The Muslim Marriage Checklist: 15 Habits From The Prophet's Sunnah

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The Muslim

Marriage Checklist
15 Habits from the Prophet’s Sunnah ‫ﷺ‬


Run your marriage through this 15-habit checklist extracted from the Prophet’s Sunnah ‫ ﷺ‬.
If you’re missing some, you’ll know where to take action as early as today.

Tell your spouse thank you for the little things you may take for The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
granted. said, “Whoever does not thank
people will not thank Allah”
At the least expected time, take your spouse’s hand, look them (Tirmidhi)
in the eye and say, “Honey, you do know I love you right?”

Find little ways to pamper your spouse and make them smile The Prophet
like feeding them a bite with your hand. ( ‫ ’ﺻﲆ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬,(Even the
bite of food that you raise
If in a heated argument, break the pattern by smiling or making to the mouth of your
a sweet Dua for your spouse. Cooler heads always prevails.
spouse is an act of charity.’
When dedicating time to spend together, do so with full
attention without distractions (put your phone away).
Anas said, ‘We left for Madinah,
If you’re not in the habit of gift giving, buy your spouse a gift having left Khaybar, and, on that
right away, even if small. If you are in the habit, put extra
trip, I saw the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬covering
Safiyyah with his robe, then, upon
thought into your next one. reaching the camel, he kneeled
down, so that Safiyyah could step
Ask your spouse if there’s anything you promised in the past onto his thigh and ride the camel.’
that you may have forgotten. Fulfill all your promises. (Bukhari)


As often as you can, dress nicely, smell good, and look fresh for The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Surely, the promises most
your spouse. This applies equally to both genders. deserving to be fulfilled are those (made at the
time) your spouse became lawful for you.”
Make non-sexual physical touch a habit. For example: kisses,
(Agreed upon)
hand holding and backrubs.

Encourage one another towards good deeds, performing salah, Aisha was asked "What would the Messenger of
giving sadaqa. Try to do as much you can together. Allah ‫ ﷺ‬do as soon as he entered the house?"
She replied: "(He would use) the siwak."
Communicate to one another each other’s needs, desires, and
(Abu Dawud)
what your coded behaviour may mean.

Compliment your spouse’s looks and praise their character. Do Aisha reports that the Prophet used to kiss his
it frequently in private and when appropriate in front of family. wives before he left for prayer, and he would not
remake his wudoo’.
Consult your spouse in both important and regular matters. It (Abu Dawud)
makes your spouse feel included, trusted, and leaned upon.

Strengthen your relationship with your spouse’s family and The Prophet said, “If a person wakes his spouse
encourage your spouse to do the same with yours. up in the night, and they both pray two rak’ahs
together, they will be written among those males
Together with your spouse, envision what it would be like to and females who remember Allah frequently.”
walk hand in hand through the doors of Jannah. (Abu Dawud)


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