Me Production 2010

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Scheme of Instruction and Syllabi


M.E. (Mechanical)

Specialization :

Full time / Part time



Osmania University
Hyderabad – 500 007, A.P., INDIA
With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011

Scheme of Instruction & Examination

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) 4 Semesters (Full Time)

Sl. Subject Periods per Duration Max. Marks

No week (Hrs)
L/T D/P Univ. Exam Sessionals

Semester - I
1. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
2. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
3. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
4. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
5. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
6. Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
7. Laboratory - I -- 3 -- -- 50
8. Seminar - I -- 3 -- -- 50
Total 18 6 480 220

Semester - II
1. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
2. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
3. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
4. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
5. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
6. Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
7. Laboratary - II -- 3 -- -- 50
8. Seminar - II -- 3 -- -- 50
Total 18 6 480 220

Semester - III
Dissertation +
Project -- 6 -- -- 100**
1. Seminar*

Semester - IV
1. Dissertation -- Viva - Voce
(Grade ***)

Note : Six core subjects, Six elective subjects, Two Laboratory Courses and Two Seminars
should normally be completed by the end of semester II.

* Project seminar presentation on the topic of Dissertation only

** 50 marks awarded by the project guide and 50 marks by the internal committee.
*** Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011

Scheme of Instruction & Examination

M.E. (Mechanical Engineering) 6 Semesters (Part Time)

Sl. Subject Periods per Duration Max. Marks

No week (Hrs)
L/T D/P Univ. Exam Sessionals

Semester - I
1. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
2. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
3. Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
4. Lab. I / -- 3 -- -- 50
Seminar - I
Total 9 3 240 110

Semester - II
1. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
2. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
3. Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
4. Lab. I / -- 3 -- -- 50
Seminar - I
Total 9 3 240 110

Semester - III
1. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
2. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
3. Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
4. Lab. II / -- 3 -- -- 50
Seminar - II
Total 9 3 240 110

Semester - IV
1. Core 3 -- 3 80 20
2. Core / Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
3. Elective 3 -- 3 80 20
4. Lab. II / -- 3 -- -- 50
Seminar - II
Total 9 3 240 110

Semester – V
Dissertation +
Project -- 6 -- -- 100**
1. Seminar*

Semester - VI
1. Dissertation -- Viva - Voce
(Grade ***)

Note : Six core subjects, Six elective subjects, Two Laboratory Courses and Two Seminars
should normally be completed by the end of semester IV.

* Project seminar presentation on the topic of Dissertation only

** 50 marks awarded by the project guide and 50 marks by the internal committee.
*** Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

With effect from the academic year 2010- 2011

Scheme of Instruction & Examination of Post Graduate course in Mechanical Engineering with specialization
in Production Engineering.

Course duration: 4 Semesters (Full – time), 6 semesters (Part – Time)

Sl. Syllabus Subject Scheme of Scheme of Examination

No Ref.No. Instruction
Periods per Durati Max. Marks
week on
L/T D/P in Univ. Sessio-
Hours Exam nals
1. ME 501 Automation 3 -- 3 80 20
2. ME 502 Theory of Metallurgy of Metal Casting 3 -- 3 80 20
& Welding
3. ME 503 Metal Forming Science 3 -- 3 80 20
4. ME 504 Metal Cutting & Machine Tool Design 3 -- 3 80 20
5. ME 505 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3 -- 3 80 20
6. ME 506 Rapid Prototyping Principles and 3 -- 3 80 20
1. ME 507 Robotics Engineering 3 -- 3 80 20
2. ME 508 Finite Element Techniques 3 -- 3 80 20
3. ME 509 Programming Methodology and Data 3 -- 3 80 20
4. ME 510 Computer Aided Modeling and 3 -- 3 80 20
5. ME 511 Optimization Techniques 3 -- 3 80 20
6. ME 512 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 3 -- 3 80 20
7. ME 513 Artificial Intelligence and Expert 3 -- 3 80 20
8. ME 514 Mechanics of Composite Materials 3 -- 3 80 20
9. ME 515 Machine Tool Dynamics 3 -- 3 80 20
10. ME 516 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity 3 -- 3 80 20
11. ME 517 Experimental Techniques and Data 3 -- 3 80 20
12. ME 518 Advanced Metrology 3 -- 3 80 20
13. ME 519 Product Design and Process 3 -- 3 80 20
14. ME 520 Tool Engineering 3 -- 3 80 20
15. ME 521 Engineering Research Methodology 3 -- 3 80 20
16. ME 522 Flexible Manufacturing Systems 3 -- 3 80 20
1. ME 523 Production Engineering Lab (Lab – I) -- 3 -- -- 50
2. ME 524 Computation Lab (Lab –II) -- 3 -- -- 50
3. ME 525 Seminar – I -- 3 -- -- 50
4. ME 526 Seminar – II -- 3 -- -- 50
5. ME 527 Project Seminar -- 3 -- -- 50
6. ME 528 Dissertation -- 9 -- Viva- --

*Excellent / Very Good / Good / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory

ME 501 With effect from the academic year 2010 – 2011

Instructions 3 periods/week
Duration of university Examination 3 hours
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Introduction: Definition of automation, Types of production, Functions of Manufacturing, Organization and
Information Processing in Manufacturing, Production concepts and Mathematical Models, Automation
Strategies, Production Economics: Methods of Evaluating Investment Alternatives, Costs in Manufacturing,
Break-Even Analysis, Unit cost of production, Cost of Manufacturing Lead time and Work-in-process.

Detroit-Type Automation: Automated Flow lines, Methods of Workpart Transport, Transfer Mechanism, Buffer
Storage, Control Functions, Automation for Machining Operations, Design and Fabrication Considerations.
Analysis of Automated Flow Lines: General Terminology and Analysis, Analysis of Transfer Lines Without
Storage, Partial Automation, Automated Flow Lines with Storage Buffers, Computer Simulation of Automated
Flow Lines.

Assembly Systems and Line Balancing: The Assembly Process, Assembly Systems, Manual Assembly Lines,
The Line Balancing Problem, Methods of Line Balancing, Computerized Line Balancing Methods, Other ways
to improve the Line Balancing, Flexible Manual Assembly Lines. Automated Assembly Systems: Design for
Automated Assembly, Types of Automated Assembly Systems, Part Feeding Devices, Analysis of Multi-
station Assembly Machines, Analysis of a Single Station Assembly Machine.

