Oros Piston
Oros Piston
Oros Piston
An oil-cooled piston crown, made of heat-resistant chrome– molybdenum steel, is
rigidly bolted to the piston rod to allow distortionfree transmission of the firing
pressure. The piston has four ring grooves which are hard chrome plated on both
upper and lower surfaces of the grooves. A cast iron piston skirt (with bronze sliding
bands on the large bore engines) is bolted to the underside of the piston crown.
The relief grooves ensures optimum pr drop across the top ring.
Relief groves ensure a uniform distribution of thermal load whereby the load is reduced
on liner n ring. This reduced wear of liner n ring.
decreases the l.o consumption
decreases the blowpast, suffing.
Note The CPR has a double lapped joint which ensure for proper seal n avoid
blowpast even after wear.
8.Piston ring clearances how to take of old rings. Different types of butt clearances
Put the ring in the least worn groove and check the axial clearances.
Axial clearance – so that ring can expand n free to slide in n out.
If too large - ring will FLUTTER n possible ring breakage, it may also twist n bend in
the groove.
If too small - Ring will stick in the groove. This will result in poor sealing and possible
blow by which will burn away the oil and cause scuffing. Insufficient gas pressure
behind the ring will affect sealing.
Take the butt clearance with piston and ring inserted in the liner.
Butt clearance – 0.5% of the cyl dia for moderate ratings & 1% for higher ratings
Too small Butt Clearance - As the ring expands the butt will come together. This
will exert a large radial pressure on the liner breaking down the oil film and increasing
scuffing wear. Ring seizure may occur.
Put the ring in the least worn groove and check the axial clearances.
Take the butt clearance with piston and ring inserted in the liner.
Butt clearance – 0.5% of the cyl dia for moderate ratings & 1% for higher ratings
Types of butt-
i) Butt joint means ring gap is vertical- robust joint for top rings
ii) Scarfed means ring gap is diagonal Better gas seal
iii) Double Lap Joint means S-seal