015). These findings are corroborative to the conclu-
sions drawn by Dubey and Tripathi (1987) who reported earlier that the antimicrobial
properties of the oil were not affected by autoclaving temperature, duration of stor-
age, and even inoculum density.

5.16  Affected Microorganisms and Corresponding Doses

Prakash et al. (2010) examined efficacy of essential oil of betel leaf against 1651
fungal isolates belonging to 14 species including six species of Aspergillus and
found that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was as low as 0.70 μl/
ml and aflatoxin production was completely inhibited at a concentration of
0.60 μl/ml.
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 183

Dubey and Tripathi (1987) found that the oil was toxic at a very low concentra-
tion of 0.20–0.50 μl/ml to 13 fungi including Alternaria, Aspergillus, Botryodiplodia
(syn. Lasiodiplodia), Penicillium, and Rhizopus species. In a similar study, Garg
and Jain (1992) reported that the essential oil of betel leaf (var. Sagar Bangla) was
effective against nine strains of fungi including five strains of Aspergillus along with
A. niger at a very low concentration (5 μl/ml). Apart from being effective against
fungi, the oil was also found by them to be effective against three strains of gram-­
positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, B. pumilus, and Staphylococcus aureus) and two
strains of gram-negative bacteria (Salmonella typhi and Vibrio cholerae). In further
studies, the oil was also found to be toxic to Penicillium expansum in the experi-
ments conducted by Basak and Guha (2015) who estimated the Emax (minimum
concentration of oil at which mold growth was inhibited) and MIC values to be in
the order of 0.56 and 0.74 μl/ml in both the potato dextrose agar medium (PDA) and
apple juice agar medium. In continuation of this study, Basak (2018c) also found
that essential oil of betel leaf (var. Tamluk Mitha) inhibited germination of both A.
flavus and P. expansum at very low concentrations of 0.65 and 0.54 μl/ml, respec-
tively, in PDA.
Apart from the Indian reports as above, similar reports are also available from
foreign countries. Suppakul et al. (2006) found that essential oil of betel leaf from
Thailand was highly effective against 13 strains of microorganisms including 5
strains of gram-positive bacteria, 5 strains of gram-negative bacteria, and 3 strains
of yeast at a very low concentration (12.50–100 μl/ml) except Pseudomonas aeru-
ginosa which was not sensitive to this oil even at the highest concentration (200 μl/
ml). The susceptible microorganisms included Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli,
Salmonella enteritidis, and Staphylococcus aureus besides Candida albicans and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is, however, suggested that anti-quorum sensing prop-
erties of the active ingredients of essential oil may be explored for reducing the viru-
lency of P. aeruginosa (Umar et al. 2018) which is reported to be resistant to this oil
(Suppakul et al. 2006).
Caburian and Osi (2010) also explored the essential oil of Filipino betel leaf and
concluded that the oil was effective against four harmful microorganisms. The mini-
mum inhibitory concentrations were 250.00,  125.00, 15.60, and 1.95  μg/ml for
Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, respectively.
Satyal and Setzer (2012) experimented with chavicol-rich Nepalese betel oil and
found that several microorganisms were susceptible to the oil at a very low concen-
tration (MIC values shown in parentheses as μg/ml) such as Candida albicans
(1250), Escherichia coli (625), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (625), Staphylococcus
aureus (625), and Aspergillus niger (313). In another study from India on yeast,
Rath and Mohapatra (2015) also found that essential oil of betel leaf was highly
effective against four strains of Candida species at a very low concentration and the
MIC ranged from 31.25 to 125.00 μl/ml.
184 P. Guha and S. Nandi

Roy and Guha (2018) reported further that the antimicrobial efficacy of the oil
(var. Tamluk Mitha) was enhanced by formulating a nano-emulsion with Tween 20
dispersed in water (3% oil, 3–6% Tween 20, and rest water) compared to macro-­
emulsion against three strains of gram-negative bacteria, namely, Escherichia coli,
Klebsiella pneumonia, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For nano-emulsion, the MIC
ranged from 0.50 to 1.00 μl/ml, whereas for macro-emulsion, it was 0.75–1.25 μl/
ml. Similarly, for nano-emulsion, the minimum bactericidal concentration ranged
from 1 to 2 μl/ml, whereas for macro-emulsion, it was 1.50–2.50 μl/ml. In another
study on two strains of fungi (Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium expansum), Basak
and Guha (2017b) concluded that micro-emulsion of essential oil of betel leaf (var.
Tamluk Mitha) was highly toxic at  a lower concentration (0.40  μl/ml), whereas
sporicidal activity was found at a relatively higher concentration (15 μl/ml).

5.17  Mechanisms of Action and Active Ingredients

Basak and Guha (2017b) studied the ultramicroscopic structures of the treated
spores and found that the oil affected the membrane integrity of the spores causing
release of the internal cellular materials. Vintilla (2018) also reported modification
of permeability or integrity of the cytoplasm or cell structures. That apart, there
were cytoplasmic coagulation, shrinkage, granulation, and serious morphological
damages. Several other authors also observed the destruction of cytoplasmic mem-
brane leading to coagulation of cellular materials and other serious damages (Pauli
2001; Suppakul et al. 2006; Rath and Mohapatra 2015; Roy and Guha 2018). It is
clear from these studies that the mode of antimicrobial action is similar in all the
cases irrespective of type of cells and microorganisms, such as fungal hyphae,
spores, both gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial cells, and even the budded
cells of the yeasts. In all the cases, detrimental effects, deformation, and death are
caused which is reported to take just a minute in case of Candida (Rath and
Mohapatra 2015), but the time required for other species needs to be investigated
and quantified. The active ingredients responsible for such detrimental effects are
reported to be the derivatives of terpenes and phenols such as carvacrol, caryophyl-
lene, chavibetol, eugenol, limonene, methyl eugenol, pinene, safrole, and some ste-
rols (α-cardinol, linalool, β-sitosterol, etc.), which are present in the essential oil of
betel leaf in different proportions, such as chavicol (0.40–48.00%), eugenol (6.40–
63.56%), safrole (22.75–52.70%), etc. depending upon the varieties and environ-
mental, edaphic, and managerial factors.
There are only a few reports available in the current literature for the confirma-
tion of efficacy and mode of action of the supposed active ingredients discussed
above. Therefore, the active ingredients in pure form and its systematic dilutions
should be experimented with different strains of microorganisms separately. That
apart, studies on the combination of active ingredients should also be taken up for
exploring their synergistic, additive, or antagonistic effects. Such experiments will
generate relevant information conducive for commercial exploitation of antimicro-
bial formulations from natural sources like betel leaf in future.
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 185

5.18  Food Product Development

Betel leaf is intended for human consumption due to its nutritional, organoleptic,
and several other useful qualities. Therefore, it comes within the domain of food.
The essential oil contained in the leaves has multiple unique natural characteristics
relevant to the food industries, such as unique aroma and taste besides antimicrobial,
antioxidant, and many other characteristics of high therapeutic significance. These
characteristics provide a challenging opportunity to the food scientists and tech-
nologists to develop novel food products with enhanced food safety, extended shelf
life, attractive sensory, therapeutic, prophylactic, functional, and other desirable
qualities. However, research work in this domain is very limited. Therefore, research
work was taken up at IIT, Kharagpur, and a few novel products have been developed
with incorporation of essential oil of betel leaf ranging from 0.005% to 0.50% of the
main ingredients. These developed products include ice cream (Jain 2012), choco-
late (Godbole 2013), suji halwa (Bhagath and Guha 2014), cupcake (Roy and Guha
2015), lozenge (Vijay 2015), rosogolla, i.e. sweet balls of milk solids (Rajput 2017),
etc. These products are not only novel but also expected to include most of the ben-
eficial effects of the oil including the digestive one contributing to better health
benefits to the consumers. That apart, the textural and organoleptic properties of all
these developed products were also found to be better than or comparable to the
bestselling commercial products available in the market. Such product development
is envisaged to be economic, self-sustaining, and profitable to the entrepreneurs.
This is also envisaged to minimize the wastage of surplus leaves which may range
from 10% to 70% of the total annual production (Rao and Narasimham 1977; Guha
and Jain 1997; Guha 2006) mainly during the glut season and thereby increase prof-
itability of the betel vine farmers and the traders as well (Guha 2014).
Roy and Guha (2015) manufactured a novel cupcake with common ingredients
using essential oil of betel leaf as a novel food additive (0.005% v/w). The textural,
sensory, and economic data indicated that the betel-flavoured cupcake was compa-
rable to the bestselling commercial cupcakes available in the market. Similar is the
case with biscuit (Maurya 2014). This is the first time that two bakery products have
been developed with essential oil of betel leaf and that such entrepreneurship could
be profitable and self-sustaining.
Basak (2018b) reported that essential oil of betel leaf (var. Tamluk Mitha) has an
enormous potential as a natural preservative in the food sector due to its safety and
antimicrobial effectivity at a very low concentration (0.25 mg/g in micro-emulsion
form) without adversely affecting sensory qualities of the food products. At this
concentration, shelf life of the product (tomato paste) could be extended by 14 more
days compared to control in an accelerated storage study (temperature 39 °C ± 1 °C
and relative humidity 89%  ±  1.2%). Therefore, it is envisaged that this oil has a
tremendous future potential in the food processing industries dealing with tomato
and its preparations. Similarly, this oil has also a tremendous future potential in
another food processing industry dealing with apple and its products, particularly
the apple juice which is a highly demanded nutritional drink all over the world.
This industry is under a great threat of a bio-toxin called Patulin produced by the
186 P. Guha and S. Nandi

toxicogenic fungus Penicillium expansum (Liewen and Bullerman 1992; Welke

et al. 2011). This harmful microorganism is found to be highly susceptible to essen-
tial oil of betel leaf even at a very low concentration (0.56–0.74  μl/ml) which
does not adversely affect the sensory qualities of the product (Basak 2018b). Thus,
from these studies, it can be concluded that the essential oil of betel leaf would
completely revolutionize the apple juice industry all over the world. Yet another
food processing industry where the essential oil of betel leaf may play a significant
role is the Hokkein noodle industry. The product, yellow alkaline noodles, when
added with 15% betel leaf extract had shown the best sensory acceptability among
the consumers (Nouri et al. 2015). This high dose (15%) may be reduced substan-
tially if essential oil of betel leaf is used instead of the leaf extract which may also
otherwise enhance shelf life and improve the quality of the food products. However,
this needs a planned and detailed scientific study. Similar is the case with three
products formulated from the spent or dried betel leaves such as biscuit (Laji 2015),
tea (Nalkar 2015), and roti (Sriharsha 2017) besides one more product formulated
from discarded petioles, namely, Kathi Goja, meaning sweet finger-shaped confec-
tionary (Janaiah 2017).
In another study, Nouri and Nafchi (2014) formulated a sago starch-based edible
film incorporating betel leaf extract and found that addition of 20% extract had sig-
nificantly positive and acceptable impact on different mechanical and barrier prop-
erties of the film. Due to incorporation of betel leaf components, the film attained
antimicrobial properties against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
except Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Here again, this high dose (20%) may be reduced
substantially if essential oil of betel leaf is used instead of the leaf extract which
may also otherwise improve the antimicrobial properties of the edible film. However,
this needs further investigation for confirmation of the conception. Similarly, two
products developed from aloe vera gel and potato chips incorporating betel leaf
extracts (Arambewela et  al. 2006) could also be improved by substituting the
extracts with essential oil of betel leaf. This proposition of substitution of leaf
extracts with essential oil can be supported with the fact that increase in sensory
quality has been found to be directly proportional to the percentage of essential oil
present in the leaves which can be found in the experiments conducted by Dastane
et al. (1958). In their studies, they found that curing of betel leaf increased essential
oil content from 1.23% to 4.20%. Curing is one of the procedure traditionally fol-
lowed in India for enhancing shelf life and sensory qualities of the leaves to a great
extent (Guha and Jain 1997; Sadhukhan and Guha 2011). Obviously, the cured
leaves had much higher scores of sensory qualities mainly due to enhanced propor-
tion of the oil in it which has already been discussed in the previous paragraphs.
Apart from the food products discussed above, some nonfood products have also
been formulated by incorporating essential oil of betel leaf, such as toothpaste
(Ekka 2015), soap (Lohra 2015), incense cone (Shah 2015), shampoo (Godbole
2012), etc.
In view of the entire discussions, it may be concluded that the essential oil of
betel leaf has a potential future in the world food sector.
5  Essential Oil of Betel Leaf (Piper betle L.): A Novel Addition to the World Food… 187

Acknowledgments  The authors are grateful to the present and the  former Directors of IIT
Kharagpur, Prof. Partha Pratim Chakrabarty and Prof. Sishir Kumar Dubey, respectively, for kind
encouragement, funds, and facilities for this work. They are also highly grateful to Prof. V.  K.
Tewari,  and Prof. N.  Mallick, former  and current Heads of the Department of Agricultural and
Food Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India. Thanks are also due to Prof. P. P. Srivastav, Prof. S. L.
Shrivastava, Prof. K. N. Tiwari, and Prof. Rintu Banerjee of the same department. Thanks are also
due to Mr. Arnab Roy, Ms. Mitali Madhumita, and Mr. Jagan S. Karthik, the research scholars
working with the senior author, and to Mr. Anas Ejaz Shaikh (M. Tech. student of the same depart-
ment) for their help in preparation of this manuscript. The authors are grateful to Dr. Yoshisuke
Kishida, President and Editor in Chief of the journal, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa,
and Latin America, and also to the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Human Ecology, New Delhi,
for providing permission to reproduce small portions from the previously published papers con-
tributed by the senior author. The authors are also grateful to Dr. P. C. Singh, NBRI, Lucknow,
India for providing literature on anticancer plants. The authors are also grateful to Prof. Sonia
Malik, Federal University of Maranhão, Sao Luis, Brazil, for her encouragement without which
this work would have not seen the light of the day. The second author is grateful to his family
members for providing continuous support. The last but not the least, the senior author is grateful
to his better half, Srimati Chhaya Guha, for her constant inspiration, encouragement, and


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from the genus Agastache (Lamiaceae). Phytochem Reviews 13(2):391–416
Chapter 6
Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra
Essential Oils and Their Therapeutic

Matthew R. Desrosiers, Melissa J. Towler, and Pamela J. Weathers


ACT Artemisinin combination therapy

EO Essential oil

6.1  Introduction

For millennia, Artemisia annua L. was used by the Chinese to treat fever, which was
often thought to be malaria (Hsu 2006; Tu 2011). The sesquiterpene lactone,
artemisinin, is considered the main antimalarial phytochemical in A. annua
(Fig. 6.1). However, many constituents of the plant’s essential oils (EOs) including
1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), limonene, myrcene, α- and β-pinenes, and nerolidol also
are known to be antimalarial as isolated chemicals, albeit with much less effective
inhibitory concentrations (IC50 values) than artemisinin (see reviews by Weathers
et  al. 2014, 2017). There is evidence, however, suggesting that at least in some
cases, the EO fraction per se is more potent than its individual constituents
(Radulović et al. 2013). A. afra has also been used by native Africans to treat malaria
(Liu et al. 2009; Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). While considerable information
is known about the breadth of the medicinal properties of A. annua to treat not only
malaria as well as other diseases, A. afra has only recently attracted more attention
for its healing properties (Patil et al. 2011). Although their composition is somewhat
different, constituents of the EOs of each species seem to play a role in the therapeutic
efficacy of both plant species. Here, we summarize what is currently known about
the EO fraction of these two important medicinal plant species and how the
phytochemicals therein may affect therapeutic outcomes.

M. R. Desrosiers · M. J. Towler · P. J. Weathers (*)

Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
Worcester, MA, USA
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 197

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
198 M. R. Desrosiers et al.

Fig. 6.1  Representative leaves of the same developmental age from three cultivars of Artemisia
annua and one A. afra along with structure of artemisinin. Clockwise from top left: A. annua SAM,
#15, GLS, A. afra

6.2  Essential Oil Content of A. annua

6.2.1  Cultivar Content Differences

One of the major difficulties in studying EOs from A. annua is the inconsistency of
the oil contents. From cultivar to cultivar, the major constituents of the oil can
change dramatically. Even within cultivars, factors including geographic location,
growth conditions, method of propagation, and stage of development at harvest can
change the contents of the oil. For example, our lab performed a phytochemical
analysis of A. annua essential oil sourced from the United States or China. The
resulting peak areas from the GC-MS analysis can be seen in Table 6.1 (Desrosiers
and Weathers 2017). As expected, both oils contained mostly monoterpenes;
however, the oil sourced in the United States contained almost 31% thujone, a
compound not detectable in the Chinese-sourced oil. Although thujone is
characteristically found in A. afra and A. absinthium, A. annua is consistently
reported to be thujone-free, which aids in its validation as a generally recognized as
safe (GRAS) plant (Duke 2001). The presence of thujone, therefore, suggests the
US-sourced EO was adulterated with oil from other Artemisia species. The
US-sourced oil contained about 30% camphor, while the Chinese oil only contained
about 14% of the same. Such dramatic differences in EO composition even within
the same plant species (see below) make studying the oil and establishing reliable
scientific conclusions difficult. Comparisons between labs are nearly impossible,
and this raises questions about therapeutic uses of the oil if a consistent product
cannot be produced on a large scale. This also highlights the dangers of using
unregulated EO products to treat medical conditions. An EO of undefined chemical
makeup cannot be trusted to consistently treat any medical condition and may even
have undesirable health effects.
6  Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra Essential Oils and Their Therapeutic… 199

Table 6.1  Relative abundance of some phytochemicals identified by GC-MS in A. annua essential
oil from US and Chinese sources (Desrosiers and Weathers 2017)
US EO source Chinese EO source
Phytochemical % of total peak area % of total peak area
1,8-Cineole (eucalyptol) 16.5 27.4
α-Pinene 0.3 17.5
β-Pinene 2.5 4.7
Borneol 3.7 1.8
Camphene 13.2 5.5
Camphor 30.3 14.1
Carene Nd 2.2
Caryophyllene 1.0 6.2
Caryophyllene oxide 0.9 Nd
Copaene Nd 1.1
Humulene Nd 5.5
Limonene Nd 5.2
Myrcene 0.1 Nd
Phellandrene Nd 8.5
Santolina triene 0.1 0.2
Stigmasterol 0.1 Nd
Terpineol 0.2 Nd
Thujone 30.9 Nd
EO essential oil, Nd not detected

6.2.2  Changes Throughout Plant Development

As A. annua growth shifts from the vegetative to reproductive stage, EO compo-

nents change, and maturity of the leaf is also a factor (Bagchi et al. 2003; Rana et al.
2013; Towler and Weathers 2015; Yang et al. 2012). For example, 1,8-cineole con-
tent decreases for the A. annua SAM clonal line in vegetative leaves versus leaves
from plants in the budding (reproductive) stage. Vegetative leaves also have no
detectable α-pinene, but it is present in floral budding plants, and camphor is nearly
threefold higher in young leaves of the shoot apical meristem region versus mature
leaves (Towler and Weathers 2015). However, as previously noted, different culti-
vars have varying EO profiles, along with unpredictable responses to the morpho-
logical changes associated with plant maturation. Each cultivar would need to be
studied in a particular environment and growth stage in order to obtain a reasonable
description of its “typical” EO content. Such developmental variations in EOs
would also be expected for A. afra.
200 M. R. Desrosiers et al.

6.2.3  Artemisia afra

Why A. afra? This species is native to southern Africa and has been used as a tea
infusion by indigenous peoples to treat fevers, especially associated with malaria
(Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk 1962). Many other medicinal properties are ascribed to
the plant; these are well summarized in two relatively recent reviews (Liu et  al.
2009; Patil et al. 2011). Recently, tea infusions of A. afra and A. annua performed
faster than praziquantel in treating schistosomiasis in a human clinical
trial (Munyangi et al. 2018). The oil also shows antimicrobial activity against some
bacteria and yeast species. Unfortunately, most of the studies express antibiotic
activity through a series of oil dilutions or by zones of inhibition; only a few studies
provide IC50 values, statistical analysis of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC),
or minimum inhibitory percentage (MIP). In  a recent malaria clinical trial, a tea
infusion of A. afra performed similarly to A. annua, and both were better than
artemisinin combination therapy (ACT) in their therapeutic efficacy and reduction
of gametocyte carriage (Munyangi et al. 2019). Interestingly, A. afra used in that
study only had trace amounts of artemisinin.
Over 130 volatile chemicals constituting A. afra EO were identified and docu-
mented in a review by Liu et al. (Liu et al. 2009). The most common volatiles in A.
afra include artemisyl acetate, 1,8-cineole, α- and β-thujone, artemisia ketone,
α-copaene, camphor, santolina alcohol, borneol, and camphene (Liu et al. 2009). As
observed for A. annua, these EO phytochemicals change in quantity and quality
with plant part, among cultivars, throughout development, with cultivation, and
with processing method. For example, surveying some of the volatile constituents
of dried leaf samples of three cultivars analyzed in our lab, camphor can vary by
threefold and thujone can be present or absent (Table  6.2). Drying methods also
substantially alter volatile components from 0.18% to 1.88% from fresh to dried
material (Asekun et al. 2007). Considering that fresh material has about ten times
the water of dried material, these percent values are not particularly different.
However, drying did change the relative composition of individual phytochemicals
within the oil. As an example, artemisia ketone was present in fresh material but
absent in air- and sun-dried material (Asekun et  al. 2007). When  comparing the
effects of microwave-drying against air-, sun-, and oven-dried material, the
monoterpenes, 1,8-cineole and β-thujone (but not α-thujone) decreased, while
several other compounds increased, particularly trans-caryophyllene (Ashafa and
Pitso 2014).

6.2.4  Caveats About Extraction and Analysis

Methods of producing EOs include steam distillation, solvent extraction, CO2

extraction, maceration, enfleurage, cold-press extraction, and water distillation.
Factors such as temperature, pressure, and processing time all affect the quality and
6  Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra Essential Oils and Their Therapeutic… 201

Table 6.2  Example of essential oil variation in A. afra cultivars

Phytochemical (mg g DW−1)
Cultivar PAR SEN WPI
1,8-Cineole (eucalyptol) 0.47 0.27 2.68
a-Pinene Nd Nd 0.02
β-Neoclovene # 0.51 0.13 4.32
β-Pinene Nd Nd 0.02
Borneol # 0.67 0.07 0.55
Camphor 3.26 0.72 2.90
Caryophyllene Nd Nd Nd
Caryophyllene oxide Nd Nd Nd
Spathulenol # 0.12 Nd 0.28
Thujone 0.86 Nd Nd
Other important phytochemicals
Artemisinin Nd 0.05 Nd
Total flavonoids + 3.74 3.03 7.95
Methylene chloride extract assayed directly by GC-MS.  Each of the three cultivars were dried
leaves from plants grown in Senegal (SEN), Paris (PAR), or at  Worcester Polytechnic Institute
(WPI), with the latter sourced from Companion Plants, Athens, OH, USA. Each plant cultivar had
an n = 6; Nd = not detected; all identified using NIST library; #, expressed as camphor equivalents;
+, expressed as quercetin equivalents; all others quantified with authentic standards

composition of the resulting EO. In terms of identification and quantification of the

phytochemicals in a given EO product, it can be very difficult to make comparisons
among content claims. Most notably, it is important to be aware that, particularly for
GC-MS analysis, the ion current generated by a compound depends on its
characteristics and is not a true measure of quantification (Tzenkova et al. 2010).
EOs are often described by listing identifiable components and their respective peak
areas, however, this is an estimation. In addition, compound identification is not
infallible. Reference standards are needed for accurate quantification, and it is
nearly impossible or prohibitively expensive to procure them for every compound
present within an EO mixture. Of note, the source of the A. annua EO from China
shown in Table 6.1 claimed that it had a high content of artemisia ketone; however,
it was undetectable.

6.3  Therapeutic Efficacy of A. annua Essential Oils

6.3.1  Diversity of Therapeutic Efficacy

Artemisinin from A. annua has been widely studied for its antimalarial activity, and
several derivatives have been developed as ACTs and are in use to combat malaria
worldwide. However, the EO produced by Artemisia species also has wide-ranging
antimicrobial properties. Many have pondered the evolutionary benefits of producing
202 M. R. Desrosiers et al.

EO, as well as artemisinin, to the A. annua plant. Some have speculated these
compounds acted as antimicrobials and insecticides to deter herbivorous insects and
pathogenic microbes. There is indeed evidence for these hypotheses, as several
studies have shown A. annua EO to have activity against common bacterial and
fungal strains, with examples shown in Table 6.3.
While the EO of A. annua has shown some promise in vitro, there are few studies
in  vivo and there are still several questions surrounding the use of EOs as a
therapeutic. For example, the proper way to deliver EOs is not clear. For certain
external infections, topical application may suffice, but in vivo studies and clinical
trials would have to be performed to establish efficacy, dosage, and safety.
Furthermore, it is unclear whether or not it is economically feasible to produce EOs
on a large enough scale to be used as a therapeutic. Large-scale production of EOs
requires steam distillation of large amounts of plant material to produce a small
amount of oil, and for this reason, it may simply be too expensive to rely on EOs as

Table 6.3  Antimicrobial activity of A. annua essential oil

Microbial species Activity Reference
Candida albicans Growth inhibition Juteau et al. (2002)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Enterococcus hirae
Listeria innocua No activity Viuda-Martos et al. (2010)
Staphylococcus aureus Growth inhibition and bactericidal Massiha et al. (2013)
Bacillus cereus
Enterococcus faecalis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus Growth inhibition Li et al. (2011)
Escherichia coli
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus thuringiensis
Staphylococcus aureus Growth inhibition Verdian-Rizi et al. (2008)
Escherichia coli
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Candida albicans
Pseudomonas aeruginosa No activity
Bacillus cereus Growth inhibition Radulović et al. (2013)
Staphylococcus aureus
Sarcina lutea
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Salmonella enteritidis
Shigella sp.
Candida albicans
Aspergillus fumigatus
6  Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra Essential Oils and Their Therapeutic… 203

6.3.2  Toxicity: Humans

Although any pure EO can be toxic, consumption of A. annua EOs as part of dried
leaf material or a tea infusion is nontoxic; the plant is GRAS, and tea infusions have
been consumed for millennia. A. afra may contain thujone in its EO, which is
considered toxic and, therefore, regulated. Thujones act on the central nervous
system as antagonists of γ-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) (Höld et al. 2000) and
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT3, or serotonin) (Deiml et al. 2004), but the toxicity of
A. afra is debatable. Interestingly, the EU restricts thujone to 0.5 mg kg−1 in food
prepared with Artemisia species, but in those made with sage, which also contains
the monoterpene, the limit is 25 mg kg−1. There are also similar types of restrictions
for foods and beverages in the USA and Canada, again with exceptions for use of
the herb, sage. In rats, the per os LD50 is 500 mg kg−1, and thus, naturally occurring
levels of thujone in A. afra are too low from orally consumed plant material either
as powdered dried leaves or as tea infusions to be considered toxic (Table  6.2).
Additionally, only a small fraction of the thujone present in plant material is
extracted into water compared to an ethanolic formulation (Tegtmeier and
Harnischfeger 1994).

6.3.3  P
 rocess Caveats: Losses with Drying, Storage,
Powdering, Tableting

Fresh A. annua plant material has a different EO profile versus dried, processed
leaves, mainly due to the volatile nature of the monoterpene components. After
fresh leaves were dried, sieved, and powdered, camphor and 1,8-cineole content
decreased. Only camphor remained detectable after powdered leaves were processed
into tablets via mechanical compression (Table  6.4; adapted from Weathers and
Towler 2014). Powdering dried leaf material with a blade mill generates only slight
heat when performed in short pulses. However, operation of the machinery required
to form the tablets can cause an increase in processing temperature, which can

Table 6.4  Selected compounds in A. annua and effect of drying, granulation, and tablet formation
Fresh leavesa Dried and sieved Powdered Tablets
Compound mg g−1 DW−1 mg g−1 DW−1 mg g−1 DW−1 mg g−1 DW−1
1,8-cineole 0.30 0.03 0.03 Nd
Camphor 3.57 2.10 1.67 0.19
Artemisinin 11.38 15.90 17.31 17.18
Total flavonoids # 1.55 2.78 5.05 10.97
DW calculated using DW/FW ratio of 0.25. Methylene chloride extract assayed by GC-MS,
except total flavonoids assayed by colorimetric aluminum chloride assay. Each condition had
n ≥ 6; nd = not detected; #, expressed as quercetin equivalents; all others quantified with authentic
standards and identified using NIST library
204 M. R. Desrosiers et al.

account for the loss of monoterpenes. We simulated different processing methods of

A. annua leaves on a small scale by comparing a commercial coffee mill that has a
flat blade (Kitchen Aide) to a mortar and pestle, representing cutting and crushing,
respectively. Compared to powdering via cutting, analysis of five components of the
A. annua EO powdered using mortar and pestle showed a percent loss of 40, 100,
100, 15, and 0 for camphor, α-pinene, eucalyptol, caryophyllene, and phytol,
respectively. Artemisinin and total flavonoid content responded differently; drying
and processing had a neutral or positive effect on the measured concentrations
(Table 6.4). Processing variations also affected A. afra EOs (Ashafa and Pitso 2014).
We also monitored the stability of the dried leaf material in storage by tracking
the total flavonoid content and several EO monoterpenes in dried A. annua leaves
kept in a sealed plastic bag at room temperature in dim light. While the amount of
artemisinin and total flavonoids remained relatively stable for over a year, the
monoterpene fraction declined over time. After 2 months, we observed that camphor
and 1,8-cineole content dropped by 25%; after 2 years, camphor content decreased
by over 60% and 1,8-cineole by nearly 90%.
This information collectively emphasizes the importance of selecting the appro-
priate processing equipment and performing assays on the final consumer-­ready
product and not just the starting material. The EO profile is particularly susceptible
to processing changes.

6.4  Bioavailability

Beyond its direct bioactivity against microbes, the EO of A. annua has effects on the
bioavailability of the main drug of interest in A. annua, artemisinin, at least indirectly
increasing the therapeutic efficacy of dried leaf treatment. The oral bioavailability
of any drug is influenced by several factors as illustrated in Fig.  6.2. An orally
delivered drug is first subject to low pH and digestive enzymes in the stomach. It is
then subject to more enzymatic activity, bile, and more neutral pH in the small
intestine. Most absorption occurs in the intestine where solubility of the drug has
significant effects on how well the drug is absorbed. The drug also is subjected to
limited first-pass metabolism as it is transported across the intestine and then travels

Fig. 6.2  Schematic of the steps orally delivered drugs take to reach systemic circulation
6  Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra Essential Oils and Their Therapeutic… 205

through the hepatic portal vein to the liver where it is then subjected to significant
metabolism before reaching systemic circulation. A. annua EO may have effects at
each stage in this process, and those effects are discussed here. For a more
comprehensive review of oral drug bioavailability, please see Song et al. (2004).

6.4.1  Solubility Effects

A. annua EOs are largely found in the glandular trichomes where they co-localize
with artemisinin, allowing it to stay in solution. Traditionally, artemisinin is known
to have low bioavailability due largely in part to its low aqueous solubility. In its
pure form, the drug does not readily solubilize in aqueous environments like the
stomach or intestine, leading to very low absorption into the blood. As a result, pure
artemisinin treatment is only marginally effective against malaria because most of
the drug does not reach systemic circulation where it is required to act on the
Plasmodium parasites. Consequently, the derivatives of artemisinin currently used
in ACTs were developed to have increased aqueous solubility. Interestingly, when
artemisinin is delivered as plant material, artemisinin solubility is about fourfold
higher in simulated intestinal fluid (Desrosiers and Weathers 2016). EO from the
plant is largely responsible for this effect. When A. annua EO was combined with
pure artemisinin and subjected to simulated digestion experiments, the solubility in
simulated intestinal fluid increased 2.5-fold (Desrosiers and Weathers 2016). This
effect on solubility partially explains why artemisinin delivered as dried A. annua
leaves was >40× more bioavailable than pure drug in mice (Weathers et al. 2011).
Other antimalarial phytochemicals in A. annua also have low aqueous solubility; for
example, the flavonoids, which are reported to synergistically enhance antimalarial
efficacy of artemisinin (Liu et al. 1992; Suberu et al. 2013). Bioavailability of these
phytochemicals may also be increased. Thus, by increasing solubility of artemisinin
and other phytochemicals, the EO in the plant also increases the bioavailability of
these compounds, further enhancing the antiplasmodial efficacy of artemisinin
delivered as powdered dried plant leaves.

6.4.2  Intestinal Transport

Besides altering artemisinin solubility, the EO of A. annua altered the intestinal

permeability of artemisinin. Artemisinin is transported across the intestine through
simple diffusion (Augustijns et  al. 1996), and our group has shown its intestinal
permeability is increased by 37% when delivered as digested A. annua leaves
(Desrosiers and Weathers 2017). In studies using the Caco-2 cell model of the
intestinal epithelium, A. annua EO that had been subjected to simulated digestion
decreased the intestinal permeability of artemisinin. However, when EO from A.
annua and dried leaves of an A. annua mutant lacking glandular trichomes and
206 M. R. Desrosiers et al.

artemisinin were digested together with pure artemisinin using the simulated
system, the permeability of artemisinin was unchanged compared to pure artemisinin
controls (Desrosiers and Weathers 2017). These data suggested that A. annua EO
decreased permeability on its own and that this decrease was nullified by the bulk of
the plant matrix.

6.4.3  Potential Effects on the Liver

The full story of how A. annua EOs affect artemisinin bioavailability is not com-
plete without understanding how EOs affect metabolism in the liver, where artemis-
inin is known to undergo significant first-pass metabolism. In this scenario,
artemisinin is metabolized into four metabolites: deoxyartemisinin, deoxydihydro-
artemisinin, 9,10-dihydrodeoxyartemisinin, and crystal 7 (Lee and Hufford 1990).
None has any antimalarial activity mainly due to the loss of the endoperoxide bridge
responsible for the drug’s potent activity against Plasmodium. In addition to solubil-
ity concerns, the high first-pass metabolism of artemisinin is another reason for the
development of the semi-synthetic artemisinin derivatives currently used in ACTs.
These semi-­synthetic derivatives are metabolized in the liver into dihydroartemis-
inin, which retains the endoperoxide bridge and potent antiplasmodial activity (Lee
and Hufford 1990; Navaratnam et al. 2000).
Several compounds found in the EO of A. annua may, however, modulate first-­
pass liver metabolism of artemisinin in a way that allows more of the drug to reach
systemic circulation. For example, camphor, one of the components found in both
A. annua and A. afra EOs, inhibits CYP2B6, the main enzyme responsible for
artemisinin metabolism (Seo et al. 2008; Svensson and Ashton 1999). By inhibiting
CYP2B6, camphor present in the oil would allow more artemisinin to bypass
metabolism in the liver and reach systemic circulation. Borneol, limonene, and
cineol also inhibited CYP2B6. More studies are needed to determine if other
components in A. annua EO inhibit CYP2B6 as well as CYP3A4, which is also
partially involved in artemisinin metabolism.

6.5  Repellency and Insecticidal Activity

Besides having a myriad of antimicrobial activities, A. annua EOs have been

reported to have various insecticidal and repellant qualities, including activities
against stored product beetles, codling moths (Cydia pomonella), blowflies
(Calliphora vomitoria), E. paenulata, and S. eridania (Table 6.5).
As with their use as antimicrobials, questions remain about the economic feasi-
bility of these compounds as insecticides. Nevertheless, EOs may offer a more envi-
ronmentally friendly alternative to some common synthetic insecticides. Many have
also postulated that A. annua EO may function as an effective mosquito repellant;
6  Artemisia annua and Artemisia afra Essential Oils and Their Therapeutic… 207

Table 6.5  Repellant and insecticidal activity of A. annua essential oil and essential oil components
on various insect species
A. annua component Species Activity Source
A. annua alcoholic Cydia pomonella Repellant Durden et al.
extract (2011)
A. annua EO Calliphora vomitoria Insecticidal Bedini et al.
A. annua EO Tribolium castaneum Repellant and Tripathi et al.
insecticidal (2000)
Callosobruchus Insecticidal

however, to our knowledge, no reliable studies have been conducted to date to vali-
date this claim. Many of the EOs found in A. annua are also in A. afra and would be
expected to provide similar responses.

6.6  Conclusions

While EOs per se are not recommended as direct therapeutic agents, their inclusion
in an herbal or other medicinal preparation may have profound effects on therapeutic
outcomes. Evidence shows that EOs from A. annua and A. afra may not only have
direct therapeutic effects against various ailments including infectious diseases but
also enhance the bioavailability of more potent phytochemical drugs, e.g.,
artemisinin. The mechanism of action of EO effects include improved solubility of
otherwise poorly soluble compounds and possible inhibition of liver metabolism by
cytochrome P450s. Overall, this information enhances our understanding of the role
of EOs in therapeutic medicinal applications.

Acknowledgments We are grateful for award Number NIH-2R15AT008277-02 from the

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health that enabled MJT and PJW to provide
phytochemical analyses of the plant and essential oil samples. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National
Center for Complementary and Integrative Health or the National Institutes of Health.


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Chapter 7
Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils
Against Oral Pathogens

Jelena Marinković, Tatjana Marković, Biljana Miličić, Marina Soković,

Ana Ćirić, and Dejan Marković

7.1  Introduction

The oral cavity is a favorable environment for various microorganisms where they
exist in multispecies communities (Borges et al. 2015). Bacterial community, which
is attached to organic or inorganic surfaces, is called biofilm. Bacteria are embedded
in an extracellular polymeric matrix which they produce themselves (Mashima and
Nakazawa 2014).
An exquisite example of naturally formed biofilm is a dental plaque (Mancl et al.
2013). It is considered the main cause of tooth decay (caries) that can lead to root
canal infections; and also biofilm can affect the tooth supporting tissues and cause

J. Marinković
“Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Mike Petrovića Alasa 12,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Marković
Institute for Medicinal Plant Research “Dr. Josif Pančić”, Tadeuša Koščuška 1,
Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]
B. Miličić
Department for Medical Statistics and Informatics, School of Dental Medicine,
Dr. Subotića 1, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Soković (*) · A. Ćirić
Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, Bulevar Despota Stefana 142,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
D. Marković
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine,
Dr. Subotića 11, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 211

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
212 J. Marinković et al.

Fig. 7.1  S. sanguinis and

S. salivarius interactions
with other bacteria in
biofilm community
involved in caries
development process: an
example of early childhood
caries with a number of
carious lesions

Fig. 7.2  S. sanguinis and S. salivarius: members of biofilm community. Both species have an
important role in first-stage development of disease of tooth-supporting tissues. An example of
gingivitis and gingival hypertrophy

periodontitis (Figs. 7.1 and 7.2). Streptococcus sanguinis and Streptococcus sali-

varius are known for their contribution to dental plaque (Seow et al. 2009). Their
specific behavior and interactions with other bacteria in such a complex community
make them the pathogens of specific importance.
In the incoming era of well-documented antimicrobial and antibiotic resistance,
modern science is opening to investigate natural products for a possible solution.
With regard to this, essential oils (EOs) particularly seem promising due to a range
of well-documented biological activities (Marković 2011). Their efficacy against S.
sanguinis and S. salivarius is already proven in many recent studies (Bersan et al.
2014; Crevelin et al. 2015; Mahboubi and Kazempour 2011; Nikolic et al. 2014,
2016; Nikolic 2015; Zomorodian et al. 2015), implying that the EOs with appropri-
ate chemical composition may serve as antimicrobial alternatives to standard end-
odontic therapy agents that are already documented as agents lacking in efficiency
toward these two pathogens (Fig. 7.3) (Lew et al. 2015; Sakamoto et al. 2007).
The aim of this chapter is to present EOs with the most significant in vitro activ-
ity against two oral pathogens, S. sanguinis and S. salivarius, associated with the
obstacles of standard endodontic procedure, and to discuss their chemical composi-
tion and constituents with regard to their responsibility in the achieved outstanding
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 213

Fig. 7.3  Streptococcus salivarius (first row) and Streptococcus sanguinis (second row)

7.2  M
 ultiple Roles of Streptococcus sanguinis
and Streptococcus salivarius

As specific behavior of these oral pathogens and their interactions with other bacte-
ria make them very important in dental biofilm formation, their multiple roles
deserve to be described in more detail.

 nti-biofilm Role of Streptococcus sanguinis (Anti-­

7.2.1  A
Streptococcus mutans and Anti-periodontopathogenic)

Development of a dental biofilm which further leads to caries is initiated by the

adherence of “early colonizers” to the salivary proteins and glycoproteins on the
outer tooth layer, the tooth enamel (Mashima and Nakazawa 2014). Since the early
colonizers provide substrate for the attachment of the other ones, the process of
adherence seems to be very important for biofilm formation as it substantially influ-
ences its succeeding developmental stages (Li et al. 2004).
S. sanguinis has been recognized as an early colonizer due to its unique cell sur-
face polymeric structure named pili, which enables its adhesion (Okahashi et  al.
2010; Rosan and Lamont 2000). Its initial colonization usually takes place during a
discrete “window of infectivity,” at the age of 9  months, which correlates to the
primary teeth emergence (Caufield et al. 2000). Although some reports implicate
Streptococcus mutans as a principal etiological agent in caries (Thenisch et  al.
2006), the role of S. sanguinis in development of caries, achieved through its rela-
tive incidence and interaction with S. mutans, must not be neglected (Ge et al. 2008).
214 J. Marinković et al.

According to Caufield et al. (2000) and Kreth et al. (2005), there is antagonism
between S. sanguinis and S. mutans. Bearing in mind that different Streptococcus
species compete for similar surviving and growing conditions (Zhu and Kreth
2010), the role of S. sanguinis in caries development might be defined as antagonis-
tic toward S. mutans; its activity is mainly based on inhibition of S. mutans which is
achieved by the release of hydrogen peroxide it produces (Carlsson et  al. 1983;
Kreth et  al. 2005), in addition to the fact that it also secrets antimicrobial agent
named bacteriocin, sanguicin (Fujimura and Nakamura 1979). Similarly, S. mutans
developed anti-S. sanguinis strategy which includes production of antimicrobial
peptides mutacin I and IV, both capable of inhibiting S. sanguinis (Kreth et  al.
2005). An obvious antagonism between these two pathogens, particularly pro-
nounced under the aerobic conditions, is controlled by the fact which one will be
first inoculated, and it is crucial for the entire caries development procedure (Kreth
et al. 2008). The synthesis of hydrogen peroxide by S. sanguinis lies in its capability
to metabolize carbohydrates and produce lactate and pyruvate via glycolytic path-
ways. The enzyme pyruvate oxidase catalyzes conversion of pyruvate, inorganic
phosphate, and oxygen to hydrogen peroxide, carbon dioxide, and acetyl phosphate;
this provides S. sanguinis an effective H2O2 mechanism which enables it to resist
other bacteria, at the same time being resistant to itself (Carlsson and Edlund 1987;
Zheng et al. 2011; Zhu and Kreth 2012).
Antagonism of S. sanguinis is not specific only against cariogenic bacteria S.
mutans but is also observed toward the periodontopathogens which cause the most
common oral disease, periodontitis. This might be illustrated by the prevalence of S.
sanguinis in healthy subjects in comparison with patients with periodontitis (Stingu
et  al. 2008). Periodontopatoghens, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella
intermedia, and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, showed to be sensitive to
the hydrogen peroxide produced by S. sanguinis; the achieved inhibition seems to
be time dependent and was only observed when S. sanguinis were spotted 24  h
before spotting the other pathogens. Also, the inhibition was favored under the aero-
bic then anaerobic condition (Herrero et al. 2016).

 nti-biofilm Role of Streptococcus salivarius (Anti-­

7.2.2  A
Streptococcus mutans and Anti-periodontopathogenic)

Another early colonizer in biofilm development is S. salivarius; it becomes estab-

lished in oral cavity within the first 48 h, where it remains as a predominant com-
mensal inhabitant (McCarthy et al. 1965; Kaci et al. 2014).
Next to S. sanguinis, whose antagonism is already discussed, S. salivarius is also
frequently occurring human oral cavity inhabitant (Barretto et  al. 2012). Its
­capability to produce bacteriocins makes it a good probiotic candidate—live micro-
organism which when administered in adequate amounts confers a health benefit on
the host (Araya et al. 2002). Bacteriocins, as antimicrobials with relatively specific
killing activity, are capable of suppressing growth of bacteria which are phyloge-
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 215

netically closely related to bacteriocin-producing strain; such a specific killing abil-

ity differ them from classic antibiotics which extend to microbial species
phylogenetically distant from its producing strain (Gregori et al. 2016). Probiotic
bacteria can achieve its full impact by competing for adhesion, nutrients, and growth
factors, by production of inhibiting molecules or enzymes which are lethal to patho-
genic ones or by supporting the host immune system (Wescombe et al. 2012).
Different generations of S. salivarius as a probiotic were examined. The first type
was obtained with S. salivarius strain K12, which was isolated from saliva of a
healthy child (Barretto et al. 2012); it successfully reduced occurrence of a recurrent
pharyngitis and halitosis (Daniels 2015; Di Pierro et al. 2016; Masdea et al. 2012)
due to its potent activity toward S. pyogenes (Hyink et al. 2007) and S. pneumoniae
(Power et  al. 2008) and through secretion of salivaricins A2 and B (Hyink et  al.
2007; Tagg 2008; Tagg and Dierksen 2003). However, this strain had relatively
weak in vitro inhibitory activity against S. mutans (Walker et al. 2016). This imposed
necessity to develop strain M18, which was originally isolated from a healthy adult
female (Chen et  al. 1996; Di Pierro et  al. 2016; Heng et  al. 2011; Ohnishi et  al.
1995); the improvement of this strain was achieved with a fact that, apart from pro-
ducing several bacteriocins, including salivaricins A2, M, MPS, and 9, it also pro-
duces dextranase, the enzymes which antagonize biofilm formation, as well as
urease, which rise the local pH value (Barbour et  al. 2013; Burton et  al. 2013;
Wescombe et al. 2012). Mechanism of salivaricin 9 is quite known; it penetrates the
cytoplasmic membrane of the targeted cells and induces pore formation (Barbour
et al. 2013). Although S. salivarius M18 proved to be efficient toward S. mutans, its
efficacy toward periodontopathogenic bacteria still remains unsolved. In addition,
P. gingivalis and P. intermedia already proved not to be inhibited by this strain
(Burton et al. 2013). Novel candidate for oral probiotic S. salivarius strain JH was
found to be more potent anti-S. mutans, as it produces salivaricin E (SalE), in addi-
tion to the fact that it produces more dextranase than any other strain of S. salivarius
(Walker et al. 2016). However, its effectiveness toward periodontopathogenic bac-
teria is not estimated yet.

7.2.3  Roles of Streptococcus sanguinis/Streptococcus

salivarius in Endocarditis

Although previous lines were dedicated to S. sanguinis and S. salivarius found in

the oral cavity, in a manner of semi-beneficial bacteria in a complex microbial com-
munity competing for space and nutrients, their pathogenicity gets its full impact in
case of their incidence in naturally sterile environment, such as a bloodstream. Now
when they are not in position to compete with other pathogenic bacteria, they may
present their full pathogenic impact and be the main cause of systemic diseases,
such as bacterial endocarditis, mycotic aneurysm infection (destruction of blood
vessel walls) (Kadowaki et al. 2013), systemic vasculitis (Behçet’s disease) (Kaneko
et al. 2011), and hepatic encephalopathy (Bajaj 2016). Infective endocarditis is a
216 J. Marinković et al.

serious and potentially fatal infection obtained through interaction of the two oral
pathogens, S. sanguinis and S. salivarius, with matrix molecules and platelets at
sites of endocardial cell damage (Di Filippo et al. 2006; Kao et al. 2013; Wilson
et al. 2008).
The oral cavity is the entrance gate for these two bacteria. Bacteremia can be
provoked by some every day routine activities, such as tooth brushing, flossing,
usage of wooden toothpicks and chewing a food (Wilson et  al. 2008), or it can
appear following a common dental treatment such as a tooth cleaning (Di Filippo
et al. 2006; Laura et al. 2014) or tooth extraction (Wilson et al. 2008). Also, impor-
tant source and provoking cause of bacteremia may be a dental infection, originat-
ing weather from the tooth or its supporting tissues, and it is considered as a dental
focus (Di Filippo et al. 2006; Wilson et al. 2008; Wisniewska-Spychala et al. 2012).
S. sanguinis and S. salivarius related to subacute endocarditis were isolated from
the following dental foci: teeth with necrotic pulp or with its necrotic decay, resected
teeth with poorly filled root canals due to anatomical or other difficulties, and teeth
without evident periapical lesions and with seemingly well-filled root canal, such as
endo-perio syndrome (Wisniewska-Spychala et al. 2012). All these lead to the fact
that endocarditis is certainly related to untreated or badly treated S. sanguinis- and
S. salivarius-rich infected root canals.
If we consider that only sterile root canal is the healthy one, then none of the
beneficial bacteria nor their interaction with more or less pathogenic bacteria may
find its place or role in the root canal system. With regard to this, the dental root
canal resembles the blood stream; only the sterile ones may guarantee survival.

 he Roles of Streptococcus salivarius/Streptococcus

7.2.4  T
sanguinis in Infected Dental Root Canal (Oral Focus)

Streptococcus spp., including S. sanguinis and S. salivarius, are well known by its
presence in infected root canal (Fouad et al. 2003). They use to be found in primary
infected dental root canals where infection is caused by microorganisms that ini-
tially invade and colonize the necrotic pulp tissue (Gomes et al. 2004; Lew et al.
2015; Siqueira and Rôças 2009) or they use to be isolated from the root canals of
already treated teeth (Gomes et al. 2004; Łysakowska et al. 2016, Rocas and Siqueira
2012). Further, they can be part of a canal flora in cases of canal infection compli-
cated with symptomatic or asymptomatic, acute or chronic periapical periodontitis
(Jacinito et al. 2003; Provenzano et al. 2015; Rolph et al. 2001; Rocas and Siqueira
2012; Siqueira et al. 2007; Tatikonda et al. 2017).
S. sanguinis proved to be capable of infecting the root canal system within a
week time period (Shovelton 1959). The SEM microscopy analysis confirmed that,
while in combination with Fusobacterium nucleatum or with Actinomyces oris, it
penetrates into the dental tubules (Stauffacher et  al. 2017), which usually occurs
between the 20th and 28th day. Its penetration length ranges from 150 to 792 μm
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 217

(Berkiten et  al. 2000; Perez et  al. 1993). Bearing in mind that bacteria localized
deep inside the dentin tubules could not be removed by the endodontic procedure,
as they are not easily accessed by the instruments or irrigation solutions (Matsuo
et al. 2003), it’s easy to understand why the members of Streptococcus spp. repre-
sent crucial portion of dental flora associated to root infections (Gajan et al. 2009;
Gomes et al. 2004; Lysakowska et al. 2016; Siqueira and Rocas 2008).
Resistance of S. sanguinis and S. salivarius to endodontic treatment is related to
their capabilities to survive chemo-mechanical root canal preparation (Lew et al.
2015; Sakamoto et al. 2007), while the intra-canal medication with Ca(OH)2 paste
following the chemo-mechanical procedure represents the last stage of defense
against these two bacteria prior to dental canal filling (Siqueira and Rocas 2008).
Apart from already known resistance of Enterococcus faecalis (Abbaszadegan et al.
2016), S. sanguinis and S. salivarius also proved to be alkaline-tolerant and capable
to survive Ca(OH)2 dressing (Lew et al. 2015; Sakamoto et al. 2007), which leads to
a conclusion that standard endodontic procedure lacks in efficiency with regard to
the mentioned canal bacteria. Although not every patient with infected root canal
necessarily suffer bacteremia, severity of described systemic diseases makes bacte-
rial eradication very important.
Bearing in mind emerging antimicrobial resistance to antimicrobial agents,
accompanied with a fact that EOs are proved to be good alternative toward standard
antimicrobial therapy with no resistance issues, we are searching for EO which will
possess high potential toward both S. sanguinis and S. salivarius and be capable of
disabling their ability of forming biofilm and consequently avoid most common oral

7.3  P
 rocedure for Screening the Literature on High-Efficacy
Essential Oils Against Two Oral Pathogens

Original papers have been selected from the available index bases, the Web of
Science, Scopus, and Medline, in order to select results from available scientific
literature and study them together with results from our previous investigation
(Nikolić 2015; Nikolić et al. 2014, 2016). The keywords used in the searching pro-
cedure were essential oil and Streptococcus sanguinis/Streptococcus sanguis;
essential oil and S. sanguinis/sanguis; essent* oil* and S. sanguinis/sanguis; essen-
tial oil and Streptococcus salivarius; essential oil and S. salivarius; and essent* oil*
and S. salivarius. There was no time span limitation. All manuscripts presenting
antimicrobial effect of EOs on S. sanguinis and/or S. salivarius, fulfilling the fol-
lowing pre-set criteria were included:
• With chemical composition of tested EOs
• With clinical isolates of S. sanguinis and/or its ATCC 10556 referent strain
• With clinical isolates of S. salivarius subsp. salivarius and/or its ATCC 9222
referent strain
218 J. Marinković et al.

Fig. 7.4  Microdilution method for MIC values determination

• With the CLSI recommendation standard for Streptococcus spp. Viridans group
(CLSI 2013) (which includes ATCC referent strains of S. sanguinis and S.
• With Streptococcus sanguinis ATCC® 10556™ manufacturer strain product
sheet recommendation
• With S. salivarius subsp. salivarius ATCC® 9222™ manufacturer strain product
sheet recommendation
• With the use of microdilution method (Fig. 7.4) for MIC values determination, in
which the MIC values were ≤250 μL of EO mL−1 of growing medium
According to the achieved MIC values, selected EOs were divided into two
groups: the EOs with strong antimicrobial activity (MIC ranged from 0.0001 to
10 μL mL−1) and the EOs with good antimicrobial activity (MIC values ranged from
10 to 250 μL mL−1).

7.4  A
 ntimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils and Their
Constituents Toward Streptococcus salivarius
and Streptococcus sanguinis, Clinical and ATCC Strains

Following the thorough screening of the available peer-review literature, 30 EOs

tested on S. sanguinis and 21 EOs on S. salivarius were selected, all of them express-
ing satisfactory antimicrobial activity on clinical isolates or corresponding referent
strains of these two crucial dental root canal pathogens in humans.
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 219

7.4.1  G
 eneral Variation in Response of Streptococcus
sanguinis and Streptococcus salivarius to Selected
Essential Oils

Out of 21 selected EOs (Table 7.1), 12 EOs showed identical MIC values against
both pathogens: ten EOs (Thymus serpyllum, T. algeriensis, Leptospermum peterso-
nii, Eucalyptus citriodora, Melaleuca quinquenervia, Rosa centifolia, Syzygium
aromaticum, Hyssopus officinalis, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Pelargonium graveo-
lens) against the clinical isolates and the remaining two EOs (Satureja khuzestanica
and Carum copticum) against the referent ATCC strains.