Automated Materials Handling: The material handling function, Types of Material Handling Equipment,
Analysis for Material Handling Systems, Design of the System, Conveyor Systems, Automated Guided
Vehicle Systems. Automated Storage Systems: Storage System Performance, Automated Storage/Retrieval
Systems, Carousel Storage Systems, Work-in-process Storage, Interfacing Handling and Storage with

Automated Inspection and Testing: Inspection and testing, Statistical Quality Control, Automated Inspection
Principles and Methods, Sensor Technologies for Automated Inspection, Coordinate Measuring Machines,
Other Contact Inspection Methods, Machine Vision, Other optical Inspection Methods. Modeling Automated
Manufacturing Systems: Role of Performance Modeling, Performance Measures, Performance Modeling
Tools: Simulation Models, Analytical Models. The Future Automated Factory: Trends in Manufacturing, The
Future Automated Factory, Human Workers in the Future Automated Factory, The social impact.

Suggested Reading:

1. Mikell P.Grover, Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson
Education Asia.
2. C.Ray Asfahl, Robots and manufacturing Sutomation, John Wiley and Sons New York.
3. N.Viswanadham and Y.Narahari, Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Syetms,
Printice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Stephen J. Derby, Design of Automatic Machinary, Special Indian Edition, Marcel Decker, New York,
Yesdee publishing Pvt. Ltd, Chennai

ME 502 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Metallurgy of Cast Steel and Cast Iron: Solidification microstructure, effect of cooling rate, carbon content,
malleable and ductile Cast Iron.

Solidification of Castings: Solidification of pure metals and alloys, solidification rate and directional
solidification, grain structure of cast metals, shrinkage, gases in cast metals, degassification.

Miscellaneous Practices: Refractories, metallurgical control, Inoculation, malleabilisation. Heat treatment of

cast steel, cast iron, stress relieving, solution treatment, age hardening of castings.

Metallurgy of copper base alloys-brass, bronze, Berillium Bronze, Chromium copper. Alluminium alloys – Heat
treated and not heat treated.

Zinc based die casting alloys, Nickel chromium high temperature alloys, Foundry practices of copper,
aluminium and magnesium base alloys.

Welding metallurgy – Weld zone, Fusionboundary zone, Heat affected Zone. Heat treatment and relatged
processes in Fusion welding – Annealing, Normalizing, Austempering stress relieving, Solution treatment.

Microstructural products in weldments – Schaeffler diagram, Delta Ferrite, Austenite, pearlite, Martensite.
Effect of Alloying elements on microstructure. Welding stresses – Residual stresses, effects, methods of

Weldability aspects of low alloy steels, strainless steels, aluminium alloys, Magnesium and Titanium alloys.
Weld cracks – cold and hot cracks; Liquation cracks, Hydrogen Induced cracks, Lamellar cracks.

Suggested Reading:

1. Taylor, Flemings & Wulff, Foundry Engineering, N.Y,Wiley & Song,Inc,1987

2. Heine, Richard.W, and others, Principles of metal casting, Tata McHill, New York, 1983.
3. Udin Funk & Wulff, Welding for Engineers, N.Y.John Wiley,1954.
4. J.F. Lancaster, Metallurgy of welding, London,George Allen & Unwio,1970.
5. R.S. Parmar, Welding Processes & Technology, Delhi, Khanna Publishers, 1992.

ME 503 With effect from the Academic Year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Plastic Deformation: Mechanism of plastic deformation, Factors affecting plastic deformation, Strain hardening
behavior. Recovery, Recrystallization and grain growth. Variables affecting stress-strain curves, Ideal &
Practical stress-strain curves. Cold working, warm working and hot working. Plasticity cycle. Tresca’s and
Von Mises’s yield criteria under complex states of stress, including Plane stress & Plane strain condition.
Mechanical Testing: Testing procedures for round bars under tension. Compression test: Axially symmetrical
compression & Plane strain compression. Torsion test. Testing procedure for hardness. Introduction to
severe plastic deformation processes.

Sheet Metal Working: Classification of presses, relative merits, Press characteristics. Safety devices in
presses. Principles of Feeding and unloading equipment, types of dies, Formability tests for sheet metals.
Erichsen and Fukui tests. F.L.D. and Shape analysis concepts. Process parameters and estimation of loads
in shearing, bending, deep drawing and spinning operations. Super Plasticity.

Rod Drawing And Extrusion: Process parameters in drawing and extrusion, Maximum % reduction per pass,
Effects of friction and redundant work on drawing stress/extrusion pressure, load estimation techniques like
homogeneous work, slab analysis, slip line field theory, and upper bound solutions. Hydrostatic Extrusion.
Defects in drawn and extruded products, Metal working lubricants.

Forging: Forgeability, Open die and closed die forging, forging die design. Pass design for upset forging, roll
forging, load estimation for open die forging of rectangular and cylindrical slugs under coulomb and sticking
friction conditions, forging procedures for different metals, defects in forging.
New trends in forging: Liquid forging, Isothermal forging, Powder metal forging, Gatorizing, Orbital forging,
Cold & Hot Isostatic pressing, Close-tolerance forging, Incremental forging.
Rolling: Analysis of cold and hot rolling, Rolling equipment, rolling loads. Principles of roll pass design for
various product shapes, ring rolling.

Unconventional Methods In Metal Forming: High energy rate forming. Merits and limitations of HERF
Processes. Principle, merits, limitations and applications of pneumatic-mechanical systems. Explosive
forming, electro-magnetic forming, electro-hydraulic forming and water hammer forming. Forming with rubber
pads – Guerin, Marform & Wheelon forming techniques.

Suggested Reading:

1. Geoffrey W. Rowe, An Introducton To The Principles of Metal Working, Edward Arnold Ltd, London, 1990.
2. Serope Kalpakjian, Mechanical Processing of Materials, D.Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, New
Jerseey, 1955.
3. Surender Kumar, Principles of Metal Working, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., 1985.
4. P.C. Sharma, A Text Book of Production Engineering, S.Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
5. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill Publications, 3 Edition, 1988.

ME 504 With effect from the Academic Year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Tool Materials: Tool material properties – HSS, Carbides, coated carbides, ceramic and CBN and diamonds,
sialons, powder coatings – Relative advantages.
Tool Geometry: Various methods of tool nomenclature and their inter relationship. Theoretical Determination
of shear angle and cutting forces: Shear plane theory–Merchant’s models, Lee and Shofer’s model. Velocity
Estimation of shear angle experimentally. Metal cutting friction. Real area of contact-Rules of dry sliding,
stress distribution of tool face-variation of co-efficient of tool face friction with the rake angle.

Dynamometry: Theoretical and empirical estimation of force and power in turning, drilling, milling and grinding
processes optimization in cutting forces – Dynamometer requirements – Force measurements – Electric
transducers. Lathe, drilling and milling dynamometers.
Cutting Temperatures: Shear Plane temperature – Average chip-tool interface temperature-interface
temperature by dimensional analysis – Distribution of shear plane temperature-Measurement of temperature
by radiation pyrometer – Moving thermo couple – Photo cell – Photographic method.

