PRT Math FRM 2

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Weeks Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Remark

3 Weeks 1.0 Directed Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W1-W3) Numbers 1.1 Perform computations i ) Multiply integers
involving multiplication ii) Solve problems involving multiplication of
03/1/2010 and division of integers to integers
– solve problems iii) Divide integers
22/1/2010 iv) Solve problems involving division of integers

1.2 Perform computations i) Perform computations involving combined

involving combined operations of:
operation of addition, a) addition and subtraction
subtraction, multiplication b) multiplication and division of integers
and division of integers to
solve problems ii) Solve problems involving combined operations
of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
of integers including the use of brackets

1.3 Extend the concept of i) Compare and order fractions

integers to fractions to ii) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication or
solve problems division on fractions

i) Compare and order decimal

1.4 Extend the concept of ii) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication or
integers to decimals to division on decimals
solve problems

i) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication or

division involving two directed numbers


1.5 Perform computations ii) Perform computations involving combination of

involving directed two or more operations on directed numbers
numbers (integers, including the use of brackets
fractions and decimals) iii) Pose and solve problems involving directed

3 Weeks 2.0 Squares, Student will be taught to : Student will be able to:
(W4-W6) Square Roots, 2.1 Understand and use the i) State a number multiplied by itself as a number
Cube and Cube concept of squares of to the power of two and vice-versa
25/1/2010 Roots numbers ii) Determine the squares of numbers
- iii) Estimate the squares of numbers
12/2/2010 iv) Determine the squares of numbers using
v) List perfect squares
vi) Determine if a number is a perfect square
vii) Pose and solve problems involving squares of

2.2 Understand and use the i) Determine the relationship between square
concept of square roots of and square roots
positive number ii) Determine the square roots of perfect square
without using calculator
iii) Determine the square roots of numbers,
without using calculators
iv) Multiply two square roots
v) Estimate square roots of numbers
vi) Find the square roots of numbers using
vii) Pose and solve problems involving square and
square roots

2.3 Understand and use the i) State a number multiplied by itself twice as a
concept of cube of numbers number to the power of three and vice-versa
ii) Determine cubes of numbers without using
iii) Estimate cubes of numbers


iv) Determine cubes of numbers using calculators

v ) Pose and solve problems involving cubes of

i) Determine the relationship between cubes and

2.4 Understand and use the cube roots
concept of cube roots of ii) Determine the cube roots of integers without
number using calculators
iii) Determine the cube roots of numbers without
using calculators
iv) Estimate cube roots of numbers
v ) Determine cube roots of numbers using
v ) Determine cube roots of numbers using
vi) Pose and solve problems involving cube and
cube roots

vii) Perform computations involving additions,

subtraction, multiplication, division and mixed
operations on squares, square roots, cube and
cube roots

3 Weeks 3.0 Algebraic Student will be taught to Student will be able to:
(W7-W9) Expressions II 3.1 Understand the concept i) Identify unknowns in algebraic terms in two or
of algebraic terms in two or more unknown
more unknowns ii) Identify algebraic terms in two or more
15/2/2010 unknowns with a number
- iii) Identify coefficient in given algebraic terms in
05/3/2010 two or more unknowns
iv) Identify like and unlike algebraic terms in two
or more unknowns
v ) State like terms for a given algebraic terms

3.2 Perform computations i ) Find the product of two algebraic terms

involving multiplication and ii) Find the quotient of two algebraic terms


division of two or more terms iii) Perform multiplication and division involving
algebraic terms

3.3 Understand the concept i ) Write algebraic expression for a given situations
of algebraic expressions using letter symbols
ii ) Recognise algebraic expression in two or more
iii) Determine the number of terms in given
algebraic expressions in two or more unknowns
iv) Simplify algebraic expression by collecting like
v) Evaluate expression by substituting numbers
for letters

3.4 Perform computations i) Multiply and divide algebraic expression by a

involving algebraic number
expressions ii) Perform
- addition ] involving two
- subtraction] algebraic expressions
iii) Simplify algebraic expression

3 Weeks 4.0 Linear Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W10 Equations 4.1 Understand and use the i) State the relationship between
& concept of equality two quantities by using the two quantities by using
W13 the symbols ‘=’ or ‘≠ ‘

1 Week 13/3/2010 – 21/3/2010 MID-TERM BREAK 1



1 Week 22/3/2010 – 25/3/2010 PENILAIAN KENDALIAN PRESTASI 1


4.2 Understand and use the i) Recognise linear algebraic terms

concept of linear equations in ii) Recognise linear algebraic expressions
one unknown iii) Determine if a given equation is:
a) a linear equation
b) a linear equation in one unknown
iv) Write linear equation in one unknown for given
statements and vice versa

4.3 Understand the concept i) Determine if a numerical value is a solution of a

of solutions given liner equation in one unknown
of linear equations in one ii) Determine the solution of a linear equation in
unknown one unknown by trial and improvement method
iii) Solve equations in the form of
a. x + a = b
b. x – a = b
c. ax = b
d. x = b
where a, b, c are integers and x is an unknown
iv) Solve equations in the form of ax + b = c,
where a, b, c are

integers and x is an unknown

v) Solve linear equations in one unknown
vi) Pose and solve problems involving linear
equations in one unknown