Table 7.1  Comparative presentation of the MIC values of 21 EOs with satisfactory efficacy
(MIC£250 μg mL1) on two oral Streptococcus species (clinical isolates and corresponding ATCC
Essential oils MIC values Reference
(EOs) S. salivarius S. sanguinis
Clinical Thymus serpyllum 3 μg mL−1 3 μg mL−1 Nikolic et al. (2014)
isolates Thymus algeriensis 40 μg mL−1 40 μg mL−1 Nikolic et al. (2014)
Satureja montana 60 μg mL−1 30 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
Leptospermum 60 μg mL−1 60 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
Thymus vulgare 80 μg mL−1 160 μg mL−1 Nikolic et al. (2014)
Eucalyptus citriodora 80 μg mL−1 80 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
Melaleuca 130 μg mL−1 130 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
Rosa centifolia 130 μg mL−1 130 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
Syzygium aromaticum 130 μg mL−1 130 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
Hyssopus officinalis 160 μg mL−1 160 μg mL−1 Nikolic et al. (2016)
Rosmarinus officinalis 160 μg mL−1 160 μg mL−1 Nikolic et al. (2016)
Pelargonium 250 μg mL−1 250 μg mL−1 Nikolic (2015)
ATCC Trachyspermum 0.06 μL mL−1 1 μL mL−1 Mahboubi and
strains copticum Kazempour (2011)
Satureja hortensis 0.125 μL mL−1 2 μL mL−1 Mahboubi and
Kazempour (2011)
Satureja khuzestanica 0.125 μL mL−1 0.125 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
Zataria multiflora 0.125 μL mL−1 0.25 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
Carum copticum 0.25 μL mL−1 0.25 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
Satureja bachtiarica 0.25 μL mL−1 0.5 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
Salvia mirzayanii 0.5 μL mL−1 0.125 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
Ocimum sanctum 0.5 μL mL−1 0.25 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
Artemisia sieberi 4 μL mL−1 1 μL mL−1 Zomorodian et al. (2015)
220 J. Marinković et al.

Analysis of the MIC values revealed the following major observations with
regard to differences in response of tested pathogens to selected EOs:
1. S. sanguinis was more sensitive than S. salivarius on EOs of S. montana, S.
mirzayanii, O. sanctum, and A. sieberi; their major constituent was 1,8-cineole
whose content ranged from 20.8% to 49.3%.
2. S. salivarius was more sensitive than S. sanguinis on EOs of T. vulgare, T. copti-
cum, S. hortensis, Z. multiflora, and S. bachtiarica EOs; their major constituent
was thymol whose content ranged from 28.0% to 49.1%.
3. Interestingly, none of the above mentioned four1,8-cineole-rich EOs also con-
tained thymol nor the other five thymol-rich EOs also contained 1,8-cineole.
Comparing to S. sanguinis, the two cineole-rich oils, S.  Montana (49.3%) and O.
sanctum (20.8%), showed about 2 times higher MIC values against S. salivarius,
while those from S. mirzayanii and A. sieberi with similar cineole content (41.2% and
21.1%, respectfully) showed about 4 times higher MIC values. These observations
suggest that the difference in susceptibility between the two Streptococcus species is
not only due to their cineole content; it would be wiser to assume that the cineole-rich
oils lacking thymol are more efficient against S. sanguinis than S. salivarius. The
exact sensitivity ratio to the oils between the two pathogens has to be precisely deter-
mined as it could be useful not only for their possible practical implementation but
also for avoiding undesired defects (Nikolic 2015; Zomorodian et al. 2015).
Similar observation was noticed in the group of even more efficient five EOs; all
of them were thymol-rich but had no 1,8-cineole content. Regardless of their vari-
ability in thymol content (T. vulgare 49.1%, Z. multiflora 37.8%, and S. bachtiarica
28.0%), their MIC values revealed that S. sanguinis was always about twice more
sensitive than S. salivarius. In case of other two thymol-rich oils (T. copticum 45.9%
and S. hortensis 28.2%), the observed sensitivity pattern between the two
Streptococci was even more pronounced (S. sanguinis was about 17 and 16 times
more sensitive to these two oils, respectively). Comparative analysis confirmed that
the thymol-rich oils are highly efficient against the two pathogenic oral Streptococcus
species, so determination of their exact sensitivity ratio to the oils would be crucial
due to many practical reasons (Nikolic et al. 2014; Mahboubi and Kazempour 2011;
Zomorodian et al. 2015).

7.4.2  D
 ifferences Between Clinical and Referent ATCC Strains
of Streptococcus sanguinis and Streptococcus salivarius
in Their Sensitivity to Essential Oils

The best efficacy toward S. sanguinis (ATCC 10556) exhibited EOs from Salvia
mirzayanii and Satureja khuzestanica, both with MIC = 0.125 μL mL−1 (Zomorodian
et al. 2015), while the most efficient against corresponding clinical isolates was the
EO of Thymus serpyllum with MIC = 3 μg mL−1 (Nikolic et al. 2014); comparison
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 221

of efficacy of these two EOs revealed that clinical isolates required 24 times higher
MIC then their corresponding referent ATCC strain (Table 7.1).
Similar pattern in sensitivity between the clinical isolates and corresponding ref-
erent strain was observed for S. salivarius; the most efficient oil against the referent
strain was Trachyspermum copticum with MIC = 0.06 μL mL−1 (Zomorodian et al.
2015), which proved to be about 50 times lower than the most efficient against cor-
responding clinical isolates, the oil of Thymus serpyllum with MIC = 3 μg mL−1
(Nikolic et al. 2014) (Table 7.1).
The least efficient EOs included in this study, with MIC = 250 μg mL−1, were
Pelargonium graveolens against the clinical isolates of both pathogens, as well as
Cymbopogon martinii against the S. sanguinis isolate (Nikolic 2015) and Cyperus
articulatus EO against S. sanguinis ATCC 10556 (Bersan et  al. 2014), while the
least efficient on S. salivarius ATCC 9222 was Artemisia sieberi EO, with a quite
lower MIC = 4 μL mL−1 (Zomorodian et al. 2015).
Comparison of selected results confirmed that antimicrobial activity of selected
EOs is statistically different between oils tested on clinical and ATCC strain types,
implicating that the clinical isolates of both Streptococcus species generally show
lower sensitivity to EOs than their corresponding referent strains (Table 7.2).
From the total EOs tested, 39% achieved strong antimicrobial activity toward
ATCC 10556 and ATCC 9222 strains, while in case of clinical isolates, that percent-
age was only 9.3%.
Although Becerril et al. (2012) reported no significant differences in sensitivity,
between the clinical isolates and referent strains of some gram-negative bacteria (E.
coli, S. marcescens, M. morganii, P. mirabilis, and P. aeruginosa) to the activity of
Origanum vulgaris and Cinnamomum zeylanicum EOs, data summarized in our
study show the opposite trend, regardless the strength of the achieved antimicrobial
activity (Table 7.2). The most efficient EOs toward the both referent strains (S. san-
guinis and S. salivarius) had MIC values several times lower (Zomorodian et  al.
2015; Mahboubi and Kazempour 2011) than those of their corresponding clinical
isolates (Nikolić et al. 2014), which is also confirmed in our other study on E. fae-
calis (Bogojevic et al. 2016).
As it is quite known that the clinical isolates between themselves may vary in
their sensibility toward any tested agent, and that testing on the referent strains
revealed that they are quite different in sensitivity than the clinical ones, any con-
clusion based on results on either of them separately may bring us to a dead end.

Table 7.2  Response of two Streptococcus spp. strain types to selected antimicrobial essential oils
Antimicrobial activity of EOs
(X ± SD) (Med; min-max)/n (%)
Parameters Strong Good Statistical significance
Strain type ATCC strain 32 (39.0%) 50 (61.0%) p = 0.000a,b
Clinical isolates 16 (9.3%) 156 (90.7%)
Chi square test
Statistically significant
222 J. Marinković et al.

On the other hand, results that came out from simultaneous testing on both, the
clinical isolates and corresponding referent strains, and application of the same
agent (i.e., essential oil of a known chemical composition) would be more confident
and useful for further studies. Since, to the best of our knowledge, there were no
reports on simultaneous testing of facultative anaerobes such as Streptococcus spp.,
with EOs of presented chemical composition, once again we propose simultaneous
testing procedure with regard to their antimicrobial activity, expressing results on
the ATCC strains just as a referent point in comparison.

7.4.3  S
 ome Other Parameters Influencing Essential Oils
Efficacy Toward Two Streptococcus spp.

Further statistical analysis explains weather the content of EO constituents and the
chemical class to which they belong to (the terpene class) influence antimicrobial
activity of EOs (Tables 7.3 and 7.4).
Content of EO constituents is statistically different between strong and good EOs
tested on both ATCC strains and clinical isolates. Strong EOs in general had higher
constituent amount compared with good EOs (Table 7.3).
Apart from the previously described influence of the strain types (clinical isolate/
referent strain) and the amount of the oil component (Fig. 7.5), the chemical class
(terpenes) to which components chemically corresponds was also analyzed as pos-
sible influencing parameter (Table 7.4).
Chemical class, to which EOs constituents chemically belong to, statistically
showed no difference between the groups of EOs with strong and with good antimi-
crobial efficacy tested on both ATCC strains and clinical isolates (Table 7.4).
Logistic regression analysis was used for identification of parameters that may
predict differences between EOs with strong and good antimicrobial activity.
Logistic regression analysis showed influence of EOs, content of single oil con-
stituents, strain type, and chemical class to which oil constituents belong to, on
antimicrobial activity of selected EOs tested toward two Streptococcus spp. When
univariate predictors (Table  7.5) were introduced in a multivariate model, the

Table 7.3  Influence of the amount of EO constituent (%) on antimicrobial activity of tested EOs
towards two Streptococcus spp.
EO antimicrobial efficacy (MIC
(X ± SD) (Med; min-max)
Parameters Strong Good Statistical significance
Content of EO constituent (%) 15.30 ± 16.69 8.74 ± 14.22 p = 0.003a,b
(10.86; (3.25;
1.00–87.70) 1.00–83.10)
Mann–Whitney test
Statistically significant
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 223

Table 7.4  Influence of the chemical class to which components belong to (terpene class) on
antimicrobial activity of selected EOs tested towards two Streptococcus spp.
Antimicrobial activity of EOs
Chemical class (terpenes) (%) Strong Good Statistical significancea
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 19 (26.8%) 52 (73.2%) 0.075
Oxygenated monoterpenes 23 (19.3%) 96 (80.7%)
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 5 (10.9%) 41 (89.1%)
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 1 (5.6%) 17 (94.4%)
Chi square test

Fig. 7.5 Constituent amount impact on antimicrobial activity of tested EOs toward two
Streptococcus spp

amount of the oil constituents, together with the strain types and classes to which
components chemically belong, proved to be predictor of difference. Results
­implicate that higher amounts of constituents obtain better antimicrobial efficiency.
The strain type as a predictor of difference may be explained with a fact that antimi-
crobial efficacy of oils tested on ATCC strains was seven times stronger than the
efficiency on clinical isolates (Table 7.6). Also, the EOs rich in monoterpene hydro-
carbons were the most efficient ones, while the less efficient were EOs with pre-
dominating content of oxygenated sesquiterpenes (Table 7.6).
224 J. Marinković et al.

Table 7.5  Logistic regression analysis of the impact of observed factors on antimicrobial activity
of selected EOs tested towards two Streptococcus spp.
Logistic regression analysis
Uni- Multi-
Parameters expB (95% C.I.) p expB (95% C.I.) p
EO 0.983 (0.951–1.017) 0.327 / /
Components amount 0.976 (0.959–0.994) 0.009a 0.979 (0.959–0.999) 0.040a
Strain type 6.240 (3.163–12.310) 0.000a 6.801 (3.341–13.845) 0.000a
Class of terpenes 1.728 (1.140–2.620) 0.010a 1.984 (1.259–3.126) 0.003a
Statistically significant

Table 7.6  Influence of the chemical classes of EOs on the type of Streptococcus spp. strains
(clinical isolate/referent strain)
Antimicrobial power of EO
Referent ATCC strain Clinical isolate
Chemical class/terpene class (%) Strong Good Strong Good
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 12 (50%) 12 (50%) 7 (14.9%) 40 (85.1%)
Oxygenated monoterpenes 16 (50%) 16 (50%) 7 (8.0%) 80 (92.0%)
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 3 (16.7%) 15 (83.3%) 2 (7.1%) 26 (92.9%)
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 1 (12.5%) 7 (87.5%) 0 (0.0%) 10 (100.0%)
Statistical significance p = 0.030a p = 0.379
Statistically significant

Analysis of chemical composition of the efficient EOs toward clinical isolates

showed that classes to which the EOs constituents chemically correspond did not
show to statistically influence the antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus spp.
On the other hand, analysis of chemical composition of the efficient EOs toward
the both referent strains showed that the class to which the oil components chemi-
cally correspond statistically differs between the EOs with strong and good antimi-
crobial activities (Table 7.7); stronger efficiency against both referent Streptococcus
species showed monoterpenoids (i.e., monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated
monoterpenes). In addition, the EOs rich indifferent terpenes but classified as mono-
terpenoids were evenly distributed between the strong and good antimicrobial activ-
ity EOs, while the terpenes classified as sesquiterpenoids (i.e., sesquiterpene
hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes) predominated in the EOs with good
antimicrobial activity (Table 7.7).
More detailed analysis of chemical class distribution confirmed following: in 9
strong antimicrobial EOs on both oral pathogens similar pattern is observed; 7 EOs
are composed mainly of oxygenated monoterpenes which ranged from 36.5 to
87.7% (Tables 7.7 and 7.8). In the remaining EOs which belong to MIC-good EOs
just for S. sanguinis (Table 7.7), in 3 out of 5 EOs prevailed content of sesquiterpene
hydrocarbons, ranging from 17.6 to 59.7%, while in the remaining 2 EOs, again
prevailed oxygenated monoterpenes, in a quite high percentage.
Table 7.7  Influence of chemical class of EOs on S. sanguinis ATCC 10566

Chemical class to which EO MIC-strong (μL mL−1) MIC-good (μL mL−1)

components belong to 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 62.0 62.5 125 250 250
(Terpene-class) Sm Sk Os Zm Cc Sb As Tc Sh Mg Pn Ls Cs Ca
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 13.1 41.5 46.8 2.1 32.6 17.3 2.7 10.4
Oxygenated monoterpenes 51.9 87.7 36.5 65.0 36.7 41.2 37.7 45.9 40.8 0.0 1.2 72.3 86.2 14.7
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.5 59.7 44.5 10.5 0.0 17.6
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.4 15.6 0.0 0.0 3.4
Sum 51.9 87.7 57.5 65.0 94.3 58.2 50.8 88.5 89.1 73.2 93.9 100.0 88.9 46.1
Sm S. mirzayanii, Sk S. khuzestanica, Os O. sanctum, Zm Z. multiflora, Cc C. copticum, Sb S. bachtiarica, As A. sieberi, Tc T. copticum, Sh S. hortensis, Mg
M. glomerata, Pn P. neochilus, Ls L. sidoides, Cs C. sativum, Ca C. articulates
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens
226 J. Marinković et al.

Table 7.8  Influence of chemical class of EOs on S. salivarius ATCC 9222

Chemical class to which EO MIC-strong (μL mL−1)

components belong to 0.06 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 4.00
(Terpene-class) Tc Sh Sk Zm Cc Sb Sm Os As
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 41.5 46.8 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.1
Oxygenated monoterpenes 45.9 40.8 87.7 65.0 36.7 41.2 51.9 36.5 37.6
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 1.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sum 88.5 89.1 87.7 65.0 94.3 58.2 51.9 57.5 50.7
Tc Trachyspermum copticum, Sh Satureja hortensis, Sk Satureja khuzestanica, Zm Zataria multi-
flora, Cc Carum copticum, Sb Satureja bachtiarica, Sm Salvia mirzayanii, Os Ocimum sanctum,
As Artemisia sieberi

Although the oxygenated monoterpenes prevail in more than 75% examined

EOs, clear distinction of this chemical class, as solely responsible for antimicrobial
efficacy on the two tested Streptococcus species, is not possible, as the constituents
from other classes seem to be also involved. Our findings are in agreement with
those of Yang et al. (2013) who investigated antimicrobial activity of Litsea cubeba
EO components on S. sanguinis and revealed that class of oxygenated monoter-
penes did express the highest antimicrobial impact against this pathogen compared
to other chemical classes present in this oil.

7.4.4  S
 ingle Essential Oil Constituents Influencing Efficacy
Toward Two Streptococcus spp.

If we want to get a general clue what would be the most favorable composition of
EO of the outstanding efficacy on both Streptococcus spp., we might decide to study
them just on the referent strains, as in case of clinical isolates there is only one MIC-­
strong EO (Thymus serpyllum) tested against both clinical isolates of targeted oral
pathogens that fulfilled pre-set criteria (Table  7.1). However, it is interesting to
underline that thymol was common constituent in both, the MIC-strong and the
MIC-good oils, and always with high contribution (28–65%), implicating it does
play certain role, possibly in controlled interaction with other components.
Monoterpenoides (monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes),
present in all EOs effective against referent strains of both oral pathogens, are pre-
sented in Table 7.9.
Analysis of data for MIC-strong group of EOs revealed that, within the class of
monoterpene hydrocarbons, we should look for the presence of myrcene, α-thujone,
α-phellandrene and o-cymene, while within the oxygenated monoterpenes, that
would be camphor, 1,8-cineole, carvacrol, eugenol and linalyl acetate. γ-terpinene,
p-cymene and thymol are common in all EOs, regardless they belongs to MIC-
strong or MIC-good group of EOs; their interaction with the above mentioned
9 constituents should be a subject of a further investigation.
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 227

Table 7.9  Common monoterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes, tested on

ATCC strains of Streptococcus spp.
ATCC 10556 and ATCC 9222
EO constituents MIC-strong (%) MIC-good (%)
Monoterpene hydrocarbons
Myrcene 100 0.0
α-thujone 100 0.0
α-phellandrene 100 0.0
o-cymene 100 0.0
γ-terpinene 75.0 25.0
p-cymene 66.7 33.3
β-pinene 50.0 50.0
Sabinene 50.0 50.0
Oxygenated monoterpenes
Camphor 100 0.0
1,8-cineole 100 0.0
Carvacrol 100 0.0
Eugenol 100 0.0
Linalyl acetate 100 0.0
Thymol 83.3 16.7
Terpinen-4-ol 50.0 50.0

Thymol, carvacrol, and p-cymene.  They are already well-known antimicrobials

(Dorman and Deans 2000). Findings of the Lambert et al. (2001) that thymol and
carvacrol in the mixture have additive antimicrobial effect was also confirmed in our
investigation; following MIC-strong EOs against both oral pathogens (clinical and
referent strains), contained them both: Satureja hortensis, Zataria multiflora, S.
bachtiarica, and particularly T. serpyllum. The third constituent, monoterpene
hydrocarbon p-cymene facilitate efficacy of thymol and carvacrol, thus adding to
the overall antimicrobial achievement; Delgado et al. (2004), Ultee et al. (1998,
2002) proved that p-cymene increases activity of thymol by its hydrophobic nature,
as is able to incorporate in the lipid bilayer of bacterial cell, dissolve in cytoplasmic
membrane between the lipid acyl chains, and facilitate transport of thymol across
the membrane (Juven et al.1994; Juliano et al. 2000; Cosentino 1999). This supports
our findings with regard to the importance of these three constituents in MIC-strong
EOs against targeted oral pathogens.

1.8-cineole.  It showed to be a constituent common in MIC-strong EOs, at the same

time serving as a marker for sensitivity difference between S. sanguinis and S. sali-
varius. When tested alone, if isolated from the oil of R. officinalis, it showed to be a
moderate antimicrobial with MIC = 400 μg mL−1 toward both S. salivarius ATCC
25975 and S. sanguinis ATCC 10556 (Bernardes et al. 2010), while when isolated
from the oil of Artemisia iwayomogi in tests against S. sanguinis ATCC 10556, it
228 J. Marinković et al.

showed quite lower activity with MIC = 12.8 mg mL−1 (Cha 2007). As we study

EOs with strong activity against S. sanguinis ATCC, we must point out that there
must be some hidden synergistic interactions of cineole with other oil constituents
that has to be further investigated in order to understand the true nature of the entire
antimicrobial mechanism and to be precise about what enables cineole to be a major
component of MIC-strong oils and makes it a weak antimicrobial while isolated.

Myrcene.  It is another monoterpene hydrocarbon which showed to be a common

constituent of the MIC-strong EOs against clinical isolates of S. sanguinis and S.
salivarius. Again, we point out on hidden synergistic interactions of this constituent
with some other ones. While tested as an isolated constituent toward the referent
strains, it expressed moderate antimicrobial activity against both S. salivarius
ATCC25975 (MIC  =  400  μg  mL−1) and S. sanguinis ATCC 10556
(MIC = 1500 μg mL−1) (Bernardes et al. 2010).

Camphor.  This constituent, while isolated from EO Artemisia feddei, alone exhib-
ited low antimicrobial activity (12.8 mg mL−1) against S. sanguinis ATCC 10556
(Cha et al. 2007), while when isolated from the oil of R. officinalis, it showed to be
quite stronger (400 μg mL−1) against both referent strains, S. salivarius ATCC 25975
and S. sanguinis ATCC 10556 (Bernardes et al. 2010). Differences in antimicrobial
activity on S. sanguinis ATCC 10556 strain, together with the high MIC values,
comparing to the MIC values of selected EOs in our study, again implicate on hid-
den synergistic interactions of camphor with other constituents present in the oils.

Eugenol.  Pure eugenol tested on clinical isolate of S. sanguinis achieved MIC = 250

μg mL−1. In interaction with thymol or with carvacrol, it achieved stronger antimi-
crobial efficacy; the interactions were both times synergistic and reached the same
MIC = 62.5 μg mL−1 (Didry et al. 1994). Its interactions when tested with some
other oil constituents have to be further revealed, especially if we take in consider-
ation that eugenol was a major constituent of Ocimum sanctum EO selected in this
study due to its strong MIC = 0.25 μL mL−1 (Zomorodian et al. 2015), as well as in
Syzygium aromaticum EO with MIC = 130 μg mL−1 (Nikolic 2015).

7.5  Conclusions

Study on essential oils with pronounced antimicrobial efficacy against target oral
pathogens, S. sanguinis and S. salivarius, associated to standard endodontic proce-
dure obstacles lead us to several statements we would like to outline.
The essential oils rich in 1,8-cineole but lacking thymol are more efficient against
S. sanguinis then S. salivarius, while S. salivarius proved to be more sensitive than
S. sanguinis on thymol-rich oils lacking cineole.
Clinical isolates of both Streptococcus species generally show lower sensitivity
to EOs than their corresponding referent strains.
7  Outstanding Efficacy of Essential Oils Against Oral Pathogens 229

Analysis of chemical composition of selected essential oils effective against the

clinical isolates showed that chemical class to which constituents belong to do not
influence antimicrobial activity. However, in case of referent strains, the class
showed statistical difference between the MIC-strong and MIC-good essential oils.
The essential oils with predominating monoterpenoids content (monoterpene
hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes) evenly contributed to both MIC
groups of oils (the strong and the good efficacy EOs), while sesquiterpenoids (ses-
quiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated sesquiterpenes) predominated only in the
good efficacy essential oils.
Analysis of data for MIC-strong EOs toward both referent Streptococcus species
revealed that in the class of monoterpene hydrocarbons, one should look for the
presence of myrcene, α-thujone, α-phellandrene, and o-cymene, while within the
class of oxygenated monoterpenes, the target components have to be camphor,
1,8-cineole, carvacrol, eugenol, and linalyl acetate. Compounds such as γ-terpinene,
p-cymene, and thymol are common constituents in all selected EOs, regardless of
whether they are MIC-strong or MIC-good; their interactions with the above-­
mentioned nine constituents should be subject of further investigation.
The antimicrobial compounds presented in this review could be valuable candi-
dates for future studies of synergism, compatibility, and activity in dentistry pro-
cessing systems. The great potential of essential oils to inhibit oral microorganisms
may be used for prevention and treatment of oral and dental diseases, and connected
disorders, in general as antibacterial agents in oral hygiene, and to replace conven-
tional chemical at low and nontoxic concentrations.

Acknowledgments  The authors appreciate financial support of the  Ministry of Education,

Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia (Grants № 172026 and 173032).


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Chapter 8
Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal
and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils
of Plants from Northeast Brazil

Arie Fitzgerald Blank, Maria de Fátima Arrigoni-Blank, Leandro Bacci,

Livio Martins Costa Junior, and Daniela Aparecida de Castro Nizio

8.1  Introduction

Northeast Brazil, the third largest region of the country, is made up of nine states:
Alagoas (AL), Bahia (BA), Ceará (CE), Maranhão (MA), Paraíba (PB), Pernambuco
(PE), Piauí (PI), Rio Grande do Norte (RN), and Sergipe (SE) (Fig. 8.1). Most of the
Northeast is characterized by scarce rainfall, areas with pronounced spatial-temporal
irregularity, and prolonged drought periods, where the annual accumulated rainfall
is less than 500 mm. Conversely, the East Coast presents rainy climate, with annual
accumulated rainfall greater than 1500 mm. The climatic variability and the diverse
biomes of the region favor the occurrence of significant plant diversity, including
medicinal and aromatic species. Part of this diversity is found in the main
northeastern biome, the Caatinga, where several endemic species occur. The
unfavorable climatic conditions, marked by water scarcity and high temperatures,
might have favored the emergence of better-adapted species, which have improved
their biosynthetic capacity in response to the environment over their evolutionary
process. The essential oils of some species found in the Caatinga have a particularly
different chemical composition from those plants found in regions with more
favorable survival conditions. The availability of these plants, together with the
need to obtain natural products to be used as alternatives to the toxic synthetic
products widely applied to crops—which are harmful to man and the environment—
has made them the subject of research on their biotechnological potentialities. In
this sense, the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) has been developing studies on

A. F. Blank (*) · M. de F. Arrigoni-Blank · L. Bacci · D. A. de Castro Nizio

Federal University of Sergipe, Department of Agronomic Engineering, Post-Graduate
Program in Agriculture and Biodiversity, São Cristóvão, Sergipe, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
L. M. Costa Junior
Federal University of Maranhão, Biological and Health Science Center, Department of
Pathology, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 235

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
236 A. F. Blank et al.

Fig. 8.1  Map of Northeast Brazil and its states, with emphasis on the state of Sergipe

aromatic species from Sergipe and other northeastern states, especially regarding
the chemical diversity of essential oils and their biological activities. The essential
oils are analyzed by a mass GC-MS/FID (QP2010 Ultra, Shimadzu Corporation,
Kyoto, Japan), equipped with an autosampler AOC-20i (Shimadzu). The results
enable developing technologies for the sustainable use of these resources in
agriculture and livestock, focusing on natural pesticides and new cultivars of
bioactive plants.
This chapter describes some knowledge about the chemical diversity of the
essential oil of species from Northeast Brazil, their biotechnological potentialities,
and the main factors that have already been described regarding their chemical

8.2  C
 hemical Diversity of Essential Oils of Plants
from Northeast Brazil

Essential oils are substances derived from plants’ secondary metabolites. In the
past, they were believed to be primary metabolism by-products. Despite not being
part of the essential units of cells, secondary metabolites perform very specific
functions in plants, being advantageous to them for survival and adaptation to
adverse conditions. These substances are synthesized in complex routes, involving
energy expenditure and several chemical reactions using specific enzymes. Plants
produce a true biosynthetic arsenal with a vast diversity of substances, varying both
between and within the same species. Harborne (1988) states that the diversity of
secondary metabolites is partly justified by the fact that plants cannot move nor
respond to the environment as animals can.
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 237

Essential oils are constituted mostly by a set of volatile and low molecular weight
substances—the terpenes (mono- and sesquiterpenes) and phenylpropanoids. They
are lipophilic, liquid, and unstable in the presence of light and heat, with characteristic
aroma. They usually present a predominant compound, denominated as major
compound. Species are known to have different chemotypes when the essential oil
of their plants contains different major compounds. The essential oil of some species
is formed by ten or fewer compounds; in other cases, it can be formed by 60 or
more. The literature review “Monoterpene and sesquiterpene synthases and the
origin of terpene skeletal diversity in plants” by Degenhardt et al. (2009) reports
that part of this diversity is due to the ability of monoterpene and sesquiterpene
synthase enzymes to form multiple products. All these characteristics make essential
oils the subject of studies focused on their chemical diversity and potentialities as a
source of useful molecules to humans. Several plants are conserved in the collections
maintained at the Active Germplasm Bank of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the
Federal University of Sergipe (Table  8.1), located in the municipality of São
Cristóvão, state of Sergipe (lat. 11°00′S, long. 37°12′W). The following topics
describe a few species that occur in Northeast Brazil and their biotechnological

8.2.1  Lippia gracilis and L. sidoides

Lippia gracilis (alecrim de tabuleiro) and Lippia sidoides (alecrim de pimenta) are
shrubby plants endemic to the Caatinga, with quite aromatic leaves. L. gracilis is
mainly found in the states of Bahia, Sergipe, and Piauí, while L. sidoides
predominantly occurs in the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, and
Sergipe. Since 2008, the Federal University of Sergipe has carried out the
conservation of genotypes of these species in field collections, with seven accessions
of L. gracilis and ten accessions of L. sidoides. These plants have a high potential of
use owing to their diverse biological activities and are a good example of native
plants that could become a cultivated species once they receive the appropriate
investments for research and technological development. The essential oils of these

Table 8.1  Species, number of accessions, and biological activities detected in aromatic medicinal
plants maintained at the Active Germplasm Bank of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Federal
University of Sergipe, São Cristóvão, state of Sergipe, Brazil
Species No. of accessions Proven biological properties
Lippia gracilis Schauer 07 Insecticide, acaricide, and fungicide
Lippia sidoides Cham. 10 Insecticide, acaricide, and fungicide
Lippia alba (Mill.) N. E. Brown 48 Insecticide, acaricide, and fungicide
Varronia curassavica Jacq. 42 Antiprotozoal
Eplingiella fruticosa Salzm. ex Benth 23 Insecticide
Croton tetradenius Baill. 40 Bactericide and insecticide
238 A. F. Blank et al.

species are rich in monoterpenes, especially thymol and carvacrol. These compounds
are isomers, structurally differing only by the position of the hydroxyl group of the
aromatic ring. Despite having the same molecular formula (C10H14O) and molecular
weights (150.22 g.mol−1) at room temperature, carvacrol is found in the liquid form
while thymol is crystallized (Nostro and Papalia 2012; Holland et al. 2014). This
chapter will further discuss the differences in their biological activities.
Six of the seven L. gracilis accessions maintained at the Active Germplasm Bank
have carvacrol as major compound; the other one has thymol as major compound.
Conversely, nine accessions of L. sidoides present thymol as the major compound;
the remaining one presents carvacrol as major compound. Therefore, L. gracilis and
L. sidoides contain two well-defined chemotypes—thymol and carvacrol.
Although genetic factors determine the ability to synthesize specific compounds,
some quantitative and qualitative variations may occur due to environmental
factors—such as geographic location and soil and climate characteristics,
agricultural practices, development stage, seasonality, and insect attack—and post-­
harvest factors. Each of these factors or the interaction between them will act in a
particular way depending on the species. Younger plants can produce essential oil at
a higher quantity than older plants as they can perform the full biosynthetic activity.
Conversely, older plants may, sometimes, produce more essential oils due to their
mature, fully developed biosynthetic “machinery”. Obtaining essential oils
continuously and with standardized quantitative and qualitative characteristics is
still a challenge. Thus, the knowledge about the effects of genetic and environmental
factors on the essential oil characteristics is fundamental.
In L. gracilis, plant age is a critical factor in essential oil production and can cause
quantitative and qualitative changes in this metabolite (Santos et al. 2016). Four-year-
old plants produce on average twice the amount of essential oil produced by 1-year-
old plants. Regarding the chemical composition, the contents of the major compounds
thymol and carvacrol tend to decrease with plant aging, while the contents of second-
ary compounds—mainly myrcene, p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, and γ-terpinene—tend to
increase. Other factors, such as seasonality and water availability, do not cause sig-
nificant changes in the chemical composition of the essential oil of L. gracilis.
However, a mean increment of 35% in essential oil yield (mL.plant−1) is obtained
when plants are harvested in the dry season. A significant advantage of this species is
the stability of the chemical compounds of their essential oil, regardless of the har-
vesting season or the use or not of artificial irrigation (Cruz et al. 2014).
Significant variations in the content and chemical composition may also occur in
the essential oils of older plants of L. sidoides when compared with younger ones
(Santos et  al. 2015). Unlike L. gracilis, the essential oil content of L. sidoides
reduces with plant aging. Eight-year-old plants produce, on average, 18% less
essential oil than 2-year-old plants. Carvacrol content tends to increase while thymol
content tends to decrease in older plants of L. sidoides. Plant age also interferes with
the secondary compounds. The contents of terpinen-4-ol, thymol methyl ether, (E)-
caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide may increase or remain the same in older
plants. In older plants, the contents of p-cymene and myrcene may reduce or remain
the same, while the content of γ-terpinene may reduce or increase.
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 239

The variations in the essential oil contents and the percentages of essential oil
compounds are in fact phenotypic variations of the plant. The phenotypic variation is
the result of the genetic variation between the plants, associated with the effects of
non-genetic factors. Understanding the factors that affect essential oil production can
help in obtaining products with preferable chemical characteristics and at the desired
quantity. In L. sidoides, environmental factors have more influence on the essential oil
content than genetic factors when comparing 2- and 8-year-old plants (Santos et al.
2015). Conversely, genetic factors act more strongly than environmental factors on
thymol, carvacrol, thymol methyl ether, (E)-caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide.
Although the different factors mentioned above may have a greater or lesser
influence on the chemical content and essential oil composition of L. gracilis and L.
sidoides, the chemotypes of these species do not vary. Regardless of the culture
conditions, both species will always present the chemotypes thymol and carvacrol.

8.2.2  Lippia alba

L. alba, popularly known as erva-cidreira-brasileira or lemon balm, is widely dis-

tributed throughout Brazil. It is a heavily branched, perennial, shrub species and can
reach up to 2 m in height. The species is widely used in folk medicine, owing to its
soothing, spasmolytic, analgesic, sedative, anxiolytic, and expectorant properties.
The L. alba collection maintained at the Active Germplasm Bank of the Federal
University of Sergipe consists of 48 accessions from all over Brazil, of which 21
were collected specifically in northeastern states (Ceará, Alagoas, Sergipe, and
Bahia). The essential oils of these plants have a variable chemical composition, with
marked differences between major compounds. The major compounds most com-
monly identified are 1,8-cineole, linalool, myrcene, limonene, carvone, geranial, and
neral. Neral and geranial are two isomeric acyclic monoterpene aldehydes which
together generate citral. The Active Germplasm Bank of L. alba is characterized by
six chemotypes: (1) linalool + 1,8-cineole + caryophyllene oxide, (2) linalool + cit-
ral  +  1,8-cineole  +  caryophyllene oxide, (3) limonene  +  carvone  +  sabinene, (4)
carvone + limonene + γ-muurolene + myrcene, (5) citral + caryophyllene oxide, and
(6) citral  +  o-cymene  +  limonene  +  caryophyllene oxide (Blank et  al. 2015).
Environmental or genetic effects can explain the chemical diversity of the essential
oil of L. alba. Considering that the species occurs all over the country, in regions
with peculiar climatic and geological characteristics, it must have developed strate-
gies for better adaptation. This phenomenon happened in the course of an evolution-
ary process, where, at a certain moment, given the pressures continually imposed by
the environment, a plant underwent genetic changes, allowing the synthesis of cer-
tain substances that could favor its permanence and perpetuation.
L. alba chemotypes are a valuable source due to their different biological activi-
ties, which will be further addressed in this chapter, besides other potentialities to be
discovered. L. alba has excellent potential as raw material or as a model for the
development of new molecules that can be used in a sustainable agriculture system.
240 A. F. Blank et al.

8.2.3  Myrcia lundiana and Myrcia ovata

The Myrtaceae family is found in Australia, Asia, Africa, and America and consists
of a large number of species, distributed within 132 genera. Among the 985 species
of the 23 genera that occur in Brazil, 744 are endemic (Sobral et al. 2012). M. lundi-
ana and M. ovata restrictively occur in only two regions—Northeast and Southeast.
In the state of Sergipe, M. lundiana can be found in the Atlantic forest, shrub rest-
inga, high restinga, and white sand restinga. Several plants of this species occur
mainly in the National Park of Serra de Itabaiana (municipality of Areia Branca). M.
ovata is found in the municipality of Japaratuba, in a sandy vegetation area with
intense anthropic activity. Plants of both species are visually similar, and most of the
times their identification requires a taxonomist specialized in this botanical family.
These two forest species are not conserved at the Active Germplasm Bank of
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Federal University of Sergipe due to their
difficult vegetative propagation. Also, seeds and seedlings do not easily develop
when removed from their natural habitat. However, much information has been
obtained from the study on natural populations of these species. Both plants have
essential oils with high antimicrobial potential owing to their compounds. Some
compounds are present in both M. lundiana and M. ovata.
The essential oils of M. lundiana, found in the National Park of Itabaiana, and M.
ovata, found in the municipality of Japaratuba, have a mean content of 1.10% and
1.76%, respectively, considering the volume of oil obtained from leaves dried at
40 °C for 5 days. The essential oil of M. lundiana is classified into three chemotypes,
based on the most abundant compounds: (1) chemotype nerolic acid + 1,8-cineole;
(2) chemotype 1,8-cineole  +  citral (neral  +  geranial); and (3) chemotype
1,8-cineole + isopulegol and/or iso-isopulegol. Conversely, with a higher variability,
the essential oil of M. ovata is classified into six chemotypes: (1) nerolic acid, (2)
linalool  +  nerolic acid, (3) geraniol, (4) citral (neral  +  geranial), (5) nerolic
acid + E-nerolidol, and (6) linalool + isopulegol + nerolic acid (Alves et al. 2016;
Sampaio et al. 2016).
Among the major compounds identified in the essential oil of these two species,
nerolic acid [(Z)-3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienoic acid] stands out for being a very rare
compound, reported in few aromatic species, whose content ranges from 0.8% to
7.7%. Nevertheless, some plants from natural populations of M. lundiana and M.
ovata from the state of Sergipe have been reported to present 33.75% and 72.11%
of nerolic acid, respectively, being the first report of this chemical compound in the
genus Myrcia. Both species have great potential to control phytopathogenic fungi,
especially those responsible for the post-harvest deterioration in tropical fruits.
Between 2013 and 2015, three patents of antimicrobial products and formulations
developed with the use of the essential oil of M. lundiana and M. ovata were
deposited by the Federal University of Sergipe at the National Institute of Industrial
Property of Brazil. Despite the need for basic studies on the propagation of these
species, both for conservation and large-scale production, the potential of these
species to generate safer plant-based antimicrobial products to be used in freshly
consumed foods is evident.
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 241

8.2.4  Varronia curassavica

Varronia curassavica (ex-Cordia verbenacea), commonly known as erva-baleeira,

is a medicinal and aromatic species widely distributed in Brazil. Besides the
antimicrobial and antiparasitic activities, the essential oil has anti-inflammatory
properties and is therefore used by a pharmaceutical corporation as an ingredient for
herbal medicine for topical use. Despite not being the major compound, the
sesquiterpene α-humulene is responsible for the anti-inflammatory property of the
essential oil of V. curassavica (Passos et al. 2007).
In Sergipe, this species occurs in several municipalities and can be found both in
coastal and in pasture areas, roadsides, and at the banks of small forests, which are
usually sunny locations with well-drained soils. The essential oil of V. curassavica
contains a wide variety of chemical compounds. Samples of this species analyzed
by gas chromatography/mass spectrometer exhibit chromatograms with a lot of
peaks, usually 30 or more. Some of these peaks are not identified by the libraries
stored in the computer system of the equipment, nor are they found in spectra
available in the printed and virtual literature. The essential oils of plants from
Southeast Brazil usually present α-pinene, (E)-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene,
alloaromadendrene, or α-santalene as major compounds. Plants from Sergipe—
Northeast Brazil—also present camphene, tricyclene, sabinene, β-phellandrene,
α-zingiberene, germacrene D-4-ol, ar-turmerone, and viridiflorol as major
compounds (Nizio et  al. 2015). Some plants synthesize both mono- and
sesquiterpenes, while others synthesize only sesquiterpenes. V. curassavica presents
up to 10% of α-humulene content, considered as the species chemical marker. A
particular compound, isolated and identified by the Department of Chemistry of the
Federal University of Sergipe in partnership with other institutions, 7-ciclodecen-1-­
ona, 7-methyl-3-methylene-10-(1-propyl) (Anjos 2014), is the major compound of
the essential oil of several plants that occur in the state of Sergipe.
The vast chemical diversity of the essential oils of V. curassavica is undoubtedly
the result of genotype vs. environment interaction. However, researchers believe in
a strong influence of genetic factors since the essential oils of plants that occur in
similar and nearby sites have different major compounds. This probable genetic
variability can be attributed, at least in part, to the reproductive system of the species,
which is considered as facultative allogamous, i.e., it can reproduce both by self-
and cross-pollination (Brandão et  al. 2015). Its reproductive system favors the
maintenance of a high evolutionary capacity, which in practice results in easier plant
adaptation and colonization of new areas by gene recombination.
The knowledge of the chemical diversity of the essential oil of V. curassavica
helps in the elaboration of breeding and conservation strategies. Currently, more
than 40 accessions have been conserved in a field collection at the Active Germplasm
Bank of the Federal University of Sergipe.
Besides the genetic factors, the extraction method can also influence the varia-
tion in essential oils’ chemical composition. Conventional methods that use high
temperatures and large volumes of water may change the qualitative and quantitative
characteristics of essential oils. Nevertheless, recently developed methods involving
242 A. F. Blank et al.

lower water and energy consumption are more expensive and require that several
parameters be established and standardized for each species, such as power and
time in microwave-assisted extraction. In V. curassavica, lower water volume and
longer time lead to higher essential oil contents extracted by hydrodistillation.
Conversely, in microwave-assisted extraction, the time and power must be pre-­
adjusted to obtain higher essential oil contents. Also, water is not necessary when
using fresh leaves. In both methods, the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon compounds
tend to decrease—e.g., α-humulene and (E)-caryophyllene—when using long
extraction times and/or high water volumes. Oxygenated compounds, however, tend
to increase under these conditions (Nizio et al. 2018).
The knowledge about the effects of different factors, whether involved or not in
the processing stages, on the chemical compounds of the essential oils of a species
is fundamental since they influence the biological activity of the metabolite. The
essential oil of V. curassavica must contain at least 2.3% α-humulene to be used by
the pharmaceutical industry in the production of herbal medicine for inflammation
treatment (Quispe-Condori et al. 2008).
For being commercially exploited, V. curassavica plants from Southeast and
southern Brazil are well known. However, those from Northeast Brazil might
present other potentialities still to be discovered and exploited, whether for medicinal
or agricultural use. A recent study has confirmed the antiprotozoal potential of the
essential oil of V. curassavica to control fish parasites (Nizio et al. 2017). Several
studies on the insecticide activity of the essential oil of this species have been
conducted, and some of them have shown substantial evidence of its potential to
control insect-pests.

8.2.5  Eplingiella fruticosa

Popularly known as alecrim-de-vaqueiro, E. fruticosa is a native species to Brazil,

with high occurrence in the northeast region. This plant used to be denominated as
Hyptis fruticosa; however, after a taxonomic reclassification, species of the genus
Hyptis originated other genera, such as the genus Eplingiella, which is formed by
three species, all endemic to Brazil. In folk medicine, the plant is used as analgesic
and anti-inflammatory. Its essential oil has antitumor, antinociceptive, and larvicidal
properties (Menezes et al. 2007; Silva et al. 2008).
Plants of native populations of E. fruticosa are found from north to south of the
state of Sergipe. They have a yellow-translucent essential oil with a mean content of
1.08% (volume, mass) and a large number of compounds. None of the major
compounds reach 20%, and several secondary compounds present less than 1% of
content. The major compounds of the essential oils of E. fruticosa are 1,8-cineole,
α-pinene, β-pinene, (E)-caryophyllene, bicyclogermacrene, camphor, spathulenol,
and caryophyllene oxide (Silva et  al. 2018). In general, E. fruticosa plants are
divided into two chemical groups, based on the major compounds of their essential
oils. The first group presents bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, (E)-caryophyllene,
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 243

and caryophyllene oxide as major compounds. The second group has 1,8-cineole,
α-pinene, and camphor as major compounds, in addition to those of the first group,
but at lower contents. The insecticidal potential to control leaf-cutting ants was
recently confirmed in a study on the essential oils of plants of the second group
(Silva 2017).
Despite its popular use, scientific studies on E. fruticosa are still scarce. The spe-
cies has been maintained in a field collection of the Federal University of Sergipe,
which enables the study on factors that interfere with the characteristics of its essen-
tial oils and the development of conservation strategies, as the species occurs in
environments with intense anthropic activity. E. fruticosa has excellent potential to
combat insect-pests and be used in the production of human medicine.

8.2.6  Hyptis pectinata

Hyptis pectinata is widely distributed in Northeast Brazil, where it is popularly

known as sambaicatá or canudinho. The plant is used in folk medicine, owing to its
therapeutic properties (Raymundo et al. 2011). It is commonly found on roadside,
vacant lots, and backyards, mainly in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe. In Sergipe,
the species is found from the coast to the sertão region of the state. Similar to E.
fruticosa, H. pectinata belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is traditionally used by
communities in the treatment of infections and inflammation. H. pectinata, as well
as other species of the genus Hyptis, are known for the anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, and antiparasitic properties of their essential oil.
H. pectinata plants of the state of Sergipe dried in a forced-air circulation oven
have a mean essential oil content of 0.58%. Their major compounds are
calamusenone, (E)-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, germacrene-D, (E)-
elemene, and (Z)-β-guaene. H. pectinata plants usually have calamusenone and (E)-
caryophyllene or (E)-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide as major compounds
(first and second, respectively). The compounds α-copaene and α-humulene are also
commonly observed in H. pectinata plants from the state of Sergipe, although at
lower concentrations (<6.0%) (Feitosa-Alcântara 2017).
Abiotic factors related to the post-harvest stages—such as leaves’ drying and
storage—influence the chemical composition of essential oils. The storage
temperature may also change the chemical composition of the essential oil. In H.
pectinata, the contents of β-elemene, α-copaene, germacrene D, caryophyllene
oxide, and (E,E)-α-farnesene may increase in essential oils stored at warmer
temperatures (±32 °C) for 1 year. Conversely, the contents of α-humulene and (E)-
caryophyllene can decrease in essential oils stored at warmer temperatures when
compared with those stored at lower temperatures (−20  °C) (Jesus et  al. 2016).
Higher temperatures favor chemical reactions, degrading some compounds and
forming others. In contrast, lower temperatures ensure greater stability of the
essential oil chemical composition over time.
244 A. F. Blank et al.

Understanding the chemical diversity of the essential oils of species already used
in folk medicine is fundamental as they might present several other potentialities.
Besides providing information on the establishment of genetic conservation and
breeding strategies, the knowledge about the essential oil compounds will be useful
in directing further studies. This chapter will report the insecticidal potential of the
essential oil of H. pectinata to control leaf-cutting ants.

8.2.7  Croton tetradenius

Croton tetradenius (Euphorbiaceae) is a shrubby plant whose leaves have a strong

and characteristic aroma. It is an endemic species to Northeast Brazil, widely found
in the states of that region—except for Piauí and Maranhão—mainly in areas of
sandy or rocky soil (Silva 2009). Little is known about this plant, even regarding its
popular use. However, species of the same genus are popularly used in the treatment
of hypercholesterolemia, obesity, colic, intestinal inflammation, and rheumatism.
Therefore, the essential oil of C. tetradenius is believed to present a high potential
of use, which is still being investigated. In 2017, the Federal University of Sergipe
applied for a patent deposit at the National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil
for a fungicide formulation based on the essential oil of C. tetradenius to control a
phytopathogenic fungus.
Natural population plants from the state of Sergipe, especially from the munici-
palities of Lagarto, Poço Redondo, and Porto da Folha, produce higher essential oil
contents than other species. The leaves present mean essential oil contents of 3.65%
when obtained by hydrodistillation in a modified Clevenger apparatus. The major
compounds of these plants are α-pinene, α-terpinene, p-cimene, 1,8-cineole, (E)-
pinocarveol, camphor, pinocarvone, (Z)-ascaridole, and (E)-ascaridole. The com-
pounds α-tujene, α-pinene, camphene, sabinene, β-pinene, myrcene, α-phellandrene,
α-terpinene, p-cymene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, γ-terpinene, linalool, camphor, ter-
pinen-4-ol, α-terpineol, (Z)-ascaridole, isobornyl acetate, bornyl acetate, and (E)-
ascaridole are found in the essential oils of all plants of these populations. In general,
what chemically differs one plant from another is that some of them also present
(E)-pinocarveol, pinocarvone, myrtenyl acetate, α-humulene, and caryophyllene
oxide, which are absent in others (Almeida-Pereira 2017).
Given the chemical diversity of the essential oil of C. tetradenius, several bio-
logical activities might be soon unveiled. A field collection of this species was
implemented in June 2018, where 40 accessions from the state of Sergipe were
conserved. This collection will enable several studies related to the factors that
influence the chemical composition of the essential oil of this species.
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 245

8.3  Insecticidal Activity

After World War II, more precisely with the emergence of the technologies of the
“Green Revolution,” countless synthetic chemicals were used in agriculture. The
development and use of organoclorine, organophosphorus, and carbamate insecticide
stand out among the novelties of that time. Such products, together with other
technologies, have leapfrogged food production in the face of the high demand of
the postwar period. However, these products have had significant negative impacts
on the environment and human health.
Although several of these active principles have been banned, until today, the
principal control method for various insect-pests is based on synthetic chemicals.
Despite the efficiency and reduction of agricultural damage, the use of these
products excessively and indiscriminately continues to damage the ecosystems.
Therefore, studies on plant-based products aimed at alternative pest-control methods
and the sustainable use of natural resources have gained prominence for being
environmentally safer and less toxic to non-target organisms, including humans.
The essential oils are among the plant metabolites with high potential for use in
agriculture. In addition to medicinal, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, and acaricidal
properties, they also have insecticidal properties, which can cause insect deaths or
affect their development, behavior and reproduction.
The following topics address the activities of some essential oils of plants that
occur in Northeast Brazil on ants, termites, and stored-grain insects.

8.3.1  Formicidal Activity

Ants play an important role in ecosystems, as they act in the processes of nutrient
cycling, soil aeration, and seed dissemination (Galitzki et al. 2013; Leal et al. 2015).
Nevertheless, due to the increased use of areas for cultivation and several other
environmental changes caused by anthropic action, ant species have been considered
as “pests” due to the significant damage caused to crops. Leaf-cutting ants, mainly
those of the genus Atta and Acromyrmex, are considered as pests. These ants cause
direct damage to agricultural and forestry crops mainly for their intense leaf-cutting
activity at any stage of plant development, leading to considerable economic losses.
All the plant material is taken to the subterranean nest to serve as a substrate for the
cultivation of fungi with which they maintain a symbiotic relationship (Buratto
et al. 2012).
Chemical control is the most efficient and commonly used method against leaf-­
cutting ants. Moreover, certifying entities are abolishing the use of these products in
pest control of planted forests, aiming at economic viability, environmental balance,
and social safety (Jung et al. 2013; FSC 2016).
246 A. F. Blank et al.

Essential oils and their major compounds have been studied to understand their
potential to control leaf-cutting ants. These substances can be directly used as active
ingredients in formulations, mixed with other active ingredients, or serve as a model
for the synthesis of new molecules, as an alternative to the few commercially
available active principles. Several advantages are attributed to the use of plant-­
based products as bioinsecticides when compared with synthetic products. For
instance, they originate from renewable resources, present less or no residual effect
on foods—as they are biodegradable—and have minor harmful effects on non-­
target organisms. Moreover, for being composed of complex mixtures of compounds,
the possibility of the emergence of resistant individuals is much lower, which
enables the use of the essential oil for a longer period (Gonzalez et al. 2014).
Studies on the essential oils of medicinal and aromatic species from Northeast
Brazil have been carried out, aiming at knowing the toxicity against species of leaf-­
cutting ants. A recent study revealed that the exposure pathway is crucial when
evaluating the toxicity of essential oils. The sensitivity to essential oils also varies
between species of leaf-cutting ants. Considering the essential oil of H. pectinata,
the chemotype calamusenone + caryophyllene oxide was more toxic to Acromyrmex
balzani than the chemotype (E)-caryophyllene  +  caryophyllene oxide (Feitosa-­
Alcantara et al. 2017). The doses required to kill 90% of the ants (lethal doses, LD90)
were 9.84 and 31.16 μ−1, respectively, by contact. The opposite was observed
for the species Atta sexdens rubropilosa, where the chemotype (E)-
caryophyllene  +  caryophyllene oxide was more toxic than the chemotype
calamusenone  +  caryophyllene oxide, with LD90 of 11.67 and 25.80  μ−1,
respectively, considering the same exposure pathway. When testing the toxicity of
the same chemotypes by fumigation, for both species, the chemotype
calamusenone + caryophyllene oxide was more toxic, with LC90 of 1.35 and 3.52 μL.
L−1 for A. balzani and A. sexdens, respectively. The chemotype (E)-
caryophyllene  +  caryophyllene oxide had an LC90 of 6.34 and 6.15  μL.L−1,
respectively. The major compounds (E)-caryophyllene, calamusenone, and
caryophyllene oxide tested individually showed lower toxicity levels against species
of leaf-cutting ants than the essential oils tested by contact. These compounds were
not toxic to the ants when applied by fumigation.
The essential oils of E. fruticosa are also toxic to A. balzani when applied by
fumigation, with LC90 values similar to those of the essential oils of H. pectinata. In
addition to insect deaths, the essential oils and major compounds of E. fruticosa also
change the behavior of A. balzani workers (Silva 2017).
H. pectinata and E. fruticosa are potential raw material sources for the develop-
ment of formulations and bioproducts to be used in the management of leaf-­cutting
ants as an alternative to synthetic insecticides.
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 247

8.3.2  Anti-termite Activity

In natural environments, termites have critical ecological functions, mainly linked

to wood decomposition. Nonetheless, due to their food habit, which is based on
cellulosic resources, they are considered as important pests in agricultural and urban
environments. The irreversible damage caused to wooden structures has required
attention to the control of these insects. Moreover, termites are responsible for
priceless losses to historic buildings, museums, and libraries (Albuquerque et  al.
2012). Unlike other pests, the damage caused by termites is usually inestimable for
they are found inside wood pieces, hindering the visualization. Therefore, for the
most part, the criterion for the use of control measures is based solely on the
presence of termites. This measure leads to the indiscriminate use of insecticides,
with doses higher than that recommended (Santos et  al. 2017), causing severe
damage to the environment and human health.
Nasutitermes corniger (Termitidae) and Cryptotermes brevis (Kalotermitidae)
are termite species that occur in South America. Despite the several strategies to
control these species in agricultural and urban environments, insecticides are the
most commonly used control method, either by directly applying it to the material
attacked by the insect or by using baits or fumigant agents (Verma et al. 2009; Evans
and Iqbal 2015). Studies have been looking for new, environmentally friendly
alternatives of termite control that are less toxic to non-target species. In this sense,
essential oils have been identified as alternative substances for termite-pest
management (Bacci et al. 2015). Works on essential oils of species conserved in the
Active Germplasm Bank of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Federal University
of Sergipe have reported toxicity to N. corniger and C. brevis.
The doses required to kill 50% and 90% of N. corniger workers (LD50 and LD90)
exposed by contact to the essential oils of Lippia alba (chemotype
carvone  +  limonene), Lippia gracilis (chemotype thymol), and Lippia sidoides
(chemotype thymol) were 2.15 and 13.52 μ−1; 1.57 and 3.06 μ−1, and 0.27
and 1.00 μ−1, respectively (Lima et al. 2013). Of the three species, L. sidoides
proved to be the most toxic against the termite. Despite having the same compounds,
an additive or synergistic activity of thymol with p-cymene (25.25%) and thymol
methyl ether (16.87%) may explain the higher toxicity of the essential oil of L.
sidoides in relation to L. gracilis, which also has large amounts of thymol but lower
concentrations of the other compounds.
C. brevis colonies are also divided into castes: the reproductives, the soldiers,
and the pseudergates. The latter behave as workers, but they may develop into
substitute soldiers and reproductives. A study has recently confirmed that the
essential oil of L. sidoides and their major compounds are toxic to C. brevis (Santos
et  al. 2017). Nevertheless, the essential oil was more toxic than the compounds
thymol, p-cymene, and (E)-caryophyllene when applied by contact, with LD90 of
14.0, 29.0, 28.9, and 38.0  μ−1, respectively. When applied by fumigation to
pseudergates, the essential oil and the compound thymol were more toxic than the
other compounds, with LC90 of 23.4 and 32.4 μL.L−1. The compound p-cymene was
248 A. F. Blank et al.

less toxic (LC90 of 592  μL.L−1) while (E)-caryophyllene showed no toxicity.