Tool Wear, Tool life and Machinability: Mechanism of tool wear – Adhesive, Abrasive, Diffusive and Chemical
wear – Taylor’s tool life equation. Cutting Fluids – Carbon tetrachloride – Direction of fluid application – Chip
curl-economics of machining – Comparison of machinability of different metals.
Recent development in metal cutting: Hot machining. Rotary machining – High speed machining, rapid proto

Kinematics of Machine Tools: Shaping of geometrical and real surfaces. Developing and designing of
kinematic schemes of machine tools. Kinematic structures of lathe, drilling, milling, grinding, gear shaping
and gear hobbing machines. Kinematic design of speed and feed boxes. Productivity loss. Stepped and
stepless regulation, clutched drive.
Strengths and Rigidity of Machine Tool Structures: Basic principles of design for strength. Different types of
structures. Overall compliance of machine tools. Design of beds, bases, columns, tables, cross rail for
various machines. Various types of guide ways, their relative advantages. Materials for machine tool
components including plastic guide way (PTFE).

Analysis of Spindles, Bearings, and Power Screws: Design of spindles subjected to combined bending and
torsion. Layout of bearings. Pre-loading. Anti-friction slide ways. Rolling contact hydrodynamic, hydrostatic,
aerostatic and magnetic bearings, their relative performance. Power screws, Re-circulating ball screws.
Hydrodynamic design of Journal bearings, Magneto bearings.
Machine Tool Vibrations: Effect of vibrations on machine tools. Free and Forced vibrations. Machine tool

Suggested Reading:

1. M.C.Shaw, Metal cutting principles, CBS Publishers and distributors., New Delhi, 1992
2. Bhatta Charya, Metal Cutting, Central book publishers, Calcutta, 1996.
3. P.C. Pandey and C.K. Singh, Engineering Sciences, Standard publishers and distributors, Delhi 2000.
4. Sen and Battacharya, Principles of Machine Tools, Central book publishers, Calcutta, 1995.
5. N.K. Mehta, Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.

ME 505 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instructions 3 periods/week
Duration of university Examination 3 hours
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

UNIT – I Introduction to CIM

The meaning of Manufacturing, Types of Manufacturing; Basic Concepts of CIM: CIM Definition, Elements of
CIM, CIM wheel, concept or technology, Evolution of CIM, Benefits of CIM, Needs of CIM: Hardware and
software. Fundamentals of Communication: Communications Matrix. Product Development Cycle, Concurrent
Engineering: Definition, Sequential Engineering Versus Concurrent Engineering, Benefits of Concurrent
Engineering, Characteristics of concurrent Engineering, Framework for integration of Life-cycle phases in CE,
Concurrent Engineering Techniques, Integrated Product Development(IPD), Product Life-Cycle Management
(PLM), Collaborative Product Development.

UNIT – II CIM database and database management systems

Introduction, Manufacturing Data: Types, sources; Database Terminology, Database requirements, Database
models, Database Management System, DBMS Architecture, Query Language, Structural Query Language
(SQL): Basic structure, Data definition Language (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, View), Data Manipulation
Language (store, retrieve, update, delete). Illustration of Creating and Manipulating a Manufacturing
Database. SQL as a Knowledge Base Query Language. Features of commercial DBMS: Oracle, MySQL, SQL
Access, Sybase, DB2. Product Data Management (PDM), Advantages of PDM.

UNIT – III CIM Technology and Systems

Product Design: Needs of the market, Design and Engineering, The design Process, Design for
Manufacturability (DFM): Component Design, Design for Assembly. Computer-Aided Process Planning: Basic
Steps in developing a process plan, Variant and Generative Process Planning, Feature Recognition in
Computer-Aided Process Planning. Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Manufacturing Resource
Planning (MRP –II), Cellular Manufacturing: Design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems, Cell Formation
Approaches: Machine–Component Group Analysis, Similarity Coefficients-Based Approaches. Evaluation of
Cell Design. Shop-floor Control: Data Logging and Acquisition, Automated Data Collection, Programmable
Logic Controllers, Sensor Technology. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Physical Components of an FMS.
Types of Flexibility, Layout Considerations: Linear Single Machine Layout, Circular Machine Layout, Cluster
Machine Layout, Loop Layout; Operational Problems of FMS. FMS benefits.

UNIT –IV Enterprise Wide Integration in CIM and CIM Models

Introduction to Networking, Principles of Networking, Network Terminology, Types of Networks: LAN, MAN,
WAN; Selection of Network Technology: Communication medium, Network Topology, Medium access control
Methods, Signaling methods; Network Architectures and Protocols: OSI Model, MAP & TOP, TCP/IP, Network
Interconnection and Devices, Network Performance. Framework for Enterprise-wide Integration.

CIM Models: ESPRIT-CIM OSA Model, NIST-AMRF Model, Siemens Model of CIM, Digital Equipment
Corporation Model, IBM Concept of CIM.

UNIT – V Future Trends in Manufacturing Systems

Lean Manufacturing: Definition, Principles of Lean Manufacturing, Characteristics of Lean Manufacturing,
Value of Product, Continuous Improvement, Focus on Waste, Relationship of Waste to Profit, Four Functions
of Lean Production, Performance Measures, The Supply Chain, Benefits of Lean Manufacturing. Introduction
to Agile and Web Based Manufacturing systems.

Suggested Reading:
1. S.Kant Vajpayee: Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Printice-Hall India.
2. Nanua Singh: Systems Approach to Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing- John Wiley.
3. P.Radhakrishnan, S.Subramanyam: CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age International
4. Alavudeen, Venkateshwaran: Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Printice-Hall India

ME 506 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods/Week
Duration of University Examination 3 hours
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Mraks

Unit – I
Introduction: Prototyping fundamentals, Historical development, Fundamentals of Rapid Prototyping,
Advantages and Limitations of Rapid Prototyping, Commonly used Terms, Classification of RP process, Rapid
Prototyping Process Chain: Fundamental Automated Processes, Process Chain.

Unit – II
Liquid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Stereo lithography Apparatus (SLA): Models and specifications,
Process, working principle, photopolymers, photo polymerization, Layering technology, laser and laser
scanning, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Solid ground curing (SGC): Models
and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies

Solid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Models and
specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Fused
Deposition Modeling (FDM): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages
and Disadvantages, Case studies.

Unit – III
Powder Based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Selective laser sintering (SLS): Models and specifications,
Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Three dimensional
Printing (3DP): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and
Disadvantages, Case studies.

Rapid Tooling: Introduction to Rapid Tooling (RT), Conventional Tooling Vs RT, Need for RT. Rapid Tooling
Classification: Indirect Rapid Tooling Methods: Spray Metal Deposition, RTV Epoxy Tools, Ceramic tools,
Investment Casting, Spin Casting, Die casting, Sand Casting, 3D Keltool process. Direct Rapid Tooling: Direct
AIM, LOM Tools, DTM Rapid Tool Process, EOS Direct Tool Process and Direct Metal Tooling using 3DP.

