What Is An Ethical Dilemma

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What is an Ethical Dilemma?

An ethical dilemma is one in which a person has to choose between two options, both of which
are morally correct but in conflict. Ethics and morals are inseparable. They both deal with
questions of right and wrong. What constitutes ethical behavior is determined by societal or
cultural norms. What constitutes moral behavior is up to the individual to decide based on his
own sense of right and wrong.Perhaps a nearly universal example -- one that almost everyone
has faced in some form -- goes something like this: You saw a friend steal a candy bar from the
local store. When asked about it, you had to decide whether to lie to the questioner to protect
your friend or to tell the truth and betray him. Societal norms taught you that both telling the
truth and being loyal to a friend are correct. But you then had a moral decision to make
regarding which choice was more "right."

Professional Ethics
Other ethical dilemmas can be highly complex and lead to extremely difficult choices. For
instance, a physician might be faced with the question of whether to continue actively treating a
terminally ill patient at the request of family members -- which could cause the patient to suffer
or prolong suffering -- or to withhold treatment, make the patient as comfortable as possible and
let nature take its course. Respecting the wishes of the family and doing what's best for the
patient are both professionally acceptable and ethical. But the choice as to which course of action
is best is a personal, moral one.

 An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict
between moral imperatives in which to obey one, would result in transgressing the other.
 This is also a moral dilemma, a situation in which there is a choice to be made between
two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.
 The definition of ethical dilemma is a choice between two options both of which will
bring a negative result based o society and personal guidelines.


 There are 2 types of ethical theories, namely deontological and teleological

theories. Deontological theories give importance to both means and ends.
Teleological theories give importance to the ends and not to the means.
 Generally ethical principles stem from ethical theories and when defending a
particular action, ethicists normally appeal to these principles and not the
underlying theory.
 Ethcs , theories and Management are 3 major components in the study of
management. Ethics guide choices that companies and individuals make.

Albert Carr wrote an article’Is business Bluffing ethical?”Carr asserts that bluffing I business
may be ethical as in business it is considered a game strategy and in some situations quite
acceptable. Carr quotes the British statesman Henry Taylor who said, “ Falsehood ceases to be
falsehood when it is understood on all sides that truth is not expected to be spoken’. Carr has
made a distinction between business ethics and religious ethics. Loyalty to customers and being
fair to suppliers will do for business.

Relation of Ethics to Religion:There can be no two opinions about it that religion to be real and
high must be related to ethics. In Sanskrit, Dharma means the moral order of the universe. There
can be three points of view about the interrelation of ethics and religion. Religion precedes
ethics, ethics precedes religion or ethics and religion are interdependent.

Religion: "A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views
that relate humanity to an order of existence." Ethics: "Ethics (also moral philosophy) is the
branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of
right and wrong conduct."

Ethics and Morals

Basis for
Morals Ethics

Morals are the beliefs of the Ethics are the guiding principles which help
Meaning individual or group as to what is right the individual or group to decide what is good
or wrong. or bad.

What is it? Response to a specific situation General principles set by group

Root word Mos which means custom Ethikos which means character

Governed By Social and cultural norms Individual or Legal and Professional norms

Deals with Principles of right and wrong Right and wrong conduct

Applicability in
No Yes

Morals may differ from society to

Consistency Ethics are generally uniform.
society and culture to culture.

Morals are expressed in the form of

Expression Ethics are abstract.
general rules and statements.

Freedom to think
No Yes
and choose

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