Conversely, LT50 was lower for thymol by both exposure pathways (2.89 and 16.0 h).
The LT50 of the essential oil was 110 h when applied by contact and 29.3 h when
applied by fumigation. The test used doses and concentrations required to kill 50%
of the termites.
Besides the lethal effect, essential oils and compounds can also change insects’
behavior. This phenomenon is called sub-lethal effect. The knowledge about the
sub-lethal effects caused by these substances is essential for the establishment of
different control strategies. Social insects, such as ants and termites, have a very
complex communication system, which, under normal conditions, are fundamental
to maintaining colony safety and functioning. The application of products that
change individuals’ behavior, such as repellent substances, can lead to aggressive
behavior and a high level of non-recognition, contributing to the loss of colony
cohesion (Bacci et al. 2015).
The essential oil of L. sidoides can also change termite behavior by reducing
allogrooming. Conversely, pseudergates of C. brevis treated with the major
compounds of this plant—thymol, p-cimene, and (E)-caryophyllene—performed
more butting. Changes in collective behavior have also been reported. Untreated C.
brevis pseudergates reduced the contact with treated termites by decreasing the
grooming and antennation. Regarding the individual behavior, termites treated with
the essential oils of L. sidoides and thymol decreased the displacement and walking
speed when compared with untreated individuals (control). In contrast, individuals
treated with (E)-caryophyllene increased displacement and walking speed. In
collective trials, both the essential oil and the compounds increased displacement
and walking speed. Individual and collective observations were performed with
half-treated half-untreated arenas. In the individual bioassays, pseudergates
remained longer in the untreated side of the arena, considering all treatments.
However, in collective bioassays, C. brevis pseudergates remained longer in the (E)-
caryophyllene-treated side than in the untreated side, confirming the attractive effect
of this compound. The time spent in the sides treated with thymol and essential oil
was short. On the other hand, C. brevis pseudergates showed no preference when
given a choice between the ρ-cymene-treated side and untreated side.
The essential oils of plants from Northeast Brazil have great potential for use in
the development of bioinsecticides to control N. corniger and C. brevis due to the
lethal and sub-lethal effects they cause to these termite-pests.

8.3.3  Activity on Stored Grain Pests

The world population’s diet is primarily based on the consumption of seeds and
grains. Faced with the high demand, billions of tons of cereals, oilseeds, and legumes
are produced worldwide. Nevertheless, significant losses have been recorded, owing
to insects’ attacks to stored grains. These insect-pests feed on the grains, resulting
in grain weight loss, low germination, and increased temperature and moisture in
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 249

the grain mass. Also, they can contaminate the grains by feces residues and body
fragments and obstruct agricultural machinery (Negrisoli et al. 2013).
These insect-pests are mainly controlled by the use synthetic chemicals applied
by contact, fumigation, or spraying with organophosphates, pyrethroids, and growth
regulators. Despite their effectiveness, these products have led to the selection of
resistant populations after their continuous use, requiring higher doses to achieve
the same efficiency. Thus, in addition to the damage caused to the environment and
the applicators’ health, residues of these products have been found in foods at levels
beyond the limits acceptable for consumption (Li et al. 2013; Wei et al. 2014).
Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Tribolium castaneum
(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) are two of the main stored grain pests. S. zeamais,
known as maize weevil, can damage grains both in the field and after storage. This
insect-pest decreases grain weight by over 15%, and losses may reach 60% in
6 months (Sousa and Conte 2013). T. castaneum, known as red flour beetle, is a
cosmopolitan species that usually appears after the occurrence of primary pests.
They can infest peanuts, coffee, cocoa, soybeans, dried fruits, nuts, spices,
cottonseed, and all types of ground cereals, such as bran, animal feed, flour, and
meal (Gallo et al. 2002), causing substantial losses.
The essential oils of L. alba (chemotypes citral and carvone) maintained at the
Active Germplasm Bank of the Federal University of Sergipe and the major
compounds (carvone and citral) are toxic to the insect-pests S. zeamais and T. cas-
taneum (Peixoto et al. 2015a). For these two species, the essential oils of carvone
chemotype were more toxic than those of citral chemotype. The mean doses of citral
and carvone required to kill 90% of S. zeamais were 29.65 and 141.5 μL.L−1, respec-
tively. T. castaneum showed to be more tolerant, especially to the essential oils of
the citral chemotype, whose mean LC90 value was 299.0 μL.L−1. For this species,
the essential oils of carvone chemotypes had a mean LC90 of 33.65 μL.L−1. Similarly,
both for S. zeamais and T. castaneum, the major compound carvone was more toxic
(LC90 of 24.0 and 22.8 μL.L−1) than the compound citral (LC90 38.0 and 40.5 μL.
L−1). Besides being toxic, the essential oil of the carvone chemotype has a repellent
effect on these two species. Conversely, the major compound carvone has a repel-
lency effect only on T. castaneum.
Studies have reported the resistance of S. zeamais populations to synthetic insec-
ticides. Depending on the insect origin, it might be more or less resistant to these
products. Likewise, different levels of sensitivity to essential oils may occur within
the species. This fact has been recently confirmed in a study developed by the
Federal University of Sergipe, using the essential oil of L. sidoides (Oliveira et al.
2017) and S. zeamais populations from different states of Brazil. The toxicity of the
essential oil of L. sidoides and its major compound thymol varied according to the
S. zeamais population. Lethal doses (LD90) ranged from 26.88 to 79.16 μ−1 for
the essential oil and from 41.12 to 172.78 μ−1 for thymol. The time required to
kill 50% of the insects (LT50) ranged from 6.8 to 32.4 h and from 26.3 to 46.4 h for
the essential oil and thymol, respectively. These results evidenced the different
sensitivity levels of S. zeamais populations to these metabolites.
250 A. F. Blank et al.

Essential oils have lipophilic characteristics (low water solubility) and are formed
by volatile substances (low molecular weight). Therefore, some obstacles to the
direct application of these plant-based products still have to be overcome. Some
formulations or “prototypes” have been proposed. However, these formulations
must ensure that the essential oils maintain the toxicity level against the target
organism, even in the presence of other products. Nanoformulations obtained from
the essential oil of L. sidoides presented to be toxic to S. zeamais populations. The
LD90 ranged from 81.72 to 114.23 μ−1 and from 40.55 to 61.04 μ−1 for the
nanoformulations of essential oil and thymol, respectively (Oliveira et  al. 2017).
The LD90 values for the nanoformulation of the essential oil were higher than those
previously described. Nonetheless, the nanoformulation has only 18% of essential
oil in its composition. The LD90 values of the nanoformulation of thymol were lower
than that of pure thymol. This fact is explained by the nanoparticles of essential oil
and thymol, which are formed during the obtainment of the nanoformulations,
increasing the contact surface of these substances and consequently potentiating
their toxicity to insects.
The essential oils of L. alba, L. gracilis, and L. sidoides—which occur in
Northeast Brazil and are maintained at the Active Germplasm Bank of Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants of the Federal University of Sergipe—are promising sources
for the development of bioproducts to be used in the management of stored grain

8.4  Anti-tick Activity

Ticks are hematophagous ectoparasites of vertebrates and present great relevance

for animal health and production and public health for they are the vectors of several
diseases, such as babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, spotted fever, and Lyme disease (Massard
and Fonseca 2004; Araújo et  al. 2016). Tick control is performed by applying
synthetic products inappropriately and indiscriminately, causing severe
environmental contamination and leading to resistant populations (Fig. 8.2) (Tabari
et al. 2017). Acaricidal formulations produced with essential oils are an alternative
for tick control (Apel et  al. 2009; Borges et  al. 2011; Lebouvier et  al. 2013) for
being natural products that rapidly degrade in the environment and for presenting
low risk of meat and milk contamination by residues (Hernandez et al. 1987; Gupta
et al. 2000; Borges et al. 2003; Hu and Coats 2008).
The essential oils of L. sidoides have demonstrated activity on several tick spe-
cies, such as Dermacentor nitens (Gomes et al. 2012), Rhipicephalus sanguineus
(Gomes et  al. 2014), Rhipicephalus microplus (Gomes et  al. 2012; Chagas et  al.
2016), and Amblyomma cajennense (Gomes et al. 2014). The synergistic power of
the association between the essential oil of L. sidoides and entomopathogenic
nematodes to control the tick species R. microplus (Monteiro et al. 2014) has also
been reported (Monteiro et  al. 2014). Both L. sidoides chemotypes, thymol and
carvacrol, have shown high activity against engorged females and larvae of R.
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 251

Fig. 8.2  Selection of resistant ticks (red ticks) population after sequential acaricide use (red

microplus but with some variations in the activity levels, based on the genotype used
(Monteiro et al. 2014; Soares et al. 2016). Isolated carvacrol has a higher activity on
R. microplus larvae resistant to pyrethroid and amidinic synthetic compounds than
its isomer thymol (Cruz et  al. 2013). Even with the higher activity of isolated
carvacrol when compared with isolated thymol, the genotypes with higher carvacrol
contents are not more active than those with higher thymol content. Therefore, the
major compounds of the different genotypes are not correlated with acaricide
activity (Soares et al. 2016).
The essential oil of L. gracilis has also been reported to present activity on R.
microplus (Cruz et al. 2013; Chagas et al. 2016). R. microplus-resistant strains to
organophosphates are more susceptible to the essential oils of L. gracilis when
compared with ticks sensitive to synthetic compounds. This fact is independent of
the L. gracilis genotype and its major compound thymol or carvacrol (Fig.  8.3)
(Costa-Junior et al. 2016). The isolated monoterpene thymol shows no difference in
the acaricidal activity, according to the susceptibility of the R. microplus population
to the synthetic compounds. However, when exposed to isolated carvacrol,
organophosphate-resistant ticks are 3.2 times more susceptible than organophosphate-­
sensitive ticks (Costa-Junior et al. 2016).
One of the greatest challenges to the use of essential oils or monoterpenes to
control parasites is their high volatility of these substances, resulting in the low
residual power of the antiparasitic activity. Pharmaceutical formulations reduce the
volatility of essential oils and terpenes (Pham-Hoang et  al. 2013), allowing the
252 A. F. Blank et al.

Fig. 8.3  Efficacy of essential oils of Lippia gracilis genotypes 106 and 201 and their major com-
pounds, thymol and carvacrol, on susceptible (green ticks) and organophosphate-resistant larvae
(red ticks) of Rhipicephalus microplus. (Adapted from Costa-Junior et al. 2016)

residual effect of these substances. Yeast cell wall, a by-product of the alcohol
industry, has been used to reduce the volatility of essential oils and monoterpenes
(Martins 2009). Works have demonstrated the efficiency of the encapsulation of
hydrophobic compounds, such as essential oils and monoterpenes (Pannell 1990;
Normand et al. 2005; Shi et al. 2008; Paramera et al. 2011). Carvacrol, the major
monoterpene of the essential oils of several L. gracilis and L. sidoides genotypes,
showed higher acaricidal activity on R. microplus when encapsulated in yeast cell
wall. This formulation had acaricidal activity up to 50 h after application, whereas
the effect of unencapsulated carvacrol lasted only up to 5 h (Fig. 8.4) (Lima et al.
As previously described, the essential oils of Lippia alba are formed by several
chemotypes, including carvone and citral. The chemotype citral of the essential oils
of L. alba has higher activity on R. microplus larvae. However, they have no activity
on engorged females (Peixoto et al. 2015b). The chemotype carvone of the essential
oil of L. alba shows no acaricidal activity. The isolated monoterpenes citral and
carvone have acaricidal activity on the larvae, with no difference between them;
however, only citral has efficient acaricidal activity on engorged females of R.
microplus (Peixoto et al. 2015b).
8  Chemical Diversity and Insecticidal and Anti-tick Properties of Essential Oils… 253

Fig. 8.4  Lethal concentration (LC50) and the scanning electron image of carvacrol encapsulated
with yeast cell walls (encap carvacrol) and unencapsulated carvacrol against Rhipicephalus
microplus larvae. *Encapsulated carvacrol was significantly different from unencapsulated
carvacrol at p < 0.05. (Adapted from Lima et al. 2017)

Even the chemotypes that have no acaricidal activity may be useful for tick con-
trol, owing to their repellency power (Jaenson et al. 2005). Essential oils with repel-
lent power may be used to increase the residual period of natural or synthetic
compounds that have only the knock-down effect (Novelino et  al. 2007). The
carvone chemotype of the essential oils of L. alba, which presents no activity on
ticks, demonstrated repellency power over R. microplus larvae. Nevertheless, the
repellency power varies among essential oils, and slight differences in the chemical
composition interfere with the repellency activity (Lima et al. 2017).
These results evidence the importance of standardizing the entire essential oil
production chain, from cultivation to post-harvest techniques. Further studies on the
biotechnological bias must be developed by testing formulations for the most
diverse activity to control ticks, aiming at producing a commercial formulation for
tick control.

8.5  Conclusions

Contrary to most people’s beliefs, Northeast Brazil is rich in plant biodiversity. The
vegetation of the Caatinga biome is not as lush as that of other Brazilian biomes.
However, a closer look reveals the biological relevance and peculiar beauty of the
species that occur in the northeastern region. Faced with the adverse conditions
imposed by the semi-arid climate, plants had to develop evolutionary strategies to
overcome these unfavorable circumstances. Perhaps these challenges have made
these species even more fascinating. The medicinal and aromatic species exposed in
this chapter represent a small part of the plant richness found in this region. These
plant resources deserve attention for their relevance and potential of use, especially
of their essential oils. Owing to their biological activities, essential oils of plant
254 A. F. Blank et al.

species of Northeast Brazil appear as alternative substances to be used against

insect-pests and parasites that damage agriculture and livestock. Although promising
results have been increasingly reported, only a few bioinsecticides made of essential
oils are commercially available. In the near future, with more government support
and partnerships between universities and research institutions and public and
private corporations, more essential oil-based products should be developed in
Brazil, which will be used in a sustainable agricultural system, both at an
environmental and an economic point of view.

Acknowledgments  The authors thank the Federal University of Sergipe, the Federal University
of Maranhão, CNPq, FAPITEC/SE, CAPES, FINEP, and RENORBIO for their financial support
for the projects.


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Part III
Extraction and Bioanalytical Techniques
Chapter 9
Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils

Prabodh Satyal and William N. Setzer

9.1  Essential Oils and Their Uses

According to Harrewijn et al. (2000), essential oils are complex mixtures of volatile
compounds that are produced by living organisms and isolated by physical means,
such as pressing and distillation from a whole plant or plant portion of known
taxonomic origin. Controversy surrounds the definition of essential oils from the
point of view of distillation (Sadgrove and Jones 2015). Therefore, the ISO
(International Organization for Standardization) has defined a universally accepted
definition for essential oil as “Products obtained from natural raw material, either by
distillation with water and steam, or from the epicarp of citrus fruits by mechanical
processing, or by dry distillation” (Schnaubelt 1999; International Organization for
Standardization 2013).
Essential oils are stored in specialized cells/glandular cells or organelles within
any plant tissue. The first recorded method of extracting essential oils was written
by Andalusian physician and chemist Ibn al-Baitar in the thirteenth century
(Firenzuoli et al. 2014). Modern techniques rely on pressing, rubbing, or heating
particular regions to rupture the cells and release the aromatic compounds.
Therefore, essential oils are mostly obtained by cold pressing, steam distillation,
and hydrodistillation.
The essential oil components are mainly produced through four major biosyn-
thetic pathways: (1) the mevalonate pathway leading to sesquiterpenes and triter-
penes, (2) the methyl-erythritol pathway leading to mono- and diterpenes, (3) the
shikimic acid pathway yielding phenylpropanoids, and (4) the acetate pathway for
fatty acid-derived compounds. With only these pathways, there are still large num-

P. Satyal · W. N. Setzer (*)

Department of Chemistry, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, USA
Aromatic Plant Research Center, Lehi, Utah, USA
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 261

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
262 P. Satyal and W. N. Setzer

bers of compounds with tremendous variation within the composition of essential

oils (Kubeczka 2010).
Essential oils (EOs) have a rich history and are of great importance in traditional
medicine all around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined
traditional medicine as “the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based
on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures whether
explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention,
diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness” (World Health
Organization). On the basis of this definition, one can appreciate the vast importance
of traditional medical systems globally. In the Indian subcontinent, essential oils
have a profound impact on the Ayurvedic “Gandhshastra”—the science that deals
with flavor and fragrance (NIIR Board 2004). According to the Egyptian Ebers
Papyrus manuscript from around 1550  BC, ancient Egyptians were the first to
identify the therapeutic potential of botanical extracts (Brumer 2014). They also
used these extracts for flavor and fragrance during religious ceremonies in temples
and pyramids. In the Chinese herbal tradition, dating back 4000  years, aromatic
materials were used as therapeutic agents (Tang et  al. 2009). Aromatic botanical
materials have also repeatedly been mentioned in many Judeo-Christian and Muslim
religious texts (Singh and Hamal 2013).

9.2  Adulteration of Essential Oils

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to adulterate something means “to

corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of an inferior substance or element,
especially to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable or inert
ingredients” ( Approximately 17,500 aromatic plants have
been investigated (Lawrence 2002); however, only 300 commercial essential oils
are in use, with an estimated bulk value of $1 billion in 2013 (Tisserand and Young
2014). Overall, 50% of raw materials for commercial essential oils originate from
wild sources, while 50% are from cultivated sources (Lawrence 2002). Typically,
the adulteration of essential oils occurs through the addition of synthetic and natural
compounds, those related and unrelated to the oil’s composition, in order to increase
profits or meet some established ISO requirement. So adulteration is also defined as
economically motivated adulteration. There are about 60,000 articles on PubMed
for food adulteration (Everstine et al. 2013). Adulteration of herbal medicines with
synthetic drugs has been reported in detail (Ernst 2002), and studies carried out by
Huang et al. in 1997, which presented the trends of Chinese medicine adulteration,
found that 24% of 2609 samples were adulterated by at least one type of adulterant
(Huang et al. 1997).
9  Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils 263

9.3  Commonly Used Instruments in Adulteration Detection

Several analytical instruments can detect adulteration in essential oils (Lawrence

2002; Do et al. 2015). The most commonly used analytical tools are standard gas
chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID), gas chromatography–
mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (Marriott et al. 2001), gas chromatography–isotope-
ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) (Schipilliti et  al. 2012), site-specific natural
isotope fractionation NMR (SNIF-NMR) (Remaud et  al. 1997), enantioselective
chiral GC-MS (Tranchida et al. 2012), and components’ ratio quantitation (Shu and
Lawrence 1997). GC-IRMS is often used to detect the authenticity of the essential
oil’s origin via the isotopic ratio measurement; however this technique has several
limitations. The first limitation is that the 14C activity of an essential oil can be
manipulated with the addition of 14C-labeled compounds. Second, natural precur-
sor-based synthetic compounds are not detected by GC-IRMS. Thus, GC-IRMS is
not a completely reliable source of essential oil authentication (Culp and Noakes
1990). Enantioselective or chiral GC-MS also has specific limitations, as it is only
applicable to chiral molecules and the enantiomeric ratio of chiral compounds varies
from origin to origin. SNIF-NMR is only useful for small molecules (such as
monoterpenes) to authenticate their origin via the deuterium ratio, but essential oils
are also composed of sesquiterpenes and diterpenes. Likewise, this method requires
pure isolated compounds (Lawrence 2002). Minor components and their quantities
(with respect to major components) can also indicate adulteration in an essential oil.
Every adulterant, whether synthetic or natural, has some kind of marker or impurity.
Identifying the unique markers for each specific adulterant is a more effective way
of detecting essential oil adulteration (Krock et al. 1994; Aprotosoaie et al. 2014;
Schmidt 2016).

9.4  Synthetic Markers for Adulteration Detection

Impurities (markers) of a synthetic compound originate from starting material by-

products, degradation products, and oxidation or reduction reactions of reactants (or
decarboxylation reactions) so that the formation of impurities from synthetic mate-
rials is inevitable (Roy 2002; Rao et al. 2010). Synthetic volatile compounds are
typically synthesized from petrochemicals or natural, plant-derived precursors.
According to Ernest Guenther (1992), in 1949, worldwide production of essential
oils included approximately 4000 tons of citronella oil, which was used to synthesize
geraniol, citronellol, hydroxy citronellol, and l-menthol; 100 tons of rose wood oil,
which was used to make linalool and linalyl acetate; and 600 tons of lemongrass oil,
which was processed to make citral, ionones, and vitamins. Obviously things have
become much more sophisticated since Guenther’s time, with tremendous
advancements in synthetic and analytical techniques.
264 P. Satyal and W. N. Setzer

9.5  Types of Synthetic Markers

The formation of synthetic markers can be caused by oxidation (e.g., neric acid as a
synthetic marker for neral), reduction (e.g., dihydro linalool as a synthetic marker of
linalool, dihydro linalyl acetate as a synthetic marker of linalyl acetate (Frey 1988)
(see below)), thermal rearrangement (e.g., citrollene, 2,6-dimethyloctane, and
isolimonene for monoterpene hydrocarbons (Stolle et al. 2009); plinol as a synthetic
marker of linalool and plinyl acetate as a synthetic marker of linalyl acetate, derived
from α-pinene as a natural precursor (see below) (Sell 2003; Leiner et al. 2013)),
intermediate isomerization (e.g., α-linalool (see below) (Radulović et  al. 2013)),
acetylated markers (e.g., terpin diacetate as a synthetic marker of terpinyl acetate
(Suga et al. 1983)), and product–reactant interaction markers (e.g., phenylpentadienal
as a synthetic marker of (E)-cinnamaldehyde (see below) (Frey 1988)).
Many individual essential oil components are synthetically accessible with mod-
ern synthetic techniques, but the cost of mass production and the purity of the final
product dictate the selection of synthetic adulterants based on economic viability. In
fact, few sesquiterpenes are synthesized from natural or synthetic precursors. Thus,
despite having large numbers of sesquiterpenoids, adulteration of essential oils with
synthetic or semisynthetic sesquiterpenoids is not generally a problem, so monitor-
ing synthetic markers has not been pursued. However, emerging genetically engi-
neered biosynthetic chemicals are in the process of being industrially produced
(Diaz-Chavez et al. 2013), and thus this will introduce an added level of concern in
the years to come as these processes become more refined and cost effective.
In almost all of the literature reports, the discovered synthetic markers were
found in very minor quantities (<0.5%) in the oils they were used to adulterate.
Therefore, the selected ion monitoring analysis (SIM) method (Frey 1988) should
be used for efficiently detecting synthetic markers in complex adulterated essential

9.6  Synthetic Linalool and Linalyl Acetate

Linalool and linalyl acetate are the main constituents of several commercial essen-
tial oils, such as coriander (Coriandrum sativum) leaf and seed, ho wood
(Cinnamomum camphora), rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), lavender (Lavandula
angustifolia), bergamot (Citrus bergamia), lavandin (Lavandula spp.), and clary
sage (Salvia sclarea). Synthetic linalool contains α-linalool, which is produced by
the incomplete acid-catalyzed isomerization of 6-methyl-6-hepten-2-one to
6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, followed by the base-catalyzed ethynylation and selec-
tive hydrogenation of the resulting mixture, resulting in α-linalool, a synthetic
marker, and β-linalool, the target compound (Fig.  9.1) (Radulović et  al. 2013).
Similarly, over-hydrogenation of linalool or linalyl acetate gives rise to dihydro
linalool or dihydro linalyl acetate as synthetic impurities (Fig.  9.1). Synthetic
9  Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils 265

Fig. 9.1  Generation of the synthetic marker of linalool and linalyl acetate, following a petrochem-
ical-based precursor, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one

linalool has also been prepared from α-pinene by pyrolysis of the intermediate
pinane hydrate (Fig. 9.2). Intramolecular ene reaction leads to a mixture of plinols
as synthetic markers, which can be converted to the corresponding plynyl acetates.

9.7  Synthetic Carvone and Carvacrol

Carvone is the major component of spearmint (Mentha spicata, (R)-(−)-carvone)

and caraway seed (Carum carvi, (S)-(+)-carvone) essential oils. Similarly, carvacrol
is one of the major components of oregano (Origanum vulgare), thyme (Thymus
vulgaris), and savory (Satureja hortensis and S. montana) essential oils. In fact,
carvone and carvacrol are synthesized from limonene as a starting precursor
(Bordenca and Allison 1951; Royals and Horne 1951; Sell 2003), which is shown in
Fig. 9.3. During the synthesis of these two compounds, both of which are prepared
via carvoxime (a nitrogen-containing intermediate); two nitrogen-containing
synthetic markers are produced. The synthetic marker for synthetic carvone is
266 P. Satyal and W. N. Setzer

Fig. 9.2  Generation of the synthetic marker of linalool and linalyl acetate, following a natural
precursor, α-pinene

Fig. 9.3  Synthetic scheme of carvone/carvacrol from limonene as a natural precursor

2-cyano-3-isopropenyl-cyclohexene (C10H13N, MW 147, RI 1208 on a DB-5

column), while the marker for synthetic carvacrol is N-benzylideneisopropylamine
(C10H13N, MW 147, RI 1320 on a DB-5 column).

9.8  Synthetic Thymol

The major component of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and oregano (Origanum vulgare)
essential oils is thymol. Thymol is industrially synthesized from m-cresol as the
starting material by electrophilic aromatic substitution of m-cresol with propene
(Fig. 9.4) to give 6-isopropyl-3-methylphenol (thymol) at 1290 RI on a DB-5 col-
umn as the major, thermodynamically favored, product (Biedermann et  al. 1978;
Wimmer et al. 1991). However, a less thermodynamically favored, minor component,
9  Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils 267

Fig. 9.4  Preparation of thymol from m-cresol, a petroleum-based precursor, as the starting material

Fig. 9.5  Generation of cinnamaldehyde synthetic marker: crossed-aldol condensation of benzal-

dehyde and acetaldehyde gives trans-cinnamaldehyde (a major component of cassia and cinnamon
bark essential oils). trans-Cinnamaldehyde further reacts with acetaldehyde to produce  trace
amounts of both (2E,4Z)-5-phenylpentadienal and (2E,4E)-5-phenylpentadienal
(MW 158, RI(DB-5) = 1410 and 1565, respectively)

4-isopropyl-3-methylphenol (p-thymol, RI = 1282) as a synthetic marker of thymol,

is also produced (Carpenter and Easter 1955; Biedermann et al. 1978). Thus, the
presence of this marker would indicate adulteration in the tested thyme essential
oils. Additionally, another unnatural impurity, 4-s-butylphenol, was also detected as
an additional synthetic marker of thymol.

9.9  Synthetic Cinnamaldehyde

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark and cassia (C. cassia) bark essential oils
are often adulterated with synthetic trans-cinnamaldehyde. Synthetic trans-cinnamal-
dehyde is produced by the base-catalyzed aldol condensation of benzaldehyde and
acetaldehyde (Fig. 9.5) (Richmond 1950). In this synthesis, a common impurity is
5-phenylpentadienal, which is confirmed by the presence of 129, 128, and 158 m/z
peaks in the mass spectrum. 5-Phenylpentadienal is formed by the crossed-aldol
reaction of cinnamaldehyde with acetaldehyde (Frey 1988).

9.10  Synthetic Methyl Salicylate

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) and birch (Betula lenta) essential oils are
similarly adulterated by synthetic methyl salicylate, which can be characterized
by the presence of phenol and an isomer of dimethyl-2-hydroxyterephthalate
(Frey 1988). Methyl salicylate is prepared by Kolbe-Schmitt carboxylation of phenol
268 P. Satyal and W. N. Setzer

Fig. 9.6  Generation of methyl salicylate synthetic marker, dimethyl-2-hydroxyterephthalate, dur-

ing synthesis of methyl salicylate. Methyl salicylate is the major (>99%) component present in
wintergreen and birch wood essential oils

followed by esterification (Fig.  9.6). The synthetic marker is produced by the

repeated Kolbe-Schmitt reaction of salicylate followed by esterification.

9.11  Synthetic Nerolidol

Nerolidol is a major component in the neroli (Citrus auranthus floral) and nerolina
(Melaleuca quinquenervia) essential oils. Synthetic nerolidol has been prepared
using linalool as a starting material (Fig. 9.7) (Surburg and Panten 2006; Chan et al.
2016). Linalool is reacted with ethyl acetoacetate; the acetoacetic ester interme-
diate undergoes thermal rearrangement with decarboxylation to give (E)- and (Z)-
geranylacetone. Nucleophilic addition of acetylene to the geranylacetones gives
the corresponding (E)- and (Z)-dehydronerolidols, which can be partially hydroge-
nated to give (E)-nerolidol and (Z)-nerolidol. Adulteration with synthetic nerolidol
generally shows trace amounts of dehydronerolidol and geranylacetone.

9.12  Impact of Adulteration

One concern of synthetic adulteration is the toxicity of the synthetic markers

themselves, impurities like carvoxime, 2-cyano-3-isopropenyl-cyclohexene, or
N-benzylideneisopropylamine are always produced during the synthesis of carvone
and carvacrol from limonene (see above). In addition to the concerns of marker
toxicity, synthetic adulteration gives incorrect steroisomeric distributions of chiral
components, which can also have additional adverse health effects (Patočka and
Dvořák 2004). For example, (−)-α-thujone has been reported to be more toxic than
the (+)-β-diastereomer (Höld et al. 2000); (−)-gossypol is significantly more toxic
to nonruminant vertebrates than (+)-gossypol (Stipanovic et  al. 2005). The
9  Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils 269

Fig. 9.7  Chemical synthesis of nerolidol using linalool as a starting material

therapeutic properties of pure essential oil components vary from component to

component and vary enantiomerically as well. For example, inhaling (+)-limonene
can increase systolic blood pressure and alter alertness and restlessness, whereas
(−)-limonene only affects alertness. Similarly, (−)-carvone was reported to increase
pulse rate, diastolic blood pressure, and restlessness, whereas (+)-carvone increased
systolic and diastolic blood pressure (Heuberger et  al. 2001). Likewise, (+)-rose
oxide provides relaxing physiological properties, whereas (−)-rose oxide causes a
significantly higher stimulative effect (Traynor 2001). Similarly, Sugawara found
that racemic linalool has adverse effects on inhalation as compared to pure
enantiomers, (+) or (−) (Sugawara et al. 2000). According to a review article (Ernst
2002), one fatal and six potentially life-threatening occurrences were reportedly
caused by adulterations of Chinese herbal medicines. In addition to the adverse
health considerations of synthetic adulteration, there are also the economic
implications to consider. Most of the pure natural essential oils are distilled in
developing countries; not only are individual farmers affected, but also the entire
economies of the countries can be adversely affected by competition with adulterated
essential oils.

9.13  Discovery of Synthetic Markers

In the synthesis of organic compounds, 100% pure desired yield is never achieved
since there are always side reactions that occur yielding at least trace by-products.
Identifying them is challenging since they are not thoroughly researched nor even
incorporated into any commercial libraries. However, identifying and characterizing
the peaks of these trace markers is perhaps the best overall strategy of all the
currently available technologies for detecting essential oil adulteration. This work is
270 P. Satyal and W. N. Setzer

perhaps the first significant overview that has been published on the synthetic
markers of essential oil components. Sometimes essential oil components are also
degraded, or the wrong distillation technique is applied, which results in unusual
essential oil components, but synthetic markers are most always distinct from those
arising from unintended degradations (Turek and Stintzing 2013). As knowledge
increases on the synthetic markers in essential oil adulteration, manufacturers of the
various commercially available components are continually developing new ways
to remove the identifying trace markers by using various purification techniques.
Target synthesized compounds and trace markers have similar boiling points and
retention properties, so they present a considerable challenge to current purification
There are two types of precursor molecules used in synthesizing essential oil
components: natural component-based and petrochemical-based. Sometimes,
natural component-based synthesis produces enantioselective products (e.g., the
synthesis of carvone from limonene (Fig.  9.3) (Surburg and Panten 2006)). As a
result, it passes isotopic ratio testing and enantioselective testing. Petrochemical-
based synthetic products, however, do not pass the isotopic ratio analysis.
Petrochemical-based synthetics may also fail enantioselective measurements, but in
some cases, there are no enantiomeric aspects to consider. For example, in the
synthesis of thymol (Fig. 9.4), we see that the thymol molecule has no chiral centers
and thus not amenable to enantioselective testing. With chiral GC-MS being of no
value in this case, it leaves only the issue of isotopic ratios to be concerned about
from an adulteration standpoint. To pass isotopic ratio testing, most of the so-called
natural essential oil producers prefer to use natural precursor-based synthetic
compounds rather than those derived from a petrochemical sources. While the
naturally derived components can be more expensive than petrochemical-based
compounds, oftentimes they are still considerably cheaper than the essential oils
themselves, thus making them very attractive additives. Compounds like α-pinene,
limonene, geraniol, 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), and citronellal are frequently used as
natural isolates to synthesize nature-identical chemicals (Surburg and Panten 2006),
which would pass isotopic testing.
In many cases the naturally derived precursors are actually less expensive than the
same compounds if they were to be made synthetically. For example, α-pinene is
obtained from turpentine sulfate (a waste product of paper mills), limonene can be
extracted from cheap orange oils (US$5 kg−1), 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) is extracted
from Eucalyptus essential oil, and citral is extracted from lemongrass essential oils
(Sell 2003). But when the natural precursors are isolated, there are typically charac-
teristic pyrolyzed markers that arise from the isolation process. There are poten-
tially more markers found in natural precursor-based synthetic compounds than in
petrochemical-based synthetic compounds; therefore achieving an acceptable level
of purification of the natural precursors can be challenging unless the precursor can
be crystallized. Trace impurities in the natural precursors are also affected by the
reaction carried out in synthesizing essential oil molecules.
9  Adulteration Analysis in Essential Oils 271


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medicines/areas/traditional/en/. Accessed 25 Sep 2017
Chapter 10
Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry
and Applications

Gaurav Kumar Silori, Naveen Kushwaha, and Vimal Kumar

10.1  Introduction

Essential oils (EOs), also referred as ethereal or volatile oils, have been used for
extensive applications in pharmaceutical, medical, and perfume industries. They are
aromatic oily liquids and obtained from different parts of plant, i.e., leaves, seeds,
fruits, buds, flowers, wood, herbs, barks, and roots (Burt 2004). Till now, around
3000 EOs have been reported by scientific community, of which about 300 are of
commercial importance (van de Braak and Leijten 1994). EOs are aromatic oily
liquids and therefore have low solubility in water, however are soluble in alcohols,
organic solvents, fats, and other hydrophobic substances. They are generally liquid
at room temperature (Thormar 2011). Essential oils contribute only a small propor-
tion of the wet weight of plant material, which is usually 1% or less (Pengelly
2004). Essential oils’ content can vary in quality, quantity, and composition accord-
ing to geographical conditions, soil composition, specific parts of plant, and plant
age (Masotti et al. 2003; Angioni et al. 2006). Further, the chemical compositions of
essential oils not only vary in terms of the number of molecules but also in the ste-
reochemical types of molecules extracted, or oil extraction method. Hence, the
essential oil extraction method is chosen accordingly for different applications.
Steam distillation is among the most conventional methods used to extract EOs for
commercial production.
Essential oils are generally described as secondary plant metabolites, which are
synthesized by the plant however not necessarily be essential for plant growth and
development (Croteau et al. 2000). Further, all plants do not universally synthesize
essential oils, though primary metabolites are synthesized by all plants and take part

G. K. Silori · N. Kushwaha · V. Kumar (*)

Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 275

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
276 G. K. Silori et al.

in the essential metabolic processes of respiration and photosynthesis (Theis and

Lerdau 2003).
Essential oils may contain 20–60 compounds in different composition, which
eventually forms a very complex mixture. Generally two or three components have
higher contribution (20–70%) in terms of concentration in a specific species when
compared to other (Bakkali et al. 2008).
EOs are extensively used for bactericidal, fungicidal, and medicinal applications
due to their antiseptic properties. They have been also utilized as a food preservative
(Bakkali et al. 2008). Some key ingredients of EOs are used for scent and cosmetics
purposes. Agriculture and medical sector are among other major beneficiaries of
EOs. For instance, aroma products, soaps, food additives, creams, and industrial
solvents consist D-limonene and geranyl acetate, which are major contributor in
EOs. Essential oils have been found useful in massages, baths, and particularly aro-
matherapy. Few studies also claimed to cure organ dysfunction or systemic disorder
through essential oils as EOs persist valuable medicinal properties (Silva et al. 2003;
Hajhashemi et al. 2003; Perry et al. 2003). Despite the extensive use of essential
oils, it is important to research their additional roles which could be exploited for the
improvement of human health, agriculture, industries, etc. (Bakkali et al. 2008).
Pinus (Pinaceae), among more than 110 recognized species, is the largest extant
genus of conifers and one of the most important sources of essential oils across the
globe. From various studies available in literature, it has been reported that pine’s
essential oil contains more than four dozen constituents, out of which eight to ten
have key importance. Table 10.1 shows chemical structure of few important con-
stituents of pine EOs. Pines are largely distributed in northern hemisphere across
many forest types in Europe, Asia, North Africa, North America, and Central
America. Pinus is among diverse genus of sclerophyllous-leaved tree, which shares
the same characteristics with Quercus and Eucalyptus in the northern and southern
hemisphere, respectively (Keeley 2012). The genus Pinus contains Η20% of gym-
nosperms, as known species, and more than 50% species in Pinaceae family, includ-
ing Douglas and true firs, and spruces (Richardson and Ryan 1998).
Pines are coniferous evergreen trees. Conifers belong to gymnosperm family and
generally have needle shape leaves. Pine trees are generally 3–80 m tall, with the
majority of species ranging from 15 to 45 m tall (Richardson and Ryan 1998; Farjon
2005). They grow well in acidic soils, however can be grown in calcareous soils.
Most species require efficient soil drainage; however a few will tolerate poorly
drained wet soils (Richardson and Ryan 1998). Pine wood is traditionally used for
fuelwood and timber purpose. Different type of pine species has shown medicinal
properties against cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc. (Silori et  al. 2013). New
drugs have been developed through pine species which may become fine alternate
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Kaushik et  al. 2012). Rosin, which is
obtained from the distillation of resin, has wide commercial use in adhesives, print-
ing ink, and varnish industries (Silori et al. 2013). In this chapter a brief background
of essential oils from pines and their various applications have been presented.
Importance of pine as a major contributor in essential oils has also been
Table 10.1  Variation in yield of selected pine constituents as per species
P. ponderosa roxburghii
(Krauze-­ P. P. (Zafar et al. P. P.
Baranowska koraiensis P. strobus P. resinosa brutia 2010; sylvestris elliottii
et al. 2002; (Hong P. pinaster P. nigra (Krauze-­ (Krauze-­ (Tumen Hassan and (Tumen (Zhang
Molecular Kelkar et al. et al. (Macchioni (Macchioni Baranowska Baranowska et al. Amjid et al. et al.
Component formula 2006) 2004) et al. 2002) et al. 2002) et al. 2002) et al. 2002) 2010) 2009) 2010) 2016)
β-Pinene C10H16 45.7 2.81 23.5 2.2 7.9 42.4 39.56 – 1.78 2.65
Camphene C10H16 0.5 5.23 0.7 1.3 3.2 1.6 0.64 0.9 0.60 0.08
α-Pinene C10H16 10.2 10.49 61.6 70.0 17.7 23.3 30.91 29.3 14.76 5.09
Sabinene C10H16 – 0.18 – – – – – – – –
3-Carene C10H16 8.4 – – – – 0.5 7.80 14.2 – –
Myrcene C10H16 1.4 7.22 5.2 0.6 3.6 14.5 1.13(β) 1.1(β) 0.17(β) 0.08(β)
α-Terpineol C10H18O 1.4 0.61 0.2 – – 0.8 0.93 4.5 0.41 –
Terpinolene C10H16 0.81 5.64(α) – – 0.2 0.2 0.48(α) – 0.04(α) –
Limonene C10H16 – 6.55 1.4 1.8 – – – 1.7 – –
Bornyl acetate – – 7.13 – – – – 0.22 – 0.02 –
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications

Caryophyllene C15H24 0.2(β) 6.51 1.0(β) 0.2(β) 3.8(β) 2.2(β) 5.01(β) 21.9 2.87(β) –
Terpinene-­ C10H18O 0.3 0.22 – – – 0.1 0.26 0.2 0.01 –
γ-Muurolene – 0.2 2.62 – – 1.4 0.1 – – – –
Phellandrene C10H16 – 0.25 – – 0.4(α) – – 0.7(β) – 0.46(β)
α-Terpinene C10H16 0.1 0.59 – – – – – – – –
Thujene C10H16 – 1.07(β) – – – – – – – –
γ -Terpinene C10H16 0.2 0.30 – 1.8 – – – 0.2 – –
p-Cymene C10H14 0.1 0.42 – 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.37 1.9 0.47 –
Germacrene D C15H24 0.3 – 0.9 1.1 12.2 4.9 0.38 – 0.01 –
Spathulenol – – – – – – – – – – –


Table 10.1 (continued)
P. P. P. henryi P. P. peuce
densiflora P. pinea P. halepensis tabulaeformis (Xie P. monticola massoniana P. wallichiana (Hajdari
Molecular (Hong (Macchioni (Macchioni (Xie et al. et al. (Dambolena (Xie et al. (Dambolena et al.
Component formula et al. 2004) et al. 2002) et al. 2002) 2015) 2015) et al. 2016) 2015) et al. 2016) 2016)
β-Pinene C10H16 9.82 1.1 0.7 2.29 0.35 22.8 2.99 34.0 10.9
Camphene C10H16 3.86 0.1 0.6 0.38 0.34 3.5 0.63 1.0 5.8
α-Pinene C10H16 14.44 3.9 61.8 11.08 9.68 21 8.16 14.8 29.0
Sabinene C10H16 0.35 – – 0.15 0.18 – – – 0.06
3-Carene C10H16 – – – 0.31 0.13 4.2 0.13 – 0.4
Myrcene C10H16 12.19 2.5 20.1 – 1.04 4.2 – 1.3 0.9
α-Terpineol C10H18O 0.50 0.8 0.2 3.43 1.32 1.3 3.34 0.3 3.4
Terpinolene C10H16 2.87 – – 0.24 (α) 0.59 (α) 5.1 0.17(α) – 0.13
Limonene C10H16 4.34 75.3 0.8 0.41 0.09 14.0 – 17.8 –
Bornyl acetate – 5.67 – – 4.13 2.96 – 3.83 – 7.4
Caryophyllene C15H24 3.26 3.7 8.5 22.36 (β) 18.26(β) 0.5(β) 18.48(β) 1.8(β) 0.1(β)
Terpinene-­ C10H18O 0.30 – – 0.15 – – 0.2 0.1
γ-Muurolene – 0.64 – – 1.06 – – – – –
Phellandrene C10H16 0.45 – – 0.12(β) 0.37 1.8(α) 0.66(β) 0.3(α) 45.1(α)
α-Terpinene C10H16 0.33 – – – 0.12 0.3 0.29 0.6 0.06
Thujene C10H16 19.33 – – 0.13 (α) 1.72(α) 0.4(α) 2.02(α) 0.1(α) –
γ-Terpinene C10H16 0.33 0.1 0.1 0.48 0.13 0.6 0.52 – 0.3
p-Cymene C10H14 0.49 0.1 0.1 – – – – 0.1 –
Germacrene D C15H24 – 0.2 0.6 7.43 2.71 – 9.78 – 16.6
Spathulenol – – – – 0.23 0.65 – – – 0.1
All the concentrations are shown on % basis. In literature, variation in constituent’s concentrations may exist due to change in geographical and climate con-
G. K. Silori et al.
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 279

10.2  P
 ine Essential Oils: Major Constituent
and Corresponding Yields

Pine essential oils contain varieties of organic constituents. Though the number of
constituents is more than 50 (Tumen et al. 2010), 20 major constituents have been
classified by different sources to investigate their respective yields in different pine
species across the world. The major components in pine EOs are β-pinene, camphene,
α-pinene, sabinene, 3-carene, myrcene, α-terpineol, terpinolene, limonene, bornyl
acetate, caryophyllene, terpinene-4-ol, γ-muurolene, phellandrene, α-terpinene, thu-
jene, γ-terpinene, p-cymene, germacrene D, and spathulenol. Figure  10.1 shows
chemical structures of 20 major contributors in pines’ essential oils. Variations in the
yield of selected constituent as per their origin and species can be seen from Table 10.1.
It can be stated that five constituents, namely, α-pinene, β-pinene, camphene, 3-carene,
and myrcene, are the major contributors in essential oil formation in pines.

10.3  Distribution of Pine Species Across the Globe

According to Royal Botanic Gardens  and Kew and Missouri Botanical Garden,
there are around 126 recognized species, with 35 unresolved species and many
more synonyms ( 2018; https://www.kew.
org/ 2018). As mentioned earlier, pine has a very large family, and they are widely
spread in most parts of the globe. Forty major pine species and their availability
across the globe has been mentioned in Table 10.2, of which 25 species belongs to
Pinus subgenus while 15 are from Strobus. Figure 10.2 shows availability percent-
age of investigated species in different continents. It is evident from Fig. 10.2 that
Asian, European, and North American continents together comprise around 40% of
major pine species found across the globe.

10.4  Pine Oil Extraction Methods

From conventional steam distillation, Soxhlet extraction followed by solvent extrac-

tion (SE), rectification and fractionation of solvent extracts, maceration, and expres-
sion (cold pressing of citrus peels) to techniques like supercritical fluid extraction
(SFE), microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), ultrasound-assisted extraction
(UAE), accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), solvent-free microwave extraction
(SFME), and microwave hydro-diffusion and gravity (MHG), the essential oil
extraction methods have received enormous advancement. Extraction yield can be
quantified by state-of-the-art techniques like GC-MS and HPLC (Sahraoui et  al.
2008). A brief discussion of the abovementioned methods is provided in the follow-
ing section. Figure 10.3 shows the progress in essential oil’s extraction techniques
in last four decades.
280 G. K. Silori et al.

β-Pinene α-Pinene Camphene Sabinene

Myrcene α-Terpineol Terpinolene Limonene

3-Carene Bornyl acetate α –Terpinene Spathulenol

Caryophyllene Terpinene-4-ol γ-Muurolene -Phellandrene

α –Thujene γ –Terpinene p-Cymene germacrene D

Fig. 10.1  Major constituents and their chemical structure in pine’s essential oil
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 281

Table 10.2  Pine species and their availability across the globe
Section Species Common name Country/region
Pinus P. brutia Eastern Mediterranean or Turkey, Crimea, Iran
Calabrian pine
P. halepensis Aleppo pine Morocco, Algeria, Spain
P. heldreichii Bosnian pine Southern Italy, Croatia
P. pinaster Maritime or cluster pine Portugal, Northern Spain
P. pinea Mediterranean stone or Israel, South Africa, New South
umbrella pine Wales
P. roxburghii Chir pine India, Nepal, Tibet, Pakistan
P. densiflora Japanese red pine Japan, Northeastern China,
Southeast Russia
P. massoniana Masson pine Taiwan, Hong Kong, Northern
P. mugo Dwarf mountain pine Southwest Europe, Austria,
P. mugo var. Dwarf mountain pine North and Central Italy
P. nigra subsp. Corsican pine France and Italy
P. sylvestris subsp. Scot pine Western Europe to Eastern
scotica Siberia
P. thunbergii Japanese black pine Japan, South Korea
P. attenuata Knobcone pine Southern Oregon
P. patula Mexican weeping pine Mexico, Bolivia, Kenya
P. coulteri Coulter or bigcone pine Southern California, Mexico
P. jeffreyi Jeffrey pine California, Oregon
P. torreyana Torrey pine San Diego, Santa Rosa Island
P. teocote Mexican small-cone or Aztec Mexico
P. sylvestris Scots pine Eurasia, Siberia
P. tabuliformis Chinese red pine China, North Korea
P. elliottii Slash pine Southeastern United States
P. radiata Monterey pine Central Coast of California
P. ponderosa Ponderosa or western yellow Western United States and
pine Canada
P. banksiana Jack pine Canada, Minnesota
282 G. K. Silori et al.

Table 10.2 (continued)
Section Species Common name Country/region
Strobus P. aristata Colorado bristlecone pine United States
P. cembroides Mexican pinyon Texas, Mexico
P. monophylla Single leaf pinyon Arizona, Northwest Mexico
P. bungeana Lacebark pine Northeastern and Central China
P. gerardiana Chilgoza or Gerard’s pine Afghanistan, Pakistan, and
northwest India
P. armandii Chinese white or Armand’s China, Taiwan
P. cembra Swiss stone or Arolla pine Poland, Austria, Germany
P. flexilis Limber or Rocky Mountain Western United States, Canada
white pine
P. koraiensis Korean stone pine Korea, Northeastern China,
P. monticola Western white pine United States, Canada
P. parviflora Japanese white pine Korea and Japan
P. pumila Dwarf stone pine Eastern Siberia, Northern Japan,
and Korea
P. peuce Macedonian or Balkan (white) Bulgaria, Albania
P. strobus Eastern white pine Eastern North America
P. wallichiana Himalayan blue pine Himalaya, Bhutan
Farjon 2005; Ioannou et al. 2014; Gernandt et al. 2005; Richardson and Rundel 1998

Fig. 10.2  Percentage availability of considered pine species across the globe
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 283

Fig. 10.3  Progress in essential oil’s extraction techniques in last four decades

10.4.1  Steam Distillation (SD)

The vapor produced by the steam generator passes through the ground plant mate-
rial, stored in apparatus. The vapors generated are then condensed using a con-
denser, and the condensate is collected in a flask. The collected oil is dried with
anhydrous Na2SO4 and stored at particular temperature until used. Extraction needs
to be performed at least three times (Sahraoui et al. 2008). Figure 10.4 shows a typi-
cal setup of steam distillation extraction process.

10.4.2  Maceration

The technique involves soaking of raw plant material, which is generally grinded/
powdered form, in a close container with a solvent for a period of over 72 h. The
container is frequent agitated, the process is held at room temperature. Conduction
and convections are the two mediums of heat transfer in this method. The solvent is
chosen according to desired component, for example, methanol is best solvent for
extraction of secondary metabolites (Handa et al. 2008).
284 G. K. Silori et al.

Fig. 10.4  Schematic of steam distillation extraction process

10.4.3  Soxhlet Extraction (SE)

This method is among continuous solid/liquid extraction methods. Finely ground

sample of needles/plant is “thimble” made from a strong filter paper or cellulose. In
thimble chamber of the Soxhlet apparatus, extraction solvent, such as methanol,
hexane, or acetonitrile, is vaporized into the sample thimble after heating and then
condensed back. The liquid is dropped back into the bottom flask after reaching at
siphon arm and the process is continued. This process takes place again and again
until all the material in the finely ground sample is extracted into an organic solvent
which generally takes 18–20 h time (Jensen 2007).

10.4.4  Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)

Supercritical fluid (SF), which is also known as dense-gas, is a special class of sol-
vents containing the solvating property of liquids but behaves like a gas, simultane-
ously (Orav et  al. 1998). The plant material is extracted with supercritical fluid
which is generally carbon dioxide (Schaneberg and Khan 2002). For supercritical
CO2, extraction temperature and pressure are maintained above 304 K and 74 bar,
respectively. The properties of supercritical fluid can be altered through change in
temperature and pressure. However, high pressure requirement in this process
makes it costly when compared to conventional extraction processes.
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 285

10.4.5  Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)

The process contains a microwave unit, equipped with a circulatory Dean-Stark

apparatus. The grounded plant material is soaked in a specified solvent for a speci-
fied time in a round bottom flask. After required pre-treatments, the mixture is
placed into microwave oven where disruptions of plant cells happen at high tem-
perature; the volatile essential oils come out from the oil glands and rises toward the
condenser where they are condensed. Subsequently, EOs are separated from other
impurities in collector (Thakker et  al. 2016). Figure  10.5 demonstrates a typical
MAE process.

10.4.6  Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction (UAE)

It is also referred as sonication extraction and involves the use of ultrasound irradia-
tion, which generally ranges from 20 kHz to 2000 kHz. The extraction is performed
in an ultrasound cleaning bath with the help of indirect sonication. The ground
material is charged with the batch of organic solvent (polar or nonpolar as per sam-
ple requirement). The sonication is held for a particular time, which is generally

Fig. 10.5  Schematic of microwave-assisted extraction process

286 G. K. Silori et al.

30 min. The organic layer obtained after sonication is transferred to a separation

funnel where saturated NaCl solutions is mixed with it. The separated organic layer
is obtained followed by the required washing process. Physical and chemical prop-
erties of the materials subjected to ultrasound gets altered and disrupt the plant cell
wall, facilitating release of compounds and enhancing mass transport of the solvents
into the plant cells. The procedure is simple and relatively low-cost technology that
can be used in both small and larger scale of phytochemical extraction (Kimbaris
et al. 2006).