Unit – IV
Rapid Prototyping Data Formats: STL Format, STL File Problems, Consequence of Building Valid and
Invalid Tessellated Models, STL file Repairs: Generic Solution, Other Translators, Newly Proposed Formats.
Rapid Prototyping Software’s: Features of various RP software’s like Magics, Mimics, Solid View, View
Expert, 3 D View, Velocity 2, Rhino, STL View 3 Data Expert and 3 D doctor.

Unit –V
RP Applications: Application – Material Relationship, Application in Design, Application in Engineering,
Analysis and Planning, Aerospace Industry, Automotive Industry, Jewelry Industry, Coin Industry, GIS
application, Arts and Architecture. RP Medical and Bioengineering Applications: Planning and simulation
of complex surgery, Customised Implants & Prosthesis, Design and Production of Medical Devices, Forensic
Science and Anthropology, Visulization of Biomolecules.

Suggested Reading:

1. Rapid prototyping: Principles and Applications - Chua C.K., Leong K.F. and LIM
C.S, World Scientific publications , Third Edition, 2010.
2. Rapid Manufacturing – D.T. Pham and S.S. Dimov, Springer , 2001
3. Wholers Report 2000 – Terry Wohlers, Wohlers Associates, 2000
4. Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing – Paul F.Jacobs, ASME Press, 1996.

ME 507 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011

Instruction 3 Periods/week
Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Brief History, Types of robots, Overview of robot subsystems, resolution, repeatability and accuracy, Degrees
of freedom of robots, Robot configurations and concept of workspace, Mechanisms and transmission, End
effectors and Different types of grippers, vacuum and other methods of gripping. Pneumatic, hydraulic and
electrical actuators, applications of robots, specifications of different industrial robots.

Rotation matrices, Euler angle and RPY representation, Homogeneous transformation matrices, Denavit-
Hartenberg notation, representation of absolute position and orientation in terms of joint parameters, direct

Inverse Kinematics, inverse orientation, inverse locations, Singularities, Jacobian, Trajectory Planning: joint
interpolation, task space interpolation, executing user specified tasks, sensor based motion planning: The Bug
Algorithm, The Tangent Bug Algorithm, The Incremental Voronoi Graph.

Static force analysis of RP type and RR type planar robots, Dynamic analysis using Lagrangean and Newton-
Euler formulations of RR and RP type planar robots, , Independent joint control, PD and PID feedback,
actuator models, nonlinearity of manipulator models, force feedback, hybrid control

Sensors and controllers: Internal and external sensors, position, velocity and acceleration sensors, proximity
sensors, force sensors, laser range finder.
Robot vision: image processing fundamentals for robotic applications, image acquisition and preprocessing.
Segmentation and region characterization object recognition by image matching and based on features

Suggested Reading:

1. Nagrath and Mittal, “Robotics and Control”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

2. Spong and Vidhyasagar, “Robot Dynamics and Control”, John Wiley and sons, 2008.
3. Fu. K.S, Gonzalez, R.C., Lee, C.S.G, Robotics, control, sensing, Vision and Intelligence, McGraw Hill
International, 1987
4. Steve LaValle, “Planning Algorithms”, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2006.
5. Howie Choset, Kevin Lynch, Seth Hutchinson, George Kantor, Wolfram Burgard, Lydia Kavraki and
Sebastian Thurn, “Principles of Robot Motion: Theory, Algorithms, and Implementations” , Prentice Hall
of India, 2005.

ME 508 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Introduction to Finite Element Method of solving field problems. Stress and Equilibrium. Boundary conditions.
Strain-Displacement relations. Stress-strain relations.
One Dimensional Problem: Finite element modeling. Local, natural and global coordinates and shape
functions. Potential Energy approach : Assembly of Global stiffness matrix and load vector. Finite element
equations, treatment of boundary conditions. Quadratic shape functions.

Analysis of trusses and frames: Analysis of plane truss with number of unknowns not exceeding two at each
node. Analysis of frames with two translations and a rotational degree of freedom at each node.
Analysis of Beams: Element stiffness matrix for two noded, two degrees of freedom per node for beam

Finite element modeling of two dimensional stress analysis problems with constant strain triangles and
treatment of boundary conditions. Two dimensional four noded isoparametric elements and numerical
integration. Finite element modeling of Axisymmentric solids subjected of axisymmetric loading with triangular
Convergence requirements and geometric isotropy.

Steady state heat transfer analysis: One dimensional analysis of a fin and two dimensional conduction
analysis of thin plate.
Time dependent field problems: Application to one dimensional heat flow in a rod.
Dynamic analysis: Formulation of finite element modeling of Eigen value problem for a stepped bar and
beam. Evaluation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Analysis of a uniform shaft subjected to torsion using Finite Element Analysis.

Finite element formulation of three dimensional problems in stress analysis.
Finite Element formulation of an incompressible fluid. Potential flow problems
Bending of elastic plates. Introduction to non-linear problems and Finite Element analysis software.

Suggested Reading:

1. Tirupathi R Chandraputla and Ashok. D. Belegundu, Introduction of Finite Element in Engineering,

Prentice Hall of India, 1997.
2. Rao S.S., The Finite Element Methods in Engineering, Pergamon Press, 1989.
3. Segerland. L.J., Applied Finite Element Analysis, Wiley Publication, 1984.
4. Reddy J.N., An Introduction to Finite Element Methods, Mc Graw Hill Company, 1984.

ME 509 With effect from academic year 2010-2011


Instruction 3 periods / week

Duration of University Examination 3 hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Programming Methodology: Introduction, Algorithm, Data Flow Diagrams, Decision Tree, Decision Table
and Life Cycles of Project Development.

Programming in ‘C’: Data types & Memory size, Expressions, Statements, Operators, Control flows, Arrays,
Pointers, Structures, Functions, Dynamic Memory Allocation and Simple programs in Mechanical Engineering.

Sorting and Searching Techniques: Selection sort, Quick sort, Radix sort, Heap sort. Linear search, Binary
search trees and Applications in Mechanical Engineering.

Data Structures: Classification of Data Structures, Definitions of Linked Lists, Double Linked Lists, Stacks
and Queues. Operations and Implementations of Stack, Queues and Linked List. General and Mechanical
Engineering Applications

Advanced Data Structures: Tree, Basic Terminology, Binary Trees, Operations on Binary tree, Tree
traversals, Graph, Graph representation Adjacency matrix, Adjacency Lists and Applications.