2 Week 6.0 Pythagoras’ Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W18 Theorem 6.1 Understand the i) Identify the hypotenuse of right-angled triangles
- relationship between the ii) Determine the relationship between the lengths


W19) sides of a right-angled of the sides

triangle of a right-angled triangle
03/5/2010 iii) Find the length of the missing side of a right-
- angled triangle using the Pythagoras’ theorem
14/5/2010 iv) Find the length of sides of geometric shapes
using Pythagoras’ theorem
v) Solve problems using the Pythagoras’ theorem

i) Determine whether a triangle is a right-angled

ii) Solve problems involving the converse
6.2 Understand and use the Pythagoras’ theorem
converse of the Pythagoras

2 weeks 7.0 Geometrical Student will be able to: Student will be able to:
(W20 Construction 7.1 Perform construction i) Construct a line segment of given length
- using straight edge (ruler and ii) Construct a triangle given the length of the sides
W21) set of square and compass) iii) Construct:
a) perpendicular bisector of given line segment
17/5/2010 b) perpendicular to a line passing through a
- point on the line
28/5/2010 c) perpendicular to a line passing through a
point not on the line
iv) Construct:
a) Angle at 600 and 1200
b) Bisector of and angle
v) Construct triangles given
a) One side and two angle
b) Two side and one angle

vi) Construct:
a) Parallel lines
b) Parallelogram given its sides and an angle

1 Week 31/5/2010 - 4/6/2010 PEPERIKSAAN PERTENGAHAN TAHUN 2010



2 Week
W23 05/6/2010 – 20/6/2010 CUTI PERTENGAHAN TAHUN

2 Weeks 8.0 Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W25 Coordinates 8.1 Understand and use the i) Identify the x-axis, y-axis and the origin on a
- concept of coordinates Cartesian plane
W26) ii) Plots points and state the coordinates of the
point given
21/6/2010 distances from the y-axis and x-axis
-02/7/2010 iii) Plot points and state the distances of the point
from the
y-axis and x-axis given coordinates of the points
iv) State the coordinates of points on Cartesian

i) Mark the values on both axis by extending the

8.2 Understand and use the sequence of given values on the axes
concept of scales for the ii) State the scales used in given coordinates axes
coordinate axes where:
a) Scales for axes are the same
b) Scales for axes are different
iii) Mark the values on both axes with reference to
the scales given
iv) State the coordinate of a given point with
reference to the scale given
v) Plot points given the coordinates with
reference to the scales given
vi) Pose and solve problems involving coordinates

i) Find the distance between two points with:

a) common y-coordinates
8.3 Understand and use the b) common x-coordinates
concept of distance between ii) Find the distance between two points using


two points on a Cartesian Pythagoras’ theorem

plane iii) Pose and solve problems involving distance
between two points

i) Identify the midpoint of a straight line joining

two points
8.4 Understand and use the ii) Find the coordinates of the midpoint of a
concept of midpoints straight line joining two points with:
a) common y- coordinates
b) common x- coordinates
iii) Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line
joining two points
iv) Pose and solve problems involving midpoints

2 Weeks 9.0 Loci In Two Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W27 Dimensions 9.1 Understand the concept i) Describe and sketch the locus of a moving
- of two dimensional loci object
W28) ii) Determine the locus of points that are of:
a) Constant distant form a fix point
05/7/2010 b) Equidistant from two fixed points
- c) Constant distance from a straight line
16/7/2010 d) Equidistant from two intersecting lines
iii) Construct the locus of a set of all points that
satisfied the condition:
a) The point is at a constant distance from a
fixed point
b) The point is at equidistant from two fixed
c) The point is at a constant distant form a
straight line
d) The point is at equidistant from two
intersecting lines

i) Determine the intersection of two loci

9.2 Understand the concept by drawing the loci and locating the
of intersection of two loci points that satisfy the conditions of the
two loci


4 weeks 10.0 Circles Student will be taught to: Students will be able to:
(W29 10.1 Recognise and draw i) Identify circle as a set of points equidistant from
– parts of a circle a fixed point
W32) ii) Identify parts of a circle
a) centre
19/7/2010 b) circumference
- c) radius
13/8/2010 d) diameter
e) chord
f) arc
g) sector
h) segment

iii) Draw
a) a circle given the radius and centre
b) a circle given the diameter
c) a diameter passing through a specific poin
in a circle the
d) a chord of a given length passing through a
point on the
e) sector given the size of the angle at the
centre and radius
10.2 Understand and use the of the circle
concept of circumference to iv) Determine the
solve problem a) centre
b) radius of a given by construction

i. Estimate the value of n

ii. Derive the formula of the circumference of a
iii Find the circumference of a circle, given its:
a) diameter
b) radius
iv. Find the
a) diameter