10.4.7  Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)

It is an enhanced form of liquid solvent extraction compared to maceration and

Soxhlet extraction as the method uses a minimal amount of solvent. The process
requires accelerated solvent extractor and the solvent. Solvent (ml) to sample (g)
ratio is kept around 2.5–3. The extraction time is generally 10–12 min. Sample is
stored with inert materials in a stainless steel cell to avoid the aggregation in the
sample. Stored cells contain layers of sand sample mixture. This state-of-the-art
extraction technology is capable to regulate temperature and pressure for each indi-
vidual sample and generally requires less than an hour for extraction (Schaneberg
and Khan 2002).

10.4.8  Solvent-Free Microwave Extraction (SFME)

SFME comprises microwave-assisted dry distillation at atmospheric pressure.

SFME is based on a relatively simple principle and does not require any solvent or
water (Filly et  al. 2014). Instead, the inherent water content of plant material is
heated selectively, which results in tissue bursting, and finally release of essential
oil. In a study, it was claimed that the essential oils extracted by SFME method took
nine times less time when compared to conventional hydro-distillation method, sub-
jected to same yield (Lucchesi et al. 2004). SFME is among green technologies and
has several benefits over conventional method used in extraction of aromatic plants.

10.4.9  M
 icrowave Hydro-Diffusion and Gravity (MHG)

MHG is among newly developed green techniques for extraction of EOs. It is based
on two phenomena, i.e., hydro-diffusion and gravity. It is alike SFME till release of
extract (water and EOs). Further, hydro-diffusion phenomenon allows the extract to
diffuse outside the plant material. The extract is collected and separated in a vessel
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 287

Fig. 10.6  Schematic of microwave hydro-diffusion and gravity extraction process

based on their specific gravity. Because of its least energy requirements, MHG has
established its superiority over existing MAE, SFME, or modified hydro-distillation
techniques. In a study, MHG was compared with a conventional technique, hydro-­
distillation (HD), for the extraction of essential oil from two aromatic herbs. The
essential oils extracted through MHG were quantitatively (yield) and qualitatively
(aromatic profile) similar to those obtained by conventional hydro-distillation while
reducing extraction time by six times (Vian et al. 2008). When it comes to industrial
implications, MHG technique is highly recommended having least amount of
greenhouse gases. A schematic of MHG extraction process is shown in Fig. 10.6.

10.5  Chemistry of Pine Oils

Primary metabolites are universally available in plant families and constitute an

essential life cycle. They are categorized into four subgroups, namely, proteins, car-
bohydrates, nucleic acids, and lipids (Bu’Lock 1965; Mann et al. 1994; Başer and
288 G. K. Silori et al.

Buchbauer 2010). Secondary metabolites do not occur universally in each species

and are usually classified into terpenoids, shikimates, polyketides, and alkaloids.
Pine species contains a number of pathways pertaining to chemical structure of
constituents; however in this section, the two key pathways, shikimate and terpe-
noids, are discussed which are readily found in pine species. Both pathways have
very complex mechanism, and only brief descriptions have been presented in the
following sections.

10.5.1  Shikimate Pathway

Being a key precursor for flavonoids and lignin, shikimic acid holds position as a
key synthetic intermediate for plants (Bu’Lock 1965; Mann et al. 1994). While
flavonoids act as antioxidants and UV protector, lignin is responsible for woody
tissue formation in plants. Phosphoenolpyruvate and erythrose-4 phosphate are the
two major synthesizers of shikimic acid in plants as shown in Fig. 10.7. Benzoic
acid and its derivate, widespread for their use as ester, are formed by the aromatiza-
tion of shikimic acid provided no further addition of three carbon atoms from phos-
phoenolpyruvate (Mann et al. 1994).

10.5.2  Terpenoid Pathway

As far as EOs are concerned, terpenoid is among the most important pathways exist-
ing in pine species (Singh and Sharma 2015; Eggersdorfer 2012). When first formed,
terpene structure contains a multiple of five carbon atoms. Terpenoid with 10 carbon
atoms per molecule are referred as monoterpenoids. Further, terpenoids with 5, 15,

Fig. 10.7  A schematic of secondary metabolites biosynthesis

10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 289

and 20 carbon atoms are known as hemiterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, and diterpenoids,

respectively (Eggersdorfer 2012;  Simonsen  1931). Hemiterpenoids, sesquiterpe-
noids, and monoterpenoids are sufficiently volatile to be component of EOs and can
be further elaborated as follows (Eggersdorfer 2012):
(i) Hemiterpenoids: Most R-OH, R-CHO, and R-CO-OR´ components with a
CH3CH2CH (CH3)2 skeleton.
(ii) Monoterpenoids: Myrcene, ß-pinene, 3-carene, α -phellandrene, and
(iii) Sesquiterpenoids: α-Bisabolol, farnesol, santalols, ionones, and nerolidol.
A brief of some key ingredients of pine essential oils are as follows:
Alpha-Pinene (C10H16)  α-Pinene is one of two isomers of pinene, an organic com-
pound belonging to terpene family, which contains reactive four-membered ring. It
is found in the oils of different species of coniferous trees, notably the pine
(MacTavish 1934).

3-Carene (C10H16)  Carene, or delta-3-carene, belongs to a class of monoterpenes

which consists fused ring alkanes specifically cyclohexane and cyclopropane. It is a
colorless liquid having pungent odor. Carene is insoluble in water but soluble in fats
and oil (Eggersdorfer 2012).

Myrcene (C10H16)  Myrcene belongs to monoterpene family and is an olefinic natu-

ral organic hydrocarbon. At 400°C, it is obtained through pyrolysis of β-pinene. It
is rarely obtained directly from plants (Behr and Johnen 2009).

Terpineol (C10H18O)  A naturally occurring alcohol from monoterpene family con-

sisting four types of isomers, viz., alpha-, beta-, and gamma-terpineol and terpinen-­
ol. Generally, terpineol is mixture of the abovementioned isomers with
alpha-terpineol as a major constituent (Eggersdorfer 2012; Behr and Johnen 2009).

Camphene (C10H16)  Camphene is a volatile monoterpene, which is soluble in

organic solvents and almost insoluble in water. For commercial purposes it is pro-
duced by catalytic isomerization of alpha-pinene. It is used as food additive and
fragrances (Bigley et al. 1981).

Limonene (C10H16)  Limonene belongs to class of colorless cyclic terpene. It is

commercially used to synthesize carvone, which is used in food and flavor industry.
Steam distillation and centrifugal separation are two primary techniques, which are
used to obtain limonene for commercial purposes from citrus fruits (Sun 2007).
290 G. K. Silori et al.

10.6  Application of Pines’ Essential Oils

10.6.1  Medicinal Use

From various literature resources, it has been found that pines contain several medic-
inal properties, which can be utilized for the interest of mankind. Various efforts have
been made over last few decades to identify antimicrobial and antiviral properties of
pines. Moreira et al. (2005) examined the antimicrobial activities of essential oils
against four strains of E. coli. On the basis of findings, it was suggested that the EO
can be used as food antimicrobial preservatives (Moreira et al. 2005). Bhalla et al.
(2013) successfully reviewed the possibility of essential oils’ constituents for the
treatment of cancerous disease. It was reported that EOs have potential to enhance
activity of white blood cells, which are responsible for removing foreign materials
and microbes from the body (Bhalla et al. 2013).
It has been reported that the pine needles comprise about 1.5–2.5% shikimic acid,
although a little change with season and age has also been observed. The studies car-
ried out in available literature confirm that few pine species contain a good enough
amount of a key precursor which is used in the production of Tamiflu®, an antiviral
drug used in the treatment of H5N1 flu (Xie et al. 2012; Sui 2008). Chen et al. (2014)
achieved about a 6% yield of shikimic acid from Masson pine needles, which is
possibly the highest extracted yield from any pine species till now (Chen et al. 2014).
Since pine needles are inexpensive and readily available in North Asia, North
America, and Europe, there is a strong possibility to utilize them as a drug manufac-
turer against less available star anise species.
Another major ingredient in pine EOs are terpenoids, which have antimicrobial,
antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral, anti-allergenic, antispasmodic, antihyperglyce-
mic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties and have been found
useful in the prevention and therapy of several diseases, including cancer (Theis and
Lerdau 2003; Medeiros Leite et al. 2007). Terpenoids have also been found effective
as natural insecticides and can be used in storing agriculture products. Various stud-
ies have suggested to pay substantial attention to introduce terpenes into modern
therapies (Paduch et  al. 2007). Wound-healing mechanism can be enhanced by
incorporating EOs in polymer matrix.
Resin is a viscous liquid generally obtained from the pine tree bark. Rosin,
which is obtained from the distillation of resin, has many applications. Three
esters of rosin, viz., glycerol, sorbitol, and mannitol, are proposed to be used in
chewing gums and sweeteners as they contain antidiabetic properties (Fulzele
et  al. 2004). Rosins have been utilized for manufacturing microcapsules and
nanoparticles, and their properties have been examined in vitro and ex vivo studies
(Lee et al. 2005).
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 291

10.6.2  Industrial Uses

While pines contain several medicinal properties, they have industrial significance
too. Terpenes, one of the major constituents of pine’s essential oil, have use in the
preparation of perfumes and insect repellants. Turpentine oil is used in the prepara-
tion of cosmetics, further the characteristic fragrances of terpenes make them useful
in aromatherapy too. Terpenes like limonene and pinene are used as air fresheners
(Kandi et al. 2015).
Rosin is useful in the manufacturing of adhesives, printing ink, soldering fluxes,
varnishes, and sealing waxes. It has also been used as a glazing agent in many con-
sumables including medicines and chewing gums. Other uses of rosin include plas-
ters and ointments where it forms a key ingredient. Rosin has a good electric
isolation and thus has suitability to be used in electric cables. Rosin has been mixed
with pitch to be used in optical component making (Silori et al. 2013).
Besides essential oils from pines, pine needles have also been used to produce
electricity at large scale through gasification process. A 10 KV plant setup has
been installed to produce electricity from dry pine needles in Uttarakhand state of
India (Mishra and Vlosky 2015; n.d.). As pine species
are sufficiently available across the globe, the work has fair chance to meet huge
electricity demand of beneficiaries. Table  10.3 shows applications of the major
EOs’ constituents.

10.7  Summary

As evident from the present study and available literature, it can be clearly stated that
pines have contributed extensively in essential oils. Essential oils from pines and
pine needles have been used for diverse range of applications varying from pharma-
ceuticals, medical, etc. to energy production for domestic (in rural areas) as well as
industrial applications. Essential oils from pine contain more than 50 components in
which five constituents, namely, α-pinene, β-pinene, camphene, 3-carene, and myr-
cene, are major. Further, with the advent in process intensification in process industry
new technologies have been developed for the extraction of EOs from pine. A few of
them, such as ultra-sonication irradiation and microwave-assisted techniques, are six
to ten times faster than the conventional techniques. However, these techniques are
still mainly used in the laboratories and not much attention has been made at the
industrial level. Further, two major metabolite pathways for shikimate and terpenoids
were discussed in brief as they have high medicinal values.
292 G. K. Silori et al.

Table 10.3  Major constituents of pines’ essential oil and their applications
Pines’ EO
constituents Uses Ref.
β-Pinene Cleaning solvent, antimicrobial Kelkar et al. (2006); Rivas da Silva
properties against bacterial cells et al. (2012)
Camphene Food additives, plasticizer for resins Verschueren (2001); Sell (2006)
and lacquers, feedstock for
preparation of fragrance components
α-Pinene Cosmetics and odor agents, O’Neil (2006); Lewis Sr. (2007)
insecticides, camphene, esters,
lubricating oil solvents, and
Sabinene Exhibits anti-­inflammatory, Valente et al. (2013)
antimicrobial, and antifungal
3-Carene Feedstock for perfumes, cosmetics, Ocete et al. (1989); Cavaleiro et al.
flavors, and terpene resins, serves as (2006)
an antihistamine by reducing excess
menstrual flow or perspiration,
delta-3-­carene is used as a central
nervous system depressant
Myrcene Production of 7-hydroxygeranyl- Eggersdorfer (2012); Lewis Sr. (2007)
neryl dialkylamine
Feedstock for geraniol, nerol,
linalool, and isophytol. Preparation
of perfume chemicals and flavoring
α-Terpineol Solvent for resins and cellulose Lewis Sr. (2007); Tobin et al. (1976)
esters and ethers
Perfumes, soaps, disinfectant,
antioxidant, flavoring agent
Terpinolene Solvent for resins, manufacturing of Lewis Sr. (2007); Eggersdorfer (2012)
synthetic resins and synthetic flavors,
improvement the odor of industrial
and household products
Limonene Starting material for the synthesis of Sell (2006); Lewis Sr. (2007);
(R)-(−)-carvone, gallstone Shepard (1986); Bingham et al.
solubilizer, used in many food, soap, (2001)
and perfume products for its
lemon-like flavor. Has antimicrobial,
antiviral, antifungal, antilarval, insect
attractant, and repellent properties
Bornyl acetate Used in perfumes and for flavoring. de Cássia da Silveira e Sá et al.
Bornyl acetate exhibit anti-­ (2013)
inflammatory property and it is used
as an analgesic
Caryophyllene Anti-inflammatory and analgesic, Bahi et al. (2014); Klauke et al.
antianxiety, and antidepressant (2014)
Terpinene-4-ol Pepper oils and in perfumery, Fahlbusch et al. (2003)
medication, and therapeutics
Phellandrene Flavoring and perfumery Hawley (1977)
10  Essential Oils from Pines: Chemistry and Applications 293

Table 10.3 (continued)
Pines’ EO
constituents Uses Ref.
α -Terpinene Maintain the oxidative stability of Rudback et al. (2012)
food, cosmetics, and medicaments,
for odor purposes in industrial fluids
Thujene Antimicrobial activity Sadhasivam et al. (2016)
γ -Terpinene In the production of pharmaceutical Soukoulis and Hirsch (2004);
drugs and perfumes. Cytotoxic, Sharifi-Rad et al. (2015)
antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory
p-Cymene Manufacturing of p-cresol and Sell (2006); Lewis Sr. (2007);
carvacrol, used as a solvent and heat Eggersdorfer (2012); Fahlbusch et al.
transfer fluid, feedstock for the (2003)
polycyclic musk (fixolide or
tonalide), perfumery, solvent for dyes
and varnishes
Germacrene D Antibacterial property, cytotoxicity Salvador et al. (2011); Olajuyigbe and
Ashafa (2014)
Spathulenol Anesthetic in nature and used to
manufacture a drug which is used to do?chebiId=CHEBI:132824 (2018)
cause dilation of the blood vessels


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Part IV
Strategies and Technologies for Essential
Oil Production
Chapter 11
Biotechnological Approaches to Increase
Essential Oil Yield and Quality
in Aromatic Plants: The Lavandula latifolia
(Spike Lavender) Example. Past
and Recommendations for the Future

Juan Segura, Jesús Muñoz-Bertomeu, Isabel Mendoza-Poudereux,

and Isabel Arrillaga

11.1  Introduction

Aromatic plants are typically defined by their production of so-called essential oils
(EOs), which are stored in glandular trichomes, located on the surface of both flow-
ers and leaves (Hallahan 2000; Tissier et al. 2017). These EOs comprise a combina-
tion of hydrophobic and volatile compounds of variable chemical nature, and the
name “essential” derives from the word “essence,” due to the aromatic nature of the
oils (Lubbe and Verpoorte 2011). EOs have ecological and physiological functions
in plant interactions with biotic and abiotic factors (e.g., pollinator attraction,
defense, plant-to-plant communication, thermotolerance, and environmental stress
adaptation) and in growth and development (Abbas et  al. 2017; Dudareva et  al.
2013; Jones et al. 2016; Pichersky and Gershenzon 2002; Vivaldo et al. 2017). On
the other hand, EO constituents are of great economic interest for pharmaceutical,
food, and flavor industries, cosmetics, perfumery, and aromatherapy (Lobstein and
Couic-Marinier 2017; Upson and Andrews 2004; Woronuk et al. 2011).
The Lavandula genus of the Lamiaceae family includes approximately 400 reg-
istered cultivars, 39 plant species, and an important number of hybrids (Upson
2002; Upson and Andrews 2004). This category of plants is naturally found in the
Mediterranean area along with Asia and the Middle East, being typical constituents

J. Segura · I. Mendoza-Poudereux · I. Arrillaga (*)

Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
ISIC/ERI de Biotecnología y Biomedicina, Universidad de Valencia,
Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
J. Muñoz-Bertomeu
Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad de Valencia, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 301

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
302 J. Segura et al.

of the degraded Mediterranean shrublands (Rivas-Goday and Rivas-Martínez 1967;

Rivas-Martínez 1979) with scarce summer rain and distinct xerophytic characteris-
tics. Plants belonging to the Lavandula genus are perennial shrubs, between 100
and 200 cm in height, with characteristic square-shaped stems bearing tomentose
linear to oblong-lanceolate leaves; the upper branches have terminal spikes consist-
ing of six- to ten-flowered verticillasters with purplish/white corollas (Tutin et al.
1972). Only 3 out of the 39 Lavandula species have a high economic value in the
commercial production of EOs; these are Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (true laven-
der), Lavandula latifolia Medik. (Spike lavender, Fig. 11.1), and Lavandula × inter-
media Emeric ex Loisel. (lavandin), a sterile hybrid of L. angustifolia and L.
latifolia. Several species within the genus are used as ornamental and melliferous
plants, including the three previously mentioned species in addition to L. dentata L.,
L. stoechas L., and L. pedunculata (Mill.) Cav. (Upson and Andrews 2004; Urwin
and Mailer 2008).
Usually, the EOs from Lavandula species are obtained similarly to other aro-
matic plants by steam distillation from either flowering spikes or leaves (fresh or
dry); during this process, pressurized water vapor disrupts the glandular trichomes
releasing the oil and the mixture condenses thanks to a cooling system. The mixture
then enters the essencier, a gravity settler, and once decantation is finished, two
phases are retrieved (Lesage-Meessen et al. 2015): a supernatant oil, designated EO,

Fig. 11.1 (a) Spike lavender in its natural environment; (b) detail on spike lavender flowers; (c–e)
spike lavender leaves observed under a scanning electron microscope showing glandular capitate
(ca) or peltate (pe) trichomes and non-glandular trichomes (n). (Photo from JM Muñoz-Bertomeu).
Bars (a) 20 cm; (b) 1 cm; (c) 50 μm
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 303

and the aqueous part, rich in biologically active compounds with applications in
cosmetology (Smigielski et al. 2013).
The constituents of an EO may be classified into two principal groups: (1) hydro-
carbons (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes) and (2) oxygenated compounds derived
from these hydrocarbons, including alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, phenols,
oxides, etc. (Arimura et al. 2017; Ashour et al. 2010).
The amount, chemical composition, and quality of the EOs depend on many
genotypic and phenotypic factors, such as variety, the botanical organ they are iso-
lated from, the plant’s developmental stage, soil and climatic conditions, season of
harvest, drying methods in the case of dry material, or even extraction techniques
(Aprotosoaie et al. 2017; Dušková et al. 2016; Kara and Baydar 2013).
Lavender EOs consist of a complex mixture of tens to hundreds of mono- and
sesquiterpene alcohols, esters, oxides, and ketones (Daviet and Schalk 2010;
Harborne and Williams 2002; Aprotosoaie et al. 2017). The main constituents of
these EOs are monoterpenes, such as camphor, 1,8-cineole, linalyl acetate, linalool,
β-ocimene, or terpinen-4-ol. Sesquiterpenes (as caryophyllene and nerolidol) and
other terpenoids such as perillyl alcohol are also present in traces. A review of the
composition of the essential oil from 17 Lavandula species has been recently pub-
lished (Aprotosoaie et  al. 2017). These authors provide a systematic view of the
chemistry of lavender essential oils mainly considering investigations within the
last 15 years. The review reports the characteristic constituents and chemotypes of
each studied Lavandula species; also, the intra- and interspecific chemical variabil-
ity of the oils is discussed in relation to the geographic area, onto- and morphoge-
netic factors, and extraction methods.
The quality of lavender EOs depends first on the amount of desirable major fla-
vor compounds, especially the monoterpenes linalool and linalyl acetate (syn. lin-
alool acetate) that are characteristic terpenes of lavender scent, but also on the
specific aromatic bouquet given by several minor compounds (Dušková et al. 2016).
Only a few L. angustifolia cultivars produce EOs of high quality, which are pre-
dominantly used in the perfume industry (Despinasse et al. 2017). Other monoter-
penes such as camphor and borneol produce an undesirable odor, diminishing the
quality of the oil (Dušková et al. 2016). Nevertheless, those EOs richer in camphor
are of interest in aromatherapy and phytotherapy (Herraiz-Peñalver et al. 2013).
Traditionally, spike lavender is used as a raw material in perfumery and cosmet-
ics due to the olfactory properties of its essential oil that contains the monoterpenes
camphor, cineol, and linalool as major constituents (Aprotosoaie et  al. 2017 and
references therein). In addition, this oil exerts major effects on the central nervous
system (anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic, local anesthetic activity),
and it also shows antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic, and
carminative properties, which render it highly appreciated in phytotherapy and aro-
matherapy (Cavanagh and Wilkinson 2002; El Alaoui et  al. 2017; Manion and
Widder 2017; Woronuk et al. 2011). Several investigations also report on the bio-
cide action of plant essential oils, including those from lavender, which could poten-
tiate its use as eco-friendly pesticides (Haig et al. 2009; Gómez-Mateo et al. 2016;
Varona et al. 2010).
304 J. Segura et al.

Despite the multipurpose applications, high economic importance, and good

adaptation to environmental conditions of spike lavender, its cultivation has been
displaced in Spain in the last years by the more productive hybrid lavandin, which
is characterized by a higher yield of essential oil per hectare (Renaud et al. 2001)
but a lower market price. This situation prompted several investigations in which the
phytochemical structure of the natural populations of the species was studied
(Herraiz-Peñalver et al. 2013; Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2007a; Salido et al. 2004).
These publications revealed a great intraspecific variability in the chemical compo-
sition of the spike lavender oils that have many implications for the genetic improve-
ment of the species. Knowledge on the partitioning of phytochemical variation
within and among populations may assist in the definition of adequate units that
may allow selecting genotypes with homogeneous productions in EO quantity and
quality. Thus, several plants from populations with linalool-rich EOs identified by
Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. (2007a) and Herraiz-Peñalver et al. (2013) may be of inter-
est for selection of parental strains in new crosses and preservation of germplasm.
The selected genotypes could be maintained ex situ by applying the available
in vitro cloning protocols for the species (for review see Gonçalves and Romano
2013; Segura and Calvo 1991). In addition to conventional methods to select high-­
yielding essential oil genotypes, the metabolic engineering of the terpene biosyn-
thetic pathways offers an alternative biotechnological way to improve the production
of EO in spike lavender, as we shall describe below.
The newest advances in synthetic biology can be used to optimize the design and
synthesis of pathways that produce natural products. This includes novel DNA con-
struction technologies and the use of genetic parts for the precise control of expres-
sion and for synthetic regulatory circuits, including clustered regularly interspaced
short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) (Smanski
et al. 2016; Kim et al. 2016). The results reviewed here will help in guiding these
new strategies into EO metabolic engineering of this economically important aro-
matic crop.

11.2  M
 etabolic Pathways for the Biosynthesis of Essential
Oil Constituents in the Lavandula Genus

As previously stated, mono- and sesquiterpenes (the C10 and C15 isoprenoids,
respectively) are the major fractions of lavender genus EOs. The biosynthesis of
these compounds is conceptually divided into four stages (Lange and Ahkami
Stage 1 encompasses the synthesis of the universal C5 terpene precursor isopen-
tenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its allylic isomer dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP),
which in plants are produced via two compartmentalized pathways (Fig.  11.2;
Rodríguez-Concepción and Boronat 2002; Vranová et al. 2013; Zebec et al. 2016).
One is the methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway that starts with the ­biosynthesis
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 305

Fig. 11.2  Overview of the biosynthesis of isoprenoids in plants. The following enzymes are indi-
cated in boldface: DXR, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase; DXS, 1-deoxy-D-­
xylulose-5-phosphate synthase; FPPS, farnesyl diphosphate synthase; GGPPS, geranylgeranyl
diphosphate synthase; GPPS, geranyl diphosphate synthase; HMGR, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
CoA reductase; SQS, squalene synthase; STS, sesquiterpene synthase. Enzymes catalyzing mono-
terpene synthesis are indicated by numbers: (1) linalool dehydratase-hydrolase; (2) geraniol
hydroxy-mutase; (3) myrcene synthase; (4) S-linalool synthase; (5) geraniol synthase; (6) cineole
synthase; (7) bornyl diphosphate synthase; (8) bornyl diphosphate diphosphatase; (9) borneol
dehydrogenase; (10) limonene synthase. The first intermediate specific to each pathway is boxed:
DMAPP, dimethylallyl diphosphate; DXP, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate; FPP, farnesyl
diphosphate; GGPP, geranylgeranyl diphosphate; GPP, geranyl diphosphate; G3P,
D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaril-CoA; IPP, isopentenyl
diphosphate; MEP, methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate; MVA, mevalonic acid. Pathways inhibitors:
MEV, mevinoline; FSM, fosmidomycin

of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP) from pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-­3-­

phosphate (G3P), comprising seven enzymatic steps all located to plastids (Lu et al.
2016). The other is the classical mevalonic acid pathway, comprised of six enzy-
matic steps located in the cytosol, endoplasmic reticulum, and peroxisomes (Lange
and Ahkami 2013). The MEP pathway starts by the transketolase-type condensa-
tion, catalyzed by DXP synthase (DXS), of two carbons from pyruvate with G3P to
produce DXP (Rohmer 2003). The posterior biosynthesis of MEP, catalyzed by
DXP reductoisomerase (DXR), is the preceding step for the C5 units’ formation,
following the reactions in which the last enzyme of the MEP pathway, hydroxy-
methylbutenyl diphosphate reductase (HDR), simultaneously synthesizes IPP and
DMAPP.  HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzymeA) reductase
(HMGR) converts HMG-CoA to MVA using NADPH as a cofactor, the first com-
mitted step of the MVA pathway (Campos and Boronat 1995). Finally, MVA is
transformed into IPP by the sequential action of three enzymes: MVA kinase,
306 J. Segura et al.

p­ hosphomevalonate kinase, and pyrophosphomevalonate decarboxylase (McGarvey

and Croteau 1995).
Stage 2 of mono- and sesquiterpene biosynthesis involves condensation reac-
tions of IPP and DMAPP catalyzed by chain-length specific prenyltransferases. The
condensation of one molecule each of IPP and DMAPP, catalyzed by geranyl
diphosphate synthase, renders geranyl diphosphate (GPP), the C10 precursor of
monoterpenes. A condensation of a DMAPP unit with two molecules of IPP gener-
ates farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), the C15 direct sesquiterpenes precursor, which is
catalyzed by FPP synthase (FPS).
At Stage 3, monoterpenes are produced from GPP by the action of monoterpene
synthases, while sesquiterpene synthases transform FPP to various sesquiterpenes.
In general, monoterpene synthases localize to plastids, whereas sesquiterpene syn-
thases are cytosolic enzymes (Chen et al. 2011).
Finally, at stage 4, mono- and sesquiterpenes may be further modified through
the actions of cytochrome P450 hydroxylases, reductases, dehydrogenases, and
transferases to yield a wide range of end products (Woronuk et al. 2011). Figure 11.2
also summarizes the possible biogenetic routes for the most common plastidial-­
produced acyclic (myrcene and linalool) and cyclic (limonene, α-pinene, cineole,
camphor, α-terpineol, and borneol) monoterpenes and the cytosolic sesquiterpenes
trans-caryophyllene and its oxygenated derivative, found in spike lavender oils.

11.3  M
 etabolic Engineering of Monoterpene Biosynthesis
in Spike Lavender

Although knowledge about the regulation of the biosynthesis of terpenes is incom-

plete, several studies (Banerjee and Sharkey 2014; Daviet and Schalk 2010;
Dudareva et al. 2004; Rodríguez-Concepción 2006; Vranová et al. 2013) show that
the yield of end products depends on both the supply of GPP units and the level of
expression of each of the terpene synthases. This allows two possible strategies to
undertake the metabolic engineering of monoterpene biosynthesis:
(a) Manipulation of the initial steps, that is, those implicated in the synthesis of IPP
and DMAPP that will cause an increased amount of monoterpenes.
(b) The manipulation of the final steps of the pathway, that is, the monoterpene
synthases catalyzing the synthesis of monoterpenes; this second approach
would cause changes mainly in the qualitative profile of produced
Both strategies have been employed for the genetic engineering of aromatic plants
such as mint (Lange et al. 2011; Mahmoud and Croteau 2002), basil (Wang et al.
2016), true lavender (Lane et  al. 2010), and spike lavender. Here we summarize
work done to improve the EO yield and quality in spike lavender.
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 307

11.3.1  Increasing C5 Precursors

The ways in which the two terpene synthesis pathways can be well regulated are not
yet unraveled (Banerjee and Sharkey 2014; Daviet and Schalk 2010; Rodríguez-­
Concepción 2006; Vranová et  al. 2013). It is known that at least three enzymes
(DXS, DXR, and HDR) are involved in plastidial pathway (MEP) regulation
(Córdoba et al. 2009; Rodríguez-Concepción 2006). The results obtained for both
plants and bacteria indicate that the HDR and DXS enzymes mainly control the flux
through the said pathway, both at transcriptional and post-transcriptional level in
response to out-cellular signals of different nature: metabolic, developmental, or
environmental (for review see Córdoba et al. 2009; Rodríguez-Concepción 2006).
The role of DXR, responsible for the conversion of DXP into MEP, remains unclear
in regard to the regulation of the MEP pathway. Hence, although DXR activity in
bacteria did not limit isoprenoid biosynthesis, in plants their regulatory role appears
to be species dependent (Rodríguez-Concepción 2006). Furthermore, the MVA
pathway is mainly controlled at the HMGR level (Enfissi et al. 2005); it is acknowl-
edged that HMGR activity regulates both the flux through the MVA pathway and
the eventual production of isoprenoid end products (Leivar et al. 2011; Rodríguez-­
Concepción 2006). A recent investigation supports the role of mevalonate kinase
(PMK) as an unsuspected regulatory hub in the plant MVA pathway and hint at a
role of isopentenyl phosphate (IP) in regulating the formation of both MVA and
MEP pathway-derived terpenoids (Henry et al. 2018).
To elucidate the role of DXS, DXR, and HMGR enzymes in the biosynthesis of
monoterpenes in spike lavender, all three enzymes have been overexpressed sepa-
rately. The DXS (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2006), DXR (Mendoza-Poudereux et al.
2014a), and HMGR (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2007b) in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)
Heynh genes, under the control of the constitutive CaMV 35S promoter (Fig. 11.3;
constructions kindly provided by Professor A.  Boronat, University of Barcelona,

Fig. 11.3  Schematic diagram of the T-DNA constructions employed for genetic transformation of
Lavandula latifolia using the protocol previously developed by our group (Nebauer et al. 2000).
(a) pLBI1DXSBS1, (b) pLBI1DXSR10, and (c) pBICD1 containing a neomycin phosphotransfer-
ase II (nptII) marker gene and a truncated form of the Arabidopsis (A. thaliana) HMG1 cDNA. All
the constructions were kindly provided by Professor A Boronat (University of Barcelona, Spain)
308 J. Segura et al.

Spain), were transferred into the spike lavender genome. For that, the spike lavender
leaf transformation protocol previously described (Nebauer et  al. 2000) was fol-
lowed. T0 and their respective self-derived T1 progenies were carefully character-
ized, by monitoring for each transgene the copy number and the expression level of
the genes, the essential oil profile, and even the photosynthetic pigment content.  U
 pregulation of DXS Increases Essential Oil Production in Spike
Lavender Without Apparent Detrimental Effects on Plant
Development and Fitness

Transgenic T0 plants overexpressing the DXS gene increased their essential oil pro-
duction from 1.2- to 1.7-fold in flowers and from 2.0- to 4.6-fold in leaves, as com-
pared to controls (Fig.  11.4). Analysis performed on self-derived T1 progenies
revealed Mendelian segregation ratios of the DXS transgene (data not shown).
Besides, T1 plants inheriting the DXS transgene had significantly increased essen-
tial oil yield. The correlation was especially apparent when comparing in develop-
ing leaves DXS transgene expression levels and monoterpene content (Fig. 11.5). In
addition, overexpression of DXS transgene in spike lavender leads to increased

Fig. 11.4  Essential oil yield increase (fold-change) in leaves and flowers of control and transgenic
T0 spike lavender plants transformed with Arabidopsis DXS gene. Data represent means ± SD of
four measurements. (Adapted from Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2006)
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 309

Fig. 11.5  Essential oil yield (mg/g dried weight) from leaves of representative transgenic T1 spike
lavender plants obtained from controlled self-pollination of T0 transgenic DXS1, DXS4, and
DXS6 lines. Reported values for each T1 plant represent the mean ± SD of four measurements.
DXS1-8 and DXS1-9, DXS4-5 and DXS4-6, and DXS6-8 and DXS6-9 are T1 plants that did not
inherit the DXS transgene. Northern blotting tests of DXS gene for each progeny are also shown.
The expression of the TUB3 gene is shown to verify equal loading. (Adapted from Muñoz-­
Bertomeu et al. 2006)

linalool content in essential oil from flowers but not from leaves (Muñoz-Bertomeu
et al. 2006).
The results available show that metabolic flux control through the MEP pathway
differs between spike lavender and peppermint, another economically important
Lamiaceae plant species. Thus, upregulation of DXS in L. latifolia led to the highest
improved essential oil production reported thus far in this species (up to 74% in
flowers and up to 359% in leaves (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2006). In contrast, upreg-
ulation of the same enzyme in peppermint did not result in significant increase in
essential oil production in any of the 28 transgenic lines produced (Lange et  al.
Volatile terpenoid metabolic engineering can inflict an expense on plant fitness
and growth, caused by the reduced resource of primary metabolism precursors
(Aharoni et al. 2005 and references therein). This is apparently not the case, how-
ever, for spike lavender since the photosynthetic pigment content did not differ sig-
nificantly in DXS overexpressing transgenic and control plants. This means DXS
overexpression did not increase the MEP-derived photosynthetic pigments. These
findings imply that constitutive DXS overexpression does not translate into equally
high DXS activity in all the tissues, organs, and even cellular types in the plant
(Muñoz-Bertomeu et  al. 2006). As reported by Guevara-García et  al. (2005), the
MEP pathway is regulated at different levels, both transcriptional and post-­
transcriptional. This provides an explanation for which DXS overexpression in L.
latifolia raises EO yield in flower and leaf glandular trichomes without increasing
310 J. Segura et al.

the yield of other terpene-derived compounds in other cell tissues, such as chloro-
phylls and carotenoids in photosynthetic cells. This makes the DXS gene an interest-
ing target for biotechnological interventions for increasing the total yield in this
plant species.  D
 XR is Not a Rate-Determining Enzyme for Essential Oil
Production in Spike Lavender

DXR enzyme catalyzes the first committed step of the MEP pathway (Carretero-­
Paulet et al. 2002). When it was first approached, it was expected that upregulation
of this enzyme in L. latifolia would lead to increased amounts of essential oil, rep-
licating previously accomplished results by overexpressing the DXS gene (Muñoz-­
Bertomeu et al. 2006; see Sect. This was not the general effect in most of
the T0 lines (Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014a). Only two out of the seven trans-
genic T0 spike lavender plants that were analyzed produced more essential oils than
controls; nevertheless, these increased essential oil phenotypes are hardly imputable
to the DXR transgene effect since correlation between transcript accumulation and
monoterpene production could not be established in T0 (Fig.  11.6; Mendoza-­
Poudereux et  al. 2014a). Specifically, the DXR2 line showed an increase in the
essential oil content in leaves (2.0-fold for young leaves and 1.3-fold for mature
leaves) and flowers (1.3-fold) and line DXR5 also showed a higher essential oil
production than controls but only in the youngest leaves (1.6-fold). Similar results

Fig. 11.6 (a) Essential oil yield (mg/g fresh weight) in leaves from Set I (first and second whorls)
and Set II (third whorl) of control and transgenic T0 DXR and DXS spike lavender plants. Reported
values represent the means ± SD of three measurements. Northern blotting tests of DRS gene for
each set and gel-loading control are also shown. (b) Detail of the first to tenth whorl leaves grouped
in five developmental stages (Set I–V) used in the experiments (Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014a)
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 311

were obtained when total chlorophyll and carotenoid content in both T0 transgenic
plants and their progenies were analyzed (Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014a). These
results imply that DXR enzyme does not play a crucial role in the synthesis of plas-
tidial monoterpene precursors and may not be used efficiently for biotechnological
purposes. This leaves the DXS enzyme as the main controls point of the flux through
the MEP pathway in L. latifolia. This is in sharp contrast to what was actually
reported for peppermint, where constitutive expression of the DXR gene lead to a
generalized increase in essential oil yield (Mahmoud and Croteau 2001), which cor-
roborates the differences mentioned earlier in the control of metabolic flux trough
the MEP pathway in both Lamiaceae species.  U
 pregulation of HMGR Increases Essential Oil Yields as Well
as End Product Phytosterols

As stated in Sect., the upregulation of DXS in spike lavender plants was
followed by boosted monoterpene levels. While these findings provide confirmation
to the contribution of the MEP pathway in the synthesis of EOs in this species, the
possibility that the MVA pathway could provide EOs precursors is not excluded.
Likewise, metabolic cross-talk between both the terpene synthesis pathways is well
documented (Henry et  al. 2018; Vranová et  al. 2013 and references therein). To
investigate the potential role of the MVA pathway in the synthesis of EOs in L. lati-
folia, a truncated form of the A. thaliana HMG1 cDNA was introduced and overex-
pressed in this species (Fig. 11.3) encoding the catalytic domain of the HMGR1S
isoform (Muñoz-Bertomeu et  al. 2007b). As shown in Fig.  11.7, upregulation of
HMGR1S improved EO production. Monoterpenes constituted the largest percent-
age of the oil production in transgenic L. latifolia plants, but sesquiterpenes pre-
sented the top increases when compared to controls, with average increases of
1.4- versus 1.8-fold (flowers) and 1.5- versus 3.0-fold (leaves). It is known that
sesquiterpenes are formed in the cytoplasm, which could explain this differential
behavior (Dudareva et al. 2006). Besides, offspring that inherited the HMG1 trans-
gene had significantly increased EO production (data not shown). All these findings
apparently support the contribution of the MVA pathway in some form to the bio-
synthesis of EO in L. latifolia.
As expected, the HMGR1S overexpression also enhanced the sterol amount, spe-
cifically stigmasterol and β-sitosterol, in transgenic T0 spike lavender plants
(increased averages of almost twofold). This increased sterol phenotype of trans-
genic T0 L. latifolia plants was inherited by their progenies, which confirms that
flux leading to stigmasterol and β-sitosterol was under HMGR control (Fig. 11.8).
Furthermore, HMGR1S overexpression had no effect on the photosynthetic pig-
ments’ (chlorophylls and carotenoids) content in those plants (data not shown), con-
firming previous findings on terpene pathways compartmentalization in
photosynthetic tissues (Lichtenthaler 1999).
Taking all these findings, we hypothesized that in L. latifolia there is tissue/
organ-dependent metabolic cross-talk between MEP and MVA pathways, possibly
312 J. Segura et al.

Fig. 11.7  Essential oil yield increase (fold-change) in leaves and flowers of control and transgenic
T0 spike lavender plants transformed with the Arabidopsis HMG1 gene. Reported values represent
the mean ± SD of four measurements. (Adapted from Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2007b)

through the recently discovered mevalonate kinase-catalyzed pathway (Henry et al.

2018). Apparently, precise compartmentalization in photosynthetic tissues takes
place, where the HMG1 transgene overexpression leads to an increased sterol yield
without affecting photosynthetic pigments. Nevertheless, in non-photosynthetic
cells of glandular trichomes, the HMGR1S overexpression might offer MVA-derived
compounds for both plastidial monoterpene and cytosolic sesquiterpene synthesis,
heading for a rise in EO production. How exactly the mevalonate kinase-catalyzed
pathway (Henry et  al. 2018) may have a role on this is still something to be

Inhibitors and 13C-Labeling Experiments Demonstrated Cross-Talk Between

MVA and MEP Pathways in Spike Lavender

To investigate whether the MVA pathway might be a source of C5 units to the plas-
tids for monoterpene synthesis, both inhibitor-based and 13C labeling experiments
were performed using L. latifolia seedlings (Mendoza-Poudereux et  al. 2015).
Particularly, metabolic fluxes of both terpene synthesis pathways were disturbed
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 313

Fig. 11.8  Sterol content (microgram per gram-dried weight) from leaves of representative trans-
genic T1 spike lavender plants obtained from controlled self-pollination of T0 transgenic HMGR2
and HMGR4 lines. HMGR2-5 and HMGR2-6 are T1 plants that did not inherit the HMG1 trans-
gene. Reported values for each T1 plant represent the mean ± SD of four measurements. Northern
blotting tests of HMG1 gene for each progeny are also shown. The expression of the TUB3 gene is
shown to verify equal loading. (Adapted from Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2007b)
314 J. Segura et al.

with fosmidomycin (FSM) or mevinolin (MEV), specific inhibitors of the MEP and
MVA pathways, respectively (Fig. 11.2). MEV competitively inhibits the HMGR
enzyme, while FSM is an inhibitor of the DXR enzyme; both inhibitors have been
used in terpene metabolism research before (Bach and Lichtenthaler 1983; Re et al.
1995; Rodríguez-Concepción 2006). Moreover, 13C-labeling experiments using
[U-13C6] glucose tracer were performed, attempting to measure the relative contri-
butions of MEP and MVA pathways in monoterpene synthesis (camphor and cineol)
of wild-type and HMGR overexpressing transgenic plants.
The results showed that MEV concentrations higher than 0.5 mM significantly
reduced plant development, but left the photosynthetic pigment or EO synthesis
untouched. Instead, FSM concentrations higher than 20 mM blocked the synthesis
of photosynthetic pigments or EO and consequently reduced stem development
(Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2015). Mevalonate (MVA) recovered the normal pheno-
type of plants treated with MEV. Furthermore, in FSM-treated sprouts, MVA par-
tially restored the biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments (carotenoids and
chlorophylls) and, less so, of EOs (Fig. 11.9). These findings suggest that some of

Fig. 11.9  Phenotype recovery with increasing concentrations of MVA (0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, or
3.5 mM) in WT spike lavender shoot apices grown in the presence of 1 mM MEV (top) or 30 μM
FSM (bottom). (Adapted from Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2015)
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 315

the IPP flux produced by the cytosolic pathway may be transferred to the chloro-
plast and be used for the biosynthesis of carotenoids and chlorophylls in L. latifolia
as previously reported in Arabidopsis and tobacco (Hemmerlin et al. 2003; Nagata
et al. 2002).
To give a more accurate view of the possible cross-talk between MEP and MVA
pathways, labeling experiments in which spike lavender transgenic HMGR5 and
control plants were grown on medium containing 2 g/L [U-13C6] glucose and 30 g/L
of unlabeled sucrose for 7, 14, 21, or 28 days were performed. After the feeding
periods, leaf EO was extracted with chloroform and analyzed by GC/MS. Camphor
and 1,8-cineole, the most abundant monoterpenes in the spike lavender leaf EO
(Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2007b), were chosen as the reference monoterpenes to esti-
mate the relative carbon flux through both terpenes pathway. GC/MS analysis of
these monoterpenes indicated that their C5-precursors (IPP and DMAPP) are pre-
dominantly biosynthesized via the MEP pathway. However, based on the isotopo-
logue profiles, a contribution of the MVA pathway, although minor, was patent. This
contribution was bigger in transgenic spike lavender plants overexpressing the
HMGR enzyme than in the controls. Both the inhibitor treatments and labeling
experiments provide evidence for transport of MVA-derived precursors from the
cytosol to the plastids in leaves of spike lavender (Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2015).

11.3.2  O
 verexpression of Terpene Synthases Modifies the Leaf
Essential Oil Profile in Spike Lavender

To test if the manipulation of the final steps of the monoterpene biosynthetic path-
way can be used to modify essential oil profile, the monoterpene limonene (LS) and
linalool (LIS) synthases were upregulated in spike lavender (Mendoza-Poudereux
et al. 2014b; Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2008). Limonene and linalool, the respective
products of the catalytic activity of these enzymes (Fig. 11.2), are implicated dis-
tinctively in the biological properties and quality of the spike lavender essential oil.  E
 xpression of Spearmint Limonene Synthase in Transgenic
Spike Lavender Alters Monoterpene Composition in Developing

Limonene is used as an insecticide to control ectoparasites of pet animals and might

be employed for pest and weed control in organic agriculture, once their phytotoxic-
ity on non-target animals has been investigated (Ibrahim et al. 2001). Limonene,
however, is a minor constituent of the L. latifolia EO (Muñoz-Bertomeu et  al.
2007a), and so, hypothetically, it should be possible to raise its yield easily by meta-
bolic engineering.
316 J. Segura et al.

Spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) limonene synthase (MsLS) gene, provided by Prof.
Croteau (Washington State University, Pullman, USA), was constitutively expressed
in spike lavender (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2008). LS enzyme catalyzes the conver-
sion of geranyl diphosphate into limonene (Fig. 11.2). This LS transgene overexpres-
sion did not consistently affect EO profile from flowers or mixed leaves from fourth
to tenth whorls (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2008). It is known that leaf age influences
production of monoterpenes in some aromatic species (Dudai et al. 2001; Gershenzon
et al. 2000; Turner et al. 2000). Therefore, an experiment using leaves sampled at
different developmental stages was designed and completed. EO increase was higher
in developing than in mature leaves in all plants (data not shown). The contents of the
most common monoterpenes (borneol, camphor, cineole, limonene, linalool, myr-
cene, α-pinene, and α-terpineol) found in L. latifolia oils were increased in develop-
ing leaves from the first whorl and decreased over the leaves’ lifespan. The content
of the sesquiterpene trans-caryophyllene followed the same pattern, but that of its
oxygenated derivative increased with leaf age. This robust developmental regulation
of mono- and sesquiterpene biosynthesis was reproducibly observed in all transgenic
progenies, irrespective of LS transgene inheritance (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2008).
Figure 11.10 shows the limonene content in T0 leaves at different developmental
stages; it is worth noting that the limonene increase in the youngest transgenic
leaves reached up to a 450% compared to control plants, which also matched with
the highest transcript accumulation of the LS gene. Also, and as expected, LS over-
expression did not change the chlorophyll and carotenoid content in L. latifolia
leaves (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2008).
In brief, these results show that spearmint LS gene overexpression can modify
monoterpene profile in L. latifolia oil. The detected alterations in EO composition of
the LS transgenic plants are age regulated, being especially evident in young leaves.

Fig. 11.10  Effect of leaf developmental stage (see Fig. 11.6b) on the production (microgram per
gram fresh weight) of limonene in essential oil of controls and T0 transgenic LS6 and LS7 spike
lavender lines. Reported values represent the mean ± SD of four measurements (Muñoz-Bertomeu
et al. 2008)
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 317  E
 xpression of Linalool Synthase in Transgenic Spike Lavender
Alters Monoterpene Composition in Developing Leaves

Essential oils with high linalool content and low camphor content are preferred
for the perfume and cosmetic industries (Dušková et al. 2016). In addition, lin-
alool is a critical precursor for vitamin E, vitamin A, farnesol, citronellol, and
ionones and also has antifungal, antimicrobial, and insecticidal properties
(Aprotosoaie et  al. 2014; Beier et  al. 2014; Herman et  al. 2016). However, the
monoterpene profile of spike lavender essential oil has high relative amounts of
camphor and cineole at the expense of linalool and linalyl acetate, which results
in a more pungent scent (Lis-­Balchin 2002). Consequently, from an economical
point of view, the biotechnological breeding of spike lavender is required to
improve the quality of its EO by increasing the ratio of linalool to camphor.
The linalool synthase (LIS) gene from Clarkia breweri (A. Gray) Greene, pro-
vided by Professor Pichersky (University of Michigan, USA), was constitutively
expressed in spike lavender, and the T0 transgenic plants obtained showed a signifi-
cant increase in linalool content as compared to control (Mendoza-Poudereux et al.
2014b). The positive effect of LIS transgene was particularly striking in the y­ oungest
leaves of two transgenic lines, where linalool increased up to a 1000% (Fig. 11.11).
This high linalool-producing phenotype was maintained in leaf EO of the progenies
that inherited the transgene (Fig. 11.12).

Fig. 11.11  Effect of leaf developmental stage (Set I and II, see Fig.  11.6B) on the production
(microgram per gram fresh weight) of linalool in essential oil of controls and T0 transgenic LIS
spike lavender lines. Reported values represent the mean  ±  SD of at least three measurements.
(Adapted from Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014b)
318 J. Segura et al.

Fig. 11.12  Effect of leaf developmental stage (Sets I–V, see Fig. 11.6b) on the linalool content
(microgram per gram of fresh weight) in spike lavender essential oils from transgenic T0 LIS6 and
some of their T1 progenies. LIS6-12 T1 progeny did not inherit the LIS transgene. Reported values
represent the mean ± SD of at least three measurements. (Adapted from Mendoza-Poudereux et al.

Interestingly, EO from these transgenic spike lavender flowers did not show the
increased linalool phenotype found in the leaves. Linalool content is the main dif-
ference between leaf and flower spike lavender EO (traces in leaves and more than
15% of the total oil in flowers), which suggest a strong spatial regulation of the LIS
enzyme as has been reported for other monoterpene synthases (Dudareva et  al.
2004; Irmisch et al. 2012; Tholl 2006). Based on our results, we hypothesize that
the LIS transgene only increases linalool content in organs with a low LIS activity
(leaves). This is in accordance with previous studies in other plants, where the lack
of linalool increase was due to its conversion into another compound in order to
store it or as a side effect of the normal metabolism of monoterpenes in plants
(Lavy et al. 2002; Lewinsohn et al. 2001; Lücker et al. 2001). A statistical limita-
tion due to the availability of IPP might also be the cause for this phenomenon in

 ransgenic Spike Lavender Plants Co-expressing DXS

11.3.3  T
and LIS Genes Negatively Affect Linalool Content
in Leaf Essential Oil

As stated in Sect., the overexpression of the LIS gene changes the monoter-
pene profile of the spike lavender leaf EO by significantly increasing its linalool
content. However, a clear correlation between the overexpression of this gene and
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 319

the leaf EO yield could not be established (Mendoza-Poudereux et  al. 2014b).
Since an increased EO yield in spike lavender is dependent on the C5 unit precursors
supply, we undertook controlled crosses to generate double transgenic spike laven-
der plants that contained both the DXS gene, whose overexpression significantly
increases EO content in spike lavender (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2006) and the LIS
gene (Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014b). The analysis of the leaf EO showed, how-
ever, that both linalool content and EO yield from double transgenic plants were
significantly lower than that obtained in the DXS6 mother plant (Fig. 11.6). Northern
blotting of double transgenic plants showed that transcript levels of both DXS and
LIS genes were minimal. Because of this, the low EO yield and the reduction in the
linalool content of double transgenic plants as compared to the DXS6 mother plant
could be explained by assuming effects of co-suppression of the transgenes, as has
been already observed in other plant species (Baulcombe 2004; Kanazawa 2008).
Thus, the generation of double transgenic spike lavender plants overexpressing both
DXS and LIS genes does not appear to be an appropriate strategy for the biotechno-
logical improvement of spike lavender since neither linalool content nor EO yield
could be improved Fig. 11.13.

11.4  Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects

This review demonstrates the potential of the first step of the MEP pathway, cata-
lyzed by the DXS enzyme, as a site for metabolic engineering of the aromatic spe-
cies spike lavender, where end-product monoterpenes’ yield is enhanced by
increasing the supply of precursors to specific branches of the isoprenoid pathway.
In contrast, DXR enzyme does not play a crucial role in the synthesis of plastidial
monoterpene precursors in this species. The upregulation of HMGR enzyme also
leads to an increased yield of essential oil in spike lavender, suggesting that MVA
pathway also provides C5 precursors for the biosynthesis of monoterpenes. Specific
inhibitors and 13C-labeling experiments using [U-13C6] glucose partially support this
cross-talk between both pathways.
The constitutive overexpression of either LS or LIS genes in spike lavender, in
which limonene and linalool are minor components of the leaf essential oil, leads to
significant increases in the accumulation of these monoterpenes, especially in young
leaves, which also indicates a good correlation between LS or LIS transcript levels
and limonene or linalool accumulation.
Given the commercial significance of Lavandula latifolia for pharmaceutical,
cosmetic, and food industries, the results reviewed here provide useful informa-
tion for improved breeding. Besides the biotechnologically relevant enhancement
in the yield of spike lavender oil, plants stably overexpressing genes of MEP and
MVA pathways as well as specific monoterpenes synthases provide a valuable
model for studying the monoterpene biosynthesis pathways and their regulatory
320 J. Segura et al.

Fig. 11.13  Linalool content (microgram per gram of fresh weight) in pooled leaves from first to
third whorls (see Fig. 11.6b) in DXS6 parental and double transgenic DXS6-LIS8 spike lavender
plants. WT, wild type plant; IC, internal control (progeny that did not inherit any of the genes).
Reported values represent the mean ± SD of three measurements. Expression analysis of the DXS
and LIS transgenes in pooled leaves from first to third whorls (see Fig.  11.6b) and gel-loading
control are also shown. (Adapted from Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014b)

Enhanced mevalonate levels in mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

generated using the CRISP/CAS system have been reported (Jakočiūnas et  al.
2015). In addition, by exploiting engineered Escherichia coli, harboring a biosyn-
thetic mevalonate (MVA) pathway and plant-derived terpenoid synthases, the
11  Biotechnological Approaches to Increase Essential Oil Yield and Quality… 321

CRISPRi system successfully modulated the expression of all the MVA pathway
genes in the context of operon and blocked the transcription of the acetoacetyl-CoA
thiolase enzyme that catalyzes the first step in the MVA pathway (Kim et al. 2016).
The authors conclude that CRISPRi is revealed as a robust tool for systematic mod-
ulation of biosynthetic and endogenous gene expression. Thus, it might be used to
tune the metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of monoterpenes in spike lavender.
Here we have presented three genes (DXS, HMGR, and LIS) that could be targeted
to increase the amount and quality of spike lavender EOs and two other genes (DXR
and LS) that could be in principle avoided for any new interventions regarding
enhancing monoterpene production, easing the new steps into the metabolic engi-
neering of spike lavender.

Acknowledgments The Spanish Government (project AGL2002–00977) and the Valencia

Regional Government (projects GV2001–020, Grupos 03/102, PROMETEO/2009/075, and
PROMETEOII/2014/052) have funded this work. Predoctoral fellowship (FPU) to JMB and IMP
are also acknowledged.