Suggested Reading:

1. G.Michael Schneider, Steven C.Bruell, “Concepts in Data Structures and Software Development”,
Jaico Publishing House,2002
2. Kernighan B.W, Ritchie D.M, “The C Programming Language”, 2 Edition, Prentice-Hall of India,
3. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, “Fundamentls of Data Structures”, Galgotia, 1999
4. Kruse RL, Bruce RL, Cloris Lt, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, PHI, 1991.
5. Trembly and Sorenson, “An Introduction to Data Structures with application”, McGraw Hill, 1984.

ME 510 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Introduction to CAD, Criteria for selection of CAD workstations, Shigle Design Process, Design criteria,
Geometric modeling, entities, 2D & 3D Primitives.
2D & 3D Geometric Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection and Shearing, conlatenation.
Graphics standards: GKS IGES, PDES.

Wire frame modeling: Curves: Curve representation. Analytic curves – lines, Circles, Ellipse, Conis. Synthetic
curves – Cubic, Bezier, B-Spline, NURBS.

Surface Modeling: Surface entities, Surface Representation.
Analytic Surface – Plane Surface, Ruled Surface, Surface of Revolution, Tabulated Cyliner.
Synthetic Surface-Cubic, Bezier, B-spline, Coons.

Solid Modeling Techniques: Graph Based Model, Boolean Models, Instances, Cell Decomposition & Spatial –
Occupancy Enumeration, Boundary Representation (B-rep) & Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG).

Advanced Modeling Concepts: Feature Based Modeling, Assembling Modeling, Behavioural Modeling,
Conceptual Design & Top Down Design.
Capabilities of Modeling & Analysis Packages such as solid works, Unigraghics, Ansys, Hypermesh.
Computer Aided Design of mechanical parts and Interference Detection by Motion analysis.

Suggested Reading:

1. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM, Theory and Practice, Mc Graw Hill, 1998.

2. Foley, Van Dam, Feiner and Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles and Practice, 2 Ed., Addison –
Wesley, 2000.
3. Martenson, E. Micheal, Geometric Modelling, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
4. Hill Jr, F.S., Computer Graphics using open GL, Pearson Education, 2003.

ME 511 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011

Instruction 3 Periods/week
Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Statement of Optimization Problem, Linear Programming: Simplex Method, Revised Simplex Method,
Sensitivity Analysis, Parametric Programming, and Transportation Problem.

Nonlinear Programming: Approach, Convergence and Scaling of Design variables; Unconstrained
Optimization Direct Search Methods: Random Search, Univariate, Simplex Method; Indirect Search Methods:
Steepest Descent, Conjugate Gradient, Newton, Quasi Newton, DFP Methods;

Nonlinear Programming Constrained Optimization Direct Methods: Lagrange Multipliers, Kuhn-Tucker
conditions, Beal’s method, Indirect Method: Penalty Function and Applications

Introduction to Dynamic Programming; Concept of Sub optimization and the principle of optimality; Linear and
Continuous Dynamic Programming with Applications; Introduction to Integer Programming; Cutting Plane
Method; Branch and Bound method; Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, particle swarm optimization

Sequencing and Scheduling, Project Scheduling by PERT-CPM; Probability and cost consideration in Project
scheduling; Queuing Theory, Single and multi server models; Queues with combined arrivals and departures;
Queues with priorities for service.

Suggested Reading:
1. Rao S.S. Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, New Age Int. Pub., 3 Ed., 1996.
2. Haug,E.J.and Arora, J.S., Applied optimal design Wiley Inter Science Publication, NY, 1979.
3. Douglas J. Willde, Globally optimal design Jhon Wiley & Sons, New York, 1978
4. Johnson Ray C., Optimum design of mechanical elements, John Wiley & Sons, 1981.
5. S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Khanna Publications, 2001.
6. David Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms, pearson publications, 2006.
7. Prem Kumar Gupta, “Operations Research”, S Chand publications, 2008
8. Maurice cleric, Particle Swarm optimization, ISTE Publications, 2006.

ME 512 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Concepts of fuzzy sets: Introduction – Crisps sets, notation of fuzzy sets, basic concepts of fuzzy sets,
operation, fuzzy compliment, union, intersection, Binary relation, Equivalence and similarity relations, belief
and plausibility measures, probability measures, computability, relations, ordering morphisms, possibility and
necessary measures.
Uncertainty and information: Types of uncertainty, measures of dissonance, measures of confusion,
measures of nonspecificity, uncertainty and information. Complexity, Principle of uncertainity.

Adaptive fuzzy systems: Neural and Fuzzy intelligence, Fuzziness as multivalent, fuzziness in probabilistic
world, randomness verses ambiguity.

Fuzzy association memories: Fuzzy and neural function estimates, FAN mapping, neural verses fuzzy
representation of structural knowledge, FAM as mapping, Fuzzy hebb FAM’s Bidirectional FAM theorem,
Super imposition FAM Rules, FA System architecture.

Introduction to Neural networks: Knowledge base information processing, general view of knowledge based
algorithm, neural information processing, Hybrid intelligence, and artificial neurons.

Characteristics of artificial Neural Networks: Single Neural Networks, Multi Layer Neural Networks, Training
of ANN – objective, supervise training, unsupervised training, overview of training.
Neural networks Paradigms: Perception meculloch and Pitts Model, back propagation algorithm and
deviation, stopping criterion, Hopfield nets, Boldman’s machine algorithm, Neural networks applications.

Suggested Reading:

1. Bart, Kosko, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall of India, 1994.
2. Limin Fu, Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence, McGraw Hill, 1995.
3. George J Klir and Tina A. Folger, Fuzzy Sets Uncertainity an Information, Prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 2000.
4. James A Freeman, Simulating Neural Networks, Adison Publication, 1995.

ME 513 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Artificial Intelligence: Definition, Study of AI techniques, problems and Problems space, AI characteristics,
Problem solving Methods: Forward and backward reasoning, problem trees, problem graph, hill climbing,
search method, problem reduction, constraint satisfaction, means and analysis, game playing, mini max
algorithms, alphabetic heuristics.

Computer Vision: Perception, early processing, representation and recognition of scenes, Guzman’s
algorithms of spurting objects in a scene, Waltz algorithm.

Neural Language understanding problems, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, augmented transition

Knowledge representation (Logic): Representing facts in logic predicate logic, resolution, unification, question
answering, mathematical theorem proving.
Knowledge representation (Structured): Declarative representation, Semantic nets, procedural representation.

Learning: Learning as induction, failure drive learning, learning by teaching, learning through examples
(Winston’s program) skill acquisition.

Suggested Reading:

1. Elaine Rich, Artificial Intelligence, Mc Graw Hill, 1985.

2. Nilson, Principles of Artificial Intelligence.
3. Winston, The Psychology of Computer.

ME 514 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Introduction: Fibres, Matrix materials, interfaces, polymer matrix composites, metal matrix composites,
ceramic matrix composites carbon fibre composites.

