JSU Paper 2 - Form 1

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1.1Understand the concept of Count, read, and write whole numbers
1 Whole numbers 1(a)
whole numbers.
1.2Perform computations Add whole numbers.
involving addition and
subtraction of whole numbers
to solve problems.
2.1 Recognize and extend i-Describe the pattern of given number
Number Patterns and number patterns and sequences sequence.
2 2(a)
Sequences formed by counting on and
counting back in.
ii. Complete missing terms in given number
iii. Construct number sequence base on given

3 Describe fractions as part of a whole. 3


Decimals 4.1Understand the relationship i. Represent fraction 1 and 1

between decimals and fraction. 10 100
as decimals and vise- versa.
4 4
ii. Represent fractions with denominators 10, 100
and 1000 as decimals.
iii. Read and write decimals to thousandths.
iv.Change fraction to decimals and vise- versa. 4
4.4Understand the concept of i. Multiply two or more decimals.
multiplication and division of ii. Solve problems involving multiplications of
decimals to solve problems. decimals.
iii. Divide :
• A decimals by a whole number. 5
• A decimals by decimals.
• A decimals by fraction.
iv. Solve problems involving
division of decimals.
Percentages Change fractions and decimals to percentages
5 6
and vise-versa.
5.2Perform computations i. Find the percentage of a
and solve problems quantity.
involving percentages. ii. Find the percentage one
number is of another.
iii. Find the number given the
iv. Find the percentage of
increase or decrease. 7
6 Integers 6.1Understand and use the i. Read and write integers.
knowledge of integers. ii. Represent integers on number lines. 8
6.2Perform computations i. Add integers.
involving addition and ii. Solve problems involving addition of
subtraction of integers to solve integers.
problems. iii. Subtract integers.
iv. Solve problems involving subtraction of
integers. 9
Algebraic Expressions 7.2Understand the concept of
algebraic terms. i. Identify algebraic terms with
one unknown.
ii. Identify coefficients in given algebraic terms
with one unknown.
iii. Identify like and unlike algebraic terms with
7 one unknown. 10
iv. State like terms for a given term.

Simplify algebraic expressions by combining the

like terms.
Basic 8.1Understand the concept of
Use the four operations to solve problems
8 Measurements length to solve problems. 12
involving length.
Line and angles. 9.1 Understand the concept of i. Recognize angles.
angles. ii. Denote and label angles.
9 iii. Measure angles using 14
iv. Draw angles using protractor.
v. Recognize, compare and classify angles as
acute, right and obtuse.
vi. Draw acute, right and obtuse angels using
protractors. 13
vii. Determine angles on straight lines equal
viii. Determine one whole turn is 360
10 Polygons. 10.1 Understand the concept i. Recognize polygons.
of polygons ii. Name polygons (triangle, quadrilateral,
pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon) 15
iii. Determine the numbers of side, vertices and
diagonals of given polygons.
10.2 Understand the concept of i. Determine and draw the line(s) of symmetry
symmetry. of shapes.
ii. Complete shapes given part of the shapes
and its line of symmetry.
iii. Determine and draw the line(s) of
symmetry of shapes.
iv. Complete shapes given part of the shapes
and its line of symmetry.
Perimeter and Area 11.1Understand the concept of
11 Solve problems involving perimeter. 17
perimeter to solve problems.
11.3Understand the concept of
area of triangles, parallelograms i. Identify the heights of triangles,
and trapezium to solve parallelograms and trapezium.
problems. ii. Find the areas of triangles, parallelograms
and trapeziums.
iii. Find the areas of figures made up of
triangles, parallelograms and trapeziums.

Solid Geometry 12.2 Understand the concept of (Level 2)

12 volumes of cuboids to solve i. Estimate the volume of cuboids. 19
problems. ii. Find the volume of cuboids.
(Level 3)
iii. Solve problems involving volume 20
of cuboids.

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