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Chapter 12
The Phytochemical Composition,
Biological Effects and Biotechnological
Approaches to the Production of High-­
Value Essential Oil from Geranium

Lokesh Kumar Narnoliya, Jyoti Singh Jadaun, and Sudhir P. Singh


BAP Benzyl amino purine

DXR 1-Deoxy-d-xylulose reductoisomerase
DXS 1-Deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase
HMGR 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase
MEP 2-C-Methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate
MVA Mevalonic acid

12.1  Introduction

Geraniaceae family plants (Pelargonium sp.) are perennial medicinal and essential
oil-yielding branched herbs, growing in subtropical and temperate climates.
Pelargonium genus comprises more than 750 species, and most of them originated
from Europe and Africa. They have remarkable commercial applications due to
their characteristic essential oil. The essential oil distillate of a high-value
Geraniaceae plant, rose-scented geranium (Fig. 12.1), has a very strong, pleasant
and rosy fragrance with a minty top; therefore, it is used as a substitution of
the expensive rose oil, and is also known as ‘poor man’s rose oil’. The essential oil
of rose-scented geranium was extensively used as a flavouring agent in the food,
cosmetic, perfumery, and pharmaceutical industries. The  rose-scented gera-
nium essential oil is also well known for its effectiveness in various health-related
treatments such as aromatherapy and for its antimicrobial properties (Narnoliya
et al. 2017, 2018a; Jadaun et al. 2017). In India, geranium was introduced in the

L. K. Narnoliya · J. S. Jadaun · S. P. Singh (*)

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), Mohali, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 327

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
328 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

Fig. 12.1  Rose-scented geranium plant

nineteenth century in the southern climate, and now it grows in different parts of
India. They are also used as ornamental plants, for example, Pelargonium x horto-
rum and Pelargonium graveolens, and grown in gardens and parks to provide a
pleasant fragrance (Ravindra and Kulkarni 2015).
There are four species of geranium which have commercial applications: zonal
geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum), scented geranium (Pelargonium sp.), regal
pelargonium (Pelargonium x domesticum) and regal ivy geranium (Pelargonium
peltatum). The essential oil of geranium is synthesized in specialized cells known as
trichomes. The vegetative and reproductive organs of rose-scented geranium are
reported to have non-glandular and glandular trichomes. Generally, glandular tri-
chomes are the major reservoirs for essential oil (Boukhris et al. 2013; Narnoliya
et al. 2017). More than 200 species of geranium occur naturally, out of which P. gra-
veolens, P. odoratissimum, P. radens, and P. capitatum are more commonly used for
harvesting the essential oil. The hydro-distillation method is commonly used for
extraction of oil from the aerial part, especially leaves and stem. Essential oil of
rose-scented geranium is composed of complex volatile phytochemicals, produced
as secondary metabolites, such as terpenes, esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and
phenols. Generally, they play a crucial role in ecological adjustment of the plant and
protect it from pathogen and herbivore attacks. Thus, essential oil components are
the key substances of rose-scented geranium for its defence system (Babu and Kaul
2005; Jadaun et al. 2017; Ravindra and Kulkarni 2015).
Geranium oil comprises more than 120 phytoconstituents, which include mono-
terpenes, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, and low molecular weight aroma compounds.
There are three main components, linalool, citronellol and geraniol, and their esters,
which constitute more than 60% of total essential oil, and they are responsible for
determining its odour. Other components are menthone, nerol, isomenthone, rose
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 329

oxides, terpineol, pinene and myrcene (Jadaun et al. 2017; Ravindra and Kulkarni
2015). Thus, terpenes are the major contributors in the essential oil of rose-scented
geranium, and these terpenes are biosynthesized through the terpenoid pathway. It
was less explored in terms of its genomics, transcriptomics, gene expression and
enzyme characterization. Recently, the transcriptomic information of rose-scented
geranium leaf has been reported, which provides a foundation for the molecular
study of primary and secondary metabolism (Narnoliya et  al. 2017, 2018a).
Recently, a gene, 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase (DXS) was cloned
from this plant and its recombinant protein was physico-kinetically characterized
and heterologously overexpressed in Withania somnifera to evaluate the effect of
DXS on withanolides (Jadaun et al. 2017).
Hence, recent genomics and functionality studies provided a platform to enhance
the quantity and quality of essential oil. Using modern biotechnological and syn-
thetic biological approaches, with the aid of available biological information, it
could be possible to enhance the productivity of rose-scented geranium’s essential
oil. Herein, we discuss the phytochemical composition of geranium essential oil,
and its biological effects. Further, different biotechnological approaches have also
been explored to enhance the production of high-value essential oil.

12.2  Phytochemical Composition of Geranium

Rose-scented geranium is famous for its fragrance produced by its high-value

essential oil. Aroma and fragrance of an oil depend on its composition.  Essential
oil of geranium contains  more than 200 types of organic compounds, of which,
terpenes, phenylpropanoids, and some other low molecular weight phytoconstitu-
ents occur predominantly (Table 12.1). Terpenes constitute the major part of essen-
tial oil. Terpene is composed of a five-carbon isoprene unit (CH2-C (CH3)-CH-CH2).
The common formula of terpene is (C5H8)n, where ‘n’ is the number of isoprene
units. Further, depending on the number of isoprene units, terpenes are classified
into different categories such as monoterpenes (2 isoprene units, i.e., 10 carbons),
sesquiterpenes (3 isoprene units, i.e., 15 carbons), diterpenes (4 isoprene units, i.e.,
20 carbons), triterpenes (6 isoprene units, i.e., 30 carbons) and tetraterpenes (8
isoprene units, i.e., 40 carbons). In essential oil, these terpenes are present either in
their simple form or in alcoholic, ketonic, aldehyde, and ester forms, and some-
times as chlorinated or  oxygenated derivatives. On the basis of carbon arrange-
ment, these terpenes are present in different structures like acyclic, monocyclic,
and bicyclic structures.
The other main component of essential oil is phenylpropanoid, a derivative of the
aromatic amino acid phenylalanine, synthesized via the shikimic acid pathway.
Cinnamic acid and para-hydroxycinnamic acid are the precursors for generation of
a variety of phenylpropanoids. Generally, they are present in nonvolatile glycosyl-
ated forms, but whenever they are catalysed by enzymatic reactions, the resultant
330 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

Table 12.1  Different types of chemicals extracted from rose-scented geranium

Category Examples of Chemicals
Aliphatic Butane; isoprene; 1,3-pentadiene; hexane; isooctane; octadecane; nonadecane;
hydrocarbons nonadecene; eicosane; henicosane; decosane; tricosane; tetracosane;
Aromatic Toluene; p-cymene
Terpene α-Pinene; β-pinene; α-phellandrene; β-phellandrene; camphene; myrcene;
hydrocarbons sabinene; limonene; γ-terpinene; terpinolene; cis-β-ocimene; trans-β-ocimene;
dehydro-1,8-cineole; 1,4-cineole; p-menthadiene; perillene; piperitone
Sesquiterpene α-Copaene; α-cadinene; γ-cadinene; δ-cadinene; guaia-6-9-diene;
hydrocarbons β-bisabolene; α-calcorene, calamenene, β-selinene, α-muurolene; γ-muurolene;
α-bourbonene; β-bourbonene; 11-orbourbonene; β-caryophyllene;
γ-caryophyllene; bicyclo-germacrene; germacrene D; longifolene; β-gurjunene;
β-farnesene; (E,E)-α-farnesene; α-cubebene; β-cubebene; β-elemene;
β-maaline; α-humulene; viridiflorene; zonzrene; α-ylangene; allo-­
aromadendrene; selina- 4,11-diene; α-guaiene
Aliphatic Methanol; ethanol; t-butanol; pentanol; 1-penten-3-ol-2-propanol; hexanol;
alcohols 2-methylpropanol; 2-dimethylpropanol; 2-methylbutanol; 2-methyl-3-buten-
2-­ol; 3-metylbutanol; 3-methylpentan-1-ol; cis-3-hexenol; trans-2-hexenol;
3-hexen-1-ol; octanol; 1-octen-3-ol; 2-octanol
Terpene Geraniol; isogeraniol; isopulegol; 7-hydroxy-6, 7-dihydrogeraniol; nerol;
alcohols epi-photonerol A; linalool; menthol; isomenthol; neoisomenthol; α-terpineol;
citronellol; 7-hydroxydyhydrocitronellol; borneol; isoborneol; terpinen-4-ol
Aromatic 2-Phenylethyl alcohol
Sesquiterpene 10-Epi-γ-eudesmol; β-eudesmol; 11-selina-4-α-ol; junenol; farnesol; guaiol;
alcohols spathulenol; T-cadinol; elemol
Aliphatic Methyl formate; methyl butyrate; 2-methylbutyl formate; 3-methybutyl
esters formate; 2-methylpropyl formate; 3-methylpentyl formate; ethyl formate; butyl
formate; propyl formate; 2-propyl formate; hexyl formate; benzyl tiglate;
(Z)-3-hexenyl acetate
Aromatic 2-Phenylethyl tiglate; 2-phenylethyl propionate; 2-phenylethyl butyrate;
esters 2-phenylethyl isobutyrate; 2-phenylethyl isovalerate; 2-phenylethyl acetate
Terpene esters 3-Hexenyl acetate; geranyl formate; geranyl butyrate; geranyl isobutyrate;
geranyl 2-methyl butyrate; geranyl tiglate; geranyl acetate; geranyl propionate;
geranyl valerate; geranyl 3-methylvalerate; geranyl 4-methylvalerate; geranyl
hexanoate; geranyl heptanoate; geranyl nonanoate; geranyl isovalerate; methyl
geranate; geranyl 3-methyl pentanoate; geranyl octanoate; citronellyl acetate;
citronellyl formate; citronellyl butyrate; citronellyl tiglate; citronellyl
propionate; citronellyl valerate; citronellyl 4-methylvalerate; citronellyl
isovalerate; citronellyl hexanoate; citronellyl isohexanoate; citronellyl
heptanoate; citronellyl octanoate; citronellyl nonanoate; furopelargonic acetate;
linalyl acetate; bornyl acetate; neryl acetate; neryl formate
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 331

Table 12.1 (continued)
Category Examples of Chemicals
Aliphatic Acetone; 2-butanone; 2-pentanone; 3-methyl-2-butanone; 2-methyl-3-­
ketones pentanone; 4-methyl-2-pentanone; 2-methylcyclopentanone; 3-methylcyclo-­
pentanone; 3-metylcyclohexanone; 4-methyl-3-penten-2-one; 2-hexanone;
methylheptenone; 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one; methyl-3-methylcyclo-pentenyl
Terpene Menthone; isomenthone
Sesquiterpene 1,7-Dihydrofurapelargone; furapelargone A; furapelargone B; 7,8
ketones dihydrofurapelargone
Aliphatic Benzaldehyde; ethanol; decanal; 2-methylpropanal; 3-methyl-2-butanal;
aldehydes 3-methylbutanal; 2-furfuraldehyde; nonanal; (E)-2-hexenal
Terpene Geranial; citronellal; neral; photocitrl A; epi-photocitral A; photocitral B;
aldehydes p-menth-1-en-9-al
Terpene oxides Cis-rose oxide; trans-rose oxide; cis-linalool oxide; trans-linalool oxide;
anhydrolinalool oxide; bois-de-rose oxide; nerol oxide
Sesquiterpene Caryophyllene oxide
Aliphatic acids Formic acid; propionic acid; acetic acid; caprylic acid
Terpene acids 6-oxo-6-7-dihydrocitronellic acid; geranic acid; citronellic acid
Miscellaneous Dimethyl sulphide; eugenol; methyl eugenol; furan; α-agarofuran; juniper
camphor; vetispirans theaspirans; rose furan; epoxy-rose furan

aglyconic moiety produces a characteristic aroma and flavour (Friedrich 1976;

Dudareva et al. 2004).
Thus, essential oil is the key component of rose-scented geranium, and its con-
tent in geranium ranges from 0.06% to 0.16%. Approximately 20–170  kg/ha of
essential oil was produced by the growers in different locations (Rao 2009). On the
basis of available reports in the literature, it is confirmed that citronellol, geraniol,
linalool, and citronellyl formate are the major phytoconstituents of geranium essen-
tial oil, but their ratio is variable with cultivation zone and season (Džamić et al.
2014). Geranium, grown in Tajikistan, showed that 79 compounds acquire 95.1% of
the total essential oil. In this essential oil, 37.5% citronellol, 6% geraniol, 3.7%
caryophyllene oxide, 3.1% menthone, 3% linalool, 2.7% β-bourbonene, 2.1% iso-­
menthone, 2.0% geranyl formate, and 3.1% menthone were reported to be present
(Sharopov et al. 2014). Citronellol (36.4%), and citronellyl formate (12.1%) were
also found as main components of oil isolated from aerial parts of geranium, grown
in Isfahan Province and Central Iran (Ghannadi et al. 2012). Essential oil of aerial
parts of geranium grown in Dr. Josif Pančić, an institute of medicinal plants,
Belgrade, was reported to contain 55 compounds, constituting 99.32% in weight of
total oil in which 59.74% and 0.49% comprises oxygenated monoterpenes and
monoterpene hydrocarbons, respectively. Citronellol (24.54%), geraniol (15.33%),
citronellyl formate (10.66%) and linalool (9.80%) are present predominantly
(Džamić et al. 2014).
332 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

There are several factors, such as environmental conditions (climate, soil, humid-
ity, fertilizer and seasonal variation), genotypic and physiological conditions of
plants and distillation method, which affect the essential oil yield and composition
of phytoconstituents in oil (Rao 2009; Sangwan et  al. 2001; Verma et  al. 2013;
Cannon et al. 2013). There is also a clear ageing effect on the composition of oil in
geranium, as shown in a report by Rajeswara Rao et  al. (1993) that essential oil
yield (1.56%) and geraniol content (34.6%) were the highest in the youngest leaf.
Essential oil yield not only varies with different cultivars, but even the same cultivar
may produce essential oil of altered composition in different seasons. Different cul-
tivars of geranium, such as Bourbon, CIM-Pawan and Kelkar, showed variations in
essential oil production from 0.05% to 0.12%, depending on the season of its culti-
vation (Verma et al. 2014). Oil composition fluctuates with climatic conditions, as
citronellol-, nerol-, geraniol- and menthone-rich oil was obtained from plants grown
in temperate climates of high-altitude regions; on the other side, isomenthone-, lin-
alool-, citronellyl formate-rich oil was found in plants grown in lower altitudes
(Rajeswara Rao et al. 1990).
Apart from climatic conditions, soil conditions also have a significant impact on
the essential oil yield in geranium. An experiment was performed on growing gera-
nium plants under water-stress conditions, and it was observed that essential oil
yield was indirectly proportional to the duration of interval periods of irrigation
(Putievsky et  al. 1990). The nearby vegetation in cultivation area also affects oil
yield and composition, as reported earlier that presence and absence of weeds affect
the ratio of phytoconstituents in oil. However, some experiments showed that grow-
ing another crop at a particular distance from geranium crop does not affect the oil
composition up to a significant level, and hence, income can be doubled from the
same land area (Rajeswara Rao and Bhattacharya 1997; Singh et  al. 2013). The
phytochemical composition of rose-scented geranium oil is presented in Table 12.1.

12.3  Biosynthesis of Essential Oil

There are two types of phytoconstituents present in rose-scented geranium, that is,
terpene (major) and phenylpropanoids (minor). Terpenes are synthesized through
the terpenoid/isoprenoid pathway and phenylpropanoids through the shikimate

12.3.1  Terpene Biosynthetic Pathway

Terpenes are synthesized by the participation of two pathways, one is the cytosolic
mevalonate (MVA) or classical acetate pathway, and another is the plastidial non-­
mevalonate or 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) or glyceraldehyde
phosphate/pyruvate or 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP) pathway (Fig. 12.2).
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 333

Fig. 12.2  The terpene biosynthetic pathway in rose-scented geranium. AACT acetoacetyl-CoA
thiolase/acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase, HMGS hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA synthase, HMGR
hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase, MVK mevalonate kinase, PMK phosphomevalonate
kinase, MVD mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase, DXS 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate
synthase, DXR 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, MCT 2-C-methyl-D-
erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase, CMK 4-(cytidine 5′-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-eryth-
ritol kinase, MDS 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase, HDS
(E)-4-hydroxy-3-­ methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate synthase, HDR (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut
2-enyl diphosphate reductase, IDI isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase, GPPS geranyl
diphosphate synthase, FPPS farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase, GGPPS geranylgeranyl diphos-
phate synthase, MTPS: monoterpene synthase, STPS sesquiterpene synthase, DTPS diterpene
synthase, HMG CoA hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA, IPP isopentenyl pyrophosphate, DMAPP
dimethylallyl pyrophosphate GA-3P: glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, DXOP 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-
5-phosphate, MEP 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol-phosphate, CDP-ME 4-(cytidine 5′-diphospho)-2-C-
methyl-d-erythritol, CDP-ME2P 2-phospho 4-(cytidine 5′-diphospho)2-c-methyl-d-erythritol,
ME 2,4 cPP C-methyl-­D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate, HMBPP 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-bute-
nyl 4-diphosphate, GPP geranyl pyrophosphate, FPP farnesyl pyrophosphate, GGPP geranylgera-
nyl pyrophosphate, MVA mevalonic acid
334 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

There are several evidences to prove that the MVA pathway is operated in cytosol,
and endoplasmic reticulum plays a major role in the biosynthesis of sesquiterpenes
(C15), triterpenes (C30), and polyterpenes, while the MEP pathway is dedicated for
synthesis of isoprenes (C5), monoterpenes (C10), diterpenes (C20), and tetrater-
penes (C40). The names of the pathways indicate the name of their first products
such as mevalonic acid and 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate in the MVA and MEP
pathways, respectively. Isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP), and dimethylallyl diphos-
phate (DMAPP), generated from both  the pathways, function as precursors for
manufacturing a plethora of terpenes. Terpenes are biosynthesized as a result of
several enzymatic reactions catalyzed  by terpene synthase enzymes. For many
years, MVA was thought to be solely responsible for the synthesis of terpenes, but
radioactive tracer experiments revealed the discovery of the MEP pathway for ter-
pene biosynthesis (Lichtenthaler 1999; Eisenreich et al. 2004). Although both path-
ways contribute to the biosynthesis of geranium essential oil, the MEP pathway is
predominantly involved, as evident by the higher concentration of monoterpenes
than sesquiterpenes in geranium oil (Jadaun et al. 2017).
The MVA pathway starts with condensation reaction of two molecules of acetyl
CoA, which produces acetoacetyl CoA that further undergoes condensation reac-
tion with another acetyl CoA, and forms 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (HMG-­
CoA) as the product. This HMG-CoA is reduced into mevalonic acid (MVA) by the
action of the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR). Mevalonic acid kinase (MVK)
and phosphomevalonate kinase (PMK) further convert MVA into mevalonate
diphosphate through the phosphorylation process. Mevalonate-5-diphosphate
decarboxylase (MPD) catalyses an ATP-coupled decarboxylation reaction for the
production of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP). IPP can be converted into dimethylal-
lyl diphosphate (DMAPP) by an enzyme, IPP/DMAPP isomerase (IDI) (Fig. 12.2).
Recently, a modified MVA pathway was proposed in which mevalonate-5-­phosphate
underwent decarboxylation forming isopentenylphosphate, which can be trans-
formed into isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) by the enzyme isopentenyl phosphate
kinase (IPK) (Chen and Poulter 2010; Hayakawa et al. 2017).
D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate are the precursor molecules in the
MEP pathway. They condense together and form the first intermediate 1-deoxy-D-­
xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP). In the next step, DXP is reductively isomerized by
reducto-isomerase (DXR/IspC) into MEP and subsequently couples with cytidine
5′-triphosphate (CTP), generating methyl erythritol cytidyl diphosphate (CDP-ME)
by CDP-ME synthetase (IspD). Then, CDP-ME is phosphorylated to produce
4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C methyl-D-erythritol-2-phosphate (CDP-MEP). An ATP-­
dependent enzyme IspE catalyses this reaction. At the next level, cyclization of
CDP-MEP is performed by IspF, which leads to the generation of 2-C-methyl-D
erythritol-2,4- cyclodiphosphate (MEcPP). Further, IspG catalysed transformation
of MEcPP into 4-hydroxy-3-methylbutenyl 1-diphosphate (HMBPP). The final step
of this pathway is performed by the IspH protein, which generates IPP and DMAPP.
For the synthesis of diverse terpenes, isoprene units are joined together in a head-­
to-­tail pattern. Geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP), a monoterpene precursor molecule, is
synthesized by the action of the geranyl pyrophosphate synthase (GPPS) enzyme.
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 335

Further, addition of one more isoprene unit with GPP by farnesyl pyrophosphate
synthase (FPPS) leads to generation of a sesquiterpene precursor, farnesyl pyro-
phosphate (FPP). Head-to-tail condensation of FPP with IPP produces g­ eranylgeranyl
pyrophosphate (GGPP), a diterpene. In the next stage, addition of one more IPP
with GGPP forms C25 compounds known as sesterterpene. Interestingly, condensa-
tion of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) is used for the synthesis of the C30 triterpene
compound (squalene), and in a similar fashion, tail-to-tail condensation of geranyl-
geranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) results in the synthesis of C40 molecules, tetrater-
penes (Narnoliya et al. 2017, 2018b).
The arrangement of carbon molecules in the chain takes place according to the
types of terpenes produced. The most common pattern is cyclization of terpenes,
which takes place through generation of an intermediate carbenium ion. For exam-
ple, heterolysis of the carbon oxygen bond of geranyl pyrophosphate produces gera-
nyl carbocation, and when this carbocation reacts with water, it produces geraniol
and subsequently its oxidation leads to synthesis of citral. Granyl carbocation
undergoes intramolecular electrophilic addition reaction to generate monocyclic
carbocation, which produces limonene after a proton elimination reaction. Further,
many other different kinds of intra- and intermolecular interactions are required for
the production of diversified terpene molecules (Narnoliya et al. 2017, 2018b).

12.3.2  Phenylpropanoid Biosynthesis

Phenylpropanoids are the aromatic compounds which are synthesized by the shiki-
mate acid pathway, and aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine are the
precursors of this pathway. The shikimic acid pathway starts with the joining of
D-erythrose 4-phosphate with phosphoenol pyruvic acid, and shikimic acid is pro-
duced as an intermediate, followed by the generation of chorismate. This choris-
mate is further utilized in the generation of phenylalanine, which is converted into
cinnamic acid, and further, it leads to the generation of multiple types of

12.4  Pharmacological Properties of Geranium

Pelargonium contains a number of pharmacological properties. However, there are

very limited reports available on the pharmacological properties of rose-scented
geranium. Herein, we discuss the pharmacological properties related to Pelargonium
sp. including rose-scented geranium.
336 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

12.4.1  Antibacterial Properties

Geranium essential oil possesses significant antibacterial properties. Bigos et  al.
(2012) stated that geranium oil possesses a compelling antibacterial property against
clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus strain ATCC 433000, which contains
multidrug-resistant capacity. Due to its antibacterial effect and almost zero toxicity,
geranium oil can be used in food processing. During quiche filling, addition of gera-
nium essential oil at different concentrations (250 ppm, 500 ppm and 1000 ppm)
showed significant antibacterial property (Lis-Balchin et al. 1998). Essential oil can
be applied in combination with other oils or with standard drugs, and results of such
combinatorial experiments exhibit unexpectedly higher inhibitory rates. For exam-
ple, when citricidal™ and geranium oil were applied together, this combination
showed a highly inhibitory influence against MRSA (methicillin-resistant S. aureus)
and geranium oil methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (Edwards-Jones et  al. 2004).
Besides, S. aureus is also effective against other gram-positive strains like Bacillus
cereus, and Bacillus subtilis (Silva and Fernandes 2010). Carmen and Hancu (2014)
also found that geranium essential oil is able to inhibit the growth of gram-negative
bacteria (E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Proteus mirabilis) as well as gram-­
positive bacteria (S. aureus, and Enterococcus faecalis). Surprisingly, geranium oil,
either in free form or in capsulated form, acts as an inhibitory factor against
Mycobacterium sp., the most targeted pathogen of current drug professionals.
Geranium oil is effective against M. abscessus, M. massiliense, M. smegmatis, and
M. avium, even at minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) [17.9–35.9  μg/ml]
(Giongo et al. 2015). Along with Mycobacterium sp., geranium oil has potent anti-
microbial activities against other screened pathogenic bacteria such as S. aureus,
Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
and Salmonella enteritidis (Giongo et al. 2015).

12.4.2  Antifungal Properties

In addition to the antimicrobial properties against many gram-positive and gram-­

negative bacteria, geranium oil is also found to be effective against Candida albi-
cans and Cryptococcus neoformans fungi, causing severe diseases in humans.
Further, the effect of the individual component of geranium oil was estimated, and
results suggested that citronellol exhibits the most effective fungicidal property, fol-
lowed by geraniol, isomenthone, geranyl formate and citronellyl formate (Rath
et  al. 2005). In another study, geranium oil also exhibited significant antifungal
property against C. albicans (Carmen and Hancu 2014). When essential oil was
supplemented in nanocapsule, it exhibited significant inhibitory effects on the
growth of more than one Candida species, C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis,
C. krusei, C. geochares, C. magnoliae, C. kefyr, C. guilliermondii, C. catenulata, C.
membranefaciens, C. lusitaniae, and C. dubliniensis (Giongo et al. 2015).
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 337

Antifungal properties of Geranium herbarium was tested against Saprolegnia

parasitica, an oomycete pathogen which causes diseases in freshwater fishes, affect-
ing the fish market. In  a study, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs were
infected with S. parasitica and then treated with geranium oil at different concentra-
tions (1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, and 100 ppm). The geranium oil
concentration of 100 ppm was noted as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
that makes a significant difference from the control (untreated) sample (Khosravi
et  al. 2012). The  essential oil harvested from Pelargonium graveolens exhibited
remarkable antifungal properties against Rhizoctonia solani, a plant pathogenic fun-
gus, and Malassezia, a fungus causing skin diseases in animals (Bouzenna and
Krichen 2013; Naeini et al. 2011).

12.4.3  Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties

Essential oil of geranium displayed significant anti-inflammatory properties against

mice in which ear oedema was induced by croton oil. Almost 73–88% reduction
was obtained at doses of 5 and 10 ml of oil/ear, respectively. Inhibition of inflamma-
tion was also confirmed by histological analysis (Nadjib Boukhatem et al. 2013).
According to Džamić et al., geranium oil exhibited potent antioxidant properties,
and it successfully reduced 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DDPH) radicals in a
dose-dependent manner (Džamić et al. 2014).

12.4.4  Insecticidal Properties

The insecticidal/antifeedant property of geranium oil was well known for the past
many years against various types of insects (Lis 1996). L-Quisqualic acid
(C5H7N3O5), an excitatory amino acid, isolated from the petals of Pelargonium x
hortorum, displayed a paralytic effect on Japanese beetles (Range et  al. 2011).
Essential oil of geranium also exhibits insecticidal properties against the insect
Rhyzopertha dominica at a dose of 50 μl/petri dish, 8.5 cm in diameter (Bouzenna
and Krichen 2013).

12.4.5  Anti-neuroinflammatory Properties

Neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease are the consequences of neu-

roinflammation and neural cell death, which are caused by the activation of microg-
lial cells, leading to the production of pro-inflammatory factors like nitric oxide
(NO). Application of geranium oil showed an inhibitory effect on NO production
with a reduced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and nitric oxide synthase
338 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

(iNOS) enzymes. Interestingly, when individual components were used in the

experiment, they were unable to show significant reduction in inflammation; there-
fore, the inhibitory effect of essential oil is a kind of synergistic effect (Elmann et al.

12.4.6  Immunomodulatory and Cytoprotective Properties

A drug, EPs® 7630, was formulated using the root extract of Pelargonium sidoides,
and in Germany, this drug is approved for the treatment of bronchitis. This drug has
immunomodulatory and cytoprotective effects, showing an inhibitory effect on the
interaction of bacteria with its host cell. Simultaneously, it stimulates the respiratory
cells by increasing the ciliary beat frequency of these cells (Moyo and Van Staden
2014). This drug was also tested against various viruses related to respiratory infec-
tions, and interestingly, this drug showed inhibitory effects against many tested
viruses such as influenza A virus strains (H1N1, H3N2), parainfluenza virus, cox-
sackie virus and human coronavirus. However, it was found to be ineffective against
adenovirus, pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H5N1) or rhinovirus (Michaelis
et al. 2011). The cumulative effect of antibacterial and antiviral properties of this
drug makes it an efficient drug against respiratory infections. There are a limited
number of anti-HIV 1 therapies; therefore, the development of drugs against human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a task of global concern. In this direction, the use
of aqueous extract of Pelargonium sidoides root was also examined against HIV 1,
and this extract showed significant anti-HIV 1 activity. The mode of action of this
extract is different from previously cited mechanisms as this extract poses an inhibi-
tory impact on the attachment of HIV 1 to host cells, and this happens due to action
of its phenolic components (Helfer et al. 2014).

12.5  Genomic Analysis of Geranium

Taxonomic position of geranium placed Pelargonium sp. in the Geraniaceae family,

and almost all the cultivars grown in different parts of the world are the interspecific
hybrids of P. capitatum (L.) L’Herit and P. graveolens L’Herit or P. capitatum (L.)
L’Herit and P. radens H.E. Moore. Generally these cultivars are diploids with x = 11
and 2n = 77. These cultivars are sterile so only vegetative cutting is the only way of
its propagation (Demarne and Van der Walt 1993). In India, the popular cultivars of
geranium are Bourbon, Algerian, and Kelkar.
Nowadays, transcriptome and genomics approaches are largely used to map
metabolite pathways in organisms of interest. Transcriptomic data from several
medicinal and aromatic plants were available, which revealed genomic information
about various valuable metabolic pathway enzymes in Withania somnifera, Centella
asiatica, Azadirachta indica, Ocimum sp., etc. (Gupta et al. 2013; Sangwan et al.
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 339

2013; Krishnan et al. 2012; Narnoliya et al. 2014; Rastogi et al. 2014). Although
transcriptomic data are available from the Geraniaceae family, such as Geranium
maderense, Pelargonium x hortorum (Zhang et al. 2013), etc., the essential oil path-
way (terpenoid pathway) was deeply explored in a transcriptomic study on rose-­
scented geranium (Narnoliya et al. 2017). In this analysis, a total of 78,943 unique
transcripts were reported, out of which 51,802 contigs showed homology-based
functional annotation. Further, putative gene(s) representing terpene, ascorbic acid,
tartaric acid and anacardic acid (2-hydroxy-6-alkylbenzoic acid), biosynthetic path-
ways, hormone metabolism and transcription factors were identified. Transcriptomic
study also helped in investigating 6040 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in rose-­
scented geranium. The genes encoding DXS, 1-deoxy-d-xylulose reductoisomerase
(DXR) and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) were successfully
cloned, and their expression analysis was conducted in rose-scented geranium.
Further, DXS gene was overexpressed homologously (rose-scented geranium) as
well as heterologously (Withania somnifera), resulting in enhanced production of
the essential oil (Jadaun et al. 2017).
Tartaric acid, a high-value food ingredient, is biosynthesized through the catab-
olism of ascorbic acid via two routes, C2/C3 (via threonic acid) and C4/C5 (via
iodic acid) (Debolt et al. 2007; Loews 1999). Geranium is also able to produce a
significant quantity of tartaric acid, but the plant species specific preference for the
alternative cleavage pathway was unclear. Some reports suggest that geranium fol-
lows the C2/C3 cleavage route, but there are insufficient evidences to prove the
absence of C4/C5 route. In our  recent transcriptome analysis, a putative gene
encoding the key regulator of the C4/C5 cleavage reaction, L-idonate-5-
dehydrogenase, was annotated with a notable expression level, stipulating the pos-
sibilities of occurrence in both the C2/C3 and C4/C5 route for tartaric acid
biosynthesis (Narnoliya et al. 2017).

12.6  Economic Status of Geranium Essential Oil

Rose-scented geranium is one of the most important commercial plants of the per-
fumery industry. Geranium is cultivated throughout the world for its good-quality
essential oil with roselike fragrance. The demand for essential oil is flourishing
rapidly due to the increased awareness of its beneficial effects. It is not only use-
ful to the perfumery and cosmetic related activities, but also used in the food and
beverage industries because of its application as food additive without any
known side effects. In the global market, currently, Europe accounts as the major
producer of essential oil, but Asia-Pacific is also emerging as a promising continen-
tal leader in the near future (Dhananjay et al. 2010). The estimated demand of gera-
nium oil is around 250 tons per year. The United States, France, Germany, United
Kingdom, Japan and other European countries represent a good market for gera-
nium oil. The main producers and exporters of geranium oil are China, Egypt,
Algeria, and Morocco. On the differences of the origin of geranium cultivars, they
340 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

are majorly divided into three main categories—Reunion Island, Egyptian or North
African and Chinese. In Reunion Island-type cultivar, the ratio of citronellol and
geraniol is almost 1:1, and the other main components are isomenthone, citronellyl
formate, and guaia-6,9-diene. Although Egyptian-type oil also contains a 1:1 ratio
of citronellol and geraniol, their prominent components are citronellyl formate, iso-
menthone, and 10-epi-eudesmol. Chinese-type oil is dominated by citronellol and
citronellyl formate with low amounts of geraniol. In grading of quality, Reunion
type is followed by Egyptian, and then Chinese cultivars. The price of geranium oil
ranges from $55 kg−1 to $110 kg−1, although it depends on oil quality, origin coun-
try, and market demand, but still, the price is quite high.

12.7  Tissue Culture Study of Geranium

The primary mode of propagation in geranium is cutting, and it rarely occurs

through seeds. To maintain the cutting of geranium, a proper cultivation area is
required, and due to seasonal variations, in some countries like India, specific
growth chambers for protecting the plants against unfavourable conditions are also
required. The number of seeds produced from some of the genotypes of geranium is
low, and their viability is also very less; therefore, plant regeneration through seeds
is not advisable. The cost of geranium seeds is approximately US$120/1000 seeds;
therefore, propagation through seeds is very expensive. Another drawback of seed
propagation in geranium is that for some time, seed-regenerated plants lack specific
horticultural attributes like semi-double florets, and non-shattering features (Harney
Another reason for low cultivation rates in geranium is susceptibility to many
diseases, such as bacterial blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. pelargonii, and
Ralstonia solanacearum), Verticillium wilt, Botrytis blight (Botrytis cinerea), root
rot (Pythium spp.), bacterial fasciation (Rhodococcus fascians), rust (Puccinia
pelargonii-­zonalis), Pelargonium flower break virus (PFBV), etc. (Bi et al. 1999;
Nameth et al. 1999; Swanson et al. 2005). So there is a need to develop suitable
technologies for achieving a variety of geranium with good agricultural traits like
large leaves with high essential oil yield and disease resistance. The tissue culture
technology can be applied for maintenance, and improvement of higher-yielding
varieties of geranium. The tissue culture techniques can facilitate maintenance and
genetic engineering of the desired character in plants, as per the growing demand of
geranium in perfumery, pharmaceutical, and food industries. So, here we present a
detailed study of tissue culture techniques used in the refinement of phenotypic, and
genotypic constitutions of geranium.
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 341

12.7.1  Meristem Tip Culture

In 1952, Morel and Martin for the first time introduced the meristem tip culture
technique in plants during the practice of production of virus-free Dahlia plants.
Afterwards, this technology was used for many ornamental and vegetative plants for
production of disease-free plants, whether they were viral, bacterial or fungal dis-
eases (Van Zaayen et al. 1992; Smith 2013; Mohapatra and Batra 2017). Geranium
is prone to several pathogens, and the most prominent are Xanthomonas campestris
pv. pelargonii, Verticillium dahliae, and Botrytis cinerea. It is necessary to maintain
disease-free stocks of cultivars for achieving good market prices (Dunbar 1990).
Even chemical treatment is not so fruitful to keep plant infection free because
mostly these infections are systemic in nature. Therefore, meristem culture is sug-
gested as a useful technology for production of disease-free plants.
For meristem culture, shoot tips (0.1–0.5 mm) are used as explants for regenera-
tion of plantlets. The plants grown from that meristem explant are further screened
for obtaining pathogen-free plants, and presence of pathogen is tested at different
stages of growth, and it can be done by keeping the regenerating plantlet under
conditions favourable for growth of that pathogen. Modern techniques are more
sensitive for testing pathogen contamination in plants. These techniques are enzyme-­
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), colorimetric assays, and polymerase chain
reactions (PCR). These techniques are able to detect very low levels of infection.
Several protocols have been standardized for production of disease-free geranium
plants (Debergh and Maene 1977; Reuther 1982; Mithila et al. 2001).
Virus-infected leaves of Pelargonium zonale showed chlorotic rings, and flecks
as disease symptoms. Meristem tip culture is a promising method for the production
of virus-free plants. Meristem tips are grown on basal media with various combina-
tions of plant growth hormones, and the meristem responds differently in different
media. For example, meristem growth in basal media supplemented with
α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and coconut milk results only in callus formation,
while supplementation of basal medium with low quantities of auxin, indole acetic
acid and kinetin results in plantlet formation. Plants regenerated from virus-free
meristem as explants are established as stocks of virus-free mother plants for future
usage (Hakkaart and Hartel 1979). Xanthomonas pelargonii-free P. x domesticum is
produced by this method (Cassells et al. 1987). Due to some drawbacks, such as low
survival rate of explants in initial stages and low numbers of shoot production, this
technique has limited applications at the industrial level (Desilets et al. 1993).

12.7.2  In Vitro Organogenesis

Mass propagation of geranium can be achieved by direct or indirect organogenesis.

There are several procedures reported to produce plantlets from a variety of explants.
Details of these methods, explants, and media composition are described here.
342 L. K. Narnoliya et al.  Shoot Tip as Explants

Hybrid geranium is largely a male sterile, so cutting or micropropagation is the only

way for its propagation. Earlier, Hamdorf (1976) mentioned the experimental details
of the regeneration protocol using shoot tips as explants, which are applicable for
many varieties of Pelargonium hybrids (P. zonale, P. peltatum, P. zonalex, P. pelta-
tum, P. grandiflorum). By using shoot tip as an explant, shoots were induced by
growing the explants on the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing
2.0 mg l−1 of zeatin and 1.9 mg l−1 of indoleacetic acid (IAA) (Dunbar and Stephens
1989). Desilets et al. (1993) also reported rapid multiplication of the shoot of gera-
nium (Pelargonium x hortorum), where axillary meristem was grown on optimized
MS media supplemented with 0.11 pM of l-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 0.89
pM of 6-benzyladenine (BA). Within one month, 40% of explants responded, giving
rise to full shoots, and almost a 90% survival rate was observed during the acclima-
tization process.  Leaves and Petioles as Explants

Different hormonal combinations and acclimatization conditions were optimized

when leaves or foliar segments were used as explants. The combination of 1.3 mg l−1
of benzyl amino purine (BAP) and 0.5 mg l−1 of NAA was found as the most effi-
cient combination for direct regeneration of plantlets, and during acclimatization,
the substrate containing coconut powder, Biosafra® (12 g l−1), limestone (1 g l−1)
and vermiculite (1:1) was supplemented with MS salts (Arrigoni-Blank et al. 2011).
Multiple shoots were obtained from mature leaf explants of Pelargonium rapaceum
(L.) L’  Hérit. The best response of explants was observed in the media having a
hormonal combination of 0.1 mg l−1 of NAA and 0.1 mg l−1 of BAP (Sukhumpinij
et  al. 2010). Similarly, using the tissue culture technique, micropropagation of
Pelargonium sidoides DC was accomplished successfully, and regenerated plants
were hardened in a glasshouse (Theisen and Muller 2012; Moyo et  al. 2013).
Haploid and diploid cultivars of P. zonale var ver ‘Kleiner Liebling’ plants showed
differential patterns in morphological and histological characters during regenera-
tion from stem, leaf and petiole explants. Variations were also seen in response to
growth hormones, callusing period and regeneration efficiency (Tuleja et al. 2014).  Cotyledons, Hypocotyls and Root as explants

Different parts of a seedling of Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey were tested as

explants to obtain the best material having significant responding efficiency (Chang
et al. 1996). The effects of different factors such as seedling age, growth hormone
and excision orientation were studied for regeneration efficiency. Among the tested
combination, IAA + zeatin-treated cotyledon explants showed the highest rate of
regeneration. Substantial shoots were regenerated when the explant was isolated
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 343

from the basal regions of cotyledons of young (2–4 day old) seedlings. The maxi-
mum shoot regeneration was observed when hypocotyls were regenerated on
IAA + zeatin or thidiazuron-supplemented media, while root explant regeneration
was suggested on zeatin-supplemented media. Croke and Cassells (1997) achieved
adventitious shoot regeneration from hypocotyl explants of P. x hortorum. The cau-
logenic potential of the root of Pelargonium x hortorum FI hybrids was determined
by growing root explants on MS media supplemented with tri-iodobenzoic acid
(TIBA) and thidiazuron (TDZ), and significant shoot regeneration was obtained
(Doyle et al. 1999).  Regeneration Using Mature Seeds

Qureshi and Saxena (1992) reported the production of adventitious shoots and
somatic embryos directly by culturing the mature seeds of hybrid geranium
(Pelargonium x hortorum Bailey) on MS media supplemented with different plant
growth regulators (BAP, BAP + IAA, and thidiazuron).

12.7.3  S
 omaclonal Variations: A Novel Source for Crop

Generally, plants regenerated from tissue culture practices are identical to source
plants in morphology and genetic constitution, and these plants are termed soma-
clones because they are generated from the same group of somatic cells. Sometimes,
during the tissue culture process, genetic variations are generated in somaclones
which distinguish them from the original plant in morphology as well as in other
features also; such kinds of variations in somaclones are termed somaclonal varia-
tions. These variations are the sources of new traits which may be helpful for crop
improvement, and if these variations are genetically stable for many generations,
then these lines can be incorporated in plant breeding programmes (Krishna et al.
In geranium, many authors reported the occurrence of somaclonal variations,
which are different in morphology as well as in phytochemical compositions
(Dunbar and Stephens 1989; Gupta et al. 2001; Gupta et al. 2002; Kulkarni et al.
2012; Ravindra et al. 2004; Ravindra and Kulkarni 2015). During the screening of
calliclones of geranium, Saxena et al. (2008a) observed two morphotypes that dif-
fered in the dentation patterns of leaves: one morphotype was with high dentated
leaves (HDLs), and another was with low dentated round leaves (LDLs). HDL and
LDL were different in many agronomically important traits, such as flowering time,
plant height, canopy size and the number of branches and, the most important one,
essential oil composition. After greenhouse trials these morphotypes were grown
and observed for genetic stability (Saxena et al. 2008a, b). Two isomenthone-rich
344 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

(64.4% and 67.7%) somaclones were obtained during the propagation practice of
Pelargonium sp. (Kulkarni et al. 1998). Although, these variations in tissue culture
may be spontaneous, sometimes, they can be incorporated through some agents like
mutagens. In geranium, explants of ‘Bourbon’ and ‘Narmada’ cultivars were treated
with N-nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) to obtain somaclonal variations showing bet-
ter oil yields (Kulkarni et  al. 2014). By using somaclonal variation strategies,
resistance callus culture of Pelargonium graveolens cv. Hemanti was
obtained, which further led to the generation of plants resistant against Alternaria
alternata (Saxena et al. 2008a, b).

12.7.4  Somatic Embryogenesis

Somatic embryogenesis is an alternative process of generation of embryo without

fusion of gametes. In this process, the somatic cell or group of somatic cell is devel-
oped into an embryo or plants after passing through specific embryological stages
without undergoing callus formation (Finer 1995). Somatic embryogenesis helps in
raising identical plants as parental with fewer chances of variations. Slimmon et al.
(1991) optimized somatic embryogenesis in geranium (Pelargonium x hortorum
Bailey cv. Scarlet Orbit Improved) and they reported that along with indole acetic
acid, other non-indolic compounds like phenylacetic acid (PAA) were capable of
inducing somatic embryogenesis (Slimmon et al. 1991). For production of somatic
embryo of zonal geranium, petioles and hypocotyls and, for regal geranium, peti-
oles were used as explants (Marsolais et al. 1991). TDZ plays an important role in
somatic embryogenesis of geranium, and it was further proved by its application on
different explants such as intact seedlings, etiolated hypocotyls and cotyledons
(Qureshi and Saxena 1992; Visser et  al. 1992; Hutchinson et  al. 1997; Haensch
Croke and Cassells (1997) reported the formation of putative somatic embryos
from Pelargonium x hortorum Baily using petioles as explants in TDZ-supplemented
MS media. Different factors affecting somatic embryogenesis were also studied
such as hormonal doses, pH, basal media composition and genotype. In the case of
Pelargonium × hederifolium ‘Bonete’, when petioles were used as explants, adven-
titious shoot formation occurred through a mixed role of organogenesis and somatic
embryogenesis mode of regeneration. Presence of TDZ along with IBA during the
induction phase enhances the rate of formation of adventitious structures, and sub-
sequently, improvement was observed in development of shoots (Wojtania et  al.
2004). Somatic embryogenesis was also induced in Pelargonium sidoides DC, using
somatic cells of inflorescence, shoots and petioles in the presence of TDZ (Duchow
et al. 2015). Presence of a symbiotic bacterium positively influenced the somatic
embryogenesis phenomenon in P. x hortorum (cv. Ringo Rose) (Visser-Tenyenhuis
et  al. 1994). Later, identification of this bacterium revealed that it has homology
with Bacillus circulans, and inoculation of this bacterium with explants enhances
the regeneration process in Pelargonium x hortorum (Murthy et al. 1999).
12  The Phytochemical Composition, Biological Effects and Biotechnological… 345

12.7.5  Genetic Transformation Studies

Genetic transformation technology is a successful tool for improvement of a crop,

and till date there are many successful stories in front of us. In geranium, several
efforts were put in to achieve model cultivars with desired attributes. The first report
of geranium transformation was presented by Pellegrineschi et  al. (1994); they
infected the stem and leaves with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, and the plants that
regenerated from these transformed roots exhibited some major changes that dif-
fered from the original plant, such as higher leaf and branch number, altered root
morphology, reduced height and increased concentration of geraniol and other aro-
matic components. In 1995, Robichon and his colleagues first showed the
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (strain EHA101, binary plasmid pKHG3)-mediated
transformation of Pelargonium x hortorum using cotyledons and hypocotyls as
explants (Robichon et al. 1995). All the regenerated plants contained normal mor-
phology and all were fertile. In another study, different strains of Agrobacterium
tumefaciens (strain LBA4404 and strain LBG66) were used for raising stable trans-
genic lines of geranium (KrishnaRaj et al. 1997).
Further, an improved method of Agrobacterium tumefaciens (strain LBA4404
and binary plasmid pLN54)-mediated genetic transformation of regal pelargonium
(Pelargonium x domesticum Dubonnet) was established (Boase et al. 1998). In this
study, they optimized different factors responsible for enhancement of transforma-
tion efficiency such as nature and source of explants, type and concentration of
phytohormone and, most importantly, addition of a phenolic substance acetosyrin-
gone (100 μM) in the pre-culture and co-cultivation period. Transgenic geranium
(Pelargonium sp. ‘Frensham’) plants were raised through Agrobacterium-mediated
genetic transformation, and the binary vector had a gene encoding an antimicrobial
protein, Ace-AMP1. The transgenic plants showed resistance against Botrytis cine-
rea, a pathogen causing leaf infection (Bi et  al. 1999). Transgenic plants of
Pelargonium x hortorum and P. capitatum were generated using a modified transfor-
mation protocol with two strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, EHA101 and
LBA440 (Hassanein et al. 2005). Many more attempts were made to improve the
agronomic traits of geranium such as improvement in oil quality (Saxena et  al.
2007). Winkelmann et  al. (2005) reported an efficient regeneration system and
genetic transformation protocol for Pelargonium zonale and Pelargonium peltatum
hybrids. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated genetic transformation of Pelargonium
sidoides was established for enhancing the content of essential metabolites (Colling
et al. 2010). Recently, Singh et al. (2017) showed a modified Agrobacterium tume-
faciens (LBA4404)-mediated transformation protocol for generation of transgenic
plants of Pelargonium graveolens (cv. CIM-BIO171).
346 L. K. Narnoliya et al.

12.8  Future Aspects

Geranium is an ornamental and medicinally important crop. Traditionally, it is used

for treatment of several diseases due to its unique pharmacological properties.
Significant work has been undertaken for improvements in its agronomic traits;
however, the functional characterization of genes related to its primary as well as
secondary metabolite biosynthesis pathways, especially essential oil biosynthesis
pathway, is required at a more vigorous pace. Further, their regulatory elements
should be identified and isolated so that the pathway machinery could be manipu-
lated in a desired direction. The protocols for in vitro regeneration and plant trans-
formation were well optimized, which are helpful in incorporation of favourable
traits in geranium crop. However, the limitation in geranium is that it has so many
species and cultivars, which differ at a high level in their morphology and ploidy
level, so any technique optimized for one cultivar may or may not work for another
cultivar. Therefore, extensive research is required to enhance the market value of a
wide range of cultivars. The industrial importance of geranium depends on the
quality of essential oil, so efforts are needed to produce such varieties, which can
sustain challenges in the marketing route. Therefore, there is a need to produce
improved genotypes, either through classical breeding or through genetic engineer-
ing approaches, so that plants with improved essential oil profiling and yield, which
exhibit resistance to cold seasons and drought, good aroma, large flower size,
altered flower colour and disease-resistant properties can be developed. Interspecific
hybridization for the pyramiding of desirable genes can be beneficial in obtaining
high oil-yielding varieties. Recent biotechnological and synthetic biology avenues
have remarkable potential to further improve geranium for its societal importance.

Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the Department of Biotechnology (DBT),

Government of India. LKN and JSJ acknowledge Science and Engineering Research Board
(SERB) N-PDF fellowships, PDF/2015/662 and PDF/2016/445, respectively.


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Chapter 13
Biotechnological Production of Aromatic
Oils from Plants

Aditya Banerjee and Aryadeep Roychoudhury

13.1  Introduction

Secondary metabolites like aromatic oils have several ethno-medicinal usages.

These oils contain a natural essence and are organically biosynthesised in special-
ised cells of aromatic plants. The oil-producing cells act as natural factories mediat-
ing oil biosynthesis, accumulation and volatilisation into the atmosphere. Cells
secreting aromatic oils possess diverse morphological features like specialised tri-
chomes, osmophores, etc. It has been observed that the ducts, trichomes, conical-­
papillate cells and other oil-secreting tissues contain cellular structures dedicated
for oil synthesis and maintenance (Rehman et al. 2016).
Biotechnology is one of the best evolved tools in the frontiers of science. Since
aromatic oils have a huge ethno-medicinal market, the use of this technology for
scaling-up oil production has been of great focus. Eventually, limited amount of
aromatic oil is produced and collected from plants via distillation protocols. Thus,
caring about the vast demand of such oils in the market, the production requires
biotechnological boost. Scarce reports are available on such developments in aro-
matic oil production, though the field can grant novel opportunities in promoting
economic expansions. This book chapter comprehensively discusses the morpho-
logical targets and the biotechnological advances in promoting aromatic oil produc-
tion in plants.

A. Banerjee · A. Roychoudhury (*)

Post Graduate Department of Biotechnology, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous),
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 353

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
354 A. Banerjee and A. Roychoudhury

13.2  Chemistry of Aromatic Oils

Aromatic oils are extracted from plants by distillation processes like hydrodistilla-
tion (HD) and steam distillation (SD). Such oils consist of monoterpenes, sesquiter-
penes and their oxygenated derivatives like alcohols, aldehydes and ketones (Coelho
et al. 2012). Aromatic oils have great impacts in food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical
industries (Table 13.1). However, such traditional techniques have several cons. The
thermolabile compounds often get degraded during extraction, thus altering the
crude flavour and aromatic profile of the compound. The isolated product thus can
be an altered derivative of the actual product. To overcome such limitations, the
solvating power of supercritical fluids have been utilised to design an alternative
technique called supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) (Fornari et al. 2012). The most
environmental-friendly supercritical fluid suitable for aromatic oil extraction from
plant tissues is carbon dioxide (CO2). Supercritical operations can be performed
with CO2 at relatively low pressures and room temperatures. The post-operational
extract is also solvent free and ready to be processed. However, this technique has a
high initial cost which often stands as a barrier during execution (Coelho et  al.
2012). SFE-mediated volatile oil extraction has been successfully performed from
aromatic varieties like Mentha pulegium, Foeniculum vulgare, Coriandrum sati-
vum, Satureja fruticosa, Satureja montana, Santolina chamaecyparisus and Thymus
vulgaris (Coelho et al. 2012).

13.3  Anatomical Targets of Aromatic Oil Synthesis

Plants have evolved some specialised cells forming glandular trichomes and osmo-
phores which secrete aromatic volatiles and oils. Non-specialised tissues like ducts
and cavities secrete terpenes. Figure 13.1 is a schematic representation of aromatic
oil production from such tissues.

