Ted Lesson 2

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Candidate Name: Subject(s): Grade level(s): Date: 4/23/2018

Ana Ruan Language Arts 6/7

Key Content Standard(s)- Content, Common Core & ELD:

Single day lesson
ELD Standard:
SL.6.1, 6; L.6.3, 6: Exchanging information and ideas with
others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of
social and academic topics.
SL.6.4–6; L.6.1, 3: Expressing information and ideas in formal
oral presentations on academic topics.
CCR2: Identify key ideas and details.
CCR4: Interpret words and phrases; analyze structure of texts.
CCR7: Integrate and evaluate content.
Common Core:
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or
events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and
well-structured event sequences.

Lesson Plan Elements

Description of Content & Content Type (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

Students will critically analyze an image and write a narrative.

Learning Outcome (Objective): What do you want students to know and be able to do at the end of
this lesson?
Students will be able to analyze and critique the significance of visual images, messages, and
meanings in order to create a narrative.

Curriculum Connection: How does this lesson fit into the unit plan?
Introduction to critical analysis and critique will prepare students for higher levels of language arts.
Assessment Strategies - Formal and Informal (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):
How will you assess if and what students are learning?
Teacher will assess students learning by checking the narratives for spelling, grammar and
Teacher will assess students understanding by the use of academic language in the
development of narrative of image.

Modifications, Accommodations, Scaffolding for Individual Learners: How will you adjust your
content, instruction, practice, and assessments to meet the diverse needs of students (esp. language

The think, pair, share assignment will be translated for language learners. Also teacher will
check in with those language learners to check that they have understood what the assignment
is asking. Another accommodation is allowing those students who feel more comfortable to
write in the language they are most comfortable. Scaffolding will be provided by giving
students some sentence starters for the group brainstorming portion assignment of their
narrative. (I believe this is happening in the image because ….). Images provide access to
content without having to read printed text. Emergent ELs can use early English skills or
native language. – Develops descriptive language and skill. – Through peer collaboration,
students use and listen to comprehensible output/input.
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge and Experiential Backgrounds.
How will you access and activate students’ prior knowledge and connect to students’ lived
The think, pair, share portion of lesson asks students to reflect on their lived experiences by
asking them to reflect on their personal life. Also the narrative writing portion is activating
their analysis skills to determine what the image is showing based on their knowledge of
expression, and foreshadowing.

Academic Language
Tier 2 (General Academic) Tier 3 (Content-Specific)

Beacon Prose

Persevere Introductory Paragraph

Adapt Emphasize

Conspicuous Tradition

Narrative Foreshadowing

Sentences Expression

Describe Analysis

Other text structures, organizational, stylistic, or grammatical features that will be

explicitly taught: Students will be taught that stories are also known as a narrative. Students
will also be told the stylistic approach for this lesson is to analyse an image in order to create
a narrative.
Daily Lesson Plans

Time What is the Teacher What are Students Doing? Materials &
Doing? Resources

Engagement + 15
Motivational minute Teacher hands out think,
Activity s pair and share. Worksheet Students are sitting at
is translated for ELL. desks writing name and
Teacher is explaining date on warm up activity. Projector to
instructions and show up
expectations. Teacher Students are reading image on
asks students if they quietly and writing for 5-7 board.
might have any questions minutes.
about any of the Warm-up
instructions given. worksheets.*
Set a timer for five accommodat
minutes to allow students ion can be
to read, think and respond Students are getting out made for
to warm up. of seat and actively students by
Walk around classroom participating in finding a translating
checking in on students partner to share with. the
who may be struggling or Students are actively worksheets.
need assistance. listening and sharing.
Also providing immediate
feedback to students to
motivate students to move
Keep all students on the Students will sit back in
same tempo keeping up seat and participate in
with task so class finishes whole classroom
together as much as discussion.
After five minutes: ask
students who needs more
time. Give students three
more minutes to finish
their thoughts.
Ask students to find a
partner that has a bigger
shoe size: each student
needs to share this will
take the remainder of
Teacher will ask students
to sit back in seats and
open to whole classroom
40 -50
Instructiona mins Teacher will explain that
l Sequence narrative is basically a Students will examine
(Teaching story. It has characters, image for five minutes
y with
conflict, resolve or no and write down any
Student resolve. What, who, and information they find Markers,
Activities) why. valuable. colors.
Teacher will then hand out Large poster
image chosen to be paper.
analyzed by students. Copies of
Give students five image.
minutes to look at image
carefully. Circle or identify
anything that sticks out to
them from the image. Students will work
individually to analyze
Ask students to work and process ideas,
independently for now: findings.
write a few sentences in
your own words about
what you think the image
is showing. (five
sentences minimum) Students will get into
groups. Share and listen
Ask students to form to one another. Discuss,
groups of 4-5. collaborate to create
Creating a group narrative of image and
narrative: Give students write it out on large
instructions and poster paper.
expectations as follows-
1. Students will first
share findings and
perception of
2. Agree or disagree
respectfully with
each other’s
3. Collaborate to
write one narrative
for whole group.
4. All students must
5. Ten sentence

Throughout the individual

and groups work teacher
is walking around
assessing and assisting
students with activities
Activity Teacher will ask students Students will listen to
(Practice + to share whole group every group’s narrative.
Reflection) narrative with classroom. Reflect and compare.
Teacher will provide Students are actively
immediate feedback for listening to other groups
student participation and and speakers. Also giving
work. feedback with positive
Teacher will allow student comments.
comments or views to be

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