Micromechanics of Composites:
Mechanical properties: Prediction of Elastic constant, micromechanical approach, Halpin-Tsai equations,
Transverse stresses.
Thermal properties: Hygrothermal stresses, mechanics of load transfer from matrix to fibre.

Macromechanics of Composites:
Elastic constants of a lamina, relations between engineering constants and reduced stiffness and
compliances, variation of lamina properties with orientation, analysis of laminated composites, stresses and
strains with orientation, inter-laminar stresses and edge effects. Simplified composite beam solutions.
Bending of laminated beams.

Strength, fracture, fatigue and design:
Tensile and compressive strength of unidirectional fibre composites, fracture modes in composites: Single
and multiple fracture, de-bonding, fibre pullout and de-lamination failure, fatigue of laminate composites.
Effect of variability of fibre strength.
Strength of an orthotropic lamina: Max stress theory, max strain criteria, maximum work (Tsai-Hill) criterion,
quadratic interaction criteria. Designing with composite materials.

Analysis of plates and stress:
Plate equilibrium equations, Bending of composite plates, Levy and Navier solution for plates of composite
materials. Analysis of composite cylindrical shells under axially symmetric loads.

Suggested Reading:

1. Jones, R.M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, Mc Graw Hill Co., 1967.

2. Calcote, L.R., The Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures, Van Nostrand, 1969.
3. Whitney, I.M. Daniel, R.B. Pipes, Experimental Mechanics of Fibre Reinforced Composite Materials,
Prentice Hall, 1984.
4. Hyer, M.W., Stress Analysis of Fibre Reinforced Composite Materials, Mc Graw Hill Co., 1998.
5. Carl. T. Herakovich, Mechanics of Fibrous Composites, John Wiley Sons Inc., 1998.

ME 515 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Vibration theory: Review of systems with one and two degrees of freedom, damped, undamped free and
forced vibrations, beat phenomenon. Transmissibility of vibration and vibration isolation. Vibration

Dynamics of structures: Force and stiffness methods, Eigen value problem using lumped mass technique,
application to simple structures with damping.

Chatter in Machine tools: Basic pattern of chatter in metal cutting. Regenerative chatter, node coupling.
Limit width of cut. Importance of negative real component of receptance. Dynamic cutting force co-efficient.
Prediction of machine tools instability. Study of chatter behavior of lathe, drilling and milling machines.
C.I.R.P., rig stick-slip phenomenon.

Stability of Machine tools: Individual steps in the procedure-Directional factors cutting tests, Measurement of
dynamic data by excitation tests. Evaluation of the test examples of the analysis of the stability of machine
tools like Horizontal knee-type milling machine, vertical knee-type milling machine, center lathes.

Damping in Machine tools: Material and system damping. Dampers – Dynamic, impact and active type.
Methods of improving damping in machine tools. Examples of the use of dampers, practical design
consideration. Dynamic measurement of forces and vibration – Oscillating tools. Vibration isolation system.

Suggested Reading:

1. F.Keeningsberager and J. Tlusty, Machine Tool Structure, Porgamon press, 1970.

2. G.Sweeney, Vibration of Machine Tools, Machinery Publishing Co. 1971.
3. Walter C. Hurty and M.F. Bubinstein, Dynamics of Structures, Prentice Hall, 1967.
4. W.T.Thomson, Vibration Theory And Applications, Prentice Hall, 1965.
5. S.A. Tobias, Machine Tool Vibrations, Blackie publications, 1965.

ME 516 With effect from the academic year 2010 – 2011


Instruction 3 Periods/week
Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs.
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Basic Concepts of Stress : Definition, State of Stress at a point, Stress tensor, invariants of stress tensor,
principle stresses, stress ellipsoid, derivation for maximum shear stress and planes of maximum shear stress,
octahedral shear stress, Deviatoric and Hydrostatic components of stress, Invariance of Deviatoric stress
tensor, plane stress.

Basic concepts of Strain : Deformation tensor, Strain tensor and rotation tensor; invariants of strain tensor,
principle strains, derivation for maximum shear strain and planes of maximum shear strain, octahedral shear
strain, Deviatoric and Hydrostatic components of strain tensor, Invariance of Deviatoric strain tensor, plane

Generalized Hooke’s Law : Stress-strain relationships for an isotropic body for three dimensional stress
space, for plane stress and plane strain conditions, differential equations of equilibrium, compatibility
equations, Material (D) matrix for Orthotropic Materials.

True stress and true strain, von-Mise’s and Tresca yield criteria, Haigh–Westergard stress space
representation of von - Mise’s and Tresca yield criteria, effective stress and effective strain, St. Venants theory
of plastic flow, Prandtle–Reuss and Levy–Mise’s constitutive equations of plastic flow, Strain hardening and
work hardening theories, work of plastic deformation.

Analysis methods: Slab method, Slip line field method, uniform deformation energy method, upper and lower
bound solutions. Application of Slab method to forging, wire drawing, extrusion and rolling processes.

Suggested Readings:
1. Timoshenko and Goodieer, Theory of Elasticity, Mcgraw Hill Publications 3 Edition,
2. Madleson, Theory of Plasticity,
3. J. Chakrabarty, Theory of Plasticity, 2 edition, McGraw Hill Publications 1998
4. George E Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw Hill Publications 1988

ME 517 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Measurement of Cutting Forces: Strain gauge and piezoelectric transducers and their characteristics.
Dynamometer construction, Bridge circuits. Instrumentation and calibration. Displacement and strain
measurements by photoelasticity. Holography, interferometer, Moir techniques, strain gauge rosettes.

Temperature Measurement: Circuits and instrumentation for different transducers viz, bimetallic, expanding
fluid, electrical resistance, thermister, thermocouples, pyrometers.
Flow Measurement : Transducers for flow measurements of Non-compressible and compressible fluids.
Obstruction and drag methods. Vortex shredding flow meters. Ultrasonic, Laser Dopler and Hotwire
anemometer. Flow visualization techniques, Shadow graphs, Schlieren photography. Interferometer.

Metallurgical Studies: Optical and electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, Bragg’s Law and its application for
studying crystal structure and residual stresses. Electron spectroscopy, electron microprobe.
Surface Measurements: Micro hardness, roughness, accuracy of dimensions and forms. 3-D co-ordinate
measuring machines.

Experiment design & data analysis: Statistical methods, Randomised block design, Latin and orthogonal
squares, factorial design. Replication and randomization.
Data Analysis: Deterministic and random data, uncertainty analysis, tests for significance: Chi-square,
student’s ‘t’ test. Regression modeling, direct and interaction effects. ANOVA, F-test. Time Series analysis,
Autocorrelation and autoregressive modeling.