13.3.1  Glandular Trichomes (GTs)

GTs are epidermal hairs dedicated for secreting abundant quantities of secondary
products like mucilage, nectar, acyl lipids and essential oils (Lange and Turner
2013). The cocktail of organic chemicals secreted by GTs in aromatic plants has
immense demand in flavour and fragrance industries. The chemistry of the aromatic
exudates of GTs is of great interest as its unravelling can promote the potential uses
of the product (Lange and Turner 2013). Aromatic monocot members from
Tradescantia, Dioscorea and Sisyrinchium contain extensive epidermal GTs (Chwil
2011; Chauveau et al. 2011). The GTs are more prevalent in the dicot families like
13  Biotechnological Production of Aromatic Oils from Plants 355

Table 13.1  List of popular and important aromatic oils, their active principles, plant sources and
economic uses
Aromatic oil
(Active principles) Source Uses References
Agar oil Aquilaria Priced for perfume Korinek et al.
(4-phenyl-2-butanone, malaccensis (2016)
jinkoheremol, α-guaiene)
Ajwain oil Carum Has anti-­ Boskabady et al.
(35–65% thymol, carvacrol, copticum inflammatory, (2014)
terpinene, paracymene) antiaflatoxigenic and
Anise oil Pimpinella Antimicrobial effects Gradinaru et al.
(licorice) anisum (2014)
Basil oil Ocimum Aromatherapy and Perumalsamy
(citral, α-terpeneol, linalool) basilicum antiseptic effects et al. (2014)
Black pepper oil Piper nigrum Treatment for muscle Bagheri et al.
(β-carophyllene, limonene, aches, sprains and (2014)
sabinene, 3-carene, α-pinene, indigestion
Camphor oil Cinnamomum Treatment for cold, Fu et al. (2015)
(α-pinene, camphene, β-pinene, camphora cough and arthritis
sabinene, phellandrene, limonene,
1,8-cineole, γ-terpinene, p-cymene,
terpinolene, furfural, camphor,
linalool, bornyl acetate, terpinen-­
4-­ol, caryophyllene, borneol,
piperitone, geraniol, safrole,
cinnamaldehyde, methyl cinnamate,
Cardamom oil Amomum Used in cosmetics Joshi et al.
(1,8-cineole, α-terpineol, subulatum and as flavour (2013)
DL-limonene, nerolidol, 4-terpineol, enhancers
δ-terpineol, δ-3-carene, β-myrcene,
germacrene D, α-terpinene,
Citronella oil Cymbopogon Insect repellent Zamora et al.
(geraniol, citronellol, limonene, winteratus (2015)
Coconut oil Cocos nucifera Used in foods and Gunasekaran
(essential fatty acids) cosmetics et al. (2017)
Clove oil Eugenia Relieves dental Taher et al.
(60–80% eugenol, acetyl eugenol, caryophyllata problems; acts as a (2015)
carophyllene) neuroprotective,
antinociceptive and
antipyretic agent
Davana oil Artemisia Used as a germicide Bhagavathy
(davanone and related oxygenated pallens et al. (2015)
356 A. Banerjee and A. Roychoudhury

Table 13.1 (continued)
Aromatic oil
(Active principles) Source Uses References
Eucalyptus oil Eucalyptus spp. Insect repellent and Sebei et al.
(α-pinene, 1,8-cineol, contains medicinal (2015)
pinocarveol-trans) properties
Fennel seed oil Trachyspermum Treatment of colic Zheljazkov et al.
(trans-anethole, α-phellandrene, ammi (2013)
α-pinene, β-pinene)
Ginger oil Zingiber Treatment of nausea Sasidharan et al.
(geranyl acetate, zingiberene, officinale and cough (2012)
Jasmine oil Jasminum Used in cosmetics Ye et al. (2015)
(benzyl acetate, linalool, cis-­ grandiflorum and therapeutics
jasmonate, geraniol, methyl
Lemon oil Citrus limonum Used as an antiseptic Thany et al.
(α-pinene, camphene, sabinene, and in cosmetics (2015)
myrcene, α-terpinene, linalool,
β-bisabolene, limonene, trans-α-­
bergamotene, nerol, neral)
Mustard oil Brassica spp. Used in cooking Wendlinger et al.
(allyl isothiocyanate and related purposes (2014)
Neem oil Azadirachta Multiple medicinal Scudeler et al.
(azadirachtin, nimbin, nimbidin, indica and antiseptic uses (2017)
nimbidol, sodium nimbinate,
gedunin, salannin, quercetin)
Orange oil Citrus sinensis Used as fragrance in Zhao et al.
(90% limonene) cleaning products (2015)
and flavouring foods
Oregano oil Origanum Fungicide Mohiti-Asli and
(thymol and carvacrol) vulgare Ghanaatparast-­
Rashti (2015)
Perilla oil Perilla Improves Jang et al.
(50–60% perillaldehyde) frutescens cardiovascular (2014)
system, inhibits
platelet aggregation
and thrombus
Rosemary oil Rosemarinus Used to soothe Raskovic et al.
(cineole, camphor, camphene, officinalis muscles and as an (2015)
α-pinene, diterpene lactone, anti-microbial agent
Sandalwood oil Santalum album Used in cosmetics Braun et al.
(α-santalol, β-santalol) (2014)
Turmeric oil Curcuma longa Used as a flavouring Jacob and
(curcumin) agent and has Badyal (2014)
13  Biotechnological Production of Aromatic Oils from Plants 357

Fig. 13.1  The specialised and non-specialised anatomical sites of aromatic oil production in

Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, Sphaerosepalaceae, Carophyllaceae, Cucurbitaceae,

Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Sapindaceae, Saxifragaceae and Cannabaceae (Rehman et al.
2016). It has been observed in peppermint that the peltate GTs are often separated
by epidermal cells and hence are detected as pairs or clusters. However, the GTs are
found in equivalent densities among multiple areas of the leaf (Turner et al. 2000).
Lange and Turner (2013) inferred that GT development occurs via an interactome
initiated by a network of transcription factors (TFs), which either act as activators or
inhibitors. Characterisation of such interactome and biotechnological manipula-
tions can manipulate GT anatomy to synthesise and accommodate higher quantities
of aromatic oils.
Analysis of GTs can be performed using the online omics portal, TrichOME
( (Dai et al. 2010). This web platform is a functional omics
database containing important and distinct information regarding gene expression
and metabolite levels in trichomes (Fig. 13.2). Such data is often misrepresented in
regular non-specialised cDNA libraries (Dai et al. 2010).

13.3.2  Osmophores

Osmophores also referred to as the floral fragrance glands are distributed on the
sepals and petals to allure potential pollinators. These glands are specialised in scent
emission and occur as conical-papillate cell clusters in the floral organ (Anton et al.
2012). Osmophores usually constitute of homogeneously layered glandular epithe-
lium with dense cytoplasm and starch deposition within the mesophyll. The cells of
358 A. Banerjee and A. Roychoudhury

Fig. 13.2  The TrichOME database ( which eases com-

parative omics studies on plant trichomes. The database is a collection of expressed sequence tags,
microarray hybridisation data and mass spectrometry-based metabolic profiles in trichome and
non-trichome control tissues across various plant species. The website is a rich source of available
literature on plant trichome research

the epidermis lack such deposits and this anatomical feature can be used to distin-
guish between the emission and production layers (Weryszko-Chmielewska and
Chwil 2010). Osmophores have been observed on the petal epidermis in Stanhopea,
Sievekingia, Galanthus nivalis and members belonging to Araceae and Orchidaceae
(Rehman et al. 2016).
The anatomical conical shape of osmophores has been accredited to the MIXTA
gene. Overexpression of this gene from Antirrhinum majus (Scrophulariaceae) in
tobacco (Solanaceae) resulted in the development of ectopically secreting trichomes
throughout the plant. This indicates a correlation between the osmophores and mat-
uration of secreting trichomes (Glover et  al. 1998). Floral tissue-specific overex-
pression of this gene in targeted aromatic species can be performed to scale up the
production of industrially important aromatic oils. Production of fragrance is asso-
ciated with cytoplasmic lipid inclusions and amyloplastidic plastoglobuli, present in
plants like Sievekingia and Stanhopea. Due to the wrinkled surface of osmophores,
the remnants of secretion can be identified on the epidermal surface of Stanhopea
graveolens (Weryszko-Chmielewska and Chwil 2010).
13  Biotechnological Production of Aromatic Oils from Plants 359

13.3.3  Ducts and Cavities

In coniferous plants, ducts and cavities are used to excrete diterpenoid resin acids
dissolved in volatile turpentine. Upon pathogen infestation, the turpentine evapo-
rates leading to pathogen entrapment within the crystallised resin mass (Berton
2007). Several members belonging to families like Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Rutaceae,
Helianthaceae and Rubiaceae possess ducts and cavities to excrete out aromatic
exudates which have immense industrial uses (Bombo et  al. 2012). Budel et  al.
(2012) showed the presence of secretory ducts and non-GTs in the leaves and stems
of members of the Baccharis genus. Plants belonging to Brassicaceae release vola-
tile monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids from leaves after injury. Such emission is
mediated without the help of any specialised secretory tissue (Ahuja et al. 2010).
Oil bodies present in liverworts are single membrane encapsulated intracytoplasmic
secretory bodies which are derived from the dilation of the cisternae of the endo-
plastic reticulum (Marinho et al. 2014). Characterisation of candidate genes regulat-
ing such anatomical demarcations of oil production is yet to be performed.

13.4  Biotechnology and Aromatic Oil Production

As discussed, aromatic oils are of high industrial demand but are naturally produced
in minute amounts in the plant system. Several chemical protocols have been uti-
lised to refine the quality of oils for economic marketing. However, these proce-
dures have not been beneficial for boosting the inherent production of oils within
the system. Current advances in this field indicate that a biotechnological aptitude
involving metabolic engineering, transgenic approaches and enzymatic technolo-
gies can improve the production and refine natural quality of aromatic oils
(Fig. 13.3).
For enhancing the levels of S-linalool, the linalool synthase (LIS) gene from
Clarkia breweri was overexpressed in Lavandula latifolia (spike lavender). The lin-
alool content increased by 1000% in the youngest leaves of the transgenic plants
(Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014). The transgenic plants were cross-pollinated to
generate double transgenics expressing 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-P synthase (encodes
DXS, the first enzyme of methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate pathway) and LIS.
Interestingly, the double transgenics exhibited lower linalool content in the aromatic
oils than the parental lines possibly due to co-suppression effects associated with
the construct structure used (Mendoza-Poudereux et al. 2014). Overexpression of
DXS from Arabidopsis thaliana in spike lavender plants increased the aromatic oil
content by 101.5–359% when compared with the control plants (Muñoz-Bertomeu
et al. 2006). The transgenic plants showed no deterioration in chlorophyll and carot-
enoid contents, morphology, growth, development, flowering and seed germination
with respect to those of control plants devoid of the transgene. Thus, DXS
360 A. Banerjee and A. Roychoudhury

Fig. 13.3  Biotechnological increase of plant aromatic oil content is mediated by overexpressing
positive regulatory genes like LIS, TDC and DXS which encode crucial enzymes participating in
oil biosynthesis. Overexpression of LEC1 increases the seed oil content in canola by accelerating
fatty acid biosynthesis. The transcription factors like MYB and YABBY5 negatively regulate ter-
pene synthesis in spearmint plants. Hence the RNAi-mediated knock-in lines exhibited high accu-
mulation of terpenes

o­ verexpression greatly increased the aromatic oil content in lavenders without det-
rimentally affecting plant development and fitness (Muñoz-Bertomeu et al. 2006).
Mustard oil glycosides are derivatives of methionine, phenylalanine or trypto-
phan. Overexpression of tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) in Brassica napus
(canola) plants reprogrammed the metabolic pathway leading to higher accumula-
tion of tryptamine instead of indole glucosinolates (Chavadej et  al. 1994).
Interestingly, the indole glucosinolate content in the transgenic plants was only 3%
of that in the control plants, showing the efficient diversion of metabolites towards
biotechnologically created metabolic sinks (Chavadej et al. 1994). It is known that
the expression of fatty acid (FA) synthetic genes in Arabidopsis is enhanced by the
embryo developmental regulator, LEAFY COTYLEDON 1 (LEC1) (Banerjee and
Roychoudhury 2014). The canola seed oil content increased by 7–16% in the trans-
genic lines overexpressing BnLEC1. This was due to increased carbon flux towards
FA biosynthesis via alterations in the activities of enzymes involved in sucrose
metabolism, glycolysis and FA anabolism (Elahi et al. 2016).
13  Biotechnological Production of Aromatic Oils from Plants 361

Mentha spicata (spearmint) plants produce aromatic oils in peltate glandular tri-
chomes (PGTs). Reddy et al. (2017) recently identified a PGT-specific R2R3-MYB
gene, MsMYB, from comparative RNA-Seq data analysis in spearmint. The MsMYB-­
RNAi knock-in lines exhibited elevated levels of monoterpenes, the precursors of
aromatic oil in spearmint. It was also observed that ectopic expression of MsMYB in
sweet basil and tobacco negatively regulated the sesquiterpene- and diterpene-­
derived metabolite synthesis (Reddy et  al. 2017). Though phylogenetic analyses
revealed that MsMYB could regulate the phenylpropanoid pathway, it was experi-
mentally revealed that this TF was more specific to the terpene biosynthetic path-
way (Reddy et al. 2017). Wang et al. (2016) functionally characterised a PGT-specific
novel MsYABBY5 gene in spearmint. The knock-in lines produced by MsYABB5-­
RNAi led to higher accumulation of terpenes, showing that MsYABBY5 is a nega-
tive regulator of terpene biosynthesis (Wang et al. 2016). Such RNAi lines can be
developed on large scales to enhance the production of aromatic oils from spearmint
plants. Jin et  al. (2014) performed next generation sequencing (NGS; Illumina
paired end sequencing) of spearmint RNAs from PGT, leaf and leaf stripped of
PGTs. The elaborate transcriptome analysis characterised the potential differen-
tially expressed genes in spearmint which can be targeted for metabolic engineering
for sustainable production of aromatic oils (Jin et al. 2014). Enzymes have also been
utilised in the production of aromatic oils. It was observed that cutinase-catalysed
hydrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre (OPEFBF) lignin was more efficient
than the manganese peroxidase-induced oxidation. The level and quality of aro-
matic compounds were also conserved in the enzyme-treated product (Tang et al.

13.5  Conclusion and Future Perspectives

The concept of biotechnology and aromatic oil production is a new but rapidly
evolving field. Investigations which have been highlighted in this chapter clearly
indicate at the potential of metabolic engineering in boosting aromatic oil produc-
tion and quality at the industrial scale. The aromatic oils are produced in specialised
structures like the glandular trichomes, osmophores, ducts and cavities. These oils
usually are the derivatives of terpenes. This field encompasses several future per-
spectives. The genes regulating the anatomical niche of the specialised structures
can be targeted to enlarge the oil-producing units of the plants. The aromatic plants
can be converted into specialised oil-producing bio-factories by overexpressing
candidate rate-limiting enzyme-encoding genes and by downregulating the
TF-encoding genes which negatively regulate the oil-producing pathway. An
exhaustive analysis at the transcriptomic and metabolomic levels is quintessential
for identification of such candidate loci.
362 A. Banerjee and A. Roychoudhury


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Chapter 14
The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil
Production from Non-herbaceous Plants

Yannis Gounaris

14.1  Introduction

The plant essential oils are mixtures of compounds, most of them characterized as
secondary metabolites, but in certain cases, they can be compounds resulting from
primary metabolism, such as fatty acids. The most common classes of secondary
metabolites in essential oils are terpenoids, followed by phenolics. A few of these
compounds predominate, whereas many more might be present in lesser amounts
in the oils, usually at 0.1–5%. Terpenoids comprise the largest and structurally
most varied class of secondary metabolites, numbering over 40,000 different mol-
ecules. Members of the 10-carbon group of terpenoids, the monoterpenoids, are
the main constituents of plant essential oils. These essential oils can also contain
sesquiterpenoids, phenylpropanoids, and benzenoids. In addition, plant tissues can
produce volatile aldehydes, their corresponding alcohols and acids, as well as vol-
atile ketones. These compounds can be occasionally found in essential oils, but
they are usually formed only in certain plant tissues and under specific physiologi-
cal conditions that favor catabolic reactions. They can be considered to belong
to the primary metabolites, although they can have useful flavoring or medicinal
The volatility of the essential oils reflects their composition. Volatility is deter-
mined mainly by the molecule’s ability to form hydrogen bonds. Of the terpenoids,
the only members of the mono- (C10) and sesquiterpenoid (C15) classes are suffi-
ciently volatile. Monoterpenoid molecules made of carbons and hydrogen only are

Y. Gounaris (*)
University of Thessaly, Department of Agriculture, Fytokou street,
New Ionia, GR38446, Greece
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 365

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
366 Y. Gounaris

very volatile. Those having one hydroxyl, keto, peroxy, or epoxy group are still
volatile, but those with more hydroxyls are either only slightly volatile or not vola-
tile at all. In sesquiterpenoids, the presence of one hydroxyl group is the maximum
level of tolerance for volatility. Triterpenoids and higher-order terpenoids are not
volatile. Phenylpropanoids and benzenoids with one hydroxyl and no carboxyl
group are volatile. The simultaneous presence of a keto group does not abolish these
molecules’ volatility. However, sporting more hydroxyl groups drastically reduces
or even completely abolishes their volatility. (Hydroxy)-cinnamic acids are not suf-
ficiently volatile, due to the presence of the carboxyl group, unless it is esterified
with a volatile alcohol. Aliphatic and olefinic aldehydes, monoalcohols, and mono-
ketones are volatile for at least up to 12-carbon sizes. As the molecule becomes
smaller than five carbons, even the acids become volatile. Organic monocarboxylic
acids, esterified with volatile alcohols, are also volatile.
There is intense commercial interest on essential oils because of their pharma-
ceutical properties. Moreover, essential oils have been also used in cosmetics, as
food additives and as flavoring compounds. Fresh plant seeds, flowers, stems, and
roots usually contain 0.1–10% v/w of essential oil, but this can range from <0.1%
up to 20% v/w in some cases—and even higher have also been known. Essential oils
are often produced from specific plant tissues, such as the seeds or flowers, whose
total mass from a single harvesting season is only a small percentage of the whole
weight of the plant. This is the reason why obtaining useful volatile essential oils
from cultivated plants can be so expensive. Chemical manufacture is often so much
cheaper that the natural products correspond only to a small percentage of the mar-
ket. However, consumers often prefer the natural product because they believe it to
be free of manufacturing artifacts and leftovers. Also, the chemical synthesis often
results in racemic mixtures of the product, resulting in only an approximation of the
natural flavor qualities. Thus, there is a need to reduce the cost of the natural
Biotechnology attempts to facilitate the production and, therefore, to reduce the
market cost of essential oils. Some of the approaches attempt to produce them in
bioreactor facilities either by the action of cultured plant cell and tissues or by the
use of bacterial and fungal biotransformers. Semi-synthetic methods, in which a
precursor molecule is transformed into a useful product by isolated (crude or puri-
fied) enzyme preparations in  vitro, have also been attempted. Along a different
approach, plants have been genetically engineered to overproduce the desired essen-
tial oil. Recently, such efforts have involved such metabolic engineering of the bio-
synthetic pathways leading to the synthesis of the desired essential oil compound.
We are accustomed of connecting essential oils with herbs. Yet, essential oils can
also be produced from trees, shrubs, and vines. Research on the biotechnology of
producing essential oils from such plants is not as intense as it is for herbaceous
species. It is the purpose of the present chapter to summarize the current progress in
biotechnological development for essential oil production from non-herbaceous
plants and, also, to suggest promising future directions of economically viable
approaches for “natural” essential oil production.
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 367

14.2  Essential Oils from Non-herbaceous Plants

A list of the trees, shrubs, and vines known to produce useful essential oils is given
in Table 14.1. In addition to the references provided in Table 14.1, information on
their essential oil yield and composition, as well as on their cultivation methods and
uses, is provided by Guenther (1982) and Atal and Kapur (1982). This list is not
exhaustive as it is expected that more plant species will be added in the future, as
many other, so far unexamined, essential oils become known by ethnobotanists
exploring isolated human communities.
The extraction methods, plant parts used, and resulting essential oil yields can
vary widely. Wintergreen oil yield is 0.66% of the fresh weight of leaves and stems;
it contains 96–99% methyl salicylate and is used as a flavoring agent. Methyl salicy-
late is also the major component of birch oil, obtained by the distillation of chipped
birch bark that yields 950–1450 ml of oil per ton of wood. To produce labdanum
essential oil, twigs of the perennial shrub Cistus ladaniferus are boiled for some
hours, and the resin rising to the surface is collected and dried. The dry resin is then
steam-distilled to yield about 1–2% of essential oil. Direct distillation of fresh stems
is also possible, producing about 0.06% of essential oil. The oil pressure extracted
from coconut nuts is treated with superheated steam to obtain a volatile oil, still of
disagreeable odor and also containing several carbinols and ketones. Both oils can-
not be used as such in the perfume industry but can serve as starting materials for
the preparation of synthetic aromatics. Fir oil is produced at a yield of 0.65–1.4%,
by the distillation of young branches and leaves of Abies balsamea. By breaking the
vesicles beneath the bark, turpentine can be collected, which is then distilled to get
15–25% of essential oil. Distillation of pine needles for 5 h yields 0.25–0.35% of
pine oil, whose composition depends largely on the geographic origin of the Pinus
sylvestris. This oil is used in perfume preparations. The essential oil of Thuja pli-
cata, obtained by distillation, in addition to thujone, contains also the very poison-
ous γ-thujaplicin. The cypress oil is most valuable in the perfume industry.
Distillation for 17 h of young branches and leaves of Cupressus sempervirens pro-
duces about 0.2% of oil, yet the most valuable portion—the one having the amber-
gris and labdanum-like odor—is extracted after the first 3 h of distillation. Chips of
Juniperus virginiana heartwood yield on distillation 2–2.5% of cedarwood oil, con-
taining 80% of cedrene. However, cedrene and cedrol are found only in cut and aged
heartwood of Juniperus and not in live tissues of the plant. Juniperus communis
berries contain 0.5–2% of essential oil used for flavoring beverages and liquors. The
oil composition can change if fermentation precedes distillation.
It becomes clear from the above discussion that essential oil extraction needs
considerable expertise in order to be successful. One has to choose not only the right
plant location and tissues but also the appropriate extraction process and then secure
the removal of compounds of disagreeable odor or even poisonous, as well as pre-
vent the formation of unwanted artifacts. Biotechnology could potentially remove
some of the complications as well as increase the yield and facilitate the isolation of
essential oils or of their individual components.
368 Y. Gounaris

Table 14.1  Trees, shrubs, and vines producing essential oils

Main ingredients in order of
Plant Essential oil decreasing percentage References
1 Abies balsamea Fir oil β-Pinene, δ-3-carene, bornyl Régimbal and
(fir) acetate Collin (1994)
2 Aniba rosaeodora Rosewood oil Linalool, α-terpineol Fidelis et al.
(Brazilian (2012)
3 Aquilaria Agar oil Agarospirol, tetradecanal, Ab Rahman
malaccensis pentadecanal (2009)
4 Azadirachta Neem oil In leaves: β-Elemene, γ-elemene, El Hawary et al.
indica germacrene D, caryophyllene, (2013)
(neem) bicyclogermacrene
In flowers: pentacosane,
tetracosane, β-germacrene,
β- caryophyllene, dodecene,
octadecanol, verdiflorol
5 Betula spp. Birch oil 14-Hydroxy-β-caryophyllene, Başer and
(birch) 14-hydroxy-4,5-dihydro-β-­ Demirci (2007)
caryophyllene, methyl salicylate,
6 Boswellia sacra Frankincense E-β-ocimene, myrcene, α-thujene, Al Harrasi and Al
(frankincense) α- pinene Saidi (2008)
7 Bursera Palo santo oil Limonene, β-elemene, β-ocimene, Monzotea et al.
graveolens menthofuran (2012)
(palo santo)
8 Cananga odorata Ylang-ylang Benzyl acetate, linalool, methyl Brokl et al.
(cananga tree) oil benzoate, 3-methyl-2-butenyl (2013)
acetate, neryl acetate
9 Canarium Elemi oil Limonene, α-phellandrene, elemol, Villanueva et al.
luzonicum α-terpinolene, elemicine (1993)
10 Carya spp. Hickory nut Oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic Chow (2007)
(Hickory) oil acid
11 Cinnamomum Camphor oil Linalool, D-camphor, 1,8-cineole, Guo et al. (2016)
camphora α-terpineol
(camphor tree)
12 Cinnamomum Cinnamon oil trans-cinnamaldehyde Li et al. 2013
(Ceylon cinnamon
13 Citrofortunella Calamondin In peel oil: limonene Cuevas-Glory
microcarpa oil In the leaf oil: elemol, α-eudesmol et al. (2009)
14 Citrus aurantifolia Lime oil Limonene, beta-pinene, Spadaro et al.
(Lime) γ-terpinene, citral (2012)
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 369

Table 14.1 (continued)
Main ingredients in order of
Plant Essential oil decreasing percentage References
15 Citrus aurantium Neroli oil Limonene, (E)-nerolidol, Ammar et al.
subsp. amara α-terpineol, α-terpinyl acetate, (E, (2012)
(bitter orange) E)-farnesol
16 Citrus bergamia Bergamot Limonene, linalyl acetate, linalool, Sawamura et al.
(bergamot orange) essential oil γ-terpinene, β-pinene (2006)
17 Citrus limon Lemon oil Limonene, γ-terpinene, β-pinene Gök et al. (2015)
(lemon tree)
18 Citrus medica Citron oil In leaves: erucylamide, limonene, Bhuiyan et al.
(citron) citral (2009)
In peel: isolimonene, citral,
19 Citrus reticulata Mandarin oil Limonene, γ-terpinene, α-Pinene Boughendjioua
(mandarin orange) and
20 Citrus sinensis Orange oil Limonene, myrcene, sabinene Azar et al. (2011)
(orange tree)
21 Citrus tangerine Tangerine oil Limonene, γ-terpinene, myrcene, Njoroge et al.
(tangerine tree) α-pinene (2006)
22 Citrus paradisi Grapefruit oil Limonene, α-terpinene, α-pinene Njoroge et al.
(grapefruit) (2005)
23 Cocos nucifera Coconut oil Methyl laurate, methyl myristate da Fonseca et al.
(coconut tree) (2014)
24 Coffea arabica Coffee oil Dextrins, chlorogenic acid, caffeine Nogaim et al.
(coffee tree) (2013)
25 Commiphora Myrrh oil n-Octyl acetate, 4-ethynyl-4-­ Chen et al. (2013)
myrrha hydroxy-3,5,5-trimethyl
(myrrh) 2-cyclohexen-1-one, nerolidol
isobutyrate, β-elemene, copaene
26 Cupressus spp. Cypress oil α-Pinene, δ-3 carene, sabinene, Pierre-Leandri
(cypress) α-cadinol, terpinen-4-ol, limonene et al. (2003)
27 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus In leaves: 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, Chalchat et al.
globulus oil p-cymene, cryptone, spathulenol (1995)
(eucalyptus) In fruits: aromadendrene,
In buds: aromadendrene
1,8-cineole, α-thujene
In branches: 1,8-cineole,
28 Illicium verum Star anise oil Trans-anethole Wei et al. (2014)
(star anise)
29 Juniperus Juniper berry α-Pinene, myrcene, sabinene, Höferl et al.
communis oil limonene, β-pinene (2014)
370 Y. Gounaris

Table 14.1 (continued)
Main ingredients in order of
Plant Essential oil decreasing percentage References
30 Juniperus Cedarwood Cedrene, α-Pinene, β-pinene, Stewart et al.
virginiana oil phelandrene (2014)
(red cedar)
31 Laurus nobilis Bay oil 1,8-Cineole, α-terpinyl acetate, Kivrak et al.
(bay) α-pinene, terpinen-4-ol, sabinene, (2017)
methyl eugenol, eugenol
32 Lawsonia inermis Henna oil Eugenol, ethyl hexadecanoate, Adebola et al.
(henna tree) (E)-methyl cinnamate, (2005)
isocaryophyllene, (E)-β-ionone,
methyl linolenate
33 Litsea cubeba Litsea cubeba Geranial, neral, D-limonene Si et al. (2012)
(may change) oil
34 Melaleuca Tea tree oil Leaves: Terpinen-4-ol, γ-terpinene, Carson et al. 2006
alternifolia α-terpinene, 1,8-cineole,
(tea tree) terpinolene
35 Moringa oleifera Moringa seed Oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic Ghazali and
(drumstick tree) oil acid, behenic acid Abdulkarim
36 Murraya koenigii Curry leaf oil Sabinene, α-pinene, phellandrene, Mallavarapu et al.
(curry tree) terpinen-4-ol, β-pinene, γ-terpinene (1999)
37 Myristica fragrans Nutmeg seed Sabinene, α-pinene, Ogunwande et al.
(nutmeg) oil α-phellandrene, terpinen-4-ol (2003)
38 Myroxylon Balsam of Benzyl benzoate Swift (1997)
balsamum (L.) Peru
39 Picea spp. Spruce oil β-Pinene, camphor, α-pinene, Garneau et al.
(spruce) bornyl acetate (2012)
Bornyl acetate is the main
compound in Black Spruce
40 Pinus sylvestris Pine oil In branches: α-pinene, sabinene, Zafra and
(pine) β-pinene, limonene García-Peregrín
In needles: α-pinene, camphene, (1976)
β-pinene, sabinene
41 Ravensara Raversara oil Methyl chavicol, methyl eugenol, Andrianoelisoa
aromatica α-terpinene, limonene, sabinene, et al. (2006)
(clove nutmeg) linalool, terpinen-4-ol
42 Santalum Sandalwood α-Santalol, β-sandalol, Kusuma and
paniculatum or S. oil α-bergamotol, (E)-nuciferol, Mahfud (2016)
album germacrene B, teresantalol
43 Sassafras spp. Sassafras oil Safrole, camphor Sethi et al. (1976)
(sassafras) In root bark: safrole,
5-methoxyeugenol, asaron,
piperonylacrolein, coniferaldehyde,
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 371

Table 14.1 (continued)
Main ingredients in order of
Plant Essential oil decreasing percentage References
44 Thuja plicata Western red α-Thujone (cis), sabinene, Tsiri et al. (2009)
(western red cedar oil β-thujone (trans), terpinen-4-ol
45 Tsuga canadensis Tsuga oil α-Pinene, camphene, limonene Kılıç and Kocak
(tsuga, Canadian (2014)
46 Cistus ladaniferus Labdanum α-Pinene, trans-pinocarveol, Mariotti et al.
(labdanum) viridiflorol, ledol (1997)
47 Gaultheria Wintergreen Methyl salicylate, limonene Nikolić et al.
procumbens oil (2013)
48 Jasminum Jasmine oil In flowers: We et al. (2015)
officinale 3,7,11,15- tetramethyl-2-­
(jasmine) hexadecen-1-ol(phytol),
3,7,11- trimethyldodeca -1,6,10-trien-
3-ol, 3,7,11,15-
tetramethyl −1-Hexadecen-3-ol
49 Myrtus communis Myrtle oil α-Pinene, 1,8-cincole, α-limonène, Mulas and Melis
(myrtle) linalool, myrtenyl acetate (2011)
50 Pelargonium Geranium oil Citronellol (48.44%), α- pinene, Mousavi et al.
graveolens octen-1-o1, geraniol, p-menthone, (2014)
(rose geranium) β-caryophyllene
51 Rhododendron Ledum oil In leaves and shoots: γ-terpineol Gretšušnikova
tomentosum (syn. In stem: β-myrcene et al. (2010)
Ledum palustre)
(wild rosemary)
52 Rosa damascena Rose oil Citronelol, geraniol, nonadecane, Dobreva et al.
or Rosa centifolia nerol (2013)
53 Rosa rubiginosa Rose hip oil Vitispiran, α-E-acaridial, Nowak (2005)
or Rosa mosqueta dodecanoic acid, hexadecanoic
(rose) acid, docosane (C22), β-ionone,
2-heptanone, heptanal, myristic
acid and linolic acid
54 Vaccinium Cranberry Palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic Bhagdeo (2004)
oxycoccos seed oil acid, linolenic acid
55 Piper nigrum Black pepper β-Caryophyllene, α-copaene, Rmili et al.
(black pepper) oil sabinene, cubenol (2014)
56 Schisandra Schisandra oil Ylangene, β-himachalene Chen et al. (2011)
chinensis α-bergamotene, β-chamigrene
372 Y. Gounaris

14.3  Synthesis of the Essential Oil Constituents

In order to genetically manipulate the essential oil yield and composition, the thor-
ough understanding of their biosynthesis is required. The monoterpenoids are pro-
duced by the plastidic methyl–erythritol–phosphate (MEP) path, whose sequence
and enzymatic properties have been explored (Estevez et al. 2001; Gao et al. 2006;
Julsing et al. 2007; Proteau 2004; Rohdich et al. 2000; Rohdich et al. 2001; Rohdich
et al. 2003; Wolfertz et al. 2004). The rate-limiting step is catalyzed by 1-deoxy-D-­
xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS), an enzyme consuming NADPH, CTP, and
ATP.  The condensation of the produced dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP) by
use of isopentenyl diphosphate (IDP), in order to form the monoterpenoid precursor
geranyl diphosphate (GDP), is catalyzed by geranyl diphosphate synthase, a slow
catalyst. Subsequent cyclization of GDP in addition to slow cyclases, which are
membrane-bound enzymes in the plastids and endoplasmic reticulum, leads to the
synthesis of various monoterpenes. The hydroxylations of the linear or cyclic mono-
terpenes are catalyzed by NADPH-consuming, cyt450-dependent monooxygen-
ases, utilizing molecular oxygen or hydrogen peroxide. These hydroxylases are
inducible by a variety of biotic or abiotic stress factors. Sesquiterpenoids are con-
sidered to be synthesized in cytosol from farnesyl diphosphate (FDP), derived from
the mevalonic acid pathway. Two NADPH and three ATP molecules are consumed
for the FDP synthesis, and the rate-limiting step is catalyzed by the 3-hydroxymeth-
ylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR). Sesquiterpene cyclases act on FDP to
produce at least 200 types of cyclic sesquiterpenoids.
The phenylpropanoid constituents of essential oils are produced from phenylala-
nine and tyrosine of the shikimic acid pathway (Goodwin and Mercer 1972;
Weisshaar and Jenkins 1998). The pathway is tightly regulated by feedback inhibi-
tion at several of its steps as well as by the need for NADPH and ATP up to the
synthesis of tyrosine and phenylalanine, with the requirement for NADPH being
even greater in the transformation of Phe and Tyr into phenylpropanoids. NADPH is
required for the reductive elimination of the carboxyl group of the propenyl side by
successive reductions that form the corresponding volatile aldehydes, alcohols, and
phenylpropenes. NADPH is also required for the hydroxylations of the aromatic
ring. Benzoic and phenolic acids come from the corresponding hydroxycinnamic
acids by β-oxidation of the propenyl chain, followed by oxidative decarboxylation.
This process is tightly regulated by feedback inhibition. Volatile derivatives are then
formed by the reduction of the carboxyl group, as in phenylpropanoids.
Non-branched volatile aldehydes and their corresponding alcohols can be
derived by degradation of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic and linolenic acid
(Combet et al. 2006; Feussner and Wasternack 2002) by the sequential action of
lipoxygenases (LOX), hydroperoxide lyases (HPL), and aldehydes dehydrogenase
(ADH). The initial introduction of molecular oxygen into the carbon–carbon double
bonds also requires NADPH. Methyl-branched volatiles are produced by the
­catabolism of lineal terpenoids and of leucine-derived 3-methyl-crotonyl-CoA, via
degradation of the produced 3-methyl glutaryl-CoA (Hoschle et al. 2005). Methyl-
branched compounds, such as isovaleric and isobutyric acid, are also derived from
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 373

valine catabolism. Isovaleric acid could potentially be produced from DMADP of

the terpenoid synthesis pathways. In bacteria, they could also be produced by the
catabolism of linear monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids (Aguilar et  al. 2006;
Forster-Fromme et  al. 2006). Unlike the LOX path, the degradations of leucine,
valine, and monoterpenoids and DMADP, leading to volatile aldehyde, alcohol, and
acid production, do not need reductive equivalents but rather produce them.
It should have become obvious from the above that for secondary metabolite
production to be successfully completed, the need for enough available NADH must
be satisfied. Thus, any genetic engineering approaches aiming to increase the pro-
duction of secondary metabolites in transgenics should consider this requirement.
Predictably, in order to enhance the yield of a particular metabolite, it would not be
enough to increase the intracellular amount of key regulatory enzymes of their syn-
thesis, if the coenzymes are in limited supply.

14.4  Tissue or Cell Cultures

Callus or cell culturing has been achieved for almost all of the plants presented in
Table 14.1. However, most of these efforts lead to the genetic transformation of the
plant by focusing on genes not directly involved in secondary metabolism. There
was no reason to analyze the effect of in vitro culturing on the yield and composi-
tion of the essential oils in the untransformed or genetically transformed plants.
Table 14.2 presents the cases in which the essential oil or the production of a spe-
cific secondary metabolite was analyzed.
A comparison with Table  14.1 shows that the secondary metabolite profile of
in vitro cultured cells and calli is different from that of intact plants. As expected,
taking into account the results of many previous studies with various plant species,
the amounts were much reduced and, in some cases, no secondary metabolites were
detected at all. Application of ethylene-producing agents or pathogen elicitors stim-
ulates secondary metabolite synthesis. The exceptions are the alkaloids—caffeine
and trigonelline—that are synthesized at amounts greater and comparable (respec-
tively), compared to those in the intact plant tissues. Also the phenolic schisandrin
A was produced at half the yield recorded from plant tissues.
Plants used as sources of secondary metabolites are often rare or slow growing
or inhabiting difficult-to-approach localities and could be difficult to cultivate as
well. Tissue or cell culturing overcomes most of these problems. Unfortunately,
in vitro cultures are poor producers of secondary metabolites (Scragg 1995). The
ability of cultured plant tissue and cells to produce secondary metabolites is induc-
ible by a variety of chemical and physical factors (Olivoto et al. 2017; Shanker and
Shanker 2016). Cases of higher production from in  vitro cultures, compared to
intact plant tissue, are also known. For example, Ocimum sanctum calli have less
total phenolics but more total terpenoids than intact plant tissues (Mathew and
Sankari 2014), although the monoterpene and sesquiterpene content has not been
separately examined. Callus cultures of Genista species produce more isoflavones,
374 Y. Gounaris

Table 14.2  Secondary metabolites produced by in vitro cultured tissues or cells of non-herbaceous
plant species
Plant Result/product Reference
Aquilaria Some essential oil was produced by callus or cell Jayaraman and
malaccensis suspension cultures. More fatty acid derivatives formed by Mohamed
(agarwood) elicitation with Trichoderma (2015)
Azadirachta 380 mg·L−1 azadirachtin in the cell suspension culture Srivastava and
indica medium Prakash (2010)
Betula spp. Betulinic acid 2.01 g·kg−1 dry weight in callus. Betulin in Hajati et al.
(birch) cell suspension cultures was 0.96 g·kg−1 dry weight. Betulin (2016)
forms 30% of intact birch bark dry weight
Cananga Calli from petal explants. Only linalool and benzyl acetate Lindain et al.
odorata were detected. Less linalool and more benzyl acetate than in (2008)
(cananga tree) intact flowers. More linalool under light conditions and
more benzyl acetate in the dark
Citrus C. aurantifolia callus yielded limonene only, 4.4 mg·kg−1 Reila and
aurantifolia fresh weight. Grapefruit peel has 2500 mg·kg−1 Bergerh (1996)
Citrus aurantium No essential oil compound was detected in calli by Kriaa Kriaa (2012);
subsp. amara (2012), but del Rio et al. (1991) detected valencene at del Rio et al.
(bitter orange) 0.060 mg·kg−1 and nootkatone at 0.16 mg·kg−1 callus fresh (1991)
weight. The corresponding values in fruit pericarp are 3 and
20 mg·kg−1, respectively
Citrus Limon Valencene accumulated at 0.09 mg·kg−1 of callus fresh del Rio et al.
(lemon tree) weight. The corresponding values in fruit pericarp are 47 (1991)
and 131 mg·kg−1
Citrus sinensis Embryogenic calli yielded 5.4 μg·kg−1 essential oil of which Niedz et al.
(orange tree) 3.6 μg was 3-hydroxy-2-butanone (1997)
Citrus paradisi Valencene accumulated at 0.080 mg·kg−1 and nootkatone at del Rio et al.
(grapefruit) 1.6 mg·kg−1 callus fresh weight. The corresponding values (1991)
in fruit pericarp are 47 and 123 mg·kg−1, respectively
Coffea arabica 50- to 90-fold more caffeine in calli (4.5–10 kg per kg of Waller et al.
(coffee tree) callus) comparing to explant, calculated on a tissue dry (1983)
weight basis. Most of the caffeine was extracellular
Calli yielded intracellularly 2 g caffeine and 12 g Baumann and
chlorogenic acid per kg of callus dry weight. Explants have Rohrig (1989)
90 mg caffeine per kg dry weight
Cupressus spp. Cupressus lusitanica suspension cells accumulated 22 mg of Itose and Sakai
(cypress) β-thujaplicin per g dry cell weight in 3 days after elicitation (1997)
by insufficient inorganic nutrients and excess Fe
Monoterpenes and lignin were produced by Cupressus de Alwis et al.
lusitanica suspension cells induced by fungal elicitor or (2009)
mechanical stress
Illicium verum Calli produce anethole and foeniculin Kohda et al.
(star anise) (1997)
Juniperus Suspension cultures provided with phenylalanine Kašparová
virginiana synthesized podophyllotoxin (0.56 g·kg−1 tissue dry weight), et al. (2017)
(red cedar) 20 times less than in the intact plant tissues
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 375

Table 14.2 (continued)
Plant Result/product Reference
Laurus nobilis Calli produce 1,8-cineole and α-pinene Rady and
(bay) Youssef (1999)
Lawsonia Lawsone (0.13% dry weight) was observed in hairy root Bakkali et al.
inermis tissues incubated in the dark (1997)
(henna tree)
Melaleuca Total polyphenolics in calli were 13 μg (as gallic acid Jeyakani
alternifolia equivalents) per g of fresh callus tissue Santhosh and
(tea tree) Rajalakshmi
Moringa oleifera Callus cultures had 2.38 g kg−1 trigonelline, comparing to Mathur and
(drumstick tree) that in pods (3.55 g·kg−1), leaves (2.60 g·kg−1), roots Kamal (2012)
(2.15 g·kg−1), stem (1.90 g·kg−1), and flowers (1.60 g·kg−1)
Myristica β-Pinene, myristicin, safrole, methyl eugenol, and Indira-Iyer
fragrans betasitosterol were detected in embryogenic callus et al. (2009)
Santalum Various sesquiterpenes, including beta-santalol and Crovadore
paniculatum or betasantalene, were synthesized by S. album calli treated et al. (2012)
S. album with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)
(sandalwood) No essential oils, but phenolics are produced by stressed Valluri (2009)
sandalwood cell cultures
Santalols (5.2 mg·L−1) and phenolics (31 mg·L−1) are Misra and Dey
produced by somatic embryos (2013)
Thuja plicata Elicitation of calli by yeast extract results in accumulation Haluk and
(western red of tropolones in about 6.5 g·kg−1 cell fresh weight. In a Roussel-
cedar) medium supplemented with glucose, tropolone accumulates Bousta (2003)
to 8.1 g·kg−1 with elicitation and 3.15 g·kg−1 without
Jasminum Jasminum officinale callus accumulated traces of several Banthorpe
officinale monoterpenes (<0.1% the amount in petals) et al. (1986)
Pelargonium 0.54% oil yield by cell suspensions Aly and
graveolens Hanafy (2008)
(rose geranium)
Rosa damascena Only traces, if at all, of some essential oil components in Banthorpe and
(rose) callus or cell cultures of R. damascena Barrow (1983)
Piper nigrum Piperine 0.852 g·kg−1 dry weight of callus. Plantlets had Ahmad et al.
(black pepper) 4.16 g·kg−1 dry weight (2013)
Schisandra Lignans at 244.8 g·kg−1 accumulated in the calli. Szopa et al.
chinensis The lignans were not detected in the media (2016)
(magnolia-vine) Schisandrin A at 0.251 g·kg−1, 0.118 g·kg−1, and Zhou et al.
0.115 g·kg−1 was found in seeds, callus, and suspension (2017)
cells, respectively. Schisandrin B was 0.142 g·kg−1,
0.086 mg·kg−1, and 0.05 mg·kg−1, respectively
Schisandrin 67.70 g, deoxyschisandrin 55.19 g, gomisin A Szopa and
36.97 g, chlorogenic acid 15.33 g, and protocatechuic Ekiert (2016)
acid 13.11 g accumulated per kg dry weight of callus,
under blue light
376 Y. Gounaris

whereas callus and cell cultures of Maclura pomifera produce more flavones and
flavanones than the parent herbs (Filová 2014). Isoflavones and all flavonoids are
synthesized from phenylalanine in the cytoplasm (Winkel-Shirley 2001). From
Table  14.2, it can be seen that caffeine in Coffea arabica calli is higher than in
The reasons for the reduced ability of the in vitro culture to produce volatiles,
and secondary metabolites in general, are not known with certainty. The cultured
cells and callus seem to have some enzymatic activity for terpenoid production
(Banthorpe and Barrow 1983; Banthorpe et al. 1986; Soler et al. 1992; Zito et al.
1991). In the synthesis of phenylpropanoid, the enzymatic activities of phenylala-
nine ammonia lyase, shikimate dehydrogenase, cinnamic acid-4-hydroxylase,
p-coumaric acid-3 hydroxylase, cinnamoyl-CoA reductase, 4-coumarate:CoA
ligase, 4 hydroxycinnamate:CoA ligase, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase, and caf-
feic acid O-methyltransferase in callus or cell suspensions have been found to often
be equal to those of intact plant tissues (Ali et  al. 2006; Anterola et  al. 2002;
Karyagina et al. 2007; Möller et al. 2006; Seidel et al. 2002).
An often-cited observation is that some degree of differentiation is required for
secondary metabolite synthesis by cell and callus cultures. For example, fine hair-­
like structures (hairy roots) arise from plant tissues transformed with the transfer
DNA (T-DNA) regions of the Ri plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogene. Their culture
methods, their morphological and biochemical characteristics, as well as their sec-
ondary metabolite production potential are all known (Figueiredo et  al. 2006;
Georgiev et al. 2007; Srivastava and Srivastava 2007). Hairy roots lack geotropism,
and they are highly branched and can be cultured in bioreactor facilities requiring
no plant growth regulators, since the inserted T-DNA carries genes for auxin synthe-
sis. They grow as fast, or faster, than normal roots, with meristem cell cycles averag-
ing 10 h. They produce secondary metabolites at levels and patterns similar to those
of normal roots but also metabolites produced in aerial parts of the plant. Often
novel ­compounds are also produced. Unlike cell or callus cultures, hairy roots are
biochemically stable, and the T-DNA is reliably integrated.
The induction of essential oil production upon elicitation of cultured cells sug-
gests that the transcription level for the necessary enzymes is lower than in the intact
plant. In Croton stellatopilosus, for example, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate syn-
thase (DXS), 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate synthase (MEPS), and geranyl-
geranyl diphosphate synthase (GGPPS) were highly expressed in the cells from
leaves and of the green callus culture but not in suspension cells, and this was in
agreement with the terpenoid profiling (Kongduang et  al. 2014). DXS is not the
only regulatory step in plastidic terpenoid synthesis. The 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-­
phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) and 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-butenyl
4-­diphosphate reductase (HDR) are also regulatory enzymes. Besides, back-­
inhibition by the product DMADP regulates DXR. To enhance essential oil produc-
tion by calli and cell suspensions, it would perhaps be worthy to attempt simultaneous
transformation of plastids by all genes for the above three enzymes.
However, even the best results of inducing secondary metabolite synthesis by
genetically transformed callus or cell cultures cannot reach the levels of these com-
pounds in intact tissues. It seems that the availability of the necessary biosynthetic
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 377

enzymes is not the only limiting factor. It must be considered that the synthesis of
monoterpenoids, at least, is primarily carried out in the plastids and requires a lot of
NADPH.  Auxins used in tissue culture inactivate the chloroplast photosynthetic
apparatus (Buggeln and Bal 1977; Volfová et  al. 1978; Zubo et  al. 2011).
Photosynthesis is also inactivated in these cases by the dark culturing regime used.
Under these conditions, plastids will have to rely on the oxaloacetate/malate shuttle
(Anderson and House 1979) for obtaining NADPH from the cytoplasm. The pub-
lished literature did not provide with any report on the concentration of NADPH or
on the functionality of the oxaloacetate/malate shuttle in callus plastids. We cannot
expect plastids, even with over-expressed regulatory enzymes of the MEP pathway,
to reach the levels of terpenoid synthesis of intact photosynthesizing plant tissues, if
the availability of intra-plastidic reducing equivalents is, indeed, the limiting factor.

14.5  Transgenic Plant Species

The cases of genetic engineering efforts to alter the essential oil production and
constituency of non-herbaceous plants are very limited (Table 14.3). Hairy roots of
neem tree have been made to produce 7 mg of the furanolactone tertanor-­triterpenoid
(limonoid) azadirachtin per kg of weight, but azadirachtin is primarily produced in
the plant’s seed kernels at amounts of 4–6 g·kg−1 (Mordue and Nisbet 2000). This
compound is not the prevalent one in the corresponding essential oil, but it is the one
endowing it with its pesticidal properties. Henna hairy roots produce the 2-hydroxy-­
1,4-naphtho-quinone lawsone at amounts of 0.13% of dry weight of tissue, whereas
natural plant leaves contain these at 0.5–2% (Sabra et  al. 2015). Two of several
regenerated rose geranium plants, also carrying the Ri plasmid, produced even more
geraniol and its esters. Since this was not a general characteristic of the majority of
regenerated transgenics, it is not known if it is due to the plasmid or to a variation
generated during the callus culturing and regeneration stage.
In black pepper, the isopentenyl pyrophosphate transferase gene reduced the
total monoterpenoids in favor of sesquiterpenoids, as expected by the shunting of
isopentenyl pyrophosphate to larger terpenoid synthesis. Again as expected, the
transgene for limonene synthase determined the levels of limonene and other mono-
terpenes in eucalyptus and orange oil. Both calli and hairy roots synthesize it at
levels higher than the plant roots but still at 1000-fold lower amounts than in the
seed kernels (Mordue and Nisbet 2000). Finally, transformation with sense or anti-
sense theobromine synthase and xanthosine-N7-methyltransferase affected the lev-
els of caffeine and theobromine in coffee plants.
Despite the small number of cases in which the essential oil or some of its com-
ponents were examined, transgenic trees, shrubs, and vines, such plant species
genetically transformed with a variety of genes exist, and it should not be difficult
to analyze the effects of genetic transformation on oil composition. For example,
transgenic birch with downregulated 4-coumaroyl-CoA-ligase gene has been cre-
ated, and its lignin, but not the essential oil, has been examined (Shestibratov et al.
2011). Similarly, only the lignin was examined in birch (Zhang et  al. 2015) and
378 Y. Gounaris

Table 14.3  Effect of transgenes on non-herbaceous plant essential oils

Plant/oil Transformation/transgene Effect References
Azadirachta Ri plasmid of A. Hairy roots with a tenfold greater Allan et al.
indica rhizogenes amount of azadirachtin compared to (2002)
(neem) the callus line that contains 7 ppm
Neem oil azadirachtin and approximately 30
times more than that detected in
natural, plant roots
Citrus Downregulated limonene Less limonene in peel. Lower Rodríguez
sinensis synthase by antisense infection by Penicillium digitatum, the et al. (2011)
(orange tree) constructs bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp.
Orange oil Citri, and the pest medfly Ceratitis
Coffea Inhibition of a Lower caffeine and theobromine Ogita et al.
arabica theobromine synthase (2003,
(coffee tree) gene (CaMXMT1) using 2004)
Coffee oil RNAi technology
Transformation with Lower caffeine Stiles et al.
sense or antisense (2000)
methyltransferase (XMT)
Transformation with the More theobromine Sano et al.
theobromine synthase (2002)
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis 2.6 and 4.5 times more limonene, Ohara et al.
spp. carrying the Perilla more 1,8-cineole and α-pinene (2010)
(eucalyptus) frutescens limonene
Eucalyptus synthase (PFLS)
Lawsonia Co-culture of leaf Hairy root cultures accumulated Bakkali
inermis segments with lawsone (0.13% dry weight) in the et al. (1997)
(henna tree) Agrobacterium dark
Henna oil rhizogenes NCIB 8196
Pelargonium Transformed by Two transgenic plants showed Saxena et al.
graveolens Agrobacterium increase in concentrations of geraniol (2007)
(rose rhizogenes (Ri-insertion) and geranyl esters
Geranium oil
Piper nigrum Transgenics carrying the 21.1 to and 15.8% more oxygenated Zeng and
isopentenyl sesquiterpenoids and 14.9–4.0% less Zhao (2016)
pyrophosphate transferase monoterpenoids
(IPT) gene

spruce (Wadenbäck 2006) transformed with over- or under-expressing genes for

cinnamoyl-CoA reductase. Citrus species transformed with pathogen-derived genes
or with abiotic stress resistance genes are known (Febres et  al. 2011), and the
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 379

c­ onnection between abiotic or biotic stress and secondary metabolite synthesis has
also been well documented, yet the examination of the effect on the essential oil was
not included in the researchers’ immediate interests at the time.