10.3 Understand and use the b) radius

concept of arc of a circle to given the circumference of circle
solve problems v. Solve problems involving circumference of circle

i) Derive the formula the length of an arc

ii) Find the length of arc given the angles at the
centre and the
iii) Find the angle at the centre given the length of
the arc and the radius of a circle
iv) Find the length of radius of a circle given the
length of the arc and the angle at the centre
v) Solve problems involving arcs of a circle

10.4 Understand and use the

concept of area of a circle to i) Derive the formula the area of a circle
solve problems ii) Find the area of a circle given the:
a) radius
b) diameter
iii) Find
a) radius
b) diameter
given the area of a circle
iv) Find the area of a circle given the
circumference and
vice versa
iv) Solve problems involving area of circles

i) Derive the formula of the area of a sector

10.5 Understand and use the ii) Find the area of a sector given the radius and
concept of area of sector of a angle at the centre
circle to solve problems iii) Find the angle at the centre given the radius
and area of a sector
iv) Find the radius given the area of a sector and
the angle at the


v) Solve problems involving area of sectors and

area of circles

1 Week
W33 16/8/2010 – 20/8/2010 PENILAIAN KENDALIAN PRESTASI 2

4 Weeks 11.0 Students will be taught to : Student will be able to:

(W34 Transformations 11.1 Understand the concept i) Identify a transformation as a one-to-
- of transformations one correspondence between points in
W35 a plane
& ii) Identify the object and its image in a given
W37 transformation
11.2 Understand and use the i) Identify a translation
23/8/2010 concept of translations ii) Determine the image of an object under a given
-03/9/2010 translation
& iii) Describe a translation
13/9/2010 a) by stating the direction and distance of the
- movement
24/9/2010 b) In the form a
iv) Determine the properties of translation
v) Determine the coordinates of
a) the image, given the coordinates of the
b) the object, given the coordinates of the
image under a
vi) Solve problems involving translations

1.3 Understand and use the i) Identify a reflection

concept of reflections ii) Determine the image of an object under a
reflection on a given line
iii) Determine the properties of reflections


iv) Determine:
a) the image of an object given the axis of
b) the axis of reflection, given the object and its
vi) Describe a reflection given the object and
vii)Solve problems involving reflections

11.4 Understand and use the i) Identify a rotation

concept of rotations ii) Determine the image of an object under a
rotation given the centre, the angle and direction
of rotation
iii) Determine the properties of rotations
iv) Determine:
a) image of an object, given the centre, angle and
direction of rotation
b) the centre, angle and direction of rotation, given
the object and the image
v) Determine the coordinates of:
a) the image, given the coordinates of the object
b) the object, given the coordinates of the image
under a rotation
vi) Describe a rotation given the object and image
vii) Solve problems involving rotations

i) Identify an isometry
ii) Determine whether a given transformation is
11.5 Understand and use the iii) Construct pattern using isometry
concept of isometry
i) Identify if two figures are congruent
ii) Identify congruency between two figures as a
property of an isometry
11.6 Understand and use the iii) Solve problems involving congruence
concept of congruence
i) Detemine the properties of
quadrilaterals using reflections and rotations


11.7 Understand and use the

properties of quadrilaterals
using concept of translations

Week 36 04/9/2010 – 12/9/2010 2nd MID-TERM BREAK

2 Weeks 12.0 Solid Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W39 Geometry II 12.1 Understand geometric i) State the geometric properties of prism,
– properties of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres
W40) pyramids, cylinders, cones
and spheres
- 12.2 Understand the concept i) Draw nets for prism, pyramids,
8/10/2010 of nets cylinders , cones and spheres
ii) States the types of solids given their nets
iii)Construct models of solid given their nets

12.3 Understand the concept i) State the surface areas of prisms, pyramids,
of surface area cylinders and cones
ii) Find the surface area of prisms, pyramids,
cylinders and cones
iii)Find the surface area of spheres using the
standard formula
iv)Find dimensions:
a) length of sides
b) height
c) slant height
d) radius

e) diameter
v) Solve problems involving surface areas

2 Weeks 13.0 Statistics Student will be taught to: Student will be able to:
(W41 13.1 Understand the concept i) Classify data according to those that can be
- of data collected by:
W42) a) Counting
11/10/10 b) Measuring
- ii)Collect and record data systematically
13.2 Understand the concept i) Determine the frequency of data
of frequency ii)Determine the data with
a) the highest frequency
b) the lowest frequency

c) frequency of a specific value

iii)Organize data by constructing
a) tally chart
b) frequency table

13.3 Represent and interpret i) Construct pictograms to represent data

data in: ii) Obtain information from pictograms
i. Pictogram iii)Solve problems involving pictograms
ii. Bar charts iv) Construct bar charts o represent data
iii. Line graphs v) Obtain informations from bar charts
to solve problems vi) Solve problems involving bar charts
vii)Represent data using line graphs
viii)Obtain information from line graphs
ix) Solve problems involving line graphs

1 Week 25/10/2010 – 29/10/2010 STUDY WEEK



3 Weeks
(W44 1/11/2010 – 19/11/2010 PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR TAHUN


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