Taguchi Methods: Experiment design and planning with Orthogonal arrays and linear graphs. Additive cause
effect model. Optimization of response level. Identification of Design and noise factors. Performance
evaluation and Optimization by signal to noise ratios. Concept of loss function and its application.

Suggested Reading:

1. Holman, J.P.: Experimental Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill Int., New York.
2. Venkatesh, V.C., and Chandrasekharan, Experimental Methods in Metal Cutting, Prentice Hall of India,
3. Davis, O.V.; The Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments, Longman, London.
4. Box and Jenkins; Time Series analysis, Forecasting and control, Holden Day, Sanfrancisco.
5. Dove and Adams, Experimental stress analysis and motion measurement, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi.
6. Tapan P. Bagchi, Taguchi Methods Explained, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi.

ME 518 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

End & line standards for length, Airy & Bessel points, desirable features of end standards, slip gauge
manufacture, calibration of end standards by interferometry. NPL gauge interferometer, calibration of line
standards by micrometer microscope – superposition, coincidence and symmetric straddling, photoelectric
microscope and Moir fringe techniques, measurement of large displacements using lasers, calibration of
Tomlinson gauges by interferometry. Photoelectric Autocollimator, calibration of polygons & circular scales.
Types of interchangeability, dimensional chains.

Fixed & Indicating Gauges: Taylor’s principles of gauge design, limitations of ring & plug gauges, position
and receiver gauges, types of indicating gauges.
Comparators: Multirange Sigma comparator, Back pressure and free flow type pneumatic comparators,
Differential back pressure gauge, usage of different types of jets, contact & non contact tooling. Amplification
selection. Air to electric transducer, Differential transducer, Variation transducer, Pre process, In-process &
Post process gauging, computation & match gauging. Usage of LVDT & Capacitive type gauge heads,
Automatic inspection.

Measuring Machines: Floating carriage diameter measuring m/c. Universal measuring m/c. Matrix internal
diameter measuring machine. Optical dividing head. Coordinate measuring machine, Optical projector-light
beam systems, Work tables, measurement techniques, fixturing & accessories. Sources of error in
measurement. Design principles of measuring machines Abbe’s rule, Kelvin coupling, flexible steel strip,
advantages & limitations of hydrostatic & aerostatic bearings.

Form Errors: Evaluation of straightness & flatness, usage of beam comparator, evaluation of roundness –
intrinsic & extrinsic datums. Talyrond. PGC, RGC, MZC & LSC, methods, roundness evaluation for even &
odd number of lobes.
Surface Finish: stylus instrument (TALYSURF). M & E Systems, numerical assessment, vertical & horizontal
descriptors, profile as a random process, usage of interferograms. Plastic replica technique.

Screw Threads: Measurement of thread elements for internal & external threads, progressive periodic,
drunkenness and irregular pitch errors. NPL pitch measuring machine, virtual effective diameter, thread
Gears: measurement of tooth thickness, involute profile, pitch, concentricity and alignment, rolling gear test.

Suggested Reading:

1. R.K.Jain, Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers

2. ASTME, Hand Book of Industrial Metrology, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
3. I.C. Gupta, A Text Book of Engineering Metrology, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.

ME 519 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Product design and process design functions, selection of a right product, essential factors of product design,
Morphology of design, sources of new ideas for products, evaluation of new product ideas. Product
innovation procedure-Flow chart. Qualifications of product design Engineer. Criteria for success/failure of a
product. Value of appearance, colours and Laws of appearance.

Product reliability, Mortality Curve, Reliability systems, Manufacturing reliability and quality control.
Patents: Definitions, classes of patents, applying for patents. Trademarks and copyrights. Cost and quality
sensitivity of products, Elements of cost of a product, costing methods, cost reduction and cost control
activities. Economic analysis, Break even analysis Charts. Value engineering in product design, creativity
aspects and techniques. Procedures of value analysis – cost reduction, material and process selection.

Various manufacturing processes, degree of accuracy and finish obtainable, process capability studies.
Methods of improving tolerances. Basic product design rules for Casting, Forging, Machining, Sheet metal
and Welding. Physical properties of engineering materials and their importance on products. Selection of
plastics, rubber and ceramics for product design.

Industrial ergonomics: Man-machine considerations, ease of maintenance. Ergonomic considerations in
product design-Anthropometry, Design of controls, man-machine information exchange. Process sheet detail
and their importance, Advanced techniques for higher productivity. Just-in-time and Kanban System. Modern
approaches to product design; quality function development, Rapid prototyping.

Role of computer in product design and management of manufacturing, creation of manufacturing data base,
Computer Integrated Manufacturing, communication network, production flow analysis, Group Technology,
Computer Aided product design and process
Planning. Integrating product design, manufacture and production control.

Suggested Reading:

1. Niebel, B.W., and Draper, A.B., Product design and process Engineering, Mc Graw Hill – Kogalkusha
Ltd., Tokyo, 1974.
2. Chitale, A.K, and Gupta, R.C., Product Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 2004.
3. Mahajan, M. Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpath Rai & Co., 2000.

ME 520 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods /Week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Design of Cutting Tools: S.P. tools, geometry, design of shank, form tools, types, form correction, drills,
geometry, effect of feed, axial thrust and torque. Reamers – cutting elements, geometry, tolerances, milling
cutters minimum no. of teeth, geometry different types of cutters. Cutting principle by form generation gear
shapers & hobs.

Design of Press Tools: For blanking, piercing bending and drawing, center of pressure clearances, strip
layout, punch force, blank size, number of draws, single, compound and progressive press – tools,
manufacture and testing of press tools, repair of press tools and prolonging their life.

Jigs and Fixtures Design : Principles of location and clamping, locating and clamping elements and their
standardization, classification of jigs and their standardization. Universal jigs fixtures, steps in special
location and clamping devices, quick clamping devices. Designing jig and fixture. Examples of turning and
milling fixtures. Drilling – Jigs, welding fixtures, fixturing of NC machines.

Tooling for Automats : Cam design for automats, gauge design – gauge allowances and tolerance – materials
for gauges.
Economics of Tooling : Selection of economical method – amortization of tooling costs.

Manufacturing and Sharpening of Cutting Tools : Manufacture of drills, reamers, milling cutters, broaches,
gear hobs. Sharpening of single point tools, drills, reamers, milling cutters, broaches and gear hobs.

Suggested Reading:

1. ASTME, Fundamentals of Tool Design.

2. Rodin, Design and production of Metal Cutting Tools.
3. Palay, Manufacture of Metal Cutting Tools.
4. Surendra Kumar, Production Engineering Design (Tool Design).
5. G.R. Nagpal, Tool Engineering.
6. Donaldson, Lecain & Wulff, Tool Design.
7. Ham & Bhattacharya, Cutting Tool Design, Theory of Metal Cutting.