14.6  B
 iotransformations of Essential Oils and Their

Essential oils are very rarely used in their entirety in biotransformations. Although
the reasons for this are more empirical than researched, essential oils are usually
inhibitory to bacterial or fungal cell growth. Some cases of the use of the entire
essential oils in bioconversions are presented in Table 14.4. The general tendency is
for the essential oil components to be transformed into more oxygenated products
of the same or lower number of carbon atoms. For example, citron oil, consisting
primarily of the aliphatic monoterpenoids limonene, terpinene, and isolimonene
and citral, produced five-carbon valerolactones, octanol, the nine-carbon ketone
cryptone, and the ten-carbon alcohols hydroxycitronelol and cuminol. The 12-­carbon
γ-dodecalactone was also produced. This valuable flavoring compound is a product
of fatty acid catabolism (An et al. 2013). Similarly, hydroxylated monoterpenoids
were produced from biotransformed pinenes of spruce turpentines. Interestingly,
the non-oxygenated monoterpenes of mandarin oil were transformed into triterpe-
noids by the fungus Antrodia cinnamomea, indicating that anabolic processes could
also utilize monoterpenes as substrates.
By far, the most successful biotechnology approaches are those using microor-
ganisms to bioconvert isolated compounds of essential oils. An extensive list has
been reported before (Gounaris 2010). However, Table 14.5 provides a more focused
and updated list for the major essential oil components from non-herbaceous plants.
The bioconversions can be achieved by bacterial, fungal, or plant cell suspensions,
or by isolated enzymes. Almost all transformations are catabolic oxygenations

Table 14.4  Cases of use of the entire essential oil from non-herbaceous plants in biotransformation
Origin of the
essential oil Result Reference
Citrus medica Peel oil was transformed by Enterobacter agglomerans into Park et al.
(citron) trans-2-decenal, octanol, δ-valerolactone, γ-valerolactone, (2004)
cryptone, hydroxycitronellol, cuminol, and γ-dodecalactone
Citrus 4% peel extract was transformed by the mushroom Antrodia Ma et al.
reticulata cinnamomea into triterpenoids (2014)
Picea spp. P. abies turpentines (primarily pinenes) were transformed by Dvořaková
(spruce) suspension cultures of P. abies primarily into pinocarveol and et al. (2011)
Table 14.5  Bioconversions of non-herbaceous plant essential oil constituents

Usual substrate % in potential

Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
1,8-cineole 13.3 g·L−1 (1R)-6b-hydroxy-1,8-cineole Pseudomonas putida carrying the Mi et al. (2016) Eucalyptus oil (up to 50%); bay
in 89 h in a bioreactor. Yield 79% cytochrome P450 monooxygenase oil (up to 46%); and
CYP176A1 (P450cin) and its native
redox partner cindoxin (CinC) from
Citrobacter braakii
(1R)-6b-hydroxy-1,8-cineole E. coli carrying the cytochrome P450 Unterweger et al. myrtle oil (10–18%)
monooxygenases from Sphingobium (2016)
yanoikuyae B2
2-exo-hydroxy-1,8-cineole Mucor ramannianus and Aspergillus de Souza et al.
niger (fungi) (2015)
2-exo-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, Aspergillus terreus (fungus) García et al.
2-endohydroxy-1,8-cineole, 3-exo-­ (2009)
hydroxy-1,8-cineole, and
2-endo-hydroxy-1,8-cineole, 2-exo-­ Rhodococcus sp. (bacterium) Rodríguez et al.
hydroxy-1,8-cineole and (2006)
Anethole Anethole epoxide, syn- and anti-anethole-­ Colletotrichum acutatum (fungus) Velasco-Bucheli Star anise oil (10%); pine oil
diol, p-anisaldehyde, p-anisic acid, et al. (2015) (14%)
p-anisic alcohol, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-
propanol, 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-2-­
propanol, and ethyl ester of anisic acid
57.33% molar conversion rate to anisic Burkholderia sp. (bacterium) Shen et al.
acid (2014)
36.1% molar transformation ratio to Pseudomonas sp. (bacterium) Su et al. (2011)
anisic acid
Y. Gounaris
Usual substrate % in potential
Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
syn- and anti-anethole epoxides, p-anisic Pseudomonas putida (bacterium) Ryu et al. (2005)
acid, and p-hydroxybenzoic acid
Aromadendrene Was converted to (−)-(10S,11S)- Aspergillus wentii (fungus) Miyazawa et al. Eucalyptus fruit or branch oil
10,13,14-trihydroxyaromadendrane by (2008) (8–23%)
hydroxylation at C-10, C-13, and C-14
Hydroxylated at C-10, C-13, and C-14 by Glomerella cingulata (fungus) Miyazawa et al.
oxidation of the double bond and the (1995)
germinal methyl group
Benzyl acetate Hydrolyzed to benzyl alcohol Spirodela oligorrhiza (aquatic plant) Pawlowicz and Ylang-ylang oil (27%)
Stewinski (1987)
Bornyl acetate Hydroxylation and ketonization, as well Collybia velutipes, Trametes hirsute, Nano et al. Picea mariana (black spruce) oil
as of the borneol derived from it by Ganoderma applanatum (all (2005) (34%)
hydrolysis basidiomycetes)
Hydrolysis to isoborneol and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. cell suspension Shams-Ardakani
endo-borneol et al. (2005)
Hydroxylated to (+)- and (−)-5-exo-­ Glomerella cingulata (fungus) Miyazawa and
hydroxybornyl acetate, (+)- and Miyasato (2001)
(−)-5-oxobornyl acetate that hydrolyzed
to (+)- and (−)-borneol, respectively
Hydrolysis to borneol Nicotiana tabacum cell suspension Suga et al.
Hydrolysis to borneol Spirodela oligorrhiza (aquatic plant) Pawlowicz et al.
Caffeine Demethylation to theophylline Fusarium solani (fungus) Nanjundaiah Coffee oil (1.5%)
et al. (2017)
Demethylation to theobromine Salinivibrio costicola (bacterium) Ashengroph
Demethylation to theophylline Aureobasidium sp. (fungus) Ashengroph
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants

Table 14.5 (continued)

Usual substrate % in potential

Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
Demethylation to theophylline and Paecilomyces gunnii (fungus) Zheng et al.
1,7-dimethylxanthines (2016)
Camphor Hydroxylated to 5-exo- and Salmonella typhimurium expressing Nakahashi and Camphor oil (51%); spruce oil
8-hydroxy-camphor human cytochrome P450 and Miyazawa (2011)
NADPH-P450 reductase
Hydroxylated to 6-, 5-, 3-, and Botryosphaeria sp. CBMAI 1197 de Jesus et al. (20%); sassafras oil (3%)
8-hydroxycamphor (fungus) (2017)
Caryophyllene Epoxidation and hydroxylation to Chaetomium cochliodes (fungus) Abraham et al. Cypress oil (10%)
4,5-epoxy-caryophyllene-7,12-diol and (1990a)
Various epoxidate and hydroxylated Diplodia gossypina (fungus) Abraham et al.
derivatives (1990b)
Epoxidation to (−)-β-caryophyllene oxide Nemania aenea (fungus) Oda et al. (2011)
Chavicol Hydroxylation of the first carbon of the 4-Ethylphenol methylenehydroxylase Hopper and Raversara oil (80%)
side chain to produce from Pseudomonas putida JD1 Cottrell (2003)
1-(4′-hydroxyphenyl) -2-propen-1-ol (bacterial enzyme)
Chlorogenic Catabolized to caffeic acid, shikimic acid, Sphingomonas sp. (bacterium) Ma et al. (2016) Coffee oil (7%)
acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid
Catabolized to hydroxychlorogenic, Fusarium graminearum (fungus) Gauthier et al.
protocatechuic, and caffeic acid (2016)
Hydrolysis to caffeic acid Bifidobacterium animalis (anaerobic Raimondi et al.
bacterium) (2015)
Cinnamaldehyde Reduction, esterification and Aspergillus sp. (fungus) Rodrigo et al. Cinnamon oil (60–80%)
decarboxylation to 3-phenyl-1-propanol, (2010)
cinnamyl alcohol, 3-phenylpropanal,
3-phenylpropyl acetate, cinnamyl acetate,
benzylic alcohol, 1-phenylethanol, and
Y. Gounaris

Usual substrate % in potential
Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
Conversion to cinnamic acid Streptomyces viridosporus aldehyde Wiklof et al.
oxidase (bacterial enzyme) (1984)
Conversion to 3-phenylpropanol and Euglena gracilis (algae) Noma et al.
cinnamyl alcohol (1991)
Reduction to hydrocinnamyl alcohol Cell suspension culture of Shams-Ardakani
Glycyrrhiza glabra et al. (2005)
100% conversion to cinnamyl alcohol Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (fungal Zucca et al.
enzyme) (2009)
Conversion (reduction) to cinnamyl Mucor sp. (mold, fungus) Ma et al. (2011)
Citral Converted to thymol (21.5%), geranial Penicillium sp. (fungus) Esmaeili and Citron peel oil (23%); lime oil
(18.6%), and nerol (13.7%) Tavassoli (2010) (4%)
Primarily citronellol (48.5%) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast, Esmaeili et al.
fungus) (2012)
1 mM citronellal Zymomonas mobilis and Citrobacter Müller et al.
freundii (anaerobic bacteria) (2006)
80% conversion to geraniol and nerol Cell suspensions of Vitis vinifera Ambid et al.
Citronellol Cyclization to 25–26 g·l−1 rose oxide Penicillium sp. (fungus) Maróstica Jr and Rosa damascena oil (up to 48%)
Pastore (2006);
Pimentel et al.
Oxidativelly halogenated by 51% to Chloroperoxidase from Piantini et al.
6-bromo-3,7-dimethyloctane-1,7-diol Caldariomyces fumago (fungal (2011)
Cyclization by 75% to rose oxide and by Aspergillus niger (fungus) Demyttenaere
concomitant oxidation to 12% nerol et al. (2004)
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants

8- and 10-hydroxy citronellol in 13.0 and Suspension cells of Catharanthus Hamada et al.
50.0% yield, respectively roseus (2001)

Table 14.5 (continued)

Usual substrate % in potential

Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
52% conversion to Cystoderma carcharias Onken and
3,7-dimethyl-1,6,7-octanetriol (basidiomycete) Berger (1999)
Oxidation by 70–80% to citronellal Rhodococcus equi (bacterium) Oda et al. (1996)
2,6-dimethyl-l,8-octandiol and Botrytis cinerea (fungus) Bruneriel et al.
(E)-2,6-dimethyl-2-octen-l,8-diol (1987)
Coniferaldehyde 100% conversion to cinnamic acids Saccharomyces cerevisia carrying the Adeboye et al. Sassafras oil (15%).
Pseudomonas acetaldehyde (2016)
dehydrogenase gene
Isolimonene Isomerization to isoterpinolene Alcaligenes defragrans (bacterium) Heyen and Citron oil (40%).
Harder (1998)
Limonene Hydroxylated and ketonized with Ιmmobilized cells of Nigella sativa Rasheed-Uz-­ Grapefruit oil (90–95%); orange
percentage yields 1.53 for limonene-1,2-­ Zafar and Kausar oil (60–90%); tangerine oil (85%);
diol, 2.63 for p-mentha-2,8-diene-1-ol- (2013) calamondin peel oil (77%); lemon
trans, 6.16 for carveol, and 6.80 for oil (72%); mandarin oil (67%);
carvone lime oil (58%); elemi oil (56%);
Oxidized to 34 g·L−1·day−1 perillic acid Pseudomonas putida GS1 (bacterium) Willrodt et al. bergamot oil (37%); neroli oil
(2017) (27%); Palo santo oil (26%);
0.536 g·L−1carvone and 2.08 g·L−1 Phomopsis sp. (fungus) Bier et al. (2017) citron oil (18%); pine oil (17%)
limonene-1,2-diol. Also, some terpinen-­
4-­ol, menthol, and carveol
833.93 mg· L−1 α-terpineol Penicillium digitatum DSM 62840 Tai et al. (2016)
40% conversion to carveol Escherichia coli carrying a Groeneveld et al.
Pseudomonas putida S12 oxygenase (2016)
3.9 g· L−1 α-terpineol Fusarium oxysporum 152B (fungus) Molina et al.
Y. Gounaris
Usual substrate % in potential
Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
Oxidation to 855 mg·L−1 perillic acid Yarrowia lipolytica (fungus, yeast) Ferrara et al.
Linalool Epoxidation to 4.6 g·L−1 linalool oxides Corynespora cassiicola DSM 62475 Bormann et al. Camphor oil (95%); rosewood oil
(fungus) (2012) (82%); pine oil (24%); myrtle oil
Epoxidation and hydroxylation/ Botrytis cinerea (fungus) Mirata et al. (16%); bergamot oil (9%); and
carbonylation to 150 μg·L−1 lilac (2006) ylang-ylang (9%)
aldehyde and lilac alcohol
Cis- and trans-furanoid linalool oxide Aspergillus niger (fungus) Demyttenaere
(yield 30% and 5%, respectively) and et al. (2001)
cis- and trans-pyranoid linalool oxide
(yield 14% and 1.5%, respectively)
90% conversion to Botrytis cinerea (fungus) Bock and
(E)-2,6-dimethyl-2,7-octadiene-1,6-diol Schreier (1986)
16% conversion to 8-hydroxy-linalool Nicotiana tabacum cell suspension Toshifumi et al.
Linalyl acetate 40% transformation into linalool, Suspension cultures of Papaver Hook et al. Bergamot oil (30%)
geraniol, and α-terpineol bracteatum (1990)
32% hydrolysis to linalool Geotrichum capitatum (fungus, yeast) van Dyk and
Thomas (1998)
Linoleic acid Shifting of double bonds, via a Species of Lactobacillus, Yang et al. Cranberry seed oil (72%);
hydroxylated derivative, to become Bifidobacterium, Propionibacterium, (2017)
conjugated linoleic acid Clostridium, Lactococcus,
Pediococcus, and other bacteria
31% conversion into δ-decalactone Yarrowia lipolytica (fungus) Kang et al. hickory nut oil (32%)
79% conversion to 13S-hydroxy-9(Z)- Escherichia coli transformed with the Park et al. (2015)
octadecenoic acid Lactobacillus acidophilus linoleate
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants

Table 14.5 (continued)

Usual substrate % in potential

Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
Myrcene Myrcenoic acid, myrcenal, myrcen-8-ol, Pseudomonas sp. strain M1 Soares-Castro Ledum oil (31% β-myrcene);
4-methylhexanoic acid, 4-methylhexenoic (bacterium) et al. (2017) orange oil (up to 18%); juniper
acid berry oil (8%); frankincense (7%);
In 3 days, 90% conversion to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacterium) Esmaeili and cedarwood oil (5%)
2,6-dimethyloctane and 7.7% to Hashemi (2011)
α-terpineol (7.7%). In 1.5 days 79.5%
dihydrolinalool and 9.3%
19 methylated, hydroxylated, epoxidated Pleurotus ostreatus (mushroom, Krings et al.
and dehydrogenated products at fungus) (2008)
1–10 mg·L−1 each, among which
Numerous hydroxylated, epoxidated, and Ganoderma applanatura, Pleurotus Esmaeili and
carbonylated acyclic and monocyclic flabellatus, and Pleurotus sajor-caju Hashemi (2011)
metabolites, but primarily myrcenol (basidiomycete, fungi)
Oleic acid 58% transformation to 9-(nonanoyloxy) Hydratase from Stenotrophomonas Koppireddi et al. Moringa seed oil (70%); hickory
nonanoic acid maltophilia, alcohol dehydrogenase (2016) nut oil (52%); cranberry
from Micrococcus luteus, and a
monooxygenase from Pseudomonas
putida KT2440, expressed in
recombinant Escherichia coli
72% conversion to 10S-hydroxy- 8(E)- Escherichia coli cells expressing Kim et al. (2017) seed oil (13%)
octadecenoic acid 10S-dioxygenase from Nostoc
punctiforme PCC 73102
32.1 g·L−1 citric acid Yarrowia lipolytica (yeast, fungus) Liu et al. (2016)
Y. Gounaris
Usual substrate % in potential
Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
78% conversion to 10-ketostearic acid Recombinant Corynebacterium Lee et al. (2015)
glutamicum ATCC 13032 expressing
oleate hydratase from
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and a
secondary alcohol dehydrogenase
from Micrococcus luteus
94% to 10-hydroxystearic acid Lysinibacillus fusiformis oleate Kim et al. (2012)
p-cymene Oxidation of the methyl group to p-cumic Escherichia coli carrying the Nishio et al. Eucalyptus oil (up to 27%)
alcohol p-cymene monooxygenase from (2001)
Pseudomonas putida
p-Menthone Reduction to menthol Chlorella vulgaris (algae) Ghasemi et al. Geranium oil (7%)
Reduction to menthol Isochrysis galbana, Porphyridium Hook et al.
purpureum (algae) (2003)
Thujopsene 55% conversion to a mixture consisting Cultured cells of Hibiscus cannabinus Chai et al. (2004) Cedarwood oil (47%)
of 3-hydroxy-4-thujopsene (4%),
mayurone (63%), and 3-epoxythujopsan-­
5-ol (33%)
Converted to mayurone (52%), Cell suspension culture of Caragana Sakamaki et al.
3β-hydroxy-4-thujopsene (16%), and chamlagu (2001)
3β-epoxythujopsa-5β-ol (22%)
α-Cedrol Converted to 12β-hydroxy cedrol, Neurospora crassa (fungus) Kiran et al. Cedarwood oil (11%)
10α-hydroxy cedrol, and 3α-hydroxy (2010)
α-Pinene 65% epoxidation of pinene Aspergillus niger lipase (fungal Tudorache et al. Cedarwood bark oil (77%);
enzyme) (2016) juniper berry oil (51%); labdanum
Conversion to 0.25 g·L−1 α-terpineol Polyporus brumalis (fungus) Lee et al. (2015a) (up to 47%); tsuga oil (24%);
curry leaf oil (19%); eucalyptus
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants

Verbenone as the major product and Stereum hirsutum (fungus) Lee et al.
myrtenol, camphor, and isopinocarveol as (2015b) oil (up to 17%); nutmeg seed oil
minor products (13%); spruce oil (12%)

Table 14.5 (continued)

Usual substrate % in potential

Substrate Products Transforming organism Reference plant source*
722 and 176 mg·L−1 verbenol and Chrysosporium pannorum (fungus) Trytek et al.
verbenone, respectively (2015)
55% conversion to α-terpineol and Cell suspensions of Absidia corulea Siddhardha et al.
isoterpineol (fungus) (2012)
α-Thujone Hydroxylation by 22–39% to 4-hydroxy-­ Absidia species (fungi) Gniłka et al. Western red cedar oil (62%)
thujone and by 60–77% to (2015)
60% conversion to 2-S-hydroxylated Aspergillus sp. (fungus) Alaoui and
α-thujone Benjilali (1994)
β-Caryophyllene 30 g·L−1 (−)-β-caryophyllene oxide Nemania aenea SF 10099–1 Oda et al. (2011) Black pepper oil (47–51%)
(basidiomycete, fungus)
γ-Terpinene Produces p-mentha-1,4- dien-9-ol Stemphylium botryosum (mold, Krings et al. Tea tree leaf oil (23%); mandarin
fungus) (2005) oil (16%); cedarwood oil (10%);
lemon oil (9%); bergamot oil
(7%); curry leaf oil (4–7%);
tangerine oil (5%)
Y. Gounaris
14  The Role of Biotechnology in Essential Oil Production from Non-herbaceous Plants 389

p­ roducing hydroxylated, epoxidated, or ketonized derivatives of the substrate or

even derivatives carrying a carboxyl group. They can also be catabolic hydrolyzing
or demethylation reactions. Rarely, such as in the cases of photosynthesizing bio-
transformers, can there be reductions. The products are very often minor compo-
nents of the essential oil of which the biotransformed compound is a major
ingredient. Of the products, of significant commercial interest are the perfume com-
pounds decalactone, lilac aldehyde, lilac alcohol, phenylethanol, and caryophyllene
oxide; the antimicrobials anisic acid (Saha et al. 2013), benzyl alcohol, (Gershanik
et al. 1982), and verbenone (Santoyo et al. 2005); as well as the anticancer agent
carveol (Crowell et al. 1992).

14.7  Conclusions

The usefulness and utilization of tree, shrub, and vine essential oils in biotechno-
logical applications have only received limited exploration. In vitro cultured calli or
cell suspensions produce greatly reduced amounts of essential oil components, even
in the cases of genetically transformed tissues, carrying genes for terpenoid synthe-
sis. The exception is the synthesis of alkaloids. This is an observation generally
applicable to herbaceous species as well. The problem has to be tackled from a
novel approach, since the availability of the necessary biosynthetic enzymes does
not seem to be the limiting factor. Production of commercially useful compounds by
the biotransformation of individual essential oil components by bacteria, fungi, or
isolated enzymes is much more promising. The yields very often exceed the thresh-
old for a commercially useful application of 1 g of product/L of culture medium.
And the results are even more impressive in the case of microorganisms carrying
transgenes used for the biosynthesis of essential oil ingredients.


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Chapter 15
Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology
as a Novel Technology for the Modern
Essential Oil Production

E. F. Semenova, E. V. Presnyakova, A. I. Shpichka, and V. S. Presnyakova

15.1  Introduction

Essential oils are more significant products of plants, with sources ranging from
fungi and algae to flowering plants. There are around 3000 varieties of plants
existing in the world, which can be used as a source of essential oil. However,
nowadays, only about 200 of them are used for essential oil production; the majority
is plants of higher taxa. The quality of essential oil depends considerably on
ecological factors such as location, where volatile-oil-bearing plants are cultivated.
In addition, plantation cultivation is seasonal. Production using biotechnology is
free from these disadvantages. However, the biotechnology of essential oil
production using cultures of isolated cells and tissues is not as effective as the
biotechnology based on the microbial synthesis.
Certain bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes, fungi, and algae can synthesize essential
oils and aromatic substances de novo and also bioconvert less valuable substances
(fatty acids, alcohols, alkanes, etc.) into essential oils. These organisms are of
particular interest as nontraditional sources in connection with the rapid development
of modern industrial biotechnology. In nature, there are around 100,000 known
species of microorganisms, but only a few hundred species synthesize products or
provide reactions which are beneficial to mankind (Быков et al. 2003).

E. F. Semenova (*)
Penza State University, Penza, Russia
E. V. Presnyakova
State Commission of the Russian Federation for Selection Achievements Test and Protection,
Moscow, Russia
A. I. Shpichka · V. S. Presnyakova
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 401

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
402 E. F. Semenova et al.

15.1.1  B
 iotechnological Raw Material as a Nontrivial Source
of Fragrant Substances

Specific features of oil-bearing plants and their complex and various essential oil
compositions depend not only on their taxonomic status but also on the region they
are cultivated, harvest time and method, drying procedure, and storage conditions.
New species suitable for the production of essential oils were ascertained using
comprehensive research methodologies, which are as follows:
–– Search for new organisms using screening studies
–– Study of essential oil accumulation dynamics in ontogeny
–– Cultivation of introduced species and recommended development for rational
use of raw materials
–– Biotechnological study on production of biomass and bioactive substances
–– Complex application of producers and raw materials using resource-saving
–– Development of test parameters required for reference documentation
–– Improvement of applied methods
During introduction, new phytotechnologies and biotechnologies are developed
and realized in industries at specialized enterprises (Pandal 2006). To date, search
for new sources of essential oils and more raw materials is made possible using
microorganisms and in vitro cultures. The latter permits manufacturers to achieve
new forms with beneficial features, high phytomass yield, micropropagation, and
plant sanitation (Шпичка and Семенова 2016a).
Intensification of phyto- and biotechnologies for bioactive substance production
needs the fundamental and applied studies in the field of life sciences, including
genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and nanobiotechnology. This also includes
the development of novel life system and product technologies aimed at increasing
the time and quality of life and supporting reproductive and labor potential in all
countries. Industrial introduction of new scientific achievements ensures techno-
logical, economic, and social development (Родов et  al. 1987; Семенова and
Богданов 2000). Nowadays, together with the increase in production capacities
and expansion of cultured plant variety, we should take measures to improve the
raw material quality, including ecological cleanness, high yield achievement, sup-
port of biological balance, nature protection, rational use of raw materials, and so
on. The raw material base expansion for oil-bearing plants is possible due to their
cultivation under controlled conditions (Dudareva et al. 2013). Recently, such tech-
nologies as industrial hydroponics, biotechnology, and greenhouse farming have
become common.
For a long time, plants were the only source of volatile fragrant substances.
However, issues related to their cultivation and shortage in raw materials limit the
development of perfume, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Moreover,
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 403

the quality of these essential oils may vary under extreme conditions. Therefore, the
search for new sources of volatile fragrant substances has become crucial, and bio-
technological approaches are of high interest (Krings, and Berger 1998; Bicas et al.
2010). Particularly, microorganisms, which can produce such substances de novo or
convert less valuable substrates, are proven to be promising (Soetaert and Vandamme
2010). To date, several companies produce 4-decalactone with peach scent (BASF),
macrocyclic musk components (Nippon Mining Co., Quest International), vanillin
(Evolva), and so on (Janssens et al. 1992; Bomgardner 2012).
All studied bacteria species can be divided into four groups depending on differ-
ing scents of the synthesized substances. The first group is the rod bacteria which
belong to phyla Firmicutes and Actinobacteria and produces pyrazines with nutty
scent. The second group includes Gram-positive cocci and bacilli (Firmicutes,
Lactobacillales), which can synthesize creamy-scented ketones, ethers, aldehyde,
and simple acyloins. The third group consists of various microorganisms which
produce alcohols and esters with fruity scent (Table 15.1). The fourth group consists
of streptomyces synthesizing geosmin with earthy smell.
For fragrant compound industrial scaling, microorganisms from the second group
are of particular interest because these substances define organoleptic properties of
dairy products. Therefore, their extraction may decrease the end product quality.
However, revealing the pathways and mechanisms of creamy-­scented compound
synthesis and the conditions influencing their cultivation is crucial for the dairy

Table 15.1  Bacteria and microalgae synthesizing fruity-floral fragrant substances

Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Clostridium Bacteria, Firmicutes, Butyl butyrate Fruity,
acetobutilicum Clostridiales, pineapple
Erwinia carotovora Bacteria, Aliphatic esters, 3-methylbutyl Banana,
(syn. Erwinia Proteobacteria, acetate, isobutyl acetate, sweet
arrocepitae Enterobacteriales, metionol, metionol acetate,
Pectobacterium Enterobacteriaceae isobutanol, β-phenylethanol,
carotovorum) tryptophol
Pseudomonas Bacteria, 2-Aminoacetophenone Grape-like,
aeruginosa Proteobacteria, jasmine-­
Pseudomonadales, like, sweet
Pseudomonas fragi Bacteria, Ethyl butyrate, ethyl isovalerate, Fruity,
Proteobacteria, ethyl-3-methyl butyrate, ethyl pineapple,
Pseudomonadales, hexanoate, ethyl crotonate, strawberry
Pseudomonadaceae ethyl-2-methyl hexanoate
Scenedesmus Plantae, Chlorophyta, Isopropenyl acetate, phytol, Floral-­
incrassatulus Chlorophyceae, ferruginol, benzyl cinnamate, balsamic
Scenedesmaceae butandiol
Janssens et al. (1992); Шпичка and Семенова (2013b); Kambourova et al. (2003); our data
404 E. F. Semenova et al.

industry (Longo and Sanroman 2006). The fruity odor of bacteria from the third
group usually consists of 2–5 components, which can be easily produced via
chemical synthesis in high yields (Janssens et al. 1992).
Microalgae are a promising source to produce fragrant products. The comparative
analysis of cyanobacteria and green and red algae, belonging to Calothrix,
Cylindrospermum, Anabaena, Nostoc, Spirulina, Chlorella, and Cyanidium, showed
that the quantity of the synthesized volatile fragrant compounds may reach up to
3 mg L−1 of cultural liquid (Погорельская et al. 1999; Семенова and Бугорский
1989). The biomasses from Chlorella vulgaris, Spirulina platensis, and others may
be used to prepare ethanol oakmoss resinoid-like extracts for coloring and odor fixa-
tion in perfumes (Table 15.2) (Mitishev at al. 2016).
The most promising microorganisms for essential oil and fragrant compound
production are fungi. They can accumulate interesting and bioactive metabolites in
large quantities (Tables 15.2 and 15.3). Moreover, micromycetes can synthesize
more complex fruity-scented compounds (lactones) than bacteria (Vandamme
2003). Despite their chemical synthesis, lactones produced by fungi are optically
active and easily accessible. For instance, Trichoderma viride generates strong
coconut odor during its cultivation on simple media. This odor is mostly caused by
the 6-pentyl-2-pyrone synthesis, and its quantity reaches 170  mg  L−1 of cultural
liquid. To produce this compound via chemical synthesis, at least seven steps are
required. Peach-like scent can be obtained using Sporobolomyces odorus cultures
that synthesize 4-decalactone (Haeusler and Muench 1998; Hansen et  al. 2009;
Bicas et al. 2010).
Basidiomycetes and other fungi produce volatile fragrant substances with mush-
room odor. It is caused by aliphatic eight-carbon compounds (e.g., 1-octen-ol,
1-octen-3on, 1-octen-3ol, 3-octanol), some pyrazines, and pyrroles. Hence, deep
cultivation of these fungi allows obtaining natural mushroom flavorings for use in
the food industry (Krings, and Berger 1998; Longo and Sanroman 2006).
Ceratocystis, Trichoderma, Eremothecium, Pichia, and Saccharomyces genera
are of special interest for the extraction of essential oil (Christen 1995; Haeusler and
Muench 1998; Gordente et al. 2012). Quantity of aroma-forming compounds, syn-
thetized by fungi, may vary from hundreds of µg (C. populina) to hundreds of mg
(C. variospora, C. moniliformis, E. asbyi, T. viride) —per liter of cultural liquid.
Ascomycetes Ceratocystis sp. and Eremothecium sp. produce the highest amount
of aroma-forming compounds during the minimal fermentation time. For instance,
C. variospora can synthetize up to 1 g of essential oil per liter of cultural liquid on
the fifth day of cultivation. Different basidiomycetes give the following yield:
Bjerkandera adusta, 30 mg on 24th day; Lepista irina, 3–81 mg on the 28th day;
and Lentinus lepideus, 100 mg in the 15th week.
Thus, microorganisms can synthetize a wide range of chemical compounds with
a variety of scents: woody, fruity, creamy, earthy, and so on. That is why they are
important alternative sources of essential oils and individual volatile fragrant
compounds. In addition, further chemosystematic study of bioobjects, development
of biotechnology, and its introduction in industry are required.
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 405

Table 15.2  Yeast and yeast-like fungi which synthesize volatile fragrant compounds with
fruity-­floral scent
Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Geotrichum candidum Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl isobutyrate, Fruity
(Staron) Saccharomycetes, ethyl-2-methyl butyrate,
Endomycetaceae ethyl-3-methyl butyrate
Geotrichum candidum Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl acetate, 3-methyl Melon
Saccharomycetes, butanol, 3-methylbutyl
Endomycetaceae acetate, β-phenylethanol,
β-phenylethyl acetate
Geotrichum penicillatum Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl esters, ethyl-2-­ Fruity
(syn. Trichosporon Saccharomycetes, methyl butyrate,
penicillatum) Endomycetaceae ethyl-3-methyl butyrate,
ethyl isobutyrate, ethyl
Dipodascus magnusii Fungi, Ascomycota, Higher alcohols and Apple,
Saccharomycetes, esters fruity
Hansenula anomala Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl acetate, isobutyl Fruity-­
(syn. Pichia anomala) Saccharomycetes, acetate, 3-methylbutyl floral
Saccharomycetaceae acetate, phenylethyl
acetate, phenylethanol
Hansenula mrakii Fungi, Ascomycota, 2-Methylbutyl acetate, Fruity,
Saccharomycetes, 3-methylbutyl acetate, banana
Saccharomycetaceae isobutyl acetate
Saccharomyces Fungi, Ascomycota, Linalool, nerolidol, Floral
fermentati Saccharomycetes, trans-farnesol
Saccharomyces rosei Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Myrcene, limonene, Floral,
Saccharomycetes, linalool, α-terpineol, fruity-­
Saccharomycetaceae farnesol floral
Zygosaccharomyces Fungi, Ascomycota, 4-Hydroxy-2(or Intensive
rouxii Saccharomycetes, 5)-ethyl-5(or sweet
Saccharomycetaceae 2)-3(2Н)-furanone,
Schizosaccharomyces Fungi, Ascomycota, Vanillin Vanilla
pombe Schizosaccharomycetes,
Sporobolomyces odorus Fungi, Basidiomycota, 4-Decanolide, Intensive
(syn. Sporidiobolus Microbotryomycetes, 5-decanolide, cis-7-­ peach
salmonicolor) Sporidiobolaceae decen-5-olide,
Sporobolomyces roseus Fungi, Basidiomycota, 4-Decalactone Peach
Krings and Berger (1998); Longo and Sanroman (2006); Bicas et  al. (2010); Шпичка and
Семенова (2013b); Mitishev et al. (2016); Alchihab et al. (2010); Carrau et al. (2005); our data
406 E. F. Semenova et al.

Table 15.3  Mycelial fungi which synthesize volatile fragrant compounds with fruity-floral scent
Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Bjerkandera Fungi, 4-Methoxybenzaldehyde, Sweet,
adusta (syn. Basidiomycota, 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, odorous,
Polyporus adustus) Agaricomycetes, 3,4-dimethoxybenzyl alcohols, vanilla-like
Polyporaceae 4-decanolide
Lentinus lepideus Fungi, Methyl cinnamate, cinnamic acid, Fruity,
Basidiomycota, sesquiterpenes with cadinane structure, odorous,
Agaricomycetes, cadinol, muurolol, cubenols, farnesol, anisic,
Polyporaceae drimenol, sesquiterpene esters with cedar
murolan structure, terrestrol
Polyporus durus Fungi, 4-Butanolide, 4-pentanolide, 3-penten-­ Coconut,
Basidiomycota, 4-olide, 4-hexanolide, 2-hexen-4-olide, pineapple
Agaricomycetes, 5-hexen-4-olide, 5-hexanolide,
Polyporaceae 2-hepten-4-olide, 4-heptanolide,
4-octanolide, 2-nonen-4-olide,
2-decen-4-olide, 4-decanolide,
Polyporus Fungi, Methyl benzoate, ethyl benzoate, Fruity-­
tuberaster Basidiomycota, benzaldehyde floral with
Agaricomycetes, ylang-ylang
Polyporaceae notes
Pycnoporus Fungi, Vanillin, methyl anthranilate Vanilla
cinnabarinus Basidiomycota,
Trametes odorata Fungi, Methylanisate, anisaldehyde, Anise-like
(syn. Basidiomycota, δ-cadinene
Gloeophyllum Agaricomycetes,
odoratum; syn. Polyporaceae
Wolfiporia cocos Fungi, Linalool Lily of the
Basidiomycota, valley
Gloeophyllum Fungi, Drimenol, methyl-3-hydroxy-3,7-­ Pleasant,
odoratum Basidiomycota, dimethyl-­6-octenoate, 1-octen-3-ol fruity
Ischnoderma Fungi, Benzaldehyde, Almond,
benzoinum Basidiomycota, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde, hawthorn
Agaricomycetes β-phenylethanol flowers
Poria aurea (syn. Fungi, 2-Octen-4-olide Sweet
Auriporia aurea) Basidiomycota,
Lentinellus Fungi, Trans-nerolidol, fokienol, Anise-like
cochleatus Basidiomycota, 6-phormyl-2,2-dimethylchromene
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 407

Table 15.3 (continued)
Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Lepista irina Fungi, (3S, 4S, Iris oil,
Basidiomycota, 10R)-3,10-epoxy-11-oxobisabola-1,8-­ orange
Agaricomycetes diene—lepistirone flowers
Mycoacia uda Fungi, p-Tolualdehyde, р-methyl Fruity
Basidiomycota, acetophenone, р-methyl benzyl
Agaricomycetes alcohol, р-tolyl-1-ethanol
Phlebia radiata Fungi, 4-Decanolide Fruity with
Basidiomycota, peach note
Oospora Fungi, Amino acid esters Fruity
suaveolens Basidiomycota,
Pleurotus euosmus Fungi, Linalool, coumarin, cis- and trans-­ Sweet,
Basidiomycota, linalool oxides floral
Cystostereum Fungi, 1-Octen-3-one, benzofuran terpenoids, Vanilla,
muraii Basidiomycota, bisabolan coconut
Basidiomycetes, flakes
Tyromyces Fungi, 4-Decalactone (4-decanolide), other Peach,
sambuceus Basidiomycota, lactones passion
Basidiomycetes, fruit,
Polyporaceae coconut
Aspergillus oryzae Fungi, Ascomycota, 1-Octen-1-ol Pineapple
Aspergillus terreus Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl acetate Fruity
Trichothecium Fungi, Ascomycota, Nerol, linalool, citronellol, terpineol, Floral,
roseum Ascomycetes, nerolidol, linalyl acetate, citronellyl mushroom
Incertae sedis acetate, geranyl acetate, 1-octen-3-ol,
3-octanol, 1,5-octadien-3-ol, octan-­
1-­ol, 2-octen-1-ol
Ceratocystis Fungi, Ascomycota, 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-on, 6-methyl-5-­ Fruity
coerulescens Sordariomycetes, hepten-2-ol, nerolidol, citronellol,
Ophiostomataceae citronellyl acetate, 2,3-dihydrofarnesol,
trans-farnesol, geraniol, geranyl
acetate, nerol, linalool, α-terpineol,
neryl acetate
Ceratocystis Fungi, Ascomycota, Linalool, citronellol, geraniol, Sweet,
fimbriata Sordariomycetes, α-terpineol fruity
408 E. F. Semenova et al.

Table 15.3 (continued)
Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Ceratocystis Fungi, Ascomycota, Bicyclic sesquiterpenes with Pleasant,
populina Sordariomycetes, 1,7-dimethyl-4-isopropyldecaline fruity
Ophiostomataceae skeleton, δ-cadinol, δ-cadinene
Ceratocystis Fungi, Ascomycota, Vitronellol, citronellyl acetate, Odorous,
variospora Sordariomycetes, geranial, neral, geraniol, linalool, geranium-­
Ophiostomataceae geranyl acetate, nerol, α-terpineol like
Leptographium Fungi, Ascomycota, Sesquiterpene alcohols with africanane Sweet,
lundbergii Sordariomycetes, skeleton (africanols): leptografiol, fruity
Ophiostomataceae isoleptografiol, isoafricanol
Fusarium pore Fungi, Ascomycota, τ-Lactones, τ-decalactone, Fruity,
Sordariomycetes, (Z)-6-τ-dodecenolactone peach
Hypomyces Fungi, Ascomycota, Sesquiterpene esters and alcohols, Camphor-­
odoratus Sordariomycetes, 1-octen-3-ol like
Trichoderma Fungi, Ascomycota, 6-Pentyl-α-pyrone Coconut
koningii Sordariomycetes,
Trichoderma Fungi, Ascomycota, 6-Pentyl-2-pyrone Coconut
reesei Sordariomycetes,
Trichoderma Fungi, Ascomycota, 6-Pentyl-2-pyrone, Coconut
viride Sordariomycetes, 6-(pent-1-enyl)-2-pyrone
Cladosporium Fungi, Ascomycota, Isobutyl alcohol, isobutyl acetate, Fruity
cladosporioides Dothideomycetes, 3-methyl-butanol, 3-methylbutyl
Davidiellaceae acetate, β-phenylethanol, β-phenyl
Cladosporium Fungi, Ascomycota, γ-Decalactone, δ-dodecalactone Coconut
suaveolens Dothideomycetes,
Monilia fruticola Fungi, Ascomycota, 4-Octalactone, 4-decalactone Peach
Etschmann et al. (2002); Medeiros et al. (2006); Шпичка and Семенова (2013b); our data

15.1.2  S
 creening of Bioobjects with Different Taxonomic
Statuses Which Produce Rose-Scented Essential Oil

Oil-bearing rose raw material belongs to floral-grassy volatile-oil-bearing raw

materials in industrial processing.
Rose essential oil (Bulgarian, Crimean, French, etc.) refers to the floral-scented
essential oil according to the classification of perfumes. It is rather valuable and
the most expensive in the world today. However, biotechnology for producing
rose essential oil conforming to international standards has not yet been developed.
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 409

It was revealed that oil content in rose cell culture is significantly less than in intact
petals. Furthermore, composition of extractable oil differs from phytogenous rose
oil (Mulder-Krieger et al. 1988; Егорова and Ставцева 2006). During the period
1980–1990, microorganisms were used to extract natural fragrant substances
for the first time. Among all the studied organisms, a group which produces
rose-scented alcohols and esters was singled out Шпичка and Семенова 2015a
(Tables 15.4 and 15.5).
Research conducted on objects promising for aroma product biotechnology
revealed the differences in the biosynthetic activity and essential oil composition
between species and strains (Шпичка and Семенова 2013a). To extract rose-scented
essential oil, researchers were interested in the genera Ceratocystis, Eremothecium,
Pichia, and Saccharomyces. Considerable part of volatile fragrant compounds, syn-
thetized by them, are ­floral-­scented, generally with rose scent. In most of the micro-
organisms, this odor is caused by β-phenylethanol. The latter is synthetized in
enzymatic reactions of deamination, decarboxylation, and oxidation of
L-phenylalanine (Бугорский et al. 1986). However, Ceratocystis sp., Eremothecium

Table 15.4  Mycelial fungi which synthesize volatile fragrant compounds with roselike scent
Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Inоcybe Fungi, Basidiomycota, Methyl cinnamate Fruity, roselike
сoridalina, I. Agaricomycetes,
pyrlodora, I. Cortinariaceae
Mycena pura Fungi, Basidiomycota, Citronellol Rose
Aspergillus Fungi, Ascomycota, Methyl ketones, Unpleasant,
niger Eurotiomycetes, β-phenylethanol roselike
Penicillium Fungi, Ascomycota, Thujopsene, 3-octanone, Pine-like,
decumbens Eurotiomycetes, nerolidol, 1-octen-3-ol, roselike,
Trichocomaceae β-phenylethanol apple-like,
Ceratocystis Fungi, Ascomycota, 3-Methylbutyl acetate, geraniol, Banana, pear,
moniliformis Sordariomycetes citronellol, nerol, linalool, rose, peach
Ophiostomataceae α-terpineol, geranial, neral,
citronellyl acetate, geranyl
Ceratocystis Fungi, Ascomycota, Citronellol, geraniol, linalool, Fruity, roselike
virescens Sordariomycetes geranyl acetate, nerol,
Ophiostomataceae α-terpineol, geranial, neral,
citronellyl acetate, neryl acetate
Ascoidea Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Phenylethanol, furan-2-­ Fruity-floral,
hylecoeti Saccharomecetes, carboxylic acid, citronellol, roselike
Ascoidaceae nerol, linalool, α-terpineol,
citronellal, limonene, myrcene,
citronellyl acetate
Janssens et al. (1992); Krings and Berger (1998); Шпичка and Семенова (2013b); our data
410 E. F. Semenova et al.

Table 15.5  Yeast and yeast-like fungi which synthesize volatile fragrant compounds with roselike
Species Taxonomic status Synthesized substances Odor
Ambrosiozyma Fungi, Ascomycota, Geraniol, citronellol, nerol, Roselike
cicatricosa, А. Saccharomycetes, β-phenylethanol, α-terpineol,
monospora Saccharomycopsidaceae citral, linalool
Eremothecium Fungi, Ascomycota, Geraniol, citronellol, nerol, Roselike
ashbyi, Е. gossypii Saccharomycetes, β-phenylethanol, linalool,
Eremotheciaceae citral, farnesol
Hansenula Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl acetate, 3-methylbutanol, Roselike
saturnus Saccharomycetes, 3-methylbutyl acetate,
Saccharomycetaceae β-phenylethanol, 2-phenylethyl
Kluyveromyces Fungi, Ascomycota, Citronellol, geraniol, linalool, Roselike,
lactis Saccharomycetes, β-phenylethanol, esters, fruity, floral
Saccharomycetaceae isoamyl alcohol, acetoin,
2-phenyl acetate, isobutanol,
isovaleric acid
Kluyveromyces Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Phenylethanol Roselike
marxianus Saccharomycetes,
Pichia farinosa Fungi, Ascomycota, Ethyl acetate, 3-methylbutanol, Roselike
Saccharomycetes, 3-methylbutyl acetate,
Saccharomycetaceae β-phenylethanol, 2-phenylethyl
Pichia fermentans Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Phenylethanol Roselike
Saccharomyces Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Phenylethanol, 4-decanolide; Roselike,
cerevisiae Saccharomycetes, linalool, geraniol, citronellol, fruity-floral,
Saccharomycetaceae α-terpineol; vanillin vanilla
Saccharomyces Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Phenylethanol Roselike
vini Saccharomycetes,
Torulopsis utilis Fungi, Ascomycota, β-Phenylethanol, ethyl acetate Roselike
(syn. Candida Saccharomycetes,
utilis) Saccharomycetaceae
Etschmann et  al. (2002), Longo and Sanroman (2006), Mitrović et  al. (2011), Шпичка and
Семенова (2013b); our data

sp., and Kluyveromyces sp. can also synthesize terpene alcohols (geraniol, citronel-
lol, nerol, linalool, farnesol), which are the main components of rose essential oil
(Родов et al., 1987).
Monoterpene alcohols can be extracted during cultivation of these producers, so
there are some specified pathways of its biosynthesis. These pathways are associated
with the formation of isopentenyl diphosphate—precursor of terpenes and terpenoids
(Klein-Marcuschamer et al. 2007; Schwab et al. 2008; Baydar and Baydar 2013;
Langenheim 1994). Understanding the mechanisms underlying the isopentenyl
diphosphate synthesis pathways and isomerization conditions of unstable
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 411

monoterpene alcohols is very important. It enables us to design the fermentation

process to obtain the desired final product via altering the specific component
composition. For example, affinity between Saccharomyces sp., Kluyveromyces sp.,
and Eremothecium sp. (Kurtzman 1995; Ajikumar et al. 2008) and their ability to
synthetize terpene compounds allow assuming similar enzymatic systems. Results
of the study of monoterpene alcohol synthesis for one of these genera can be used
for study of the other, including the following: catalysis systems, regulation of
formation and polymerization of isopentenyl diphosphate, and isomerization of
geranyl diphosphate.
The quantity of aroma-forming compounds, synthetized by some fungi (e.g., C.
moniliformis, E. asbyi, E. gossypii), considerably exceeds 100 mg L−1 of cultural
liquid. According to our research, Ceratocystis, Eremothecium, and Kluyveromyces
genera are most promising for further studies (Семенова and Бугорский 1990;
Semenova et al. 2011; Семенова and Шпичка 2012; Jianping 1993). They have
high growth rates and produce the largest quantities of fragrant compounds.
However, microorganisms of the Ceratocystis and Eremothecium genera produce
more valuable essential oils. It has the most similar component composition to rose
oil. Furthermore, it was revealed that E. ashbyi produce more than 180  mg of
essential oil per liter of cultural liquid during the first two days of cultivation, and
that is one of the highest rates. Comparable quantity of oil is contained in 500–600 g
of rose flowers. In essential oil, which is produced by E. ashbyi and E. gossypii;
geraniol, nerol, citronellol, and β-phenylethanol are the main aroma-forming com-
pounds Бугорский and Semenova 1991. Although E. gossypii can synthetize higher
amounts of these compounds, the quantity of monoterpene alcohols is similar to
rose essential oil for this species (Table 15.6).
Thus, there are numerous bioobjects, which can serve as alternative sources of
natural essential oil and volatile fragrant compounds with rose smell. That
emphasizes their important role. Biogenic bioactive compounds are more similar to
internal environment of human body than synthetic ones. They can easily take part
in metabolic processes and rarely have any side effects. Many of these compounds
are precursors of physiologically active substances (hormones, mediators, etc.).

Table 15.6  Composition of Eremothecium and rose essential oil, average value
Mass concentration, %
Organism Aroma product MTAc Geraniol Citronellol Nerol β-Phenylethanol
E. ashbyi 1a 61.9–77.6 65.5–80.9 6.0–11.4 1.8–3.4 21.7–37.5
2b 78.0–84.9 43.3–64.2 2.6–5.1 0.5–3.5 9.8–12.7
E. gossypii 1 56.7–66.4 31.5–69.7 0.3–4.6 0.1–6.8 33.1–43.2
2 52.8–61.9 35.0–52.4 1.2–2.8 0.2–2.7 37.3–46.3
Oil- 1 (OST 10–60–87) ≥8.0 – – – 75.0–88.0
bearing 2 (GOST ≥8.0 – – – 75.0–88.0
rose 31,791–2012)
Note: a1 hydrodistillated essential oil, b2 extracted essential oil, cMTA monoterpene alcohols
Шпичка and Семенова (2016a)
412 E. F. Semenova et al.

15.1.3  S
 tructural and Functional Aspects of Eremothecium
ashbyi and Eremothecium gossypii Ontogenesis

We studied ontogenesis of ascomycetes E. ashbyi and E. gossypii and morphologi-

cal and cytological alterations that had occurred. The study showed that there were
some structural features connected with vegetative growth and sexual and asexual
reproduction (Fig. 15.1).
Vegetative reproduction is realized via separation and further growth, branching
or septation of mycelium Шпичка and Семенова 2016b; Bezrukova et al. 2016.
During microscopy of solid media surface, several areas with dichotomous branch-
ing of hypha fragment were discovered (Fig. 15.2).
Research showed that asexual reproduction occurs via terminal and lateral for-
mation of spindle-shaped or oblong conidia (Fig. 15.3). Conidium formation was
detected for both the species. L. R. Batra (1973) supposed that E. ashbyi is not

Fig. 15.1  Life, sexual reproduction; internal circle, asexual reproduction (conidium formation);
left circle, asexual reproduction (budding) (Семенова et al. 2013)
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 413

Fig. 15.2  Mycelium structure of Eremothecium sp.: dichotomous branching of hypha ((a), E. ash-
byi; (c), E. gossypii), septation (arrow points at intercellular septum, (b), E. ashbyi; (d), E. gossy-
pii) (Семенова et al. 2013)

capable of this process. However, this opinion was not approved or disproved in
other scientific literature. Asexual reproduction of studied microorganisms can
also occur via budding cells (Fig. 15.3) that can grow and form a separate myce-
lium. These cells can generate yeast phase of micromycete development in case we
change the cultivation method. For example, it is possible if we reduce the supply
of oxygen to the liquid medium and do not allow it to spread evenly. These condi-
tions can be created if there is no shaking during cultivation or the shaking rates
are significantly reduced. Thus, studied species tend to dimorph. This was not
noted in previous cytomorphologic investigations. It also disproves the statement
made by M. Nadal et al. (2008). They supposed these microorganisms to have only
mycelial growth.
During sexual reproduction, special unicellular structures (meiosporangia) are
formed. Sporangia of E. ashbyi are oblong (65.2–90.8 × 14.7–20.2 mkm), E. gos-
sypii—clavate, cylindrical, or sigmoid (86.8–157.2 × 12.4–19.6 mkm) (Fig. 15.4).
It was noted, that asci can be located singly or in groups and chains. A specified
number of separate ascospores (Бугорский et  al., 1986; Быков et  al., 2003;
Величко et al., 2015; Войткевич, 1999; Гуринович & Пучкова, 2005; Егорова &
Ставцева, 2006; Жученко et al., 2015; Маркелова et al., 2014; Митишев et al.,
2014; Митишев et  al., 2017; Погорельская et  al., 1999; Родов et  al., 1987;
Семенова, 2007) develop endogenously in sporangium. Spores grow after being
414 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.3  Structures for asexual reproduction: spindle-shaped conidia, which are located laterally
on hypha ((a), E. ashbyi; (b), E. gossypii); budding yeast-like cells (c, d) (Семенова et al. 2013)

Fig. 15.4  Structures for sexual reproduction: (a) nuclei fusion in hypha of mycelium (pointed by
arrows; single nucleus is pointed by dashed arrow); (b) chain formed by 3 asci and single ascus;
(c) rupture of ascus and releasing of ascospores; (d and e) polysporous single sporangia and asco-
spores of E. ashbyi; (f and g) polysporous single sporangia and ascospores of E. gossypii
(Семенова et al. 2013)
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 415

released via rupture of seed coat. They are species-specific: E. ashbyi has simple
spores that are clavate and needle-shaped, straight, or bent with a narrow tip and
granule-free (20.1–27.2 × 2.4–2.9 mkm). E. gossypii have spindle-shaped or nee-
dle-shaped ascospores, often with thin septum in the middle (17.5–45.8  ×  1.3–
4.6 mkm) (Fig. 15.4).
It should be noted that reproduction process is different for studied species of
microorganisms (Figs. 15.5 and 15.6). In the life cycle of E. ashbyi, there is no spore

Fig. 15.5  Diagram of sexual and asexual reproduction of E. ashbyi (Семенова et al. 2013)

Fig. 15.6  Diagram of sexual and asexual reproduction of E. gossypii (Семенова et al. 2013)
416 E. F. Semenova et al.

fusion, and that is important. Ascospores of E. ashbyi ripen in intercalary-located

sporangia and form new mycelium. During initial growth phase, there are several
nuclei in hypha. But at a later time, while asci are forming, only one nucleus is
found to be present. This phenomenon allows to assume that nuclei fuse during
karyogamy (Fig. 15.5). L. R. Batra (1973) has a similar opinion; in his work, he has
mentioned about the alteration in fungi cell.
Spores of E. gossypii conjugate after their release caused by the rupture of oblong
clavate or sigmoid ascum. These spores form a zygote, which grow and form
uninuclear diploid mycelium. After that, sporangia are formed terminally on hyphae
of this mycelium. However, ascospores can also grow into a new multinuclear hap-
loid mycelium with several septa without fusion (Fig. 15.6).
Different conditions of cultivation influence sexual and asexual reproduction sig-
nificantly. For instance, addition of yeast extract to the glycose peptone medium
allows increasing the number of ascospores from 0.2–0.5 to 6.0–7.0  mln  ml−1.
Besides that, asexual reproduction was more typical for E. gossypii during conducted
The dynamics of an E. ashbyi biomass accumulation during the cultivation in the
fluid medium is subordinated by known laws for periodic cultures. The growth goes
exponentially till 36 h and reaches 2.0 g of dry biomass per liter of cultural liquid.
Then the growth speed deceleration is observed which is typical for the stationary
phase and the beginning of culture autolysis until the end of fermentation. There
occurs a pH shift. The pH value reaches 5.5  in the period of active growth and
increases until it reaches 6.2 in the stationary and the lysis phase. The synthesis and
the accumulation of the riboflavin begin in the stationary growth phase and increase
gradually during culture lysis until 30 μg g−1 of dry biomass is achieved (Fig. 15.7).
The maximal accumulation of a basic monoterpene alcohol of the essential oil
composition in fungus (geraniol) occurs in the period between 36 and 48  h of
cultivation and compounds 25 μg g−1 of dry biomass. It correlates with periods of
the maximal synthesis of intracellular neutral lipids. The growth dynamics of E.
gossypii strains is subordinated by the same laws which are confirmed by Nieland’s
and Stahmann’s research studies (2013). The productivity of E. ashbyi with regard
to the essential oil by submerged cultivation on a soybean fermentation medium is
80.2–473.1 μg L−1, while the productivity of E. gossypii reaches 565.5 μg L−1 of
aromatic products.
E. ashbyi and E. gossypii are etiological agents of stigmatomycosis and, as it was
noted earlier, are able to produce riboflavin and essential oils Шпичка et al. 2013.
These industrially important properties necessitate the study of their biology.
Formation and development of some cell structures correlate to the character and
the level of biosynthetic activity (Fig. 15.8) Семенова et al. 2015. The beginning of
the essential oil biosynthesis and the peak of its accumulation precede the active
sporification (Figs. 15.7 and 15.8). Therefore, this clearly indicates the influence of
essential oil on the processes of sexual reproduction, particularly, ascospore forma-
tion and maturing.
Thus, analysis of our data and scientific literature (Foerster et al. 2001; Семенова
et al. 2011; Schiestl 2010; Nieland and Stahmann 2013; Wasserstorm et al. 2013;
Semenova et al. 2016; Semenova et al. 2017a, b, c; Knyazkova et al. 2016) expands
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 417

Fig. 15.7  Dynamics of essential oil and riboflavin accumulation during E. ashbyi ontogenesis: culti-
vation stages, starting from spore germination (ЭМ, essential oil; В2, riboflavin) (Семенова et al. 2013)

and systematizes knowledge of E. ashbyi and E. gossypii growth and life cycles and
structural and functional alterations connected with it. This analysis can be used in
mycological and phytopathological studies of mentioned objects.

15.1.4  A
 romatic and Monoterpene Alcohol Accumulation
by Eremothecium ashbyi Strains Differing
in Riboflavinogenesis

In our study, we compared different E. ashbyi strains: industrial VKPM F-340, yel-
low VKM F-3009, and white VKM F-124 (a mutant obtained by E. F. Semenova
(Cеменова et al. 2013). The color intensity of strain colonies differed depending on
the riboflavinogenesis level (Revuelta et al. 2017).
We examined the dynamics of biomass accumulation during strain submerged
cultivation and revealed no significant differences from the known regularities.
The log phase of growth was observed up to 36 h and followed by a slowdown in
growth rate (transition to stationary phase). Cell autolysis occurred at the end of
fermentation (Fig. 15.9).
Overall, 60-h cultivation of strains VKPM F-340 and VKM F-3009 and a white
mutant of strain VKM F-124 resulted in achieving minimum (1.06 g × L–1), medium
418 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.8  Morphological alterations connected with biosynthetical activity: thickening and vacu-
olization of hypha (1, E. ashbyi; 2, E. gossypii); lipidic droplets within the mycelium (pointed with
arrow, 3, E. ashbyi; 4, E. gossypii); crystalline inclusions of riboflavin within hypha vacuoles
(pointed with arrow, 5, E. ashbyi; 6, E. gossypii) (Семенова et al. 2013)

(2.01  g  ×  L–1), and maximum (2.89  g  ×  L–1) values of biomass accumulation,

respectively. The submerged microorganism cultivation led to medium acidification
during log phase and alkalization during stationary and decline phases. After 60 h,
strain VKM F-124 had higher levels of biomass accumulation and medium
alkalization than other strains. The degree of medium alkalization might be caused
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 419

Fig. 15.9 (a) Dry biomass accumulation and (b) pH changes of CB during submerged cultivation
of (1) VKM F-124, (2) VKM F-3009, and (3) VKPM F-340 strains of E. ashbyi

Fig. 15.10 Accumulation
(mg × g–1) of vitamin B2
during cultivation of (1)
VKPM F-340, (2) VKM
F-3009, and (3) VKM
F-124 strains of E. ashbyi

by the changes in acid-base balance of the accumulated biomass and the intensity of
alkaline metabolite excretion.
The riboflavin synthesis and accumulation in culture medium began in the log
phase and increased during stationary and decline phases (Fig. 15.10). The riboflavin
synthesis by strain VKPM F-340 was the most intense. Strain VKM F-3009 and the
white mutant of strain VKM F-124 had less intense riboflavin synthesis (three and
ten times, respectively) than strain VKM F-340.
The intensity of accumulation of the main aroma-forming compounds (geraniol,
citronellol, nerol, and 2-phenylethanol) was different among these strains Шпичка
and Семенова 2014. The most intense accumulation of these compounds was
observed in the stationary phase (Figs. 15.11 and 15.12).
Significant differences in geraniol synthesis were noticed at certain stages of
culture development. The highest increase in geraniol accumulation by strain VKM
420 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.11 Accumulation
(mg × g–1) of (1) geraniol
and (2) β-phenylethanol
during submerged
cultivation of (a) VKM
F-3009, (b) VKPM F-340,
and (c) VKM F-124 strains
of E. ashbyi
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 421

Fig. 15.12 Accumulation
(mg × g–1) of (a) citronellol
and (b) nerol during
submerged cultivation of
(1) VKPM F-340, (2)
VKM F-3009, and (3)
VKM F-124 strains of
E. ashbyi

F- 3009 was observed between 48 and 60 h, while for strain VKPM F-340 and VKM
F-124 it was between 48 and 60  h. Nevertheless, the latter had the insignificant
geraniol increase.
It was noted above that in 24 h, essential oil and riboflavin began to accumulate
within mycelia and in medium, and lipid bodies formed in micromycete vegetative
hyphae (Fig. 15.13). Among all strains, the increase in the essential oil synthesis
efficiency (Figs. 15.11 and 15.12) was accompanied with the growth in spherosome
quantities and sizes.
The marked vacuolization (after 36–48  h) and the beginning of sporogenesis
(after 48–60 h) were observed during the period of highest accumulation of aroma-­
forming compounds and vitamin B2 (Fig. 15.14).
Strain VKPM F-340, which possessed the highest intensity of essential oil syn-
thesis, had more intense vacuolization (numerous small vacuoles) than other strains.
The vacuolization of this strain began at earlier stages and finished at the later stages
of growth than that of other strains. Strain VKPM F-340 possessed more intense
protoplasm lipophilicity (osmophilicity in electron microscopy) than other strains
(Fig. 15.15).
422 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.13  Lipid droplets

in a E. ashbyi hypha
(Sudan III staining)

Fig. 15.14  Mycelium of E. ashbyi during (a) log phase, (b) a slowdown in the growth, (c) station-
ary phase, and (d) at the beginning of decline phase

Protoplasm lipid bodies virtually disappeared after the release of lipophilic

metabolites (phenylethyl and monoterpene alcohols) into the medium at the end of
the stationary phase. The excretion of aroma-forming compounds might be a way to
control their synthesis using the mechanisms of overflow or excess metabolite
excretion (Ledesma-Amaro et al. 2013, 2014).
The content analysis of data on the metabolic pathways of riboflavin and aroma-­
forming compound biosynthesis in eukaryotes (Takahashi et al. 2007; Marx et al.
2008; Misawa 2011) allowed us to propose a hypothetical model, which describes
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 423

Fig. 15.15  Cytomorphological features of Eremothecium mycelium and alteration of the main
biologically active substance accumulation: I, riboflavin; II, essential oil; III, geraniol; a1, a2 36 h;
b1, b2 48 h of cultivation in liquid medium (magnification: a1, b1,– ×100; a2, ×18500; b2, ×20000)
(Семенова et al. 2015)

the riboflavin and essential oil biogenesis in E. ashbyi and includes basic biochemi-
cal reactions for correlation determination among all reactions (Fig. 15.16).
According to this model, fatty acids, glucose, aspartate, asparagine, glycine, ser-
ine, and threonine are the main substrates for the riboflavin synthesis, whereas fatty
acids, glucose, and leucine are substrates for the monoterpene alcohol synthesis (gera-
niol, nerol, and citronellol); phenylalanine participates in the aromatic alcohol synthe-
sis (β-phenylethanol). Acetyl-CoA, which is formed during glucose and fatty acid
catabolism, is a key compound in vitamin and monoterpene synthesis. This metabolic
model enables us to understand the relationships among the processes of the synthesis
of flavins and terpene and aromatic alcohols, their direction, cellular localization, and
the regulation mechanisms of E. ashbyi productivity Бугорский et al. 1990.
Figures 15.10, 15.11, and 15.12 show that strain VKPM F-340 had the highest
vitamin and aroma-forming compound productivity. However, our study of the
dynamics of formation of these compounds revealed that in 60 h, the accumulation
of monoterpenes had no changes and remained approximately the same, while that
of riboflavin continued to increase. This might have been caused by the decreased
424 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.16  Hypothetical metabolic model of riboflavin, phenylethanol, and terpene alcohol bio-
synthesis by E. ashbyi cells

medium glucose concentration, which led to cessation or reduction of the rate of

monoterpene alcohol synthesis (geraniol, nerol, and citronellol) and affected the
synthesis of riboflavin and β-phenylethanol to a lesser extent. The latter can be
synthesized from amino acids (Cheng et  al. 2011; Walther and Wendland 2012;
Ravasio et al. 2014). β-Phenylethanol was detected in CB of all strains; this circum-
stance indirectly indicates the expression of active genes, for example, ARO8a,
ARO8b, ARO10, or ARO80, which are responsible for aromatic amino acid catabo-
lism (Семенова and Шпичка 2014).
Literature analysis (Takahashi et al. 2007; Nieland and Stahmann 2013; Ledesma-­
Amaro et al. 2013, 2014; Schindler and Schmid 1982) and our data suggested that
the riboflavin and monoterpene biosyntheses might be coupled in regard to their
dynamics and cellular localization (compartmentation), and their gene regulation
may also be interconnected. The correlation analysis of the content of riboflavin,
geraniol, citronellol, and nerol and their total content in CB confirmed this assump-
tion with a confidence level of 95.0–99.9% (Table 15.7).
The Spearman’s coefficients showed strong (VKM F-124) and very strong
(VKM F-3009 and VKPM F-340) direct (positive), simple (between riboflavin and
monoterpene alcohols), and multiple (between riboflavin and monoterpene alcohol
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 425

Table 15.7  Spearman’s correlation coefficients between riboflavin and monoterpene alcohol
syntheses by E. ashbyi strains
Correlation coefficients
VKM VKM VKPM Significance level
Compound F-124 F-3009 F-340 range
Geraniol 0.81 0.94 0.94 0.005–0.052
Citronellol 0.97 1.00 0.94 0.001–0.050
Nerol – 1.00 0.94 0.005–0.050
Geraniol + citronellol 0.90 0.94 0.94 0.005–0.015
Geraniol + nerol 0.81 1.00 0.94 0.005–0.052
Citronellol + nerol 0.97 1.00 0.94 0.005–0.050
MTAa 0.90 1.00 0.94 0.005–0.050
Phenylethanol/ −0.90 −0.94 −0.94 0.000–0.005
(citronellol + nerol)
Note. aMTA monoterpene alcohols, “–” means that the compound was not detected

combinations) correlations. Therefore, the high level of riboflavinogenesis can

serve as a marker of high cell metabolic activity and an additional criterion for the
selection of mutants with high levels of aroma-forming compound synthesis.
These results are of great importance for the development of methods for regula-
tion of the biosynthesis of industrially important metabolites, such as riboflavin and
phenyl ethyl and monoterpene alcohols. However, these data should be further eval-
uated using molecular biology techniques to determine possible methods of gene
regulation of these processes.

15.2  I n Vitro Study of Antimicrobial and Toxic Properties

of Eremothecium Oil Depending on Its Component

As it was noted, homothallic ascomycetes E. ashbyi and E. gossypii are able to

produce rose-scented essential oil, whose composition was similar to that of natural
rose essential oil (Tables 15.8 and 15.9). While previous studies have mainly
focused on the study of fundamental problems, none have assessed the biological
activity of this new pharmaceutical substance (Eremothecium oil). We, therefore,
sought to reveal its antimicrobial and toxic effects depending on its component
Eremothecium oil possesses the highest antibiotic activity against E. coli, P.
aeruginosa, Myxococcus sp., L. acidophilus, L. lactis ssp. lactis, S. maltophilia, A.
baumannii, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, B. subtilis, B. megatherium, and C. albicans
(Table  15.10 and Fig.  15.17 Бибарсова et  al. 2018). We revealed the minimal
426 E. F. Semenova et al.

Table 15.8  Aroma-forming ability of Eremothecium strains

Mass concentration of main components, %
β-Phenyl-­ MTA
Mass concentration Biosynthetical
Strain ethanol Geraniol Citronellol Nerol of stearoptenes, % activity, mg L−1
E. ashbyi
ВКПМ 0.8–8.0 21.8–64.8 1.8–9.2 1.1–2.6 30.0–38.4 80.3–173.8
ВКМ 6.8–24.0 34.6–64.8 9.2–27.0 2.6–11.9 – 122.9–293.1
ВКМ 0.6–20.4 43.8–68.4 5.6–9.4 1.4–2.8 0.0–46.8 172.0–362.7
ВКМ 11.2–23.1 64.7–75.6 5.8–12.3 1.9–21.2 – 156.7–473.1
ВКПМ 10.2–19.0 79.0–88.3 1.7–2.1 – – 143.2–178.5
ВКПМ 40.7–63.4 41.1–53.0 0.9–2.0 0.0–1.8 – 193.9–551.1
E. gossypii
ВКМ 53.1–58.2 35.3–48.8 0.5–2.9 0.0–5.4 – 197.0–565.5
ВКМ 39.8–57.6 0.6–58.9 2.1–4.7 0.1–6.9 10.6–97.2 159.2–247.5
ВКМ 50.1–52.1 1.7–49.8 2.2–3.6 0.5–0.7 – 52.4–87.9
ВКПМ 46.8–56.2 36.3–46.8 1.5–3.9 1.0–5.4 – 251.3–595.1
Note. aMTA monoterpene alcohols, “–” means that the compound was not detected

inhibitory concentrations of distillated oil from Е. ashbyi for C. albicans, S. aureus,

and E. coli. These concentrations correspond with those of oil from rose petals
(Семенова et al. 2014; Шпичка and Семенова 2015b). The study of test-culture
growth kinetics showed that Eremothecium oil had bacteriostatic activity against E.
coli and S. aureus (death rate higher than 85.0%) at a concentration of 7.8 μL mL−1;
however, it does not affect C. albicans (Fig. 15.17).
After 20 h, oil at a concentration of 860 μg mL−1 showed the highest toxicity
(100%) on P. caudatum (Table  15.12). At the same time, the average lethal
concentration among all oil samples was 210  μg  mL−1 (Table  15.11). Oil at
concentrations of 860–1720 μg mL−1 possessed an acute toxic effect (cell viability
of P. caudatum decreased more than 50% than in control); concentrations from 210
to 430 μg mL−1 do not have acute and subacute toxicity. Effect intensity correlated
with phenyl ethanol (R  =  −0.9; strong negative association), geraniol (R  =  0.6;
moderate positive association), nerol (R = −0.55; moderate negative association),
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 427

Table 15.9  Comparative analysis of aroma products synthetized by Eremothecium strains and
Rosa species
Ratio Efficiency of oil
β-Phenyl-­ Geraniol/ production process, mg
Producer ethanol/ MTAa citronellol Geraniol/ erol per g of biomass/h
E. ashbyi
ВКМ F-3009 0.02–0.12 9.12–15.30 13,6–24.65 0.813–1.298
ВКМ F-4565 0.01–0.37 4.66–12.21 15.64–48.86 1.032–1.682
ВКМ F-4566 0.08–0.31 0.98–6.90 2.22–10.17 0.825–1.237
ВКПМ F-36 0.22–0.39 2.51–7.04 3.65–68.20 0.930–1.358
ВКПМ F-340 0.11–0.24 37.62–51.94 – 0.976–1.240
ВКПМ F-1320 0.79–1.41 20.50–58.89 0.00–29.45 1.347–2.334
E. gossypii
ВКМ F-2627 1.12–1.27 13.92–77.33 6.96–34.72 1.514–1.915
ВКМ F-3276 0.79–1.29 7.76–13.21 4.79–26.42 0.627–2.198
ВКМ F-3296 0.01–16.82 1.53–8.31 0.00–39.73 0.326–0.759
ВКПМ F-1321 0.85–1.53 9.31–31.20 6.72–46.8 0.873–2.066
Essential oil-bearing Rosa species
R. alba 0.05–0.13 0.26–1.20 1.43–3.20 0.002–0.003
R. gallica 2.33–3.00 2.00–2.40 1.00–4.20 0.004–0.006
R. damascenа 0.04–0.08 0.13–1.12 0.55–7.67 0.001–0.005
Note. aMTA monoterpene alcohols, “–” means that the compound was not detected

Table 15.10  Biological activity of Eremothecium oil against L. lactis spp. lactis and L. аcidophilus
Indicators of delay or absence of culture growth
Dilution of L. lactis spp.lactis L. acidophilus
Eremothecium oil Lim, mm CV, % x̅ + Sх, mm Lim, mm CV, % x̅ + Sх, mm
I 10…20 26.9 16,0 ± 4.3 12...15 9.5 13.7 ± 1.3
II 5…9 45.5 7.5 ± 2.5 8...10 11.1 9,0 ± 1.0
III 5…7 16.7 6,0 ± 1,0 6…11 29.4 8.5 ± 2.5

linalool (R  =  −0.74; strong negative association), and total monoterpene alcohol
(R = 0.5; moderate positive association) content (Table 15.13 and Fig. 15.18). We
revealed the weak negative correlation between sample activity on P. caudatum and
citronellol (R = −0.19) content.
The content of the aroma-forming compounds and their combination, which pos-
sessed additional inhibitory activity, causes the antimicrobial and toxic action of
Eremothecium oil Markelova and Semenova 2017. These data correspond with
those for essential oil from rose petals (Семенова 2007; Маркелова et al. 2014;
Величко et al. 2015).
428 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.17  Growth curves of test bacteria (1, in a medium containing Eremothecium oil in bacte-
riostatic concentration 2107, 81 mkg ml−1; 2, in a medium without essential oil); (a) S. aureus; (b)
E. coli; x-axis, measurement time (hours); y-axis, optical density increment (Янина et al. 2017)
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 429

Table 15.11  Component composition of Eremothecium oil samples

Monoterpene alcohols, %
Sample Phenylethanol, % Geraniol Citronellol Nerol Linalool Total amount
1 16.32 67.17 6.22 4.02 0.83 78.24
2 13.85 74.66 5.64 3.60 0.25 84.15
3 7.52 68.31 4.06 4.15 0.22 76.74
4 15.84 61.03 8.24 6.97 0.00 76.24
5 35.89 41.34 6.90 6.59 1.08 55.91
6 4.40 43.30 5.50 3.35 0.00 52.15
7 10.50 56.10 7.50 2.10 0.00 65.70
(Янина et al. 2017)

Table 15.12  Eremothecium oil influence on P. caudatum

Lethality, % at the following concentration
LC100, EC50, LC50, LT50, of oil, mkg ml−1
Sample mkg ml−1 mkg ml−1 mkg ml−1 h 1720 860 430 210
1 860 430 430 20 100±0 100±0 85±1.6 50±2.2
2 1720 430 860 20 100±0 72.5±0.8 48.8±1.3 42.5±1.3
3 860 210 210 20 100 ±0 97.5±1.3 73.8±0.9 47.5±1.3
4 430 210 210 20 100±0 97.5±2.1 92.5±0.6 47.5±1.3
5 860 210 430 20 97.3±0.5 91.3±1.3 78.8±0.9 51.3±2.5
6 860 860 210 20 100±0 100±0 90±0.8 82.5±2.4
7 1720 430 210 6 100±0 90±1.8 62.5±2.1 46.3±2.6
Note. LC100, absolute lethal concentration; LC50, median lethal concentration; LT50, median lethal
time; EC50, half-maximal effective concentration
(Янина et al. 2017)

Table 15.13  Influence of individual compounds on P. caudatum

LC100, EC50, LC50, Lethality, % at the following
mkg mkg mkg concentration, mkg ml−1
Compound ml−1 ml−1 ml−1 LT50, h 1720 860 430 210
Phenylethanol 1720 430 860 24 99 ± 2 87.3±2.2 68±1.8 49.5±1
Geraniol 210 <210 <210 1 100±0 100±0 97.5±2.8 93.5±1.3
Citronellol 1720 430 210 24 100±0 88.8±1.5 68.3±2.4 50±0
Nerol 210 <210 <210 <0.016 100±0 98.3±2.1 92±2.2 87.8±0.5
Linalool 860 430 210 24 100±0 100±0 95±0.8 90±1.8

15.3  Conclusion

Essential oils are widely spread in the vegetable world, from fungi and algae to
flowering plants. Earth shelters around 3000 plants that can be used a source of
essential oil. But nowadays, a limited number of higher plants are used in industries.
The quality of essential oil depends considerably on ecological factors such as
430 E. F. Semenova et al.

Fig. 15.18  P. caudatum viability dynamics in media containing Eremothecium oil of different
origins with concentration 210 mkg ml−1 (samples (а) 1; (b) 2; (c) 3; (d) 4)

location, where volatile-oil-bearing plants are cultivated. In addition, plantation cul-

tivation is characterized with seasonal prevalence. Biotechnological production suf-
fers a few disadvantages. But the biotechnology of essential oil production in the
culture of isolated cells and tissues is not competitive in comparison with the bio-
technology based on the microbial synthesis.
It is well known that E. ashbyi and E. gossypii are etiological agents of stigma-
tomycosis and are able to produce riboflavin and essential oil, which are important
for industry. These biological properties of the micromycetes are of potential inter-
est for industrial production of different products. Research revealed the structural
and functional features of vegetative, asexual, and sexual reproduction for the rep-
resentatives of Eremothecium genus. There are a number of differences among the
studied species. Under experimental conditions, the asexual reproduction was more
common in E. gossypii than in E. ashbyi. This might be explained by the different
impacts of the environment on the expression of certain genes which play an essen-
tial role in the regulation of sporulation. Formation and development of some cell
structures correlate to the character and the level of biosynthetic activity. The pro-
cess of the beginning of essential oil biosynthesis and the peak of its accumulation
precede the active sporification, thus suggesting that essential oil can influence
15  Eremothecium Oil Biotechnology as a Novel Technology for the Modern… 431

processes of the sexual reproduction, particularly, ascospore formation and maturing.

The analysis of received data and sources supplement and systematize knowledge
about individual development cycles of E. ashbyi and E. gossypii and related
changes in dynamics of culture growth. This new data may be used in mycological
and phytopathological studies of mentioned objects.
The cultivation of oil-bearing rose plants could not meet the increasing demand
of the industry. Therefore, the interest in fungal strains of E. ashbyi and E. gossypii
is increasing. A study was conducted to determine the features of secretory structures
of the Rosa and Eremothecium species. The investigation of aspects of biosynthesis,
accumulation, and secretion of essential oils with a rose scent is crucial for the
development of new ways to produce them and the characteristic of biological roles
of Rosa and Eremothecium secondary metabolites.
Processes of accumulation of phenyl ethanol, geraniol, citronellol, and nerol
were studied among E. ashbyi strains that showed different levels of riboflavin
synthesis. There was a significant positive correlation between riboflavin and mono-
terpene alcohol biosynthesis (Spearman correlation coefficients  =  0.81–1.00,
р  ≤  0.05). While accumulating the main secondary metabolites (vitamin B2 and
aroma-forming substances), the strains showed an increase in lipid drop quantity,
and their vacuoles were filled with lipophilic compounds. This could be an indirect
measure of riboflavinogenesis intensity and essential oil synthesis.
Thus, the comparative biotechnological characteristic of producers permits to
recommend E. ashbyi and E. gossypii for the production of riboflavin (which is
main end product for E. ashbyi and side additional product for E. gossypii) and
essential oil (which is main end product for E. gossypii and side additional product
for E. ashbyi).


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A extracts, 35
Accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), 286 nutritional conditions, 35
Acetate pathway, 261 secondary metabolites, 12
Acetyl-CoA, 423 Alpha-pinene (C10H16), 289
Acids, 6 Alzheimer’s disease, 337
Adulteration of EOs Amplified fragment length polymorphism
analytical instruments, 263 (AFLP), 27
carvone/carvacrol, 265, 266 Animal sources, 150
cinnamaldehyde, 267 Antibacterial activity, EOs, 10
distillation technique, 270 Anti-inflammatory activity, EOs, 11
enantioselective testing, 270 Antimicrobial activity, EOs
health considerations, 269 betel leaf, 181–182
herbal medicines, 262 Antimicrobials
isotopic ratio testing, 270 and antibiotic resistance, 212
linalool and linalyl acetate, 264–266 bacteriocin sanguicin, 214
methyl salicylate, 267, 268 oral pathogens, 224, 228
natural essential oils, 270 S. sanguinis and S. salivarius, 217
naturally derived precursors, 270 strain types, 221, 223
nerolidol, 268, 269 Antioxidant activity, EOs
petrochemical-based synthetic products, 270 betel leaf, 180–181
precursor molecules, 270 Antioxidants, 11
substance/element, 262 antioxidant activity, EOs, 11
synthetic and natural compounds, 262 phenolic compounds, 10
synthetic markers (see Synthetic markers) Anti-termite activity, 247–248
therapeutic properties, 269 Anti-tick activity, 252
thymol, 266, 267 Applications, EOs
toxicity, 268 agricultural uses, 14
Alcohols, 6 aromatherapy, 14
Aldehydes, 6 industrial uses, 14, 15
Aldehydes dehydrogenase (ADH), 372 pharmacology and medicinal
Alecrim-de-vaqueiro, 242 uses, 13
Aliphatic 8-carbon compounds, 404 pines’ EOs
Allelochemicals, 35 industrial uses, 291
Allelopathy medicinal use, 290
allelochemicals, 12, 35 in veterinary medicine, 13–14
definition, 12, 35 Aroma-forming compounds, 404

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 437

S. Malik (ed.), Essential Oil Research,
438 Index

Aromatherapy plant development, 199

ailments, 14 therapeutic efficacy, 201, 202
baths, 14 toxicity, humans, 203
description, 4 medicinal properties, 197
inhalation, 14 repellant and insecticidal activity, 206, 207
local applications, 14 sesquiterpene lactone, 197
use, EOs, 14 Artemisinin, 197, 201, 204, 205, 207
Aromatic and monoterpene alcohol Artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), 200
accumulation Ascomycetes, 404
aroma-forming compounds, 419–421 Aucoumea
geraniol, 419 A. klaineana, 110
vitamin B2, 419 oleoresin, 109
biomass accumulation, 417, 419 Ayurvedic, 262
cell autolysis, 417, 419
cytomorphological features, E. mycelium,
421, 423 B
hypothetical metabolic model, 423, 424 Bacteriocins, 214, 215
metabolic pathways, riboflavin and aroma Basidiomycetes, 404
forming compound biosynthesis, 422 Behçet’s disease, 215
protoplasm lipid bodies, 422 Benzenoids, 365, 366
riboflavin synthesis, 419 Betel leaf, 152
VKM F-124, 417 affected microorganisms and related doses,
VKM F-3009, 417 182–184
VKPM F-340, 417, 421, 423 biochemical composition, 157, 158
Aromatic botanical materials, 262 calcium content, 158
Aromatic oils common names, in Indian languages,
biosynthesis, 353 153, 154
and biotechnology production, 353, 359–361 economic importance, 156, 157
cavities, 359 essential oil, 158–159
cells secreting, 353 history, 152
chemistry, 354–356 importance and widespreadness, 154
ducts, 359 in India, 153
ethno-medicinal usages, 353 mechanisms of action and active
GTs, 354, 357, 358 ingredients, 184
osmophores, 357, 358 morphology, 154, 155
specialised and non-specialised anatomical nutritional composition, 157
sites, 354, 357 organoleptic, functional and biological
Aromatic oily liquids, 275 properties, 169, 172–173
Aromatic plants, 3, 4, 301 prominent compounds, EOs, 174
EOs, 301 useful properties, oil, 179
Federal University of Sergipe, 237, 240, uses, 179
247, 250 vernacular names, in different countries, 153
Artemisia afra, 200, 201 Betel leaf EOs
Artemisia annua biochemical composition
artemisinin, 197 Bangla group, 178
bioavailability, 204–206 Bangladeshi and Desawari varieties, 176
developmental age, 198 bio-marker, 169
EOs chemotypes, 178, 179
A. afra, 200 classification, 170–171
antimicrobial activity, 202 commercially valuable compounds, 169
caveats extraction and analysis, 200, 201 geographical locations, 168
cultivar content differences, 198 hydroxychavicol, 177
drying, storage, powdering and Kapoori variety, 173
tableting, 203, 204 landraces, 177
phytochemicals, 199 Maghi variety, 176
Index 439

Mitha variety, 176 repellent and insecticidal activity, 12

Nadan variety, 177 species, number of accessions, 237
Nepalese, 178 volatile substances, from aromatic
new chemotype, Vietnam, 173 species, 37–38
organic compounds, 169 Biopesticides, 50
safrole, 176 Bioreactors, 366, 376
Sagar Bangla cultivar, 169 Biosolids, 33, 34
Sirugamani variety, 176 Biotechnology
Tamluk Mitha variety, 174 and aromatic oil production, 359–361
Vellaikodi variety, 173 non-herbaceous plants
crop yield (see Non-­herbaceous plants)
commercial varieties, 164 nontraditional sources, 401
defined, 164 production, 401
expression, 164 raw material, 402–404
genetic factor, 164 Biotic factors, 21
at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 165 Biotransformations, 379
Kerala, 165 Birch oil, 367
Mitha varieties, 165 Black pepper, 377
in Ramtek variety, 166 Borneol, 206
in Tamil Nadu, 166 Boswellia
varieties, 165 B. ameero, 74
extraction methods B. bhau-dajiana, 93
Clevenger’s apparatus, 159, 161 B. bullata, 74
distillation, 159 B. carteri, 74, 78, 93
process and material flow chart, 162 B. dalzielii, 79
solvents, 163 B. dioscoridis, 79
UAHD, 163 B. elongata, 80
molecular structure, formula and weight, B. frereana, 80, 93
major compounds, 175 B. nana, 81
physical properties, 167–168 B. neglecta, 81, 94
prominent compounds, 169 B. papyrifera, 82, 83, 93
storage, 167 B. pirottae, 84
Betel vine B. popoviana, 84
agrotechnology, 155–156 B. rivae, 84, 85, 94
family Piperaceae, 152 B. sacra, 73, 85–87
plants, 155 B. serrata, 88, 89, 91, 94
taxonomy, 152 B. socotrana, 91
Bioactivities, EOs B. thurifera, 92, 93
betel leaf, 180, 181 B. undo-crenulata, 93
Bioavailability, A. annua boswellic acids, 73
intestinal transport, 205, 206 chemical ecology, 97, 98
liver, 206 chemotypes, 93
solubility effects, 205 ecology
Bioconversions, 379–388 B. ovalifoliolata, 96
Biofilm, 211, 212 B. sacra, 96
Biological activities, 20 cliff-dwelling, 97
allelopathic activity, 12 factors, 96
antibacterial activity, 10 gum-oleoresins, 96
anti-inflammatory activity, 11 humid tropics, 95
antioxidant activity, 10 limestone, 96
cancer chemoprotective activity, 11 pollination syndrome, 96
cytotoxicity, 12 Soqotra, 95
and EOs, 236 frankincense, 72, 73, 93
medicinal and aromatic plants, 21 incense, 73
metabolite, 242 olibanum, 73
440 Index

Boswellia (cont.) Camphene (C10H16), 289

resins and EOs, 73 Camphor, 199, 200, 203, 206, 228
traditional remedies Canarieae
inflammatory conditions, 95 Canarium (see Canarium)
medicinal usage, 95 Dacryodes (see Dacryodes)
oral usage, 94 Santiria, 118
psychoactive effects, 95 Trattinnickia, 118, 119
wounds treatment, 94 Canarium
Bursera C. album, 112
B. aloexylon, 63, 71 C. bengalenese, 111
B. aptera, 63 C. bengalense, 112
B. aromatica, 63 C. luzonicum, 111, 112
B. bipinnata, 64 C. parvum, 112
B. chemapodicta, 64 C. pimela, 112
B. copallifera, 64 C. schweinfurthii, 109, 113
B. delpechiana, 64, 71 C. strictum, 111, 114
B. excelsa, 64 C. tramdenum, 114
B. fagaroides var. purpusii, 65 C. zeylanicum, 114
B. glabrifolia, 65 Cancer chemoprotective activity, EOs, 11
B. grandifolia, 65 Canudinho, 243
B. graveolens, 65, 71 Carbon dioxide (CO2), 8
B. hollickii, 66 3-Carene (C10H16), 289
B. lancifolia, 66 Carvacrol, 227
B. lunanii, 66 Carvone/carvacrol, 265, 266
B. microphylla, 67, 71 Cavities, 359
B. mirandae, 67 Cell autolysis, 417, 419
B. rupicola, 67 Chemical diversity
B. serrata, 68 aromatic medicinal plants, 237
B. simaruba, 72 chemotypes, 237
B. submoniliformis, 69 Croton tetradenius, 244
B. tomentosa, 69, 72 Eplingiella fruticosa, 242, 243
B. velutina, 70 Hyptis pectinata, 243, 244
copal resins, 62 Lippia alba, 239
ethnomedicine, 62 Lippia gracilis and L. sidoides, 237–239
oleoresins and EOs, 62 monoterpene and sesquiterpene
Burseraceae synthases, 237
resins, 62 Myrcia lundiana, 240
tribes Myrcia ovata, 240
Bursereae (see Bursereae) secondary metabolism, 236
Canarieae (see Canarieae) species, number of accessions and
Protieae (see Protieae) biological activities, 237
Bursereae Varronia curassavica, 241, 242
Aucoumea, 109 volatile and low molecular weight
Boswellia (see Boswellia) substances, 237
Bursera, 62–72 Chemical manufacture, 366
Commiphora (see Commiphora) Chemistry, EOs
Butterfly ginger, 49 acids, 6
See also Hedychium spp. alcohols, 6
aldehydes, 6
esters, 6
C hydrocarbon, 5
Caatinga, 235, 237, 253 ketones, 6
Caco-2 cell model, 205 lactones, 7
Callus, 373–377 nonvolatile residue, 5
Index 441

pine Cross-talk
categorization, 287 MEP and MVA pathways, 315
shikimate, 288 terpene synthesis pathways, 311
terpenoids, 288, 289 Croton stellatopilosus, 376
terpenes, 5 Croton tetradenius, 244
volatile fraction, 5 Cypress oil, 367
Chinese herbal tradition, 262 Cytotoxicity, 12
Chiral GC-MS, 263, 270
Chromatographic techniques, 26
Cineol, 206 D
1,8-Cineole, 197, 199, 227 Dacryodes
Cinnamaldehyde, 267 antibacterial, 111
Cistus ladaniferus, 367 antioxidant, 111
Citronella oil, 13 antiplasmodial and anticarcinogenic
Civet, 151 properties, 111
Civetone, 150, 151 D. buettneri, 115, 117
Classical analytical techniques, 9 D. edulis, 115–117
Clevenger’s apparatus, 159, 160, 165 D. hexandra, 117
Clustered regularly interspaced short D. igaganga, 116
palindromic repeats D. klaineana, 117
(CRISPR), 304 D. rostrata, 117
Cold pressing, 7, 261 Dairy products, 403
Commiphora Dental plaque
C. africana, 99, 100 S. salivarius, 212
C. erythraea, 100 S. sanguinis, 212
C. gileadensis, 100, 101 Dentistry processing systems, 229
C. guidotii, 99 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP),
C. guidottii, 101, 103 305, 307
C. habessinica, 103 Dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP), 372
C. holtziana ssp. holtziana, 103 Distillation, 9
C. kua, 103 Dry resin, 367
C. leptophloeos, 98, 104 Ducts, 359
C. molmol, 104 DXP reductoisomerase (DXR), 305, 307,
C. mukul, 99 310–311, 314, 319, 376
C. myrrha, 99, 105, 106 DXP synthase (DXS), 305, 307–311, 319,
C. ornifolia, 106 329, 339, 372, 376
C. parvifolia, 106
C. planifrons, 107
C. pyracanthoides, 107 E
C. socotrana, 107 Ecological factors, 401
C. tenuis, 107 Economic marketing, 359
myrrh and opopanax, 98 Economics, betal leaf, 156, 157, 185
traditional medicine Edible oils, 149
antitumoral usage, 108 Endodontic therapy, 212
aromatic applications, 108 Endo-perio syndrome, 216
assorted, 109 Enfleurage, 8
infections treatment, 108 Environmental conditions, 28
inflammatory conditions, 108 Enzyme technology, 359–361
myrrh, 108 Eplingiella fruticosa, 242, 243
oral usage, 108 Eremothecium ashbyi
wound treatment, 108 aromatic and monoterpene alcohol
Conidium formation, 412 accumulation, 417–425
Cosmetics, 366 asexual reproduction, 412, 414
CRISPR interference (CRISPRi), 321 biomass accumulation, 416
442 Index

Eremothecium ashbyi (cont.) aromatic species, biological activity, 22,

biosynthetic activity, 416, 418 37, 38
etiological agents, stigmatomycosis, 416 bactericidal/fungicidal/medicinal
lipid droplets, 421, 422 applications, 276
mycelium, 413, 421, 422 betel leaf, 158–159 (see also Betel leaf)
phenylethanol, 424 biological activities (see Biological
reproduction process, 415 activities)
riboflavin, 424 Burseraceae (see Burseraceae)
riboflavinogenesis, 424 characterization, 365
sexual reproduction, 413–415 chemical compositions, 275
Spearman’s correlation coefficients, chemical diversity (see Chemical diversity)
424, 425 chemical signals, 4
structure features, 412 chemistry (see Chemistry, EOs)
synthesis and accumulation, riboflavin, classical analytical techniques, 9
416, 417 cold pressing, 261
terpene, 424 commercially available, 150
Eremothecium gossypii components, 261
aetiological agents, stigmatomycosis, 416 composition, 3
asexual reproduction, 412, 414–416 definitions, 150, 261
biosynthetic activity, 416, 418 drug Quinta Essentia, 3
growth dynamics, 416 ecological factors, 401
mycelium structure, 413 Eremothecium oil (see Eremothecium oil)
productivity, 416 ethereal/volatile, 275
reproduction process, 415 extraction methods (see Extraction
sexual reproduction, 413–416 methods, EOs)
spores, 416 and health fitness, 15
structural features, 412 history, 4
Eremothecium oil hydrodistillation, 261
E. ashbyi (see Eremothecium ashbyi) identification method, 26
E. gossypii (see Eremothecium gossypii) ingredients, 276
fragrant substances, 403 metabolites, classes, 20
in vitro study of antimicrobial and toxic mixed fatty acids, 149
properties modern analytical techniques, 9–10
aroma forming ability, 425 non-herbaceous plants (see Non-­
aroma-forming ability, 426 herbaceous plants)
biological activity, 425, 427 organ dysfunction/systemic disorder, 276
comparative analysis, aroma pharmaceutical properties, 366
products, 427 pines (see Pines)
growth curves of test bacteria, plant tissues, 366
426, 428 pressing and distillation, 261
P. caudatum, 426, 427, 429, 430 quality, 275
samples, 426, 429 quantity, 275
rose-scented EOs, 408–411 risks and dangers, 15
Erva-baleeira, 241 S. sanguinis and S. salivarius, 212
Erva-cidreira-brasileira, 239 seasonality and edaphoclimatic factors,
Essential elements, 29 36, 37
Essential oils (EOs) solubility, 4
A. annua (see Artemisia annua) sources, 4, 5
adaptation, to environment, 20 specialized structures, 20
adulteration (see Adulteration of EOs) steam distillation, 261
applications (see Applications, EOs) storage, 261
aromatherapy, 4, 14 terpenoids, 365
aromatic botanical materials, 262 volatility, 365, 366
aromatic oily liquids, 275 WHO, 262
Index 443

Esters, 6 Fragrant substances

Ethereal oils, 149 aroma-forming compounds, 404
Ethereal/volatile oils, 275 bacteria and microalgae synthesizing
Ethnobotanists, 367 fruity-floral, 403
Ethylene-producing agents, 373 bacteria species, 403
Eucalyptol, 197 basidiomycetes, 404
Eugenol, 228 biotechnologies, 402
Extraction methods, EOs compound industrial scaling, 403
betal leafs (see Betel leaf) cultured plant variety, 402
CO2 and supercritical CO2 extraction, 8 microalgae, 404
cold pressing, 7 micromycetes, 404
enfleurage, 8 microorganisms, 403
hydrodistillation, 8 mycelial fungi, 406–408
maceration, 7 oil-bearing plants, 402
solvent extraction, 7, 8 phytotechnologies, 402
steam distillation, 9 quality of EOs, 403
turbo distillation extraction, 9 volatile, 402
Extraction techniques, pines yeast and yeast-like fungi, 404, 405
ASE, 286 Frankincense, 73, 93
EOs, 279, 283 Free radicals, 180
GC-MS, 279 Fruity-floral scent, 405–408
HPLC, 279 Fuel oils, 150
maceration, 283 Fumigant toxicity, 12
MAE, 285
MHG, 286, 287
SD, 283, 284 G
SE, 284 Gandhshastra, 262
SFE, 284 Gas chromatographic (GC) analysis, 10
SFME, 286 Gas chromatography with flame ionization
UAE, 285, 286 detection (GC-FID), 263
Gas chromatography–isotope-ratio mass
spectrometry (GC-IRMS), 263
F Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
Farnesyl diphosphate (FDP), 372 (GC-MS), 263
Fatty acids, 365 Generally recognized as safe
Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), 235 (GRAS), 198
Fine hair-like structures (hairy roots), 376 Genetic diversity
Fir oil, 367 Baccharis dracunculifolia DC, 29
Flavoring compounds, 366 evolution, 26
Food additives, 366 genetic characterization
Food antimicrobial preservatives, 290 Lychnophora ericoides, 28
Food products, betal leaf molecular markers, 27
chocolate, 185 Ocimum selloi, 28
cupcake, 185 population genetics, 27
curing, 186 Genetic engineering, 306, 373
edible film, 186 Genetic transformation technology, 345
Hokkein noodle industry, 186 Geraniaceae family plants, 327, 338, 339
ice cream, 185 Geraniol
natural characteristics, 185 rose-scented geranium oil, 331, 336,
and nonfood products, 186 340, 345
patulin, 185 Geranium
product development, 185 rose-scented (see Rose-scented geranium)
safety and antimicrobial effectivity, 185 species, 328
Formicidal activity, 245–246 as trichomes, EOs, 328
444 Index

Geranium oil I
components, 328 In vitro culturing, 373–376
phytochemical composition, 330–332 Insecticidal activity, 12
phytoconstituents, 328 anti-termite, 247–248
terpenes, 329 formicidal, 245–246
Geranyl diphosphate (GDP), 372 Green Revolution, 245
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase plant-based products, 245
(GGPPS), 376 plant metabolites, 245
Ginger lily, 49 principal control method, 245
See also Hedychium spp. properties, 245
Gingivitis and gingival hypertrophy, 212 stored grain pests, 248–250
Glandular trichomes (GTs), 354, 357, 358 International Organization for Standardization
Gram-positive cocci and bacilli, 403 (ISO), 261
Green Revolution, 245 Isoflavones, 373
Greenhouse farming, 402 Isopentenyl diphosphate (IDP), 372, 410
Isoprene, 5

Hedychium essential oils K
antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, Ketones, 6
55–58 Kolbe-Schmitt reaction, 268
antimicrobial properties, 50
chemical constituents, 51–54
effectiveness, 55 L
fungal growth and aflatoxin Lactones, 7
secretion, 58 Lavandula genus, 301, 302
Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, 55 biosynthesis, EOs, 304–306
monoterpenes, 54, 55 commercial production, EOs, 302
oil constituents, 55 stated, mono- and sesquiterpenes, 304
oil extraction, plant parts use, 54 Lavandula latifolia
rhizomes, 54 in Arabidopsis and tobacco, 315
sesquiterpenes, 54, 55 chlorophyll and carotenoid content, 316
Hedychium spp. commercial production, EOs, 302
beneficial traits, 50 DXR, upregulation, 310
Indian populations, 55 DXS overexpression, 309
as ornamental plants, 50, 58 genetic transformation, 307
perfume essences, 49 HMGR, up-regulation, 311
rhizomes and aerial stems, 49 limonene, 315
“sweet” and “snow”, 49 pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food
uses, 49 industries, 319
Zingiberaceae family, 49 seedlings, 312
Hepatic encephalopathy, 215 upregulation, DXS, 309
Hydrocarbon, 5 Lavender EOs
Hydrodistillation (HD), 8, 261, 354 amount, chemical composition, and
Hydroperoxide lyases (HPL), 372 quality, 303
Hydrophobicity, 10 constituents, 303
1-Hydroxy-2-methyl-2-butenyl 4-diphosphate quality, 303
reductase (HDR), 376 Leaf-cutting ants, 243–246
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase Lemon balm, 239
(HMGR), 305, 307, 311, 315, Limonene, 197, 206, 289
319, 372 Linalool, 264–266, 303, 315, 318–320
Hypothetical metabolic model, 423, 424 Linalool synthase (LIS), 359
Hyptis pectinata, 243, 244 Linalyl acetate, 264–266
Index 445

Linoleic and linolenic acid, 372 Microwave hydro-diffusion and gravity

Lipoxygenases (LOX), 372 (MHG) extraction, 286, 287
Lippia alba, 239 Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE), 285
Lippia gracilis and L. sidoides, 237–239 Mineral nutrition, 26
Liquid chromatographic (LC) analysis, 10 acquisition, 29
Logistic regression analysis, 222, 224 biosolids and plant growth, 33–34
essential element, 29
macronutrients, 30
M Mentha x piperita L. plants, 30–33
Maceration, 7, 283 mint essential oil, 33
Maize weevil, 249 Origanum vulgare L. ssp. Vulgare plants, 33
Malaria, 197, 201, 205 primary metabolism, 29
Market cost, 366 sweet basil, 33
Mechanisms Thymus vulgaris (thyme) leaves, 30
betal leaf, 180, 184 Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), 200
Medicinal and aromatic plants Minimum inhibitory percentage (MIP), 200
Asteraceae family, 24 Modern analytical techniques, 9–10
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC, 24 Molecular markers, 27
Lychnophora ericoides Mart., 24 Monoterpene alcohols, 410, 411
Lychnophora pinaster Mart., 24 Monoterpene and sesquiterpene synthases, 237
biological activities, 21 Monoterpene biosynthesis, in spike lavender
Boraginaceae family, 25 C5 precursors
as culinary spices, 21 DXR up-regulation, 310–311
Lamiaceae family DXS up-regulation, 308–310
Mentha x piperita L., 21 inhibitors and 13C-labelling
Ocimum selloi, 23 experiments, 314
Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), 23 up-regulation, HMGR, 311–312
Thymus vulgaris L., 23 double plants, 319
Medicinal plants, 3 metabolic engineering, 306
Mentha spicata (spearmint) plants, 361 overexpression, terpene synthases
Menthol, 30, 36 limonene synthase, 315–316
Menthyl acetate, 34 linalool synthase, 317–318
Meristem tip culture technique, 341 Monoterpene synthases, 306, 318
Metabolic engineering, 359, 361, 366 Monoterpenes, 5, 20, 23, 28, 54, 55, 237,
Metabolic routes, 19, 34, 36 238, 241, 251, 252, 354, 372, 373,
Metabolism, 19 377, 379
Methyl salicylate, 267, 268, 367 Monoterpenoids, 224, 226, 229, 365, 372, 373,
Methyl-branched volatiles, 372 377, 379
Methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate Monoterpenol, 6
(MEP) pathway, 304, 305, 307, Muscone, 150, 151
309–315, 319 Mustard oil glycosides, 360
2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate synthase Mycelial fungi, 406–409
(MEPS), 376 Myrcene, 197, 228, 289, 329
Methyl-erythritol-pathway, 261 Myrcia lundiana, 240
Methyl-erythritol-phosphate (MEP), 20, 372 Myrcia ovata, 240
Mevalonate pathway, 261
Mevalonic acid (MVA), 20, 305, 307,
311–315, 319, 321 N
Microalgae, 404 NADPH, 372
Microbial synthesis, 401, 430 α-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 341
Microdilution method, 218 Natural essential oils, 270
Micromycetes, 404 Nerolidol, 197, 268, 269
Microorganisms, 403, 404 Neurodegenerative disorders, 337
446 Index

Next generation sequencing (NGS), 361 Periodontitis, 212

Non-branched volatile aldehydes, 372 Periodontopatoghens, 214
Non-herbaceous plants Petrochemical-based synthetic products, 270
bioconversions, 379–388 Phenylalanine, 372, 376
biotechnology, 367 β-Phenylethanol, 424
biotransformations, 379–389 Phenylpropanoid pathway, 361
dry resin, 367 Phenylpropanoids, 365, 366, 372, 376
ethnobotanists, 367 Photosynthesis, 377
extraction methods, 367 Phytochemical variation, 31, 33
fir oil, 367 Phytotechnologies, 402
synthesis of EO constituents, 372–373 Pinene, 329
tissue/cell cultures, 373–377 Pines
transgenic plant species, 377–379 application, 290, 292–293
trees, shrubs and vines, 367–371 chemical structure, 279, 280
Nonpathogenic diseases, 13 chemistry, 287–289
Nontoxic ketones, 7 components, 279
Northeast Brazil coniferous evergreen trees, 276
anti-tick activity, 250–253 oil extraction methods (see Extraction
biosynthetic capacity, 235 techniques, pines)
characterization, 235 organic constituents, 279
chemical diversity (see Chemical diversity) species and availability across the globe,
climatic variability, 235 279, 281–282
insecticidal activity, 245–250 types, 276
map, 235, 236 variations in yield, 277–279
wood, 276
Pinus (Pinaceae), 276
O Piper betle
Odoriferous substance, 150, 151 essential oil, 178
Oil chemistry isoeugenol chemotype, 173
aromatic oils, 354–356 origin, 152
Oil palm empty fruit bunch fibre (OPEFBF) plant kingdom, 152
lignin, 361 See also Betel leaf
Oral cavity, 211, 216 Plantation cultivation, 401
Organic monocarboxylic acids, 366 Plant-based products, 245
Osmophilicity, 421 Plinols, 265
Osmophores, 357, 358 Population genetics, 27
Precursor molecules, 270
Primary metabolism, 19, 26, 29
P Primary metabolites, 275
Patulin, 185 Production and chemical composition, EOs
p-Cymene, 227 allelopathy and aromatic species, 35–36
Peach-like scent, 404 genetic diversity (see Genetic diversity)
Pelargonium sp. mineral nutrition (see Mineral nutrition)
commercial applications, 327 seasonality and edaphoclimatic factors,
in Geraniaceae family, 338 (see also 36–37
Rose-scented geranium) water stress and aromatic species, 34–35
somaclonal variations, 344 Protium
virus-infected leaves, 341 characteristics, 119
Peltate glandular trichomes (PGTs), 361 copal and Breu resins, 119
6-Pentyl-2-pyrone synthesis, 404 P. altsonii, 120
Peppermint, 21, 34 P. amazonicum, 120
Perfume industry, 367 P. apiculatum, 121
Periodic cultures, 416 P. bahianum, 121
Index 447

P. colombianum, 121 industrial importance, 346

P. crassipetalum, 122 pharmacological activities
P. decandrum, 122 antibacterial, 336
P. elegans, 123 antifungal, 336–337
P. grandifolium, 123 anti-inflammatory and, 337
P. hebetatum, 123 anti-neuroinflammatory, 337, 338
P. heptaphyllum, 120, 123, 129 immunomodulatory and
P. heptaphyllum subs. heptaphyllum, 126 cytoprotective, 338
P. heptaphyllum subs. ulei, 126 insecticidal activity, 337
P. icicariba, 127 phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, 335
P. neglectum, 127 phytochemical composition, 330–332
P. occultum, 127 aroma and fragrance, 329
P. opacum, 128 cultivars, 332
P. paniculatum, 128 distillation method, 332
P. pilosissimum, 128 essential oil, 331
P. polybotryum, 128 phenylpropanoids, 329
P. spruceanum, 128 terpenes, 329
P. strumosum, 128 plants, 327, 328
P. subserratum, 129 terpene biosynthetic pathway, 332–335
P. unifoliolatum, 129 tissue culture study (see Tissue culture,
volatile and nonvolatile chemical geranium)
constituents, 119 transcriptomic information, 329
Protoplasm lipid bodies, 422 Rosin, 291

Random amplified polymorphic DNA Salivaricin E (SalE), 215
(RAPD), 27, 28 Sambaicatá, 243
Red flour beetle, 249 Santiria, 118
Repellent activity, 12 Seasonality, 36
Resin, 290 Secondary plant metabolites, 275
Riboflavinogenesis, 422 Selected ion monitoring analysis (SIM)
Root canal system, 216 method, 264
Rose-scented EOs Semi-synthetic methods, 366
alcohols and esters, 409 Sesquiterpene lactone, 197
biotechnology, 408 Sesquiterpenes, 20, 25, 28, 33, 54, 55, 71, 223,
components, 410 237, 241, 242, 264, 354, 372, 373
enzymatic reactions, 409 Sesquiterpenoids, 224, 229, 264, 365, 366,
and Eremothecium, 411 372, 373
floral-scented essential oil, 408 Shikimate, 288
isopentenyl diphosphate, 410 Shikimic acid pathway, 261
monoterpene alcohol, 410, 411 Simple sequence repeats (SSR), 27
mycelial fungi, 409 Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), 27
phytogenous, 409 Site-specific natural isotope fractionation
quantity of aroma-forming compounds, 411 NMR (SNIF-NMR), 263
volatile fragrant compounds, 409 S-linalool, 359
yeast and yeast-like fungi, 409, 410 Solid media surface, 412
Rose-scented geranium Solvent extraction, 7, 8
economic status, 339–340 Solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME), 286
as flavoring agent, EOs, 327 Somatic embryogenesis, 344
genomic analysis, 338–339 Soxhlet extraction (SE), 284
glandular trichomes, 328 Spearman’s correlation coefficients, 424, 425
hydro-distillation method, 328 Specialised structures, 353, 354, 359, 361
448 Index

Specialized metabolism, 19, 20, 26, 29, 34–36 thymol, carvacrol,and p-cCymene, 227
Spike lavender univariate predictors, 222
environmental conditions, 304 Sub-lethal effect, 248
in natural environment, 302 Supercritical CO2 extraction, 8
perfumery and cosmetics, 303 Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE),
Steam distillation (SD), 9, 261, 354 284, 354
extraction process, 283, 284 Synthetic biology, 304
Stored grain pests, 248–250 Synthetic markers
Streptococcus salivarius, 213 adulteration detection, 263
clinical vs. referent ATCC strains, carvone/carvacrol, 266
220–222 cinnamaldehyde, 267
endocarditis, 215, 216 discovery, 269–270
EOs, 219, 220 linalool and linalyl acetate, 265, 266
infected dental root canal (oral focus), methyl salicylate, 268
216, 217 nitrogen-containing, 265
MIC values, 220 plinols, 265
pre-set criteria, EOs, 217 thymol, 267
thymol-rich oils, 220 toxicity, 268
Streptococcus sanguinis, 213 types, 264
anti-S. mutans and anti–
periodontopathogenic, anti-biofilm
role, 213–215 T
cineole-rich oils, 220 Taxonomic origin, 261
clinical vs. referent ATCC strains, Termites, 245, 247, 248
220–222 Terpenes, 237, 251, 291
endocarditis, 215, 216 alcohols, 6
EOs, 219, 220 classification, 5
infected dental root canal (oral focus), common formula, 329
216, 217 diterpenes, 5
pre-set criteria, EOs, 217 isoprene unit, 329
thymol-rich oils, 220 monoterpenes, 5
Streptococcus spp. properties, 5
antimicrobial activity, EOs, 222, 223 rose-scented geranium oil
ATCC 9222, 226 biosynthesis, 334
ATCC 10566, 225 cyclization, 335
camphor, 228 MVA pathway, 334
chemical class, 222, 223 pathway, 332, 333
chemical composition, 224 synthesis, diverse terpenes, 334
1,8-cineole, 227 sesquiterpene, 5
clinical isolate/referent strain, 224 Terpenoids, 288–290, 365, 372, 373,
efficacy, 226 376, 377
eugenol, 228 Terpineol (C10H18O), 289
logistic regression analysis, 222, 224 Thermolabile compounds, 354
monoterpene hydrocarbons, 223, 226, Thujone, 7, 198, 200, 203
227, 229 Thymol, 227, 266, 267, 270
monoterpenoids, 224, 226 Ticks, 253
myrcene, 228 Tissue culture, geranium
oxygenated monoterpenes, 224, 226, agricultural traits, 340
227, 229 cost, geranium seeds, 340
sesquiterpenes, 223 cultivation rate, Geranium, 340
sesquiterpenoids, 224 cutting, geranium, 340
strain types, 222 genetic transformation technology, 345
Index 449

in vitro organogenesis U
cotyledons, hypocotyls and root, Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), 285, 286
342–343 Ultrasound-assisted hydro-distillation
leaf and petiole, 342 (UAHD), 163
regeneration using mature seeds, 343 Unsaturated fatty acids, 372
shoot tip, 342
meristem tip culture, 341
somaclonal variations, 343–344 V
somatic embryogenesis, 344 Vaporization, 25
Tissue/cell cultures, 374–375 Varronia curassavica, 241, 242
Toxic ketones, 7 Vegetative reproduction, 412
Trace analysis, 267–270 Volatile oils, 149
Traditional medicine, 262 Volatile-oil-bearing plants, 401, 430
Transgenic plant species, 378 Volatile-oil-bearing raw material, 408
Transgenic plants, 359, 360 Volatility, 365, 366
Trattinnickia, 118, 119
“Tree-betel vine” (Gaach Paan), 154
Trichoderma viride, 404 W
TrichOME database, 357, 358 World Health Organization (WHO), 262
Triterpenoids, 366, 379
Tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC), 360
Turbo distillation process, 9 Y
Tyrosine, 372 Yeast and yeast-like fungi, 409, 410

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