ME 521 With effect from the Academic Year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods/week
Duration of University Examination 3 Hrs.
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Introduction: Scope of research, objective/motivation, characteristics and prerequisites of research.
Research needs in engineering, benefits to the society in general.

Review of Literature: Role of review, search for related literature, online search, and web-based search
conducting a literature search.Evaluating, Organizing, and synthesizing the literature.
Identifying and describing the research. Finding the research Problem.Sources of research problem.
Criteria/Characteristics of a Good research

Planning for Research Design.
The Nature and role of Data in Research. Linking Data and Research Methodology. Validity of
Method.Planning for Data collection. Choosing a Research Approach. Use of Quantitative / Qualitative
Research Design. Feasibility of Research Design. Establishing Research Criteria. Justification of Research
Research Proposal preparation.
Characteristics of a proposal. Formatting a research proposal. Preparation of proposal. Importance of
Interpretation of data and treatment of data.

Exploring the data. Description and Analysis of Data.Role of Statistics for Data Analysis. Functions of
Statistics, Estimates of. Population. Parameters. Parametric V/s Non Parametric methods.Descriptive
Statistics, Points of Central tendency, Measures of Variability, Measures of relationship.Inferenctial Statistics-
Estimation, Hypothesis Testing.Use of Statistical software.
Data Analysis: Deterministic and random data, uncertainty analysis, tests for significance: Chi-square,
student’s ‘t’ test. Regression modeling, direct and interaction effects. ANOVA, F-test. Time Series analysis,
Autocorrelation and autoregressive modeling.

Research Report Writing Format of the Research report. Style of writing report. References and Bibliography.
Technical paper writing/Journal report

Suggested Reading:

1. Practical Research: planning and Design( 8th Edition) -

Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod.
2. A Hand Book of Education Research - NCTE
3. Methodogy of Education Research - K.S. Sidhu.
4. Research Methodology. Methods & Technique: Kothari. C.R.
5. Tests, Measurements and Research methods in Behavioural
6. Statistical Methods- Y.P. Agarwal.
7. Box and Jenkins; Time Series analysis, Forecasting and control, Holden Day, Sanfrancisco
8. Holman, J.P.: Experimental Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill Int., New York.

ME 522 With effect from the Academic Year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 periods/ week

Duration of University Examination 3 Hours
University Examination 80 Marks
Sessional 20 Marks

Evolution of Manufacturing Systems: FMS definition and description, General FMS considerations,
Manufacturing cells, Cellular versus Flexible Manufacturing.
Systems Planning: Objective, introduction planning, preparation guidelines, the project team, supplier
selection, system description and sizing, facility preparation planning, FMS layouts. Human resources: staff
considerations, team work, communication and involvement, the supervisors role, personnel selection, job
classifications, employee training.

Manufacturing Driving Force: Definition, description and characteristics. Just in-time manufacturing, definition
and description, benefits and relationship to FMS, implementation cornerstones, quality and quantity
application principles. Single manufacture Cell – design scheduling of jobs on single manufacturing cells.
Group Technology: Concepts, classification and coding, benefits and relationship to FMS, design of group
technology using rank order clustering technique.

FMS Design – Using Bottleneck, Extended bottleneck models, Processing and Quality Assurance: Turning
centres, Machining centre, construction and operations performed, axes, programming, and format
information, work-holding and work-changing equipment, automated features and capabilities, cleaning and
deburring – station types and operation description, importance to automated manufacturing, coordinate
measuring machines, types, construction and general function, operation cycle description, importance to
flexible cells and systems.

Automated movement and storage systems–AGVs, Robots, automated storage and retrieval systems, storage
space design, queuing carousels and automatic work changers, coolant and chip Disposal and recovery
systems, auxiliary support equipment, cutting tools and tool Management – introduction, getting control of
cutting tools, Tool Management, tool strategies, data transfer, tool monitoring and fault detection, guidelines,
work holding considerations, General fixturing, Modular fixturing. FMS and the relationship with workstations –
Manual, automated and transfer lines design aspects.

FMS: computer Hardware, Software, Communications networks and Nanotechnology – general functions, and
manufacturing usages, hardware configuration, programmable logic controllers, cell controllers,
communications networks. FMS implementation.

Suggested Reading:

1. Parrish, D.J., ‘Flexible Manufacturing’, - Butter Worths – Heinemann, Oxford, 1993.

2. Groover, M.P., ‘Automation, Production Systems and CIM’, - Prentice Hall India, 1989.
3. Kusiak, A., ‘Intelligent Manufacturing Systems’, - Prentice Hall, 1990.
4. Considine,D.M., & Considine,G.D., ‘Standard Handbook of Industrial Automation’,-Chapman & Hall, 1986
5. Ranky, P.G., ‘Design and Operation of FMS’, - IFS Publishers, UK, 1988

ME 523 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods/week
Sessional 50 Marks

List of Experiments:

1. Study of the morphology of chips produced from different materials sand machining processes.
2. Effect of tool geometry on chip flow direction in simulated orthogonal cutting conditions.
3. Study of cutting ratio/chip thickness ratio in simulated orthogonal cutting with different materials
4. and tool geometry.
5. Evaluations of tool face temperature with thermocouple method.
6. Roughness of machined surface. Influence of tool geometry and feed rate.
7. Electro chemical machining. Effect of flow rate of electrolyte and material structure on machining
8. Study of the construction and operating parameters of metal spinning Lathe.
9. Study of the water hammer equipment and hydrostatic extrusion setup.
10. Extrusion of cylindrical billets through dies of different included angles and exit diameters and
their effect on extrusion pressure.
11. Practice and study of blanking and punching process and their characteristic features on
mechanical press with existing dies.
12. Experiments on EDM to measure MRR and Surface roughness of different metals.
13. Programming and experiments on CNC milling for different profiles.
14. Programming and experiments on CNC lathe for cylindrical jobs.
15. Experiments on TIG and MIG welding to find out the mechanical properties of metals.
16. Testing of mechanical properties of metals by using UTM.

ME 524 With effect from the academic year 2010 - 2011


Instruction 3 Periods/week
Sessional 50 Marks

List of Experiments:

1. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Software.

2. Static Analysis of a corner bracket.
3. Statically indeterminate reaction force analysis.
4. Determination of Beam stresses and Deflection.
5. Bending analysis of a Tee-shaped beam.
6. Analysis of cylindrical shell under pressure.
7. Bending of a circular plate using axisymmetric shell element.
8. Stress analysis in a long cylinder.
9. Solidification of a casting.
10. Transient Heat transfer in an infinite slab.
11. Transient Thermal stress in a cylinder.
12. Vibration analysis of a Simply supported beam.
13. Natural frequency of a motor-generator.
14. Thermal-Structural contact of two bodies.
15. Drop test of a container (Explicit Dynamics).


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